THE BEDFORD GAZETTE . ... .. i Hrilionl. Di'CfinbsT 10, I ">> >j? * p. F. Blfjers &C. W. Edited THE M:\VS. U v. John Lf.tciif.r w* nominated on the 4th in*!.. the l}r*iii'>r w'ic candid ite ' ,r . Governor of Virginia. Tin* d*|egte* voting 1 r luit', represented voter- i majuiity overall impositi m, ol 17, >J). (/eat f tj•* i - • atr uucetTeud ol ih-r* stu-. Tins I* a gi*a' victory over K ; - |" -t njjll. \ Young Men's Derr erratic ( in ' ha beer, i Ma' lished iii P.Hs'mg. \v. notice (hat ; our i l know that the // nr. Ir< is is boi.l • noo/li to raise ,ts voice i;i favor of de cency ao'l la r *!* almg on the j-a't jf Black 1-e- public an ion. The veteran of the N try, Co,lore j Stew art. haa leu | orartlv relinquisher! the com- j tr,ami ofihe Philadelphia Navy Yard, having j obtained Irom t!ie Department at Washirgtoi., j six mo !< ave ol absence. Tiie D-*nvicraiic State (lon vent ion f Kentucky wilt he held at Frankfort, on the Bth of J innat y next. Nominations are to h** ma |e j f ,r (vernor. Lieutenant Governor, an I other State officer?. The inhabitants of Dicotah, in antcipa t ion of i ec iv mg a teii it' rial organisation It ''in , (*ii ei, ss this winter, lave il-ctecl H . \\ . ! Kingsbury a? a delegate to Congress. I AMR- CIIES.Xt'T tiar been .d-tled L. S. Senator from Smith ' ambus. Tio? result i* i consiifered a "feat triumph of the conservative! Di ir.octats. FresiUU-m' Wt'ffJiSC. We a ve,y biief ami hasty sjuop.i. ol this anxiously drHui'TiPlit. (( e riotb- : iitg in raying that it rs the alde-t -tale pap-r thai has appeared **ic* the memorable mas-age. uj' An- j drew Jack-on. We ..hall give it entire in our n-xt, | with Niirh romnieii'i as it may stem to us to de- j rervp at our hands. The President says there is morh lesson for grx'- itude, vvben we rortipate the condition of th" co in- \ try at the p-eaeot day, with what it v. a- on.' y-*t ago, at the meeting of Congress. Much has heer, done by the legislation of the last (.orgies-to a. ay ; Ihe mrt ir rat -1 life on the -uljert of sievery which j was foster.'! tythe application of Karrns for ad | mix'.oii. It is a well evtabli-hed po-ition thit all | American citizens have an equal right *o take into ! the Territories wha'ever i he'd as proper!v, ai.u j io 1 obi such picp-ity uiid- r the guardianship of the Federal Con Tiiution, and the proceedings of the J last Se-sion were a'one wanting to give it effect.— Left to manage ir- own att.vlis.idt re-i-tance to the •: Federal Government has been finally abandoned.— j Had the citizens he-n obedient to lawful authority, i it would have ronta lied a large additional papula- j t:on. The refn at to vote for delegates to the con- : ftitutional convention was the fruitful eo.ure of all the evils that followed. A large mrjoritv of the i rnerttb rs of the Legislature elected in January last, ; belonged o the party which had previously refu.-'d to vote, arid thus the infi-stavery power w.,s then, t,laced to the aceiidant. It the t>r.vle had been ad- ; mi'.ted under the I.ecomptoo Constitution, the Le- ! gi-lature could have submitted the question of a jn-iit impediment, and ' the piovi-ion applied hy Congress ought to b• app't- ; eil *o bit the Teiiitones hereafter. Had this been previou ly the rule of the countty. we vv.r-ild t.ave escaped all the evils to which we hive bum exjuj,- rd by tt.e K.msas qnestioii. Justice requires the as- ! teblisti'iicnt of tills tule and for this pirpue he rec- ! o.tiroends the passage ol'a i act by Congre s. lie regards the pre-ent condition of Utah as a snljet tol congratulation, the Governor, and other c t.'iceis, pel for uiing ttie,r duties without re-i-lance, an l recviuriieiuU theextensio.i ol !n* bcirefi a of the j Land Laws lo the peop.e of that Territory. The f.-sull of atiaiis in China ha- proved the vvi-- ilom of the neutial policy of the United States, arid the treaty has been made Will be submitted to the Senate. A new treaty has been coneluleil with Japan, V will n el, dally augmn.l out trade and inter- ' course in thai qnaiter, and remove the diaab.l.tie. herelofore til'pu.iil on account of religion. It is trie earnest wish that every misunderstand ing with Great Rritian ha a ntcuhly and speed.lp ad j i-ted. The question of vi-it.itio.i an I search bis j been settled, by the abandonment of the riairn by j Great Btllian. A pfoprrsilion for a mutual agree ment for verilying the rvatiomi.ty of ve*-e!., bad j beetl sub rutted, by the la-t named po v i, in rep'y j to which the i-ecrctary of State -aid the Govern ment was ready to receive any proposal--. lie ha I • formed no op.mon on the suhj -cl.hut did not believe any plan could be adopted free of embarrassment. He regret- that the d.lfn ultie- out of the Clay ton-Bui wer Treaty hivenot been settled. A final settlement i- greatly desired,as it would wipe out the la 1 remaining subject ol dispute between the two cointriea. relations with France and Bus-'a, as well as all other governments oo the continent of Kurope, except that of Bptio, coituio- In t>e of the me t friendly character. A .>p n,h o!li.-ial had insulted unr t'ag and inilictr l injuries on our rilii'Si, and all attempts toubtain redress bale been ba'll >1 arid d -fcateii. it la a great grieca ice that tins Gov ernment was obliged to apply to .Madrid for the set tlement of qive-lions, when they are imiiiertiaUy re ferred bark to Cuba. Cuba is the ron-taiit source of injury and ai.ry 'ce to America:;-, an i solo ig as it retuairis open as a market for the slave trade, there cm be no hope for the eivil.s.tiou of Africa. The isla i 1 oi Cuba confen.ahd* the \f s.issippi and with that Island u i-ler Ih ' ikwrnnioi u* a distant l'or• eign [tONVer, our trade must bu exposed' in the dan ger of hemg .lestrnyed art tiedieril to 'uy the wbole avbyect beicro Congress, at it might bec*ie r.;bpenahie tone cess, there baus-i Ut the aw /.u til making tin advancv to lav Spanish Government, • firrlrv sigrnrgof the treaty, and before )t ratifi tatetu by lu> berntlv. Ue repeat* toe rtcomaiereda tion made in relation to the ArnistaJ rase, as an ap propriation for This purpas ' ca;il i not fail to ex-ft a , favrriable inf,uence upon Spiain. (I ir reiar'u-i- v.- : : the Irrtependent States, Sooth, j ; n rut in Noitb America, are peculiar. Mexico has been in a rrin tarit -Tate o; revolution, and it would he vain to attempt to force the pjym-i.t in money i ol' claim- ol American*. Abundant cause now exists io resoi I to ftosfi!.tl**s against the gov erurtieiil holding po se,ior: ol the ( apital, and -hoiilJ they succeed in -uhduing the Constitutional j foices, all hope of a p-aceiul settlement of our dllli , culiie- will have expired. On the olhei hand should j the Constitutional party pre vail theie is hop • for a j -peedy redress. But lot thi- he would have remit- j mended Congress to giant the uece-sary power to] 'ake possession of the remote Territovy of Mexiroj to tie held in pledge until our demands ate satisfied, : ' for the protect ion of the frontier. The President fuither diseri?ses the causes of the I financial depiession, and argue* that the Tariff had ] no connection therewith. It was the inevitable re. . sill! of our unsound and extravagant system oi bank j credits and inliatt-J ruireuvy. No u r ivvrnment, are! ; especially a government of such limited power- a- j j ' he i illicit Slates, could have prevented it. Ihe ] whoie-coniincrcial world -eerned for years to have i been rushing ' t> this catastrophe. The geneial cdii- j se- exi-tiiig throughout toe World, could not have been controlled by the tegi-iation of any p.uliculai ] • country. The exp-nses of th Government are given in a ! | shoit statement and the President oppo-es any fur- j ' ther loans to meet them. He irci emends the prac ' lice of rigid economy by Congre-s in it- appiopna- i tion*, and a revision of th- Taritt -o a-to bung -of- ] ficient revenue into the Tieasury to carry on the ! (/'lVeiomet.t without involving it in debt. He -ays i J :t i- our tine policy to increase our revenu® so a - to j : equal our exp-nditutes. It we'll !be ru noil- to con- : i t.rme to borrow, lie recommend- duties on ; . i-miiuodil ie- fold by weight. <.r measure, and which ar ftom their t ature, of • qual. or neaily equal, val ue. lis these are inctu le 1 iron, raw -ugsr, anl to'- eign wines all i spirits. Ihe -aiplus tunds in the | 1 reasury at the close of the last fiscal year, June ! i 30tn, were s'j,3i.'S.3! I The Pre-ident alo refer* iu very favorable term* j to the Parific 11 a. 1 toad project, but di-claim- all an rhoritv to appropriate money tor it- construction.— In a roitimeirial point of view, he coiistders it the greatest question of the day. The me-sage then treats of the rap Mire of the -la i ver •• Fcho." and the di-po-ition made of the Afri- j c n- found on loard, and conclude* by r*cvnmen ; ding To the favorable regard of Congress, the local i intere-ts of the District of Columbia, and expressing the gratifi -atioi of the P,-p- .) -,j t thit Co'igrrv) so kin-lly resp , i-ied to tti- recotr ne i I rtio-i of his last j aniiuai message, by affording him -uificieni tioie he fme the close of their lafe se-sion for the ex imina- i tion of all bill- pre-ented for F.xecutive approval. THE BLAC.( REPUBLICAN TARIFF. Seusitor VVi2.%on Fr. .Bore!an. 7lif "P;c!irlitt M> liimiskrd! It is notorious that during the late campaign the Black B' | uhln an.-, ithis (ongre.-iona! lilstliit, aril! whereVer they expect, li to make j votes by it, agitated the Tariff question, assT- j that Hie present I.w Taiilf was the cause i |of the hard times and that the Democrats had I ; | I brought about the passage of that TanlF. We i hive in previous i-siies o} the Gaz tie, proved j | die falsity an ! slauderousness ot liwse chaises, i ' and hut last week, in refuting Mr. Joruan's j , reiteration'd t!o";e char/.*, we showed ("ro.n that | ; eeutleman's own tdatemenU and tigures that ; they were uiitni". T'iere never wis a more, j ] truthful assertion mnJe since the wjrld ' bssttn, than that u.hic'i li ?, in common with the ] Democratic press of this State, have repented!y i | Car iff was a Black !(• | nblican no and ■ was pi-sel through Cotigr. sst y die ag- nry ol i 11l ick Republican jvilitii ians. I'o the .o .rw it. I. proof ol thia tact ttt.i ii we have al.eadv a iihiced, we 11ow aid the following extiac, Irom a late F|ieictl of S'-nat ir Wilson, o, j Alas.-acliusells. who i- a Black Bepuhlican oj i Hie deepest ilv", to which we ask the careful I attention oi our readers : • File ,-e.ssi :i that closed on the 4-1H rifMnch, !V>7, Ma iri.iinlv lb-vi .t ed bj us uj .Wii' t Euj- j j hind and a portion ot the c m-itr., to a inodiiit a i tt mi ol tin K- venue laws. I ne inaiiutarlureis ! 'd N-w Lug laud lite niei chants of H*siou, ,\w ] Yolk anil f'litladelplna, by lelt. r and tin ir j peiM/nal pri s.-nce al .istiiugtou, ioqilored u-, 111 the • uligie-s o| the United Stat. -, to IliOillly | '.lie taillf befjre We alj >Ui Ibil on ttie 4t!l oil i Much ; and, geiitiemeii, lorcixty da - ,s I gave to ttiat i (fort ! ' cliange or m i-tilv the taitli, inv dais and night.-. ] went to the men wtio repre sent the siieep growing regions of our countiv; Itl• Vw. re ino-lly ftej.riulicaii* : they did no! ' like to V lei lup I t|e do! \ lip til Will. VV USed ail our piwersot per*u I*l >n to in l ice tiiein to | consent to a reduction ol tiie duty upon wool, ■*o ttiot we it: New Luglalid inigtil set our | machinery ut work in our inxilf n nulls i machinery that had I mg lieeti sih-nt and unused. ' I Hillik tliat those sixtv ilavs latc.l ol m ne Were | never surpassed by Wie hi mi in an\thing except j to place t bai l> s Simmer In the Senate, ami j ! I*. Bulks in the Speaker'sch nr. I nuns gentle | men, lahol s were not Without s nil" li'He I | uillu-uice with my p-isi ,al and potilical a-s >ci- ! 'at s ; at auv rate, 1 ha I til-- warm and j generous thanks I'l i|ie|i 111 NeW Y >fk IIT Hie ] la .or 1 had thus performed in attempting t > *e j cure a llio.llfiva'l IO ot tile til ill, so as to protect the interests ot our s eli >.i ot the c miitrv. — t)ur object VVUS to reduce tie d itv upon wool, and to enlarge the free lis', and tntis save some eight or ten ii liholis ot dollars that Came to us m i.o- real f ir.ti ol taxation, and a I.nit many articles u-e 1 io our inaiiulacior. v du> tree a id uios uidw- ctiy ai l the ui tmilar'ttii nig interests ol Al--aclm.*e:u and ot in.* rountiy. (V e pa-set. jucti a iiiil itnoiigh tin* J1 .use, and it came t> lhe Senate ; but there It I lie t tile stent ' resistance 0 | men who w anted to n ake a rednc inm.ipially upon all a ticies, whether limy C.I ne Into CO.'lip. Itlloo M itti otir industry, or riot. vVe p-isvd tiirough the >i'.ia! v ' a>i a u-tidin.nt to that lull, aI I we sns'airiedlt because It was |..eb'*l we c. iilii (it,tain. It e sustained the 1 land io deph te the treav.lT, t(> protect and I'll* CoQrag.'~ine prodm i.i.lisiiy ol the Co-inl ry. 1 i'oe tail.fiO'ti to (> igr.g., witli the *xcept.;.u ' of a leiv g nlk'illeit Iro-o foe W. if grow ..g |i c li uis, atici Irom Feito*! Ivanjj, their muv -1 ii'->n lo Hie act of iSo j." ' IV wator VViktoo tavs , 'uw flhe BJack Re . poUiicauf) of jVYtr Ensflanu" 4, ujd ail our powers of petsuasion to induce them to consent In a reduction of the duty upon woo! "ice {♦ h- RlacK R -publican*) sustained the Tariff toi/rpfrte fie tre"surytkc.— * ue ('lie Blatk Republican-) jaond through the s. uate an uvirndmeul :*' lib" same aim i (bnent hiili Ala. JORDAN says reduced the taiilf on our Penn sylvania iron ) After this corro'ioralion of on; ass-rtiori that the FJaik Republicans are ie spon-itife fi.f the Stahllsllll el.t of the present ta iff—after I his tMiinoiiy from a Muck llc~ public :n witness, giving to our averment •'Confirmafioa Strong as proofs of fl ily Writ," will MR. JORDAN, or MR. M< PIII:I:SON, or any other high Tari I hvpucrit", have the audacity, Thehraz II assurance, the r.-c! I-ss disregard fir his own r pntrtion , to re-assert that the Democrats are chargeable with the passage nj the Tariff of 1 857 ? U iI.L I i i' \\ ! The first qu..-tion oi: tf.e 11, sof most people when they aie asked to ettgige ei a" enter, prise of w hose u'lhtv to themselves they aie not a' solutely Certai , is, will it pay ? W have observed thi- to he a query which troubles some of our good citizens a gi eat ha! w lien solicited to take stock ii tin* proposed B'dfotil Railroad. For the benefit ol such we won Id sav, that bet v.-rv few. ifanv, rail fads pay stockholders, in dividend *, what they could realize at sim, le inter.--.-i mi their money invested in tai'r -a I .-t ck. Ii h, therefore, not * Xp. cted tliat, slioi.l 1 the Bedford Railroad be ii a fe. its >tockfiohters will diaw MICII ilividerids as will jav thein a large per centum on the funds tliev invest, jt i- not pieiuii..d that the treasury oj the road vvi!l ever tie the source of vveahli to any man connected wi'h the proj-ct. But, on the other hand, it is expected that stockholders w ill lie j aid a l.tavy interest hv the increase in value of real estate, not only along the route ot the roa I, hut in every s-clioii to which it may fuinidi a market. Tin* elJefi it would tiave ii] this dii'Tlion, would r-pav every larim-F whose plantation would he en hanced in value, the full amount of his suhsciijn 11-hi many times over. As fo the merchant, the m chanic, or the laborer, should fie never derive any benefit Iron, the r ia i afier its comple tion (which is nut a supposa'de cas.) he w ill be able, whilst it is under process ol const ruction, lo nuke out ol it much moie than the am nmt of tiis two, or three shar s of sock. Indeed n i uan need lose any thing by subset ibing l i this road; on the contrary, all thisv its coiul i net ion, and a p osperoui country always makes a prosperous town. L-1 our readers make a note of it, that the Bedford Railroad Will pay. THE SPECIAL KLECfIUA IX BERKS. Tin- .-left i >ii fir M -uitier ol C itigres- on (lie 31th ult , to fill th" vacancy occasioned by the resignatiM of HON. J. (JLANEY JO.NES, resulted in the choice oft tie independent candidate, Win- AI. KEI.M. Tin* causes of this result consisted in (inventor Packer's officials in Reading, throw ing tln-ir lull leiice |ir KEI.M an I against tin- regular Demodia'ic nominee, and in the abs- nee from the polls of more than two thousan I Democrat ic voters. Gov. PACKER'S friends in B. rk*. con trol about one third ofthe Democratic vote of that county, whirl) when combined with the Opjiositiofi stieiiglh, is always s'ltlii u-iit ;o over jco i e the regular Democratic vote. They give I is a reason tor th- ir suppoit of KEIM that he I vuted fir PACKER for Governor, just as though ; Mi:. \V ANNEK, tlie f"gu!ar Democratic nominee, did not do so lik-w i.-e ! We can inform those ; g"iit|emen and tln-ir guln rnatorml patron, that | an earth-quake is gath.-ring bern ath them, and ! tliey f,a I heller look out for a general toppling ! down of their ofli. ial lemplns in ISfiJ. HON. .]. S. KLACX. We ropy, in another column, an aide arti cle Irom the Pittsburg Post, concerning the cOice 11 U. S. Attorney G-neral and tlie i hur acter and abilities> f i's present di-tingnUlieit | incunib. nt. We concur ri.n>i ln-aiiily in all that i the Post savs of Attorney General Blai k, and i we Lave no doubt that our reader*, rnviv of i whom aie persinallv arqnainted with that g'-o- Ilb man, will do so likewise. No man has ever h"hi tin- same high and responsible ctli .-s which haVe fie-n silCCes-iVety tilled lV J'llge Black, with a brighter and cleaner r.-cord than his.— As a Juii-t, Lis hgil h arning is ackriowledg.-il by all to he exienive and profound, vvhil.-t th" soundness of hi* j udgn • nt and Ihepnii'y of his motives , hove r.ev. r In n a p-inrijde d-ar to the h"%rl of our people. The ari l- Ironi the Post is a ir.eiite.t tribute to a great ma ■ an l as such we commend it to the pej ,-a! of our rea ders. CONGRESS Assembled on Monday last, but up tn the pres ent time vv. have no account of any ot HiuMii i rations. It is pie.tuned that a revision ofthe revenue Jaws, the Pacific R ilr-al qiestiiMi, our relatuins with Mexico ant other foreign mintii-i, will enorjij t ie pari of the setioa. AM LupoßTavr Fuwrifciis.— Tu ttnl Je mand wliieb ex-u fng us g:ahi<*tes, hvgh salsur* w loch th- couMuund are live ta--t pcWkhtie of me pra.uiciT aoJ rm.-- ness value at itiMe whorn Ihe lion CUy CofWge | ivccoroißcnds.— Hunt's .Merchants' JUagasmc. Poor Director. We warn the people of Bedford Comity against the election of Joll.N A.vios, file L'>Cofi>CO Candi date for Poor Director, fie is in every way unqualified for the office, and if unfortunately, lie should" tie eh cted, the people oft hC ColllllY will I (he cfioice. It is well known tfiat he openly expresses the determination, in one of his election, to hove CHRISTIAN STOCFFKU. his son in lutr, appointed us the .\liller ! Mr. Stouffer, se\ eial } ears ag i, had charge ol llf Poor House Mill, and the people know how badly affairs were then managed, and if they wish to leturn to tie same state aliair*, i H-V will eli 11 J• ill\ AMOS, li-member our prxiii lion, s sure lie is elert-d, Stonffer will he the Miller. He al-o intends to have his own son appointed to ilie Stewardship, and tiler. Willi 111 e I,Otter as Director, lite son a* Stew ard, anil the son-in-law as Mi hi, the fam ily < f Mr. Ainos will have things all l > ih-*ui se|v.s in that institution. Let the Voters he woe ! We copy ttie above fr nn Fn. J >nrnv\ Si Co b oigan ofdate Oct, Sih, |H5<. O s-ive that thi lying sheet sail, "REMEMdER OCR PREDICTION, AS SI)HE AS JOHN' AMOS IS ELECTED, STOL'FFER WILL HE I'llE MILLER, 'and further t half A mo I \ TENDED IO HAVE Ills OWN SON APPOINTED TO THE STEWARD 111 P. Tin- -e,., | |,,* shown these dec'arati ins ot JOUDAN ft Co, to have been Al \LI( IOCS FALSEHOOD-, got ten tip f.r no otte-r pnrp ise t i.ri t > inj ir>- Air. Amos' prospi'i-'s of • I -cli >n. J UIN AMOS wa< • h-cted Poor Director by I 15 maj rit v. i i spite ofih-se outrageous lies, and on To-.-lav last, lie and Irs fellow Directms apj ointed W.M. L'IAIIV, .STEWARD, an I J> MI V NELSON, Miller. N'.- t L>-r Mr. StuT-r, u• AI . \ in.' *> •, was a-i ap plicar.L-bi hue the Directors. L L toe public hrAiil the AMOS LIE where the HECKLEY FALSEHOOD is al.-afv fixed. POCK i.Ol SE APPOIMiWFXTS. Th*- I dliwing appointments were made hv ihe Dir. rtors ol the Poor, at their meeting on Tuesday l ist : Steward, W.u. LE.VR Y. (re-apn >i:ited.) Treasurer, GEO. Bi.y MIRE, 14 Physician, Da. F. O .REAMER, 44 Clerk, T. R. Ge 11 s. Jr., * 4 .Miller, JOHN NELSON. Tlie present Steward, Air. L-ary, has given greai sai'sfactio-i in the di-charge of Ins ilolies ami the Directors did w ell in retaining loin.— The Treasurer, I l y SUII.II and ('lnk have al-o been very properly re-apjioin'ed. As hi th- Mil ler, the chuicet,l tlie Di.ectors has fallen upon a gentleman ol excelh-ut character, who itnd.-i --stall Is his bu-iiiess perfectly and who wi I, with out doubt, prove a valuable attache cl the Poor 1 louse. THE KIMMELL HOUSE, WASHINGTON CITY. — We call the aiienii HI ol s icti of our friends as oiav have orca-i ut to visit Wasliingt in, to the card of A. F. KIMMELL, E-q., [noprietor of tin- Kimmell II nise, of that city. We have always heard Air. KIMMELL s; o'cen of as a most agree able and obliging g ii leitmn, and have no doubt that his hotel is ctt excellent one in all its ap |H,intments. NEW PUBLICATIONS. THE FOl 18 LISTERS. A TALF. OF SOCIAL AND DOMI STIC LIFE IN MVEDFN. BY FRKDRIKA BREMER. Miss HUEMEI: is well known ii the literary woildastlie 4 briglit, pailicuLi star" of So-- di-fi literature. Her writings are always fresh and interesting, presenting, on I r tlie garb t.f romance, i leas and theories i I tin- most solid practicality; never aping the m >rhi I style of the sensa'ionists, or running into the iui; i i i!uigidi' v which cfiaract-rises so much of Ifie liglit literature of Ifl-* pres-.||t day. Her la-t work, "Tin- Four Si-t-rs," is pronounced hv the nitics, th-- hest she lias ever written. It is translated by Mary H wilt, ifie c lef>r.|ted En glish. Author'ss, and the Aue-iirau Eh'iui is dedicated to the late A. J. D .winiig, who wis the intimate friend of Alis- RUKMKI:. We r*- coiiiiii- nd th" hook most fn-aitily an I h >pe it will find many readeis am nig the i it. Ilig-mt won.en of our Couiitiy. —Pi ice, Ad dress T. H. P. terson Broih- rs, 3.)1i Clie h |- nut St.. Pnila.lelphia. THE TI::TIO!>:RILS. LEONARD SOOTT fk. Co.. 51 (J .1 I S'reet, New York, s'lll fontimie th'ii r>-publicatnn of tlie leafing British Monthlies and Quarterlies.— Thev fuinrsh the whole set, ei bracing Black wood's Magazine, Tlie Lunloii Quarterly, Ei in'iurg Review', North British Review and Wo stmiii-ter Review, fir Sit) per annum.— Thi- i- e\r mr linar.llo.v, w In n we reun-inher that in ( Bi itain the fne periodicals above named cos! Jji'll p. r annum! Alk-srn. SCOTT fk Co., pay a huge sum to the British publisher-, for ii'lvance she.-!-, horn which then reprints are mad* op. We abii.lg" the f Mowing notices of works fro-n an ex'en led article in the Phili ted phi a E tit nia g do trn il ; THE E 01N M U llOll REVIE '-V was • stabhsheil i- is )i. Ii is sai Ito have n rigmited am nig a number ot conviviil voting spirits who were accu-toineil to meet for tli" pnrpos- of iii-cussing a I the great suhj-c is of l,t erature, si ierire, pfofosopfiy and polilics. Its slicce-s was imlli' dlate and ve|y gr. at. Tin re w a- a's.ui it a I eed nn, boldness, an I spn i , sueJt a vari-'d leaming, elegant rrili i-m, | iqnant sa tire an l acute reasoning, that it b.came the t*r ; ror ol parliaments—ihec nsor of lit. latore the dwator of the press. Jo politics it suppor ted the principles of the Worgs, a led hv Cnar j-s Tan's FTixT and in religion its high-priests l( rry Ihougham and Sidney Smith, 4 nubile f rut rum lis fir editor was the ceh ehrated'Canon of St. Paul's, after whom the sgreai reviewer, J.flrey, then a young Scotch lawyer, look the chair "of honor. When we men [ tion the distinguished nanus cd Playfair, Leslie, ! Mackintosh, Brougham, Dugald Stuarty Dr. Brown, Micaulav, Sidney Sn.itt*, our readers will not wond-r at the martefl,Ml- change that SMMI came ov.-r tiir whole aspect of na'! af fairs through its iiistrumeiiialit v. " The E lit burg't' of tu-ilav is m re miferit- thii its ureal ancestor of lM}g. "Jims liave changed auii it has in a small m a-ore chang-d with tfu in. it now advocate- the Lud Jo'in Ruse|l Whig |ml icy. Tim >ame o!.l fiie i- horning still, FI breaks out now and then. V>u UII see it is still "the E hnhurgh" ju.-t as in Henry Lonl Brougham ami Van\ toil can Hi-tiiiguLh young Harry tif aieat tiihune of the people. I'lie Right Hon. S r Co new all |.i wo-, late Chan cellol ol the Exili-qn.r, Was It. 1 lately its edi tor. T JIE LO \DONQU ARr ER L Y R E VIE W was established in ist'Jf. It- existence was ow tog to ttie tr-u end u- WI i J influence o| "I he L /(/.fwrg/i'' mij Was* tilled witlia-ingu larpower t\ tin- di-ln gui-lie I leviewer, (iill.n l, a man whose p. n wa--barp-r thin a serje ti tooth, and 3et HII.SHIS IN IWW lad tea. I as w h in a- ti.oltf le c \|. t |ei| 111 a gr. at C-iisor. I II I- R-v lets' Was I ill I'ts (f. alii, 111 fie ha lids of L'tkar', s u.-in-law- o| Mi Walter Sd *•, wln, VV ll ll Sou! tie V . Cl okt-r, and c.t fie I S, Colli I i tilled 111 Its pag. s. Ii >i|l| i ei,IIU-the ,i| | spirit, itii as may '•>- expected with vntiois mo .iti. all .us.— lu religion it represents tlie old E igl S I geiil I-- min. Ii warns neitiier "cam" noi "con le.ssioii." T wants the Church lo lea r.-per l ai'e K-'a'ilisSiiient ; achrgv tliat ch ( dm.. ( ,ui au I people tout will pay Itlli-s—l >r-any tiling > le Oil >id or L cared noi. PL \CK A COD'S AIAGAZ! N E owed its -\i-t. nc I J th- same tan-- >riii nat-d the Qua s* ili. It took its in HI- irmii tin |Mlll|l|lg ML I > >tiM l|l-d (It Scilliml. "Old IV*DHV" tta> ti sf -dile.l l>\ L >i'k it: t, a'l-iv i* i -f-i red In, and al'er vv ar ls l>v til it |t nice of g-i • I f"lI v>, "C ii i-t >,'ir Niirtti" •>t "tli- I'. in," or, it v'Hi like it t •<-Ii• i, I'rulrs .l >r tV ili ,n, author ~t DU,| t in. I' in the '•-Vortex .l//ib'o,n>, til-against tr---trail • ami ili- |'i-- t"hurch, and all convent ill* s iji whatever.— I'n- "Ktiiii k Sii-pti-iil" anil iii- s?r-ii l.i-h po-t an ! schnfr*, .Vlrgnin, w r-te f-r it. The iii>tl-M in law an I inoal-. "/'//e IVes/mi'ixfrr'" was owned at i'ii- ti i,e hv Sir William ;\| ,1--worth, a ine,n tier of a lat- I?• 11 i>!i Cabinet, and lia I Iaac Tav lor, arid iain-s Mutiman. THE .NORTH BRITISH REVIEW is different in many respects from those which we have mentioned. It had a religious origin. Aimut th- time that the '*Fr-e Chinch" party mad-their Evodus from the wii-rabl** Kirk th- E-ta h-U-d Cltnrch of Scotland— in th \-ar ISJ3 a p-riodical was much required, in w liich th -v, the sec-d-rs, could st f-nth their protests against pationag-and mod-ratism. ### Thomas Chalmers was one of its early con tributors. I-l ie Tavlor .n also a contributor, tint, ;t being discovered that lie via- not **s to d ii) the faith," Candli.h, ('tinning ham, and Jlan na sat in '-council, solemn, and s-dal-" and i-x --coiiiOiili irai-d t i n vvtdi "hell, (rook, and can dle." ft remains the great organ of evangeh cal literature. TIIE ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE. I i the -arlv da\sol the Republic, tire ollice of Allot nev General ol the United Stales, w. as not regarded as ot i qual imjKulance with olli*-r cabinet offices, lis ituti-s were riot <>u-r->u-', and iTiost ot th- questions which th- Cfii-I L•- gal a Wiser of th- C >v-rnnient wa rall-d upui t i d-cid**, were nut of giave im|-oitatice. lint with the vast iiirr-a-e nftli- l-riitory and p *p l.| I i 111 of the Colli 11 \ tl.e CI II pill alioli of its diplomatic ami r-la'ions with uth-r nations ami augin-ntiiig II roh-r of ma't-rs of internal dom-s'tc policy which the c-ntral gov ernment is required TO adjust I T Itie g-n-ial g >oif, th- uffii -of Attorney G-n-ial has grad ually ris-n in until it tots hec *ili li-\t to that i f tti- President hlllis-l', th-* most nti-ri us, I'sjoiisi: I-anil (iiiiiculi position in the Ma'e Th- oth-r departments, like the Jf# v v, War, Tr-a-tirr, !..>t Office, &r., are conducted ac cording to lived rut-sol law. Tti— ti-.nls ot tti-ui are at l-d by a gr-at n-i n.--r ol assistants and iI- rks. Pi- d,i'i-s are gen-rallv w-il de fined-an I -x-cutiv- m th-ir character. O i tlie contr.ity ttie ntlir-of'Attorn-v (d-n-ral is one r-q u i .g a l iiurougti know! dge of all th- liws r-la'ing to each department, ami a corr-it jo Ig iii- lit 111 construing THOSE laws wh-n n-W and di|fi -..|t question- o| co-istiuciion come up tot ■ \ I I inail HI an I il ri I m. Ii is tin* pioYinc- ot in- Attoin-v (1-neral to I- now w liat th- laws ar-. a*id to p nut out to th carious- gov-i ini.-ut officers from the Pi-si lent down, th- manner ot th-ir ac'ion, 10 ti- com|dicatei| affairs o| ttiillv mi'li uis of |>nple, ih** ipi-stions w b'cli are cuniiiMiiiltv originating ami (nought to lit- attention of th- Alto*uey t>-n-ral ar- almost iiuiu.uerahl •. His time ami his mini ar- constantly in requi sition. Grave II a't-rs of iut-riia! la-v upon which p-ace or war may d-p-nd, financial qu-stions r-quii ing litre discriminati ins, can st i net ion f ih- r 11 -s of,. r en- in the attnt and navy, 'ami questions, p— nsinii questions, cpi-s|ions of criminal law, a-l crowd upon this Jepaitin-lit in great immhers. T * promptly ili,|iose rd all th-re rria'ters—to b- able to r-i d-r a legal r* asou fos* ■ses, qn,ck | * ic- pi ion, sound judgment and great pow-r-, both of mental and phvsical endurance. While the ti* ads of 'tie other departments are requir-d to art and tndireit the aitioi sofotheis —it is th- p-culiar province of the Attorney General to tbii.k, to jndg-, and to decide tqsin matt-rs rf-ited to him from ail the depart ments. His de isions are to he je.-p* ctd aai art-d upon a* law. H' fure the Supreme Court of the country it devu|.veajii|)yri h,in to prosecute or dRud the intents of the government. 11 is obvious that this position can he occupi ed by no mao of ordinary ability. Jta mpon s,'il •'**" B'id if * doti-s /.--> 'jr-.f t. r | trififi! lo .-tal'iif. II- M | t "i ad*,*. r ..tit,., nation. II V l,i„ tl nation In all dialler* of la , is,i^ hr „i r-gnlafetl. 1 > n iri-nt and learned pm! rI the |,r*s*-iit a <-i iiii,traf i w, < . p.-, , nl I fiM ft;n<' afi! urns :,n I r.'Sjioioj p P-mis\ lv iiiia-i a', ! .-v.-i ; on-,,J |, |s f'.j| , , /• us n! ill- Stat" jiul 11 i- Na'ion iiins, 3|ip r ,, v ~f Ih-jrr-at jii , tiirb slit-,) f, Mlark to ••> Attorney CJ-iwral of ft,.- St.i!. s. II- i- a Hr.-at Uwver, anarrn, T |,li s st| t , si ln.lar, a*i,l a | tir-min,|-i), hoii- s f if .tn. || . IS informed liftO'l Hivrv rj'l- li ,p F na'inna l . ri.iiiiii-rcial an I aov-rnm-nial la>v-L js an i-loqn-nt adi-nral", ami a -tinner -, a ; v gn , |wi',>h"l >\ii;. r. What h-says i< pre,e,," M ~ cl>ar, M i pie ami roni in,jii^ Wis- jn.ljr,r>.-r„, qoifk i„ |-rf. plion, r|. ar ,' n • xpi-sMon, and and corn-it in I,is conc!..- Sl ' ' ' II- is si,npt.. ami straiolitf.rivard as a ,p 1n and a< a p -l.tiriu., h- ran only l>- call-d „ n J in '!' at .nl trcr-d sense lijrh means | at r j jij.., His 2i• at ability ai : ,-• ;...o,i ti-o-ss (~r i' ls o, is in,q.|">ti .iia'd". rirm an I d-t-,. - ft-,I i„ I,is dot v to ft,., fi-npi •. I,- art* t'.l'v TON IHIIII /lie,IDS atli .-iie.„i.-s, AND jus'li to*.,aids a'!. F"v are avar- of ,h" an mnt ol po',l r |,Sa r wbidi h- |>"i f THIS. For tfi-r nr-cin-ss of 1,',, opinions, li" aloii" is r-s; o isible, an ! a b.-rcu l.-an amount of labor i> i-qmr-ii in ma'smr , n . v-.tiopions an I-v . ni-i-Pi en inf., st a v ;riMnN ()j --la f-an i rutin's of 11 •. To j"if, n a', tbj* l*W r.qmr gan ris'ant attention and unfia.,. ai-icj "ii-rav. R'.vn ifi" clerical wfiirl, n.iafi! h" available in Ins d-fia.-f.-ri-nt' Ciiiijr ss has flith-rto n-o!-rl" I f„|| y ~, j, rov jjJ lor. 11 is t > In- hop",! that li-fir- the cl is- of tli" |.r.s< iit session, this want may be jirowjej lor, It ha always occurred in tfi- history of pir • izi'i |> iliiics thiit if— purest an Ihi ishiest puS. li-■ mtt h-tvf ha I h—ir r.-r . Ji Black lias if >t he. n a-i exception to the rule. Because he ha stea !il refused to tn ike ns- f his p ><|. ti >ti t >a lanre the person l interests <>| sun leu small politicians tin has been a-snl j .i bv ' hem with a if Jiff of bitterness. Mot no man ol smin ! jo |jh nifnt or whose npitii m havf b-erj •cKined without p->jo dice of some .< >rt, has dar-d t say ought against this brilliant son of Western Penn\ 11 a nit. llf is justly appreciated Sv th na'ioo, an i hi-opiiti >ns upnt a srrfat variftv of important rpifS'tofts fiavf stood tlif test of the severest le gal n I' i( isrii. I h** <• 'tnsf w*ltirh*hf has taken in regard to tt>f ai'i oi <>l thf Naval Board whose d.-cisnn* have hffji > itnsat tsf.ic tm v tothf nation—ani s i apparently unjus* I i in Itvi tna!<, has won for \tt irn-v Goeral B! irk thf ap probation i f a !| wtio l>avf examined this impoitant snhi-ct. rhf public s-ntin.fnt of the country will eo ilorsf his sound iloctiiiif, ami tfrrough bin thf f\ il will no doubt bemidUieJ, if nrt entirely remedi-d. As P.-nnsy lvanians, we are prou | of the man and proud <( the manner in which he has per formed lite duties of his great office.— Pillsbjr' Daily Pad. DIED: Oo the 29: h oil., Mr-. Catharine irdin-rer, of Cumberland Valley tj., aged 19 vears and 19 days. PHILADELPHIA MAfKcTS. Pint .aOKi.t'tiia •H'c. / l* lour nni hanged • sal-s to trade at 5.09 a 5 25 for.sip-rfine, 5.59 a 5.75 f.r extra, an i 5.57J a li 75 ('„• extra fin I y and I'anrv. Hve Flottr and Corn Mat v-rvrpu- t. Wheal scarce, hut th-re js hnle ile and : sales -J.QJ9 t nsh red at ! 27 a 1.28 and white |.35 aI9 J. |{ye co nm-iud-. and iii-v C irit is I i vrf ; .?,| -$ f ))) huh \.. (V Jers v and Pefns\ Ivat.ii at tiS a 79c. Ci's in ilennud : 3 )99 hosh 0-I ■ w..r-s >:d ,i' fjr, ami Penn. Baltimore Market. Pat.TtM'>nr, D -c. -J.. —Floor did l . Wheat buoyant : sai'sofr.-d at 1 29; white 1.3 5 a j 5 ). Coin dull at f2 a file. Prnvisiois finn. M-ss P..ik 17.50 prime |-J..50. Lard linn at 10] all. Whiskey doll. EililOllXh SSOl'Sii, C STIiEKT. Htlwii rur-ai.(!-a-llfaufJ Sixth Strep's WASHINGTON, D. C. O—— A- F. kill Ri.j.L, Proprietor. 11 V- < illfßid.l,. Sa irritilrutlfOf. 5Va-hii>fion City, Dec. lit-, 57-ty. rs- - EXECU I\)ICS XuTiCE. Lkiteus fiS'.i.Tierita'v having been grinted by the Iteaisiei ot' Redlor.f county, to the umi-rosin ed upon i lie estate ot Catharine II ir.liug-r la'e oft'u n b -rlaiid Valley township, in said comity, dec M—all pel cons knowing ll.en,selves iutiebteil to sa.d es tate are requested to roake iromed ate payment, ami tho.e havii'tf claims against it will prccciit them propeiiy authenticated for *ett|em *ot. LEVI lI.VRDI.VGF.It, Dec. 11, tSoS. Ad nV. ~ATTB\ 11 i\, UKDFJiJI) IIIFIA:MR\! Aon air f !• I \ i id> >• it toappeir in Winter 17ti1 1 'fin (with Pompoon) in Bedlord, at the Cooit liaise, on Saturday the Sth ilav of January, n-xt, at 10 OVbn k, A. M., ivith 10 rounds oftilank cartiidge. It is expected that a 101 l turn out tie made, as business ol itnpir ance deni.inds eveiy m-in'">er present who •A i.:i.-s any bem tit arising |ruin the Lite Military Lswy passed April Bv order of the Capt. IVM. UIBF.Kf U. S. Bedford, Decem -er 10, |S;SB. J.TvTILI\KAitIiTKt, Atturney at Law ahd Lanl Surveyor, Will attend with / 'om/itmis to all bucr.est en/ruste I to his Cire. Wii.l rRACrtCR in Bedford and Fclton Coi*nt:e. !Xj7*Odice one d or West of the Union 11 del. Audi'oi's Notice. Nicholas Lyons \ In the Common Pl'-as ol VS. ( B dfiird county, vend, esp > Adam Corl". J \o. 11, Nov, Term, 1959. Oo motion, J. W. Luifenfelter, appunte l at>- ditor to repirt a distribution ol the money inthß hands of the Sheii/Fraised on sale of defendant's Real E>'ate to and among?! creditors. The undersigned will attend to the duties ofthr above appointment on Thursday the lbth day of l)-ce.nlier next at 10 O'c'oclc < f said dav at h i olhce in tlie Borough of Bedfi-rd when and wherv all parties interested can attend. J. W. LINGENFELTER ! Nov. 29th IS6B. Auditor.