The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, August 10, 1860, Image 1

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B 'l'll THE PEOPLE 1
We, the Democracy of Pennsylvania, in
mass Convention aaseinbled, deem it proper
that we shouid clearly and distinct iy enunciate j
the position we at present occupy among the j
•existing political parties, recapitulate the causes
and influence* which have brought about the
alarming crisis in which weaie involved, and
explain to -he voters of trie Commonwealth the
motives which impd and control our action in |
ihe imortant campaign a'r. -'d; inaugurated in
th- American Union.
We hav* long been members of the Democrat
ic organization, and our present desire is to act j
in deft-rice of its established principles, and in j
conlotrriitv with its settled usages, and to sup- j
cort its regular nominees. In now addressing
ourselves to our fellow citizens throughout tiie
State, we are actuated by a sincere devotion to
the Constitution, under whose protection we
dwell, to the time-honored principles of our
3artv, ami bv the impulses of an elevated
patriotism. Regarding 1 'lie Presidential contest
in which we are now engaged as one altogeth
er too sacred for the Gratification ot pa;ti-=au
predjudice—as one rising fir a'ovetire atmos
phere of the selfish political spoilsman, we de
sire to act exclusively with a view to the
1 'ure interests t f our hete'ofore flourishing, but
now threatened Republic, and the perpetuity
of the tune-honored principles of the party to,
which we belong. Thus actuated, it behooves i
i-almlv to reckon our latifuce and longitude, J
■rn.-efuliV to i.lspPCt OUT CTeW, Btld fearlessly to I
set sail upon the political ocean, determined j
vaf. lv to enter port, or if we unfortunately j
wreck on (he rocks of fanaticism and s-ctional- i
tup, our proud colors shell continue to float at j
our mast-head, indicative of the future success i
of our noble vessel.
Now, for the first time in the history o
Democracy, we have presented to us the
s'ran''® anomaly of an organization formed in
hostility to the Democratic party, based upon
antagonistic principles and advocating candi
dates lor President an ! Vice President and in.
many of the States of the Union for loral >. ill- |
cers, hostile to the Democratic nominations,
and Vet claiming to he the Nati nal Democrat- ,
ic party, and endeavoring to | . <ss and con
trol us organization. Our prtmarv <lu;v, then, I
if to examine the grounds up n w iich t." .
remarkable arrogations are founded, and to 1
ascertain what reason there is in these . V.
assumptions, fi tfiev really are the Demncratic '
party if their candidates are The National
Democratic nominees—it is clearlv and mani- j
festiy our duty as lovai Democrats to support !
them and no others. Othei wise they a.eentit ed
to no more respect or consideration from u„
than anv other opposing and anti-Democratic
We have either but one Democratic nominee
lor President and for Vice President, or
we h3ve none, because there was but one
National Democratic Convention called and
invested with power to make nominations, to
which we, in anv manner, owe our political
allegiance. That Convention was duly cailed,
unii in accordance therewith, met in the cry j
of Charleston on the 23d day of April last, and j
then it adopted as its platform of principles, j
with some slight additions in which all concur- j
red, the series of resolutions adopted at Ciocin- i
nati in lbr>6, advocated during tie Presiden
tial campaign of that vear by Democrats
throughout the entire Union, and maintained
triumphantly at the ballot-box by the American
people. Upon the occurrence of Ibis result a
number of the delegates from the cotton States,
under the lead o( Wm L. Yancey, who avows
himself not for the Union, claiming the re
cognition of a Doctrine inconsistent with all
the past professions of the Democratic party,
severed their connection with the Convention
and with the party, retired to another portion
of the city, and formpd themselves into a sepa
rate and distinct body—distinct not only in
organization, but distinct and diverse in their •
fundamental principles.
After this disintegration of the Convention,
that bcoy proceeded to ballot for a candidate
Dr President of the United States, and so con
tmupd for ;fifty-seven consecutive ballots, du
ring which Stephen A. Doogias received a
decided majority of all the votes of a full Con
vention. The minority should then have yiel
ded ; but having due regard tor the usages of
the party, and desiring as far as consistent with
honor to conciliate and satisfy the extreme
South, the Convention, after authorizing the I
Democracy of the States, whose delegates had!
resigned their commissions 3nd abandoned fheir >
seats, to supply the vacancies thus occasion- ;
ed.. adjourned to meet in Baltimore on the 18th ,
day t,f June. Pursuant to said adjournment.:
the Convention reassembled, and by virtue
the power inherent in all deliberative bodies, i
it proceeded to determine, in the usual manner,
who of the different claimants were entitled to
tike seats and act as delegates in the Demo
cratic National Convention. This question i
b p ing decided (as all questions necessarily are) j
contrary to the will and wishes of the rotoori- j
ty *an additional secession occurred. The state
of the Convention after ail secessions, aid the
manner in which our candidates was nomina
ted, is succinctly stated by tin National Demo
cratic Commitee, as follows :
j Alter ail secessions, a well as the refusal
i of certain delegates from Georgia and Arkan
sas, together with the entire delegations from
1 exas and Mississippi, to occupy their seats,
our National Convention at Baltimore yet re
tained 424 delegates, ot 212 eleetoial voles;
being ten more than two-thirds of the electoral
votes of the whole Union. But some of these
delegates (as in the case of Georgia) refrained
from voting, the majority ofihe delegation tun
ing retired ; others ( i in the case Aikan>a.)
although full delegations, and authorized, ir.
case of any secession, to cast the whole vote of
their State, preferred only to cast that which
would be a fair propoi'ion between Ihe Sece
detsand themselves • and vet others (a- in the
case of Delaware and portions of the delega
tions ir on Kentucky an f Missouri) declined to
vote, but refused to secede. This accounts
for t.le fact that, upon the second hali t f>v
Slates, Mr. Douglas received onlv ISi f, votes.
I Mr. Breckitiiidge receiving 104, Mr. Guthrie
! 4 votes, the States n| South Ca-ohna (S) and
; Florida (3) having authorized no defecates to
; any convention at Baltimore. fleie is the
! ballot as recorded :
li'ff/.inridge. (ivthrie. Douglas.
\ Maine, 7
New Hampshire, " " ft
Vermont, • " 5
; Massachusetts, " • 10
! Rhode Island, " 4
{ Connecticut, 1 • 34
: New York, " 3n
, New Jersey, .. 2J
Pennsylvania, 10 24 10
Maryland, • • 24
Virginia, ' •> 3
North Carolina, " " 1
Alabama, •' 9
Louisiana, " " , 6
Arkansas, ji
Missouri, " < 44
Tennessee, • • 3
Kentucky, " 14 3
Ohio, " <• . 03
Indiana, * " )3
Illinois, • ] t
! Michigan, • ' 6 '
j Wisconsin, •• " ft
j lowa, " 4
1 Minnesota, < 4
1 On motion of Mr. Chirk of Mts ou.-i, at the
: instance of Mr. Huge, of V irgima, the question
j was then propounded from the chair whether
i !h- nomination of D nig las should or should not
j be, without luither Ceremony, the unanimous
act of the Convention .ni oi all delegates fir*"*- .
en!, (be chairman distinctly requesting that anv '
delegate who objected fwhether or not ha vim*
vote,-) should signify his dissent. No delegate j
dissented: and thus, at ia-t, was Sephen A. |
; . : -ug;as unanimously nominated io a Conven
| '.ion representing more than two-thirds 'of ail
tie electoral votes as the candidate of 'he Demo
, cratic party I r the Piesidency cl !(.■• United :
| It may fnrth-r b added, that so for as the I
| D rnocra'.ic. pi* ty ni IVi ssylvania are concerr.-
i ed, they are onorahly bound bv !!;•■ action of 1
I ir entire delegation to support S'epher. A.
i D uigias and Herscb a ( V. Johnson ?> cans •as it
, appears from the r corded procee, nigs <.f t l -*
j Convention, < ver, del- gate from this Sta'e w .
i [)ies-nt, am! contenting to the pa-sage of the ;
resoiirtion declaring Mr. Douglas to be tiie u- j
niuimona nominee of the Democratic party.— ;
Not t ne of our delegation r.crifi' t! tie Conven
tion of their withdrawal t of a sus
penst n of his paiticifiatini in its deliberati .us. |
While a number (it-ciine.i to vote and actually
associated with the S"cc . r?, our entire deiega- 1
tion appears, from the record, to have been
present when tiie final resolution was jviss-efl |
without <1 dissenting voice. Mr. Dawson, who J
tiad Seen 3 consistent opponent of Douglas for
I the nomination, with a promptness that did him j
j great crerl't as chairman of the delegation, j
i pledged the Democracy of the Keystone State
j to the support of the nominees of that Conven- '<
; "ion. Under thes circumstances, then, Penn
sylvania should b the la-it State in which seces- :
smn will be permitted to set its feet.
When the Democratic Convention adjourned
at Charleston, the Seceders also adjourned, not i
to meet in conjunction with their late associates, j
hut to meet at Richmond on the llt.i rlav of
June. They accordingly did then and there j
re-asremblp, but the Baltimore Seceders refused :
to join them, and witfiout authority, without!
call or announcement, came together in an
impromptu manner, and after playing the farce
of christening themselves fhe National Demo
cratic party. agreed unanimously that John C.
Breckinridge and Joseph Lar.e should be their
! candidates for President and Vice President.— 1
The whole number of votes, reported by them
selves to have been cast for their candidates, op- j
ing but one hundred.and five, it is apparent that j
at no time had the\ a quorum of a National ,
Democratic Convention, and at no time were
they competent, (conceding their regularity in
all other respects) ever, to organize such a Con
v.-ntion, much less to perform acts binding upon I
the Democracy. The utmost they ran claim for
their proceedings is that they were the origina
tion and incipieticv of a new pariv, opposed to
! the American politiral organizations known tp
! all other people.
To revert to the proceedings of the National
! Convention, let us inquire in what particular
I were they irregular ? Or what occutred to jus
i 'i/y the allegation that the nomination of Dou
glas wa< not made in accordance with the usa
ges of !he party, and is not therefore binding
I upon the Democracy ? The chief complaint
made bv the Senders was that persons were
1 improperly admitted to their seats as dele
| gates.
Now, without inquiring into the merits of the
! respective delegations contesting—which ques
tion was fairly settled by the Convention—we
■ ) have simply to ascertain whether th" Conven-;
1 tion transcended its powers r not, in assuming
absolute and jurisdiction lhereof. T.n
lean scarcity be alleged, for the Seceders thern
selves, without disputing the complete j'urisdic-,
ol the convention over the question, participa
ted throughout in the verv proceedings which
resulted in the contingency upon the happening
ol which they withdrew. Similar question*
j had been determined in the same way at Charles
ton without objection, complaint or secession on
■ that account. It is not known that in the en
| tire history of the party ativ other manner ol
| settling conte .ted seats has ever been resorted
! to. ihe ru|. sof the If iuse of Representative® ■
I ol the United States weie adopted, so far us ap- i
i plicable, for the governmentoi the convention. i
Sectjon \ . Art I, of th" Constitution of the 1 -
| nited States, (which is necessarily one of ttie j
| rules of tlie R jiise,) says "Each house shall j
j he the judge ni the election returns and qualiti- j
I cations H its own members." Th" the c HI- ■
< 'ion hid lull ) ovver to fuss finally upon the ere- j
Hernials of persons claiming to participate as ,
delegates, ami every acting delegate was obliged '
: in honor to a trde by the decision of tile ma- j
jority upon t fiat as upon -a 11 other quts-!
; nous.
.Again, it is said that .Mr. Douglas w>s not
fairly nominated, because he did not receive the
j votes of two-thirds ola full Convention. Tie- >
: fallacy ot this assumption has a ; reai;v been
made appare.i>t by tfit? quotation from the Natiun
al Committee, but it may he remarked that until'
tthe present bold attempt to distract and destroy
the Democratic party, the rub- was never held
to require more than two-thirds ol tin- vote.® cast
for a candidate,, provided the votes so c m were
l a quorum. The convention at which it was I
fiijt adopted (in IS-tb) thus construed it, and a
{similar construction (.as uniformly been placed
! upon it, by a common consent, in every conven- i
'tion from tha'day to th:-, •><•♦ pt tlx me over:
j which Caletj Cushiag unfortunately presi
j aed.
Mr. Douglas on the second ballot nl Balti
| more received all the voles cast but i nirteen,
t and on the fioaf. vote declaring turn ttie unani
mous nominee more than two-thirds of a full
convention gave their assent. So that under
! either construction of the rule, he is the regular'
nominee of the .National Democratic Conven-'
I tion, according to the usages of the party, and,
j therefore, the nominee of the entire patty.—
Those who do not support him are outside the
party, and it me.'.ters not to us where th*v he- ;
long. If they ire qot for us they are againr.'
: Us
ui K compromise.
Tiie action ot the Slate executive Committee i
recommending a compromise ami a Union t-J-c-i
, toraJ bictset. is.-Hkeati*- so well k town to
■ people as to render it unnecessary that Hie res- :
olut: in-, -1 ii'Mumusly trano tl ac 1 dingerous in 1
j then characu r, old be inserted here. Tiiev
I simply propose that in a certain umingeticv. i
. the electors appointed by the State Convention
jat Reading shut! vote (m t!, w-ut >i" l! -ire- .
1- ction,J ; m Breckinridge and Li - —genfi-i en
unknown as Democratic c.indiii.ites. Faey ar
goe most earn-'stiv, and with apparent -u ceri-
I fy, • 'e propriety oi consenting * > tins arrange
ment, because- it will combine the entire I
i strength ot the Democratic party Lithe S Vi ,
-m i.- cure the election of the ticket. Could j
we believe that any aciion ol those who man
-g ' ■ a .inei-y ol | .I'.iCi would bind ioe j
iuenrru:: > - r, ; ■ "t the Democracy, and {
; ie.-!,i I i-.-.n l.:e tlum'i men, whither-wv-T We:
! would, and iad we no mme worthy o'.-j-no j
j m-re • , •- dim, i. in m-re temporary snc
ces- an ! the election < i our candidates, we
: might be induced u> consent to tins uuauthori
{ zed, unworthy, and dis suggesti >o • i
the Executive Conrirmtlee.
j What .ire i f -e elements with which we are
asked t > unit* t The seceding organization is j
composed ol the uitta Disunioiusts anJ slave-j
code advocates of the South, and the cohorts of
■the F -demi Administration, moved bv a int i
j of vindictive personal hostility—such asanimu-j
ted Thenustocles HI hi-- constant warfare upon !
j the immortal Aristides—bent on tne. deteat ot 1
i our candidate, although it may result in the tie- ,
i struct ion of the De iiocralic f arty and the dis—
i solution ol the American Union. It is com-'
; posed ol men who withdrew from a regularly
; calie-j, regular organized, and legularly acting
! Democratic Convention, and set up for them-;
| selves outside of that body and in opposition
■ thereto. Their doctiine, like that ol the Re
| publicans, declares the power ol Congress over
I the Territories for their government, and He- ■,
| mandsthat that power shall be exercised forpro
i tectiuu of slaveiy therein—a doctrine which is
t in direct contravention of all the past profess- !
ions of the Democracy, and in contiadiction ol
i the principles advocated North and South by
| every Democratic orator four years ago, inciu
; ding John C. Breckinridge, the nominee of the
Seceders, and lames Hucbanan, the President ol -
J th" United States.
Ihe secession at Charleston occurred, ostensi- ■
i biy,on account of the refusal of the Conven- |
j tion to adopt the very platform which our Ex- 1
ecutivcC immittee propose that the Democracy
of Pennsylvania shall now 3upport. A union
; upon an electoral ticket pledged to the support
of both candidates would be an amalgamation
of principles as antagonistic as the poles. How
could we conduct the campaign as the uphol- i
Hers ot conflicting theories of government ' '
W fiat principles would our press advocate ? j
IV hat would our public speakers say ? What 1 1
addresses would our committees issue ? We de- j I
nounced the Republican and American parties,
in the last Presidential contest, fir their sacri- 1
fice of principle in forming a combination, and
now we are asked to render ourselves obnox- ■
ious to similar and more scathing denuncia- ; *
tions' j.
Tiie fact has already been adverted to, that
a controlling influence in the new party is per
sonal malignity against our candidate. Can I
we trust men thus actuated to support him un
- der any circumstances ? If we can, then, veri
Freedom of '.'houpht and Opinion,
-j !v may we rejoice in the dawning of the mii
-j le iniurn, when enemies can in union dwell
when "tne ttie lamb si:a!i lie down
Mirever, the couise pursued by the new or
ganization since the adjournment at Baltimore,
-hows conclusively that they have "no part nor
lot with us," and we s ould not have with
them—that they are real enemies of Democra
cy, and their professed desire for harmony
is out the disguise of some ulterior and danger
ous purpose. I; ha- bt—n ap'.lv o .in pared to
'he wooden horse, filled with armed
jm m, ready to rush lorlh Irom th ir seclusion
, and annihilate its observers and li -ir enemies,
| once used by the Grecians to attract and d--
tve lie Ti.ijaor. Tii -y havepersistently con-
Mhued the business of separating themselves
Hkm the organization, iiave nominated a lull
State ticket in many o! the States of the Union,
| and in some of the counties of this State have
; actually seceded from County Conventions,
thus earning disorganization to the very basis
ofour principles. Their orenn in the citv of
Philadelphia has defiantly proclaimed that the
|"I ede al Administration will not do its duty
: unless it brings to the block everv oflice-holder
] ho is an outspoken supporter ot Douglas.—
Nothing but a clean sweep will meet the de
mand Ot the li;n-s."
In vi -w of such acts and expressions, is it rot
apparent that their proffered compromise is but
U Git cian warrior in the uniform ot Achilles,
and il wy are deceUed into receiving him, he
wi.l spread ruin arid destruction throughout our
ranks f i'hey are "aliens from the Common
wralih ol Is.aei,"*a;id with them vve can have
n > fellow.-ii'p. The tuture of bur glorious par
itv - tii .t we shall preserve its organiza
tion and its principles puie and untarnished.
Snail we countenance disorganization simply
i because it becomes formidable t So :nm r -e
:h - time, u> test men's Democracy. Any p* -
! son can b" a sailor on a well rigged vess-1 and
; h sea, but il requires skill, manhood, and
nei ns;ri to iac- th" terrific storms ttt shake
the ship hum s'eni to s'em, bend hei proud
masts, and threaten destruction- Rebels and
mutineers must tie watched,and the brave ranks
ol our true hearted men protected from demor
alization. We il.u-t parity- the fountain, or
• the stream with its dark impurities will blind
us, while the foes who have corrupted it will
lead us to unutterable run. The only terms
we consent to ruake with any of our pont
ifical opponents (and we make no distinct-on,)
ire, that when we have formed a pure electoral
i tick -?, pledged to support Douglas and John-on,
.md them alone, they may ah support it. We
! int-nd to comply with titer lette; ar.d spirit ot
he R-a iig resolution pledging the Democra-
Wot the Suite tu the suppirr*. of the Charleston
: W'er'e r we"fo "unife" \VIfH dttf 'SNGTtr- '
ern opponents on the basis proposed bv our Ex
ecutive Commute . and by virtue thereof elect 1
; our candidate.--, we would feel more ashamed of
the j-. ni .r tl. 111 we will of the disgrace of d—
feat in del- te of cur party and its principles.
We have (ought our battles in defence of (he
Mrue princiaKsot Democracy, strictly within [
the Democratic organization—and we have tri
umphed. We have refused to permit the Dem
: ocr.itic party to b- sectionaiiz.-d, and standing
to-day as a wall of lire between Northern sec
fiunali-m an.l Southern seciinualism, we have
but to maintain the victory already won
Whatever may be the present result, th" firm
reliance we enteriain in the intelligence and
listßoi the American people inspires con
fidence tfiat th" national arm conservative p?j
tmn we occupy will eventually command their
supp -:t. Acting untler a firm conviction ofthe \
ec ilurie oi or position and our intentions, we
will fearlessly m iinfain them, and spurn with
contempt aii pro positions, from whatever quar
ter they rray come, calculated to demoralize our ,
o: ganizaliuii, am! con laminate our principles.
•'Oh 1 lor the swords ol former time ;
Oh! tor the men who bore them;
When armed for ri"ht. they stood sublime ,
Autl tyrants crouched before them."
In IS4-8, when Gen. Taylor was a promi
nent candidate before the people for tiie Presi
dency, upon being q ie.,tioneri as to his politics,
he replied by saying that he was "a Whig, but j
not an ultra Whig." Judging Mr. Breckinridge
by his record he is in a position to give ttie same
response, in substance, as to his Democracy— "a
Democrat, but not an ultra Democrat !" Ori
ginally a Whig, he early showed a disposition
to bolt and distract the Democratic party. In
18 IS he signed a call for a Taylor meetuig at
Lexington, Kentucky, and took part in it as one
of the committee on resolutions. He urged the
nomination ot Gen. Taylor as an independent
candidate, and in the address which lie helped
to prepare he was very severe upon the Demo- j
craticand other old parties. When the elec
tion came round Breckinridge relused to vote 1
for Uass, the Democratic candidate. So much
for his Democracy then.
In lh.)T>, when Know Nothingism was ram
pant thioughout the country, Major B-eckin- {
ridge became impregnated with the fatal poison i
and leaned strongly to that church. On the j
7th of April, of that year he made a speech at
Cynthiana, Kentucky, in which he made use ot '
tiie following sentiments as reported in the Paris
State Flag, viz :
"It was natural for a man to prefer those of
his own religious faith in voting, and he tiim
selj would vote for one of his own way of
thinking in RELIGION rather than for another,
all other things being equal, just as he 'would
vote for a NATIVE in preference fo n FOREIGN
BOUN CITIZEX, all other things being equal.
"He (Mr. Breckinridge) here spoke of the dif- !
ficuhy of ascertaining what the distinctive pro
jects of the Know Nothings were. Some prin
■ i ciples of which I hey claimed to be the sole ndv ■
■ j cites he was also in furor of. He was in favj,
of repelling foreign in fluence in our affairs.
jHe would not ail >w any o:i- have a' hand
■ j in the direction of our political machine.' y who
, 5 had not a community oi interest wi'h our
■ I selves."
The ordinary rules of would ma!r u
him a Know Nothing : and as iie has not re
' nounced this doctrine u>- do not see i\ow Dem
ocrats can support hire, if th-s alone stood in
the way.
A liothcr Roiikiax Hag |
The Frederick (MJ.) Union, ofjwhich Brad
-I\V T. Johns Ml, Esu., the Chi-f of the boilers
at Baltimore, was s-mior editor,'has hoisted the
D 'Ugias and Johnson flag. Hear th" edi
tor :
"We unfurl nur banner tins W"pk for DOU
TION , and app-al to every Democrat whose a'-
tention may oe directed to these lines, and who
is opposed to the efforts which the Seceders are
making to break down the organization ol the
Democratic party, to stand in defence of Dou
glas cS- Juinsn.-i, the regular nominees, and as
sist i.i administering a prop-r rebuke to those
men who have hitherto tuade the loudest pro- i
fessiohiof Democracy, and now refuse to sup
port the regular Democratic nominee for the
Presidency. The Democrats who stand to their
colors in the c iming contest apd vote Tor Dou
glas and Johnson, will be entitled to praise f or
ail time to come. Uk" the noble Democracy of
the immortal Eighth Ward in the ' Ttv oi Bal- !
• imore, who ccuid not be frightened or whip
ped inko the support of error "v the Plug Uglies
they will achieve a i undying reputation fir
tb- r strict adheren ■ to honor, principle ar.d
consistency. We have no f.-ars as to the i. :-
mate result.
Ti-.r liier.'ls of Mr. Breckinridge have no
foundation in truth or justice for their snp-r- j
structure, >.nd it will most :i---rr d y Uitter, tal .
and crumble into dust. Ail.we „-k from our
friends, is, a hearty, active and earnest support
in the e.f ;ts which we shall put forth to ad
vance the great cause m which we are engaged
and a reasonable riegree of justice at (the hands
of those who are unwilling to acknowledge the
correctness of our position and the purity of our
intention. Rouse / Fre-men, Rouse ' and a
nife with us in the support of DOUGLAS,
JOH. VSO-V and the regular organization of j
the Democratic party
lae *ps£* ttptui tt.
Hon. L. D. Campbell, of Ohio, Republican
candidate for Sn- , aker of the House of Represen
tatives and Chairman cd the Committee j
ways and means, in the last Congress, sends the
following letter t > the Hamilton Intelligencer, j
in opposition to the Chicago platform :
SIRS —ln your fast issue you mention the,
fact that I have o-en named as a candidate for !
the Republican nomination for representative in j
1 Congress. It is proper th ref r-, to sav" that, i
acknowledging my pr : r.ri g>;-?itude to the',
people ot t district for their past support, I '
have i "t tiie least t.esir" again to enter that 1
field of strife, and subject mvseif to a rep tit ion | v
of the caiunr.niou- assaults heretc-iore made up- !
;on p-e. Resides, it is doe ♦, csfnd >r fo add that, j
according to the "new test--" t: Aenublicanism. i '
a a bv tt:*- Chicago Convention, i regard r
1 myst If as resolved out of (hat furtv. I could j'
not accept-uch a nominatio.i without expressing j '
ir.y unquahfi-J comiemut i-u ofthe proposition .
which pledges supnort to the system which pre
vaits in several S* ;tes allowing to unnaturalized j
foreigners the right of \oti:ig on a residence of j j
six months I This plank is in conflict with '
much that I have-a.., and much more than I j
have thought and sts:! believe on this subject, i
It proposes, substantially, to obliterate all the j "
who!' - me safeguards to the purity of the Amur- n
ican t a'lot-box, and, therefore, to use a f .riul
lar &rt:i significant expression, "I spit upßk .
DOUGLAS "IN GEORGIA. —The Savannah Re- 1
publican says : j
Tbere are now nine Douglas organs ID G"or- '
gi t. The Hon. A. H. Stephens, who is ua- ■ "
Giiestionab! v the most intellectual and influen- '
tia! Democrat in that State, lead- \he Douglas !'
party, and will make speeches throughout the j
canvas. D "jglas himself is to a idiess what ;
will no doubt be a tremendous gathering m At- !
lanfa, and Hersch"! V. Johnson intends to keep v
the stump till the election. We shall not beat c
all surprised to find Dsugias stronger than
Breckinridge in Georgia on the first Monday of j .
Novemb-r. j s
The National Democrrcy of Monroe County, {
convened in public meeting at Forsyth, Saiur- ! a
dav la-t, and ratified the nomination of Douglas j „
and Johnson, pledged their support to those gen- | (
tlemen as tiie only regular nominees of the!
Democratic party. Coi. Allen Cochran, the
head and front ol th" Democracy ol the county,
presided at the meeting.
DOUGLAS i\ FL< ;:,I>A. —We had begun to | c
think, says the Savannah K publican, that the .
Regular Democratic nomination would get no;
showing at all in the "Land ol Flowers," when
the report of a large and enthusiastic Douglas!
and Johnson ratification meeting at Jacksonville 1
came to hand. It was held on the 9th instant. !
The Baltimore regular resolutions were affirmed
and speeches made by Peden, W. W. '
Moore, S. F. I) <gget, Esq., and others. The p
Si. John's Mirror says:—The was T
large and highly respectable, and* characterized a
by much enthusiasm, harmony and good feel- j £
ing. No sectionalism or party rancour marred
its proceedings.
call for a Douglas State Convention
has been made in Mississippi, to be held on the . a
30th inst., at Holly Springs. The Aberdeen I n
Conservative, and several other Douglas organs '
in the Slate have endorsed the call. v
V- tsm.i: Al ÜBiGi?, Stfl-I.
■■ ■■ ■■*
wm, weaker passions t un man, is superior to
• •'"> m s">> . theGau s alri'r.terffoheran ad
oi.unn, dj . 1 , n wvre
. ;;V7 J "", ure JM B ,v>, n woman two painful
a.. : f,ea;en.y which distinguish them.
•1..00. rn Mise them above human nature—com
passion and By compassion th'-y
h7.r111 : iS wr ; . by eß,boii n "7 exalt
.p." " 2 ' at more does heroism require*'
rhey have more heart and imagination than
men. Enthusiasm springs from the ima^ina
tion, and s°!f->acnfice from the heart. Vo
men are, there; ire, more naturally heroic than
men. All nations have in their annals some ol
those miracles ol patriotism, of which woman
is iie instrument in the hand of God. When
al: is desperate in a national cause, we need
not oespmr while there remains a spark of re
■>h ance in a woman's heart, whether -he is
ca:;ed Judith, Cieha, Joan of Arc, Victoria Col
on ua in Italy, or Charlotte Corday, in our own
oav. God forbid that I comoare those that I
•ute! Judith and Charlotte Corday sacrificed
themselves, but their sacrifice did not reco.i at
crime. 1 hem inspiration was heroic, but their
Heroism mistook its aim ; it took the poGnard
ot the assassin instead of the sword of theliero.
Joan of Arc used only the sword of defence
she was not merely inspired by heroism, she
was inspired bv God.
Bit Content —Pyrrhus would first conquer
Africa, and then Asia, and then live me f ,ij v
and take |„ 3 ea-e ; bul when Cvneas, the crafor
told him he might d > that already, he retted sat
isfied, condemning his own loli/. Toa rnav-t
do the like, and he composed m thy fbrlilude.
v hou nast enough : tie that is wet in a bath, can
he no more wet ,f he t, e flung into the ocean
itself; and if thcu hast all the world, or a solid
mass of gold as big as the world, thou canst not
have more than enough. Enjoy thyself at |.. n ?b
am: t.,a? which t.nou bast ; tf rnrnd isail; r be
content, thou art not poor, but rich. 1 fa v
then, add no more wealth, but diminish thy de
mo > : if you v-,sh to be wealthy, despise riches;
tnat is true plenty, not to have but to want rich
es : it is more glory to contemn than to possess
and to want nothing i- divine llnrton.
I.\ Milwaukee, Wis., a young man of repu
ted wealth was bead in love with a pretty e i r |
who liken his money, his company and the flir
tation, but did not apd would not like him.
H° 'tied suicide, but was dragged out of the ca
nal and dried. Eveline wept for tbe saUe
his spoiled coat, and when, a little later hei fa
ther must have S4OOO or fail, and Augustus
would furnish the amount and marry, she made
the bestowal of her hand—one half cash down
on each side. Augustus paid the two thousand,'
bad a nine cays honeymoon, aud then oacke.i
out. He won't pay the balance ; savs , n fact
be s had enough,—Eveline under such circum
stances has gone back to the paternal roof.—
negotiations are now pending for a settlement.
: A very* pretty ghost story is t old as hav
ing occurred lately near Sandusky, O. A rich
old curmudgeon of a farmer refused his pretty
daoghte- t j a nice young man she loved, i,misted
she should marry a man old enough to be her
grandfather, but uho was bussed with money.
She said sb- would die first, but the "cruel pa
re rv • insisted, and started ofl'one day to pro
cme a magistrate to complete the marriage at
once. T;j a short time he returned rn great
fright, went to bed and had a long sickness.—
:'iie itury he tells is, that the ghost of his depar
ted cane down upon him out of a tree as
he was riding along, took the reins out of his
hands, turned the Jiorse and drove home. He
took it : s be a command to him not to constrain
his daughter s affection, and he acts accordingly
and the nice young tnan is to have his daughter
and a generous share ot th° property*
Americans in* Kentucky for Doug-
LAS * —E L. Jones, of Newport, a promi
nent member ot the American partv. who was
its candidate far State Treasurer in lSr>7, re
cently made an eloquent speech in favor of
Dot ;las ar. : Johnson, and urged upon all
national men, whatever may have been their
antecedents heretofore, to now support that
ticket, as the one best calculated to subserve
the end they hate in view, of hoidinc the bal
ance of power, and re-cuing our country from
danger of the selfish designs of demagogues.
Remember— Let the soldiers of the Mexican
war, apd the widows of those who were "re
c i *.* ed with bloody hinds to hospitable graves,"
i '"member that Abe Lincoln voted, in Congress,
sgainst giving bounty land and supplies to the
soldiers who fought upon the field of battle
Our country has no reward to give to traitors
md tones. Down with the torv Lincoln, who
<as the man Friday of Tom Corwin. HJmes
C ounty Farmr.r.
you an Odd Fellow?"
"NM, sir, I Jiave been inarriid more than a
"T mean do von belong to the Order of Odd
Felllow* ?" '•*
"No ; I belong to the order of married men."
".Mercy, hew auilare you a Mason 1
"No; I'm a carpenter."
"Worse and worse ' Are you a son ofTem
"No , I'm a son of Mr. John Gosling."
Douglas and the Union.—Dr. Courtney, a
prominent Republican of East Des Moines,
towa, can stand the Helper ticket no longer'
itid has declared Ins determination to vote ""for
Douglas. The rail spiitter i< losing bv scores
"Fare thee well, and if forever—
Still forever farerAe* well."
IF"Mrs. Partington told Bemus the other
jay, in confidence, that a young man had com
nitled infanticide by blowing his brains up in a
tate of dehrmus tremendous, and the corooer
was holding a conquest over his remnants.
VOL. 4. NO. 2.