Sign of (be Lock ! HARDWARE, FARM - IMPLEMENT AND GENERAL HOUSE FDR VISHF.NG AND VAKI -KTYSTOK fc\ HtLLMM tIJjmLEY Has just opened and is constantly receiving at his new store, corner of "lk.ljo r d Hail." one door East .pf A B Ciamer's store, an elegant and large stock of Hardware, Jlouse Funn-bing Goods, and Ag ricultural Implements, liis stock consists ir. pari ol Carpenter's tools, Cabinetmaker's tools and findings, Wooden and willow ware, Rapes f several sizes, ~ Chains inassortment, Shovels, scoops, forks f"d spades, Files and Rasps in \aiiety, - Lacks cf all cien tip'.iiu.?, Brass, Copper and hron wire, Churns in Variety, Cosee and Spice Mills, (W arrauied) Fox. Rat, and Mice traps, Spade, Shove), fork and axe bandies. Brushes in \ariety, Nails, Glass and Putty, Fluid, Pine oil and Turpentine, Double and Single Bit axes, Knife cleaners, an excellent article, Britannia ware. Brass, porcelained and tin lined Kettles, patent and common Sad Iroi -, Shoemakers tools and finding-, Screen wire, Chain Pumps, Corn Shetiers, Corn Fodder Cutters and ci ushers, Corn mill*, Glass Lantern*, Oil for Harness and Machinery, Paints, oils, and varnish, Iron and Met) of all de scriptioiis, Wall Panel and bundled* of ulhei arti cles. He respectfully invites the patronage of the citi zens of this and adjoining counties, leeling confi dent that he can satisfy them in the price and quali ty of his goods. Remember, things sold by him are warranted as represented so that none can be deceived; and any ar. tide not in bis line not on hand will be furnished at 4 days notice cheerfully at Eastern ictail price. N. B. Believing lhat the present credit system is disadvantageous to every body, lie will trust no man longer tban G months, but will sell theapt r fnr rash Than goods of like quality have ever been bought in Bedford. Call and examine his stuck, judge fur your self, and we think you will be pleased with the goods, the prices and the system. He keeps on hand,or will cheerfully furnish every thing needed in this county and brought Itom the Last, excepting only dry good* and groceiies. March, 25, ISSS. Overland California Mai! Motile! NEW FALL AND WINTER GOOD?. J. cV J. M. SHOEMJIKER HAVE just received a lai£t* assortment ol FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting in part of calicoes from Gj cents to 12A cents per yard, Delaines, Coburgs, Parrnetta Cloths, black and fancy silks, Me Fumes, Plaids, Flannels. A large assortment of Shawls of all colors ai d price s Swiss Cambricks, Dress Trimmings, Ribbon*, Shir und Drawers, bleached and unbleached Muslins o all prices & widths,C!otbsandCassirr.eres,Satinetts. Jeans, Tweeds, and in fact every thing generally in country stores. Also, a large assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES, HAT'S CAPS, Comforts, Cravats. Also, Queensware, Hardw are Buckets, Groceries of all kinds, with a general as sortment of spices, &c. We invite ali to call and see our stock of goods for we are determined tosel to suit the times for CASH or approved produce. Get 23, ISSB. WALL AND BLIND PAPER. Dr. B. F. HARRY is our agent for this ne cessary article. By calling at ins store our pa- Irons will see samples of our papers. We have made our Spring selection with much care, and think we cannot fail to please. SHRYOCK & SMITH, Chttmbersbur engage in merchandising, this offer presents a favotable opportunity, as the location ts a good one, room newly fitted up, goods almost all new, and a good run of custom established. For luttiter information, addtess Mrs. H. D. PEUGH, jan 21, '59. Bedford, Fa. SELLING OFF AT COST. MRS. H. D. PEUGH wishes to retire fiom busi ness, and will sell an entire Siiu-k of good, at co-:! Ladies wishing to supply themselves with goeds at wholesale prices, would do well to call before the lollowing band.ome articles are disposed of. Rich silks, French Merinos, Cast.meres, Alpaca-, Poplins, French and American De l.aiues. Velvets. Shawls, Cloaks, Mantles, Ladies'and Childietis' Furs, Clouds, Hoods, Bonnets, Ribbons, 1 lowers. Feath ers, French Work, Gloves. Hosiery, Shoes, jeweiiv Perfumery, and an endless variety ot Fancy Good.-. Milliners would find it to their advantage to ex mine the a*,nitmciit in the Millinery d< pari menl Dec. 17, 185$. Notice. HAVING disposed of the one half of mv Drug Store to Dtt. S. J. Way, I therefore dsire ail persons indebted to me on book account, to come and settle, as it U impoitant that ali stand ing accounts should be Sett led and the- books closed. This request is reasonable and 1 tx ppct a speedy compliance, jan. 7,'59. F. C. REAMER. All kinds of goods solJ at REED & MU NICH'S for Cast, or Produce. ami Books. DR. F. V. REAMER & S. J. WAY, Have format a partnership in th „ LOff/f; and BOOK fpiJiM* BUSINESS, will con-asy stautly keep on handat their establish rnent in Juiianna Street, a complete assortment of Drills, Medicines, Dye Stuffs, Paints, Oil-', Window Glass, Varnishes, Brushes of all kinds, Patent Medicines, Lamps, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, &.c. &.c. together vv ith an extensive col lection of School and Miscellaneous Books, Blank Books, Common and Fancy Stationery, Sec. which they offer at greatly reduced pri ce? tor cash. Bedford, jan. -1, 1859.- CETTVS' PIiUTOGRAPIIIC GALLERY Exchange Building, Bed fort/, Pa., Where Ambrotypi's, Daguerreotypes, Sec*. &.C., of every description, are executed in the latest styles and improvements ol the Art. A full assortment of plain arid fancy cases, and gold and plated Lockets, at very low prices. The public are respectfully invited to call and examine his specimens. T. R. GETTYS, Jr. EK SMIMEMIi! \ ;\r; commenced business of Shoemendir.g, o e dour ra-t ol Mr. Brice's Hotel, Bedford, Pa., I am prepared to do ail manner ol work in thi* line ol business at the short est notice, and in the most substantial manner, on more reasonable rate, than usual, one thing ludispen allt. (lire rue a call, try my work and judge lor yourselves. June 11/58. J. B. BAKER. PICKLES A\DMS f^ Many men of many minds— Many Shoes of many kinds, From sizes one to number nine, Allowing some for heel behind. Boots for men and women too, Some high; some low; some obi and new, With Shanghai tops and pointed heels To make him high who lowly feels. If prices do not suit your mind Just take a little cheaper kind— But when you buy cheap shoes, beware, For cheapest shoes are first to tear. If fruits and pickles well put up; Fruits preserved, or nice catsup, Be bothering any one to ta:e, To Ferguson's be sure to baste. Tobacco and cigars are there, Of (jualities and kinds quite rare, To please the ta-te of every one And make the boys appear full grown. We take all kinds of trade for goods, F.'en wagons full from out the woods— All kindsof produce arid of grain, Will be received and sold again. Now call and see this Store of shoes, Ol pickles anil presei*es for use, But when you call just bring along, What is the object of our song. Hard Times llelirf. BARGAINS! IMICMS!! URIiMS at the "OLD STAND," where he will be happy to meet bis friends and customers at all times. He will receive in a very short time a new supply ot sea-onable goods, which he is determined to seii on the most reasonable terms. i St. ('lairsvi lie, June 11, "58, GF.O. B. AMICK. BEo! For Kansas. THE subscriber has now for sale a splendid CAMERA with stock and "fixins"—also a j GOOD BROW N MARE; both or either of 1 them will be sold low. IA COO SCHELL. | Scheilsbttrg, Jan. li, 1859. DR. MTO.VS AMERICAN PILLS. JOY TO THE AFFLICTED'. VOUNG AMERICA VICTORIOUS One small box of Pills cures ninety-nine cases out of a hundred. No BaUaen, no Mercury, no odor on the breath, no fear of detection. Two small pills a dose ; tasteless and harmless as water. Full direc tions are given, so that the patient can cure himself as certain as with the advice of the most experienc ed surgeon, and much better than with the ads ice of one of little experience in this class of disease. I SENT BY MAIL TO ANY PART OF THE COUNTRY by enclosing one dollar to Dr. D. G. IFa/gen No. 151 North Seventh St. below Race, ; Philadelphia. A liltral ditto mil to tkr hudr. None genuine without the tcrilhui signature of D. G. Wal ton Proprietor. Dr. \Y", treatment for Self-abuse, Weakness, &c., is entirely different from the usual course. Or. W. , has cured hundreds who have tried others without : benefit. The treatment is as certain to cure as the sun is to rise. Enclose a stamp, and address Di. W. as trbove giving a full history of your case, and you will bless the day you made the effort to secure what is certain—A RADICAL CURE. Feb. 5, 58. 1 yr. How to save Money! j ALL persona who are in want of good and ve ry cheap Chairs and Cabinet Furniture,rrv can now have an opporto. wp* ni'Y °I saving money, by ' calling on the subscriber, and selecting stir h articles as they tnay need from a ! large stock now on hand which will be sold lower , than the same can be bought in this country. ; You who are about to commence housekeeping j will do well by calling on me as there will be great ' reductions made in suits of Furniture. You w;li see the trutli of the above statement by looking af the j following list of prices. j CHAIRS FROM $4 50 to 30 00 per set j BEDS'i'EADS, 2 50 " 15 00 I TABLES, 2 50 " 2o 00 " | BUREAUS, 10 00 " 55 00 " i CUPBOARDS, 500 " 12 00 WASHSTANDS, 150 •' 000 " WORK STANDS, 100 " 500 " CANDLE STANDS, 100" 300 All other articles in proportion. All articles war ranted. ISAAC MENCEL, Ja. ; February 19, 185 S. SHOE STORE! Fei'gMSOJl & Co., HAVE jusl opened their new Store in "An derson's Row'" of buiJditigs, nearly opposite lite : Gazelle Office. Their stock of Boots and Shoes fin men, wo- , men and children, is certainly the best and cheapest that has ever been brought to Bedford, for three reasons. First: —On account of the pressure of the! times, they have been laid in at I> J cents otftiir j dollar less than what was paid last year lor the same goods. Second : They wx re bought foi CASH, and the usual discounts made. Third : —They were bought in much larger quantities than dry goods met chants buy them, and consequently were bought much low er. If this is doubted, the evidence is on the stallp . at the counter. LA DI Es' DEPA RT.M EXT. The store room has been so arranged as to have a separate apartment for Ihe Ladies, pro vided v it It comfortable chairs and stools where i ihey cat sit and talk, or buy shoes as they piease. Pickles arid Fniils. j In connection with the shoe business, ali ' kinds of Pickles, 1- mils and Preserves vfiil'Tie kept, including Pine Apple, Peach, St i a wher ries, Cherries, Brandy Peaches, Catsups, Mixed i Pickles, Lobsters, Stc., ovc. A Si S O— -7 lie best, and most getietal assortment of Tobacco and Cigars, will be kept constan !\ on hand. j As there is no store of (his kind kept in this county, the proprietors are determined to keep , it right, and sell at the lowest living profits. A. FERGUSON N. CO. I>. Border, Clock & Watch Maker AND DEALER IS JEV. ELItV, ; Would respectfully announce to the citizens I of Bedford, an;i the public, in general, that he has opened a Jewelry Store in the building re ; cently occupied by H. Nicodemus, Esq. nearly i opposite the Bedford Hotel, where he will be pleased to see all in want of articles in his line. He bason hand, and will constantly keep, an elegant assortment of JEWELRY, and will re j pair Clocks and Watches in the bert atvie. He ! hopes to receive a liberal share of patronage, as he leels satisfied he can render satisfaction to all who entrust him with their woik. His terms ; will be moderate. He has on hand Gold and Silver WaTchbs, Silver Spoons, Thimbles, Butter Knives, Gold and Silver Pens and Pencils, &.c. Xc. April 27, 1855. SiieciaeleiJ The subscriber has just received a splendid variety of Gold, Silver Mounted, and Steel Spectacles, with the finest Scolch Pebbles, su perior in clearness, and designed to suit persons of all ages—warranted never to FAIL to which he invites the attention of all who are in need ol the article. He has also just recmei! an elegant assortment of JEWELRY—aII ol wiiich he will sell on reasonable terms. DA MEL BORDER. Bedford, May 22,1857. IRON. Blacksmith s and others are inform ed we have just received a large supply of Re fined Iron—warranted quality. A. B. CRAMER Sc CO BURNING FLUID and PINE OIL Always to be bad at Dr. Harry's Drug and Book Store. [ju!y 30, 'SB. j WAGONS.—Several new two horse wagons work warranted, for sale on a liberal credo or lor country produce by A. B. CRAMER & Co- Feb. 19, 1858. , D? G M B A S iSv'.v AU,A fur" 7859, at DR. HARRY S Drug and Book Store. PURE WHITE LEAD, FLAX SEED OJL b ' )ir ' ,s Turpentine, at Dr. Harry's and _ Bo ° k btore l [July 30, 'sß.] I F ? R SALE.-Win,e and JU Yellow Boards, Plastering and Shin glitig Lath and bills furnished to order by KFHD KFHD N(. MINN ICH. For the Hair, Jockey Club and new mown n°i. m t i" 8 ' Galon's Invigorator, X<- Xc can all be had atDr. Harry's. FOIMJRY MD MACHINE SHOP! THE subieribers having formed a partnership un der the style of "Dock & Ashcom" for the purpose of conducting a general FOUNDRY AND MACHINE business in the e>tablishmpßt recently erected by Gilliaid Dock, in Hopewell, Bedford cour.ty, are now prepared to execute orders for CASTINGS AND MACHINERY of every description. They will build to order steam-engines, coal and drift-cars, horse powers, and threshing machines—also, cast ing of eveiy kind for furnaces, forges, saw, grist and rolling mills, ploughs, water-pipe, columns, house fronts, bra-kets, Ike., ike. They art also, now making a fine assortment of STOVES of various kinds of the latest patterns and most approved styles, including several sizes of COOK STOVES of the best make, heating stoves for churches, offices, bar-rooms, No. A full assortment of Stoves will be kept constant ly on hand, and sold at wholesale and retail, at p ces to suit the times, and quality, warranted equal to the best eastern make. Machinery ol all kinds repaired promptly. Patterns made to order. GTLLIARD DOCK. October 30, 1857. C. W. ASHCOM. BLOODY BO FOIMJRY AND Mach in e &ha p 1 THE subscribers ore now prepared at thei Foundry in Bloody Run, to till all orders for Castings of every description for GRIST .'LVD S./UV-JWLLS, TIIRESHLYG MACHINES, APPLE MILLS, PLOUGHS and all things else in our line that may be needed in this or adjoining counties. We manufacture Threshing Machines of 2, 4 or Horse Power, WARRANTED equal if not superioi to any made in the State. We keep constantly on hand a full assortment of Wood Cock, Plug and Hillside Ploughs, WARRANTED to give satisfac tion. or no sale. Points, shares and land sides to fit all Woodcock, or Seyler ploughs in the county. farmers' Belß, Ploughs and Castings of our make may be had at the store of Wm. Hartley, in Bedford, Sonderbaugh & Pee, East Providence Tp., John Nycutn Ik Son, " Times being hard, we oiler great inducements to Farmers and Mechanics to buy of us. All kinds of repairing done in a neat and substan tial manner and all work warranted. Call ami ex amine our castings and woik and judge for your selves. Our agents sell at foundry prices. JOSJAH BAUGHMAN & BRO. March 26, 185 C. I?edi'ord Hotel, .And General Stage Office. The subscriber respectfully begs leave to an nounce to fits old friends and the public genert aii\, that he has leased the Bedford Hotel, a present in the occupancy of Col. Adam Barn halt, and will take possession on the Ist dav of Apttl next. 11 is not his design to make many professions as to what he will do, but he pledges Lis word that his most energetic efforts will be employed to render comfortable alt who give him a call. t lie House will be handsomely filted up, and none but careful and attentive servants will he engaged. Persons visiting the Bedford Springs, as well as thos- attending Court, and the travelling community general ly, are respectfully invited to give him a call and judge for themselves. IL/~ Boarders taken hv the week, month, or year, on favorable terms." and comfortable stabling is at tached to this Hotel, which will alwavs lie at tended by a careful hostler. Also, a safe and convenient cart tag" house. ICr" ~111 IheST.IGES slop at this Hotel. JOHN HA FEU. Match 16, Finn. The "Night of Search" YV ILL nof he denied to any one vv ishing to tun chase a new coi t at Loyei's" ° M si: p © s? i u rii ©IF £•' A 525 BO \ ! where has just been received a large and elegant as-' sort merit of gentlemen's dress ami furnishing goods, 1 consisting, in part, of CLOTHS. CA SSI MERCS, VESTINGS CRA VATS, GLOVES,&C., XR. ; Hi cH areoiferi'd to the public tit a low ligure. Clothes made toordT on short notice. Cat) aud buy one of those beautiful coats made only by (' ohn Loyer, Merchant Tailoß. Of (he finest fashionabl E L a.tina jioods, both plain ami fancV, 1 nto Bedford ever brought tO Neatly clothe .y e people" civiL. Bed or I, July 2, IS-SS. J. If. Cramer Sf HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE AND GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF Fall a sit I Wisiltf Gocd, : allot have been ptircliased since the great DECLINE IN PRICES EAST. | Our ASSOR I MFN I is the best we have cveroffei j ed, including alt the ; NEWEST S'I'YLES I.T EVERY DE IEIRTMEM'. • Unprecedented bargains will be ottered our friends ! and customers lor CASH, or PRODUCE. A liber ; al credit \viil be given to those only, who will | PBOMP I'L\ setttle their accounts every January by Cash or Note. No trouble to show goods.—Call and see the bargains. A. B. CRAMER & CO. Oct., 2b, ISSS. For pimples and wrinkles and freckles and tan, Nothing has e'er been discovered by man, Like that wonuerful product of tropical bowers The popular "Balm of a Thousand Flowers." to be bad at Dr. Harry's Drug & Book Store March G, IS.T7. Country Physicians can have their orders filled at City prices at Dr. Harry's. Bedford, Dec. 5, 185ti. IC^*Adams N. Co. have established their Ex piesson the H. i.. T. R. R. and appointed C. VV. Asijcom, Esq., agent at Hopewell. LI MBER.— Twenty Tbousaud feet of Sppuce &. Pine Boards, also a large supply of Poplai Sjai.tling—lbr sale by A. 13. CRAMER &. Co Feb 19, 1858 AN EXCELLENT ARTICLE of Hair and tooth brushes at Dr. Harry' Drug and Book Store. [jtily 30, Bazin'sSt. Lubin's Extract lor the Handker chief, Cologne Water, inc. lor sale at Dr. Har ry's Drug Store. CALICOES, MUSLINS, and other goods just received at Reed and Minnich's. Call and see them. OHIO FIRE PROOF PAINT, cheap, durable and pretty, already g tund at Hartley's, (j 18,'58 I J U ii) ptm-rttiAJly na4 car*fu!lv to aJi in- i I | i tu ii c ' #!.!, pliitjjjvd, r,£ninic J, Jcc,, mud • ! J i ud tt'.iui Ucih :u*rrtJ, from ou-r (oui ealirv mil. t I J j 17T TERM* I s VARIABLY CASIL \JYFL 01. X~.I FR.t AND, BCJFURI,PA. XB? ijg— -- -a^i ATTENTION, MARKSMANI J 0 11X 11 0 R D E R, GUNSMITH, 3edfcrd, Pa- Shop at the east end (if the town, one door west of the residence of Major Washabaugh. All guns of my own manufacture warranted. May 21 ,'58.-1 y. TO BIILDERS. The subscriber is fully preprred to furnish any quantity or quality of Building Lumber and Plastering Laths. Orders directed to St. Clairsville, Bedford County, will be promptly attended to, by giving a reasonable notice. F. D. BEEGLE. John P. Rccd, A fJcrnry at Law, Bedford, Pennsylvania Respectfully icfillers /lis services to the Public 'XjT*Otlice second door North of the Mmgei House. Bedford, Feb. 20, 1852. THE MEN GEL BOISE. Valentino Eteckman, Proprietor. Of/ 3 "Boarders taken by t ie day , week, n:oril!i or year, on moderate terms. May 9, ISSH. fill. F. C. REiMER I) ESPECTFULLY begs leave to tender !m Professional Services to the Citizens of Bedford and vicinity. [ty Office in Juiianna Street, at the Drug and Book Store. Feb. 17, ISo t. Dr. 15. F. liarry Respectfully tenders his professional aer vices to the citizens ot Bed lord and vicinity. Cilice and residence on Pitt-Street, in th building formerly occupied by Dr. John llofius. June 2d, 185.'L LAV. PAfiTAEfiSfIIJN JOE 3 MANN. G. H. SPANG. Tur. undersigned have associated themselves in the Piactice ol' the Law, and wilt attend promptly to a!! lusiiie-s entrusted to their care in Bedford and ad joining comities. . IT" Otrice on .litlianna Street, three doors south ol •'Metigel Bouse," opposite the residence of Maj. Tate. JOB MANN, June 2, 1851. G. H. SPANG. W. J. It A Kit. O. W. BENFOHD. B. P. METERS. EA£R, BENPCRO So MEYERS^ ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BEDFORD, PENN'A. V. I LI. punctually attend to all business entrusted to tie-ir cif. C7" Y! r. Baer w ill be in regular attte ml ance at Touit. Olßce on Juliana street, same as for merly occupied by Win. M. Hall, Esq. [jan 'SB. j J •.'-Vv'.'.'jy-W-Vyy i Cess3m & &hatmoii 9 S * AVE funned a Pailnersbip in the Practice JL I. I the Law. neatly opposite the G rr//( Cilice, uhen ouc or the other may at aTi l ifn-s be t ootid. Bdfor.l, Oct. 2', 1819. S.AW Wi'tCii. W. J. BALE. Attorney £t Law: i WILL i iai lice regularly in the Coin Is o Cedlot(J County hereafter. lie mav, (luring ; Court Weeks, lie consulted at his room at the Washinghton !J tel. Nov. 23, 1355. EsJUSSSIS' FAr-50Y STCFiE. The undersigned, thankful for the past favors of the public, respecllully begs leave to inform s the lades, that she fas on hand a large assort ment of LADIES' FASHIONABLE DRESS j GOODS, such ;*3 Silks, De Thibet j Cloths, Pi ints. also Linens, Mu-lins, Cloaks, Shawls, Bonnets, Ribbons, It urhes, L.dies' lies! Kid Gloves, I Rise, Children's Hose, French j E nbionlery. French and English Crapes, Ze phyrs. Shetland Wool, \ elvet miming?, Hoops, S.ick I lallliels, Wool Delaines, See., &.C. A share of pin.lie patronage is respectfully* ! soin lie,!. M. C. FEITERLY. j Bed ford, Oct. 22J, U>5R. WASHIiYtJTOA SSOTSIL. MRS. COOK would announce to her friends | and the public, the Washington Hotel i? now tilled up in superior order for the accont | inodation of guests, and sire hopes to continue to receive a liberal share of custom. Persons : visiting the Mineral Springs u ill find in the Washington Hotel a comfortable summer re treat —and no pains will be spared to please all who patronize the house. EG - * A young gentleman of high qualification and courteous deportment has charge oi the es tablishment. best of Stabling is attached to this Hotel. [Lr Terms as moderate as any oilier house in the place. Daily Mail Stages from Alaquippa and Cumberland—also Iri-weeklv Lines from Iloi iidaj'sburg and Pittsburg stop at this Hotel. Bedford, April 25, ISSG. SAVE VOilll MOil'EV! IHG LN DERSIGNFID would respectfully inform the tiavelling public, that he has established a daily line oi slaves between Bedford and I.atrobe. I The route is that of the old Philadelphia Turnpike. ! leading fiom Philadelphia to Pittsbuig, heme one of the best coach toads in the Union. Passengers will 11EJ1C H trains o! cars lor Pittsburg as early ' as by going to llollidaysburg ...--A-',—-bT d j Johnstown. The tare to Pittsburg on tins route i is l ota Dollars and Twenty Cents being THREE DOLL IRS CHEAPER than on any other route from Bedford to that point. ! Coaches leave the Washington Hotel, Bedford, eve ry morning, at Oi o'clock, (Sundays excepted) and the Depot at Latrobe eveiy morning, after the arri val ot the mail train from Pittsburg, (Sundays ex cepted. JOSEPH A. OAK.MA.N. February, 12, 1858-tf. AVER'S CHERRY PECTORAL and Ja\ tic's Expectorant, at Dr. Harry's Drug [July 30, 1858.] JA YAK'S WRIGHTS, Bennett's and Dyott's Piiis at Dr. Harry's Di'i-g and Book Stoic. [july 30, '3B.] RISKS ONLY TAKEN." i* i r n r l has been egrcgiouslv deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not all the virtus that ii claimed for it, but more because many prep arations, pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any thing else. During late years the public have been milled by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Ex tract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsaparilla. but often no curative properties whatever. Hence, bitter ar.d painful disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the | market, until the name itself is justlv aespieod, mnd j har orcome synonymous with imposition and cheat. | Still we call this compound Sorsapariila, and intend i to en-ply such a remedy as shall rescue the r.ame from the load of obloquy which rests upon it. And ! we think we have ground for believing it has vir tues which arc irresistible by the ordinary run c-f the diseases it is intended to cure. In order to ; secure their complete eradication from the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to directions on the bottle. ritirARED BY DR. J. C. AVER A CO. LOWELL, MASS. Price, gl per Bottle i Six Bottle* for 85. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has won for itself such a renown for the cure of every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it is en. tirely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of its virtues, whercyer it-has been employed. As it has long been in constant use throughout this section, we need not do more than assure the people its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do for their relief all it has ever been found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOE. THE CUBE OF Costircness. Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Dysen tery, Foul Stomach, Erysipelas, Headache, PiUs, Rheumatism, Eruptions una Shin Diseases, Lxctr Complaint, Dropsy, Tetter, Tumors and Salt Rheum. It 'arms. Gold, S euralgia, as a Dinner Fill, and for Purifying the Blood. They are sugnr-eoated, so that the most sensitive can take tnern pleasantly, and they arc the best aperient in the world for all the purposes of a family physic. Price, 25 cents per Box; Six Boxes for SI.OO. Great numbers of Clergymen. Physicians, Statesmen, and eminent personages, have lent their names to cer tify the unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but ! our space here will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named furnish gratis our AMERICAN ALMANAC, in which they are given; with also full descriptions of the above complaints, and the treatment that should be followed for their cure. Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations thej make more profit on. Demand AYER'S, and take no others. The siek want the BEST aid there is for them, and they should have it. All our Remedies are for sale by 6-ULD BY Doctors Reamer and Harrv Bedfoid, Pa. July 30,'58-ly. Samisc! Heiferasmn, COUXI'Y SURVEYOR. WOULD hereby notifiy the citizens of Bed ford that lie has moved to the Borough of Bedford, where tie may at ail times be found by persons wishing to see hiin, unless absent upon business pertaining to his offiee. April IG, ISSS.-tf. llis.soltttion of Partuerhliip. i HE partner-hip heretofore existing between Hen ry 8. Ring and James Madara, iin.l-r the name and hrni of Mudara, Ktiig & Co., doing business at Lv -11101. s 11 OH Works, in Hopewell township, Bedlord county, is dissolved by mutual consent. IIKNRY S. KING, Nov. 2, 1857. JAMES MADARA Ihe business of manufacturing iron at Lemon' Iron Works, wilt be continued by the undersigned, who has purchased ail the interest of his late partners James Madary, in the Books property an I effect* belonging to the late firm of Madura, King A Co. N0v.20. 1857. HENRY 8. KING. Bazin's fancy Toilet Soaps, Shavinj Creams Sec. jiH-t received and for sale at Dr. Harry's Drug Store. TO RE HAD AT DR. HARRYS. Essence of Jamaica Dinger, which shiuld have a place in every family, for sale at Di- HariyV.