SALIC. Ey Virtu* of sundry writ* ot hi. I-j., Vend. | ona* ud Levari Facias, (o m* directed, there .VIVI be io.d a! the Court House. 11l the Borough ot l„.i:oid, ou - .iurday, the first day of September, A. i'fiCo' at 10 o'clock, A. M., IU? following Keai Estate, 10 il . j^LSO One lot ot ground in the '1 own ol RainsWg, Iron .. , 0(; r.ain street, about SO l*et, am! extending, ■ ''■a. out ta'i feet loan alley, with a log dwelling -mi.-*, ar.J h'S stable thereon erected, adjoining lots Lmaiiuel Diebl ami Her.iy Smith, situate in Cole- tp-, Bedford county, and taken in execution as • , - rciiei ty u Joshua h iller, Dei'l. —ALSO— \ I the Defendant Henry S- King's interest;iti the ! wing real estate, viz ; All the one undivided; . part--oi seven tracts of land, warranted in the j , J-' of William. Lane, Wiiliarn Forrester, George j -h, Francis Johnston. Alex. Johnston, David tgo.nery and James Hunter, containing 2300 ; re-." more or ies. situate on Yellow Creek, in' 1,1 vP tin, Bedford co. r! ° r 1 -ALSO i tract of 'and warranted in the name ol Swope, "• x t >• containing 237 i acres, more or less,' „,\;,id in.. and co., and known as the Bed- i j\ > tract, and taken in execution as the pro v oi Henry 6. King Dei '■ ■ —ALSO— .'ract of land, containing 20' acres, more or - ".1 tut) acres cleared and under fence, with ; we-line l.oue, two tenant houses, log barn T ' ..-ibii- thereon, adjoining iands of George ;• ; o< enb Negiy, Solomoa Nycum and others, in F.ust I'rovi lence tp., Bedford co., and ta- 1 f .'.-cittionas the property of William Ftgart, j JT ienriatit. -ALSO— > tr ict of land containing 90 acres, more or j ..','acres cleared end under fence, with a j ; ■ tuiu- . leg barn ind other out buildings j ~ , if,' also an apple orchard theieon, ad- t .. J„r of Henry Grubb, Daniel Snider and; ii . .onfoe tp., Bedtot'S ce., an I ta- j ' t ,■ e - c;, as the nropirty oi Job U .Veal. | —ALSO— One 'tact, ci ; reel ol land, c in'Tti ng 22 acre-j •eorles, ai'ly all cleared and under fence,; e dwe !;ng house, one rough cast tenant .aire stable, School house and a Ira me of a j i-mill thereon erected, adjoining lands of Ge ,g t - j • r, John llagdnian, Henry H'ertz and others, -it- 1 I. t'.i-on tp., Bedford co , and taken in ere- 1 ■ ■■•: -n -s thepri [.city of Darnel Trostle. —ALSO— Or," lot < f ground in the town ot Clearville, Iron- I g i) feet on main street uml extending back a bout 173 feet to an alley, with a frame dwelling ; re and log stable thereon erected, ai'ioing lot o* I -ton A.Cooper on the West,and an alley on the e it, situate in Montoe tp., Bedford co.. and taken II execution as the projierty of Juices Rollins, De ciidant. —ALSO— All the Df few,.iiit's interest in all thereto contl- i . i.- auri adjoining tracts,pieces and parts ol tracts , tarn!, warranted ru the name of i'hornas J. Horton ; it at rant dated 2d April, 1853, situate on the l •. ter# oh'S-X M.le Run, i Broad Top tp.. Bed hi id J < ounty, bounded by other and by lands ci the i • ngdon and Broadtop Mountain railroad and .v any, lands formerly of Asa Duval I, lauds j ,dt :,i uingham 6r Co., and others, one of said pieces , ontaiuii'g 178 acres e.n I '-'0 perches and allow ance, I a. . ~nd the ofi.ui'o! -aid pieces containing '. ,iu,s j lb perches and allowance, ami ; ,keii in exuci T- on the property oPStepfen , -on, with uot'Ce to i Jacob F Plchtei. ul. t*. e tenau' -ALSO— One tract of land contain!..g -At ~i ~c- n. >re or . -s, about 25 acres cleared and triti-i fence, with log dwelling house, and small stable thereon e- ! reeled, ad,orntr,g lands of iVilliam Biolliar, Joseph | Tate. Esq., and others situate in Hopewell tp., ; i .iiord county, and taken in execution as the prop- ; r: v of George Swa't/. —ALSO— Due tiact of land containing lid re, more oi | ies-. about 90 acres cleared and under, with ; c. n old 1, ' stable thereon, adjoining land- of Wm. .. Li ugherty, Geoige Wolt, t.eorge Wisegarver. Henry f denthall and other-, >iiiia t u in St. Clair Bedford co., taken in execution a-, tne , ,-riy o, tV.ltii nM. Karnest, Deft. ALSO— AU Deft's. r:gl.t, liHe and interest .11 and to orm • act of land., cor.taming .7,7 acres, more or less, a 1C acres'cleared and under fence, with a log .veiling house thereon erected, a.nouiiiig land- ot i vid Biun.baugh. Abraham i .versoie and others, .ate in fouth Wood berry Ij, , Bedford county,* tai.i'l. in exe,*utiou as ihe ( piupciiy oi Atiaut t'.r k, Del I —ALSO— ('• e tfet of land, containing 103 acres more or . abif • 00 acres cleared and under lence, with • vo sioiv lug Iwclling tiouse. tenant house, double > : bam and saw mill ttiereie. erects.l. adjoining ds ol Michael Hughes, Mathew O'Brien and ■ "ticis fitua'.c a Juniata tp., Bedford co., and i.tfen in. xeent.on a- the property of Matgaret Rif fle, Det't. - YLSO— One tr act of land c. taimrg 153 acres, more o: .... a: i i.t 3<> acres cleared at d under lence, with a log dwelling house and double log stable thereon e- | i.eted, adjoining lands ol Michael Stn John j Si'es and others, situate in Jurists tp., Buiiiud.eo., and taken ti txecation us the property of Solomon Lev dig. —ALSO— One tiact . : 'and containing fitly acres more or about five acres Cleared, and under fence, ad mr.g hinds of G < u D. Trout, Andrew Mock. I'honias S. Hc.'.irger and ot ei-, situate in Ft C .tr i[ ~ Briito il i o . and tak*n l r< execution as the prot.crly of Tboiiias O. Mo-k, Deft. -■ALSO— Or e tiact of lard cnr.ta ning 131 acres, more or 1- s, about ltd) cleared and under fence, with a ' -1_ two story log dwel'i: g house and double log 1 urn thereon erected adjoining I nds ol John Bobison fnnti Cav. r.dt-r ar.d Oi hers, situate n Southampton 1 dlo:.l ■•(!., ai taken in execution us the p ep tr' • of William and George May, Sen., l)efn- ShetitFs Ofllce, Bed- ' WM. S. FLUKE, fo.d, August 1, 13*10. j Shetii. I
    istiiig of the counties ol Franklin, lL dford, Somerset and Fulton, and !>v virtue ol his office of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General ./ail delivery for the trial ol capi tal and other offenders therein and in the Gene ral Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace; and A. J.SX:VI:LY 3C JOHN* TATI-OK, Esqs., j .fudges f i the same C urt, in the same C>unty ' of Bedford, Yon ar., each of you are hereby re- | quired fo be and appear in your proper persons j ■with your Records, Recognizances, F,xarnina tions, and other remembrances before the Judges j aforesaid, at Bedford, at a Court of Over and Terminer and General Jail Delivery and Gene- i ral Quarter Sessions of the Peace therein to be j •■ Iden for the county of Bedford, aforesaid, on the Ist Monday of Sept. ("being the 3d (iav,t.*t 10 o'clock m the forenoon of that day 1 the:.-' and then to do things to which yout everal offices appertain. GIVEN under my hand at Bedford, on the 13th day of August, : n he year of our Lord 1360. " ° ' J WILLIAM S. FLUKE, Sheriff. Keystone CIDER MILL. This celebrated machine, S R JV'T lrn proved, in now offered to the farmers of 'f ' Cr.. at rr.anufacturei's pr'ce. It has taken ever 106 Premiums. Gcli at Hartley's nf see it. ' 40 2- 10, 1860. 1 N APERIENT AM) STOMACHIC PREI'ARA _ . t ..n of IRON purified of Oxygen and Carbon, by .oinbustion m Hydrogen. Sanctioned by th : highest medical authorities, both in Europe and the I nit i States, ,tuil pre-. ;■ihed iii ttieir practice. The experience oi thousands daily proves that no preparation ot Iron tan be compared with it. Irnpu : ritics ol the blood, depression of yilal energy, pale ? and otherwise sickly complexions indicate it- ne ce-sity in almo.-t every conceivable case, innox • ion- in all maladies in which it has been tried, it ha proved absolutely curative in each o. the following complaints, v:/. : tn Debility, AYreo.v.i J//. rtioiix, Jtmanalioii, Di/s --ptpsia, Const * jtntiut. , Di i rr/i ti,, hiripirnt Cu/ts/t r/i/it/tiu, Serotnton, "L'nberi itlost t, Su/t Rheum, 1,11 s ttlr H stf it :t It t/tt, Ii ill!' ~ C /i/urijsl, fjtt*' f(J trtftttitit t, Citron:t tJnn/ac/iet, lih nntttsm, fever, l J tvipies on the Fore, iV*". In ca-es ot General. /Jli/itty, whether the re-ult ot acute disease or ol llie continued diminution ot lie. vi is iiii.l muscular energy Ironi chronic com j plaints, one trial of thi restorative has proved >uc ; ces.-ful to an extent which no d scription nor writ ; ten attestation would render credible. Invalids so ' io;.g bed-ridden as to have become forgotten in their own neighborhoods, have suddenly re-appeared in | the busy world as it iu-t returned from piotrac ; ted travel m a distant land. Som- very -ig- I nal in-tances ot this nind are atte-ted of leniale 1 sufFereis. emaciated victims of apparent runasmus, \ sanguineous exhaustion, critical changes, and that 1 complication of nervous and dyspeptic aversion to air and exercise for which the physician has no name. j In Xervotts Jffeetiar-s ol all kinds, and for rea-ens j familiar to medical men, the operation ol this prepa ratKin of lion mu-t ueces.-arily be salutary, for, un ! like the old oxides, it is vigorously tonic, without being exciting and over-heating : and gently regu- I larly aperimi, even in the most obs'n ate ceses of j costiveness, without ever being a gastric purgative, i ' or ;i dieting a di-agreeable sensation. It i-this latter property, among others, which ! makes it so remarkably elleetual and permanent a remedy i . I'th •• upon which it al.-o appears to ex ..rto ciistii t aid specific action, by dispersing the j local tendency which lorms them. In Dyspepsia, mnuoiefiible .as are its causes, a single box of these Chalybeate Pills has often .-ulii ced lor the mo-1 habitualcas. s. In unchecked Dtarrln. i, even when advanced to J Dvatentery, confirmed, emaciating and apparently j malignant, the effects have been eijuall decisive ami ! astoriishllig. In the local pains, loss ot flesh and strength, de t hiiituting cough, ami remittent hectic, which gene j rally indicate Inapt i:< 'ions/tttiplton , tins remedy lias allayed ihe alarm of friends and physician.-, in ' several very gratifying and interesting instances, in Frfrij nit/it, Ttiter cutottie, this medicated iron lias had i*r more the good elf-ct ol the most cau tiously balanced preparations oi iodine, v, .tfecut any i of their well-known liabilities. The attention of fen.all s cannot be too coufident : ,y invited to thi- remedy and restorative, in the ca ises pecidiarly allVc'u.g them. In 11 ken mat is m, both chronic and inflammatory, .n the latter, however, n ore decidedly, it has been i invariably well repotted, both as alleviating pain j and reducing the swellings and stiiinusso! the ,oiuts | and muscles. In Intermittent Ft ten it mu-t necessarily he a ; great remedy and energetic restorative,r a mi its pro ; gie-- 111 the new settlements ot the West, vvili pro- Ibably be one of high renown and usefulness. No remedy has ever been discovered, in the whole bi-tory cl medicine, which exerts such prompt hap- 1 jpy and fully restorative effects. Good appetite, complete digestion, lajiid ucqui-ition of tlength, with an unu-ual di.-po-ition lor active and cheerful exercise, ltiitnci.iatei. lo'low its u-e. I'nt u;> in nvat llat inetat boxes containing 5(1 piil ."ill cent- per box ; for sale by diugglsts and dealers. Will be sent nee tu any address, on re ceipt of the price. All letters, orders, etc., should be addressed 11. K Lucke fc Gfiifrai CO CEDAR STREET, N. Y. I July 'Jiith, '*lo. ■TAKRISBI RG FEMALE £ I s E M I N A K V. MILS. S F. DINON, I'RINCIIML. The Fall r- s-ion i s Seminary will commence Oil Tile.. ' e.l.ii. " ! . Th.s lnslit ifion. in' aij ..rated in D'al, is admira hly i , ecfed in it- domestic arrangement-, moral j ; and leligious culture, and course ol studies. It i- j | earnestly commended to tl patronage of the pah- i > lie as first e a Sen. i.c.iV. rirrnlars, -tain g tmrri-, Arc., can be obtained by ' . addle-sing tie Puncijia . J. W. WEIR. President lloaid ul Ti iistees. j I'-terer.ce can be freely made to tne patrons of | the Seminary, among whom may be mentioned i Gov. Wm. F. Packer, Harrisburg. Hon. J. J. Pearson, '• Wm. R. DeU'itt. D. D., Rev. T. H. Robinsoa, " Rev. J. G. Miles, Hon. Joseph Casey, •' Wm. M. Ker . Esq , J). I), fleaE-tj.- John H. Briggs, Esq., " (Lin. A. S. Wilson, Lewi-town 'i homas Beaver. Es. Prof. Co vvley, of Iron City College, vvil give instruction to all who may desire it, in Penn . manship and Ornamental Drawing. MEN'S and Boys' wear, of all kinds, just received and for sale'cheap, at Shoemakers' Store. Nos Anderson's How. [april 6th, 1860.] nFJiron-i) COi'M Y, ss. A tun Orphans' Court held at Bedford, in and lor the county of Bedlord, on the 30th day ol Apill, 1800, heloie the Judges ul the said coui t. On motion ol I). E. Shannon, Esq., the court ! giant a rule on the hens and legal representatives ol Jacob iveagy, late of Middle Woodberry town, ship, deceased, to vvil, Michael. Catharine, David, Ann, interrnar*ted with Win. El ler. Peter, and Ja cob, a minor, who has for his guardian David Sctineoly, all re-uling in Bedford. County, except David who resides iri Blair county :to he and ap pear at an Orphan's Court to beheld at Bedford, in and tor the county of Bedford, on the first Monday, third day of September, A. D. I Slid, to accept or re fuse to take the Real Estate of said deceased, at the valuation which has been valued and appraised in pursuance of a wilt of Partition or Valuation, issued , out of said court, and to the Sheriff of said countv directed, or show cause why tfu sains should not be , sold. In testimony whereof I have hereunto jL. S.v* set my hand and seal of said county, at i tfjus.r Bedlord, the 7th day of -M#y, A. D. 13'iO. a rr sr ; WM. S. Fursh, SAM'L. H.TATE, Sheriff. Clerk. June 22, 1860. 4 DMIMSTRATOii S NOTICE. ■ *■ i.etieis of Administration, runt tiuttammto mitiexo, l ave been g'anted to the undersigned on the Estate of Samuel Cam, late of Bedford borough, dee'd. Persons having claims a gainst the estate, will present them • and those who are indebted are requested to mare immediate pay ment. O. E. SHANNON, July 2(i. 1800. Administrator. , % I'DI 1 UK'* XOTICK. In the matter a) the ae cnont ol 8. L. Russell, Esq., adm'r. de bonis nun j ol the Estate o! Margaret La vol-on, dee'd. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned ap- I pointed t i di-tribute the balance oil said account, will attend Cor tnat purpose at his office in Bedtbiu, on Mpnday, the 20th day of August inst., at 10 o'- clock A. M., when and where all pel sons interested may attend ol they think proper. JNO. MOWER, Aug. 3d, 1860. Au.iitor. *IREATBA K G A I N S.— To iiiake room lot Fall Goods, during this month, We will -ell every description of Summer Goo Is at cost lor Ca-n. Su i perior French and English Lawn, at bail" price, and i many other goods suitable for slimmer u-e.—Cud and -ee A. B. CRAMER 4* Co. [July 13th, "off.j I'HILADILITII \ ADVEHTISK3ILNTS. A GREAT IMPRO\ EMENT - IN PIANOS. /- *: ~ijtfP~- - ■■ yr\ r.-'r : ' YL GEORGE VOLJT takes the opjrortunity of inform ing fns Iriends and the public generally, 'hat he has removed his Piano Warerootns from N n - Arch Street, to No 516 Ar b Street, wiieie he will keep constantly on hand a large assortment of his lately patented PIANOS, which'have* been pronoun ced by the best judges as far superior to ail other Pianos in the sweetness and purity of their tone and construction, heretotore manufactured in the UintedState- and England. May 13,'C0.-6 mo. g '■ RANVILLE STOKES* GIFT CLOTHING EMPORIUM, * ONE PRICE AM) NO ABATEMENT. NO. 607 CHESTNUT STREET. GRANVILLE STOKES would return thanks to the public lor their appreciation ol fc hix clients to please, and their libera! patmnage. In orffei ro keep up this kindly feeling, tie has 1 yielded to the solicitations ol tnanv of his friends ' and inaugurated a new system, of Gilts with each ! Garment sold. To hi- choice selection of fine Fab i ics. and made-up Clothing, he mile- the MM II tin's." of the public, as well .is to his new mode of doing business. Each article i. warranted to be. in Fab ric. Style and .Make, equal to unv gutter up in the City, and one price, (lower then the lowest.) narked on the Ticket. Each ar'icle sold, or measured for, is areompa j uied hv a Gift, varying in value froinSl to §10(1. N. B.—None hut the irio-t skillful De-igners, : Cutteis and Workmen employed ; and -ati'iacntm - in Fit, Fashion. Fabric, Price and Gift, guarunteeil at GRANVILLE STOKES' j ONE PR I E GIFT CLOTHING EMPORIUM, NO. 607 OH ESI NUT STREET. 'g 1 P. PER BY, RACK sT„ PHIL ADELPHIA, Manufactures ACCOUNT BOOKS of the best quul i ity. Bankers and Merchants can have their Book* I iuled and bound in any - vie. CyPretnium awarded by the Franklin Institute. ( t p. PERRY, V , S. \Y. Corner. Fourth and Race streets, Phil- . adelphia. supplies every article in the BOOK oi ;-1 ATIONERY line, at low prices. Hav ing superior facilities as a manufacturer, he 1 is enabled to supply good- very low, and make very fair profit. Orders by mail ! promptly attended to. /COLLECT TOGETHER ; All your ••Old Books" ant! Magazines ; tke ■ them to PERRY'S Book Binderies, Eomth : and Race, where you can have them bound j good ntid handsomely i*t a low price. ' May IS.'CO.-O rns. jjj> FRANK. JACKSON, PRINTER AND STATIONER, 4-33 CHEST A CT STREET. PHILADELPHIA. May 18,'66.-1 yr. gUMMEfi. TRADE NOTICE. BUNN, RAIGUEL K CO., A'o. 137 JYorth Third Street,' IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF FANCY DRY GOODS, ; Invite the attention of Purcha-ers to their extensive j Stock of Fancy Dry Goods, Silks, Etnbroideiies, . Cloths,Ca-simeres lj-c. May 18,'00. vN. CO. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE, AND— PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT -MAN UFACTORY, -Vo. TOG CHESTvYL'T Street, Above Seventh, opposite the Washington House, Fine Shirts and Drawers made from measurement a' a few days notice and in al! cases Warranted to lit. Formula for measurement furnished On ap plication bv mail. LIBERAL INDUCEMENTS ;TO WHOLE SALE BUYERS. | May 18,'60.—lyr. gjT BANCROFT K CO., *" 3 * IMPORTERS &. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FRENCH, GERMAN AND ENGLISH FANCY GOODS, JVo. 330 J\larket Street, Philadelphia. May 18,'60.-1 yr. ( ' MIL A DELPHI A ADVERTISEMENTS ' 1.. LADIML'-i. HUJ.OX % VATCHES AN D JKYVELRY. li LE WIS LA DOM U S ,v CO. " i Ac SC2 Cli EST UT STREET PHIL'A. j .(FIRST DOOR ABOVE EIGHTH STREET,) Wouldnost respectful ly ask the attention of Citi i zens anl Strangers to their Large, Cheap, ana well t selected Stock of (DLD AND SILVER WATCHES, 1 JKVY-LRY, SILVER AND PLATED WALE, CONSISTING IN PART Or • Uol (jo • Cold L|pine Watches, open (ace, full jew eller,lß carut case, 22 00 i ; Silver l ver Watches, Hunting case, full | jeweled, jg 00 , . Siivei Lever Watches, open lace, full jewel ed, |j op ! Silver Lepine Watches, Hunting case, 11 on Bilver hepine Watches, open lace, 0 0o Gold (fund Chains, |-> no Gold Ve,t and KohChains, J() 00 j Cold Pel Holder with Pen and Pencil, 1 00 . (fold Pefcils, 1 /jo (fold Pet;s with Silver Holders, 1 CO Silver 'fable Spoons, per set, Silver T a Spoons, q no ! i Cold Tumbles. 3 oo j _ With t large assortment of Silve,, Table and Tea Forks; J)essert, Mustard and Salt Spoons; Pie, Cake, aid Ice Cre.mi knives ; Sugar Spoons ; Pre : sen? >fooris ; Pickle Knives and Forks, etc. CTF*Aso, constantly on hand, a magnificent as sortment of Jewelry, consisting in part of Bracelets, Breastpins, Kings, ringer Kings, Miniature cases fot 1.2, 4, and 6 likenesses; Gold Crosses, Cbil-i dren's armlets, and every thing in the Jewelry line, j ci the laust and most approved patterns. Gold and silver Thimbles : Wedding Rings at all pi ices. Ladies' Chatelaines, Cold Watch keys and i Seals Muds and Sleeve Buttons; Opera Glasses. Always on hand, a splendid assortment of Diamond i Jewelry. Also, Diamonds mounted in the most I beautiful manner, equal to any work in the United i States, at mod-rale prices. Siivei p.'ated Tea Sets, Silver plated Knives arid ' 1 oik-—Mvtiflil goods, and lodic equal to Sliver. j CALIFORNIA COLD BOUGHT OR MADE UP TO ! ORDER. descriptions of llair Jewelry, such as j Erea-tpm-. i ar Kings, Bracelet-, ("hairis. Charms, I F made to order in the most beautiful style. Old atehe- and Jewelry tak-n in exchange We can send hy mail, with perfect safety, Watch- j e, nr Jewelry toany part of the United States. All [ j orders mu-t be aceompanied with the Cash. No J good, sent uuiesa the money is first received. Call or address LEWIS LA DOMES & CO., 802 Cbeslnut Street, Pbil'a- May 18,'0().-C rris. ]f OOKINC GLASSES, ENGRA VINOS. tiCTERE FRAMES, OIL PAINTINGS, i The most extensive and elegant as-oitmentat tne very lowest rates.—Glasses in stoie of every de- ' tcnption. A/ahogauv framed Classes, tor country sales. Print and Poitrait frames, Window Cornices, Gilt Mouldings, etc. Estimates for furnishing Glasses to li'l every space, by mail on application. Eng ravings for Grecian and Antique Paintings.— Catalogues grat is. JAS. S. EARLE &. SON, 816 Chestnut St.. Piiil'a, May 15,'60.-1 vr. "J E. G O E L D, " .\'o. 632 Chestnut St., cor. of Sevnfh, Pill LAD ELPIILI. PIANOS AND MELODEONS. ravi \. r.acns & Co'-., h .vi.i.i r, da vis 5c co'b., M NX'S ij" CLACIi's, A 1,0 A. H. GAI.K & roV 2 2 '4 'a* ~ to Mt J I AT #5 /11 §S if% / (' . A.- y " > MASON 5t HAMLIN'S, AND PRINCE A GO'S. M ELODEONS -V 11 A RtMON lUMS. Pianos and Melodeons to Kent. Second-baiiu Pianos. May 18/00.-i yr. WILI I\M HAIGI GI., JAMKS M. WBITDV, SJV.III, JIOOIIK, EDWARD A ADV.IS, WILLIAM G. SKILLMAN, UFKRY I'. ATKINSON. TBAIGUEL, MOORE & CO., ™-®' LATIC. ItAKIIIIX AND CO., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IX D li V G O O D S, o.v. 220 222 A'orlk Thir ' St., oh ore Rare, I Vest siVr, PHILADE LP HE!. May 18/00.-1 yr. JOHN O. nils, ISAAC WELSH, H. G. STERLING, I . C. SENT, G. A. SMITH, H. D. WELSH, (HAUL'S SANTKK, SAMUEL WHITE, J. TOM I.INSON. Iff AMES, KENT, SANTEE -v CO., **" IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OP D K V GOODS, :;;!K2ll NORTH THIRD STREET. ABOVE RACE, PHILADELPHIA, j May 18/00.-1 yr. J J P. HUB B R, (- TCCKSSOR TO J. SORVER,) —WHOLESALE DEALER IN TOBACCO. SNUFF AND CIGARS, .V<; S Aori/i Fifth St., above .Marled, Phil'a. j Also. Manufacturer and Importer of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC SEC A RS. May 18, 1860.-1 yr. NfAKTHA T. MARTIN, C.H.HAMKICK, J. A. L. MuKKLL, IIKG. K. iTEBOLK, S. R. MARTIN. IT A. B A KEli , • • WITH j MARTINS, PEDDLE, HAMRICK K CO. —IMPORTERS OF— HOSIERY, GLOVES AND NOTIONS, JVo. 30, A'orth Fourth St., phil'a. May 18.'60.-1 yr. FJIHE WORLD'S GREAT EXHIBITION -®- PRIZE MEDAL, awarded toC. MEYER for his two PIANOS, London, October 1.1, IS3I. J C. MEYER respectfully informs his friends and the public generally, that he has constantly on hand PI ANOS, equal to those for which he received the Prize Medal in London, in 18,11. All orders promptly attended to, land great care taken in the selection and packing the same. He has received, during the last fifteen years, more Afedals than any other.maker, from the Frank lin institute—also, First Premiums in Boston, New York and Baltimoie. Wareroomx, No. 772 ARCHS'reet, below Eighth, \ South side, PHILADELPHIA May 18, 1560.-lvr, ' ' HOSTETTER'S IT is a fact thai, at -. Lie p<-. '<>' every incm her of the lull[Utn family i subject lo disei.-e or disturbance of the bodily functions: but. witb the aid of a good Umi.- and Hie exercise of plain common sense, they may be able so to ! i regulate the system us to secure permaii ui health. In order lo accotupli.-u this desiien object, the true course lo pursue is certainly that which will produce uuturui slate of j tilings at the least hazard of vital strength ninl i life. For this purpose, Dr. IJostcttor has in i produced to this country a preparation bearing ! jiis name, which is not a nev, tucdiciiie. but one that lias been irieil for years, giving satisfac i lion lo all who have used it. The Bittrrs operate poweriully upon tire stomach, bowels, f and liver, restoring lliein to a healthy and j vigorous action, and thus, by ihe simple pro cess of strengthening nature, enable the sys j tern to triumph over disease. For the cure of Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Natt i sea, Flatulenty. IrOsS of Appetite, or any Bilious j Complaints, arising from an orhid inaction of the Stomal li or Bowels, producing Cramps, Dysentery. Colic, Cholera Morbus, we., tliese Bitters luive no equal. Diarrhoea, dysentery or flux, so generally con tracted by new sett lets, and ivjised principaliy by the change of water and dii t. will be speedily regulated by a brief use of this preparation. Dyspepsia, a disease which is probably mora prevalent, iu nil its various forms, than any other, and (lie cnuso of which may always be attributed to derangements of the digestive organs, can Ins cured without fail bv using IIO.STETTER'.S STOMACH BITTERS, as pel directions on the bottle. Fur tLis disease every physician ..ill recouimiid Biilei-of some kind; tiieii why not nsc an article known to be infal lible? All nations irtve their Bitters,as a pre ventive of disease and streugtliener of the sys i • loin in general: and among litem all there is not lo be found a mere healthy people ihau ihe Germans, from whom this preparation ema nated. based it jkiii scientific expi-riuienls which have tended to prove the value of this great preparation iu the scale of medical science. Fevlk ami An ik. —This trying and provok ing disease, which fixes h s relentless grasp on the body of man, reducing him to a mere sha llow in a short- time, and rendering hint phy ( sical'y and mentally useless, can be driven from the body by liie ilsc of JIiJSTET'I'ER'S lIKNOiYNED iJITTEISS. Further, noneo.' ihe j above-stilted diseases can be eontrautcd, even in exposed siinations, if tiie Bitters are used ns per directions. And as they oeither create nausea nor oii'end the palate, and render un neccs-ary any change of diet or interruption of ordinary pursuits, but promote so at id sleep and healthy digestion, the is re moved as spei dilyas is consistent wiilithe pro duction of a thorough and permanent, cure. J r Per Mm in At/eanctd Yearn, who are suffering fioin an enfeebled c- nstittition and infirm body, t:. -se Bitters ore invaluable as a restorative of strength and vigor, and need only be tried to be appreciated. And to a mother wiiile nursing these Hitters are indis pensable, capecialiy where, the motlier's nour- I iakiMßt is iaadaguM t the demands of the iAil !, conseijuently her strength run t yield, j and here it is where n good tonic, tacit as Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, is aeodod to import tempurary strength and vigor to ihe system. J.adies should by ail means try t.Lis remedy for ail cases -of debility, and, before so doing, should ask their physician, who, if he is acquainted with the virtue ol the Hitters, will recommend their use iu all esses of weakness. CAUTION, —Yfc caution die public against using any of the many imitations or counterfeits, but ask for llosTKTTisn's'.ATEn Stomach Bitters, and wo that each bottle lias the words " Dr. J. Hostetter's (Stomach Biilcrs" blown on the side of tho bottle, and ttaiuiA'-l on the metallic cap covering tho cork, and observe that our autograph signature is on the label. 3 , - Prepared and sold by HOST3TTEE & SMITH, Pittsburgh, P?_, and sold by ell druggists, grocers, and dealers generally throughout the United States, Canada, South .America, and Germany. As. ents lor Bedford County : B. K. H rry. T; '. C Rm r, Bedford ; Jobu K. Lowry,Hopewell ;E. B. i R ins v Bloody Run ; John Nyctim, I airvievv. O' . 11, ISCh. ])S2?CRD FOUNDRY. 1 > THE subscribers bavin? purchased the Bedford : foundry ol Messrs. U asbabaugb and Bannon, would I most i-'i-.u y •onoooc • ;,i the citizens of Bed- j ford and adjoining counties that they are prepared to make a;,< 1 lurnish all kin sof CAS TINGS for GRIST AND SAW-MILLS. THRESHING MA CHINES, PLOUGHS, APPLE MILLS, COOK INC, TEN I'LATE. AND COAL. 810 YES, SLED AND Sicigl. so-es, wash kettles,-of diflerpnt sires, wagon ■ boxes or all sizes, tanners' bells, (a superior *i(i ele), oven doors, and every thing usually made in a . country Fontidrv. L <) U (i H > —WOODCOCK, SIIYLER, '■ ♦and HILL-SIDE PLOrGHS.—AIso, a new PLUG, PLOL'iill, to which we call the especial attention of out I rimers—a superior article to the old Plug Plough, with two kinds of .points, shares and land-! j sides to suit all {doughs in general u-e iu this conn- ; Ity. Turning and fitting ot iron patterns made lo i order, and all kinds ol repairing done at the short est not o:e ami at low price-. All our own work ! , made of the very best material, and warranted Jo / give satisfaction. Farmers anil other* would do well to | call arid examine our work before purchasing ! wOeie, as we are determined, to meet the eiiier- I geiicies of the tunes, we will i Seli ,uw for C. i'Sll,or countr j produce. j Piu itiid bar iron, borst*saitii UKtiu 111 tx < fbange i-or work. ] ieb 2r>, s t)o-lv SHIRES xS: JOFiDAX. jI W L.G ODD OLD, TUNER & REPAIRER j of Pianos. .Melodecns src., has made nrrangements - [to visit ttus place regularly at stated periods. The j next visit will be in October. Yearly contracts | made. Pi ice for tuning §2.00. F ,r>t class pianos ' | lor sale. Unlets to be left at the '-Gazette" office. I [ H. L. G. has permission to refer to the following ] I persons lor whom he has tu',ed ; Hon. A. King, Hon. S. J.. Russell. John Mower, i Esq., O. E. Shannon, Esq., Dr. YV. li. Watson, Rev. j .8. Barnes, Mrs. Freytei. June 28/60. NOTICE. In the matter of the ac count ol 8. L. R'vssell, Esq., Ex'r. ol the last will and testament of Mary Ann tavidson, decM. Notice is h'.feby given that, the under-igned ap- J pointed to <1 .stribute the balance rem am tag on s.• 11 i account, w .jj attend for that purpose,.at "his olfice, | • in Bedford., 01l Monday the 20th day of August uist. ! at 10 o' clock a. M. of said day, when and where j j all persons inteiested may attend if they think j prope.g. JNO. MOWER, Aug. 3/00. Auditor. j AUDITORS NOTICE™ x In the matter of the ac- • count of Jno. Mower, one ol the ailn.'r-. U lonin \ ncni of the estate of Charles McDowell, Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, ap- , pointed to distribute the balance remaining on said account, will attend for that |>ur|Hjse, at his oliice in Bedford, on Tuesday the 21st day of Aug. inst, when and where all persons interested way attend if they see proper. J. M. RUSSELL, Aug. 3d. 1800. Auditor. TUDITO**S NOTICE. The undersigned appointed Auditor to distribute balance in hands of Levi Har dinger, Ex'or.of the last will d-c., of Catherine Har dinger dee'd. will attend to the duties nf his ap pointment on Thursday the 23d day of August next, , at which time all interested can attend. K. I). BARCLAY, Aug. 3/60. Auditor, HKALTII ANMTS PLEASURES. OR DISJPASE WITH ITS AGON IPG : CHOOSE BETWEEN' TIT KM ! Holloway's Pills. ¥~X Nervous Disorders W hat ia nrjoce .♦. Than a breaking down of *{ip rvous s>)KTr-;*i ! u i>p or uervou* in ti* - t^re- nrto-ii reierab!e ; ail the lre-h *l. • you ran ; fht !< e or four IMb cvrt v night , ♦v.T plenty <- soit'h, lvoiilh.'* Jiie nsv oi's}<>{>* ; a'tti : these eolil-n ru\e* rt ie Jojiuued, you will'tx* hap py in mimi w; I strung in body, ai*d Jorget vou Lave Mothers and Daughters. 11' I hire IS one tli in a more lOuii another lor wince {hoe I'll Is ar- -n !;htm-II- if is their pur 11 yI a g piop ertieh, especially then power of cleansing' the blood from hII impurities, and lemoving dangerous and suspended -ecretioiis. Universally adopfe.i s th** •oil"* grand remedy lor lernule complaints, 'hey never tail, never we c ken the system, and always bring about what is required. Sick Headaches and Want cf Appe tite. These feelings which so sadden us, most frequent - 1 iy arise lioni annoyances or trnubie, from obslrur j '*! perspiration, or froto eating and drinking what is unlit for us, thus disordering the liver and stom ach. These organs roust be regulated if you unu in be well, i'ne Pills, it taken according to the ; printed instructions, will quicsiy reslore a healthy artiou to both liver and stonrrch, wheuce follow a a natural consequence, a good appetite and a cieav bead. In the J last and West Indies sea reel v any other medicine is ever used for these disorders. Dsorders of the Kidneys, Is; all diseases alfevting these organs, whether they, ciete too much or 100 little water . or whe ther tney he atiiicted with stone or gravel, or with ! ach- ami paii.s -eitled in the loins over the region of the kidneys, these Pills should lye taken accor ding to the printed direction*, and the Ointirnnt I should be well rubv >d into the small of the back at i bed .time, This treatment will give almost tiiafe reliei when all other recalls have failed. For Stomachs Cut of Order. No medicine w ill so eif'eciuaily improve the tone do Uie stomach as these Pi-iis ; tney remove all aci li'y, occasioned cither by intemperance or irriprou .rr-:et. They re a ch the ljver and reduce it to a healthy action ; they are wonderfully efficacious iu rases ol -paste-—fact Tbey never fail in curing all disorders J the liver and Slom-ch. Uolloveay's Pills are Hie best remedy known hi tlic w-jrht for the following diseases . ■ Nsae, , jnftamrnatioi), , Asthma Jaundice, Li) ious Complaints, Liver Complaints, blotches oti the Skin Lumbago, low el Complaints, Piles, I Co.ics, Rheumatism, Constipation of the Retention of^Jrise, ' bowls, Scrofula or King', Consumption, Evil. Ueuility, | Sore Throat®, Dropsy, . Store and (IraveJ, Dysentery, Secondary Symptoms, Lrysipelas, Tic-l)oaloureux, 1 ■ ii tes, . Tumours, oi 1! k •?i, I leers, Efts, i Venereal Affections, Goo". : Worms of all kinds, iiea.l-i.che, ' Weakness from what • digestion,n j ever cause -:"CAl:TiO!V !—None genuine unlets the words "Hollowav, New Voki and Ltovoofc." are ditoeikibie as a Water-mar a- in every leal ol Hie book of directions around each pot or box ; toe .-a .h* | may be plainly seen by holding toe leal to the light. A handsome reward wiil be given to any one ren dering such information as may lead to the detec tion of any party or parties counterfeiting the med icines or vending the same, knowing them to be ■ spurious. '.'Sold at the Manufactory of Professor Hoouo wav, SO.Maiden Lane, New York, and by el, respec table Druggists and Dealers in Medicine, through. ; out the civilized world, in hoses at do cents, li.' el and !? 1 each. 05r*There is considerable saving by taking the ; larger sizes. j .V. 11.—Directions for the guidance oi patient* iu ; every disorder are atiixed to each box. Nov. IS, IS3U. i<° f* s\ Mb, j _T 0 R T R A b E , A fi,=t-rat° Itrin of limestone lan I. in Morrison i Cow, containing about ldl acres, 10U of which ere cleaied and balance well timbered. The farm is '.veil watered, The improvements are a good two I story Fratne tiouse. Log House, Pain, &c. There • i* a good oichard upon the premises. The lariu d --joins Bloomtield Furnace, Les hall a mile Iroui the Hollid.iysburg Turnpike, and four nules from Alar f finsburg. There is a ready market a! the door for : all U ii'Js of produce, an 1 the land is in a high state .ol cultivation. For particulars inquire i Da\ .4 ' Daniel, m posses-tou, oi George LAugh, at Spang -Viiiis. —AIO— - p operfy in Harnian's Bottom, now j owned oy Lewis X. Fyan. The mill is a large iVaute With two overshot whells and lour run of slone ; hi i good orddr, and in a good settlemeuT, with a snf i ticienr supply of water. 'l'ne larrn contains nearly ; ion anres ; uhout 100 alluvial soil, and cleared; and the balance vi ell timbered. The improvements are a large brick house, tenant house, miller's house, barn, distillery, l-c. The farm can be divided with out disadvantage. Teims reasonable. ALSO A tract ol land in St. Clair tp.. contaiuitt; fl '; acres, or thereabouts, about .0.3 acres ciearod, with a two story log dwelling bou.e, tenant-boase and two log stables thereon erected; also, an apple or chard thereon, adjoining lands of Win. Keefe, Jacob Semlerar.d others ; formerly fhe property of (jeoruo Kiruberim, - ALSO— a Farm of IC6 acres, about 100 cleared, with Double Log House, New Bank Barn., and Lwogaod orchards Thereon, lying on the Juniata River, two ruiles I torn Stonerstown, and half a mile from the tail road. This (arm is composed of a good quality of river bottom land. 30 or 40 acres of which can be put into good meadow. The whole is now in a good state of cultivation,. —ALSO— A larrn ol US acres ot limestone land in Liberty Township neat Stoaerstown, known as the "John Stolei property," adjoining land- ol 'Squire Kensiu ger, Stoler and olhers. I'ne improveuneuts are a Log on.e., Log Barn fcc. There i- good water on the premises, al-o an orchard of good fruit. —ALSO— A new two-story Rough-cast House and IWo lots of grouruliu Broedtop city. - ALSO— -160 acres of the b-st quality of land in liarrieon county, lowa, near the .Missouri, and vlo>e tu tl. countv seat. —ALSO— \ Lot of grouud ir. Omaha city, Nebraska. ALS— O-100 acres of land, in Southampton Township, tfed ford county, lalely owned by Win, Lashley. TERMS to suit buyers. O. E. SHANNON, Jan 27. IBM Bedford, Pa I)RUNES FROM 14k TO 4S CENTS A POUND, J f