Kedford Hotels And General Stage Office. I'he subscriber respectfully beg* lea ve tvi an i ounce to his did friends and the public v-ener r,!iv. thai lie i>as leased the Bedford Ho<-f, t present in the occupancy of Cot Adam barn haii. and will take possession on the Ist day of Apii! next. It is not his d-'s ;n 10 make many profession? as to w hat he will do, but fie pledges his word that his most energetic effort? will he employed to render comfortable all who give him a call. The House will he handsomely fitted up, and none but careful and attentive servants will be engaged. Persons visiting the Bedford Springs, as well as those attending Court, and the travelling community general ly, are respectfully invited to give him a call and judge for themselves. (T^"Hoarders taken by the week, month, or year, on favorable terms. a °d comfortable stabling is at tached to this Hotel, which will always he at tended by a careful hostler. Also, a sale and convenient carriage house. Itv it' the STAGES stop at this Hotel. JOHN HAFEK. March lfi, 1555. Alleglicii) Male and Female Seminar). lt4l\SltlKCi, Pa. faculty. I J. O>RORN*K, A. 8., Principal. Prof, of Lan f.tmges and Philosophy. H'm. S. Smith. Prof, of .Mathematics. ig H Miller, Adjunct Prof, of Mathematics, hrv. B. F. Stevens, Lecturer on Moral Philoso phy !vc. A,n. A Ste) liens, Prof, of English Grammar Ac. In, J. Hughes, t.icturei on Anatomy JXc. ..Ire. L. V . Osborne. Precepltess, Teacher Mu sic, French, Butouy tvi-. list' Mary Williams, Teacher ot ( omposrtion s.c. p, ice of Tuition for term of It week?. Common English Branches ■ Higher Blanches, including corn moil, racti so Latin and Greek, each 'f 00 ticiman and trench,each i M Book-keeping and Commercial calculations i .'0 oRNAMF.S I Al.. 2 .'.ft ILa.Vl'.g „ Colored .inycn,and water colors, each O.f painting Hair and wax flowers, each . ; 1 J UU r elbs work r() F-nibroidcry ' r.auo iTwr-ic, with use of instrument lu Board S 1 P'r week including room rent, toe (umMure *c. This is one of the best, and cheapej institutions in the country. The u hole _ term need not be more than twentv-livy 9 1 he ,pnng term commences ApriJcfpal. Fcr particulars, address hS.*<)SBORX£, A. B- April 22, 1859. Ruinsburg, Bed'- WAR I N l-UROPK. N r AFOLEON' tin Third i? bound to revenge his uncle and SieetS \ )iiiiiiich ere determined to sell Iheir large and >pleinhd stock of NEW GOODS at prices far exceeding in cheapness any yet 1 ctlered the people ot Bedford. The Latest Styles of fashionable goods, for ladies and gen- J tlemen, will be found at their store. THE BEST QI EENSW ARK adorns their ■ ; particularly low. Their Groceries , m has sugars, teas, coffee, &c., &c., cannot be surpassed in excellence, or cheapness. Keaweinbev these things and call at once at Reed & Min nieb's, where you will not fail to find whatever you want in their line of business. FARREL, HERRING & CO/S PATENT CHAMPION SAFE, LATE FIRE IN DUBUQUE, IOWA. Dubuque, Jan. 7, ]B;9. (Jests lam requested by Mr. T. A. ( . Cochrane, of this place, to say to you that on t,e morning of the 4tli instant, about Jo clock, --tore took hie, and the entire stock of goods destroyed. The fust became so suddenly iiiietise thai none of the goods could possibly ue saved; but fotlnnately his books and papers which were in one of your Champion Safes, were all preserve! perfectly. And well THEY may be called Champion, tor during the whole lontlagiation there was one incessant pouring of flame directly upon the sale which contain ed them. And still, upon opening it, the in side was found to be scarcely warm, while the outside was most severely scorched. Yours trulv, N. A. McCLCRF. It MI me'- Patent Champion Fire and B.irtlar- Ficvf Safer, with HAULS PATENT POW DER PROOF LOCKS, atiord the greatest se curity of any safe in the world. Abo oud Parlor safes, of elegant workmanship and finish (or ptale Sec. FARRF.L, IIF-RRING & CO , have removed from 4 WALNUT ST.. T0 TL,EIR ,U ' W NO CHESTNUT ST.,D*vxfs H.U) wnere the lar ge&l til Salt's in th® \fcorid iSd be lounu. l AKKI li. !H:UKI\< \ o. i 29 f'ursTNrr Ftbket, (Joyir't Hull) PHILADELPHIA medical {'o-pailnfroliip. irif. undersigned have themselves in Die practice of Medicine, in the v illage ot St Claiiivilie, Might calls piomptly attended u. Oiihr oppoeit l the St Clair Inn. WM. A. VICEROY, (I W. STATLFR. II b. IT."B8. Siiiiiutii lifUerimiii, cot wry sviiiLYOß. WOULD hereby notihv the citizen® of Bed f ,rd count v. that he has moved to the Borough Bedford, where fie may at all times be foundby person* wishing to see him, unless absent upon business pertain:.-g to his office. Aprii 10, 1b58.-ti. ."mnffry Physicians can have the;, orders filled at City prices at Dr. Harry . Bedjord, Dec. 5, i;rRNr> : fVJUMP and FIVE OIL Always 16 be Had at Dr. Harry's Drug and Bonk Store. Iju'y 30, 'sß.] FOIDRV AND MACHINE SHOP THE subscribe having formed a partnership on. der the style of "Dork X AshroOJ*' for the purpose of conducting a general FGFnORY A.Mi MACHINE business in ihe e-tabhshmert recently erected by Niiiiard Dock, in Hopewell. Bedford county, are now prepared to execute orders lor (. VE3TINGS CRA VATS, GLOVES, sVc., Sec. I all ol which are offered to the public at a low figuir Clothes made lo order on short notice. Call aud buy one of those beautiful coats made out ; by C olin l.oyer, Merchant Tailoß, Of the finest fasbionabl V. L asting goods, both plain and land . I it to Bedford ever brought tO N eally clothe "ye people" civil.. ; Bedford, July 'J, IS.OS. SHRIVER BROTHERS, WM-Z&M'S, % Baltimore ,Street. Haltindre, SOLICIT CONSIGN".\iENTS OP BETTER, Lard, Flour, Bacon, Leather, Wool. Cin ; fengr, Snake Root. Ike-wax. Feathers, and ■ very description of country Produce. A long business experience enables us to assure our friends that the best possible dispiv sition will he made of anything entrusted to our care for sale. Spectacles! The subscriber has just received a splendii variety of Gold, Silver Mounted, "and Stce Spectacles, with the finest Scotch Pebbles, su perior in clearness, and designed to suit person of all ages—warranted never to FAlL—tc which lie invites the attention of all who are it need ol the article. lie has also just receivec an elegant assortment of JEWELRY—aII oi which lie will sell on reasonable terms. DA MEL BORDER. Bedford, May 22, 1857. TO MILL OWNERS! S. D. BROAD has made Sehellsburg his perrna tent residence, and is prepared to do a!! kinds of j-ort, in tne arm wn.iu u tl e, on the most appro ved ai d durable plans, and reasonable terms. He bus on hand the mo-t irrmm"""'—" Scjf.WAiWrnfew and old, at city prices. Mill Burs can be procured from him and shipped to any point. Also—Agent for MrCormiok's Reaper and Mower for Bedl'oid and Blair Counties. S. D. BROAD. Schellsburg, Bedford Co., 1 March 1, 1550. J " JOMIxr AtSEP'S ( 'HEAP CASH and PRODUCE STOIIE. Opposite the '• Washington Hotel " Bedford, Pcnno. 'QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS." Dry (roods of every Description. GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS AND QUALITY, QrEE.\~SU\-1 R/:, BOOTS A AT) SHOES, AM) IN SHORT— EVERY THING ELSE WHICH IS USU ALLY KEPT BY MERCHANTS*. .7.NT) WHICH HE WILL SELL "Cheaper than the Che" pest.'' ---- Drugs and Books. DR. V. i\ REAMER & S. J. WAY, F; F; HAVK formed n partnership in tlo- DRUG BOOK/jJZISJffI fjQf BUSINESS, will staidly keep on hand at their establish ment in Julianna Slreet,a complete assortment i ol Drills, Medicines, Dye Stuffs, Paints, Oils, Window Glass Varnishes, Brushes ot all kinds, | Patent Medicines, Lainjw, Perfumery, Fancy ! Soaps, &.c. Stc. together with an extensive col | lection of School and Miscellaneous Books, : Blank Books, Common and Fancy Stationery, ! Sic. which they offer at greatly reduced pri j f.r cash. Benford, Jan. 21, 1859*- Bi.INDS AND SHADES, ( heap lor l'as|. B . J . WILLI AM S, No. 10 North Sixth Street, P lIILAD E LP HM, Is the largest Manufacturer t U R 1) O W Bl,fili l * , AND DEALER IN ft'J JV DOW SHADES, OF EVERY VARIETY. Hfc is the Originator of al!New Stylesjand has a fine Stock to be sold at Reduced Fricct. Butt and other colors of Linen Shades, Trimmings, Fixtures, Ike. STORE SHADES Painted to order. w/e-B. i. vv. Invites citizens of thiaf County to cai! before purchasing, and aesures them the he can re'l a better article for the money than any ovher Establishment in the United States. [mar2f','s9-3m "CALICOES, MUSLINS, and other troods just received at Heed and Minnich's. Call and see them. fwiiffl \ * VV . i y --..a viuM!v Vl ft! -v 4- : 1 ..iv.ojwkii^V# i .-* iiKtl, |.iuv- t■■ , M> * |! ii< V4*:ji 'e*th iosttted, fro® 03to . . eiurt *•' > Juurg rnulmte, .••! *ll Off ratiw*rniota. 1 1 l iT '! • INVARIABLY CASH. \jyji. v.ti. * fci Ea-i Put tr*eU BMuwJ. Pa. TO BIIKDKKS. The subscriber is hilly preprred to furnish ' any quantity or quality ol Building Lumbet and Plastering Laths. Orders directed to St. . Clairsvtlle, Bedford County, will be promptly j attended to, by giving a reasonable notice. F. D. BEEGLE. John r. KeecL Attorney at Law, Bedford, Peinsjlvania j Respectfully irioters his services to /Ae Public second door North ol the Alengel House. Bedford, Feb. 20, 1852. THE MENUEL HOPBE. Valentine Steckman, Pr ]iittr. taken by the day, week, month or vear, on. moderate terms. May u iSfib. sutv ; T | MIE subscribers have just opened a Inge and ' X well assorted supply ot SPRLVG Si SUMMER GOO% including all the various fabrics usually found i in a store, consisting i:i part of -viz : Blue, Black, Brown and Olive French Cloths, Black and Fancy toFd plain, and side band Cassi. | meres, (.'assinetts, Kentucky Jeans, Cotloiades, Drillings, Linens, Chambreys, kc. LADIES' DRESS GOODS. | Very handsome Spring Calicoes, Lawns,Cbal lies, Robes, Barages, French At J.isle thread Ginghams, Silks, Hosiery, Gloves, \. \\ Col lars Cambrics, Swiss k Mull Muslins, Stella shawls, Mantillas Asm. XEW STYLE PARASOLS. f'heap Carpefings, half wool,; List-Rag also Floor oil ( loth various widths. Our Suck of BOOTS .V SHOES cannot be surpassed in fhe county for extent, ' variety arid cheapness. G R O (! E R I E S. , Rio Laguira, and Turkey Coifee. N. O. ('rushed Granulated and claiilied Sugars, New ' Orleans Molases, Golden Syrup, Teas, Choco late. Oils, X.c., kc. Our Stock is very complete, and we will i . lake pleasure'in exhibiting our goods to ail who '■ may favor us with a call. To good and relia- • Lie customers,our terms wiil be as usual.— i Prompt settlement* by cash, or note. evert .Lin- i vary. All kinds of Produce received for goods for which the highest price will he foven. May 6,'59 A. B. CR AMER .v CO. nil. F. C. REINER r) ESPECTFf LEY begs leave to tender his Professional Services to the Citizens of! Bedford and vicinity. 02P" Otfice in Julianna Street, at the Drug; and Book Store. Feb. 17, 1854. ... j*! 1 ' B *>" ""*• mffiryf ! Otfice and residence on Pitt-Street, in the • luilding formerly occupied by l)r. John Hofius. June 24, 1853. LAW PARTNERSHIP JOB MANN. G. H. SPANO .THE undersigned have associated themselves in tie Practice of the Law, and will attend promptly to al )usine.-s entrusted to their care in Bedford and ad oining counties. JO" Office on Julianna Street, three doors south o •Meneel House," opposite the residence ol .Ma j. Tate JOB MANN, June 2, lS5d. G. 11. SPANG. V. J. PAK R . r,. W. BKNFOnP. B. F. MFYHBS BAER, BENFORD 8b MEYERS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BEDFORD, PENN'A. iVJLL punctually attend to ail business entrusted f< heir care. r. Baer will be in regular attte IK nice at Court. Office on .Inliaiia street, same as for rerly occupied by Wrn. M. Hall, Esq. [jan 'SB LAW NOTICE* W. J. BAER, Attorney at Law: WILL practice regularly in the Courts o Bedford County hereafter. He may, during !Jourt Weeks, he consulted at his room at the Washinghton Hotel. Nov. 23, 1855. OLIVER C. CLARK. SAM'L M. HALLER. 0. ('. CLARK CO., Flour, Feed, Grocery and Produce Store. Central Street, next door above Lutheran Church, Cumboi (and, Mil• A well selected stock is now open and ofrej to families and country dealers, consistntof Family Extra, and Superfine, Flour, Corn Ml/, Corn and Rye Chopped, Shorts, Ship Stuff and Bn, Aew Orleans, Porto Rico, .Muscovado at refined sugars, Golden and S. 11. Molassc Imperial, Young Ilyson and Black Tea, Java I Rio Coffee of the best quality. All kind* of Spi Pickles in barrels and jars, Candles, So Mackerel and Herring, Water, Sugar, Sc Edinburg Si Ginger Crackers, Peaches, Sir berries, Pine Apple ami Corn, put ?/, cans expressly for family use. A choice h Liquors, consisting of Wines, Brandies, 1 and Whiskey, selected with care. Tob and Segais ot various kinds. With n vat of other articles usually found in store. Additions to the above stock will be freqi ly made so as to keep up a general assortn and ail dealers are invited to call before chasing elsewhere. All kinds of grain country produce bought lor cash, or in change for goods. Cumberland, April 8, 1859. Bazin's k Lubin's Extract for the Ham chief, Cologne Water, kc. for sale at Dr. ry's Drug Store. OHIO FIRE PROOF PAINT, cheap, durable pretty, already g"ound at Hartley's, (j I All kinds of goods- sold at REED k NICH'S for Cash or Produce. C STREET,- tiHcra Foura(iii a*ialf airt SUtli sirx-rs WASHINGTON, D. r. A F KIMMFLL, Proprirlr F V. f UIPBELL, SiipttiiiffUthiiL Washington City, Dec. 10, 07-ly. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, A compound remedy, in which we have labored to produce the most effectual alterative that can be made. It is a concentrated extract of Para Sarsu parilla, so combined with other substances of still greater alterative power as to afford an effective antidote for the diseases Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. It is believed that such a remedy is wanted by those who suffer from Strumous complaints, and that one which will accomplish their cure must prove of immense service to this large class of our afflicted fellow-citizens. How completely this com pound will db it has been proven by experiment on many of the worst cases to be found of the follow ing complaints : SCROFULA AND SCROFULOUS COMPLAINTS, ERUP TIONS AND ERUPTIVE DISEASES, ULCERS, PIMPLES, BLOTCHES, TUMORS, SALT RHEUM, SCALD HEAD, SYPHILIS AND SYPHILITIC AFFECTIONS, MERCURIAL DISEASE, DROPSY, NEURALGIA OR TIC DOULOUREUX, DEBILITY, DYSPEPSIA AND INDIGESTION, ERYSIPE LAS, ROSE OR ST. ANTHONY'S FIRE, and indeed the whole class of complaints arising from IMPURITY OP THE BLOOD. • This compound will be found a great promoter of health, tghen taken in the spring, to expel the foul humors which fester in the blood at that sea son of the year. By the timely expulsion of them many rankling disorders are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this througlnthe natural channels of the body by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores; cleanse it when you find it is obstructed and slug gish in the veins ; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well; hut with this pabulum of life disordered, there can be no lasting health. Sooner or later something must go wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. SarsapariJ)a has, and deserves much, the reputa tion of accomplishing these ends. But the world has been egregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many prep arations, pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any thing else. During late years the public have been misled by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Ex tract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsaparilla, but often no curative properties whatever. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the name itself is justly despised, and has tjcome synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to uu'oply such a remedy as shall rescue ihe name from the load of obloquy which rests upon it. And we think we have ground for believing it has vir tues which are irresistible by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intended to cure. In order to secure their complete eradication from the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to directions on the bottle. PREPARED BY I>R. J. C. AVER A CO. LOWELL, MASS. Price, $1 per Bottle i Six Bottles for $3. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has won for itself such a renown for the cure of every whtttver it has been employed. A, it be n m constant usc throu£!hou > tlfls secflon, we S not do more than assure the people its quXv is L< , t on in B'c best it ever has been, and that it may'be relied on to do for their relief all it has ever been found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, . FOR THE CURE OP Costireness, Javndice, Dyspepsia, Indioestion, Dtysett ,?/' Foul Stomach, Erysipelas, Headache, Hihs lihtuvu,t,un Eruptions and Shin Diseases, Liver oinplatnl, Dropsy. Tetter, Tumors a>id Salt Rhernn takc h ttcm e nl Ugar "D oa,ed ' J ' ?0 1 . that tho most native can the fo! nfwb y ' they r are the *** aperient iu Priiw 9A . pur P? sos of a family physic. ' 25 cents Per Pox; Six Boxes for SI.OO. Great numbers of Clergymen. Physicians, Statesmen Sfff— * r 'T? n i ipos - have leTlt their names to eer ' ; " n ?' ir: usefulness of these remedies, but our space here wdl not permit the insertion of them. ALMAVFO • u n i am v furTllsh gratis our AMERICAN l ", .V ' 1 th c >' are given; uith also full OnkMk(ii , VC COTri P lrii iits. and the treatment that should be followed for their cure. Do not be pit off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make more profit on. Demand 8 ' a - , t eno H, hers. The sick want the l*";t aid there is for them, and they should have it. All our Remedies are for sale bv SOLD RY Doctors Reamer and Harry Bed/Ltd, Pa fuly 30,'58-ly. ' Cessna & Miaimoii, - I A ,Y : ''f med Partnership in the Practice 10l the La W . [rr-Otfice newly opposite • • uette Oflice, where one or the other may all times be found. Bdford, Oct. J6, 1819. 'eace with P iotwithstanding the complicated and trouble nature of the Paraguay difficult v, uncle has succeeded in peacefully adjusting it, and J. M. SHOEMAKER &Co., 1 s 7- l, a J chea P est rate *> at their store mediately opposite the "Gazette Office " tc large and varied assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, crisling in part, of BiCK& FANCY SILKS, - EPA CAS. DELAINES, CHALLIES, DIJCALS, DEBAGES, BAREGES, LINENS, CALICOES, GINGHAMS, MUSLINS m A^ EENS ' c A SSI ME RES, BLACK AND BLUE CLOTHS, &c, Alsoa cheap and excellent assortment ol snmner HATS, BOOTS and SHOES ; and a hue hi ot ' CARPET ,JilE"! ~iC „ are [ es Ptfully invited to call ■ H U. MT , aboVli named goods, all 0 hich tt-,1! be sold low for cash or country Like that wonrmrful product of tropical bowers The pop'lar "Balm of a Thousand Flowers " ' be had at Dr. Harrv's Dmr* . D March 6, lSe. |,og Barn and out buildings. ALSO, 160 acres of land in Harrison County. lowa, of j | first class prairie, close to timber and w ilhiu a tew miles of tbe Missouri river above Council Binds. ALSO, 331 acres in Story county, lowa. ALSO, 113 arrps iri Pottawattamie couiity, lowa, near i Council Bluff-. ALSO Lot no 8 of block 53 in ttio city of Omaha, Nebr isk i j Territory. ALSO, 010 acres in Ripley Countv, Missouri. ALSO— J 1280 acres of land in Austin county. Texas. East of the Brazos River on the Texas Cential Kail Road, which runs through the land. Jt is well wa tered being upon the head waters of Cypress Cieek —ALSO— -320 acres in Comanche county, Texas, on ; YY'resler's Creek, 4 miles Fast of the Leon River, and on the line of the Memphis and El Basso Rail ' Road, now in process of construction, j ALSO, i 1 he farm in Morrison's Cove, adjoining Bloom field ; furnace, known as the "Pearson property" lately j owned by David Daniels, containing I'll ceres and j I*o perches, with excellent orchard of fruit trees : thereon and never failing water at the door. The ' improvements are one large fiatne House, one log ; House and barn, with convenient out-buildings. The : land is good—piodnces well and is in a high s'ate oi cultivation. A good pike is close by leading to j Hollidaysburg which with the Furnaces make a ready market at the door ior all kind, of produce. Jan. 7, '59. O. E. SHANNON. liliODl lii\ Fill .\iifll AM) *M ach 1n e &//o p 1 | IHE stibsr nbers are now prepared at thei . Foundiy in Bloody Run. to fill all ordeis lor Castings of every description for CRIST . J.Y/J S.m-MILLS, TURF.SIfIXG .M ACHINES, APPLE MILLS, PI.OCCHS and all things else in our line that may be needed in this or adjoining counties. We manufacture Threshing Machines of 0, 4 or Horse | ower, Y\ ARRA.NI ED eipial it not stiperiot i to any made in the State. He keep constantly 011 hand a full assortment of Wood Cock, Plug and : 111 i! -ide Ploughs, WARRANTED to give satisfac tion. or no sal*. Points, shares uiirt land sides to fit all YY ooJcock, or Scyler ploughs in the county. 1 I armor- Bell*, Ploughs aud Fastings 01 our make 1 may be had at the store of YY'm. Hartley, in Bedford. Sonderbatigh & Pee, East Providence Tp., John Nycum & Son, .. 1 into, being hard, we utier great inducements to | Farmers and Mechanics to buy of us. All kinds of repairing done in a neat and sub.lan -1 tial mariner and all work warranted. Call and ex amine onr castings and work and judge lor your- 1 i selves. Our agents sell at foundry prices. ' JUSIAH BALK.It MAN & BKO. March 26, 1858. j- • j .1. U. SI'OTT, . , „ —_— rr .„.„. p .scon.) ; . Don ot hi. former friends tohis new Store ad .1""' 1 peifeet fit guarantied. COCNTRY' TRtni c 1 plied with FINE SHIRTS and COLL \R< j October, 8, 185S-ty. • ' IF. Border, c lock & WiiicSs linker AM) DEALER IX JEWELRY H o,Hd respectfully announce to the citizen of Bedford ami the public in general, that he has opened a Jewelry Store in U.e hu |Z!£ centlv occup.ed by H. Nicodemus, Esq „ "arlv oppI, the IMM HoW, 'h'j.mS H 1 1 10 S . et ' *" wa,lt f f articles in his line | lias on hand, and will constantly keep an elegant assortment of JEWELRY', and will'r*. Pair C locks and Watches in the bert style He hopes o receive a liberal share of patronage as he 'eels satisfied he can render satisfaction"to'all He has on hand Gold and Silver Watchf* .iKer bpoons, Thimbles, Butter Knives, Gold and Silver Pens and Pencils, &c. &c April 27, 1855. WANHIXfiTO.X HOT El*. ~ ( 'm° K W0 " ld annonnc eto her frie u d- P ; ' e bCSt Sfablin ° is a "ached to this the^plalr" 1 ' 35 m ° derafe as a "J r othtt house in trpUaily Mail Stages f rom Alaquippa and Cuinber.and-also tri-weekly Lines from Hol lidaysburg and Pittsburg stop at this Hotel. Bedford, April 25, 185 G. W. J. MULL IN, M. D. f PHYSICIAN and DENTIST, SGHELLSBIIRG, Pennsy vania. j OFFERS his services to the public irt tlieprac ! Dee of medicine— will attend promptly L a || j calls entrusted to his care. He will also per form all operations on th- teeth in a neat and scientific manner. Teeth plugged and inserted woe. a single tooth to AA' HA'TJRE SET, * mounted on gold or silver plat,., on th „ , , , and most approved pninciples rJ>M^ m °' ttrate a " d 311 °P era 'ions uvx>. I o f''Hiousand feet of Spruct | & Pthe Boards, also a large supply of P op ia! I Feb!9JB9B ** A * B * rRAA,E " &Co I AH PE] S 11. Jl. K L DR IDC F M>i,j„,t„rrr, bajMiitr „ n d Dealer carpeting s. OIL CLOTHS M AT TI N G S. &,c. ii, a b>> ,|,e*i, Hft -p, ' , , , Jht* fWe I,a- U*n enabled 10 , m .,, *' ll rVt'y' *• 1 H£APEST Warehouse, NO. 4:; SlWavav-- STREET. ,e Joor raw berry is the (),<.( street w '' U Mi#-#f # J HIi.AbKLPHI-A. e{, irj BedfordFoundru. ! "K"f subsci iben having purchase) 11 Found,y of .Me-r,. Washabaugh and Ban* Jf "" most respectfully announce to the C ii„. ' J loid a oil adjoining count ih> that they aie"!,' ° f ®* d " make and furnish all kind# 01 f ASTiyno Grist and Saw mills, Threshing v | chines Ploughs, %/ f 7niUs 1)1 <* TKX PLATE, AM; COAI/ MOVES s it"*' Meigh soles, ua>h kettles, ot diflfrn.t' A>uj ; boxes of all sizes, farmer#' bell# fa 4U "'* a 6on , ele), oven doors, and every thing usualllTn "a Brt " 'country foundry. n '*de m B'loiigh*. Woodcock, Sevl and H11.r.-Slnfc PI.OI'GHS.— Also ■ ' PLOUGH, to which we cull the es'peei.U,. ' lO o; our farmer,, a superior article to the ' Plough, with two kind# of points, share, 'u Plu * sides to sun all ploughs in general use inth "J --ty. 1 urning and fitting of iron pattern OUn " o„i.r „.j k.,,i, „ f^a.TJKT.K; est notice and at low prices. All our WN made of the very Lest material, and give satisiaction. 'ran.ed ; 0 Farmers and others would rlo well to | call and examine our work before purchas,,,, I, where, as we are determined to meet the ,1 1 geneie# ol the times, we will "inner. sell low for CJlSff or country produce I i and bar ,ron, boisesand lumber, Uktn i, ' change lor work. , "cn in yX feb 25,'0d-ly SHIRES & JORDAN. HKIt T1 A KA T (II I I(l; with the urgent request ol nun dreils of their patients, DRS. (\ M. FITCH it J. W. SIKK< Have concluded to remain ' PERMANENTLY IX PITTSBURGH and may he consulted a; their ottice ' JVU 191 PF.MV STREET, opposite St.'Clair Hotel Da.l v, except Sundays /or Consumption,' ""* 1 *""> " >U " ,l other Chronic Complaint compiler,led oceans,,,? p„, moH JiuL , i < ! rr'nK /w ' 11j ( if .y >/A Et>, , ro „ u Ua!e r that • !ir"" ii hated upon the far, ' t* r~ r ' T y Wood and system at ) a ■■ both he/ore a>,d dnrmg its development , n the ' V , } '""'tore mp/oy Mechanical, Jlyguntc a • 7"""?, Inhalations, ,chirk they value lufh/y i'. •m yat 1 a hat, vts , (having no Cum/ire effect "ted alone.) W Invalids arc earnest y canted a "must waiting the peer, out :,,„r of curability „ , a „ L treatment hased upon the plant,hU, hnt fa/re ,dca ■! i 'hc '•( Ol the disrate ran he reached a . manner by Inhalation," u,r as befo r stand, the 7, , a >„' disease ,1 ,n the Joed and , t s effects only , , thi t,lH£rs. * ''* £7" .V I ( 7.4 );r; /•' /V; R CttXST'l.T iTf< i V Alin *f e;,,et, i n , y.l/Usnl to those, viffijf consul, „s by letter. (apc,/, 5,'59.1V 4 " UMBRELLAS ii PARASOLS. I UK subscriber, mnnutacturer of the best q u ,| lly OK j PARASOLS.'L I MBRELLAS ; rV, ir ' dsr >^ • -"••"'A .1/lis. S. I'{/'/"/',S n.\ % just returned from the F ,-t ■■ o - .th her usual .Jock ol * summer goods lawTfil ti' 0 " 0< ~an(Js° me Silk fco'e- La ll Robes. Barege Robes Shan k- I nr Vt IK of every style, \ eu S tVl ' , ,Mar '' and splendid assortment of Sprlni'Tr / Su Bonne's ol the | a t..v i i * .".I andjudg, f„ r vnnrseh-,, ,he A pnl 29, 1859. The I iilrersiiv ,f r amilj D/ PIU Lai UK LP fi/.l InrorpoiatPit by th e S'ate ..r *, | purpose of arresting t , le Pennsylvania for tha ' spui ious nostrums a ,f, °' Wnrth, " uith rei -|., ""PJ'lying the people ttb reliable deme s ,j c rem,dies have HAMEL R. SERIov AGENT do bl"l f f CUrP ° , fever & University's remedy for °l ru ''' lor cilarr hoca, Ar . .. > Te ™J forlung complaints, cough,. A'J : ; „ or Indigestion. t , , ,' >re Kycs. ! < £ ar Acbe <"■ Deafness, j ( * ' ooth Ache j • 'K'K A S"' O'n form of pii| s > | (Dilike the various onii^!' 0 | remedies depend upon their merit! fn 'L 7' """ i J o, sale by „AXJEE R A.N&s£,""'■ | Mar. 18,'flg. Cen,reri K Bedftrd county, ft. , J ' W * LLVRLYIKI/ii.,, ' Jitornrv at Law and Land Sun-evor ' nllead :: h >/°7''r s ,o u , entrusted to his care nonet:. n ° I t " ie ' 1 ,ha{ * have par- Hand Tools, Patterns ttrc" 8 I°.' ° f f tnn " stock and tin ware in the' n . enUre lot of Abraham Herman— as wh* lale; 7 occupied bv sold. hose property the same was Herman.'and winhhe' e r n °^ e th3t 1 have hired said sine&s at the shon f re ? r ca,r >' on the Tinning bu liann r occupied by hirn on J Rooks of said He i# ' S !" rther eivcn that the persens havine 3 /r an . noW ong to me a,,d a,u ' Samuel Kadehan 1 h°t" preaent.them to lay. ' 1"' '° r settlertietit without df >fb ' 2 ''' l 89 ?' SAAIUEL JfAßNHAlif iVodce, I s!^n di rr l „? ,ih ' ° ne haif ° f m - v Dra | nersnr c•"ti, j' v > thcrefofe desire all f () ! ' f| e(1 ,0 on book account, lo inc- ire ,S ' ol P° r,a n( Ihat-allstand clo-o Tt s dbe Se,Ue,, 3nd ,ht> oks closed. Tht, request i, reasonable and I - P Ll d Jl h '"