gs3b.rui:JlH .US l lilt SCBCRiIIIiKS! - THE MET HO 01ST, 1 THE NKVV RELIGIOUS WEEKLY, WAS P I OMMENCKD IN JCLY LAST, AND lo PUBLISHED ON 3J SATURDAY OF EACH WEEK, AT NO. 7, BEEKMAN ST., N. Y. j EDITED BY THE REV. GEORGE 11 . -J| CROOKS, D. D., Assisted by the •! Be v. J NO. McCLL\TOCK,D. 1)., At present residing in Paris, as C'onaEsro.N- L.;so EOITORJ and uy numerous contributors well known us writers toi the people. Giving L, due proiniiience 10 all matters of interest per- r? taming to the C'nurch whose name it bear-, hg i.nd *#staining its institutions against disor- O gainzers within its bosom and assailants from d without, it yet, in a spirit of brtheraood, co.i- J ' veys to its eailers lull details ot passing e- v- Venis in all tlie sister churches,, and in 'he woild at large, maintaining at tae sa;r;<- time a Cg high literary tone, t digintied abstiutnce F i.oui all unnecessary controversy. tP Is.PRINTED IN IMPERIAL QUARTO Z !■ DR>l_, ON' THE BEST' PAPER, AND IN THE BEST I YTOURAITHCAL L STYLE, And is etribellished fioin time to inle by IT jJortiaity oi Eminent itlcn, IN THE MINISTRY AND LAITY, iS And is thus constituted, editonaiiy and me chanicaliy, A RELIGIOUS FAMILY NE.VSP.APcfi £ OL I'HE FIRST CLASS. ,J TERMS. $2 00 PER YEAR. ~ p Subsciibtn. paving trr the Year !o commence lit .Mnuiry next, will receive the Papei GmuiUms'y up to that dale. PHcMItMS FOR SU3SCRS3ERS. Although " Phe Methodist" has met with al- 1 most unprecedented success, yet, in order to ~- ~!;,ce it wr.lilH the reach ot every .Methodist - .mil v. we have been induced to oiler a l,i>t --- ,-,i Pieiuinuis to any who wish to procure Mib- ~ , 11, eis. These Premiums are ottered several- I*s ,!i two subscribers, and opto Idly . . tn ami em J race ,N W i trier .V Wilson Sewing Machines, WTlcox Gmb.' Sewing Machine*, itie i's I onicat Washing Machines, py A miinbei ut ilesiiatili' books, sucHy** M uper s llluniiiidted Bible, W'aibuigton living'* IVo:L ~ Agi(cultural Books, sr Steven's Hist, ot Methodism, -ei Bang's Hist ot lite M. E. Church, i r.Btne'oiis o'ber Books ot Perirnu e : -_ Interest and laiue, together with a ic Great Variety o! Books suita- p: bie lo the st Sabbath School Library, i. irfonling to any who wish to present then I'.istor with a useiti! household f convenience, oi who wish to procure one lor Lt T.eir own cormort. or who wish lo furnish one .is a means ot livelihood to some friend, or to X" any Ninduy School Pupil or Teac. er who dr ifts to enrich the S. S. Library, a ready ~ means of doing so by the expenditure only, ~ oi * LITTLE EXERTION, AND THE OCCIJ* _ RATION OF A LITTLE SPARE TIME. - EU7"lspt*eirnen Numbers will be sent Free, on A ippiicafion, to any address, with full particu iS !.H ot Premiums. Address L. BANGS, Publisher, OFFICE, 7 BEEKMAN ST.. NEW YORK Cf. 2C, ISGO.-Ot. \KW WINTER GOODS, A * ll AT THE CHEAP SIORE, *" S OSTER & CARN, N BEDFORD, FA., • ,ust received a handsome iot of new and) Ji. lasiuouabie 53 "i I? DRESS GOODS, Shawls, Frints, Ginghams, R Sacking flannel's in all colors, Cloths, Cassimeres, \-stir.g-. Satitietts, Jeans, Ready-made I ~ ; Vests, Business and Over-Coats.j Hosiery, Gloves, Boots, Bho. j s, Hats. Caps, Glass, China and A 1 Qne.-i.sw are, Gro'-rien, S.pu-es, fcc., 4_' And everything N!.W AND CHEAP,— A Being determined to adhere to the -vs- A tem of "QUICK. SALES AND SMALL £ PROFITS," vie believe it will be to the _ K interest of all to EXAMINE our Siot Sfc, ' before purchasing. j\ T NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS, i ,*§ Oct. 2l. KIMMKLL. President of the several Courts of Common Pleas in the Si vteenth District, consisting ol the counties of Franklin, Bedford, Somerset and Fulton, and !iv virtue f>f his office of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General .fail delivery for the trial of capi tal and other offenders therein and in the Gene ral Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace: and A. J.SNIVEL Y &. loss TAYLOR, E • ; Judgesot the same Court, in the same Countv of Bedford, You and tacit of you are hereby re quired to be and appear in vour proper persons your Records, Recognizances, Exatr El liotts, and other remembrances before the J j i res aforesaid, at Bedford, at a Court of Ov-*r am! Terminer and General Jail Delivery an i Gene ral Quarter Sessions o! the Peace tliei m to he lioldeu t r th ■ countv of Bedford, aforesaid on liie T I Monday oi Nov. (being the 1 Dili day,)at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day there and then to do I hose things to which yout several otlices appertain. GIVEN under mv hand at Bedford, on the 2tiU day of Ociol :< r - n lie vear of our Jjord 1800. WILLIAM S. FIJJKE, Sheriff. \ 1 A N If ODD. 111. HOW LOST, DOW RESTORED. Just published, in n scded Jin vetoj % j Dri the Nature, Treatment nu-l Radical Gure ot ! | Sj'eimatorrhcca, or SemtSal Weakness, Sexeal J)e-1 bijity, Ncrvou-iif-s and iiivoluutarv Kmi>*n: *, I n- j potency mid Mental and Phvsicat fncapacity. BY ROB. J. CULVER WELL, iM. ■>., The important lac: that th? awful eonserpienccs I Hi self-abuse may be etf-ctuaily removed without! • nteina! medicines or the dangerous applications of oau.tics, instru inents, medicated bougies, ai d other 1 empiric. l ful trest- | un i t, a- adopted by the celebrated author itillyt-x-i [ laic->d, by means of which everv oil" is eriaiiPvt to cur-> himself perfectly, and at the least possible rot, thereby avoiding alt the t dvertised nostrums 0 the day. This Lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. Sent under seal to any addre-si po-t paid, on Itie receipt of two postage -tamps, by addressing Dr. < 11. .1. ( . KLINE, M. D., ISO first Avenue, New Yoi kPost Box 1556. Jan. 2,1 SOU, Hannah Carn, Adam j < irn, Henrietta YYil- i iiamsnn, and (_). E. S'ttantion, E*, and ha v ing thereon erected a two story and a half stone dwelling house, store house and ware-house, also three one story brick offices and stone stable, adjoining lot ol Jacob Reed on the east anrl lot ol George Blvmire, o:. the west, .xc., they, the saxl Deiend iats, deny that nartititm thereof be made between them ac cord 1112 to lite laws and customs of this rnivealth, in such case made and provided, do gaitis.vv. and the same to be done do not permit, verv unjustly and airlinst the same laws and customs as ? tis said. And have youthen there this writ an I the names o! those SutTimoners. Wit ties- the Hon. F. M- lvimtne!i,Esq,. Pres ident of our sod court at Bedford, the .'i )th day of Juiv, A. D. 186 J. SAM'L. H. TATE, ATTEST : Proth'v WILLIAM S. FLUKE, SLTTP. September 3d, 181)0.—After return by Sher iff of Defendants not found in mv Bailwick, the court direit publication to be made in two news papers for six Weeks. By the Court, SAM'L. H.TATE, ATTEST Prol'y. WM. S. FLUKE, Sh'fl. Oct. 12th m-6t. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. On'?, Smith h Ridgely, j In the Common Plea-of vs. >Bedford County. Fi. Ft. Par.iel Trostfp. \Xo. 31 Sept. Term, 1860. Am) now, September 7, lf-CO, J no. P. Keeil 1.5)- pointed Auditor to leport a di-tribution of the money made on sale of Defendant's Real Estate, to ari l amongst creditors. The ufliiersigned will attend to the duties ot the above appointment at Ins oiiice in the Borough 01 Bedford, oil Wednesday, the 7th day o; November, next, at 10 o'clock, A. M. JTVO. P. REED, Oct. 19, 1860. Auditor. jaTfiAYS. Came to the premises of the subscri ber livin-r in St. Clair township, on the 6th of September fast, two heifers about 1 k years old, red and white spotted with trees white, and a crop out of the right ear—lower part, and the lett slit. Theowner will please prove property i pav charges and take them awav. 0ct.,'12, 1860-31. PETER UEIB. 4DM INI ST 11 AT( )R'S NOTIC E. Letters of Administration upon the Es tate of Henry lckes, late of Union tp., dee'd.. hav ing been granted to the subscribers, all persons in debted are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them duly authenticated for settlement HENRY ICKES, JOSEPH ICKES, Oct. 26, 18C0. Administrators. FRANK. JA< KSON, PRINTER AND STATIONER, 439 CHESTJ\ I T STIi EET, PHILADELPHIA- May 15,'66.-I )-r. Jtifr's FOR PTTPTFTIMG TFS BLOOD. | lhe " peeJy CUro cf ,h,s "laolned varictta* of | Scrofalaand Brrofalo,.,, Affrptl,u,n?h PiJ"t ™A r"! 8 ' Sores, &3ruu< ioVf 1 m,le, Jusfnli*, ttlains, ituti uli Kicim iM*Ee*. t „ . . „ OiKIAKD, ltni., Gth June. M k.;LV'. v'. 0 ' 1 - ! ts: 1 r -' i f "V rtu'J- to <- I koowidg wbut ynnr hflrsapariDa has 'tone for me. f - * tof.ii.nw inf.-rti .o. I sul *r. d from it in various ways for year*. S.motimes it&rst j cut hi , ■ vi.i .111 mt r 1 anus; mm. tim.'s it . turned tawaid and nisfrexttd nt tlr: rtonuwh'. 7wo years ago it broke on*, on my hea l an.l r.u~ r .-,| m v >iiii> aim ears w,th cue sove. which W! [.ninfhl ,d 10a1j,4|,;0 beyond ili-crir' '• 1 tried many m.-.i-.. physicians. but without much iei;el f,„ any 11, in.. J j fact, ilio .h-sordcr pre%v won*\. At l-ngOi ; V*s • V.-yi t. read in the Uoepel M*,veng.r lliat y..„ 1 Hon ,ri ( T;T" ,Wr,,,H! - r 'i 1k - '• ' •' 4 I'U* I tion tnat any thine you mad. ra.iKi ; , 3 ►.-it fi I OineiiiDatinmigot it. and uvi it till it, urn, mo. I took I it. i, y. uiulvis, m MTMtfl **<•). • uiilover* , m nth. and ii • I almost t. r - buttle*. • ir.i l rr „,i-, v j skm . beijau t. ~:iu ih# u . •'••• '-'f >-• ■ w dear, an I ! know , m 3 . feeling* tiiat ib 1 ban gone frm niv .'si r .f] y i I '-: i v-il believe that 11 ■! v. : ,r i„.'. j i-'l you, that I hold you to fw one of the aw'v ... j nd remain ever grplafuily. Y-ar.s. ° ' j ALFKJ:;*) B. TALLEV. 1 8L A"'Aloaj-g ire, Row or Ervlel, Utter iicil knit ItlieiHi,, Scaj.f Until, lUligworia, -umo Jayea, lkropsy. | IV. i I. rt ,P- • '.Vrit ift irn Sr. 1 -m, Y.. I'ifh ! ■' " ■ ' ■ ■ •ur > .t i in-. •t< rate c.i- .f j ' uj. , which threat. ~-to tern . ho dir. y„ ,c„ j pers.tveriii-. or irirv,riibi. and i.p,, ...... ; - : .V-./.v. -.- lon.- if.iU Of'the j *"• rart-3 the coutuon E.iptia ity it con-. liroiicSioetly. CSoifrrt or Srrc 11 r 't f•< V. j Zebnlou h" -in. f3 , .. T-xn?. .vri: Yi, , ! <-i :r ' li'.'ir Irn • ■ .... . . irv a Jo.;. : B "• lull: ■ll the i.v , ivhi, ,lha i (mat-led trom i ovt r two yt'R.n.'* I l 't , r "t**o. Ov*tlnn Tamer* C t-I | i-atiJli, t tiisr:,- h. T>r. .T. It. s. i, nhsi?. of .Vow York •" >- writ I mowriyerfuily ith the reqnMt ..rVmr . n t in : f K '" '' ' ' '*r ' ,|)itillJ.i , iiust CTt.' !)• i| f •' iil ti ' niiji-oroxis coin for nil • vf ■; -••• ■ : in /■ -a,vj a..-of IMV i. . - ir. ami rant- where the com- ; Pa*fll v • ... is- [•. Tv iM so- n < nru.l. Nottitn.- withtn luy know)-! i,iM.-; i. |,,r ~, ■ * loo]- .ierHiiym -Its." ib. *rr w.;; Vewliory, Aix, n iiti -. " v dan r-" " f ih " t u r-.: B ny, J . ■ tbo reruisl.. :■ ecu! snipl. .. hus si ti'Fjjrili '•"• ciiiti ,r <-1y Ctirf.f iy \* v ur '.strait of i(xu ille. Ot.r j-hvstt-irm ti: i- -thin-' Km • rirp.-' t; ,!.l a'i,- r ,T r.'l . f.r.t 1... : the t,,...1 of yJur, t 1 --iiha as t',.- !u t -r.: ( , r t | ... C „tt;,, c -. r, rj ,| > t , ,-ii,-ett \ ; r - ,kh:v your rttaedy eivbt Weeks Bojymptom ef the diite*ne rtfutalne. 1 * Sy-pltills end Xcrcstrinl DUcase. _ . „ Vrw OmnAtrv, 2.ith Ait r m*t. IRiii .R.J. * . r: . c - . t Hilly culnpiy .-ith the re "■ ■ f to •"! X >B '-i the effect! I unit loahif 1 *n your SsiTapnrilla. ™ *Wk it, in •..}• practtee. most of the com ''m * " ,r ,i: " " rooommemled. end bsTti Jbnml its c, f fn'ly Vkoii-lcrliil in the enre of RNTEFNL OMI Vr •"? P**"'""' l l ' l ' 'f my n-.'ien's had Synhilltio ah rs r, 1 - th.-ost, wliii-h v. • -isun'orii.- his '[.slnte ;io,i rh. top a Id* month. Ynnr Paraaparifln, 'o idfly talutu '., -.! him in .iv.i weeks. Another lillsi-i.eii i y . oioiai i .ymptmns ,u lu< i.- r.nii ii • ulerrutioii b.i.t eatt o nway s consi.l.-,.1.; ■ jiuit of ft, s., i . disorder would w-hi re. •. his h.vdu'it ,d kill hi, ..' it u t it 3 itjiilftl ro nij* aciiaiui.s!i*Rtii/i't <.j j*our • < amapariila * 1 )'& oiceis healtsl and ~.. , s well again, not..{ wii'h. ,it sort." (hri'i-umt'on fo his tac... A Woman wl, h,t,l K-eu ires leil torth> eat I v •on a- . h "ill this poison ill her bones. They had !-. me ... far,.,- to :L.- wwh i that on .t damp iy sl. sun. 1 .1 •■u-.-iatinic :u ber joint*and brt:es. h . no, was cured entirely l.v vur har-iparilU hi a few *..). I know from ji. f.riinils, which your asc-ut gave mo, that thw i '.*{ittriti>:.jj fioni yoiu-labfrritoiy nm-t I." a pri'-at remedy: s, ,u. r.tiy. trul; r'.uiarkahJo iv'-uits wiib u hk\. ij<ar.> brro vill no* tbom. tM Uif •! tiicm may U* f-uud in o\:r Am. n un Alsnnnar. v};ich tb - j.l ie4 t. furnieh gi*aLis to ail who call for tba in. % pay f Sfilftlirholj'. .bc:ra : . Many remark Abie v 4 il d • f :• tb*Tn jil : . lit ico can Iyer's Cherry Pustord, RON T*;:: KAPII crur. " ( oashrt C* iCh fti, " "f w t roup, i i > i;Utr:role tor Ui.' t of Vw nr Ml • mmii!.. .• . kr- ccn t. * • m Vt'ho fVO not r..0 • i. J'tt i'-t ocf it ■i-nat living tiupbv •!. ir of it: u-lc;y.-t ilia sablle u..-l iln'i.- ' - ■ < of ti." .ii*st lu:.; - A* :.'i !•*:; •• ti. • . :*• ' : u-if r-, : . ,v, j* -• i.-idi-.;i, t i,,- ,:.t do mTO ih&l : Rf it ha-* i hr- tint it 1i i n o•< ' .. • lit b J i - won t-o ftfroi. f ,;y uj; . .. ui'-d: no cf i. iuk Fropsrod by Ir.J. C. 1,1 US lb CO., Lov&il. li'eas. B. C. I-atry. t'oul; Barndoiiar iv Sun, Biootiy Run ; G. B. Cltiritrilt* ij. BwewWt Wooilberty ; Geo. West End ; .1. E. Co'.-,ii, f - 1 iiblisi nre : and bv I'e lers generally. Oct. 12* 1660k MIVrLIC SALK OK VAI.UAbLF, ■'* RF. \T, 1-TATiv.— By* viilue of an order of ti,e Orphar s' Con;I of Bedford county, the un-' -rsic; ned Aflmiuistrators of the c-.tat'; of Jacoh Hin -., late ol f-ast Providence Totvnship,dec'J., will evpos* to sale bv public vendue on tiie premises, on >.itur day, the t , day of November at 1 o'clock, P. M.,. the I'oilo vug described valuable Real l'st lte, to wit : A tract of lacu situate in [lay's Cove in said t p. adjoining lands of Ailam tlimsh <>n the North, Ja con Kiehey on Hip East, William Gracey on lh South, ami John Grove ami S.tintiel Grove on jhfe West,(part of a tract ol land formerly belonging to Philip Fisher's heirs) containing 200 actes and 15 perches more or less, about 11 acres of which are cleared ant! under fence, and with a Story-ami. a-half log dwelling house thereon erected. TERMS— One half the purchase money in hand at the confirnia: ion of the sale, and the balance. ja one year, with interest, to be secured by judgment, bonds, or bands and mortgage. , JIFNRY HINISH, DAVID FORE, Oct. 19, ISGO. Administrator?. SALIC OF VALUABLE REAL' ESTATE.— Ry virtue of an order of the Or phans' Court of Bedfoid county, the undersigne i will expose to sale, by public vendue, on the premises, on Saturday the 17 day of November, iB6O at 1 o clock P.M., the following described valuable Real Estate, to wit , A tract ol land situate in Southampton tp., in said county, containing 345 acres or thereabouts, with about 30 acres cleared and under tence, and a Story-and-a-half log dwelling house and log stable thereon, adjoining lands of Artemus Bennett, Abner Tew ell. Daniel Tewell, Denton Stevens and George Buxton. TERMS— One third of the purchase money in hand at the confirmation of the sale, and the balance in two equal annual payments thereafter with in terest. to be secured by judgment bonds. JOHN JOHNSTON. Oct. 19, IStiO. 1) RUNES FROM 12J TO 2S CENTS A POUND 1 for salby „„„ july20,'60. A. L. DEFIBALGH. j x APEJ:II:X r AND STOMACHIC PREPARA ' i v '<•"! of ! (TOX purified or Oxygen and Carbon, by combu-t.0,, in Hydrogen. Sanction-,1 by the j highest medical authorities, both in Europe an I the I nited States, and prescribed in their p aet.ce. j Ihe experience oj thousands daily''proves that no j piep;ration nt Iron can be compared with it. Jmnn- I r., ies of t ie blood, depression of vital ener-r, „'i|e ; and sickly complexions indicate ~ its ne , cecity i almost every conceivable . „se. hinox j ton- -n all ma tad "t in which it has been tried, it has j prov.-I .bcoliitel, curative in each ol the follow-in" 1 complainta, viz : " ! . h, 1h4,7,v y , \Vr. w ,,, .1 Dy,. ■ * l' ■ ■''■'"< Dys r „ur>, /„ : r.e-.. at !; v w -'v, P > ,s I rrwte ear. ache*, /I<■■ imafifim, Intermilitnt i'evrr ' I / > npfrs on the Fare, | In ca-. -t,i {.'"nernl OeMWy, whether the result Of acute disease or o( the continued ri.rninutiori of j iieivo-.s and mnscuta. energy Iro.n chrome j plaints, one trial of this restorative has proved SIIC of apparent marasmus, , sangnineoea exhaustion, critical changes, ami that I cprnj icatio.'i of nervous and dyspeptic aversion to air and exercise for which the physician has no name. 111 iV-'rrojf.s Affection of all kinds, and for reasons ...miliar io medical men, the operation of this prepa ration ol lion ii ust necessarily be salutary, for, un !"<'• ui ! oxides, it is vigorously tonic, without heii.g exciting and over-heating t'and gently rrn. | iarly a; rieni, even in the most obstinate cases of ;co nve, s without eve: being gastric purgative, or iiihicta disagreeable sensation, j [: is li,ls hltt, ' r property, among others, which ! makes r. ren-K.rh ibiy etlectnal and permanent a j remedy ■ p,U*, uptKi which it also appears to ex ert u stmct and specific action, by dispersing the local tendency which forms them. in j'> innumerable as are its causes a single box or these Chalybeate Pills has oiten snfii. ceil ior the mo-t habitual cases. In unchecked Dmri even when advanced to DyAente y. confirme . emaciating and apparently malignant, the ejects have been eijual] decisive and astonishing. In the iocjj pains, loss of flogh and strength, de biiitating cough, and remittent hectic, which gen,., ra ly indicate Incipient Consumption, this remedy has ailayed the alarm ot iriends and physicians, in sevetal very gratifying and interesting instances. In Scmfti/ou* I'nbtrculosis, this medicated iron has had lar more the good etfect of the roost cau j tiously balanced preparations of iodine, without anv [of their well-known liabilities. 1 he attention of females cannot be too confident ly invited to this re medy and restorative, in the ca ses peculiarly affecting them. In Hh \ORMAL SCHOOL & SEMINARS. MARTIN SB Uiiti, BLAIR,! 0., PA. H. .1. OM QhNE, A. 15. ( Principals. J. W. LUC K I - . hSON, V This institution will commerce it? first session i with on able and expei ienced coips of instructors on Monday. .Nov. fith, I TO. No expense has be-n pared in making it thorough and complete m every epartinent. . . The scbe.d building is constructed and lurtusbea iron the most approved modem plans, and i "tie ot no b-st in the State. It contains a hall capable of eating 500 adfeltS, With odiee, (RttSMROOm*, rufli ient ior a school ot tb.'O pupils. I heath o! is located in a region ol country nn- Kcel:"d for its beauty and health fulness, ind is iirn nnded bv a IgWaland industrious com after ity. The distance to Cove Station. Huntingdon arid iroad Top U. R. is six miles ;to Hoiln'aysburg Ration, Pa- li. U. 12 miles, with daily stages troin ie latt'-i am tii-.ufeeWy from the former ; thusipa kng it caay of access from all parts or the country. Tie objects of the school are : ist. The Professional Training of Teachers. „,1. Tire thor igh Education ot young ladies and gntlemen in the i .uglish and Ornamental ; '. The preparation 01 Aaleiiis lor C > I 'ge. The teaching Class will meet daily ior lectures oik he Theory and Practice of Teaching, re.itajion litn a standard work on the sobj-cE or discussion ol del hods of Teaching by th■; class. fudents who desye to do so may piepare to en tcj the higher classes in college. v ..iiiies will have a separate boarding house and wil be under the immediate supervision ol an ex peienced Preceptress. j. truction given in all the branches taugnt in the best Academies ana Seminaues. V I.ole expense, (exclusive of bran ch*.) for boarding, tuition, fsrni-ihud jpoms, room rem, and fuel, sllß.t 'J a >™r for circ lar, with full particulars, address E. OSBORNEpor J. W. DICKERSON, Can ot J. C. F.vkrhakt, Martmsburg, Blair co., P i. Oit. 12. IB6o* IfpECUTOK'S NOTICE. j S.i . Le tters testamenta menjary on the Estate of Elizabeth 151/ick, late of Nxuier tp., dee'd., having been granted to the un dersigned, notice is heieby given to affc indebted to said Estate, to make payment immediate ly ana those having claims against the same, to present their properly authenticated ; or settlement .lOS. W. TOMLINSON, Oct. 10th, IS 0. Executor. I \OTICK TO CKEOI FOKS. Take notice that 1 have applied to the Court of Common Pleas of the Coun ty of Bedford for the benefit of the insolvent laws of this Commonwealth, and that said C ourt has ap pointed .Monday the 10th dty ol November, next, lor the hearing of me and my creditors at the Court House, in the Borough ol Bedford, when ami where you mav attend if you think prop'r. THOMAS O. MOCK. Oct. 19, 1860. MARTHA T. MARTIN, C. JI . HAM HICK, I. A. 1.. MOKRELj GEO. R. PEEDLE, S- R- MARTIN. A. BAKER, - • WITH MARTINS, PEDDLE, HAMRICI* A CO. —IMPORTERS OF— HOSIERY, CLOVES AND NOTIONS, A'o. 30, North Fourth St., PkiVa. May IS.'GO.-l yr. IIA(XARONI7CHEESE, CRACKERS, CRYS \l talizeil Fruit anil Rum Candies lor sale bv ju!y2o. A. L. DEFIBAUGH. PH IL'A. ADVERTISEMENTS. I *'• }i OUL D, L3J ( .V/., /yit. of Sei* o nfh, pun.. //>/•;/ />///. ; PIA V OS A\D MELODEO.NS. r.A* | Bai ON & Co's., HALI.fT, DAVIS ,Kc co's. *n 'N * i)- c Lark's, AN j> a# u# ga^k & co's r r^ * "•*' 5 9f jf# * * :L ! > SI 1/1 J MASON e HAMLIN'S, AN)) PRINCE JtCO'S. MELODEO.NS & HARMONIUMS. Pianos ami Melodeons to Rent. Second-hand Piano: May 18,'00.-1 yr. ¥ r. Aun uR, ~ —• ff'CR-SSDR TO J. SORVER,) —WHOLESALE DEALER IN . TOBACCO. SNUFF AND HOARS, . Vtf 8 J\orth Fifth St., above Market, PhiVa. Also. Manufacturer and Importer o! FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC SEGARS. May llo °. 1 v;. u ill-am titecu, JAMES t). WHITBT, SAMUEL MOORE, . EBWAIIDA ADAMS, WILLIAM a. s:;, M.MAN, Br.NRV I'. ATKINSON. p | AlOl EL, MOORE & Cf ).. f.ATE, RAJGCEL AND CO., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE PEA FRS IN DRY GOODS, • Yos. 2-2 ) & 222 JX'orth. Third St., above Race, U'eit si.,lr t PHIL.iI)!:LPII 1./1. May 18,'C0.-1 yr. T H rJLSySk^' s GAEAT EXHIBITION PRIZE MEDAL, awarded toC. MEVER !or his two PIANOS, Lor.don, October 15, ISSI. CSiW. C. ■ I -' •, * 13#. cfc . : ' R res r°ctfu!ly informs his friends and p. Avoi' C -* e T allv ' tbal he bas constantly on hand i> \, r? lal r° :ilr,Se ' or w hich he received the Inze Medal in London, in 1851. All orders promptly attended to, Jand great care ta.cen in the selection and packing the same. He has received, during the last fittee.i years, more Medals than any other.maker, from the Fmnk m Institute—also, First Premiums m Boston, New i ork and fcaltimoie. „ Warerooms, No. 772 ARCH S-reet, below Eighth South side, PHILADELPHIA ° May IS, iB6O, -lvr. !OItN O. JAMES, ISAAC WF.I.SII, . STERLING *'. M. C. KENT, G. A. SMITH, 11. t> . WELSH, rHARI.ES SANTEE, SAMUEL WHITE, J. TOMLI.NSO.N. JAMES, KENT, SAN"TEE & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF D R Y GOODS, 230 & 211 NORTH THIRD STREET May 18,'C0.-l A vr° VE RACK ' PHILAI^LPHIA. OOKING CLASSES, engravings. PICTURE FRAMES, OIL PAINTINGS, I he most evtonoive and elpirant t at n,.. rery lowe-*- roriraix irames, \\ indow Cornices, Gilt .Mouldings, etc. Estimates for furnishing Jlaises to fill every space, by mail on application. r avings for Grecian and Antique Paintings.— Catalogues gratis. J AS. S. EARLE & SON, SIG Chestnut St., Phii'a. May 18/60.-1 yr. CATTLE.— Came trespassing upon the prem isrJa of the subscriber residing in Napier town ship, nn or about the 4th inst., a steer, 4 or f> yr's old, u ilh whi'e ! ac'r . e.l sides and a hole rut in the right ear'; aNo, one black baiter, 2 years old, with swallow-fork cut out ot lett ear, and one while-spotted heifer, 2 years old, without ehr-matk. The owner is requested to prove property and take them away, or they will be disposed ot according to law. Oct. 26th, * HENRY ALBA UGH. IEXECUTOR'S NOTICE. "~ fi-4 Whereas, letters testamentary on the estate of Sarah Sparks, late of West Providence township dec'd, have been granted tlie subscriber, all persons indebted to the saiil estate are requested to make immediate pa van en t and those having claims, or demands,' against the estate ol the said dec'd, will present the same without delay, for settlement. JOSEPH FISHER, Oct. 12th, 1860. Executor. TrtUBUC SA LE OF REAL EST VIE A IN ST. CLAIkSVILLE. Ry virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Redford county, the undersigned, Adm'r of Ere Ann Little, dec'd, will offer at public sale on the premises, in St. Clairsville, on Saturday 10th Nov. next, the following described real estate, viz : Two lots of ground, No. ? and 8 adjoining David Wefzell, Geo. H< insling, Pet< r ; Amick and Samuel Sill, fronting on main ! street,and having thereon erected a two story Irame house, a log frame house and stable with spring of excellent water. properties will be sold separately or together, to suit-purchasers. Terms made known on day of sale. Oct. Adm'r. fXKCKTOirs NOtICE. t Letters testamentary on the last will and testament of Christian Ulattenherger, late of St. Clair tp., dec'd., having been granted to the subscriber residing in said tp., no!ic is therefore given to all persons indebtert to san! estate To make immediate p.yment, and those having claims will present them forthwith for settlement. JACOB C I>YLB, Oct. 5, 18G0. Executor. An.MINIS FH ATOirs NOTICE. Letters of Administration having been granteiFfo the subscriber upon the este.t- of Jona than llorton, lite of Bedford borough, dec'd.. all persons indebteit to said est.tie ate requested tc 1 make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate, will present them properly au thenticated to the subscriber at Bedford. OLIVER MORTON, Oct. 5, ISGO. Adm'r of the estatr of Jonathan Morton dec'd H BANCROFT &CO., • IMPORTERS X. WHOLESALE DEALERS Id FRENCH, GERMAN AND ENGLISH FANCY GOODS, JVo. 830 .Market Sfreet, P hilmblplnn May IS, 'Off. -1 yi. MARK THKSK FACTS ! | Trit: TESTIMONY OF THE WHOLE WORLD 01 A l-MM ,V-. ;• ■ ' V 53! : '. " ' 1 a,i ' ! iurr "" f ' treatment. I t"" "?"; rP - • " ;-ce the inflainrna- J* ', ' ' W,, "" il - "' f soothe tl.e neighbor,,,, p.,,, by to plenty of the On'! ment, a> salt JS forced into meat. Diptkeria, fiiceraftd Sort Throd, and Scarlet ftfiti ottiGr b PVPrf,, Any of the above diseases may be cure! bv we| rubb.ns the Ointment three times a day mA >bJ chest, throat and neck of the patient ; ,'{ wil '| soo * penetrate, and give immediate relief. Medicine ta ken by the mouth must operate upon , he uho , p ■V i er l lt ; ">"*"ce can be felt mar.y local part woereas the Ointment *iii do its work at once.- Wboever tries thenngennt la the above manner, fir u'. J,h W "r , na "? ; ° r a,iy sirnihlr ff-r t,e c , best a,i '' t; ' roa ! will find themselves re lieved a? by a charm. Piles, Fistulas, Strictures. \ v l XfiZ: ctm . ur c r pla,l,ts wi " be remow,l' b> mghi.v lumentin- the parts wkb warm water, and then most effectually rubbing in the Ointment! •tfffei :r,g from these direful compLd, lose no.a moment in arresting their progress. | t soonld be urvderstood that it not solfic.ent mere y to smear the Ointment on the affected parts, hut it must be w e|| rubbed m tcir some considerable time t wo „ three tone, a day, that it may be ta •en into the system, wnenre it will remove anv hidden sore or wound a, effectually as though M l pah eto the eye. Tuere again bread poultices, aft e, the rubbing in of the Ointment will serve". Tnis is the only .are7remen, i h .r" :Tra ; cases 01 ( ' a " cer in th " 'fowacb, or where there may be a general bearing down. Indiscretions of Youth j—Sores and Ulcers. Blotches,a, also swelling?, can, with certain-- nni r ?h ,C p M 1 the ° lntfnent he used freely m .1 , ta ' :e " and morning as tecorn "T"'IK ' e pn "^ J llHtru -tions. When treated n any other way they only dry np in one place to break outin nother ; whereas this Ointment will remove the humour from the system, aim leave the patient a vigorous and healthy beinv. it will re quire tune with the use of the Pills to ensure a las ting cure. Dropsical Swellings, Paralysis and Stiff Joints. Although the above complaints differ widely in their origin and nature, yet they all require local treatment. -Many ot the worst cases, of such dis eases, will yield in comparatively short space of Ihe ff , ointrnent is diligently rubbed into the parts affected, even after every other means have tailed. In all serious maladies the Pills should be ,aaen according to the printed directions accom panying each oox. Both the Ointments and Pills should be used ir the following cases: !? a< ! £ e S s > I Fistulas, bad breasts, G ou t, Burns, I Glandules Jhiego-t'oot, j Sore-throats, Chilblains, Skin Diseases, "happed Hands, . Scurvy, Corns (Soft) ' Sore-heads Cancers, 1 umors, L ontracted and Still Ulcers, Joints, j Wounds, Elephantiasis, Yaws. [Cr"€\H TIO.'V !—None genuine unless ;he words "HOT.LOWAT, NEW YOF.K AND LONDON," ire discernible as a Water-mark in every leafol the book of directions around each pot or box ; the same may be plainly seen by holding tne ieaf to the light. \ handsome reward will be given to any one ren- Jenng such information as may lead to the detec tion of any party or parties counterfeiting the med icines or vending the same, knowing them to be spurious. • 'Sold at the Manufactory of Professor HOLI.O WAY.SO Maiden Lane, New York, and by all respec table Druggists and Dealers in Medirin-", throughs nut the civilized world, in boxes at 2,icents, 0- ct and $1 each. (jy There is considerable saving by taking the larger si/.es. \. |). Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder are affixed to each box. Nov. IS, 18-19. ff NTI El) STATUS MAIL LINL " BETWEEN BHAMBERSBURGfc LATROBE, via BEDFORD. A new an 1 splendid line of Concord li'.'ilt Coaches, leaves Chambershnrg daily (Sunday excepted) at - ~.—.7 .A. M., ard arrives f/ :f Bedford at 7 P. -M. fv - 7 -a me day. wi* Bedford aally, (Sundays excepted) at 7 A. M., for Latrobe, making close connection with Mail train fo; rittsburg and the West. Returning, leaves La trobe daily (Sundays excepted) on the arrival of the train from Pittsburg, at 9 "0, A. M., and arrives in Bedford same evening. Passengers wishing to go East take the roach next morning at 7 A. ML, and arrive at Chambershnrg same evening nt 7 P. M. RATES OF FARE*. From Bedford to Cham hrrsburg, S > If. From Bedford to Latrobe, SI 50. From Bedford to Pittsburg, $4.25. The stock on this road cannot be surpassed by any in the State, and the drivers are careful, sober and accommodating. I his is the cheapest, most expeditions and pleasant route passengers ran take, •rr'ivs Ea-t or West. For further information apply- To James Reamer, Chambershnrg, John Hater, Bed lord, Chas. W. Fisher. Latrobe. A. KEESIDE, Contractor. \ 15. Passengers for Somerset and Jobnsfcwn, cornect at Stoystown with A. Garman s Lire ot Mail Coaches, also, at Jenner N. Roads with E. Kier inan's mail lifi". - Sept. 7, lSijl). DUHLIC S ALL OF OF.ORG E 18. * KAY'S REAL ESTATE, IN HOPEWELL TP. Bv virtue o! an order ol the Oiphans' Court 01 Bedford County, the undersigned will offer at pub lic sale, on the premises, on THURSDAY, 15th ot NOVEMBER, next th" fol'owing described real es tate vi - • THE MANSION TRACT of said de ceased, containing 2 >2,' acres, about 165 acres clear ed and under fence, antl in a high state cl cutiva revfc; tron. The improvements are ? —X ONE NEW f.OG 1 RA.ME HOUSE.jj'sffl BANK. BARN, and th" necessary ""*■ out building-. This farm is one of the best in Hopewell townsh'p, being good limestone land and having three good springs and orchatd thereon. • One oiher Tract containing U > Acres, 132 per. i.tfeut Cl acres cleared and under fence. The im provements are two Log tloues. two Stables and out buildings. 1 iieie is a good *-pring on the prem ises, and also an orchard thereon. This is good land, and in a good state of cultivation. These lands are alt in a good -motion ot country, within a sho ; t distance of the Rail Road and at the door of a ready market all the time. TERMS—-One third to remain in property during lifelim" of widow, the interest theieon payable to her annually—one third in hand at confirmation 01 ; sate, and the balance in two.equ 1 annual payments I without interest. - J A MES F. K.A) . 1 Sent. 11, IS 00-' Trustee.