IS THE WORLD UNGRATEFUL J THE FRIENDS OF LAMAKTINE THINK IT IS. We are utterly disgusted with the sell-lau dation which same of our second class great men are in the hiait of practtcingr : and we mean to expose it, even though the task is a distasteful one. The vice is peculiarly, though not exclusively, French ; and is found amons: the second class of great men, but never among the first who are the real benefactors of the world. Thotnas Holloway, one of the latter, whose name is idolized in ail parts of the world, and to whom it is not too much to say that millions cf all creeds and complexions are indebted for the preservation of their lives, —Thomas Hollo way, we say, is never heard appealing either to the gratitude or generosity of those who have derived the greatest of all earthly blessings from his skill; he contents himself with the assurance that his work has been done, and that the price has been paid. We have been led these reflections by an appeal which is now put forward on behalf of a second class French poet. Monsieur Al phonse Lunartine, it seems, though munificent ly paid lor the productions of his pen, neglec ted to lay up any sufficient store for the sup port of hts declining days ; and now his voice u raised against "the ingratitude of the human race." The argument which he produces to strengthen his claim, is one which should la ther make him blush for ft is extravagance : he says that millions of his productions have been sold, and that therefore the world is in his debt 1 But why ? Was he not paid the price he as ked for every copy ? Or does he think that it sounds like commou prose honesty to ask to be paid twice over. He will answer, doubtless, that his poems gave a pleasure the value of which their price could not approximate. Let us admil this rule, and apply it to another case to test its merits. Health we all know, is the chief of earthly blessings; and a 4 hoon which must be purchased, let the cost be what it may ; a blessing, to be blessed with which the sinking monarch would resign his kingdom. Suppose then, that Hol loway, instead of fixing such a price on his remedies as would afford him (when myriads wrre his customers) a fair and h morable profit, had apportioned the price of his pills and oint ment to the exigencies of each case and the a bility of the sufferer to pay for hi? physical sal vation .' Why, in such a case, the great phy sician \vou Id long ago have owned ail Europe in fee simple, and three-fourths of the remain der of the world—for the royalties and nobili ties of Europe were among Iris earliest patients, but are still too proud to acknowledge that they owe their lives to the same simple but all suffi cing remedies which Siave been brought, by Holloway' philanthrophy, within reach of the meanest of their serfs.—"Les BelWs Lfllres." ROHRER'S ROHRER'S ROHRER'S . ROHRER'S ROHRER'S PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. ROHREirS PRACTICAL CAL 'CULATOR— A Book o! Plain Rules and Calculations for Business Operation, ftv Martin M. fiobrrr, itose'teal Surveyor and Conveyancer. New Edi tion, Published by J. B. Lippincott & Co., Philadelphia- ; This work contains 204 paces, end upwards of SOO Rules and Examples, entirely and thoroughly: practical, such as arise every day in the common pursuits of Business. 1; has already passed through a number of Editiors in rapid succession, and is pronounced by all classes of busines- men to be! the handiest book cf reierence, pertaining to calcu lations, that has ever been published. Every example in the book is worked out in full i •nd stated in a plain manner, so that when a par allel case arises, those referring to the work will find no difficulty in readily solving it ; in a word, the general arrangement of the Calculator is eo simple, that ar.y or.e who knows bow to add, suh stract, multiply, or divide, can easily solve any or. dir.ary example that arises in business, or arrive at the result of any estimate required. The chief aim of the author l as been to eschew theory and philosophy ici figures, aiming only at facts and simplicity, believing that business men care little about spending time in discussing the philosophy of rules or the science of figure-, deem ing it sufficient for their purpose to be able at a moment, by reference, to arrive at the true result The calculator differs in this respect from all A rithmetics of the day, and kindred works—it is a key to practical business ca illations —it is, in the bands of the business mar. what the key to rnatb err.rtical works is in the hands of the teacher in the school-room —it facilitates time and insures co r reelnrss. THE WORK TREATS OF THE Measurement ci Land, of Lumber, cf Brick and Brick work, of Stone and Stone Work, of Grain and Grain Bins, of Coal and Coal Bins, of Wood, of Solids, of Liquids, of Circular, of Square, or Irregu lar Vessels, ot Cisterns and Vats, of Roofing, of Plasterers', Painters', Gl-ziers', Pavers', Flumlxrs,' Paper Hangers', and Upholsters', Work. It treats of Currency t.nd cf Foreign and Domestic Exchange . of the Decimal System, of Reduction and its exten ded application to Business, of Simple and compound Interest, and their 'entire application to Business transactions, with the laws and usages governing and regulating the same, together with numerous Commercial Forms—of Leaal Tender, of Partial Payments on Notes, of Banking and Bank Discount of Equation or Payments and Partnership Accounts of Assessment oi Taxes, of Weights and Measures, of Square and Cubic Measure, ol' the Square Hoot and its application to Business, of Surfaces, of Ex cavation, and of many other important practical matters not within the scope of an advertisement to mention. (post paid) to any part of the United States upon receipt of the money • Price of a sin gle Copy, in Clota, CO Cents, or two Copies for ?1. 00. hound in Pocket-book form, Morocco, $1.06 par copy. ADDRESS : M. M. ROHRER. Box 1911 Philadelphia P. 0., Pa. Jsov. 30, ISCO.-Cms.j 17 M PLOYME N T. The undersigned are de sirous of securing the services of a few \oung Men to engage in a Travelling Agency, upon s salary of FORTY DOLLARS PER MONTH, and all expenses paid. This is an opportunity sel dom offered, and those who merit the approbation of the Subscribers," by strict attention to business, can rely upon constant employment tor a term oi vears. For further particulars* address CONANT 4- DRAKE, 31 Main St., Atkinson Depot, X. H. Nov. 23d.3m B'"TRAY8 '"TRAY HEIFER. Came trespassing on the prem ise* of the subscriber residing in Ft. Clair fp., a. boot the fiist ol September last, a red and white spotted "muley" hesffer, supposed to be 3 years old, with a notch, s'.it and bole cut in the right ear. The owner is requested to prove property and take her away or she will be disposed ot according t "KOV.M * JOHN H. BOWSER. MS 5 FOR SIOCRIBERS! > THE METHODIST, 1 THE NEW RELIGIOUS WEEKLY, WAS ~ COMMENCED JN JCLY LAST, AND IS Q PUBLISHED ON SATURDAY OF EACH WEEK, £ AT NO. 7, BEEKMAN ST., N. Y. ? EDITED BY THE REV. GEORGE R. > CROOKS, D. D.. Assisted by the Rev. J NO. McCLINTOCK.D. D., At present residing in Paris, s COERESFOS- K Diso EDITOR; and by numerous contributors *- weli known as writers for the people. Giving F3 due prominence to all matters of interest per- £3 taining to the Chnrch whose name it bear*, and sustaining its institutions against d:sor- pt ganizers within its bosom and assaiients Iroin without, it yet, in a spirit of brtherhood, con- t/. veys to its eaders full*details of passing e vents in ail the sister churches , and in 'he world at large, maint uning at the same time'.a it high literary tone, and t dignified abstinence -J from all unnecessiry controversy. IT IS PRINTED IN IMPERIAL QUARTO > FORM. ON THE BEST PAPER. AND IN V THE BEST TYPOGRAPHICAL I STYLE, And ss'embellished Irom time to ime by Ft JJcvfiaits ct (Eminent fllen, IN THE MINISTRY AND LAITY, ~ And is thus constituted, editorially and me chanically, C A RELIGIOUS-FAMILY NEWSPAPER - OF THE FIRST CLASS. x TERMS. $2 00 PEE YEAR. g . ,r r - Subsciil-ers paying tor the rear to commence pr lst_January next, will receive the Paper ZZ Grrtuitous'y up to that date. PREMILMS FOR SUESCRIBEHS. Although '-The Methodist" has met with a!- f. most unprecedented success, yet, in order to ~ place it within the reach ot every Methodist At Family, we have been induced to otter a List id of Premiums to any who wish to procure sub- scribers. These Premiums are oSered -everal ly for two subscribers,and up to hify*ub=cri- ; ers and embrace Cg I Car ha rt, Needham, & Co.'s Melodeons. id ; Wheeler Ar Wtlsoa Sewing Machines, Wilcox fcr Gihbs' Sewing Machines, L: French's Conical Washing Machines, X- A number of desirable books, such as Harper's Illuminated Bible, X Washington living's Works. Agricultural Books, Steven's Hist, or Methodism, Bang's Hist of the M. E. Church, 2 And numetous other Books of Permanent Zl 1 cterest and value, together with a Great Variety of Books suita ble to the 1 Sabbath School Library, _ Affording to any who wish to present their c Pastor with a perpetually useful household convenience, or who wish to procure one lor their own comfort, or who wish to furnish one es a means of livelihood to some friend, or to 12: any bunday School Pupil or Teacher who de- "" sires to enrich the S. S. Library, a ready T. means of doing so by the expenditure only, C of a " LITTLE EXERTION, AND THF. OCCU PATIO.V OF A LITTLE SPARE TIME. H Numbers will be sent Free, on " application, to any address, with full particti N ■ars of Prmiutns. Address L. BANGS, Publisher. OFFICE, 7 BEEKMAN ST.. NEW YORK Oct. 25, 1360.-st. A RARE CHANCE. The subscriber haviojr lately removed to Washington Co„M beyonl d icription. 1 tried tca .y medfeinn arid sevtrai pbyslciaag, but without aueh relief fnaa any tiling, in fact, tiie disorder grew worse. At length I was rejoiced to rra-1 ia tba Gcepil Messenger that jonhad prt; ir d an alterative (Saraajeriile), for 1 knew fnan your reputa tion that any thing you mnda mast be p. oil. 1 sect to Cim iiicaii and a d;"r. R ons attack of MuUgnmt Erysipelas by large doses of tbo same; say tie cures the conunau Eruption by it con luutly. Brocchcrele, Ooitre or Bvyelled Xeck. Zt balon Sloari cf Pr;>- T.-xas. wrilc-s :•' Three ties of ynnr Sarsiii arilla cured no- from a GcFrr a hid c-ous r.Wfclling e;i the Deck, which 1 had sake ltd from over two years."' Deueorrlirv a or YVHltcv, Ovarian Tumor, bttrine I'lt-rration, Fosialt Disease-, Pr. J E P. Charming, of New Yi sk City, v-rites ; ■■ t mn,t Ae-rfrlljr coin !y with ths rcqnesf of }ur agi t in sayingt bare fraud yonr Sgrsapar.lla a ncut cxcellerat alterative in tbo numerous com, I lints fcr win h wo emp'.uv surii a mui.iiv, bat mpe-iially in T-.n'- Ihseas'* of the Ncrofi-.bas diafhe-is. I hsTe enrei " ..IT inreter s< ;ofl. i: rrl.tra by it. at. 1- me where the , - plaint was causeil by nicer iticn of th n'er- The ulerr atinn itself was >,r. cared. Kothing within my kuowi edg-> cqu vis it f-r tlieso fenule derarigf-m-. nts." Edward S. Marr- w, of Newbury, Aha, writ s. '■ A dan gerons i ■ tumor on one of the females in my family, which had d. Ned ali the remedies we could cuif ". r. has at length I ■-n completely cured by your Extract of Sar atiritla. Our physician tb o s;tr> -to the w. athei that'(n a damp day she suifi rrd ex cruciating pain in her joints and bom's. She. too. was carod entirely by your Mraaparilla in a few wieka. I ki,< w from iis fortuila, wiii.b your agent gave r.i-, that tbis Preparation frr m vcur laboratory iuu-t U- a great i. meiiy. i.s- jueaily. ti.-.-- truly renin: Ul:- r oils with it have not surprised mc. Fraternally yours, G. V. LARIMER, M. D lUienmatUm, Gout, I.lvcr Complaint* ITOEVOTJIJICE, Preston Co., Tm. ftli Jul;.. 1:. ; . Tht. J. C. Arra: tir, I have been afrli * ,1 wuh a pain fhl chronic jhWjtSa f.r a lone tirr. . whi hbt n . Iks skill of physicisus. and sto k t me in spun of all The rem -iies 1 could i'md, until 1 tried Sanoparilia. ttle curt, 1 me iu two w. kt, and restored my general health so much that I am fr.r better thiu be; re I w -j attacked. 1 think it a wonderful no J. FLEAM. Jnl-'s Y. Getchcll, of St. Lciris. vr'.v: "T ' l--en afib ted for years with an affection r.f f> 1.n.-r. which d. sti-01 e l n:y health. 1 tried •. wry tiling, and every thing tailed to refr-ve me; and I have been abe k,n-., AC.; any thing you was w.wth try lug. By ike luees- IngofGod it hasenred me. and b-s s purjpud n-. i as to make a new nan of me. I f -el your ; again. Tt* bisi that can be said of you it not half gol enoagii." gfhirrun.rancer Tnmori, Eri'ni-ceiricvyt, Vlceratloa, Carica oiiti of Claw Hears. A gr, - - variety of (-.-.■? have 1 on reported to ns w * era mi r-ftb f rtr.i bible , mrl.-irib- i r-. ■ re-ofred f x. the u-- . f tliis remedy, but •ur -pare I,- ■ ri; ea", .; them. Some of ibem may be found in rvir Art TK.,a .-i . ag.r.r 1 miarJ areblaaapd t> f .r-.!-k grcri- to e'! v h tni! f. r th-Ma. Dyspepsia. Hear: Dtsr.aae, Fit*. r.nllc;>- > , Melanthoiy, Ktnre i -.!s Mary rtaa: r.abiv • rs • f 'V-v *• -tl. h.-r >-.• made !y t' ■e. . ; tiv -.v.wtr r f tbissr; >. I; . labs the viral fan-1; n- rto v • - - tt. too. overcome*d -gd • wt>>. •• ~!•! r .... .. ; . ... , ra-1 . Ba-fr a seascdy ; aghe n r * ■ el] j the ni je* of the psopl", and - arc a-oiiu ,t tics will a • : r them all that a;edi. ua can ;• AyePs Cherry Pectoral; TOT: THE 11,1 ID ('. • ..? Coughs, C;oir<-, Irflafnza, jiofinftteu. €rsn^ ? Brsneliith I 1 cfpln t i toui.ipt c.;i, a nit*, for thr l:rlieT cf (OH umpt'*. <• Pttllsrnis In •; rid tm'v i. 1 rc: : ; * ■ E- * . -y , *; h- •• -• t'.r. nu' • t t:. • .IV .;:.' i <■ . Erw are tha e dueaoitin,, - erea fitsfhre,ami r- ri-.-r Wh„ Ivve r ; Kwspeswmal rrperiencof it*e6refr-* .n-e living trepby ia tt mi let of its vict f over the subller.a 1 -f.;: n ,-u, -U- . , : (Jm - Asai! 1.-' 41 - A>, r r- IV jjVf V* - M ;■ri; T*l won to tr i r rup ;; v : ■ .. . PreparcJ 8y Br. 3. C. AY EE ca CO., 1.-yell, Ks B. F. Parry, Bedford ; Barndollar be Son, Rloodv Run ; •*. ii. Amtck, St. Cinirsvitle • J, Brononr&B, Woc'r-erry ; Geo. Gaidili, We- 1 End ;J. E. Co!-, in, Schellsburg ; an 1 by de.iiers generally. Oct. 12, 1660. ¥JN 'TED STATES MAIL LINE BETWEEN CHAMBERSBI RG ft LA i KOBE, via BEDFORD A new ami splendid lineof Concord built Coacher, leaves Chambf rsburg daily (Sunday excepted) at 7 A. M., and arrives , at Ve'v^ u Bed lord daily, (Sundays excepted) at 7A. M. j'or I.atrobe, matins cicse cofinection with Mail train for Pittsburg and the Y.'esf. Returning, leaves La trobe daily (Sundays excepted) on the arrival of the train from Pittsburg, at 9 30, A. 51., and arrives in Bedford same evening. Passengers wishing logo East, take the coach r -xt morning at 7 A. M.. arid arrive at Chatcbcrsburg same evening at 7 P. 51. RATES OF FARE From Bedford to Cham bersburg, §3 .50. From Bedford to Latrobe, $3 50. From Bedford to Pitt.burg, §1.25. The stock on this road cannot be surpassed by any in the State, and the drivers are careful, sober and accommodating. This is the cheapest, mo.t expeditiou- and pleasant roure passengers can lake going Ea=t or West. For further information apply to James Reamer, Chambersbu.g, Jehu Hafer LieJ ' lord, Chas. Vv. i ;,her. Latrobe. A. J. KEESIDE, Contractor. N. B. Passengers for Somerset and Johnstown, connect at Stoystown with J. A. Gairnan's Line of Mail Coaches, aiso, at Jenner X Roads with E. Kier man's mail lire. Sept. 7, 1600. "VT" OTIC E— -LA IS hereby GIVVN to the Mil itary Board of Auditors of the Fi;st Brigade, lGth j_ v '•' on > P- M , that they are required to meet at ihe public house of Col John Hafer, in the Borough of Bedford, on Tuesday the Bth of January, 186!, {or the purpose oi adjusting the Military accounts of I said Brigade, and also the collectors for 1860, of the (•liferent Boroughs and iownships ot .Miid Brigade, to meet said board at the same time and place? for the purpose of having exonerations and abatements made and allowed. LEMUEL EVANS, Nov. 23d. Bug. Gen. Ist 8., 16th D., P. M. \ BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT Oi Kerosene Lamps and shades, just received at Oct. 2, IB6o*, HARRY'S. AN APERIENT AND STOMACHIC PREFARA tisn of IRON purified of Oxygen arid Carboo, by ceabusticu in Fiydrogen. Sanctioned by the highest medical authorities, both iu Europe and the United States, and prescubed in their practice. The experience of thousands daily proves that no preparation of Iron can be compared with it. Impu rities of the blood, depression of vital energy, pale and otherwise sickly complexions indicate its ne cessity in almost every conceivable case, innox ious in all maladies ir; which it has been tried, it has proved absolutely curative in each of the following complaints, viz : t fl Debility, Aervoux Ajftctiotis, Emanation, 71 yr pepsin, Constipation, Diarrha i, Dysentery, Incipient Cu-isumptton, ticrutu!au ; Tuberculosis, Salt Ilhenm. Misvi, oximation, White*. Chlorosis, Liver Cmplaint, Chrome Headaches, RhU, avoL'j n% the use of slops ; end if these golden rules are followed, you willbe u i py is, n:.rd an I >:rong in body, and forget o any nerves. Mothers and Daughters i ther? is one thing more than another lor which 5-? biiji are so tamotis it ;s their purify in* prop erties, especially their power of cleansing the blood from ai, impurities, and removing dangerous and so ;>ended secretions. Universally adopted as the on,- grand remedy for female complaints, they never fail, never we ® ken the system, at J always bring about What is ccjuired. Sick Headaches and Want of Appe tite, These feelings „hich so sadden us, modtfrequen iy Iron annoyances or trouble, from obstruc ted perspiration, or from eating and drinking wha ;• . anfi ' lor us > thu * disordering the liver and stom ach. J hese organ® must be regelated if yon wish to well. Ine Fills, •' taken according to the printed instructions, will quickly restore a" healthy to both ;vt r and stoinrch, whence follow as a natural consequence, a good appetite and a clear be;; '. In the La,; ar Test Indies scarcely any other medicine isever used for these disorder's. Dsorders cf the Kidneys. In ail diseases affecting these organs, whether they, crete too much or too little water . or whe ther they be afflicted with stone or gravel, or with , ach"; and pair;s settled :a tae loins over the regions I 01 the kidneys, these Pills should be taken accor j ding to the printed directions, and the Ointment i shouid be well rubbed into the small of the back at ! time. 'lbis treatment will give almost urine, j diate relief when ali other means have failed. For Stomachs Out of Order. i No medicine will so effectually improve the tone '.u the s'omaeh these Pills ; they remove all aci : fay. occa-iond either by intemperance or imptop er diet. 1 hey reach the liver and reduce it to % bea ; uiy action ; they are wonderfully efficacious in cj-- of spasms—in fact they never fail in curing all disorders of the liver arid Stomach. Hollowiy's Pills are the best remedy known in the world for the following diseases . Ague, . inflammation, Asthma i Jaundice, Billions Complaints, I Liver Complaints, Blotches on the Skin j Lumbago, ' Bowel Complaints, | Piles, Colics, ' Rheumatism, j Constipation of the j Retention ollOrine, ' , Bowels, Scrofula or King's | Consumption, Evil, : Debility, Sore Throats, ; Dropsy, Stone and Gravel, ! Dysentery, Secondary Symptoms Erysipelas, 1 .c-Douloureux, Female Irregularities, Tumours, ■ Fevers of all kind#, Ciccrs, Venereal Affections, Gout, Worms.of ail kinds, ! Read-ache, ft caknss from what j indigestion, ever iymse* ~ r ~ € It I—None-geauine unless j the words "Houlov. at, New Yorift and Lovdon," are discernible as a ii atcr-mari- in ever; leafof the ; oook oi directions around each pot or box : the same i may be plainly seen by hoi ling tae leaf to the light. I A handsome reward writ be given to any one ren dering such information as may lead to the detee j 'ion of any party or parties counterfeiting the med icines or vending the same, knowing them to be 1 spurious. ; Vbo.'d 2! ? be Manufactory oi" Professor Hotto • Ai, 1 . Maiden Lane. New fork, an-, hv aii | table Druggists and Dealers in Medicine, through! j out the civil,zed world, in boxes at 20 cents, 62*ct j and §1 each. EFThere is considerable saving by takin<> the j larger sizes. ; N. B.—Directions for the guidance of patients in | every disorder are affixed to each box. 1 Nov. IS, 1839. ! DSLAIR C OU.VFY " NORMAL SCHOOL & SEMINARY, MARTI N'SBURG, BLAIR CO., PA E. T. OSBORNE, A. B. / _ . . , J. V,'. DICXEKSON, I Principals. This institution will commence its first session with an able and experienced corps of instructors l on Monday, Nov. sth, IbGO. No expense bas been spared in making it thorough and complete in every department. i'liO school building is constructed and famished upon the ir.ost approved modern plans, and is one of ;r.e best m the State. It contains a hall capable of seating 500 adults, with office, music rooms,' suffi cient tor a school oi 300 pupils. l'heschocl is located in a region of country un excelled lor its beauty and healthftilness, [and is surrounded by a moral and industrious community. The distance to Cove Station. Huntingdon and Broad Top R. R. is six miles; to Hollidaysburg Station, Pa. R. R. 12 miles, with duly stages from the latter and tri-weekly from the former; thus ma king it easy of access fr m all parts oi the country. The objects of the school are : Ist. The Professional Training of Teachers. 2nd. The thorough Education of young hdie? and gentlemen in the Englis:. and Ornamental Branches. 3d.' The preparation of Students for College. The reaching Chss wit! meet daily for lectures on ttie Theory arid Practice oi Teaching, recitation i; ma standard work on the subject, or d scussioo of Methods of Teaching by the ciass. Students who desire to do so may prepare to en ter the higher classes in college. ; Ladies will have a - -parate boarding house and v. ,'i be unci- r the Immediate supervision cf an ex perienced Preceptress. Instruction given in ail the branches taught in the Academies anu Seminaries. Whole expen-e, (exc'usive of Ornaments! bran ches,) for boarding, tuition, furnished rooms, room rent, and iuel, §1 IS.OO a [year. For circular, with full particulars, aildrcss E.J. OSBORNE, or J. ft'. DICKERSON, Care o! J. C. Evekiiaet, Mart'csburg, B'airco., Pa. Oit. 12. 1960- MARTHA T. MASTIiI, C. H. BAMHICS, J. A. L. XcK&SI, t-SO. K. FEDULE, s. K. MARTIN ¥,A A. MAKER, * • with MARTINS, PEDDLE, HAMRICK & CO. —IMPORTERS OF— HOSIERY, GLOVES AND NOTIONS, .Vo. 30, North Fourth St., PhiPa May 19.'60.-1 yr. ~ 4 "DMIN ISTR ATOR S NOTTCET I/'tlers of AHir.ihi?. trition having been grnnteil to the sub^criber 'rv.i dine in St. Clair 'owmhip, on the Estate of Apthi baM Find'ay. late of Napier township, heeii'.., all persons indebted to said Esta!" ic hereby s> m ke ir.!:vediat'. payment, and those having c'aiir the Same, wib proa-at thyjj proper*- ly nutht-nticafedfur aetr'eTncut. 'T "RGV. 37CK.r ".V. v "V. 93d.* A Vr.