The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, July 30, 1858, Image 3

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    The Beilfor*l V a itu
. of the V. uf on-t ■ ir Vw. f!„re- Ow< 'rv.
The President ni the I . S., together with Sir
Win. Cor On etey. ladv it d daughter, arrived on
Wednesday evening, last at our <!.-se;ved!e popular
-iiniirrr retreat. There are at .present so-mii nuig
a t the Springs upwards of 300 guests, ami a' more a~
gieiiiMe and social company never net fogetl-ei.
Pyrotechnic Display at the "Spring* —On
M today evening last, there was a magnificent
exhibition of fire- works at the "Springs,'* and
large numbers of our citizens turned on! to wil
n, )' -• display. The burning stars, the "rock
t t'v r<glare, the i.alls of (ire crossing paclj
..iheis gleaming track, the hack-ground of the
,!aik woods, and the gay company of the spec! a
p. . c uid in d i • form a sc. n- at once pleasing
•! subhm-. • Everything c ted w rth th<>
" i se.i olh 'rru-nv as a marriage liejl." vt* I*
; v • j trn of the exhibit inof a tianspaivn
i <-1 ten lip by certain gentlenv-n for the pur
, ' >b ; -u ing tlu-ir contempt lor the opini in
fa 1 ego n.;<e l it\ of tile ass. nibhige. Tiii
in- patency vas a ! aimer healing the insrrip- 1
tin, "CaMIvBON AND Tflß TARIFF, 1860." 11l
'• ls inter led, nl cHus *. that this should -1)1 in.- !
. n the home, -p.,; jpsf< ad of ca .Aug au\ !
• -i .-m in tlit* crowd , it wn- re.-, i- '
• w iti. murmurs ol drsapiioinim. Nt and dis
pi "-1 i. 1. We pre.. ,e I .he t.u if," f
1' d ill.lit d by Ibis l.ani r, ;:i le fir s j
cousin to thai of I So7, to secure the passage ol ;
•A.iih 'I huilow Weed and other Opposition !
taps there a-" g.-oi].-men who would like to
. ir.ulate Thui l..w*s fine thing is rer- :
' nr., a? any rate ; aim that is- that the |h.w>
• ho got tip the Cameron hann-r d. s-me an I
mvitati mi to the first ■ll iz~ id ■.
Fc. 1 >niu\*s report on the Ca-iter.rj Bn'.erv !
investigati .it) that the !)*.: e. -gue of-Lochiel*' i! deign t-) give f.> hi j-.niasites.
Pottfnit Pointing. —M;;. (Jt.-ir br Well
-In. an I a our c,ti7-en --. is i i town, ■• .o |dj. . h **
I :n the "Smoky City." ]}., rt ,. e a,.
x ftisem nf, or commendation, at our hands,
i .• treati ins of his pencil !o be s en at his"
• •:!■? in Odd Pell >s" Hail, among which we
; itiaits ol 0. K. Siiax.xox and fa-nilv.
K v. Mr. lluvo x and ot!u-:s >f inr towns-f >lk.
i stronger idvtice ol ho mastery of-iiis a;'
ui we c u! 1 give though wp wr ilea vo'tcne on
the mi! In t. Every ' • 'v should have a photo
• ci'pft from Ids ham!, if p • >n oil painting.
S'lljo'ila School Pic . V ir.— fhe (Jerman IL*_
fanned Sabbath Scho d ha I a o t d lig.Ftful
l'ic ,\ic pa*iy on Tuoday las! Baggage wagons
: lem-d down with "goo i f r the!
ivsu.d man, and harks and carriages, iuclu
■i: g "i! a! Bus. crowded v\ i; 11 the living f•, ight
<-f happy, laughing and boys and their
liiemls and guests, wended lh- ir wav to the
!)' .an! if til banks of Dunning"- Creek, where under
tiic iv-rhanging vord re -if G i's maj-stsc Ireei.
was spent a day of delightful enjoyment. This
I tppy da\ w ill be loi g rpmen.bered bv those
u ii > pari it ij.tie 1 iti the Pic Nick nothing occur
red to mar the h >tia it:**s of t!m occasin.-i and
a 1 returned safely I 1 their hon.
Ilcrai'i, or R-tjt'>irt>. We h-m- tint D.t. GKO.
li. Ivi;v rit. of Pittsburg, Pa , pi- ps- s to \ ~j(
Bedtbrd in (lie cnniso of tw , or three v\ - < ks,
and will have with him <a large assortment nl
Man-iiL RAMI AL CCKI; TBCSSES which he w i!!
: ; ply to a!! w hoimv be so unfortunate as to
n I ant ot that kite 1 . We learn fiui
adv. 11ismeiifs in the Pitt-!iu:g j-apeus that Dr.
K> yser lias- devoted several vears of a; plica-i->n
' ■ this hranch of medicine and he pro si; is s I )
perform radical cures with his trusses, a thing
ill of the usual line r.f medical practice. But
our filers .are, (loo!.llvsv, suliici-nllv w <-ll ac
u'.ainted u ilh the IT rlei's a! iiui s in this way,
:S well as inothrt IPSPTIS. he faai-g residtd
! -re nrd ptnctictd lis | rob s-.i a I>r seveia!
'.i , -in our town. Due notice of the exact
time of li is arrival u i!l he given in Ihe (iozfth'.
Dr. 11. If. }l ilmor, ol Lancaster, will ' Lit
- ,s j .- r. llse 10th of August n< \l. and
i:i remain i- ur da\s. His rooms wii! he at
' ! 1 fafei \s hotel. He will examine pa'i nts
i !r. al ail <:: - -es 11 at human flesli is heir t-u
I'iisaie rooms foi ladies. Consultations always
t •. Our rt a:•< is are referred I > his card io a
ii ber# i olumn.
Yo'iii-* AJrn'x Christian JJsgoctntion •)..■ —The !
embers ol thf different rettgious congregalions j
t ■ r town, sre t in tin- P. ed>\terhan Church on
v evening last, for the purp seoforgar.i
a u Vnung M.-n's Ohiisiiari Association.—
'! o! j. (1 of the meeting was stated by Mi;.
DALI .. t Phila leiphia, and after s >me remarks by
It; v. .IOIIX (.'II AM or ro, A committee of five vans
I j it.ted to draft a constituti >n ami by-laws
I . the ' it 1 tyo society ; w hereupon the meeting
•irrii d. Mav this piaiseworthy project piove-
S'LCC ( --fill.
I 'lyiiiijri/ii'ial I 'tailors nt Bedford Springs.
We notice arr.oro- the late anivalsa! the
| rmg-, a itumher of distinguished I'ennsylva
i ians, among wtiom we might name R. ILDBU:
li nr.iiTs, ESQ., of Pi'lsbuig," ("HAS. W . CABKI
AX, ESQ., ot I'liiiadelphia and E. C. VVU.-ON,
the present able Adjutant General of this State.
< , . JOHN W. FORNEY and DR. li. S. MCKEN
/ ijotthc Philadelphia Press , also paid the
Springs a flying visit on Saturday last. Th-y
left on Monday.
In Town. —Our jolly friend MR. CAI-TNI;!;,
. I Woodberrv, was in town a few days ago, ev
nl'v on the look out for some of the gentlo
u tvho are secretly woiking tod fat him
I- r re-nomination 1 r the Legislature. Wh< tit
er tl.v visit v. ill "pay" remains lo be s- • n.
.Mt). Jas. Cow/nnn, formerly ol this place,
nl lately of California, is p.! Pr- sent on a visit
to this his old home. Few men have warmer
fri ! ;L in Bedford than the .Major.
To thf Cot i)iii-r y ff /e I//-fir vof //<••* Piece, < onstnblea ifi tie' different I'u-rh&'iips
■in the l't>n.!>; of fii /ford, tie. fine.
K \OW I' thrtf id pursuance of a prect* pi to
>'" '• unr-r ti; • hand ami s< al oftlu*
<i >ot I ltitSVl'lß Si KIM 31 ELL, jPr sident of the
-.-vera! Courts of I "'HTitnon Pleas in the Sixteenth
Di con isting ui lii * * eotmitics ol Prank I in.
1; (Ifi)i-!, Somerset and Pulton, and by virtue
o! !: is (iiiit'c ol tlip ( ■ urt of Over and iVrrnuipr
and (.'enoral ./aii delivery for the trial of capi
tal and otle r offenders therein and in the (iene
ral ( iiirt of (Quarter Sessiuns of tin Peace: and
Joi;\- (J. Harti.i:v and A. .1. ;:r,v, io-js..
Judge-;. | tlio same Court, in the same County
of l>i .iiord, \ W and ■ acli of \ i are heretic re.
(jurred to he and app ir in your proper perrons
witn your ifecord:', Recognizances, Kxainmu
tions, and other Imldre theJudg s
af ire-nun, at lie,;; ; y ;i ; f. ijr { Oyer an I
i emu: • r ami (leri.e-.i! J., j Delivery and (Jen ■-
nil Quarter Sos.dorts of the Peace therein to lie
hidden for the couiilv of Hedlnrd, nil>r- •;
on toe nth .\fon-.lav ol Aliens!, fbeiwg the .'.'nth
nay,) at Id.o'clock in the forenoon ol that duv
tli'-re and l.i**n to do loose things to who-h vmii •
several appertain.
(JIV'PX under my hand at Bedford, on the
.kith iay i>! July, in tin* year of our Lord
•' .1- -l.f- . ■
V ' T-V fe Ce: j
V . n-_g..~ ' ' "- 1 * . ~W
-'-* • ' •
A Y E 11 ' S
(! * tii \irrn IMf i s
A ' 4 I 1 li\ IV Jiv IL i&Ji J" j
\ ] of •:!
* ' I ' -le. .I.uoto. I e,
flee a.-!:.. Fewrs. C-at. vc..u-': lrritai ;!itv.
■' '■ • ' ri I'.. . i:.e k
'•■•' lit Fell. : ( .ine,.'.i:iil>. A. .. Ae. I , ,-y r. v. :ir,i |l„
in v. I.ieli n l-ni zatiw- M. iliein.- i- in - lii.-r, ur Ii- re-
I'i.Te.l an j line (, ki . - mi ehtg ijii-lii !-• ( i. e,.iin-1, it' a
' ' ' tt> ■ fallii.e-ie were l.air" r.-v.. ; ,
■a.:.! r-ei V.ell !i.-'.. a 1..,1.i: . f l|rpi- • ■ 11.
;( n '-y -e: lis : ..ft... 1,1..; j^l.,
' ' I '.•' \ li.t- ■: I.)' (lift lie. -11 ami jn lieieiis n— 111 a ~1
teraß Incut* 11..-. all i.-a.l to beenrae |ifcxltice r
-.-it—. >II<I f 1 !U- :i-I ;a|-I s uliii-h I lii. .1,-a!|.v
la !a >al. It j:— a i-i.a'.le familv j.liv-'. t-..1* i; * ic-t imis.rt
•n tie- p.iiJtc lii-aliti. ami ti. - I iii 11,.- np i, .. 1 With
... j—-uiv Jiithfil known f adv I. • . lii.-. t:-.-
ws - ' - ; . I !•-M. I'-tier, were the.-. -..'-lai.tiat.,! I.v
"" >•••>< ' - .n.-i nil -el,-. i... have t.--ur,-' II r.v
" 1: - VA.It .1 \i 11vi *i' 1. -It. ■ ..)• IF-t-n. m : 1.-ili
T-1• ■ • n. Fir/ Hi.;, k. ,uI„J i. . I I .
O! •<!!>-. T. J ....... ; • t, ,!.. J ul,]-;,. I. ; „f th.
e it- a I\ i- -i' ■.f i i i.n . urt a IFA her
■ni •" tin,, to-; ~ . f I!
ii 1' .1. I. Ifil'Sm, t1.,1" ;n>v ..)-
to •. W T-.l H".. .s,i.n el till: wate <f I -- l.n- It..
!•; •' th I to-:.: v. fn. ...„| (to. .to,. V.-.k City,
wc j; v. '.; : xi ' : .:f;; ''a
I' ■' '■ A -- t-i- i.t-n.iar (Jarerin.rof Vw V-rk.
P.. r. .1 ; 'ito- nry. I r..;. II . i :J : -. . ..„-,| -.h0.-ia H. .lka,
■ r 1*1: -Hans anil.- . , - In th -it- • f N.-.i V- ifc.
Cou a .-. tar - -V. Proprh tore ■tth • Aato'r 1! nse. :• York
\ . Pbof. M. 1.. K- . (-?•• -tnriati. Olit >. laxkirenl l.y
.1 i . 11 'I - -N. t 'lie nil;ili. Jul-. Sflj.. c.uir ■f I : .'le.} .states.
Ti. s!.ts f r.w ix. U tsipivn.dtii-- •.. 'i v~r 1-. -tin ft'..-.
A! -.X. n. iioiii- - . !.r nf Ke.-sla.
ll'.y. J" . I !I *l. WijeiiT. (?..\-!•!,.-r nf Imliana.
te I! *. ••' v.-r i-Vamr.; A- A"
I . ST'Vli. ,li: ! ■ „f Si,. rr.
} T"*** f*T nIT, TTt *" 1 -it n" 4 . % I)Uf< i • rr-fti
: "It a'i f<. !.• I • t !:'• I'i! i> ha W U'Cll !->• ! *. (II t • Vl''- \ •
til.- r ■ t!- ;> {| 1( , tJ f , ii. ill. f.t J ';!.)>• ; ■I: j
FEINNL in li '-jr <-,TW'I - Hl* I trial.
T.V-- i 'lis. flio •. , vjt . r h;Vf t . iti !: Mid .'/Jr. . i
•TI'MIL !• lite }•:.'• ■■ THE 1 NIL* 1 LI'.I I . ;. J*!-I •V. !.;• ;
fr:.s lit !'• •f ll t-ll'ltl ;•!'•(■*■ rail U.'V- il"i ID \ •• I • i..J u
:< •' >■ *}.•• i!H_s '!.< r.flf >- In;i ..f t! . : ■ v. - ■ •.f
i f :;*]- ri-iu-<ii.'> r\tfirlsl i.\ :! }?>* n ; ; <f
'I :•> -v. i;t •. i it ••••.< i.f- !;- t
f' " !. in 1f - ' i -ny ;=! J* "Is U I•jr'l >; . : •
• :i( . I: ; • : . '1 . : j i.j ;TI .. II .•• • ? • 1 t ;'W. • :
Tit ; . is I -U'-rh ■ *. V, I.v il. .hi;-: < -t> i
■ :
:i- -ic-Mir; <• ;?!;. n, 1\ th .
• I'll! i- il if'.' ,■ i tin' iV.r. ' Xt' Hh'rt is I •!. All "■. <
f-!f ft -V Hi tli <-;r I* v r, W- l * l ' v ! :* v*- pvt. Km :
i ! !• -'till. (• ' <• ;t M.I. •-. ir. • J-I v• : 'to ; :i- t*> ]
'"• • : Mi* lis. WII :• •' .• V : •'
mi.i-T the •• .til.. !if :•!: 11:;.-:'.. .'1 jtiitll • . iit'lnd; i
!•(• M-ri,. j: n r . V : ■ i.j..-. : ■ it- rn.-, I'iott. 1
: ! : • . I ' . ' • • Wi: i, |. •P j \ 5. . • ; ; i
•Ml-; IT! i !:•• v. 5. . .f i . t. • in '1: 1
■ *t • i • 1 i ri: M ii'j t it.-- - If lift*.--v. r. t?" •••
- i: ■ *A i;ll J.a.. tiut i ' 5V : il !!. th*'\ *• 5
5J • • "'!■!!• iwrirn- ! t 5• • l.i- : p?.-!.
'•I I';: c li, >i' • in..- tli.:; ;.J '• 1 1
i--'< • V t : - i ■ •- It - kti I ! 1 - !il .
ii; il ! li.HY* 'i' 11 i\ ~; jj. . *i i ; . } .• .
}•?*--"j J.'l ;l (- is p;,i ..jvt, t. all f.tfii :•! a S J tP--' ;-r. < i ■*■*> r;l
!" ' I' the .-Ii 'i- I ! -civ :•.< ks. tv]i jr.. .
tln if T '' (InS I> !' a- : • . ?■;
lstiia- i:* I • tv. >!.K 'I II ts tt ■
k.: v. i t;;ij. •m-r.ent lMit \ .-% PP l •f . - -t,
. t t.iV litis. i i; -1 .wn more e.iiiti.ifii iv. at !: t • vvil . ; .
* i; ■I" .i:' • it V ■ *j. •! '•?! i -Ik ! I ■ <
!••:• trial.
Tie V J • T y :i. . i.r v.'-, N TL:- sit ' ma! *- • :
i l ' I !'•'' 'it' |(J H>' •! : 1 : ]t JI, *• t }•-;. If} i . , N • '
JH* il- TF ?L • ft. -.(!. I" \ • |S. TiY. . <j. i ITIUI • - I• - '
of ! lit* L*H. rt-.-I -RINU litcir i; .'it!, r;• < ::• it R ATNL I ;
••I •I *. .*A L.-T'-V . !':-V • ::• } !...• •■ . .I. ri.
{ • -i origin
I-,:. • : 1- ; ; •. •:• t i< . i . .. ; |uir-ly
V*-. ral.Je. iiu Kana ... ai\- fj in t. .? in any • -ratify.
ri|TlM< IP}' •! M IJ.M ■ may ath-mj.r J-tt: ...U :} WITH ..tla-r
nills. 'ii i-. !ji ! tl: v link* iti-nv 3. i• t.>t . ml uj i; i \
MTi V <• i" Il ('•
K>r litinulr lir- ti-ins. *.vr:- ; M <*l t!- !). \.
I'l'iiclical Aiialjljfiil <
LOW H1,1., MASS.
Price 25 Cent 3 per Eox. Five Boxes for sl.
Dirfois R. onrier and Harry, Redfoid, i'.i.
|o!y ,"."S Ay.
THE aiiOYi* reward will :• j aid the subscri
h. r1 r appi! lierision ola crtnia l>C\J.\-
.M f \ SMA I.LWOOI), vvliu on Tnesiiav 1 lie I3tli
day ofJulv, ins!., liirt'd from the undersigned
a hay n.are w iiich lie lias not vet returned; but
f, i. ii tr\ ing to m il. lie assumes dilierent
names and is supposed to belong to a gang ol
horse thieves.
Bedford, July i>3, 18N7.
THE Pamphlet Laws of the Stale have been
received at the l'rolhonotjry's ()flice, and are
ready for distribution amons; those < ntitled to
receive them. S. if. TATE,
julv '23, "f)S. Prot'y.
GEO. B. A.MICK, surviving | artner of the
late fun. of Geo. IL An ic.k Si Br >., ie lilies all
p"rons interested, that Ihe Boohs nl said linn are
,n his l ands tor -ettiemenf, and that ctrcumslances
ili- i .ii.d an immediate closing up of the Business oi
aiit firm. Perrons indebted, or having settlements
to rr-aho. are 1 here lore requested to call on the sub
scriber without delay.
The .subscriber will continue the Mercantile
Business at the "OLD STAND," where lie will be
happy to meet Ins friends and customers at all times.
wii! receive in a very short time a new supply
of srasonable goods, which he is determined to sell
on the most reasonable terms.
St. Clairsville, June 11,'.15. (11.(1. B. AMU K.
A genuine article fur sale at
June 2">,'f-S. REED Sc Ml XNICH'S.
Ailt-gitt'ii) Male aiiil fVimtle Seminary,
18-AS.\l?I r Slfci, Vu.
fhe ftiriiiner term will open Aug. Mb. Fall
l no, Oct. 21st, 1 S.aS, niif! winter term, Jan.
I "^!fi. Spring term, April sth,*lS"9.
0~ ( irciiler- with full particulars may h p had ot' i
\V. W. IJRtM, A. B-, Principal. !
X. f!. Students coming lo i!i;s institution will he 1
conveyed free ol' charge from Bedford, on the Sth .
buciot. t>v addressing a Iciier to Mr. Samuel Wil
liams, of Kainsburs.
Rainsburg, Bedfordco., June 1,'57 ty.
ii if E A T
i f > 4 / ri" f i \?
A I 1 iw\i i LI )±Si i
Xcw am] Cheap
('! of ft i /;/;* Emporium.
TS!K i:.- 'er.-ijii'-.l \vo*dd reapertfptly inform t!ie
citiz ■: - ol Bcdtord. a: ! -urroimdiiii! crnintry, that iic
has opened out in Bedford, at the old and well known
-land, known as t <•
HiSIX'fJ SLx,"
an ex..'! -ive (U.-tt.-ng Fstah'is'nmcnt, where he will
always be i'e.iml with a laureate! well selected Stock
o en: !et:ieo. at boys' clothing. From his lo' g ex
i.-Bei iii the bu iness, |,p patters himself that he
-11 ~r be surpassed, either iu bis facilities for pur-
!.-i-ii.g clothing at a low figure, or of selling them
oc. er t-haiiair, other store \v .thin I ";0 miles of this :
Not wishing to enumerate the rrnnv different aiti
rI - v o: clothing <>n band he would merely state, that
in part, liis -toe!; rntiM-te ol coats ranging from 75
cents, to SIS, paofs ftom 50 cents, to SlO, vests j
from 37.' el-, to Also, siiitt-. coliai--. navats,
ttni l.s, carpel racks, Kr., Ac.
All p-Tsons wishing to purchase clothing or any
till.r.g else ui my line, will never regret ot calling j
at Leopold- No ].. cheap clothing Kmporium, where ,
you can get cheap and unheard ot bargains—Come j
one. come all.
May 1 I, If A. A. LEOPOLD.
The ui.dersignt' rvnectfuß-y- annonnre to tlo-ir
Irien-ls and customers, ;haI 'hey have just open- ! a
very taigeand genera! asiortn.7"*
Srfii.M; i Si jßiiJ! liOili'S.
consisting, in juirt. us follows:
S JI'A W ]. S A X I) 3.1 A }< T I L I A S.
(gjoths, C'astimeres, Ve>tings,
Mu-.iins, Driiiings, Ticking-,
Ky. J.-ans, Linens, Sheetings,
' otfonud'.: , / lanm-!-, Ca-sinetts,
N.i.ikeen-, Cambrics, Checks,
Wa te and Colored Ciia : .:t,Floor Oil Of.itbs. A! .tf mg.
i-'ooS* A Rciifsi &;
Also, a b.ig.> -fork KFAI-'V .MAf'l.
Also, a lull stock of Groceries, Wooden Wave, fxc
Ha'■■if g selected our goods with great care, we are
enable,l to cll.-r our (ustomcrs Yl.ltY GR!. \T BAR
(■ A INS 'ur.-a-l • 'ry Joe.K., ~trM \ i tonm
credit to punctual dealers. An examination of our
s'eck i- r spectndty solicited.
A. 15. CltAMKit A CO.
Apr. to.
Sled to el
1 \I I I O\l I'
At-4 Sl a a S?.nr_iV .5 /<*
Since the Ch-irtr-r t,cc-n giai tedfor llie "Bed
• ord Uai! JJoad." the ciD/.ens <,i Bedford have he. i
much excited arid inter -Ud upon he "-nl ;-et. tin
interest is not confined to the eitiz.-i s r.f the !n\, n
hut extends throughout the country, and crowds art
daily iashing to
T r vx r'-r r&nc: a
M, W Mf 'Ss
*lx A.\Dt;i:s-'.x"s Row,
where a large and alt-active a-sort men! of b-antilul and Summer goods are opening, w t.i>-h will t>>-
-••--! i iv. r ( t;.-re;l befoi < ; 11 ■• - :!.
i lo' Si i!, c'-rtxi. Is in par! of
Orgnmht Lawns, White ,V Printed Bril
liants, R-iHcs tie Shaum, Baraga de
L-iipes, Robes A' QuiJPi, Lawllas
( ballses, Plain N; 1 igiir.d
S ( i-S, I . (test St \!e
Law 11 Ro'-.-s f
$ 15 0.
M'.hair Mixture ft : i - per va-il.
De Liim -of !l (ii -,i ipti m- I. mi ti ,k p,
25 | er yard.
Law ns of variotis si \l- s i:r ii c!s pre \at !.
An • xletisive ass'itmen! ol bi auti!t;l ptiuls
ranging Ir-m ft!, ;> Jg >. p,. r
lh'A li ni;s.
!-ig as- irtuK-! t r.f Ladies N. I\l i-s.--. glov, -,
■ til's! IV h :n * !i I.KV figure of f> <t tip.
Pure linen hdkfL. for 5 ;Is ami a full and!
comph tc a-sort merit -f lidii-s dress "'toils 'encr- j
A large an 1 well selected assortment of c! diss,
cassiuteres and vestings. Consisting in pait ol
Black Ftvncli is. English Clojhs.
Blue do do do.
Olive do do do.
Black ('assimerp.
Black Doe
fancy i rencli .N. American Cassimeres.
Grenadines Plain & Figured.
R tdzeinire do do.
\ civets do do.
And a great variety ol Marseilles vestings.
Fancy Silk & Lawn Neck Ties from r,J to 62J
A complete assortment of Ladies fc Misses boots,
-noes k; "alters, aCo a largo :toi k ol mens boots fx
I shoes.
lii: BEAT.
I.rown Fnjar lor Gi- cts per pound.
I'o do First tt.te 8 < " (,
Do (io Extra " to n
\ White Sugars " 121, 11, Ke lfi,
1 ist Rate RioCol'ce, !2.| p-er pound
j Extra do do If, " <(
No 1 Java do 15 • <
Best N. (). Molasses 12k •' quart,
(iood Syrup do 12k " '
Extra do do ISJ " (
.Ml ol which will tie -oh! cheaper than the cheap
est. Don't forget to ra'.i at RtJPF SNEW STORE IN
ANDERSON'S ROW, one door ea-t of Cessna and
[ fc Shannon A- ottlce, at.d oppo.-ite the Gazette Oftire.
April r.O, 18-M-.
Bazin's fancy Toilet Soaps, Shaving Creams
vc. just received and f-r sale at Dr. Harry's
; Drug Store.
The "If fO'/i fo f Sea i cla*
\\ ILL not be denied to anv one wishing to nur
! chase a new cont at Loyer's ' ~
M esi por iti Tit
I I' ASIII <> \ !
where ha- -nst been received a large and elegant a*- i
snrtment oi gentlemen's dress and furnishing woods '
con-istmg, in pait.of
CLOVES,&.c., &c. j
ali oi which are offered to the public at a low figure, j
( I.Jhes made to oid-t on short notice.
1 .iil and buy one oI those beautiful coats made only |
by ' '
t "lin Loyer, Merchant Jailoß,
( f the finest fa sb ion ah I K
I. listing goods, both plain and fancY,
I nto Bedford ever brought tO
Neatly rlothe "ye people" civil..
L. dford, July 2, ISoS.
" —A Fnrni within one
tni.e o| ir,e Road and two miles of Stonerstown,
m the I,mad lop Coal region, containing about 100
acres, bpmg good bottom land—about one-half clear
ed and tite balance well timbered. The farm is well
improved, and a f ul e spring of excellent water at
f ,e ilooroi the house—al-o two good orchards of fruit
trees on the premises.
i A LSO '
' -c well known Cavern Stand arid Store llouhp in
town o: Wood berry, situate on lot No. 5, on the
plan of >,i i town tHi feet by 190 feet, now in the nc
ci.pancy ol \\ iliiatn Pierson.
10 acre- ol land in Dallas County, lowa.
acres o! land in Montgomery County, lowa.
• '.'o acres of land in Harrison County, lowa.
120 acres in Morrison County, Minnesota.
Lot r n S Of block s'! in the c:tv of Omaha, Nebr sk
e>!i neat ihe Rail Road- and presenting good oppo.
funities tor investmentv,
„ , o. E. SHANNON.
Ledfonl, July 2, ]S.)S.
BY virtue of an order of ri.e Orphans' Court
of Bedford countv, the subscriber Wit.' s- ll at
public sa!i- on the nr.mi-' -, at the public house
ol Win. Sntll, on Kay's Hill, in IV:' Providence
township, on
I'tithitj / ',e (\lh (/nl- of .locust, next,
be in. i.vided interest ot David and Catharine Man
spe.iker. in the l< I I.state of which Jacob Siidl
die., se zed, being the same upon which the -ni<i
Mm. Siidl now rcs:d->s, containing ONE I'N-
I'Rf I.> ACRES, more or less, lying on each side of
II e turnpike, and thereon erected alar "-
SI API.I ind otiier buildings.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock..-). M.
1 erm Cash, at the contirmation of-ale.
July 2, 1- S. Guardian, No.
. NiiOLnLMilNti!
V i\(. Eomm'-iifpfl l!
l'' l * f " - >! > .Acrnotid;' one door east oi Mr.
P ?• r -l. . u. J\k. atvi j.rcparod to do all
rYiarvoer oi work in *!iis lint* of lysines* at the shoftr
i -<t rotirp, and j: the rnoM substantial manner, on
more reasonable ratv< than usual, our thi tig in /
*abfe. tijve na* a call, tiy rr<v work and judge for
' 11 ,'SB. J. B. BAKER.
#B. MlßUfltm,
Fhypiciaii for Diseases of the LUNGS,
Author oj "J. It 'S to Invalils
Edit >r of ihe '-M.- iicu! Stethoscope," Kc.,
Dr. Hodman treats Consumption, Bionchitis, ■
Asihma, Laryngitis, and all diseases of the throat
and lungs, t>v Medicated lobulations lately used ir.
the l'inmton Ho- pital. Lm.don. Tiie great point in '
'be !r atir.e'.t of all human maladies, is to get at the !
direct main r. All ivicdictne-i are estimated by I
their action upon the organ requiring relief. Thi<
i the i : port ant fact upon -a I.en J.'halation is has- I
<d. lfilie -to-nacti is diseased we take medicines ,
directly into the stomach. If the lungs arc discas
t; br.-athc or •• 1 ale medicated vapor- directly into \
the limps. Medicines are the antidotes to disease I
an ' should be applied to the very seat of the disease.
Inhalation is the application of this principle to the ,
tie:. - i- i t oi t!;e lungs, for it gives us direct access |
to t!;n-" intricate air c lis anil tubes which lie out of
reach of every other means of administering tr.edi- !
!i. I ,!.i?i r. , brings the medicine indirect con- j
tact with the disease, without the disadvantage of ,
any violent action. Its application is ro simple, |
that it can he - < mployed by the younge-t infant or I
feeblest in'.alid. It does not derange the stomach, i
Comfort OI bnsines-of the path-lit
Oi ni:r. I>i - MASKS Ti:ea i I D.—ln relation to the Jul- ;
lowing d;-ca-e-. either when complicated with I.ung ;
affections or existii g alone, 1 ai-o invite cousulta- ;
tion. I u.-ually find them promptly CHrablt.
Paplajxis and all othei forms ot lemale co:nplaint,
Irregularities and Weakness.
lhilpitation and all other forms of Ileart Di-ease=. ;
Liver Complaints, Dy-prpsia, and all other di-eases
of Do* Stomach and Bowels, Piles, iNc. ,)-c.
All diseases of the eye and ear. Neuralgia, Epi
-1 ep-v ai d all forms of nervous disease.
.Vo choree jor consultation.
June I, ]s."iS.
A Two-ttios'y I rantc sslJit*c
A X I)
THE tindeisi-rtieTi wii! sell at privati* sale a
HOUSE, together with FI \ E ACRES Of
GROUND, gituatrt along the Bedford and Som
erset Turnpike road, in Allegheny township, j
Sumer-et county, adjoining John Corly, \\ tn. |
Barrick and others. Tiie property is in good I
order, and !>as al! the necessary out-buildings |
thereon erected —the property is very desira- j
hie for a good mechanic or laboring man, as
it has every convenience and located in a good
neighborhood. Terms easy.
X. B. For further information, address the
subscriber al Huena Vifta, Bedford countv. Pa.
July 9, 1858. M.S.
cheap, durable and
pretty, already ground at Hartley's, (j 18,'57.
kinds of goods sold at REED &. MIX
NICH'S for Cask or Produce.
i u o choice lots of ground, situate on main
street, in the Borough of Schellsburg, Bedford coun
ty, adjoining the residence of John Smith, Ksq.
having an excellent A-r,jL DWEIJ.I Xf;
STAHLE, &c., m thereon erected.
ALSO— 1 Three tracts of tine
; time stone land, well set with timber, containing
, one hundred acres in each tract, situate in Morri
i sores Cove. South U'oodberry township, Bedford co.,
! adjo.ning lands of John K. Teeter and others.
A LSO— [wo tracts ot timber land, situate in
t .e Stillwater District, Minnesota, containing res.
pect.vely ICO and T>o acres.
! ALSO One tract of while pine limber land,
j containing 900 acres, situate on the line of the
i I ittsburg and Connellsvillc Rail Road, in Allegheny
township, Somerset county, eighteen miles west ot
j Cumberland, having thereon erected a lare Dwel
ling House, large Bank Barn, Saw-mill, &c.
ALSO—A number of tracts of timber lands
to Lejfor<i an i !• uilon counti?-*.
ALSO—Several tracts of iron ore and coal
lands in Bedlord county, on the line of ihe Huntim--
don and Broad Top Railroad.
Terms easy. Apply to
Bedford, July 9, ISnS.-Gvr.
Oster, IVlanspeaker £c Carn, Respectfully
['resent their sincere thanks to their numerous
hiends and patrons foi their kind and very lib 1
era! patronage, since opening the
I?yf p T r
and respectfully beg leave to announce, that thev
are now receiving and open'ing the
Second supply of new Summer floods.
embracing a large and attractive assortment of
adapted to the present and approaching season,
together with a general assortment of
Groceries, Q-iesnsworr, CuHeri/, llti.?, Cnjs
oral Bonnets, Boots ami Shoes.
i argean I varied assortment of D. R dney King
.N Co s Philadelphia made, Ladies, Misses and
| Children s fine Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Slippers
and Ties, Sic.
Having put chased our goods at the very low
est possible r Asti prices, we are prepared to of
fer greater inducements than ever. Cime in
iiitt. 1 see—we will take great pleasure in show
ing our go "J- 1 , whether you wish to bnv |or
not. ' (Bedloud,"July 9, 'STT-3m.j
B eti/o rd Hp r 'd-gs.
i ili ■ wi-dl-known and delightful Summer Re
sort will be open for Ihe reception of Visitors on the
I 'h o! June, anil kept open till 1 tie Ist nf October.
I he new -pacioos -Bmblings erected las! year
are now fully complete,), a n<! the whole establish
ment has been Jurui-hetl in a sup -rior style, and the
accommodations will be of a character not excelled
in any put of the United States.
J he Hotel will be under the management of .Mr.
A. u. ALLEN, vlmm experience, courteoas man
' uten' on to bis gu-sts, give the amplest ot comfort and kind treatment.
I he ( oinpany have made extensive arrangements
to supply dealer.- and individuals with "Bedford Wa
ter hi tiie bairel. carboy, and in bottle.--, at the fol-
lowirg prices, at the Springs, viz:
For a barrel (mulberry) SI uO
Do. (Oak) .'I 00
!. Do. (mulberry) .*! 00
i Do. (Oak) 2 00
Carboy, 10 gallons 2 25
Bottles, li pint, per dozen ] 50
1 he barrels are carefully prepared, so that pur
chase! - may depend upon receiving the Water
fresh ami sweet.
All communications should be addressed to
July 0, D-TS-Gt. Bedford County. Pa.
Mrse Arises Saupp
Would inspect fully announce (o the public
of I! --if ,rd aril vicinity that she has just ree'd.
a large and well-assorted stipplv of
bracir.g a
general .assort
ment of staple and
fancy articles, comprising
in part, Superb Black and
Fancy Silks, Robe A'Quilla, 6r
Sid-* Stripes, Lawn Robes, French Du
rals, Rrrag' S, Tissues an.j l-.iuslin De Liine?,
Lawns a:,d Ginghams, White and Printed
French Brilliants, Plain and etnb'd. Swiss
Mu.-lins, Hosiery and corsets, a!! sizes for
Ladies, Buttons, Braids and cords,
Collars, Sleeves, Edgings and
Inserting ; a full supply
of Mourning Goods;
Silk Parasols :
best Kid
all colors, Challies, Alpacas, Calicoes, Muslins,
Flannels, Tickings, Summer Coatings, Tweeds,
Jeans, Linen and a general assortment of Boys'
Wear -. a large lot of Shoes and Gaiters, Moroc
cos, Linings and Bindings, together with a gene
ra! assortm-nt of Groceries, Paints, Oils and
N. B. Hardware "at cost for cash, or six
months credit to punctual customers—embra
cing almost every article in the hardware line.
April 3D., 6 m.
ad jiTJVistra ton * s .xotice.
LETTERS of admi' i-M .il ion having been gran
ted by the Register <>f Bedford c.iunty, to the uadft
signed, upon the estate of Benjamin Davis, late of
the State of lowa, dec*,!—all persons therefore know
ing themselves indebted to said estate ate requested
to make immediate payment, and those having
claims against it will present them duly authentica
ted lor settlement.
o( St. Clair township, Adin'r.
July 16, 185 S.
NOTICE is hereby given that letters of
administration have been granted to the undersign
ed by the Register of Bedford county, upon the es
tate of Henry Shuters, iate of Libert v township,
deceased—all persons, therefore, indebted to said
estate will please make immediate payment, and
those having claims against it will present them
duly authenticated for settlement.
of James' Creek, Huntingdon co., Adm'r.
July 9, 185S-6t.
Cheap for cash and of an excellent qual-
Ly, for sale at REED & MJNNICH'S.
Of good qualitv and well seasoned, for
I ga le by " REED & MINiNICH'S.
./ oii v uon bi: n,
GUNSMITH, Bedford, ?a-
Shop at the t-as! *-ni of Hip town, on" door w>.f
of (he residence of Major Wasliabaugh.
All guns of my own manufacture warrnrrteA.
May 21,'58—1 j\
liivcr Siivigoi'filoi'.
I< on* of Ihr h*tf pt'reativr and Itrrr medirines now
before the public, that acts as a Cathartic, easier,
milder, and mo'e effectual than any other medicine
known. It is not only a Cathartic, but a Liver re
medy. acting first on the Liver to eject its morbid
matter, then on the stomach and bowels focatry off
that matter, thus accomplishing two purposes effect
ually, without any of the painful feelings exper
enced in the operations of mo-t Cathartics. it
strengthens the system at the same time that it
purge* it; and when taken daily in moderate doses,
will strenthen and build it up with unusual rapid
iueLiv. a isonc oi the .principal regulators s f
the human body; and • when it performs its
functions well, the pow- w ersofthe system are ful
ly developed. Ihe stomach is almo-t entirely de
pendent on the healthy w action of the Liver for
lhe proper performance jof its functions; when
the stomach isat lault, *• the bowels ate at fault",
and the whole system * -offers in consequence
of one organ—the Liver —having ceased 'o do
•Is ..i y. for the dis- .-a eases of that organ, one
oi ttie proprietors hasc made it his study, in a
practice of more than "* twenty years, 'to find
some remedy where- with to counteract the
many derangements to a which it is liable.
i o prove that this re- medy is at last found,
any p-rson troubled with •*" Liver Complaint, in any
ol us forms, has biK to a botlle, and conviction
: is certain.
The-e Gums remove; all rr orbid or bad matter
I rom thesystem, supply-■ iig in their place a heal
hy flow of bile, iriviu- iSk orating the stomach, can
sing too Ito digest well, purifying the blood, giv
ing tone and health to!™ the whole machinery,
i removing the cause of the disease—effecting a
! radical cure. ea
Billious attacks are , cured, and what is bet
ter, prevented, by the "a occasional use of the
Liver Invigorator.
One dose after eating g is suficient to relieve the
stomach and prevent the r ' food from rising and
Only one dose taken "* it night, loosens the
Lowels gently,and cures: Costiveness.
One dose taken alter each meal willcure Dv
epsia. Cf7*One do-e ot two teaspoonfulls will
always relieve Sick Headache.
One bottle taken for female obstruction, re
moves the cause of the diseaseand makesaper
fectcure. Only one dose immediately re lie v e s
Cholic while one dose " often repeated is a sure
cure tor Cholera Morbus f. and a preventive of
KF°"Only one bottle is needed to throw out of the
system the effects of medicine after a long sickness.
\\'' e bottle taken for Jaundice removes all saliowness
or unnatura! f n 'or from the skin.
One dose taken a short time before eating gives
vigor to the appetite, and makes food digest well.—
One dose olten repeated cures, Chronic Diarrbocea, in
its worst forms, while Summer and Bowel com
plaints yield almost to the first dose. One or two
doses cures attacks caused by Worms in Children;
there is no surer, safer, or speedier remedy in the
world, as it never fails.
K7"A few bottles cures Dropsy, by exciting the
We take pleasure in recommending this medicine
as a preventive for Fever and Ague, Chill Fever and
till Fever- ola Billious Type. It operates with cer
tainty. and thousands are willing to testify to its
wonderful virtues. All who use it are giving their
unanimous testimony in its favor.
ATOB, and swallow both together.
/■ a scientific meiiical discovery , and is daily working
cures, aimo-t too great to believe, it cures as if by
magic,,even the fir-! dose giving benefit, and seldom
more than one bottle is required to cure any kind of
Liver Complaint, from The worst Jaundice or Dys
pepsia to a common Headache, all of which are the
result of a LWseased Liver.
DR. SANFORD, Proprietor 3-45 Broadway, N*. V.
For sale at the Drug Store of I)r. B F Harry, Bed
ford, Pa.
May 14, 1553.
Talk of beauty,and it oaunot exist without a fine
head of hair, then read the following, and if you ask
more, see circular around each bottle, and no one
can doubt.
Professor Wood's I fair Restorative. —\\\
call the attention of all, old and young, to this won
derful preparation, which turns back to its original
color, gray hair—covers the head of the bald witha
lu.stii iant growth—removes the dandruff, Itching, and
cutaneous eruptions—causes a centinual flow of
the natuial fluids; and hence, if used as a regular
dressing for the hair will preserve its color, and keep
it from falling to extreme old age, in all its natural
beauty. We call then upon the bald, the grey, ot
diseased in scalp, to ti-e it; and surely the young will
not, as tliey value the flowing htcks, or the witching
curl, ever be without it. Its praise is upon the tongue
of thousands.
The Agent for Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative in
New Haven, received the following letter in regard
to the Restorative, a few weeks since;
Dr:t:r RIVER, CON., July 23, ISSS.
Mr. Levenworth—Sir: 1 have been troubled with
dandruff or scurf on my head for more than a year,
my hair began to come out, scurf and hair together,
1 saw in a New Haven paper about "Wood's flair
Restorative" as a cure. 1 called at your store on the
Ist of April last, and purchased one bottle to try it,
arid I found to my satisfaction it was The thing, it re
moved the scurf and new hair began to grow; it is
now two or three inches in length where it was all
off. I have great faith in it. 1 wish you to send me
two bottles more by Mr. Post, the bearer of this.—
1 don't know as any of the kind is used in this
place, you may have a market for many bottles after
it is known here, Yours with ;espect,
PHILA., Sept., 9, 18.57.
Prof. Wood Dear Sir: Your Hair Restorative is
proving itself beneficial The front, and also
The back part of my bead almost loM its covering in
fact had. I have used but two half pint bottles ot
your Restorative, and novy the top of my bead is well
studded with a promising cropof young hair, and the
front is also receiving its benefit. 1 have tried other
preparations without any benefit whatever. 1 think
from my own per-mia! recommendation 1 cau induce
many others to try it.
Yours respectfully, D. R. THOMAS, 51. D.
No. 164 Vine street.
\ INCENSES, IJ une 2"2, ISSC.
Prof. O. J. Wood: As you are about to manufact*
i tire and vend your recently discovered Hair Restora-
I Tive, 1 will state, for whomsoever it may concern,
that I have used it and known others to use it—that
I have, fur several years, been in the habit of using,
I other Hair Restoratives, anil that I find yours vastly
superior to any other! know. It entirely cleanses
i the head of dandruff, and with one month's proper
use will restore any person's hair to the original
youthful coior and texture, giving it a healthy, soft
and glossy appearance; and all this, without discolor
ing the hands that apply it, or the dress on which
it drops, I would, therefore, recommend its use to
every one desirous of having a fine color ar.d texture
to hair. Respectfully yours,
O.J.WOOD & Co., 212 Broadway, New York,
(in the great New York Wire Railing EstablismentO
and 114 Market street, St. Louis, M-.
And sold by all Druggists,
For sale at the Drug Store of Dr. B F Harry, Bed
I ford, Pa.
I May 14, ISSB.