do n° l the R p P ublicaa3 'to Miss Mary J. Hartman, all of iVnodberry • CARPENTER.—-On the 27th, ~ b ' v he Kev. Joseph Correli, at the resi- Cu , " i bnde s father, Mr. Joseph Evans, V >' : " nCt " Bedford c ounty, to Miss c! m( a ''uter of Brush Creek tp., Ful- Anna .->• —i* i I! D \ 1 Ll>oS —At his • 'sidence i:i the Bor ii-/ieiisburgh, on Alonda) evening, Dec. y, 11. L. Allsion, in the 3'Jth year of his %e deceased was called to his final account v.-ror ol his manhood. He was a native nf Scotland, and son ot the Rev. Mathevv Alli um, of Mittlin, Pa. Tie Doctor was a member ot the order of " ins, and ajroan of social and generous impul- He was'universally acknowledged as a p.ivsician of skill and iearning. J- S. S. Bedford COUNTY ss ; At an Orphans' Court v Uitßfhord, in and for the county of Bedford, j l9'i" ''ay of November A. 1)., iB6O, before f-V.'- Jees of same t ourt, S Si s Mountain Herb Pills. '< 'T. yoa with a perfect lik*nwn of 4 a ciiief of A trib' 1 of tho Ktranire .A*tec > - • rulc-l Sfotieo. You will find a. fuil account oi Afl his people in our Pamphlet* &nerit the greater jart of his life iu '■'Melinff. Juivinß *isite l nearly every country iu tho *U- H ajreni over six year* amonir the Indian* of 9 Ro-'kv Mountain* and of Mexico, and it wtn thu* that ' r Mountain Hrrr I'ILI/s" were discovered. A very i .'-nmtjr, account of hi* Adventures there, you will find in • ur AhnauAC Pamphlet. ■ ! i* an established fact, that all diseaAe* arise from * olood is the life! and when any foreijm or unhealthy tiAtter gets mixed with it, it I* at once distributed .• , e rv . rcan of the body. Every nerve feci* the piftißon, r -' ai! the vital organs quickly complain. The stomach J :ot dtV"st the perfectly. The liver cease* to "< tea sufficiency of bile. The action of the heart i* " AAeoed, and AO the circulation i* feeble. The lung* rite clogged with the poisonotH matter; hence, a ' s D —and all from a Might impurity at the fountain of Ufe—the Blood! As if you had thrown some • ih, lor instance. In a pure spring, frort which ran a ' y i relet, in a few minute* the whole course of tho ' esra hec me* disturbed and dbC4>lorcd. A* 'juickly Tif re blood fly to every part, and leave its sting tin-.!. All the passagea become obstructed, and nnliw is renwtvM, the Limp of life aoon die* Out. ' >e p,'.:* not only purify tbe hlooi, but regenerate alt * n -rWiTin of the body, they are, therefore, unrivalled CLUE FOR BILIOUS DISEASES, • r ■ 'n* Pielr Headache, kc. This Jnti Bilxrut ke*ltc • XG' IS frcn the blood the hidden aeeds of dis- a renders all the fluids and accretions pure and . v . . tscitating the vita! organ*. • * i deoi, i* it to us, that we able to place r reach, a tnedicine like the 41 Mofntmn HKR* a' • i! pass directly to the afllictwl the bictal an \ fluids of the body, and cause to brighten with the flush of beauty and uHtr-.n g PUlg , ire thf Remedy in rxitt fnre firr t-he following Complaints: '' ' - ''"njdatnU, M/ilit#. Inward Wcakne**, r Frtvr oa d Agru. Liver Complaint* , . /V uiie Com plaint* Jsnmeu of Sftiriis^ Pit'i cft j r/wuiaches. IHlet, Jrylujtstiohy Stone art-i Gravel, WW C Injhtenrd. Secondary Syvtj r n 'rfnta. Inflammation, torn* V !( Tty, a * • • GSEATbFEMALE MEDICINE! , . health, should never be without V" r ' They purify th* blood, renwive obatractions ;, cler ufe the'sain of all pimples and blotches, ■ ;.ng the rich cok r of Imalth to the pale Sir The Plant* an -i Herbs of which these Pills are , fr< * in a very surprising way among Vy tar -3n, a tribe of At>orijpne* in Mextoo. Get the of our Agent, and piQ will read with delight, ; r *ry ate resting account It contain* of the " GBJUT r ' of the r, ( >l>,, * rvr — 771 ' M'Wtain Herb PHU are put up in a at r * ra PJ' t c r January. All persons having claims, will present them for settlement, as 1 wish to have ail accounts closed., lam determined to have my books closed. GF.O BLYMIRE (X7"I have a large assoitment ot Stoves and Tin ware that I will sell low for cash, or on short cred it. Also a few second handed cook-stoves that will be sold very low. G. B. Dec. llth, 1860. ORPHANS' COURT SALE.— OF VALUABLE COAL LAND. The undersigned Trustee, appointed by the Or phans' Couit of Bedford county, to sell the real es tate of William Anderson, late of Broad Top Town ship, deceased, by virtue of an order of said'court, will expose to public sale on the premises, OR Tuesday the 29th day of January, next, the one undivided third part of a tract of land situated in Broad Top Township aforesaid, containing 21G acres 102 perches, composed of parts of three Warrants in the names ofGabriel Chaney, Jeremiah Duvall &• Mary Foster ; adjoining lauds of Richard L. Foster, Sentimus Foster and others ; This is considered one of the BEST COAL TRACTS on the Mount lin, the exposure being exceedingly trvorablefor work ing. TERMS CASH. Sale wi'i be opened at one o'clock ol said day. Dec. 14 1800. JOHN P. REED, Trustee. SHETLAND WOOL, all colors, at Dr. Harry's. KEROSENE OIL, the best article, at Dr. Harry's. MRS. HALE'S RECEIPTS forthe million, at Dr. Harry's. xrA IT<> K^N TIIAT EVERY FARMER, MECHANIC, AND BUSI NESS MAN WANTS! JUST PUBLISHED. THE TOWNSHIP & LOCAL LAWS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. COMPILED FROM THE ACTS OF ASSEMBLY BY ! WILLIAM T. HAINES, ESQ., ANO PUBLISHED BY ED WARD F. JAMES, of West Chester, I'o. This work contains over 400 pages of closely printed matter, and will be sold by subscription. It teaches the duties of Justices of the Peace, with forms lor the transaction of their business. It teaches the duties of Constables with all the necessary forms appertaining to the office. It contains the duties of the Supervisors of eve ry County and Township in the State. It contains the mode of procedure for the laying 'out and opening ot public and private roads, of va cating and altering roads, the building of bridges, &c It contains the Common School Law, with expla nations, decisions and directions, together with forms for Deeds, Bonds, Contracts, Certificates, the., &c. T his department of the work was compiled at Har nsburg by Mr. Samuel P. Bates, Deputy Superin tendent, i.nd is alone worth the price ot the volume ro any one interested in Common Schools. It contains the duties of Township Auditors. It contains the laws relative to Dogs and Sheep. It contains the duties of Assessors. It contains the laws in relation to Strays, A1 and Swine. It contains the laws relative to Fences and Fence Viewers It contains the laws rel itive to Game Hunting, Trout nnd Deer. It contains me Election Laws, with all 'he ne cessary. Forms. It contains the Naturalization, Laws with all the necessirv Forms tor Application. It contains a laige number of Legal Forms, wLich are used in Ihe every day transaction of business, such as Acknowledgments, Affidavits, Articles of Agreements and Contracts, Partnership, Apprenti ces, Assignments, Attestations, Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes, Bills ofSale, Bonds, Checks, Covenants, Deposition, Due Bills and Produce Notes, Landlord and Tenant, Leases, Letters of Attor ney, Marriage, Mortgages, Receipts and Releases. The woik is bound in Law sheep, and will be sold to sub scribers at $1.25 per copy, payable on deliv ery of the work. The work has passed the revision of many of the best Lawyers of the State and has received iheir unqualified approbation as a reliable hand book of reference upon ail subjects upon which it treats. The whole is airanged in such a mann er as to piesent a plain, concise and explicit state ment of the duties of all Township Officers, as may be readily understood by any one. Bedford County will be thoroughly canv.ssed for the work snj tne support of the citizens i respectfully solicited. HhNRY C. REAMER is Genera! Agent for Bed ford County. , P- S* Good canvassers are wanted in all parts of this Coun'y for the above work, to whom a libe ral compensation will be givin. Applications which mmt be made at an early sate, addressed to Mr. Reamer, will receive prompt attention. Dec. 14th-4 ts. A J* P £ A L . Notice . hereby giv en to the Taxable inhabitants of Bedford county, that the appeal will be held by the Commissioners at the Commissioner's office, in the Borough ot Bed ford, on the days specified, to wit : For the townships of Hopeweil, St. Clair, Union, Middle Wood berry, and South Woodberry, on Wed nesday, the 9th day of January, next. For the townships of blast Providence, Snake Spring, Liberty, Monroe, Broad Top and Redtord, on Thursday, the 10th day ot January, next. For the townships of West Providence, Napier, Juniata, L> lion terry ant Schellsburg fßor ongi; on Friday, the . 11th day of January next. For the townships of Southampton, Harrison, Cumberland Valley, Colerain and Bedford Borough, on Saturday the 52th day of January, next. When and where all persons or corporators, feel ing themsel vesaggrieved at the enumeration and valuation of their taxable property, are requested to attend, ami state their griev tnces for rediess ac cording to Law, ATTEST : 1 J. BF.CKLEY, 11. NicoDßMt**, Clerk, s. Wm. M. PEARSON, Commissioner's Office, \ J. FICHTNER, Dec. 21, 1860. Commissioners. [VOTiCE OF INQUISITION.— WHEREAS, Hannah Horton, late of Monroe Township, decea sad , died, seized and possessed of a certain house and, >ituate in Clearville, Monr oe Township, aforesaid adjoining ot of Isaac Grove on the North, Nicholas Border on the South, Main street on the East, and an alley on the \Vest. Being so thereof seized, died intestate, and without issue that the next ot kin of said Hannah Horton are brothers, and the issue of deceased brothers to wit: Dtvid Evans, John who is dead, leaving is sue three children viz : Lewis Harvey and Eliza, intprmarried with Reuben () Neal. William, who is dead, leaving issue eight children, viz : Henry deceased, leaving two children viz : names and res idence unknown, George Washington, William residing in lowa , Wilson residing in Fulton coun ty, Penn'a., Jane intermarried with James Barton of Fulton county, I'enn'a., Harrison, residence not known. Mary £Ann intermarried with Alpha Conner, residing in Morrow county, Ohio, and Mar garet Elizabeth, residing in Maryland, Evan Ev ans, Cadwalder Evans, Philip Evans, now dead, leaving three children, v iz: Mary Jane, intermar ried with John Adams, Thomas Je3erson, Ann Elizabeth, the Ust two minors under fourteen years and a widow, Rebecca Evans. NOTICE is therefore hereby given that in pur suance of a writ of partition or valuatiou to in di rected I will proceed to hold an Inquisition or val uation on the premises, on Monday, the 7th day of January, 1861, when and where all inteiested may attend if they see proper. SheriiFa office, Bedford, ( JOHN J. CESSNA, Dec. 14th, 1860. J fc.beriff. TfOTICE OF INQUISITION.— * WHEREAS, Robert Bennett, late ol Southampton Township, deceased, died seized of tie following Real Pistate, to wit : One tract of lam, situate in {Southampton Township, Bedford county, containing one hundred and twenty five acres and rllowance, more or less, adjoining lands of J. Robnett, Artemus Bennett, Abraham Bennett. Basil drowning and others, abut sixty acres cleared ard under cultivation, having there on erected, as'.ory and a half frame house and a kitchen adjoining, log barn and spring house, leav ing issue three 'hildren, viz : Henry, James and Clarissa, the latter, a minor, and who has for her guardian Archibald Perdew, Esq. Notice is, therefore, hereby given that in pursu ance of a writ a' Partition or Valuation, to me di rected, I will p-oceed to hold an Inquisition ur Val uation, on the [remises, on Wednesday, the Uth day of January, ISO!, when and where all parties inter ested may atterd if they see proper. , Shentf's office, Bedford, ( JOHN J.CESSNA, Dec. 14th, 1860, f Sheriff. TTM'IIY NOH WHY NOT? Save your rnouey, By buying you-goods of OSTER & CARX, Cheap side. You'll find it the cheapest place in town. They have jit received another chsice selec tion of new aid choice Winter goods. Their stock ;s large, and suited to the wants of the community. Call and see- Dec. Uth, ISBO. "KIOR REN" The subscriber offers for rent tbe Store Room known as the -'Kerns Stand," im mediately oppite the store of N. Lyons arsap;trili;t, FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. And for the speedy euro of tin subjoined vine tied of l)i*tMu>e: Scrofula and Scrofulous After UOHK .* uc h u Tumors, Ui(t*r, Sorts, Krnptioiu, Pftmpleg, Pustules Blotches, lioiU, lilaiii*, nud all Skin Distaste. Oakland, I; | M 6th June, 1863. J. C. AT BP. & Co. Gii it*: 1 feel it ray duly to ac knowledge what your ISirgaparilla hit* done for nut. Having inherited a Scrofulous infection, I have suffered from it in various ways for years. Sometime# it bunt out in Ulcer* on my hands and armt: sometimes it turned inward and distressed me at the stomach. Two years ago it broke out on my Head and covered my scalp anil ears with cue sore, which waqi painful and loathsome) beyond description. I tried many medicines and several physicians, but without much relief frutn any thing. Jn fuel, the disorder grew worse. At length 1 wa* rejoiced to read in tlie Gospel Messenger that you hail prepared ttu alterative (Sarsaiarilla>, for 1 knew from your reputa tion that any thing you mad • must be good. I suitto Cincinnati and got it, anu used it till it cured me. I took it, as you advise, in small doses of a teaspoonful over a month, and used almost throe bottles. New and healthy skin soon began to form under tho scab, which after a while fell off. My skin is now clear, and I know by my feelings that the disease has gone from my system. You can well believe that I feel aliat lam say : : -' when I till you, that I hold you to be uue of the apofttivs of the age, and remain ever grata!ally. Yours, ALFRED B. TALLEY. St. Anthony'* fire. Rose or Erviipt las, Tetter and Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, Sore Eyes, ikropsy. Dr. Robert M. Preble writes from Salem, N. Y., 12th Sept., 1869, that be has cured an inveterate ase of Dropsy, which threatened to terminate fatally, by the persevering use of onr Sarsajtarllla, and itfso a danger ous attack of Malignant ErysipeJas by largo duces of t'.io nune; ssy> he cures the conunou Eruptions by it con scautly. Kronrhorclc, Goitre or Swelled Neck. Zebulon Slofin of Prospect. Texas, writes : "Three bot tles of your Sarsaparilia cured m from a Goitre a hid eous swelling on the neck, which I had suffered from over two years." Lencorrho's or AVhftes, Ovarian Tumor, Uterine Ulceration, Female Discuses. Dr. J. B. S. Channing. of New Y'ork City, writes ; " I most cheerfully comply with the request of your agent in ■saying 1 have found your S&rsaparilla n m*t excellent alterative in the numerous complaint* for wbidi wo employ such a remedy, but especially in /Vmule Diseases of the Scrofulous diathesis. 1 hare cured many inveter ate cases of L'ueorrh59. Int. J. C. AYLP. ; Fir, I have been afflicted with a pain ful chronic liheu'm.alism. for a long time, which baffled the skill of piiysicisns. and *turk to me in spite of all the remedies I could liud, until 1 tried your jSan-aparilla. One bottle cured me in two week*?, and restored my general health so much that I am far better than before 1 was attacked. 1 think it u wonderfhi medicine. J. FREAM. Jules Y. Getcholl, of St. Louis, writes: u I havo been afflicted for years with an objection of the Liver, which deMroyetl uiy health. T trie 1 f wry tiling, and very thing failed to relieve me; and i have been a broken-down man for some year* from no other cause than derangement of tin• Liver. My beloved pastor, the Rev. Mr. Espy, advised me to try your SarsHparilla. because ho saidlu- krsw you, and any thing you made was worth trying. By the bless ing of God it hn* cured me. and has so purified my Uond a* to make a new uan of nie. I feel young agait. Tlio best that can be said of you is not half poo-i enough." Srhirrns,Cancer Tumor*, Enlargement, I'lcerutiou, Caries and Exfeliation of the Rones. A groat variety of cases have been reported to ns whore cures of these formidable complaints have resulted from the use of this remedy, but onr space here will n<*t admit | them. Home of them may be found in m:r American Almanac, which the agent* below named are pleased to furnish gratis to all \vh - call f r th ru. DyspepHla, Dlccasr. T'lt*, F.pllcp sy, Melt niiioly, Neuralgia Many remarkable cures of these affections have been made I y tli- alterative power of this medicine. It stimu lates the vital functions info rigorous ®cti r;, and thus j overcomes disorders which would be opposed bi-youJ iis j reach. Fnch a remedy has long been r quired by the no- ] cessities of tho pec pie, and v.e ore confident that this will do for them all that medicine can do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOR THE RAPID CERE OP tough*. Cold*, Inlluniza, Z£onrcness, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Con sumption, nml for tlie Relief of Consumptive Patients in advanced Stages of the Disease' Thia Is n remedy go universally known to surpass any other for the cure of throat and lung complamts, that it is us,-less hi re to publish the evidence c f its virtue*. Its unrivalled excellence fir roughs and colds, and its truly wonderful core* of pulmonary disease, have nrlo it known throughout tho civilized nations of the earth Few are tho eocamunitics, or even families, anmng tin :n who hav© not eome personal experience of its effects • mo living trophv i:i their midst of its victory < M r tlie subtle and dangerous disorder* i f the throat and lungs. As all know the dreadful fatality f the.-* disorders, i 1 as they know* f*x>. the effects i f thi* remedy, we u ed nut do more than to assure them that it ha* n* w all the vir tues that it did have when making the cures which have won so strongly upor the cunt'uli ueo of inaiikiud. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYEii &, CO.. Lowell, Haas. B. F. Harry, Bedford ; Barndollar & Son, Bloody j Run ; G. B. Ainick, St. Clairsville ; J. Breneman, i VVoodbprry ; Geo. Gardill, West End ; J. E. Cc'.vin, Schells'nnrg ; and by dealers generally. Oct. 13, 1860. ♦ 4 LLEG H E N Y MA LFC A \D -*■ FEMALE SEMINARY, EIAEXSm RG. Hcdlord Co., fa. REV. W. W. BRIM, A. M., Principal, Miss A. L. BRIM, Preceptress, Miss S.J. BRIM, Teacher on Piano Forte. This institution, under the supervision of the at bove named persons, assisted by other competen- | Teachers, affords a full course in Mathematics Natural sciences, Languages, and Belles Lettres, in music, Painting, &c., it gives extended, tion. The next session will commence on Jan.23, ISO I. Students admitted at any time. Habits of health, system, and piornptness , views, moral, so cial, and domestic, are here made prominent ob jects ol education. That the physical powers;, as well as the mental, may be cultivated—Calistfcen ic exercises are necessary—here the Students meet each day for systematic physical exercise. £•00 f A W'!l pay for board, including} tir ; nisheil rooms, room rent, tuel and , tuition in common English, p-r term of eleven weeks. Extras, -t modera'e charges, even less than heretofore, or than the circular calls for. Students prepared for the highest class in col lege. For Circulars, or particulars, address W, W. BRIM, Dec. 21, 1860. Rainsburg, Bedford Co., Pa- MARTHA T. MARTIN, C.H.HAMKICK, J. A. Li MOItREL GEO. R. PEDDLE, S. R. MARTIN. A. BAKER, • WITH MARTINS, PEDDLE, KAMRICK & CO. —IMPORTERS OF— HOSIERY, GLOVES AND NOTIONS, JYO. 30, JVorth Fourth St., Phil . May 18.'60.-1 yr. TO-OTICE.— T* All persons kr.owing themselves in debted to the subscriber on book accounts or other wise, are earnestly requested to make settlement, on or before the Ist day of January, next, either by cash or note. All neglecting to do so will find their accounts in the hands of an for settlement, without respect to persons. Dec. 14th 1860.* JOHN ARNOLD. I cH#^ EAT fMiI I J! i ■HsSTv , 1 ,■ . • -^>wK )>-" Jfl ■ PILIS4IRONI \ N APERIENTAND STOMACHIC PREPAR, I II tion ol IRON purified of Oxygen and Carbon ! by combustion in Hydrogen. Sanctioned by th ■ highest medical authorities, both in Europe and tue j I'nited States, and prescribed in their practice. The experience of thousands daily proves that no j preparation oi l ron can be compared with it. Imp i j rities ot the blood, depression of vital energy, pale I and otherwise sickly complexions indicate its ne | cessily in almost every conceivable xj IOUS in all maladies in which it has been tried, it BAV ! proved absohitel v curative in each of the following ! complaints, viz : In Dtlitliiy, Nervous Affection?, limaciatton, Dn ■ • pfpriu, Constipation, Diarrheal, Dysentery, Incipient I Consumption, Scrofulous Tuberculosis, Salt Rheum i Af' > metis tru at ion, Whites. Chlorosis, Liver Cmplaint j Chrome Headaches, Rheumatism, liileimUlenl Fever, I Ptrrp/es on the Face, \c. J 111 cases of General Dvbility, whether the result , of acute disease or of the continued diminution o: ; nervous and muscular energy from chronic com | plaints, one trial of this restorative has proved suc | ces.-ful to an extent which no description nor writ j fen attestation would render credible. Invalids so long bed ridden as to have become forgotten in their owe neighborhoods, have suddenly re-appeared in the busy world as if just returned from protrac [ ted travel in a dtstant land. Some veryfsig- I nal instances of this kind are attested ol teuiaie j sufferers, emaciated victims of apparent marasmus, i sanguineous exhaustion, critical changes, and that i complication of nervous and dy-peptic aversion ro j air and exercise for which the physician has no I name. I In Nervous Affections of all kinds, and for reason } familiar to medical men, the operation ofthisprepa I ration of lion must necessarily he salutary, for, uri- I like the old oxides, it is vigorously tonic, withou being exciting and over-heating • arid gently regut larly aperieni, even in the most ohs'inate cases of costiveness, without ever being a gastric purgative, or indicting a disagreeable sensation. It is this latter property, among others, which ' makes it so remarKably etiectual and permanent a < remedy for Piles, upon which it also appears to ex pert a distinct and specific action, by dispersing the J* J ! local tendency which forms them. J In Dyspepsia, innumerable as are its causes, a i. , single box of these Chalybeate Pills has often suffi-Po j ced for the most habitual cases. In unchecked Dtarrhtra, even when advanced to * j Dystenteiv, confirmed, emaciating and apparently ' malignant, the effects have been equall decisive and j astonishing. | In the local pain 3, loss of flesh and strength, de . bilitating cough, and remittent hectic, which gene rally indicate Incipient Consumption, this remedy j has allayed the alarm of friends and physicians, in | several very gratifying and interesting instances. . In Scrofulous Tuberculosis, this medicated iron j has had far more the good effect of the most cau tiously balanced preparations of iodine, without any cf their well-known liabilities. The attention of females cannot be too confident ly invited to this remedy and restorative, in the ca ses peculiarly effecting them. fn Rheumatism, both chronic and inflammatory, in the latter, however, more decidedly, it has been invariably well reported, both as alleviating pain j end reducing the swellings and stiffness of the joint? j and muscles. In Intermittent Fevers it must necessarily be a i great remedy and energetic restorative,'and its pro ' gress in the new settlements of the West, will pro i bablv be one of high renown and usefulness. No remedy has ever beeh discovered, in the whole | history ot medicine, which exerts such prompt hap , f>y end fully restorative effects. Good appetite, ! complete digestion, rapid acquisition of strength," ' with an unusual disposition for active and cheerful ! exercise, immediately follow its use. Put up in neat flat metal boxes containing 50 pills ■ price 50 cents per box ; for sale by druggists and dealers. Will be sent free t to any address, on re ' eeipt of the pfice. All letteis, orders, etc., should be Addressed i *° R. B Locke & Co., Genera! \?ents, CO CEDAR STREET, IS. Y. July 20th, '3O. PHIL'A. ADVERTISEMENTS f E. GO U L D, " • JVo. (i 32 Cfiesfnut St., cor. of Seventh, PHILADELPHIA. PIANOS AXDMELODEON'S. EAVES, BACON & co's., HALLET,I>AVIS & co's., NI NN'S 4- CLARK'S, AND A. H. GALE & co's. MASON & HAMLIN'S, AND PRINCE &CO'S. MELODEONS HARMONIUMS. Pianos and Melodeons to Rent. Second-hand Pianos. May 18,'G0.-1 yr. Jr. H u B E R, • -RCCESSOR TO J. SORVER,) —WHOLESALE DEALER IN— TOBACCO. SNUFF AND CIGARS, Ao S Aorih Fifth St., above .Market, Phi Pa. Also, Manufacturer and Importer of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC SUGARS. May 18, 1830.-1 yr. WILLIAM RAIGCEL, JAMES M. WHITBY, SAMUEL MOORE, EDWARD A ADAMS, WILLIAM G. SKILLXAN, UFNKY F. ATKINSON. UAIGUEL, MOORE & CO., LATE. RAIGOEL AND CO., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, .Yds. 220 St 222 jVorth Thirl St., above Race, West side, PHILADELPHIA. May 18,'60.-1 yr. riIHH WORLD'S GREAT EXHIBITION * PRIZE MEDAL, awarded toC. MEYER f~r bis two PIANOS, London, October 15, 1851. C. MEYER respettfully informs his ftiemfs ami the public generally, that he has constantly on band PIANOS, equal to those for which he received the Prize Medal in London, in 1851. All orders promptly attended to, |and great care taken in the selection and packing the same. He has received, during the last filieen years, more Afedals than any other maker, from the Frank lin Institute—also. First Premiums in Boston, New York and Baltimoie. Warerooms. No. 772 ARCH S'ceel, below r.ighth. South