The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, June 25, 1858, Image 3

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    The iledfosel t'zwvtic*
Bedford Springs. —Tin- hotels at the |
•Springs" are now open !■ r the nop'ion of
visitors. Additional bath houses are under pro
r,>s <jf erection and will be tin id . d in a few
(iavs, and other improvements have been made
npon tb<' premises. Anu nber of visitors have
already arrived.
Bio'' lop Hotel, S/onrrstown. — We cor
iallv recommend Ibis well-conducted bouse
lathe patronage of such of our readers a? may
d ance to visit Stonerstown. The proprietress,
Mrs. Ti itker; is a hostess that knows how to
make I r guests comfortable.
flu -trade ! Moody Run , on Friday last,
•ca informed, came off with all the "pomp
•.ad < ircumstance of glorious v ar.*' Owing to !
matt>;•■!-yund our control," we were una-j
bl'ti lttertd in propria persona , though wo ;
bad .1 "chieF' there Matin' notes." The said
"chi< i," however, lias not yet reported his
w, (if lie was >ber enough to take au\) at
!e i-quartrr.i. and, then lore, we an compelled
to n ike up ■ ur statement from hearsay.
Our information is to the effect, that there
were altogether five Companies on duty.—
iTese Companies having been formed into bat- ;
tali n !v that gallant aliictr, Brigade Inspector i
Fx,ins, Col. Complin an i M.ij. Deck with (ofii
cer.s ol the fallal; in. pro. inn.) took command
old he forces and "put llietn through the drill." j
•'Onward tliey marched emba'lled, lo the soil! it
O; martial h.irmeny; fees, cornets, drums
That loosed the sb-vpy soul to arn.s and bold,
11. ioic deeds."
An el dim f>r officers of the battalion, was
held, M , ir. ii resulted as follows :
t'oinne], J. F. I. v. ;.v, of liopetv. 11.
iji ts*. Co!., is A. May, Cumberland V.
ivl.ij . Pim.ii G. xonti.-.uT, Bloody Bun.
\ > i-.ients !iapp< lied, we In lieve, witii lie
ccption "I several genlion.-n bring sYJ in
■ u: , b -erv. d tie : i pej f. ctiv i ight, as
wild dang> t- do environ
I"! i: .0. itui: module- cold iro.
r l\;tk> I whiskey.
[i in the Bedloid Gazette.j
.7/7 r-ieny .17 and b't mitleS- ■minuru. — The
a- - :ai < vaii inalio:) ami closing i rcis sof litis
ii !itutii.ti cam • off .i i Wedm —lav, the 1 tilh
t he i xamiiiati it wa- highly sali-faelnry, and
' ■ accuracy and pion-ptitude of the pupils fu
me chance they have had (as this was the fiisl
i m and f st examination for m t of t!;-m)
, lf< tied credit holli on themselves and their
Backers. At an early hour in the evening the
chapel was crowded to overflowing with anx
i his spectators awaiting the commencement of
the < mti i wl:i; ti wt re appr >j-.rately opened
\. itJj prayer by tin-Dev. B. F. Stevens. Ad
niiia' iv did the Audi nts acquit themselves in
ilie various xercises, and amply were they ro
w ird d for tin ir mental efiotis, by the nnmis
ikalile < videni " s of iiiti rest and delig! 1 maiiiie-;-
! : \ the audi- nee.
We can trulx commend thisinstitution to the
tin i mtiuence and patronage ol all, and • spo
il.i to those who hare children to educate, as
J *
■ii g located in one of the inn-t healthful and
ii rai villages in the Stati, and'free from all
those demoralizing influences of more populous
and public places.
The Principal, Mr. W. \V. Brim, and the Pre
<ej tress, Mm.'-. E. \. MANX, have succeeded
well in their detriments, and aie deservedly
popular with tie Students and ail who know
The n. Xt t-rm of this institution commences
< it Thursday, the sth of August, next.
A Member cf the Committee.
S jiffy c Hit birds! —A correspondent furnishes
ii tin* billowing sensible and forcibly < xpre.--.-ed
appeal in favor of the pnstrvalion of birds :
I is generaliy known that a new law for the
b :!• r preservation of game and insectivorous
birds was enacted at the last session of the Le
gislature. This law is of great importance to
t. rnc-rs and in fact to every lover of nature.
! here was a time in the "ken of man" v. hen
our woods and meadows were gladdened with
P :• ngs and ihath rings of Nature's beautiful
iiltie songs!- is. Once we were greeted in the
; .iiig with thousands of happy innocent voices,
whilst now ue but occasionally In ar the even
ing HivSodv of some lone If bin-Red-Breast,
patched up'n the top of some high tree, know
ing not but that he sings his own iequiem.—
As birds have decreased, thousands of insects
• nee unknown in these parts have taken their
place. JYach tree, apple tree, locust and pine
lice borers are making sad havoc in orchards
and forest. The caterpillars weave their web
ami tlu-ir young breakfast on the tender buds of
hoicest fiuit trees unmolested. The milk vvea
-81, the Hessian flv, and thousands of other in
cts ia myiiads, have come, and rob the farmer
ol the reward of his tori.
farmers look to your interests.—Drive from
■ or fields, your woods and meadows, the lazy
ii arth ss scamps, and the thoughtless boys who
[ iu I around with gun in hand seeking to de
• roy your protectors. The little rap-sucker.-,
the flickers, the wood-peckers, the larks, the
i hie birds, in short, nearly ail the feathered
tube nr.- your friends, arid though some rr.av
hare your early apples and cherries with you,
is only byway of honest compensation for the
>od done. Let us too protect our own game
"ids, and instead of killing all ofl, let us seek
; perpetuate the diflerent species of game.—
■Alio would kill the mother of a brood ofcliick-
Who would kill the turkey when care
"dly preparing her nest, and who but a heart
-1 • Ifsh creature would harm the forest birds
l wn in |,ke manner tai.-ing their vourig?
Texas papers. — We arc under obligations to
COL. O C II ARTI.KV, r f (>' l!\ ton, Texas, U ho
! arrived here a few days ago. for a number of
Texas pap'-i I a late late.
./ 7s .Medicine. —On" of !ti" most
astonishing medicines v> t discovereil, is I'r. Key
set s l'eetoral Si iup. Il you have any disease of
' tie Breast or t.uiig-, Dr. K.-y-rr's Pectoral Syrup
will cure you. Dr. Keyset's Pectoral Syrup will
cure Bronchitis. Dr. Keyier'a Pectoral Syrup will
cure I.atyngiiis. Dr. Keyser's Pectoial Syrup will
<-uie tiifliienzn. Dr. Keyser's Pectoral Syrup wit'
cure a Cold in the Head. Dr. Keyser's Pectoral
Syrnp w ill cure Incipient Consumption. A recent
letter I'rom Mr. J. \V. Veatch, of Kok-t>y, Ohio,
says, "1 want you to send me two br.itles ol your
Pectoral Syrup by mail. There is a lady here \i ho
has a rough, and the doctors can't cure tier, t was
in the same way and tried every thing without bene
fit. urd ' I got a bottle of your Pectoial Syrnp; 1
took it hut tjwice and it cured me sound and well."
Ask for Dr. Keyser's Pectoral Syrup, and take no
other. Price 50 cents. Yon can buy it at Samuel
Brown's, Bedford \ Colvin& Robinson'sSchellsburg.
Fourth of July. —The Anniversary
,of American Itdt-peiideiict will be c.ri.'brated
in Bedford, by the Bedford Riflemen, on Satur
day the 3d day of July.
The Declaration of Independence will be
read by li. D. BARCLAY, F.stp, and an oration
will !e delivered by JOHN FILLER, Esq.,
The dinner will be servt-d by Col. Hafer. of
the "Redftr ! Hotel."
j The citiz< tis of Bedford, and vicinity, an
i respectfully invited to be present and paitics
j-.ate with n> in the festivities of the occasion.
June '25, ! B">s.
Ch-tip for cash and of an excellent qual
ity. for rah- at REED & MINNICH'S.
(, L- -■ i&M
Ifl i-• celebrated harvester may be had from
Win. Haiti y. Comments unnecessary, as tiny
ire warranted to woi k well. Reputation es
tablished. ijune IS. ; 55.)
cheap, durable and
pn-tty, already gtound at Hartley's, (j 15,'57.
S( Y THE- scythes:
• The best assortment in Bedford at
Hartley's. (June 18,'58.)
Of an excellent quality, all sizes,
at H.u! ley's. (June 1.8,'57.)
an a r \ ixkj l'ls, stjVa iv cl -rrHRs," ~
Ciilet Mills, Farm Nf(li, the bi-t in Use nt
Hartley's.— Sign of the Big I, ck. (j 18*58.
Pioposais will he received at the Commission
er-' i.-tfice iti Bedford from this until the 31 day
of July n- xt, for lh<* erection ola new Bridge
over Bobb'a creek at Ilenrv Ikes, in St. Clair
TOM n-bip, to be constructed on the same plan as
the present bridge CYC- pi that the can Age way
: is to be twelve instead of fourteen feet wide. !
By order cd the Comniissioners.
Conm is-i itiet'.s ollice, / 11. Nicodemns, ('lnk.
J uti" 1 sth 1858. j
i FX Ferrous .YOTICF.
NO IICE is hereby given that letters Testa
meritary have been granted by the Register of
Bedf rd County, to the subscribers, on the last
Will and Testament of John VYertz, late of
('umbeilan l Valley, Bedford County, di-c'd
all persons indebted to Said Estate are reques
' ted to make immediate payment, and those hav
• ing claims on Said Estate will please present
them properly authenticated for settlement.
June 18, 1858. Henry VVerlz, (
John J. W - rtz, \ Executors.
'l iie co partner-hip lieretofore existing, under
i tie firm of Abraham Keagy, senior, and John Bum
baugh, wa-tlissolvt-d on tliefiist day of April, hist,
j t'V mutual eou-e: t. The Books aie in the hands ot
the -nh-riiher, for -i ttlement. All persons indebt
ed to the fiim will plea-e make pal merit, and those
having claim- against said firm will please present
llicin vi ithuiit delay.
Wood berry, June 11, 1858.
(A V. Mitil.ilh.UttiMi! ft
V'C J | \\>, (, commenced t Imy.
; busine-s ol Stioemending, one door ea-t of Mr.
! Brice's Hotel, Bedford, Pa., I am prepared to do all
| manner of' work in this line of business at the short
| est notice, and in the most snb-tantial manner, on
; more reasonable rate- than usual, on. iii /itpen
,-üble. Give me a call, try tnyuoik and judge for
"June 11 ,'SB. J. B. BAKES.
THE UNDERSIGNED would respectfully
inform the travelling public, that be established
a daily line of stages between Bedford and Latrobe.
The route i- that of the old Philadelphia Turnpike,
leading from Philadelphia to Pittsburg, being one of
the best coach roads in the Union.
Passengers will RFHCII
trains of cars for 1 ittsLurg as early / ~?.( ~j-y
as by going to I 1011-day-burg oi-i-—:_l
Johnstown. The fare to Pittsburg on this route
is l-'onr Vol hi, s nml Tvtnty Cents being
than on any other route from Bedford to that point.
Coaches leave the Wa.-hingtan Ho'cl. Bedford, eve
ry rooming, at o'^o'clock, (Sundays excepted) and
j the Depot at Latrobe every morning, after the arri
i 13J oCfh'e mat! train from Pittsburg, (Sundays ex
! cepted. JOSLPH A. GAP MAN.
i February, 12, IS.'S-tf.
Alleglicuj Male and Female Seminary,
Tin* summer'term will open Aug. stb. Fall
term. Oct. 2lsd, ISSN, and M inter term, Jan.
ISt ii. Spring term, April sth, 1859.
Gl/"Ciiculars with full particulars may be had of
W. W. BRIM, A. 11., Principal.
N. B. Students coming to this institution wilt b"
. conveyed freeoi' charge from Bedford, on the )th
August. t>y addressing a letter to Mr. Sainu-1 Wil
liams, ot Itainsburg.
Rain-burg, Bedford co., June 4, '57-ly.
Physician for Diseases of the LUidCrS,
.hit/tor <>J "Letters to Invalids
Editor of the "Medical Stethoscope," . c tc.,
TUESDAY, JUNE 291h, 1858.
One PAV 03)!y
Dr. "Harduran treats Consumption, Bronchitis.
Asthma, Laryngitis, and all diseases ol the throat j
and Inn-s, by Medicated Inhalations lately used in
the liromton Ho-pifal, Loudon. The great point in ,
the treatment ol .ill human maladies, is to get at the
direct manner. All medicines are estimated by;
their action upon the organ requiring relief. 'Flu
is the important fact upon which Inhalation i- bas
ed. Iti he stomach is diseased up take medicines;
; directly into the stomach. If the lungs are disea-- '
i'l, breathe or inhale medicated vapor.- directly>
the lungs. .Medicines are the antidotes to disease j
and should be applied to the very seat of the disease. :
Inhalation is the application of this principle to the
treatment of the lungs, for it gives us direct access
to those intricate air cells and tube- which lie out of
reach ol every otbei means ol' adrnini-tei ing nn-di
i nc.-. Inhalation bring- th" medicine indirect eon
tact with the disease, without the disadvantage of
any v.olent action. Its application is -o simple,
that it can be employed by the youngest itiianl or !
I feeblest invalid, ll does not derange the stomach,
; comfort oi business of the patient.
Other Di.c.iuis Tiii.atko. — In relation to THE 10l- ,
lowing disea-e-, either wher. complicated with Lung
alfeetions or existing alone, 1 al o invite consulta
tion. I usually find them jirom/'l.' y curable.
Paplapus and .. 11 other forms 01 female complaints, j
Irregularities arid Weakne-S.
Palpitation and all other forms oi Hfart Disease-. |
: Liver Complaint-, Dyspepsia, and ail other diseases
j of the Stomach ami Bowels, Piles, fee. Ac.
All diseases o; the eye and ear. Neuralgia, F.pi- .
lep-y. and al! forms of nervous disease.
.Vo charge Jor consultation.
June I, 1858.
BLRS* Ag'EU a s
Wmiid iespt'cHiillv atitrounre to the jmblic
!of B 'dfird attci vicinity that she Ins just t.-e'd.
;i lurg'- and well-assorted supply of
M IS 3 5
bracing a
} general assort
ment ol staple and
fancy articles, comprising
in pait, Superb iliai k and
Fancy Silks, Robe A'Qmlla, or
Side Stripes, Liwn Roln-s, Frenc Ii D't
cals, Riiag'-P, !":.-snt>3 and Muslin DeLiines,
| Lawns and Gingiiatns, White and Punted
Funch Brilliants, Plain and einb'd. Su i-s
Muslins, Hosiery and corsets, ail sizes lor
Ladies, Buttons, Braids and cords,
Collars, Sleeves, Edgings and
Insetting : a full supply
of Mourning Goods;
Silk Parasols ;
best Kid
jail colors, Ghallics, Alpacas, ('alitors, Muslitrs, i
- Elan nels, Tickings, Sttnimer Coatings, Tweeds,-
J. arts, Linen and a general assortment of Boys'
Wear: a large lot of Shoes and Gaiters, Moroc
• cos, Linings and Binding-, together with a gene
ral assortment o( Gtocei its, Paints, Oils and
N. B. Hardware al cost fur cash, or six
months credit to punctual customers—embra
'• cing ahnort every article in the hardw are line. ]
| April 3(L, Gm. ;
GEO. B. A MICK, surviving partner of tli
| late fit ii. of Geo. B. Amick Bro., notifies all
interested, that the Books ol said firm are j
in his hands tor ,-ettiement, ant) that circumstances
5 demand an immediate closing up of the business of
| said firm. Persons indebted, or having settlements
j to make, are therefore requested to call on the -üb
; seriber without delay.
i The subscriber will continue the Mercantile
I Business at the •'OLD SI AND," where tie will be
happy to meet his friends and customers at all times.
; He will receive in a very short time a new supply
jot seasonable goods, which he is determined to sell
on the most terms.
! St. Clair-ville, June 11,'58. GFO. B. AMICK.
i _
Executor's Notice.
Letteis le-tamenlary on the last Will ar.d Testa
ment oi John late of Bedford borough, dee'd,
having been granted lo the b-eriber residing in
j said borough, notice is then-tore given toall per
sons indebted to th-.'e-tate ot s.inl dee'd, lo make
J immediate payment, and !ho-e having claims will
• piescnt thein lorthv. ,th pioperly authenticated for
i settlement. JOSEPH CLAAR,
; June 11, 58. Executor.
Bedford Mineral Spiings Company.
Notice is hereby given to the stockholders
juf said Company (hit the annua! election of
President and Directorsof said Company will
be In 11 at the Bedford Springs,on the first Mon
; day, (filth dm ) of'Julv, proximo.
June 1 1th, 1858.
just received
; 1 Hi. undersigned having just returned from the eas
i tern cities, are now opening a splendid assortment
j ol Spring and Summer goods, consisting in part of
; Black and Fancy Silks, Mous. Detains, plain and
j figt red Alpaccas, Lawns, Calicoes, Challies, Deba- i
: ges, etc.,etc.
| Cassimeres, Summer Coatings Tweeds, Jeans,
Linen, and a general assortment of boys' wear,
j A large assortment of Boots, Shoes, Hats, Ca'ps,
Trunks, Carpet Sacks, Cotton and Carpel'
Chain, Muslins. Flannels, V estings, Hand
kerchiefs, Coffee, Sugar, Syrup, Green
and Black leas, Queensware, Hard-
Mare, Buckets, Tubs, Brooms Look
ing Glasses, Umbr'elltis,
iand every tiling that isgenerally kept in coun
try stores—all which they will sell cheap.
A;i kinds ol country produce taken in ex
) change for goods.
I ) punctual customers a credit ofs x months
| vi til be given.
Apt 23, 1858.
AIS kinds of goods sold at REED N. MIN
NTCH'S for Cash or Produce.
Jo ii.y no nd/; r,
GUNSMITH, Bedford, Pa.
Shop al the east end of the town, one door west
of the residence of Major Wa-habaugh.
All guns oI my own manufacture warranted.
May •21, , 58—1 v.
j j- J J- J- jj-f
Siivcr lavigoiofus'.
Is our of the test purgative and hrrr medicines now
helore the public, that acts as a Cathuilir, easier,
milder. and rno'e effectual than any other medicine
known. It is not only a Cathaitic, but a Liver re
medy. acting first on the Liver to eject its morbid
matter, then on the stomach and bowels to carry otf
that matter, thus accomplishing two purposes effect
ually, without any of the painful feelings exper
enc d in the operations of mo-t Cathartics. it
strengthens the system at the same time that it
pun; ?.', it; and when taken daily in moderate doses,
will sticuthen and build it up with unusual rapid
"1 be Ltvui! isone of the principal tegulators of
the human body; and • when it performs its
functions well,the pow- (Mj ersofthe system are ful
ly developed. The stom- ~ ach is a] mo-t entirely de on the healthy action of the Liver for
the proper performance - of its functions; when
the stomach isat fault, "■ the bowels are at fault,
and the whole system suffers in consequence
of on<> —the hirer —having ceased 'o do
its duty. For the dis- eases of that organ, one
ol the pn j rietors has made "it his study, in a
practice of more than " twenty years, to find
some remedy where- with to counteract the
many derangements to which it is liable.
T*> prove that this re- medy is at last found,
any person troubled with Liver Complaint, in any
o! ii-!mms. has but to a bottle, and conviction
is certain. ,
l'he-e Gums remove all moibid or bad matter
from thesyst.-in, supply- ing in their place a heat
hy lloiv oi bile, iisvig- ..a orating the stomach, cau
sing tool to digest well, purifying the blood, giv
ing tone and health to the whole machinery,
removing lhe cause oi 'jp the disease—effecting a
radical cure.
0•• 11 ions attacks aie cured, and what is bet
ter, prevented, by tin occasional use of the
Liver Invigorator.
On tic s i alter eating -# is sulicient to relieve the
stomach and prevent the food fiotri rising and
souring. t-s
On!} one dose taken s— at night, loosens the
bowels gently.and cures'**; Co. is vent
One dose taken after each meal will cure Dys
epsia. CU One tlo-e o: *J> two teaspoonfuils will
always relieve Sick Headache.
One bottle taken lor, fe male obstruction, re
moves the cause of the disease and makes a per
fect cure. Only one dose immediately relieves
Cbolic while one dose " often repeated is a sure
cure for" Cholera .Morbus S. alldapi e v en ti v eoi'
one bottle is needed to throw nut of the
system the efforts of medicine after a long sickness.
One bottle taken lor Jaundice removes all sallowness
or unnatural color from the skin.
One do-i taken a short time before eating gives
\ ign- to the appetite, and makes food digest well.—
One dose often repealed cures, Chronic Diarrhoea, in
ii- worst forms, while Summer and Rowel com
plaints yield almost to the first dose. One or two
doses cures attacks caused by Worms in Children;
there is nosurer, safei.oi -peedier remedy in the
wothl, as it ru ver fails.
CC7~A few bottles cures Dropsy, by exciting the
We take pleasure in recommending this medicine
as a pieventive for Fever and Ague, Chill Fever and
all Fevers of a Riihous Type. It operates with cer
tainty, and thousands are willing to testify to its
wonderful virtues. All who use it are giving their
unanimous testimony in its favor.
F7"Mi\ tr. i-. i HK MOUTH vrrru THE ISVJGOR
ATO::, and swallow both together.
ly a ififiiii/ir medical discovery, ami is daily working
cuiee. almost too great to > lieve. It cures as if by
magic, even the first do-e gTvirig benefit, and seldom
more than one bottle is required to cure any kind of
Liver Complaint, from the worst Jaundice or Dys
pepsia to a common Headache, ail of which are the
result oi a Diseased Liver.
DR. SANFOKI), l'roprietor -*!-! Broadway, N. V.
For sale at the Drug Store of Dr. U F Harry, Red
itu J, iti.
May 11, 18.19. j
Talk of beauty, and it cannot exist without a fine
bead ol Lair, then read the following, and il you ask j
more, see circular around each bottle, and no one
can doubt. j
Professor Wool's llnir Restorative.— XV e
call the attention ot all, old and young, to this won
derful preparation, which turns back to its original
color, gray ha;r—covers the head ot the bald with a
Tiixui lant grow th—removes the dandruff, itching,and j
all cutaneous eioptions —causes a centinual flow of
the natuial fluids; and hence, if used as a regular j
dres-ing for the tinir w ill preserve its color, and keep
it |■ urn tailing to extreme old age, in all its natural
heaotv. We ra'l then upon the bald, the grey, oi
diseased in scalp, to u-e it; and surely the young will
r.ot, as they value the flow ing locks, or the witching
curl, ever be without it. Its praise is upon thetongue
of thousands.
The Agent for Prof- Wood's llair Restorative in
New Haven, received the following letter in regard
to the Restorative, a few weeks since:
DEEP RIVER, COS., July 2 >, I*>s9.
Mr. Levenworth—Sir: 1 have been troubled with
dandruff or scurf on my head for more than a year,
my hair began to come out, scurl and hair together,
I saw in a New Haven paper about "Wood's Hair
Restorative" as a cure. I called at your store on the
Ist ol April last, and purchased one bottle to try it.
and 1 found to my satisfaction it was the thing, it re
moved the scuil and new hair began lo grow; it is
now two or three inches in length where it was all
otf. 1 have great faith in it. 1 wish you to send me
two bottles more by Mr. Post, the bearer of this.—
I don't know as any ol the kind is used in tins
place, vou may have a market lor many bottles alter
it is known here. Yours with ;espect,
PHILA., Sept., 9, I S- >7 .
Prof. Wood—Dear Sir: Your Hair Restorative is
pioving itself beneficial to ine. Ihe trout, and also
the back part of my head almost lost its covering in
tact had. I have used but two hall pint bottles ot
your Restorative,and now the top ol my head is well
studded with a promising crop of young hair, and the
front is a!-o receiving its benefit. I have tried other
preparations without any benefit whatever. 1 think
from my own personal recommendation 1 can induce
ninny others to try it.
Yours respectfully, D. IL 1 HOMAS, .1.1..
No. K3I Vine street.
VIXCRMSKS, JAM June 22, 1836.
Prof. O. J. Wood: As you are about to manufact
ure and vend your recently discovered Hair Restora
tive, 1 will state, for whomsoever it may concern,
that I have used it and known others to use it that
I have, for several years, been in the habit oi using,
other llair Restoratives, and that I find yours \as>.y
superior to any other 1 know, it entirely cleanses
the head of dandruff, and with one month s pioper
use will restore any person's hair to the original
youthful color and texture, giving it a healthy, soil
arid glossy appearance; and all this, without discolor
ing the hands that apply it, or the dress oil which
it drops, 1 would, therefore, recommend its use to
every one desirous of having a line color and texture
""*• KISG .
(J.J. WOOD & Co., 212 Broadway. New York,
(in the L-reat New York Wire Railing Estublisir.eiit. i
and 111 Market street, St. Louis, M-.
And sold by all Druggists.
For sale at the Drug Store of Dr. B F Harry, bed
ford, Pa.
May 11. 1838-
BY virtue of an alias writ of vend, exponas to
me directed, there will be exposed to public sale,
at the Court House, in the boiotigh ol Bediont, oi
Saturday, the 20th day Of Jifne, A. P. ts.-.s, one
o'clock, P. M., the following property, to wit:
One Irart of land containing 170 acres, more
! or less, abotil !00 acres ch a red and under fence,
with a two story log house u itU kitchen attach
ed, and log barn thereon erected —also an apple
orchard thereon, adjoining lands of James Clark
on the south-east, and the Juniata river on the
north and west, situate in Liberty township,
Bedford county.
Seized and taken in execution as the proper
ty of Jacob Snyder, and to be sold for CAMI.
Sheriff's Office, ( WM. S. FLUKE,
Bedford, May 29.'58. j Sheriff.
51 iA T
New and Cheap
CI oth ing E m poriu m.
THE undersigned would respectfully inform the
citizens of Bedford, and surrounding country, that he
j has opened out in Bedford, at the old and well known
] stand, known as the
an extensive Clothing Establishment, where he will
always be found with a large and well selected stock
!of gentlemen,and boys' clothing. From his loi.gex
penence in the business, he flatters himself that he
cannot be surpassed, either in his facilities for pur
chasing clothing at a low figure, or of selling them
ower than any other store within 110 miles of this
Not wishing to enumerate the many-different arti
cles o: clothing on hand he would inertly state, that
in part, his stock consists of coats ranging iiorn 73
cents, to SIS, pants fiom 10 cents, to $lO, vests
from 57?. ct-, to 80. Also, shirt;, collars, cravats,
trunks, carpet racks, fsc., ike.
All persons wishing to purchase clothing or any
tilling else in my line, will never regret ot calling
at Leopolds No i., cheap clothing Emporium, where
you can get cheap and unheard of bargains—Come
one. come all.
May 14, 1858. A. LEOPOLD.
LETTERS ol administration having h-u-n gran
ted by the Register of Bedford county, to the under
signed, upon the estate of Jacob lb ItZ'l, late of
Bedford township, tiee'd—all per-ous therefore know -
ing themselves indebted to said estate are requested
to make immediate payment, and those having
claims against it will present them duly authentica
ted for settlement.
June I, 1858-nt*.
LETTERS Testamentary having been granted
by the Register of Bedford, county, to ihe undersign
ed Executors of the In-t Will and Te. tamer! of Ja
cob T. Amick, late of St. Ciairsville, in said county,
dee'd—all persons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate are requested to make immediate pay
ment, and those having claims against it will present
them properly authenticated for settlement.
MARY ANN AMICK, Executrix,
St. Clairsviile.
GEORGE R. OSTER, Executor.
June I, 185S—6t. Bedford.
War wish lAajiSams.
TH E rep-ated insui<s offered to the American
flail by British cruisers have caused a very jus!
irritation on tnis side of the water, and should
"Ancient John" not cave in we should not be
surprised if it led to hostile manifestati -ns.—
Meanwhile Osier, Man speaker £r Corn, succes
sors of Ritpp 4" Osier, are receiving an addi
tional supply of NEW COCD3, which tin \
will continue to sell CHEAPER than ever, in
their new and handsomely' fitted up room n -
ctntly occupied by Rupp N. O-ter.
New Store, No. 1, Cheap Side.
Bedford, May '2S, 1858.
Keep It Before the l*copSe!
The largest assortment of D. Rodney King 4.
(Ai's Philadelphia Trade,
Ladies, Misses, and Children's fine hoots, shoes,
gaiters, English buskins, ties and slippers, to ;
be found in Bedford, especial! t/ adapted for rc- j
t" Ring , being made in (lie most substantial man- j
ner, and warranted lo fit—bought direct from
the manufacturer for net cash, and soJd at a
small advance bv
New Store, No. J, Cheap Side.
Bedford, May 28, 1828.
LETTERS of administration having been
granted by the Register ot Bedford County to
the undersigned, upon the Estate of Eliza- j
beth Stiffl-r, late of Napier township, ileceas- |
ed—all persons knowing themselves indebt
ed to said estate are requested to come Par- j
ward and make immediate payment, and those
having claims against the Estate will present j
them proudly authenticated for settlement.
May 21, 1853. Administrator. !
BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court
of Bedford county, the subscriber will sell at
public sale on tlie premises, on
Saturday the 2f>/A day oj June, next,
the following real estate, late the property of
Jacob Ilitchew, dee'd, viz:
A tract of land situate in Napier township,
Bedford county, adjoining lands of Henry
Wonders, Peter Heiner, Amos McCreary, John
Shaffer and others, containing forty-five acres,
between fifteen and twenty acres of which are
cleared and under fence, anil having thereon
erected a Iwo-s'orv log DWELLING HOUSE,
stable with threshing floor, and spring house
and there is also, a good spring near the dwel
ling. There is a fine promising voting or
chard on the place just beginning to bear.—
May 2N, ISSB. Administrator.
Alias Subptt'na on Libel for Divorce.
Ateinda W Smith > N'o 23, August Term, ls"'S, in
vs > the Common Pleas of Bed ford i
William Smith. \ County.
Notice is hereby given to the defendant in
the above case that a subpoena and alias subpo'-
na on libel for divorce have been issued, lb- last
of which said writs is returnable 30th August,
1858, and that the said defendant is required to
appeal on or before said day and answer the
complaint of tlie plaintiff as provided for by act
ot Assembly. WM. S. FLUKE,
Jjne 11, 185 S. Sheriff.
NOTICE is hereby given that Lifers of
administration have been granted to the undersign
ed by the Register of Bedford county, upon the es
tate of John I.utz, late of Snake Spring town
ship, deceased—all persons, therefore, indebted to
-aid estate will please make immediate nay tnent, and
those having claims against it will present them
dulv authenticated for settlement.
MicMAKi. irrtrz,
May 21, 185 s - Adm'r.
| ti K 1) f O R I)
iH ss ciii 11 v & h s> S
111' subscriber would mo*t i c-pectl oily announce
I l<> the farming community, and public in gerter
al. that be still root trues to manufacture at his shop,
in Bedford, Pa., the following farming utensils, of
the very best material, and in the most workman
like rnai i er, viz:
; with large open cylinders, six staves, and spikes
screwed in, and improved Stiaw Shakers attached.
! Their superiors for strength and speed are not made
j in this or any other county in the Slate.
Four Horse Tumbling Shaft and Straji Power Ma
chine with cylinder open or shut, as may he desired
i and shaker ol the best kind, for convenience, ease ot
i draft, and perfect working-. 'J'his machine has no
j superior anywhere.
j THREE HORSE MACHINES, ol the same kind—
ROW ER MACHINES, a very convenient ami excel
lent machine for small fatmers, with or without sha-
Ums. HILL SIDE PLOI GUS,<>[ a very
supcnor pattern to any in use in this country
' Single art! Double Shovel Plough*., with, steel shovels.
! Peckham's New York FIVE-HOED STEEL POl.Vi
TOR, for working coin, or seeding in grain,. Fanning
j Mills, Horse Rakes, Lever Cutting Boxes, Harrows,
i Wheelbarrows, made to order. All the above arti
■ cles constantly on hand, and sold on reasonable
! term?.
! Repaiting of all kinds of Machines, whether
made h-re or_e!-ew here, done on the shortest notice.
Castings for all my Machines and Ploughs
j made at the Foundry of Mr. Michael Bannan, in
! Bedford, and will compare with any made in the
State for strength and durability. BLAUKSMtTIi
j ING done to older. Ail my work warranted to give
I satisfaction.
From a past experience of twenty yeags in the
Machine l u-iness, J fee! confident that I can gun
entire satisfaction to all who may favor me with a
call, t'ali and examine my work before you pur
; chase elsewhere, as 1 am determined to please alt.
Horses, grain of all kinds, lumber and iron, will
1 be taken in exchange far work.
Bedford, M.iy 21, Jv"S~Cm. MacliinistJ
Kfr OT
tkVij Cf, %_dj v W i>AK
The undersigned respeclfully announce to their
friends and customers, that they have just opened a
very la rye and general assortment ot'
1 consisting, in part, a< follows:
COLLARS, 110 lERY, KC.. NC. .
Cloths, Ca-simeres, Testings,
Muslins, Drillings, Ticking',
Ivy. Jeans, Linens, Sheetings,
Cottonades, flannels, Cassinetts,
i Nankeens, Cambrics, Checks,
White and Colored Chain, Floor Oil Cloths, Matti'.g,
Hoots w KEcotss, I2ass & Cagis,
Also, a large stock of fashionable READY MALE
Also, a full stock of Groceries, Wooden Ware, Xc
1 lux it selected our goods with great care, we are
Ci.abt-.'d to oiler our customers VERY GREAT BAR
GAINS tor ca-li, country produce, or on six months
credit to punctual dealers. An examit aticn of our
1 stock is respectfully solicited.
Apr. 30.
Since the Charter I.a- neon granted ior the "Bed
fold Rail Road," the citizens oi Bedford have been
much excited and interested upon the subject, this
interest is not confined to the citizens of the town,
but extends throughout the country, and crowds ate
aily rushing to
m tf 3P> •"
where a large and attractive assortment of beautiful
Spring and Summer goods are opening, which will be
sold cheaper than ever offered before in this place.
The Stock consists in part oi
Organdie Lawns, White Si Printed
li.tnts, Robes tie Shaum, Barage tie
I. lines. Robes A' Quilla, Lavellas
Ohallies, Pi am Ni Figured
S"w iss, Latest Style
Lawn Robes for
$ 1 ft 0,
Mohair Mixture for IS, per yard.
!to Laines of al! dtsctiptions from G cts to
2f) per yard.
Lawns ol various styles lor 6 cis pre yard-.
An extensive assortment of beautiful prints
ranging: from I cts to 12J, per yard.
A large assortment of Ladies &, Misses, gloves,
& hosiery from the low figure of Gets up.
Pure linen hdhds. for 5 cts and a full and
complete assortment 0/ ladies dress goods gener
A large and well selected assortment of cloths,
cassimer e s and vestings." Consisting in part ot
Black French R English Cloths.
Blue do do do.
Olive do do do.
Black Cassrmere.
Black Doe Skin.
Fancy French X. American Cassimer.-s,
Grenadines Plain- & Figured.
Racizemire do th>.
Velvets do do.
And a great variety oi Marseilles vesiings.
Fancy Silk X Lawn Neck Ties from to 021
A complete assortment of Ladies & Misses boots,
shoes & gaiters, also a large stock of mens boots fk
Brown Sugar for IJJ ots per pound.
Do do First rate S " "
Do do Extra ■' 10 " "
White S igai' " 12j, 1 t, it to,
First Kate RieC'oflee, 121 per pound
F.xfra do do t5 *•' "
No 1 Java do to " "
Best N. O. Molasses •' quart,
(food Syrup do 12 J " "
Extra do do lbj " "
All of which will be sold rhcaper than the cheap
est. Don't forget to call at REPP'S NEW STORK IN
ANDERSON'S ROW, one door ea>! of Cessna and
N Shai .-.oil's olßoe, an [ opposite the Gazette Office.
G. W. RUI'P.
April 30, ISS-.
Bazim's fancy Toilet Snaps, Shaving Creams
X-'. jtisi received and for sale at J)r. Harry's
Drug Store.