ibr ,i is enjoined upon me to give public no * Vr " r'-aid Kievtions, ami to enumerate in said no- < ' ' iiliat officers are to lie ol cted, I, WM. S. Slier ill ol the County of Bedford, do here- ; lake known and give this public notice to the "MI- ol the County of Bedford, that a General ; 1 ', r Will he held in said County, on the second I ' '.'"'alter the first Monday, being the K C.LH ilav of | 'Jveniher, 1860, at the f several election Jistr.cts, j Vl£ * l ie electors Ol" the Borough of Bedford ami lown- i ' , l'ed'ord, to meet at flit- Court House in said 1 V "r,"/electors of Broad Top town-hip T•> meet at; „ v, |,„ol House in the town o! Hopewell. . J, t . rieflors of Colerain township to meet at the ! ol Joshua filler, m Kaiusburg, in - aid town- j ; l',e electors ol Cumberland Valley township to new School House erected on the land by John Whip's heirs in said tow nship. \tv . (ft tors of Harrison township to meet at j i l , lll ;hiuse number r >, near the dwelling house of ,i ||( y Key ser in said tbvvnship. 1 Vsj. electors of Juniata township to meet at Key- ; . Srhonl House m aid township. • .lectors of Hopewell township to meet at the . Hiniseneaf the house of John Hasher in said : j i e'efcidovs ot Londonderry township to meet at hju-c TINW occupied by Win, 11. Hill, as a shop, , f!C ' FOEPORT, tn said township. p.,. electors of the township ol Liberty meet . , I>). S'BJOL House 111 Stonerstowu ill said town- j j',' e electors ol Monroe township to mef at the . itely occupied by James Caruell in t leai ,ii said town-hip. electors of Svhellsburg bniough to meet at e buck School House in said borough. |he electors of Napier township to meet at the ,School I loin ' m the bulling') of S.-helL- T"'e electors o! East Provider.ee town-hip to meet J , N.'A house lately occupied by John NYI utn ji., in j AID township. I |,e elei-tois ol Snake bpnoa town-lop'.o meet at ] he School House near the Methodist chinch on the ; Imt ol John <>'. Hartley. I i,.- electors ol West Providence township to meet t ' the log School House at Bloody Hurt 111 said lo.\u- j t'IIE electors of St. Clair township to meet at the nee near the dwelling house ol Hi.lean fiool m aid township file electors ot CIHOR township to meet at the L.OII-e LO-ai Mo wry S Mill, in -aid township. ; ; ,C electoi - ol Sooth W mulberry township to ~-rl at the house ot Samuel Oater near Noble's nrili ml town-hip. | HE elcctiiisol Sonthampton township to meet at ; . HOUSE ol W 11. Adam- IN said towuslnp. The electors ol the town-hip ol MIDDLE WOOD her- 1 to MEET AT 'HE house ot lieu, Y i'LUSE in Die vi|. ...IF WCE.iheiry ; at which Mine, and the places ,!C. giialeti, TH -* qualified electors will elect by bai .[ ;,ven'V seven electors tor the SIUTE ol PENRI -yivaiii I, to >• 1-t the vote of said State, lot I'' • idcu t ..ID Vice PRESIDENT of the United States. I L.C RH-E'IOII to be opein-.L between tic: hours o; i . JTI.L> n'ciin the foienoon, by public proeiama- R 1,.. L AN I Keep open tili-7 o'clock in the evening , OM-II TI.E |K>i Is shall he closed. \olacc LACl'eby Ti ATT-' ery peison excepting .lust ices ot T he peace, WIN shall H.D>I anv office oi appointment ol prolitor •N.-t uiiticr the Coiled States, o. ol this Stale, or , nty <> corpoiated di-trict, whether a F ..1 utficcr oi otherwise, a subordinate olil er, a- ' who is or shall Ire employed under the ■ gi-L-I- I , ,-I-utive or .lu L.ciarv depntment ol TL.i- S ate ! . ANY city, or oi any incorporated district, and THAT EVERY ft. ember ol Congr-s- and OL Ihe State I.e. I-L DINE ami of the reli ct or common council of v . I\. oi Commissioners of any incorporated di>- .I- by law inrapi.bte of holding or exeicising ' ilc 'one, the office or appointment ol Judge, in -[.ECTUR or clerk of any election ol this Common- I "H. an L THAT no inspector, JUDGE or other officer . . IN !. election shall be eligible to BE t >-n vol. -1 J M, < the said act oi .. -Miili'.y ' .'.I it.. ! "un -<<•' biting In elections ol thi- Com noinve.ilto. pas.-ed Inly ;d, IS 10, holder provides as lollows, to v. it : • I hat tin- inspectors and judge, shill inee" a! the .active places appointed tor holding the i-!ectiun : die district at which they respectively belong, be ' '■ s o'oclock in the inoriuug ol the g I 1 m - lay oi C'rtuber, and each sain inspector sh.-.1l appoint one ■ Jerk, 'VDo slull he a rpialiliei voter ol ,-uch dis tiict. '•in case the person who shall have received the -I'C.H.d highest number oi votes lot inspect*), shall ; not attend on the day or any election, then the per- I .>N who shall have received the second highest • number of votes for ' ge A; tin- NEXT preceding E iectiou. shall act act as inspector tn HIS place, .-VIT I in case the person who has receive ! ir E highest number ol votes lor iuspeetoi -hall not attend, tt.E nelson elected judge shall appoint an INSPECTOR in Ins place, and IN case the p-l sou el-cic! judge si.al! nut attend, then the inspei-inr WHO received ine highest number of votes -hull appoint > judge in Ins place ; and IT any vacancy sil l I eoctn.U in the hoard for the space ol one hour uitei IH- time fixed by law lor the opening ol the election 'he qualified voters lor the towuship, ward or DISTRICT BO which rich officers shall have been elected, present at the . -rl ion, -hall elect one ol tin Nnu I.be' to 1.11 S.rc'.l VDT'dlil'V . II -hull tti as rotii- qmil hems, and i! he cbims to h-ve resided wabin " lor one year or more, his oath shall be suf "• vnt proof tnereof, but he shali m ike proof by ot uno coujpe'.tnt witness, who shall be u qn.rli tied elect.u th '.t he has resided within the district foi more thau ten d-ys immediately preceding said election, ami shall also himself swear that his bona li.le lesid.'iice, ill pursuance of his lawful oillmg, is within the district, and ttint he did not remove in the district for the pmpose of voting therein. "Kvery pcisou qualified as a oies.id, ami who shall make due piool it required, ol ins residence ami piymeut ol taxe-, as alores.iid,-ball be admitted to vote in the township, ward or district in which I lie shall reside. | "It any peison shall prevent orattempt to prevent j j .any officer of an election under this net, from hold- i I mg such election, or use or threaten any violence to j ! any -uch officer, and shall interrupt or impropeily j i interlere with him in the execution of bis duty, ' ! shall block oi attempt to block up the window or av enue toany window where the same may be holden . j or shall riotously disturb the peace of such election, i i or shall use or p ictice ?ny intimidation, threats, j ! force or violence, with the design to influence unrlu- i ' ly or overawe any electoi, or prevent him from vo- i i ting, or to restrain the freedom ol choice, sucb per- j j -an on conviction shad be fined in any sum r.ot ex- ; feeding live hundred dollars ami be imprisoned Inr ; any titue not it - s than nor more than twelve months j •and it It ill be shown in the Court w hare the tri il ot such .offence rhiltbe had, that the parsou so oflen- J j 'ling was not a resi..ent ol the city, word, district, I u one thousand dollars, und be ■ impii-onetl not less than six months nor mote than . ! two years. "li any pei-on or p*r-ons shall make any bet or j ; wager upon the result of any election within the Commonwealth, or shall oilei to make any such bet '■ <>r wager either by veilxl proclamation thereof, or 'by V writteM ot printed .advertisement, challenge 'or invite y per-oz/ or per-ozas to in ike such bei or 1 w ag.r, up >-z co/zvicflO'Z Thereof, be o. they -tia'i! for feit azzdpry th:ee time-the unioiizit they bet or of fered to bet. Azid the Judges of the respective
  • f lb dfonl. county, the undersigned, acting • Executor of Chuma* \lc('reary, late ot Napmr faWtlshiji, dec'ti, will expose to jiublic sale upon the premises, the real estate of said dee'd, i oil riiursday tire, IStit ciav ot October next. Said estate consists ot tour tracts, viz : The Mansion 11 act, con'.lining-fOLI acres, f bont 1 "Jd acte.s cleared and under fence, with two log houses and log barn thereon elected; 1 also an apple orchard thereon, situate on the head waters of Dunning'.- creek, and having a good spiing i,l water on the premises, adjoining lands of (/•<>. N. Ellis, Emanuel Weaver, Jo;.-. Black, Win. Wuit and olliejA. A L- (J, One other trait, containing one hundred and lift v four acres, about :>() acres cleared . the improvements are a log I o ise und log barn, and a small oung orchard, adjoining the above i an Duiirung's creek ; tin- tract, as well as the | above, contains good meadow land. ! ' AI ..SO, One other tract containing lib acres, ad joining the abive, and having thereon erected a log house and log bain. This tract contains a good apple orchard ; also a spring ot water near the house, and good meadow land. A LSO, | One other tract adjoining the above, and, t .riitaiuing tb.iut b.'J acres, ab.>ut J-0 ol which are cleared. The improvements are a log house, log barn, apple orchard, &.c. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. i TERMS made known on dav of sale. J JEN R V TAVLOR, acting Ex'or of THOMAS McCREAh V, dee'd. Sep. 21, lSb'O, wrorrcK of in qui.si i ion | S WHKRKAS, Hr. Will am W. It ,-,1. | a te o! South <\ no-lberry l'nwn-bip, Bi .lforil county, dee'd ifierl seized of the following de-cri bed r- .1 es'ate. to wit . four certain parcels or tracts of land, one thereof being the Mansion tract containing one 1, tin - .lied and sixteen acre-, more or less, adjoining lands of tieorge Rcplngle, Benjamin Voters, IVfer Rock and Abraham Kver-ole, also one tract or Mountain land containing two hundred acre- ami aliuwanc -. adjoining land ol David Snovvberger, David ,1/ilUr and oilier-. a!-o one other tract ol Mountain land contains about forty five acres, adjoining lands ol ' Jacob Werkutg, Christian K.ocbedorf<'r and others, alio an interest of one third pat ol one other traet ot km.l containing n'tv acres, adjoining lands of !'.-i jam in Voters, and Frederick Stolen, i Leaving a widow, -ince, deceased, and three 1 ■on-, to wit, Aaron Reed. Wi ham Reed and Na ! thanie! P. Reed, to whom, alter the death ni the said widow , he devised all tits leal e-tate lo be e . qua ly divide') among them. Notieel-, therefore, hereby given that in purni j atire of a writ of partition o; valuation lo me direc ted I will proceed to hold an Inquisition or valua ' tion on s'id premise- on Friday the 2d, day of No vember IS'itl. when and where allpaities interested i may attend if they see proper, i Sheriff'.- Olfiee. Bedford, I w „ <. , (JKI , j Sept. 2!Stb IS6O. j i-* - n 4 UMINISnt.A'I Oirs NOTICE. j * LF. I'TF.KS of administration, on the estate 10l Peter Latshaw, late ol Middle Woodbury tovvn : ship deceased, having been gianted to the sub-cri j her, residing in said township, al! persons indebted ; to -aid estate are, therefore, nototied, lo make pay : rnent immediately, and those having claims against said estate, will present the same, well authenti cated for settlement. Sept. 2Sth, : bO. ISAAC K.. L.VI'SIIAVV, Adm'r. 'NOTICE.— L' tters testamentary nn ttie last ; will and lostainent of Henry VViaverling, late olWVst Frovidntce trnu nship, dee'd., having been granted lo Hie subscriber, residing in said j township, notice is therefore giver, to all per ! sons indebted to said estate, to make immediate ' payment, and those having claims will present j I lie tn duly authenticated for set! lenient. MARY \VEAVERLI.\G, Sept. 21, ISGO. Execu'i ix. i A DMJNJSTRATOR'S NOTICE. > -i Letters of a.lnr mistral ion i upon the Estate of W'ormait Johnson, late ol Southampton, dee'd, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate, are hereby nolifi-d to make immediate payment and those having claims are requested to present tlient properly authenticated for settlement. JOHN MORS, Sep. 21, iB6O. Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ; ~ ®- Letters of Administration on tha E-tate ol Alexender George, late ot Ea-t Providence tp.. ; rtee'd., having been granted to t!ie subscriber resi | ding in -a.d township, all per-ons indebted to siid ; estate are, therefore, notified to make payment im mediately, and those having claims will present the | me forthwith for settlement. SIM UN NYCUM, ' Sept. 7th 1&G0, Adm'r. PHIL A ADVERTISEMENTS. f. OREA r IMB ROY EM EN V -® IN PIANOS. 7]^.. eX iiHEHRGF. VOGT takes the opportunity ol inform ing his (riends and the public generally, that he I has removcil bis Piano H'arerooms from No. 628 Arch Street, to No. filti Arch Street, where he will j keep constantly on hand a large assortment of -his i lately patented PIANOS, which'bave been prououn i ced by the best judges as fat superior to all other ! Pianos in the sweetness ami purity of then tone and construction, hereiotore manufactured in the i UniledStates ami England. May IS.'tiO.-C mo. ; j 1R AN VILIzE STOKES' * GIFT CLOTHINCi EMPORIUM, ONE PRICE AM) NO ABATEMENT. NO. 007 CHESTNUT STREET. GR A \ VILLH STOK ES would return thanks to | the putiiic for their appreciation ol his etiorts lo ' please, and their liberal patronage. lu order to keep up this kindly fo-ling, be has ; yieldeit to tin- solicitations ol many ol hi- friends . ami inaugurated a new system, ol Gil's with each ! Garment sold. To his choice selection of fine Pub lics, ami made-up Clothing, he inviles the scrutiny of the public, ns well as lohis new mode of doing ; business. Each article is warranted to be, in Fab l ic, Style and Make, equal to any gotten up in the I ity, and one price, (lower than lire lowe-t,) marked on the Picket. Eachu; icle sold, or measureil for, is accompa nied by a G.I t, vary it g in value limn k I lo $ 1 00. N. B.— None but the most skillful He-igners, j Cutlers and Workmen employed : ami -atisfacrinn . / t P. PERRV, . V > 8. W. Corner Fourth ami Re.i-e-freets. Phil adelphia. supplies every article in the ROOK or S'l A TION ER Y line, at low prices. Hav ing super or facilities as a manufacturer, he is enabled to supply good- vry low, and make very fair profit. Order- by mail promptly attended to. ' OLLECP TOGF IHI U y All vour *•(lid Book-' ami Magazine- : tgke them to PERRY'S Book Biid rie-. Fomth ami Race, where yuu can have them found good niul hjml-onm-ly .i. ('. MEYER respectfully informs bis friend* and i j the public generally, that lie has constantly on band j PIAN'O.-s, equal to those lor which he received the j Prize Medal in Landou, in 18.01. All orders promptly attended io, |and it re at care ; taken in the selection and packing the saine. lie lias received, during the last fifteen years, i more A/edals than any ofherytiaker, from the Frank lin Institute alo, Fiist Premiums in Boston, New York and Ballimoie. i Warerooms. No. 77! ARCH S'reet, below Eighth, 1 South-ide, PHILADELPHIA May Is. IS6I). • lyr- I P. II U B EC, ® l • ;srt '< E-jSOII TO J. SORVEB,) WHOLESALE DEALER IN— TOBACCO. SNUFF AND CIGARS, .No S J\oriti lifth St., above. .Market, Phi Pa. : Also. Manufacturer and Importer of FORF.IGN ANI DOMESTIC SEC A Rs. May is. 1*60.-1 yr. WILI.IAM KAP.CKI., JAMES M. WHITBY, j SAMUEL MOOR RIWARI> A ADAMS, W11.1.1 IS . SMI.I.MAX, IIKMKY P. ATKINSON. MAiGI EL, MOORE & CO., LATE, RAIGUEL AND CO., i IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN D R Y GOO D S, ..•Yo . 220 Sc 222 JWirth I'liirl Sf.. above Race, We st si fir, p 111 LA DE L P ill A. May 18, : K Y G O O D S , ;U & 211 NORTH THIRD STREET, ASOV E RACE, PHILADELPHIA. Ma; is,v,n.-l yr. HOSTETTER'S IT is a fact that, at seme period, every mem ber of the human family is subject to disease or disturbance of the bodily functions: but, well the aid of a g< e able so lo reipilate the system as to secure pcrman-nt ! tltli. In order to accomplish this desired object, the true course to pursue is certainly that which will produce a natural state of t hia;.:- at the lens! hazard of vital strength and life. For this purpose, Dr. llostetter has in tu-duced to this country a preparation bearing I is name, which is not a new medicine, but one that has been tried for years, giving satisfac tion to all v.lio have used it. The llitlers ope-rate powerful!', upon flic stomach, bowels, red liver, restoring them io a healthy and rigor, its action, and thus, by the simple pro ve.-- of strengthening tenure, enable the sys tem to triumph over disea--*. Fertile cure of I •:>}•' -in. Indigestion, Nau sea. Flatulency, Los- of Appetite, or any Bilious Complaints, ati-ing front a morbid inaction of the Stomach or Bowels, pr during Tramps, Dysentery, Colic. Cholera Morbus, .Nc., these Bitters have no equal. Diarrhoea. dysentery c- fins, so generally on - tracted by uew settlers, and e .usisl principally by the change of water and dit i, will be speedily regulated by a brief u— of Ibis preparation. D\-pepsin, a disease which .- probably more prevalent, in all its various lorins, than any other, and the cause of which may always be attributed to derangements of the digestive organs, can bo cured without fail by using iIOSTKTI'EB'S STOMACH BITTERS, as per directions on t lie bottle. For litis disease every pit sic inn will re 'onunoiul Bitters of some kind; then why net use an article known to be infal lible? All nations have their Bitters,as a prc • i ntive of disease and -trengt Letter ot the sys tem in general: and ar.ong them all there is no; to iie found a tin re healthy people than the Germans, front wlioi : this preparation ema il led. based upon -<7 n; ifu exjs riiuenis which havq tended to prove the value of tbis great preparation in the scale of nici.i al science. FEVF.u AND Act-R.—This trying and provok ing disease, which fixes its relentless grasp on the body of man, reducing h.m to a mere sha dow in a short time, and rendering liini phy sically and mentally useless, can be driven from the body by the use oi HOSTET'i Lit .8 RENOWNED BITTERS. Further, none of the. above-stated diseases can be contracted, even in exposed situations, if the Bitters are used as per directions. And as they neither create nausea nor offend the palate, and r< nder un necessary any change of diet or interruption j of ordinary pursuits, but promote sound sleep and healthy digestion, the complaint is re moved as speedily as is consistent with the pro i duetion of a thorough ami perinajient cure. Far Persons in Advanced 1 ears, who are suffering from an enfeebled constitution and infirm body, these Bitters are invaluable as a restorative of strength and vigor, and need only he tried to be appreciated. And to a. mother while nursing these Bitters are indis pensable, especially where the mother's nour ishment is inadequate to the demands ot tho child, consequently her strength must yield, and here it is where a good tonic, such as Jlostetter's Stomach Bitters, is needed to impart temporary strength and vigor to the system. Ladies should by all means try this remedy for all cases of debility, and, before so doing, ! should ask their physician, who, if lie is acquainted with the virtue of the Bitters, will recommend their use in ull cases ot weakness. CAUTION.— We caution the public against using i any of the many imitations or counterfeits, but ask for HOSTKTTER's CELECD.VTKD STOMACH BITTCBS, and see that each bottle Ins the words " Dr. J. 1 llostetter's Stomach Bitters" blown on the side of the bottle, and stamped on tho metallic cap covering tho cork, and observe that our autograph 1 signature is on tho label. tj Prepared and sold by HOSTETTEK & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa-, and sold by all druggists, grocers, and dealers generally throughout the United States, Canada, South America, and Germany. For Sale by H. C .Reamer, and otiier druggists hroughout the county. \ LOT OF PUKE MAPLE SUGAR, FOR SALE .£ \ I'V .lull2o,'Gß. A. L; DEFIBADCH. PHIL'A. ADVERTISEMENTS. ! ; i.. uMXi a. v ' U>N &' ai f f n:s axdj ew i: i.R v. V LEIVIS LA DO AIL.S.N. GO. Ao. 802 C/JESTt 7 S TREET PHIUA. (I IK-r noofi ABOVK NUIVRH STKKEI.) Would most respectfully ask the attention f Citi zens and Strangers to their I.arg>*, Cheap, ami w . i! srleeted Stock of GOLD AND SILVER WATUHES, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, CONSISTING IN PI6TOF Gold Hunting Lever Watches, lull jeweled, 18 carat case, #lO Ot) . Gold Lever Watches, open lace, lull jewei'd 18 carat case, JO o<> , I Gold Lepine Watches, open lace, lull jew- I ellec, 18 carat case, 00 i Silver Lever Watches, Hunting case, lull jewelled, 18 00 Silver I.ever watches, open lace, lull jewel ed, 11 00 Silver Lepme Watches, Hunting case, I I 00 I Silver Lepsue Watches, open face, 0 Oo | Gold Guard Chains, 1- "0 i Gold Vest and FobCbains, 10 00 j Gold Fen Holder with Fen and Pencil, I 00 j Gold Pencils, I ■'!) i Gold Pens with Silver Holders, I 00 j Sdvei Table Spoons, per set, Silver Tea Spoons, 6 00 j Gold Thimbles. J 00 With a large assortment ol Silver, Table and Tea ! Forks ; Dessert, Mustard and Salt Spoons ; Pie, I Cake, and Ice Cream ktuve- ; Suirar Spoons ; Pre ; serve Spoons ; Pickle Knives and Fork-, etc. CCr-Aho, constantly on hand, a magnificent as-' j soi'meiit ol Jewelry, consisting in part of Bracelets, ; I Breastpins, Ear Rings, r'tnger Rings. Miniature cases i for 1,3, I, and (> likcfie,^..-; Gold Cros.-e-, Chil dren's armlets, and every thing in the Jewelry line, ! of the iattst and most appioved patterns. Gold and silver Thimbles : VVeddiug Rings at all prices. Ladies' Chatelaines, Gold Watch keys and j Seals ; Studs and Sleeve Buttons; Opera Glass, s. Always on hand, a splendid assortment oi Diamond j Jewelry. Also, Diamonds mounted 111 trie most ; beautilnl manner, equal to any work iu the United ! States, at moderate prices. j Silver plated Tea Sets, Silver plated Knives and j Forks—beautiful goods, and look equal to Silver. 1 CALIFORNIA GOLD BOUGHT OR MADE UP TO ORDER. | Q£/~"A!1 descriptions of Hair Jewelry, such as, • Breastpins, Ear Kings, Bracelets, Chains. Chaims, j ! made to order in the most beautiful style. Old j V'atche- arid Jewelry taken in exchange We can send by mail, with perfect safety, Watch j es or Jewelry to any pa:t ol the United States. All | j orders must be accompanied with the Cash. No • goods sent unless the money is first received. Call ! or addiess LEWIS LA DOM US Nc CO., 803 Chestnut Street, l'iiil'a- May 18,'G0.—6 rns. S ! " OOKING GLASSES, A ENGRAVINGS. i'IUTURE FRAMES, OIL PAINTINGS, ■ j The most exten-ive and elegant assortment at the j very lowest rates.—Glas.-os in store of eveiy de j scnption. ,1/ahogany framed Ula-ses, lor country i sales. Print and Portrait frames, YVimiow Cornices, • Gilt Mouldings, etc. Estimates for furnishing I Glasses to fill every space, by mail on application, i Engravings for Grecian and Antique Paintings.— Catalogues gratis. JAS. S. EARLE & SON, 81(i Chestnut St., l'iiil'a. May iß,'tio.-l yr. I T-'-' | r SCHOOL DIULCTOKS 4'- j TEACHERS.—The examinalton ol IVa chers atn! the renewing nt crrtilicates, will take place jtt the several tow nships as li'l'iivvs, to wit In Cumberland A allev, at May's school house, on September 22d: in Harrison, at Curr.p's school house on the j kth : in Londonderrv, at Rrtlgeport, on the 2hth : in Juniata, at Buena I Vista on the 2tith ; m Schellsbtir" on the 27th ; ; tn St. Clair at Eight Square, on (lie 28th ; in ; Uni m, at Mowry's niiil on the29th in Hopr j well, at Dasher's . n'the Ist Oct ; in Bioad Top. I at Hopewell on the 2d : n Liberi v, at StOOera -1 t iwn on tite ■*> I in ND i.ile \\ oodberry, at j IVoodiierry on the Hh : in South IVoodberry at Enterprise ontlie nili . m Snake Spnnp at Harl ! |r\'s on the fill) . in Beiilord township, at Bed lord on the 10th in West Providence at Bloody Run on the 11 th ; in East Providence j ,it Householder's on Die 12th ; in Monroe, at ! Clearville on the 13th . in Southampton at Chanevsville on the lhth ; in Coierain at Rains i burs on the 16th ; and in Bedlord borough on j the 20th. The above examinations will commence at ttine o'clock, A. M. t Teachers and Directors should be punctual at 1 the hour appointed, is we vvi-h lo see all the j Directors on the day ot examination, in their respective townships ; we therefore earnestly ' request them all to be present. ! All County Certificates, is>ued since the last regular township examinations, are hereby ren ' dered null. Teachers are requested to b; in£ their ceitificales with them, ax the former Su perintendent has lailed to lutnish u- with the Duplicates of tim same. GEO. SIGAFOOS, Sept. 10, iB6O. Cd. Superintendent. EBIIHLIC S.ALKOL C.KORI'.K IL M KAY'S REAL EST ATE, IN HOPEWELL TP. By virtue ot all order of the Oipbans' fmtirt ol Bedtord County, the undersignetl will offer at pub i lie sale, ori the premises, on THURSDAY . Uth of NOVEMBER, next t!ie following de-cribed real es j tate, viz : THE MANSION TRACT of said de ceu-ed, containing'-''i'JJ, acres, about Difi acres c'e.ir ed and under fence, am! in a high state ol euitiva tton. The improvements are /•—-jk ! OXKNErV LOG FRAME HOrsK.Dsr^f j BANK BARN, anil th- nece.-sary-' j out buildings. This farm is one ot j liie best in Hopew eli township, being good limestone j land and having three good springs and orchard ! thereon. One other Tract containing 14 j Acre-, Utq per. about 01 acres elear-d and under lence. Ihe im provements are two Log House.-, two Stables and out buildings. 'J'heie is a good spring on the prem ises, and also an orchard thereon. This is good . land, and in a good state ol cultivation. These lands are ali in a good section ot country, within a short distance of the Rail Road and at the door of a ready market ail the tune. TERMS—One third to remain in property during j lifetim-of widow, the interest thereon payable to her annually—one third in band at confirmation ol sale, and the balance tn two equ.l annual payment, i without interest. JAMES E.KAY, i Sept. 11, 18 Gl>. Trustee. EMaKCTION NO TICK. The Stockholders of the • Bedford Mineral Springs Company, are hereby notified Ihsl the annual election of President land Directors of raid Company, will be held l at the Bed I >rd Springs, on Thursday, the ! 1 )th day of October, ins!., between the hours of one ami three o'clock P. M. of said day. JOHN P. REED," s Sen. 21,1860. Secretary. E A j ACCAKONT, CHEESE, CRACKERS. LEYS At tali/.ed Fruit and Gum Candies for sale l>v i.ty.'d. A. L. DEFIBAL'G'H. HEALTH ANMTS PLEASURES, OR DISEASE WISH ITS AGONIES : CHOOSK BK'i'IVKJ NTH KM! HoHoway'.s Pills. Nervous Disorders. What i* mote earful than a breaking down of (he ?rrous system ! To be excitable or nervous small degree i- most distressing, for where can a remedy be jouiui ! There is one :—Jrinkbut little wine, beer, or spirit-, or far better none ; take no cotiee weak tea being preferable ; get all the ires it ail you can : take tbiee or four Pills everv night : eat plenty of ,-oluD, avoiding the use of slops ; ariti it these go bleu iu|e, ate followed, you will be hap py MI mind ami stiong in body, and forget you Lave any nerves. Mothers and Daughters, li there is one thing more than another for which thee Tills are -o amous it is their purifying prop el ties, especial ly their power of cleansing the blood from all impurities, and removing dangerous and -uspended secretions. Cmversally adopted as the one gratol remedy for female complaints, they never fail, never we - ken the sy-tein, and always bring about what is required. Sick Headaches and Want of Appe tite. These feelings which so sadden us, most frequen" ; iv aiise from annoyances or trouble, from obstruc | red perspiration, or from earing and drinking what I is unfit lor us, thus disordering the liver and stom ach. These organs must he regulated wish to be Weil. The Tills, it taken according to the. 1 printed instructions, will quickie restore a healthy action to both liver and stoinrch, whence follow as a natural consequence, a good appetite and a clear head, fn the East and West Indies scarcely any | other medicine isever used tor these disorders. Bsordcrs of the Kidneys. In all diseases atlecting these organs, whether j they, ciete too much or too little water ;or whe ■ trier they he atilicted with stone or gravel, or with aches am! pains settled in the loins over the regions ! of the kidneys, these Tills should be taken accor -1 ding to the printed directions, and the Ointment should he we I i nibbed into the small of the back at ! bed time. This treatment will give almost imme diate relief when all other means have failed. For Stomachs Cut cf Order. No medicine will so effectually improve the tone do the stomach as these Tills ; they remove all aci . fit}', occasioned either by intemjierance 01 improp er diet. 'They reach the liver und reduce if to a . healthy action ; they are wonderfully etiicacious in ' case of spasms—in fact they never fail in curing all disorders ol the liver ami Stomach. lloflovyiy's Pills are 'he best remedy known in the world for the following diseases . Ague, , inflammation, Asthma Jaundice, Billious Complaints, Liver Complaints, filotches on the Shin Lumbago, 1 Boivel Complaints, Tiles, i Colics, Rheumatism, j Constipation of the Retention oflCrine, Bowels, Scrofula or King's Consumption, Evil, i Debility, Sore Throats, ' Dropsy, Stone and Gravel, ' Dysenteiy. Secondary Symptoms, Erysipelas. Tic-Douloureux, , i he male Irregulai ities, Tumours, Fevers of all kinds, Fleers, Fits, Venereal Aifections, Gout, Worms of all kinds, Head-ache, Weakness from what ; i Indigestion, ' ever cause* A B'T2o.\ !—None genuine unless I the words "HOLLOWAY, New YOBS AXD LONDOX," are discernible as a Watrr-marL in every lea.' ol the | I book of directions around each pot or box ; the same may he plainly seen by holding the leaf to the light. A handsome reward will be given to any one ren dering such information as may lead to the detec tion of any party or parlies counterfeiting the med [ lcinesor vending the same, knowing them to be i spurious. ' i \*Sold at the Manufactory of Professor HOLI.O --" WAV, Si) .Maiden Lane, New York, and by all respec - table Druggists and Dealers in Medicine, tliroughs out the civilized world, in boxes at "25 cents, 62 ct . and $1 each. is considerable saving by taking the ' larger sizes. t N. B. Directions for the guidance of patients in . everv disorder are affixed to each box. , i Nov. IS. 15.19. • S T XiTEi) STATES MAIL LINE * BETWEEN t CH AMBERBi:RG & LATROBK, via BEDFORD. A new and splendid line ol Concord built Coaches, e It* :ves Chambers burg daily (Sunday excepted) at f -or—% 7 A. M., and arrives *<- ' v ' >'• .A). >ame day. Leaves,-.-*- - .a.. Bedlorti daily, (Sundays excepted) at 7 A. M., lor Latrobe. making close connection with Mail tram iot Pitt-burg and the West. Returning, leaves La t trohe tlaily (Sundays excepted) on the arrival of the - train from Pittsburg, at 9 hi), A. M-, and arrives i HI Bed lord same evening. Passengers wishing to go East, take the coach next morning at 7 A. M., ..nd strive at Ctmmbersburgsame evening at 7 P. M BATES OK FARE: Erom Bedford to Chain . hershurg, $3 50. From Bedford to Latrobe, S'i fa), imm Bedford to Pitt-burg, $*1.25. i The stock on this road cannot be surjaissed by ! any in the State, and the drivers are careful, sober : and accommodating. This is the cheapest, ran t ' expeditious and pleasant route passengers can take, ' going East oi West. For fnrther information apply ' ; to dames Reamer, Chamhersbtrrg, John Hater, Bed ? lord, ("has. W. Fisher. Latrobe. A. J. REKSIDE, Contractor. N. B. Passengers for Somer.-et and Johnstown, " connect at Stoystown with J. A. Carman's Line o. ' Mail Coaches, also, at Jemier X Beads with E. Kier ► man's mail line. ! j Sept. 7, IS6O. i gpl HE!C SALE OF VALUABLE ,j ' REM. ESTATE.— By Viitueofan older of the Orphans' Court of Bedford County, the undersigned administrator of the Estate ol Teter Barndollai, late " i ~t West Providence township, dee'd., will sell on J Saturday, the 6ih day of October, next., on the prem ; ise, the i > owing described Real Estate, to wit : T ( >IIP "Tract of land, situate on the South side ot ' the Juniata river in said township, containing 217 acres and al owance adjoining lands of David Spark. ' , Jacob Barndoilar and others, about 100 acres cleared j and under fence, in a good state of cultivation ; 10 , i acre ■ thereof good meadow and a quantity more can he made. The improvements consist in part ol 1 ' a Two Story Double Log Dwelling House, Barn, ' Wagon Shed, Spring-house ami other ou' buildings. There is also an apple o;chard ot good truit on the j premises; also a sugar camp. Thispropei• v'is certainly a desirable one account ot its locality, being but one mile from tin* contenj j plated Rail Road, and a stream passing through it ; aSoritnig good water power loi mill purposes. „ j ALSO—One other tract adjoining the above, con aiuing 22 aec-simd allowance, well timbered hehl y vv iriant. t TERMS: One third in hand after confirmation 1 I Sale, to wit :On the first of April, IS6I. when a a need will be made and possession given. The re : mainder in two equal annual piym®nts, tbeiedter, ' ' without interest, to be secured by judgment bonds or bonds and mortgage. J. M. BARN DOLLAR, Sept. 3d, ISGO. Administrator. - J LASTING POWDER AND SAFETY I CSES. i I'? for sale it iulv'Jh.' 1 I A.I DI'FIBAI.'GH'S,