pittfcxA.iMTiox or OK\l> ral licua*, it) ami ; bv an Ac' ol Getwial A s-n.. y ni in- ("oant.nn- , wealth ol Pent. vivat .a, entilf-d "An Aft To reg ulate the General El > imh n'liu:: < it; < ,iuiii,.iii- | wealth,"' t! i- . i-! 11 jwti m• to r: 1 v- public no tice 01 -aid I'.le. tmt", an' to -i!ii.T -rate to fai'! no tice what D.'!,>n :t- to l- el ci-.' [ WA/I. fa- , FL.UKST, - I' by mate know-.: ami g, v e tin, p.mite i. . ic- to the .Electors of 'heO utliy ■ -•' S -ft. .r-1. Gut a Genera! Election will h' heiljii •! t:..u-n. th - second j Tuesday rbtb) OctoU-i, K in- ol in- Vfiel Ice' ou i distiic'.s, via: : I . Tbe elerto.s of the Bur(ugh ni lie, ur-i ami town ship of Heltlotll, to UrrrT t lie I'j . Ht.ii-'.* lit sa.tl I Borough. j t I' tie electors at Bro. . Fop ->v rip t meet at ! the t-cliooi floose in the lev. i nt fiiiji-w-li. 1 j The electors ot Cole,alii iiiwa i. [I U .licet at the ; bouse of Josh..a Filit i. in Ka .shuns, >-i•* • fit I p. ■ i Tne electors of Cumber'.;.: ' V '-v ...wv.-hio to , meet al the tew s.-ho.'l Hon-.- erer - ; in the land , j Owned bv John 'A i - t ens in - ' ■ -'> Us h: p. The lectors of Huriison tnwushrp to meet at , seboolhottse number n-ar the dwen.tig house of . Henry Keyser in sai l township. j The elet tors of Juniata township to trn tat Key- | ser's School House to aid town-hp.' The electors cl Hcp*weU township t,> rtieet at the School House near the house of John Dasi.-r to said township. The e!ecto' of Londonderry lowti-b'p :o meet at j ' the house now occupied by Wm, it. I 11, as a shop, j lit Btidgeport, in said township. Tbe electois of the township of !.:Lie;. V 'o meet I at the School House to bioue.stown in .at iov.n- , i < ship. The electors of Monroe township to meet at the ! bou-e lately occupied by Jam s C.iiiell m Clear- j \ ville, in said township. The electa:* of S< tiellsliuig bo ouru 'o meet at . the biicfc School House in said bu on . . The elec or- of N. pier township to meet at the j brick School House in the boiongh of bedells- j burg. The electors of East Providence township to m-et ] at the house lately occupied by John Nvcum jr., in said township. The electors of Snake Sprint: township to meet al tbe School House near tire Methodist church on lire land of John G. Hauler. The electors of West Providence township to meet at the log School House at Biocdy Km. in said town ship. The electois ol St. Clair township to meet at the store near the dwelling borne of Gideon Trout in said township. Tbe electors of Union township to meet at the scaooi bouse near A'owry Mill, in said township. The electors of South Wood be cry township to meet at the house of Samuel Osier near Noble's mill in said township. The electors of Souihamp:on township to meet at the house oi Wui. Adams in said township. The electors of the township of Middle Woodber- ; ty to meet at the house ol Hemy Finite in the vil lage of Woodbeiry; at which time, and the places qualified electors will elect by ballot : ONE PERSON tor Governor of the Common wealth. ONE PERSON for Representative in Congress, in conjunction with the counties ot Fulton, Frank lin, Adams and Juniata. ONE PERSON, in conjunction with the counties of Somerset and Huntingdon, io represent lire coun ties of Bedford, Somerset and Huntingdon in the j Senate of Pennsylvania, fWO PERSONS, in conjunction with the county of Somerset, to fill the office of Membeis of the House of Representatives, to represent the conn ties of Bedlord and Somerset in the House oi Rep resentatives. ONE PERSON for the office of Pro!honotary, Reg ister and Recorder and Clerk of the Courts ior Bedford count v. ONE PERSON ior the office of Sheriff of said It county. ONE PERSON lor the office of Coroner for said county. ONE PERSON for the office of Commissioner lor said county. ONE PERSON for the office of Poor Director ior said county. ONE PERSON for the office of Auditor for said county. Aoticc i* Hereby (wiveti, That eve.y petsou excepting Justices of the ppare, "Who shall hold anv office or appointment ot p.otitor trust under Ibe United St ie, or of this State, or any city or corpora led di-tiict, whether a commis sioned officer or otherwise, a subordinate officei,a- gent wbo is or shall be employed under the legisla- ! titre, executive or Judiciary department of this S a.e or of any city, or ol any incorporated district, and also, that evei v member ot Congress and of the Stale j Legislature, and ot the selector common council ot any city, or Commissioners of any inco pointed di trict, is by law incapable of holding or exeieising 1 at tbe 'im", the office or appointment of Judge, in- j spector or clei k of any el*-ction of this Common-! wealth, and that no inspector, judge or other officer 1 of such election shall be eligible to be then voted for. Ar.d the said act of assembly entitled "an act re lating to elect -ons of thi Commonwealth," passed July 3d, ISI9, iurtuer provides as follows, to wit : " I hat the in-pec'o's and judge* shall meet at the respective places ap,uoini'*d tor hoi t rig the election in the district at which they respect vely belong, be fore 8 o'oclock in the morning of the 24 Tuesday of Cctober, and each said irispecior shall appoint one clerk, 'vno shall be a rjualuie t voier ot such dis trict. "In case the pei=on who shall have received the second highest : umber ol votes for inspector, shall not attend on the day ol any election, then Iheper soa who shall have received the second highest number of votes for Judge at the next preceding e lection, shall act act as inspector in bis place. And in ca*e the peison wbo has received it-.e bigh-st number of votes for inspector shall not attend, the person elected judge shall appoint an inspector in his pl.ice, and in case the p-ison elected judge shail not attend, then the inspector who received the highest number at votes sha'l appoint a judge in his p ace ; and it any vacancy shall continue in the board for the space ol" one hour alter in- iiroe fixed by law for the opening of the election ihe qualified voters for the township, ward or disiuct lor which such otficeis shall have been elected, present at The election, shall elect one of their number to fill such a vacancy. It shall be the duty of the seveiul assessors re spectively to attend at the place ol holding every general, special, or township election during the whole time such election is kept open, for the pur pose of giving information to the inspcio,s, and judge, when called on, in relation to the liaht of any person a,-,ed by them to vote at sucli elec tion, and on such o'her ma'iers in 1 elut on to ihe assessment of voters, a- the said insp-wnirs or either of them shall tiem time to tune require. "No person shall be permitted to vote at any p lection as aforesaid, than a white freeman of the age of twenty one or more, who shall have lesided To this state at least one year, and in the election dis trict where he otfers to vote ten days, immediately preceding such election, and within two \ -ars paid a S ate or county tax which shall have been asses sed at least ten days be,ore Ihe election. Cul a ciliyen ol ihe L oiled who has previou-ly been a qualified voter of this Slate removed 'bereirom art-.d letumed. and w! o -hall have r--iJ.*,; in .'tie the election district and paid taxes, aim e-airf, shall be entitled to vote after r-idirig m :t,;> M.r.e i six month?, rThat the white ciiixens of the Cntied Si.i'es, betwe : tpe pes., oj twentv-ooe and twenty-two years, w ho have resid .i "iithe election distriet ten days a? aforesaid ,-b..1 be entitled to vote, although ifiey shati no: iiavl j pan! tax. "No person shall he prmir;ed to vote wbo>e name ] : not contained in the li-fof tax*bl inhabitants, ! In mshed by the Commi-Moii",s, Jnnles: Firs>, he produce a r.-ceipt o! payment, wnnin two yean of ■State or County ass-s.-d agreeably to the Com dilution, and give -uTistactoi'V evidence on his own oath or affirmation ~i another that he I * paid such a tax, or In a failure to pur■■•tee a rece.pt -hall make oath tolhepuyinei.t liiereof. or, er„„d, he claim a right to Vide by b- eg an -1-ctoi between the age of twenty-one and twvr ?y two ye ais shall depose on oath or affirmation, that tie has resided in the State at least one . , x t hejore bis application, a.id make -rich pi ■>" , ; i-sul-nce in [he district as is req i rd by I . -t. ami that he does veiily be lieve. from the acre .,! giv.-n mm that l e i- of the age aforesaid, an I give M u ; „u, rl evidence as is re quired by this act, when upon toe r.ainc el tho pcr- -on so admitted to vote shall be inserted in the ai- J - phabetical list by the inspector, and a note made op- | posite thereto by uritrns the won! "tax," it he shall j - be admitted to vote by reason of having paid lax, cr the wo d ' age' i. he shall be edmitted t > vote by I ' reason of age, and in either ca-e the re :son of such r a vole shall tie called out To the cllks, who shall j ' make a like note in the lists of voters kept by j 1 i :.m j .1. ;)' <• res w •••a th" name of the person claim- | ing to vote not found on the !it furnished by Tbe j , ...omissioner*, uinl assessors, or his right to vote whether found thereon or not, is objected to by anv s u .liSed oil igen, it sh ill be the duty of the inpec- j cs io ex mine such persons on o th as to his qu i!- t if..- tior.i d if he claims to have resided within ( t;.e M ,'e for on" y ir or more, bis o tTh shul! be sul ficjent proof thereof, but be shall mike proot hy 't ? le s; oi e competent witness, who sh.i'l be a qu !i- | fid elector th ,t be bus resided within the district tor more t ban ten d y> imnried, tely preceding said | ",ec io: , and shall also himself swear th tt his bona- f ii ie lesideoce, iti pursuance of his luwlul c tiling, is j within the district, and that he did not remove in t the district for the puipose of voting therein. ( "Every* person qu litied as a ores ad, ane-s than nor eihin twelve months and it shall be shown in the Couit where the trn! ot such offence shil: he h id, that the person so offen ding was net a resident of the ciiy, ward, district, ; or township wheie said offence was commit led, . nJ not entitled to vote ■ h i-in, then, on conviction, he J shall be sentenced to piv a line of not less ibm one j bandied nor moie in n one thous.tril dollars, and be impii-oned riot is.s than six months nor tnoie Thau two yea is. "If ucy pei-on or persons shall m ike any bet or wager upon the ie-ult of any election within the Commonwealth, or shall offer to make any such bet or wager either by verbal pi ocla mat ion thereof, or by av wrilieu or pri,/,ed ad vert iseme/rt. challenge or w/vite a i>y peiso// or per.-O/'s to mike surb bet or wager, up ur i*o>*vicTio>* Thereof, he or they shall for feit ar/dpiy tbiee limits the auio.i,rt they bet or oi- j feredto bei. Ad the Judges of tbe respective districts afore-j said, aie required to meet at Bedford, oa Fridiy. j next toHowirg lite holdi/>g o said eleciion, tli/r ! and tbeie to perioim those 'hi.ig'- required of them | ! by law. j Given under W V hand, at my ojfi'r in Ftftlfoid. l/ns 3lt day of ArguH, in the y-ar of one Lord, one thousand PI "HI Hundred ami sixty, and the eight IF fii' h of the hid'yendenee of the. United Staler. W}.!. S. FLUKE, Sheriff. August 3lst, )S6O. jT7 O R SALE, i \ OK f R A DE, A first-rate iarm ot limestone land, in Morrison's Cove, containing about 131 acres, 100 of which are jclea.ed and balance well timbered, 'i'he tarm is ! well watejed. 'l'he improvements are a good two I story Frame House, Log House, Barn, ,Src. Tbeie jis a good orchard upon the premise?. The larrn ad joins Bloom lie).l Furnace, lies half a mile from the j Hoilidaysburg Turnpike, arid four miles from Mar ! tinsburg. I'here is a ready market at tbe door lor ; all k'tids ofjrrodtire, and the land ts in a high state lof cultivation. Fof particular inquire ot Dav.d Daniel, in possession, or George Cleugh.at Spang's —Al>o— A Giist-mill p operty in Harman's Bottom, now owned oy Lewis N. Fyan. The mill is a large frame : with two overshot whells and four run of stone ; in ! good oicl-r, and in a good settlement, with a suf- Ificient supplvof water. The farm contains nearly -tOO aores ; abour lOOaliuvial soil, and cleared ; and the balance well timbered. The improvements are • j a large brick houe, tenant house, miller's house, r : barn, distillery , 4-c. The farm can be divided with j out disadvantage. Teims teasonable. . j —ALSO— A tract or land in St. Chair tp.. containing 03 acres, o.' thereabouts, about 05 acres cleared, with i a two story log dwelling hou-e, tenant-house and j Two log stables thereon erected ; alo. an apple or chard thereon, adjoining lands of Win. Keei'e, Jacob ■ S-enlerand others ; loitnerly the property of George Kinriberltn. —ALSO— a Farm of l!j6 acres, about 100 cleared, with Double ! Log Hou-e, New Bank Barn, and two good orcoan'-s i thereon, lying on the Juniata River, two rules | from Stonerstown, and half a mile from the lail \ road. This farm is composed of a good quality of ; river bottom lard. 30 or 10 acres of which can be put into good meadow. The w hole is now in a good j state of cultivation. —ALSO— A farm of lis acres of limestone land in Liberty ; Town-hip near Sronerstown, known as the "John j Stolei pyp rty." adjoining land- ot 'Squire Kensin g-r, Stoler and others. The improvements are a Log ' ou,e, Log Bain &c. There i- good wafer on the premiscs,also an orchard of good fruit. ALSO— A new Two-story Rough-cast House and two lots of ground in Broatltop city. - ALSO— j) 00 acres of tbe b-st quality of laud in Harrisoe j county, lowa, near the .Missouri, and close to 11. i countv seat. —ALSO— i A Lot of ground in Omaha city, Nebraska. —ALSO— j 100 acres of land, in Southampton Township, Beil i ford county, lately owned by Win. Lashkv. I TERMS to suit buyers. O. E. SHANNON, Jan 27, 1860 Bedford, Pa 2 S LGODBOLD, M J * TUNER & REPAIRER ■ ot Pianos. ,Melodeons Nc., has made arrangements to visit this place regularly at stated periods. The I next visit will be in October. Yearly contracts j made. Price lor tuning $2.00. First class pianos ; for sale. Ordeis to be leti at the '-Gazette" office, j H. L. G. has pet mission to teier to tne tol lowing j per-ons lor whom he has tuned : Hon. A. King, Hon. S. L. Russell, John Mower, Esq.. O. E. Shannon, Esq., p r . \y. [j, Watson, Rev. | S. Barnes, M s. Fieyiet. 1 June 29,'60. ElO RSALE, H O R EXCHA N (i E. Three tracts jf very choice farm land, contain • ing 100 acres in each tract, situate on the Illinois Oeritrla If. K. in Champaign co.. State of Illinois, 8 miles tiom tbe city of Urbana, and 1 mile Irom Ren- I tual Station on said toid. Two of the tracts adjoin, j and ore ot th-m has a never failing pond of water, j Ihe city of C rbana contains a population of b'fOO. jOtujmpagn is the greatest wheat growing country ! in the State. Address, F. C. REAMER, Bedford, Pa. pfKLIC SALE OF REAL ES j TATE.—In pursuance of an order of the Or jphana'Cmut of Bedford County, there will be ex poai-* to l'ublic Sale on the premises, on Saturday, the Cth day of Ociober next—the f'ollowingßeal Es tate, to wit : One lot of ground situate in the town of Bnena Vista, Bedford co., with a two story frame house, I plastered, and -table thereon—adjoining property of John Gwver and Charles HiHegas, late the proper ; Ty of Nicholas Keg. Fsq., dee'd. 1 ER.MS : 1' ifty dollars in hand on confirmation o' Sale, and the remainder the Ist ot Apnl next, alter confirmation. WM. GILLESPIE, Sept. ~ !S'!!0. Artm'r. ot N. Kegg, dee'd. \ LOT()P PI RF. MAPLE SCGART FOR SALE ;\ by Jul)2o/69. A. L. DEFIBAUGH. jpEDFORD FOUNDRY. THE subscribers bavins purchased the Bedford Foundry of Messrs. Washabaugh and Bann.tn, would most respectfully announce to the citizens of Bed lord arid adjoining counties that they are prepared to make and lurnish all kinds of CASTINGS for GRIST AND SAW-MILLS, THRESHING MA CH'Nf.S. PLOUGHS, APPLF. MILLS. COOK ING, TI N PLATE. AND COAL STOVES, SLED AND Sleigh soles, wa-h kettles, of di Re rent sizes, wago boxes of all sizes, farmers'bells, (superior arti ele), oven doors, and every thing usually made in a country Foundry. 03" P L O U G H I.—WOODCOCK, SEYLF.K, ai-f HILL-SIDE PLOUGHS.— Also, anew PI.L'G PLOUGH, to which we ceil the e-jecial attention of our farmers—a superior article to the old Plug Ploug' with Iwokinds of points, stares ami land sides to suit all ploughs in general ute in this coun ty. Turning and fitting ot iron patterns made to order, and all kinds of repairing done at the short est notice and at low prices. All our own work man ol 'he very be-t material, and warranted to give satisfaction. Farmers anil others would do well to call and examine our work before purchasing else where. a- we are determined to meet the emer gencies of The times, we will Self t.ow fur C~iSH, or country produce. Pig and bar iron, horses and lumber, taken in ex cha ■OT V., Ha. feb 2V60-ly SHIRKS St.rOP.DAN. V-' -■ ■ • . • i •• - nm: i ;■ ■ . N APERIENT AND STOMACHIC PKF.PARA .I r ' on of IRON purified of Oxygen and Carbon, by combustion in Hydrogen. Sanctioned by the highest medical authorities, boib in Europe and the United Srat°s, and presetib°d in their piaciice. ' he experience of thousands daily pioves that no preparation of iron can be compared with it. Impu rities of the blood, depression of viial erergy, pale and otherwise sickly complexions indicate its ne cessity in almost every conceivable case, innox | ;ous in all maladies in which it ha., been fried, i< ha> j proved absolutely curative in each of the folio*;.,g | complaints, viz : ]u Debility, Nervous Affrriion*. Emanation. Dy*- I pepsin, Constipation, Dianhai, Dysentery, incipient Consumption, Sero/n/ous Tuberculosis, Salt Rheum, ! A; is inert \tr nut ion, White*, Chlorosis. Liver Cmp/oint, ; Chronic Ueadaches, Rkctimaiism, iuleimittent Fever, j Pimple* on the Face, <)•<". j In ca-es ot General Dvbih'y, whether the result j of acute disease or of the continued diminution of | nervous and muscular energy from chronic com- I plaints, one trial of this mstora'ive has prov-d suc cessiui to an ex-ent which no d sniprjon nor wiit | ten attestation would render credible. Invalids so long bed-ridden as to have b'coine forgotten in their own neighborhoods, have suddenly re-appear" complete digestion, tapt.l acquisition of st?ngtb. 1 with an nnu-ual disposition tor aciive and cheeilul ! exereis?, immediately follow its use. Put up in neat fiat me'al boxes containing 30 pi'ls pi ice 30 cents per box ; for sale by diuggtsts and dealers. Will be sent flee to any address, on re ceipt of tbe price. All letters, orders, etc., should be addressed ; to • li. D Locke & To., Centra! "senfs, 20 CEDAR STREET, N. Y. I Jniy 20tb, 'OO. J) KFHANS' COURT SALF. ~ By \ irlue of an orciei ' oi the O: pilaris' Court of Bedford county, s Die undersigned will sell at public sale, s on the premises, on Thursday, t!;- 25th dav ol Octoorr, ins'... a tract ol land containing Si. ? acres more or less, about 20 actus under cultiva tion, and some 30 acres more suitable tor mead ow, having tnei eon erected a two story lot; . house and a log barn, also a vouug apple or- I chard thereon, and a sugar camp : good run- I ning water 3t Ihe door, adjoining lands ol EHii i Ifodgeis Stephen Wonders, Jnnathen Bomgard j ner and ol hers, situate in Napier Township * Bedford County, being late the residence ol g George, N. Davis deceased. The sale will be - gin at 10 o'clock A. M. when terms o( salt will be mad- known. Persons desiring to pur • chase, will find this a very desirable piopeity " and are in vited to attend. GEORGE N. ELLIS, Adm'r of Geo. N. Davis, tiec'J. Sep. 21, 1860. |p X ECU TOR'S NOTICE.— ■ Whereas letters testa * mentary on the Estate ot Nathan Hammond ' late of St. Clair Township, Bedford county dec d., have been granted to the subscribers ii notice is therefore hereby given to all person! • indebted estaie to make payment inv mediately, and those having claims will makt known the same without delay to AMY DERIMN, Ek'\. r i residing in St. Clair Tp. J.NO. MOWER, Ex'or. i 2T/90. residing in Bedford. ■j A T ACGA KONi, THEESE, CMACKfiItS, CRYS ' ill talized Eruit and Gum Candies for sale bv I"!y 20. A. L. DEFIBAL'GH. 7 Ilotfl- J_> AND GENERA! STGE OFFICE The subscriber respectfully beosleave to an r.ounce to his old friends and the public gen e allv, that he V.as leased the Bedford Hotpl, at present in the occupancy of Col. Adam Barn hart, and will take possession on the Ist day of April next. It is n BORDER, CLCCK fit WATCH MAKER, AKDDEALEK IN JEWELRY, Would respectfully announce to the citizens of Bedford, and the public in general, that he has opened a Jewelry Store in the building re centiy occupi-d by 11. Niccdernus, Esq. nearly opposite the Bedford Hotel, where he will he j ieasfd to see all iri want ot articles in bis line He has on hand, and will constantly keep, an elegant assortment of JEWELRY, and will re pan Clocks and Watches in the bert style. He hoped to receive a liberal share of patronage, as h feels satisfied he can render satisfaction to all who entrust him with their work. His terms will be moderate. He has on hand Gold and Silver WATCHES, Silver Spoons, Thimbles, Butter Knives, Gold and Silver Pens and Pencils. ,Nc. tcc. April 27, 1S5 = i CHEAPEST ! BEST !! LAF.GEST !! I j ' j $35.00 " j Pays for Tuition in Single and Double Entry Book I * • Keeping, Commercial Arithmetic and Lectui-s. j rj BOARD 8 WEEKS S2O, STATIONARY $7. ! i i ENTIRE EXCESSES sl2. - j Usual time from fi to 10 weeks. Every Student, " i upon graduating, is guaranteed competent to man- j ae the books of any business, and qualified to eain I ; a salary of from £>soo to Si ooo , ; Students enter at any time—No Vacation—Re-! i view at pleasure. , First Premiums for Best Bu?;ne-9 Writing for .j 1' received at Pittsburg, Philadelphia and Ohio • . i State Fairs. Also, at the principal Fairs of the - i Union for the past tour years. . | E3"M misters' Sons received at half price, f i For Circufars, Specimens and Embellished Views ; of the College, inclose five letter stamps to F. VV. JENKINS, l'msburg, Pa. Jan 13, IS6O. TJEDFORD CLASSICAL INSTITUTE 1> I ; REV. JOHN LYON, j p T. LYTTLETON LYOX, A. M., \ 4L> - j THE S- mmer session of this institution will open 1 on Friday, the 4th day of May ISGO. It It o design of the Principals, to make this! ! Academy, in all a first class Institution, | : for the thorough instruction of youth of both sex anil to prepare them for any profession or position j in life. The high moral and scientific tone of the school is well known to this community, and a stiict disci- i ! pline ui! be enforced. 1 ! A few boys, (the numbpr is limited to ten.) will I be received into the family of the Principals, as | boarders. I Tbe beauty of the scenery and the salubrity of! the climate vender Bedford a most desirable loca tion tor surh a school. Persons from abioad, visiting at the Fprinzs, can j ' ; be near their children during the summer. : 1 It is desirable that pupils should enter at the com -1 j meneecient ol the session, and no pupil will he re ■ ceived for le- c than one quarter. t S'JfiO per year, including hoarding, '• : Tf.i! . •' washing, fuel, light, and Tuition in all f the branches. Terms ior dav scholars : ~ . ( ?'i—English Branches, i Per Quarter. ■? . r . ... . , u ) .-'..•JO, Classical do &c. " j June 10,' oil. 1 RTEDFOED MACHINE SHOP: _e * j ' THE subscriVier Avould mo t respec f'.illy an ; nounce to the la: ming community, anil public in i general, that he still continues to manufacture at ,j ! bis shop, in Bedford, Pa., the following (aiming n -1 tensils ot the very best mateiial, amDin the most I workman) fe manner, viz: FOUR AND SIX HORSE TUMBLfNGSHAFT •j POWER MACHINES, j with large open cylinders, six staves, and spikes : screwed in, and improved Straw Shakers attached. | Their superiors lor strength arid speed are not made T | in this or any other County in the State. ■ i Four Horse Tumbling Shaft and Strap Power , | Machine, with cylinder open or shut, as may be de ' sired, tor convenience, ease of draft, and perfect 4 working, this machine has no superior any where. THREE lIORSE MACHINES, of the same kind, i- Two and three Horse Tumbling Shalt Power Ma |_ chines, a very convenient and excellent machine r tor small farmers, with or without shaxers, single = anil double shovel Ploughs, Horse Kake, Lever " Cult nig Boxes, Harrows and Wheelbarrows, made to order. is All tbs above articles constantly on band, and |_ sold on teasonable terms. Repairing of all kinns of ?.'acbines, whether made '♦ here or elsew here, done on Hie shortest notice. •' Castings tor all my machines, made at the Foun - dry of Shires & Jordan, ir. Bedford, and will cora ls pare with any made in the State for strength and durability. done to order. All my wo.K warranted to give satisfaction. 7 Eiom a past expel ience of overtwer.ty years in the Machine business, I fee! confident that I can give entire satislaction to all who may favor me with a call. Call and examine my wori- before you purchase elsewhere, as I am determined to please all. Horses, grain of all kinos, lumber and iron, will be ta/ten id exchange for work. PETER H. SHIRES, June 8, 18G0—6m. Machinist. BEST' CHEAPEST!! COMMERCIAL SCHOOL 1 X THB LAND !!! W. P TOTTEN, desires to inform the public that he has just opened a commercial department in the e Allegheny Male and Female Seminary. He would respectfuly advise the community that Book keep ing, ornamental Penmanship. Card Writing and ev erything pertaining ;t° a commercial education are now taught in the fabove named Institution. Tui tion for single entry and farmer's set $2.50. Dou ■ ble entry and .Mechanic's set, $4.50 per quartet, - j with the advantage of all the lectures.—Enter at -1 any time.—Diplomas awarded at the completion of j a full course. June 1, 1860. | Ailfirkny Male anil Female Seminary, RAIYSItrRR, E'a FACULTY. P.. J. OSBORNE. A. 8., Principal, Prot. of I.an "gnages and Philosophy. Wm. S. Smith. Prof, of Mathematics. Jas. H. Miller, Adjunct Prof, of Mathematics. Rev. B. F. Stevens, Lecturer on Moral Philoso phy ,Vc. Win. A. Stephens, Prof , of English Grammar fir. Dr. J. Hughes, Lecturer on Anatomy fir. Mrs. E. V. Osborne, Preceptress, Teacher of Draw ing French, Botany Uc. U. F. Drott, Pro!, of Instrumental Music. I'tice of Tuition for term of 11 weeks. Common English Branches S.'i 23 Higher Branches, including common, each 80 Latin and Greek, each 2 00 German and French, each '2 30 Book-keeping and Commercial calculations 1 30 ORNAMENTAL. Drawing 2 30 Colored crayon, anil water colors, eacb 00 Oil painting 3 on Hair and wax flowers, eacb 3 00 Pellis work 3 00 Embroidery " 1 50 Piano inu-ic, with use cf instrument 10 00 Board $ 1 73 per week including room rent, fuel, furniture tic. This is one ot the best, and cheapest institutions in tbe country. The whole expense per term need not be more than twentv-fivc dollars.— Second Quarter of summer session commences April tbe 3th, 1800. Teachers will oe instructed free of charge in tbe Normal Department. For particulars, address the Principal. E.J. OSBORNE, A. B- RaiiisLurg, Bedford co., Ap. ii 22, J&.jD. nh liGX BOOKS SB. i\ Jiiltuna Street, Bt fliord, Pa. [Jll Hit Stand j'o r mcrly occupied by Dr. F. C I Reamer.) tmL SiS; fry Medicines, Chemicals, Dye Brpl Stuffs, O'ls, Paints, Varnish tine. Window Glass, Gias-ware received, a large stock ol American, French and English perfumery. A!-o, a great variety of fine Soaps for tuilet use. Toothpastes, Urnr Tonics Hair Dye.-, that will color various shades, trom a' j light brown to a jet black, Too u, Nail, Hair, Sha ving, and ("u h's ! ru-ke-. Comb--, Pocket Knives. Pocket Books, Fortinonnaies, Segar cases, Ac. —ALSO— Have and will keep constantly on hard, a supply i cf Coal Oil, Burning fluid and Camphine, with a ! great variety of the most tn dcrti at.d b--t style of coal oi! and fluid lamps. Pure Wines arid Brandies for medical use, Fla- j ' vortng Extracts and Spices ofall sort-, Fine Segars ' | Snotis, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco. I Having the agency for all the principal patent ( I medicines in use, will keep a full supply constantly ! ! on baud. —ALSO— ; Dealer in Books, ftec., consisting of Geographical, Scientific, Religious, Poetical, Historical. Law, ' Medical, School and Miscellaneous Works, in con nection witli a great variety ot plain and fancy i Stationery. Cap, Note, Post, and Wrapping Paper, Blank Books, cf every size an t quality, Diaries, | Biank Deeds, Mortgages, Notes and Receipts. tE?~Oiders pioniptly filled and satisfaction guar anteed. with regard both to price and quality. OisfPhysicians' Prescriptions carefully and accu- i rately .-(impounded at all hours of the clay or night, i Dec. 16, 1806. JN ION HOTEL, 13 ED I OKI), l'A. THE subset iber reipeetlully informs the pub ic, that be 'stil* keeps the Hotel, under the above name, in the old and well known Globe building, on j ; West Pitt Street, formerly owned and occupied ay i Mr. John Young, where he will be happy to see ail ! f; let. s and the travelling public generally. Peisons attending Court are re-pccTlully invited to eive him i a .call. He pledges himself that he will do ail in 1 i his power to render all his gues's comfortable. His Table will br supplied with the choicest del icacies tbe market will atford. The Bed Rooms w ill contain clean and comfortable ; bedding. I tie if.r v. ill he suppHed with c'loice liquOr-. The Stable will be attended by a careful and at tentive hostler, i (L?" Boarders will be taken by the day, week, month and year. JONATHANHORTON. j June 3j 1832. 4 '.*, BBBFOCVD, PA. i .dicS. S. I iLLER would respectfully announce to ! ; itteods iri Bedfoid County, and o the public ! ; g'-ne:r: !V, that .-hu has lea-ed, to:' a term of years. : j tbe huge and convenient brick hotel, at the corner | I oi ,Vt! aotl • uiiana ,-lteets, Bedfoid, Pa., known a* : THE-WASHINGTON HOUSE," AND LATELY KE PT by | A' lis?. COOK. This bouse is being tho oughty re li'ted and refurnished, nr.. is now open for the ;e- ; ceptmn of guests. Visitors to the "BEDFORD SPRINGS" and persons attending Court, wilt find this house a pleasant aqd comfortable tempotary home.—Every r.; t,-i.tion will be paid io the comfort and accommodation of gne-ts. Tbe table will at all Fines be supplied with the best the markets ailoid. Chaiges moderate. Extensive stabling is attached to this hotel, and a caielui and competent bo-tler w.ll be in atten dance. Special attention Will be paid to the accom modation of rbe 'arming community. March 30tb. 1860. J. W. SC©TT\ ' {La'e of the firm oj Winchester 6c Scott.) Cientlemesi's I iH-Mishiug stoi-e and SHIRT M A NUFACTOR Y, 814- Chestnut Street, (Nearly opposite the GIRARD HOUSE 4 PIIIL. I DHL!' IHI. J. W. SCOTT, would respectfully call the atten tion ot his former friends to his new Store, and is pre pared to fill orders for SHIRTS at short notice. A perfect tit guarantied. COUNTRY TRADE snp plied with FINE SHIRTS and COLLARS. October, 8, 1839-ly. Spectacles! 1 lie subscriber has just received a spieti'liri variety ol Gold, Silver Mounted, and Ste-I Spectacles, with the finest Sgolch Pebbles, Aj- J perior in clearness, and designed to suit persons of all ages—warranted never to FAIL—to! which he invites the attention of all who are in j need ol the article. He has also just received ; an elegant assortment of JEWELRY—aII oh which he will sell on reasonable terms. DANIEL BORDER. Bedford, May 22, 1857. jifENGSL HOUSE, IV * JULIANA STREET, REDFORO, PA. 1 n h. subscriber,having renovated and relutnish ed this old established House, is now prepared tc re ceive guests. He invites his friends and the travel ing public to give him a call. Having new furni ture, new beds, and everything necessary to render heatty cheer to those in want of a temporary home, he flatters himself that those who stay with him, will find themselves at the right place. He is fully prepared to receive visitors to the Springs, avid all hiving business with the courts or otherwise. Ample stabling and carnage Louse is attached to the Hotel. Boarders wit! be received on favorable terms. ISAAC MENGEL, JR. Bedford, April 20, 7860. BLASTING POWDER AND SAFETY FUSES, for sale at joly2o,'Go. A. L. DEFIBAUGH'S. I j/OUNDRY AND M ACHIJfE SHOP. TDK Mibsrrhers having formed a P 4,i w „, , under the style of "Dork & Auction)" jo r Ul „ ' ' pose 01 conducting a general '! FOUNDRY AND MACHINE I business in the establishment recently erected . j Gilliatd Dork, in Hopewell, Bedford comity, ar* j prepared lo execute orders for CM S 7*7 VC 8 ivi ■ j ntACUI\KK r of every description, 'fhey v-, | build to order steam-engine.-, coal am! drip-car, , horse powers ami threshi- g marhines_ a u 0 C V* ; i of every kind tor furnaces, forges, > 4W , "j " j rolling mills, ploughs, water-pipe, columns', bouse I fronts, brackets, tie.. & c. j Thev are also, now making a fine assortment o' S IOVES of various kinds ot the lates' patter-. ■ rno*t approved stvles, including several s've' COOK STOVES of the best make, besting stoves for cho'ches, ofti-es, bar-rooms, &e. A full assort merit ofStoves will be kp constat t ly on hand, ami sold at wholesale and retail • t prices to suit the times, and quality, warranted -.<|ual to the best E*-tern make. Machinery of a!: i kinds repaired promptly. Patterns mad to OILLIARD Dtirq " C. W. ASCHOM. ' Nov. 11 1859 5 IROCERY AND VX Co N FECTIO NAR Y. THE undersigned has just ipceived and keens constantly on hand the follow ing articles -. Coffee, sugar. molasse = . cheese, crck*r. rorran!< prunes, raisins, figs, almonds, filberts, cocoa i •* ground nuts, pecans. Eng. walnuts, cream nuts tan ' dies in variety, oranges, lemons, tobacco ami c gar s allspice and pepper, spices of all kinds, bakinc -. 0 I da, cream of tartar, sulphur, brimstone, canister | arid keg powder, shot, caps and lead, grain and grass ; scythes, whetting tools, wash tubs and boards", m ■ digo, extract logvvood, copperas, alum and madder. , oil, polish and Mason's blacking, sweep 11 g, du.tin I stove, shoe and scrubbing, brushes, clothes, | )H j r tooth and tiesh biuhes, bat and infant brushes, her oils and perfumery, purses and port monaies, pock et and memorandum hooks, bonnet and roon I g,% combs, "ridding" and fine corrhs, hr'celets and beads, peris, pen-holders, penknives, scissor-, knilc sharpeners, umbrellas, suspenders, spool cotton and floss, clock s, small looking glasses, violins, vioha strings, toy watches, watch chains, curry combs, | cards, horse brushes, shoe-thread, pegs and spara • bles, .lohnson's Arabian Liniment, Rock and Little's I White Oil, Merchant's celebrated Gargling <).!, for man or beast, and many other articles of a similar I nature. The patronage of the public is respectfully j solicited. A. L. DEFIDAUGH. June 17/59.-1 v. 1 ; I.CODY RUN FOUNDRY JA AND MACHINE SHOP. THE subset! Hers are now prepared at ifiei Foundry in Bloody Run, to fill all orders for Castings I of evrv description for j GRIST .rl. VI) S.W-MILLS, THRESHING j MACHINES, APPLE MILLS, PLOUGHS and all things else in our line that may be needed in this ' or adjoining counties. We manufacture Threshing Machines of 2, 4 or ' Hors" pow-r, WARRANTED equal if not suparioi ;To ar.y made in the Btate. We keep constantly or. band a full assortment of Wood Cock, Plug and Hillside Ploughs, WARRANTED *0 give satisfac tion .or to sale. Points, shares „n