#r inqttisi nuN. - * Wm-i. * s Will-a o Xy.'imi, lute ? Monroe tp, J!".!, v .ii. y r oi the ioi' >wing described !(•'•;.I Esta ■, (.)••• One t:uct of html containing 'wo .u -• •mil thirfv nine acres, more or less, m'j >ini"g lands BninaiJ Clabaugh, ••'iHianiCo i - ii, John J .eirn ei ami Leonard Nycutn's heirs, situate h - id town - .'IN heaving issue the following heirs < , I i-j rep resentatives. to wit ; Leonard Nyrnm. John Nvc the petitioner, residing in Re.;.- ir d county, ' > - nafd Nyriim, <) Upton Nycum, ivsid. -i '• gheny co.. \i .. Wiison Nycum ai d Ai: Nycum res mi g in Bedford c 0., NOTICE is. ' eretore, hereby given, that in pur suance ot a writ of Partition or \aiuation. to me tireete;, i v.. | ■:■•• • i To hoi J a<; I • 01 Vaiuatio. , o'- irf promises, on "Tuesday, T ;1 st r y of July, !t> .o. vvh a a •! where aii p.r T:es .a lerested may attend lftbev see p-rpet. Sheriff's Off.-. Bed- ( WM. S. FLUKF, _ ford, Jane 1511 iSG'L S bi ' tr. MACHINE SHOi' THE subscriber would mo-t respectfully ar.- oounee to the farming community, and pnhiic n general, th'.t he still continues to mainline; lire at Ills shop, in Bet)lord, Pa., tiie lot,owing f.rming n ten-ils of the verv best mr.teual, ami-in m -st ■workmanli/e manner, viz: FOUR A Nl"> SIX HORSE TL'M BLI Nti Si IA '. 1' POWER MACHINES, with large open cylinders, six slaves, an ' spikes sere we.i in, and improved Straw Si.aser- attached. Their superiors for strength and speed are not made in tins or any other County m the State. Four Horse Tumbling Shaft and Strap Power Machine, with cylinder open or shut, as may be de sired, tor convenience, ease of draft, and per;mit working, this machine has no superior any where. THREE HORSE MACHIXFS, ol tne - me kind. Two nd three Horse Tumbling Shaft Power Ma chines, a very convenient and excellent machine lor small farmers, with or without shatters, single and double shovel Ploughs, Horse Rakes. Lever Cutting Boxes, Harrows o..if Wheelbarrows, made to order. All tDe abov • ai:i. - les constantly on hand, and sold on reasonable terms. Repairing ol ail kinds of Machines, whether made here or elsewhere, done on the shortest notice. Castings for all rny machines, made at the Foun dry of Shires .M Jordan, ir. Bedford, and will com pare with any made in the State for strength and durability. Blacksroithing done to order. AI! my work warranted to give satisfaction. From a past experience of over twenty years in the Machine business, i feel coniident that I can give entire satisfaction to all who may favor rne vnh a call. Call am! examine my worf before you purchase elsewhere, as I am determined to please all. Horses, rrain of all kinos, lumber and iron, will be tEifen in exchange lor work. PETER H. SHIRES, June s, 1560.-Gir. Machinist. BEDEORO COUJVTY, ss. At an Otphans' Court he'd at Bedford, in and for the county of Be ffoid, on the 30th day r.f April, A. D. J C C'., fc ere the Judges of aid court : On motion o'. 0. £. Shannon, Esq., the ecurt grant a rule on the heirs and legal representatives of Jacob Sneli, late of East Providence tp., dee'd.. to wit : Maria, intermarried with Jonathan Sfat ler, resiti.ng 13 Story county, lowa, Jacob Snell, residing in Carroll county. 111., George Sneli, resi ding in Penn'a, Caroline, intermarried with Jacob 11. Barndoliir, now deceased, residing in Blair to., Pa., Christopher Sneli. residing in Bedford county. Caroline and Catharine M.inspeaker, children ol Caihar'tie Mai.-peaker, dee'd ,of whom O. E.Shan non is guardian, arid David Manspeaker, ar.othei heir of st id Catharin", who is u minor and has no guardian, residing in Carrol! county, Illinois, and "War Shell residing in Bedford county, Pa., [said Wm. Sneli holds by purchase, the interest of all said heirs, except Maria Sta tier, Caroline Barndoi iar and David Manspeaker] to be and appear at an Orphans' Court to be held at Bedford, in and for said county of Bedford, on the first Monday, third day ot September, A. D., 1860, to accept or lefuse to take the real estate of said deceased, at the val uation which has been valued and appraised in pur suance of a writ of partition or valuation, issued out of said cour*, and to the Sheriff of said county direc ted, or show cause why the same should not be sold. JJJ-JJ In testimony whereof 1 have hereunto vL-5../ set my hand and seal of said court, at BeJ ford, the 7 h lay of May, A. D IS CO. ATTEST : Wh. S. Fi run, SAM E. H. TATE. Sheriff. Clerk June 2'2, !3flo. BEDFORD COLW TV, ss. At an Orphans' Court field at Bedford, in and for the County of Bedford, >n the 2dlb day ot April, A. D. i8v"o, before the Judges of the said court, On motion of G. H. Spang, F.sq., the Court grant a tule on the heirs and legal representatives oi Her. ry Wolford. late of Londonderry township, dee'd. to wit . Jacob IV ol ford, who has conveyed hi' share to Leonard Bitrer. George Wo)ford, re.-idinr in Bedford county. Michael Wolford, residing i. Fayette county. Pa., Joseph Wolioui residing it Somerset co., Pa., Hannah, intermarried with Ad am Sbroyer. residing in Allegheny co., Mil., -Marj Wolford, residing in Bedford county, Susanna, inter married with Solomon Smith, residing in Berifoi county, Catharine intermarried with John Stokes Tesidtng in Cedar county. lowa. Barbara, woo wa intermarried with John Devore, in Ohio, since dead leaving issue two children, to vvit, Hannah am Henry, residing m Ohio, and Adam Wolford who i dead, leaving is-ne three children, residing in Ohio to wits Josiah, Elizabeth and Sin.on Wolford, to b< and appeal at an Orphans Court, to be held at Bed lord, hi and for said county ot Bedford, on lb* fir- Monday, third day ot September, A. IV, i3'JO, t< accept or refuse to take the real estate ot said de erased, or show cause why the same should no! bi .old. w . SJJ In te-'imony w lere.'l I .uiv* hereunt. ,'i.. S J set my hand and -eal of said Court, a Bedford, the '.tit day ol May, A. 1). 1360 , T 1 F. T 1 W'si.S. li.t si:, SAME 11. TATE, Sher.fi Clerk ils'i A I K 01' v HHOLAS KF.IiG, DEC'D J 1,-Iters ot Administration having bet'i Ctanted to the under-egnerf, bv the Rpe,.;pr of Bed i.-ird County, 'he i state o' Nicholas Kegg F- | iate >1" Juniata Township dec'd, all ■>- - "i- iiuieb'.i lo naid Estate ate here notified that they Will i, required to irutke nr.mediate payment and tiia-• having claims a-tu.-i toe f.-taie w I present fi.- propeiiy autii uticated for settlement. WM GILLESPIE. jiuiiata Tp.. June Jd, 4SELEC1 1 SCtlOOl Fur t achiu-jr the pi i uiary and higher Fngiish branches, w.it ue op-n --by the subscriber in the n.-wly furnished am! beat ttlul rooms of (he L mo; Sehool-Ho ise. on Mondat the U'Th JuV o< August next. No more pupils vs i lie taken than can leceive every attention. I f'UMS- From S! to S.O per ,*er. iccordn to branches pursued, ibe patronage ot the ci' ?ei,s of Bedford and the surrounding coin.try. is i simctfully solicited. Applications -ho.ild be ina> i.ru.e.iia eiv. J. W. IMCKKKSON. June 22d, iSO'N. %'OTICK.— I lie PunoliL't Laws for ha' been received, and are now read, ioi disfrtbu'ioh.- .1 ustices of the Peace atid othe s entitled to thei will call al l*e Prui houoUrv "s otfice, and procure copy. S. H. TATP. July 20th. ISGii- Prot- MALTA ROM. t HACKERS, CRA telired Friut ami Gum Candies lor sale bv ,u!>2i>/ A. L. DEFI BAL'GiI. V I.'OTOF FChF MAPLE SI t.AR. FOR s\l A "v iulv.O.'bt. A. 1.. DF.FIBAUGH. CHAMPiOK BELT is AH AKDEDTO.I- HEED ik CO .' 1-oK SKLTjyO Tin: CHEAPEST ASH TEST GOODS' Ine undersigned would inform their friends and ' i i-lonier-, that they have just received troni the " Fastein ci'ie-, a large and well selected slock SP RIA G . VI) SI\IMER GOO /AS', which they are determined to sell at the lowest •• ving" prices. All kinds of summer wear, fiom tl ,• finest to the commonest, ladies' dre.-s goods oi every description, fancy goods, and everything usu a'A kept in dry goods stores (and, perhaps, forae : beside-- gioceries, queensware. itr , Ac., can a i.v he fognd at ti -ir store ill every variety and assortment. i i! All SHOE DEPARTMENT is well supplied with the best stock that can be ob tained. Tor style as well as durability, they can i o* be surpassed in this line. TERMS : Cheap lor cash, or approved country : produce, or six months credit to punctual dealers' Give us a call, arid you -iiall be waited upon with • pleasure. J. REED d- CO. May 4tb,'Go. Pine Pearl J-now White Lead. Oi> 1 !y -vJ.'u per keg of' 2.'> lbs. ' ' PAINT AND OIL I PA I. NT AND OIL. VARNISH. , VARNISH. OHIO FJUK PROOF PAINT. 1 OHIO FfKi: PROOF PAIN i .! PAINT, ALL COLORS. PAINT, ALL COLORS. BRUSHES,! BRUSHES,! , AT HARTLEY'S. AT HARTLEY'S. Hardware of all kinds. Alt; article- Warranted as represented. Fair profits ask- j ed. but will no' be undersold bv any one. TKRAfS. ■' AS AGREED UPON. (ASH BUYERS ALWAYS FAVORED, j Try Hartley before you send off for your Hard j ; waie, Iron, Nails or Paints. (April 6, isfiff.) SIMON L. SHAKER. ADAM FERGUSON ! DAY BUiNGS SOMETHING NEW ! J ANOTHER NEW FIRM ! ! FERGUSON S: SHAKER, at the former stand of Ferguson ik Man-peeker, are now ready to wait on : old cii-tomeis as well as new. Tiiev exiiect to -el! | very low for ca-li and produce, or to thosewlio wni ; loot up every six months. Their DRY GOODS, <. ROCERIES, HARD VY AR E, QUEENSWARE, Ami all othr goods n-iiaUy kept in stores, heve ! tiecii carefully selected, and bought at prices ena- ; Wing them to s-!l ot reduced rates. Their SHOE DEPARTMENT, , contain- eveiy variety of shoe, u ! boots lor men, . women and children. > 1 iiev invite a fair share of the public patronage ' , from their friends and the public, and particularly J , solicit the trade of their country friends, expecting t to deal fairly with them and all others at ONE | . PRICE for every body. [April 27,'C0.] , G k OSTER. SAMUEL CARN. j ()!I'KK & CAti.V ('hea|,-iiile. El. ii!bl'ti. I'n. Vv E have the pleasure to announce to our friends. ' and customer , that we are now receiving an im- j mense stock of New and Cheap !. SPRING AND SI AIMER GOODS comprising medium styles, gay and plain DRESS j GO ifJS, in part, silk foulards, poil de chevres, mo- ; , hair pla'ds. ri-toria cloth, poplins, lu-fres, biilliant j challie de lains, pongees, chintzes, lawns, lavelias, ; 9 de lains at 10, 12, IS. IS and 25 cts. piles of Mus- ' tins by the piece and yard at 5, C, S. 9, 10, I 1 and j 12 cts, pantaloon stuffs in gi-at variety at 10, 12, 15. 13, and 25 cts, cloth-, ca-sirneres arid tweeds, cassto-tts and jeans all color*, silk, ratin and mai , seilles vestings, coitooades. linen ducks and drillings j gi nfs" n-vv -Iy!e*, shirts, collars, -locks, neck ties. ; ho-iei j,, gtovM, handkerchiefs, Itc.. inar-ville- sad linen sliirt fronts, fine shirt fronts at I2J warran- > ted not all linen. ' "1 "ZF ~~ % I H ATS AX I) CAPS, I, For the million , fiom 10 cent v up, bonnets, bloomers and shakers, ribbon-, rt.ci. - and flowers, very cheap. Vvy?v. k" - BOOTS AND SHOES, fijagtck , r Cheun at f cheapest. china and queen*" ,7, ware. Fresh snpp'y of GRC'CERIFS, superior green and j. black teas, prune Rio. La tJuavra and Cenra coffee, y Nice brown sugar at 3, 9 and 1" ct*. baking molas r. -< sc! 10 and 12 cts. per tpiart, be-t golden syrup at j 13 and 20 els per quait. Baker's cocoa, corn -lurch. s extracts and spices of all kinds. ,1 We invite every person to call an 1 see. Nu liotibie • ; to show good-. id' ..'vuud S Prompt settlement by casii, produce ■ l> 'j oi rote every January. 0) I April 27. icOO. ', e MEKGEL HOUSE, -t 171 JULIANA STRSET, BEDFORD. PA. 10 i 111. subscriber,having renovaTcit and refurnished e- th.s old established House, is now prejiarert to re >e 1 ceive guests. He invites his friends and the travel ing public to give him a call. Having new furm lo tnre, new beds, arid everything necessary to render tf heaity cheei lo those in v\unt of a temporary home, L he flutters himself that those who stay with him, i w ill in d themselves at the light place. lie i- fully prepaieil to receive vim'.ois to the i;. Spiing-, an I ail having business with tne courts or otherwise. Ample stabling and carriage house is attached to ). 'he Hotel n Boardeis will be received on favorable terms, j. j ISAAC MKNGEL, JR. Bedford, April 20, ISitO. ::: ISCO. MAI too9i I80. ui THE undersigned have just received their usual I supply of N PRf.VG \ SIM.VER GOODS, i and would respectfully invite all in search of ?eal , hargams to cail and examine our stock and prices. All kinds of country produce will be received for i- ! goods at cash prices. Ed j l ilß.Ub:—Six months credit. I'rompt settle ii- nieots required by ca-n or note every January. v. i 1 his system has given our customers every sat il] j i-iaction ; and sustained by their kind and contin ued pationage, we -halt atfh-re o this rule strictly. • May 18. A. B. C&AMER tx CO. re 1 BEDFORD ( OUATY, ss. 'de • j'JSJ-J- '! he Commonwealth r.f Pennsylvania tc ,/L.5.,/ Sarah Gtove, Executl ix of the last wil and tesrament of Simon (frove. late of Bed lord couiitv, deceasad : On petition ot James Muilin, Guardian of the mi nor children of Jeremiah Grove, dee'd.. and on mo ive "on ol A. King, Esq., we command you that layini aside all bu-tness and txcus-s what so mi evei you be and appear in your proper person, be e a ; lore the Judges of the Orphans' Court ot Bedfori ; county, at a court to be holden at Bedford on thi fir-t Monday third day of September next and shov j cause why you should not give security as execu tnx and why you should not settle ati account o . ! your admiinstiation on the estate of sr id dee'd. * Witness the HON. V. M. KIM.MELL. ESQ | President of our said court, at JJedford, this dot' ' day of Apni, A. I). IBtiO. STTRST ; I '" i WM. S. PI.V KE, SAM'L.H. TATE, i Sheiiif. June V2d. IStiO. f )ctlforti RVolrlt i > ANO GKNi: HAI ST A(; KUFF If E Tin subscriber respectfully boos leave to an* I r.ounce to his old friends and the public BO K I) F. R , CLOCK &. WATCH MAKI3R, AM) DEALER IN JEWELRV, Would respectfully announce to tire cifimn? : of Bedford, and the public in general, thaf he I has opened a Jewelry Store in the buildingre i ceiitly occupied by li. Nicodemus, Esq. nearly ! opposite the Bedford Hotel, where he wil be s pleased to see all in want of articles in his line He has on hand, and will constantly keep an I elegant assortment of JEWELRY, and wiilre- I pair Clocks and Watches in the bert style. He j hopes to receive a liberal share of patronage, as j he teejs satisfied lie can render satisfaction trail who entrust him with t heir work. His turns ; will be moderate. I He has on hand Goid and Silver WATQIES, J Silver Spoons, Thimbles, Butter Knives, Gold i and Silver Pens and Pencils. -Nr. &.c. j April 27, 185= ——v ls .;> CHEAPEST !BEST! I LARGEST !!! 5*85,00 Pays lor Tuition in Singleand Double Entry ilook , Keeping, Commercial Arithmetic and Lertutes. BOARD 8 WEEKS S2O, STATJONAR T $7, ENTIRE EXPE NSES 802. t'sual time from t to 10 weeks. Every Student, upon graduating, t< guaranteed competent to man age t tie books o; or y ■ usiiiess, arid qualified To earn j a salary of noei 8500 to 81000 Students enter at any time—No Vacation—Re view at pleasure. First Premiums for Best P.tisine-s Writing for received at Pittsburg, Philadelphia and Ohio State Fair*. Also, at the principal Fairs of the Union ior the past four years. CF*-Ministers' Sons received at hail" price. For Circulars, Specimens and Embellished Views of the College, inclose five letter stamps to F. W. JENKINS, Pittsburg. Pa. jari 13, IS6U. j IMB KEWBI THE TRAIN' HAS ARRIVED! J. M. SHO3-. MAKER & CO., have received a very LARGE, WELL JMdl.Kl I Kjr Aftl) < HKAI' stoc I of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, winch they aie determined to sell cheap ; consist- ! us:, m psrt. ol Black and Fancy Silks, Bombazines, • Delaine-, Shawls, Calicoes, Flannels. Ginghams, 1 i Muslins. White Goods, Re. ALSO, Men's Wear ol j all descriptions. ucb a- Cloths, Cassimeres, Satin . welts, 'Feeds, Jeans, Cord Drillings, Clothing, Re. et tit j Firf BOOTS, SHOES, HATS & CAPS. We A very large assortment of Ea- <£?■*- ides* and Gents' Roots and Shoes, all p ces, sizes I and qualities ; and flats and Cups to suit all. ■V I.SO, A large assortment ol Queensivare. ar.l Caidware. Single and Double Carpet chain, F!e. , e Hotton, Carpets, Re. GROCERIES! This department is supplied with the very choi : rest articles that can be nad in the nia:k> and as cheap a* can be had anyvi' ere , ronsislu ■> n part, of prune Rio Coffee, Sugar, all kinds and prices, Syrup and Molasses. Black and Green Teas, Spices, , Rice. Tobacco, Segals. Corn-starch, Dye-stuffs, i Cocoa, Starch Cheese, Ginger, Candles, Mustard, f Pan ts aid Oil*. Turpentine, Fish, i \e.,Rc. Thank ful lor past favois they hope to receive a libetal j shaie ol public patronage. • | To Cash l uii-rs and to persons of undoubted standing, who are willing to set:ie once a year, . j Great Bargains will lie given. Call and -e. J• M. SHOEMAKER R Co. March 30, 1569. ; s > EDFORD CLASSICAL INSTITUTE !jJL"> REV. JOHN LYON, ) „ rj* * I * at i 1 RI.NCII*ALS . LYTTLETON LYON, A.M., \ FHE Summer session of this institution will open 1 | on Friday, the tthday of May 1800. ■; It is the design of the Principals, to make this • 1 Academy, in all respects, a first class Institution, > for the thorough instruction of youth of both sexes, ' ; ar.d to prepare (hern for any profession or (xi-ition r ; 111 life. The high moral and scientific tone of the school ' is well known to this community, and a strict disci pline will be enforced, i A few boys, the number is limited to ten.) will , i, e received into the family ol the Principals, as ' boarders. i The beauty of the scenery and the salubrity of i the climate render Bedford a mo-t desirable loca • j tion for such a school. Persons from abroad, visiting at the Springs, can be near their children during the summer. j It is desirable that pupils should enter at the com , ' mencemenf of the session, and no pupil will be re ' i reived lor less than one quaiter. r S2OO pier year, including boarding, Trr.MS. - washing, fuel, light, and Tuition in all I the branches. Terms for day scholars : 1,, , i s'• English Branches. - Per Quarter. c]a . MCal Jo &c< I Juue i0,'59. rFST! CHEAPEST!! COMMERCIAL * SCHOOL 1X THE LAND!!! W. P TOT FEN, desires to inform the public that , ! he has just opened a commercial department in the • Allegheny Male and Female Seminary. He would J respectful? advise the community that Book keep ing, ornamental Penmanship, Caid Writing and cv eiything pertaining {to a commercial education are f now taught in the 'above named Institution. Tui * tion for single entry and farmer's set s2.rio. Dou r(j ble entry and Mechanic's set, $4.,10 per quarter. e with the advantage of all the lectures Eater at j any tune.—Diplomas awarded at the completion of a luil couise. o j- June I, ISBO. IGNITED STATES HOTEL, ) S. E. Cor. llthSr JWnrkeJ Sfs., I PHILADELPHIA W. KANAOA, I R M. McVEY. $ pßorßikTons. Feb. % ISBO. Allegheny Male hiiil Fenial" Seniinarv. KAIASBI IMJ, Pa. FACULTY. ! ;E. J. OSBORNE, A. 8.. Principal, Prol. of Lai . i guages and Philosophy. ■ ) IVni. S. Smith. Prof, ol Mathematics. Jus. H. Miller, Adjunct Prof, of Mathematics. ; Rev. B. t. Stevens, Lecturer on Moral Pliiloso i phy Re. . | Wm. A. Stephens, Prof, of English Grammar Re. Dr. J. Hughes, Lecturer on Anatomy Sic. Mrs. E. \. Osborne, Preceptress,Teachei of Inlaw ing French, Botany ' j B. F. Drott, Prof, of lustrumental Music, i Ptice of Tuition for term of 1? weeks. Common English Branches 2.1 j Higher Branches, including common, each 8-1 j Latin and Greek, each 2 00 I German and French, each 2 00 i Book-keeping and Commercial calculations 1 00 CRN AMEN FAI.. : Drawing 2 50 Colored crayon, and water colors, cacti U 00 ; Oil painting 5 00 I Hair and wax dowers, each 3 00 , Pellis work 3 00 - Embroidery 1 50 Piano irns-ic, with use of.instrnment 10 00 Board $ 1 75 per week including room rent, fuel, furniture Oic. This is one ol the best, and cheapest institutions in the country. The whole expense per j term need not be more than twentv-tlve dollars.— Second Quarter of summer session commences April the sth, 1800. Teachers will oe instructed free ol charge in the Normal Department. Eor particulars, address the Principal. E.J. OSBORNE, A. B- Rainsburg, Bedford co., April 22, 1859. Oit LXiiS A>'l> BOOKS 85. i\ KEA.VIEK, Juliana Sirett, Bedford. Pa. | .lt the Stand formerly occupied by Dr. F. C Reamer.) . E 1 THOLES ALE and re tail dealer in Drugs, I i mf \ Medicines, Chemicals, Dye i Stuffs, Oils, Paints, Varnish | tme, Window Glass, Glassware received, a large stock of American, French and j English perfumery. Also, a great variety of fine 8 0 aps for toilet use. Tooth pastps, Hair Tonics, ! Hair Dyes,that will color various shades, from a light brown to a jet black, Tooth, Nail, Ha:r, Bfia ving, and Clothes brushes, Combs, Pocket Knives, Pocket Books. Portnionnaies, begar cases, Rc. —ALSO— Have and will keep constantly on hand, a supply of Coal Oil. Burning fluid and Camphine, with n great variety of the most modern and best style ol coal oil and fluid lumps. Pure Wines ami Brandies for medical use, Fla voring Extracts and Spices ofall sort-. FineSegars, Snuffs, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco. Having the agency for all the principal patent medicines in use, will keep a full supply constantly j on Land. - ALSO— Dealer in Books, inc., consisting of Geographical, Scientific, Religious, Poetical, Historical, Law, Medical, School and Miscellaneous Work-, in con nection with a great variety ol plain and fancy Stationery Cap, Note, Post, and Wrapping Paper, Blank Books, of every size and quality, Diaries, Blank Deeds, Mortgages, Notes and Receipts. BT7"()iiiers promptly filled and satisfaction guar anteed, with regard both to price and quality. EP'Physicians' Prescriptions carefully and c<*u rately compounded at all hours oJ the day or night. Dec. 10, 1859. HOTELTBEDFORD, -A. "THE subscriber tespectfully .11 formß the pub ; ic, thai hefstil' keeps the Hotel, under the above name, in the old and well kn vvn Globe building, on ; West Pitt Street, formerly owned and occupied :>y Mr. John Young, where xe will be happy to see all friends and the traveling public generally. Peisons attending Court are respectfully invited to give him a call. He pledges himself that he will do all ir. .a- . f - - - •- • v i"'- •- —l4 *"> i £ oUtriforlnUlr , His Table will be supplied with the choicest del : icacies the market will afford. j The Bed Rooms will contain clean and comfortable . bedding. j The Bar will be supplied with choice liquor-. The Stable will be attended by a careful and a- I tentive hostler. will be taken by the day, week, i month and year. JONATHAN MORTON. June 3, 1559. VI A Slll-Y' rO Y Ilftl sE, * BEDFOPD. PA. MRS. S. FILLER would respectfully announce to her fnerids in Bedford County, anil to the public generally, that she has leased, for a {erni of years, the large and convenient brick hotel, at the coiner ol B'tt ami 'ul'ana streets. Bedford, i'a., known a the •*WASHINGTON HOUSE," and lately kept :>y MRS. COOK. This house is being thoroughly re fitted and refurnished, and is now open for the in ception of guests. \. :tn-s to the "BEDFORD SPRINGS" and persons attending Court, will find this house a pleasant and comfortable temporary home.—Every attei 'ion will be pa d to the contort and accommodation if gue-ts. The tab! will at all time- be supplied with the best tbe markets atfo-d. Charges moderate. Extensive stabling is attached to this hotel, and a careful and competent ho=tier will be in atten dance. Special attention will be paid to the accom modation of the tarming community. ! March 3fith, 1860. J W. SC*TT. {Lots of the firm of Winchester cc Scoff.) CiFnticineiiX Fiirnitihius; autl ! SHI II T MANUFA C T O R Y, „Y o. SI I ('hcstr.ut Street, (.Nearly opposite the GIRARD HOUSE,) P HILAD EL P 111. 1. J. W. SCOTT, would respectfully call the atten tion of his former friend- to his new Store, and is pre pared to fill orders for SHIRTS at short notice. A perfect fit guarantied. COUNTRY TRADE snp plied with FINE SHIRTS and COLLARS, j October, S, 1859—1y. ' ii S A L E, * O R E X C II A N G E. | Three tracts jf very choice farm land, contain j ing ICO acres in each tract, situate on the Illinois Centrla R. R. in Champaign co., State of Illinois, 8 i miles from the city of Urbana, and 1 mile from Ren foal Station on said road. Two of the tracts adjoin. , and one of them has a never failing pond of wafer. The city of Urbana contains a population of 3000. Champaign is the greate.-t wheat growing country m the State. Address, F. C. REAMER, Bedford, I'a. Spectacles! The subscriber has just received a spiendir variety ot Gold, Silver Mounted, arid Stcei Spectacles, with the finest Scotch Pebbles, su perior in clearness, and designed to suit person; of all ages—warranted never to FAIL—U which he invites the attention of all who are it need of the article. He has also just receivet : an elegant assortment of JEWELRY—aII o . j which he will sell on reasonable terms. . i DANIEL BORDER, t j Bedford, May *22, lbf>7. G< HEAT WLSTERiN INS- &- r TRUST COMPANY Capital and available assets, over §300,0()f j Fire, Inland and Marine Cargo risks taken ot j the most favorable terms. C. C. LATIIROP, Pres't. JAMES WRIGHT, Sec'y. [aug. 15, '5.9.] JOHN P. REED, Agent , I'OUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP. 111!-, fubtsrrbprs having formed a partnet-hif muter the etyle ot "Flock K for the pur pOKv o! oouiiui'ting a general " i FOUNDRY AND MACHINE hiisme-s in the establishment reeentlv erected by (iillinrd Duck, in Hopewell, Bedford county, are now . prepared to execute otders for CASTINGS AND 1 MACHINERY of everv description. They will build to order steam-engines, coal and drift-cars. 1 horse powers and threshing machines also, casting ; ol every kind tor furnaces, forges, saw, grist and lolling mills, (doughs, water-pipe, columns, house I front-:, braeke s, Kr., Rc. I hey are also, now making n fine assortment ot 8 I OVES of various kinds of the latest pattern- and j mo-t approved stvies, including several s>/e< of COOK STOVES of the best make, fierting idoves I for chinches, offices, bar-rooms, Rc. A full assortment of Stoves will be kepi ronstant- II y on band, and sold at wholesale and retail, at prices to suit Ihe times, and quality, warranted equal to the be-t Eastern make. Machinery of all kinds repaired promptly. Patterns mad- to otdcr. GILLIAKD DOCK, C. W. ASCHO.M. Nov. 11 1853 '/ T ROGERY AND \J CONFECTIONARY, i THE umJersiiruet] has jusl tfceiveti and keeps • constantly on hun; following articles : Co flee, sugar, molasses, chee-e, crackers, currants, 1 ; prune-, raisins, figs, almonds, filbeits, cocoa nuts, ground nut, pecans, Eng. walnuls, < ream nuts, can ; die- 111 variety, oranges, lemon- - , tobacco and cigars, j allspice and pepper, spices of ati kind-, baking so j de. i-ieatn of tartar, sulphur, brimstone, canister and keg powder, shot, caps and lead, grain and grass I scythes, whetting tools, wash tubs and boards, in digo, extract logwood, copperas, alum and ui'.dder. Oil, polish and NJason's blacking, sweeping, du-ting stove, shoe and scrubbing, brushes, clothes, bair, tooth and flesh brushes, bat ami infant blushes, hair oiis and perfumery, purses and port monaie-, pock et and memorandum hooks, bonnet and round gum combs, "ridding" and fine combs, bracelets ami beads, pen-, pen-holders, penknives, scissot-. knife j sharpeners, umbrellas, suspenders, spool cotton and floss, clocks, small looking glas-es, violins, violin strings, toy watches, watch chains, curry combs, cards, horse brushes, shoe-thread, pegs and spara bles, Johnson's Arabian Liniment, Rock and Lit-" s | White Oil, Merchant's celebrated Garglinrr *'(' J or j man or beast, and many other articles of a similar nature. The patronage oi the public is respectluiiy ' solicited. A. L. DF.FIBAFGH. | June 17,'59.-Iy. TALOODY RUN FOUNDRY AND M A CHINE SHOP. .'HE Ftibseribers are now preparer! Nt fhet Foundry in Bloudv Ron, to fit'all orders for < astings of every description lor GRiSf W.VJi S. IWJ\HLLS, TIIRESHI.YG MACHINES, A PPL I " MILLS, PLOUGHS end all things p|;. P ip ourAne that may be needed in this or adjoining count]''-- We ma. nfactor-' Threshing Machines of 2, dor Hcse rnwr, WARRANTED equal if not snperini to:: - nwl" -i the State. We keep constantly or, ! . a fuP ■' -ortment of Wood Cock. Plug and H side l''"Oghs, WARRANTED "o give satisfac tion. or-or sale. Points, shares and laud sides to fit all Weodcock, or Seyler piougbs in tiie county. ; irmer ' Be!!-, Ploughs and Castings of our make r-n b" l ad a' 'he store of Wm. Hartley, in Bedford. Sonderbaugb & Pee, East Providence Tp., John Nycum & Son, " " Times being hard, we offer great inducements to Farmers and Mechanics to buy of us. All kinds of repairing done in a neat and substan tial manner and all vvoik warranted. Call and ex. amine our castings and -work and judge tor your selves. Our agents sell at foundry prices. JOM.UI BAIiGHMAN ft BKO. Mir h 23, 1858. MA N H O O D . HOW LOST. HOW RESTORED. •turt Published, ru ti sealed Envelope, On tie Nature, Treatment and Radical Cuie of or Set? ma Weakness, be.xnal De- i ~.v.ilinr.,r. BlOiSVlOa9| Iru poteney eul 2Vlevitai and Physical Incapacity. I?Y ROB. J. GPLVERWELL, M. L>., Author ol "The Green Book," .tc. The world-renowned author, in this admirable Lecture, clearly- proves from his own expedience that the awful con-eqnences ol scit-abuse may he effectuailv remove-: without Medicine and without dangerous Surgical operations, bougies, instruments, ring- or cordials , pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and eff n-.tua!, by which every sufferer, no matter what h - condition may be, tray cure him , self eh- "ply, privately an 1 railicallv. This Lecture will prove a boon to thou,an ! 1 and thousands. Sent under seal to an v address, post paid, on the receipt of two postage tamp-:, bv a!d.-es,irg Dr. UH. .T. C KLINE. M. D 48 ! first Avenue, New Yn> k Post Boy ! "-SB. .'an. 2. iS'i't. THO MI LLO \Y X E R S • i JL 8. D. FROAD has mane Scbellsbnrg Ins perma j nent tc-i ience, and is prepared to a : kutds o wot k in the .Miil W• I gijt line, on the most appro ved and durable plans," and reasonable term-. He has on hatid the mo-t improved Smut and -"reeling Machinos, Mill Brushes, Anchor Bolting I I i Icths, both new and old, at city prices. Mill Burs t era be procured froua bitn au .l tbinped to any point; Also—Agent for MrCormick's Reaper and Mower ior Bedfoid and Blair Counties. ' I D. BROAD. Fcbeilsburg, Bedford Co., ! March 4, 1859. f Jiitc Jusavanrc & Crust (L r o. CAPITAL Stock, soCfO.OtfO. COM PAN Y'B BUILDING, WALNUT STREET, s. e. CORNKP. ov ROLRTIR, musiinu. LIFE insurance at tne usual mutual ra'.s, at about 20 per cent le-s, or at total abstinence ratej, at the I lovve-t in the world. J. C. SIMS, A. WHILLDIN, Secretary. Fre-ident. 'JOHN J. SCIIELL, Agent, Jan. 27, JS69. B-dford, Pa. I ; , EDFORI) COUNTY MAP. i I Will make a directory map of Bedford County j from actual surveys, if a sufficient number of sub ! scribers can be raised to justify ine in the enter j prise. - ; Tb? map will be large and well finished and will s ! show the location o. all the public roads streams, . : boundary lines, towns, villages, Hotels, Cl.arches! School Houses, i'ost Offices, siorps, grist mills, saw ! mills ij-c., Rc., and "will contain the names of all th* 1 property holder-, and show the businesthat almosi „ each one is engagpd in. I will put on the saint sheet maps ofall the towns and large villages, alsc tables and statistics ot the County and (if taken ir time) the census of iB6O. Pains will betaken tc make it a- reliable as anv Map in tbe State. Julv 1 ,'39. EDW'D. L. WALKER. j CJAVE COSTS!— All persons still indebted tc " | the firm of OSTER, MANSPEAKER d- CARN, bv is i Account or Note, are respectfully.yet most earnest O i !y as2cr, to make immediate payment, and thus savt tl i f'° s! - 1 ! ,p Boo.(-s, Notes and effects of the firm are . j in the hands of O-teT It Cam. II After the Ist day of August, 1860, cost will bi ji ! added, without further notice, except bv special , agreement. June S, J860.-2m. mi O T ! c E*— VYhertas a certain Mar ■ : gcry Merges of Napier tp„ Bedford county, claim: '|tobe my wedded wife, I her-by notify the public ' | that such is not the fact ; that -he never -tood in any n such relation to me, nor does she now ; and I cau < Hon all per-ons against harboring her, or dealing i with her on my account, as 1 am determined not to pay any debts of her contracting, i ' „ , „ G. W. SIGLER. I. Bedford lp., June 22d. I | I~Y I —JU\J •JHE)L! D'| ! I. . V. 4 r.-l v • r'l T "I * } I" j • ■!'. JU( <>>,■■ WIIBMII t I li. LrT,n M |XVAf!LVs=H ■ J I I'//,'- ')• .Em IM , r, ,yfl I- * -a --i Jacob REED, n. w. Rrrp. jj , HP , REIil), RUFF & SCIIELL i BANKERS 8c DEALERS IN EX CHANGE, BEDFORD. PENN'A. DUAKTS bought and sold, collectiona rnj and momy promptly remitted. Deposits solicited. REFERENCES. Hon. Jon Mann, Bedford, p 3 " JOHN CESSNA, '• JOHN MOWER, " 4 , R. FORWARD, Somerset, fiUNN, RAIGUEL Si Co., Phil J. WATT & Co., Pittsbur .1 J. W. CURLEY, &. Co., Ci • I Commontucaltl) Insurance Ccmpann C.NION BUU.DINGB, THIRD STREET ~ HARRISBURQ, PA. ; CIURTEKfeD CAPITAL, .>300,00U. <; Insure buildings or other property against lossor darrage by Fire. r : ALSO . AGAINST PERILS OF THE mLAND NAVI GATM & Ti?AvS?^RTAT!ON DIRECTORS : i j SIMON CAMERON, GEO. M. I-aumam, VVM. Boeic, - James FOX, k C. '"® fiCi * iKE Bf.NJ. P^rke, I \V.M. H. KF.pnei" rt * B - warlord, W. F. Mrauv, i F K Bo* r ' J. H.BERRYUJLL, \V. F* PACKER F.li '-'"• OFFICERS : SIMON CAMERON, President. BtAJAMIN PARKE, Vice-President. S. S. CARRIER, Secretary. J. VV. LINGENFELTF.R, Agent. Bedford, Pa. Office on Juliana Street Oct. 21. 1959.-ly. pennsglcania Insurance Compaun OF PITTSBURGH, OFFICE, NO C 3 FOURTH STREET. Capital And Surplus over $150,01)0.00. DIRECTORS. Jacob Painter, C. A. Colton, N. Voeghtly. Rudy Patterson, A. A. Carrier, I. G. Sproiii Henry Sproul, A.J. Jones, G. W. Smith W. Hampton, Rob't Patrick, J. H. Hopkin* This Compaay has paid losses from the date oi its incorporation in J854, up to May, 1859 0 a . mount ol $302,835, 07, in addition io regular semi - annual Dividends of irom sto 15 per cent affordine evidence of its stability and usefulness. LOSSES LIBERALLY ADJUSTED, AND PROMPTLY PAID. A. A. CARRIER, Pres't. I. G. SPROIL. Sec'v - J.J. Lingenfelter, Agent. Office at Bedford Pa. September 2, 1859.-1 vr. * m:SS\,i i. suvxxo\- HAVE lormed a Partnership in the Practice oi the Law. Office nearly opposite the Gazette Office, where one | or the other may at all times be found. Bedford, Aug. 1, 1859. lOHX P REED— t • ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD, FA. Respectfully tenders his services to the Pub!,: ICr-Office second door North of the Men' • Attorney at Law, Pittsburg, ?a. WILL attend promptly to all busin-s* en trusted to his care. July 1, 1859.-1 y. rou MIKI GINSMITH, BEDFORD, PA. • • -'d a! 'he east end of the town, one door we? of foe residence ol Major Washataugh. < Al! guns of my own manufacture warranted. : j May 21,'58. LETTER MAX—' r „ COUNTY SURVEYOR. O' LD hereby nolifiy the citizens ol Bed , V . d county, liiat he has moved to the Borough | M B'-idord, where he may at all time 3be | found by persons wishing to see him, unless ; absent upon business pertaining to his office. April I(i, ISSS.-tf. ' \ps.\ & spamj i 1 ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA. t ■ b' u ' oti signed have associated themselves in e | the F i act ice of th? Law, and will attend promptlv o all business entrusted to their care in Bedford and adjoining counties. , of'" Oitice on Julianna Street, three doors south ,li ; "Mange! House," opposite the residence o . V" „ JOB MANN .-*ug. 1, 1559. G. H. SPANG. r w. LI\ge\FI;LTER— ■ f .? A1 1 " ,R * rnv AT LAW, AND LAND SURVEYOR. ' . >n'lt attend with promptness to all bus in tea entrusted io his care. II j VVII.L PRACTICB IN* BEDFORD AND FULTON CouNTtss. I, j three doors North of the "Inquirer" 1,1 Office. v j - DR. B. F. utßfir— t RESPECTFULLY tender* I his professional services to the citizens of E*\ J n ford and vicinity. o ; Office and residence on Pitt Street, in the : building formerly occupied by Dr. John Hofiu?. Aug. 1, 1859. Da. F. tr REAMER— RESPECTFULLY beg' y leave to tender his Professional Services to the a Litizens of Bedford and vicinity. e TF 1 * Office in Julianna Street, at the Drug j and Book Stor®. Aug. 1, 1859. DR. J. k. lIBKKGnHJ;. St. Clairsville, BEDFORD CO., PA., Kespectfully tenders his services to the cifixena •. that f. re and vicinity. f jan 13, 18601 ; Tu BUILDERS.- X The subscriber is fully preprred to furnish any .quantity or quality it of Building Lumber and Plastering Laths.— 0 Orders directed to St. Clairsville, Bedfod j Countv, will he promptlv attended to, by gi> : > reasonable TO*:;. I". P Pgft&E.