VOLI TIE 56. NEW SERIES. 'BIHE BEDFORD GAZETTE, * IS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING BY B. F METERS, At the following terms, to wit; $1.50 per annum, CASH, in advance. $2?00 if paid within the ypar. $2.50 " if not paid within the year. [£p"No subscription taken for less than six months. CP'No paper discontinued until all arrearages are naid unless at the option of the publisher, it has been'decided by the United States Courts that the stoppage of a newspaper without tne payment ot ar rearages, is prima facie evidence o. fraud and is a criminal otfence. courts have decided that persons are ac countable for the subscription price of newspapers, if the} take them from the post office,whether 'hey subscribe for them, or not. DOUGLAS. Men may rail about their Lincoln ; Of their Hamhn they may tell; Of their Everett may bluster, While they brag about their Bell; But the Democrats have Douglas, Who is aimed with Truth and Right, And hi* soldiers are the voters, in their majesty and might. On the records of our country There is not a blighter name Than the honored name of Douglas, Who shall ever live in fame. He will stand a loval statesman. Famed for wisdom and for wit ; Far above the man who's honored For a p.ic of rails he split. , With the stars and stripes above us, Floating o'er the brave and free, We will vote tor Stephen Douglas, Who our Commodore shall be ; And our "Ship of State," in safety, O'er the stormy sea he'll sail, While, behind the mast, Abe Lincoln Will be looking o'er the rait. NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC PLATFORM. The following is the Platlorm of the Nation al Democratic Party, on which STEPHEN A. DOUGLAS and HERSCHEL V. JOHNSON have been placed as candidates for President and Vice President of this Union. Because of the adoption of this platform, the fire-eaters and disunionists bolted from the Convention and set up their irregular candidates. We call upon every Democrat iuto whose hands this paper may fall, to read this Platform carefully oiut t/ioiougnty, and having done so, to make up his mind conscientiously and without pre judice, as to whether it does not set forth the true Democratic doctrine. One thing cannot i be denied ; viz : it is the Cincinnati Plat form, oi. which James Buchanan was elected ; j it is the Platform demanded by Yancey and his confederates in 1856, under the samp threats made by them and carried out at Charles ton and Baltimore : it is the Platform on which Pierce was elected, on which Cass \va3 placed as a candidate, and on which Polk was carried into the Presidential chair. Are Democrats now prepared to violate and desert it l Honor, honesty, consistency forbids ! The Platform and Resolutious adopted by the Democratic National Convention at Cincinnati, Charleston and Baltimore. The Platform adopted by the Convention at Charleston was as follows : Resolved , That we, the Democracy of the Union, in Convention assembled, do hereby de clare our affirmation of the resolutions unani mously adopted and declared as a platform of principles by the Democratic Convention at Cincinnati, in the year 1856, believing that Democratic principles are unchangeable in their nature when applied to the same subject matters. [Tbe portion of the Cincinnati platform rela ting to the slavery question is the following :] Resolved, That we reiterate, with renewed energy ot purpose, the well-consideted declara tion of former Conventions upon the sectional issue of domestic slavery, an>j concerning the reserved rights of the States : 1 That Congress has no power, under the Constitution, to interfere with or control the domestic institutions of the several States, and that such States are the sole and proper judges of everything appertaining to their own affairs not prohibited by the Constitution : that all ef forts ot the Abolitionists or others, made to interfere with the question of slavery, or to take incipient steps in ralation thereto, are calculated to lead to the most alarming and dangerous consequences . and that all such ef fort* have an inevitable tendency to dimirtish the happiness of the people, and endanger the stability and permanency of the Union, and ought not to be countenanced by any friend of our political institutions. 1 That the foregoing proposition covers and was intended to embrace the whole subject of slavery agitation in Congress ; and, therefore, the Democratic party of the Union, standing on this national platform, will abide by and ad here to a laitbful execution of the acts known as the Compiomise Measures, settled by the Congress of 1850, "the act for reclaiming fugi tives from service or labor," included ; whicn act being designed to carry out an express pro vision of the Constitution, cannot with fidelity thereto be repealed, or so changed as to destroy or impair its efficiency. 3 That the Democratic party will resist'all attempts at renewing, in Congress or out of it, the agitation of the slavery question, under whatever shape or color the attempt may be made. 5 That the Democratic party will faithfully abide by and uphold the principles laid down in the Kentucky and Virginia resolutions of 1798, and on the report of Mr. Madison to the Vir girna resolutions in 1799, that it adopts those principles as constituting one ot the main foundations of its political creed, and is resolv ed to carry them out in their obvious meaning and import. ' And that we may more distinctly meet the issue on which a sectional party, subsisting exclusively on slavery agitation, now relies to test the fidelity of the people, North and South, to the Constitution and the Union. Resolved, That, claiming fellowship with and desiring the co-operation of all who regard the preservation of the Union under the Con stitution as a paramount issue, and repudiating all sectional parties and platforms, concerning domestic slavery, which seek to embroil the States, and to incite to treason and armed re sistance to law in the Territories ; and whose avowed purpose, it consummated, must nd in civil war and disunion—the American Democ racy recognize and adopt the principles con tained in the organic laws, establishing the Ter ritories of Kansas and Nebraska, as embodying the only sound and safe solution of the "slavey question" upon which the great national ideaol the people of this whole country can repose in Its determined conservation of the Union-Wo/i --inlerfetence by Congress with Slavery in State and Territory, or in the District of Columbia. 2 That this was the basis of the compromi ses of 1850, confirmed both by the Democratic and whig parties, in National Convention ratified by the people in the election of 1552, and rightly applied to the organization of Ter ritories in 1554. 3 That by the uniform application of the Demociatic principle to the organization of Territories, and to the admission of new States, with or without domestic slavery, as they may electi the equal rights of all the States will be preserved intact—the original compacts of the Constitution maintained inviolate—and the perpetuity and expansion ot this Union insured to its utmost capacity of embracing, in peace and harmony, every future American State that may be constituted or annexed, with a republi can form of government. Resolved, That we recognize the right of the , people of all the Territories, including Kansas | and Nebraska, acting through the legally and ( fairly expressed will of a majority of actual residents and whenever the number of their in- | habitants justifies it, to form a Constitution, , with or without domestic slavery, and be admit- , ted into the Union upon terms of perfect equal- | itv with the other States. [And the Charleston Convention passed the following additional Resolutions :] Resolved, That it is the duty ot the United States afford ample and complete protection to all its citizens, whether at home or abroad, and whether native ui w.ign born. Resolved, That one of the necessities of the age, in a military, commercial and postal point of view, is speedy communication between the Atlantic and Pacific States, and the Democratic party pledge such constitutional power of the government as will insure the construction of a railroad to the Pacific coast at the earliest practicable period. Resolved, That the Democratic party are in favor ol the acquisition of Cuba on such terms as shall be honorable to ourselves and jus' to Spain. Resolved, That the enactments of State Leg islatures to defeat the faithful execution of the I fugitive slave law are hostile in character and subversive to the Constitution, and revolutiona ry in their effects. To the foregoing the Baltimore Convention added the following resolution : Resolved , That it is in accordance with the Cincinnati Platform that during the existence of Territorial governments the measure of re striction, whatever it may be, imposed by tba federal constitution on the power of the Territorial Legislature over the subject of the domestic relations, as the same has been or shall hereafter be finally determined by the Supreme Court of the United States, should be respected ov all good citizens, and enforced with promptness and fidelity by every branch of the general government. {IJ-F. W. Hughes, Esq., anti-Douglas dele gate to the National Convention from Schuyl kill county, publishes a card in his county pa per, from which we take the following para graphs : "At Baltimore 1 voted for the minority report upon the contested seats, for reasonsjthat were conclusive to my own mind, but which it could serve no good purposp now to discuss. Whetn er the action of the Convention was right or wrong on this subject, still a decided majority of the original convention remained unaffected either by the new delegates admitted or by the withdrawal of others on account of such ad mission. The Convention then remained as the onlv true National Democratic Convention. I therefore felt it my duty to continue to act with it. Accordingly I participated in the two bal lots for the Presidential candidate, and voted both times for James Guthrie. I also assented to the resolution declaring the nomination of Stephen A. Douglas to be unanimous. In view, therefore, of the facts that Stephen A. Douglas stands upon the platform of prin ciples which I supported at Charleston, and that he is beyond all successful ground of question, the nominee of the only National Democratic Convention, I have not hesitated as to my du ty to give that nomination a cordial sup port. Besides, too, in' Judge Douglas, the Democrat ic party of the nation will have a standard bear er and champion of the principles incorporated in the platform of the Convention, for whicn he has heretofore contended with almost superhu man power, and which affords for him the guar antee that in case of his election to the Presi dency, those principles will be faithfully en forced." EXTRAORDINARY elopement.—Mr. Jones' " dog eloped with Mr. Brown's dinner. BEDFORD, PA., FRIIAY MORNING, JULY 13, 1860. ? THE PRESIDENTIAL CONTEST SPEECHES OTTIIE CANDIDATES. On Saturday night, near mid-night. June 3, Judge DOUGLAS-was serenaded at his residece in VVasliington. After two hands had playd several airs, loud calls were made for Air. Dc- CLAS, and when be presented himself on tie steps of his residence, another immense shut went up. When the enthusiasm had somewfit subsided, he said : FELLOW-CITIZENS :—I thank you for tlis manifestation of your kindness and your enthui asm. The circumstances under which this vtst crowd have assembled spontaneously, and with out previous notice, demonstrate an earnet ness of feeling which fills my heart with grati tude. To be the chosen standard-hearer of he only political organization which is conserva tive and powerful enough to save the counry from Abolitionism and Disunion, is indeed, an honor of which any citizen may well he protd. I am fully impressed with the responsibilities! the position, and trust that Divine Providecce will impart to me the strength and the wisdom to comply with all of its requirements. [Ap plause.] Our beloved country is threatened with a fearful sectional antagonism which pla ces the Union itself in imminent peiil. This antagonism is produced by the effort in one sec tion of the Union to use the Federal Govern ment for the put pose of restricting and abolish ing slavery, and a corresponding effort in the other for the purpose of extending slavery into those regions where the people do not want it. [Cries of "That's true."] The ultra men in both sections demand Congressional intervention up on the subject of slavery in the Territories.— They agree in respect to the power and the dutv of the Federal Government to control theques i tion,and differ only as to the mode of exerci -1 sing the power. The one demands the inter vention of the Federal Government for slavery and the other against it. Each appeals to the 1 passions and prejudices of his own section a- i gainst the peace and harmony of the whole country. [Cries of "That's so," and applause.] On the other hand, the position of all conserva tive and Union-loving men is, or at least ought to be, that of non-intervention by Congress with slavery in the Territories. ["That is the true doctrine," and immense applause.] This was the position of the Democratic party in the Pres idential contest of 1848, 1852, and 1856. This was the position upon which Clay, and Web ster, and and the f- ; -~ -*• r < all political attinities at that day established the Compromise measures ot 1850. Upon this mmmon eround of non-intervention they routed and put to flight the Abolitionists of the North, and the Secessionists of the South, in that mem orable contest. [Cries of "We will do it again," and three cheers.] It was on this common ground of non-intervention that Whigs and Democrats agreed to stand in their respective party platforms ol 1852. The Whig party ad hered faithfully to this principle so long as its organization was maintained, and the Democrat ic party still retains it as the Keystone ol the political arch which binds the Federal Union together. [Tremendous applause.] To this cardinal principle of non-intervention has the Democratic party renewed the pledge of its faith at Charleston and at Baltimore. [Cheers and cries ol "We will keep the faith."] As the chosen representative of that great party, it is my fixed purpose to keep the faith and redeem that pledge at all hazards and under all circum stances. [Three cheers for Douglas.] The safety of the Union depends upon a strict adhe rence to the doctrine of non-intervention. In tervention means disunion. Intervention, whether by the North or by the South, wheth er for or against slavery, tends directly to dis union. Upon thisMdentical question an attempt is now being made to divide and destroy the Democratic party. Because the minority of interventionists could not intimidate the major ity into an abandonment of the doctrine of non intervention, they have seceded from the organ ization of the Democratic party, and arejendea voring to form a new parly in hostilitj to it.— [Cries ot "let them go," "we can whip the dis unionisls North and South," etc.] Secession is disunion. Secession from the Democratic party means secession from the Federal Union. ["That's so," and applause.] Those who enlist under the secession banner now, will be expected on the 4th of March next to take up arms against the"> o.iftituted authori ties in certain contingencies. VVejhave been told that in a certain evpnt the South must for cibly resi>t the inauguration of the President e lect, while we find those who arp loudest in their threats of such resistance engaged in the scheme to divide and destroy the Democratic, party, and thereby secure the election [of the Republican candidate. Does not this line of policy look to disunion ? [Cries of "Yes "It cannot be ef fected," &.C.] Intelligent men must be presumed to under stand the tendency and consequences of their own action. Can the seceders fail to perceive that their efforts to divide and defeat the Demo cratic party, if successful, must lead directly to the secession of the Southern States? I trust that they will see what must be the result of such a policy, and return to the organization and platform ot the party before it is too late to save the country. [Applause.] The Union must be preserved. [Cheers.] The constitution must be maintained inviolate, [renewed cheering,] and it is our mission under Divine Providence, as I believe, to save the Constitution and the Union from the assaults of Northern Abolitionists and Southern Disunion ists. [Tremendous applause, and three cheers for Douglas.] My friends, I have detained you too long, and will close by renewing the expression of my sincere thanks. | Many voices—Goon, go on. Mr. Douglas. No, it is nearly Sabbath morn ing. [A voice, We will listen to you for a year Freedom f Thought and Opinion. Judge]—and I merely made my appearance to acknowledge the compliment you have paid me by so large a meeting at this late hour of the night. I recognize among you the (aces of ma ny ol my old friends, and a large number of m v immediate neighbors from Illinois, as well as others from almost every State of the Union.— I only regret that my bouse is not large enough to enable me to invite you in and take you indi vidually by the hand. [A voice, Your heart is big enough." Tremendous enthusiasm and three times three che?rs for Stephen A. Douglas, the next President of the United States.] SPEECH OF HON. HERSCHEL V JOHNSON. DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE FOR VICE PRESIDENT. WASHINGTON, June 26.—The following is the speech of the Hon. Herschel V. Johnson, of Georgia, last night, at the National Hotel, 011 accepting the nomination for the Vice Presi dency on the ticket with the Hon. Stephen A. Douglas : . Mr. Chairman, Gentlemen of the National Democratic Party, and fellow-citizens : I was taken by surprise when 1 received a telegraph- 1 ir. message in Baltimore, at three o'clock this day, that the Hon. Benjamin Fitzpatrick had declined the nomination tendered him by the Democratic Convention, and that it was de manded ot me to accept it. It is known to ma- ! ny of you that my name was freely mentioned in Bait imore in connection pith this nomina- j tion, and that I persistently refused to counte- ! nance it, but invariably argued that it Georgia were to be thus honored, it was due to another of her sons, most distinguished for his talents and great public services. This was my earnest desire, and the desire of the delegation ol which I was a member. But the Convention in its wisdom deemed it best to nominate a statesman of Alabama. It was en tirely satisfactory. Alabama is the child of Georgia, and the mother cordially responds to any compliment bestowed uoon her daughter. These are the circumstances under which I have been assigned this distinguished position, and which demand that discrimination should yield to the voice of duty. The National Democratic party is in a pe culiar condition. It is assailed in the house of its professed friends, and threatened with over throw. The country is in a peculiar condition. It is on the eve of a sectional conflict, which all political parties and ter a UIOWWV..I f TTnirtn ' * duty 01 patriots and statesmen to unite in aver ting these threatened calamities. It may not be inappropriate to refer to the circumstances which imperil the National De mocracy. The Alabama delegation went to the Convention at Charleston instructed to demand the incorporation into the platform of the par ty the proposition that Congress should inter vene for the protection of slavery in the Ter ritories, and to withdraw if the demand should be refused. It was refused, and I think proper ly refused. That delegation did retire, and with them a large portion of the delegations from the cotton States. Why should they have retired ? The record shows that if they had remained at their post, they had the power to prevent the nomi nation of any candidate who might be obnoxious to the South. Thus reduced by the secessions, the Conven tion adjourned to Baltimore, and requested the States to fill the vacancies in their lespective delegations. The Convention re-assembled on the JBth. The seceding delegations were re turned—some accredited to Richmond, and o thers to Baltimore, by the way of Richmond— instructed to make the same demand, and to withdraw if it be refused. Delegates were ap pointed in Louisiana, Alabama, and Ceorgia by the National Democrats of those States, to fill the vacant seats of the secedets. Those of Al abama and Louisiana were admitted, and the seceding delegates rejected, and the seceding delegates from Georgia were admitted to seats, and they all took umbrage at the decisions of the Convention touching the various contests tor seats. They retired, organized, and nominated candidates lor the Presidency and Vice Presi dency.—And they claim to be the National De moctacy of the United States! Now, if they were actuated by principle ; if it was f heir purpose, in good faith, to obtain the recognition of the principle of Congressional protection for slavery in the Territories, why not wait until a proper time to bring that sub ject before the Convention, and then, accor ding to their instructions, withdraw from the bodj- ? The reason is'palpable : they were wa ging war against a distinguished man, not for the maintenance of principle. They were wil ling to jeopardize the integrity of the Demo cratic part}-, and the triumphs of its cherished principles, rather than see its will proclaimed in the nomination of its favorite.—Admitting, for the sake of argument, Mr. Douglas to be as obnoxious as they allege he is, yet there never was a time when the South, united, could not have defeated his nomination. Why, then, should they have seceded ? Why not remain at their post ? Why seek to dismember ana destroy the party ? I question not the patriotism of any, but the people will hold them responsible sooner or la ter for all the ills that may flow from their er rors. I said the demand for Congressional in tervention was properly rejected at Charleston. And why do I say so? Because it was the a greement between the North and the South that the slaveiy agitation should be removed from the halls ot Congress, and the people of the Territories be left perfectly free to regulate their domestic institutions in their own way, subject to the Constitution of the United States. This was the principle of the Compromise Mea sures of 1850, and practically applied to the Nebraska-Kansas act in 1854. It was adopted by the great political parlies of the United | Slates in 1852. It triumphed in the election ot Franklin Pierce in that year, and of James ! Buchanan in 185 G. It is perhaps the best ground of'cornpromise between the North and South which human ingenuity can devise. It is understood by the people o f all sections, ' and by it the Democratic party, at least, ol all ! sections should be willing to abide. Tt gives advantage to neither section over the other, be cause it refers ail questions of dispute between them as to Congressional or Territorial power over the subject of slavery to the final arbitra ment of the Supreme Court of the United States. It is therefore safe for the North, and safe for the South. Its practical working rs not with out satisfactory results. Where the peopleol a Territory desire slave labor, and the soil and j climate are suited to it, slavery will go , wheie these conditions do not exist, it will not °-o. That finds an illustration in New Mexico, where slavery is established, and this in those Terri tories where it is excluded. Only a few days ago, propositions to repeal the slavery laws of I New Mexico, on the one hand, and "the anti slavery laws of Kansas on the other, were made and rejected in the Senate ot the United States. Suppose these propositions, or either of them, had prevailed, is it not certain that the coun try would have been thrown into the highest excitement ? But by their rejection, non-in tervention was practically adhered to, and the public mind is satisfied ana quiet.—Let us main tain it firmly and faithfully. We are bound to to it by ever)' consideration of interest, and ob ligation of compact. Its abandonment will prove fatal to the National Democratic party, and ultimately to tne Union itself. It will drive the South into intense sectionalism and the North into the ranks of Black Republican ism. I do not say every man of (he North, for I know that the great body of the Northern De mocracy will remain true to the Constitution, despite the overwhelming flood of its relentless cohorts. But I mean that the free-labor States would be controlled by Bhck Republicanism, and would not be able to return a single mem ber to either house of Congress friendly to the constitutional rights of the South. I trust that this condition of things may nev er exist: but if it should, I know of no way by which the Union can be saved. Hence the doctrine of Congressional intervention, as ad vocated by the new-bora sectional party, is fraught with peril to the country. The question is now distinctly presented to the people, whether they will adhere to the doctrine of non-intervention, or whether they will abandon it ; whether they will reopen the slavery agitafi"" Ur requiring Congress to iac jurisdiction over it, or whether they will give repose to the public mi„H an H the Union, by leaving it where the Compromise leaves it, to the fret action of the people of the Territories, under the Constitution ot the Uni ted States. The issue is fairly made up. It is intervention or non-intervention.—lts decis ion involves the destiniesof this great Republic, and the highest interests of the civilized world. Compared wiih it, the aspirations of m<*n and the late of political parties sink into utter insig nificance. Where shall we look for deliver ance from these threatened evils ? It has been the mission of the Democratic party of the Union, in a thousand perils, to res cue our country from impending calamities. Its past career abounds with heroic passages, and is illustrated with the ffiO'sfglorious achieve ments in the cause of constitutional liberty. It is the party of Jefferson, and Madison, and Jackson, and Polk, whose Administrations con stitute grand epochs in our national history. It is the party of the Constitution. I look to it with confidence,— Where else shall the patriot look in these times of political defection and sectional agitation ? Let its integrity be per manently destroyed, and the doctrine of non intervention overthrown, and then the best hopes of the statesman may well be clouded with gloom and darkness. It is to maintain these that I consent to take the position now assigned me and welcome the consequences of personal good or personal ill which that position may bring.—Nothing else could induce ir.e to brave the detraction which it invites and incur the heavy responsibility which it imposes. 1 have nothing to add but the expression ot my profound thanks for the honor so unexpectedly conferred upon me, and my cordial acknowledgment lor the flattering terms in which I have been notified of my nom ination. Whatever may be honorably done, I shall cheerfully do to maintain the integrity ot the party and the triumph of its principles. "WHICH COP?" We once heard of a sign painted on stripes so that it read,seen on one side, "FOREIGN," on one side, "DOMESTIC," and full in the front, "LIQUORS." A sign on this plan would suit the People's Party admirably well. For in stance : "FOREIGNERS" "NATIVES," SOLD HERE. Under such a sign Col. Curtin could election ioneer to immense advantage. In the hand nearest the East he might hold the Resolutions which he is pledged to elevate at any cost —a- mong them this : Resolved, That the influx upon us of for eign ciiminals is an evil of seiious magnitude, winch demands the interposition ola proper and efficient legislative remedy.— Harrisburg, Feb. 22 d, 1860. In the other hand should be nervously grasped this : Fourteenth, That the Republican party is op posed to any change in our naturalization laws, or any State legislation by which the rights of citizenship hitherto accorded to immigrants from foreigndands shall be abridged or impaired. —Chicago , May 22 d, 1860. With a little preparatory training on the top of a barn, he might Decome so perfect that those inside of the People's wigwam could look at him, and know exactly how the wind might be and serve the customer accordingly. —Johnstown Echo. wbsom; \nt ni x 2910. VOL. 3. NO. 50. | WHAT THE DEMOCRATIC PRESS SAY. [f rom the Holiidavsburg Democratic Standard, a strong Administration paper.] THE BATTIMOHE NOMINATIONS.—We to-d&y place at our mast head the name of Stephen A Douglas, ot Illinois, for President, and that of Benjamin Fitzpatrick, of Alabama, for Vice 1 tesident, they being the regular nominees of the Baltimore Convention. The Convention ended as we feared it would do. There was a secession of some of the Southern delegates. They came there with but one idea—that of protection of 3lavery in the territories. To this they determined to adhere, and lor this sacrifice everything. They were willing to abide by J the will of the majority, providing that will did not conflict with their own wishes. They would have abided by any decision of the Con vention, provided there was nothing in it to conflict with their slave code. In his whim they were not sustained, and the result was that they seceded and organized a Convention of their own. The remaining delegates then pro ceeded to nominate candidates for President and \ ice-President, and on the third ballot nomina ted Mr. Douglas for President, and on the first ballot Air. Fitzpatrick for Vice President. We have no hesitation in lully indorsing these nominations. They were made by the regular convention, by a vote ol two-thirds of the delegates present, and alterwards were made unanimous—they theiefore received more than two-thirds of the whole number of delegates, and that was all that was required had ali" the members ol the Con vention been present. We therefore regard Air. Dougias as the regularly nominated candidate of the party, and as such we shall yield hirn a hearty support. [From the Charobersburg Valley Spirit, opposed to Douglas up to the day of hfs nomination-] THE .NOMINATIONS. —The action o! the Con vention has not disappointed any one. From the course pursued at Charleston it was evi dent that the same men would enact the same scenes over again at Baltimore. A portion would stick by the Convention till the mo ment 01 balloting, and then, when they found their disorganizing efforts too puny to trample the wishes of the masses ol the partv under feet, they would withdraw and present a ticket with a view to stab deeper at the vitals of the party by an attempt to defeat the regularly nomina ted candidate of the Convention. This they have accomplished, but It is all that they will accomplish. The Democratic party can not— must not—be divided in this or any other con test ; and woe to the men who wijl attemot it. We cannot see the wisdom, or glory ing a defeat with two candidates in the field, • . ••• ' veriam. Those who will lend their support to an irregular nomina tion at this time can have no other object in view than the breaking up of the party altogether. Such a calamity to the whole nomination can only be averted by extending a faithful and undivided support to the candi dates regularly nominated by the Democratic National Convention. The ticket that we this day place at the head of our columns received the support of the representatives of the party who stuck by our National Con vention—re mained in at Charleston and held their seats at Baltimore by an unbroken and uninterrupted claim. Their decision we are bound to respect and can know no other. Love of party love ol country, and fidelity to every recognized usage of the Democratic organization, sacredly demands for this nomination our hearty support We honestly believe that i.i the end all the jealousies, heartburnings and antagonisms that now exist will be healed, and that the sober, good sense of the party will impel every man in the ranks to unite harmoniously and with en thusiasm on our ticket and carry it forward to victory. We have not the space to say much in re spect to our candidates n this issue of our pa per, nor is it required—the name and fame ot Si EPHEN A. DOl G LAS are household words over the land. OLD ABE OX THE BATTLE FIELD The friends of "Old Abe" are untiring iti their exertions to make him out a great soldier as well as a great statesman. The following account of one of his performances in the military line deserves a place in his biogra phy : At the time of the Black Hawk war, "Abe" enlisted. The company mustered SO mounted men. They started off in fine spirits to engage in the deadly fray. Arriving at a point on the prairies about 200 miles from the Indian line?, the party bivouacked for the night, picketed their horses, and slept on their arms. The method of picketing their horses was that in common use—fastening a huge rope some 80 feet in length to a stake firmly planted, and then using smaller lines ol considerable length, one end attached to the animal's neck, and the other to the main rope. During the night the sentinel imagined he saw the Indians, and im mediately discharged his old fusee. The camp was aroused in an instant, and each sprang to the saddle. "Old Abe" shot out in the dark ness on his charger like lightning until the ropes "hove taut," when over he went, horse and himself, headlong. Thinking himself caught in an Indian ambush, he gathered up, mounted, putting spurs to his horse, took the opposite shute, but soon brought up as before, horse and rider tumbling headlong. "Old Abe" got up, thinking he was surrounded, and shouLdout in elegant German, "GENTLEMEN INDIANS, Ich gebcn auf und sagen nichts. Ich haben nein ilegen zu g/tben. lilies ich bitltn is barvther zigheit. How THE PRESS RESTONDS.— The Democrat ic papers ol this State are wheeling into line in support of regular nominations. So far as re ceived at this office, twenty-two have raised th • Douglas flag—three paid pensioners advocat e the seceder's ticket—and three have ootdeck'.ed which to support. *