The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, September 21, 1860, Image 2

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FRIBiV, SKP. 31, I*6o.
B. F. Meyers, Editor ann Proprietor.
" " for PRESIDENT,
Hon- WISrMAH S 5 . KC-HRLIj-
or l.fc.X DON DE Rr. Y.
The nomination ol the above-named gentle
man as the Democratic candidate (or Congress
ID this district, is hailed with the liveliest
satisfaction by men of all parties who desire;
lhat our National Legislature shall be com
posed of good and worth}- men. In Bed lord
and Fulton, the name of William P. Schell is a
household word. In the remaining counties
111 this district, Mr. Schell's public services,
and his integrity of character, are well known j
anrt highly appreciated. We might give arti
cle after article from newspapers published in
various parts of the Slate, speaking of Mr.
Schell's public career in the most flattering j
terms. But this would be a work of supereroga
tion. Our readers know the man too well ,
to make it necessary lor us to write or quole
i utogiums upon his character. To the people
id our county, Mr. Scheli has always proved a
friend in all their interests. Every public enter
prise calculated lor the good of the communi
ty, has found him an earnest, untiring advocate,
and a liberal and manly supporter. Possessing
a clear and strong mind, and having at an
arlj age tonr.ed habits of sobrietv and close
attention to business, he has been able to
accomplish wha* many would have turned
from in despair. As an instance of this, we
need but refer to his connection with the
Broad Top improvement, which opened up a
source of unbounded wealth in tiiat erewhile
neglected region. Or should we desire evi
dence nearer home, our readers ail know that to
Wm. P. Scheli we are mainly, almost wholly,
indebted for the origination and prosecution
of the project to build Ihe Bedford Railroad.
Everv dollar that has been expended upon the
work done upon that road, was raised by Wm.
P. Sclieil. When it was promised that if Mr.
Scheli would be elected to the Senate, he would
do ail he could lor a railroad to .Bedford, no
person expected tiiat he would be able to ac
complish hall that he has. His friends thought
it an idle, though honest promise : his enemies
denounced it as an electioneering scheme.—
Yet how nobly has he redeemed his word !
How manfully has he fulfilled his promise !
Citizens of Bedford county! Democrats, Re
publicans, Bell men ! Is not such a man
worthy of your votes ? Is not such a citizen
worthy of your encouragement '
Daniel B. Troutmsn. Esq.
We owe an apology to our readers, as well as
to the a!>ove named gentleman, lor not noticing
in our last issue, the nomination for Assembly,
made by the Democratic conferees lor this coun
ty. The nomination was made during our ab
sence from home, ami we were not informed of
it until after our paper wns pu l to pre,-. We
shall endeavor, nevertheless, to mane ample a
mends for fhis unintentional omission. The
nomination of Mr. Trontman H A-T excellent
one and wiil bo responded to with i rousing vote
in his favor wherever he is known. Should he
be elected he will make an active, atfentne
and faithful member. led the people of Bed
ford county rally around htm, and tv securing
his election, rebuke the lutle clique in Bedford
which by intrigue and bargain and -ile, effec
ted the nomination of C. W. Ashcom. Mr.
Troutman has many friends in Somerset coun
ty, where hi is weli known, and will run a
large vote in ihat county. Let Bedford do her I
duty anu his election is certain.
djr*We are crowded with communications
Our traends must have patience.
Democrats, Organize!
Il ts r.)w but little mrn-e than two weeks till
the initial baf'le ol the present campaign
will be fought in the liiHa and valleys of Penn
| sylvania. Democrats, ate yau prepared fir the
tontlict ? Are you ready to 20 to the jrolis on
that day, an 1 (o fight once mnr the battle ol
your party and your country- ? Have yon or
ganize i your districts? Have you had yourselves
assessed > Have you made preparations to get
• very single vote to the polls ? Il not, go to
woik at once. Let not a day pass by unim
proved. A victory in October insures a victo
ry m November. Go to work, then, ant! let
vour rallying crv be "FOSTER and VICTO
RY 1"
Arc you Assessed i
will be the last clay on which voters can be as
sessed so as to give them the right to vote at
the first election. We caii upon the Demo
cratic Vigilance Committees in the various dis
tricts, to have every Democratic voter assessed
within the proper time, and hope that they will
. at once examine the lists.
The County tickets.
We have thus far said but little in regard to
.the claims of the candidates for the several;
county offices to be filled at the coming Octo- '
her election. We have treated the Opposition
nominees as gentlemen. In fact we have not
. said a word against anv ol them personally, not
because we could not have done so with truth,!
but because we are averse to dragging perso- •
nabties into politics. In dark contrast with *
our course is that of the abolition organ of this
place. Abuse, and slander and olackgnardisrn
!of the Democratic candidates, fill its columns j
j weekly. We have refrained from noticing
that paper's attacks upon our candidates, for;
the reason that the PEOPLE KNOW ITS j
OC ROAN DI DATES. Men like S. H. TATE, j
-IYIAN and JACOB WALTER, need no vindi
cation at our hands. The people know them \
and w ili vindicate them at the polls.
On the olher hand, we oppose Messrs.
rest of the Black Republican count v ticket, be
cause they stand upon an unsound political plat
form. because they are the nominees of a clique
in Bedford borough which have chalked out for
themselves ofbces and nominations to the ex
clusion ot worthier men in (heir own ranks,
and because, taken as a whole, the
candidates on the Black Repnblican ticket, are '
not .10 well qualified to discharge the duties ot j
the offices for which they are candidates, as
those on the Democratic ticket.
A Base Falsehood.
The reckless and unscrupulous orgar. of ihe
Republican party of this county, charges JOHN
SCOr T , Esq., the Democratic candidate for
Senator, with being in lavor of the repeal of
the Tonnage Tax. This shameless falsehood is
perpetrated hv that paper, in order to pot Scott
on a par "vith Wharton, who is opposed by his
own party on account of his being a tool of the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company. That dodge
won't go, Mr. Jordan. Try again, Francis.
W. P. Schell's Record.
We reler our readers to the record ol Mr.
Sr hell on the Tariff and Extra Pay, published
in this week's paper. Mr Scheli always has
been in lavor of a better taritl than the present,
and as everybody who knows the two men
will admit, can and will do more for the Tariff,
in one week, than McPherson in two years.—
He has aigj been consistent ir. his opposition to
Extra Pay, has ing so late as April, voted for
its repeal.
Ecu- John Scott.
This gentleman, the Democratic candidate
for Slate Senator for this district, paid our town
a short visit a few days ago. %r. SCOTT IS a
gentleman of fine social qualities, and made
many friends here during his brief stav. We
are authorized by him to state that it is not
true that he is iu favor of the repeal of the
Tonnage Tax. He has always been, and is
now, opposed to its unconditional repeal. Mr.
Scott's prospects ol success are improving
.T?°"The paper which first published the
article concerning Mr. Curtin's calling the
Hermans •'two-skulled," lias since retratcted
it. It gives us pleasure to correct the state
ment. The letter of FRANCIS PICARD,
the Herman huckster of Snvder county, is,
however, uncontradicted, and shows Mr. Cur
tin to be a man unworthy to occupy so dignifi
ed a position as that of Hovernor of Pennsylva
nia. I'he letter, it will be remembered, re
lates the incident of Curtin's shooting Mr.
P.ckard's dog and then turning round and
threatening to shoot Pickard himself.
XF~The Adams Sentinel attacks Mr. Scheli
on the score that when he was in the Stale
Senate, he refused to vote with the Black Re
publicans, for a resolution reflecting upon and
condemning President Buchanan. The same
pa| er, also, misquotes Mr. Schell's votes on the
Tariff and Extra Pay. lv "e a>k the Sentinel as
a matter ot justice to Mr. Sctieli, to publish his
record on the Tariff and Extra Pav,as copied
from the Senate Journal ir. our rtaper ol this
week. Will vou do it, Mr. Sentinel '
.Cr"J. Seweli Stewart, Esq., ot Huntingdon,
is announced as an independent Republican
candidate for Slate Senator. The way he'll
n ake Wharton's fur flv will be a caution.
Democratic Meetings
Pursnant to the request of a number of tin
leading Democrat-- of Union township, a inecj
ting of the citizens of that township was calle| H
at the town ol Lewisville,on Friday, Sept. 14-thl
for the purpose of raising a Douglas,
ami Foster pole. By eleven o clock in thty,
forenoon, a large crowd had assembled to wit
ness and assi>t in the raising of the pole, whic!\,
was a beautiful hickory ninety four feet itc
length, without splice. By noon about three;,
hundred persons had gatheied in, and the lofty l ,
hickory, with the flag of Douglas, Johnson arid .
Foster floating from its top, soon rose erect to-1
: ward the skv, ainid the cheers and shouts of the
multitude. After the pole had been raised, a
meeting was organized in front n( Mr. John M.
Waller's store, the following named gentlemen
acting as officers : President, JOHN ROYER,
Sr.: \ ice Presidents, Jacob G. Divelv, Peter
Sliupp, Adam Brigle, Jacob Corby, Samuel
I Beaid, David Lewis, David Dickey and Henry
Corle; SecretarieA, Samuel Burket, John M.
Walter, Josiah Burk, Michael Wyant. The
j meeting was then addressed bv Messrs. John
Palmer and B. IN Meyeis, on the general issues
before the people, and by Maj. S. H. Tate on
j local politics. The meeting was full of enthu
siasm and good feeling, and adjourned with
cheers for tiie Democracy and the whole Demo
: cratic ticket. Union wll give a good account
ot herself in October and November, notwith
standing the trick of the Opposition in having
the place of holding the election moved as far
from tlie Democratic voters as possible. But
we must not conclude our account of this meet
ing without expressing our thanks to Alr. David
Lewis and family, for the kindness with which
they treated us on the occasion. Long may
they live and prosper.
On Thursday night, Sept. 13th, tlie Douglas
Club of Cumberland Valley, held a meeting at
Crouse's School House, in that township, which
was largely attended. JOHN GROUSE was
appointed President; Jno. A. Gump, A. Blair,
Esq., Jas. Cessna Esq., ami others whose names
have not been reported to us, acted as Vice
Presidents and Secretaries. Speeches viere
made by O. H. Gaithep, E c q., of Bedford, and
Dr. H. Hudson and Jacob Snider, of Centre
viile. The best feeling prevailed in the meet
ing, and all present expressed their determina
tion to do all in their power for the good cause.
The meeting adjourned amid great enthusiasm. .
On Saturday night last, a large and enthusi
astic meeting of the Democracy of'the Southern
end of Cumberland Valley, was held at Houck's
School House, in that township. About one
hundred voters were in attendance. The meet-
ing was organized by the appointment of LEVI
HA RDINGER, as President: John Pool, Price
Twigg, Solomon Rice, John Elliott, and Joseph
Brant, as Vice Presidents; and John W. Rice
and Sarn'l Wolford Secretaries. Speeches were
then made by B. F. Meyers and John Cessna,
Esq., after which the meeting adjourned with
laud hurrahs for Democracy and the whole
Democratic ticket. Our friends in Cumber
land Valley deserve the highest praise for the
thorough organization which they have effec
ted in their township. They are a gallant hand
and always light. "Little Berks" will tell a
glorious tale at the coming elections.
On Saturday night last, the Douglas and Fos
ter Club of Bedford borough, held their stated
meeting in the Court II esse. The attendance
was good. Sneeches were made |.y Mes-rs.
Gailher, Dickerson, Palmer and Fisher. A
bout fifteen persons added their names to the
Constitution. The Club then adjourned to n --et
on Saturday evening next, at wirch time a full
attendance is requested.
Bloody Run, Pa., Sept. 15th, ISP>O.
iln. MEYERS ; Is it true, Mr. Editoi, tha
C. W. ASMCOM, the R -publican candidate for
itie Legislature, voted against WILMOT in
1*37, when he was presented bv the Repnbli
i*n party as their candidate for Governor ?
Js it true that ASHCOM and MULLIV
were nominated through the influence of Fr.
Jordan,Mor the purpose of keeping all the
nominations outside of Bedford borough, at this
time, so that his brother-in-law. Over, may
receive the nomination for the L-gislaturt in
1862 ? These are stated to be facts, m our
Township, anc some of us would like to know
whether or not they are correct. Answer
and oblige a voter of
LUUIt is hardly expected of us that we should
answer the above questions. We know only
tins in regard to the fust, viz ; that we have
been informed by a gentleman who knows the
fact, that Mr. Aschom did vote against WIL
MOT when he was the Republican candidate
for Governor three years ago. We know like
wise that JONATHAN FEIGHTNER, the Re
publican candidate for Commissioner, voted for
JAMES BUCHANAN, in 1856. Then we
have COL. WHARTON, who helped to defeat
KOON TZ in IBsr. Surely, the Republicans
of Bedford county have a good appetite for
swallowing fishy candidates. As to the bar
gain and sale by which Ashcom and Mullin
were nominated, that is in every body's mouth,
though the idea of nominating the brother-in
law in 1862, is laughed at by ail f>arlies.
Democratic Meetings,
There will be a grand rallv ot the Democra
cy at THOMAS C. REIGHARD'S, in Union
township, on Friday, September 28th.
A mass meeting ot the Democrats of Union
township, will he held at the house of MICHA
EL W \ AN T, in that township, on Fridav, Oc
tober s:h.
Able speakers will be present to address these
meetings. Rally, Democrats.
ißead! Read!! Read!!!
In order thai our Opposition friends mav be
enlightened as to the position Mr. Wharton,
their nominee tor State Senator, occupies in his ;
own county, we give the following extracts
from Ihe PeoptCe Defender , a Republican pa
per published in Huntingdon, the town in
U bicli Mr. Wharton resides. Jt will be ob
served that that paper charge? Wharton with j
;>eing in favor ol the repeal of the Tonnage Tax
mil also that he opposed Gen. Koontz for the
-enate in 18f>7.
j>. £!. Wharton and the Three Mill Tax-
Tiiat Urn triumvirate which controlled the
ate Republican county convention had an eye
i business is as plain as the noon-day's sun to
giose who are observant of political events. —
'hey not only thwarted the will of the prople
jj the selection ol candidates by their chicanery,
it .-tilled an expression of the sentiments ol the
I utv upon one ol tlie most vital questions of the
j iy, with regard to the financial affairs ot our
j unman wealth—to wit : (tie Repeal of the
Itiree Mil! lax. Chat the opponents of Loco
icoism in this county are opposed to the repeal
• the tax is a fact beyond disnute. For several
' I years pas', their Conventions have passed res
tit ions ot instruction upon the -übject, 3iid all
(miniates for legislative honors were given to
iJersland tfiat tliey could not receive the sup
: ptof the party without giving an emphatic
: eiorsement ot those sentiments. No longer
faa than last fall did the people of this county
I raise to elect R. B. Wigton because he was
1 p-sumed to be favorable to the repeal, not
wlistanding he was pledged against it. Did
: tt late Convention re-assert tfie will of those
tht placed tliem in power. NO! And why ?
B;ause Wharton, Blair and Leas controlled
tlir action, and the former two did not want
. an ie.-traint thrown upon them should they be
eltked. They wanted to go to the legislative
hali with their votes untrammelled so that they
mijt vote in whatever direction their own
pecuniary advancement lay, not careing for the
inteest of the people. It is a significant fact
I thaJthissubject was allowed to remain sileni
by ie Convention, and especially at this time
vvhn it ha 3 culminated to one of importance
; andis about to be brought to a direct issue.—
Thee is something in this thing, ami a "good
thitj," can be made out of it by those who have
thevoting power in their hands in the legtsia
tivehalls. Imagine tor yourself Wharton in
tiieSenat" and Blair in the House, both unpled
gedbpon the subject. The bill come/up—the
strugs of the deep purse of the lYnusy Ivanid
Raixoad Company are loosened—coal, crosstie
andwcod contracts held up to their view, and
whi do you suppose the result would be. To
use >ur poetical correspondent's words they
""•on!d vote it through," without repaid to the
inters! of those whom they represent. That
Win* ton is a railroad man is evidenced from tin
tact fiat he rides in the cars of the Central coni
panyupon a "Free Ticket," {a tiring not gener
ally jestowod upon private citizens) and his son
is th<j Agent of the company at this place. If
he is }iot in lavor with the company why did
they give him a "pass" over their road. They
had a motive in view in giving it to him. He
has Itil them to believe that he is a prominent
politician, and will be likely to get into a po
sition in which he may no thern a favor. Yet,
not withstanding the "pass" and the agency, he
pretends *< be opposed to the comptnv : and
whv ' Because tie wants, in the first place, to
b<- elected, and in the second to lie bought
Wiiartou Sold Koontz Three Years
The Journal and .Jmerimn of iast week, in
an editorial article, which was certainly writ
ten by S. S. Wharton, judging from the bung
ling and ungrammatical manner in which it was
pnt up, charg-s J S. Stewart with oppo-itig
the election ot Gen. iv ■ ontz three years ago.
The statement is unqnaliti-div false, beside be
ing written in miserable English, and the edi
tion should not adopt, -s editorial, the writings
of a man who spells blood, "IVMC/," and Jeremi
ah with a "G."
Mr. Stewart supported Gen. K. all through
the campaign and voted (or him, which is more
I ■ *ri Wi a: tort did. Wharton and at least for
ty of hi s friends in to is town, voted for Schell,
tn consideration of which, an equal number of \
Democrats vote<! for Wharton. For the truth ;
of this statement, we refer to William Colon,
Post Master, and Wiiliain Lewis. Editor of the J
Globe, and others here conversant with the ar- !
langement. There is any quantity ot proof
here to show it.
The other charge that Wharton's friends :
gave to Mr. S. the conferees three years ago, is I
simply not true and too contemptible tor notice, j
His own friends gave them to him. The inen i
that Wharton could influence cast their votes j
tor another man. Is this satisfactory ?
I-or the. Gazette.
A "Political" meeting was held at Stoners- i
town, last Friday evening. Tile attendance
was very small. Hon. E. McPherson opened
the proceedings by stating that "he did not
come here to make a speech—only a talk."—
.Mr. McPiiersun remarked that the only ques
tion before the people in this canvass was the
Tariff, all others were merely modifications of
it. His elaboration of the ' Tariff dodge"
produced considerable yawning and ne gentle
man remarked —"what's the use of you talking
about it J Don't you see a lot o( locofocos
laughing at you ? Nothing daunted, Mr. Mc-
Pherson went oil to appeal to the voters. h°
said if they did not wish to vote for Lincoln,
they could vote for the Republican, or the
People's party. Now it has puzzled many in
this section to know which shade ot the union
splitting party, is engaged in the tariif dodge—
Mr. McPherson spoke in terms ofpra t seo! Hon.
W. P. Schell, but contended that he was the
better Tariff man—tried to show that from the
want of a protective tariffthe district embraced
m a few miles here has lost "hundreds of
thousands of dollars!"—accused the democrat
ic party with being extravagant, and modestly
wound up by informing - the 'audience '.hat he
saved the country four millions of dollars, by
his vote on the government expenditure esti
mates. Great is Diana of the Ephesians !
Sambo was entirely ignored.
At this stage of the Pow wow, ennui had
set in, with many decided symptoms ofa general
stampede. The spirit, however, moved Mr.
Abe. Moore, of Coalmont, and Mr. Moore
moved Mr. ShirJv to address the meeting—
Mr. Stiiriy declined to speak, but suggested!
that Mr. Moore officiale. Mr. Moore advances
to the desk, with the "slow and steady march
of a jockos- to a perk of oat?," and with a
majestic wave of his hand to (he President,
and "feller citizens" he opened his "speech"— I
reminds his lell. r citizens that In* is not in the
habit of making speeches, but • bought lie would
get up ami talk—or amuse them —remarked
that the Honorable gentleman who has jus',
sat down, has made a logical speech, in fact,
that he has no inferior in the State of Penn- ;
svlvania—opposes Guerrilla tactics in politics :
sacs that Douglas is the regular nominee of tlie
Democratic party—that Breckinridge is only a
Guerrilla—(we trust this will effectually settle
the question)—thinks that politics are very
treacherous—"would steal the bread and|butter
from a man"—again notifies the audience that
lie is not making a speech (no person doubted
this fact) —in conclusion hopes that everv voter
would vnte for Lincoln—thinks that Wharton
should be elected—and concluded by slating
that lie was impelled to make a speech for two
grand reasons, first for the tariff, and second,
he was "so striking/if struck by the Honorable
•gentleman just sat down." This meeting caps
the cliinax. LIBERTY.
iii i i iSi i 1;
In the Slate Senate, on the 19th day of Jan
uary, IS:>9, the following tariff"resolutions were
voted lor, viz :
WHEREAS, The experience of the past and
present most fully demon-Irate that if is a wise ;
and beneficent policy ol the General Govern
ment, which declares the imposition of duties on
such products of foreign nations as come m such '
direct contact with those of our own country,
as to injure and prostiafe the trade in our own
soil, ami among our own citizens.
'1 he artizans an i laborers in many department
of trade are compelled to abandon then- accus- '
turned pursuits—especially do ouruvvncoal and
iron interests suffer : therefore
Kesotved by the Sertoli? and House of llepre
srntrifives of the Commonwealth of l'ennsi/l
rutin, i ,-t Gene/til tenth! t/ ni't , That our Sen
ators in Congress be instructed, ami our Repre
sentatives requested to labor for the passage (at
the present session) of such an act as will not on-
ly tend to increase the revenue bv the imposi
tion of duties, but afl'ird ample encouragement
In a!l the interests of the country, injured by
the productions of the cheap labor of other na
tions ; but more especially t<> urge an increase
of duties on coal and iron, in which a portion
ot our own people are deeply interested.
Resoivsd , That the views of the President,
expressed iii his late annual message jn reference
to the advantage of definite or specific duties o
ver ad ttolorem duties, as more uniform, less lia
ble to frauds, and affording I he most certain and
uniform amount of revenue, meet our hearty
Resolved, That the Governor be requested to
forward to each of our Senators and members of
Congress, a copy ot the above preamble and re
solutions, informing them of their adoption.
Oo the passage of the resolution, the vote
AYES— Messrs. Bell, Baldin, Coffey, Craig,
Fetter, Finney, Francis, Gazzam, (iiegg, Harris,
Keller, Marsel.i--, Miller, Mver, Nunemacher,
Palmer, Parker, Penney, Randali, Rutherford,
SCHELL, Scolield, Sbaeffer, Schindel, Steel,
Thompson, Twrney, Welsh, Wright, Yardley
and Cresswell, Speaker —3l.
AA\ S— Nolle.
In the Senate, on the 30th of .March, IS6O
when certain tarifl resolutions were pending,
Mr. Schell offer---! the above resolution, es an
amendment, and the vote was as follows, viz ;
\ EAS—Messrs. Biood. B-11, Craig, Craw
ford, Keller, Marstllis. Millet, SCbELL,
Schindel, Turney and Weish—ll
N A \ S—Mesr, Baldwin, Benson, Connell,
Finnev, Gregg, Hall. Imbrie. Iristi, Ketcham,
Landon. Met .ore, Meredith, Palmer, Parker,
Penn-v, Ruiher; rd, Smith, Thomp
son, \ <i-.I!->v and Francis, Shaker —CI.
Every D-moerat voted for the resolution, and
every Republican voted again t them.
In the State Sen at-, on the 7'h of April,*,'BfS,
on the motion of Mr. Ely and Mr. Buckalew,
to amend Section oS of the appropriation bi!!,
by striking out thai part which allows extra
pay "to members ot the present Legislature,"
the yeas ami nays were required, and were as
follows :
YE \S—Messrs. Buckalew, Coffee, Craig, Ely
Evans, Fiancis, Harris, Laubach, SCHELL,
Shaeffer, Souther, Steele, Turney, Wright anri
Welsh, Speaker—ls,
NAYS Messrs. Bell, Brewer, Cresweli,
Fetter, Finney, Gazzam, Gr>-gg, Ingram, Knox,
Marseille, Mver, Randall, Rutherford, Scofield,
Straub and VVilkins—l6.
Again, on the !4-th of April, 1 M.nS, Mr. Schell
submitted the following resolution, viz:
"Resolved, That the Committee of Confer
enc •. on the part ofthe Senate, on the appro
priation bill, be requested to insist on striking
out of said bill the clause which authorizes the
payment of two hundred dollars in addition to
the regular pay, to the members of the present
A motion was made bv Mr. Souther and Mr.
Gazzam (two Republicans) to postpone the
question, together with the further considera
tion of the subject, indefinitely.
AYES—Messrs. Hell, Cress well, Fmnev,
Francis, Gazzam, Gregg. Ingram, Marsellis,
Miller, Myer, Randall, Rutherford, Souther,
Steele, Straub, and Wilkins —l7.
NAYS—Messrs. Buckalew, Craig, Elv,
Evans. Fetter, Harris, Knox, Lauhauch,
SCHELL, Scofield, Shaeffer,Turney, IVlight,
and Welsh, Speaker—l 4.
In the State Senate onthe first of April, IS6O,
on the motion to reduce the compensation of
members of the Legislature from seven hundred
dollars, to five hundred dollars per annum, —
the vote was as follows, viz :
YEAS—Messrs. Baldwin, Brewer, Coffey,
Craig, Fetter, Harris, Keller, Miller, Nnne
rnacher, Rutherford, SCHELL, Scofield, Shaef
fer, Schindel, Steele, Thompson, Turney, Welsh
Wright and Yardley—2o.
NAYS—Messrs. Francis, Gazzam, Gregg,
Marsellis, Myer, Palmer, Parker, Penney, Ran
dall and Cresswell—lo.
;S k k k k k k Ik k k k
A correspondent wnting froyi Water Street,
gives us the following graphic account ot a re
cent Black Republican meeting in Wood berry.
"At noon, a delegation o ipjteen came p a! ,t
this place lor Palton.sville. They had t V o
r/raras {an i 1 heard a httirtin horn blovi/,<r.
When they came back quite a crowd was witn
them —all say t0, viz: about 4-0 men and
20 boys. In this crowd I saw a number from
Hopewell Tp , South Woo J berry, Blair Coun
ty, and the rest— If), only belonging to Middle
I was very much impressed with the propri
ety of one of their banners. Shall I describe
it It was of rather dusky line, indeed, so much
so that the difference betweeen its color and
that of "Old Hen" could not be detected. Was
it not appropriate ? A significant answer will
be found in the fact, that when it was brought
nut this morning, a verv good Republican said
"/ wis n Lincoln man but that Jlnar mokes rne
vote for DOUGLAS." —Well, AlcPherson came.
I, with many others thought a speech worth
hearing might be forthcoming, and from what
was reported, it was to be a least of intellect.
But what a delusion ! If he is a sample of the
"wise men" of the great "Sanhedrim" of our
country, we may well cry "God save the com
mit! Wealth !" Self-importance is his whole
stock in trade. He savs he can beat Mr. Schell
but tfiat lie is sorry to do so. What a pity
If Mr. McPherson could be bought at the valua
tion other people put U|>ou torn, and be sold at
his own, a little fortune could be made by the
Air. McPnerson lound quite a hobby when
he touched upon the union ot the Douglas and
Hell men in New York. Oh! what a shame
lor conservative parties to unite to bring about
the defeat of Abraham, the union-splitter. Said
he, "The Republican party fuses with none
if never wanted the. tail ends of other parties
to help it. The Honorable gentleman must be
vety iorgetlul if he cannot remember that in
1856, ln> party sought the aid of the American
party in every state where it could command a
vote. Oh ! liu, they nevei t'used ! But let him
alone m his confidence, hi-, atrogauce and con
ceit. Let him go on despising the assistance ot
those who formerly elected him, and we'll
Scfiell him out of his Congressional nest on the
second Tuesday of October.
I have heard some talk of profanities being
used bv Democratic speakers at Bedford. If
you had heard a certain one of the orators (?) at
this meeting you would have come to the con
clusion that Black Republican speakers are not
ail aints. This thing I speak of did say he
"tcot/A/ rather approach the gorge of hell than
the Democratic party." That must be good
moral (?) g > £ pel. fie said "Douglas' mouth was
a fit abyss tor devils to dwell in." That's not
had language; not at all to be uttered from a
pieacher's potcb. But I will leave him—the
contempt ot a good man would (he long before
it could reach the depths in which he wallows.
The upshot is that the great Republican mee
ting in Woodberry of September Bth., iB6O,
was a giand fizzle.
Previously this year, 122,721
Total, 127,271
Same time last year, 82,684
Increase, 44,587
!LP"Physicians are generally loth to speak a
word m praise ot what are called "patent
medicines." Indeed, it is an article in. the
code of medical ethics, '.hat a physician who
sanctions the use of such remedies cannot be
considered a member of the National Associa
tion. But there are exceptions to the most
stringent rules, and many of the disciples of
Esc u lap ins have actually b-en compelled, bv
the force cf facts, to recommend the ne o) DR.
| thus - diseases which are particularly prevalent
during tiie summer and fall. 'They have
ascertained that there are no remedies in the
pharmacopeia which can compare with this
wonderful compound for derangement of the
sv>t-m. Thousands of tamilies residing along
the low grounds of the Western and Southern
rivers, are now convinced that thev have found
a medicine peculiarly adapted for their aii
| merits, while in oth-: portions of the country,
during the summer months, the demand for
the article? is equally large.
! Sold by druggists and dealers generally.
'XT-See advertisement in another column.
On the 6tii, by the Rev. H. Heckerman, Mr.
Joseph D. Sleek, to Miss Emanda Hamer, both
of St. Clair township.
On the 11th, by the same, Mr. Wilson Spi
dle, to Miss .Marthi Straiten, both of Bedford.
By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court
of Bedford county, the undersigned, acting
Executor of Thomas McCreary, late of Napier
Township, dee'd, will expose to public sale
upon the premises, the real estate of said dee'd,
on Thursday lite, 18th day of October next.
Said estate consists of four tracts, viz :
The Mansion tract, containing 409 acres, r
bcut 125 acres cleared and under fence, with
two log houses and log barn thereon erected;
also an apple orchard thereon, situate on the
head waters of Dunning's creek, and having a
good spting of water on the premises, adjoining
lands ot Ceo. N. Elli?, Emar.uel Weaver, Jos.
Black, Win. Wolf ami others.
i One other tract, containing one hundred and
; fifty tour acres, about 50 acres cleared ; th
improvements are a log house znd lo bayn,
and a small young orchard, adjoining the above
on Dunning's creek -.this tract, as well as the
above, contains good meadow land.
One other tract containing IJS acres, ad
joining the above, and having therpon erected
a iog house and log barn. Ibis tract contains
a good apple orchard ; also a spring of wafer
near the house, and sood meadow land.
One other tract adjoining the above, and,
containing about 63 acres, about 40 ot which
are cleared. The improvements are a leg
j house, log barn, apple orchard, &c.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M
7 ERMS made kn own on dav ot sales
acting ExV.r of
Sep. 21, 1860,