HARRIET On the Ist tost., by the Rev. A. J. Bender, Or. J. Feiijart to Miss Maggie Pearson, both of Bedford County. In Rainsbur?, on Tuesday, 25th ull., by Rev, S. S. Dorsey, Mr. John Mower, to Miss Sarah Filler, both of the above place. On the 30th ult., by the Rev. Surn'l Ting ling, Mr. William W. Phillips, to Miss Ann Margaret Walter, both of Bedford Township. / ftotice.-Tlie books, Ac., ot (the late tirm ot Meyers and Benford, have / been placed in the hands ot J. W. Lingentel- I ter, Esq.. for collection. All persons indebted to "id firm, are again respectfully requested to I make settlement, either by cash, or note. Ihe ■ accounts of the firm must be settled hcfort ihtM | first of January next. [Oct. 28th-tjl.] SPECIAL NOTICES. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS. THEY ARE ENTIRELY VEGETABLE, And free from Alcoholic Stimulant, and ail injurious ingredients ; Are pleasant in taste and smell, mild in their ope ration, will expel all morbid secretions lrom the ; body, give bloom to the pallid cheek, and health and ( vigor to the frame. They Will cure DYSPEPSIA. Tiicy will curs NERVOUS DEBILITY. They will cure LIY hll COM!LAIN I • They will cure. J AL'NDIC I . 'They trill cure DISEASE Oh IHE KIDNEYS. They will cure CONST!PA i ION. 'They will ewe PILLS. They will cure HEART BLKX. They will cure. SWIMMING OF THE HEAD. They will cure FLUTTERING OF THE HEART. They are prepared by Dr. C. M. JACKSON, 418 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa., and sold by druggists and storekeepers in every town and village lit the United States, Canadas, West Indies, and South America, at 75 cents per bottle, may 27,'59-ly. THE GREAT RESTORATIVE. FEVER AND AGUE CURED BY DR. M'LANE'S LIVER PILLS. tX7~Mr. Jonathan Roughman, of Vest Union, Park County, Illinois, writes to the proprietors, Fleming Bros.,of Pittsburgh, that he had suffered greatly from a severe and protracted attack of Fe evr and Ague,and was completely restored to health by the use of the Liver Pills alone. These Pills unquestionably possess great tonic properties, and can be taken with decided a,)van' 'ge lor many dis cuses requiring invigorating remedies ; but the Liv ver Pills stand pre-eminent a means ol restoring u disorganized I.iver To healthy action ■ hei co the great celebrity they have attained. The numerous formidable diseases arising from a diseased I.iver, winch so long bafiied the skill of the most eminent physicians of the United States, are now rendered easy of cure, thanks to the study and perseverance of jthe distinguished physician whose name this great medicine bears—a name which will descend to posterity as one deserving o; gratitude. This invaluable medicine should always be kept within reach ; and on the appearance of the earliest symp toms of diseased Liver, it can be safely and useful ly administered. [£7™Piirchasers will be cateftil to ask tor DR. M'LANE'S CELEBRATED LIVER PILLS, manu factured by FLEMING BROS., of Prrrsin Rem, P.i. There are other I'lils puiporting to be Liver Pills, now before the public. Dr. M'Lane's genuine Liv er Pills, also bis celebrated Vermifuge, can now be had at ail respectable drug stores. None genuine without the signature ot Oct. 21,1859.-1 m. FLEMING BROS. MEDICAL I\IPOSSICJLI PIES. For a long time a certain class of diseases have bafiied the skill and practice of the most eminent members of the regular medical (acuity. Foremost •itr.ong these we might instance epilepsy or tailing tits. Happily now by the skill and inventive genius of an eminent chemist of Baltimore, Md., this dis ease has been brought within the means of a cure. YVe allude to the preparation called the VK .t TABM: EXTRACT EPILEPTIC Pius, invented and prepared by DR. SETH S. HAXCE,of 198 Baltimore street, Balti more, Md. Since their discovery manv persons who had given up all hope of even being cured, have been restored to the full enjoyment of health.— Prominent among th-se we might enumerate MR. HARRISON LroitTFOor, of Huntsvilie, Alabama. Mr. ].., has suffered as much trotn Epilepsy, as any oth er person in the world, never knowing what it was to pass a week without having en attack. and ot>ri falling in the streets of Huntsvilie. I!e i- now ful ly restored and has not had an attack lor more than a year. Dr. Hance's Pills have been the sure cause of this cure. These pills a|s,> cute ail modifications of Fits, Spasms, Cramps ,Vc., and are very service able for persons of weak nerves. Dr. Hance, sends therr. to any part of the country on the receipt of a remittance. Price, one box, S : 'wo, $.7 ; twelve, $24. Address Seth S. fiance, 1U; Baltimore street, Baltimore, Md. Oct. 21, 1859.-1 m. BEDFORD COL WTY, SS. At sri Orphans' Court held at Bedford in and for th" County of Bed ford, on; the 2'.th day of August, A. D. 1859, before the Judges of said Court, On motion of John Cessna, Esq., the Court grant a rule upon the heirs and legal representatives of 'solomon Harcleroad, late of Coieram Township, dee'd, to wit : Adam Harcleroad, resiling in MiffLo Co., Pa., Solomon Harcleroad, residing in Wisconsin, VV'm. Harcietoad, residing in Blair Co., Pa.. Elizabeth, wife of Henry Imler, residing in Bedford Co., Pa., Benj. Harcieroad, a minor, and David Harcleroad, a minor, residing in Bedford C0.,Pa.,a1l of whom are /lie children of John Harcleroad a brother who is ■fiead, Margaret a sister, and wife of YVm. Ott, resi ding ,H Bedford Co., Pa.,and another sister was in 'ermarried with Joseph Whifmore, now dead, leav-1 irig issue Hezetomah, Mary .face, Susan Whitmore, \nn Eliza, David and Elizabeth, residing in lllinoi- Elizabetb wife of Charles Hetzeli. Christena, inter- j married with Jacob Hoenstme, Julian intermarried i with Jacob Mock, and Simon Harcleroad, the last four of whom reside in Bedford Co., Pa., to I and appear at an Orphans' Court, to be held a! Bedford, m end for said County, on the "~'!st day of N'ovem- i her, next, to take, or refuse lo take the Real Estate ' ot the said Solomon Harcleroad, at Ike valuation. In testimony whereof i have hereunto j| set my hand and seal of said Court, r—aii> its J at Bedford, the 7th tiay of Sept. A. L>., IV. 9. SAM'L H. TATE, Clerk. ATTEST: S. LIU, Sheriff". Oct. 21, 1850. Once for nil. Notice is hereby given, in earnest, that every body without respect to per.-.ons, who does not pay Gen'l Bowman's notes by the Ist Dec. next, will be ■ ied, or executed. Out of feelings of delicacy, we ' endeavored to respect the feelings of others, by Jorbearing to sue. Some whose notes we have, He loudest about cash terms in business. Let them practice as well as preach. After repeated notices of this kind, and frequent duns, together with a ser vice of twenty five years among our people, it is Hme the claims were collected. No one, therefore, 'fin neglects to pay at the above date, Trust. Will take offence at beir.g reminded of tbeir du'' if tfcfy do, v e [.op-* they will get in a good t c The r,oti re lit our hands and must be paid. 05t.23;0, !*.? NNON PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE BY Virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bedford county, the undersigned, as Execu tors of Echort Horn, late of Juniata Township, deceased, will On .Monday. the 26//t day of Dec., next, expose to Public Sale, on the premises, One tract of Land, situate in said Township of Juniata, containing about 137 acres of which are cleared, including four acres of meadow, and in a good state of cultivation. The improvements ar° a two story log dwel ling house, double log barn, a spring house, and other improvements and also two apple orch ards of good fruit, adjoining lands of James Burns, Valentine Wertz, Gideon Hitchew, and others. 1 IT? 7 " Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. J EIGMS : One third of purchase money on the first of April next, when possession will be given, oitc third "(after payment of debts) to remain in the laud for the use of the widow, and the remaining third to be paid in two e qual annual payments without interest, the whole to be secured by judgment bonds. DA MEL B. HORN, JOHN A. BURNS, Nov. 4-th, 1859. Executors. MRS. S. I POTTS HAS just returned from she cities with a large and lull assortment ot WINTER GOODS, consisting of French j\ie l ino Valencias, Thib et Cloths, of all shades, ail wool Deiaine Robes, Silks of all styles, handsome Silk Robes, with dou ble skirls, elegant Wmter Cloaks, Velvet Bonnets, and an endless assortment of GAY SfLK. BONNETS,•' trimmed and un trimmeij, tibbons and plumes, and French Flowers, with a general assortment of ail kinds of goods. Bedford, Nov. 4th, 1559. 17XEC!"TOR'S NOTICE.—L-lter< 'lVsti j t inentary to the estate- of Miss. Elizabeth Mo'Dowrll, deceased, ha\.ng been granted to the undersigned, all persons, having cbißM a gains* trie .-aid i are requested to present them, ami ail peisnns owing the said estate to moke ji.ivii! d to Jul ii M ) wer E-ij.. Bedford, or to JOHN F. I.OY, No. "J5, Fifth Street, Pittsburg. Nov. 4lb, 1559. STILL CHE APE K! HANDSOME SUGAR>, at S, 9, 10, 11 and I2ct, per pound. Mola-ses and Syrups, at 10, 12, lb, 18 and 20 cts ter qt., at OSTERVc C'ARN'S. "WE AIM FOR OSTER & C A UN'S," is the cry if all who are in want of neat, durable and CHEAP BOOTS, and SHOES. NEW STYLES OF WINTER BONNETS, Ribbons and Ruches, at OSI ER & CAR.VS. PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRTS, for sale. Cheap, at OSTER & CARN'S. BEST PICK LI N O \ INEGAR, fir rale, bv OSTER X CARN*. Nov. 4th, 1559. fjjpliE undersigned have just opened a large g supply of FALL AND WiNTER GOODS. Our si'ick wili tie loun ! verv full and com plete, including many kinds of goods that ere entirely new. The assortment we now oii'er is superior in EXTENT. VARIETY. AND CHEAPNESS, and all who favor us with a call, may depend upon being suited iri Ps|Q£ and QUALITY- ' VVe respectfully invite our friends and customers t learn "our puces'' before purchasing .lse where. Ail kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in exchange for goods. A credit wili be ex tended to PROMPT PAYING BUYERS, and also to < ustomers who will cheerfully settle their accounts every January by cash or note. These terms will be strictly adhered to, A. B. CRAMER & CO. Nov. 4, 1859. I F YOU WA Nr CHEAP BOOTS, SH(IES, I HATS, CAPS, &c., call at Shoemakers' Cheap Store, and you can get them. Nov. 4th, 1859. & * \\ r HERE DO YOU BUY A OUR y | GOODS ? I see they are very nice." "Why, 1 buy at Shoemakers', where you can get ali kinds of goods, nice and cheap." Nov. 4th, 1859. / IHEAP COATS, PANTS AND VESTS, to J suit the times, at Shoemakers' Cheap Store. Nov. 4th, 1859. Vit AlVi'X>At Shoemakers' Cheap Store, Wheat, Rye, Oats, Corn, Buck wheat, Potatoes, Flour, and ali kinds of Pro duce, far which the highest market price tyill be paid, in cash, or merchandise. Nov. 4th, 1559. A EDITOR'S NOTICE.—The undersigned j\- appointed b the Orphans' Couit of Bed ford county, to state an account for Georce Cow an, guardian of Andrew Pole, will attend to the duties of his appointment, on Tuesday, the first day of November next, at 2 o'clock P. ftf., when all persons interested may attend it they see proper. J NO. H. FILLER, Oct. 21, 1859. Auditor. Economy pays debts, and the farmers who are usica Hartley'* (Mr- italic otttu croi&iu, Btfilf j't corn site!tars, ebop-mill#, tjfa sfctffhg,by Hsanageniant, hiui of cioiUri. O-t. 21, 15."2. T'> id. M Hi f;fT7 mToTsf Tid Javne's Exr.cfortrE at Dr Ilarry'sJDrug SHERIFFS SALE. By Virtue of Sundry Writs of Fi. Fa. and fend. Exponas, to me directed, there will be sold at the Court House, in the Borough of Bedford, on Satur day, the I9thday of November, 1859, at 10 o'clock, A. M., Ihe following described Beat Estate, to Wit : One lot of ground, in the town of Water Street, fronting 99 feet on the Turnpike road, and exten ding back about 300 feet, with a dwelling house, cooper shop and frame (stable thereon erected, ad joining lot ol John Eberly on the North, Wm. S. Fluke on the South and Daniel Bare on the West, situate in South Woodberry Township, Bedford co., and taken in execution as the property of William C. Gettys. —ALSO— All Deft John Fiddler's right, title and interest in and to a lot of ground, fronting about '3O fee t on •Fohn Street, and extending back about k 2OO feet to an alley, with a small one and a half story frame house, with small kitchen attached, thereon erec ted, adjoining lot of Martin Boor on the east, and lot of Joseph Crawly on the west, situate in Bed ford Borough, Bedford county, and taken in execu tion a.-, the property of John Fiddler. —also— One tract of land, containing thirty acre-", more or less, about 5 acres cleared and under Jence, ad joining lands of Kudolph Hoover, IVter Stern, Phil ip S. Crolt and others, situate in Middle Woodber ry Township, Bedfoid county, and taken in execu tion as the properly of Edward Pearson. —ALSO— By Writ of Levari Facias, all the Deft's interest in the following described certain plantation or tract of laud, situate in Napier tp., Bedford Coun ty, adjoining lands of Davi d Bcrdei, Anthony Stif tier. John Sills and the widow Thompson, contain ing one hundred and forty seven acres and at low ance, being the same tract of land sold by Lewis Riding and Wile tol'atiick Dollard, together with all the buildings thereon erected, and taken in exe cution .is the property ol Patrick Doilard, Deit. Sheriff's Office, Ben- j WM. S. FLUKE, ford, Oct. 2Sth, 1859. j Sheriff. {IST OF CAUStS put down for trial, at No- J venriber Teni (21s day) 1859. John Kemp v=. John M. Duncan. Thomas J. Horton " Aaron W Evans. James S- Bpckwith '• Thomas Young. Thos. N. d oling *• Jacob Steele. John W. Beeier " M. Smith's exr's. Rev. Henry Seiiort '• Jacob Brumbaugh William Woy Abraham Morgart P. Horn et al use " M. Wheeling et al. Bazil Daniels " John Zook et a!. R. M. Lcmmon's use '• C. W. Ricketson. Sol. Dickensetal " Elias Hite et al. Jacob Reighart John Burns et al. Levi Hardinger <• Wm. Blair. Henry W. Smith '• J. M. Van Horn. Wm. Hartley's ad'mr " Henry Leader et al. Catharine Over " John Claar's ex'r. Solomon Gans " George ilhoads et a!. Christian Spie S it Solomon Steel, fohn Baker's ex'r '• Jacob Witt. \\ in. Cbenoweth " Adam Easter. Anthony Bowser " Josiab Weisel. Wrn. Sleok's use " Jesse Sled:. Joseph Barley " Jackson Stuckey. Prothy's Office, Bed. j S. 11. TATE, ford, Oct. 28th, 1859. j Proth'y. ] REGISTER'S NOTICE. All persons 2 terested, are hereby notified, that the following mimed accountants, have filed their accounts in the Register's Office oi Bedford County, and i at the same will be presented to the Orphans' Court in and lor said County for con firmation, on Tuesday, the 22d day of Nov. next, at the Court House, in Bedford : 1. The administration account of Daniel Border, adm'r of George Claar, iate of Bedtord Borough, deceased. | 2. The account of John Cessna, Esq., trustee to sell the Real Estate of Philip Crismau, late oi Union tp., dec'd. 3. The account of Mary W. Brown, Executrix of the la-t Will Ac., of Samuel Brown (iec'd,. who was administrator of Daniel Cromwell, late o! the Bor ough of Bedford, dec'd. 1. The account of James M. Barndollar, adminis trator of the Estate of Peter Barndollar, late of West Providence tp., dec'd. 5 The account of loan AlcCreary, adm'r of the Estate of Catharine Thomas late oi Juniata town ship, dec'd. I'.. Ihe account of Jonathan Snyder, adm'r ot the j Estate of Idiraes O'Neal, late of West Providence tp., dec'd. The supplemental account of Job Mann, adm'r. &c.. of Alaj. S. Al. Bart-lay, late of the Borough o. Bedford, dec'd. Register's Office, j S. H. TATE, Bedford, Oct. 28, 59. | Register, J IST OF' PETIT JURORS, drawn for V - li vember Term, 1859, (3d Monday, 21st day.y I Adam Barnhart, George Bortz, John Bowser, Ja- I cob Betz, Jacob Biddle, Isaac Clark, Andrew Cris mau, Samuel Ciaik, Jesse Die ken. Daniel Diehl, Francis Donahoe, Henry Egulph, Jacob Fetter oi' John, Thomas Grove, William G. Eicholtz, William Hancock, Jacob Heinish, William Hartley, John James, George Kinsev, John Long. Daniel Lingen lelter, William Lysinger, William Lashley, Henry Mowry, Richard McMullin, Andrew Mnit;more, Josiah Morris, William Pear-oil, John D. Pei lew, j '1 i-jmusf . Reigh'rt,George Kr.odes. Simon Ritchey. Daniel Sparks, David Sparks, Manlon Smith, Jo seph W. sieek, Thomas B Smith. ' IST OF GRAND JURORS, drawn for No- Ij vember Term, 1859, ( id .Moi day. 21 r dcy.j Isaac Kensingpr, Esq., Foreman, Jacob Albright, i John Blackburn. George Boilz, J hn H. Bowser, j James Burns. William Beegle, John Cypher, James j W. Fi-her, John A. Gump, John Garber, John P. j Hoover, John Hyssong, David C. Long, John B v l Longer.e cker, .1 ohn J. N Me. George Potter, A. J. j [ Sansom, William Srhafer, David Williams, Michael Wertz, Williatn Wertz, Peter Wertz, Jr., Peter Winegardner. COURT nine LA MA TtON, To the Coroner, the Justices of the Peace, ami Constables i.i the different Townships in the County of Bedford, Greeting. KNOW YE t fiat in pursuance of a precept to me directed, under the hand and seal of the Hon. FR IM IS 51. KI.IJSIELL. President of the several Courts of Common Pleas in the Sixteenth District, consisting of the counties of Franklin, Bedford, Simerset and Fulton, and by virtue ! oi his office ofthe Court of Oyer and Terminer ! and General Jail delivery for the trial ol capi- ! tal and other oiFenders therein and in the Gene- j ral Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace: and i Jon.v G. Hautlcy and A. J. Snivkly, Esas., i Judges ol the same Court, in the same County j of Bedford, You and eacii of you are hereby re- ! quired to be and appear in your proper persons ; ! with your Records, Recognizances, Examiua- ' 1 tions, and other remembrances before the Judges aforesaid, at Bedford, at a Court of Oyer and '• Terminer and General Jail Delivery and Gene- I ral Quarter Sessions ofthe Peace ther in to be holden for the county of Bedford, aforesaid, I on the 3d Monday of Nov. (being the 21st I day,)at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day ' there and then to do those things to which your several oifices appertain. ' ! GIV EN under my hand at Bedford, on the 28 day ol October, : n the year of our Lord 1859. WILLIAM S. FLUKE, Sheriff. } ~T"UDi roft'S NOTICE.—'The oderngt>e fIAHE undersigned keeps constantly on hand f a large assortment of CN><>kgitx Stoves, jof the latest styie, among which may be found j the Baltimore Air Tight, 3 sizes, Royal Cook 44 4 " Hope 44 2 44 Keystone 44 2 44 Victor *' 2 44 Summer Rose 44 2 44 Premium 44 2 44 Magnolia 2 44 Sea-shell 2 44 Which are so arranged as to be used lor wood or coal, and are warranted to perform satisfac torily, or no sale. Also, a large assortment of Wood and Coal Stoves of good styles, and various sizes. Tinware of every description and Russia fire Board, repairing and job work done to order, u ith dispatch. The public are invited to give him a call and examine his stock, which he will sell low lor CASH, or marketable PRODUCE. C;t. 7, 1859. 3m. GEO. BLYMIRE. A Word to the Wine. IF YOU WANT TO GET YOUR MONEY j BACK, BY GETTING MORE THAN ITS WORTH, GO TO THE CHEAP STORE OF Ostei* & Cai ti. I THEY HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE STOCK OF NEW AND CHEAP FALL AND Winter , BOOTS, SHOES, Muslins Shirts) and Drawers. Coats, Pants and VESTS, CAR PETS, Single and Double, Cotton chain, 1 HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, GROCE-I I RLTS, SPICES, TOBACCO, ar.d every thing i usuiliy kep* in a country etoie, which we will , sell clieap lor cash, or produce, and to punctu al six month customers. Thankful lor past fa-; vonL we hope to receive a liberal share of pub- j lie patronage. J. M. SHOEMAKER & CO. j Obt. 21,1859. ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF REAL ESTATE. \ B J virtue of an order of tlm Orphans' Court! !of Bedford county, the subscriber will oiler at ■ j public sale, on the premises, in Harrison town- j ship, Bedford county, on FRIDAY, the 18th ; l day of Nov. next, the following Real Estate,! j lab* the nropt'ity of Henry Beltz, deceased,! I viz : A TRACT OF LAM) • situate in said township, adjoining lands of Solo- . j moa L. f RAhIEL j Co. 14,1859. J SPECIAL NOTICE FOR I FALL AND I 8 5 9. .S.RCIHraVCo.. HAVE just received u large and carefully selected stock of j Fall & Winter Goods i which they are determined to sell law for cash i or to prompt customers. They enumerate in part: I Cloths, Cussimeies, Satinelts, and Men's wear generally in great variety. Dress Silks, Printed Merinoes, Saxony Plaids : Muslin de iaincs, at exceedingly low figures. SHAWLS ol the newest and most elegant i j styles. HOSIERY and GLOVES in great variety. I Domestic Goods, Prints Sheetings, Shirtings ' Canton. Flannels, Blankets, Linstys, Tickings ' tVc., S*c., an extensive assortment, j Carpets, Rugs, Mats, fee. occ. i BOOTS AMD SHOES, HATS AND CAPS. | j Hardware and Cutlery—Queens ware and ' Glassware. Choice Family Groceries, a large stock. wish it distinctly understood that these goods will be sold exceedingly cheap foe ; cush or produce. Oct. 14, 1859. HOSTETTER'S STOMACH UTTERS, IT 13 a fact that, at some period, every mem ber of the human family is subject to disease or disturbance of the bodily functions; but, •with the uid of a good tonic and the exercise of plain common sense, they may be able so to regulate the system as to secure permanent health. In order to accomplish this desired object, the true course to pursue is certainly that which will produce a natural state of things at the least hazard of vital strength and life. For this purpose, Ir. Hosteller has in troduced to this country a preparation bearing his name, which is not un w medicine, but one that has been tried for years, giving satisfac tion to ail who have used ii. The Bitters operate powerfully upon the stomach, bowels, and liver, restoring them to a healthy and vigorous action, and thus, by the simple pro cess of strengthening nature, enable the sys tem to triumph over disease. For the cure of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Nau sea. Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, or any Bilious ! Complaints, arising from a morbid inaction on scientific experiments which have tended to prove the value of this great j preparation in the scale of medical science. FEVER ASH AGCE. —TL:s trying and provok j ing disease, which fixes its relentless grasp on the body of man, reducing him to a mere sha | dow in a short time, and rendering him phy- I Fically and mentally useless, can be driven from the body by the use of HOSTETTER'S RENOWNED BITTERS. Further, none of the above-stated diseases can be contracted, even in exposed situations, if the B.iters aroused as per directions. And a.- ikey neither create nausea nor offend the palate, and render un necessary any change of diet or interruption i of ordinary pursuits, but promote sound sleep and healthy digestion, the complaint is re moved as speedily us is consistent with the pro ! duction of a thorough and permanent cure. Tor 1 •oris in JLJio/tceti years, who are ! suffering from an enfec' led cousatution and infirm body, these Bitters arc invaluable as a restorative of strength and vigor, anil need only be tried to he appreciated. And to a mother while nursing these Bitters are indis -1 pen'-ahle. especially where the mother's nour ishment is inadequate to the demands of the child, consequently her strength must yield, : and here it is v. here a good tonic, Rica as ! liostetter's Stomach Bitter .is needed to impart i temporary strength and vig.r to tre system. Ladies should by all means try tins remedy for all cases of debility, and, before so doing, should ask their physician, who. if he is i acquainted with the virtue of the Bitters, will ! recommend their use in all ca-i-s of weakness. I CAUTION.—We caution the public against using any of the many imitati ns or counter!' Irs, but ask for llosTitrrnn's CELEBRATED FTO STACK BITTERS, i and sec that each botil ha* lue words "Dr. J. j Kostetter's Stomach BiUcra" blown on the tido of tie Lottie, and stamped on the metallic cap covering the cork, and observe that our autograph j signature is on the label. Prepared and sold by EOSTETTER & ElilTH, Pittsburgh, Pa., and sold by all druggists, grocers, and dealers generally throughout the United States, Canada, South America, and Germany. > Agent- for Bedioril County : B. F. H srry, F. C. ; Reamer, Bedford ; John F. Lowry,Hopewell ;F.. B. • Ramsy, Bloody Run ; John Ay run, Kairview. Oct'. 14, 18.19. Administrator's Notice. Letters of administration having b-en gran j ted to the subscriber residing in St Clair I'own | ship, upon the estate ol Elizabeth Griffith, ! laleofsaid Township deceased, ail persons hav i ing claims against the rstale are notified to i present tlmm properly authenticated lor settle ment—atid ali persons indebted are requested tc make payment immediate-It*. SAMUEL GRIFFITH, Oct. 14, Administrator. FOUNDRY AMD Machine Shu p. THE subscribers having farmed a partnership under the style of " Dock Ascho u" for the pur pose of conducting a general FOUNDRY AND MACHINE business in the-establishment recently erected by Gil itrd Dock, in Hopewell, Bedford eounty.are new prepared lo execute ordeis for CASTINGS AA" 11 MACHINEHV ol everv description. They will build to order steam-engine-, coal and drill-cars, horse powers and threshi- g machines—also, casting of every kind tor furnaces, lorges, saw, grist and rolling mills, ploughs, water-pipe, columns, house fronts, bracke s, fee., Jsc. They are also, now making a fin" assortment ol STOVES oi various kinds ot the latest patterns and most approved styles, including several s-zes ol COOK oTOVKS of the best make, heating stoves foi chuiches, offices, bar-iooms. fcsc. A fu I eeso'tm n of S ores will t,e ? k*y f constant- I|y n ,'i !. is-td • e'-l at w L - • ,-r.i j-iaii, I prices •- suit • e t w-, t< J i, . '■ 4 '! 1 -on ' the hi s M ie-J r, • r-. of ali . s re - _-•t George Evans, lap* ot Monroe Town ship, deceased, have been granted to the subscriber, ail persons indebted to the said Estate, are i.qnes;e,t to make immediate pay ment, and lhu-e having claims against said Estate, will present them without delay. JONATHAN MORTON, Oct. 7th, 18.VJ. Administrator. NOTICE An election tor President, I reasoer &. five managers of the Hopewell & Bloody Run Plank X Turnpike Road Company, for the ensuing year, ".ill be held at the Court House, in Bed* :d, on Monday, the 14-fh of Nov. next, at 2 •'CLOCK. P M- . J\o. MOV ER, " " IP f" ' 'v. VA\ '. ' V A >GE \'.f • a J verusai n: V tc 1,,. arwtbei -f> utr.fl.