- fSjiilvffiiuUfrAi e comj'etenl * > u.-iu *•■ Books of arty 6usin--. ; s, and qu i > cam a salary ofsrom S500TO&1000 Students enter at any time—No Y Won - Review at pleasure. First P phuuibs for Pr-st IVriSr.s Awarded this Institution. Yi. ■ • trt a test variety of Penmanship in any 1 e. ■ 11 m of the Union, is found here. OTF'Mmisters' sons receive;! at ! a | fire. For lull information, Circ> Sveciraen r.f Business and Ornamental VVritir.ga for Winter! "50 TO HARTLEY'S Hardware and Variety Store and get sorne o) his beautiful Oil Cloth Stove Pat- j terns, to save your carpets. Get of his Stove Black- i ing, which is the best in the world to polish your stoves, llis Jet Black Varnish will make your tire , boards and stove pipes like mirrors, in his store you will see hundreds of "fixins" calculated to make home pleasant, work easy, and to keep th> women folks in good humor and the children from ; crying. Oct. 21,15.-/ i. WAJS/'TEI). BUSHELS of Wheat, 1C00; F\_/V/ bushels of" rye, 1060 bushels of corn, 1000 bushels of oafs'and 1000 beshefoci buckwheat, wanted bv the undersigned, for ' which the highest market price w ill be paid. ; JOHN* NELSON. Poor HOUSP Mill, Bedford, j Pa., Oct. 14th, ISs9—(>m. { Bismvfiß. THE firm of Reed & Minnirh is dissolved by mu tual consent. The books of the firm are in Trie hands of Jacob Reed for settlement. All persons indebted or having claims, are earnestly requested i to call and settle immediately. Settlement must be had, pay or no pay, o don't delay. Thanks aie i returned lor past favors and a continuance of sup. port is asked for the new firm of J. RKED & co., who I will sell their goods on the lowest living terms for i cash or produce. [F'YOU W A NT CHEAP BOOTS, SHOES,, HATS, CAPS, &.C., cull 3t Slieerriakers' Cheap Store, and ycu can get 'hem. Nov*. 4th, 1559. 66hi:[if: i)(• vor buy YOUR j j GOODS ? I sec they are very nice." i •'Whv, I buy at Shoemakers', where you can j get all kinds of goods, nice t.n.i cheap." Nov. 4th, 1859. CIHEAP COATS, PANTS AND VESTS, 1 ' suit the limes, at Shoemakers' Cheap Store, i Nov. 4th, 1859. | AAA BUSHELS OF RYE wani-dat ! JL\ f\/\J J. M Shoemaker&. Cos Store, tor which tha highest market price will be i paid in cash, or merchandise. Sept. lotn, H > J T UMBER FOR SALE.—Wt • ■ Z! I J Yellow Pine Boards, Plastering and Shin gling Lath and bills furnished to order by REED & MTWTCH. j< A'OTIt'E. All who are indebted to me, by book account, are requested to call and settle their accounts either by cash or note. All vvho are interested will please to aiieiid to this notice soon. S. E. POTTS. . < Sept. 16, 1559. ALL WANTING FARMS IN A DE-! Jigbtlul climate, rich soil, ai.d retire (roni | , atioots See advertisements lUniinuiitoii Lamhiis not her column. UVTONE JU(.S, PITCHERsj BUTTER-j O CROCKS, FiiUl I'-JAiiS, i.u s a .e ;.t si.ut makers' store. Sect. 9th, 1859. TO BE H.il) AT OR. HARRY'S. Essence of Jamaica Ginger, which should | have a place in every family, for sale ai .h Hariy'a. SHOEMAKERS' STORE isthepUc<> io but nice and cheap goods, of ail kinds, for Fall and Winter. Nov. 4th, 1x59. IYO ALL WANTING FA RMS. SEE AD vertisement of Hamnr.onton Lands. Bedford Foundry. THE subscribers having purchased the Bedford Foundry of Messrs. Was'mbaugh and Bannon, would most respectfully announce to the citizens of Bed ford and adjoining counties that tr.ey are prepared to mafe find furnish all kinds oi CASTINGS lor Grist and Saw-mills, Threshing r.la chises Ploughs. . Ipple-miUs, Cooking, TLX PLATE. AND COAL STOVES, SLED AND Sb'iuh sries, - oi all sizes, tanners' bells, (a superior arii otci '.on doors ar.il every thing usually made in a country Foundry. Woodcock, Seylcr and HILL-SIDE PLOUGHS.—AIso, a new PLUG I LOl/'H, to which we call the especial attention of our farmer—a superior article to the old Plug Pi "leb, wuh two kinds of points, shares and land 11> | :oi!hs iii-general use in this coun 'i'urnt' ; ai.ii fitting oi iron patterns made to order, and a'l ki r .tL of rvpaiiiug done at the sbort . ■ tice and at law prices. All our own work oi Lie very best irwterial, and warranted to ' .1 ■ SL'islaction. /' pfiitrs nttd ot!t< rs wnnld lo well to . .11 :n fi examine our work before purchasing else '■ re, ;:s we are determined to meet the imroer •ciieies of the times, we will ! fil low for CASH, or country produce. Pig and bur iron, horsesand lumber, taken in ex change tor work. feb!>.V.'9-ly SHIRES h JORDAN. Fcrmaßieiit ORicc. ' Comph i:>G with Ihe urgent request of iiun dreiD <•! their patients, DRS. G. I. FITCH 5c J. VV. SIKES, Have concluded to remain j PERMANENTLY IN PITTSBURGH, and mav be consulted at tbeir office, i JYT). 191 PE.MY STREET, Opposite SL Clair Hotel, j Daily, except Sundays (or Consumption, Adk~ ; via, Bronihitts, and (ill otlic Cttrouic (. omplai-rits, i com-filtcit.d icith or ranting pulmonary diseast r, ■ rinding Cnlarfh, llrart Disrate, AJJertion i of the J' 'v;i(ruslrttit, Frmiit* (domplri"\c. j DRS. FITCH d- FIXES, would Hate that their j ',( good learn .soil, with a f olay brttonr. The lai d is a laige tract, divided J :nto small farm', and hundreds from all parts of the I country arc now settling and building. The crops i prodnced a'e large and can be seen glowing. The i climate isdelightlnl and secure from frosts. 'Perms | frsm §l-> to S2O per acre, payable within four years bv instalments. To visit the place—Leave Vine Street Wharf at Philadelphia at A. JVI. by Rail road tor Hamwot 'on, oi address K. J. Byrnes, by 'ptter, Hnmmor.ron Post Office, Atlantic County, i New Jersey. See full advertisement in another i column. LMB'fOfM E ! WILL make c. directory map of Bedford County jj from actual surveys, ii a sufficient number of sub scribers can be raised to justify me in the enter prise. The map will be large and well finished and will show* the location of all the public roads streams, boundary lines, towns, villages, Hotels, Churches, School Houses. Post Offices, stores, enst mills, saw , mills fj-c., Ike., and will contain the names of all the j i property holders, and show the busines that almost) ; "ach one is engaged in. I will put on the same 1 :-hct naps of all the towns and large villages, also lahles and statistics o.'the County and (if taken in | time) the census of lb 0. Pains will he taken to i make it as reliable as any Map in the Slate. EDVV'D. L. WALKER. July 1,'59. Sfurjlwapr. Farm Insplementi AND ?IRON'I.STOIIE. CITOCK SELECTED WITH THE GREAT >3 EST* CARE AND sufficiently large lo ttieet the wants of the people of Bedford co. Every , ' exertion made to please, both in goods and pn- ! ces. fOR CASH, all goods in my line sold as low as : they can begot in Cumberland or Hollidaysburg, I ; and many things cheaper. CASH buyers lavored ! i particularly. Six month bnyeis not quite so well j | liked, but if prompt in payment, will find their bills < O. K., To their entire satisfaction. As my prices ! are fixed for the two classes of customers named above, I have no prices to suit that class, whether rich or poor, who contract itebts for their executes to pay, or the limitation to liquidate. So that those whose credit is not very good and who are slow* in paving debts, or get mad when dunned, will please buy for CASH, or produce, or not at ail—as I have lost enough and arn tired dunning such customers. Bedford, \VM. HARTLEY. %YAJ i o'clock, aiid theDepotat Latrohe every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday morning, after the arrival j cf the mail train from Pittsburg. JOSEPH A. G A R.MAN. July 1,T,9. GROCERY AND CONFECTIONARY.! ■ rpHE undersigned has just received anil keeps ! § constantly on band the following arti- I cles:— ! Coflee, sugar, molasses, cheese, crackers, currants, i, I prunes, raisins, figs, almonds, filberts, cocoa nuts, j ground nuts, pecans, Eng. u alriuts, cream nuts, can- ; j dies in variety, oranges, lemons, tobacco and cigars, j j allspice and pppper, spices of all binds, baking so- ; { da, cream of tartar, sulphur, brimstone, canister j and keg powder, shot, caps and lead, grain and grass ■ scythes, whetting tools, wash tubs and boards, in digo, extract logwood, copperas, alum and madder, oil, polish and Mason's blacking, sweeping, dusting stove, shoe and scrubbing, brushes, clothes, hair, I tooth and flesh brushes, hat and infant brushes, hair oils and perfumery, purses and port monaies, pock ! et and memorandum books, bonnet and round gum ; combs, "ridding" and fine combs, bracelets and ! beads, pens, pen-holders, penknives, scissors, knife ; sharpeners, umbrellas, suspenders, spool cotton and : floss, clocks, small looking glasses, violins, violin j strings, toy watches, watch chains, curry combs, : 1 cards, horse brushes, shoe-thread, pegs and spara ' hies. Johnson's Arabian Liniment, flock arid Little's i White Oil, Merchant's celebrated Gargling Oil, for . ; man or beast, and many other articles of a similar 1 nature. The patronage of the public is respectfully i i solicited. A. L. DF.FIBAtTGH. June 17,'59.-1 v. mm m MSBY AND Maclt in e &ho p / ! THE subscribers are now prepared at the: ! j Foundry in Bloody Run, to fill all orders lor Castings j j of everv description for ! GRIST AMD SAW-MILLS, TIIRESHLYG MACHINES, APPLE MILLS, PLOUGHS and all things else in our line that may be needed in this j or adjoining counties. We manufacture Threshing Machinesof2, dor Horse Power, WARRANTED equal if not superior ! to any made in the State. We keep constantly on j hand a full assortment of Wood Cock, Plug and j Hillside Ploughs, WARRANTED *o give satisfac tion. or no sale. Points, shares and land sides to fit all Woodcock, or S p y!er ploughs in the county. Farmers' Bells, Ploughs and Castings of our make j may be had at the store of Win. Hartley, in Bedford, bonnet baugh N Pee, East Providence To., John Nycum & Son. " <* Time- being hard, we offer grep.t inducements to j Farmers and Mechanics to buy of us. All kinds of repairing done in a neat and substan tial manner and all work warranted. Call and ex amine our castings and woik and judge for your selves. Our agents sell at foundry prices. JOSIAH BA UGH MAN & BRO. M arch QC, IVJS. I>. #? ORDER, CSOCK. & WATCH JIAKEI* AND DEALER IN JEWELRY, Would respectfully announce to the cilizens of Bedford, and the public in general, that he has opened a Jewelry Store in the building re cently occupied by H. Nicodemus, Esq. nearly opposite the Bedford Hotel, where he will be pleased to SPP all in want of articles in his line. He has on hand, and will consiautly keep, an elegant assortment of JEWELRY, and will re pair Clocks and Watches in the bert style. He hopes to receive a liberal share of patronage, as he feels satisfied he can render satisfaction to all who entrust him with their work. His terms w ill be moderate. He has on hami Gold and Silver WATCHES, Silver Spoons, Thimbles, Butter Knives, Gold and Silver Pens and Pencils, &c. &c. April 27, 1855. TO BUILDERS. The subscriber is fully preprred to furnish any quantity or quality of Building Lumbpr I and Plastering Laths. Orders directed to St. j (Jlairsville, Bedford County, will be promptly attended to, by giving a reasonable notice. I F. D REEGI E. E>rcEsr* ami Stook*. DR. F. C. REAMER & S. J. WAY, rfi" —' HAVE formed a partnership r~i—. in the DRUG and ROOK/fjHSKI BUSINESS, will con-ZX&J? stantiy keep on hand at their establish naer.t in Julianna Street, a complete assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Dye Stuffs, Paints, Oils, Window Glass, Varnishes, Brushes of all kinds, Patent Medicines, Lamps, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, &.c. &c. together with an extensive col lection of School and Miscellaneous Books, Blank Books, Common and Fancy Stationery, &c. which they offer at greatly reduced pri or ca*h. Bedford," Jan. 21, 1859- CHEAP CASH and PRODUCE STORE. Opposite, the ki Washington Hotel " Bedford, Penn'a. "QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS." Dry Goods of every Description. GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS AND QUALITY, Ql EE.YSWARE, BOOTS AMD SHOES, AND IN SHORT— EVERY THING ELSE WHICH IS USU ALLY KEPT BY MERCHANTS, A.YD WHICH lIE WILL SELL "Cheaper than the Cheapest." 'i.IVEIZ C. CLARK. SAJfL M. IT A LLEIi 0. C. CURK & CO., j Flour, Feed, Grocery cud Produce Store. Central Street, next door above Lutheran Church, Cumberland, Md. A well selected stock is now open and ofh'iecl | to families and country dealers, consist ins; of Family Extra, and Stupe finr, Flour, Corn JSTeal, , Can u/t l Jit/e Chopped, Short*, Ship Stuff and Bran, ,\evc Orleans, Porto Rico, .Muscovado and refined sugars. Golden and S. //. .ilo/asses, j Imperial, Yrutn? lly*o / ami Black Tea, Java and ° C nffc.f of the I t -fat if?/. AH k* id* of >pirrs. Pickles in b urn's end jars, Candles, Suaji, • .Mackerel and Herring, Pater, Sugar, Soda, Edinburg o: Ginger Crackers, Penchts, Straw \ heme-, Pine .it pie. arid Green Corn,put up in > cans ecpress! l/ for famih/ use. .7 choice lot of Liqu >r>, consisting of VVin-s, Brandies, Hum 1 j ami W'hiskev, selected with care. Tobacco i and Sugars of various kinds. With a variety of other articles usually found in store. Additions to the above stock will be frequent ly made so as to keep up a general assortment, j and a; I dealers are invited to call before pur-' chasing elsewhere. Ali kinds of grain and country produce bought for cash, or in ex change for goods. Cumberland, April 8, 1559. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. The undersigned will offer at Pnblrc Sale, npou the premises, on Friday the 2d day of December, A- ! D., 1859, the following described ileal Estate to • vvit : led ACRES, MORE OR LESS, of choice Limetone j Land, situate in Colerain Township, Bedford Co. J Pa., and well known as the "Frederi Smis th j Farm." About 230 acres are cleared and under! good fence, a rid ina fine state of cultivation—part ' thereof good meadow. There are also 2 Orchards ! ol choice fruit npon the premises. A fine stream of j excellent water flows Through the property. The improvements consist, ir. part, of a good' two anu a half story Dwelling House, and a new ' Barn, 100 feet in length, by .10 feet in width—con- ! strurted in the latest style—with sundry other out J buildings. This Farm is situate in that fertile j valley, known as " Friend's Cove," within 6 miles j of Bedford, and about the same distance from the "Bedford Rail Road." It is a!-o in a pleasant i neighborhood, convenient to good schools anil with- 1 in 2i mile- of the "Allegheny Male and Female Seminary," at Rainsburg. There is a line Church also within sight, and it j is surrounded by an intelligent and moral com-! annuity. * This property is in every way a most desirable j one, and persons desiring to purchase would do well i to examine it before the time of sale. The property will be sold subject to the Dower of j the widow of Frederick Smith, dee'd.-—the interest! theieon to be paid annually to her. There are also | sundry legacies, payable 111 installments, to the j heirs of said deceased—the first thereof is not due until the Ist of April, 18*31 ; the others run through a period of upwards of eleven years. Terms of -ale as to balance of purchase money, will be made known on day of Sale. Title indisputable. HENRY SMITH. Sept. 30, 185 ft, N. B. Persons wishing to examine this property, or ascertain the particulars more fully, can call upon or addre-s ;by letter, Henry Smith, Rainsburg, Bedford County, Pa., Deo. \V. Householder, Ray's Hill, Bedford County, Pa., Mann & Spang, Bedford, Pa. I^eiv Millinery Goods! * P) 152 S- !>• in! has just re jjf 3L ceived and opened bet new lot of FALL & W INTER Millinery Goods, which she will sell very cheap for CASH. New bonnets, bon net materials, velvets, silk linings, crapes, rib bans, American ami French artificial (lowers. She is now prepared to make bonnets of all styles for fall and winter. Ladies are cordially invited to give her a call. Orders from a distance promptly attended to. Bedford, Oct 7th, 1859. TO MILL OWiVERS! B. D. BROAD has made Schellsburg his perma nent residence, and is prepared to do ail kinds of work in the Mill Wright line, on the most appro ved and durable plans, and reasonable terms. lie has on hand the mo-t improved Smut and Screening Machines, Mill Brushes, Anchor Bolting Clcths, both new and old, at city prices. Mill Burs can be procured from hirn and shipped to any point. Also—Agent for McCormick'3 Reaper.and Mower for Bedford and Blair Counties. S. D. BROAD. Schellsburg, Bedford Co., I March 4, 18.19. \ Country Physicians can have their orders filled at City prices at Dr. Harry's. Bedford, Dec. 5, 1856. JAYNES WRk.HT'S, Bennett's and Dvott's Pil's- ai Dr. Harry's Drug and Book Store. { in 1 v HO, "'58.1 Hertford Hotel. And General Stage Office. The subscriber respectfully hogs leave to an r-ounce to his old friends and the public gener ally, that he has leased the Bedford Hotel, at present in !he occupancy of Col. Adam Barn hart, and will take possession on the ls'_ day of Apiil next. It is not his des en to make many professions as to what he will do, but lie pledgee his word that his most energetic efforts will he employed to render comfortable all who give him a call. The House will be handsomely fitted up, and none but careful and attentive servants will be engaged. Persons visiting the Bedford Springs, as well as those attending Court, and the travelling community general ly, are respectfully invited to give him a call and judge for themselves. DSP"Boarders taken by the week, month, or year, on favorable terms. Ample and comfortable stabling is at tached to this Hotel, which will always he at tended by a careful hostler. Also, a safe and convenient carriage house. EPV7 JI the STAGES stop at this Hotel. JOHN HAFEJi. March IG, 1555. FARHELJ HERRING & CO. : S PATEN T CHAMPION SAFE, LATE FIRE IN DUBUQUE, IOWA. DUBUQUE, Jan. 7, 1859. GENTS: — lam requested by Mr. T. A. C. . Cochrane, of this place, to s he design of rbe Principals, to make this j Academy, in all resp-ets, a rirst class Institution, , for the thorough ii.-miction of youth of both SOXPS, and to prepare them tor any profession or position i in life. j The high moral and scientific tone of the school iis weil known to thi- community. The spacious brick building adjoining the mi ! o j !.ce o: 1 Ir. \i m. Watson, has been secured tor | the piitpo-es oi the Academy. J A lew boys, (the number is limited to fen.) will | be received into the lamity ol the Principals, as 1 boarders. i iie beauty of the rcenery and the salubrity of i the climate render Bedford a most desirable loca tion for such a school, j Persons from abroad, visiting at the Springs, can ; be near their children during the summer. It is desirable that pupils should enter at the coir.- ! men cement of the session. _ I $209 per year, including boarding, 7E' MS. J washing, iuel, light, and Tuition in all f the branches. Terms for dav scholars : Per Quarter. 5 S '' — J ".nli-h Branches. I $7.50, Classical do Acc. ■T-nne 10,'59. lynmsiiirania Jnsnranrc 'vfcniyaiin OP PITTSBURGH, | OFFICE, NO A3 FOURTH STREET. j Capital And Surplus over -s 150,000.00. DIRECTORS. | "ACON PAINTER, C. A. COLTOX, N. VOEGIJTLY, I RODY PATTERSON, A. A. CARRIER, I. G. SPROCL. : HENRY SPROI.'L, A. J. JONES, G. W. SMITH, W ADE HAMPTON, nor,"T PATRICK, J. H. HOPKINS ! This Compaay has paid losses from the date of its incorporation in 1851, up to May, IS,*>9, to n rnodnt ot $302,839, 07, in addition to regular semi ai linal Dividends of from ."j to 15 per cent affording evidence of its stability and usefulness. LOSSES LIBER \LLY ABJESTED & I'KOMFTLf PAID. !A. A." CARRIER, Pres't. I. G. SPROCL, Sec'v. J. W . Lingenfelter, Agent. Office at Bedford Pa. September 12, 1859.-lyr. WCIEIE !lOVEKAID UEVPER IME subscriber would inform the farmers of Bedford that he is agent lor the sale of tiie above : Machine, and their orders for them can be tilled I immediately. JOHN ALSIP, A<*ent. j August 5, 18.79.-Gm. \ SACKS Ol G. A. SALT, just tecei .-w V/ ved and lor sale at Shoemakers' Cheap • N,ore [Sept. 16, '59.] TJERSONS WISjiING TO ESTABLISH | Sl Manulactorirsin a new and thriving place where business is good-. See advertisement of the Hammonton Settlement. PERSON'S WISHING TO CHANGE THEIR business to a rapidly increasing Country, New Settlement where hundred* re going, where the climate is mild and delightlul. See advert ise i nient of the Hammonton Settlement, another col- I irrrn. j ILT"Adams X: Co. have established their Ex j press on the H. & £. T. R. R. and appointed i C. W. ASHCOM, Esq., agent at Hopewell. BURNING FLUID and Always to be had at Dr. Harry's Drug and Book Store. jjulv 30, 'sß.j* For pimples and wrinkles and freckles and tan, Nothing has e'er been discovered by man, Like that wonnerlul product of tropical bowers, The popular "Re.lm of n Thousand Flowers." to be had at Dr. Harry's Drug ft Book Store 1 March G, 1557 J UST RECEIVED at Shoemaker & f'oV. cheap Store, a full supply of Coffee, Sugar Syrup, Molasses, Chi.c 'ale, Essence of Coffee, Mac' : -r, f| dtgn, XO t which v, .!' h" c, : pj c 1 Sept.'9tb, 1859, ' t I j Win Attend pMj.Vi*l'y and irf w !!v *> >! ©rvv... , ' I {! v ;ui^ • l,j Ciwsti literate, tnl tH optmi i *. tv„,i I L UT T.na INVAR; ABLY