tis BEDFORD IMZETTL fliwifln-ift Sflffcitibcr '5. 9 *"*. R T. Meyers 4G. W. lipnfunJ, Editors, BEMOCKATFC STATE TICKET. JUSTICE OF SUPREME COURT: WILLS VU X. 2:52, 0/ Philadelphia. CAN AL COMMISSIONER: WESTLEV FROST, Of Fayette County. ■ ■ BESFOCBATIC CODNTT TICKET. ASS EM BLY: JAMES BT'RNS, of B**dfi>rd county. DAVID HAY, ofSom-T-wt county. COM Mi SSI OX EH: ' JACOB EECKLEV, Of SI. Clteir tp. ( ORONF.R: CAPT. JCHN LONG, Of Liberty tp. I'OOR HOUSE DIRECTOR: JOHN AMOS, Of Bedford tp. AUDITOR: JAMES C. DE7ORE, Of Londonderry tp. BERKS AND HAY. YVe publish in another column the procee dings ol the Democratic Conference which tru t n this place on Monday last, .to nominate a ticket for Assembly, by which it will be seen that GENERAL JAMES BURNS, of this county, and DAVID HAY .ESQ., of Somerset county, were nominated by acclamation as the standard bear ers of the Democracy of this Legislative District for the present campaign. We need not say any thing in praise of this nomination, as the nominees are too well and too favorably known to make it necessary that we should do so. GENERAL BURNS is a •• eran Democrat—A man who has helped ft tight the battles eh ho- party for years, w ho has never flinched in the Demo cratic cause, and whose unimpeachable charac ter as a man, and gr-*at w y.. . as .1 . ./en, g.re assi> r ance to his lei low citizens tl it he would faithfully h >nes;ly and ably r-j : .•sent th- m. ' He lack, d but ni e votes of a \ eh ction last Fall, when lie ha i a popular com; Mar. let us now ru! y around hi .1 and we can easily elect him. David Hay k an an h-sh from the people— a rr.au thoroughly acquaint- i with the wants ol the masses—a man who bears an unspotted reputation—an upright, moral,straight-forward, though unobtrusive, gentleman. He is a far mer and knows and respects the interests of the farmers. As our readers are well aware, he was one of the represents'ives of this district in me iast legislature. His record as a me m ber of that body, is a good one and has made him friends even of those who formerly were, his enemies. He will run a U*sr VlJ te 10 Som erset -JC-I UIMM v and can be elected by a hand some majority. YVe raise to our mast-head, with the highest hopes of their success at the polls, the names of JAMES BURNS and Dwi. 11, ABOLITION' MEETING. The great 1?) and glorious (') Abolition par ty of Bedford coun' v, held a very small and very qyi"t meeting in Hie Court House on Tuesday even:rig, lß st JMR. Fll. JORDAN stated the object of t he .!.• ting and intioduced, as the orator of the evening, a fellow by the- name ol McPherson, who, it seems, imagines that he is the noiiiiti e of some parly, or other, for C in gress. MR. MCPHERSON then proceeded to tnake a dry, disconnected, confused speech, in j which, as a matter of course, the Democi at ic party was called all kinds of hard names.— ■ Among other tiit-Hg- lie raiked about Democrats having ■no brain--," and charged that the Democracy are dishonest and coirupt. He admitted, nevertheless, that he c iu!d not point out any particular Democratic member ol Con gress upon whom this charge could be fixed. YVe have no doubt, however, th .t he could have named some Abolition Congressmen, had In possessed the honesty to do it, who have been guilty of taking bribes ; for instance that pink of Abolilionism, O. B. MATTESOX,oi .New York, ' whose venality and corruption whilst in Con gress, have been, and are to this day, the talk of tht* whole country. But Kansas formed the sta ple of the would-be Congressman's speech.— On this subject he "spread" himself extensively. YVe doubt, however, whither any body hut himself, was interested in his dec.rmation on "Lecompton." It was so dry that even Jor dan yaw ned. The most failhlul cf the faithful, became fidgetty under the re-infliction of a speech which they had heard and read so olt- p. : and which John Filler had greatly surpassed when speaking on the same subject at that gnat outpouring of eighty or ninety men at April Court last. MR. MCPHERSON, finding that his Kansas humbuggery wouldn't do, turned ! \ attention to the Tariff, but fir;- .-', to 1 II ids hear<*rsthal LEWIS J>. CAMI IMLL, of C'.i ,a leading A' 'ditionist. repot U-I tie bill in the las! 1 Congiess to 1 educe li e Tariff.d a f fi. : '"hat Cor.gr. ,-s wj : con .posed t.i a n.n .i- * pi-it ion nwinhi re. H-- also lurgut in t< 11 10-11. that Thurlow \V e .ii,l.,e great fiij.ii Pii.-st > ! 13 .el. Republicanism, was hired to w ~-rk r the r•• c tion of the Tariff of 1845. i V/m ttie Tat iff the j speaker proceeded to the Expenditures of the f>ove. n n 1.-:... c , . :. t c" nt IN. '. i' ' his cv.n ...lien.* r.i. r ninstr.r of times, -fprrst he said R>e up. ns-s ♦ ■ Cnvrrrm.-Et f-.r the past year, w. a . i rnil'.on*, n -ct he came down It : ■ ai'.i and fm..!'v I • j<>* the appropriations for the next year mixed up with the expenses fur the last. Hit memory, al-o strangely failed him on this subject, or he might have given his audience some interesting ! information concerning the recklessness with which the Opposition Congress of two years ago, contracted a.bis f.>r the Government, which i debts it now becomes nec- s3rv for the Natior ;al Adrr inisttaticn to discharge. After Mr. ! McPherson had concluded his harangue, the people present left, almost in a body, ourselves • among the rest. As we w ere passing out of th.- door, we observed some little fallow, with a very red face, getting under a table to lead fr -in a paper be held in l oth bis ! a:wls, but no! >' being able to understand the language in v\; ich he was reading, which we presume was the African, we went home, peihclly satisfied that al! will i right in Bedford c.-unty, on the sec ond Tuesday of October. OT?*"We have raised the names of HAY and BURNS to tiie head of our paper. Is the S un '•rset Herald satisfied ? SOMERSET. —Quite a number ol our old S un- TSet friends vi ited our town during the present week. The Somerset Bar was represented in the persons of Ws. J. PAER, O. H. GAITIIEC, and V..LENTINE HAY, Esq-. DAVID HAY, Esq., our able representative in the iast legislature, and who has jusi been renominated, also spent several days in our inidst. MR. HAY made ma ny t) ienris whilst here, as the 1 allot box will show on ihe twelfth of October n*xt. FROM WASHINGTON. [Correspondence of the-Cedfortl Gazette. WASHES CON. At ct -r 30, IS3S. GENTLEMEN : Sometwoor three weeks ago, when 1 incidentally alluded to Ihe formation ol a "Christian Association" in the goodly Bor ongh ol Bedford, I little thought that my re marks wonui call forth the criticism that has follow ed. A correspondent, through the col- • iumns of the "Gazette" ol the 13th inst., writes half a column to show that I depreciate the fb-mation of such an association Rev. John ( ambers, 1 learn, infr >duc • 1 th>* subject into "i nion Prayer Meeting" —and an Aboli tion writer in your place, seizes" (he remark to pro*. (Lit Democratic party is opposed to j . tion Association" would do good, but thought i if "-.ttt-r for all CiiriO-.-au m-n to tu.rfth :r ut ter :on to the Church th only sure method f promoting the cause of Christ. VV* there •MI Ming wrong or impr-ip-r in th:-f Any thing to justify denunciation from any tine ; fti>ttan? Certainly not. If is well known that many excellent and pious peison. are con nected with the as-ociati -n< a!!u ied t ~ but ev ery intelligent hr.an kn iws tint during f. past ft w years, the most vile Kn >w \ >'l?mg and Abolition orators have been invited, from time to time, to address n anv of t!i.meeting-, and under the garb of Christianity, have thus poi soned the IT.-1 rids of thousands i t v .nng and m experienced men, teaching th-ni to ta-i • v tii .t 1 ivtl Bar and a vii-solution ol this gloti-ma ( - nion are small thing? when compared a ith the • v lis of ~s; iv>*ry—that the mur ! 1 • ■< 1 m " erf, and ilroftv' - " ' "T"' tu fr highest p.nnat! of >--rvice lift id To atlenq.t to build up the Church, by any organ./ati 11 outside of it, i- like commencing a! the tail end . ! a streaui to pnrifv the head. Let the fountain be pure, and the branches will, -as a nec sarv consequence, '< r; •• ->. '-We all, lik--* sheep, have gone esttav and, instead •1 dvs- ns-ing th" question a- to w|, ,!. political f lirty is "An'i-t hii-iian," wen d it not be better to institute a searching inquiry as to whether there is a real Christianity among us at all? YVe have, it i; tine, plenty ~f fin** chinches, with •crowded audiences. . ' ,• •: ~* preachers, and religious newspapers, hut, when you come to compare the mans ol their ir,em bers, in " full I'andinaf with the world, there is so little difference, that you cannot Ivil which is which, ev.-n with the use ,- t j n spv-glass! Whilst "I nion prover Meetings" attract crou l ed houses, is it not marvellous, that only about hall a score of persons are usually I > ',<■ (', nod in ! he regular prayer meetinns of the different church".-? How often are the mini ters ia Bed ford called upon to lecture and rr-ak** pray-us to empty pews, whilst their congregations "Sr.d ! it convenient to L-* any ; iac.e . • than i 1 ;!:• house of God; perhaps arguing the • r r iDj of establishing a soci* ty of - • |.i, [ }' ~. r p. gi-His purj .s-s. J was an.iz !,<.u etitcring tl;e prayer r am ol a church 111 this city. ha*, ing one ' of the largest congregations, to fi'.d only provided fir about a d j/eii or so, an i they not all filled! No, professing Christians, we are' too fond of novelties, and !- *nce we so often embrace the shadow for'.he substance. If we would have a reform in these matters, and • bring Christianity up to its true standard—that ol love to God and love to man—we must ex ert all our energies to have a pure ministry, 1 and a pure professing Christian people. This I effected, and alf other a-sor iations For Christina purposes, will naturally reflect the 1 nage of j the Great Head. L t th e who are called; "Christians," become the humble followers of j Christ, and then we will he competent to es- i tablls-h out-posts which will be acknowledged 1 by the "Great Head of Ihe Church." The Church wants to be Christianized, and he who is "/g norunt' of this fact, would be a'-biim! . ;i i *r Of the blind" as the moving spirit in a Chris- ! iian association. To tin* little Religion existing in the world, are we indebted for ail fHut has made us the great people we are—and, t > be a truly Chris- 1 tiao man, however Immbl *, a lo occupy (J,e \ highest dignity tl>at can be conferred upon j mortals here b*!o\v. The last thing in this world that I would do. : WOULD be to thiQW nbvac h HJ th ■ way of any i movement calculated to advance p. • '< cfi Ivi-i.y; in : ..ut a? I oi<| not . to . xpre.-s mv cui.v,c!i J: s hen m: might ! . I 1 "*- . y many ' a .it I' - i llgio:,.; new-pip. . ;.} I, : eat n.-o | , take t'l - "ue tui-.'r;. ■ nc' [■■ncli neither • * be (. :ving expression to mv , - Uffido, i I.n to: tt -CHI'Rf H alone j s th*.- only sur" t-.-unc.dion I >r a Ciiri-fia > man. fcmperati'-• S cs-tt a. I 'J't-mr. ,nce Pr - t ffu-irv Son, headed by indiscreet clergymen, fori- 1 t iccomp!is!i any g rid, becat-i • tiicv c. - terr; *•<[ to do ly force that which con id only effected by greet. "Truth is mighty," an'ti.j '•vol cany us saffly A 7 .• v * Hi ; " - • ■ :•.. . ; - - v •V. . . •• V;;-. y y •- s r ~^>X v '•' ; { ; x Os, '. .-. x ✓ >< '■* *t \ i VI" \ -.•••• -t O"*" v \ "•s. V •_ ,;N " . ± " \ ■** '■* 4/ The Osmesis v ! ! Tll E I) E>l OCR \T IC HOSTS ARO IS K 0!! ! VICTORY AT THE COMING- ELECTION PLAINLY FORESHADOWED!!!! GKEIT KXT'U MAS.M FOR TUR PL.MCCR VIH TICKET!!!!! SPEECHES OF HON. WILSON liHII.LY, DR. KEYSER OF PI ITSRI'J RO, AND OTHERS '! ! " ! Accor ling to previous notice, a Ma-s Meeting of the Democracy of Bet!ford Countv, assem bled m the Court House, in this borough, on Monday evening la*t, and was organized by the appointment of * ~ r MA I. JAMES PATTON, PRESIDENT. NIC not. AS KEGC, E-0., HI:XRV J. PR.RXKTT, INQ., TROMAS DONATRR, WMU I I'KAII -R:, J 'UN S.H., COUXELIUS Devon E, L-iic MT:\;. !., Trios. CNNHART, PKTEB F. LEIUM.V, E-C! AND \\ !! T JAM SLEEK, acted as Vice Presidents. Thomas H. Murray, Jeremiah Thompson, Thomas Laughead, and George VV. Gump, were appointed Secretaries. *.-• The officers of the iimeting thus chosen having taken their seats, on motion of B. F. M v ers, the (. i.air appointed a Committee of one from each election district to draft resolutions expresive of (tie sense of the meetieg. The Committee was composed as follows : I). F. Meyers, Bedford Borough. Jo!in Anew, u ' Township, John C. Everhart, Broad Top " VVm. Cessna, Colerain " Jas. Cessna, L;-q. ( omtierland Valley George Elder, Harrison " " Solomon Steel, Hopewell " Wm. Keyser, Juniata Geo. F. Steel, Liberty '• Josiah Mi Per, Londonderry " li iltzer I I. trher, Monroe •< R >ert M Pay lor, lLq., Napier •' D. A. I. Black, East Providence " Sam'l Bender, West " " John Henry Schell, Schellsb irg B ,r. Dan I. LD ti ):i'ig i, *- Shake Spring Tn Adolphtis Ake, l.'nion ' Jin B. fluke, s nit li WooJberrv, , " Wm. Ptarson, Middle " " M roa S. 11. Tate, ' : rail-d upon, addressed the meeting in hi usual eloquent* style, and < ;:r.'!u ieil hi, speech !.y introducing to the m••(. a r the II i\. Wit.sjv ft II.LV, win nil! • his ippeara u-e iir n stand .unit! loud and rep-ated cheers. M:;. tt:-:su.y\ .-lildr-p was li-'em-d t„ with pid ;o! a11<•: J i in ami was fi.-m nt!v r i "J >t •• i iiv aji o! )•!<. i here was hut one . ;>i : ion ct • tc• • rii• it. nan,. Iy, t:..it i! v... the great-st ?}>.-•• h :< a has been made in our town lor an v years. Tin topics d welt ujnm n: t" c'j-li!v •v\ :< ■ sj* . r, v. \ p tho L rarpUftl ■ • r>\ , T:■< i . r.i :Uf E . -.•••n • < 1 •i :I fa repaid to -L-co y\A h* miiii: tl ;t "Mt \\ ,* a< f tK- ; i >iie that :! was <1 ad —at an < nd—lunied j n the iingna ;A our oppmentsl vom! • •nt campa-itn. faor-V. hnuev-r, that hi.- m-stitucirf.. .T.io! r M i . i i- positi non !i. . I. won | ton qmsifon, wit nit was an issue m ('mriv-, he w mid i jt.W f am! nm rve.rv _!'. • i.i account •ii : rmme in r*gard to it. He IreeJv atknoivlei!,; -d that at Ih -ti st ! o! th < sn jff:t an.) before !•>• had had fim< ' a examine the fa t.s connected with it. !)." was r.p po=-il to the adiiuss, m <| Kansas utid.-r th- I, -cor, pan (.' institi.'in: • • after iie iad a.fertam- | he w ' !ii ' ,e tr " concerning the tr sitter, after he had made iui v. .-ligation of toe iAs : r I; it al \ \*Vt i 1 i *•> :r? rf ? :i • wis c s ; <1 .■ a i inscientious nwn, to vote for the acceptance o V-f if ti,n a' C' -. m-..-. It wa. ~ -g.il! v a i-ij ied ' institution—the T- > > .; j . .'i.'a ... K• - —ti *■* . pleof the Tiiiifi-.-v Wrr.;' "T* : ' vrr-rvcet-ttt- Megth-t lajsu,'' • 1 '■' were • ■•-•••.! i, ;• i. : ,. ( institution and send ! -.0 ronr : .-ss Wit ants rr.if -n X uto the per pie I, . if ... r ; >fvs uth proceedings of the ( invention were regular and legal a:.. : - n v , its action w,-' received hy Congress as the will of the 'people of Kansas. I . • , , t 13 ~ .. elect ion, in Kansas, loth patties committed them, lut frau I id not \ itiafe an eii clion. ' He de- ■ ted any lawyer to maintam the contrary pi ,rbn. It mat; -. I •: > J-.-. v mvv • i ' - - tH-gat- w !: - c . 1 t!-, f.. cot, ; .1 C, n>i,. .!,• •ai C,:.. As it <, M , ' ■ - 7 e ( ,i,n : h " vva f ,dr tr ™ assorting that a Constitute! is not valid ,„d binding umn the peo ma am! iW of it ,ny other States, would null njj void, having n lt . r ~n v .,'. 'Vi\- the I arm question, declaring himself to be in tav ,r ifa fa riff that would raise , fficieat ■ * . I , . own act, to mci'M- ■ t!ie e.\j ntitun - I'Guveri.m TL.t ..i> r. t ! , p"' ■ ■ ' It was such a Confess that r.,i -,1 f e ~! V of im .yb-wof that b !v ! ,d.'i !•) ,„. r h ' . t v catied-for appropriations. Out the expenses of the Clrernment during the hit v, • were ' thirty-five millions lea tluui the sum rem 1 sent.•;! bntrOciMsiiinn -!.• .... ... , "... It was not §103,0 )Q,OOO, as charged by our opponent but Sf)S,OOt),OOO r and this he w•' pre pared to prove from the i> cor I. Mr. IfKum.v, in thi.-hnm \i in, alluded el >, leutlv ".T ingly 10 the wants of <.ui gniianl little amy—tit aiv which p;at it; th- lives" f,.V hi,',, dred in the far distant wilderne..---, from the 1 .d.i.ds kith in k —tl,a! an; v whos- ,vi- - ners but lately struck ten r into the 1, easts of the r iinus a 'r. ! thus si via . dtcated the dignity of our nation—that army which iijcov •.-t powers of toe wo hi.' Our Navy, also, must be sustained. Our commerce must liprnterted. Our coasts must he defen ded. Cut when ?JJf>rnprrations adequate for theW # are made by Congress, and made in a spirit ol pure patriotism, the Prt si.; n', forsooth,fs fji 1•Id r> sponsible Or them and the cty of extravagance is to be raised against the pa; ty in power! >lx. Ui tlv concluded in as' rain of -real tuoquence and sat dawn ami i the most enthnsi .,t;c a.f vocwrous cheers. Da. Geo. 11. Jvev.-er, of Pittsburg, was then call, 'upon > ad.ln >• the meet in - and 11 ,! • his appearance amid great applause. The Doctor ma le an rgaot and fjrchle address ''..licft ing frequent cheeis and carrying conviction to the minds qjhis hearers. If,- said thai'fie ha I been a Whig and that he still respected the name 0/ fF/n'gf that that party was a nc< ,'- but it had passed away—was numbered among thethinf that were—that he was now Democrat and when he reflected upon the fact that the ttnocratic party has been in power since the early days of our government and then looked ;pd nv, r ~,ir land and h-hel ! prisent greatness and glory of our nation, he could not, ni'coaM my reasonable man' . ■ tne conclusion that the Democratic party is and been the true p-irtv ]],. 1 that he had watched the movements of the Opposition fof.any years —he had in vo tu" under many titles—he bad known them as Whigs, as f-AlJuas, as Know-.\ 4> .hi„„ Sf ' " 3 rc> puolicans, and he stili knew tur-111 though at present ti' have no name a'all Th-vh changed their political coats often, but if they change thf several tim-s mo-V |i'•> tb . n" ° oned shirt of Nessus, they'll bring the skin with them, fa they are doffed" ' ' ' C Du. Kuvser having concluded, 15. i\ Meyers, from tfMmmiUee on Resolutions, reported the followi tg ; % ' '" " u tV-'terey, we still a 'here to the political doctrines on lie operation of which our nn'ion in risen to its present stature of greatnei*, still re.,' rdingtflDemoctatic party as tim o-.' v nr 1 ' r rve atvd strVr*2 hen trie honil Mur Nat ion At Union and i I • t ' V" •• r^at^ ve and jfce cmrselyen to maintain, the wfeifi & Il r T : ' ,T ;! ''* ?t®?r~ Uc Cincinnali, to It "'■ 1 gdi.nate fjuit of the d leathers of Democracv an I „• ;a' • mhodud t;w true t 1 ory of jmpufargrvernm rrt. I ' ' u hich ■■■ !, That th. Ailmtottlralinn of J A Mi: iBIfAJIAM ha. Ihoa far orwri iNuiTT' U,.y Drmocratic. Ia th. p ra r,ll Mtl.rn.ot of c ,1 and . £ju™d K a „". cr.itrov- ivy ; m !ue suppression of the f -rmida::!- rebj.i in Dmh • .• . . ant| mainl awje four Nation's rights o P on the Has ;in fh ** PewarlraoU PrMd.nl b ahowa i .Ifratirl Hhy", ff'JS&oi " p-'Self ir. u.m by his fellow-,j " Jy re ft tfvtU, That we regard t,;e'•Leronijton oucsi-' (n ]i ri | as and .ha, *. ~,,h„1d ,h. .. L a„j , l-y voting regulaily n minated Democrat r ti k'-f . u|-d.\,; • , t. av •, n j |.. . , ton that question, as good enough D< mocratn for ail j nrpos-s. Resohs- /, f hef we are now, as we have ever b< en, in favor of a Tarifi' f-.r levc.t., . r , >p iff vvhicii wlnLt it would raise a fund sullr .nt to definy th expenses l an •<•• j ra | . i ministration oMh Government, should, ak-u, with nr enrrency in a ; m. J co i P iori an j with a judn i.uis d; e. riminu!ion iti favor of our domestic interests, as Coal and j t a (. ford incidental protection to tivise hiafndtf? of our horrje i.'; , v which niy r ,u :•■> jj j this belie it, tit 're! .•re. we recommend !'ie revision, of t!> :i. ''J v. Hicti ow,-.< v.. is'-'b ■ ''"hment to the >p prnrnts cf fh< Democratic party, 1.-ivii 2!e -n i 'roduced ii 1 | , r lious'of Congress by (ineof tliefr leaders ao I pa;-J bv 'be -.i : Tl-url W, j 1 ether paid Reptibiican agents. ; /t. v /. 1 bat v. p are r.ow, r. v ! 11 • : c; : • '; . . 'i . r • <. f j Corporations for Banking purpose*.-i'-rav. ' tlmn 'o -• • • ■ u ;< • -| ;..],•• ~| j... ■ ~;.• , • am! believing thai so long as they fontro! the bu-in ss ,j < t ilrv,' : i , •'' 'a; i"u,n 1 j nrtercial ttiin will c rtainlv and fr-' ; o nliv com ■u; /' so/r /, t'l it we regard ti • vhnlesale Game ; v • <■■■•; y . •< a! Admii:i.-r.'di .n, as totalK unt nnd-■d-hnd !! 1. ■ ,1 " '•' 1 * . , ' t I ft, 1 1 f"I >t* that the c v jiioist :of f, ov. i in, ;;l < c:' ibe v cor!;; •' i • Ado . -..'in j, ; , ~ ' year that they really do nnf rxa of former \ ■ !••-, vh n • ■■ ;■< '• ••( 1 i 1i .c 1 • w •HI,/. • 'l'MltlOf, in !; e la*. Congress voten all Kim! ot u; ai!. u-l-.r hi-pi ... : ;k. ; ; , l-(l j ( , transactions of tin G.O-1 .... it. n. i- ; n"e tic-s jj|, M.-ru.-;; t ;, '* 4 1 fiece an v mad" a! an en .rniou • Rr>of Ti at H.,x. Ji: :, 1 , ,ui S PJ.a- ,pf; •: ! \' .ro >y C • . ; hims. Jf emir, a-Iy (ir'tt d tor the higtyof'i eu"l h; • |,,|b,' his r.hl j. i,!, is ')■/ i;. : countv ar- glad !. know to I.i great in'"L •ctu-i! : L;-v1 j,.., .1 1 1 "[ .... a 1 z n mainine , ; c<< arstg.itcu and patriotic stafesmans >p, in - . • u-n ft nun a national a:;' hi-'hlv j. Jt .~ • 1 reputation. 0 - Rrsi.fi> ', at we ha VP entire cmfid : r in •' a' ; 'y and iyh ,if•,of CL v. P, u , ; hi'ltpve that Ins Admi .idta'iou will r'edoon.i t> tL '. a.Jit ol •, ,o. Residvetl, That we heartiiv approve of thecours JJ !N . \v ?l . dßtin.niii.h-W refit esentative m the Senate of the Foiled Stat, s, m,d t. r •!, „we fi. a ." hi n.i t. siunFvl an . ;.< r ror-.i a- api' he mm, belied, w• , ;i a ov I. ; , j, -) . _ v.-it;j 0,-,.-! •< . " ness. lt Delrur'hm /• v shiniit-r wrC." ' ' i" ,J R ''■•>/, 'j . H iv. Wit.sox REH.I.T has IMthfuiiv an ! ah.'v rpprcsm" >d hi s nn , ( j., in the C .'l?ress of which he is u prpgent am•nd., i t thit it u > njftate] f, f re-el.. c t : r.' 2 the Democracy of this District, we wili c irdiaily - ippmt hi,,,-, we will v.,:- (, r him ... C iii n .1:1 Iti i 1 npb-m! ly elect him. 5 ' f Ah'vo/b' !, Th 1' th D •:n icr.i'ic S'.j! ■ F; b t iscsn>" I I send D.morr its -ml 1 anlcaptMe n -n. VVirmtAM A. P>u rr:r:, f>r Sup- m•J . W a-, i 'A' r„ ' ' ! /1 - . , , ' '' 1 Lt, 1 JJ,.s j 'j" ( 1 j Commission r, irmnt and will receive, our a- I eg . 1 ! un iivi-te.j ... t. Reaoloj/, T'i it we rrci nnm It, fh-> people o Bedford c .tin! v, th- D. Ticket, regarding it as constructed of the v'.-.-y best material to h- found i t the County. r<-f :• with pri I• t> such m-a Jic >' B • •<-. f>h , ~ r Jf, \„ N i t j g it * -1* , >1 , , toec ire. Keso.V2 : G H-o W->. I . s.-u n. r. ■ ! ' :m, on ! •!. ■ r i n N; ■ •W■ [? , H . W{-ox REILLY for re-n m inafi o. u : ich at m Jment was a I rntej ■ , Jj' J m . • , , - ' •* ti Cii.- •Hi {it r C. , .'lit* I. 1 r * U-- Ft' ti.ru 1 ,ss - i v. ■ ' . ' - . m •■■ ■ ; tI :• rtive s; ecb from ft E. 5" 'V. }'. ... t! . ■ LEGLSLATIV E CONFf* fiENCE. I' -rsuan' to nofic-, !!.:■ t f.r id - I. . ' v/... • " :: '• • - * ' . .'! .:. i y. ut'r, y!'i • := a;h d 3 A I f .01 . ;,r, -.v . J. ;••• ■ •'l-i ' v '• ' n P r o ' *rl! an Ca. J . V\ I - •W . t- . ' Secret':! v. Th • fiilfow-i - d ,* n . T® i-res : '• : \..J.,'; ■ . , J.; !!:.•: .. r..■ i; . (J. S;a : . . inati d y acc! ooa'im aa ! a , i'.uhin'.o t th iicra'ic ;a: .f h f, \ f'n i: • : :-.n, ,t a.< rc,j ; v ..; ;:ip., i i;rs cf the (' mfor -,•i epu . te t!ie lam '• - ;! • a *nc-. tl ahout Iv. r.l v one i el. iie v. as la r-n i:p i ) a si,., ,> ,• j I!l? , .., s , j; lis w ' ■'t n ; fund ip pside t i ar use it int. !i until th n.r.rnir.g f the ''■ - 1 ''• \i hen lie hri-all; d !..- !ast. *i I I iv.... a wile and six ciiil !r. n to mnu n their irivj a.iili'e I ••>. Cot i.. .- 0 ing to the severe illness of his Honor, Judge Kormndi, th- (_' a „ s s (!li , ( j, nvn fu trial at il.e present term of Court, were con finue Ito next frm. Judges Hartley and Si li vely sat several flays for the purpose of hearing motions, foe. There were hut comparatively few persons in attendance. ; M. nihl C. A. of Si.a !.■ | township, Somerset county, will be ready in ;l . lew weeks to supply their old friends in 15.-.1-f>rrr of Hit* Fnlton Democrat t and San.'j i\|' Woodock an-] C. M. Darton, ll< r ., n f the JJc ( .ntic-11-'urg !C r , ~aiv | 0 ,„. (ow .„ a vjj j| th#> :?'z ,!,y - a recount of die i; iTiocrat-v of "little Foil.01." A 11 :J C Ii ii i c in cut. feUe Impendent foUr t ' 0 J lid for J ,:d So/mis f Count us: ttf a:<:•(' ';>! th.. former partiality of my f..j n v i?.ns ol this ii, i ffc^, A 4 s PoT Llf f 11 ' ' • 1 r,,ls next ejection rlav. SS>-,!,! I be so 'li "Mlf as -o be le-elacteil, I re^-edOhnnpsti*. and : h %° ii" :xUU J- 5A5111 :L J. casintj. Uan !■ -rry , Sept. I, IS',\\ To all want in • ... ,/ . Ilifur'iiiialc bavll Ht} bfliiirj rp •■ • i IIT ! ~ I '■ 'ft! n-^nsf . ~ - . •' U ' Ka - • . ■ . ' 1 r .V ;! * out ■- - : , • * '• •mlv , II : : an I will • This • m<— v.-ry ' ■ . the ■,, 'f . s * • "'-'l li !lu-11'..! . ♦}, "i •" S< nov, ' '• t.v f . ,n 1 "'r u< li hopeful nro Ti, v mma 7. • ait,. V f r '"- ' •Wt.fi . , " fr T n K ™*:thry her *~i OQ f(W xZ'i y il> " D ™~ anilienticafe if,'an"! ,! 7' I; " nM ' "* pi'y i: i> til-It the K ' J.ri t„ , 8 ' :T ' al not <) v l„r the . . . ' '' * " ' rpnv nWmitWare L vXlllVr Tb ' n nothing i.wSUjr? ?'1 ! ' r ' ,a s-s. What wo.ild th-v pof .e V tion.— lV./a/un : '!.>n i/nio, ,Jr 8 MARi E D • ' " On Siiiv'av, lilhn/ AiiT,,t ?' f , ~ I.- M ~ !> V I'. p. Mrtetr: "■ R - On th-2611, u!t, l>v ||i. il,. v ~ . Mr Mi. Pr * v -i. 1 1 r-f.'fiff rtlr. jon Is. | urtifv, of St Cl a-'r \t pi ; >°n..la„ i l, ! ..r „r j oh „ S . K>rd toivnvhij>. 1 1 (l ofih" ?'l*r "r"'""-'. >M> "II,:,I i-s" r : R. P. S.|M- t.v'.'p R '' " v lkr< • • , M is< , ' ' . ' • 1 ■ u Ttz,n| Piltsburg, I" ' J- filler, O I flediord. At ihofi ,",, , f j„ h Foster £ „ ;V:;;v;U: