The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, March 04, 1859, Image 3

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jjY virtue ol' a;: order of the Orphans' Court of
Bedford County, the undersigned wilt otf-r at Pub
lic Sale on the premises in St. Clair Township, on
Saturday, 2G ik .Mftrf'A, inst.
the tojiowins: described Real Estate, viz : a tract of
land in said Township, iiiHoinii g lands of John VV.
Hoover, George Feaster and others, containing a- j
bout 75 acres, with double Log House and Log [
Bam thereon erected, about two thirds cleared and ;
en ler fence, with orchard arid Nursery thereon.
.23**i'ERMS: —Ctsh at'confirmation of Sale. - i
Ai'm'r of the Estate ol James Smitn, dee'd.
March 1,'53.
A V virtue of an order of the Orphans' Cotut of:
Bedford County, the undersigned will offer a! Public I
Sale on the premises, in Cumberland Va'ky Town- !
ship, on- •
S itar-d/ty, 26/6 .Vote.'/, in at.,
tiiC following described Real Estate, viz: a tsact j
cf land coiitdiniiig 1.8 acres, adjoining lands of
Abn>. McClelland, Nathan JLte and others, about 1
CC acres cleared and under fence, watt. Log House j
or ) Log Stable thereon erected, a good spring
CSrTEIIMS :—Cash at cor.fiimation of Sate.
AdiuT of the Estate oi Daniel Shea, dee'd.
March 4, ! 59. i ..
Bi'A'I'EME.N r add r-j >it ol nut. F. Muor
iiea.i, Mewa.d ol the Fo-<r Jlnrf House oi'
rmjilovnr.eti! of Bedforri (Jountjtff tr-mi the Jst
day of January, l - r *S. till ttie i-fftlay A ■
1858. F'V
To cash from P. Smi'it on ac*bm;Tt * $1 06 i
do II Nicouetuu-, for bifuy 50 :
do O lilyrnire, foi rye, . • # 1 rifi •
do o P Arnold, !or floury" 2 75
do Mrs Harmon, for cor;., 46 ;
do Jno VV Liiigenfel ter. lot fori), -If)
do S.inor Nana, for lirifkwhgut, 80
do Jos-.pu Talc, on account, t s'; :
do WT Ch, •' J? 25 <
do A J can-oai, " 1 50
do iiush & Henderson " o lb
do I) Johnson, at dec* ase, 5 CO
do JiioJ' Reed, for corn, 45 1
do Sidu n Cook, ir calf, • 450
do itr. t', for ciuu, - '. 45
!o A Periin, for lye, ~ *l. 60
do L'r. Reamer, on
do 11 N linden us, lor i ye, ,4 45
do 11 Lentz, •' A 200 ;
do A Middleton, " -V* ~ 100 |
do S DieXerhoot, fur fl -ur , j ti 00 i
do L Agnew, " 1 *,O
do l or p*g, 1 CO
4* 50 7 i
By ra-h panl G Wei.let, <>n aeeoj.rt, in full, 8 47 j
do Mi= A ', lor knitting,.': I CO 1
do J W II el'*r, for salt, ,j- .. 5 75 1
do J Bcdiiiiier, f*r brooms 50
do .Mrs Cioy'eon account, , 120 :
do > R t, for uiaiketing, j 1 50
do J klovvser, for sail. | ' 5 25
do 1 1 i.ier, lot apple butter, 4 50
do J Forney, (or baskets j 80 ;
do Jit • lly>iir*g. for apple btitttjr, 1 25
do S Cook, U.r bee', 7.7. 15
do 1) J Shuck, lot -alt, 2 50
do F Friend, lot bacon, } .2 66
do l-a:ic l uier, for dried Irulty 3 U0
do VV Lys.iig-r tor sboeineu-iing, 7 >
do A Lull, removing pauper, ■' - 100
do H Naug'e, do W 50
do T Oldi.ain, do " nO
do H likes, do. ;s'j
do l-aac Lippel. on acronnt, 5 00
do Keiser, iia! tor pauper, T5
$ 47 'O3
By ca h to balarcc, 2 78
SSO 71
STAXCAiIC~.V.I auj. jep.jjt uf VViM. JLmwk, :
Steward "1 Hie Poor arid II >u— of Firvpj •vment
of 11-dfurd Cciinty ffoin April Ist till Ist
Januarv, 1859.
To cash paid for _rjin, flutir, Ike., fi'orn
suiidrv persons up to January !ri, 18'J, $!>S 15
Py rash p.iid for brooms, w 60 |
do apfies,
<lo 11 Perk lor plaster, F 50 i
<'o Cljimricy Sweep, --1 00 i
Ho VVm Hcirmg for toll, * 40 ;
do Dr. Anderson for seed co T n, 2 50 j
do J Edwards lor alt-ring stock, 1-60 |
do Cruder for basket, i <)2g :
do 11 Sellers for while washing, ..2 i
do Mrs. Cupj.-t for dried null, 1 00
do Wni Bowies Mage tare lor send
ing pauper "si Chambefsbtng, 3 50 '
do A Hernial, to: boiler..
do Wn Bowles lor horse hire, 3~f. !
do John 'I ay ior lor tar, 12* j
do Jo-hua Shoemaker, f-K mutton, ' 3Ji .
r'o Ml.eeil for 72 1
do .Mrs Koontz tor fruit, ! 50 i
•!o F-Jtpenses to C.ialm<>nt, 2 00 ,
do Mr-Harklerood for fiu t, 1 50
do Sipes for beef. 2 40 ■
do Liquid Camphor. * 25 j
do J VVillien.-*, tor ba-ket, 2> j
i',i J (Ijrkieiou! lor potatoes, C "0 '
do VVbite and Black on account, 87J >
do lor wink at lace, 5 i-> f
do Win. Herring for toll, 50 j
do German for work at race, t 20
do Ex(ienses to Hopewell, 1 25 ;
<!o P K.tcbey for inn!ton, i 60
do do for ft uit, .'l7f |
do S Vonderamith, on account, 06 j
do Dielil forstiaw, ' 81 :
do Morgeit for scantling,
t!o 1) Snuse for lime, t ftti
do Expenses to Cumberland, 1 50
do Ritchey for mutton, 20
do Mrs Hammond for bru-h, 5"
do Expenses to CutrfEei land, 1 5u
do P Little for straOj liy
da f>r Harry for lard,'* 261
do Axe bought at sale, 75
do Jno Me'oy for rye, 22 50
Ha!n<e due Poor House, , Vst 7 1
slos 15
STATr'MENT at the Poor II >nse mill, from the lt
*!av of Januarv, JSS4 to the Ist day of Jauuarv, A. ■
D. 1852.
DK. '
* < f |?
s . 3 r 4 -. I
fk 5b sr c ,
Am*t of toll gram luo't " * ? !
in, as per mo. /. port, 361J 227j 45$ 10 6
Bojght of J Snyber, 2*3
do P. Clark, 50
do VV Ritrhse 2S|
do Juo Meloy 30
Amount, 400 257 J 45$ 40 , 6
By anoourf of grain uaed in Poor House an.l^
mndry persons for cab and on accounts for work
done in repairs to mill, house, &c. h;;.
5= g w *
' v *v £ _
? ? ? 5? ;i
Am't used in P. House, 383 20 21 ID
Bor,e feed, 73 j
Ho; feed, *1 5$ 4
sundry persons, S3 165$ 13$ 13| 1
Amount, 466 287 421 43£ 3
Fist of paupers admitted, discharged, o.ed, &e., du-
Lng each month, and the numb-r remstning at the
end of each month. ALo, the average number sup
ported in the House during the year, together with
'be no. of ojt-door paupers, supported (J- buried bythe
Institution from the Ist day of January, 1868, to
'he Ist day of January , 16-59.
I s " ?sr r 5 .? |>
as. | £ ?sg g.£ fa
rz n. 7 ? *j -r*s
a f- - 2 3 = 3 5 2
5 vq •
.; IS'§.
Januniy, 5 2 - { jj
February, 2 1 1 jts
: March, I •"> I vu ' lfl
April, .21 . 21. 11l
.May, 5 I 21 29
' J fine, 1 1 1 24 > 20
! July, 2 ! 1 ; if. 20
: August, 2 1 'sf, 2i
j September, 2 1 2-j 22
; October, 3 1 2S. 23
November, 3 2 1 22 24
Dcccaibtr, 1 1 30 25
31 J> I 3 1 223 240
making an average of 15 per month of whom 5 are <
colored. There are, also, 3 who are blind, 11 in
sane, 3 confined to bed—there are also, 2 out-door
| paupers Who are not included in the above. Bills
. were paid for boarding and medical attendance for j
j paupers who were sick in different parts of the
county, one of whom has since been brought to the
Poor HouV. 118 way-faring persons were p, ovi
j ded with board, lodging, fcce., of whom 22 were A
-1 mer icans, 311 Get mans, 93 liithmen, It English-.
I m n, 3 Ffenchnnrn, 2 Italians, 2 dcotchmen and 1
i Welshman.
STATEMENT of the produce of the farm of and :
garden fioin April Ist, 1858, to January lit 1859.
) S5 dozen wbea bushels ear? of corn, lt> bin. :
i of oats, 230 busheisof potatoes. 10 bushels of Ijeete, j
1" bushels ol tomatoes, 12 busheisof onions, one !
ditto small, 6 bushels of parsnips, 20 tons of bay, 3 j
! loads of corn fodder, 2000 heads of cabbage, <j bar- '
| rele of kraut. 3 barrels of cucumbers, 225 poo nils of
• wool, 3 beet hides, 8 sheep -kins, 1 call skill, 5 ;
: calves, 320 pounds ol mutton, 00 pounds ot Veai, '
• 2188 pounds ol pork,-500 pounds of lard, 1 |53
of beef. 85 pounds of tallow, 438 pounds of butter
j 20 pounds of hard soap, 1 1 barrels of soft soup.
Live stuck an farm.
2 horses, 71 sheep. 7 cows, 1 heifler, 1
■ sboats,2 Lruxi sows.
fee..' for Stuck.
It tuis o! hav. 25 bushels ears of romj
A iti Hex iHuitt: far!turd j/t Hunt* Ly t:t.ttrill.
59 shirts 1 1 chemises, )Bpa r mens' socks, U pair
womens' stockings 4 per children's do , 2) wu
:' dresses. 1 child's do., !) sheets, 20 ml low
slip-, 10 bed-ticks. 2 bolsters, 22 aprons, S pairof
it.ens' uiawers, S pair mens' pants, 3 shrouds,* sun
bonnets, 2 vest -, 2 round jackets, 1 coat, 4 wotßeo's !
cap-, 15 comfort-. 12 towie, 1 table cloths. - i
We the undersigned, Directors of the PootS and
Hou-c of employment of Bedford county, do r#tify j
that we have examined the above account, Slate
' rncnt and report of Wm. Learv, Steward oE'said
Poor ai d Hou-c of Employment, .'rom the Ist (lav of
April, trio's, and find tile same to be cot reel.
Witness our hands and seal- this 1-t day of Janua- j
I ry, 1 ->59. GEORGE ELDER, [L. S.]
Arrrsr— JOHN" AMOS. |_6. S.j
TitoWa* U. t'l rrvs. Clerk.
[REPORT of Oeurge L Hymire, Treasurer of
f the Poor Hut sr. met House of Employment of
tleJford' County, i>t account with said Coun- '
ty, from the la/ day oj January , 18.78, tilt
the Isi Umg f January, 18f>9.
To amount received from Collectors, as follows:
Fr'tdi Jacob Xicodemns, ssl 92
tin P H s. : lull, 21 CI
do Robeit Elder in full, IS 05
dOkfF.hae Gump, du 41 41
do Josiah Burner, 131 30
do John Dasher, 25 ou !
do Jacob Evans in full, 28 <39 •* ;
do Heury Egulph, do |9 64
do John >paiks, do 36 99 j
do Simon Beard 75 59 ;
do John Furry, 6z 27
do Jacob Smith in full, 110 85J i
do Ad*oi Barnhsrt in full, 156 21
do John Osborn. << I#s 20 ,
■ .untie I .lames, 173 S3
do Herwy Rose, 135 in!
do Jonathan PWghtner in full, 1(3 42
do Alexander Davis, << 22 56
do .N at bun Hurley in full, lAs 99
do John B iok, <• 01
i •-*- Naa-h l .fUoM,-" 7>"4H> t
do Wm in full, 181 2l I
iio Philip Cupp-t, 131 00 i
do Abraiiam Morgan in full, >lB 07 '
; do Wm'Master*, '' 9S 14 j
do .7a i;.~l Horn. " 40 7! J
do Jam-* Smith, 177 T* ,
, do Amos Asb in full, 79 21 j
tio Isaac M imtsr iu full, 123,60 j
do Simon Beard, 195 09
do Henry S Fltick, 119 10 4
do Dan.el Shuck, 92 44
do Jacob tfeighait. 10'! 30
it John Shoemaker, 06 00
do John Morgan, 48 00
do Henry Worn, .35 13
do G-ofge K Steel, 48 38
do Mii'hatl Bone, 47 CO
do Win Camell, 23 00
do A. Smith, 17 73
do Christian Feltnn, 30 00
do/^Tnorr .as Rifcbey, 21 30
do / Emanuel Statler, 20 fiO
f'o John Smou-c, ,5" 00
! do Wm Kirk, 36 20
do fac.b Hank-, .*OS 8J
do Isaac P.e--ell, 25 48
do John Flock. "3" 123 00
do Thomas y llorion, judgment, ' i2l ,09
j , _ _ _ S4'JC4 47;
cue v jr.
iDr B F Hairy -tore bill u. attendance, $lO7 02
I.Mrs Exiine Keeping out-door pauper, oOh
D HejseJ, blinking pauper, 7 17
I Jacob Dunkel for wheat, 20 t2j
J 1 Rush due on settlement, 3 13
James F Linn keeping out-door pauper, 6 00 J
j James I' I.inn do (Jo 4 00
T K Gettys o 0 ;uarter's salary, 6 25
T K Gettys do do O 23
John Mower balance on B Bender, C 20
X l-yon-b.:lai>ci on bill of goods, 17 .73
John Esheluuui bunging pauper, 2 70
B F Horn for lumber, 8 25
S Shuck ,t Co for bill of goods, 44 72 j
Jacob Bariidollar for shingles and gooJs, 27 70
Dr (> \Y An lerson foi wheat, 25 00 1
Jacob Mortimore ior beet. IS 42 I
Job Mann, Eiojr, part of check, 37 51
John R Jordan repairs at mill, 9 00 1
.Mr* F.xlu.e lew support of out-door pauper, 750 !
A Gilson for oit, 6 25 I
J Miller for sl.oeiftakir.g, 3 90 j
Jacob Reed bill 01 good-, 23 (>4
E Be.lell bringing paup-r, 3 70 j
La ban John-on, dona t ion, 12 50 ;
do do 42 50
Xichola? l.yors bill of good*, 29 53 J j
.tame- M Barr.dotlar, 79 79
Henry-Shaffer, 33 64 }
.J C Ki-er money borrowed, 21 I 00 j-
Isaac Lippe| goods, 4 14 j
li-nry F'lso-k ujinging pauper, t 37i j
Dr B F Harry salary and bill of medicine, 54 50£ ;
Michael Conrad, 33 00 j
T R Gettys Ist quarter's nl.iry, C 25 I
Samuel Brown bill of goods, 21 S2 j
do do 35 103
J A Blackburn for bacon, 10 71 (
J A (Jsborii burying o'it-door pauper, 7 00
Michael Baupou part of bill rendered, 25 00
Nehemsah Fregle boarding pauper, 6 00
J F Linn support as out door pauper, 3 00
do • do 4 00
Samuel Way balance of check, 83 00
Lucas Saupp toy straw, • 3 00
J F Linn- support as out-door pauper, 4 00
Simon Sycuin, 47 70
Jacob Bi>ldle paid check in full, 27 30 j
Henry Mo-espart oi coeca, 25 00 I.
Jacob Baindotlar, do 25 00 j
do do * 20 00 )
do Interest on jadgment, 4S 00
Wm F Moorhead, 2100 j
David Over printing, 65 73j . t
John Miller shoemendtng, 523 (
T K tiettys making out and distributing du- I
plicales, 30 CO . |
Wm Spidel repairing mill irons, 5 Of) j (
Mrs Kxline, donations, 6 7.5 j 1
Jacob Dunkel for wheat, 4t 30 |
13 W Garretsor for coal and bringiDg pauper, 32 00 I
—■ :
5 'John Arnold store bill, 16 01.',
,j JJaniel B Bu'ger executing tM'ts 5 45
„jDr B F Barry balance cm quarter's #tary, 22 62'
: Michael Ban (ton bill rendered, 25 00
j Tbornne Daisd shearing sheep, B 31
Nicholas Lyons bill of inidda, 13 11
, Win Leaiy, for use nf Pom House, 2U 00
Bfymire & Hartley, bill rendered, 55 13
i J Diddle fur apple butter ami dried apples, 12 25
i Wm F .Moorhead 2 quarter's salary, 20 00
i El wood Hariner balance of check, 14.) 00
i Jamc- Crisman issuing ordets, * 00
Mrs Win Moorhead services as matron, 12 00
| J F Linn, support as out-door pauper, 30 00
i SB 'late assignee of Sanson) & Gepbart, -IS 35
.1 Michael Ritchey, 28J bushels wheat, 25 65
j T W 1 lotion enor in settlement, 2 43
] Jjkbn Long attending Luke Eager, 14 75
| Daniel \Vitei bringing pauper, S SO
j Jaretniah Leat,ure,donation, 20 00
fjohn Frazier keeping pauper, 19 00
t G. W. Householder removing pauper,. 4 20
I James Wertz Bill of Lumber, 35 00
IT.R . Geitys Jr. 1 qi'a salary, 6 2."
j Adam Dibert one bull, 41 00
! Simon Cook bill of beef, 7 13
Alexander Gilson lor oats', 5 00
■ S. D. Broad work at forehay, . 6 00
Stephen S. igle keeping pauper, 20 00
William Leary use ol Poor House, 13 00
Simon Mixell for beef, 6 S3
, John Long expense of two paupers, 1 i 51
| Isaac Mengle Jr Bei.stead jj - cottin, 5 15
Peggy L'avi-, check & interest dated aug 31
i J*s2, 67 05
' William Hartley for bacon, 20 16
j Michael Weisel wheat & ba r rels, 9 25
: Michael Halterbaum beef 6: bacon, 36 06
; Lewis Staller tor coal, 42 08
i bewail Hershberger for bacon, 23 67.
| John BriJaham brick and crockery ware, 3 98
; Frederick Menrh for p:ue Ik trimming graps " fc "*
1 vine, " 2 021.
Frederic k Mencb for veal, 6 03
do rye, 5 66
do straw pine Ik apples, 2 CS
di> mutton. 3 r.
S. W. Garret'On arot over paid, 19 70j
' >l. K. Bartges work at race, 5 00
■ Henry Sellers lor work, 6 73
; John Shaffer apples, 4 00
.lathes Naugle. bringing pauper 2 30
Sr. D. Broad bdgiug master wheel, 5 00
William F. Moot head part of check, 2m O0
Dt-Mpiit Hershberger fot beel, 9 99
I Jacob Mortiinor, lor beef, * (16J
Isaac- f). F.arnest do 7 76
j VVilnam Milburn making coffin-, 9 00
Edmund Bedell bringing pauper, 4 30
S. b. Broad work at forebay, 48 00
i T 4V Horton, bringing pai.p r. 1 00
; T. W. Horton justice Ik constable fees, 2 00
T. R.Getty# 1 qrs sa'ery, 6 25
Y. W. Horton Keeping pauper, 13 50
! M. K. Bartges Work* at mill, " 50
; Philip Clark wheat, 401>2i
Jacob Sny der wheat & corn, 30?00
J. W. Scot! beet, 4 40
Fretlei ick Naugl- 4 appltbullcr, b 37i
David Dibert applebnttor, 10 00
Frederick Nauqle bacon ,x. vinega 4 , 68|
: Daniel Snyder do 5 f,O
j Jacob La ran do 50
Dr. F. C. Reamer's ha?f years salary) 3 ) O'J
| Drviri Walter ami over paid on duplicate, 6 7S
; Mrs Mary Mooretu-ad services as matron,
12 03
Lawrence Jamison pari ofcheck no 12, 3"> 00
B VV. Carre*son lor coal, IS 00
Meyer? N. lien lord bill ptintior, 44 53
! Samuel Btosvn part ol check, 10 03
John Arnold do 23 00
j .Mrs i\ try M lorhesci services as malt on, 1 2 00
John Kitnby r-*paiiing kitchen, 1 50
. DelicatJgh tor beet, Hi 00
. T9m> as Murray pari ol check, 60 00
Anthony Whil medicine lor self, 5 00
V\ i Ilia in Gillespie arr.t civer ptid 1 19
: Tnomas McCoy bill of bacon, <i 20
Li ,belt Ft an bill of goods, 44 00
Jacob ReeJ Jv Co., do Si 33
William Moorhead pa:t ol check, 22 10
lob Mann Esq.,check in lull, 40 95
H-frrv Conrad servhrg executions, 2 62
George Blymire stone coal. &. tin ware, +5 244
Jeremiah money refunded, 1 25
2li4s Gump do 20 SS
George Elder hail tear salary, 20 00
I' K. Gi-ttys quarters, do 6 25
Doe Treasurer on last set lb-men', 3;)78j
i George Bivmirtt salary as Treasurer, 40 ()')
] William Moorhead part of check 04 SO
I Uncorrent Money, It) 00
j Auditors' is. clerks' salary, 21 0 )
• Commissions allowed collector-, 193 99j
Exoneration allowed collectors, 220 9 ){
And of nilerest on sundiy checks, Kil 67
J -'mt, j S4IJB IS
i s llfjjtEM fiAT of monies due to /f ■ Jj'urJ
County Poor House, nn Hit 1/ <iiy of Junuir
ry, 18J9, from Collector.*, us follows:
; Jacob StiU'le, for 1851 srsS 0!
lacob .\icßHifins, do 102 1,5
George Lone, 18">l> 8 19}
Josiah' .Brunei, do 42 17
John Dasher, do 83 67
Si a ion Beard, do 156 )>)
John fonry, do .5 92
i Mairmel jmiies, 1857 21 19
Henry Hp**, ito 10 9.5
j Noah I'iptOl!, do 1 I ,55
, Philip tjiippett, do 8.5
I Jaine, do I )3 97
I Simon Beard, do 211 05
Henry > Fiurb, do 30 5 >
Dannd J Shuck, ISSS 87
Jacob Reigf art, do "\! 4 18
Lemuel Evans, do 89 :ir>
: John Shoemaker, do 47 19
! John Morgan, do 71 43
j John E Miller, do 55 97
i Sniomon Steel, do 75 4 1
Henry Horn, do 25 117
.Michael Bine, du 45 46
VV in Carnell, da 79 90
Anthony Smith, do 101 42
Christiiit Fehoii, do 33 95
Thomas Riichey, do 52 61
Emanuel Staler. do 5 59
John Smouse, do 29 19
Wm. Kirk, do 118 71
ljac frvsaell do 54 til
Jacob Nicbdemus, do 250 84
John B Flock, do 51 16
John King, judgment, 1853, 80 69
John L Hiit 14 135 J., 16 68
Amofini, $2579 604
We the undersigned Auditors ol Bedford
county, do certify that we have examined the
fore2oiog account of George Blymire, Treasu
rer of tie* p. K >r and House of Employment of
Bedford County, and find the same to be cor
rect and true as above staled, and that there is
a balance due said Treasurer of 63.70 J.
Witness our hand and seal this 4th day
of January, A. D. 1859.
HENRY B. MOCK, [c. s-1
JOHN W. CRTS MAX, [t.. *.}
JAMES C. DEVOKE. [u. s.\
Thomas R. Obttts, Clerk.
Executor's Notice.
NOl ICF. is hereby given that Letters Testamenta
ry on the w ill of Fredrtck Smith, late of Coterain tp.,
deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, by
the Register of wills of Bedford County—that all
person* having claim, on sa id Estate are requested
to present them duly authenticated for settlement,
and those indebted are notified to make immediate
payment. HENRY F. SMITH, t
Feb, 23, 1859. G. W. HOUSEHOLDER, ) Ex'r.
Bedford Railroad Company.
THE subscribers of slock, to the BEDFORD KAIL
ROAD COMPANY, are hereby notified that by A
resolution of the Board, now duly organized,
the}' are required to pay to the Treasurer of the
Company, on or belore the sth day of April,
next, the first installment of the capital stock
subscribed by them, being sl-.16§ per share.
By order of the Board.
Feb. 25,'59. Sec'y. St Treasurer.
Alt ppr-onsare hereby no tified that 1 have pur
chased at Sheriffs Sale one lot of Tinner Machines,
j Hand Toots, Patterns SEC. Also the entire lot of
: stock aqd tin ware in the shop lately occupied by
Abraham Herman — as whose property the same was
F also hereby give notice that I have hired said
Herman, and will hereafter carry on the Tinning bu
siness at TH" shop formerly occupied by him on JU
j lianna Street. Notice is further given that the
I Hook of said Herman now belong to me and any
! persens having accounts will please preaent them to
| Samuel Kadebaugh Esq., lor settlement without de
-1 lav.
I "Feb,2.">, 1850. SAMUEL BARNHART.
T am determined that unless all persons indebted
tame on count, note, or otheiwise do not make
payment immediately, that their accounts Ike., will
BE placed in the hands of an officer after the IST b
day of March, 1539 for collection. This is positively
the last notice. G. YV. RUPP.
Bid ford Foundry.
•THE subscribers having purchased the Bedford
| Foundry of Messrs. Washabaugh and Baruion, would
I IMM respectfully announce to the citizens of Bed
; fold and adjoining counties that they are prepared to
| m ike and furnish all kinds of CASTINGS for
CJrist and Saw-mills, Threshing Ma
chines Ploughs. Jlpplt-mills, Cooking,
I Sleigh soles, wash kettles, of different sizes, wagon
■ boxes ol all sizes, farmers' bells, (A superior arti-
I ele), oven doors, arid every thing usually made in a
; country Foundry.
Woodcocl , Seyler
| a <J HJLL-SIDE PLOI7GHS.— Also, a new PLCG
| PLOUGH, to which we call ihe esppcial attention
;of our larmiers —A superior article to the old Plug
' P'OIJUTNWITH two kinds ot points, shares and laiul
si Jes tffSuit all ploughs in general USE inthiscouri
• tj". iurftinc and fitting ot iron patterns maile to
order, and all kinds of repairing done at the short
est notice and at low prices. All our own work
made of the very BEST material, and warranted to
givk satisfaction.
Hrmers and other® wrttld do well to
I call and examine our work before purchasing -Ise
wbejre, as we AN. determined to NI-et the immer
gericies of tho times, WE w ill
iti! !ow fur C~isH, or country produc.
I .G and liar iron, HORSES and lumber, taken in ex
' change lor work.
febl">,'.'FV-ly SHIRES A JORDAN.
BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bed
ford county, the UNDESIGNED will offer at public
SALE ? OO the pretni-es. on
Saturday/, Ihe 19 lh day of larch, next,
\ the following described Real Estate, VIZ: The MAN
SION TRACT, of said deceased, containing 2-DL A -
| CRTS, about IGO acres REARED and under fence and
in a HIGH M ate of eutt i vat ion. 'The improvements aie
BARS', and the necessary out-buildings. This
tartn is one of the best in Hopewell township, being
goes! limestone lain! and having three good springs
and orchard thereon.
One other frart containing 111 acres, about GO
act¥ cleared and under tenre. The improvements
er out-buildicgs. 1 nere is a GOOD spring on the
, auti at*o an ORCHARD ttiereon This IS
GOOD J_UD and in a good state of cultivation.
One other tiact containing GO acres, about .30 a
ere* cleared and in good otiler. 'J he improveinents
are one Log House, Stable and Saw-mill, THERE is
ALS„ AT orchard thereon.
"J hese lands are all in a good section of country,
w ',; ha short distance of the Rail Road and at the
door O R A ready market ali the lime.
TCINIS— One third to remain in the property do
ring the hfetnpe o! the widow, the interest thereon
payable to her annually — one thir.T in hand at ron
frma'ion of sale, arid the balance in two equal an
nua! pavmenU Without iutere.-T.
Feb. 2.1, iSjl?. '1 ru.tee.
r fi MIE undersigned Assignees 'if Patrick
I Ltd, will offer at Public Sale on the pre
mises, in Napier Township", on
,1/r tday, the 21*/ day of .March, next,
the follow tag Real E late, situated in said town
ship, viz: A tract ol Land, being the mansion
place, containing about 9(i acres, more or less,
rtl r land assigned, and John Sill on
the East, Jui.'.i VVhiteline on the West, David
Border pa the North, artd A. Stiff! r on the
South, About 6i) acres cleared and tinder fence,
a porli<4i ol which is meadow. The dwelling
house id a pood -new Log House two stories
high, wjth a spring of fine water near the
house. jThere is also an old Barn on the pre
mises, with other out-buildings—there is also a
fine apple orchard in thrifty condition.
Adjoining the above on the East, is also a
small tract containing about 54 acres. The
improvements are a good fiatne Dwelling House,
with a Stable and threshing tloor, with about
30 acres cleared and under fence, the unim
proved land is well timbered, and the v. hole
being but aliout hall a mile from the Turnpike,
ha* a good road either to Bedford oi SchelL
twirg,,,. PoyesMnn given on the Ist of April.
IDjr TERMS —One half in hand, balance in
one afid two years without interest. The grain
now in the ground will E-* reserved.
Kelp 'p,'f)9. Assignees.
H. H. E L D RID G E,
.Manufacturer, Importer an ! Dealer in
Being in a bye-street, LINGER very light expenses,
this ILOUCE has been enabled for mnnv years to main
tain the reputation of being the CHEAPEST in the
Warehouse, NO. 43 STRAWBERRY
STREET, second door above Chestnut Street.
C7"^'raw berry is the first street we,t of Second
Compnny Election.—
JL The Stockholders of the Bedford and
Stovsfown Turnpike Road Company, arc hereby
notified, that the Election for manager* of the
COtr.panv, will be held at the house ol
Jameg Fnuher, in SchelUburg, on the first
Monday, seventh day of March next, between
the houAy of one and three o'clock, P. M.—
Stock holders, please attend.
Feb. 11,*53 3c'y.
Tais SCHOOL w ill open on Monday tli* *2l st
lof February, ia the LACGE BRICK B< n onvo
f heretofore occupied by the R.-v. Go. W
! inbaugh. The services of Mi-* S. E. M xitgom
j erv a young Lady of thorough • ■due uti<*<* T and
| wvll versed iri the "Ait of Teaching," have
| been secured to take charge of the Feinth* de
Persons from different parts of the county
wishing to prepare themselves for teaching, will
find it to their advantage by attending this In
stitution, as special care will be taken with
them, in the branches taught in the * Common
Schools," under the supervision of the County
Ihe Session will be divided into two Quarters of
1! weeks each.
Tuition per Quarter, Primary Branches $3 00
Common English 4 oo
Higher do s 00
Classics 6 2.3
Students entering before the middle of the Quarter
will be charged full tuition. Thoe entering after
that tune, will be charged half tuition Xo deduc
tion made, unless in case of protracted sickness.
Bedford, Feb. 15. 1959. Primripal
1 take pleasure in recommending Mr- Shoemaker
to the patiullage of the citizens of Bedford arid vi
cinity. His success </J a leather is Weil established.
1 believe him to be fully qualified to teach all the
branches be proposes to teach.
ALL persons are hereby warned not to take an as
signment of a note given bv me to Abram Oppenhi
mer, in Februrav 1859 for $23, as 1 received no val
ue for the same and am determined not to pay unless
co rr pel led by law. JOSEPH A CORI.E.
St. Clair tp, Feb, *59.
Mill of the undersigned situate in Pal-
J_ tonsville, Morrison's Cove, a fine grain
growing country, will be for rent for the next year,
commencing Ist of April, 1859. The .Mill i in
gooJ repair, having three run of French Burrs and
am! one pair of choppers.—A large double Brick House, the iate res
idence oi the undersigned. This houe was kept as
r. hotel a few years ago arid would be well adopted
tin that puipose. „
Ai.-o—Another comfortable Frame House, occu
pied for a number of years by Doctor Wm. Birch,
it is intended for the residence of a Physician—Dr.
Burch intending to move out of the neighborhood,
will leave this situation vacant, it being one of the
most desirable situations in the State tor a regular
arid attentive practitioner.
Thn-e desirous of renting any of the above men
tioned properties will call on William P. Scott, a!
Pattonsville, or the subscriber at Hopewell.
Feb. 25. '59. JAMES PATTOXN
By virtue of writs of ven. ex., K li.fa.. to me direc
ted, there will be sold at the Court Hou-e, in the
Borough of Bedford, on Saturday, the 19th day of
.March, IS. 9, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the following des
cribed real state, to wit:
The Hoilidaysburg and Bedford Turnpike Road
■ itb all the iranchises thereunto belonging togeth
er with a !ot of ground containing one hall acre,
more or less, all clear-d an.! under fenre with a sto
' v and a half frame toll and dwelling house, and lo"
stable thereon erected—adjoining lands of Suian
Carney and others—situate in Bedford township,
Bedford county, anil t.ikn n execution as the prop
erty of the Hoilidaysburg and Bedford Turnpike
road Company.
ALSO—One lot r f ground in Cbaneysville. and
having thereon erected a Frame dwelling House
one and a half stoier-, high, containing store room,
granary, her., and having a!-o thereon erected a
frame Stable, and other oiit-huiiding-.
ALSO A tract of mountain land on "Ragged
Mountain," containing STJ acres, adjoining lands of
Thomas Law-head, Mary Ann Buxton, Edward North
craft and David Walter, and taken in execution as
the property of Wm. Lahlev.
WM. S. FLUKE, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Bedford, Feb.23,'39.
\yeiisn's improved
THE undersigned believes that he has invented a
cast iron carriage bub v. hicn far excels all oth
ers now in rise, for strength, neatness and durability,
and that it only needs to be txamined, and its mer
its tested: to secure its universal approval and a
doption. Indeed it is no an experiment, it
having been effectually tried bv the best judges in
our country, and pronounced or.Cof the
Greatest Improvements of the .life!
Several vehicles have been in use over two years
with the Improved Hub attached, and the wheels
are still as perfect as when they lelt the shop, the
unavoidable wear excepted.
This is the only Cast iron Hub ever invented sui
table lor Lgbt wheels.
This imprevement is of such a nature that one or
more spoke- may be taken out changed or replaced
! without disturbing the othe r poition of the wheel.
Where a wood huhi- used, if a spoke happens to be
■ roine, broken, it is necessary to cut the t:re and se
i narate the felloes, to get at the damaged part. The
wheel must be then reconiposed, the tire reweldad
' and reset. All this involves a considerable expen*
: and loss of iime.
! In the present Improvement the inner ends of the
spokes are secured in an Iron Hub. which consists
mainly of two shells fastened together with screws.
• By simply unscrewing the nuis and tu king off the
i back shell, any one of the spokes may he removed
l or changed, and the hub again put together, leaving
the wheel as solid and lirrn as ever, all
This mcjhod of constructing Iron Hub Wheels
gives them uiiu-tu! strength,
; besides obviating several other objections that have
heretofore attendej their use. Ttie cost of manu
facture is also greatly reduced.
The subscriber Agent for Bedford County, will
dispose of Township and shop rights on reasonable
terms. WILLIAM O'NEAL, Agent.
Feb 25, 185y. Rainsburg, Bedford Co., Pa.
rIST OF LETTERS remaining in the
j Post Office, at Bedford, Feb. 15, 1559.
CU?"Persons calling for letters in this list will please
say they are advertised.
Auman Jemima Miss Jamison David Mr
Akers J P M r Kennedy Shannon Mr
Brown Mary Miss Koons Rebecca Mls
Bene! B Mr Keith J B
Brorons Wm Mr Lawton R Esq
Berkepile Alexandria Leader Elizabeth i
Bowls Daniel Mr Miller Samuel
Clements Daniel Mr Miller Josephine C Miss
Crawford Henry Mr Mock H B
Carroll Chas C Miller Elizabeth Miss
Calehan Vrolit Mrs McGlary John
Devore Cornelia X'augle James 2
Devore Jacob Mr Overockcr Hannah Miss
Dunn James Mr Osborne Wheslock itco
Doneboe Thomas Mr Phillips William Mr
Earnest John Mr Piper Luther R
Elder Susan Miss Potter John J Mr
Evans Margaret Mrs Reighard Solomon
Krchaltz Wm G Mr Reigbard Michel
Exl'.ne John Mr Reed James W Esq
Earnest Susannah Rump Mary Miss
Grey G T Rev Kirbarsl Catharine Miss
Glover John Mr Smith At bony Mr
Grimes Rachel Mrs 2 Sbnt'er John HMr j
Gubernator Charles L MrSlayton Charles L Mr
Gallentine Eli Mr Stair Aaron Mr
Griffith Leandvr Sleek Jacob A Mr
Hoffman F Mr - Stifler William
Harris John P A Mr Wilson John
Halliran Daniel Wogan James P Mr
Hedding JnoS Wiaegarver W Esq
Harris Kosannah Mrs Williams Ossir Miss
Hecht Daniel L Williard Lavir.a ALsa
Hnnole B F Mr Wheler Sarah Afisa
Hoover Rudolph Mr 2 West John Esq
llarbaugb N > aies L M
Harrier Prisill* Young Augustus Afr 2
lir.ler Josiah Mr Yourg J M Mr
- ■ L'L" "I'lflLf
" C °*^
0U Baltimore Street, ffnUlmore,
L*rd, Elour, Baton. Leather, Woo!, Gin
j seng. Snake Hoot. Bt- 3'.vex, Pejithera, and
ever,- description of country Produce.
A long business ex|>erieru-e enables tit to
| assure or.r friends that the bext possible di.po
sition wil! be tnade of anything intrusted to
our care for sole.
k i N M EflT/omr'
BefWftD Four-and-a-half an<i SixlbSlreus
K. F. KIIDIEIX, Proprietor.
K. V- IIJIPBELL, Superintendent.
Washington City, Dec. 10, 57-ly.
B\ virtue of an order of the Orphans' Courl of
Re-fiord county, the subscriber will offer at
public sale, on the premises, in Harrison town
ship, Bedford county, on MONDAY, the 13th
day of March next, the following Real Estate,
late the property of Henry Beitz, dec'd, viz;
situate in said township, adjoining lands of Sal
omon Leydig and Waltman on the south
and east, and Jacob Hittigas on the north
west, containing about EIGHTY FOUR ACRES.
The impiovemenU are a two-story and a half
Log Dwelling H V*e, in good repair,
log stable with a threshing floor, and other out
buildings. There is also a good young apple
orchard upon the property, and the place is
well watered with some as fine sprirgs a can
be found—ab~ul GO acres are cleared and in
a good state of cultivation, the land being near
ly all new. The residue is well timbered—
the place is about half a mile from the turn
pike. Possession given on the Ist of April.
Terms made known on the day of sale.
ROSS ronwAfin. o. H. C; A I TIIER.
Forward &. Gitilbcr,
Bedford, Penn'a.
erset, have opened 3 law office in Bedford, Pa.
O. H. Gaith-r, having located permanently in
Bedford, will be assisted during t-vrrv Court by
the f.rmer. All business entrusted to their
care will be promptly and carefully attended to.
Otnce on Juliana street two doors South of the
Inquirer office.
J. W. MACLSFfci/rEfl,
Attorney at Law and Land .Surveyor,
Will attend with / tomplncss to at! bttsintss
entrusted to his care, j
one door West of the Union Hotel.
O. 11. GAITHER will promptly attend to all
surveying business that may be entrusted 10
him. Ottice on Juliana street, iwc doors South
of the Inquirer office.
An election for five managers of the
Chambpribnrg and 8.-dford Turnpike Road
company, will be held at the Public Hons? of
Mi>s Eliza Cooper, in McConneiisnurg, on Mon
day, the 7th day of March, next, at 1 o'clock,
P.*M. W. H. Mc DOW ELL. Sect'y.
Chambereburg, Feb. 11, 1859.
I liave purchased the following, late the prop
erty of Jeremiah Morris, and sold 8t Sheriff 's
sale, viz : Or.e roan mare, one Mack mare, and
one two horse wagon, al! of which 1 shall leave
in the possession ot said Morris, at my option,'
ar.d I hereby caution all ether persons against
meddling with the same.
Closing Out Cheap ! !
All kinds of Winter Dry Goods reduced, vz:
Coburg* at 50 cents, worth 75,
Merinos at 18| and 25 ets. worth 25
and 37i cents.
Alpacas, Silks, Delaines, Shawls, Rib
bons, Dress Trimmings, Shirts and
Drawers, Comforts, Flannels. Lin
seys, Satiuctts, Cassimeres,
Cloths. Hoots, Shoes, Gai
ters, &c. f See.,
Bedford, Feb. 4, 1859.
Httlh.ll Co-p.trlnertihi|).
THE undersigned have associated themselvea
in the practice of Medicine, in the village of
St. Ciairs'ille. Night calls promptly attended
to. Office opposite the St Clair Inn.
Feb. t !,'59.
Executors Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given that Letters Testamentary
have hern granted by the Register of Bedford County
to the undersigned residing in Bedford, on the Will
ofSan.ttel Brown dec'd and that all persons indebted
to the Estate are hereby required to make immedi
ate payment and those having claims on said E.tata
will present litem duly authenticated for settlement.
Feb 18, '53 Executrix.
AT a rrrei.t meeting ot the Burgess and f*awa
Council of the Borough of Bedford, it waa twaaj
mously re.olvr<s, that foe above reward oi SSO seitt
be paid for the detection ard conviction of any f**-
or or prenn* who may be caught in the art of ma
liciously seit-ng fire to any building ot
withu. the lim.ts of said boiougb-
By order of 'he Board.
Chief Burgegs.
H. Nicori*;:a, Clerk.