Sign of Hie Lock! HA KD WARE, FARM - IMPLEMENT AMD GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHING AND V A II I KT VSTOK C. WIL LI JIM Kift TLE Y Has just opened and ts c .nsta'i Jy receiving at hi* new store, eorr er of "BrdfiAd one door F/nt of A B* **ore, an e!e>a't ar.d !f Fox. Rat, aud .V! re traps. Spade, Shove!, fork and are handle*, biasbes in Variety, JfaiD, Glassand Putty, Fluid, Pine oil and Turpentine. Doable and Single Bit ares. Knife cleaners, an ereeiient article. Bntanr.ia ware. Brass, porrelained and tin Lne.j Kettle*, ,'stent and corn an or, ,S*ri Irons, Shoemaker* too:* and finding*, Screen wire. Chain Pump*, Corn Steelier*, Corn Fodder Cotter- and crushers. Corn mil is, Glass Lanterns, Oil for Harness an i Machinery, Paints, 01U, and varni-.h, Iron si! Steel of all .ie < acr.ption*, Wall Paper and hundred* 01 other arli. , dei. He respectfully ir.v.tes the patronage of the c.ri zens of this and adjoining counties, feeling confi dent that he can satisfy them in the price and quali ty of ms goods. Remember, things sold by h.m are as j rtprt-unUd io tha: none ear be deceived: and any ar ticle not in h.s lir.e rot on hand will be furnithed at j ■I days notice cheerfully at Pastern retail price. N. B. Believing that the present credit system it disadvantageous to every body, he wilt trust no man • tor.ger than 6 months, but will sell ehraprr for eath ! than good*of Lke quality have ever teen bought in Bedford. Call and examine his -itock, judge for your self, and we think you will be pleased with the good*, 'ne price* and the system. He keeps on hand, or will cheerfully furnish every thir.g needed to this county and brought from the Fa*t, excepting only dry good* and groceries. March, 21, lsso. £o £ Ifrgmnnt anb Snpcr'mtmbmt's rf Sabbath Schools. We keep on hand the publications of the Am. S. S. Union, American Bible Society, American Tract Society, Presbyterian Board of Publica tion, Methodist Book Rooms, Massachusetts S. S. Union, Lutheian Board of Publication, Epis copal S. S. Union, and a great variety of stand ard Religious Publications suitable lor Sabbath Schools. SHRYOCK St SMITH, Chambertburg. . March 6, 1857. 11. itontir, ( lock & Watch Maker AND DEALER IN JEWELRY, Would respectfully announce to the citizens of Bedford, and the public in general, that he I has opened a Jewelry Store in the building re cently occupied by H. Nicodemus, Esq. nearly opposite the Bedford Hotel, where he will be pleased to see all in w ant of articles in his line. He has on hand, and will constautly keep, an elegant assortment of JEWELRY, and will re pair Clocks and Watches in the bert style. He hopes to receive a liberal share of patronage, as j he feels satisfied he can render satisfaction to all who entrust him with their work. His terms will be moderate. He has on hand Gold and Silver WATCHES, Silver Spoons, Thimbles, Butter Knives, Gold and Silver Pens and Pencita, ice. &c. April 27, lSrf. BIAKIAG HOIS*:* OF JOHN T. HOGG. SOMERSET, SOMERSET CO. { ? .MOUNTI'LKASANT, WF.STMORF. D" \ 5 CONNKI.LSVILLK, FAYETTE CO. j " LNIONTOWX, " 1 < BROWNSVILLE, r = NEW BRIGHTON, BEAVER CO. ( f Deposits received, Di-counts made, Drafts bought, old and collected. Bank notes and Specie bought and sold. Stocks, notes, and other securities, bought and sold on Commission. Correspondence and col lections solicited. Aug. 21, 18.77. *iliryock ic and Musical Instruments, Chambersbnrg. Our Stock consists of Books, SUilionery, Mu sic, Musical Instruments, Wall Paper, Blinds, French, German, and American Lithographs, and Steel Engravings, gilt Mouldings for Frames, etc. etc., wholesale and retail. Dr. Ll. F. Harry is our agent for Bedford, and all or ders given him will ie promptly attended to. March 6. GETTYS' PHOTOGRAPHIC CALLERV Exchange Building, Bedford, Pa., YY here Ambrotypes, Daguerreotypes, N.c*. &.C., of every description, are executed in the latest styles and improvements of the Art. A lull assortment of plain and fancy cases, arid gold and plated Lockets, at vervlow prices. The public are respectfully un ited to call and examine his specimens. T. R. GETTYS, Jr. For pimples and wrinkles ar.d freckles arid tan, Nothing has e'er been discovered by man, Like that wonnerful product of tropical bowers, The popular "Balm of a Thousand Flowers." to be had at Dr. Harry's Drug & Book Store March 6, 18-17. CALICOES, MLSLI \S, and other goods jut ( received at Reed and Minnich's. Gall and see them. DRUG STORE FOR SALE Any person desirous of purchasing a well esta blished and profitable Drug Store can hear of a fir,! rate opening by addressing the editor of this paper. July 17, 1857. Country Physicians can have their orders filled at City prices at Dr. Harry's. Bedford, Dec. 5, 1856, for the Hair, Jockey Club and new mown Hay Pomatums, Phalon's Invigoratot, &c. N.c. ! tan all be had atDr. Harry's. A SUPERIOR ARTICLE" of Carriage varnish at Dr. Harry's Drug and Book Store. [July 80, 'sB°] Bedford KAIL ROAD! Since the Charter has seen granted for the "Bed ford Rail Rood," the cttireused Bedford have beer excited and irderes'ed upon the subject, thi interest i* not confined to the citizen* at the town, hut extend* throughout the country, and crowds are taily rushing to NEW AND HANDSOME STORE, Is Ast>eb?g.\"s Row, where a *arge and attractive as or fuse fit of beautiiul spr i 2 and Summer goo-is are cpert.r.g, w ticb will be told cheaper thai, everoffered before -.rt this place. The Stock consists in part of Organdie i-awnr, White dc Printed Bril liant*, R de Shauin, Barage dr Laines. Robes A' Quilla, Lavellas Challtey, Plain St Figured Swiss, Latest Style Law n Robes for $ i r> o. Mohair Mixture for ISJ per yard. De Laines of all discr iptiou- froin 6 cts to 25 per yard, lawns of various styles for 6 cts pre yard. An extensive assortment of beautiful prints ranging from 4 cts to 12-i per yard. ' MUSLINS OF ALL PRICES AND QUALITIES. A iarge a sorter.ent cf Ladies N. Misses, gloves, k. hosiery from the low figure of 5 cts up. Pure linen hdkffi. for 5 cts and a full and complete assortment of ladies dress good* gener ally. A large and well selected assortment of cloths, cassirnere* and resting*. Consisting in part of Black French i. English Cloths. Blue do do do. Olive do do do. Black Cassimere. Black Doe Skin. Fancy French &. American Cassimere-. VESTING 3. Grenadine* Plain &. Figured. Radzemire do do. Velvets do do. And a great variety ol Marseilles vesting*. Parry Silk Littn Neck Ties from 6J to A complete assortment oi Ladies At Misses boots, • hoes be gaiters, also a large stock ot mens boot* 8* shoe*. MY ASSORTMENT OF GROCERIES CANT BF. BEAT. Brown Sugar for 6* cts per pound. Do do First rate 8 " " " Do do Extra " 10 " White Sugars " 12|, 14, ic J-5, First Rare RioCoflee, 12| per pound Extra do do 15 " " No ! Java do 15 " Best N. O. Molasses 12' a •' quart, Good Syrup do 12J " " Extra do do 18f " GOOD CORN BROOMS FOR A DIME, All of which will be -obi cheaper than the cheap est. Don't forget to call atRUPP'SSEW STORK IN ANDERSON'S ROW, one door ea-t of Cessna and St Shannon's office, ar.d opposite the Gazette Office. G. W. KI'PP. April 30, ISSB. IUX.HI! _/Tl lIA '£ AIS 1 HAVF. yon called at the Ladies' BAZAR in "ANDERSON'S Row?" MR-. H. D. PEKGH, has just returned from ; the Eatttrn Citiet, with a handsome assortment ot Ladies' and Children's fancy goods—Have you seen there/ HFR Millinery is not to he surpassed in beauty and ' elegance of style, and at prices astonishingly cheap, j Bonnets, white arid colored, from 37$ cents up.— i Ladies' Misses and Children's jockey caps, exquisit | ly nice and new in style, French and American flow. . ers. a large and well selected assort merit, not to be j excelled in quality and cheapness. Ribbons without ■' number, of various styles and colors, Ladies' dre-s caps, head dresses, and also, various kinds of useful and fancy aiticies for Ladies' toilets. j DRESS GOODS , Consisting in part of robes, cbaliies, ducats, mou de lames, lawns, barages, Csome as low as 12£ cents) i robe a quiile, French muslins, silks, black and co'or ed, summer silks, various styles; also handsome shawls, mantillas, lace caps, dusters, &c. EMBROIDERIES, Such as sleeves, collars, infant's waists, and a supe rior lot 01 French setts, handkerchiefs, edgings, | laces, Ac. Calicoes and Cotton Goods, of all descriptions, i Ginghams, ranging in prices from six, eight, ten, to twelve cents. Hosiery, gloves, and mitts; carpet bags, travelling baskets, toys, perfumery, and jewelry. A large assortment oi'ladies'and children's shoes, purchased at reduced prices, ladies' slippers at .10 j cents; fine lasting gaiters at $ 1,25, other styles cor responding in price. Call and examine for your-1 1 selves. MRS. H. D. PEUGH would embrace this oppor tunity, to tender to the public her thanks for the i liberal patronage she has received, and hopes by a j constant effort to please, to merit a continuance of the same. May 7,1- -. MRS. H. I). PF.L'GH. I STOP & IjOOK AT THE V it IT M arg &, iis! THE CRY IS STILL THEY COME!! j Oster, Manspeaker & Cam, Respectfully present their sincere thanks to their numerous i triends and patrons for their kind and very lib e.-al patronage, since opening the Mew Stare, and respectfully beg leave to announce, that they are now receiving and opening the Second supply of new Summer Goods, i embracing a large and attractive assortment ol ' STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS adapted to the present and approaching season, i together with a general assortment of Groceries, Queensware, Cutlery, lints, Cups and Hon nets, Boots and Shoes. a large arid varied assortment of D. Rodney King Sc Co s Philadelphia made, Ladies, Misses and Children's fine Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Slippers ! and Ties, &c., itc. Having pujchased our goods at the very low- , est possible CASH prices, we are prepared to of fer greater inducements than ever. Come in and see—we will take great pleasure in show ing our goods, whether you wish to buy or n< >L [Bedford, July 9, 'SS.-3m.] TO BE HAD AT DR. HARRY'S Essence of Jamaica Ginger, which should have a place in every family, for sale at Dr. Harry's. Rousell's unrivalled Shaving Cream at Har- | ry's. * J WALL AND BLIND PAPER. Dr. B. F. HARRY is our agent for thta ne cessary article. Bv calling a! hi* -tore our pa- { trons will see samples of our paper?. We have • made our Spring selection with much care, and , think we cannot fail to please. SHRYOCK St SMITH, Chamber i March 6. Jt Ca have established their Ex press on the H. 5- d. T. R. R. and appointed C. W. A sbcoji, F.sq., agent at Hopewell. BEDFORD >1 a chine &Ii o 111 THE subcriber won ' mo't r-pect:"u!ly arr.--.uec* to iarming cotroi .-nity, ar.d put-he in gener al, that be still continues to rr.ariuiaeture at bis shop, in Bedford, Pa., the following farming aten. ls, of tbe very best material, and in the most workman like manner, viz: FOI R AND SIX HORSE TUMBLING SHAFT POWER MACHINES, with large open cylinders, six staves, and spikes screwed in. and improved Straw Shakers attached. Their -uper or* for strength ar.d -peed are cot made in Thi- or any other county in the State. Four Horse Tumbling Shaft and Strap Power Ma-t chine with cylinder open or shut, as may be desired and shaker or the best kir.J. lor ce, ease of draff, and perfect working. This machine has no i superior anywhere. THREE HORSE .MACHINES, of'he same kind.— TWO AND THREE HORSE TUMBLING SHAFT POWER MACHINES, a very convenient ana excel- ; lent machine for small farmers, with or without ef i kerj. HILL SflJl■: PLOUGHS, of a very superior pattern to any in use in this country i -S lugt u*U DottUe Skoce'. Ploughs, with iteei shoreh. OultivatarSr ; Peckham's New York FIVE-HOED STEEL POINT EXPANDING CULTIVATOR—Roeer's Pittsburg' I patent STEEL TOOTH EXPANDING CULTIVA TOR, for working corn, or seeding in grain, Fanning Mills, Horse Rakes, Lever Cutting Boxes, Harrows, Wheelbarrows, rnade to order. All the above arti cles constantly on hand, and soid on reasonable 1 terms. Repairing of a!i kinds of Machines, whether made here or elsewhere, done on the shortest notice. Castings for ail tr.y Machines and Ploughs made toe Foundry of Mr. Michael Ban nan, in Bedford, ar.d will compare with any made in the ) State for strength and durability. BLACKSMITH* ING done to order. All tr>y work warranted to give satisfaction. From a past experience of twenty years in the Machine business, 1 feel confident that I can give entire satisfaction to all who may favor me with a call. Call and examine my work before you pur chase elsewhere, as 1 am determined to piease ail. Horses, gram of ail kinds, lumber and iron, will be taken in exchange for work. PETER H. SHIRES, Bedford, May 21, ISSS-6m. Machinist. THE MORMONS RETREATING!! Fresh ARRIViVL OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. just received AT SHOEMAKERS' COLOXADE STORE. THE undersigned having just returned from the eas tern cities, are now opening a splendid assortment of Spring and Summer goods, consisting in part of Black and Pancy Silks, Mous. lielains, plain and figi red A'paccas, Lawn#, Calicoes, Chalues, Deba ges, etc., etc. BLACK A.VD F.I.VCY CLOTHS, Cassimeres, Summer Coatings Tweeds, J*sns, Linen, and a general assortment of boys' wear. A large assortment of Boots. Shoes, Hats. Caps. Trunks, Carpet Sacks, Cotton and Carpet Chain, Muslins, f lanneis. \ estings, Hand kerchiefs, Coffee, Sugar, Syrup, Green and Black Teas, Queensware, Hard ware, Buckets, Tubs. Brooms Lock ing Glasses, Umbrellas, and every thing that is generally kept in coun try stores—ail which they will sell cheap. All kind?ol country produce taken in ex change tor goods. I'o punctual customers a credit of s : x months will be given. J. i J. M. SHOEMAKER. Ap,l 23, 1858. SAVE VOI R MONET! THE I NDERSIGNED would respecifull} - inform the travelling public, that he has established a liaiiv line of stages between Bedford and Latrobe. The route is that of the old Philadelphia Turnpike, leading trom Philadelphia to Pittsburg, being one of the best coach roads in the Union. Pa*senqert will RE.ICII trains of cars for Pittsburg as early as by going to Ho!l idaysburg -■■ Johnstown. The fare to Pittsburg on this route is Volt r IJofla r t oral Ttrriity Ceutt being THREE DOLL.IRS CHE J PER than on any other route from Bedford to that point. Coaches leave the Washington Hotel, Bedford, eve ry morning, at o'clock, (Sundays excepted) and the Depot at Latrobe every morning, alter the arri val of the mail train from Pittsburg, /Sundays ex cepted. JOSEPH A. GAR.MAX. February, 12, 1858-tf. BLOOD! Rl\ FOINDRV AND Machine Shop-' THE subscribers are now prepared 3t thei Foundry in Bloody Run, to fill all orders for Castings of every description for GRIST .LVD SJHV-MILLS, Tll RES -MACHINES, APPLE MILLS, PLOUGHS and all things else in our line that may be needed in this or adjoining counties. We manufacture Threshing Machinesof 2, 1 or Horse Power, WARRANTED equal if not saperioi to any made in the State. We keep constantly on hand a full assortment of Wood Cock, Plug anil Hillside Ploughs, WARRANTED to give satisfac tion, or no sale. Points, shares and land sides to lit all Woodcock, or Seyler ploughs in the county. Farmers' Bells, Ploughs and Castings of our make may be had at the store of Wm. Hartley, in Bedford, Sonderbaugh & Pee, East Providence Tp., John Nycum & Son, ' Times being hard, we offer great inducements to Farmers and .Mechanics to buy of us. Ail kinds of repairing done in z neat and sub-tan tial manner and all work warranted. Call and ex amine our castings and work and judge for your selves. Our agents sell at foundry prices. JOSIAII BAUGHMAN he BRO. March 2G. 1850. -. A BURNING FLUID and PINE OIL Always to be had at Dr. Harry's Drug and Book Store. [july 30, 'sB.f PURE WHITE LEAD, FLAXSEED OIL and Spirits Turpentine, at Dr. Harry's Drug and Book Store. [july 30, 'sB.] Bazin's fancy Toilet Soaps, Shaving Creams &c. just received and for sale at Dr. Harry's Drug Store. LT MBER.—Twenty Thousand feetofSpruce &. Pine Boards, also a large supply of Poplai Scantling—for sale bv A. B. CRAMER &. Co Feb 19, 1858 * professions as to what he will do. but he pledges , his word that his most energetic efforts will be employed to r -nder comfortable all who give him a caii. The House will be handsomely fitted op, and none but careful and attentive | servants will be engaged. Persons visiting the Bedford Springs, as well as those attending Court, and the travelling community general ly, are respectfully invited to give him a call and judge for themselves. laken by the week, month, or year,on favorable terms. rf~Ampie and comfortable stabling at tached to this Hotel, which will always be at tended by a careful hostler. Also, a safe and convenient carriage house. rr-.Jll the ST.IGES it op at thin Hotel. JOHN' HAFER. March 16, 1855. DR. WILTON'S AMERICAN PILLS. JOY TO THE AFFLICTED. VOUNG AMERICA VICTORIOUS Ore •rraii fox of Pills cure? ninety-nine rases out of a hundred. No Ba!-am, r.o Mercury, no odor on the breath, r.o fear of detee' icn. Two small r-.iU a dose tasteless and harmless as wa'er. Full direc tions are g.ven, so that the pa' ear cure h:mseL as certain as with the advice of the most experienc ed surgeon, and much better than with the adrice of one of little experience in This class of disease. SENT BY MAIL TO ANY PART OF THE COUNTRY by enclosing one dollar to Dr. D. G. IFa/gen No. 154 Nor : h Seventh St. below Race, Philadelphia. A hie rat discount to tie trade. None without the written signature o; D. G. Wal ton Proprietor. Dr. W- treatment for Self-abuse, Weakness, Ac., is entirely different trotn the usual course. Dr. \V. has cured hundreds who have tried others without benefit. The treatment is as certain to cure as the sun is to rise. Enclose a stamp, and address D>. VV. as above giving a full history o: your ea_,e, and -. cu will blr-ss the day you made the effort to secure what —A RADICAL CURE. Feb. 5, 58. 1 yr. Dissolution of Partnership. THE partner-hip heretofore exist,rg between lie - ry S. King ar.d James Mi tara, under the name ar.d firm of Madara, King h. Co., doing business at Le mon's Iron Works, in Hopewell township, Bedlori, county, i dissolved by mutual consent. HENRY S. KING, Nov. 2, 1857. . JAMES MADARA. The business of manufacturing iron at Lemon' Iron Works, will be continued by the undersigned, who ha- purchased ail the interest of his late partners James Madary, jn the Books property ami effects belonging to the iate firm of Madara, King & Co. N0v.20. 1557. HENRY S. KING. IT RlilTl KE For Sale. The subscriber being a practical workman, is now carrying on ibe cabinet making business a* the east end ol Bediord, next to the Foundry, and has or, hand the best, and mo-t fashionable stock of furni ture, ever rna !e. Please call and examine for your selves before buying elsewhere, as great bargains can be had bv giving him a call. May 7, ISS*. " M. E. BARTEGES. How to save .Money.' ALL persons who are in want of good and ve ry cheap Chairs and Cabinet Furniture,o 'can now have an opf-ortu. )se afcj nity of saving money, by ' * calling on the subscriber, and selecting such articles a* they may need from a large stock now on hand which will be soid lower !than the same can be bought in this country. Vou who are about to commence housekeeping will do well by calling on me as there will be great reductions made in suits of Furniture. You will see the truth ot the above statement by looking at the ! following list of prices. CHAIRS FROM §i 50 to 30 ot> per set . BEDSTEADS, 2 ■*) " 15 00 " TABLES, 2 50 20 00 u ; BUREAUS, 10 00 .35 00 " i CUPBOARDS, 500 " 12 00 << WASHSTAXDS, 150 " 600 WORK STANDS, 100 500 " CANDLE STANDS, 100 300 All other articles in proportion. Ail articles war ranted. ISAAC MENGEL, JR. February !9, 1858. - SIIOEMK.\m\(i! ''■fcHAGN't. commenced thcW Mr. Brice's Hotel, Bedford, Pa., I am prepared to do all manner of work in this line of business at the short est notice, and in the most sub-tantia! manner, on more reasonable rates than usual, out tUttig iu/lisjoi - •able- Give me a call, try my work and judge for yourselves. June 11,*58. J. B. BAKER. A D .1/7 .Y IS TV A TOR S SOT ICE. LETTERSaf administration having been gran ted by the Register of Bedford county, t„ the under signed, upon the estate of Benjamin Davis, late of the State of lowa, dec'd—all per-ons therefore know ing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, znd those having claims against it will present them duly ted for settlement. GEORGE C. DAVIS, of St. Clair township, Adin'r. July IC, 1858. ■JJJ~ J J J* W,. W ...,,V VWV> ATTENTIN, MARKS N : J O H.V II o R D E R, GUNSMITH, Bedford, Pa- Shop af the east end of the town, one door west of the residence of Major Washabaugh. All guns of my own manufaclure warranted. ! May 21,'58-ly. Bazin'sk Lubin's Extract for the Handker-1 chief, Cologne Water, &c. for sale at Dr. Har ry's Drug Store. JUST RECEIVED and for sale—(he celebra ted Greencastle Grain Cradle, by june 11,'55. G. W. RUPP. CORN.—One Thoawnd bushels for sale—alsc Family flour—Prime new Bacon also—by A. B. CRAMER &. Co. IRON.—Blacksmith's and others are inform ed we have just received a large supply of Re fined Iron—warranted best quality. A. B. CRAMER & CO WAGONS.— Several new two horse wa-gons work warranted, for sale on a liberal creditor for country oroduce by A. B. CRAMER Co- Feb. 19, 1858. Clicesc —Cheese, best quality, just receiv- REED & MINNICH'S. Drugs and rooks bll r. t . REAMER Hvir2 jrtrrchased t .A.BrT *•5. % and Book Slore of Dr. S. D. Scoft, v til r*. 'antfv k ; -p on hand at his i tihii-hment in Julianna Street, a complete assortment o/ Drug-. Medicines, Dye Stuffs, Paints, Oiis. I Window Glass, \ arnishes, Brcrhes of all Wind-. Patent Mr-dicing, Lamps, Perfumery, Farcv Soaf..-, k !stc. with an extensire col lection ot School and JliscelJaneou Blank ißooks, Common and Fancv Stationery, Si.c. which he off-rs at ireativ reduced pri-.--'.- for cash. Bedford, Feb. 17, lS">f, FOIADIiI 1M) MI! lil\L SfiOP! THE -ib-cribcr- ;ri |Vrm>. a per*--ers'. , *'* r itif s* j eof "Doc* S: AsLcotu icr the p*!rpr ; *e of conduct mg a general KOIMJRV \\D MA CHINK bu- ness in the -tt)hsbfr>er.t recently erected by G. aril Pock, in Hopewell, Bcd.i. rd cout.ty, are r w prepare ! f > ei-cufe orders for CAST/AGS A.VO MAC Hiy Ell V of every description. Tuey .!! build to order -team-er coal and drift-cars, horse pow j, , J , ti.reo.urg machines—also, eas'- ii:g of evf.y Kir.e lor furnaces, iorgei, saw. r.-r ro' ng rn <. ploughs, water-pipe, column*, ti : "ror'*. bracket-. ?<-., ,bc. f bey are a -.<. row rr.?k ' x a fine aisortmeft r - tO\ 1 .So! va'.■. as k :. 'j of The ratesT pattern- at. ct approve ! styles, including severe! iz-s o; STOVES c. thl best make, Leat;r. stoves iur c nfl.-ex, bar-rooms, K<~. A ie.i .-<->rtrre;.r of -'oves v. il be kept eon-'ai y or Lar.d, and sold at wholesale ar f retail, at p ces to so t toe tunes, ai.d quality, warranted e ( p. a . to the beg* ea->rn ft a We. Machinery of aii kinds repaired promptly. Patterns rr. !e to order. GtLLfARD DOTR. OcTober JO, IS-'T. C. \V. ASHCO.M. EXE CI TO ITS .\ YJ TICE. .NOTICE i, hereby given that L-(lts Tesla inentary bate be.-ti granted Lv the li c ster oi Beclord C 'iun'v, tv the subscribers, on the }a-t V\ re existing and tra ding under the firm name of Bfytntrs * Hartley, has thi' :ay been . Executor's Notice. Letters testamentary on the last Will and Testa- I mei.t ot John Ciaar, late of Bedford borough, dee'd, I havii g been granted to the subscriber residing ir said borough, notice is therefore given to all per sons indebted to tbee-tate of said dee'd, to make 1 • immediate payment, and those having claims will : piesent them forthwith properly authenticated for settlement. JOSEPH CLAAR, June 11, 58. Executor. W ASIII.\RTO\ hoti:L. MRS. COOK would announce to her fiipuds and tlie public, that the Washington Hotel is now fitted up in superior order far the accom modation ot gu"ts, and she hopes to continue to receive a libeial share of custom. Persons visiting the Mineral Springs will find in the Washington Hotel a comfortable summer re treat—and no pains will be spared to please all who patronize the hquse. K?"A young gentleman of high qualification and courteous deportment has charge of the es tablishment. KP"The best of Stabling is attached to this Hotel. T-?*Terms as moderate as any other house in the place. Daily Mail Stages from Alaquippa and Cumberland—also tri-weekly Lines from Hol lidaysburg and Pittsburg stop" at this Hotel. Bedford, April 25, 1856. Fresh Supply of Groceries—Coffee, Su gars, Syrup, best quality, Green and Black, Teas, Best Pearl Starch &c., &c., just receiv eJ al REKP Si MIN\"TCH'S. FiRE RISKS ONLY TAKEN.' y (•irj! r d 1 iif aiui Marine inuiranir 'ipijiaiiv Philadelphia CAPITAFi:OO/eVj DiRFCTOR<. V. sj M s'a AIX. of Pub > l!r. JOHN AXSPACH, fr., GEO. H. X. PVRROf GH>. ,JNo. ty. ff i> J R. UCbHES, WM C f. j, ,|; v PN ' w m > bo\ r>. r r> shoe m a'k f.e JFR. walker, IHO PRAV/V 1 FRAXV■: Pi TEi:-. H r.(f ,Ml u'| J.xo. MoCLCRE, iO-i pp hi APP. M D Hon. fori. rOXF.S. Pre*i.le,.r A S GILLF.T, \ ice p - :•> >i LLIN,^-vry. . -i I.VORD, A. fit —^c rA te-*y uVAii cji ,r.s b.'r.eflo pree#te l ag;,i.s par.y, property aodlrerf ard artriTste.t. t.-- C.' n ".' Th- is -r.t "%a:{nV''cw'- 'V s'-; ■ surtrg in it need ofciy pay the pnti-nv. - tr ,-.t P icy. no as--rer-. b-irg'made isroc *b* T - fJ; ' of b-iej by the Company. BEN FORD c\ METERS, -Vger '- fur Bedford count v .\prii d.'J, I S"S. Scrofula, or King's Evil, is a eonstitath :.a; disease, a comipUoei of the blo:dy, and laay burst ut in disease ca anv part of it. No mnraa is free from its attack*, ac'r MR one wh.l icstTOT. The scrofu . *is v ;; ....y .Ur-. ..y mercuT".al disease, 1 .-w i.v.i.f, CI-. • rod or unhealthy fod, imptir* air. h.tii ar.d r..:;.y hat.ts, the depressing Trees, ar.d. hr- e all. y the v.:. . il infection. What ever e .:s ori.i- ;.,_r d.tary ir: the ctmstitu ti >n, dcsce:.d;arr *:. as" =to children unto the third ar.d f urth genera;! .i; ' indeed, it seems tr be t: - rird T H;m b - yi. •• I mill visit the ini-'ju::. -i of tl.e> ur ;t their children." Ib edicts itne. c- ,y n which decimates the human family hui its ric n iir'-ctly in this scrofulous cor.tanuns tion ; and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of a.l the organs, ar from or are agu-ravatv-d by the- same cause. Uae quarter oi all oar >-ople are scrofulous; their pervns are inva j.-d by .- lurking infection, and their health is undermined by it. To clear.*, it from the system we must renovate the Mood by an alterative medicine, an i invigorate it by healthy focd ar-d exerm>e. Such u medicine we suppiv ia AVER'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla. the most effectual remedy which the medical skill of our times can dc-rise f r this every where pre vailing ar.d fatal malady. I*, is combined from the most active remedial* that have leer, discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the system from its destructive consequences. Hence it sb uld be employed for the cure of not only scrofula, but also those other affections which arise from it. such as EBVPTIVB and SKI.V DISEASES, ST. ANTHONY'S F:EX, R:*l. or EKTSIPELA*, Pixri.Es, PCSTCI.ES, BLIOTCHIS, BCAINS ar.d Botes, Tuxoua, TETTIS and SALT KHEVM, SCAI.O HEAD, KIXGWOS.*, RHXCMATUK. SYPHILITIC and ME&CCRIAL I-e and virtue of this Sarsapa rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital tluid, without which sound h-.aith is impossible in con taminated constitutions. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC. are <=l composed that disease within the rang? of their action can rarely withstand or evade thcia. Their pen etrating properties search, and cleanse, and in vig n*e every portion of the human ergamsm, correcting it* diseased action, and restoring its healthy vital; tie*. A a consequence of these properties, the invalid who : bowed down with pain or physical debility is astonished to find his health ot energy restored by a rcnicdr at once so simple and inviting. Not only do they cure the everv-dav complaint* of every body, but also many formidable* and dangerous diseases. The agent bel >tt named is pleased to nircish gratis my American Almanac, containing certificates of their cures and directions for their nse in the follow ing complaints . f". t, Heartburn, /fc.tiacAe, arising from disordered stomaeh, Xcus u. Indigestion, Pain in and hlcrbid Ina -tion of the Poictls, Flatulency, I-yss of Appetitr, Jaundice, and other kindred com plaints. arising from a low state of the body or obstruc tion of its functions. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, roil THE RAPID CTTRE OF Coughs, Cold, Influenza, Hoarseness. Crotip, Bronchitis, Incipient Consumption, and lor the relief of Consumptive Patients in ad vanced stages of the disease. So wile is the field of its usefulness and so numerous are the cases of its cures, that almost evcrv section of country abounds in persons publicly known, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate di eascs_ of the lungs by its use. When once tried, its superiority ever every other medicine of its kind is too apparent to escape observation, and where its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidots to emp.ov for the distressing and dangerous affection* of the pulmonary organs that are "incident to our climate. While many inferior remedies thrust upon the community have failed and been discarded, this h* gained friends by every trial, conferred benefit* on the afflicted they can never forget, and produced cure* too numerous and too remarkable to be forgotten, PREPARED BY i>R. J. C. AVER & CO. LOWELL, MASS. SOLD BY Doctors R amer and llarrv, Bedford, l\i. iuly ' o,'oS-l y. MUS. S. E. POTTS HAS just returned from the cities with a large supply of Rich and Handsome Goods, rich silk*. Robes ot aI; kinds, DERAGE Rones, LAW N ROBES, LINEN ROEES, TRAVELLING ROUES, with sid* trimmings, RICH LICE .MANTLES,SILK MANTLES, FRENCH VVORKED COLLARS, CNDERSLEEVES, a> large quantity of FRENCH WORKED STRIPS, very low, a rich variety of BONNETS, trimmed and untrimmed, as low as U0 cts. RIBBONS, RI sues, and f RENCII f LOWERS, at all prices, SHOES anil GAITERS, a handsome lot of summer SHAWLS, LAw.ys and CALICOES, and an endless variety of fancy Goads. April 30, 1858. Samuel Bietiermaii, COUNTY SURVEYOR. WOl LD here' v notifiy the citizens ol Red ford coun*3', 'hat he has moved to the Borough of Berford, where he ntav at all ti;n p s be found by persons wishing to see him, unless absent upon business pertaining to his ofliee. April 16. ISaS.-tf. 10011 LI CHE. —Those who want a speedy cure for this disease will find it in DR. KEVSER'S 1 OOTIIACHE Remedy. Sold for 25 cents at Sam uel Brown's Store Bedford, St Colvin X. Robin on's Schellsburg.