The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, August 10, 1860, Image 2

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VRI ld.H AndffcY iW. i **©• (
3. F Meyers, Editor and Proprietor,
" roil PRESIT) F.n r, '
Subject to tae decismn oi tjU District Corterence.) t
S'CRlf F,
.NAT'. . I.
The Difference-
Some of the devoted admirers of Mr. Bcciux-
AN, argue that inasmuch as he is opposed to Mr.
DOUGLAS, all his friends ought to be. We have
always sustained the public measures ol Mr.
BUCHANAN, nor do we now abate one jot or lit
tle ol what we formerly said in favor ui tbese j
measures. But when we come to choose be- j
tween Mr. BUCHANAN'S preference for President
and the nominee of the Democratic party, we ;
make choice of the latter. Mr. BUCHANAN has I
the right to oppose the Democratic nominee if
he pleases, but he has not the right to dictate to j
the people of the United States lor whom thev
shall cast their voles. Such dictation would be
worthy only ot a despot, fhe President is the
servant ot the people, not their master. Indeed ]
\lr. BUCHANAN lias said in a recent rqidnight
speech, that Democrats are at liberty to vote j
for either Mr. DOUGLAS or Mr. BRECKINRIDGE. ,
Consequentlv he has absolved his triends from
all obligation, on his account, to vote for Breck
inridge. According to his own language, we
can be as much his friend in supporting DOU
GLAS a.; in supporting Breckinridge. The tur
■ uer friends of Mr. Buchanan, therefore, will b*
perfect I v consistent in giving their support to
Treachery in High Places.
A crisis is upon the Democratic organization,
which requites the sentinel upon tiie wafch
luwer to be sleepless in his vigilance. Some ot
those v,honi the Democracy formerly trusted,
have openly gone over to the enemy, ami oth
ers still lurk, assassin-like, in our ranks, ready
at any favorable moment tostrik- the coward
blow. Beware ol men who like JOHN HICK
MAN, ol Chester, have fattened upon the fa
vosa of the Democracy ' Beware of o3tce-hul
ders and pface-hunters 1 They are working foi
their hire ' A price is upon their heads, and
they must oppose DOUULAtj, or i -se their of
fices. The attempts ol such men to injure the
Democratic nominee, should be d'sregarded.—
fn order to save their salarie-, they will even
descend to falsehood and vituperation. Ihev
will even ou the monstrous untruth that
■Douglas, the ravorite of the Democratic masses
and far twenty years an honored leader in cur
party, is a Black Republican in disguise !
Shame ! Shaine ! That we are thus calletl
upon to warn Democrats against men whom
they and we assisted to put in office.
The "Split. 5 '
The enemies of the regular nominee, say
that Douglas was the cause of what they de
nominate the "split" in the Democratic party.
This is not true. Air. Douglas opposed th--
Lecompton Constitution because he believed
that it was not the act and deed of the people
of Kansas, and because the people veer- not
allowed to vote upon it as a whole, as the
Democratic party declared in 1856 they should
DP. Mr. Douglas differei from Mr. Buchan
an on a question of fact, and when fhe Lecomje
ton Constitution was sent back to the people of
Kansas, they voted it down by 10,000 majori
ty, showing that Mr. Douglas was right in re
gard to the question of fact. In common with
many other Democrats, we sided wiih the
President on the Lecompton question, but when
the people of Kansas vofed it down, we saw
that Mr. Douglas was right, and ever since
then, we have not had a word fa say against
him. Mr. Douglas' contending far tbe right
should not have caused a "split" in the party,
nor would there have been any "split," had
not the President made the Lecompton issue a
test of Democracy. Had .Mr. Buchanan sent
the Lecompton Constitution to Congress, as he
did the Wyandotte Constitution the last session,
without a word of recommendation, or con
demnation, the Democratic patty would be a
unit to this day.
How about Lecompton ?
Dear reader, the Democratic Convention at
Reading, in March last, buried Lecompton.—
Senator Bigler, on ihe part of the Adsninis!ra
tion, performed lite duties ol sexton, and Mr.
Montgomery, on the pa't of tile Ant i-Lecomp
ton Democrats, preached the funeral sermon.—
s> ylas was forgiven by the friends of Mr. Bu
:i;a:'.an, and Old Buck was taken to the arms of
• ere while estranged Anti-Lecomptonites.—
e lami v luarrrel was settled. Douglas and
f ocban in were recognized, each by the suppor
i • ii the other, as in equally good standing in
the Democratic church. What has happened,
once then, thct the Democrats of Pennsylvania
cannot consistently support Douglas for Presi
dent f Is it possible that tlie fetid carcass of
Id Lecompton has been diagged from trie grave
where Bigier and Montgomery placed it?—
What hungry dog, "mongrel, puppy, whelp, or
hound,has dared to dig from their repose, tlie
blood v bones oi the defunct monster ' Ay, the
dead body ol that dead and buneu issue, has
b u en unearthed bv the sacrilegious claws e>(
Back Republican curs and Secession blood
ii-.uces. That have caused the rattling among
its dry bones. They have re-produced its life
less cornse 10 the political arena. Between
them be'he warfare over its ashes. Ujion their
heads be the consequences. Let Democrats dis
regard their shrieks and uiluiations, and go
straight ahead for DOT GLAS, the UNION and
Another Forgery!
In our isme of tlie23J December last, in an
article on Judge Black, we took occasion to
speak ol the conservatism ot Pennsylvania,
using the following language
•'lt is this that makes Pennsylvania the Key
stone of our political aicli ; not the number of
her population—fur sectional and factional
New York exceeds her on that score—not her
wealth of mines and forges and manufactories—
not her cities and commercial marts—not her
railroads and public thorough-tares . it is tier
position as the great breakwater between
fanatical extremes, her office as the conservator
of the peace between sections embittered against
each other by the schemes of crazy theorists,
political demagogues and office-hunting knaves."
The name of Stephen A. Douglas was not
mentioned in this article, and yet in Jordan's
Inquirer of last week, it is copied and the
words "f ike Stephen Jl. Douglas," inserted
immediately after the word knaves, making the
last sentence read, "political demagogues and
office-hunting knaves (/ike Stephen .7. Doug
been committed to make D -rnocrats believe
that we formerly called Mr. Douglas a dema
gogue and a knave. An editor that could
perpetrate such a diabolical trick, in order to
misrepresent a coteinporary, is worthy only of
being at the head of a Black Republican newspa
per. lie would cheat his own brotrier ; pick
the dimes out of a dead mother's reticule . rob
a hen-roost and sell the chickens to the owner ;
or do any thing else that is too low and vile for
any common rascal to be guilty of. flow can j
anv man believe him '
Wo Endorsement.
.Wither the regular National Democratic
Convention which nominated Mr. Douglas,
nor the bogus concern which nominated Mr.
Breckinridge, passed any resolution endorsing
the Administration. Mr. Buchanan's name
was not mentioned in either of them. We say
this vvih regret, because Mr. Buchanan has
done many things for which he deserves praise.
His settlement of the Mormon question, of the
Paraguay difficulties, his foreign policy general
ly, and ids protection of our frontiers against
Indian depredations, have done Ins administra
tion great credit. in these things lie should
have been endorsed. But both Conventions
threw him overboard without ceremony.—
Those who support Breckinridge, therefore, are
|no more endorsing the Administration than
those who support Douglas. In fact the very
iends of Mr. Buchanan, are those who
Jpv stand by the regular nominee ofthe pariv.
I Vv henever a man tells you that in order to en
j dorse the Administration you mu-t go for
Breckinridge, set hirn down as a' Black Re-
old playeu-ou', fossilized politician,
j or a personal enemy of Mr. Douglas.
That Letter.
j In 1858, after Judge Douglas had mad" his
, celebrated speech against Lecompton, when he
■ had gone back to Illinois to run against Abra
! ham Lincoln for U. S. Senator, <JCF~ JOHN C.
j BRECKINRIDGE wrote a letter to the Demo
i cm/a of Illinois, in which he urged them to
vole jar Douglas, and to re-elect him to the
I Senate. fyi JThe officeholders were lighting
j Douglas then, just as they are doing now.—
j Mr. Breckinridge then considered Douglas a
| good Democrat enough, and recommended bis
| election, in spite of the office-holders. Mr
| Douglas was re-elected, beating Mr. Lincoln,
! and he has sustained theJNational Administration
! ever since. If Douglas was good enough for
| Breckinridge then, why isn't he good enough
now 1
For Douglas to beat Lincoln
A.n old Buchanan Democrat remarked to us
the other day, that he did not like some things
Mr. Douglas has done, but said he, Douglas has
always been a Democrat, and 1 am tor him,
now, because he is the only man that can beat
Lincoln. Another gentleman, a warm Breck
nridge man, said, <-I intend voting anil wor
king fr Douglas, because I want Pennsylva
nia thrown against Lincoln, so as to get the
election into the House, when Breckinridge,
I think, will hive the best chance."
Form Clubs
Our Democratic friends in the various bor
oughs and townships, should goto work at once
to organise clubs. We have a Governor, a'Con- .
gressman, State Senator and Members of the Re-
gialature to elect, and important county offices
to fill, for all ol which our prospects are as fair
as ever thev have been, and all that is wanting
to rendei success cestain, is organization and ac
tivity. In our discussion of the Presidential
question, let us not forget that the triumph o!"
our local and Slate tickets, istlie stepping-stone !
to success in Uie Presidential election. Let tis !
elect HENRY D. 'FOSTER, in October, and;
we will be able to carry Pennsylvania ir. No
vember. Organize your clubs, then ! Let there
be one in every township, and if needjbe, in ev-j
ery school district tu (he county. Democrats of :
Bedford county ! We appeal to you by all:
your form'T victories, by the (yve you bear fori
your principles, for your country, by every
consideration which binds us together in politi-'
cai brotheihood, to rouse yourselves for the
work !
Hear ar. Cld Whig.
Ex-Governor WASHINGTON HUNT, of New
York State, formerly the leader ol the New
Yoik Whigs, and in 1856, an able champion ol
Mr. Fillmore' cam-e, has written a scathing
letter to Horace Greeley, on the subject ot tbe
Presidency. Gov. Hunt is a supporter of Mr.:
Bell, but is witling to unite with the
men in order to del-at Lincoln. He thus talPs
off the Black Republican candidate for Vice
President, Mr. fiamlin :
"When you ask old Whigs to support M-.
Lincoln, you also invite them to accept Mr.
Hannibal Hnmiiu. Do you forget that he vo
ted to annex Texas, to repeal the Tariff of' 42 ;
that lie denounced it as the "black 'i'nrifl, "the
British System," and "the bill ot abominations," j
and that he actively opjiosed al! bills for the ;
improvement, of rivers and harbors ?"
Hot one Dissented.
Every maji ot the Pennsylvania delegation j
to the Baltimore Convention, was present when
STEPHEN A. DOUGLAS was declared the j
unanimous nominee of the Democratic par-.v.
.A ot one of them, dissented. Many of them
who had always refused to vote for Mi. Dou
glas, arose in their places arid endorsed bis n ur
ination. Ail of them remained in the Conven
tion till after the appointment of the National
Committee, when the Convention was ready to
adjourn. A done of them eoer seceded. A lev
ol them, "who were office-holder:-, afterwards
met with the Secessionists. And yet, it is
claimed that the disorganizing candidate is to be
placed on a par in Pennsylvania, with the reg
ular nominee. Modestv, where is thy blush 1
Badly cut up.
The Opposition are just now divided injo
two intensely hostile wings—the one support
ing Lincoln and the other Bell, for President)
All the old Know Nothings who still believe
in the doctrines of that defunct* party, are for
Bell. Ex-President Fillmore is about to stump
New York state for Bell. Crittenden, of
Kentucky, if about to do the same thing
that stale. In Philadelphia, the Bell men have
nominated a fuli City Ticket and have already
put foith candidates for Congress in three of
the five Districts. Hon. Edward King, an able
man, is the nominee in the first ■, H. M. Fuller,
in the Second: and J. R. Robinson in the
Fourth. The Iriends of Beil calculate ua
polling I00,0i)0 votes in this state, which will
be amply sufficient to beat the Rail-splitter.
Henry D. Tester
The prospects tor the elecion ol our gallant
candidate for Governor, aie getting brighter
every day. A letter from Old Berks informs
us that that old citadel of the Democracy will
roll up at least 7000 majority lor him. In the
Eastern part of the State, the Bell UIPU will
support him, and we can look for stunning Fes
ter majorities in that region. In the West,
Foster will reduce the Republican majorities
handsomely, his personal popularity there being
great. The Curlin is bound to (all.
Out for Douglas.
The Gumjieiland (Md.) *illegani<tn , the old
organ ol the Democracy of Allegany county,
Md., hoists the names of Douglas and Johnson.
The Frederick Union, the organ of the Freder
ick county Demociacy, has done the same.—
The Baltimore Dispatches an ahle Douglas pa
per. From what we can learn by our ex
changes, Douglas is gaining fast in Maryland.
The Biack Republican papers have deserted
poor Old Abe and his rails, and are, now, en
gaged in advocating the cause of Breckinridge.
This tact alone should warn Democrats against
supporting the disorganizing candidate.
has gone Democratic. Kentucky elects LESLIE
COOMBS, the Bell candidate, by a large majority
over MCCLARTV, the Breckinridge candidate.—
How are the mighty fallen When Breckin
ridge can't carry his own slate, which last year
gave 12,000 Democratic majority, what use is
there in voting for him in Pennsylvania ?- As
far as heard from, Missouri elects two Douglas
Democrats to Congress, with 4 fair prospects of
the whole delegation benig for Douglas. The
contest lor Governor in this State is between
the Bell candidate and the Douglas man. The
Breckinridge nominee i., tar behind.
.... We have on file an able article Irotn
the pen cf Mr.. SIGAFOOS, on the subject of
Common Schools, which shall appear in our
next. We beg the indulgence of correspon
dents, in as much as the pressure upon our
columns in a political way, is at present ra-!
tber heavy.
* Bedford Railroad."
The ia-K number of the op|x>sitiun organ in
this place, contains an arlicle under the above
caption, which reflects severely, but unjustly,
upon Urn late'action of the Directors <sl the
Bedford Kail Koad Company.
It alleges that the majority of tfie Board iia.s
at "the mere request of the contractors, agreed
to pay them an extra amount, not exa-.eding
$10,000 " that "it is a fiansparenl scheme to
elect Air. Schell io Congress by thus making a
present of ihes 10,000 subscribed to build the
the road, to his political Iriends. Collins and
Dull, and that it remains to be seen whether
this game of Mr. Schell to procure his election
to Congress by using the money ol the Rail
Road Company, is not too transparent an out
rage on the stockholders and people on the line
ol the load, to enable him to win."
These charges are outrageous and ridiculous,
false and libellous. >
By a letter published in another column,
signed by all but one ot the Directors present at
(la* time the late agreement was made with the
contractors, it will be seen that Mr. Schell had
nothing to do with the matter, r>,nd therefore*
he is- not responsible in any way for the action
of the board.
We are informed by the Secretary of the
Company, that the motion k> accept the
proposition of jCollins 8; Co., nas made and
seconded by two Republicans—that the vote
on the same wa.-, Ayes, three Democrats and
two Republicans, Nays, one Democrat and one
When it is considered that the President
and Directors of the Company are sworn to
discharge their duties with honesty and fidelity,
the (enormity 1 0l the offences charged
against them is more clearly seen. They
are charged indirectly with violating
their oaths of ofii e. They are charged
with embezzling the film's of tbe company and
appropriating the same to elect Mr. Schell to
C ongress. They are charged indirectly with
an intention to defeat the desires of the legal
voters of the county, by putting on the road a
large foice of laborers previous to the election.
The ridiculousness of the charges is showu
by the mere statement of the fact, that Mr. An
derson and Mr. Russell (two Republicans) vo
ted for the agreement anil Mr. Steckman (a
democratic triend of Mr. Schell'*) voted against
If men who are among the oldest and best
citizens of our borough—men like .Nicholas Ly
ons, E. L. Anderson, VV T m. T. Daugheity, Jacob
Reed anu S. L. Russell, are to he thus maligned
lor having done what they conceived, under
their official oaths, to be for the best interests of
the Road ami the County, what guaranty is
there for the reputation of any man ? what in
centive is tnere to stimulate men to good and
noble actions, when they are liable to be thus
traduced and villified ?
We deem it unnecessaryjto defend the action
of the Directors of the Road. They are ail
good business men ; they are ali honest men,
and, doubtless, acted upon good anil sutficient
reasons. It now remains to be seen who are
tie- friends t f tbe road, those who are doing all
in their power, without regard to political at
tachments, to finish it to Bedford, or tho.- • who
like the author of the article above referred to,
are not only doing nothing for the Road,
but everything in their power against it.
Local and Miscellaneous.
... .STABLE BURNED.— On Sunday morning
last, between the hours ofthree and four o'clock,
the citizens of our goodly borough were roused
from their slumbers bv a red glare iu the Eas-
tern end of the town, and it was soon discover
ed that the stable on the lot occupied by Mr.
Junes Curboy and owned by N. Lyons, Esq.,
was on fire and last burning to the ground.—
The excited population repaired in ail haste lu
the scene ol the conflagration and soon succee
ded m surrounding tl^ 1 burning building. We
ru-ver saw such effective looking on in all our
lite. Here and there a bucket of water could
be heard splashing on some neighboring root,
anddo save a live barbecue, some hall roasted
pigs were let out ol an adjoining stye, but save
this, and the crackling o! the flames, a sabbath
stillness pervaded the whole scene. No sound
ol creaking engine—no loud halloo of hurry
ing firemen—no rattling ol buckets along the
serried line—all, all was hushed and calm.—
The ladies too were out en masse , flitting
about in hoopless tenuity, like spit its of
an ag- gone by. And, this, doubtless, was the
cause ol the singular silence of the men.—
Thunder-struck with the sudden slenderness
of femininity, tlie noise was completely knocked
out ol them. Litre Rip Yan Winkle, ol old,
they, doubtless, imagined that they had slept
themselves into a new era, in which women
were women and not whalebone. Qmettr
the fire burned itself out—quietly the ladies re
turned to their closets and their crinoline—
and quietly and soberly the men slunk back
to the beds they had so suddenly deserted.—
Loss unknown.
... .Our old friend, JOHN JAMISON, Esq., ot
Shade Gap, Huntingdon co., is now running a
daily line of coaches between this place and
Hollidaysburg. We heartly recommend this
route to persons jvisiting Bedford Springs, as
safe, easy and cheap. Mr. Jamison's coaches
are room)* and comfortable and his drivers
careful and attentive. The travelling communi
ty are respectfully requested to try him.
... .On our return from a recent visit to
Harrisburg, we took occasion to drop in on
the goodly burghers of the pleasant borough of
Miffiintown. During our brief visit (which
lasted about three hours) it was our good for
tune to make the acquaintance of brother
GREER, of the Junita True Democrat, to whom
we would now return our thanks for his kind
attentions. Mr Greer publishes a neat and
sprightly newspaper, and is doing good service
in the cause of Democracy in Juntata county.
I . . We are in receipt of several panels
publisher! in \ irginia, old Democratic organs,
which ardently support Douglas and Joiison.
Among these are ihe Morgantnwn Star and
the Rockingham Register the latter published
in a strong Democratic countv. The - papers
are strongly edited arid are d"ing noble service
in the causeot the National Democracy.
IJrThe following letter referred loin the
article headed "Bedford Railroad," in this num
ber, has been handed us for publication. It
j tell# its own story. —v
■ Bedford, Aug. 7th, IB(iiJ.
Dear Si. r :
! We have read the article published in the
j Bedford Inquirer, of the Id i inst., in relation to
j the recent contract wi'h Dull, Collins N. Co.,
lor the completion of the graduation and ma- ai
ry of the Bedford Rail Road, and we say unhes
i it a'inglv, that whatever merits, or demerits,
, there may be in the contract, von took no part
by word, or deed, t j our knowledge, in if le a
doption of the same.
We declare that you never spoke to any of us
i in lavour ot' the proposition of Dull, Collins &
M j Co.— that you never, to our knowl-hge, ad voca
ted it and that you did not vte lor u.
'jjj.' Y r ours truly,
1 I . _ __. v/
Sr. CLMRSVILLE, Aug. 4th. 1860,
J Ma EDITOU : There is a report circulating
here that ihe organ of Jordan k Co., is about to
? run up the names of Breckinridge & Lane.
And the tone ol some ol its recent articles
t • would seem to warrant this conclusion. Can
3 j von give us any information on the subject?
Don't you think it is "a little too fast Hadn't
| it better wait till alter the October election f
Please answer these queries and of>
' Tr-it just depends on whether the Breckin
i ridge or Lincoln corruption tund is the larger. —
I En.
From th* jV. }". Herald.
A CJUSTA, Ga., July 1-kth, lbb'Q.
Georgia Politics—Political Gatherings — The
Strength of Douglas and Breckinridge—
The Rural P ■pufnlion Opposed to Yancey—
The Bdl-Eoeretts and Douglasifes to
Unite—l. 11. Stevens for the "Little Giant,"
6,' c.
Af'-r a tedious from W.y York J am now
conrif or'abty accommodated in this beautiful ci
ty. A f.-iv nights ago there was a Bell and
Everett unification meeting here, and i arn m
formed that only about 200 persons were in at
tendance. It was a sultry nigh', but there was
a lair degree of enthusiasm exhibited. The
.-peak-Ts were Col. Thomas VV. Miller and C.d.
John Miiiilge.
On the following night the national demo
crat, tie Douglas and Johnson men, had a mee
ting fuilv double the size of the Bell and Ev
erett gathering, an i the proceedings were char
acterized by great confidence and enthusiasm.
I am surprised at the number of Douglas men
that I find in this locality. I was told in
Washington (in official circles) that there were
VHV few Douglas men in Georgia, but I have
found very few of any other sort.
There is no possible chance lor Mr. Breckin
ridge to carry ihe electoral vote of Georgia,
it requires a mrj sriiy in this State to decide the
electoral vote, and in the event of a failure to
obtain a majority beforethe people, ihe electo
ral vote is cast bv the Leg; ia'ure. IV,e L--Pis
iature will not be bothered with the questi >n
the people will decide i!, and in opposition to
the oisunioniMs.
I have talked, during ?h past f-w dars, with
the farn.ers from tiie interior, from i:ie low
land®, : i,Hands and the mountains, and so fat
as these men show the directi :;i of ihe political
wind, tiereis an overwhelming majority of the
people of G-orgia crust!ingly oppose f to the
Yancey niautsmn nominations of Breckinridge
and Lane, ihe intelligent and sagacious mas
ses—the mechanics, who are the hone and sin
ew—the farmer®, who-are the great producers
of wealth, and ail classes of society, p-r.-udiate
affiliation with the disuninnists for such '-light
and transient causes" as are now urged to break
up our giojious Union, and they will concen
trate their power to give encouragement to the
conservative men in the ires States, in th*ir
contest against Lincoln and Hamlin. Depend
upon it the disunion squad in Georgia will be
routed '-horse, Got arm dragoons."
1 in' Eei! and Everett, as well as the Douglas
and Johnson ttiate Conventions will meet in
Millerigeviiie on the 13th ol August, for the
purpose ol nominating their electoral tickets,
when I shall not be surprised to learn that there
will be an effort made, and successfully made,
to unite their power to prostrate the malign in
fluence ol disunion in the South, and" give
cheet ing hope to the conservative men of the
North, tile East and the West.
I cannot be mistaken in the tone ol the peo
ple—they express 100 much hostility, too much
indignation against the digunior.ists. While
they are conservaiive enough about Bell and
Douglas, the} - are unqualified in their reproba
tion of the disunion Yancey-Rhett, Breckin
ridge an 1 Lane nominations.
The Hon. A. H. Stephens will be in this ci
ty on Monday. His health has much improved,
and lie <s an out and out Douglas and Johnson
man. He iias never for one moment, since the
nomination, entertained or expressed any other
position. I make this statement on the most
reliable authority.
1 his market is well supplied with melons,
peaches, nectarines and other lruits, at very
moderate prices— melons # from sc. to 15c.;
peaches and nectarines from $1.50 to $2 per
bushel. Some tew small lots sweet potatoes
have been received, which were sold at lancv
HOLLOWAY'S — Unnecessary tortuie.—
Palpitation of the Heatt.—The bleeding, blis
tering. salivating and torturing method of the
modern treatment of disease tends to the de
struction rather than the preservation of human
lib*. Physicians have a certain routine prescri
bed for their modus operandi from which there
is no departure, the laws of the Medesand Per
sians were not more immutable than the dic'a
of this Draconian Code that confines men to pe
culiar dogmas on penalty of excision. Untrarn
meUd by particular rui s, Holloway's system
on the contrary is based on the simple laws of
nature. Palpitation is often the effect off ndi
gestton, disorders of ihe stomach or nervous af
fections. Pv their action on the stomach and
nerves the Pi lis remove the cause and effect a
radical cure.
Persons afflicted with the Fever and
shoUid Mat s Mre either lime, || unfile a! eXpei,,..
0 r'r-rn'n, U "" < 'KLMik.Ut:i>
Li! I I L Its, u hose beneficent . fir cis tinon if,,
human sv >'etn ha- been proven , f J„
who have r .stricken a s j- IOl( J(
01 time 2>v thi u-ucilu! curse, whose cheek,
are wan and meagre, an:! whose nights aie
sleepless and restje.v., and whoe i \>s are din,
and sunken, with death staring thein in th,-
face, this compound must prove a blessw
snatching them as it were Irom the very mouth
ot thegrave.— ,\oue oil know its true vain
until tliev have tested it. When ail others
have failed, these Bitieis have restored t.,- sori
eters to pristine health, Their popularity m
ail the Western and Southern parts should in
troduce them to all families.
Sold by dt uggists and dealers generally eve
ry where.
advertisement in another column
3tligicus Notice.— Divine service vvtil
be held at the Suiphur Springs, in Million'*
(love, on Saturday, the 18th Inst., at 3 o'clock
P. iM.; also on Sunday, the 19th. at 10 o'c ,ck
A. AI.; by the Lev. iN. 11. Giles.
On Aug. the kid, iB6O, by the Rev. C. (ira
ham, Mr. W. H. Fishack, formerly of Richland
Ohio, to Miss Mary A. Carmtck, of Woodberrv.
Bedford Co., Pa.
(Jn Sabbath the f>th iriat., in Palo Alto bv
D. B. T rout man, IL~cj ~ iNJ r. Emanuel Lown anu
Miss Hannah Burket, all of Londonderry Twp ,
Bedford County.
Ali persons interested
are hereby notified, that the following named
accountants have filed their accounts in the Re
gister's t.lfice, of Bedford County ; and that the
same will be presented to the Orphant' Court
in and for said county, on Tuesday the 4th day
of September, next, at the Court House, in Bed
ford, for confirmation :
1. The account of John D. Perdew, adm'r..
of the Estate of Mary Perdew, late of Southamr -
ton tp., dee'd.
*i. The account of Dame! Diehl, Guardian ot
Juliana Hillegas, and of the minor children oi
Andrew Turner, late of Harrison tp.,dec'd.
3. The account of Abraham Blackburn and
Joseph Griffith, Ex'rs. ot the last will See., ot
James Moore, late of St. Clair township, de
4. i'he first account ot David L. Replogie,
and John L. IGplogle, Executors of the last
will 8.C., of Riaehart Replogle, late of South
Woodb-rry to., dee'd.
The account of Samuel Smith, Executor
of the la-t will, &c., of William Smith, Jate ot
Bedford tp., dee'd.
6. Ihe account of Daniel B. Horn and John
A. Burns, Executors of the last will See., ot
Echort Horn, late of Juniata tp., dee'd.
1. The account of John Sparks, Esq., Ex'r ,
of the last will Sic., of Daniel Buzzard, late j
West Providence tp., dee'd.
Bedford, Aug. 10. Register.
Drawn lor Septem-
Term, Ist Monday, 3d day, iB6O.
Jultn McVicker, Foreman, John 11. Barton,
John Burger, Hezekiah Barkmao, Jr., "(annuel
Boor, Jesse Dtehi, Jacob G. Dively, Wm. Ei
der, Benjamin Fink, Martin Hoover, Henrv
II un, Boslian Kegg, Win. Keyre r , Nicholas I v
ons, Jr., John B. Miller, John Metzger, Geoige
Mortimore. Fredeiick Miller, Joseph S. Mess*-: -
smith, Daniel J. 2! ller, Jacob Pee, peter H.
Studebaker, Absaiom Sparks, Henry Wer ! z.
George •>. A.r.'ch, W-stlev Akers, Jsra I
Benne;t, Sifnuel oi F., James Cess
na Esq., Peter Dereinore, Johu Her-hberger,
Oliver iiorlon, Lewa!t Hershberger, Reuben C.
Haines, J :seph Icfces, Peter Imler, Adam Ickes
Ja.-i.iii Koons, John Lavvry, Samuel Lagan, Mar
tin Mowry, Abraham Morgert, Joseph Moore,
John McCiearv, L-wis Putt, James Patton, Jo
siah Ritcher, Xathan Robison, Jacob Roads,
Henry Reimund, Thomas P Studebaker, George
Siiger, Solomon Steel, Wm. Sniriie, Daniel Sam-,
Xathan H. Wright, Samuel Working, Wm. ( .
Wisegarver, Michael Weyand.
Put down for trial at
September Term, (31. day) IS6O.
Samuel Moses Ex'ors vs John A'sip
Peter J- Little vs Jacob Strode
Jabob Fa.hneGs use vs John Als in
Richard McEnesp vs Same
James Patton vs David Stoner et ai
Thomas J. Horton vs A. W. Evans
James Patton vs Jacob Longenecker
John Hoenstein vs Adam Burk
Catherine Over vs John Claar's °x'ors
Edward Byrne vs Abraham Rilfle
Solomon Gans vs D. S. Berk.-t rtsser
F. D. Ueegle vs Anthonv Bowser
George Albrights use vs J. P. Kreighbauni
E. 13. Bradley et ai vs Wm. S. Fluke et ai
Wheat A, Giover vs Ja Patton
Jacob Keeley vc David Patterson
J. C. MtLanxhan and
others use vs A. J. Snively
Elizabeth Haney vs B. W. Garretson
John Filler vs A. J. Pennel! et at'
Conrad Ciaycomb vs Daniel Stiueman'
B. W. Garretson et al vs T. IV. Hortor. etal
Wm. Hartley's adm'r vs A. R. Craine'sex's
Henry Reighart et al vs Wm. H. Irvin eta!
David Helsel vs A. W. Evans et ai
John Flock's heirs vs James Entriken et a!
F. Jordan, Trustee See. vs The Same
Michael Gonden vs John Cessna etal
Prothonota-y's OlKcp, } S. 11. TATE,
Bedford, August 10,' CO. } Prof.
~ Letters of administra
tion on the Estate ol James McDaniel, late of
West Providence Township, Bedford County,
dee'd, having been granted to the subscriber,
residing in said township, notice is therefore,
given to all persons indebted to said estate, O
make payment immediately and to those hav
ing claims, to present them forthwith for s
i DRILLS" are in greater demand than ever, this
J fall, and al! Who want Drdls must order now ro se
cure machines. Call scon at Hat'tey't and examine
this Great Seeder. I*"?- 10.]