I lie Bedford (ia/etje. AT HOME AND ABROAD. . ('I ">rn>rs. — Thi* distinouLhrd di ,a,., i one ol his inos! vf>quent and e fi ns, in the Presbyterian Church, on a:h evening. \s an ex temps uaneous \[ . Chambers has lew superiors in the . • Hi? manner is earnest, his. intonation . ..vet, his language strong and im .u. May the seed which he has sown in id upon ''good ground" and bring . „r -anily. yea, even "an hundred told'"' ,: • F--ir. Are we to have a "Fair . n and under what arrangements - : ■ce by our exchange* that many - stcr counties aie preparing to hold at -a! Fairs and have liad (h. ir pro < a:.! need lor weeks already. Our \ itton of this kind, was gotten up in too r a hurrv to he as successtui a- it might •:t ■ der other circumstances: it remains wither pre pa rati ns it the next a:e : laved until the eleventh hour. It we ■ r .-'.ak.-n, there is a certain Agricultural v . , existence, w. ich generally takes ti is in hand, and we would respectfully sug the officers d that sciety, that it th. y •filing a Fair, the sooner they n/tily peer !e of th. ir intention the better, as the -■ ! -t. ck to h exiii' ited are not pre i. r fitted, lor • xhi'dtinn in a dav or a ek, nor some of them even in a month, Hive •Jtistry of the county a fair opportunity -; iv trophies and vye sltal. have i Fair ' ir s ul,our enterprise and our intelli .l li'fx! hi, I.— Bv an -arrangement of mail department, all Philadt ijd.ia matter it ti. it | dace, in the raorni>r. arid in • r this place, arrives here the same *, l'his a.: itigement i- a good one. a; .' which the citizens i.f Belt. rd will be !t > have c nlinmd. 18-ret ■! ue the mail r at < i.me other print < n the K lii-r mi, v that means, 1 tiers and \ tp-us were delay ur.e IS hour- and, consequently, would n.d .s fill the mxt iiv nut r i\v that ob .s • ' j. \V - air' understand, that , I ACtrsie-n Eckels to i> - : s v i-iling the j v •!!. !' r.*•!_: t• \ is a z •>: ■ ach-s being loaded I J th-ir full enr icily >h Spring visit rs. s-tlffi ;!b Sc 00l 'o/i. The Sabbath ! .nn i c?ei! with the .M K. (."hutch in this . h* IJ its annual celebration en \V. -Ims iav t 1 -Ith ifist. The School was formed ; ic-s.si ;n at lite AI. F.. Meeting House, . ! b t I lav ve, S. \\ . : iwn. i procession was a very fine one, roos Hags and banners, and marching - .l-stirring music <.i the fit-' ami drum. ! a*, tie grove, after ; iy-r hy REV. MR. -v.'- • .• r\ and dialogue. The .perches o( Me - . F ' re .Xi ... ' '. . j vva ] km : illy fi . li. programi. e r! rmances, was as IJllows 5 \ r:-- Bv Jons W. Sti MR SIC. Dialogue: By Jcm a ( OMWCI.t. and CV-v • : . coif. A :ir ess By M.v-TEE J ihx J nt AX. Dialogue on GAM DING BYJT .IN CKEXHTBALM : BEXIX M;. Li.ETON. Hv MX. it. tgue: Bv A--..X'A SAX-" and WILIIEL xi CROMWELL. T e Ureal Orator By MASTER IT -n MAR- I Bv Oro. S:t. R nr., VIXTO.V FIIR k, . JORDAN and J - AII Hal v. Hvms. 1 >■ Rainbow Dialogue: Br rr.vrx Gin L*. D-.ak.g ie on Temperance: By A. Slice w an.; I JORDAN. H VMS. ' A I - r the performances were couchi led, an . .r.t erdt rtainrr ent .was served up, of w liich r nt were invited to partake, i h** Catho lie and Luth'-i m Sabbath school, •r, Lr celebrations s >me time ago, and we x/rmed tHat fhey also came off" very [ ieas- We were unable ! > e p: • a* eith-'r m and, therefore, cannot speak ot them ilii have done had we been an eve- '• -i ' . 7 rntonf ;.— I • a.-lnngton t - - . uderring to the impression which exists ■nv i-ifts of the country, that provision . ■■ • Congress during its last session, -'ruction of additional armories, un . ,c ret ion of the War Department says •*'!•'. Sec: tarv Floyd i- fairly deluged with . fconnui tiding proper sites, ol which " i dotr' Jes iranv very desirable one-: an. ai- 'i:at no action by the late Con ' a taken on the subject anil the Secre 'he; fore with it any additional author ft will be tirr.e to cored !er the fitness of s : >n Ihe department shall he authori ' i 3ke selections for them." "I Per r.Y.—This famous Frenchman, oieii from New York on Wednesday, ori ; Lome. ha. published a "manifesto to '\ ■ •tk m people," in winch he declares ■'did not go to Centja! America in an po- I. >n. He went there, he -ays, in hn h.ai character and as such was received, '!ed Ins (anal treaty. -.! v ft Dement <1 Dr. San ford * i ' 'at nr. ir: ire (!:• r f oluiiill. il V clip the following from the Philadelphia Kvt nirg J itirnal of the Hth inst. National Fouudry. Having of late seen several article* on the -su'-j—f locality, sat. Tv, Xc., tullv dis cussed. I would venture to make a few sug gesti uis with resj>ect to a central locality in my own State Pennsylvania To those who, like myself, have no personal interest at stake in the location, (being devoted to science, and not politics at all,) the matters that I shall state are (on patent to call forth dis cussion, as every scientific man knows the cap ai ity ot i ur Stale in an economic point of view. I will, therefore , endeavor to place them under a few heads that ill can understand. Ist. Pennsylvania has within her borders every requisite tor the production of iron sec ond in value to none in the world. 2d. There is offered every natural advantage possible. n t onlv for the location, but lor the safety f any great national work like the one under discussion. Tim ad vantages ar- the prox imity of the raw material, the cheap rate at which it can he procured, and the comparative cost of the production of the manufactured ma erial. In no State can iron be produced chea per than in Prnr.sy lvania, or of better quality. The mineral lands are SO located that sites can b* chosen which p every advantage of railroad an ! water connections, of room for such location, wit ft unlimited water power, if required: with a!! ti:-' attendant requisites on the sp t. as c ai, ■ , limestone, fin : t ck < lav. building one and timber, in most healthy s.-c --ti ot lire State. The 1 icaiiti s are numerous, bit one pe cially was brought be lore my n md :v an art - ca' which a| -'ared in \ >ur paper of the Ist in>t.. speaking < I the Broad lop Regi>n, in !Tu 'mgd >:i and !!♦•.;lord counti- s. \ir 111':',de town of H pevvtxl t re a fine vaib v r plateau, gently sloping to the wati: and backed up by hii's which contain l -si: ami limestone of various kinds. abt:n lance of h matite, all f which can be mined with such faciiit v as to be tlu:i:ped at the plat feu n > the furnace, and at the minimum amount of c sf. In-.nwdiitelv on the tie r side are otin r •red: ; -its, and abundinceof coal. These 10. . 1 ■: i.i! r ;nt rein eats mx-t •v : -:ve wi! - cat. a " in. d in -gr. it r variety than in a.:y < i!i-u ■d ice, i-ither in or out d the State: ai! can : procured within the distance of less than a P,|. The natural advantages tor safety are -ui b that a little determined band could deleiid it again**, inv ( see that could be brought to war up'.n it. 4th. i Ite site couiu M- purcna.s-u or ivaseu m ,in i- it** ratami I think ail the bui! iing cotild be at !e>- than two-tbifuld the commission to find a .--ite be organ -7" J, it would he well for them at least to visit ;tie j .t and s-e for tfu-mseh -*s how far it meets the necessitre-- of the case: lor I do not hesitate • •Ti> 1 hav • stated, is one of the best ; xaittus in •die >' J'. idr a large foundry or iron works i.t any ;!• ..< ri: t <3. Yours, .\c. GEOLOGY. Philadelphia, June'29th, ISOS. Letter Front Pre.-it!flit Buchanan. Th<- follow i: g letter from the President was read at the Democratic celebration in Indepen dence su-iare, Philadelphia, on Aiunoay WASH, NO TON, July 3, IS3S. Gentlemen . I have received your very kind invitation t; be p sT.t at the meeting of my ;V!i j v citiz. tic, in Independence square, tocele • rat ' , app: aching anniversary -n. This, however, is m.p ..-sible. Mav we ever continue to cele brate, with ardent enthusiasm, throughout the length ar.. ; breadth of the ian h each successive return ! the day which gave u- birth as a na ?i rs. Whilst we do this, and thus keep alive, Ifotn generation to generation, the memory of the common sufferings and the c .mmon dangers which our lathers encountered in achieving ~r in dp ndence, the Constitution, and the film will be preserved. I congratulate you, with ail my heart, up .n the pre; ni prospects of our country. 1 humbly tru.-t that a kind Providence has dispelled the angry ciouds which but recently seemed t > im pend. over if, and that we have nearly reached the end of those violent and exasperated section al controversies which have tbreati .u-d the Union. When we contrast the present condition ol our country, with what it would have been 3' tin moment, had Congress adjourned without enacting anv law to mitigate the sectional strife, which had been raging lory- r, hetwtn the States of the Confederacy, we have er -ry :• ason to be thankful to the Supreme Ruler of nations, who has ever interDrni at the hour 1 our great est need to shield us from danger. From vour friend, very respectfully, JAMES LIT >. IIAN.V . Af> MfXIS'TRA TOR'S SO TICK. LET! EKSof admir.i.'ration having been gran ted by the ItecisJcr of fL-. fiord county, to the under si2..( upon the estate of Benjamin Davis, late oi ■ tie State <>l lowa, dec".! —ali p'-r - V notes, or rash and will be forced to have all accounts not |'h h v August Ist, plac d in the hands of a collector -■please sa*e trouble and costs. ULYiMIKE & If A It f I I.Y OHIO FIRE PROOF PAINT, cheap, durable an r-iel!v. already ground ;d Hartley' (j'' Auditor's Notice, I \ the Court o! (.'ommon Pleas in and I >r tie* comity oi Rotl rd, in the matter .U' ihe exception* liteit to tlie account o! Sarruel H. i'.ite, Ksq., As signee oi Minsoni iite,t an 'or to ascerfani the advancements mad, to the he.:i,and report the distiibution of the balai ce. i'ti - auditor will attend to the duties of the above appointment on Sattnday. the 1 ttb day of August, 1 ext, at 10 o'clock. A. St., at his office in th-' bor oi£;h of Bedford, when and where all parties inter ested can attend if they see proper. JOHN P. RF.F.P. July 18, i-'S. Auditor. AtHlilor's \olice. The in; iersigneil spp iof*d by th. Oiplians* (" 1 aiT i, a: i tor the county ot Bedford, to distribute tie na'i.ey m the ; an is of John Cessna, F.sq., ad ministratoi of the estate of Abraham Spark*, dee'd, ■, a ■ "'-A-t ci m 1 tor* u d he,is, will Atteu ! To the tiu tie* of said appoit 'a 1 ' i on Thtirs lay, the 23d d.:y of July, at tils office m the borough of Bedford, at 1" o", •••:,. A. M. •' - I biy, when an i where all parties interested can attend. JOHN I'. R I Flb July 2, : s,:S. Auditor. .vnricr. OF Lxvuisn'io.v. '! HE heirs an.l b _-al repre#et:!ativ • s of Mrs. *opl, . Mower, late of C!erain towt -hip. deceased, v./: I -a. i terrnair.ed vv "h Hie J, Weaver, m the St-ate ol On. Kebecca, intern ained with .losie.et i . ■■(-. N.. intei married v. .*b la cob I 1 --. in \V\odt our y, Oh •>. Siiah, litlerm :rrted with Fmtan nel J. Diehl. an ! F.'./afct' interniatri -! with Fev, j KeAg. "e hereby i otit -ui that an in; ■ -itinn to val ue and a; praise the real es'ate of said dec it. viz: a house and lot in the tow n of Bainslura, ad job .ng J. di.i: F.lier and ot hers, wii be on 'he preoi-- -e*. , ; Mar iav, the - th day of July, inst., when . *•:•••! :ti*s Office. ( VVM.S. FLI Ki., Be ■ July -■ 'As V Sheriff. A OF LYQL ISITKKY. WHEREAS William liams, late of Smrtb a.i ton tow: -ii'p, Bedford c rntv, died seize.! oi th" folio. inu dcsvrtb- . re=M et-ate. v,z: The Man-ion i'lact coi raining about lour hundred and seventy a acr- ■ la: !- in I noma- I.ensure, .10- '■ pi Bennett (ieorge Barthelow, John Bennett and olh and'fiity ..cres. adjo.nlnz - •; H kiah Tewell, C'Uie Tewell. David il.>.v-a ! and others, tine other tract coiit.c '.ing about fi -y acres, ang I lands .•; UV-I 'V F-r.iew . tne ' sciibeif tract ! .< i others. A -> t!,e undivided one 'bird part of a 'rn : co' ' u r; four hundred tud sevci (y four acre* or : a ir >i land* oi Josep-. I'. ■<. 'u-tf, We-tley Perdevv. and the ! >1 above de - id.e.l tract. tuute .i S- u'bampton fownsh p, Bedford nty. > i ■... ng i,sueeic , heir-, to wit: IV;n. M. ba.iis. , Isaac f:ani, John liatn*. now deceased, leaving two ] e- i . M.i: V ai.d h'aiah lie ' s. the . .i-l of V horn i.- a rmnor mth ay of July. ; s." . when and where all parties interested may at red it thoy see proper. Shei JPs Office. | WM. S. FL! KF., Bedford, July 2, '.IS ( Sheriff. The •• Night of Search" WILL n,d b ■ fieni •! to any one wishing-to pnr cba-,' a new co; t at Lover's E m N Q,R IU m ' r*h C C\Si IS li*?i ! where !a- : -t brni rec veil a :.,rgu an ! elegant r. v ort:r cut r>: gentlemen's dress and furnishing goods, i co:: -:-!iiig, in part, of CLOTHS, CASS I MERES, VEST! Nf.S, CRAVATS, (iLOVES, &c., 'cr. : o w ,i, h are offered to the public at a low figure, f'lotiies rnnde to or ti the business, he flatters himself that he cannot he surpassed, either in his facilities tor pur rf i•• • clothing at a low figure, or of -eliing them n T than any other store within i •" miles of this place. N >t Wishing to enumerate the many different arti cles of cl thing on ban ! he would merely state, that [ in part, hi* stock consists of coats ranging from 75 cen f -. to if I*. pants from 50 cents, to $lO, vests ;iom i# cts, to 80. Also, shirts, collars, cravats, trunks, carpet sacks, \c., Ac. All persons wishing to purchase clothing or any ; tl.l :.g else in my line, will never regret ot calling at 1 • opedd- No 1., cheap clothing Emporium, where you can get cheap a< I unheard of bargains—Come ; one. come all. .May 11, >s. A. LEOPOLD. | Maw ClGQds, The nr. 'ersigaed respectfully announce to their iricnds and customers, that they have just opened a very l uge and general assortment ot XI'IUMA SIMMER IIOORS. consisting, in part, a- follow?: SILKS, CH ALLIES, ALPACAS, DELAINES LAWNS, BERACES, BRILLIANTS, FRENCH | and AMERICAN CHINTZ, til NO IIAMS, GLOVES, COLLARS. HOSIERY, AC., AC. SHAWLS AND MANTILLA S. Cloths, Ca-simeres, Nestings, M'c Dtiliing-, Ticking--, Ky. Jeans, Linens, Sheeting-, Cottnnades, Flannels, Cassiuetts, Nankeens, Cambrics, Checks, CHEAP CARPETS, White and Colore i Chain, Floor Oil Cloths, Matting, ! Rugs, ISoel* A Bltops, E!:t(s A C:|s, AAo, a huge stock ol fashionable READY MADE COATS. Also, a full stock oi Groceiies, Wooden Ware, Ac Ha*irg selected our goods with great care, we are ei.ah e.l to offer our customers VERY GRF.A T BAR GAINS for ca-h. country produce, or on six months credit to punctual dealers. An examination of our stock is rsspectlidly soiic.ted. A. D. CRAMER A CO. Apr. r:o. ! HAIL LOAD! Since the Ciiarter has neen granted lor the "Bed ford tail, Road," the citizens o; Bedford have beei much excited a . I ud re-'ed upon the subject, tin interest is not routined to the citizens of the town, hut extern s throughout the country, and crowds are daily rushing to Sjfe Mr pO NEW AND HANDSOME STORE, In Anderson's Row, where a large and attractive assortment of beautiful Sprir. g and Summer gnuN are opening, which will be ' ...|,| i heapi-r than cvri offered before in tins place. Tiif Stock cori isls in part o( Organdie Lawns, White 8. Printed Rtil hants, Rubes de Sbautn. Harare de Laines, Robe A" Qnil! a, Laveilas Chailies, Plain is. Figured Swiss, Latest Style Lawn Robes lor $ 1 50. Mohair Mixture for ISI per yard. Ih- Ltines oi ail discripti his from ti cts to 25 per yard. Lawns of various styles I >r (i cts pre yard. An extensive assortment of beautiful prints ranitv from 1- els to 12jj per yard. e MUSLI NS OF ALL PRICES ANI) QUALITIES, i A large assortment of Ladie3 & Misses, gloves, t l v hosier v iruiri the low ligure ol 5 els tip. ' Pure linen hdkffs. fur > its and a luil and complete assortment of ladies dress goods Gener al ly- A large an ! well selected assortment ol cloths, cassiiu' i '•> and vesting®. Consisting in pail ol Black French A. English Cloths. Blue do do do. (Hive do do do. ISiack C.issimere. Black l)ot* Skin. Fancy French fc American (atssimeres, VEST I \GS. Grenadines Plain A Figured. Karf/.em ire do do. Velvets do do. And a great variety ol Marseilles vesting?. Fancy Siii: A Lawn N'.ck I i'-a liom ' [ !<> A roil plete W .itnicnt 01 Ladies A Misses Im-.ts, Aiocs ft gaiters, also a large -tork of mens boots A 'MY ASSORTMENT OF GROCERIES CAN'T r>F. BEAT. Brown Sugar for CJ cts per pound. Do do First rate 8 " " Do do Extra " I" White Sugars " I'-'v, ' m A !•, First Rate KioCoffee, 124 P' r pound I Extra do do 15 " | No 1 Java do 15 " Best N. O. Molasses 124 •' quart, Good Syrup do 124 " Extra do ei reudiitg ,n said borough, notice is thereuire given to all |-r sons indebted to the • I,tie of said ih-cM, to make immediate payment, 11ml those having claim- will present them forthwith properly authenticated I'm srttleii • rit. JOSEPH CLAAR, June 11, 58. Executor. /: XBCUtQR'S NOTICE. .NO TICE is hereby given that ratters Testa mentary have been granted by t!u* Register of Bedford County, to the subscribers, 011 the last W ill and Testament of Jijhn VVertz, late ol ( uiuberland Valley, Bedford County, dee'd— all persons indebted to Said Estate are reques ted to make immediate payment, and those hav ing claims on Said Estate will pleasj present litem properly authenticated far settlement. June 18, 1858. Henry Wertz, \ John J. 'Vert/., j Executors. NOTICE. GEO. 11. A MICK, surviving partner oi the late fitm of Geo. 13. Amick A Bro., notifies all | persons interested, that Hie Books ol said firm are 1 HI his hands lot settlement, anil that C iron instances ! demand an immediate closing up of the business ol I said firm. Persons indebted, or having settlements 1 to make, are therefore requested to call on the sub- j scriber without delay. The subscriber will continue the Mercantile Business at the "OLD >1 .\ \D." where he will he tiappy to meet his friends ami customers at .ill times. He will trccivc in n very "it time a new supply ot seasonable goods, which lie i determined to sell on the most reasonable terms. St, Clairsville, June 11, 'SB, GEO. B. AMICK. XOTICE OF I. VIJI is ITII). V. WHEREAS Michael Pull, late of Libeity township, Bedford county, died seized of the follow ing described Real Estate, to wit: two tracts o ; iund situate in Liberty township afort-iid, on- tract* thereof the mansion, containing one he Ircd ae I tliir ty seven acres and allowance, with a dwelling house, barn, grist-mill, saw-mill, ami other improvements thereon erected, adjoining lands 0! Henry Putt, Tackier and others— o e oth'-r tract, containing ten acre-. adjoining the above, with a tenant house and stable thereon. Leaving aw idow named Elizabeth, and i--!ie ten children, viz* Jacob, since dead, having conveyed his share to the petitioner, Samuel, residing in Illi nois, Catharine, intermarried with Wm. Figart, the petitioner, William Putt, Elizabeth, Tier married with Henty Sir. its, Ma v. . : -rmarrie I v George Russell, Joseph I'utt, Rdsa.'ina, intermarr *'d with I' a\ i. S It us-. 11. Sarah and Susan Putt, the ;--t nam ed yet in her minority'. Notice is therefore given that in purs'-.anc 0 of a writ of partition or valualio: to me directed 1 will proceed to hold an inquisition or valuation on said prem.seao.ii \V. Inesday 'tie 4th day of Angust, I*• *,S. Sheritrs Office, | WM. S. FLI Lvi-i, Bedford, July 2, 'SS j Sheriif. y-s- SBOEMEMMSii! kk fw 11 -v\ iNG commenced the^^^^Sgg^^ business 1 : Si ..emending, one door east ot Mr. Biicc's Hotel, llediord. Pa.. 1 am prepared to do a!! manner of work n this line ot' bu-r - at the -hott est notice, and in the most substantial manner, on more reasonable rates than o- ;ji.t thins ; ndi •/..//- ynh/e. Give me a call, try my work and judge for yourselves. June II,". 7. J. 11,.I 1 ,. BAKER. TO INVALIDS. ill!, in ill) 11 IT ANALYTICAL PHYSICIAN, AND Physician for Diseases of the LUNGS, FORMERLY PHYSICIAN TO THE CINCINNATI MARINE HOSPITAL, AND INVALIDS RETREAT, Jlutkor of "Lcttcfs to Invalids Editor of the "Medical Stethoscope," Ac., MAY BE CONSTLTED AT BEDFORD, PA., W. IS HL\ G TO.V UOUSE," WEDNESDAY, AUGUST, 11th, ISSS. Dr. llardman treats Consumption, Bronchitis, S Asthma, Laryngitis, and all diseases of the throat and by Medicated Inhalations lately used .r: the Bromtou Hospital, London. The great point in the treo* nelit of all human maladies, is to get at the direct manner. All medicine- are estimated by their action upon the organ requu • I r. tej. J'his is the in porlanr tact upon which Inhalation is bas ed. lithe slomach is di-.e.i-ed we take medic.ues directlv into th- stomach. It the lungs are diseas ed, hrea'l.eor ii hale medicated vapors il lectly into the lungs. Medicines are the antidotes to disease and should be applied to the very seat of the disease. Inhalation 1- the application ol tins principle to the treatment o- the lungs, for it £;ves us direct access to tho -■ intricate air cells and tubes which lie out ol reach of rvcrv oth>*r means ol adrnini-tering medi ! cii i-s. li i.alat ion brings th * me.licit: •in direct con i tart with the disease, with :it the disadvantage of any v. it action. Its application 1- so simple, that it can he employed by the youngest mlanl or feeblest invalid. It docs rot derange the stomach, comfort 01 bnsinessof the patient. Oritur. Dn-i -. TID IWI. — In relation to the fol lowing diseases, either when complicated with I ung affections or existing alone, I ai-o invite consulta tion. I usually find them ft inaptly rumble* Paplapus and all other forms of female complaints, Irregularities at d Weakness. Palpitation and all other forms of Heart Disease®. Liver ' lomplaints, D\-spipsia, and all other diseases of the Stomach and Bowels, Piles, Src. Ac. All disease, of the eye and ear. Neuralgia, Epi lepsy, and all forms oi nervous disease. S. I). HAUDMAN, M. D. JVo c'iniLxe for consultation. June I. 1858. Mr*, A^iacsi Would ti'speclftilly announce to the public of Bed!nil and vicinity thai she has just rec'il. ;t lurue aiul well-assorted supply ot SPRING AND SUMMER E-11- hra fin u a general assoit ment of staple and fancy a: 1 it i •, compri-ing in part, Superb Black and Fancy Silks, Robe A (iuilla, or Side Stripes, Lawn Robes, French Du cals, Berag s, Tissues and Muslin De Laines, Lawns and Ginghams, While and I nnS'd French Brilliants, Plain and emb'd. Swiss Muslins, Hosiery and cutsets,all sizes tor Ladies, Buttons, Braids and cords, Collars, Sleeves, Ivlgings and Inserting; a full supply of Mourning Goods Silk Parasols ; best Knl Gloves, ot all colors, Glial lies, Alpacas, falicois, Muslins, Flannels, Tickings, Sumim r Coatings 1 weeds, Jeans, Linen and a general assortment of Boys' Wear . a large I >1 of Shoes and < Jailers, Moroc cos, Linings and Binding®, together witt: a " in - ral assortment ot Groceries, Paints, Oils and ' Varnish. 1 \. B. Hardware at cost for cash, or six mouth? credit to punctual customers—embra cing almost every article in the hardware line. April 3 m. \|| kinds of goods sold at REED ix. RUN* N|( IPS tor Cast <>r Produce. ATTENTION, MARK SMC Nl I it II.V li O R u i: /{, GUNSMITH, Bedford, Pa Shop :>( (!<• t end ol Ihr- fcrvt'D, one door vro( of llic n iih ncr of Major Washatiuogh. A!l guns t>f my own manufacture wirnanteif May 21,'f>8.-ly. T If V. lihrr li*i£or:tfor. IRKPAUKO l:Y OR. SANDyORO, ( OMPOf M>FD ENTIRELY FROM Ol .MS, Is ouf <>! tin bft piirr.r/irr and liver mi, Urine* now before Hi'* public, that acta as u Cai/iattir , easier, milder, ami mo'c rflectual than any other medicine known. It is not only a Cathartic, but a Liver re inedy, acting first on the Liver to eject its morbid matter, then on the stomach and bowels tocany off that matter, thus accomplishing two purposes effect ually, without any ol the painlul feelings cxper enced in the operations ol most Cathartics. it strengthens the system at the same time that it purges it; and when taken daily in moderate doses, will strenthen and build it up with unusual rapid >'• The Liven isone of the principal regulators n' the human body; and • when it performs it" functions well, the pow- fV us of the sy temajefnl ly developed. The storm ach is almost entirely de - pendent on the healthy £ action of the Liver for the proper performance .f its functions; when the stomach isut fault, ' the bowels aic at I'atrlf, and the whole system miters in consequence of one —tlm l.ivei . —having ceased *o do it.- duty. For the dis ■■ *ases of that organ, one of the proprietors ha- a made it his study, in a practice os more than twenty years, to find some remedy where with to counteract the many derangements to which it is liable. To prove that this re- inedy is at last found, any person troubled with *•* ; Liver Complaint, in any o; its lorm-, has but t- ,f i bottle, and conviction is certain. These Guvs remove '. til mot bid or had matter fs < m tin; system. • npply-1 tg in their place a hcai hy How 01 bile, invig- aa orating the stomach, can sing food to digest well, >.• purifying the blood, giv ing to • and health to the whole machinery, r- t iving the cause ol the disease—eiiecting a radical cure. M Billious attacks ate , cured, and what is bet ter, prevented, by the occasional use of the Liver Invigorator. One dose after eating g is suficienf to relieve (he s; . each and prevent the 1 ..." food from rising and i.iug. • Only one dose taken ** at night, loosens the bowels gently,and cures gjj Costivenes*. One dose : iken after each meal will cure Dye epsi,;. cy*One do."; of w two teaspoonfulls will always relieve Sick -■ Headache. One bottle taken for'" fe male obstruction, re moves the cause of t from falling to extreme old age, in all its natural : beaut v. We call then upon the bald, the grey, or | diseased in scalp, to use it; and surely the young will 1 not. as they value the flowing locks, or the witching . curl, ever "be without it. Its praise is upon the tongue | of thousands. The Agent for Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative in New Haven, received the following letter in regard to the Restorative, a few weeks since: I>kep River, Con., July 23, ISSB. Mr. Levcnworth—Sir: I have been troubled with dandrufl or scurf on my head for more than a year, j my hair began to come out, scurf and hair together, i saw in a New Haven paper about "Wood's Hair Re.-torat ive" as a cure. 1 called at your store on tho i>t of Apnl la-t. and purchased one bottle to try it, and I found to my satisfaction ii was the thing, it re moved the scurf and new hair began to grow; it is now two or three inches in length where it was all oil'. I have great faith in it. I wish you to send me two bottles more by Mr. Post, the bearer of this.— I don't know as any of the kind is used in this place, you may have'a market for nianyAottles after It is known here. Yours with ;especT, KIT US PRATT. Pun.A., Sept., 0, tf'7. Pi f. Wool—Dear Sir: Your Hair Restorative is proving itself beneficial to me. The front, ami also the back | art of my head almost lost its covering—in fact nail. I have used but two half pint bottles ot your Restorative, and now the top of my head is well studded with a promising crop of young hair, and the front is also receiving its benefit. I have tried other preparations without any benefit whatever. 1 think from in; own personal recommendation 1 can induce nun v others to tiy it. Yours ic.-pc>.ttully, D. K. HIOM.tS, M. D. No. 1G I Vine street.' Vincennes, la., June 22,! v ;G. Prof. O. J. Wood: As you are about to manufact ure ,i: ' vend your recently discovered ll.nr Restora tive. I will state, for whomsoever it may concern, that 1 have used it and known others to use it—that ; f 1 ve, for several years, been in the habit of using, other Hair Restoratives, and that 1 find yours vastly superior to any other 1 know. It entirely cleanses the head* I dandruff, ami with one months proper lire will restore any person's hair to the original i youthful color and texture, giving it a healthy, soft and "In- y appearance; and all this, without discolor in" tin- bards that apply P. or the dress on which it drops. I would, therefore, recommend its use to evety one de.irous ol having a fine color and texture to hair. ID ipeclfully yours, WILSON KING. 1 O.J. WOOD .N Co., '! 12 Broadway, New York, (in the great New York Wire Railing i stablisir.ent,) and 111 Market street, St. Louis, M-. And sold t>y all Druggists. For sain at the Ding Store ot Dr. B F Harry, Bed ford, Pa. May It, ISSS.