The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, November 23, 1860, Image 2

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FRIDAY XOV. 23, 1860. i
BTf. Meyers, Editor and Proprietor
(J ft he Lord's Supper, (D. V.) will be administered i
in the Presbyterian Church of this place, on rex? |
Sabbath. The Pastor expects the .assistance of !
Rev. VV. B. Craig, of Bloomfield, Pa.
The Rock on which Republicanism
must split.
It i the hope of some people who cannot
arrive at the conclusion thai Mr. Lincoln
really intends to carry out his doctriue or that
of his platform in regard to the question ot
slavery, that lie will pursue a moderate and
conservative course. It is very likely lha. Mr.
Lincoln will be compelled to abandon his plat
form and repudiate his anti-slavery views, and
this is the rock cn which Black Republicanism
is bound to split. Many of Mr. Lincoln s sup
porters believed him to be conservative, for
some of the demagogues who advocated hi 3 elec
tion, put his claims upon the ground o! con
servatism. class will demand of him the
surrender of the ultraism of the Chicago Flat
form and of his Springfield and Peoria speeches.
If he does not do this, he is shorn of at least
one Unrd of the strength he had when elected.
If he does, he will be ostracised and huntrd
down by the ultra wing of bis party, who com
pose a large majority of his supporters. He
stands, therefore, upon Scvlia, and no matter
which way he leaps, plunges into the dark and
whelming Charybdis.
The following from the Pittsburg Dispatch,
a Lincoln paper, will serve to show what
•'Republicans" expect of their President:
Throw that tub of Personal Liberty Bills to
this insatiable whale, the arrogant Slave Pow
ei, and if it dares the madness of actual secess
ion, will not appease, but stimulate to greater
arrogance, and the whole work must be done
over again. The same trouble would follow
if Mr. Lincoln , (ire do not Jear it) should at
tempt to appease that hungry Power by any
milk and water conservatism of Administra
tion. He would sink irretrievably ; the South
would be more unreasonable than ever ; and
the North must fight another battle, against still
greater odds, or be for ever dragooned by the
Aud whaia mean, cowardly, cruel desertion
would it be of the brave Republicans of the
Siave States, who have nobly stood in the
front of the fierce fight against the Terrorism of
that Power in those States—where it is only
possible to speak or vole at great personal
sacrifice and risk.
Figures will not lie !
The following appeared in that mendacious
aheet edited by would-be Attorney General Fr.
Jordan, the Esdford Abolition organ, of last
week :
At the October election, we were beaten in Bed
ford County 97 votes. We have for President a ma
jority of 231 over the Reading electoral ticket, and
181 over Foster, and now Lincoln has from 60,000
to 100,000 majority in the State. Prettv good,
considering that the voters irom New England,
New Jetsey and New York were "needed" at home
"on the 6th of November. Try again, our ex-Know-
Nothing friend. Maybe you can give as good an
excuse lor the November thrashing your new love
party has received. Perhaps this time they were
imported from the South I
Now, as we have said before, the Lincolnites
were successful in this county, as elsewhere,
only because tbe Democrats did not turn out
and suffered the election to go by default. If
half a tight had been marie against Lincoln, the
black banner of republicanism would have been
humbled to the dust.— But it will not do for
Mr. Jordan to attempt to exaggerate the victo
ry of hss party. In the above quoted article
he savs that Lincoln has a majority, in this
connty of ll lßl over Foster." This is a fiat
and positive falsehood. Foster had 356 1
votes, whilst Lincoln had but 3505> leaving a
majority for Foster over Lincoln of 5*5. We
tall upon Mr. Jordan to correct bis false state
ment. Will be do it!
Frightened and Backing Down !
The Black Republicans al Itieir meeting on
Tuesday night last. assumed a very conserva
tive tone indeed. Forgetting that their Presi
dent elect avowed himself in favor of '"putting
slavery in the course of ultimate extinction,"
they take ground in favor of maintaining the
UnioD. The truth is that they are frighten
ed at the prospect before them and would like
to back down from their fanaticism and folly.—
Sut their mode of maintaining the Ucior,
must, ex necessitate, be one of coercion and
compulsion. It will not be hat of granting
the Southern people the equality to which they
are ( entit!ed under the constitution, but it will be
like the argument of John Brown, vi tt armtt !
The end will be that the South cannot be coer
ced and troublous times must follow.
would-be Attorney General said in
his speech iD the Court House, on Tuesday
nigh', that the Southern States were arming
themselves against the Government, which
they had no right to do, and that the Execu
tive ought to interfere and put them down
Why did not Mr. Jordan ask the Executive to
interfere when Massachusetts, New Hampshire
and other Northern States took up arms to re
sist the Government in the execution of the
Fugitive Slave Law 1
Some nine oi ten of the Southern States,
since they have fallen under the misrule of the
Black Republican parly, have passed laws or,
ha I judicial nullifying one of the!
compromises of ISuO, the law tor the renuition j
ot fugitive slaves. Among these states, aud we j
blush to sav if, is our own once conservative
but now abolitionized Commonwealth. An act ;
was passed by the Black Republican Legisla- j
ture of our Stale, on the 31st day of March last, I
entitled "An act to consolidate, revise and I
amend the Penal Laws of this Commonwealth,"
and in the i#sth section thereof it is enacted as
"No Judge of any of the Courts of this
Commonwealth, nor any Alderman or Justice of j
the* Peace of said Commonwealth, shall have ,
jurisdiction, or take cognizance of the case .of
any fugitive from labor from any of the Uni- j
ted States, or Territories, under any Act of j
Congre.s ; nor shaii any such Judge, Alderman,
or Justice of the Peace ot this Commonwealth,
issue or grant ar.v certificate or warrant ot re- j
moval of any such fugitive from labor, under ,
any Act of Congress ; and if any Alderman or'
Justice of the peace cf this Commonwealth, j
i shall take cognizance, or jurisdiction, of the |
i case of any 6ucfi fugitive, or shall grantor issue ;
i any certificate, or warrant of removal, as afore
j said, (hen, and in either case, he shall be deem
j ei guilty of a tnLdemeanor in office, and shall,'
'on conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay, at;
j the direction of the Court, any sum not ex-;
' ceedirtg one thousand dollars, the onehalf;
to the party prosecuting for the same, and the
other half to the use of this Commonwealth.
If any person cr persons, claiming any ne
) gro or mulatto as a fugitive from servitude or ,
j labor, shall, under any pretense of authority
j whatsoever, violently and tumultuously, seize
; upon and carry away to any place, or attempt
; to seize and carry awav, in a riotous, violent,
tumultuous and unreasonable manner, and so
as to disturb or endanger the public peace, any
negro or mulatto within this Commonwealth,
either with or without the intention of taking
such negro or mulatto before any Dislrict or
Circuit Judge the person or persons so offend
ing against the peace of this Commonwealth,
shaii be guilty of a misdemeanor; andon convic
tion thereof shall be sentenced to pay a fine not
exceeding one thousand dollars, and further to
joe imprisoned in the County Jail, for any
J period at the discretion of the Court, not ex
i ceeding three months
Now, this law sets at defiance the Fugitive
j Slave Law which is founded upon
Constitution, and which was adopted by Con
gress, through the advocacy and earnest re
commendation of such patriots as Webster
and Clay. The Fugitive Siave Law was con
ceded to the South as a set-off to (be admission
of California as a free state. This was a sol
emn compromise entered info on the part of the
North, and from which the North was to de
rive tenfold more benefit than the South. * And
yet the treachery and dishonesty of the Black
Republicans have placed upon our statute-books
a law absolutely cheating the South out of
their rights under the Compromise of 1850 ! Is
j it any wouder that the Southern people talk of
secession, when a party has gained the ascen-
Idency in the Government which has already
violated the Constitution j wherever it has been
in powtr ?
The loss of the Locofocos in Cumberland Val
ley, on the October election, is -JI votes. Suppose
they had the same majority they had before, we
would still have carried the County by 137 over
all. They lost 14 votes in Southampton, and 33 in
Juniata, add these together, and we still would have
carried the County by 90 over all. We think Bed
ord County is a pretty safe Linco'n County—Jor
dan's Inquirer.
It was well enough for your purpose, to stop
at Juniata in counting the Democratic absen
tees. If you had proceeded with the remain
ing districts, you would probably have discov
ered that in Bedford borough the Democratic
loss was 18, whilst Lincoln gained but two and
those two transient voters ; tnat in Bedford tp.,
the Democratic absentees were 33, whilst
Lincoln gained but 7 ; that in Broad 'l\-p the
Democratic absentees were 7, whiist Lincoln
had 4 votes less than Curtio ; that in Cole
rain, the Democratic aosentees were 19, Lin
coln receiving 2 votes less than Curtin;
that in Hopewell the Democratic absentees
numbered 37, whilst Lincoln had but 3 more
votes than Curtin ; that in Monroe the Demo
cratic absentees were 11, in Napier 10, Lincoln
receiving but 2 votes more than Curtin , in East
Providence 11; in West Providence 7 ; in
Middle Woodberry 11 ; in South Woodberry
11. In 3hort, a? the tooting up shows, there
were but 2238 Democrat.c votes polled in the
county for President, whilst Foster had 2561,
showing that 323 Democratic votes vvpre un
polled at the Presidential election. This is the calculation on the October election,
when there were at least 125 Democratic vo
ters not out. Wt think Bedford county is "a
pretty safe" Democratic county, bv at least 200
majority when the full vote is polled. Let the
Attorney General try again.
TF*The Bedford county office-seekers at
tempted a glorification on Tuesday night over
Lincoln's election. The signal for the begin
ing of ceremonies, was the running up of the
t?ag by one of the applicants for the Post OflEc.
As twilight came on, another applicant for the
Post Office was seen to shoulder his baton,
and march a half-a-doznn Beboickfrs around
town, other would-be Postmasters look
ing on and "grinning horribly a ghastly smile."
The bell rang, and a dozen or more applicants
for Flour Inrpector, Sergeant at Arms at Har
risburg, Transcribing Clerks, etc., etc., saun
tered up to the Court House, to tiear an appli
cant for the Attorney Generalship under Cur
tin, and a candidate for President Judge, abuse
those dreadful fellows, the "Locofocos." There
was no enthusiasm, but jealousy, green-eyed
monster, stared continuously from the free of
one prospective Postmaster to that of another.
It was trulv[a melancholy assemblage and look
ed more like a funeral than a triumphant gath
ering. Competition tor office, Southern thun
der, and the effect of Lincoln's election upon !
the monev market, is doing its work among the j
poor Republicans.
The Presidential Election.
We have the following additional particu
lars in regard to the result of the recent eiec
! tion :
Virginia is now certain for Bell by 400 or
; s(io majority.
Maryland has gone for Breckinridge by about
I 300 majority.
Kentucky gives Bell 12,000 to 15,000 majori
ty. Douglas receives a heavy vote in this
: \ state.
Tennessee has gone for Bell by several thou-
I j sand majority. Douglas received upwards of
j 11,000 votes in Tennessee.
Missouri is still in doubt, but the latest re
ports give it to Douglas by about 500 majority
f over Bell, 40,000 over Breckinridge and 45,-
' i 000 over Lincoln.
' The rest ol the Southern States have gone for
} Breckinridge, with the exception ol Georgia
• which failed to choose electors by the vote of
i the neople. The Legislature will choose the
: Electors.
Douglas carries New Jersey by 3000 major- j
,! Despatches from reliable sources give C&i
--' ifornia to Douglas by 3000 majority over Lin
j-i coin and 20,000 over Breckinridge. The re
,, n.ainder of the Northern States, Oregon excep
• ted, (which is not heard from) have gone for j
- Lincoln. A comparison of the popular vote of i
' i each of the candidates, develops the, fact that i
' Lincoln is larg-Iy in the minority, and that
I I Douglas, though not receiving as many electo
, j ral votes as either Bell or Breckinridge, exceeds
> \ them largely in the vote of the people.
Thanksgiving Day.
' ! Editor GAZETTE : Please give notice
r j
i through your paper that Thanksgiving Day,
| (Thursday, Nov. 29th) will be observed in the
- J usual manner by the Merchants and business
' j men of Bedford. 3usiness will be suspended
3 on that dav. MANY CITIZENS.
r\ '
Local and Miscellaneous.
j ... .John J. Cessna, Esq., our newlv elpc
ei. . .
I : ted Sheriff, will be installed in office this
j week. A better Democrat or more clever gen
tleman than Sheriff Cessna, is not to be found
r any where. We predict for him a very suc
cessful administration of the duties of his office.
The retiring Sheriff, Mr. FLUKE, goes out of
office with the good wishes of the people of the
i county, having made an excellent officer.
_J ... ."Dug ! Little Dug!, I say, you're a
j ! demagogue," stuttered a drunken individual,
j. j who staggered to the front of a crowd which
s , Douglas was addressing. The witty Little
Giant retorted, with telling emphasis: "If
! some one would put a few wisps ol straw around
I j you, you'd be a dtmi-john!"
....Read the article in another column
written by J. B. Fluck, Esq., entitled "Open
ing of the Common Schools." Esq. Fluck is a
practical teacher and a gentleman who gives
much attention to educational matters.
. .. . P KTERSON'S MAGAZINE.— We are in re
ceipt ol this popular Lady's Magazine for De
cember. It is a splendid number. "Peterson''
has a circulation of 100,000. For IS6I, it
will contain 1000 page? of double column read
ins matter ; 14 sH*e! plates ; 12 colored steel
fashion plates; 12 colored patterns in Berlin
work, embroidery or crochet, and 800 wood en
gravings—proportionately more than any other
periodical gives. Its stories and novtlets are
by the best writers. Its fashions are always
the latest and prettiest. Price but Two DOL
LARS a year, or a dollar less than Magazines of
its class. To clubs, it is cheaper still—viz ;
three copies for $5, or eight for $lO. To ev
ery person getting up a club, the Publisher will
send a magnificent premium. Specimens sent
gratis to tho?e wishing to get up clubs. Ad
dress, post-paid, CHARLES J. PETERSON,
306 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
...The Editor has just returned from his
first trip up "Salt River." The Governor of
the Salt River Territory, heartng that we were
from the same county from which hailed his
former subject, Mr. Jordan, of tire Inquirer,
came to the conclusion to send us speedily back ;
"for," remarked he, with a very serious counte
nance, "my old friend Jordan needs a little
watching, now and then, not only lor bis own
but tor his country's good, and, therefore, as a
well-wisher of the people of Pennsylvania
generally and of Bedford county particularly,
I deem it my duty to advise you to return at
once and keep an eve upon him and ail who
are of his way of thinking." We shall endeav
or to obey the injunction.
. . .Our friend MAJ. S. H. TATE has been
installed for the second term of his office, as
Prothonotary of Bedford county. Every bodv
that has had any business to transact in that
office, speaks well of Major Tate's discharge ol
his official duties. In fact, people geoerally
look upon the Major as the model Prothonota
ry. Long may he wave .'
.... Mr. John Nelson, of the Poor House
Mill has the patent rightj for this county, of
one ofjthe best machines for making buckwheat
flour we have ever seen. Our family has been
using buckwheat flour made by bis process,
and we have no hesitation in pronouncing it
decidedly superior to any other we have ever
used. Give him a call.
. .. .LARGE DEER KILLED. —Our friend John
McMullin, of Centreville, in this county, one
d9y last week, killed a "four-pronged" buck,
weighing 190 pounds John is a good shot
and deserves his success. Beat it who can.
... .Harper's Ferry, the^ scene of the John
Brown invasion, voted at the recent election
as follows; Bell, 275, Douglas 278, Breck. 77.
This doesn't look much aii though the citizens
ol Harper's Ferry were afraid to trust the Lit
tle Giant.
. .. .Among the noteworthy article* on ex
hibition at our late Fair, was a detached lever
watch manufactured by Mr. Daniel Border, of
this place. It is an elegant piece of work
manship, and reflects much credit u]>on Mr.
Border as a mechanic. Persons desirous of
seeing it can do so by calling at Mr. Border's
shop, two doors West of the Bedford Hotel.
. .. .During our absence from home, a com
municalion in reply to the "Card" of Messrs.
Everhart, Crisman and Nicodemus, recently
published in the Gazette , wasMtanded in for pub
lication. This reply is signed by a number of
the most respectable citizens of Rainsburg, and
if the "Card" referred to had in any manner re
flected upon these gentlerne n, we would be
bound in justice to them, to give their reply £a
place in our columns. But as it did not make
any reference to any of the citizens of Rains
burg and a9 we feel decidedly disinclined to
make our paper the medium of a controversy
between the friends and opponents of Prof. Os
borne, we shall respectfully decline its pub
...There is rather a slim attendance at
Court. The Hemming kidnapping case has
been continued to next term the defendant en
tering into security in the sum ofslooo for his
Written lor the Bedlord Gazette.
Now that the great political deluge, which
for the last six months, has inundated the col
umnsof newspapers of political proclivities,
has subsided, and that the great political battle
of 1860, has been fought, and it remains only
to give the statistics of the victorious, wounded,
dead and dying, which may be done by a tabu
lar arrangement, in a comparatively small space,
we hope to find, through th local press, an
awakening interest in education and school
matters ; so that our home paper may continue
to be, as it ever has been, a welcome guest,
and an iuteresting companion in the family cir
We anxiously hope that our Educational
m°n—Superintendent, Teachers, Directors,
friends ol children—will make an arrangement
with our Editors, to l)3ve, for home or school
reading, at least one interesting article per
week, inserted in our county papers for the
benefit ol Teachers, Parents, and Children.
Who will be the first to contribute a heart
cheering proem ior the school-boys, that will
make them hail with exquisite delight, the sound
of (he merry school-bell, as it "throws its wel
come on the air," and thus adds wings to their
feet as they hasten to school to greet the Teach
er, who stands ready to welcome them with a
smile ?
Who will be our first lady friend, (or the
gentleman if the lady should fail,) to ex
hilarate the dull and dreaded task, impending
over the little girls' entering school, by con
tributing some sweet words of encouragement,
entwined with assurance of a speeiiy reward
for industry and constancy in ascending the
hill of science, thus rendered easy and pleas
ant ?
We ask the attention of our readers to the
following article from "CLARE'S SCHOOL VISI
TOR," (by the way an excellent little paper fo
children,) under the caption of
"The world is flooded with papers—all sorts
of papers—secular papers, religious papers;
papers for the farmer, trie mechanic, the teach
er, the child ; daily, weekly, monthly papers ;
papers pictorial and papers congressional ; fun
ny papers and stupid papers Posts, Tribunes,
Forums Messengers, Advocates, Heralds—
Banners, Flag>, Trumpets—Day-Books, Jour
nals, Ledgers —Worlds, Suns, Stars—Dispatch
es, Expresses, Couriers, —Chronicles, Examin
ers, Reporters, arid a thousand other famous
pipers, all of which are scattered broad-cast
throughout the land ; but one of the best pa
pers for a family of young persons, and the one
deserving the first and promptest patronage
from the head of the household, is the indis
pensable local or county paper—the home pa
We would earnestly recommend farmers
and mechanics, teachers, lawyers, doctors,
preachers, by all means, encourage first your
own paper, published in your county-town
and containing all the local news of your neigh
borhood. It is a grand mistake for persons in
the country or at a remote distance from the
great cities, to send their money hundreds of
miles away in exchange either lor a stale daily,
or a weekly made up of dead dailies, and ex
pect thus to find profitable and entertaining
reading for a family !
Be neighborly. Subscribe ar.d pay your
dollar or two, as ihe price may be, for your
home paper. If it happens to he a little dull
at times, breathe new life into it by writing
something lively for its columns, or sending a
few new subscribers and as many dollars to the
Editor. Sure cure for dullness; Encourage
home enterprise and home industry. Encour
age home talent by teaching your children to
contribute articles, short, pointed, uselul, sug
gestive, to the juvenile department of your
home paper. ,
Friends, think of this, and resolve to assist
your neighbor, the publisher of the paper
established and continued to promote your in
terest and your happiness. Give your nearest
paper a hearty welcome these winter evenings ;
and snould you have an extra quarter or halt
dollar left for reading money, give it to John
nie or Mary, and let it be expended in secu
ring the regular visitant some live youth's pa
per. Such investments will pay a thousand
Editor "Gazette
Dear Sir :
As the Com
mittees o! Ladies of the Bedford Bible Society,
are about to make their annual call among our
comtnun'iy, will you prepare their way, and
aid the cause, by publishing the following ex
tract from the circular of the Penn'a. Bible
Society t
"Our friends are occasionally called for io
prosecuting the work of supply in very feeble
destitute portions of the State. JThen, we ap
propriate the remainder to the American Bible
Society, to be expended in supplying the desti
tute in loreign countries. It is impossible lor
: us to hear ol the wonderful changes now taking
j place in Southern Europe, without an anxious
desire that the word of God may eoter as a sa
ving principle into 'hose nations, upon whom
the light ol liberty is now dawning.
"How great their dangers from a sudden re
lease from the ancient forms of faith and gov- j
ernment, we cannot judge—but we can help
j them to that precious word, the revealed will
of God, to which we are indebted for our own
personal comforts and hopes, as well a9 for our
national prosperity."
I; is this noble and comprehensive enter
prise, which while it carries to every d'xir of i
: our town and county, the bread of lite, casts it 1
| also broad upon the waters to be carried to ev
i ery shore. Who would not have some share,
however slight, in such a cause t
Sec'y. Pres't.
CuARLESTon, Nov. 16.—The demonstration
j of welcome lust evening to the members of the
Legislature returning from the Capital, were
very enthusiastic. A larpe Palmetto tree was
: planted in front of the Institute Hall, where
the meeting was held, and facing the speakers'
stand was a large transparency, "Well done,
I good aud faithful servants."
Mr. Macbeth, the President, made a fiue
K. N. Gordon also addressed tne delegates,
and the response ol Mr. Porter, the Presidenlof
j the Senate, called forth prolonged applause.
Several other speakers made telling addres
: ses, and the greatest enthusiasm prevailed.
I'here were abundant eisplays of fireworks,
and many houses were illuminated. During
the day canoons were fired as flags were rai
sed and State mottoes inscribed
! upon them.
i MOBILE, Ala., Nov. 16 —At the meeting of
citizens irrespective of party, held here to day,
resolutions were unanimously adopted favoring
a secession from the Union.
A resolution to await the action of the other
States was voted down and withdrawn.
.MOBILE, NOV. 17. —The Register declares
t for the secession of Alabama, and savs that the
large sectional vote at the North and the South
proves that a common government is imnossi-
I ole. Ail efforts to save the Union will be
j fruitless, and this journal appeals to the cor.ser
; valive men to take th" movement in their own
; hands, as the only means of avoiding the worst
j consequences of ail inevitable revolution.
AUGUSTA, NOV. IS. —The general impress
ion is that Senator Toombs has not yet resigned
l but that he will resign on the 3d of March, un
less Georgia secedes.
The bill appropriating a million of dollars to
arm and equip Georgia, is a complete law.
| NEW ORLEANS, NOV. 17. —The Legislature
|of Florida at fact session, passed a resolu
tion promising decided action in cas= of the
election ola ReDublican President, requiring
I the Governor to convene the Legislature. The
Jacksonville Standard and other papers urge the
; Governor to a compliance with \hu resolution.
CHARLESTON, NOV. 17.— The people inaugu
j rated the revolution at 11 o'clock this rooming.
Our leading importing merchants have erected
i<t mammoth poie near the Charleston Hotel,
| and the hoisting of the State flag on it has been
! duly celebrated. The pale was made of Caroii
jna pine, one hundred feet high, and surmoun
; ted by the cap of liberty. The neighboring
; house tops were crowded with people. Thou
' sands of the highest respectability thronged the
i balconies ana windows, waving their handker
! chiefs. Impromlu stands were erected, aud the
i principal merchants took seats. The flag was
• then hoisted amid the tremendous cheering
; the populace and the greatest excitement ever
1 known here.
COLOMBIA, S. C., NOV. 17. —Political affairs
i are quiet. There is such an unanimity among
j South Carolinians in favor of secession that it
I seems to be a fixed and recognized fact.
Messrs. Perry, Orr, and other Union men in
j former times, now eiiher co-operate with, or do
; not oppos® the movement.
] Meetings are being held in all the districts
i and oarishes of South Carolina in favor ofae
. cession.
If the main purpose ol the Republicrn party
was not aggression on the South, why were
not Bell and Everett adopted by the Chicago
Convention ? Their nomination certainly
would have sufficed for all North and South op
posed to Democracy. It was a nomination
which, ifsuccessful, would have carried appre
hension of disaster nowhere.
The only difference between it and Lincoln
is that the Bell-Everett ticket was composed of
men not pledged to put slavery in a process of
extinction, while Lincoln did stand thus pledg
ed, and this difference made Lincoln acceptable
to Giddings and all of that stripe, as being the
man for their purpose, while B-! 1 and Everett
were not suited to their anti-slavery purpose.
Let every one put the question closely to
himse|f ) and he will say that Lincoln's pledged
hostility to Southern institutions was the sole
cause of his being preferred.— Pennsylvi.uan.
From the Penusy'vanian.
A Good Chance for a Wide-Awake.
As many of these gentry will be disappoin
ted in their expectations for office, we subjoin
an advertisement offering to some one of them
a situation. In the "Massachusetts school"
such situations do not go a-begging :
ed family, a white boy, 14 or 16 years
of age. to wait on the table and make himself
generally useful about the house.
HOLLOW A*'A FILLS. Never Despair—some
thing that never fails— "Fever and Ague."—
To the sick it is of little consequence how thev
are cured, whether from a rational view ol the
disease or by the rules defined for the guidance
of the profession, so long as the cure is certain
and expeditious. To a suffering man the ques
tion on the relative merits of quinineor calomel
is uninteresting. The faculty may wrangle
and discuss their various theories, but Dr, Hol
loway's treatment dispels doubt ere the disciples
ol Esculapius have finished the firsJ sfagr. J 0
the West, Holloway's Fills are the only reme
dies whicn effect a speedy and radical cure
without danger of relapse. Re-vf the advertise
ment elsewhere.
iFrom tbe Harrisburg Telegraph.]
Z! O o „
3 I S =
0 • OS 7"
? SC cji
1 , ? *
Coi'ISTISS. • • 21
i r -
.-B'egbeoy 11J,725 6,725 523 570
Adam*. 2,724 2,644 30 29
Armstrong, 3,305 2,108 50
Beaver, 2024 IQ2I 4 59
Bedford, 2505 2224 14 95
Berke, 670 V 8846 420 13 6
Biair, 3050 1275 230 397
Bradford, 7091 2188 9
Bucks, 6443 0174 487 9;
Butler, 364 0 2332 13T 75
Cambria, 2277 1043 110 124
Carbon, 1758 1301 369 a 4
Centre, 3021 2123 26 is
Chester, 7771 5008 263 202
Clarion, 1829 2078 12
Clearfield, 1702 1836 23
Clinton, 1730 1214 72
Columbia, 1873 236 C 80 14
Crawfoid, 5779 2961 62
Cumberland, 3593 3183 20 147
Dauphin, 4031 2392 190 109
Delaware, 3081 1500 152 2a
•Elk, 407 523
Erie, 6160 2531 17 u
Fayette, 3454 3308 24 147
Forest, 00 Mej.
Franklin, 4101 2015 622 70
Fulton, 788 911 1 49
Greene, 1614 2685 20 17
Huntingdon, 3089 1622 55 22
Indiana, 3910 1347 _ 22
Jefferson, 1704 H34 6 5
Juniata, 1494 1147 2 C 2
Lancaster, 13302 0135 728 441
Lawrence, 2937 788 1C 31
Lebanon, 8669 1917 10 103
Lehigh, 4170 4094 140 02
Luzerne, 7300 6803
Lycoming, 3194 2402 137 91
McKean, 1077 591 * 2
Mercer, 3855 2346 2 49
Mifflin, 1701 1169 83 36
Monroe, 844 1262 291
Montgomery, 0828 5590 509 690
Montour, 1043 786 311 4
Northampton, 3839 4597 115 171
N'orthumbeiland, 2422 2306 97 72
Perry, 2371 1743 8 39
Philadelphia, 39223 21618 9274 7131
Pike, 3SI 8.71 x
Potter, 1545 521 1
Schuylkill, 7568 4963 422 139
Snyder, 1678 910 89 5
Somerset, 3218 1175 1 10
Sullivan, 429 497 1
Susquehanna. 4470 2543 2 6
Tioga, 4754 1277 11 9
Cnion, 1624 812 23 6
Venango, 2680 1932 6 6
Warren, 2284 1087 4
Washington, 4721 3975 8 91
Wayne, 2867 2618 2
Westmoreland, 4887 4726 13 13
Wyoming, 1286 1237 3
¥crk, 5123 0497 562 574
Total. 270179 176435 17350 12755
Washington, Nov. IG. —Tiie Alexandria
Gazette publishes the returns from all the coun
ties except Logan arid Webster. Bell has 4<U>
majority over Breckinridge.
We are utterly disgusted with the se!f-lau
dstior. which some ol our second class great
men are in the hoat! of practicing •, and we
mean !t "tpose it. even though the task is a
distasteful one. Th vice is peculiarly, though
not exclusively, Frenc.i ; and is found among
the second ciassof great men, but never among
the first wno are the real b-nefactors o! the
woi Id.
Thomas Holloway, nn- of the latter, whoa*
name is idolized in ail parts of Ihe world, and
to whom it is not too much to sayifcbat miliionr
of i,ll creeds and complexions are indebted for
the preservation of their lives.—Thomas Hollo
way, we say, is never heard appealing either
to the gratitude or generosity of those who have
derived the greatest of all earthly blessing*
frorn hisskiii; he contents himself with the
assurance that his work has been done, and that
the price has been paid.
We have ben led into these reflections bv
an appeal which is now put forward on behalf
ola second c!a? French po-t. Moneur Al Lamartine, it seems, though munificent
ly paid lor the productions of his pen, neglec
ted to lay up any sufficient store for the sup
port of his declining days : and now his voice
is raised against "the ingratitude of the human
race." The argument which he produces to
strengthen his claim, is one which should ra
ther make him blush fo r his extravagance : he
says that millions of his productions have ber>
sold, and that therefore the world is in his debt '
But why ? War he not paid the price he as
ked for every cony ? Or doe# he think that it
rounds like common pro3e honesty to ark to be
paid twice over.
Hi* will answer, doubtless, that his poems
gave a pleasure the vaiu- of vvf ich their price
could not approximate. Let us admit this :u!e,
and apply it to another cas.* to test its merits.
Health we a!' know, is the chief of earthly
blessings; and ajboon which must be purchased,
let the cost be what it may : a blessing, to be
blessed with which the sinking monarch would
resign his kingdom. Suppose then, that Hol
foway, instead of fixing such a price on his
remedies as would afford him (when myriads
wtre his customers) a fair and honorable pro 6',
had apportioned the price of his piils and oint
ment to the exigencies of each case and the la
bility of the sufferer to pay lor his physical sal
vation 1 \\ hy, in such a case, the great ofay
sician would long ago have owned ail Eoroiu*
in fee simple, and three-fourths of the remain
der of the world—for tb** royalties and nobili
ties of Lnrope were among bis earliest patients,
but are still too provid to acknowledge that \hey
owe their iives to the same simple hut all suffi
cing remedies which have been brouglst, by
Hol!oway%> •philanfhrophy, within reach of the
meanest of their serfs '•// BtHcs Lett re
iary Board of Auditors of the r'iist Brigade, 16th
Division, P, A|-,_tbat they are required to meet at
the public bouse of Col. John Hafef, in the Sorougb
of Bedford, on Tuesday the Bth of January,|tsf,tof
the purpose of adjusting (he Military accounts of
♦aid Brigade, and also the collectors for ItWO.of the
H.derent Boroughs and Townships of .--aid Brigade,
to meet said board at the same time and p'ace, for
the purpose of having exoneration* and abatements
■Bade and allowed.
Nov. 83d. Brig. Gen. Ist 8., Iflth P.. P. M.
\BrAtrrrprL assortment
Of Eerooeoa Carr.p
and Bbades, iusf rseeived at
Oct. 3, 1860. HARRYS