The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, September 21, 1860, Image 1

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    VOLUiHE ."57.
At the following term*, to wit .-
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(Tampaiau Gongs
AIU— Wait for the IVnycn.
Will you come with me, good Democ.ats,
And rally around our Hag.
To fight the Black Republicans,
Who play the game of brag ?
We'll meet them in discussion,
We'll meet them at the polls,
We'll meet those same old Coons again,
And drive them to their
CROUDS—Then wait for the wagon.
The Democratic wagon,
Wait for the wagon
A lid you'll all take a ride.
We'll ride tiiem up Salt Ksver,
To their homes again;
We'll give them no fresh water,
Except a Loco reign ;
blaster Lincoln skill be Captain,
While Hamlin takes the gun,
And Curtin play the banjo,
While Sambo beats the drum.
Cuoaus—Then wait tor the wagon, &c.
Our wsgon comes from Illinois,
By Democrats 'twas made.
And made of good old hickory,
J-o you need not be afraid ;
Then 3,1 aboard, ye Federal tribe,
We'll ticket every man,
That goes the negro worshippers,
(Vr goes the mongrel clan.
CHORDS— Then wait for the wagon, Jtc.
I know teat Lincoln can't come in, ,
For Doog'as is the man,
The ''Little Giant" of the West
Will rule this happy land ; ;
Then bear in mind ye Democrats, , ;
Next November is the time,
A* Ur 11 put the I 'ttle Giant in <
* N"he chair of Washington. t
CHORUS— Then wait for the wagoc, &c. j
To the Democracy of Pennsylvania. s
la a lew weeks vcu will be called upon !o ' ,
perform the most important duty that ever de
solved upon you as American citizens. At no
t iu '. history of our country was your ac- '
lion invested with deeper interest nor fraught
with greater consequences. Pennsylvania is
again the battle ground of the Union : and up
on her decision in October n-xi, wii! depend in
a great measure, the triumph or defeat of the
Republican party in the November contest.
Deeply impressed with this truth, the Demo
cratic Stale Executive C mmitte** desirLr• f-
Vto address you. It needs no lengthy argu
ment at this time to oai! you to a sense of duty.
In tile cri>is now impending, every 'rue rv.r:-
ci can see at a single glance the pathway he
should tread with unfaltering fiost-ps
Ever since the separation of the National De
mocracy at Baltimore, the S'ate Ommitt-e has
earnestly labored to promote the union of tne
Democratic party in Pennsylvania. It has
-ought no oilier object, a has struggled to pro
duce no other result. When the chasm yawn
ed that threatened to engulf the rful orga
nization which, in past, has -een able to
contend successfully with lilt* l'-es of the Con
stitution and the contemners of the equality r>f
the States, the grent heart of the Ame'-ican peo
ple was filled with dread, and the Democratic
masses were overwhelmed with consternation.
The Republican party viewed our internecine
warfare with ili-disguised delight. Its leaders,
confident of success, noioiy enunciated their dan
gerous and treasonable sentiments. The advo
cates of the odious doctrines of Seward, Sumner,
mcoln and John Brown, became reckless and
.-Cant. I hey believed that the prestige of suc
cess which had crowned the laborsol the Read
ing Convention was irrevocably broken, and
' h *\>' promptly made the Keystone Slate the
6-id oi their active and energetic exertions.
On our soil the battle is to be fought, and with
cur people the victory or defeat must be accom
In this emergency, the State Committee, ac
tuated by leelmgs of patriotism, and prompted
°nly by a wish to secure the triumph of the
food old cause," endeavored to agree upon a
course of action that would enable the Demo
cratic masses to unite upon one Electoral ticket,
■ltd thus permit them to make a common effort
•gainst the candidates of the Republican party.
After much deliberation, a plan of union, was
ogfeed upon, which, if faithfully executed, will
unquestionably produce this patriotic result
such a crisis it requires no words to prove
'be widom of any efiort that will firmly con
solidate the opposition to our common jiolitical
"nemy. It j s simply a question between Re
publicanism and Democracy ; and, as such, it is
• 'Jir.Rjitted with confidence to the calm good
n e of the people of Pennsylvania.
R cannot be denied that the union of the
i Democratic party wili result in a brilliant tci
j urnph in October. O that initial battle all nut
energies must now be concentrated. We have
a (.-ader worthy of our cause. With an enthu
siasm never before equalled in any political as
semulage, H„ liry D . Foster, ol Westmorland, |
j was selected as our standard bearer in that im
portant contest. Ife iiid not seek the nomina
tion. He repeatedly declined being a candi
ilite tor the blfice. When strugg.'ing partisans
met at fG-ading to advance the interests ol tueu
peculiar favorites, he r-.nained in the quiet re
tirement ol his own home, with no th night ol
personal advancement, and anxious nnlv lor the
success. I Democratic principles. The' presen
tation of tiis name to the Convention was met
i by a prompt withdrawal, at tns urgent solicita
tion. Lut when the voice ol the people unani
mously proclaimed him the leader of the parly
! m his native Commonwealth, he did not refuse
to obey the call to duty, yet seeking no prefe,-
raent by anv word or act of his own! The rec
ord of his lile is the record of a Pennsylvania
patriot, in every position he has occupied, he
has obeyed the instincts of his nature in labor
ing for the goo I of those who gave him place
and power. J'he purity of his private charac- :
, ter; the ability which marks every act of his I
: public file; the devotion he has shown to the i
j industrial interests ol Pennsylvania in the nails'
I of our National Congress and State Legislature: '
the z-ai lie h H ever brought to hear upon a!'
questions involving the true o,licy of our State
G ivertiment; atid the cons . vatism which has
: always characieriz- J h.s views up in National
issues, make hitn eminently worthy *of the sun- :
i port and confidence oi : 'i who have at heart
the abiding welfare of Pennsylvania freemen,
in asking you to <io battle for such a champion,
the State Committee iV-lstfMt it is only calling' :
up.m vHI to guard and protect y-ir vital inter- '
' 1 1 1 will ii t;.os appealed lotti vain. '
i . j people are with the Democratic party, and
wit! fallow its Hag, because j t the party'ofthe '
Union and the Constitution, it has made this
country great an 1 powerful. It has never cea- '
sed to st:uggie p,r the e; c va :i < i t;-e masses,
and tor the es'ahlisuinent oJ t:.-e true policy of '
go - e.nment. Its power is exhibited .ti the rap- 1
ii go vtb t- our extended boundaries, in lie ;
v'i.-ral prosperity an i happiness clou.- people
an •in t > p. e 3 -, ] li' r.if e aracter that has
been given to our political institutions. In m- .
yoking thorough and complete organization
throughout* Sintr in of tht* ,iv i j
simple duty is required of the Democratic mas- !
ses. The State Committee is now actively '
gaged in endeavoring to secure this sure and ! i
certain precursor of victory. We must be uni- I
ted in t ie contest, or our cause is utterly hope- j 1
lefs. Parties, aa well as nations, perish before I ,
i..e iv j, genius of dissension. Although clouds f !
and darkness may surround us. the uaioa of the | ■
Democracy will avert every calamity by which .
"V may be trmat-itrd, sod Witr bin "y o„ r ba.Gj 5
ner in triumph through ihe storm < f battle.
\> ILLIAM 11. \\ ELSH. (''iturmnn.
Pnif-ADELPniA, _-eot. o, IkfiO.
i t
the Hin. A. H. Stephens, of Georgia, has!
already taken the stump for Douglas and Jotin- \ '
son. He made his fust speech at Augusta, on j
'he Ist of September. The telegraph fur- • j
rushes us the following outline of his re- I
marks :
u Mr. Step ens .-aid he appeared reluctantly !
before the people, and only did -a because he i '
could not refuse the invitation of his old con
stituents. The signs of the limes portend evil.
Everything seems tending to national disrup
tional and general anarchy. Whether tins
tendency was to he arrested depended on the
virtue, intelligence and patriotism of th>* peo
ple of all parts of Ihe country in the present
great crisis. He was for D >ug!as and J,,h.ns >n,
the regular nominees. Whether Douglas re
ceived two thirds of the electoral vte or not
according to the usages of the party, he reci iv->,j
■;ie two thirds VI te of the conier,! inn. Th
| two-third rule was adopted upon parliamentary
understanding, such as is provided bv the rnii
stitufion, to pass a law over the veto of the Pre-
S"ient. Any other Construction is impractica-i
.'bit*. Whether Douglas got two hundred and 1
twelve votes as asserted on one side, or one hun- i
fired and fifty-four, as a.'itged on tfie other he '
(Do rolas) receive.) more than a two third 'vote
si'-', seceders left. He (Stephens) suppor- •
led the ticket because the candidates stood upon i
the time honored platform ol non-itifirven- !
'ion, the only principle which can preserve the !
i Union. The objections urged against Douglas j
by the seceders, were that he refused to say that i
it was ihe duty of Congress fo do what "they '■
wool i not do themselves.
; -D)g!as refused to say that it was the duty !
of Congres* to pass law Kt> protect shivery in!
tfie Territories ; hence they oppose him, and re- ;
fuse to vote for such a law themselves. Mr.
Stephens defended Douglas against the charge}
that he would not yield to the decision of the
Supreme Court, and said that Douglas agreed \
with every principle decided in the Ored Scott
case, but also insisted that (be point how fa- a
territorial Legislature might constitutionally j
regulate slavery had not been decided. N > case j
involving this principle had hen t-fore the'
court, fhe position of Douglas is that of per- j
feet equality between Hit* citizens .f afl the
Sta'es vi ith respect to the rights of persons and j
property. Mr. Douglas believed a Terri-j
torial Legislature might, by a system of laws,
virtually exclude slavery. He (Stephens) dif-I
ered with Mr. Douglas on this point, but it wa
a matter of no practical importance because if
the majority of the people of a Tenitoryl
opposed slavery i' would not go there. Me
saw no injury to the South resulting from it.
fresh from the sod, and
anxious fo secure a humming bird, caught a
hornet instead. It stung him, when Pat in
stantly exclaimed
"Houly Saint Pathrick ! how hot his little!
fut is." i
In Massachusetts the R j publicans have eg'
negroes and disfranchised a!l fireigi
! rn citizens—that is, they extend t. the negij'
the to vote dfll-r a residence of -i\- moritid
in the S'ate, whereas they compel a FOREMj;
W HI I E MA \ to remain (here TWO VE \R
before they allow him to vote.
In .V w York the Republicans have
Negro.-* Hie right of suffrage under a proper!
<! laiiticalion. If a negro is worth $250 or ovi
he is equal to White Republican ; il ne is wort
'•'iilv S J I!) 09 cents j lt .
X i Onio a mulatto is allowed to vote, acid '
accounted -a white citizen," under a d.-ci>i '
of the Republican Supreme Court of tit
The Democrats in the Ohio Legislature pe :
posed an amendment to their Constitution, li
winter, which tvul. effectually prohibit>
-uif.age, but the Republicans defeated !*?
In Cleveland the Republican Board of Ec
cution compel white children to sit with c
. groes in the public schools—one of the mei
, '>ers of the Board declaring that "he would lat
er his child should sit b-side a n-gro tlian e
>ide a frizzle-headed Irish oa bareheeled Dich
one." f ■ ' '
Sixty Republican meihheßrof^Congress, Cor
dially endorsed" the following sSffrimen) in
Helper'* nook : ••Not to be an abolitionis i;
to b-a wilful and :cal instrument ofthe
devil." y J,
The Freeport Journal (Rep.) says : Webe
liev that the negro is human—that he ha u
soul—and so far as his rights are concerned he
should enjoy all the social and political right o!
the w lite man."
When John Brown was convicted of muiier
and hung for his crime, the Republicans Md
sympathy meetings in ail their strongholds, nd"
tolled bells, and passed resolutions that Jihrs
Drown was a christian ma'tyr, and the gallics
un "i which he was hung mire gbn ,J- than t' e
of Ciinst.
i rom t: • Augusta [ua.] Const tntiofaist.
PUSH t .\ i in; -COLDMN.
!>-. T. VV. Keen, one of the North Carolina
" • ctors, lias written a letter declining to love
the Breckinridge ticket, regarding Dot g las
; id Johnson as the regular nominees.
i :ie ().-ceo:a (Mo.) Democrat has taken cjnvn :
names ot Breckini idge and Lane and pik up
those of Bell and Everett. The wind and ndrar
ootfi settling sinng in that directum.
I iie Atlanta /GJ.) Confederacy states that
Col. O. A. L . iirane, of _ll3con, has decfe-ed
ni.s in ntion to give his cordial support to
Douglas and J ihnsoti,and will address thicci'.i
zstni of Atlanta at an ar-'v
The American (Ga.) Republican, of August '
17ih, says : "The Hon. James L. Seward, the
Douglas elector fir the find Congressional dis
trict, addressed a large meeting of his fellow
ci'i/.ens at the court house in this p. lace on
Wednesday night last. He poured hotshot in
to the Bieckinridge camp. It was an able
speech. A lew sueh speeches as Mr. Seward's
am! the disunion parly of Sumter county won't
[roll one hundred votes in November next.
Four more j apers, says the Vernon (La.)
Times, have dropped Breckinridge in that State
and come out boldly for Douglas ar.d Johns in,
Hni >n and equality. The Vick>burg (Miss.)
Citizen has done the same.
McGilbra Kogers having been appointed a
i memhei nl the Executive committee of theShel
! by county, Tenn., Breckinridge am) Lane aso- i
j ciation, states in a raid ir, the Memphis Appeal,
I that he declines ac f in J with that p:rtv,and will
I support D mghs and John- in.
Wilier 11. Payne,one of the ctors on the
New I >rk Breckinridge and Lane ticket, de
clines to serve. He stales m a card in the New
Y' i u Vws, that !i ■ ;s hi; D'Uglas an I John
A correspondent of the Riohm m l ( Vi.)
Whig writing trom Patrick Court-house, Va.,
say. that the Mrrckinridge and Line pailv of
that county was rather hard up for delegates.—
i hey ij pointed, J> di i gates to the convention,
i the following gentlemen, who are all for Doug
las and J hnson : Go. V . Penn, Col. Chat leg
Pa-s, (i, V\ . Cheeley, J. W. Shelton, and seve
• :al others.
; A Republican, named John A. Andrews, has
j been nominated as a candidate I >r Governor of
Massachusetts. He is a capital standard bear
i er for this abolitionized party of New England,
j He presided on the 19th of last November, at
j a John Brown sympathy meeting, in Boston.
In a speech he made upon the occasion, h
j said :
"IVe are to-night in the presence of a great
and an awful sorrow, which has fallen like a
pall upon many families whose hearts fail, whose
affections are laceiated, and whose hopes ar
crushed —(no sympathy for the wives and chil
dren of the murdered men of Harper's Ferry)
a ! ! of hope left on earth destroyed bv an event
which ur.der the Providence of G id, I prav I
will he overuled lor that good which was con- j
templated and intended by John Brown him
**#* .=#
"I pause not to consider, because it is wholly i
outside of the duty or the thought of this as
sembly to-night, whether the enterprise of
John Brown and his associates in Virginia, was i
wise or foolish, tight wrong, I only know
that whether tiie ehterplftse itself was one or ]
the other, John Brawn himself was right."
* * * * ■ I
"I sympathize with the man, I sympathize
with the idea, because I sympathize with, and
believe in the eternal right." j
Is it usual with the people of Boston tosvm- s
pathize with murderers ? (
Freedom of "loaglit and Opinion.
\ ——
' John Brownisw $ pleats to be at work in the
; Lone Star S|ate, jnd ibe tyiirl) ofthe incendia
ry and of the assassin—not content
with the h!o .d spilt in Kaqsas—lias invaded a
s ivereign Si tte—and is doing the bidding of
Abolitionism. Comment is unnecessary, read i
(•'he facts! Joshua R. G hidings' servile wa-j
H commenced and abolitionism has armed
Haves with poison to do the work of civiii
zing and christianizing IVxas by murdering ;
. their masters. Will not the Republicans
•' organize an "aid society, to carry on the j
i ''ginrious reform ?" (Jan [no John Brown be j
raised up to assist in the wreck of freedrm !
I>y th- Southern mail, received last night, j
we have several items of Texas news in regard i
l ■ the Abolition excitement in that State. The ;
. vanned .cl'.es Chronic!?, gives the following :
Lilts Count p. —A young roan who had b-en j
< mp! ived at a / .ore in Waxahaiohie, was nung
a lew days since for giving strychnine to slaves
t ■) put in yvt-iis.
Sm<fh CountjL —The man who was shot in !
t tie attempt to set fire to Tyler has been found ■
Chen,ken .Yafion. —The Paris Press speaks :
ola t umar that a bloody fight had taken [dace
in the nation between Abolitionists and pro
slavery men, in which 150 of the former were
killed, and 7 ofthe (after. This story is most
probably a fabrication.
Wood County. —On the 29th u!t., an armed
commute,, escorted the notorious J. E. Lemon
not of Wood CTFUTI'V. Jus! before which, he
signed a document binding himself under
penalty of his life not to return to Wood j
county, nor publish or circulate Abolition
documents in the State.
* j' Lhirokce County. —The citizens of Chero
jfee have organized f>r tli-ir protection.
/More Incendiarism. Another attempt has
hyen made to tire buildings near Tyler also in ;
Brenham and in Georgetown.
i ■ Houston Telegraph of the lllh savs :
Vie 1 -arn from a gentleman who passed
through Mend' rso i, in R county, on Mon
day morning, that the town cf Hendeison
was set on fire last Sunday night, the fitii m>t.,
and was almost entireh consume ' Every j
bouse on the square, except one, including all 1
. the business houses in the place, was destroyed. j
1 he pe.jplr .-)! Hep. lersori,our informant says, j
put no faith in the reputed conspiracy, and ;
neglected to appoint a patrol or k-.p watch.)
I he fire was discovered on >um)a\ night aoout
n n-o'cl■■■ok. No clue had been discovered oi {
the perpetrators of lh" deed.
Preacher Hung at Veal's Station. — I'he Fori I
W ,rii-; Chi,:J. Ui 2 \ iiist., has tfie fallowing |
brief notice of the execution of an Abolitionist !
conspirator: |
)\ e learn tiiat a preacher by the nam* ol
Buley was hung at Veal's station last week, lor
being an active Abolitionist. A majority of
three hundred men condemned him.
Jl Discovery in Jirenham. —The Brenham
Ranger, of the 10th inst., says :
A few days since, several negroes ivere ar
rested on Mill Creek, in th s county, who ac- i
knowledge to their having poison given them !
by white men, lor the purpose of poisoning their !
owners and families, and that the dav oJ eiec- ;
lion was the time fixed for a general insurrec- j
tion. I hey also implicated some negroes about
town as being concerned in the murderous riot. •
Trouble in Tennessee C Tony. —The Fairfield 1
Pion-er, ol the 9lh inst., has the following :
Mr. league, a printer in our office, has just
anved from Tennessee Colony, Anderson
county, and brings the news that tie witnessed t
the hanging of two white men in that nl-> C e on '
Sunday, the nth in-d., who were proved to be t
guilty >1 inciting insurrection among the slaves i
of that neighborhood. Their names are Anfo-I
(ley Wy.-ick, and hts cousin Alford Cal'e *
fney were engaged near the colony at th"ir
t:ades of wagon-making and blacksmithing, j
where they have been living for four or five
years. VV yrick had been previously taken up
I T ba ■ ring and selling liquor to the negroes. }
Negroes were found in the possession ot fire
arms and strychnine, furnished bv ro°n. i
Ihe Houston Telegraph, of the 11th inst., i
savs ;
On Monday las., a white man rode un fo i
Mr. Dick Breeding's near Round Top, at noon,
and finding nobody but a negro giri at home, '■
questioned her about run away horses, occ. ,ainl
final y asked how slie ant! the negroes were i
satisfied, lie then went off, and fifteen ruin-'
ntes after returned with three negroes, deman- j
ding something to eat. The woman gave them i
food. After eating, they broke open a trunk I
in search of money. They then put a shovel !
full of fire in the bed, and left. After tliev
had gone, the negro woman extinguished the;
fire, and then ran to the overseer's house, to tell
him w hat had happened. The affair caused a
good deal of excitemen'.
The Democratic press of the seven North
western States stands as follows :
Ohio 7f> 5
Indiana 63 5
Illinois, 91 5
Michigan 39
Wisconsin, 35 4,
lowa, 39
Minnesota, 11 9
Total, 353 28 i
It is an indisputable fact that one-half of the ]
Breckinridge papers included in the above, are
sustained from the salaries of Federal ofli-ir
1 The following is an pxlract from a letter l
! written by Gov. IVTe to the Democrats of j
Illinois, during the rn-morable campaign of;
j INT>B, in that State. Judge Diugias was a
( candidate f>r re-election !o t h e IJ. States Sen
| ate, anci his oppnent was Abraham Lincoln,.
i the present Repub!iC ;!i candidate for the Presi
dency. I? will r. t' e denied that Judge Doug- ;
: ias and his competitor ran upon the same issues 1
| that now di-'i !e part:- > :
"Maintaining tr - and the like principles,.
1 I deem if to be the aim of the struggle of the j
; devoted Democracy in signal contest ; and I
•o understanding then),l glpry in their declftra- j
1 1i oris and defences. I would sacrifice much
j and go far to uphold your arms in this battle. !
| I would most gladly visit your people, address '
I them, and invoke lliem to stand fast by the;
j standard of their faith and freedom, and never •
to let go the truths Mr which they contend,!
lor they are vital and cardinal, and essentia!,
:and can never be yielded without yielding j
j liberty itseif.
"But, sir, 1 am like a tied man, bound to j
my duties here ; and, if iny office would allow j
me to leave it, I could nut depart Irom the ;
' bedside ol illness in nv family, which would)
i probably recall me L* lire I could reach Illinois:'
j and my own state of hallh admonishes me •
that 1 ought not undertake a campaign as j
1 arduous as that you propose. [ know what ■
(he labors ol the stump ar". and am not yet ,
'done suffering bodily Irom my efioits lor the j
; Democracy in 1855. For these reasons I can- j
not obey your call : but permit me to a id : fight
on ! fight on ! fight on! Never yield but in'
death and victory And,oh ! that I was un- i
hound, and could do more than look on, throb- !
bing with every pulse of your glorious struggle,!
with its every blow and breath—cheered with !
its hopes and chafed with its doubts. You have
my [>ravers, and I am, Yours trmy.
Th? following is the briefest—and, withal,!
truthful—presentation of the platforms ol the
Democratic, and two sectional parlies, on the j
slavery question, that we have seen :
"Let Congress intvrveue to PROTECT 81a-1
very in the i'enit tries."— JOHN C. BRECHIN-;
"Let Congress intervene, to PREVENT 81a- i
very in the Territories."— AßßAHAM LIN- j
ATROCIOUS SENTIMENT. — In a speerh lately
!made by Carl Shurz, the German infidel, at a
Lincoln meeting, he used the following lan
guage :
"May the God in human nature he aroused,
and pierce the very s>ulof our nation with an
energy that shall sweep as with the besom of!
' destruction, this abomination of slavery from the
; land.
"You call this revolutionary. IT IS. In
•his we need revolution; *-V'E MUST, WE!
Ol course when he comes to Pennsylvania,
I he will claim conservatism f >r Lincoln and the
Republican party. At least that is the style of
i speaking adopted bv their speakers, so !ar in the
, campaign, to suit the locality.
'I say, sonny, whose pigs are these V
; •Old sow's sir.'
• Whose sow is it V
'The old man's, sir.'
•Well then, who is the old man. '*
•If you'll mind the pigs I'll run home ar.d
nk the oid women.'
j 'Never mind, sonny, I want a smart boy ;
what can you •
( 'I can milk the geese, ride grasshoppers, light
;ir-s to court by, cut the buttons off dad's coat
when he is at 1 ravers, keep tally for dad a"d
mam when they scold at a mark—mam always
' taking the lead and keeping it.
j 'Got any brothers V
'Lr's 011 'em.
'What's their' names
'All named Bill except Bob, and his name
s Sam—my name's Josh, but they call me
Joh >s<apbat for short.'
'Well, sonny, you are a little too smart for ;
j me.'
'Travel on, old Ske< z;cks, I shan't hire you j
i (or a boss to-day.'
A TIPPLER'S STRATAGEM. —Sancrant relates
the following anecd >te of Schwartz, a famous
German painter. Having been engaged to
paint the ceiling ofthe Town Hall of M mich,
by the day. his love of dissipation induced him j
to neglect his work, and the magistrates and ,
1 overseers of the work were frequently obliged;
to hunt him out at die tavern. As he could ;
no longer drink i:i quiet, he sniffed an image ;
of himself, left the 1-gs hanging down between j
■ the staging where he was accustomed to work,!
[ and sent one of his boon companions to move'
! 'he image a little two or three times a day, and ;
take it away at noon and night. By means of j
this deception, he drank, without the least j
disturbance, a whole fortnight, the innkeeper i
being aware ot the plot. The otiiceis came a- j
round twice a day to look alter him, and see- j
ing the well-known stocking which he was;
accustomed to wear, suspected nothing wrong,'
ar.d went their way, greatly extolling their
new convert as the most industrious and con--
scientious painter in the 'vorld.
H/ S "A tavern keeperout west adver'ises a|
young lawyer, who has left his house with- j
out paying his bill under the following ex- j
pressive caption :
"Absqualulatum damnum ?t Swartwoutan- '
dibus, in transitu, non est inventus, an libitum
escape goatum.
\v n<ii\i ys bs: ??, ** i j,
*fl ** a fearful night ; Ifee sta-m. kmf out of
i humor, let loose the how.uig v.*: uj a' Aps It-i*
! rain, tod clothed tfee'earth with a pall of dark
ness a- cense and imp-aetraMe ai an Egyptian
sepu.'r.hre; ai! instinctive ijf- was hushed, save
tne tempest bird whose shrill screams n4ir.gled
with the crashing bias? and made it rr,o:t terri
ble in its mighty frenzy.
i was dark as midnight: the whose
iirnb? in .aned and sighed pileousiv, were rudely
tos "ri a "'.out, and ever and anon, huge masses of
mutilated timber fell to the ground. Beforeaa
open window stood a beautiful gir! ; !;er glossy
ring! *ts waved like streamers to the passing
v. ind ; her exquisite term, which bore tfee im
press of nobleness innate, was splendidly erect,
end feer "flashing eyes, full of excited' lustre,
shone brighter still through the impenetrable
darkness. Proudly she stood defying the tem
pest in its wrath. See tier r .sy lips separate
!ie itie leafl-t of the morning rose, and with one
tremendous effort she screams out at the lop of
her voice :
"JUT. ! Jnr, it you don't let thai pig's tail go,
mam will thrash you like thunder.'"
text ain't in Worcestor's Pictorial, no: in Web
ster's big quarto: but ti is in the c ilumns ofth°
'dunkum Flagstaff and Independent Echo.—
"Edication" is the Crownin' Glorv of the Uni
, ted'n States'n.
1 bar an't a feller in all this great and glori
ous Republic but lias studied readin," ritie ' 'iith
rnetic. Thar ain't a youngster so big t! 'it you
couldn't drown him in a spit-box but what has
' read Shakspeare's geography, and knows that
. uli the world is a stage, with two poles, instead
of one like a common stage; and that it keeps
| goin 1 round and round on its own axis, not axin'
| iiothin' o' nobody ; for Edication is the crovv
; nin glory of these United'n States'n.
Hho was it that, durin' th- great and glori
ous Revolution, by his eloquenchequenched the
spirit of Toryism ? An Atneiican citizen.—
ho was it that knocked thunder out of the
clouds, and took a streak of greased light nin' for
I a tail to his kite ? An Arr.erican citiz-n. Who
was it that invented the powder that will kill
| a cockroach, i! you will put a little on his 'ail
j and then tread on him ? An American citizen.
Who was it that discovered the Fat Bov, and
! captured the wild and ferocious "What is it?"
iAn American citizen. Oh ! its a smashin' big
: thing to be an American citizen. King David
wouid have been an American citizen, and the
Queen of Sheba woeld have been naturalized,
if it could have been did ; for "Edication is the
crownin' glory of the United'n States'n."
When you and I shall be no more; when
1 this glorious Union shall have gone to eternal
i smash ; when Baroum shall have secured his
; last curiosity, at a great expense; then will the
i historian dip his pen in a gorgeous bottle of blue
: black ink, and write—"Edication was the
crownin' glory of the United'n States'n."—
Tjp*A country girl whose sisters had mar
j ri"d badly was about to take the noose hei
j self.
"How dare you get married," asked a cousin
| of hers, "after having before you the unfortunate
j example of your sisters
The young girl replied with spirit :
; "I choose to make a trial myself. Did you
! ever see a parcel ol pigs running to a trough of
hot swill ? The firt one sticks in his nc3e,
gets it scalded, and then draws back and squeals.
The second burns his nose and stands squealing
in the same manner. The third follows suit,
; and he squeals too. But still it makes noditl.-r
--ence with those behind. They never take
I warnmg of those before j but all in turn thrust
i.n their t ses, jus! as it they hadn't got burnt or
| squealed at ail. So it is with girls in regard to
| matrimony—and now, cousin, I hope you are
| satisfied."
L*r.ct: MOSQUITOES. — Jo speaking r.f mn?-
quitot s of a large s:z-*, seen by one of the party
in a Southern lake, Lemon, (who was a sea
faring [man many years,) remarked :
"H eil, there, Surinam is the darrdest place
for miskeeters I ever seed. Last time J went
for a load of merlasses, my cousin d:iw rr\e e
bout to a plantation, and "mong other things
on a fnrrr. 1 seed one of the prettiest voke of
cattle I ever laid my eyes on. Neow, (I'm
' teiiin' the tiuth, you needn't laugh,) when I
; came back where them cattle was fust, one ox
i was missin', or there was nolhin' of him Jell
i but skin and bone, any way ; and if you be
| lieve me, I squinted up a tree, aud there was
; the cussedest big miskeeter I ever seed, a pick
in his teeth with one of the horns.'
THE PREFERENCE. —In Massachusetts a black
man, by a recent, special law, can vote alter
one year's residence, while a German or Irish
man, or any other European, must wait two
years after being naturalized, making seven
years in all. Yet Carl Shurz is "stumping"
Pennsylvania for the party which makes this
distinction between the African ana the Ger
man, the negro and the Irishman.
GEORGIA. — The Atlanta (Ga ) Confederacy
"If Mr. Stephens canvasses Georgia, ss we
learn he intends doing thoroughly, the State
will go for Douglas by fifteen thousand majori
ty. If lie only makes two speeches in the State,
it is safe for Douglas by six or eight thousand
THE election ot Foster is conceded by most
! of the intelligent politicians of our State.
THE Rppobliran* have lost all hope ,>f par
rying New York.
VOL. 4. NO. 8.