iiE i> Oa the 4th inst., John Franklin, son of Richard and Rebecca Sill, aged 2 years, 1 month and 6 days. The death of this child was very distressing to its parents, it having been run over by a horse oy which it was so badly injured to cause its death in a few days. On the 23d ult., THOMAS R. GETTVS, Sr., aged 72 years, 5 months and 16 days. 3 For more than a year he had been sinking under a mala.iv which too surely wastes to the ✓rave. But lii'e terminated suddenly,just as the springtide ol nature was breathing hopes of re vived existence, through warmer suns and balm ier air. The vigorous tone of the silver cotd which bound him to life, beguiled as to the decay of the frail mechanism it enwrapped His elastic spirit and active intellect looked out unextinguishable amid the ruins of the tene ment. No word of murmur, Dot even a sigh or jr-oan of weariness escaped him. God had g:v him peace and patience. He rested with a calm and intelligent, though humble faith, upon Gid's promise of forgiveness through the blood of a Redeemer.- In that blood he had washed bv faith, and felt that God was reconciled. He often spoke of the freenessol God's forgiveness. He believed in that word of God, "J. even I, am he that blottelh out as a thick cloud thy transgression,and will not remember thy sin." A few days before his death he remarked qui ,tlv to a friend, "How wonderful is the grace of God to sinners." For several years he had bpen a consistent member ol the Presbyterian church of Bedford. It was dunng the great revival of religion, in 1853, that !m formally unifed with God's people, but his mind had been gradually preparing lor that step many months before, "if a late, he was a sincere and consis tent disciple. He seemed rapidly sanctified through affliction. The simple faith ot chil l hood was blended with the cheerful fortitude o f no common Christian manhood. —A brave, en during heart, that never faints in trial, is rarer on the lonely sick bed, than in the battle field. It was pleasant to him. No querulous gloom brooded around his pillow. His intelligent, brigbt expression, and cheerful tone of voice suggested, ever, that we too might hope not to faint in the day of adversity. He is gone. The silvered head is bowed in the earth. ihe conflict ot life is over, and the pe*re r:t eternity is begun. If his last days on earth were his best, what must those ol heaven h* I JL. SPECIAL NOTICES. •M/O-NDEfiFDL BUT TRUE, ff A few days since, Mr. James 11. "cadle, cfjJKuntsville, Alabama railed on us and gave us permission to publish lor the benefit of suffering humanity, the astonishing cure which had been effected in the case of his wife by the use of Dr. Hance's Vegetable Epileptic Pills. He infoimed us. that at the time his wife con men ced using the medicine, her system was sc entire ly prostrated, by the number ol spasmg the ! ad un dergone, as to reduce her weight to 100 lbs. Since she has been taking the pdis, she has entirely got over the spasms and has gained in weight ami bod ily health. Shi r.ow weighs at least 200 lbs., -nd declares she is in better enjoyment of health than ever before in her lile. Mr. Beadle also related the case of Mr. Hs-rison Lightfoot o: the same town, who has been eitudy cured ot the worst lortn of Epilepsy by these seme piils. Mr. Lightfoot's rase'was so bad that he never passed a week with- out having an attack, often falling down in the istreet. He has rot had ah attack for mora than a j ear. Mr. Beadle thinks that if the pilU ever fail in curing a case, it is for the want of a proper pei eeverance on the part of the person in taking them, as he feels assured from observation in the case ol his wife, that if they are taken for a sufficient length of time, they will cure any case. Sent to any part of the country by mail, on the receipt of a remittance. Address Seth S. Hance, 108 Balti more st., Baltimore, Md. Price, one bos, $3 ; two, tC ; twelve, $24. \WTO II Ms! \Y O R :\1 S ! wW \£'f Various the ories have been started relative to the origin got in testinal worms, and yet the question is stiila vexed one among medieal authorities. Ofone fact, how ever, ail are informed, and in which ail agrc-* —t;.o fatal r.ature of the influence they exert on children. At this season of the year, the attacks of worms are most frequent as weil as most dangerous. We take great pleasure in directing the attention of pa rents to the Vermifuge of Dr. M'Lane, prepared by Fleming Bros. Pittsburg. It is ore of the mc3t ex traordinary medicines ever introduced to the pub lic, and has never failed of succesr \vhn tried. CFTurchaeers will be careful to a?k for Dr. M'Lane's Celebrated Vermifuge, manufactured by Fleming Bros ,of Pittsburgh, Pa. AH other Ver mifuges in comparison are worthless. Dr. M'Lane's genuine Vermifuge, al io his celebrated Liver Pills, tan now be had at all respectable drug stores. — None genuine without the signature of PLUMING EROS. FIN HE GREAT DUA WRACK -SL To person* emi grating to the ex'reme south and western country, is the fear they have of the Fever and Ague — the most direful of ali diseases. Every day we hear of perrons attacked by" the d-sease and mnde lm. less in a short time, without any mean* ofaiiordi ig relief, In view of the great demand lor a remedy Dr. Hostetfei has presented his celebrated 3itteri' whose curative powers lor all diseases ol the stom ach have been universally acknowledged. The "Bitters," prepared after a long experience and deep study, have lecejved the encomiums of tne most eminent physicians, as well as ail classes, from every part of our country. To those v. ho doubt their many virtues, ail we can say is to try them and judge for themselves respectively. Sold by druggists and dealers generally, eveiy wiirre. H7"See advertisement in another column. DISSOLUTION. The partnankip heretofore •existing between FERGUSON 4* MANSPEAIvER, hss this nay been dissolved by mutual consent. — The interest of Ferguson has been sold out to Simon L. Shafer, and the business will hereafter be con ducted by Mar,speaker 4* Snafer Those indebtrd to Ferguson 4" Mampeaker. will please close their accounts by cah or note. [april 13,'d0.] Railroad notice~ ~ The subscribers to the Capita! Stock of the Bedford Rail Road Company, are notified to pay to the Treasurer, in Bedford, the Birth instalment on each share of stock, subscribed by them, on or before the day of April instant, fiy order of the Board. JOHN P. REED, Treasurer. VDMI.NISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of "dmir.istration, having been granted to the subscri ber. living in Harrison tp., on the estate of Melch r Fisbcr, late of said township, dee'd., all persons indebted to raid estate arc notified to make pay ®cnt immediately, and those having claims against the im,, w !l! p rC g rn t them duly authenticated for tvttlament, DAVID MILLER, 19, 1860. Administrator. INSTATE OF JOSEPH WEYANDT. J Letters of scwinlatration upon the Estate of Joseph VVeyandt, ' sl of Union tp. ,dec'd.. bavipg been granted to the ur.denigned by ibe Register of Bedford county, no is hereby given to all persons indebted to said to®ake immediate payment and those bav ir'S claims, will pieaent them .properly authentica •"l tor tettlenwnt. ELIA9 DELL, A r f i* 13, iB6O. Administrator. political Announcements. [All notices under this head must be pre-paid.] B'rollioiiolary. i We are authorized to announce MAJ. SAMUEL H. TATE, of Bedford borough, as a candidate lor Pro j tbonotary, subject to the decision of the Democrat j ic County Convention. * i We are aulhorizedto announce the name of J. HEN HY SCHELL, of Schellsbnrg, as a candidate for Pro thonotary, subject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention. March 30th, 1860. • SlH'rifT We are authorized to announce the name of VAL ENTINE STECKM AS, as a 'candidate for the office of Sheriff, subject to the decision ot the Democratic County Convention. * MR. EDITOR: Please announce OAPT. JOHN- ALSTADT, of St. Clair township, as a candidate|for the office of Sheriff, subject to Ihe decision of the Democratic County Convention. MANY DEMOCRATS.* We are authorized to announce the name of WIL j LIAM A. POWELL, of Harrison Township, as a candi j date for the office of Sheriff, subject to the decision j of the Democratic County Convention. * •'no THE SCHOOL DIRECTORS i OF BE JFORD COUNTY. GENTLEMEN :—ln pursuance of the 43d .section of tt- ActofSth May, 1851, you are hereby notitie 1 to meet in convention, at the Court House, in Beit ford, on the first Monday in May, A. D., 1870, be ing the 7th day ot the month, nr 1 o'clock in the a Iter noon, and 'elect viva rocr, by a majority of the whole number of the Directors present, one per son of literary and scientific acquirements, and of skill and experience in the art ot teaching, as Coun ty Superintendent, for the three succeeding years ; determine the amount of compensation for the same ; and certify the result to the State Superintendent at Harrisburg, as required by the 39th and 40th sec tions ot the same act. HENRY RFCKERMAN, Co. Sup't. of Bedford Co. Apri' 13, 1809. ~V r OTICE! The following named persons have filed their petition', tor Tavern Licence in the Clerk's Office of Bedford County ; and will be pre sented to the Court ot Quarter Sessions 011 Monday the butfc Jay ot April next : j John Hater Bedford Borough,] Tavern, j Jonathan Horton 44 44 •' ! Isaac Mangel, jr. 44 " '' ■ A. G. Allen Township, j Jacob Snyder Cumberland Valley 44 Val. B. Wertz Harrison '< ! Martin f'ichtner •' " : Fred Hildebrand J-Juiata " ' Joseph Folier •- 44 ■ James Burns Londonderry '• ; Jonathan Fichtner " " i Catherine Tricker Liberty 44 ! John A. Rohm 44 " j Andrew Adams Monroe " ' George Wemmer " •' ; George Stuckey Napier. " D. A. T. Blai-tc Ea't Providence " I George Megraw •• " " ! John A. Gump West " " i G"o;ge Colvin Schelisburg Borough " '■ John M. Robi'on " " " I Peter Amich St. Clair " Bernard Onea! Southampton " j Thos. C. Reighart Union •' i Wm. M. Pearson Middle Woodberry <• I Henry Fluke " " " lames L. Prince South " ' Wm. F. Smith, Raiusburg Borough " i A. J. Pennell, 44 44 John Todd, Bedford Township 44 \ Sarah Filler & Son Bedford Borough 44 J James S. Beckwitb, Broad Top, " j James Barefoot, St. Clair 44 S. H. TATE, March 30, 1860. Clerk. 7 IST OF GRAND JURORS, { j Drawn for April Term, 1 sth Monday, 30th day, 1 SCO. George Elder, William Adams, Esq., Thomas Blackburn, George Borlz, David Buyer, ! Daniel Bear, 1). A. T. Black, Samuel Beckley, Isaac j Clark, George Diehl, Isaac Grove, Daniel Horn, Si j mori Hamaker, David lckes, John L. Lessig, Wil l iiara Morgan, Adam F. Miller, Andrew Middletor, j Samuel Oster, Joseph Reirnr.ger. Jackson Ripley, i Samuel Statler, George F. Steel, G. D. Trout. • IST 07 PETIT JURORS, j j, Drawn for April Term,Jsth j Monday, 30th, day ISCO. Thomas Allison. John ALip, Jacob Aucker, Da vid S. Aire, Frederick H. Beegle, Henry Beegle, 1 Solomon Beegle, George Portz, James Burns, Jr., : Jos.ah Baughmai), Jacob Bossier, Christian Corn, : Ci.aries Colfelt, Michael Carpenter, Philip Clark, j Thomas Donaboe, Isaac Earnest, Henry Felton, Jacob Fisher, Henry Fluke, Daniel Fletcher, Ar ! cbib'id Finley, Jacob D. Fetter, John Gephart, Jr., Wi'iir.m A. Grove, Henry Gates, David Hitchew, i ,!.h:i B. Hardman, ,Richard Le.ngdcn, Samuel W. Mi'le, Philip Morgart, Adam Otto. Amos Robinett, John Statler, Ab-aham Steel, John E. Satterfield, Wilson Weeks, Samuel Wcnk. 1 "g© EGISTER'S NOTICE, j S-O- All person? interes j ted, are hereby notified, that ihe following named accountants, have filed their account) in the Regis j ter's Office of Bediord co., and 'hat the same will ; be presented to the Orphans' Coint, in and for said i county, for confirmation, on Tuesday the Ist day of j May next, at the Court House in BeJio d : 1. The account of Henry J. Bruner, Esq., adm'r. i of the Estate of Campbell Hendrickscn, late of Cutn ! berland Va'.ley tp.. dee'd. 2. Tie account of .Joseph B. Noble, Esq., gt'ar i diari cf Obadiah, Delilah, David, Alfred, Hannah, 1 Mary S. and Harriet Over, Minor children of Jacob j Over, lateof South Woodberry tp., tiec'J. 3. i'he account of S. L. Russell, Esq., adm'r. •*de bonis non" of J'aigaret Davidson, late of p.ej j ford tp,, dee'd. 4. ' ..e account of Samuel L- Russell. Esq.. Exe cutor o! the last will d -., of 3Jaiy Anil Davidson, late of Bedford Township, deceased. 5. The account of John P. Hoover, and William Hoover, Executors of the last will 4tc., of Pnilip H. ! Hoover, iate of Napier tp., dee'd. C. The accoun >: J#in: ilower, Esq.. guardian of , Annie E. Miller, one Kf ihe daughters of Thomas B. Milter, late of Bedford borough dee'd. 7. The account ofPhilip R. Ritchey, adm'r. of the Estate of Elizabeth Mixeil, late of Snake Spring tp., dee'd. 8. The account of Levi Hardinger, Executor of the iast will, 4te., of Catherine Hardinger, late of Cumberland Valley tp , dee'd. 9. The account of Thomas Blackburn and Alexan der McGregor, Esq., executors ofthe last will He., of Benjrmin Bowen late of St. Clair township, de ceased. 10. The account o! Rachel Keagy, administratrix of John Keagy, !a,eol Colerain tp., dee'd. 11. The account cf David Hitchew, adm'r. of the Estate of Jacob Hitch ew, late of Napier township, deceased. 12. The account of Jacob B-uket, adm'r. of the Estateoi Samuel Burket, late of Union township, deceased. 13. The account of Henry G. Ge\ r, adm'r. of the Estate of Conrad Geycr, late ol Juniata town- I ship, dee'd. 14. The account of Wm. Otr and Simon Carole road, Executors ofthe last will 4tc., of John Har eieroad, iate of Colerain tp., dec Vl. 15. The account of Benjamin 11. Walker, admin- . j istratorof the Estate of Eiiel Alien, late of Napier tp.,dee'd. The account of Jno. Mower, one of the admi's. do bonis non of Charles 74cDoweiI, late of the Bor -1 oueh of Bedford, dee'd. The account of Jno. Afower Guardian of Emma V. Garver, late Emma V. Miller, one ol the daughters, of Thomas B- Afilier, lateof the Bor. of Bedford, dec Register's Office, Bed- ( S. H. TATE, ford, April 6th, 1860. ( Register. CARPETS and Carpet Chain, for sale cheap, at Shoemakers', [apri 1 6ih, 1860.] G1 ROCF.RIES, a large assortment ot all kinds o f [ Groceries for sal* cheap at Shoemaker'Stote • WHI Kli rS SALF. BY VIRTUE OF | sundry writs of Fi. Fa., Vend. Exponas and Levari j Facias, to me directed, there will be sold at the : Court House, in the borough of Bedford, on Satur day, the C'tsib day of April, 18(30, at 10 o'clock A. | M., the following described Real F.state, to wit : All Detl's right, title arid interest in and to one . tract of land, containing 430 acres, more or less, ! about seventy-live acres cleared and under fence, with a two story log dwelling house with kitchen attached, tenant house, and double log barn there on ; adjoining lands ot James . Rollins, Robert Hud son arid others, situate in Colerain Township, Bed ford county, and taken in execution as the propel ty ol'Jacob Mock. —ALSO— One tract or parcel of land, containing 22 ncies, more or less, nearly all cleared and under fence, with a frame dwelling house, one rough cast ten ant house, frame stable, school house and a frame of a saw mill, thereon erected ; adjoining lands of George Elder, John Hardman, Henry A'ertz and others, situate in Harrison tp., Bedford county, and taken in execution as the property of J>aniei Ttostle, terre tenant. —ALSO— A!) Deft's right, title and interest in and to one tract of land, containing fifty acres, more or less, about eight acies cleared and under fence, with a 1 log dwelling house thereon erected ; adjoining lands ; f Philip Knisely, David Brollier arid others, situ j ale in Hopewell "tp., Bedford county, ana taken in execution as the pr operty of William Stiiiier. —ALSO— On- tract ot land, containing one hundred and i fifty acres, more or less, about seventy-five acres I cleared and under fence, with a two story log dwel | ling house, tenant house and double log barn there -1 on erected ; also an apple orchard thereon, adjoin ing lands of Anthony Stiffler, David Border and others, situate in X upier tp-, Bedford county , and taken in execution as the property ol Patrtck Dol lard. ALSO— All Deft's interest in and to a certain piece, or parcel of land, situate MI St. Clair tp., Bedford county, on the waters of Bobbs' creek, containing one hundred acres ar.d allowance, acres cleared and under fenct, with a two , siory log dwelling house and two log siaoles there- ■ on erected, nlso ail apple orchard thereon, adjoining j lands of William Keeffe, Jacob Semier and others,! . situate in St. Clair towns .in, Bedford county, and j talen in execution as the property of George j Ximberlv. Sheriff's Office, Bed- f WILLIAM S. FLORE, ford, April Cth, 1860. \ Sheriff. R S ALE, ORE X C H A N G E. Three tracts of very choice farm land, contain ing \CO acres in each tract, situate on the Illinois Centr'a R. R. in Champaign co., State of Illinois, 8 miles from the city of (Trbana, and 1 mile from Ren tna! Station on said road. Two of the tracts adjoin, ar.d one of them bas a never failing pond of water. The city of Urbana contains a population of 3000. Champaign is the greatest wheat growing country in the State. Address, F. C. REAMER, Bediord, Pa. I \LL kind* of produce take n in exchange for at Shoemakor's Stor a No 1. Anderson's! Row. [april Cth, 1860.] npREASUREE S SALE -S- OF UNSEATED LANDS. I Agreeably to the provisions of an act of As- • sembly, directing the mode of selling urireated lands j for tax-*, and lor other purposes, passed the !3tb ] of March 1815, and the supplement, thereto, passed ■ the 13th day of March 1817, and 25th of March ; 1831, and the 9th dayof'March 1817. The Treas- ; urer ot the county of Bedford hereby gives notice ! to all persons concerned therein, that unless tne i County, State, School and Road taxes due on the j followiig tracts of unseated lands—situated in Bed- ! ford County, are paid before the day of Sale the whole, or such part of each tract, as will v. ill pay j the taxes, and the costs chargeable thereon, w ill bV sold at the Court House, in the Borough ot Bedford, j County of Bedford, on the second Monday of June next, for the arrearages of taxes due, and' the costs accrued {hereon, and said sale will be continued from day today unt'l all are disposed of. WM. SCHAFEK. ! Treasuier. j Warrantees or owners. No. Acres. Dolls. Cts. j Broad Top Township. 150 James Entriken 10 28 j 8 do 5)8 75 William Gray 1 93 380 Fiancis Mowing 93 is 484 &■ 136p Samuel Kerr 422 ic 30p Barnet Mowing 27 28 466 John Stone 21 25 465| Isaac Kerr 24 15 i 440 John Razon 6 15 39'J Joan Beit 12 12 63 Jacob .Meyers 3 72 John Devereaux (Dunlap T act) 10 10 403 John Boleman 19 45 30 Lewis T. Watson 1 51 427 Mary Montgomery 4 22 421 John Montgomery 4 73 359 Stevens 4c Co in right of Shreeves 23 39 287 E. Foster 4c W. P. Schell 6 75 25 James 'r'igard G1 00 William Kigard 4 38 25 John King's Heir* 55 393 ic 197p James Patton 4c H. Easfon 53 Colerain Township. 414 Michael Roof 1 24 410 Agnes Roof 1 20 400 Jacob Wbetstona 1 20 340J Jacob Wiland 50 111 Andrew Kihock 64 600 Samuel William* 2 24 45 Will am Smith 1 46 427 Arthur Brown 61 Cumberland Valley Township. 106 117p Wm. M. Hall 16 400 Dr. James Smith 2 94 Harrison Township. 163 Nicholas Knight 24 900 William Lyon 3 10 75 Andrew P." Miller 1 72 Hopewell Township. 200 John Corby 1 20 413 John Kerr 4 76 150 James Howard 88 401 Richard Moan 68 420 John Cheney 72 404 Joseph Moan C 8 409J Samuel Moan 68 424 4c 35p Alexander Moan 58 206| John Meliney 48 136 4: 50 Zachariah Moan 24 192 Timothv Moan 27 2004 c 54p Israel Moan 28 222 Elizabeth Piper 60 212 \ 20p John Boyd 34 214