Bedford irorr el, AND GENERAL STGEOFFK H. The subscriber resprrtfuMy !oan- LCiince to, I\i o'ltri> nis and the j>". '•: ?" ■ ally, that h p L.- leased DIP Hot !, a* prpsant in th< occupancy ot C'nl. \d\m Ha i hait. and u : iit 'ske pos-- ton on 'hp IT V <>ay April next. It ix not Li- d< :pi ' > rqak ■ .van profession* as to what hp will ■ hvt tip p.- •' his word that his n. "iiergeUv efforts wJ emploved to render .-(.mlortahle all wlio him a call. The House will be hsuiusom dy titled up; and none hut Careful and ntt'ids • servants will be engaged. Pei>niis visit inn Bedford Springs, as well as those attenciuig Court, and the travelling community genera.- lv, are respectfully invited to give Lim i cil! and judge lor themselves. taken by the week, month, or year, on favorable terms. Qjp*Ample and comfortable stabling is at tached to this Hotel, which will always be at tended by a careful hostler. Also, a sale and convenient carriage house. VJTJIII the. STAGES stop at this H JOHN HAFER. March 16, 1555. DBORD ER, CLOCK & WATCH MAKER, AND DEALER IN JEWELRY, Would respectfully announce to the citizen of Bedford, and the public in general, that he has owned 8 Jewelry Store in the buiVitrg re- : cently occupied by Li. Nrcodenius, Esq. nearly . opposite the Bedford Hotel, where be will be ! pleased to see all in want of articles in his line 1 He has on hand, and will constautly keep, an | elegant assortment of JEW ELRY, and will te pair Clocks and Watches in the bert style. He ; hopes to receive a liberal share of patronage, us : he feels satisfied he can render satisfaction to all j who entrust him with their work. Ilis terms , will be moderate. He has on hand Gold and Silver WATCHES, Silver Spoons, Thimbles, Butter Knives, Goid ; and Silver Pens and Pencils. -Nc. Kc. April 27, 185 C £OURT PROCLAM ATI ON. 'To the Coroner, the Justices of the Pence and Constables in the dijf ee nt Townships, : in the County of Bedford, (greeting. KNOW YE that in pursuan c eof a precept to . rne directed, under the hand and seal of the Hon. FRANC IS >. Kl3l BELL- President of the several Courts of Common Pleas in the Sixteenth District, consisting of the conn ties of Franklin, Bedford, Somerset and Fulton, and by virtue of his office of the Court of Oyer and Terminer ' and General Jail delivery lor the trial of capi- : tal and other offenders therein and in the Gene- j ral Court of Quarter Sessions ol the Peace;; and A. J. SNIVF.LY & Jou.v TAYLOR, Esqs., 1 Judges of the same Court, in the same County j of Bedford, You and each of you are hereby re- j quired to be and appear in your proper persons with your Records, Recognizances, Exanrnaa- ' tions/and other remembrances before the Judges , aforesaid, at Bedford, at a Court of Over and j Terminer and General Jail Delivery and Gene- ( ral Quarter Sessions oi the Peace theiem to be ' holden for the county of Bedford, aforesaid, ; on the 3d Monday of Nov. {being the 19th day.',at 10 o'clock tn the forenoon of that day there and then to do those things to which youi , several offices appertain. GIVEN under my hand at Bedford, on the 2Gth dav of October, m he year of our Lord 1860. WILLIAM S. FLUKE, Sheriff. tJTRAY CATTLE •wx Came trespassing noon the orem .* r . is—sot the subscriber residing in Napier town- ' ship, on or about the 4th iust., a steer, 4 or o I yr's old, wilh white back red sides and a hole cut in the right ear ; also, one black heifer, 2 years , old, with swallow-foex cut out ot I—lt ear, and 1 one white-spotted h J :f-T, "2 years old, without | ear-mark. The owner is requested to prove j property and take them away, or they vviii be disposed of according tp la' . Oct. 26th, * HENRY ALBAUGH. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Whereas, letters testamentary on the estate of Sarah Sparks, late of West j Providence township dee'd, have been granted • ♦.o the subscriber, all persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make immediate j payment and those haviogc!aims, or demands, against the estate ol the said decki, will present j the same without delay, for settlement. JOSEPH FISHER, Oct. 12th, 1860. Executor. PliOT H( >N OTARY SNoTICE. Notice is hereby given that the ac count of John Sill and John Mower, Esqs., as , signees ol Patrick Dollard, has been tiled in the : Prot ho notary's office, and tnat the same will oe presented to tlie Court of Common PLar in and for Bedford County, for confirmation, on Mon day, the I9'.b day of.Nov., next. Prothv's Office, j S. H. TATE, Bedford,"Oct. 26th, '6J, { Prof. 4 LDITOK'S NOTICE. The ar>derigneu, appointed Auditor to make a distribution of the moaev arising irotn the sale ol'the peisona! propei ly ol .lohn Cypher, will attend to the duties ot his appointment, on Monday. Nov. stb, 1860, at which tune all interested can attend. R. D. BARCLAY. Oct. 26, .960. . Auditor. T,EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters testamenta mentary on the Estate of Elizabeth Black, late of Napier tp., dee'd., having been granted to the un der, igned, notice i< hereby given to all indebted to said Estate, to mako payment imm-diate ly ano those having claims against the same, tr present them properly authent icaied for settlement JOS W TO \t Lit SON. Oct, lOtJt, tStO. Executor. \T) riCE TO CRKDI DORS. * - TcrSe notice that 1 have applied tothe Court of Common Pleas of the Coini tv of Bedford for the bWiefir of the insolvent laws of this Commonwealth, and that said Court has ap pointed' Monday the 19th dty ol November, next, for the bearing of we and my creditors at the fuailUousr, in the Borough Ol Bedford, When ami where you niav attend if you think pfoper. THOMAS'O. MOCK. Oct. 19, 1 SsC.O. 4DM INI SI H AT() K*;s N{ ) ITC I;. -**■ Letters of Administration having been granted to the subscriber upon the estate of Jona than Horton, lite of Bedford borough, dee'd., all persona indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payrtSent, and those having claims agamst said estate, wilt present them ptoperly au thenticated to the subrcrtber at Bedford. OLIVER HORTON, 1 t>at. 5, 4569 Adon'r of the ertate ■ of Jonatban Horton dee'd. ' BEDFORD COUNTY, SS. At an Orphans' Court held at Bedford, in and for the County ot ; BediY'd, on the 3d my oi" September, A. D., 1860, before the Judges of the said Cout— On motion of O. !■" Sr.anron. U-.j.. the Court grant a rule on tbe heirs end legal repiesentativ-s ot Wfl'tatn Kerr, late of Harrifoh tp., tlec'd., to svit : John Kerr, Catharine, wn'e ol" Lewi# Kellernian, d-e'd, leaving bet- h' ! and tbiee children, viz : James Kel- , , VVm. Kellerrnan, of Bedford county, nuii Join tvei' rman of Ohio, Elizabeth wite ot Jona : j, of Ohio, who conveyed her shave to •Mary ihe widow ol deceased, Wm. Jackson Kerr, i Jo.eph Henry Kerr, Amanda, wife ot John Rrley, 'an iej. Kerr, George ICeri, alt oi Bedford county, and 1 Margaret, wife of E.'ter Funk, residence not known, i to be and appear at an Orphans' Court to be held at Bedford in and lor the county of Bedford, "on the 3d Monday, 19th day of November next, to accept or refuse to take tbe real e-tate of said dee'd., at tbe valuation, or show cause why the same should not be sold. BY TH COURT. , , v ,ln testimony whereof J" have hereunto set my hand and the seal ot the said j Court, at Bedford, on the 11th day oi I SeptA. P., I sun. I SAM KEL H.TATE, i • Prothonotary. j ATTEST : WM. S, FLUKE, Sheri3. foot. '-6.] SALE OF GEO ROE H ! *- KAY'S REAL ESTATE, IN HOPEWELL TP. ; By virtue of an order ol the Orphans' Court ot i | Bedford County, the undersigned will ofier af pub- j | lie sale, on the premises, on i HITIfSDAY , 1 th o ' NOVEMBER, next the following described real es- j j rate, viz : THE MANSION TRACT of said do j ! cea-ed, containing262iacres, about 165 acres c'eitr- j ■ eii an ivabie to ' her annually—one Third in hand at confirmation ot saie and the balance in two equal annual payments j , without interest. JAMES K.KAY, [ Sep. 41, IS 60. Trustee. m YE KY DA Y BRINGS SOMETHING NEW 1 ANOTHER NEW FIRM I AND MORE NEW GOODS FERG-USON & LIME, At th 1 former stand of Ferguon & Manspeaker, ! are now ready to wait on old customers as vvell aS new: They expect to sell very low for cash and produce, or to those who will "foot up" every six months. Their DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE an ! all ether goods usually kept in stores, have been carefully selected, and bought st prices ena bling thru to sell at reduced rates. T H H E E 1 I R R i S S H H O O E i: I) D E F. P P A A R R T T M K K ! N N T | Contains every variety of Shoes end Roots, for Men, : Women and Children. They invite a fair share of patronage from their fitends and tbe public, and particular!-, solicit the S trade of their counfiy friends, expecting to deal j ia itljr with them and all others, at ONE pp'r - for e i vervbody. j Sept. 7, 1860. Tf TST OF GRAND JURORS,— drawn lor November Tertn, lSbt), 3d : Monday, ( 1 9th day.) Henry J. Bruner, Esq., Foreman, Peter M. Hirton. Joseph Durborrow, John Esheimart, Christian Ewrsole, John B. Furry, Joseph : Growdeii, George R. Holsinuer, Nathan Hur ley, Daniel Helizell, Davtd Kooniz, iViatthi3a i Keely, Philip Messeismith, Hetirv B. Mock, ; Moses Mcllvane, William Oster, Isaac Reigh- i j art, (of John.) Denton Sie|iheiis, i ; H-nry Smith (of Frederick,) John Stuckey, ! Daniel Smouse, Stephen Weimert, John A ade. ! LIST OF PETIT JL'RORS.- Lenox C. Ash, John S. Brumbaugh, Jona than Bowser, John Brown, Esq., Isaac Berk tieimer, David F. Brown, James S. Beckwith, , Jsaac lilankiey, Jacob Curie, William Orisman, Morgan Cessna, John Corlev, Samu-I \Y. f'ris man, William Calvin, Joseph Dull, Esq., Dan- j iel L. Defibaugh, John Evans, Joseph Evans,! John Fei|iter, Eiias Gump, E c q., Jacob K.ter, William Kevser, S. J. McCauslin, Esq., Dan- i , i-l Miller, Morgan M''C!e||ari.!, Alexander Mc j Grigor Esq., Ht zekiah N'r rtficratf, George Pot ! ler, Jomh Penrose, John Rillle, .Tusepli ;v|ler-, I William Spielman, Conrod Joseph I Stitilei, Alexander Stmenfaker, Valentine Sleck man, E. B. Ttom, John Tewell, | AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Did, Smith Ik Ridgely, I In theConimon Pleas of vs - N Redtord Connty. Fi. Fa. Daniel Trostle. \No.3\Bept. feim, iB6O. And now, September 7, IBto, Juo. P. Reed up jrointed Auditor to leport a di-trihution of the money made on sale of Defendant's K-al Estate, to and amongst creditors. The undersigned will attend to the duties ot the above appointment at Ins office in the iforoirgh of Bedford, on Wednesday. the 7th day of November, uext. at f'O o'clock, A. M. .'Nt>. P. REED, Oct. 19, 1800. .Auditor. Spectacles: j Th snbscriber has lost recpivpfi a splendid j variety ot (nold, Stiver Mounted, and Stcpl Sppctacles, wilh the finest Sco.'ch fVbMes, su perior in clearness, and designed to suit persons jof all ages—warranted never to FAIL to which he invites th attention of all whb are in | need ol the article. He has also jn ,t received an elegant assortment of JEWELRY—aII 0 t I which he \?ill sell ou reasonable terms. danifl BORDER. Bedimd, Mav 22, 1*857. jJUOAI) I AD ! !] Arrangements have been effected between the ' ' | PENNSYLVANIA R. R. CO. and HUNTINGDON j j & BROAD TOP R. R. CO.. by which Freights ate transported at the following low rates; From Hopewell to Philadelphia, Flour, 62* cents per ber rel. Grain, 31 cents per 100 lbs. Merchandize Westward. From Philadelphia to Hopewell, per 100 ,bs., lt, 7." cents. 2d class, 60 cts. 3d class 50 cents, 4th class, 35 cents. Salt and Plaster, ; 30 cents. Freights Westward ate received at the Pennsyl vania Railroad Station, 13th and Market Streets, Philadelphia, and forwarded daily. Freights Eastward are received at the Hopewell ■station of Broadtop R. R-, and forwarded daily. S. B. KINGSTON, JR.. Fieight agent, Peti'na. R. R. Co., Phil'*. S. S. FLUCK, Freight Agent. H. & B. T. R. R.. Hopewell Station. Riddleeburg Coal, Fine and Lump, always on hand and for sale. S. S. FLUCk. j Sept. 7, iß6o* t / UiNFEcriOVAUY \ J ANI) groc F. RY . THE undersigned has just jeceived and keeps constantly on hand the lo!lovvin;r articles; Coffee, sugar, oiolasse , cheese, crackers, currants, prunes, raisins, figs, almonds, filberts, cocoa nuts, ground nuts, pecans, Eng. walnuts, cream nuts, can- j dies in variety, oranges, lemons, tobacco and cigars, I aiispice and pepper, spices ot ali kinds, baking so da, cream of tartar, sulphur, brimstone, canister I and keg powder, shot, caps and lead, grain and grass i scythes, whetting tools, wash tubs and boards, tn | digo, exti '■{ logwood, conpera3, alum and madder, j oil, po'-h and Mason's blacking, sweeping, dusting j stove, shoe and scrubbing, brushes, clothes, hair, tooth and flesh brushes, hat and infant brushes, hair I oils and perfumery, purses and port monaies, pocfc ! rt and memorandum books, bonnet and round gum I combe, '.ridding" and tine combs, bracelets and beads, pen-, pen-holders, penknives, scissors, kmie- , | sharpener', umbrellas, suspenders, spoo' cotton and ' floss, clocks, small looking glasses, v ns, violin ; I strings, toy watches, watch chains, curry combs,; cards, horse brushes, shoe-thread, pegs and spara-1 j hies, Johnson's Arabian Liniment, Rock and Little s j I White Oii, Merchant's celebrated Gargling Oil, lor i i man or beast, and many other articles of a similar ; nature. The patronage of the public is respectiuliy , I solicited. A. L. PEFIBAUGH. j June 17, } 59.-Iy. OLOODY HUN~ FOUNDRY JL> AN D M ACIII NF. SHOP. ' THE subscribers are now prepared at thei Foundry in Bloody Run, to fill all orders lor Castings of every description for GRIST .-LVD SJIV-MfLLS, THRESHING \ I MACHINES, APPLE MILLS, PLOUGHS and j 1 ail tnings else in our line that may be needed in this . or adjoining counties. We manufacture Threshing Machine® of 2, 4 or Horse rower, WARRANTED equal if not super.or to ar.y made in the State. We keep constantly on. j hand a full assortment of Wood Cock, Plug a: I ! I Hillside Ploughs, WARRANTED to give satisfac-j 1 tion, or no sale. Points, shares <.n ail Woodcock, or Seyler ploughs in the county. Farmers' Bells, Ploughs and Castings of our make may be had at the store of Wm. Hartley, in Bedford, Sonderbaugh & Pee, East Providence Tp., John Nycum & Son, " " Times being hard, we offer great inducements to Farmers and Mechanics to buy of us. All binds of repairing done in a neat and substan tial manner and all work warranted. Call and ex amine our castings and work and judge lor your selves. Our agents seii at foundry prices. JOSIAH B A UGH.MAN ft BRO. March 26, 1858. 1 X)l"NI)RY & MACHINE SHOi\ I* M : THE subserbers having formed a partnership under the style of "Dork dt Ascnoin" lor tun pur j pose of conducting a general FOUNDRY AND MACHINE i business in the establishment recently erected by ' : Gill sard Dock, in Hopewell, Bedford county, are now ' prepared to execute otders for CASTINGS AND MACHITtISR T of everv description. They will I build to order steam-engines, coal ar.d drift-cars, horse powers and threshi? g machines—a'.>o, casting i of every kind tor furnaces, forges, saw, grist and ! | rolling mills, ploughs, water-pipe, columns, bouse : fronts, biacke s, Kc., fkc. Thev are also, now making a fine assortment ot j SIOVES of various kinds ot the latest pattern- and nio-t approved styles, including several sizes o COOK STOVES of the best make, besting stoves] for chuicbes, offices, bar-rooms, itc. ' A full assortment of Stoves will be kept constant ly on band, and sold at wholesale anj retail, a' prices to suit the times, and quality, warranted' qual to the Eastern make. Machinery of all I inds repaired pr omptly. Patterns ma le to order. GILLIARD DOCK, i C. W. ASCHOM. Nov. 11. 1859 T>EDFOHP COUNTY MAR. I ) 1 Will make a directory map of Bedford County from actual sorveys, if a sufficient number of sub ] scribers can be raised to justify me in the enter | prise. j Ihe map will be large and well finished and will j show the location of all the public roads streams, | ) boundary lines, Towns, villages, Hotels, Churches,; School House,, Post Otiices, siores, grist mills, saw mills (j-c., itc., and will contain the names of all the property holders, and show the btisirtes that almos. ! each one is engaged in. I will put on the satm ; S sheet maps os all the towns and large villages, also j j tables and statistics ot the County and (if taken in j time) the census of 1860. Perns will be taken to, j make it as reliable as any Map in the State, i Julv 1 ,'SJ. EDW'D. L. WALKER. \irA*2l g\(;TO\ KKOI *£, f f BEDFORD, PA. i MRS. S. FILLER would respectfully announce to I i her tnends in Bedford County, and 'o the public j generally, that she has leased, for a term of years, j 'tie iaige and convenient brick hotel, a' the corner 1 | of Pitt and Lilian, streets. Bedford, Pa., known as • the -WASHINGTON HOUSE," and lately kept bv ! MRS. COOK. This house is being thoroughly re- ; j fitted and refurnished, and is now open for the re- 1 I cpption of guests. Visitors to the "BEDFORD t 1 SPRINGS" and persons attending Court, will find 1 Itnis house a plea-aul and comfortable temporary j home.—Every attention w ill be paid io the comlort ' and accommodation of guests. The table will at all ; times be supplied with the best the markets atloid. j J Charges moderate. Extensive stabling is attached to this hotel, and ! a careful and competent botler will be in atten j dance. Special at;ention will be paid to the accoin-j • modation of the farming community. 1 | March 30th. IS6O. i BEDFORD COUNTY, SS. • j At* an Orphans' ; i I Court held at Bedford, iri and lor said county ol j ! Bedford, on the 3d day September, A. D , 1866,1 , , belore the Judges 0 i the said Court— On motion of J. ! , ; W. Lingenfelter, Esq., the Courtfgrant a rule on the ! heirs and legal representatives of WilLard Nycum, ! late ot Monioe township. dec'J-, to wit : Leonard j . ; Nycum, .'ofcii Nycum, Wilson Nycum and Andrew j Nycum, residing iirßedlord county, i'a., Bernard Nycum, Upton Nycum, residing in Allegheny co., Mr!., to be and appe ;; at an Orphans' court to be , ; he'd at Bedford in and for the county of Bedford, on c ' \ the 3d Monday, lllth day ofNovember. next, to ac i rep! or refuse To take the Real Estate ,aid der'd, - j at the valuation, or show chase why the same should s j not be sold. 0 I .jM'f, By THE COURT. la testimony whereof I have hereun-' " -a&&agfc '" ,! l n, y band and the seal of the said i -A Court, at Bedford, ;Uw Liu day ot Sept., f! A. D., iS66. SASUJEL H, TATE, t j ATTEST: Prathonotaiy. 1 Y'M. S. Fi.vttc, Sberili O-r. 26, 1890. JJEDFORtf MACHINE SHOP! THL subscriber would most r*sp*clfully un nounce to the farming community, and public in general, th.t he til! eor.tiiraes to mar.uiacture at j his shop, in Bedloifl, Pa., the loliowing farming u- j , tensils oi the very best material, undMu the most i workrnanliCe manner, viy.: FOUR AND SIX HORSE Tt'MBI.INGSHAFT ' . POWER MACHINES, ! 1 with large open cylinders, six staves, and spikes j acre wed in, and improved Straw Shakers attached. ! I heir superiors for strength and speed are not mat e j in This or any other County in the State. ri Four Hoise Tumbling Shaft and Strap Power i F Machine, with cylinder open or shut, as may he de- j S srred, tor convenience, euse of draft, and perfect I F working, this machine has no superior any where, j L 1 HREF. HORSE .MACHINES, of the same kind, j v Two and three Horse Tumbling Shaft Power Ma-; p chines, a very convenient and excellent machine lor small farmers, with or without shakers, single and double shovel Ploughs, Horse Ptakes, Lever 0 Cutting Boxes, Harrows and Wheelbarrows, made 0 to order. All the above articles Constantly on hand, and j sold on reasonable terms. | .. Repairing of ait kiucts of Machines, whether made ! here or elsew here, done on the shortest notice. | Castings for all my machines, made at the Fnun- n dry of Shires & Jordan, in Bedloid, and will com- j pare with any made in the State for strength and j durability. Blaeksmithing done to order. All rriy j , work warranted to give satisfaction. v From a past experience of over twenty y ears ln | . ! the Machine business, I feel confident that I caai ! ' give entire satisfaction to all who may favor me ; ' with a call. Call and examine my nor/ before yon ' purchase elsewhere, as I am determined to plea.,e ' all. 1 Horses, grain of all kinus, lumber and iron, will ; be ta/en in exchange for work. ' PETER H. SHIRES, I June 8, 1860.-Cm. Machinist. 1 ok SAL r., i Ofi'TRADE, A first-rate tarm of limestone land, in Morrison's ; I Cove, containing about 131 acres, 100 ol which a.- | , cleared and balance well timbered. The lann i-. j ; well watered. 'l'he improvements are a good two 1 I story Frame House, Log House, Barn. &c. Theie ' ! is a good orchard upon the premises. The tarm ad- ! I joins Bloomtield Furnace, lies halt a mile from the Holiidaysburg Turnpike, and four miles from Mar- j . tmsburg. There is a ready market at the door^tor all kinds of produce, and the land is in a high state i ;of cultivation. For particulais inquire ol Dav.d ; I Daniel, in possession, ot George Cleugh, at Spang's —Al>o— A Giist-roill property in Herman's Bottom, now | owned ny Lewis N. Fj-an. The mill i< a large frame ; with two overshot vvhells and four run good order, and in a good settlemut, u suf ficient supply ot water. The farm nearly 406 aores ; about lOUaliuvial soil, and cleared ; and | the balance well timbered. The improvements are j a large brick bouse, tenant house, miller's home, : barn, distillery, .V c - The farm can be divided wit it j out disadvantage. Tetmg reasonable. —ALSO— A tract o! land in St. Clair tp., containing 93 i acres, or thereabouts, about 55 acres cleared, with a two story log dwelling hou-e, tenant-house and I two log stables thereon erected; pie or chard thereon, adjoining lands of Wm. Keefe, Jacob Semlerand others ; formerly the property of George Kimberiin. —ALSO— a Farm ol 166 acres, about 100 cleared, with Double Log House, New Bank Barn, and ttvogood orchards thereon, lying on the Juniata River, two miles from Stonerstown, and half a mile from the rail road. This farm is composed of a good quality of river bottom land. 30 or 40 acres of which can be put into good meadow. The whole is now in a good itatg of cultivation. —ALSO— A farm of liSacresof limestone land in Liberty Township near Stonerstown, knowr as the "John ; Stolet property," adjoining lands of 'Squire Kensin- j ger, Stoler and others. The improvements ate a ' Log House, Log Barn R-c. There i> good water oti ;ae premises, also an orchard ot good truit. —ALSO— J A new two-sfory Rotigh-cast House and two lots oi i ground in hroacltop city. - ALSO— -166 acres of the best quality of land in Harrisoe ; county, lowa, r.eur the Missouri, and c!o-*> to th ] countv seat. —ALSO— , A Lot of ground in Omaha city, Nebraska. , ALS— O-100 acres of land, in Southampton Township, Bed tori county, lately owned by Win. Lashlfy. TERMS to suit buyers. O. E. SHANNON, Jan 27. IfeSO Bedford, i'a ' 7l3t:hlic sale of real est me. -** The subscriber will ofi'ei at public s ale pursuant to the order C the Orphans' Court, on the premises, in W'e-t Provide' e Township, B--d --ford County, on Saturday, the 16th da* of Novem | ber next, the following REAL ESTATE, late the j ; property of James McDaniel, dee'd, viz : one tract , of land, being unimproved, adjoining iands ci j Eett< r. on the east, Frat k Collaberger, on the west, ; , Andrew Mortimore, on the North, and Jo.-eph Mc- Dcniel's heirs on the South, containing ore iiutidr.-t! acres more or R'ss. Also, one other tract of unimproved land adjoin-i ing the mansion property and !.:uds of L'ai iel Sni- j S der, David Steckman and others, and containing 1 one hundred acres, more or less. c Also, the mansion place ol said dee'd,- adjoining c lands of Daniel Snider, Wilson McDaniel, Jacob j I Steele, John Calhoun and others, containing about | a one bundled and seventy five acres, one hundred I acres cleared and under fence, 6or So! which are 1 c ; meadow, balance well timbered. The improve- 1 ments are a two story log dwelling house, with j s kitchen attached, also, a smoke bouse, spring house, : t i and tog stable with threshing floor. Thpre is also, i an apple orchard cr. the premises, and a good spring < at the door of the dwelling. The property is situated i five miles south of Bloody Run, on the road to < Clearville. The sale will commence at one 'o'clock on said j day, at which time the terms will be made known. ' ' JOSEPH McDANIEL, Oct. 12, 1860. Adni'r. I ! ■\|ANH O U D . _TfI HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED. Just Published, in ., The important tact that the awful consequences of self-abuse may be eifectuaity removed without j internal medicines or th? dangerons applications of : caustics, instruments, mtdicated bougies, and other | empirical devices, is here cleatly demonstrated, j anil the entirely new end highly successful trest- j tnent, as adopted by the celebrated author fujlyex- ; | plained, by means of which every one is enabled to j cu're himself perfectly, arid at the least possible: coM, thereby avoiding nil the advertised nostrums j of the day. This Lecture will prove a boon to j tbon-ands and thousands. Sent under seal to any address, post paid, on the j ! receipt of two po.tage stamps, bv addressing Dr; ! CH. J. C. KLINE; M. n., -ISO first Avenue, New | 1 Yot k Post Box 4580. Jan. 2, iB6O. A I)MINISTKAT(IK ! S NOTION * Jjefters of Admiiiistratioii on the Estate j of Alexander George, late of East Providence tp.. ! rtee'd., having been granted to the subscriber resi- i ding in Said township, all per-ons indebted to s ltd ' estate are, theteforc, notified to make payment .ta- I mediately, and those having claims will present the j me forthwith for settlement. SIMON NYCUM. ! Sept. 7th 1&62. Adm'r. X UNITED STATES HOTEL, j N. E. Cor. llth 6c Jllarket Sta. % i PHILADELPHIA j W. KAN AG A, ) 11. McVCV. 1 F"h. % 1 1 BOOKS 11. C. Ki:,IUEU, Juliana Street, Bedforrt, Fa. Jit the Stand jwi/ierlu occupied by Dr. F. C Reamer.) , rr r> II'HOLE SALE and re- tfßjftSl \| tail dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dve CBeißeJw g£ Stuffs, Oils, Paints, JVarnish "UKi" 9 tine, Window Glass, Giasware ■eceivcd, a large stock of American, French and English perfumery. Also, a great variety of fine Snaps for toilet use. Tooth pastes, Hair Tonics, ! Hair Dyes, that will color various shades, from a ight hrowtfc to a jet black, 1 ooth, Nail, Hair, Sha ring, and Clothes brushes, Comb-, Pocket knives. Pocket Books, Por'.monnaies, Segar cases, Kc. 1 —ALSO— Have and will keep constantly on hand, a supply 1 jf Coal Oil, Burning fluid and Cam plane, with a ' treat variety of the most mode rn and best style of ; roal oil and fluidflamps. Pure Wines and Brandies for medical use, Fla- i voring Extracts and Spices of alltnrts, FineSegars, j Snuffs, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco. Having the agency for all the principal patent medicines in use, will keep a full supply constantly I on hand. —ALSO— Dealer in Books, &c., consisting of Geographical, j Scientific, Religious, Poetical, Historical, Law, Medical, School and Miscellaneous Works, in con nection with a great variety of plaio and fancy Stationery. Cap, Note, Post, and Wrapping Paper, Blank Books, of every size and quality, Diaries, Blank Deeds, Mortgages, Notes and Receipts. C7"Oilier* promptiy tilled and satisfaction guar antied, with legar-d both to price and quality. j OyPhysicians' Prescriptions carefully am) accti- j rately compounded at all hours of the day or night, j Dec. 16, 183*. CHEAPEST ! EF.ST !! LARGEST !! ! *35.00 Pav* for Tuition in Single and Double Entry Bbok Keeping, Commercial Arithmetic and Lectures. HOARD 8 WEEKS s'2o, STATIONARY $7. ENTIRE EXPENSES $62. Usual time from 6to 10 weeks. Every Student, upon graduating, is guaranteed competent to man age the books of any business, and qualified to earn a salary of from SSOO to 581000 Students enter at any time—No Vacation Re view at pleasure. F-.rst Premiums for Best Business Writing tor I*6 fit'., received at Pittsburg, Philadelphia and Ohio State Fairs. Also, at the principal Fairs of the Unton for the past four years. Oy Ministers' Sons received at half price. For Circulars, Specimens and Embellished Views of the College, inclose five letter stamps to F. W. JENKINS, Pittsburg, Pa. Jan 13, 1860. "T >ED FORD CLASSICAL INSTITUTE 1> Rev. JOHN LYON, I 0 .... r A an ! "RINCIPALS. I. LYTTLETON LYON. A. M., j THE Summer session of this institution'will open on Friday, the 4th day of May 1860. It is the design of the Principals, to make this Academy, in all respects, a first class Institution, lor The thorough instruction of youth of both sexes, and to prepare them for any proiession or position in life. The moral and scientific tone of the school !•- well known to this community, and a strict disci pline will be enforced. A few boys, (the number is limited to ten.) will be received into the family of tl. J'riucipai*, as boarders. . '1 i.e beauty of The scenery and the salubrity of the cl.rnate render Bedford a most desirable loca tion lor such a school. Persons from abroad. visiting at the Springs, can be near their children during rhe summer. It is de-;rab!e that pupils should enter at the com mencement of the se-.ion, ant! r.o pupil will be re ccived .or le-s than one quarter. S2PO per year, including boarding, TEUNS. <. washing, fuel, light, and Tuition in all f the branches. Terms for day scholars : . I s6. English Blanches. Per Quarter. ' 7_ ... r .T . , , I s..ou, Classical co c• subscribers having purchased th" Bedford I* ' Or- o. Messrs. W'ashabangh and Banr.on, would rr.<>-• r ■ pci'tfui!', announce to the citizens of Bed ford at'.j adjoining counties that they are prepared to t nl. ■ and nirnish all kinds of CASTINGS for CRIST AND SAW-.MILLS, THRESHING MA CHUNKS, PLOUGHS, APPLE MILLS. COOK ING, TEN PLATE; AXO COAL STOVES, SLED AND Sleigh soles, wash kettles, of different sires, wago boxes of all sizes, farmers'bells, (a superior art e!e>, oven doors, and every thing usually made in a countrv Foundry. cy PLOU G H - WOODCOCK. SEYLER, and HILL-SIDE PLOUGHS.—AIso, a new PLUG PLOUGH, to which we call the especial attention of out farmers—a snperior article to the old Plug Plough, with two kinds of points, shares and land sides to suit ail ploughs in genera! use in this coun ty. Turning and fitting o: iron patterns made to order, and all kinds of repairing done at the short est notice and. at low prices. All our own work made of the very best material, and warranted to give satisfaction. Farmers and others would do well to call and examine our work before purchasing else where, as we are determined to meet the emer gencies oi the tunes, we will ScU tow for C.dSH, or country produce. Pig and bar iron, horses and lumber, taken in ex change for work. feb 25,'G0-ly SHIRLS & JORDAN. M2NGEL HOUSE, JULIANA STREET, BEDFORD, PA. J HE subscriber, having renovuted and refurnished this old established House, is now prepared to re ceive guests, ite invites his friends and the travel ing public to give hun a call. Having new furni ture, new beds, and everything necessary to render beat ty cheer to thosa in want of a temporary home, ho flatters himself that those who stay with bint, will find ihemselves at the right place. He is fully prepared to receive visitots to the Springs, and all having business with toe courts or otherwise. Ample stabling and carriage bou•'. I . f. S J RESPECTFULLY begs liave to tmider hts Professional Services to the Citizens ol Bedford and vicinity. L-~"' Office in Julianria street, at the Drug and Book Store. Aug. 1. 1859. ; r PO iU ILDERS.— JL The subscriber is fuljy prepared to furnish any -quantity or quality of Building Lumber end Plastering Laths— Oder# directed St. ClairsviUe. Bedford ; 1 county, will be promptly attended to, bv '! gving a reasonable aotic \ il F. D. BEEGLR. "Lncrimn Lite Jiisurani-c (Stnst .,|Dr. \V. H. Watson, Rev. S. Barnes, Mrs. Krcytet. ! June 29, '60. tto if SAL E, OR EXCHANGE. j Three tracts of very choice farm land, contain ing 160 acres in each tract, situate on the Illinois Centria R. 11. in Chnrnpaign co., State of Illinois, 8 miles from the city of Urbana, and 1 mile Iroraßen tual Station on said road. Two oftbe tracts adjem, ar.d one ot them has a never failing pond of wafer. The city ol U rbana contains a population cf 3t)00. Champaign is the greatest wheat growing country ! in the State. Alidreas, F. C. REAMER, Bedford, Ta. r |N OMILL OVV N Eft Hi— S. I>. BROAD has made ScheJlsburg his pen- 1 ! r.ent residence, ami i., prepared to do all kin-* ° j work in the Mill Wright line, on the tr.oal (>p r0 Ivt-d and