Si:n of Lock' 11A H1 >NN MU% FARM - IMPLEMENT AND GENERAL HOUSE Fl RMSHING AND i i sr ? ivr v stoh !•:. WILUJtM IMRTLEY jJ h just oj>pnrJ all •.! i < otHl.mtlv i reiving at, corner nl "IVdiurd Hall." oi •• door Ki't of A B Cramer's store, on elegant and brge stork of Hardware, House Furiosi ing Goods, awd Ag ricultural Implements. 1• is -.tori; iu put of Carpenter's tools, Cabinet makers toots and findings, Wooden ar.d willow ware. Ropes of several sizes, Chains in assortment, Shovels, scoops, forks and spade' Files and Rasps in Variety Locks of a;: deerriptioils. Bras-, Copper and I' Jii wire, * 'hums in Variety . Coffee and Spice Mills (Warranted Fox, Rat, and Mice traps, Spade, Shovel, fork a-. i <•■ * tia,. Brushes in Variety, Nail Glass and Batty, Fluid, Pine oil an. l Turpentine, (lotlMe and Sinle Bit axis, Knife eleanefs, an excel!. : a. 'iele, Britannia ware. Brass, porcolamed and tin Hired Kettle Jatent and common Km! lr u-, Shoemakeis tools and findings, Screen vi ire, Chain Pumps, Corn Shelters. Corn Fodder Cullers ami ci ushers, Corn mills, (.lass Lat.ti i i.s. Oil lor Harness and Machinery, Paint-. oils, ai il varnish, Iron ami Mwl m all ue scriptions. W all I'apei and hur.> <■ cn '< ' .ait e. otis r t itke quality have ever been bought' in Bedfoid. ' ail and examine his stock, judge for your self, and we think you will be pleased with the goods, the price- and the system. Ue keeps on hand, or will cheerfully fnini-h every thing needed in this county and brought from the Ea-t. excepting only dry goods and gioreiies. March, 20, ESfii*. £ o £lei'§ auti SnperiiUcntient sot Srtbbatl) Sdjools. Wo !cct p on hand (he publications of the A in. S. S. 1 "nior., American Bible Society, American Tract Society, Presbyterian Board of Publica tion, Me thodist Book Rooms, Massachusetts S. S. Uni in, Lutheian Board of Publication, Epis copal S. S. ('it ion, and a great variety of stand ard Religious Publications suitable lor Sabbath Schools. SHRYOCK &. SMITH, C/lumbers burg. March (i. 1857. BS. Border, Clock & Watch Maker AM) DEALER IN JEWELRY, Would respectfully announce to the citizens of Bedford, and the public in general, that he has opened a Jewelry Store in the building re cently occupied by 11. Nicodemus, Esq. nearly opposite the Bedford Hotel, where he will be pleased to see all in want of articles in his line. He has on hand, and will consfaully keep, an elegant assortment of JEWELRY, and will re pair Clocks and Watches in the bert style. He hopesto receive a liberal share of patronage, as he feels satisfied tig can render satisfaction to all who entrust him with their work. His terms will be moderate. He has on hand Gold and Silver WATCIIHS, Silver Spoons, Thimbles, Butter Knives, Gold and Silver Pens and Pencils, £cc. April 27, 1555. ~.MAR YL. LVD STATE LO'l FeTiIES. ~ R. FRANCE St CO.. MANAGERS. Caiiiioii \!iee. Persons living at a tl, 'oth'" should be extremely cautious ol whom they order Lottery Tickets or C er tificates ol packages ol T ckets. The country is flooded with bogtt- am) swindling Lotteries. Every inducement is held i t) to get persons to invest mon ey it) them. Capita! Prizes ol ftom 520,000 to -> tii,- 000 head their schemes —with tickets at due Dollar. SIOO,OOO Capital Prizes are offered, tickets $5. Aii such, in every instance, are frauds; if money sent for tickets, it is-o much thrown away without the shadow of a chance of getting a prize. Beware of all Lotteries where the Capital I'tize. is unusually large in comparison to the price of tickets, in eve ry instance where large prizes are offered for a small cost ol tickets, jut it dow r. as a certain fraud. The Kentucky State Lottery fo the benefit of he Shelby College, under our management, is the onlv Lottery in the United Stateswhich is legally decided by the Maryland drawings; all other Lotteries which purport to be decided by the Marylan 1 Drawing?, ate frauds. THE MARYLAND STATE LO'l TERiES. Purchase in the Maryland State Lotteries, then you aie sure of being right. And in ordering the Maryland Lotteries, you are sure ol honest and (air drawings. One thing look to, and that is, if you order iiorn any licensed vender in Baltimore, do not re ceive any but Managers' tickets and Managers' Printed Certificates oi Packages. The Managers' Certificates have the number printed, and have the lithographed signature of R. I'rat.ce ,Vc Co. No one ii#-a right to send his individual certifi cates, and i! he does it, be sure there is a iraud at the bottom of it. R. FRANCE & Co. Managers of Maryland state Lotteries. NOTICE TO FARMERS! THE subscriber having taken charge of the .Mills ami Warehouse at Hopewell, makes the following j:i position to farmers and produce dee rs, to wit: All grain placed in the mills, intended for the Hopewell or I'.roadtop markets, or to be forwarded to any of the Eastern cities, will he conveyed from the null- to the warehouse, and loaded in the ca: , free of charge. The mil's have been thoroughly repaired, and ate capable ol doing as good word a- any null m the county. The largest market price paid tor all kind- ol produce. JOHN F. LOW UY. Hopewell, May 7, ISOS. Mtryock A fcisisuunions OiambcrstHirg. Our Stock consists of Books, Stationery* Mu : io. Musical Instiuments, Wail Paper, Blinds, French, German, and American Lithographs, and Steel Engravings, giit Mouldings for Frames, etc. etc., wholesale and rttail. Dr. 15. 1 . Harry is our agent for Bedford, and all or ders given him promptly attended to. March 6. FRESH and genuine seeds from Pbiladel adelphia by express, at Hartley's. Also swar cane seed. [mar. 20, 'sß.] f I I Wi.l stWn.l Ml'v "•! csreXJll I- I Of" ■ M..i. I J ! -rtf'sr.l . ite i . ''i j.ltijfo' L" - J *' 1' (I I, -tl rt.- I : 'Hk' U iti er.t; • t , i /it'ld' t,t ' tttt.r -lU • |c|Hf'..o i |l j ITT T n* INV VRTABLV C\Mi. T, 1 * < . Eu-t Piit street, I5-.l'r 1, P I !:- - --- > -->1 111!. F. I . UHB I > ESPi J'TI I LEY begs leave to ten-lor his I V IVol'e: ional Services to the Citizens of IVdlbrd and icini'.v. (U Oliice in Julianna Street, at the Drug and Book Store. Felt. 17, 1S:>1. III'. IS. V. Starry RorECTKi r.i.v tenders 11is professional ser vices to,the citizens of Bedford and vicinity. Oliice and residence on Pitt-Street, in tip building formerly occupied by Dr. John Hotius. June H, 18:>3. LAV, FAKTMERSiIiI*. ,JOB MANN. G. H. SPANG. TIIK undersigned have associated themselves in the Piaetice of the Law, and will attend promptly to all business entrusted to their care in Bedford and ad joining counties. RT*Ofhce on dtilianna Street, three doors south ol "Mengel House," opposite the residence ot Maj. Tate. .108 MANX, .Line 2, 18f>4. G. H. SFANG. WM. P. SCHELL. ATTORNEY AT LAW, 11 r ILL attend faithfully toall legal business 1 T entrusted lo his care in the. Counties of i lid ford and Fulton. Bed lord, Nov. 1, IS 1-7. P. Aitorrioy af Law, Bel fort], Pennsylvania Hi v/-7/n7/y fendfrs his services to the Public ■ ( )(ij second dour North ot the Mengel I rouse. Bedford, Feb. '2O, 18:7-2. I'cKsnsi & SSaajiiasotß, HAVE formed a Partnership in tin- Practice of the Law. neatly opposite ilic Gazette Cilice, where one or the otto r may at all times be found. Bedford, Oct. 2d, 18-10. I .AW AOTit S'l. W. J. BALK, Attorney st Law: WILL practice regularly iu the Courts ol Bedford County hereafter, lie may, during I Court Weeks, be consulted at Li.- room at the j VYashinghton H tel. Nov. 23,1855. 1 w. T.IV.EJI. c. w. r.F.vonn. r. r. METERS. BAER, BENFORD 8c MEYERS, ATTORN IKS AT LAW, BEDFORD, PENN'A. ' \\ If.J. punctually attend to all business cntiusted to ■ their care. Baer will be in regular atttend j ance at Court. Office on Juliana street, same asfor j merly occupied by VVm. M. Hall, Esq. jjan '"iS. TO 01 lI.DKRS. : Tise subscriber is fully preprred to furnish any quantity or quality of Building Lumber ! and Plastering Laths. Orders directed to St. Clairsville, Bedford County, will be promptly attended to, by giving a reasonable notice. ' F. D. BEEGLE. WW FOSTER, WITH BALDWIN, LLYDER.MJI.YSf C'o. Importers and Dealers in Hosiery, Gloves, Trimming?, Combs, Brushes, Fancy Goods, ' Looking Glasses, Nc. No 81 North Third St., Philadelphia. AII orders solicited and prompt ly attended to. Sept. 5, 1556- THE MENGEL HOUSE. Valentine Steckman, Froprietor. taken by the day, week, month or year, on moderate terms. May 9, I 8&6. The subscriber has just received a splendid variety of Gold, Silver Mounted, and Steel Spectacles, with the finest Scotch Pebbles, su perior in clearness, and designed to suit persons of all ages—warranted never to FAIL—to which he invites the attention of all who are in need o! the article. He lias also just received an elegant assortment of JEWELRY—aII of which he will sell on reasonable terms. DANIEL BORDER. Bedford, May 22, 1857. Juz.nUJ HAVE you called at the Laities' BAZAR in "ANDERSON'S Row?" MRS. H. I). Pi'.voii, has just returned from the Eastern ( ii/e.t, with a handsome assortment of Ladies' and Children's lancy goods—Have you seen j them? j HE A Millinery is not to be T irpasscd in beauty and i elegance o! style, and at prices astonishingly cheap. Bonnets, white and colored, from .':7', cents up. Ladies' Misses and Children's jockey cap-, exquisit j ly nice and new in style, I rench and" Amejicnn dow ers, a laige and well selected assortment, not to be excelled in quality a: d cheapness. Ribbons without number, of various styles and colors. Ladies' dress caps, head dresses, am! aim, vai ions kinds ol useful and fancy articles for f.aiiie- tcilefs. DRESS GOODS : Consisting in part of robes, chaiTies, ducals, mous : de lames, lawns, bar ages, r-otno as low a? 12.', cents) i robe a quiile, French muslins, silks, black and color I ed, summer silks, various style.-; aiso handsome l shawls, mantillas, lace caps, dusters, Kc. EMBROIDERIES, | Such as sleeves, collars, infant's waists, arid a supe ! 'i*r lot of French setts, handkerchiefs, edging-, ! !i.ces, Hie. ('MICOPS and Cotton Goods, of ail descriptions. Ginghams, ranging in puces from six, eight, ten, iu twelve cents, I HOSIEUY, gloves, and mitt-rcarpot bags, travelling ' baskets, t<. PEUGH. m BE HAD AT DR. HARRY'S. Essftico of Jamaica Ginger, which should | nave a place in every family, lor sale at Dr. Harry N. BouselPs umivalled Shaving (.n am at Har ' r\'s. WALL AND BLIND PAPER. Dr. B. F. HARRY is our agent lor this ne cessary article. By calling at his store our pa trons will see samples of our papers. \Y ■ have made our Spring selection with much care, and think we cannot fail to please. SHRYOCK & SMITH, Chambersburg. March 6. lL?'Adains &. Co. have established theii Ex press on the H. X. o. T. R. R. antl appointed ('. \V. ASHCOM, Esq., agent at Hopewell. B E 1) F O R I) M si vlt 1 la e Kho |k ; fit 111'* subscriber would most respectfully announce I to the farming community, and public in gener al, thai he stilt continues to manufacture at Ins shop, ! HI Bedford, Pa., the following farming utensils, ol the very best material, and in the most workman like manner, viz: FUL'R AND SIX HORSE TUMBLING SHAFT POWER MACHINES, with large open cylinders, six staves, and -pihc screwed in, and improved Straw Shakers attached. Their superiors for strength and speed are not made in this or any other county in the Slate. ['our Horse Tumbling Shaft and Strap Power Ma- ; chine with cylinder open or -hut, as may be desired and shaker of the best kind, for convenience, ease ol drait, and perfect working. This machine lias no superior any w here. THREE HORSE MACHINES, of thp same kind.— TWO AND THREE HORSE TUMBLING SHAFT POWER MACHINES, a very convenient ami excel lent machine for small farmers, with or without sha kes. HIRE SIDE PLOUGHS,of a very superior pattern to any in use in this country Single ind Double Shovel Ploughs, with xtiel 'hovels. Cultivators* Peck barn's New York FIVE-HOED SI EEL POINT EXPANDING CULTIVATOR—Rogers Pittsburg patent STEEL TOOTH EXPANDING CI LTIYA TOR, for working corn, or seeding in grain, Fanning Mills, Horse Rakes, I.pvcr Cutting Boxes, Harrows. Wheelbarrows, made to order. AH the above arti cles constantly on hand, and sold on reasonable terms. Repairing of all kinds of Machines, whether made here or elsewhere, done on the shortest : tice. Castings tor all my Machines and Ploughs made at the Foundry of Mr. Michael Batman, in Bedford, and will compare with any made in the State for Grength and durability. BLACKSMITH ING done to older. All my work warranted to give satisfaction. I ioma past experience of twenty year.-, in the Machine business, I Icel confident that 1 can give entire satisfaction to all who inavlavorme with a call. Call and examine my work before jmu pur chase elsewhere, as 1 ant determined to please all. Horses, grain of all kinds, lumber and iron, will betaken in exchange for work. PETER H. SHIRF.S, Bedford. May 31, ISSB--om. Machinist. THE MORMONS RETREATING!! Fresh OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. just received AT SHOEMAKERS' COLONADE STORE. THE undersigned having just returned from the ens tern cities, are now opening a splendid assortment 01 Spring and Summer goods, consisting in part oi Black and Fancy Silks. Mous. Detains, plain and figi red Alpaccas, Lawns, Calicoes, (.'halites, Deba ses, etc., etc. BLjJCK JIND F. I.YCY CLOTHS, Cassimeres, Summer Coalings Tweeds, Jeans, l.inen, and a general assortment of hoys' wear. A large assortment ol Boots. Shoes, Hats, Caps, Trunks, Carpet Sacks, Cotton and Carpet Chain, Muslins. Flannels, Vesting.®, Hand kerchiefs, Co/lee, Sugar, Syrup, Green and Black Teas, Queensware, Hard ware, Bucket.*, Tubs, T?rooms Look ing Glasses, Umbrellas,* and every thing that is generally kept in coun try stores—all which they will sell cheap. All kindsot country produce taken in ex change tor gootis. To punctual customers a credit of six months w til be given. J. & M. SHOEMAKER. Ap'l 23, 1858. SAVE YOUR iHOiYEYI 7HE UNDERSIGNED would respectfully inform th? travelling public, that he has established a daily line ol stages between Bedford and Latrobe. The route i that of the old Philadelphia Turnpike, leading from Philadelphia to Pittsburg, being one of the best coach roads in the Union. Passengers will RE.7CII ~ . train- of cars for Pittsburg as early P*ZU A f as by going to Hollidaysburg c 1-I ,i"ii Johnstown. The fare to Pittsburg on this route is Poor Dollar* end Twenty t'rntr being THREE DOLL. IRS CIIE-IPER than on any other route from Bedford to I ha' point. Coaches leave the Washington Hotel, Bedford, eve ry morning, at fit o'clock. (Sundays excepted) and the Depot at Latrobe every morning, after the arri val ol the mail train limn Pittsburg, (Sundays ex cepted. JOSEPH A. GAKMAX. February, 12, 1858-tf. . J7.SD BROAD TOP RAIL ROAD. is 58. SI . MMER , 'RR.QXGEME, VJ\ On and after TllOHdny, June Nth, 1858, (wo passenger trains a day each way, (Sundays ex cepted,) will run as follows: BETWEEN HUNTINGDON AND HOPEWELL, Leaving Huntingdon at 7.50 A. M., and SJJO P. M. RETURNING— Leave Hopewell at 10.50 A. M. and 8.00 I'.M Arrive at Huntingdon at 1. IIP. M. and 10.10 P. M. Connecting at Huntingdon with Trains East and West on IN-nn'a. Road. The Trains on Shoup's run branc!) will enable persons to spend the day at Coalmont, Bioad lop city, or the mines, and return to Hopewell same day. For further information inquire at the Office ofthc Company at Huntingdon. ' J NO. J. LAWRENCE, June 11, 58. Superintendent. AMERICAN HOUSE/ CUMBERLAND Ml)., AD JO J A'J JVC THE DP. POT, JOHN C. RIFFLE, PROPRIETOR. ON- Coaches Irom Bedford, Grpensburg and Washington, slop at this House. Persons going to Cumberland will find advantages, by stopping at the "American House," over that of any other in the place. (may IT, 'SB-1 y.)* J J 1 J J- JHJ-J- J-J-J-J LI IMBER.—Twenty Thousand fret of Spruce is. Pine Boards, also a large supply of I'oplat Scantling—for sale bv A. B. CRAMER &. Go Feb 19.1858 And General Stage Office. i'h< subscriber respectfully begs leave to an nounce I > bis old friends and the public gener ally, that he has leased the Bedford Hotel, at present in ihe occupancy of Col. Adam Barn hart, and will take posse-sion-on the Ist day ol Apiil next. It is not his design to make many piofessions as to what he will do, but he pledges his word that his most energetic eflbrls will be employed to render comfortable all who give him a call. The House will be handsomely fitted up, and n me but careful and attentive servants will be engaged. Persons visiting the B. dfurd Spring.-, as well as those attending Court, and the travelling community general ly, are respectfully invited to give him a call and judge for themselves. [C Boarders taken by the week, month, or year, on favorable terms. 'Ample ami comfortable stabling is at tached to this Hotel, which will always he at tended by a careful hostler. Also, a safe and convenient carriage house. 1L -111 the. S'l\ IGES slop at this Ilolcl. JOHN IIAFER. Mairh Id, 1855. ML WILTON'S AMERICAN PILLS. JOY TO THE AFFLICTED. YOUNG AMERICA VICTORIOUS One small box of Fills cures ninety-nine cases out o! a hundred. No Bal.-am, no Mercury, no odor on the bi- .itli, no foar of detection. Two small pills a do.*>-,- tasteless and riarmh -s as water. Full direc tion- are given, so that the patient can cure him-di as certain as with the advice ol the tr.oG experienc ed surgeon, arid much better than with the advice of one of hule experience in tlii* class of disease. SENT BY MAIL TO ANY PART OF THE COUNTRY by enclosing one dollar to Dr. D. G. JIV/yen No. lot North Seventh St. below Race, Philadelphia. A liberal discount to tin trade. None genuine without the written signature of D. G. Wal lon Proprietor. Dr. \V's treatment for Self-abuse, Weakness. ko.. is entirely different Irom Ihe u-ua! course. Dr. W. has cured hundred- who have tried others without I bene lit. The treatment is as certain to cure a- the I sun is to l :e. Iclose a tp, and ;id ret s Di. W. as above giving a full hi'' ry "I your case, and you will bless the day you made the effort to secnie what is certain—A RADICAL CURE. Feb. 5, 58. 1 yr. Dissolution of Partnership. THE partnership heretofore exiting between H< n j ry S. King and James Madara, under the name and linn ol Madara, King & Co., doing business nt Le mon's Iron Works, in Hopewell towi s|,tj., Bedford county, is dissolved by mutual consent. HENRY S. KING, Nov. 2, 1557. JAMES MADARA. The business of manufacturing iron at l.cmcn' Iron Works, will be continued by the undersigned, u ho has purchased all the interest'!, his la: • part re :- James Madary, in the Books prop.-jty an I eft'-cts j belonging to the late firm of Madura, K ng k Co. Nov. 20. 1857. HENRY 8. KING. D. K. WtIXDEttMCK. B. F. NKAI WiiihiPiTicEi & Xcshl* -fovuHiibina mommtsoicm fllcrrliantr., North Second St/. ash is ihe only safe and sure remedy ever discovered for curing the Tetter. Ringworm, and all eruption? ol the s* n. It is so infallible a remedy, that a perfect cure in all cases of' Fetter i> guaran tied, it attentively applied. In ordinary rases one bottle will he sufficient to perfect a cure. In bad ca ses, with a Tetter •>( long standing, more will he re quired. Price 25cents per bottle." For Sale at Dr. Reamer's Drug Store, Bedford, Pa. May 22, 1857—1y. Bazin's&. Lubin's Extract for the Handker chief, Cologne Water, N.c. lor sale at Dr. Har ry's Drug Store. JI ST REC EI VED and for sale—the celebra ted Greencaslle Grain Cradle, bv June I 1 ,'SB. G.'W RUPP. ( URN.—One Thousand bushels for sale—alsr I' amily flour—Prime new Bacon also—hy A. B. CRAM Eli N. Co. S*PC | it IScioip the LADIES!—Tim largest assortment of Parasols in Bedfbrd— bought for CA.-IJ, and sold at a small advance by OS PER, MA NSPEA K E R &CARN." New Store, No. 1, Cheap Side. Bedford, May 28, 1828. IRON*.—Blacksmith's and others are inform ed we have just received a large supply of Re fined Iron—warranted best quality. A. B. CRAMERSI CO U AGONS.—Several new two horse Waggons work warranted, for sale on a liberal creditor for country produce by A. B. CRAMER & Co- Feb. 19, IBSS. <5 Sh'4'?C —Cheese, best quality, just receiv- Pu at REED & M:\NICH\S. Klritii'* siiß(i ISook*. , ITr -f I))L F. ('. REAMER W > /^# jran Having'purchased the ! and Book Store ol I)r. S. J). Scott, u ill constantly keep on hand at his establishment in Johanna Street, a complete assortment of Drugs, Ah'ilicines, Dye Slufi's, Paints, Oils, Window C• loss, V arnishes, Brushes ol all kind-.. Patent Medicines, Lamps, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, Kc. Kc. together with an extensive r-d --lection of School and Miscellaneous Book . Blank Books, Common and Fancy Stationery, Nc. which he offers. at greatly reduced prices for cash. Bedford, Feb. 17, 185' I. Fill Ml,'ll 1M) ill! HIM; SHOP: THF. subscribers having formed a partnci-hip un der 'iie stjie of "Dock tfc A-sitcom" (or Itie of conducting a general FOt NDRY AND MA ('MINE business in ttie establishment recently erected l>\ (Milliard Dock, in Hopewell, Bedford county, are now prepared to execute orders tor FASTIKOS A A'/' MACHINERY of every description. They will build to order steam-engine-, coal and drill-cars, horse powers, and threshing machines—also, (.idl ing ot eveiy kind for furnaces, fm gr-\ >aw , gn-t and rolling mills, ploughs, water-pipe, columns, house fronts, brackets, be., tkc. They are also, now making a fine assoD nrr t ol B'l OVES of vniious kinds ol the latest patterns ru .1 most approved styles, including several of COOK STOV i .> of t ie best make, heating stores for churches, ollices, bar-rooms, be. A full assortment ol Stoves will he kepi constant ly on hand, and sold at wholesale and retail, at p ccs to suit the times, and quality, wananted equal ito the best eastern make. Machinery ol all kinds i repaired promptly. Pattern- made to order. GILI.IAUD DDi K. October '.". 1857. C. W. ASHCOM. Alias Suhjiti'na on Libel for Divorce. Alcinda W Smith i No 2i. August Term, 19 8, in vs V the Common IMeasol Bedford William Smith. County. \OTI"I; is hereby giv.-n to (lie del' I in the above case that a subpeena and alias sul pre i na on libel Ibr divorce have beer, issued, the In t of which su l writs is returnable 30th August, | 1.858, and that the said defendant is required to j appear on or before said day and answer the complaint of the plaintiff as provided for !.\ act of Assembly. \VM. S. FLUKE, .1 jne 11,1838. Sheriff. Dissolution of Co-partnership. I THE partnership heretofore existing and tra ; ding in.iter the firm name ol Blvmire & Hartlev, this day been di = -o]ved by mutual ron-.-nt. The books, notes and accounts are in the bands <>t H'm. Hartley, who is hereby arltiorized to til'* t! •• | same. Ali persons knowing themselves indebted | to the firm of Riymire .V Hartley will save costs by i paying up before the hooks and note- aie pia. "J iri '.it* b. ads of a collector. ELYMiItEN HARTLEY*. ; March 50, lsh'-. JkOOSi, Sli'ilil'i* * > | i. • ■ • • ' o i? (' €(4 i"y •r h it'll C; I & ST () It K. T 11 E /'. 7IL HO. ID M FETING H.IS COME OFF AND BEDFORD IN ALL PROBABILITY WILL NOW LOOK AHEAD, BESIDES RUED AND MI.WICH ARE JUST | OPENING A LARGE AND SPLENDID | assortment or new and fresh, SPRINT; AND SUMMER GOODS, jto be (!i >| --dof at prices so low that you would imagiii • tit ■ Rail R >ad at read v made. ('all and examine them and (ring on your • WI, ami all manner of IT.OO: r all purp >-es, toweling?, and drillings. QDEENS WA HE and C.LASSW ARK, An elegant and heavy assortment, not surpassed in I licdloril county. Boot* and Shoes* I A large assortment of the best make, and newest ! I .and latest styles; ladies' gentle mens ami boys' wear GROCERIES. J Sugar- vxlnte amt brown, of all grades, syrup mo- ' lasses, and all other articles usually kept in stores, i It is impo-sible in an advertisement, to enumerate all our goods; come and see our -took, it will be shown Willi great pleasure, and before you go, you ] will be convinced that you have stopped in the refit • place to buy. REED & MINNTCH. May 'J, 1858. Wanted.l I HE School directors of Bedfoui Borough will 1 receive proposals from this d ite to the 13th of | July, in-!., I u 1 hree Hundred and Fifty Thou- j sand Hi ick, one half to bo delivered this fall, j and the other hall ur-xt spring, not later than the Ist of June. Clay to be furnished bv the j Directors if desired, but every thing else by the maker of'ine brick. j.iulv *2, 1538.| Vf \N|II \<; RO\ BJOTT:I,. MRS. (X)OK would annoutic e to her ii ieuds and the public, tliat ttie Washington Hotel is now fitted up in superior order for the accom modation of guests, and she hopes to continue to receive a liberal share ot custom. Persons visiting the Mineral Springs v.ill find in the Washington Hotel a comfortable summer re treat—and no pains }vill be spared to please ail who patronize the house. [f> A young gentleman of high qualification and courteous deportment has charge of the es tablishment. (EPThe best ot Stabling is attached to this Hotel. Torn is as moderate as any oilier house in the place. 'X/"D.iiiy Mail Stages from Alaquippa and Cumberland also tri-weeklv Lines from Hol lidaysburg and Pittsburg stop at this Hotel. Bedford, April 25, 1836. EVcsßj Supply ol Groceries- Co/lee, Su gars, Syrup, best quality, Green and Black, Teas, Best Pearl Starch -Nc.,&.c., just receiv ed at I>FED IVIINNICH'S. 'FIRE RISKS ONLY TAKEN. I G i ra r <1 Fire ami Marine Insurance Foment Philadelphia. CAPITAL 200,000. ' DIRECTORS. D XI M SV\ A IN. ot Public l.filfor ! JOHN ANSI'ACH. Jr., DEO. W. VVODliw. i H.N. 11l RIM! oHS, ,I\o. W VLA ,^ i; '• HECHES, w.M (' Rlm'man VV M S BDVD r: D SHDEMakfr j WALKER. TflO. CRAVFA ' i I- KA\(';- I I.TI'RS, H it COCDSIIA|', JNO. M t'l.l'Kl.. M'.-i fn KLAPP "\I Hon. .IOF.L IDXES, President. A S (iII.I.ET, V ice Ihesiifcnr . 1 - MI N SM. \lt I.t.tNi, Secretary. ■lA>. B. M.VOKD, Axsi-taut Secretary GU- 'All elm us biHe! to pu "cntetl against tl pan;,, po-perly a-ulited and adjusted,/,,., 'i," r :: 11 U.r.rrd" '' '•" "Mutual" C omi ,, n , ' ■ II- -1:- orij:jj Ml It need „„|y pay |hfi ■ -r lb".I I'ottcy, no a- -es-mcnt Wi, lg made u,e, n t:,.' r . '' ras* # fl josst ■ by the Company. ' ' BEN FORD N. MEYERS, Agents for Bedford cJuntv April 23, 185 S. OLIIOJIV fil \ Fill Mil! I AND Machine Shop' j THE subscribers are now prepared at u | Foundry in Bloody Run, to fill all ordei- i ur ( t , in ; of every description for OR IST. LVD S.JIV-MJLLS, TURKS I H\, ! M ArillNES, APPLE MILLS, FLOl'tißs ' ■ all tilings else in our line that may be nee lej ,! , or adjoining counties, j We manufacture Threshing Machines ol ; Horse Bower, WARRANTED equal if not . lo any made in the State. We keep cousta j band a lull a--oifment of Wood Cock I . Plough . WARRANTED to give E- . | i em. or no sale. Points, shares and land sidet tofii ; aP Woodcock, or Seyier ploughs n, the county I arn.ers' Bell.-, Ploughs and Castings 01 our'nr, • may be had at (he store of Wm.-Hartley, in Bedloid. N'.iderbatigb Ac Pee, East Providence Tn. John N'ycum b Son, " I ime- being bard, we orfer great inducernerds • i ar • . i- ar.d Mechanics to buy o; us. AH kinds of repairing done jn a neat and -.jb,!ai | rial mariner and al! work warranted. Call and ex. amine our castings and work and judge for you.! " Ives. Our agents sell at foundry prices JOSIAH BACGHMAN Ac BKO j March '2C, IS',G. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. 7 Htr. partnership heretofore existing and trad,, ■ nil-' the h:rn of Bamdollar, Dowry Ac <~" an- Kverbart, Asbcom .! veil by mu'ual consent. The books be., are ' bands ■ f Barndoller& Everbart, who are author , i/i uto Die ail accounts of the old firm. G. R. BARNDOLLAR J. F. DOWRY. C. W. ASHCOM. i Hopewell, Sep. I. >57. .EC. HVHRHART. { ')i. -' bscr ber-take this method of informing ; public that they wili continue the business ot 'Tier • char: lisirg at the t r stand, and hope by stiict atten i lion M Business to receive a liberal share ot .uVb patronage. We have remodeled the Hopewell Mill, and ar : now ready to grind all kinds ol grain. We wM 3! j all times purchase alt kinds of grain for which He ; highest pi ice will be paid. BARNDOLLAR & EVER HART. | llopewcll, Oct. .'ill, IS-77. 'MRS. S. E. POTTS , HAS just returned from the cities with n i.irj? supply of Rich and I i mdsome Goods, rich -ilk- Robes of a!! kinds, Di:r.A;r. Honrs, LAW X Roi.r.-. Ltxitx Rom s, TKAVF.I.UNO ROI;KS, with side j trimmings, Ricn LACE MANTLES, SILK MAMU -. I itKXCII WoRKKD C.'oLL ARS, U.NTIEKSI.ri tT-, 3 large quantity of FKLWITI WORKKD STI:II - very low, a rich variety of BO\.M:TS, trimmed | and tint rimmed, as low as 50 cts. Ku, \ Ri-rii s, and FRENCH FLOWERS, at all p'.'ce Siioits and (AITER®, a handsome lot of sumin. 811 AWLS, L,,W\> and CALICOES, and an etui If variety of fancy Goods. April 30, 185S, Ketlcrmaiie COVM'Y SI RVEYOn. WOULD hereby notifiy the citizens ol ffed ford county, that he has moved to the Borough M Bedford, where he may at all times be | found by persons wishing lo see hint, unle | absent upon business pertaining to his office April 16, ISSS. il'. TOOTHJICHE. —Those who want a speedy cure for this disease will find it in DR. KLV-KR'S TOOTUAI l i F Remedy. Sold tor 25 cents at San - uel Brown's Store Bedford, Sc. Colvin ,V h Sm on's Schellsburg. FHOTOGUAFHIC GALLEIU Exchange Building, Bedford, Pa., Where Ambrotypes, Daguerreotype-, .\r -No., ot every description, are executed in the latest styles and improvements of the Art. A full assortment of plain and fancy cases, and gold and plated Lockets, at vervlow prices, an The public are respectfully invited to call examine his specimens. T. R. GETTY'S, Jr. KA\Kl\<; IKM SIIS OF JOHN T, HOGG. SOMERSET, SOMERSET CO ( ? MOUNTPLEASANT, WESTMORE'D" C'ONNEI.f.SVtf.Li:, FAYETTE CO I UNIONTOWN, BROWNSVILLE, NEW BRIGHTON, BKAVI R CO. \ * Deposits rpoeived, 17iscourits i. nie. Draft* bought, soM and collected. Bank notes and Specie bought and sol-l. Stock-, notes, and other securities, bought and sold on Commission. Correspondence and co lections solicited. Aug. VI, IS-77. For pimples and wrinkles and freckles and tan. Nothing has e'er lieen discovered bv man, Like that wonderful product of tropical bowers, The popular ••Balm ola Thousand Flowers." to be had at Dr. Harry's Drug & Book Store' March 0, IS>7. CALICOES, Ml SLI NS. and other goods jus? received at Reed ami Minnich's. Call and see them. DRUG STORE FOR SALE- Any person desiron-- of purchasing a well es'a biivliccl antl jrolil.tiile Dni" Ston* can ht?aro! .i In rate opening by addressing the editor of this paper July 17, Isr>7. Country Physicians can have their orders filled at City prices at Dr. Harry's. Bedford, Dec 5, ] 856. lor the Hair, Jockey Club and new moun Hay Pomatums, Phalori's Invigorator, &r. -Nr. can all he had at Dr. Harry's.