any candidate we run in the North. Why All men have a pride of opinion : all men have a regard for consistency, ft this were a new question, and no ground had ever been taken upon it it is possible that we might oring up many gentlemen to the point of rawing a pro position to protect slavery in the I'erritories ; but when they have stood u|>on non-interven tion for ten vears : when all their conventions have adopted" it, I ask you is it possible that they can be prepared, at this time, to turn right a bout, and go for intervention. It does not he.p the matter at all, that this thing is held up in futuro. Suppose it be said that "whenever it is necessary, Congress must legislate to protect slave property the Abolitionists would say in this canvass, "it will be necessary as soon as the presidential election is over, if you carry the day." They will say that of course. Our friends, perhaps, may dispute it, and say they think it will be a long time before it is necessa ry but that is the argument they will have to meet. The Abolitionists will hold up a'l the bloody slave codes lrom the time of Draco down and tell the northern people that this is the mu sic they have got to face. If we are going to legislate at all, I have no doubt on earth it would be bettpr for us to pas? a statute now, de claring that slave and all other property should be protected in atl the Territories of the United States during the territorial condition : because men would see that statute, would know what it meant, and have a belter chance tr> defend it. But again, Mr. President, it is argued that there are differences of opinion on the subject of non-intervention and the meaning of the Cincinnati platform. 1 /eally do not trunk there is any difference of opinion as far as the action of Congress is concerned. I think no man can read "that platform, or the Nebraska bill, or the speeches on that occasion, without seeing that we are all agreed so far as con gressional action is concerned. I have extracts from the speeches of many southern Senators and Representatives upon the occasion of the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska bill, but I ao not choose to read them. In the first place, the argumentum ad homincm is not a very con vincing one to an intelligent mind. In the next place, to show that lhs was the universal opinion ot the party then, as I could do in this way, I should have to take up the time ot the Senate to too great length, and I should also perhaps, 'oblige gentlemen to make explanation of their positions. But I think it abundantly clear that Congress was not to interfere with the subject ; that the difference of opinion was upon the point after that —what would be the effect of congressional non-intervention. Some gentlemen said that the Territories might legislate to protect slavery, but not to prohibit it. Others said they might legislate either to prohibit it or not. This question, from necessi ty, is one that the courts must determine. Sup pose a law is passed by a Territorial Legisla ture ; who determines its constitutionality and validity 7 The courts. Our opinion will not control the courts. Suppose the Senate should resolve unanimously that a particular thing was legal and constitutional: the Supreme Court or any other court, would not be bound to adopt it at all. There is, in fact, no difference, as far as the action of Congress is required, on the subject. We differ as to what the court will decide about the power of a Territory. I, for example, believe, and have said again and again that I think the court will hold, that a Territo rial Legislature has a right to protect property, and cannot legislate sgainst it. I think so.— Somebody else entertains an opposite opinion. It is necessarily a judicial question. Bui again, sir, it is said that the Cincinnati j platform", with the doctrine of non-intervention is construed differently by different'people. So is the Constitution of the United States ; and vet we have never thought proper to make a new Constitution. So is the Bible : the church es have divided about it for the iast.two thou sand years or more ; and yet Providence has r.ot thought proper to favor us with a new Bi ble. Nobody has asked it. Perhaps I am wrong—l believe the Abolitionists have slid that the times demanded an anti-slavery God ; and they have made for themselves a new con stitution in the "higher law," and, for aught I know, they may adopt Joe Smith's Mormon Bi ble. They have easily found a divinity in John Brown ; and some of them are relying, they say, "on him, and him hanged." But I do not find that any considerable portion of the Christian world asks for a new divinity or a different Bible, and yet they differ about it. So with regard to the Constitution. It turns out, therefore, that the Cincinnati platform stands in the same position with these other great in struments in this respect. What has occurred since 1856 7 1 was a member of the convention when that platform was adopted at Cincinnati, and it was unani mously adopted, and was satisfactory. What has occurred since 7 I know of nothing that is supposed to have any bearing upon it, except the Died Scott decision. If gentlemen say thai that ought to be a part of our platform, 1 doubt whether anybody will object. Every Democrat that I know of yields to the decisions of the courts on questions of that kind. I pre fer, though, taking the decision itself to any man's commentary upon if, just as I would pre fer adopting the Bible to the views of any commentator. If I should attempt to read in any court what somebody said was a lormer de cision, the judges would stop me, and say, "Give us the decision itselfbecause the judges know their opinions, and can express them better than anybody else. But, Mr. President, I may say that I look upon platforms for candidates very much as I do upon the weights that arc put upon horses. I think the less ola platform ycu hamper a candidate with, generally, so you express your principles clearly, the better ; just as the less weight you put upon a horse, the better race he runs. I have a great many rights that were not in the Cincinnati platform. Ido not ex pect to have them all put into it. To get them there, I should have to have thp Constitution of the United States certamly all there, and the Constitution of my own State, and no doubt some other great natural l ights that are not in either. My friend lrom Missouri (Mr. GREEN) suggests to me the Bible, also. Are we to ex pect everything to be put in ? If we do, 1 do not know how large we should make it. It would be just as absurd as if a man who had a horse that was going to run a great race, and on which be had bet largely, should put upon Ins back all the property he had in the shape of kettles, millstones, or anything else cumber some. That would be the height of absurdity. I tell you further, Mr. President, after we get a candidate in the field, and he is running a gainst our adversaries over the way. the very gentlemen who now may be disposed o quib ble, and who want to insist on this and that, if they saw that he was hampered and was likely o lose support, would be very sorry that be was placed io i uch a position. My real liking for the, Cincinnati platform was, that it had been four years before the country, eveibody under stood it, and it was not necessary to debate it or talk about it fuither in the canvass. As it con tained all the principles in issue between the parties, T preferred waging the fight on it, with the addition only ot the Dred Scott decision, if gentlemen desired it. I know, however, that there are several classes of persons who will not agree with me in these views. In the first place, there are some gentlemen who are caliel disunionistsper sr.; that, is, persons who think sound policy requires a dissolution ol the Union. I know some who entertain these views. They are men of ability, intelligence, public spirit, and patriotism. I have no doubt about that. They honestlv believe that this Government is a fail ure. They think tins slavery agitation has continued to that extent that it has paralyzed the Government for useful purposes : i that it will grow worse and worse -.and that the Union had better be dissolved, and a new sys- . tern of Government made. They are honora- ; ble men, or many ot thern,at least, are known J to me as such. They believe if the Democrat ic party were destroyed, a great step would be : taken in that direction : and I am free to ad mit it. They suppose, therefore, that by press ing extreme views, by having the South to in sist, for example, on slave protection in Territo ries, while the North is for non-intervention, we may either break up the party or defeat it \ in the coming election. I shall not enter into an argument with such gentlemen as to how far they are right. I think they are wrong. It seems to me thev are incapable of learning by experience. There is one thing have learned, and that is, that they cannot drive the majority ot the Southern people into a line of action of that kind. They may, by expressing their extreme opinions, involve us in difficulties, divide us at the South, and wea ken our influence in the country. I thought, in 1850, that my "section suffered because certain gentlemen deemed it proper, very unwisely, in my judgment, to express these views and divide us at home. Mr. Cal houn made a remark, which was reported to me, shortly before his death, which I refer to because, in my judgment, it illustrates the feel ing of the South, and, as I have alluded to him, I beg leave to say that, having once, in m* ear lier years, in some speech spoken in a manner not kind to him, I take great pleasure in say ing, on this occasion, that my opinion was sub sequently changed, and I am satisfied that 1 did him great injustice. His course in 1848, on the Clayton compromise, satisfied me: be cause he agreed to take a measure which he thought feli greatly short of our rights, for the sake of peace and harmony ; and his course in 1850 satisfied me that he had no ulterior de signs against the Government; that he was very anxious, provided it could be kept on the line of the Constitution, to preserve it. But, sir, the remark to which I allude, was this : al ter T saw him for tne last time—for I believe the last conversat on 1 had wi:h him was on the last day he was in the Senate, and if 1 were to repeat it, which it is not necessary that 1 should do, it would only be creditable to him and his views—a gentleman from South Carolina, then a colleague of his, a gentleman with whom I was on terms of great intimacy—said in the House one day to me in conversation, "last evening, when I was talking to Mr. Calhouo, by his bed-side, giving him my views as to what would be the effect oi a diaoolutioh ®f th Union, he stopped me; and he always stops me at that point. He said, "you may be right in your o pinions, your argument is very plausible. I ad mit'that I cannot answer it, but their may come in disturbing causes wh ; ch would chance all this. The effect of a dissolution is one of those great problems which the human mind cannot grasp ; all we can say is, that if the North force it upon us we must make up our minds to take it." That, I.think, wasjsubstantially his posi tion, that if we could maintain our equality and i our rights in the Union, we ought to stand by I it; but, it forced to take the other alternative, we ought to make up our minds to do it. I think this illustrates the view of the great ma jority of the people ot the South. They have no such blind reverence) tor the Union, or for this Government, as to submit to it when their great essential rights are invaded : but they will not, in advance of such an emergency, take steps to produce its dissolution. My own opinions on that subject have alrea dy been sufficiently expressed, and there was no part of the speech of the Senator from Mis sissippi yesterday, able and eloquent as it was, that I heard with more pleasure than I did those declarations of his in which he warned gentlemen on the other side of the effect thai would follow their attempt to carry out then views. I expressed my opinions early this ses sion : I expressed them in the Fremont contest, and I shall stand upon them ; and in such con tingency, I doebt whether any gentleman will be more zealous, "though, doubtless, many will be more able, than myself. But, sir, the people of the southern States will not regard it as a sufficient reason to breat up the Democratic party, much less to justify revolution, that we are obliged to stand upor the old Cincinnati platform. It was the unan imous feeling of the South, tour years ago, and of the Democracy of the North, that the Cin cinnati platform was right. Because our con vention chooses to adhere to it now, or to ad here to it substantially, you cannot induce the majority of the southern people to dissolve the Democratic party ; and hence 1 regret extreme ly that a portion of our friends in the South found it necessary, in their judgment, to with draw from the convention. All those gen tlemen that I know are men of high honor, courage, and ability. I think they made a mistake. But, be that as it may, a large ma jority of the southern Idelegates, in the propor tion of seventy to fifty, remained in the con vention. Something is said, I know, about the cotton States withdrawing, i have great respect for cotton, and it we are to have a king, I would as soon acknowledge that cotton is king as any body else. But, sir, I cannot admit that the men who are planting cotton ate necessarily ! wiser or better than those in old Virginia, who are cultivating tobacco and wheat, and no cot- I ton at all. Virginia has as much* interest in i slavery and the slave question as the Gulf States. We ought all to go info the contest and make a common fight. I will say, how ever, though I may be treading on delicate ground, that if I even thought statesmanship required a dissolution of the Union, I should have a choice as to how it should be effected, looking to future results. For example: if we were to go into a common struggle, with our Democratic friends in the North aiding us they I would at least see that we had done all that men could be expected to do to maintain our rights, and they would sympathize to some ex tent with us in any action which we might have to take. Oo the other hand, if we were to cut loose from them, make a purely sectional party, say that the whole North was hostile, we 1 should, of course, solidify it against us ; and, I | think, with due deference to the opinion ot o ! thers, it would bp the most insane policy that : could be adopted. TUATFITHL) GAZLTTL. -IUIUI OKD, ra. FRIS)IY, JCLY6, 1HSO. ' B. F. Meyers, Editor and Proprietor. FOR PRESIDENT, HON. STEPHEN L DOUGHS, OF ILLINOIS. i FOR VICE-PRESIDENT, HON. HERSCIIEL L JOHNSON, OF GEORGIA. FOR GOVERNOR: GEN. HENRY I). FOSTER. OP WESTMORELAND COUNTY. FOR CONt.RF.SS, HON. WILLIAM P. SCHELL, (Subject to the decision of the District Conference.) DEMOCRATIC CO INT Y TICKET. PROTITONOTARY, MAJ. SAMUEL H. TATE, BEDFORD BOIIOCGII. SHERIFF, JOHN J. CESSNA, BEDFORD BOR. COMMISSIONER, RICHARD M'MULLIN. NAPIER. POOR DIRECTOR, JOHN S. BRUMBAUGH, S. WOODBERRY. AUDITOR, GEORGE BAUGHMAN, W. PROVIDENCE, CORONER, JACOB WALTER, ST. CLAIR. ALL FOR TilE REST... Whil.i ""> p. 01.01, mncl otjsinutu any attempt to disorganize the Democratic party, and whilst we believe that no Democrat who believes in the policy of sustaining regular nominations, can find it in his heart to oppose | DOUGLAS and JOHNSON, yet we are con- L strained to think that the irregular ticket for • the Presidency set up by the Seceders at ? Baltimore, will only tend to defeat ihe candi dates ot the sectional Black Republicans. And } why ? Because MR. DOUGLAS will ? ; tain many votes in the North, by being made [; the conservative Democratic candidate, which * j he could never have received, had he been ac ?! ceptable to the fire-eaters and disunionists of r i the South. This will enable Mr. Douglas, in r j the very worst aspect of the case, to carry a e sufficient number of States to prevent the elec tion of Lincoln. The latter must obtai.n 152 " electoral votes, and as his friends will not e s ven attempt to carry ar.y Southern State, these ( votes must all come from the North. IVow j ther-are 183 electoral votes in the Northern d States ; consequently, if Lincoln loses 32 of these 1 183 votes, he is certainly defeated. It can r scarcely be denied that Mr. Douglas will, even with every odds that can be made against him, 1 be able to carry 32 electoral votes in the North. 1 Let Democrats, therefore, take courage. Gird I on your armor and go into the fight like men, and no Black Republican President will ever s have an opportunity to bring ruin and dis- grace upon our country. a OUT FOR DOUGLAS. The home organ of Governor Letcher of Virginia, hoists the flag of Douglas and John son, and declares its intention to stand by them a3 the regular nominees of the Democrat ic party. HON. FRANCIS W. HUGHES, of Schuyl kill county, a delegate to Charleston and Bal timore, and one of the firmest opponents of Judge Douglas, prior to the nomination, is out in a letter declaring that he "will support him, as he is the regular nominee of the National Democratic party. ROBERT E. MONAGHAN, ESQ., of Ches ter, one of the most violent Lecompton and Anti-Douglas men in the State, went as a del egate to Charleston and Baltimore, and oppo sed the nomination of Judge Douglas through out, but like a true and loyal Democrat, comes home and supports Douglas and Johnson, the regular nominees of the party. DOUGLAS CLUB will meet at the Court House, on Saturday ning next, July 7th, for the purpose of effecting a permanent organization. A number of ad dresses will be made. Democrats, to the res cue ! . • the able speech of Senator Clir.g man, of North Carolina, in this number. It is a thorough vindication of the doctrine of non intervention. DOUGLAS MEETING! GIIEAT EMTHI SIASM! 'l)i 1111:1 ye hear the SI;HI V 'TI* the and HH incu ! Oi Thursday evening last, thp citizens of Bedlcrd favorable to the election of DOl GLAS and JOHNSON, assembled in the Court House for the purpose of forming a Douglas Club.— Though there had been hut about six hours no tice, a large number of our citizens were in at tendance, filling the town hall to overflowing. On motion, the HON. JOB MANN was called tothechaii. On taking his seat MR. MANN said that it was well known that MR. DOUGLAS had not been his first choice for the nomination, but that since he had received that nomination reg ularly and fairly, he (.Mr. .Mann) like every true ar.d generous Democrat should and will, had made up his mind to give it his ardent support. Mr. Mann said his first choice was Mr. Breck inridge, but he could no longer endorse that gentleman's course, and he was now for Ste phen A. Douglas, the regular nominee of lh NafionalDemocratic Party. [Applause.] The following gentlemen were then appoin ted Vice Presidents : Jacob lteed, Job M. Shoe maker, John H. Rush, and others whose names are not remembered. Messrs. John Palmer and A. J. Statler were appointed Secretaries.— On motion, HON. JOHN CESSNA then ad dressed the meeting inh lengthy, able and thril iingly elcquent speech. It would recpiire col umns to report the masterly effort of Mr. Cess na and fain would we give every word of it had we room. Sutiice it to say that his address dis pelled every doubt from the'minds of those pres ent that S. A. DOUGLAS is the regular Dem ocratic nominee, that he represents the true Democratic Doctrine, the doctrine of Cass, of Pierce and of Buchanan, in 'O6, and that he deserves the earnest and untiring support of every Democrat in the county. Mr. Cessna's address was frequently interrupted by rounds of applause. On motion the following persons were then appointed to draft a constitution and report permanent officers for* the Club, at the next ensuing meeting : B. F. Meyers, H. Nico demus, and J. W. Lingenfeiter. The meeting then adjourned with three rousing cheeis for the "Little Giant," the man that mauled the man that mauled the rails in Illinois. RE-UNIUN OF THE DEMOCRACY. The Democratic State Committee met at the Merchants' Hotel, in Philadelphia, on Monday last and adopted by a vote of 4-5 yeas to 15 nays, the following plan for a union of the Democrats of Pennsylvania : "Profoundly impressed with the importance of prompt, vigorous and patriotic action on the Dart of the Democratic State Committee, in or deryo-o.en, 11 n., .. —,^i„ nroc which must inevitably result from the unhappy divi sion now existing ir. thejranks of the Democracy in our State and nation, we cordially and earnestly recommend to the Democracy of the State that they unite with heart and voice in tire support of our excellent and competent nominee (or Governor—H*nry D. Foster, and that in all local elections they act as one partv, forgiving and forgetting any difference they rray have entertained for the Presidency, but with the view to a perfect union against -the common enemy, we recommend to the Democracy of Pennsylvania to unite their votes for President on the electoral ticket for med at Reading on the Ist day of March, 1860, on the following basis and understanding : "That, if said electoral ticket should be elec ted bv the people, and it should appear, on ascertaining the result in the other States ol Union, that, by casting the entire vote of the State of Pennsylvania for S. A. Douglas and H. V. Johnson, it would elect them Presi dent and Vice President over Messrs Lincoln and Hamlin, then said electors shall be under obligations to so cast said vote. "If, on the other hand, it should appear that the said vote would not elect Messrs. DOUGLAS and Johnson, but would elect John C. Breckin ridge and Joseph Lane, President and Vice President,over Messrs. Lincoln and Harrlin, then said vote shall be cast for them ; and in case the united vote from Pennsylvania would not elect either of their tickets, then the elec tors may divide it between them according to their own judgment of what would be best for the country and the Democratic party. "The basis of this united action being that it is the first and highest duty of all Democrats, however they may differ about men and minor points of principles or policy, to unite against a common enemy, and to avert if possible, the greatest calamity that could befall the country —the election of a Black Republican Presi dent. "And further, the President of this Commit tee is authorized to correspond with the several Electors in the State, and obtain from each of said Electors, his written pledge within thirty days fromthi3 date, that he will faithfully car ry out the object ot this resolution. The passage ol the proposition by such a de cided vote, caused a storm of applause in the Committee room, and some considerable emo tion among the outsiders who were anxiously waiting to hear the result. It will be observed that this airangement recognises Douglas and Johnson as the first choice of the Democracy of Pennsylvania, and acknowledges the regularity of their nomina tion. The Opposition are frightened almost out of their wits at the ptospect of a solid front being presented against them by the Democra cy of the State. The chances for poor "Old Abe," are getting slimmer every day, and his Black Republican supporters no longer pretend to disguise their feelings of despair. Douglas meeting, at the Court House, on Thursday evening of last week, a resolution declaring Douglas ana Johnson the regular nominees of the Democratic party, was unanimously adopted. The I'irwt Clint for IS6O ! j The following letter from a respectable citi zen of Harrison tp.. will serve to show wluch ! way the wind blows, politically, in this conn- i 'U. Editor (iazette I Alter du>* con- I "(deration, I am fully convinced that 1 have been humbugged, and the wool drawn over my eyes by the opposition party. I have now for saken that foul and unprincipled party, and will join the ranks of Democracy, who I am fully aware, have always steered the ship of the I nion safely. J, therefore, desire to make known, through your columns, that the "ism" and amalgamation party, can no longer expect my support, as 1 have come to the full deter mination, that they may henceforth pluck their own woo/. Yours in hasle, respectfully, SAMUEL MILLER. Harrison Township June 27th, 't>o - THE BEDFORD GAZETTE. Rainsburg Seminary. MU. EDITOR : Desiring a little relaxation and episode from the routine of oidinarv engage ments, we went with the crowd to Rainsburg, on the 2lst ult., lo be refreshed with the exer cises of their Seminary commencement. Ba ting a little annoyance from a heavy shower, every thing passed off, not onlv to the satisfac tion hut to the admiration of all. The very excellent compositions, essays debates and speeches of the young ladies and gentlemen did honor, not only to their heads, hearts and man ners, but also reflected great credit u|>on their accomplished instructors. We were especially delighted with the ease and freedom of the stu dents, as well as the absence of that hauteur , so frequently seen, and so indicative of either liitle minds or imperfect training. A graduate ot sue our collegi s who was present, remarked that the speeches ot ttip young men compared favorably with those usually heard at College commence ments. Mr. Osborne, the accomplished and gen tlemanly Principal, together with his assistants, seem to understand well how to develop latent ability. Upon other occasions we have been present at the examination of the classes and observed that the same thoroughness of drill bad b'-en had, in the department ol their studies, that was manifested here. Kainsburg, though somewhat isolated and in ncossible by public conveyance, and so not as favorable as some other localities for getting to gether a large school, has nevertheless its ad vantages over larger and more public places.— Students have here less to divert and distract their mind?, circumstances favorable alike to advancement in their studies and mental discip line. Again, in such a place their morals are less endangered. This, though, mentioned last, is by no means least in the estimation of parents or worthy guardians. We had almost forgot ten to mention that the Cumberland Brass Band was present, and most delightfully interspersed the exerciies with excellent music. Kainsburg was probably never so crowded, as may be in ferred from the fact that to afford accommoda tions for the night, it was necessary, as the best thing that could be done, to stow away jive preachers in one bed, which, however, was so divided piece-meal between them that it is said no bones were broken. SPECTATOR. —HARRIED *fm> . - - . c/n uic .oUtn uit., oy rne n.e. u. u. n-.,. Mr. Johnson Hafer, of Bedford county, to Mrs. Ellen McKinley, of Schellsburg. On the 28th ult., by the same, Mr. George Clavcomb, to Miss Elizabeth Croyle, both of St. Clair tp. At the St. Clairsville Parsonage, June 2Sth, by Rev. N. E. Gilds, Mr. John Becklev, to, Miss Margaret Honestioe, both of St. Clairs ville. D 1 E D At Charlesville, on Sunday last, Christiana Alice, daughter of Solomon and Mary Diehl, in the 7th year of her age. Neat Schellsburg, on the 11th ult.. Wm. R, Bagely, in the 64th year of his age. On the 19th inst, Jacob Riplev, Esq., ol Bedford township, aged 73 years and 11 months. In Union township, on the 22d inst, Ran dolph, infant son of J. Cramer, aged seven months and seventeen days. In Bedford, on the 20th inst., at the house of her daughter, Mrs. E. 'I rout, Mrs. Eliza beth Cristnan, aged 82 years, 10 months and 5 days. The deceased was one, whom to know, was to love—she was highly esteemed bv all who knew her, for her many virtues, and especial ly for that brightest of all virtues, a consistent Christian character. At the early age of fitteen, she made a profession of religion, and was received into communion with the Luther an Church by the solemn rite of confirmation. From that, to the time of her death, she was a faithful and devoted member ot the church of her fathers and of her choice. Of her, it mav truly be said ; she was a mother in Israel. She taught her children faithfully, both by prpcept and example ; I had the pleasure of seeing them growing up "in the nurture of admonition of the Lord." Her's was no ordinary mind, and she had it well stored with precious pearls of sacred truth, and often as we sat by her bed-side, during those long and weary hours of sickness, did she open that casket and set before us its precious treasures. We who had gone to comfort, re turned ourselves comforted. Her faith was firm and abiding. She could with truth, and she often did to the end, say ; "For me to live is Christ, to die is gain." She had fougfit the good fight—she had finished her course—she had kept the faith, and had therefore, this hope'as an anchor of the soul that, "tlier e was laid up for her a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, would give her at that day." And she longed anxiously to go and possess it. Often did she ask the question, "wh en will the Saviour come ;oh he stays so long!" Often did she repeat that beautiful hymn of Dr. Watts, in which this stanza is found. "0 glorious hour ! 0 blest abode ! 1 shall be near and like my God ; And flesh and sin no more control The sacred pleasures of the soul." fn the following beautiful well-spring of comfort from the mind of the Poet, mav her friends find consolation : T'\. a b ' eßSln £ ,0 live, but a greater to die, And tbe best of the world is its path to the sky : Be it gloomy, or bright, for tbe life that He gave, 1 p t u * thank Him-but blPiiPd be God for the srtve ? T„ the end of our the crown of our ' he P J,,al o! hPpineM_ajre, but for tbi, How hopeless were eorrow- how narrow w*,e love, if thry looked not lions earth to the rapture above ! ' S Y- We have to notice, in onr weekly record the death of the oldest resident of the Borough of Bedford, Christopher Riley, who came I,ere in the year of our Lord, 1791, in his 2lt year. The cast concourse assembled, j r , ~|| lß Catholic I hirrcliof this place, to pay the ), , sad, solemn offices to his lemains, attested how much the chaiacter ot the deceased, was ap preciated by all his fellow citizens. How ma ; ny changes had he not witnessed during h stay amongst us ' He had seen the most "em.- nen citizens pass away—Judges, Lawyo r , t Preachers, Doctors, Merchants, Mechanics, citizens engaged in every honorable and uge| u 'j avocation, renowne. in their day ; he had seen them all pass away—drop into the tornb, one bv one, whilst he "had been permitted to remain alone— so/us —a solitary representation of the paf What a solemn intervention ol Divihe Providence 1 It is truly consoiing to think thai a man of so many years, and of such long experience in the world, should bear testimony to the all-controlling power of religion t 0 thV all-pervading love of Jesus crucified. He be came reconciled to bis Saviour—yielded to the pressing influence of His div:ne Grace, on the -2d of February last—being then solemnly incorporated into the Church bv his reception of the holy imperative ordinance of Baptism— the f>ute by which we enter into the Church and acquire a title to the Kingdom of Heaven Subsequently he received all the Sacraments ot the Chwrch with the liveliest faith and fervor. He bore his long sufferings with the greatest patience, assuaged, as they were, bv the uri-remitting attentions of his beloved (laughter;—whenever he heard the clock strike, he would as is customary in the Church, lift up his sou! to God, to thank him that he had another hour to praise Him and prepare for hi eternity, saying, "my hour is not yet come let the will of our Lord be done." In the highly figurative language of the office of the Church for the Dead, we conclude our notice of this very aged and most esteemed citizen : "May the Angels guide the •to Paradise. At thy approach may the Martyrs receive thee, and conduct thee to the Holy City of Jerusa lem. May the Choir of Angels acccept thee, and mayest thou have eternal peace, with the once poor Lazarus." R. I. P- N is the great physician.—This is now admitted by the medical profession, as a fundamental principle of healing science. It is wisely provided by the humen economy, that whenever anything is wrong in the physical system, the natural forces of the body are brought to bear to expel the disease. The great aim, therefore, is to strengthen the natural powers. This has been kept in view by the skillful com pounders of DR. J. HOSTETTER'S BI ITERS, which operate to give fresh vitality to all the organs of the body. The effect of this medicine upon the stomach, the liver and the kidneys, are prompt and decisive. The patient who is wise enough to quit drugging, and try the BIT TERS, soon feels as if he had taken a new lease of life, and as he continues the use of the arti cle, he is overjoyed to find the streams of health coursing through his frame. Let all from whose cheek the bloom has departed, give Dr. J. Hostetter's Celebrated Bitters a trial. Sold Dy druggists amnlraicu gcut.aily, v.. rvwhere. [CP"See advertisement in another column. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OlNTMENT.—Ne cessity compels us.—Bilious Fever.—Nothing is more disagreeable to the sick than the nause ous medicines physicians frequently oblige them to swallow, but the desire lor health is the po tent argument which gilds the pill and disgui ses the bitterness ot the draught. Holloway's Pills, however, obviate this difficulty by the rapidity and certainty ot their action. On the stomach, liver and bowels thev act so effectu ally that they uiii immediately cure the worst phases of Indigestion, Headache, Billious Fever, Depression of Spirits, 4*c. VV'e invite all who are unacquainted with them, if it were possible to find any such, to give them a trial, and we will assure them speedy and permanent relief For Sore Breast, Scrofulous Humors, Cancer, Piles, and all skin diseases, Holloway's Oint ment is the most effectual remedy in use. | IST OF LETTERS— Remaining in the Post Office at Bedford Pa., July Ist, IS6O. ; Myers Samuel Milton Sallie Jane ! Manges John < McCoy Thomas .Mnyer J Esq ! Miller Maria j Ollan Emma Miss Plowden Adline Mrs Wrollet, Bucaley it Co | Register & Recorder | Ralston David 1 Rohrer Elizabeth Mrs , Retton John I Rhoads John 1 ReimundJJohn IRym lames Rawlins Josivb j Stickler John | Slick Maggie Miss I Stoler Daniel Stickler Samuel i Smith Rufus I Shafer John j Snively Auaren Miss Storms E Smith Albert | Taylor David L Weaver S G 2 j Walsh Biddy ; Wiley George T ' Weishample J F. Vanorsdell Robert Astin Susan Mrs Boerts Daniel Border William Bowset (Jeorge Bowers A J Barley S J Clark W A Calaham Violet Carrol Wm C rawford Wm Dawson H Diehl Noah Dollard Patrick Edwards Cbariaa Fuller Elijah Fiechtner Jacob Fayner J Esq Frin/- Geo 2 Haney Rosana Harrison Almond 2 H arner Priscilla Henry William Hammend Harrv Line J Lowry J F Luke John Mcllvane Catherine Mullon George Moore J H McKiursam S M Miller John M ullen J S JNO. A. MO WRY, June 6, 1860. p. M. "O AIL ROA DNO TIC E The subscribers to the capital stock of the Bedford Railroad Company, are notified to pay into the Treasurer's office in Bedford on or before the 22d day of July instant, the twelth and last instalment of stock subscribed by them. All subscribers paying off the stock subscribed by them on or before tbe Ist day of August, instant, will be relieved from tbe payment, of the penalty provided in the Charter, for delinquents, to wit, 12 per cent interest. "PSTA TE OF NICHOLAS KEGG, DEC'D. Letters ol Administration having been granted to the uudersigned, by the Registej o/ Bed ford County, upon the Estate of Nicholas KeggEsq. late of Juniata Township dec'd, all persons indebted to said Estate are here notified that they will b# * required to make immediate payment and those having claims against the Estate will present them properly authenticated for settlement. WM. GILLESPIE. Juniata Tp., June 22d, 'BO. JOHN P. REED, Treasury.