C. ft OSTER. SAMUEL CARN. i Cltcap-side, Bedford, Pa. WE have the pleasure to announce to our friends. • and customers, that we are now receiving an itn- ; mense stock of New and Cheap SPRING AND SI MMER GOODS, comprising medium styles, gay and plain DRESS j GOODS, in part, silk foulards, poii de chevies, mo- i , hair plaids, ristoria cloth, poplins, lustres, biilliants i challiede lains, pongees, chintzes, lawns, lavellas, I . de lains at 10, 12, 15. IS and 25 < t, piles <>! Mus lins by the piece and yard ~t •">. s - 9, >"• ! ' 12 cts, pantaloon stuffs in ar-at vniety a - r . IS, IS, and 25 cts, cloths. m-si n ue, ami cassinetts and jeans all colors. ilk.-atio an i " settles vestings, cottonades, linen duck, ami-h i gents' new styles, shirts, collars, stocks, neck tie.,. hosiery, gloves, handkerchiefs, Sec.. mareiiie> and hnen shirt fronts, fine shirt fronts at 12' warran ted not nil linen. Wn H ATS AND C A PS, For the million , from 10 cents up, bonnets, bloomers and shakers, ribbons, ruches j and flowers, very cheap, BOOTS AND SHOES. £^7%^ Cheap as the cheapest. Glass, china and queens ware. Fresh supply of GROCERIES, superior green and black teas, prune Rio, La Giiavra and Ceara coffee. Nice blown sugar at 8, 9 ar.d 10 cts, baking molas ses at 10 and 12 cts. per quart, best golden syrup at IS and 20 cts per quart, Baker's cocoa, corn starch, extracts and spices of all kinds. _ We invite every person to call and see. No trouble to show good-. . ( Prompt settlement by cash, produce < t El\. Is. -j of rote ever y January. April 27. 1960. IRUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. In purstiance of an order of the Orphans Court- , of Bedford county, there will be sold, on the pre-ni- j ses, by pablic out-cry, the following valuable Real! Estate, situate in Monroe township, Bedford co., late the property of Henry Steckman, dec'd., to | wit On Tuesday, the 26th day of June, next, at j one o'clock of said day, the mansion larm, composed j ~i two tracts of Land, containing 223 acres and 14G ; perches, nett, adjoining Barnabas Steckman, Philip Kiddinger, Swaitzwalder and others, with a log house, stone kitchen, log barn and stable, a good orchard thereon, well watered with -uniting water, a considerable portion cleared and the remainder well timbered. Also. Oil Wednesday, the 27th, at ten o'clock, same month, one tjact of land in same township, containing lGSacresand Of perches, nett, adjoining lands of John Fletcher, Philip Snider aud others, with a log house and stable thereon, thirty ; or forty acres cleared, remainder timber land. Al- ! so, on the same dav at 2 o'clock, in the alternoon, ; one other tract ef land in same township, contain ing 214 acres and 36 perches, nett, adjoining lands j of Jacob Steckman, Moses Dicken and others, with a j log house, log stable and threshing floor, spring ! house and out buildings, 70 or SO acres cleared, re- ! rnainder timber, with several springs of water there on. TERJUS One third in hand, on confirmation of sale by the Court, and the remainder in two equal annual paymei.ls without interest.— Attendance will be given on day ol sale by VALENTINE STECKMAN, Ad'inr. ol Henry Steckman, dec'tl. May 25th, IStiO. HENGEL HOUSE, if 1 JULIANA STREET. BEDFORD. PA. I'HE subscriber, having renovated and refurnished this old established House, is now prepared tc re ceive guests. He invites his friends and the travel ing public to give him a call. Having new furni ture, new beds, and everything necessary to render hearty cheer to those in want of a temporary home, he flatters himself that those who stay with him, will find themselves at the right place. He. is fully prepared to receive visitors to the Springs, and all having business with the courts or otherwise. Ample stabling and carriage bouse is attached to the Hotel. Boarders will be received on favorable terms. ISAAC MEN GEL, JR. Bedford, April 20, 18G0. m|A GNIFICEN T ENGRAVING OF -IT*. Christopher Colgmbus and his Crew. This Beautiful Engraving was designed by Ru bens, one ot the most celebrated ,artists that evei lived; the cost of the original design and plate be ing over SBOOO, size 22 by 29 inches. The Philadelphia Daily News says, "the mere nominai sum asked for the engraving, is a sufficient inducement for persons to purchase, without the ad ditional Gilt." SCHEDULE OF GIFTS To be given to the purchasers. For full particulars send for a Bttl. 1 Cash, $5,000 5 Cash, S3OO I Cash, 3 000 10 Cash, 300 1 Cash, 2,000 10 Cash, 250 1 fash, 1.500 10 Cash, 200 1 Cash, 1,000 10 Cash, 100 ! Cash, 500 10 Cash, 50 1 Cash, 500 1000 Cash. 5000 ! Cash. 300 2000 fash, 5000 Together with a great variety of other valuable Gifts, varying in value from 50 cts to $25. Any person enclosing in a letter $1 and five 3 cent Postage Stamps (to pay for postage and Roller) shall receive, by return of inaii, the magnificent Engraving of Christopher Columbus, (and one ol these valuable Gifts as per Bill.) Address all orders for Bilfs or Engravings lo P. S. HERLINE & tO., May 25,'60. Box 1812, Phil'a., Pa. IJOOR HOUSE NOTICE— The Commissioners appointed under an Act of Assembly, passed during last session, being authorized and empowered to make sale of the present Poor House property and to purchase for the use of the County of Be.lfoid, such other real estate in said County, as may, in their opinion, be best calculated to accommodate the poor, erect buildings thereon, &c., having taken upon themselves the duties of said appointment, will, at an early day oiler at Public sale, all the real estate and appurtenances known as the Poor House property ; in the mean time, t hey desire and request all persons who have farms for sale suitable for Poor House purposes, within fen mites of the Borough of Bedford, to- notily O. E. Shannon, Esq.. Secretary of the Board, thereof, staling the number ol acres, quality of soil, improvements, price per acre, terms, and any other particuilais that may be considered necessary ; and thatsa d information be furnished on or before the 18th day of June next, at which time the commissioners will again meet at the Court House in Bedford. JOHN NYCTM, ] n O. E. SHANNON, | § Fr. JORDAN, ). 3 JOS. B. NOBLE, | = lune 1, ISGO.-3t. E. STAPLER, j 3 (NOTICE— -1 All pt rsms't!,forested, are here by notified that, the freeholders of Bloody Run, have made application, lo the con t ol Q-.arter Ses sions fcrr Bedlord county, lor a ch.:'t-i i incorpora tion. Saiil application Vis fie.-n lead ami filed, a inongit the record-ol -aid cihiii. and wul fie held over for adjudication miti'l Aogu-i term 1,800, when objections will be he.ud.and a final fieeree made in the premises. JOSEPH U\ TATE, June 1, 1860.-6t. Atl'y foe Apfdieasta. AUDITOR'S NOTICE— The utuleiMgned ap pointed 'ay the Orphans' Court of Bedlord County, to distnbote the fund set apart in the Estate ol Abraham Sparks,dec'd lor the support of Joseph Disbrow, said Joseph being now dead, and also oth er funds received by the administrator ot said es tate, will attend to the duties of his appointment on Saturday the 2.> d day of June, inst., at his office in the Borough of Bedlord, at 10 o'clock ot said day when and where all parties interested can attend if tbev see proper. JNO r. REED, une S, 1860- Auditor. CHAMPION BELT * \\\ \KDED TO .1- REED .V CO /■'OR SELLING Till- CHEAPEST AS D EES T GOODS ' The undersigned would inform their friends and customers, that tbev have just received from the I Eastern cities, a large and well selected stock j SPItLWr „?JY D SUMMER GOODS, which they are determined to sell at the lowest "living*" prices. All kinds of summer wear, Horn the finest to the commonest, ladies' dress goods of every description, fancy goods, and everything usu- j ally kept in dry goods stores (and, perhaps, some- j thing besides) groceries, queensware, Kc , Kc., can j now be found at their store in every variety and J assortment. THEIR SHOE DEPARTMENT is well supplied with the best stock that can be ob tained. For style as well as durability, they can not he surpassed in this line. TERMS : Cheap for cash, or approved country produce, or six months credit to punctual dealers Give us a call, and you shall be waited upon with pleasure. J. REED j- CO. May 4th,'oo. YYUATER STREET \ T WOOLEN FACTORY. The undersigned have commenced business at the above establishment, formerly known as Pluck's Factory, and lerently carried on by Robert Ralston, Esq., in South Wooctberry tp. They are prepare,l to manufacture, in the best manner. WOOLEN GOODS, SATINF.TTS, BLANKETS, FLANNELS, COV ERLETS, barn, Carpets, iVc. One of the llrm is a practical vvoikman of considerable experience, and the irten employed are skilful in their business. Ihe undersigned, therefore, hope to meiit and re ceive a liberal - bate of the pationage of the public, j Conntiy Carding and Fulling will be attended to; at ail times; for this part of the business the terms , will be cash on delivery of the work. Price ol car-, ding, 6\ cents per pound. W ooi wanted.—A large quantity of wool will be ! I wanted, lor which goods will be exchanged on la- s vorable terms,or a fair price will be paid in cash. For further particulars, address tb* undersigned, l'attonsville P. 0., Bedford county. Pa. J. I. NOBLE 6r CO. f 1 April 21th, 'OO. £2.5 per keg of 25 lbs. PAINT AND OIL! PAINT AND OIL: VARNISH. VARNISH. OHIO FIRE PROOF PAINT, i OHIO FIRE PROOF PAIN l\ ! i PAINT ALL COLORS. ! PAINT, ALL COLORS. BRUSHES, BRUSHES, I AT HARTLEY'S. AT II \ RTLEY'S. Hardware of all kinds. All articles Warranted as represented. Fair profits ask ed. but will not be undersold bv any one. TEBA/S, AS AGREED UPON. CASH BUYERS ALWAYS FAVORED. j Try Hartley before you send ofi for your Hard I wait, Iron, Nails or Paints. (April 6, I860.) | SIMON L. SHAFF.R. ADAM FERGUSON. BAY BKiIYGS SOMETHING NEW ! ANOTHER NEW FIRM ! ! j FERGUSON IkSHAFER, at the former stand of j j Ferguson K Manspeaker, are now ready to wait on < old customers as well as new. They expect to sell j 1 very low for cash and produce, or to thosewho will foot up every six months. Their DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, ' And all other goods usually kept in stores, have ; been carefully selected, and bought at prices ena bling them to sell at reduced rates. Their SHOE DEPARTMENT, contains every variety of shoes and boots for men, women and children. They invite a fair share of the public patronage from their friends and the public, and particularly solicit the trade of their couutry friends, expecting to deai fairly with them and all others at ONE PRICE for every body. [April 27,'60.] | CARD TO THE LADIES. " ' OSTER N.CARN,CHEAP-SIDE, Have just received a large and very superior as- I scrtment of D. R. King \ Go's city made, ladies' 1 misses' and children's fine French lasting Congress 1 Gaiters, English Kid, Tampico, Morocco and Goat i lace boots, buskins, slippers and ties, with and vvith • out heels. Ladies will find it to their interest to 1 call aud examine our stock before purchasing. 1 | A/ay 18, 18M.dK ino. H' ARYEST ! HARVEST!! Manny &. Wood's ' j Great Combined Reaper and .Mower with or with -1 I out the self-raking attachment. WOOD'S MEADOW QUE F.N MOWER, ; Only S9O, warranted to cut lodged clover and all j other kinds of grass. Sold only upon the principle jof "no good, no keep." No money asked till the macjyne is tried ami gives satisfaction according to ■ i repiesentation. All wanting the above must order ! early, or 1 will not be able to get them in time.— Call and see. W.M. HARTLEY. ' | Ag't for all kinds of I i May 15, "60. Farm Machinery. \ CSCYTHES! SCYTHES ! SCYTHES j G BEEN CASTLE GRAIN CRADLES ! 1 j The largest and best assortment of Srythesand sr.aths : ever brought to Bedford. The celebrated imported 1 j English Gr.ffin, Waldron, Clipper, Biacksnake, Sil ' ver Steel, Newton Darling, ami other makers. Call j at Hartley's Hardware 4- Farm Implement store, and , see lor yourselves. [may IS, 1860.] ' A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. - ~ Letters ol . j Administration upon the Estate of Jacob Hinish, late of East Piovidence tp., dec'd., having been ; ; gianted to the undersigned by the Register of Bed , lord county, ail persons Knowing themselves in debted lo said estate are requested to make imme r ; diate payment, and those having claims are hereby ! request to piesent them, properly authenticated ! for settlement, without delay. HENRY HINISH, I . DAVID FORD, ( Atlm June 1, ISGO.-ft. IM;O. \E\I MUMS iseo. THE undersigned have ju-t leceived their usual ' supply of ; ' SPRLYG S<. SUMMER GOODS, - and would respectfully invite all 111 search of real I bin gams to call and examine our stock and prices. l All kinds of country produce will be received for :i goods at cash prices. I'ERAfS :—Six months credit. Prompt settie i meiits required by cash or note every January. . i This system has gwen our customers every sat isfaction ; and sustained by their kind and contin j ued paironage. we shall adhere to this rule strictly. - i May IS. A. B. CRAMER & CO. ,'IfAH.UUKS! I . M CALL AT HARTLEY'S f HARDWARE AND FARM IMPLEMENT / t vee'and see the BEST GRAIN DRILL eve./ > lu-nfed. It will recommend itself, and is WAR ' ✓RANTED in full. A good grain diill and f / good Mower w ill soon pay for themselves.— / Come, wake up I and try these machines I IF NOT GOOD THE If WILL COST, YOU ' 8 NOTHING. [may 25, 1860.J iiojci. ) AM) GENERAL STAGE OFFICE, Tilt subscribed respectfully begs leave to and r.otince to his old friends and the public gener ally, that lie has leased the Bedlore! Hotel, a present in the occupancy of Col. Adam Barn hart, and will take possession on the Ist day ol April next. It is not his des £n to make ,-nany professions as to what he will do, but he pledges his word that his most energetic efforts will be employed to render comfortable all who £ive him a call. The House will be handsomely fitted up, and none but careful and attentive servants will be engaged. Persons visiting the Bedford Springs, as well as those attending Court, and the travelling community general ly, are respectfully invited to give him a call and judge for themselves. taken by the week, month, or year, on favorable terms. CyAmple and comfortable stabling is at tached to this Hotel, which will always lie at tended by a careful hostler. Also, a safe and convenient carriage house. [tjT"Jill the STAGES stop at this Hotel. JOHN HA PER. March lb, IBfis. ■|BORDER, CLOCK & WATCH MAKER, AND DEALER IN JEWELRY, Would respectfully announce to the citizens of Bedford, ami the public in general, that he has opened a Jewelry Store in the building re cently occupied by H. Nicodemus, Esq. nearly opposite the Bedford Hotel, where iie will be pleased to see all in want of articles in bis line He bason hand, and will constautly keep, an elegant assortment of JEWELRY, and will re pair Clocks and Watches in the bert style. He hopes to receive a liberal share of patronage, as j he ieels satisfied he can render satisfaction to all who entrust him with their work. His terms : will-be moderate. He has on hand Gold and Silver WATCHES, j Silver Spoons, Thimbles, Butter Knives, Gold ; and Silver Pens and Pencils. &c. &.c. April 27, 185 s CHEAPEST!BEST!! LARGEST !! ! $35.00 Pay* for Tuition in Singl" and Double Entry Book Keeping, Commercial Arithmetic and Lectuies. HOARD S WEEKS S2O, STATIONARY $7. ENTIRE EXPENSEX $62. | Usual time from oto 10 weeks. Every Student, | upon graduating, is guaranteed competent to man ! age the hooks of any business, arid qualified to earn I a salary of liom 8500 to SIOOO i Students enter at any time—No Vacation—Re i view at pleasure. First Premiums for Best Business Writing for I 1856, received at Pittsburg, Philadelphia and Ohio i State Fairs. Also, at the principal Fairs of the | Union tor the past four years. inisters' Sons received at half price. For Circulars, Specimens and Embellished Views ! of the College, irfclose five letter stamps to F. W. JENKINS, Pittsburg, Pa. j Jan 13, 1860. U THE IK AIM HAS ARRIVED! J. M. SHOEMAKER Ik CO., have received a very LARGE, WELL .SELECTED AND CHEAP slock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, which 'hey are determined to sell cheap ; consist rssi, in part, of Black and Fancy Silks, Bombazines, Delaines, Shawls, Calicoes, Flannels, Ginghams, Muslins, White Goods, &c. ALSO, Men's Wear ol all descriptions, such as Cloths, Cassimeres, Sa'm wetts, Teeds, Jeans, Cord Drillings, Clothing, Inc. j WW BOOTS, SHOES, HATS & CAPS, ! A very large assortment of La ides' and Gents' Boots and Shoes, all prices, sizes and qualities ; and Hats and Caps to suit all. ALSO, A large assortment of Queensware, and Cardware, Single and Double Carpet chain, Fleece Hotton, Carpets, Inc. GROCERIES! This department is supplied with the very choi cest articles that can be nad in the matket, and as cheap as can be had anywhere , consisting in part, of prime Rio CotfVe, bngar, all kinds and prices, Syrup and Molasses. Black and Green Teas, Spices, Rice. Tobacco, begars. Corn-starch, Dye-.-tutfs, Cocoa, Starch. Cheese, Ginger, Candles, Mustard. Paints and Oils, Turpentine, Fish, t yc., &c. Thank ful for past favors they hope to receive a liberal share of public patronage. To Cash Buyers and to persons ol undoubted standing, who are willing to settle once a year. Great Bargains will be given. Call and see. J. M. SHOEMAKER k Co. March HO, ISCO. I)EDFORD CLASSICAL INSTITUTE > KEV. JONN LYON, j n T. LYTTLETON LYON, A. M., \ RINCIRALS * THE Summer session of this institution will open on Friday, the IthdayofMay IStSO. It is the design of the Principals, to make this Academy, in a!! respects, a first class Institution, for the thorough instruction of youth of both sexes, and to prepare them lor any profession or i>osition in life. The high moral and scientific tone of the school is well known to this community, and a strict disci pline will be enforced. A few boys, (the number is limited to ten,) will be received into the latnily of the Principals, as boarders. The beauty of the scenery and the salubrity of the climate render Bedford a most desirable loca tion for such a school. Persons from abroad, visiting at the Springs, can be near their children during ihe summer. It is desirable that pupils should enter at the com mencement of the session, and no pupil will he re ceived for le-s than one quarter. I §2OO per year, including boarding, TERMS. < washing, fuel, light, and Tuition in all ( the branches. Terms for day scholars : n rs \ s''•—English Branches. er Quarter, .j $ 7> r )oj classical do See. June 10,'.19. BEST! CHEAPEST!! COMMERCIAL SCHOOL IN THE LAND! !! W. P. TOTTEN, desires to inform the public that he has just opened a commercial department in the Allegheny Male and Female Seminary. He would respectfuly advise the community that Book keep ing, ornamental Penmanship, Card Writing and ev eiything pertaining |to a commercial education are now taught in the fahove named Institution. Tui tion for single entry and farmer's set $2..10. Dou ble entry and Mechanic's set, $4.00 per quarter, with the advantage of all the lectures.—Enter at any time.—Diplomas awarded at the completion of a full course. June 1, 1860. T UNITED STATES HOTEL, vJ A. E. Cor. 11 tk 4" .1 hirket Sts., PHILADELPHIA VV. KAN A OA, ) P M. MCVEY, ( PROPRIETORS. Feb. 3, IH6O. Allegheny Male and Female Seminary, RAI\SIIUR, l*;i. FACULTY. E. J. OSBORNE, A. 8., Principal, Prof, of [.an suagps and Philosophy. Wm. S. Smith. Prof, of Mathematics. ■las. ft. Miller, Adjunct Prof, of Mathematics. Rev. B. f . Stevens, Lecturer on Moral Philoso phy &c. V\ m. A. Stephens, Prof, of English Grammar Sic. Dr. J. Hughes, Lecturer on Anatomy Sic. Mrs. E. V. Osborne, Preceptress, Teacher of Draw • ing French, Botany Sic. B. I-. Drott, Prof, of Instrumental Music. I'tice of Tuition for term of II weeks. Common English Branches $3 2 5 Higher Branches, including common, each 80 Latin and Greek, each 2 00 German and French, each .2 f>o Book-keeping and Commercial calculations I 50 .ORNAMENTAL. Drawing 2 50 < olored crayon, and water colors, each 3 00 Oil painting 5 00 Hair and wax flowers, each 3 00 Pellis work 3 00 Embroidery 1 50 Piano music, with use ofpnstrnment 10 00 Board ji 1 75 per week including room relit, fuel, furniture IMC. This is one of the best, and cheapest institutions 111 the country, 't he whole expense per term need not be more than twenty-five dollars.— Second Quarter of summer session commences April the sth, 1800. teachers will ne instructed free ol charge 111 the Normal Department. for particulars, address the Principal. E.J. OSBORNE, A. B- Rainsburg, Bedford co., April 22, 1859. ton ViiS \yto IMM.k* 11. C. KEAIIEIL Juliana Street, Bedford, I'a. (Jit the Stand formerly occupied by Dr. F. C Reamer.) {> W HOLESALE anil re- jmrHrfwi tail dealer 111 Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye MMQL Stuffs, Oils, Paints, Varnish tine, Window Glass, Glassware received, a large - stock of American, French a nd English perfumery. Also, a great variety of ti| )e Soaps for toilet use. Tooth pastes, Hair Tonics 1 Hair Dyes, that will color various shades, Irom a j light brown to a jet black, Tooth, Nail, flair, Sha- ' vmg, and Clothes bru-hes, Combs, Pocket Knives j Pocket Bocks, Portmonnaies, Segar cases, &c. —ALSO— Have and will keep constantly on hand, a supply j of Coal Oil, Burning fluid and Campbme, with a great variety of the most modern and best style ol'{ coal oil and fluid lamps. Pure Wines and Brandies for medical use, Fla- i voring Extracts and Spices of all sorts, Fine Scars. Snutls, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco. Having the agency lor all the principal patent medicines in use, will keep a lull supply constantly on hand. —ALSO— Dealer in Rooks, &c., consisting of Geographical, Scientific, Religious, Poetical, Historical, Law, Medical, School and Miscellaneous Works, in con nection with a great variety of plain and fancy Stationery, Cap, Note, Post, and Wrapping Paper, Blank Rooks, of evefy size and quality, l)iaries, Blank Deeds, Mortgages, Notes and Receipts. (TyOiuers promptly filled and satisfaction guar anteed, with regard both to price and quality. Gyi'hysicians' Prescriptions carefully and accu rately compounded at all hours of the day or night. Dec. 16, 1859. JNION HOTEL, BEDFORD, FA. THE subscriber respectfully informs the pub ic, that he ' stiP keeps The Hotel, under the above name, in the old and well known Globe building, on West Pitt Street, formerly owned and occ.ipted oy Mr. John Voting, where he will be happy to see all friends and the travelling public generally. Persons attending Court are respecttully invited to give him a call. He pledges himself that he will do all in his power to render all his guests comfortable. His Table w ill be supplied with the choicest del icacies the market will atlord. The Bed Rooms will contain clean and comfortable bedding. The Bar will he supplied with choice liquors. The Stable will be attended by a careful and at tentive hostler. Cy Boarders will be taken by the day, week, month and year. JONATHANHORTON. June 3, 1559. \\rASIII\LTO.\ 110 l Ni;, EEDFOBD, PA. MRS. S. FILLER would respectfully announce to her luends in Bedford County, and to the public geneially. that she has leased, for a term of years, the large and convenient brick hotel, at the corner of Pitt and 'uliana streets, Bedford, Pa., knov,n as the-'WASHINGTON HOUSE," and lately kept by MRS. COOK. This house is being thoroughly re fitted and refurnished, and is now open for the re ception of guests. Visitors to the "BEDFORD SPRINGS" and persons attending Court, will find tnis house a pleasant and comfortable temporary home—Every attention w ill be paid to the comfort and accommodation of guests. The tab!" will at all times be supplied with the best the markets atioid. Charges moderate. Extensive stabling is attached to this hotel, and a careful and competent hostler will be in atten dance. Special attention will be paid to the accom modation of the farming community. March 30th. 1860. .1. W. SCOTT. (Lite of the firm of Winchester es, violins, violin strings, toy watches, watch chains, curry combs, cards, horse brushes, shoe-thread, pegs and spara bles, Johnson's Arabian Liniment, Hock and Little's White Oil, Merchant's celebrated Gargling Oil, for man or beast, and many other articles of a similar nature. The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. A. L. DEFIBAUGH. June 17,'59.-ly. J) LOODY RUN FOUNDRY ]") AND M ACHIXF. SHOP. THE subscribers are now prepared at thei Foundry in Bloody Run, to fill all orders for Castings of every description for GRIST AXD SAIV-MfLLS, THRESHING MACHINES, APPLE MILLS, PLOUGHS and all things else in our line that may be needed in this or adjoining counties. We manufacture Threshing Machinesof 2, -tor Horse row 'r, WARRANTED equal if not superioi to any made in the State. We keep constantly on hand a full assortment of Wood Cock, Plug and Hillside Ploughs, WARRANTED to give satisfac tion, or no sale. Points, shares ,nd land sides to fit all Woodcock, or Seyler ploughs tn the county. Farmers' Bells, Ploughs and Castings of our make may be had at the store of Wm. Hartley, in Bedford, Sonderbaugb it Pee, East Providence Tp., John Nycurn it Son, " " Times being hard, we offer great inducements to Farmers and Mechanics to buy of us. All kinds of repairing done in a neat and substan tial manner arid all work warranted. Call and ex amine our castings and work and judge tor your selves. Our agents sell at foundry prices. JOSIAH BAUGHMAN & BRO. M r h 26, 1858. M" A N H O O D. HOW LOST, IIUW RESTORED. Just Published, in a sealed Envelope, On the Nature, Treatment and Radical Cure of Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weakness, Sex-al De bility, Nervousness and Involun'arv Emissions, Im potencv ai d Mental and Physical Incapacity. BY ROB. J. CULVEKVVELL, M. !>., Author ot ''* l lie Green Book," &c. The world-renowned author, in this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that The awful con-equences ol se||.abuse may be effectually removed without Medicine and without dangerous Surgical operation-, bougies, instruments, rings or cordial- ; pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sutferer, no matter what hi- condition may he, may cure him self cheaply, privately and radically. Tin- Lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. Sent under seal to any address, post paid, on the receipt of t wf> po-tage stamps, by addressing Dr. t If. .1. ( KLINE. M. D., ISO lirst Avenue, New Yoikl'o-t Box |sß(i. Ji,n 20, itst>o. rp o m i l i- <> w \ E R s : S. D. BROAD has made Sehellsburg his perma iient residence, and i- prepared to do all kinds o work in the Mill Wright line, on the most appro ved and durable plans, and reasonable terms. He has on hand the most improved Smut and Screening Machines, Mill Brushes, Anchor Bolting Cloths, both new and old, at city prices. Mill Burs ca:i tie procured from him and shipped toany point. Also—Agent lor MrCormick's Reaper and Mower for Bedford and Blair Counties. •>. D. BROAD. Schellsburg, Bedford Co., March I, 1839. \ , Time titan i'itc ihistirantc £uist CL : c. CAPITAL Stock, $300,000. COMPANY'S BUILDING, WALNUT STREET, S. E.CORNER OF FOURTH, PIII T.ADE I.PII IA . LIFE insurance at toe usual mutual rates, at about 20 per cent le-s, or at total abstinence nates, at the lowest in the world. J.C.SIMS, A. WHILLDfN, Secretary. President. JOHN J. SCHELL, Agent, Jan. 27, 1800. Bedford, Pa. SAVE YOUR MONEY ! I HE UNDERSIGNED would respectfully inform the travelling public, that he has established a tri-weekly line ol stages between Bedford and Latrobe. The route is that of the old Philadelphia Turnpike, leading from Philadelphia to Pittsburg, being one of the best coach roads in the Union. ° Passengers will REACH trains of cars for Pittsburg as early as by going to Hollidaysburg "r f ~"~*'• •' - Johnstown. Ihe lare to Pittsburg on this route is Four Dollars and Twenty Cents *being THREE DOLLARS CHEAPER than on any other route from Bedford to that point Coaches leave the Bedford Ho'el, Bedford, eve ry Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning, at o'clock, and the DepoYat Latrobe every Tuesday, Thursday and after the arrival' of the mail train from Pittsburg. JOSEPH A. CARMAN. Feb 21,'60. ] ) EDFORI) COUNTY MAP. 1 ) I Will make a directory map of Bedford County from actual surveys.it" a sufficient number of sub scribers can be raised to justify me in the enter prise. The map will be large and well finished and will show the location of all the public roads streams boundary lines, towns, villages, Hotels, Churches' School Houses, Post Offices, stores, grist mills, saw mills J-c., &c., and will contain the names of all the property holders, and show the busines that almost each one is engaged in I will put on the sami sheet maps of all the towns and large villages, also tables and statistics ot the County and (if taken in time) the census of 1860. Pains will betaken to make it a- lettable as anv Map in the State Julv 1,'59. EDW'D. L. WALKER. \\ T' 1 k LEAD and Linseed Oil, for sale \\ Shoemakers' Store,Anderson's RTW, NO !, f liiW Wtfl ' I Wl " .i mrrrullv to ll u|.-,-,!i. ~„ | ! '• *• • *"•' • I i ' " " l M . Vufc l. 1 j I* : Y I DM IXVARIABLY CASH J 1 !/>/• P I: FW4,U*L. V \V # * —- —r-—, JACOB HfcED. G. W. ULPP, J.J SRF)EFR REEII, RIJPP &SOIIELL. BANKERS & DEALERS IN EX CriANGE, BEDFORD. PENN'A. IVRAFTS bought and sold, collection ma | " and mony promptly remittal. Deposits solicited. RF.FF.RENCEB. HON. JOK MANN, Bedford, P U " JOHN CESSNA, LT . JOHN MOWER, " <, R. FORWARD, SOMERSET, RUNN, RAIGITEI. IT Co., Phil „ J. WATT it Co., PlT tsbur , t J. VV. CURI.EY, it Co.. T, €ommono)fdltl) Jnstuancc Company) I'NION.BI LLDINOS, THIRD STREET HARRISBURG, PA. CHARTERED CAPITAL, $300,000. Insure buildings or other property against Joss or damage by Fire. AGAINST PERILS OF THE SEA. INLAND N£V| GATION & TRANSPORTATION DIRECTORS : SIMON CAMERON, GEO. M. I.AI MAN, W M . DOCK JAMES T-ox, GEO. BERGNER, BENJ. PARKS VVM. H. KEPNEU, A. B. WARFORD, VV. K. Ah RR y K. K. BOAS, J. H. BEUUYUILL, W. F- PACKER' ELI SLIFER. OFFICERS : SIMON CAMERON, President. BENJAMIN PARKE, Vice-President. S. S. CARRIER, Secretary. J. VV. LINGENFELTF.R, Agent, Bedford, Pa. Otficeon Juliana Street Oct. 21. 1539.-ly. JJcnnsnlrania Justtrancc Compann pp PITTSBURGH, OFFICE, NO 63 FOURTH STREET. Capital And Surplus over $150,000.00. DIRECTORS. Jacob Pairtier, C. A. Colton, N. Voeuhtly, Kody Patterson, A. A. Carrier, I. G. SprouL Henry Sproul, A. J. Jones, G. VV. Smith. VV. Hampton, Kob't Patrick, J. H. Hopkins. This Compaay has paid losses from the date of its incorporation m 1854, up to May, 1659 to a mount ol $302,835, 07, tn addition to regular semi annual Dividends of from sto 15 per cent affording evidence of its stability and usefulness. LOSSES LIBERALLY ADJUSTED, AND PROMPTLY PAID. A. A. CARRIER, Pres't. J. G. SPROUL, Sec'y. J. J. Lingenfelter, Agent. Office at Bedford Pa. September 2, 1859,-lyr. I iESSX.% 1 SHAXXOX— HA\ E formed a Partnership in the Practice of the Law. Office nearly opposite the Gazette Office, where one or tfie other may at all times be found. Bedford, Aug. 1, 1859. JOHX V SEED— ® ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD, TA. Respectfully tenders his services to the Public iLr'Otiice second door North ol the Mendel House. ° Bedford, Aug. 1, 1559. OH gutiier— • ATTORNEY AT LAW, RETFORD, TA., WILL ptomptly attend to all business en trusted to his care. OtficeonPitt street, two doors east of the Gazette olfice. He will also attend to any surveying business that may be 1 entrusted to him. (Nov. 4, '59.] T C DIfKEX • Attorney at Law. Pittsburg, Pa. VX II.L attend promptly to all busintss en trusted to his care. July 1, 1859.-1 v. J Will BORDER— GUNSMITH, BEDFORD, PA. Shop at lite east end of the town, one door west of tfie residence of Major Washabaugh. All gnns of my own manufacture warranted. May 21,'58. CAM ILL KETTERAI AN L-7 COUNTY SURVEYOR. WOULD hereby notifiy the citizens ol Bed ford county, that lie has moved to the Borough ol Bedford, where he may at all times be found by persons wishing to see him, unless absent upon business pertaining to his office. April lfj, ISSS.-lf. M ann & spang— ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA. I'"k undersigned have associated themselves m the Practice of the Law, and will attend promptly to all business entrusted to their care in Bedford and adjoining counties. CCT" Office on Jttlianna Street, three doors south of the "Mengel House,"opposite the residence o Maj. Tate. JOB MANN Aug. 1, 1859. G. H. SPANG. I IV. LIXGEXI ELTER ff • ATTORNEY AT LAW, A.\D LAND SURVEYOR. Will attend with /promptness to ull business entrusted to his care. WILI. PRACTICE IN BEDFORD AND FOLTO* Corsttis. three doors North of the ''lnquirer" Office. 4 Dr. b. f. harry— RESPBCTFDLLY tenders his professional services to the citizens ot Bed ford and vicinity. Office and residence on Pitt Street, in thp building formerly occupied by Dr. John Hofius. Aug. 1, 1859. Dr. e. c. reamer— RESPECTFULLY BEGS leave to tender his Professional Services to the Citizens ol Bedford and vicinity. IL/" Office in Julianna Street, at the Drug and Book Store. Aug. 1, 1859. nit. .1. k. iti Kiii ini.i: St. Clairs ville, BEDFORD CO., PA., Respectfully tenders his services to the citizens that place and vicinity. [jan 13, IB6o] npte iu alders.— A The subscriber is fully preprred to furnish any .quantity or quality of Building Lumber and Plastering Laths Orders directed to St. Clairsvtlje, Bedfod County, will be promptly attended to, bv giving a reasonable notice. E. D. BEECLE.