/ 1 OI> YEW !• ! vjr i f!£; i RAl\ HIS UiKSVK'I! J. M. SHOEMAKER* CO., r,.-.ve rer-ive.i a wrv LARGE, WELL SELECTED AND "'HEAT ato of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, which they are determined to sell cheap : eonsi*:- ing. in part, of Black and Fancy Bv .*•!. Delaine-, Shawls. Calieoe-, Flannels, Gutgnnm . .Muslins, White Goods, No. ALSO, Men's Wear i f all descriptions, such a* Cloths, Cassimrre*, S.< ett#, Tweeds, Jeans, Cord Drillings, Clothing, <■'- • c ■, jplfa BOOTS, SHOES, HATS & CAPS. •- Sb. A very large assortment of La- aP~ ri.*rt* . consisting in pi; , of prime Kio Coffee, Sugar, kind and priee. Syrup and Molasses. Mac* am! Green T-ts, Sp:c--. Rice. Tobacco, Segars. Corn-starch, Dye-studs, j Cocoa, Starch. Cheese, Ginger, Car..iie, .Mmtard. ) Paints ard Oils, Turpentine, Fish, i',-c..Ac. Thai ful for past favors they hope to tece.re a l.hc-ral ( share ol public patronage. To Cash But ers and to persons of undoubted ! standing, who are willing to settle once a year. Great Bargains will be given. Call ami m•. J. M. SHOEMAKER & Co. ! March 30, 1660. TToj BiTlC salE £ OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. In pursuance of an cni-r of the Orphans' Court of Bedford County, there will oe sold a: public safe up on th p"en>i-es. on TUESDAY, THE 24th DAY of APRIL. NF.XT, the following described Real Fatate, to w.t : 70 Acre.-,hi perches, more or less, o! choice Limestone Land, situate in Coieratn Township, E d for ii Co :n --ty, Pa., and well known as the "Frederick Smith Farm." About 290 acres are cleared ar.d under good fence, and in a line Dat ? of cultivation, part j thereol good meadow. There are also 2 Orchard-, j of choice fruit upon the premises. A fine stream o excellent water itows ta rough the property. Ttv improvements consist, in part, of a good two and a half Story Log House, ami Tenant House, a new Barn, 110 feet in length, by 50 in width, construc ted in the latest style, wit it sundry otf j r ont-buii, dings. This Farm is situate in that fertile \ alley known as "Friend's Cove," within C miles o 1 Bed ford, and about the sam? distance from the termtna- ; t;on of the "Beritord Rail Road." It i> also in a j pieaant neighborhood, convenient to good schools, j arid within 2$ mi les of the "Allegheny Male and Fem !e Seminary," at Rainsburg. There is a fine Church also within sight, and it is surrounded by an intelligent and moral community. 1 This property is in every way a most lie-liable; one, and persons desiring to purchase would do well to examine it before the time of sale. TERMS—WiII be mada known en day of sale. Title indisputable. Attendance giv-n by HENRY F. SMITH, fc GEO, VV. HOUSEHOLDER, Executors of Frederick Smith, dee'd. ft". B. Persons wishing to examine this pmv - ty, o" ascertain the particulars m re fully, can ca! upon, or address by letter, Henry F. Smith, Rains bu:g, Bedford county. Pa; Geo. VV. Householder, | Ray'* Hill- Bedford county, Pa; Mann Ik Spang, j Bedford, Pa. March 2d. 1860. v; OTici: of inquisition. I\ VV'iierfas, Jacob Keggy late of Middle Wondbrry town- .ip.J'Vdtord c tmty' died seized oi the Pillowing Ji al instate, 'o W'it : One Tract of Lund containing ah it three hun dred and twenty acres,*-ituate in sai l township, ad jdir.ing Lamls oi John Zook,oti tin North, Abm-iam Keagv on the South, David Sfon eroo.: and ' - rs, on the East,and Christian Hoffman ou the \ 'est. Leaving a Widow, Fan-y, and issue six cli dren, ; to wit: .Michael, the petitioner, Catharine, David, Ann, intermarried with William Eider, Pet r .in Jacob, a minor, who has for i guarriin , Dh-i 1 Schnebly, ail residing in Bed to: J County, except 'Ja vid, who resides iti Blair county, Pa. NOTICE i-, therefore, hereby given, that in par ruance of a writ of partition, or valuation, to me di verted, I will proceed To hoid an Im; usitionor val uation, on said premises, on T ics ly, the ft iff day 1 of April, ISGO, v. hen and who ali parlies intereu teil may attend, if they see proper. Sheriff's Office, lied- i V.'M. S. FLUKE, ford, March 16th,<1660. \ Sheriff. IVTEW SPRING GOODS! .IN NEW SPRING GOO-^S! NEW SPRING GOODS! JUST ARRIVED AT JUST ARRIVED AT ' JUST ARRIVED AT J. REED Jk. CoD STORE, J. REED St CVs STORE, J. REED Si Go's STORE. CALL AND SEE THTDJ ; CALL AND SEETHE: I ! CALL. AND SEE THEAI ' * UDITOR-'S NOTICE. ,'y The undersigned appointed by the Court of Common Pleas, in and for the County of Bedford, to report a distribution, of the money in the hands of the Hon. Joseph B. Noble, geqtiestr tor of the Pat'.onsv:lle aid Woodbury Turnpike Road Company, will attend to the dntieq of hi, appoint ment, on Tuesday, the 17th, day of April, it st., at 10 o'clock, of said day, at his office in the Borough of Bedford, when and where nil parties interested *..n attend. JOHN P. REED, March 30 'CO Auditor. f iRPHANS' COURI SALE [J OF A VALUABLE FARM By virtue of *n o.uet of the Orp! ■ csCoaito: Bed ford County the undersigned wt'.l sell at pub c sa'e on TiiuisJay, the 26tn. day oi April, in,!, on tlie premise*, all that Valuable Farm late the residence of Abraham Linger Liter, dec'J., situate in Napier Tlllibn. Bed ton! County, ay a r ing lands of Black but ns Heirs, Fied Miller, Mablon Blackbnia and Lloyd Lundy, containing 232 acres and allowance, patented land, more or less, about 125 acres cleared and under cultivation—about 20 acres meadow, and a giol Apple Otchard theteou ; impro-aments, two Log Houses, anil adoubtu log barn . n; abundance ai good water.—This property is ru a pleasant neigh bourhood, convenient to churches, schools and mar ket. TERMS:—SIOOO,OO in band at thp confirmation of saie; one halt of the remainder in one year there after, and the other half m two years—to Le secu red by Judgement bonds, or bonds and mortgage— If the purchaser eo Jestrcs, a part of the purchase money .will be left in the place during the ii.-t. e of the Widow.— Sale to begin at 10 o'clock cn siid <' v. DAVII) LIN GEN FI'.LTER, March 30th,'60. A<< i.iuis'ia.. r. I~^XECU TOR'S NOi ICE. M Letters Seatnrtiert tary upon the Estate of Hanneh Mil'ei e r L. - donderry township, dec'*)., having ;r. nfe , the subscriber residing in Juniata town- 1 . p -r --eon indebted to sa.d F.-tate. ere r.eaebr ti',iiei| to make immediate pavm-nt. an : tbn-* having cianrs will present thm duly autberF-ate.l lor settlen-.s^. PETr.lt F. LEHMAN, Mareh 16, 1553, x< 'nr. A DMINISTRATOIFS N'>V!( . l\ Letters of Adminietration having been grau'e i '••:<, s i7-c: "-r r•- - Coterain tp., (hi lit estate of Ama it. birt r.art. lat of B-dford t|i., uec'4,, -ill persons :no,v; g the ii-. e-i t idebted to said estate, i i ctiii. •! to make irqrr.ePt ate.payment, and those having claims -vlil pi•• t toeni for settlement JACOB BARN'I A AT. March 9tb, 1860. Admftiistrafor. AMILY RIBLFS and a!} variet< -s of the Holy Scrip fures. of the bt qee iity,-I.; dat low pr.cei . are rlwavs on band at Bedford Bible I)epo;!orv, Store of Sain'l Shuck & Co. [March 23d, 1860. V ' • r'~T> /"i? ' CAEJiPi' -T ! BEST ! ! LARGEST !!! r.y- for Tii : ■ ; i Single and Double Entry Book Keep.ng . Com:;--; via! Arithmetic and Lectures. WJA..D h WEEKS S2O, STATIONARYSI. ENTIRE EXPENSES $62. lime from 6to 10 weeks. Every StudenN ii i i-itiug, ; enaraiitee.l competent to ruan - ... a: y bass: " 5 ., ami quaiihva to earn a . .it • of ii ■■ it U 'GO to is I COO ■ ci.t - any fit:;:—No Vacation—Re vo v j. ea,i. e. ■ i>> I'rein,ii rn for Bst Btxinesa Writing for t-7 . r-cejve.i at i itt-burg, Pbiladeiphin and Oh'o j S • ! . A -!>. at the principal l airs of tne L"■ " i tor "e - mur yet:*. L Sons received nt half price. J'or (.'treu!..r<. Specimens an.i Embellished Views of the Call ir.ci,ie i.. letter stamps to I . VV. JENKINS, Pittsburg* Fa. Jan 13, iB6O. | |NION HOTEL, BEDFORD, PA. THE subscriber respectfully informs the pub-' lie, that i.'fstil 1 keeps the Hotel, under the abo.e name, II the nJJ and well known Globe building, on West Pitt Street, formerly owned and occupied by Mr Jo! n You: g. where be wlii be happy to see ail friends and the travelling public generally. Persons att, i. Ma t'ciirt ase re-peeifu'.!y invited to give him call. He pledges himself tn.it he will do all in t.;s power to renter all his g U , comfortable. Iti= i'i.lie will be snpp' ed with the choice-1 tie I tcacies the r. irket will atlord. Ti.e Bed Rooms wail contain clean and comfortable be.t'img. Tne liar will be supplied with choice liquors. Trie triable will be attended by a caieful and at tentive hostler. will be taken by the day, week, month and year. JONATHAN HOETON. June 3, 1559. ~\fANH © O D . _JI HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED. Jus! Published, in a sealed Envelope, On the Nature, Treatment and Radical Cure of Spermatorrhea, or Seminal Weakness, Sexual De ! .iity, Nervou-ness ar.d li volun'arv Eir:-,io:.s, loj potencv and Mental and Physical Incapacity. BY ROB. J. CULVF.tIVVLLL, M. D., Author of'-The Green Bool:,"' Ec. The world-renowned author, in this admirable j Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience • ihat the awful cou-equencps ot eeii-abus-> may he j eiicctuallv removed without Medicii.c a without ! dangerous Surgical operations, bougies, :r -trun •: ts, j rings or cordials ; poiM lug out i tv. -lee. cure at! I orce certai'i and effectual, by which every sin; -rcr, , : no matter what his condition rr ay be, irmv cur. hiin -el: cheaply, private'y ar ! r nitcaliy. ThN Lecture wiil prove a boon to thousands an i t" ousand.- Sent under seal to any a-hire-s. po-t pr. J, on the | receipt of two po-Tage -tarons, by addressing Dr. i ; ("I!. J. KLINE. M. D., -JSO first Avenue, New j Yoiki'ost I'nx .58*j. i Jani 20, tSGQ. 4 EE T ©JLA 7 L L . 1\ W. J. BAER fc CO., H AVE constantly on band at '. S'ITOLA, Paint' township, Somerset co.. I'a., all k. ts of As:.. Offer i , Maple, Poplar and Saruce or Hemlock lumber, which they will sell at low prices. M-o, Folk, Shov el, Broom, and Hoc handle-, Cliuir stuff r>: every lie- • ; ser ; ption, tcg.-.< r w.:a '■ In-".ers of ••...•,• ai ev- • ery pattern, at 1 aLo staves an ! i fur nail kegs, j . i'.i i - lied re dy for pu'tb g together. s'tiff of any !er,;.:h and such as Girders, ! •oi-ts, Scantling &c., 6tc., promptly served to or | der Grain and Country produce bought a' current i , market pri -es, or tuuen in exchange lor lumber or , ! merchandize. \V. J. BAFR k CO., Ashtola, near Johnstown, Pa. Feb. 19 1660.-3 m. , K 7 O iZ ti .a. -*K - , : i; ORT.KADS, ' A [:. :n containing 225 acris. in llarrr.an's Bottom !21 miles from Bnena Vista o . one si •, •: ' : ' nuns j feddt the turnpike on the other. Ti.e soil i- Ridge . cave! ar.d in a good state of cultivation, about cn •islt cl-.ired and balance we!' timber. 'i'neie is a j never-failing sf.eam of water OU tffe premise, ; also several r- -■".•i t spin "S. Tee r opeity s :v ,'i cai- FcUiated for a division into two littni. There is a ! long draught for meadow, Tne imp.overr>:ra ate a j Double Log House, a iaige new Bank B . n and a j very large o'ebtsrd of ft ice f: air. i iveis ani cleal j ers f:om 8 o.erst anil 'he - ..cert Jcn-int y furnish I a demand at all times on the premise* for pioduce.— j It ■. i'o.us Lewis N, Fvc.'s Mi'.i pro ■: ty. - ALSO— a Farm of 166 acres, about luff cleared, with Double j I. ... House, New Bank Farn, and two good orc:.areaterf for settlement. JOHN WENT Li KG. Mareh 16tb, 1*69- Efxecutor- DHIGS Ai\D BOOKS i . C. RDAnER, Juliana Street, Bedford. Pa [Jit tlit Stand Ja r mrrl>[ occupied by Dr. F. C. Reamer.) • t- HOLESALE and re- >*/** (SsaS-v I) tail dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye wm-aAnly Jr&JtiL iMut'is, Oils, raiu!>. Varnish tine, Window Glass, Glas-w received, a large stock of American, French and Knglish perfumery. A!-o, a "great variety of i, n e "-■mps tor toilet Tooth pastes, 11, m Tonics, !lu;r Dyes, that will color various shades, from a lisp.? brown to a jet black, Tooth, Xatl, Hair, Sha ving, an ' C'othes bru hes, Combs, Pocket Knives, . . Cooks. I'ortmonuaies, Sugar cases, See. —ALSO— Have end will keep constantly on hand, a supply Co.s' Oil, Burning fluid and Camphine, with a r a* variety of the most modem and best style of coil ii 1 and tluid lamps. Pure Wines and Brandies for medical use. Fla voring F.xtracts and Spices of all sorts, Fine Sugars, Snuffs, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco. I laving the agency for all the principal patent medicines in use, will keep a full supply constantly on hand. -AI.SO- Dealer in Books, Kc., consisting of Geographical, Scientific, Religious, Poetical, Historical, Law, Medical, School arid Miscellaneous Works, in con nerfioti with a great variety of plain and fancy Mationery C.ip, Note, Post, an i Wrapping Paper, Blank Bo , ;s, of every size and quality, Diaries, Blank Deeds, Mortgages, and Receipts. promptly filled and satisfaction guar antee with regard both to price and quality. Prescriptions carefully and accu rate'!-; compounded at all hours of the day or i ight. Dec. 10, 1853. n f .r. pr"sr rnpif ?pu\!, L.i>isli a I Liiidi Ab.IlA ! THAI:; STOPPED ANOTHER TIME TO unload Goods zt &. SliaHspi'aSii'r's- Just received another time and tor sale cheaper aan ever, a superior lot of Winter goods, indu ing ledger Hats, 7.1 cts. and up. i)e Lames, iO ers and up. Shawls, of all kinds, SI,OO and up. Cassinett*, 37j cts.and up. Broad clothe, $1.30 and up. Doe Skin Cassimere-, 73 cts.and up. Marino, 18| cts. and up. HOSIERY, including Gloves, Stockings, See., of all kinds. GROCERIES including Coflee, 12' v and up. Suegar, S andup. i :ne white crushed, 12| and up. t Raking Molasses 3'2i per quart. Best mould candies, IS rts ar.a a littla of every thingelse in!',- Grocery line. NnN Depar.ment, including undershirts and Draw' rs .70 ct>. an.! up, also Caps, Hats, Comforts, ; '.mm Ovei-shees, baii.iiis and Buffalo liver-shoes, — Men's Double Soled Boots, mr winter, at 51.75' and ; up. in the Shoe Department, are included Ladies' ' Gentlemen's and Children's, all sorts, sizes, rj-c. Prices, as usual. A LS' (, Sleigh and Buggy w hips, and Tobacco and C.gars of aii kinds, iron Gravely down. ' \YY U f?A mil?? frici? .'i ii OiW i J i il'il U iube ! IF YOl IVA.NT TO GET YOUR MONEY BACK, BY GETTING MORE THA S ITS WORTH, GO TO THE CHEAP STOKE Or ONd ?*• & € '> THEY HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE STOCK OF NEW AND CHEAP FALL AND Wilier Good, i SELECTED WITH GREAT CARE, PUR CH a SEN NOT ONLY TO SELL. BUT TO GIVE SATISFACTION TO THE BUYER. THEY INVITE AN EXAMINA TION OF THEIR STOCK AND PRICES, WHEN THEY WILL CON VINCE ALL THA r THEY ARE REALLY SELLING CHEAP. Tek-t- a her -re : prompt settlement r quired by cash or note every January. V Iford, Oct. 11, 1859. £>. 7 order, €*,€*"i &. vvSeii maker i IV \ ? r "!> IV f!?" rt ! Ms* i , Ijijii I , V.'om.i res; rcttuiiy announce to the citizens or Beciktd, ami the public in general, that he : ..s opened a Jewelry Store in the building re c ily occupie I vJ I. Nicodemus, ESQ. nearly opposite the Bedloni Hotel, where he ij ] be pleased to see ail in want of articles in his line He has on hand, and will constantly keep, an elegant assortment of JEWELRY, and will re pair Clocks and Watches in the bert style. He : opes to receive a iiberai share of patronage, as he (eels satisfied he can render satisfactionlo ail v. o entrust him with their work. His terms will be moderate. he Las on ham! Gold and Silver WATc.'in-;, '■aver Spoons, Thimbles, Butter Knives, Gold ana Salver Pens and Pencils. N.r. t*.c. April 27, iS. r > r * , ::n: ori) county map. ; I Will make a directoiy map of Bedford County from actual surveys, iE a suflicient trim her of sub scribers can bi raised to justify me in the enter prise. The map will be large and well finished ami will -how the location of all the public roads streams, boundaiy lines, towns, villages, Hotels, Churches' School Houses, I'ost Offices, stores, grist mills, saw mils ife., r.c., and w?'| contain the names of ail the property holders, and -how the busines that almost each one is engaged in. I will put on ihe saint s ;"t maps oi .ib the towns and large villages, also tables and statistics o! the County and (if taken in ttrne) the census of 1860. Pains will betaken to n.ake ;t a- rel.able as any Map in the Slate. Jnlv 1,'59. EDW'D, L. WALKER. J. W. SCOTT. (Late of fhe firm of Winchester Scott.) CcrKk iiicii s More and SHIR T MANf]FA CTO R Y, A SIT Chestnut Street. (Nearly opposite (he GJRARD HOUSE.) I } HILJID EL PUI I. J. V. SCOTT, would respectfully call the atter tion ot hi® foimerfr endstob s newSfore, and is pre pared to till orders tor SHIRTS at short notice. \ t—r>. r? i.t g!...;•! N, ) „ I. LYTTLET. \ LYON. A. M., 1 THE Spring ion of this institution will open on Friday, the 17 day rf Februaty 18G0. It is the design of the Principals, to make this ! Academy, in all respects, a first ciass Institution, for the thorough instruction of youth of both s X''-. and To prepare them for any profession or position in life. The high moral and scientific tone of the school ;s well known to this community, and a strict disci pline will be enforced. A lew boys, (the number is limited to ten.) will be received into the latniiy of the Principals, as boarders. l'ijc beauty of the scenery and the salubrity ot *he climate render Bedford a most desirable loca tion for such a schonK Persons from abroad, visiting at the Springs, can lie near their children during the summer. It is desirable that pupils should enter at the com mencement of the ses-ion, and no pupii will be re ceived for le-s than one quarter. I S2OO per year, including boarding. Tenuis. < washing, fuel, light, ami Tuition in ali ( the branches. Terms for day scholars : r,, June 10,'09. Allegheny Male and Female Seminary, KABSSBSSIRG, H s a. FACULTY. E. J. OSBORNE. A. 8., Principal, Prot. of Lati gongps and Philosophy. Wm. S. Bmith, Prof, o; Mathematics. Jas. H, Miller, Adjunct Pro), ol Mathematics. Rev. B. F. Steveus, Lecturer on .Moral Pniloso phy &c. j Wm. A Stephens, Prof, of English Grammar ice. j Dr. J. Hughes, Lecturer on Anatomy &c. Air*. £. V. Osborne, Preceptress, Teacher of Draw ing French, Botany hit*, i B. F. Droit, Prof, o; Instrumental Music. I'i ice of Tuition for term of 1L weeks, i Common English Branci.es S3 03 j higher Branches, including common, each 60 I Latin and Greek, each 2 00 German and French, each 2 30 < Book-keeping arid Commercial calculntior s i 50 011N A M KN T AL. 1 Drawing 250 j Colored crayon, and water colors, each o 00 ! Oil painting 000 1 Hair and wax flowers, each I id) 1 Peilis work 3 00 I Embroidery 1 : ) : Piano inu-.c, with use of instrument 10 CO liuard $1 75 per wt including room rent, fuel, furniture ,s:c. This is one of the best, and cheap--; ! institutions in tlie country. The wholeexpense per j ' term need not be more than twentv-hvr - • iais.— i I Second Quarter ot summer session commences - teachers will De instructed free ol charge in the | Normal Department. j For particulars, address the Principil. E.J. OSBORNE, A. B- ! 1 Rainsburg, Bedford co., April kg, i> o. ipSDPORDFOUNDRY! i _a. > _ lfiE subscribers having purchased the Bedford I foundry of Me-srs. Wa shabangb and Bannon, would f ost respectfully announce to the citizens <>: In; ford nr. ! a joining counties that they are prepared to J ma '.j lurui ii ai! kinds of CASTINGS fi-r Ci'lci and £aw-aiil23, Threshinc Ka chines f loughs, Jlpple-niillt, Cookia%, TEN PLATE, AND < OAL STOVES, SLED AND Sleigh soles, wa-h kettles, of different sizes, wagon boxes oi ail sizes, farmers' bells, (a >pp*-rior arti | ele), oven doors, and every thing usually made HI a I country Foundry. ) ft*iOt SJgflSiS*-" Woo&cock, Srvli r and (ii LL-SIDE PLOUGHS.—AIso, anew PLUG PLOUGH, to which we en ' the especial atientl n of our farmers—a niperior article to the r.ld Ping Plough, with twokinris ot points, shares and land sides to suit all ploughs in general use in this coun ty. Turning arid fitting of iron patterns made to order, ai d all kinds of repairing done at the short• ' est notice and at low prices* All our own work j 1 made of the very best material, and warranted to I give satisfaction. F.initers ami others would do well to i , call and examine our work before purchasing else- i i where, as we jjaie determined to meet the tmer : gencies of the tunes, we will st!l low for CHS //, or cour)l nj prduce. j Pig and bar iron, horses and lumber, taken in ex- I change for work. • *etBs,'s9-ly SHIRES & JORDAN. ! jpOBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE. j EY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of ! liedlor.l county, the subscriber will expose to sale, j •>' public outcry, on the premises, on Friday, the j 20th day of April, ISOO, the following real estate, j late the property of John Roudebusii, deceased, viz; j A tract of land containing about thirty one acres, j with about an acre and a half cleared and under j I'eri ri--.-i--~--G- v 5 ! | Johnstown. The fare to Pittsburg oil this route| is Four Dollars and Twenty Cent* belli" THREE DOLUIRS CHEHPER [ than on any other route trorn Bedtori) To ttmt point j ; Coaches leave the Bedford Hotel, Bedford, eve- I jry Monday. Wednesday and Friday morning, at 64. i | o'clock, and the Depot at Latrobe every Tuesday", I Thursday and Saturday morning, after li-.e arrival ! j of the mail train from Pittsburg. JOiSi'ii A. G ARM AN. > eh. 21,'60. .)> AND GENERAL STAGE OFFICE. i lie sttbscritxT respect Iti 11 v begs leave to an* r.reince to his old friends and the public e-'ner aiiV, that he lias leased the Bed lord Motel, a present in the occupancy of Col. Adam Ram hart. and will take possession on the Ist tiav o? April next. It is not his des sn to make nam professions as to who' he will do, but he pledge his word that his rtv-.st energetic efforts will be employed to render comfortable all who give him a call. The House will he handsomely tilted np, and none but careful and attentive servants will be engaged. Persons visiting the Redford Springs, as well as those attending <"urt, am! the travelling community general ly. are respectfully invited to give hint a call and judge for themselves. QL" Hoarders taken by tiie week, month, or year, on favorable terms. ..'•/""Ample and comfortable stabling is at tached to this Hotel, which will always lie at tended by a catelul hostler. Also, a sale and convenient carriage house. LLthe SIJiGHS atop at. this Hotel. JOHN HAFER. March 16, 1855. mrrrnm IiAS ju>' returned from the citi-s with a large and lull assortment ot WINTER GOODS, consisting of French .Me rino Vaiencias, Thib et Cloths, ol all shades, all woo! Delaine R bes, Silks o{ all styles, handsome Silk Robes, with dou ble skirls, elegant Winter Cloaks, Velvet Bonnets, and an endless assortment of GAY SILK BON N E rs, trimmed and tui- Irunnrteil, ii:>b ns ami plume.-, ami French Flowers, with a general assortment ot ai! kinds of C >->ds. Bedford, Nov. 4th, JSSP. OUNDRY AND MACHINE SilOP. filE subscrbcrs having formed u partnership under the style of Dock ft Aicnorn" lor the pur pose 01 conaucting a general FOUNDRY AND MACHINE business in the esinbli-hmert recently erected bv Cii.iiard Dock, in fioprwril, Hfkoni countv, are now pre; red ic- execute oideisT'or CASTI.XGS A*.p MACHINEK Y of ever* description. They wrJl h;ii!! to i. :.t - i-am-engine-, coal and drift-cars, r-e p .*r> : ..reshii g nachmes—also, casting 1 ; > ! ' r furtiac--s, forges, saw, grist a; ■ rolling n, p.oughs, w*ter-pipe, coiufiins, house fioiits, braeKe -, hrc., ike. J ai - aim, now waiting a fine assortment of S I O' I." ot v arion- kim:s ol tie ..ties; patterns and r n r n-ueveii styles, including several sv.es ol 1 OOK M'CA I '•< of t he best make, betting stoves for chßaches, oir.ces, bar-rooms, ffce. -v in,i i- nt oi Stoves w:i be kept con-tanl !y o•I a: . d Si id at wholesale and retail, at J"s- s ''the tunes, and quality, warranted ; . to t:.e l est Eastern make. Machinery of all kinds repaired promptly. Patterns made to order. CILLIAED DOCK, C. V,. AhCHOal. Nov. 11 1 s.l*} . • RGCERYTND" 13T CONFECTI 0 N A R Y. . VilE undersigned ha* jii-' leceived and keeps constantly on Baud the foii'rwjtbT crt.de-: i oltee, -ugar, mol js-.*-, cheese, cracker-, currants, prunes, r.irons, fig-, almonds. r cocoa nuts, ground ni pecans, 1i g. walnuts, crpam nut-, can dies in variety, oranges, lemon*, tniv.eco aim cigars, allspice uml pepper, spices of all kind*, baking so , r, c icam of l-irtar, sulphur, brimstone, carii-ter a:. ', ,eg powder, sliof, c ; -ami lead, gre.i n cm! grass scythi whett ng tools, w tubs and hoards, in to, i r act logwoo , ce; is, alum and madder, . polish i/id Mason's i .eking, sweeping, dusting fci. .- oe am] si robbing, brushes, clothes, bair, Ti .u,'ai. ge-iiiin-i ' , .;nt hr,i-(,es, hair • •lie an .•• •: r.-u puis-s ai si prut monaie-, pock et and memorandum books, bonnet and round guin con . d. ar •: (ire combs, bi-cejets and beads, pens, pen-holders, penknives, scissors, knife sharpeners, umbrellas, suspenders, spool cotton and • c small lookii g gi.is---. violins, violin strings, toy wHtclies, watch chains, curry combs, card-, horse b; i.-s. sl,f e.rf.r- , mgs and spara ble*. ,i I t -on's Arabian I. •; intent. Rock ami '.ittn-'s White Oil, Merchant'* celebrated Gurgling Od, for man or b 1 " 1 -!, ar. ! n .my ••'her articles of a similar nature. The patronage of the public is respectful!" SCu .Cited. A. L. I)EF!FAUGH. June 17,\A9 -1 y. I LOODY RUN FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP, fHE subscribers are now prepared at ihm Foundry in F.'oedy Rnr., to fill all orders for Castings of every description for G/. IsT . v.YD S. l:V-.)F?r.IS, THRE^HLYG M ACHINES, APPLE MILLS, PLOUGHS and all things else in our hue that may bo needed in this or adjoining counties. We manufacture Threshing Machines of 2, 4 or !!or-e power, WARRANT! D equal if not superioi to any n:;:de in the .Stale. \\ e keep constantly, on band a full as-orirnent of Wood Cock, Phig and Hi 11 -1 tie- Ploughs, U AURA N I F.D 'n give satisiac tic.l.. or no sale. Points, shares -ml land sides to fit all Woodcock. or Seyler ploughs in the county. Farmers' Hell-, Plough* and Castings of our make may b<* had at the store of Win. Hartley, in Bedford, Sondeibaugh fi Pee, East Providence Tp., John Nyrum & --on. < .. 1 imo. I cing hard, we orfer grc-f indurements to Farmers and Mechanics to buy of us. All kind- ot repairing done in a neat ami substsn •ia! manner and all work warranted. Call and ex amine our eastings and wor *T and judge tor your selves. Our agents sell at fotlndrv prices, JOSIAII BAUGH MAN fc BRO. March 20, IF."!?. r in O iM I L L O VVN E R S ' S. D. BROAD has made Scheltsburg his perma nent residence, and is prepared to do all kinds o work in the Mtll Wright line, on the most appro ved and durable plans, and reasonable terms. He has on hand the most improved Smut and Screening Machines, Mill Brushes, Anchor Bolting Cloths, both new and old, at city prices. Mill Bui" can he procured from him and shipped to any point. Also—Agent for MrCormick's Reaper anil Mower for Bedloiii and Blair Counties. , S. D. BROAD. sjc h^lisb ur**, Bedford Co., ( March 4, 1539. I Yiinmcaa iiic Sc crust '■'.'/ tenders Ids services to the Public ./ Office second doer North of the Metxwl 17 O Bedford, Aug. 1, 1859. ' H 11. lAiTi'KH v. > ATTORNEY AT LAW, nsrpoan, ra., A ILL promptly attend to alt bosin.-j'S en- I 'rusted to his care. Office on Pat street, two j ! >or> i; ■' of the Gazette rtiice. He will also i.'end t i any surveying business tt.it may be i entrusted to him. [Nov. 4, '59.] j J ' C~I) I(' ftES— ~ } M ATTORNEY at La *7, Pittsburg, Fa. WILL attend promptly to all busiuFsj en- I trusted to Ills care. _Ju:y 1, 1559.-ly. biiit btlii lit,"—" GUNSMITH, BEDFORD, PA. Shop at the east end of the town, one door west of tlie residence of Major Washabaugh. A M Runs of my own manufacture warranted. May 21,'58. Q AJI&EL KETTERIttAS— COUNTY SURVEYOR. VOULD hereby nolifiv the citizens of Bed ford county, th.at he has moved to the Borough ol Bedford, where he may at all lim u s be found hy persons wishing to see him, unless absent upon business pertaining to his office. April 16, 1855.-tf. TANS & SIVWG— U. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, r.EDFORU, PA. 1 i'ij tinl'-rsigned have associated themselves in the Practice of the Law, and will attend promptly to all biisiness entrusted to their care in Bedford ar.il adjoining counties. [TV Otf'ce on .lulianna Street, three doors south it the '.der.gel House," opposite the residence of Maj. Tare. JOB MANN i Aug- 1, 1859. G. H. SPANG. ■i w. LIXGEXFELTEn— *¥ o ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND LANO StrrVEYOR. ill attend with promptness to all business entrusted to his core. Hill PRACTICE IN BEDFORD AND FULTON Corstlti. Office three doors North of the '-Inquirer" Office. IyL ILy. HATlItf~ * RESPECTFULLY tenders his professional services to the citizens of Bed ford and vicinity. Office and RESIDENCE on Pit! Street, in the building formerly occupied by Dr. John HoSus. Aug. 1, 1859. j yi. P. C. lUTUiER— RESPECTFULLY begs leave to tender his Profes.-:ionai Services to the Citizens of Bedford a:id vicini-y. U. " Office in duliarma Street, at the Drug and Pouk Store. AA t . 1, 1859. WiU. 3. !i. St. Clairsville, EKCFCRD CO., PA., Riepectful: Y ten tars his service* to the CITIZTRIS th.it place MID yiciqijy. J|AN 13, ISTJUI R NO"BIILYM.~" ■ ~ -J- THE su.'jscriber is fully | reprretj to furnish A::V V|uautity or quality "I Butidiug Liimfier AND Plastering Laths.— ■ HILERS ilirected to St. Clairsville, Bedford County, will be promptly ATTENDED to, bv GIVING A reasonable notice, F. D. BE£GLE.