C/ < / I *P /f] /p $lO 00 Pays for a full course in tile Jron City Col lege, the largest, most extensively patronized and best organized Commercial Schooi in ike United States. lour Laa a ?e Halto For writing, Commercial Calculations, book keeping and lectures. Usual time to complete a full course, from 6 to 10 weeks. Every Student, upon graduating is guaranteed to be competent to manage the Books of any business, and quali/Jtd to eain a alarv of from s ' 8500 to Si 000 Students enter at any time—No \acal:on- Review at pleasure. First F'tsniJimsfor Best Writing Awarded this Institution, ihe best and grea test variety of Penmanship in any one Kail cf the Union, is found here. sons received at half price. For full information, Circular, Specimen of Business and Ornamental Writingand Embel lished View of the College, inclose five letter stamps to F. VV. JENKINS, Pittsburgh, Pa. A Word to the Wi*e. !F YOU WANT TO GET YOUR MONEY BACK, BY GETTING MORE THAN ITS WORTH, GO TO THE CHEAP STORE OF Oster & Cam. THEY HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE STOCK OF NEW AND CHEAP FALL AND Winter Goods, SELECTED WITH GREAT CARE, PUR CHASED NOT ONLY 10 SELL, BUT TO GIVE SATISFACTION TO THE BUYER. THEY INVITE AN EXAMINA TION OF THEIR STOCK • • AND PRICES, WHEN THEY WILL CON VINCE ALL THAT THEY ARE REALLY SELLING CHEAP. TEEMS as heretofore ; prompt settlement re quired by cash or note every January. Bedford, Oct. 14, 1859- M THE firm of Reed & Minmch is dissolved by ma anj 1 consent. The books of the firm are in the hands of Jacob Reed for settlement. All persons indebted or having claims, aie earnestly requested to call and settle immedictely. Settlement must be had, pay or no pay, so don't delay. Thanks are returned for past favors and a continuance of sup port is asked lor the new firm of J. RSED is: co., who will sell their goods ou the lowest living terms for cash or produce. _ _ „ WANTJE Shoemakers' Cheap Store, W heat, K\e. Oats, Cum, Buck wheat, Potatoes, Flour, and ail kinds of Pro duce, for which the highest market price will be paid, in cash, or meicliandise. Nov. 4th, 1859. GREAT WESTERN INS- & TRUST CO. Capital and available assets, over §300,000. Fire, Inland and Marine Cargo risks taken on the most favorable terms. C. C. LATHROP, Pres't. JAMES WEIGHT, Sec' V. JOHN P. REED, Agent. 11l CKKI EfIffWERARD REAPER THF. subscriber would inform the farmers of Bedford that he is agent lor the sale of the above- Machine, and their orders for them can be filled iaimediateiy. JOHN ALSIP, Agent. August 5, lShb.-Crn. I~)ERSONS WISHING TO ESTABLISH Manufactories!n a new and thriving place where business is good. See advertisement of the Hammonton Settlement. FRSONS WISHING TO CHANGE Timid business to a rapidly increasing Country, New Settlement where hundreds are going, where the climate is mild and delightful. See advertise ment of the Hammonton Settlement, another col umn. I UMBER FOR SALE.- White an J Yellow Pine Boards, Plastering and Shin Sling Lath and bills furnished to order bv REED & MINMCH. For pimples and wrinkles and freckles and tan, Nothing has e'er been discovered by man, Like that wonnerfui product of tropical bowers, The popular ••Ualm of a Thousand Flowers." to be had at Dr. Harry's Drug 4c Hook Store March 6, ISI7 . THE JHENGEL HOUSE. Valentine Steckman, Proprietor. taken by the day, week, month . or year, on moderate terms. May 9, 1856. Country Physicians can have their order filled at City prices at Dr. Harry's. Bedford, Dec. 5, 1856. JAYNES WRIuHT'J, Bennett's and Dyott's Pills at Dr. Harry's Drug and Book Store. [july 30, 'sß.] 4 LL WANTING FARMS IN A D!.'- /\_ lightful climate, rich soil, and secure from fiost- See advertisement ot Hammonton Lands in nother column. Bazin's faDcy Toilet Soaps, Shaving Creams hie. just received and for sale at Dr. Harry's Drug Store. SHOE BUSINESS AND FACTORIES cam be carried on profitably at Hamoiunton. j See advertisement of Hainmontcn I.ar.fio. Bazin's & Lubin's Extract for Die Haridker- I chief, Cologne Water, ixc. lor sale at Dr. Har ry's Drug Store. OHIO FIRE F 'iOOF PAINT, cheap, durable and pretty, already g-ouad at Hartley's. (j!B,'SS CfHEAP COATS, PANTS AND VES'hq to ; / suit the times, at Shoemakers' Cheap Stoi e Nov. 4th, 1559. AYER s CHEURZ PECTORAL •*"' Jay lie's Expectorant, at Dr. Harry's. Bedford Foundry. TBE subscribers having purchased the Bedford , Four : r/ of Messrs. Wa&habaugb and Bannon, would most tfully announce to the citizens of Bed ; ion! and adjoining counties that :t!ey are prepared to make and turnish all kinds of CASTINGS for Clr/st ar.d Saw-mills, Threshing Ma chines Ploughs,, Apple-mills, Cooking, TI N PLATE, AND COAL STOVES, SLED AND Sleigh sole, wash kettles, ofditierent sizes, wagon : boxes of all sizes, farmers'bells, (a superior arti ele) oven doors, and every thing usually trade in a country Foundry. Fit ©ll gJISU--- Woodcock, Seyler | and HILL-SiDF. PLOUGHS.— AIso, anew PLUG PLOUGH, to which we call the e-pecia! attention ol oni farmers—a superior article to the old Plug ; Plough, with two kinds of points, shares and iand j sides to suit all ploughs in genera! use inthiscoun , ty. 1 timing and fitting of iron patterns made to ! order, and all kinds of repairing done at the short j est notice and at low prices. All our own work made of the very best material, and warranted -to give satislactJon. Farmers audi others would do well to call and examine our work before purchasing else where, as we are determined to meet the immer geneies of the times, we will sell low for CASH, or country produce. Pig and bar iron, horses and lumber, taken in ex change for work. feb'2s,'s9-ly SHIRF.S & JORDAN. Permanent Clfice. Complying with the urgent request cl hun dreds of their patients, DRS. C. M. FITCH cS; J. VV. SIKES, Have concluded to remain PERMANENTLY IN PITTSBURGH, and ithv be consulted at their otlice, XO. 191 PEXX STREET, Opposite St. Clair Hotel, Daily, except Sundays for Consumption, Asth ma, Broil /tills, and all other Chronic Complaints, complicated with or causing pulmonary diseases, in cluding Catarrh, lltait Disease, Affections of the Liver, Dyspepsia, Gastritis, i t mate Complains, (yc. DRS. FITCH cV SIKES, would state that their treatment of Consumption is based upon the fact that the diseate exists in the Hood and system at large, both before and during its development in the lungs, and they therefore employ Mechanical, Hygienic and ■ Medicinal Inhalations, iHtiich they value highly, but only as Palliatives, (having no Curative effect when used alone,) and Invalids are earnestly cautioned a gaiiist wasting the precious time of curability on any treatment based upon the plausible, but false idea that i the "seat of the disease ran be reached in a direct ; manner by Inhalation,'" for as before stated, the. seat iof the disease is in the blood and its effects only in | tkt lungs. : S7~XU CHARGE FOR CONSULTATION. \ A list of questions will be suit to those wishing to Consult us by letter. (April, SpOO-ly i "TTARM LANDS FOR SALE 25 MILES 1 Lorn Philadelphia by Railroad in the State ol New Jersey. Soil among the best lor Ag j riciiltoru I pnrposes being a good loam soil, with a i olay bottom. The land is a large tract, dividej : into small farms, ard hundreds from all parts of the j country are now settling and building. The crops I produced a?e large aad can be seen glowing. The j climate isdelightiul and secure irorn trusts. Terms : rroui sls to S2O ,per acre, payable within lour years jby instalments. To visit the place—Leave Vine j Street Wharf at Philadelphia at 7$ A. it. by Rail toad icr llarnmontor, 01 address 11. J. Byrnes, by letter, Hnrnmcnton Post Otlice, Atlantic County, i Jersey. See lull advertisement in another j column. '£ iie green book. j O W\V. V-ill />'//. ! JUST PUBLISHED, V f Price 25 cents. SINGLE AND MARRIED LIFE; or. THE INSTI - OF MARRIAGE; I *'its Intent, obligations, and r 'ysicala nj Lega' Disiiualifications ; rational : j lft stmeiit ot all private diseases in both sexes. i\-c. , do which is added a poetical essay, entitled "Cafli ; PToia: : o-r the ?.it ol having and rearing beautiful j and liealthy children, by the late Robejt J. Culver j well, Esq., M. D. I _ bent free of pos'age by the Publishers, Cl.as. ; Kline & ( Co., Box 4356, New York, 1 Wholesale Agents, Ud Nassau Street, New Verk. ! Agents wanted everywhere. Also, Gratis, an extract and sample of the above, I entitled ; "Dr. Cuiverwell's Lecture on the rut on i ad treatment of Spermatorrhoea and private disca-> s | general |y, detailing the means by which invalids may effectually cute themselves without the use of dangerous medicines, ami at but little expense to themselves. Sent free by mail in a secure envel ope, on the receipt of one stamp, to prepay postage by addressing, CHAS. KLINE & CO., Box -1586, New York City. t Dec. 10, 1559. Mil MY Mir. I WILL make a directory map of Bedford County trom actual surveys, if a sufficient number of sub scribers can be raised to justify rue in the enter prise. The map will be large and well finished and will show the location of all the public roads streams, boundary line-, towns, villages, Hotels, Churches, | School Houses, Post Offices, stores, grist rr .lis, saw | mills iVc.. bee., and will contain the names of all the property holders, and show the businesthat almost each one is engaged in. I will put on the same sheet .Taps of all the towns and large villages, also tables and statistics ol the County and (if taken in time) the census of 1860. Pains will be taken to make it as reliable as anv Map in the State. ED WD. L. WALKER. July 1,'.>9. SPECIAL JYOfICE, FOR FALL AND WINTER, 185 9 . Fa KkS'aO € ©* } B AVE just received a large and carefully i .1. selected stock of Fall & Winter &ooris which (hey are determined to sell low for cash or to prompt customers. They enumerate in part: Cloths, Ctissimeies, Satinells, and Men's wear general!}'in grpat varietv. Dress Silks, Printed Merinoes, Saxony Plaids Muslin de laities, at exceedingly lew figures. SHAWLS of the newest and most elegant slvles. HOSIERY and GLOVES in great variety. Domestic Goods, Prints Sheetings, Shirtings Canton Flannels, Blankets, Linseys, lickings Sic., S'C., an extensive assortment. Carpets, lings, Mats, itc. ike. BOOTS JIJ\D SHOES, ILITS JI.VD CJPS Hardware and Cutlery—Queensware and Glassware. Choice Family Groceries, a stock. :J~ i hey wish it distinctly understood that, these goods will be sold exceedingly cheap for cash, or produce. Get. H, 1859. imys cirfcts, and the fcimets who are using Hartley's Corr stalk rotters aud crushers, Hartley's corn shelters, ami t hop-rniils, are -saving, by good management, Iwn ireds of dollars. Oct. 'il, 1859. INION HOTEL, BEDFORD, PA. THE subscriber respectfully informs the pub lic, that hestil' keeps the Hotel, under the above 1 name, in the old and well known Globe building, on j : West Pitt Street, formerly owned and occupied by j Mr. John Young, where he vvili be happy to see all . friends and the travelling public generally. Persons ■ attending Court are respectfully invited to give him i a call. He pledges himself that he will do all in his power to reenter all his guests comfortable. His Table will be supplied with the choicest del icacies the market will afford. The Bed Rooms will contain clean and comfortable bedding. The Bar will be supplied with choice liquors. The Stable will be attended by a careful and at tentive hostler. DCT"Boarders will be taken by the day, week, month and year. JONATHAN HORTON. June 3, 1859. i j. w. sem. ( Late of the firm of Winchester , ; C rit and Rye Chopped, Mi arts, Ship Stuff and Fran, j J\ew Orleans, Porto Rico, MtaatVtdo and refined sugars, Golden and S. 11. Molasses, Imperi iI, Young Hyson and Ft iri Tea, Jar i and [ Rio Coffer of the best quality. All hinds of Spier*. ' Pickles in barrels and jars, Candles, Soap, ."\hrkerel and Herring, Water, Sugar, Soda, Edinburg 4" Ginger Crackers, Peaches, Straw berries, Pine Apple and Green Corn,put up in cans expressly Jor family use. . I choice lot of Liquors, consisting of Wines, Brandies, Rum and Whiskey, selected with care. Tobacco and Segais of various kinds. Willi a variety of other aitides usually found in store. Additions to the above stock will be frequent ' Iy made so as to keep up a general assortment, j and all dealers are invited to call be fire pur j chasing elsewhere. All kinds of grain and country produce bought for cash, or in ex change for goods. Cumberland, April 8, 1559. FOUNDRY AND Machine Simp. i THE subscribers having formed a partnership j tinder the style of "Dork Aschom" for the pur pose of conducting a general FOUNDRY AND MACHINE business in the establishment recently erected by Gilliard Dock, in Hopewell, Bedford county, are now j prepared to execute oiders lor C AST IXC S A.XD j MACHINERY of everv description. TLpy will build to order steam-engines, coal and drift-cars, horse powers arid threshn g machines—also, casting i o! every kind tor furnaces, lorges, saw, gn,i and i rolling mills, ploughs, water-pipe, columns, house fioiit;, brackfs, ~Kc., ike. They are ais*>, now making a fine assortment cf STOVES ot various kinds ot trie latest patterns and most approved styles, including several sires of COOK STOVES of the best make, betting stoves for chuiches, offices, bar-rooms, &c. A full assortment of Stoves will bejkept constant ly on hand, and sold at wholesale and retail, at prices to suit the tunes, and quality, warranted equal to the best Eastern make. Machinery of all kinds repaired promptly. Patterns made to order. GILI.IAKD DOCK, C. VV. ASCHOM. Nov. 11,1859 VALUABLE HOUBE AND LOT F O II S A L K. The subscriber offers fbr sale, lor account of whom it may concern, the Dwelling House , and Store House attached, togethei with about ; two acres of land, situated in Cumberland Valley, Bedford County, on the Public Road, about 12 miles from Cumberland, lately occu pied by Win. Blair. Thi? property would suit a country merchant, physician, or mechanic, and it is believed such person might do well there. T'le neighbor hood is a good one .If not sold by Ihe first of January next, it vvili be sold at Public Sale. The title is indisputable. Apply to Oct. 14, 1859. W. M. HALL. New Millinery Goods! ?*i. !>• (liIBSONf has just re ceived and opened her new lot of FALL fx. WINTER Millinery Goods, which she will sell very cheap for CASH. New bonnets, bon net materials, -velvets, silk lining?, crapes, rib bons, American and French artificial flowers. She is now prepared to make bonnets of all stylesfor fall and winter. Ladies are cordially invited to give her a call. Orders from a distance promptly attended to. Bedford, Oct 7th, 1859. TO MILL OWNERS ! S. D. BROAD has made Schellsburg his perma nent residence, and is prepared to do all kinds of work in the Mill Wright line, 'on the most appro ved and durable plans, and reasonable terms. lie ha 3on hand the most improved Smut and Screening Machines, Mill Brushes, Anchor Bolting Cloths, both new and old, at city prices. Mill Burs can be procured from him and shipped to any point. Also—Agent for AtcCormipk'a Reaper and Mower for Bedford and Blair Counties. S. D. BROAD. Schellsburg, Bedford Co., ( March 4, 1859. J TO BUILDERS. The subscriber is fully preprred to furnish any quantity or quality of Building Lumber and Plastering Laths. Orders directed to Si. Clairsvilie, Bedford County, will be promptly attended to, bv giving a reasonable notice. F. D. BEEGLE. I Jed ford Hotel* And General Stage Office. The subscriber respectfully begs leave to an" tounce to his old friends and the public gener" ally, that he has leased the Bedford Hotel, at present in the occupancy of Coi. Adam Barn hart, and will take possession on the Ist day of April next. It is not his des gn to make .many professions as to what he will do, but he pledges his word that his most energetic efforts will be employed to render comfortable all who give him a call. The House will be handsomely fitted up, and none but careful and attentive servants will be engaged. Persons visiting the Bedford Springs, as well as those attending Court, and the travelling community general ly, are respectfully invited to give him a call and judge for themselves-. ttjp"Boarders taken by the week, month, or year, on favorable terms. Kir" Ample and comfortable stabling is at tached to this Hotel, which will always he at tended by a careful hostler. Also, a safe and convenient carriage house. MACAII the STAGES stop at this Hotel. JOHN HAFER. March 16, 1855. HIS. S. E. POTTS HAS just returned from the cities with a large and lull assortment ul WINTER GOODS, consisting of French Me rino Valencia?, Thib et Cloths, of all shades, all wool Delairie Robes, Silks of all styles, handsome Silk Robes, with dou ble skirts, elegant Winter Cloaks, Velvet Bonnets, and an endless assortment of GAY SILK BONNETS, trimmed and un trimmed, ribbons and plumes, and French Flowers, with a general assortment of ail kinds of goods. Bedford, Nov. 4 th, 1859. STILL CHEAPER! HANDSOME SUGARS, at 8, 9, i O, 11 and l2cts, per pound. Mola ses and Syrup?, j at 10, 12, I(i, IS and 20 els per qt., at OS t LR fx C A UN'S. "WE AIM FOR OSTF.R 5c CARX'S," is the crv if ail who are in want of neat, durable and CHEAP BOOTS, ami SHOES. NEW STYLES OF WINTER BONNETS, ilibbons and Ruches, at OSIER & CARM'S. PATENT SHOULDER SE\NI SHIRTS, for sale, Cheap, at OSTER CARN'S. BEST PICKLING VINEGAR, for sale, bv OSTER St CARN. Nov. lib, 1559. If e Cr © fillS • j rjpHE undersigned have just opened' a large [j supply of FALL AND WINTER GOODS. Our stock will be found very full and com plete, including many kinds of goods that are entirely new. % The assortment we now offer is superior iri EXTENT, VARIETY, * AND CHEAPNESS, and all wh-> favor us with a call, may depend up m being suited in PRJOE QUALITY- YVe j respectfully invito our friends and customers to i learn "our puces"' before purchasing else ! where. t Ail kindscf COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in exchange for goods. A rr. rfit wiii be ex tended to PROMPT PAYING BUYERS, and also to customers who will cheer fully settle their accounts every January by casfi or note. These terras w ill be strictly adhered to. A. B. CRAMER & CO. Nov. 4, 1559. CII EA V N E¥GOODS J. M. SHOEMAKER & CO'S. STORE, BEDFORD, PA. nAVJNG just received the largest and chea pest stock of goods ever brought to Bed ford, we are determined to sell out cheap and fat in proportion. We have LADIES' DRESS GOODS, of all descriptions, GLOVES, HOSI ERY, FLANNELS, MEN AND BOYS' WEAR, CLOTHS and CASSIMERES, HATS and CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, Muslins Shirts and Drawers, Coats, Pants and VESTS, CAR PETS, Single and Double, Cotton chain HARDWARE, QUEEXSWARE, GROCE RIES, SPICES. TOBACCO, and every fning usually kept in a country stoie, which -.ve will sell cheap for cash, or produce, and to punctu al six month customers. Thankful for past fa vors, we hope to receive a liberal share of pub lic patronage. J. M. SHOEMAKER & CO. Oct. 21, 1859. LAST NOTICE. THE Store Books ot Jacob Reed and (hose o Reed fx Minnich, aie getting old, and must now be closed. Ihe subscriber is anxious to save all parties the expense of legal proceedings and, therefore, calls upon all indebted, or ha vine ac counts unsettled, to call at once and up. Suits will certainly be instituted against all neg lecting this notice after the Ist of February next. ' JACOB REED. Dec. 2d. WAITED. 1 BUSHELS of Wheat, 1000 J_ \J\7\J bushels of rye, 1000 bushels of j corn, 1000 bushels of oats aiid 1000 bushels of bucku fleet, wanted by the undersigned, lor which the highest market price u ill be paid. n „ JOHN NELSON. Poor House Mill, Bedford, i Pa., Oct. 14th, 1859—6 m. f r rO ALL WANTING FARMS. SEE AD-1 * vert is-TV nt n* l ammonten Lands. 1 i 1 : i ulUnti pjtcl.i.l'v KT. l trfii!lv 1o all ttnMiou u! I j < art 'a. IU !urt.d, (rum maw .Mir. aat. ' Ji j | CuArge* m-> l.rute, and aH op-emDous Wirrontj-1. i \ tV Trmi INV ARIABLY CASH. JitfL "•*"* • E" - . P.I-. Pa. \\.f JACOU SEED, G. wr. BUPP, J./ scuele REED, REPP & SMELL, BANKERS & DEALERS IN EX CHANGE, BEDFORD, PENN'A. I V'^' 4 -E ES bought and sold, collections made 1 / and momy promptly remitted. Deposits solicited. REFERENCES. HON. JOB MANN, Bedford, Pa. 44 JOHN CESSNA, 44 JOHN MOWER, " .< JT. FORWARD, Somerset, •. BUNN, RAIGUEL & Co., Phil J. WATT & Co., Pittsbur J. W. CCRLEY, & Co.. Comiitcnuiraltl) Jnsaraiue Company. UNION BUILDINGS, THIRD STRKET, HARRiSBURG, PA. CHAKTERED CAPITAL, $300,000. lustire Buildings and other Properly agaiosi loss or damage by Fire. —ALSO— AGAINST PERILS OF THE SEA. INLAND NAVI GATION 8o TRANSPORTATION DIRECTORS : SIMON Cambkok, CEO. M. LAC MAN, Wm. DOCI, JAMES FOX, GEO. Bkkg.NEE, BENS. PASSE, WM. H. KEENER, A. B. WARFORD, W. F. ML BET F. K. BOAS, J. H, EEREYUILL, U'. F-PACERS' ELI SLIFER. ' OFFICERS : SINOS CUWKROY, President ! BE.\JI.HIX PARKE, A ice-President, is- S. CARRIER. Secretary. J. W. ;I.INGENFELTER, Agent, Bedford, Pa. Oifice on Juliana Street. Oct. 21. 1859.-ly. jJcnnsiilraitia Jnsnrance Compann CP PITTSBURGH, OFFICE, NO 63 FOURTH STREET. Capital And Surplus over $150,000.00. DIRECTORS. JACOB PAINTER, C. A. COLTOX, X. VOEGIITLT, P.OUY PATTERSON, A. A. CARRIER, I. G. STROLL. HENRY St ROLL, A. J. JONES, G. W. SMITH, WADS HAMPTON, r.OB'T PATRICK, J. It. HOPKINS 1 his Compaay has paid losses from the date of its incorporation in 1554, up to May, 1659, to a inc.uiit oi $302,835, 07, in addition to regular semi annual Dividends of from sto 15 per cent affording evidence oi its stability and usefulness. LOSSES LIBERALLY ADJCSTEI) & PROMPTLY PAID. A. A. CARRIER, Pres't. I. C. SFROUL, Sec'v. J. \Y. Lingenfeiter, Agent. Office at Bedford Pa. September 2, 1859.-1 vr. Cessna X Miaimoit, _ T AVE formed a Partnership in the Practice i_JLof the Law. [CP"Otiice nearly opposite the Gazette (JlSce, where one or the other may at a!! times be found. Bedford, Oct. 26, 1549. Joint P. Reed. Attorney at Law, Bedford, Pennsylvania Respectjutly tenders his services to the Public Qjp'Office second door North of the Mendel House. Bedford, Feb. 20, 1852. O. 11. liAlTflifiT ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA TV'TLL promptly attend to all business en i f trusted to his care. Oihce o:i Juliana f reel, two doors south of the Inquirer othce. lie will a.so attend to any surveying badness fat n.av be entrusted to him. Nov. 4, '59. -■ -'JJ-'-'' e* w" >/ N.'V/' J-J •J-jJ'JJJJ'JJJj-JJ-JJJJ ATTENTION, MARKSMAN! J O HJV U O R I) E 11, GUNSMITH, Bedford, Pa- Shop at the east end of the town, one door west of the residence oi Major Washabaugh. All guns of my own manufacture warranted. May 21,'aS-Iy. -rsyjj -j- J-JJ-Jjjjjj-J-/- J. DiCKen, ATTORNEY AT LAW, PITTSBURGH, PA., \T7TLL attend promptly to all businrss en- T T trusted to his care. July 1, ISs9.—lyr. Samuel Kettepiiian, COIWTY SURVEYOR, WOULD hereby notifiy the citizens of Bed iord county, that he has moved to the Borough of Bedford, where he may at all times be found by persons wishing to see him, unless absent upon business pertaining to his odiee. April 16, ISSS-—tf. LAW PARTNERSHIP. JOB MANN. G. H. SPANQ THE undersigned have associated themselves ir tha Practice of the I.aw, and will attend promptly f 0 oil business entrusted to their care in Bedford and ad joining counties. u J. W. liIUGR^FELTER, Attorney at Law and Land Surveyor, Will attend with promptness to all businet entrusted to kis care. Will PRACTICE in BEDFORD AND FULTON Counts one door West of the Union Hole DR. ML RIM RESPUCI f I IJLY begs leave to tender his > Professional Services to the Citizens ol Bedford and vicinity. ce Juiianna Street, at the Drug nd Book Stare. Peb. I7 s ißf>4. Dr. 15. F. llarry •RESPECTFULLY tenders his professional sec vices to the citizens ol Bedford and vicinity. Oikce and,resilience on Pitt-Street, in the building formerly occupied by Dr. John Hofius June 24., J853.