The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, October 12, 1860, Image 2

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; "
FRIDAT:::::::":: : 14, I^o
- F. Meyers, EdiMfcnd Proprietor.
You have done your duly nobly. Against j
the most desperate odds, in spite of all the bri
bery and corruption, the trickery and chicane
ry of your unscrupulous foe, you have saved
Bedford county once more from falling into (he ,
the hands of the Abolitionists. 1 hough the
result of the election is not in many respects as j
we hoped it might be, yet you have much to ,
rejoice over. While other counties prove re-!
creant, you have stood firm. NY hile other (lis- i
tricts darken beneath the cloud of the''irrepres
sible conflict," yours remains a green spot in •
the desert of abohtionized Pennsylvania.— I
Shall we not go to work, then, and increase our
majority at the comi'ig election ? YY e can do
it. Our full vote was not polled at the recent
election, and if it is brought out we can at least
double Foster's majority. Let no Democrat be
discouraged. t\ e have future battles to fight.
We have the Democratic organization to pre
serve. Rally, then : Rally, once more, fel
low Demorrats ! Rally like men and freemen
and give the enemv one more broadside in glo- i
nous old Bedford, on the 6th of November j
nest !
Our friends did wonders in some of the dis
tricts in this county on Tuesday last. Cum- j
herlaud Valley, glorious "Little Berks,'! gives a
majority of Q f |. being an increase of 22 over ;
Buchanan's majority, and of over Wnght's last
vear. Southampton gives 1*27, a gain of 57
over last year. Juniata gives KM), a gain of j
50 over la=t year : Bedford boiough 26, a gain !
of 8, and Bedford township, I 1 1, a gain of 21.
Napier, Schellsburg, and Londonderry, likewise
give us considerable gains. We say all honor
to the lion-hearted Democrats of these districts.
They have done their duty nohlv. In the re
mainder ol the county, we also have true men
who did all they could to stem the tide ol Ao
oliti mism, but were overwhelmed by the num
bers of their opponents and the treachery of pro
fessed Democrats. The Democratic party will
cherish in grateful remembrance, tire services of
these true and gali?ipt men, but a day of relri-
button, a dark and ignominious day for fhe |
traitors that conspired against us, lies not lar dis- j
tant in the future.
All is not lost that is in danger. Let the De- j
mocracv stand firm. Like the Spartans at j
Thermopylae the Democrats of Bedford county, i
have thrown themselves into the pass by which !
the Black Republican horde would make their
ra - d upon the South. Courage 1 Courage,
meo ! We are a Spartan band, unconquerable, j
invincible, and with our feet firmly planted up
on fhe rock ol the Constitution, we win ttand
lhere, fixed and immovable, and go down, if we
must, with our Hag fivtng, to rise again to a day
of triumph and glory in the future.taflMt *
Silir HIDE " ViL ' : '* , ny
Bedford Iwrough and Bedford j
us an average gain of 30 over the vote of last ;
year. So much for the "Belsnickles." YVe
hope they will parade every night between the
present time and fhe next election. 11 they do ,
we can beat them at last 30 more. Bedford
borough and Bedford township are "Wide A- j
We are unable to give the exact result in'
tbif Congressional district, but it is r.erta-n that ■
McPhersen is re-elected by several hundred ma- 1
jolty. In common with the Democrats of!
Bedford county and the many personal friend*
<d Mr. Scfiell, we heartily and sincerely i
his defeat. A good, a nobie man has been ;
s'rtcken down-a man who has always been true j
to the best interests of the people. We much re- -
gref his defeat, but there are those who vo'ed
and strove against him, tint wif! regret it inure.
Lverv dog has hi* dav. there are ungrate
ful wretches tn Bedford county, that will find
this adage verified in the future. Sch. H's ma
jifif v in Ihisc.ouiilv, will be between 2<K) and
300. in Fulton Ins majority is 146 . MrPlier
- uds hi Franklin, 7H', ami in Adams 5"
A prominent cifizen of Philadelphia lecent-
Iv saw Ihe sum of $73,000. counted down to ;
live. Chairman of the Black Republican State
Committee lot this State to (.• used effect
the election of Andrew C. Ourtin. 'l'bis ;
accounts for the defeat of Henry D. Foster.
CP" We publish our paper a day- later than
usual, so as to give the election news. We
have no particulars, but it is certain that Cur
tin is elected Governor by a considerable
Bedford COHH ttj Erert!
I W™--
Notwithstanding the most despe.ate exertions
' of the enemy, Henry D. Foster carrier Bedford J
county by a majority of 110, only 1 I votes
: less than the majority lor the Democratic State I
Ticket in 1856. This is a glorious triumph
j for the Democracy of Bedford county- The
! Opposition leaders here would rather have lost
the State than to have suffered defeat in Bed
! ford county.
'•Major Extra Fees," etc.
YY'eek alter week the Abolition organ teem- j
ed with black-guard epithets on Major late.—
: Week after week it repeated its stale lies about
! "Extra Fees" and "1) d Dutch," etc., etc.,
i etc. The politico-legal firm literally boiled ■
over with abuse of the Major. JNotwithstaod- ,
j ing all this, the majority for Major Tate con- ;
j siderably exceeds that for Gen. Foster. The j
j fact is that their own patty do nut put any faith j
:in the statements of Jordan N. Co. So much!
j for "Extra Fees,"{.Sic., ike.
fCF-Sometimeag we called the attentim, j
! of our readers to the fact that Messrs. Ferguson |
! and Shafer had dissolved partnership and that
! Ferguson and Line # harf become their successor. j
' The new firm have just received and will keep |
j constantly on hand, a large assortment of mea's
j and boys' boots and shoes, ladies' and children's j
\ shoes, and also a large lot of fancy articles, as j
j well as many things usually found in dry good .
stores. They will sell to you as cheap as the
cheapest. Don't forget then.'.
!LP*lf you want to buy cheap Fail and W in
ter goods, go to the store of J. M. Shoemaker
& Co. They have just received a large lot of
cloths, cassimeres, ladie*' dress goods, hoys'
! wear, queensware, groceries, cic., which they j
: will dispose of at unusually low prices. Job j
and his clerk are "illiganl" fellows, and in j
storekeeper's parlance, will sell to you rigbt.— j
Give tli em a call.
[CP"The whole Democratic County Ticket j ,
is elected, except the candidate for Commission- j
er, who is thought to be defeated by a few voles, j
, ,jy ~ _ , _ ■ viuec . uwk t
the returns as reported elect Cessna by 17 major- j
The Ladies of the Presbyterian Church, de
sign holding a festival, in the Court House, j
'to commence on Tuesday evening, the ]6thj
j inst. Refreshments ol various kinds will be j s
i served
'1 tic laion Movement ia New York, j,
'1 he i rjicn electoral ticket, formed in New i ■
; Yoik, lor tire purpose of combining all the anti- i
; Lincoln parties, is received with the greatest '
j popular lavor The exceptions are too trilkog i |
Ito make any difference with the people, or to :
hinder, in any perceptible degree, the onward j
progress ol the good work.
The Douglas State Committee has already j
n I
informally adopted the Union ticket, with the \
exception of a single name, which is held uu- j .
der advisement.
**#** •< # j !
* * * ■* * They see that de- j 1
feat must be the consequence of adopting other j
counsels, and they don't mean i<> gratify any '
aversion to those patriotic Democrats who pre- I '
fer another candidate U>r President, at the fear- ' !
ful expense ol defeat, when victor v over the a->- U
ol it ionized Republicans cart be obtained by ma- j
king reasonable concession*.
The Breckinridge papers are get e ally prompt I
iti their approval of the same ticket. Yhf Jour
nal oj Commerce publishes fioiri time to lime
paragraphs to that ellect, and predicts that the
Union ticket will receive the entire Democrat- •
ic vote. <
As the Presidential canvas* progresses, the •
necessity lot the union of all the conservative
parties opposed to the election of Lincoln, be- 1
; comes more .and more apparent. Politicians '
; I eel the diiection of the popular current, and *
j begin to abate in their opposition. The popw- '
lar demand lor union fo save the Union from the >
i threatened ascendancy of tins remorseless sec- t
tuna I fanaticism must be obeyed—and befcte i t
iong we expect to see all tlie conservative par- j '
! i ies of Pennsylvania acting together against, and I J
1 animated by, a common hostility to the abolt- j <
lionized Republicans.— Patriot <Y I'nion. 1 '
.7 lltogrnp/iy. — Prentice, of the Louisville j I
Journal , has lately turned his attention to wri- j
ting tlm biographies ft sorrm of lis old associ- j
' ates. The following graphic extract is from
j that of Horace Greely ;
"Horace Greelv was born in Oregon, ne?,r t
i the conflux ol the Astern. During his infancy i
I he subsisted entirely upon roots and herbs and
was reniaikanie lor wearing a copper stork a
bout Ins neck. He got employment as a ga--
| (Jener, but in attempting to root out a large
Weed, tore his linen. His employer, one Sew- i
I ard, forgetting to pay him Ins wages, he left fhe
weed and invented "Greely Corn Salve." He
j discovered the Siievegammon fund ; was elec
ted a member of Congress, and immediately af
ter requested his friends not to call him honor
able. Retiring on his linkage, was presented
with the little "Galvanized Squash" bv Japa-1
nese G. Bennet, Professor of Heraldry. He has j
since gone into the fence-rai) business upon a j
limited capital."
n fsliii 1
- a
As they appeared when the returns !
came iD from Bedford Borough
and Bedford township.
DEtfOCKACY l\ 1856.
It in well to turn back and set* how Southern
men understood tlie Cincinnati Platform in 18-
50. 't he following testimonials are hut few at
mcng the thousands uttered by them :
"The right to prohibit slavery in any Terri- ;
tc>ry belongs exclusively to the people thereof. |
—Jackson (Tennessee) Resolutions Rciiorted by i
C. F. Juehttun , -March 20, 184-9.
'•That the [lower under the Federal Consti
tution to regulate slavery in the Terntori s, EX
urns.— Resolve of the General .Assembly of
.Missouri, Session of 1846.
The people of a Territory, like those of a
State, shall decide for themselves, whether sla
v. i y shall, or shaii not exist within their lun- j
J am connected with no party that has for its i
object the extension of slavery, nor with any to
prevent the people oi a State or Territory from
deciding the question of its existence or non-ex
istence with them for themselves.
The majority of the people, by the action of
the Territorial Legislature will decide the
question, and all must abide the decision, when
HOWELL '-088.
The great and leading feature of the Kansas
Nebraska bill was to transfer the slavery ques- *
lion aod ail Other subjects to the Territorial
JAMES L. OUR, of S. C.
I am willing that the Territorial Legislature
may act upon the subject w hen and how they
may think proper.
The principle of self-government in the Ter
ritories enables us to banisti from the halls of .
Congress another fertile source of disconteut and
J. P. BENJAMIN, of La.
It is the right of the people to govern them
selves, and they alone shaii exercise it, as well
while in a territorial condition as in the posi
tion of a State,
GEO. VV."JONES, ofTenn.
'[ lie people of the Territories are exj re-sly
authorized to legislate upon all subjects whatso
ever, slavery included. They may either es-•
tablish or abolish it, at their pleasure.
J. PETIT, oflnd.
. , .. S „ . NMJLLS OI LUIS J
(Kansas) bill, and of the Utah and New Mexi
co bills, there will be a perfect carte blanche
given to the Territorial L-gislatures to legislate '
as they think proper.
A. P. BUTLER, of S. C.
Under the Kansas act, citizens from the slave
holding States nay go into the Territory with !
their slave property : citizens of the free States
may go there holding no such property ; and j
when they get there and meet in common
council, as a legislative hodv, they may de- ;
termirie whether the institution shaii per
J. M. MASON, of Va.
If the people of ine Territories choose to ex- j
elude slavery, so far from considering it a
wrong done to me or to my constituents, I shall j
not complain of it—lT IS THEIR BUSI- i
GE O. E. BADGER, of N\ C.
We intend that the actual settlers in the j
Territories shall be protected in the tuil exer- !
cise of all tbe rights of freemen, 'and snail le- i
gislale for themselves while they have a Terri- j
torial government.
K. TOOMBS, of Ga. |
The biii (Kansas and Nebraska) provides that j
the legislatures of these Territories shall have!
power to legislate over all rigiitlui sub-j
jects: i,
R. H. HUNTER, of Ga.
From the Providence Post. ]
The True Issue—Sailiufr tinier Their True
t olors.
The Republicans of Massachusetts, at t!ipir'<
State Convention last week, nominated for Gov-j '
ernor John A. Andrew, who the "Boston papersj '<
assure us is an abolitionist of the Garrison and! I
Wendell Phillips stamp. This Mr. Andrew,!
the Republican candidate for Governor—last '
fall presided at an "Old John Brown sympathi-1 I
zing meeting in Boston," and declared that t
"John Brown was right!" We ask the editor s
of the Providence Journal, and the conserva- '
live men of Rhode Island whether they think I
that "John Brown was Right ?" Was lie i
"right" in breaking into the arsenal at Harper'! f
Ferry ? Was he ''right" in attempting to ire I
cite a servile insurrection in Virginia? Wai
he "right" in arming tbe negroes .with fifteen
hundred pikes, which he had procured with v
funds furnished by tbe Massachusetts abolition- c
ists ? Was he "right" in murdering five per- t
sons at Harper's Ferry, one of them the Mayor o
ot the city, and in his endeavors to raise aod I
equip a black army of infuriated negroes to (
massacre the white citizens—our brethren of I
the South ? Is this tbe kindof Union which c
the Republicans wish to establish between the e
North and the South 7 It is not the Union c
which our fatheis made. It is not the Union'!
which our Federal Constitution recognizes.— s
It is not the Union which can iong hold togeth- c
er these confederated States. But Seward's '■
'irrepressible conflict," tarried on bv servile f
insurrection—bv means of pikes and revoi- t
vers! t
The people of Massachusetts are now called o
upon to sanction murder and treason committed b
in a slave State by voting for the avowed John d
Brown advocate and sympathizer for Governor t
of that onre-honored Commonwealth! Willi!
they do it ? It they do it, thev should be made 1
to do it knowingly and deliberately; for tfie'e
question should be incessantly ning in thecals '
of every voter in the State. ''Are yon willing
to justify murder and treason, if only commit- ;
ted in a slave State, by voting for John A. An- ;
drew for governor, who has declared that
"John Brown was right ?"
The Negroes in the Field.
Jhnulgamotion with Negroes —.7 Republican
Principle The Principle Reduced to Pnic- !
The Republican torch-procesMon last night j
was a brilliant affair. Among the torch-bear- j
ers were the white Wide Awakes ol ward 11,
Commander, C. (). Rogers, numbering 124, and j
the colored Wide Awakes af ward ti, Comman
der Smith, numbering 100. The two bodies
marched to Chelsea to ratify the Republican
This is consistent with the professions of the i
; party ; and very inconsistent with the course of
, Mr. Abraham Lincoln, who acquiesces in a
; law vvfiich would exclude everv oneot the co
lored \\ ide Awakes Irom the witness-box in Ill
inois, if a white Wide Awake were a party.
We learn that there was some wincing a
i mong the less advanced Republicans, until re
i minded by Mr. Slack that the four hundred co
j lored votes which were good for Mr. Burliri
[ game, might be perilled by any s\ mptctus of!
| mutiny in the ranks of the white and colored
i VVide-Avvake army.
The dignity of history does not forbid us to j
record that the colored Wide-A wakes looked
| quite as 'veil as their while brethren, and that ,
they bore themselves through our streids quite*
jas well. Indeed, the African race have ape
, cuiiar taste for parade, ceremonial processions,
and fuss-aiid-feathers generally, in which it is J
I highly proper they should he encouraged.
Hon. J. A. Andrew, the Republican canni
! dote for Governor, honored theni by taking his
j [dace in the line, just in their rear, ihe Mayor
j of the city and other "white folks" following, j
Boston Courier.
The Boston Courier , from which we copy the
above, is the organ of the 0!d Line Whigs ol
Massachusetts. White men of Pennsylvania,
what do you think of tiiis picture-. Reflect for
a moment : One. Hundred thick-lipped, crooked
shinned nigger", marching in procession, right
J side by side with white men, and shouting for
Lincoln ! White men of Pennsylvania, can
you, will you support such a party ? Let your
answer be made through the ballot-box.
A Political Lecture by a Pious Wife.
The following we find in the Buffalo Repu'i- j
he, and as there are Wide Awakes in tins town
. old enough to have wives, perhaps they may
read the Lecture with profit :
[S'ce —ln bed—face to the wall—Strong
smell of coal oil—Time— three in the morning. \
A pretty tune indeed, for you to come home, ;
I sir ! Where iiave you been all night ? You •
smell as if you had been in search of Symmes'
Hole through alar barrel. Talk of sulpburet
: ted hydrogen, or superanuated eggs ! They
ain't anywhere. Where have you been ? H re
I've been lying awake for the la-t five hours,
waiting for you to come. Now 1 want to know
where you have been aIP time. Wish I
j wouldn't bother you—tell me in ihe morning ?
I want to know now ; it's near enough mor
ning to know where one's husband has been ail
i.lent, and particularly if he comes home per
: . uii.en cieaf iiuougn, as j-ou are. luu iniL.n t
good wife me. That won't answer. Sup
pose you were a woman and your husband
should go offeveiy'night in the week, and come j
• home as you do. and—l wish you'd get up and j
let some fresh air in the room, or I shall
'suffocate—what would you say 7 Don't you
I imagine there would he a row in the j
family 7 Been with the Wide. Hwakes 7 I
! should think as much. You're a wide a
wake fool,j hat's what you are. I've ahvavg
j thought you had about sense enough to parade
t hestieets with those nigger-lovers. Why did j
/ marry you 7 That's a pretty question. Didn't
you swear thai you'd shoot your sell if I didn't
take pity on'ynu 7 I'm sorry I didn't allow \
you too shoot, or hang, or drown yourself. It ;
would have been the best thing 1 ever done in ;
my hie. What is it smells so 7 Nothing 7
Donl' bell me nothing ;it never smelled so in
the world. Had to curry a torc/vt That's
sweet business for a man who pretends to be the
lather ola large family. .Next thing I shall
expect to hear of you is that you have been
splitting rails for general circulation. / know
nothing about politics 7 Don't, eh 7 I don't
want to know anything about politics il I have
to neglect my family lor the benefit of a lazv
man in Illinois who is trying to be Presiddnt. [
Want to sleep 7 1 thought you were a Wide !
Awake. I suppose you've kept awake to-night
on whiskey, haven't you 7 Where have von
been all tins time : Ihe town clock has just ,
struck three. Been jto To wan da to raise a
liberty pole 7 That's a sweet note. Whv
don't the Wide Awakes of Tonawauda laise
their own pole 7 I expect Republicans are
scarce ir. that section, and you've been trying
to make a great splurge. Well, you can't fool I
anybody. I believe I know something about >
politics myself, and 1 know that you are drunk.
That's what you are. Must go to sleep, must
you 7 Why didn't yout thinx ol that before 7
I've had no sleep to-night, and you never-once '
thought of me. You're an olu brute, and just
such a man as ought to vote for an old
rail-splitter. I'ofefor Douglas if I let you a
lonel Mr. Douglas don't want such votes.— i
He will be elected without your vote. But (
now that you show signs oi returning reason, (
I'll let you go to sleep. [
[GF"The "People's party" of Pennsylvania c
was originally a combination between Repub.t- a
cans and members of the Opposition not Repub
licans, mainly for State purposes. Tfie leaders c
of this organization sent delegates to the Repub- f
lican Convention at Chicago, and are now sup- J
porting the Republican candidate for President. *
That portion of the party who are not Republi- s
cans refuse to be transferred to Lincoln, or to ]
endorse the sectional and revolutionary doctrine
of Seward, Lovejoy, Gic'dings and Sumner.
They will not submit to being dragged into the
support of Republicans against their will, and '
consequently they support John Bell for Presi- !
dent ; whereupon the Republican press frets and r
fumes, ai d falls to cursing these men because i
they will not contubute to the success of a par- t
ty that they abhor. It strikes us that the cause c
ot complaint is the other way. The Bell men i
have much greater reason to denounce the Ka- r
ders of the "People's party" fur selling out to
the Republicans, than the Republicans have to t
denounce them lor remaining true to their po- i convictions, notwithstanding the treach- \
ety ot the managers of the "People's paity." |c
Germans ant! Irish, Brad. Pati-p awl Be
John M. Wilson, a Lincoln Elector in Mas
sachusetts, some tune ago addressed a Repnbli
ran meeting, in a speech of considerable length
from which we make the following extracts.
Tfie German or- Irishman, who can r-arl tins
and then vote for Lincoln, has very little se|f
| respect :
; "In the heart of the foreigner heats not one
j single noble impulst—not one single throb ot
| patriotism. He is so brutish and degraded Ilia'
< he has no sympathy lor anything but cabbage
' and lager beer, potatoes and buttermilk, or some
| other abominable outlandish oir-li, only fit for j
hogs of the street or pen.
"Some tell von that mane foreigners are in
| telligent ; ves intelligent. How in the name
jof the Almighty God can they s.iy it ' Look
' at the Dutchman smoking his pipe, and it you I
j ran see a ray of intelligence in that dirtv. idiot- j
ic lot,king face of ins, show it to u.e. I. >ok at
! the drunken bloated, Irishman, u-itti hi- tot-gut
i whiskey bottle in hi- pock-l, and he drunk and
; swearing and reeling, and shows not in that
■ polluted face one spark of morality, intellect or |
i education. The idea is absurd —it is prepnster-'
! Otis.
"We must change the laws of the land, and j
i prevent these ignorant, degraded paupers here j
I from voting and holding ot!i< e. Thev are a
j set of unpiinciplerf villains and ruffian*, who |
| congregate in and around oir large cities and
i villages, and live by stealing from file Ameri-!
ican." I
The New York Ledger.
I Edited by ROBERT BONNER, EQ , for Satnr-'
| day, October 2uth, i- thu. -arly in the fi,-Id.
Jn this number we find a communication finm :
President BUCHANAN, in r- pi V to the solicita
tion of Mr. BONNER to forni-h a sketch of the
\ life of the late A ILEUM LOWNDES, AN eminent ,
i politician of > nth C.noiisa ; in his reply M.
I BUCHANAN says that he will cheerfully furnish
I the desired piece of biography for the READERS;
of ihe Ledger, ALTER his TERM of office shall have
J expired. This is the President's reply to Mr. j
H -N.TER'S request :
. . :
VV AJHHNCTO?, Bth September, 1860.
; "Iv DEAR SIR :— F IIAV ■ received your favor
. of the .'l.l instant, and si all u o>t cheerfully com
ply with your request am) furnish you a sketch
f the life of Wiliia n Lowndes, as soon as p ;s
--|Si )|e. If'- was one i t the greatest, wisest and
i purest statesmen that have ever adorned our
j country, and \et his memory has been sadlv
neglected. The truth is that niv public duties
i occupy my whole time at present. I had ho
;; j d I might ei joy some leisure after the adjourn
ment of Congress; hut in this I have been dis
appointed. If not iiefore, I hope to furnish von
the sketch soon after the 4-th of March. This
from me will be a tribute not only Injustice but
to gratitude. Yours, verv respectfully,
The L"!ger maintains its foremost position
in the ranks of iiteiary newspapers, or rather
it continues its onward progress at a constantly .
accelerated speed, and never ceases in its efforts
to secure the most prominent talent for contn- !
buttons to its columns. Hence i's success.— .
This number lias artc!es by EDWARD EVERETT,
BEECHER, and a host of other celebrated wri
Si I: nOcB2 VT i C T 211 \l> !•: !
Large Trees Trent Little Acorns Grow!
The city of La Salle, I linois, heretofore;
strongly Republican, has just elected George 11. j >
Ruck, Democrat, Mayor, by one hundred and j
seventy-five majoiity.
. La Salle county is in the district now unfor- ;
Innately represented by the notorious Lowjoy,
and we trust that at the ensuing election every '
portion of it is district will go and da like- j i
In Richmond county, Georgia, of which Au
. ' i
gust a is the county s-nt, we find also that the j ,
conservative action is at wock. We sob-! t
join the result of the recent election in the | !
county : j '
C > o L*" i
I .? 1 3 H'
SENATE. ~ ~ ' j ]
J. Davidson* 720 10 34- 29 20 823!'
J. Iv. Jacks mi.. .">9-3 40 29 30 13 7lli
G. T. Barnea* 523 7 12 39 23 904 '
VV. P. Craw for cf-j". 479 .74 21 29 10 563 8
VV 7 . Dickinson!. ...14 . . 32 1 . . 47 ;
"Douglas. j ßell. JBreckmridge.
Richmond county has always been, hereto
fore, Opposition. It embraces a portion of th? i
Bth (late Stephens') district. In ISSS it gave c
a majority of 183 against Jones, Democrat, for j
Congress. We believe it never even gave a
majority for Stephens.
The First Guu in Michigan- j.
We have returns from most of the counties j
in the Upper Peninsula, which held their elec
tion for legislative and local officers on Toes- •
day of la.-t week, and they all concur in the
statement tha' the Democracy have made a
clean sweep. Large gains have been made,
and a great victory has been accomplished. J
Joseph Coulter, Democrat, has beer, elected o
Senator, in place ol" VV. E. Dickinson, Black I
Republican, by a majority of several hundred. <!
C. C. Douglass, E-euezer Warner, and Alex- s
ander Toll, ali Democrats, have been elected '
Representatives. George R." GriswouM, De- t
(nocrat, has been elected District Attorney.
Mackinaw county has elected the entire
Democratic ticket. Chippewa county has done
likewise. Marquette county has elected everv J
man on the Democratic ticket by majorities
ranging from two to fifty-seven. At the last 3
election i the Black Republicans carried the '
county by seven majority. Houghton has °
elected the whole Democratic ticket, and it is a
reported tbe Ontonagan has also. a
The Upper Peninsula has done well. Let
the Lower Peninsula do as well, and Michigan
is redeemed. The Democracy have only to "
work and the result is accomplished. Push 1
on ttie column.
Iff-MR roil vr Y
tv. DICKKRSON, | "fi'icipals.
! his institution will commence its fir =
with an able ami "xpeiienced coins os ess '°n
on Monday. Nov. ISISO. N„ . xpens- i n
J *|ri ... making it through a,,.J co w u J be ""
| department. complete nqevery
j The school building is constructed and . ,
upon the mo.l approved mocle.n plans, and i
I the has, in the Stale. It contain, hall canaM* ,
sea 11 n2 .1011 adults, with office, tnusie room'
cient tor a school of .'WO pupils. 5> lu
j *1 h<* *chml is located in a region of cmintr,.
excelled tor ,ts beauty and beaitbfulne,,'
surrounded by a moral and indn-t,, „ IS comma- . ~
i d.slance ,o love Station. Huntingdon' ~1-i
; Mro.u! Jop Is. js S(x miles :to !io|ii,< ,• t
! Sln '! on ; '' a - K - u - ""les, with daily stag" ,
the :..ttet and tri weekly from the former : tl , •
king it easy of access Irom all parts of the' countl's"
J he objfets ot !ht school ;irt :
yl. Ihe i'roleA&iooal Tra1 11 1*r oi Tcarher
'■ind. J he thorough Kdueation o; youm
gentlemen i„ the Engli-band Ornament*) BraeX'
i he preparation of Students lor Collet.
j Ihe teaching Class will meet daily for iecturec
on the 1 heory and I'iactice ofTeaching, '
• torn a staiidaid WOJIC on tue subject,' or . . .
;oi Methods ot Teaching by the class. " * "
Students who desire to do so may prenare to en
ti the classes ];j college*
t Ladles will have u separate hoarding house ari i
J will be under the immediate supervision o " '
: periencc,l Preceptress. **
Instruction given in all the branches taught u
the be-l Academies arm Serninai ies.
V\ hole expense, (exclusive of Ornament.:) brai,
ches,) lor boarding, tuition, furnished loom., room
rent, and fuel, sll* 00 a {year.
hor circular, with full particulars, address
| Care of J.C. CM-HART, Martr.sburg, BJairco., 1.
I Oct. 13. 18'".0-
'' • The subscriber will offer at public
sale put soar, t to the order of the Orphans' Court, on
he premises, in U r c s t Providence l'ownship, Bed
to.d County, on Saturday, the loth day ot Novem
ber next, tue inflowing REAL ESTATE, late the
prop* ty ol Jatoe* Mcliaatef. dee'd, viz : one tract
"t ,i 1, b' i" g unimproved, adjoining lands of
fca ' T '' '" rali k Collaberger, on the west,
Andrew Mortimore, on the North, and Joseph Mr
i s heirs on the South, containing one hundred
! acre, more or t bss.
A. o, one other tract of unimproved land adi.-tin
ing the mansion property and lands of Daniel Sni
der, David Steckman and others, and containing
OOP HUNT. red arres, more or le s s.
Also, the mansion place ot said dee'd, adjoinin"-
.and, ol Daniel Snider, Wilson AlcDiniel, Jacob
Mee John Calhoun and others, containing about
one hundred and seventy live acres, one hundred
acres c eared and under fence, G or 8 ot which are
meadow, bal ,nce !wei! timbered. The improve
ments are a two story log dwelling house, with
kitchen at. pi|, also, a smoke house, spring house,
and lon stable with threshing floor. Thege is also,
an apple orchard on the premises, and a good spring
, atthe.loorot the dwelling. The property is situated
five miles south of Bloody Run, on the road to
The-ale will commence at one'o'clock on said
day, at which time the terms will be made known.
| ° ct M. **• A dm-r.
I Hannah Cam, Adam )
Cam, Henrietta Wil
liamson, and U. E.
Shannon, E.-q., ad- In the Court ol C ,tn
ministrator cum tes- | moti Picas of Bedford
lamento annex o, county, No. 1, Sept.
;°' SajiUEL CAU.V, de- j Term. iB6O. Partition
c '' asetl > j Docket No. 1.
Mary Ann Woods & |
John George VV ood - - J
lo the SherifTof Bedford County r
If llanna!) Cam, Adam Cam, Henrietta Wil
liamson,Orange Williamson and 0. E. Shannon,
Esq..Ad'i rum testamcntum, unnexo of Samuel'
Caul deceased make you secure in prosecuting
their claim, then we command you, that voir
summon, by good and lawful summons, Mary
Ann \\ ood and John George V\ oods late of your
count} ,so that they be and appear before our
Judges at Bedford at our county court of Com
mon Pleas, (here to be held ou the first Mon
day ol September next, to show wherefore,
u hereas the said Defendants hold together and
undivided with the Plaintiffs,two lots of ground
in the Borough of Bedford situated on the south
side ol Pitt Street, containing one hundred and
twenty leet in front and extending hack about
two fiundred and fifty feet, and numbered in the
ground plans of said Borough as Nos. IST and
IS.b, and having thereon erected a two story
and a half stone dwelling house, store house
and ware-house, al.-j three one story brick
otiices and stone stable, adjoining lot of Jacob
Reed on the east and lot of George Blytnire on
the west, LLC , they, the said Defendants, denv
that pattuion tbejeof be made between them ac
cording to the laws and customs of this com
m in wealth, in such case mad • and provided, do
gainsay, and the same to be done do not permit,
very unjustly aud against the same laws and
customs as 'tis said. And have you then there
this writ and the names of those Sumnioners.
Witness the Hon. F. M. Kimmell.E-q,. Pres
ident ol our said court at Bedford, the 3<Jth day
of July, A. D. 1860.
AiTr.-t . Proth'.'.
WJ LI A M S. FLUKE, Sh'ff.
September 31, IB6o.—Alter return by Sher
ilf nl Defendants not found in my Bailwicfc, the
court direr! p iblication to be made in two news
papers lor six weeks. By the Court,
ATTEST Prot'v.
WAI. S. FLUKE, Sh'fl.
Oct. J*2th r 60.-Gt.
V\ hereas, letters testamentary
on the estate of Sarah Sparks, lale of West
Providence township dee'd, have been granted
•o the subscriber, all persons indebted "to the,
said estate are requested to make immediate
payment and those having claims, or demands, the estate of the said dee'd, will present
the same without delay, for settlement.
>ct. 12th, 1860. Executor.
, Came to the. premises oi the subscri
ber' living in St. Claic township, on the 6th
>1 September last, two heifers about fyears
old, red and white spotted with faces white,
and a crop out oi the rijjht ear lower part,
and th' j lelt slit. The owner will please piove
properly, pay charges and take them away
Oct. 12, 1860-3 L PETER REIB.
juty JO/60. A\ h. DEFIBAL Gli.