BED FORD EAZIRRR!:, -BKIiroHU, Pa.— | 2LLL>AV. OC T. 1860. B. F. Meyers, Editor aud Proprietor, ( FOR PRESIDENT, HON. STEPHEN A. DOfGMS. -OF ILLINOIS. , FOR VICE-PRESIDENT, mi MINI I. .I!IN\soN. : d hatching up their falsehoods against Maj. Lite. It is all a matter of dollars and cents with them. 1 hey want BOWLES elected, so that they can gel more fees. The people know this and they intend to give Maj. Tate at least 300 majority. A SMALL UI SIN ESS. It seems that the Honorable Edward Mc l'iu i.-on lias become so scarce of materials for his speeches that he is compelled to stoop to the small business of assailing Mr. Schell be cause he received S7OO per annum whilst a member of the Slate Senate. This forms the taole of the Honoiahle gentleman's recent The Covode Investigation, the Tar .l', the slavery question, in short ail ttie great issues of the day, are merged, (in Mr. McPher m's estimation) in that of Mr. Schell's pav as a member of the Senate. And yet Mr. Mcpher son lumselt receives the KAFKA PAY of S3OOO per annum established by the Opposi tion Cougress of IS.ib, and whilst he is assail nig Mr. Schell lor receiving £> (<> state thai AUSTIN, a Republican member fioni Kullon county, did ttie same thing, ami CEO. , W. WILLIAMS, late member fmm this county, likewise pocketed the S7OO. Truly, Mr. Mc- Phetson is a profound statesman and a libetal ui I magnanimous opponent. 1 TIIE PEOPLE KNOW HIM ! "I intend to vote for WILLIAM P. SCI! ELL h-cause I knew '.he"— Speech If ii ulinm Lyon, 1: •/ :)c ( 11 ;III<( the Tnrili: A number of persons are now busily engaged HI travelling over ihe county, circulating tlve charge that Mr. Schell is opposed to the taiifi, ; when thev know the charge is false. Any ieasonable, reflecting mind will perceive at a ala nee that Mr. S. is too deeply interested in the tariff'to i>e opposed to it. His whole property depends, for its value, on the completion of our rail-way and the erec tion of iron works. No motive is stronger than self-interest. As well might Mr. S. bejeharged with being in favor of editing off Ins light arrn. as to say lie is hostile to a tariff. tied ford county is one of the richest iron ore | coumits in the State. Hut lor want ol capital, j tier mineral wealth lies undisturbed beneath her lulls. To complete her rail-ways—to establish i her furnaces and forges—to open up her mines,; and to make her hills and valleys productive— | capital is u anted. That capital must be brought from the Eastern cities into th- county. To accomplish that object, some person prop erly qualified, must give his time anil attention to the matter. We must point out to capital ists our inexhaustible resources . that we have coal, iron oteand June-stone inclose proximity, that iron can be manufactured here cheaper than anywhere else in the State. Who is there in the district so willing, so competent and so effective- as WILLIAM P. SCHELL? Asa private citizen he can do much ; but give him the official position of a member oi Congress, and vou strengthen his influence ten-fold.. He was instrumental in bringing over $'2,000, 000 of capital into Bedford, Fulton and Hun tingdon counties, in the construction of the Broad Top Rail-Road. What he has done lit can do again. Defeat htm—strike litm down and you de stroy his influence. Who will take his place? Who will givethe same care and attention" to the interests of the jieople ? Elect Mr. Schell, and your public enterpri ses will flourish. Defeat Mr. Schell, and they will languish. We ask the people to ponder well before they listen to the svten voice of the aich persona! enemies of Mr. Schell. PEICE Mi\ OF H EDFOii D lOl'STl! A political party lias recently sprung up in our midst which organizes its young ami active men into MILITARY COMPANIES, places torches in their hands and martial music in their Iront, and marches them about night after night in the most rigid anil peifect drill. What does all HPS warlike preparation mean ? What is its object ? There is danger ahead ! Danger to our country ! Danger to its peace ' Danger to our familiesl What it the red hand of revolu tion lurks beneath the glare of the "Wide A wake's" lamp? Wliat. iixifit _ w.tfucoinaiton sxtdtrtdTTow from this secret drill ? Peace men of Bedford county ! 4Ve warn you against this threatening storm 1 Oh ! that you would lay aside party prejudice and party ties, and strike one peaceful blow at the ballot-box for the preservation of the peace anil the integrity of your country ■' Oh ' that yon would surrender voumo'd political animosities and be men and freemen, ready to save your country from the impending danger? Remem ber that by voting the ticket of the party that encourages these political MILITARY ORGA NIZATIONS, you endorse and encourage such j organizations. Remember that it you vote such I a ticket, upon your head will rest the responsi bility, if war and Hood shed ensue.— Ponder well the consequences, we beseech you, ere you cast your vote for the party tiiat or<*a i nizes and sustains political military clubs. Furincrs, ;;iui Work* iiio-isicii ! FARMERS! would you hare a railroad to bring you a fiome market fur your produce, j vote lor WILLIAM P. SCHELL W< )R KING MEN ! Would vou have labor 1 plenty and well paid for, vote for WILLIAM P. SCHELL, who has already originated many enterprises by which you have been benefited. Vole for him it you want a Tariff .' Vote for him if vou want local legislation ! MECHANICS ! William P. Sciiell has al j ways oeen your friend. He has never tailed to • i uteres* himself for you. Will you not strength en Ins hrpidsand give him the power still fur ; ther to befriend you 1 Do vou want a Tarafl'f i • It you do, don't trust Ihe "Republicans" who i established the present low Tariff, but vote for HENRY I). FOSTER, who voted against the repeal of the Tarifi ot 184-2, and who has been 1 a consistent Tariff man all his lite. The "Rc- I publicans" commenced their liuilalalio about the 'I anil three years ago ; they have now been in power in this State for two vears and they ; have as yet redeemed none of their promises in j regaid to the Tariff. A. New Convert. Our particular friend, (IEO. S. MI'LLIN, | tiw "Republican" candidate for Sheriff of this county, whilst on an electioneering tour recent ' ly in Southampton township, told a critam Democrat of that township, that he (Mullin) was a Democrat. What do the "Republicans" • ot IKdlord county, think of this new convert to ■ lh " Democracy ? We can tell them w hat the Democrats think o< him. They think he is ! eiectioaeciiiig under laise pretences. Isn't it I so ' Freemen, to the Polls! Again and for the last time before the great battle ot 1 uesdav next, we call upon the Democrats ot Bedford • county to rallv to tbe Dolls. I* reemen of glorious old Bedford ! Ac who j have met the enemy on many a hard | fought field, and time and again have wrested the banner of victory from j their hands! Ye who have turned j hack the tide of Sectionalism when it ! swept unchecked in every other coun ty in the State, and have said to the i dark and turbid waves of fanaticism, "'Thus far shall ye come and no far-' ; tlie-r !" Ye whose faith in the Demo cratic creed has stood, unshaken, a : thousand onslaughts of the enemy, and 1 i whose attachment to the organization. ! has survived every disaster and defeat! j | Come forth ! Come from your peace j fol and liapnv homes, preserved to; ! vou and yours by the success oiUem i ocratic principle ! Come, as an ava .lanche sweeping down the Alps, to j hurl from existence a political party whose tendencies are to endanger, il not destroy, this glorious Republic ! Conic to the polls and strike one more blow, on Tuesday next, for the Con stitution, the Union and the Laws, is upheld and sustained by the time honored Democratic party ! ' Beware of Frauds! We understand that the Opposition candidates for county offices are send ing out Democratic tickets with their own names inserted in place ot the Democratic nominees. Our friends BOWLES. MULLIW ASHCOM £ KEIGI4TNER are engaged in this 1 business. Some of them will likely he a counterfeit of the regular Democrat ic ticket, with the exception of one or two names. Look out lor them, and i ! examine your tickets carefully before i voting! Look out (or a Slainv dav ! + ' Tuesday next will he a great day in the history of Pennsylvania. It may be the turning-point for weal or for i • —rr-c c-rrrciT TTI ITtU IWRI COiTfl 7 " j iv, give that day to your country! Whether it breaks upon the world in , sunshine or in storm, let it he your de . termination to go to the polls. It may i he a raw and rainy day : let that not 1 deter the healthy and strong from go . ing to the election and taking with I them, in their care, the weak and frail. Let there he no fail. A \ ile Falsehood! Jordan's "Inquirer,'' ol" last week, asserts • hat John bcott voted against Judge Campbell because he was a Cath olic. I his is an unqualified and un initigated lie, coined for the puriose of injuring Mr. Scott. The same pa per, we understand, intends iu this week's issue, to make the assertiouthat Gen. Foster voted against graning relief to the Irish, See., See. This 'k of a piece with the former and is e qnallv false. Let none he fe ci ived. €?so to fho Polls Earlri! Democrats! go to the polls carl' ! Deposit your votes as soon as you jet there, and see that every man has is i rights at the ballot-box. It'your voter* are not all at the election by two <*• j clock in the afternoon, send for tlur immediately. Let-every vote he pi-j led. YVt can and will elect ourwhee ticket, Irom Foster down, if we haver full turn out ! Jic ware of Koorbac kI We are informed that the -'-Bee ford Inquirer" is to be filled, th week, with lies and slanders upon ot:! candidates. It holds back its hardesj stories until the last minute so thai they can't be contradicted. Don't b deceived by them. 500 Ma jority ! Hem ember that we can give H F.N RY I). FOSTER 500 majority it Bedford county, if the Democracy dc their duty. Rally! Rallv ior Foster, feciiell and \ ictorv ! THE PEOPLE IN (OIMiL! DEMOCRATIC MASS MEETINGS ! GRAND RALLIES OF THE DEMOCRACY ! The hall still keeps rolling onward. A mass meeting ol the Democracy of St. Clair, I nion and MiddlelVoodberry, was held at the house id Thos. C. Reighard, in I nion|tp., on Friday last. There were over 100 voters present. A pole 9i> feet in height, was raised, and a flag in scribed, "Foster and Democracy," flung to [the breeze. The following named gentlemen acted a.-: officers of the meeting. President, JOHN BOYER, Sr., ; Vice Presidents, John IVisegar ver, David Dickey, John Weyant, Mictiael Shafer, Henry Myers, Peter Moses, So|. Fick es •, Secretaries, Dr. Figard, Ceo. Beegfe.— Addresses were delivered by John Palmer and O. E. Shannon, Esqrs. Great enthusiasm pre vailed. MEETING AT VVOLFHOI'E'S MILL On Thursday night, Sept. 27th, a large nutn ! ber of Democrats from Allegheny tp., Somer j set co , and Juniata tp., Bedford co., assembled ; at VVolfhope's Mill. An organization was j effected by the appointment of PETER BRIDGE as President ; Peter A. Topper, Matthias Suhre L. N. Fyan, and Michael Hickey as Vice-Pres idents ; and Thomas Hodle, Lewis Whmbaugli Philip Will and Bernard VVolfhope,as Secieta ries. Speeches were made by B. F. Meyers, • V alentine Hay and Gen. A. H. Coflroth. The meeting then adjourned with three cheers for the Democratic nominees. MEETING AT HUNT'S SCHOOL HOUSE, j On Saturday evening last, the Democrats of the upper eftd of Cumberland V alley township, met at Hunt's School House, in that township. There was a good turn-out and the best feeling i prevailed. SAMUEL BOOR was appointed President, Henry Boor and VV. McClellan Vice Presidents, and A. VV. L-e and John McFer ran Secretaries. The meeting was then addres sed by J. W'. Dickerson, B. F. Meyers, T. B. Cessna and Dr. H. Hudson, after which [it ad journed wi.h three loud and heaity cheers lor the nominees ot the Democracy. HUZZA! HUZZA! We have just received the glorious news that the Bell and Everett men in Philadelphia | and elsewhere in the State, have determined to support GEN. FOSTER for Governor. Phila delphia city and county will give Foster at least TEN THOUSAND majority. The basis j tar a Union electoral ticket, which will be sat isfactory to all the opponents of Lincoln, has also been agreed upon. This is cheering and gratifying news. Democrats of Bedford coun ty ' The dawn of Victory is breaking ! For ward to the onset ! . i VV hat has >IR. .McPHERSON done lor hi, district in Congress ? Did he make any eifoit ito have the National Foundry located in his 1 district ? Did he make any allusion in his speeches to the great iron and coal interests of h>s dis : trict ? Did he interest himself in any way to induce the government to puichase, or even to trv our Broadtop coal in her Steamers, and her work shops ? Not he. His whole subject [was the NIGGER the everlasting NIGGER. Had Mr. Scheli been in Congress as the rep resentative of this district—he would have in ; trrested himself in every way, and on all occa sions, in favor of your coal, your iron, an ! your railroad interests. | Our Own Interests ! Citizens of Bedford county ! Do you desire to advance your own interests ? Do vou wish your county to improve and advance Then vote for the representative [man of your own : county, WILLIAM P. .SCHELL! " Vote for j him and work for his election ! REJHFUmtER!! That HENRY D. FOSTER is the candidate of all the conservative men in Pennsylvania ; ! ; that he is supported by the Bell and Everett men as well as by the Democrats. Work! Work! Work! Democrats The time lor work is short, j Roll up your sleeves and the work j with all your might. The destiny of the party and the welfare of the country may depend i upon your exertions. THE "WIDE AWAKES" l.\ HTXTI\GDO\. During the recent Fair in Huntingdon, the "Re publicans, ' as usual, would have their military "Belsnick.'es" out on parade. As the cars were coming along, the "Wide Awakes" crowded on the pavement and some of the spectators blinded by the glare of their lamps, upon [the .railroad track. The train swept along, and two immortal souls were ushered into eternity. We are informed that a number of men threw down their torches and declared they would never touch the ;toolish mummery a^ain. Hz "ftALNY JUiLN ! " ! lie Republican leaders attempt to ridicule he idea jof John AlcVicker'a candidacy for the legislature, and say that c he never came to . jwn except on a rainy day, and is, therefore, ( jlled "Rainy John," for short. We warn ) gentlemen that it" they dcn"t take good fe they will be caught in a rain-storm in iii.h they'll hear thunder on Tuesday next, j ' jr:al: for "Raiiiy John !" WHY TRDI TMW AMI iVl< VITKER SHOULD BE ELECTED. If the'people of Bedford county want the Bedford Railroad extended through their coitn tv, let them vote for Troutman and Mc\ icker. They live on the route of the proposed exten sion and are interested in it. If the people of Bedford county want faithful and capable rep resentatives in the Legislature, let them vote for Troutman and McVicker. If the people de- j sire the abuses and extravagance of the late "lie publican" Legislature reformed, let them vote for Troutman and McVicker. IIE DOES NOT, HIMSELF, BELIE! E WHAT HE SAYS ! "But, you say. it is a tiansparenf scheme to elect .Mr. Sctlell to Congrts,.' Excuse me tor saying that such an assertion is 'transparent' nonsense. You. don't belief) a il yourself — Hon. S. L. Russell lo Cork Robin, oil the sub ject of l'ie Red ford Railroad, published in the Bedford Inquirer, .ins. 3ls/, ISbO. Such is the opinion entertained ol the In quirer by a leading in its own party. — Comment is unnecessary. OF IRISH DESCENT. CAPT. GEORGE S. MELLIN, the Repub ! lican nominee for Sheriff, when at Hopewell a lew days ago, told an Irish Iriend of ours that he (Mullin) was ot Irish descent. "An' are ye a Democrat ?" a.-ked Pat ; rick. "Why no !" replied the Captain. "Well, thin," was the ready response, "1 don't care how many Irish daddies ye had, I won't vote for vou." All this can be proved, if necessary. GOOD MEN AND TRIE ! V te for JOHN J. CESSNA, RICHARD Me MULLIN, JOHN S. BRUMBAUGH, G EOiiG E B\ EG UMAX and JACO B VV AL TER. They are all good men aid true. KEEP IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE, that Samuel S. Wharton, the Republican candidate | for Senator, is charged bv iiis >wn party, with having defeated GEN . KOONTZ, the Republi can candidate tor the same otlice in 18.">7. KEEP IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE, that Samuel S.JVVharton is charged by his own party with being in favor of the repeal of the Ton nage Tax on the Pennsylvania Radroad. KEEP IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE, that Samuel S. Wharton is charged by his own party v ith having oflereil abi ibe to A. C. Mul lin, when that gentleman was a candidate lor , the Senate. KEEP IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE THAT JOHN SCOTT, the Democratic candidate for | Senator, is opposed to the repeal oi the Ton nage Tax. Cftl.l.lXV _Z fits'*, *rnTT! PRAISE FROM AN OPPONENT ! The following article is clipped from theTv rone Star, a Utll and fjveivtt paper : Jehu Scott, Esq, Tilt indications, as we are pleased to leam, are that this pure and high minded gentleman will be elected to the State Senate bv a hand some majority. It is true that in Somerset, where Air. Scott is comparatively unknown, his opponent will receive tns usual party major ity which is large, hut in find ford and Hunting idon, where botnai- known, and particularly in the latter count), where both reside. Air. ; Scott's majority will be large enough to over j come the vote ol Somerset, with a margin to ! spare. This may appear strange to persons at a distance, who know the political complexion of the dull ict, but we Jo not exaggerate when we say that it is seldom any party brings for- J ward a candidate such as Air. Scott is. Of the j highe>t order ot intellect, he has never aspired ito political fame. A lawyer of the most bril liant attainments, he lias ever been honorable 'and straightforward m his professional career. Although a Democrat iu his political views, yet he has always l>ern conservative, and nev er erther a blind partisan or a politician. He is a man whom the ivhole people can place im plicit contiJence in. He has scores ol attach ed friends and warm admirers in every politi cal party, and there are some sections of Hun tingdon county in which we are assured bv leading Republicans he will carrv lh" whole j vote, irrespective of party prejudices. As we ' remarked before, it is not often such men are brought lorwaid for political otfice, and it is re- ■ freshing, in the midst <>| our present political ' excitement, to see men lav down the weapons i of political warfate, and unite thus in support 1 ola ir:an because lie is both honest and capable, j tVe have never voted a Democratic ticket in ' our life, but it would give us great pleasure to cast a vote for .Mr, bcoit, were we a resident oi tiis district. Bribery Attempted ! The opponents of William I\ Sehell have grown desperate and are | ready to attempt anything to injure him. We have just been informed ! that an attempt was made by them I to bribe, with money, a leading Dem ocrat ot Liberty township, who in j dignantlv spurned their offers. Name, time and place can be given if ne cessary. Don't be Deceived ! We understand that Mr. Ashcotn tells Democrats that there is but one Democratic nominee for the legisla ture. Don't be deceived. The Dem ocrats ol the District are determined to support Trout man and McVick er. 1 (lonJrnce el the Bedford (t&zette.; S< iicu. r.< r.' . Oct Ist, 18CU. MR. EDITOR : thinking that a short commu nication (rorti tin- region, might not prove unin teresting, 1 will give you a lew idea* as to how our recent examination of Teachers passed oli &c., Sic. Thursday, the 27th, a.s per notice of' the Superintendent, the Teachers met in this borough, there being fourteen present in all besides the Dilectors and spectators, amon? which latter was the worthy Superintendent ot Somerset county, Prof. Siutzman. Exercises commenced at about 9 o'clock. A. M. By noon Orthography, VV lit ing and Grammar had been disposed of, when we adjourned with t promise to m-et Mr. S'utzman in half an iiour to have an exercise on the elementary sound, ot tin* Alphabet. According to promise, the Teachers and many others were on hand. A chart being constructed on the olack-board, w. proceeded in a very pleasant concert recitation alter which we had a lecture from the Superin tendent. The time having arrived for our ex amination to proceed, Mr. Stutzman adjourned his lectu'e until evening, when we again met j and had another verv interesting time. And here I might as well notice that tile "dt-j übh ' can Wide Awakes"' were going to have a grand .Mass meeting in town on that evening, sneak ; erf from Bedford being present. Owing to the ! inclemency of the weather tlie plan ol holding it on the street was given up lor that of bavin? i it at the school house, the upper room being , left for that put pose; but by the lime the Xot mal cla:s was in operation in the lower room, i the political meeting was nonest inventus, and [ Ihe speakers, after having the drums beaten a while, gave it up in dispair. So ended the . grand "Republican" Mass meeting at Scltell-- burg. 'l'lie class exercised in concert a while, : iioth in Phonetic spelling and in reading, and were addressed again by the Superintendent on ■ the duties of the Teach-r as well as the best modes of teaching, when we adjourned sine ■he. ' DREW. HOPEWELL tp., Sept. 29th. Mu. Euproa : That unblemished and self , sacrificing pat riot, Maj. Daniel Washabau-rh, • paid this region an electioneering visit tiie j present week. He poured out wormwood and gail upon the head of Hon. W. P. Scheil. We •II know whence conies his bitterness toward a iran who, instead of living oil ol Bedford ; county like Maj Washabaugb, has done all he could to build up its interests. The little Ma jor wanted to be President ot the Bedford Rail j road Company, and Mr. SCHELL was elected instead of him : that's what accounts lor the bitter milk in the Major's cocoa-nut. We are not to be operated upon by any man, or sotf ol mer, who are carried away by their own personal ieelings. A. REPUBLICAN. Look Out! . We understand that a "dead set "is to be made by the Opposition to defeat Richard Mc Mc.Mullin, the Democratic candidate foi Com missioner. J/>ok out ! TAX-PAVERS BEWARE ! The election of Andrew G. Curtin would f. • a sad blow to the tax-payers of Pennsylvania. Curtin himself is a professional politician, and, if elected, would be surrounded by the most cor iifPtfie lionesf la x^yefs'late' heed "before it i* j too late. The State debt, under the wise po.i j cy of a Democratic Administration, is rapidly becoming extinct : ar.d a cl.angejof policy, such . as would undoubtedly be adopted ov the politi cal plunderers who effected the nomination ol Curtin, would again involve our people in x --plicable difficulties. We declare it as our con viction, that the election of Andrew G. Curtin will cost the tax-pavers of Pennsylvania iml j lions ol dollars. Stute Sentinel. DEATH OF JONATHAN UORTON. HSU. A notice of the decease of'ihe above-named gentleman, late proprietor of the Union Hotel, in this borough, was unintentionally omitted m our last two issues. Air. Horton was a man ot excellent character, and beloved bv ail who knew him. H was born on the 27it of De cember, ISO 6, and died on the Bth ol Septem ber, iB6O, aged 53 years, 8 months and 15 days. Alay he rest in peace ! 0 M l Nl s TKA'r Ok • S N 0 TIC M. Letters of j Administration having been granted to the sub-criber, residing in Allebenv tp . Somerset co., on the esta teol Zaccheus Luman/late iol ( umberlaml Valley rp.. Bedford co., dec'd. all persons indebted To said estate are theieiore notifi ed to make payment immediately, and those havin , claims will present tbem forthwith fir j to VV m. Li Ila in residing in said township. r . - L „ JO,,N LI'MAV, Oct. oth, 1860. Admin. .frator. FRATOIi'S NOTICE. Letters of Administration (having been | granted to the subscriber upon the estate ol" lom | than Horton, I ite of Bedford borou-h. dec'd ,1! j indebted to said estate *>e rcu.ieste.-l i„ I make immediate payment, and having claim, , against said estate, will pesant tfwin properly an tneuticateil to the subscriber at Be