The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, May 07, 1858, Image 4

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Booksellers and Stationers, and dealers in Music
and Musical Instruments, Clismbersburg.
Our Stork consists of Books, Stationery, Mu
sic, Musical Instruments, W all Pap' r. Blinds.
French, German, and American Lithographs,
and Steel Engravings, gilt Mouldings for
Frames, etc. etc., wholesale and ri tail. Dr. B.
F. Harry is our agent for Bedford, and ail or
ders given him will be promptly attended to.
March 6.
Which is a purely vrgttohle Prejwc itioii, for the pu
rifying ofblood, yivns to the Liver, stmnaeh
at 1 bowels, nti'l expelling Iron; the system all mor
bid matter, arid substituting in its steail a healthful
activity through ail the !..: tious of life.
In the fall of 15.3-I a daughter of Mr. I.indsey was
suffering from a malignant ..r:of Cancrnm Oris
(Canker of the mouth.) She had previously been
prostrated by the attack? of llysentary, liifiairafion
ofthe lungs and Hectic Fever, successively, which
resulted in the above named disease in its worst
form. Her condition was most deplorable—her n.outh
nrid cheek were literally rotten—the attending phy
•ician pronounced the ca-e a< one. ' \ ery
thing indicated a speedy ar.d horrible death—the
death of totting out ot lite ! AT this critical junc
ture Mr. Liridsey prepared a compound for toe pur
pose Ol alleviating, possible, the pains of the little
ruflerer. Bho made to Use it lieely, and in a
short time to his most '.r ; ghtful a>;onishment, it -re
was a very perceptible < ban;. ■ for ibe better. ''t he
rr.O'.itb began to put on a lir.giit and healthy appeat
cnce—the foul breath t'ecani" sweet—the appetite
was restored, and the child seemed to partake of a
new and fresh life.
fiope in-pi-ed, and the it"' cf the compound''
was laitliliiiiy continued, the result of which, with
the blessing oi God. was h*r omplete restoration.—
She is now perfectly healthy: From this circum
stance, Mr. Lindsey wasted to prepare with greater
care and exactness, what bad so a touishinglv cured
o is child,at.d continued his experimental eftbits un
til he succeeded in bringing to perfection his
Great llt tut 't/ fur Wood Impnnty — rice w!. ch time
its effects have been almost miraculous. Hundreds
upon hundreds, by it. have been Matched from an
untimely gtave and restored to the sweets of iiealth
ru.d the end-arn.ent of friends. The joting and obi
have tested ,t. savttig powers an. - ng a'ctl I its vit -
tiies. bay they—''alter using Lindsey'- Imptoved
Liood bearcher, we felt a- if a l ew life was stirring
our veins, and under God we owe to il more than
Words can express."
Hut hear from their own lips and Iben judge of its
valuable effects. The few testimonials that follow
• l.ow that it is deservedly -ty led the (Jrratrst Discov
•ry ef this or any other age.
Hollidaysburg, Blair county, Fa.
CER TlEiCjl TEs!
Patfonsville, Bedford co., Pa., Oct. 14, '57. i
Mr. J. M. I* i Misty.
Dear Bir:—! was severely afflicted with rheuma
tism tor a whole year—nine months of which time I
wasnot able to leave my bed—when hearing ofthe
wonderful effects of your Improved Blood Searcher,
J determined to procure some it and give it a fair ! ti- ,
al. After using three bottles 1 was able to walk a-!
round again as usual, and am now wholly cured. I 1
can recommend it to all who are similarly afflicted,
and believe it is all it claims to lie.
Yours, truly, JOHN SHAFFER, j
BARBER'S ITCH, cured by the of Lindsey's I
Blood So-archer. I, the undersigned, sometime in j
last March was severely afflicted w itli w hat was pro- !
Bounced by my physicians to be a certain kind of'let- !
Ter and Barber's Itch. My condition was one of the :
greatest misery; my fare was almost constantly run- ;
tdngwith the foul corruption that escaped from the ;
tubercles, by which it was almost completely cover- i
ed. Alter being under the care of my physicians for .
near two month-, without the least benetit, i wa- in
duced to make a trial ot Lindsey's Blood Searcher, j
nr.d the result wa- that in using one bottle and a half"
) found n perfect cor.:, J n. a} . nj lhM I I r
tried whatever was recommended as a cure.—
{such was my wretchedne-s that I even resorted to
the dutigetous experiment of* pouring pure Creosote
on my face and neck, but all to no purpose—the
Blood Searcher was the first and onlv thing that did
me any good. As <i blood ; tiri tier it is unequalled; ic
1 have great Teason to be grateful that I ever made a
trial of its healing virtues, and I conf. i. titly recom
mend it to any who may suffet from Tetter, or any
other disease arising trom an impure state of the
blood. " JOHN DLLEjiFNT.
Hollidaysburg, Pa.. July 29 15.77.
LA cured by one bottle of Lindsey's Blood Searcher.
• —This certifies that about one year ago our little
eon aged four year-, was most sorely afflicted with
what the physicians pronounced to be a .-croiuia.
and was treated accordingly for nearly a year, but
without the slightest benefit. His eyes were running
a thin mattery humor aimost constantly; w huh would
rncrust his eye- beyond the power ol opening them
nntil they were washed and cleaned by soap and wa
ter. About the same time an abscess formed just
below the groin, which in due time broke and com
menced a discharge, which was found itnpn-sibie to
dry up or heal—the bed would lie very much stained
and the clothing of the child perfectly sickening in
a single nights time. A;'-; ir- :g the attention-oi a
physician long a time, and finding the child to
begetting worse, we determined to try the effects ol
Mr. Lmd-eyL Blood Sjearrher. This was in last
March—and before two weeks iiad passed awav the
change was manifest, ar.d 1 am happy to say that in
the use of a SINGLE EO'l ILF. our liitle boy has
been perfectly restored to health. We canno* speak
too highly of this invaluable medicine. It should be
in every family—none should be without it. Asa pu
rifier of bioodit i- beyond all pr -e !
Hollidaysburg, Pa.. .Tidy 29, E-"7.
H ilalay-burg. Pa. March 19'h, 11,-,7.
DR. J. M. LIM SKY, — Hear Sir: I have been U-mg
your Improved Blood Seatcher since vorpe time !a-t
summer, and I deem it to be an attet ol duty tobear
my te-t-mony to its iavign-aliag htotfl re parative
virtue*. J have bet ri for a number of years severe
ly troubled erv'•/. ntft several dehihty, ' ut since
1 put myself under the influence of your Improved
Blood Searcher. I A d a vry decided iropr vvment,
Indeed, try acquaintances fr quen'lv rerr-aik, that I
look so "tat and hearty;-" and 1 know ot i o other
cause than the use ol jour Improve.) Blood Searcher.
Judging from my own e.xperii- re. i beliei. t. this
isoiieol the most valuable medic me* that woman
ran use, especially those who are or have entered
upon the decline of life (from til to 50 years of age).
I feel that ;t would have been above ingratitude on
my my part to have withheld tn.s te-r;i::ony. and in
thus consenting to appear a-a witness b-'.ore the
public. 1 have been actuated sol-iy with reference
to the voice of cons,-icriue and dutv. You are
a: liberty to make whateverJuse you m . dee o pro
per of this stateni'nt. Your-, rep. 'M-div.
eey's Improved Blood-Searrher ii/air Cti mtv, **.
Personally appeared before me, one or" t: •• Ju-nces
of the Peace, in and for Blair count v, George Kopp,
who, being duly sworn according to law,doth depose
and vay: Two years ago I wa- ali' cted with pain
between the-houlders. auno-t 1 :t cough, los
of appetite, rhills, nightsweat-, :o -I uiy subject To
take colds; I, at length, became so weal; that i could
hardly walk; my done rne no good. Some
time last full, 1 commenced 'aking i.ii Eev's :in
pioved blood-searcher, and bv the i -e of two lot:;.•.
was perfectly cured. 1 fei t. to recornnu . !1! lo all
who suffer ftom Liver diseh-i s. r.erai debit.' v,
of appetite, and other diseu-es -.ri-iog from impuritv
ofthe blood, i would not like to do without .t.—
1 consider it an excellent family medicine.
(Sisiwi) GF.orge KOPP.
Sworn end m:!)<-<• ribed this I.7th dav of March, A.
I). If>s7, before trie, J, GORI.F.Y. J. I'.
Note.—Mr. Kopp is n resident of FranksTownj
rind is well known TO The citizens <>f Blair and Bed
ord counties as a mail o* excellent character and m
Dtiep*ia, entirely cured by the use of Lindsev's
♦'lmproved Blood-Scarcher."
Blair County, >j Personally appeared before me,
the subscriber, one of the Justices of the Peace, in
Mud county, John Moran, who, bong duly
j sworn according to law, do depose and say that !
in the spring of 185(5, I was a victim tothat worst of
; diseases—dysjiepsia, and that in its worst form. -My j
I app-tite 3< completely tone, and v.hen, in order to !
j preserve life, 1 would force myself to swallow a ;
i moothful of food, the stomach would lmmediat ly :
loath it, and cB-t it forth with the spittle. 1 had
i also been suffering with the ague; < ach attack-lasting
about nine months out of the twelve, so that, with
the ague and dysjiepsia, 1 was reduced as J thought
beyond recovery; 1 thought 1 must die. my physician
j reidd do me no good. Such was my condition, w hen
| Mr. Lindsey supplied me with a bottle of his itr
i proved hlood-searcher. assuring nie it would work a
, cure. 1 commenced it- use tint with little confidence,
I lor, in one week's time—so great was its restoiu
■ tjve power.' —I found my appetite to return, my.
s'on oh receiv.'d new tone, so that I could eat j
anything without the slightest inconvenience, and j
h-ioie its heuimg touch the ague iled as from a !
jcliann; nor have I le-u troubled with ague or dvs i
, pep.ill since. ler ;,,y a better state of health than !
1 had done lor fifteen year, before; 1 am stiotig and
i fceatry, and I I eel confident that, under the blet sing
j of God, I owe all to the invaluable Improved blood- '
J Searcher. 1 believe it no! to lie onlv a sure remedy j
j for ague, but an infallible preventive, and, as suoby i
i would recommend it to all w hose business, hat its. o
j resiliences, expose them to thi- dreadful pe.t of l.u
: manity- Dyspepsia cannot slay where the Irnptov
jed Blood-Searcher is properly used, j feel it my du !
ty to point all who suffer, to this all-heal in; ir.edi 1
one. (signed.) JOHN MORAN, ;
Sworn and sub-ciibed this' 15th day ot March, A.
D. 1857, before R..E. JOHN Cox, ; I' j
FOU BAL F. by Dr. F. C. Reamer. Bedford, (5 B
l-'.mrick N Bro., St. Clairsville; B F lioin N: Brother !
Srhelisbur g; I. A l'yan. We-1 Fnd; I'.eigle (U Evan-, •
t\ainshore; John Boiiser, Bowser's Mill; Murray and '
f'-ro.. Bloody lion; Jacob Beard, Barn-dollar's Mill; 1
M. Kooniz, Willow Grove; I'iper at il Scott, r.itton--
ville; John l)aher, Hopewell; Samuel Oster, Noble's
; Mid-: G. i). Trout, A imp Bank; Simon Ilershman.
i po. Jno. V, isegarver. VVoodbeiry; David Beiglp, Wa
ler-stieet; Geo. D. Kaufman, Flitchville. [n0.20'57
Bedford I2OCT3 9
And General Stcge Office.
The subscriber respectfully begs leave to an"
r.ounce lo ins old friends and the public gorier"
w.\, t : iat lie has ieas"J the tied lord Hotel,
present in the occupancy of Col. Adam Barn 1
i bait, and u ill take possession on lite Ist day <■'
jApiil re xf. Il is not his design to make tnanv
■ proles.,mns as I ) what lie wiil do, but he pledges
;ts word 'hat his most, energetic efforts will be
employed to render comfortable all who give
. ."iitn a call, jhe House will be handsomely
lilted up, and none but careful and attentive
. servants will be engaged. Persons visiting the
j Bedford Springs, as welt as those attending
j Court, and the travelling community general
; ly. are respectfully invited to give him a call
I and judge for themselves.
i if Boarders taken by the week, month, or
i year, on favorable terms,
i V^Atriple and comfortable stabling is at
tached to this Hotel, which will always he at
tended by a careful hostler. Also, a "safe and
i convenient carriage house.
' the STAGES si op at this Hotel.
Match Iff, 1555.
MRS. COOK would announce lo her frieuds
and the public, that the Washington Hotel
j now lit led up in superior order for the accom- 1
; modation of guests, and she hopes to continue!
to receive a liberal share of custom. Persons!
I visiting the Mineral Springs will find in the I
I V\ ashington Hotel a comfortable summer re- i
! treat—and no pains will be spared to please all
j w ho patronize the house.
I T-E~A young gentleman of high qualification !
j and courteous deportment lias charge of the es
j tahlishment.
I -" The best of Stabling is attached to this
; Hotel. ;
u> "Terms as moderate as any other house in •
i the place. {
A,Daily Mail Stages from Alaquippa and |
Cutnberland —a is > tri-weekly Lines from Hoi- !
j iidayshurg and Pittsburg stop at this Hotel. '
Bedford, Aptii 27, 185(5.
i i
All persons int-rested, will take notice, that .
| the lollowing accountants have filed their ac
counts io the Register's office of Bedford coun
j tv, and that the same will be presented to the i
, Orphans' Comt lor confitn ation, on Friday
the 7th day of May next, at the Court House
! in Bedford.
The account of Adam Kettering, administra
tor of the Estate of John Teeter, late ol Moil- !
i roe Townhtp, d>w'd.
I iie net urn ot VV m. M. Hall, E>t]., adminis
tralor of the Estate of Amos Kalev, late of Lon
j dondery Township dee'd.
j The sttj p'eu.ental account of John Cessna
Esq., administrator ofthe Estate of Abraham
..'•[■arks, late of West Providence Township
j dec'iJ.
1 lie account of i homas Blackburn, Guardian j
of Elizabeth .Miller, formerly Elizabeth Griffith, >
j of St. Clair Township.
The account of John Blair Esq., administra-l
tor ol the ate of ,i ifiti flair, late of Cumber-I
land Valley Township dec',).
rile account oi J b Mann, surviving adnt'r
with the VV i'l annexed ot S. M. Barclay, Esq.,
fate ol Bedfo.d borough, deceased.
Register's Office, i S. 11. TATE,
April 9th 187 8. j R.gistpr. !
To the Coroner, the Justices of the Peace
(tv J Constat/.'V s m the th . rent Townships
tn the ( ounfy of lieu jor J, (Ir> tint;.
k NOW i E that n pursuance of a precept to
me directed, under it.- ! and and seal ofthe
Hon. {• RASCIS >j, KIJHHKLL, President ofthe
1 vera] Courts of CommAii Piea.-in the Sixteenth
District, consisting -d th ■ counties of Franklin,
i Bedford, Somerset and Fulton, and by virtue
; of his office ofthe ('curt of Oyer and Terminer
; and General Jail delivery !i>r the trial of capi
tal and other offenders therein and in the Gene
ral Court of Quarter Scs-lons of the Peace; and
Joiiv G. Hahtm y and A. J. S:;icar, Esqs.
, Judg.'.-of die -ante (four!, in the same County
} of if diord. \ on and t ach of you are hereby re
quired to . " and appt r in your proper persons
; with your .Records. Rec gnizances, Examina
tions. and other remembrances before the Judges
'; aforesni i. at Bedford, at a Court of Oyer and
i Termim r andCeireral Jail Delivery and Gene
; ml r Sessions of the Peace therein to he
i holden for the county of Bedford, aforesaid,
|on the !<t Monday of May, (being the 3rd
ffav.) at !0 o'clock in the forenoon of that dav,
, there and then to do those things to which yout
. several offices appertain.
( GIVEN under my hand at Bedford, on the
' i !'th day of April, in the vear of our Lord
Bazin's fancy Toilet Soups, Shaving Creams
Sec. just received and for sale at Dr. Harry's
Drug Store.
Rouaell's unrivalled Shaving Cream at Har
I). StordtT,
Clock Watch Hiker
Would respectfully announce to thcitizens
of Bedford, and the public in general that he
lias opened a Jewelry Store in the Buding re
cently occupied by 11. Nicbdermis, Es. marly
opposite tile Bedford Hotel, where l will be
pleased to see all in want ol articles u lu line.
He has on hand, and will < onstautly, kep, an
elegant assortment of JEWELRY, and Vill re
pair ("locks and Watches in the bert ttvl He
i.opes to receive a liberal share of patronje, as
he feels satisfied he can render satisfaction all i
who entrust him with their work. Hiftenns
will be moderate.
He has on hand Gold and Silver W.'cijf.s.
Silver Spoons, Thimbles, Butter Koivt Gold
and Silver Pens and Pencils, N.c. xc.
Api ii "27, 1855.
Hir ni wens sop;
TH rZ subscribers having formed a partntbip tin- j
iter the style 01" "Dock & Ashcoin" lor thfurpose '
of conducting a general
hii-mcss in the e-tahlishirierit recently ecfeit by
Giliiartl Dock, in Hopewell, Bedim i! count jure now
prepared to execute orders lor CASTAS A XI)
jMACIIIXEtIY of every description. ']ey will
build to order steam-engines, coal and 'ift-cars,
horse powers, and threshing machines— to, cast
ing of every kind for furnaces, forges, savmrDt and
rolling noils, ploughs, water-pipe, coluiis, house
fronts, brackets. Sec., &r.
They are aj-o. now making a fine assiment of
STOVES of various kinds of The latest pjterns and
most approved styles, including severa sizes of
COOK S! OVi> o: the hes; make, heatg stover
for churches, offices, bar-rooms, kr.
A lull as-orlment of Stoves will he kejieonstant
ly on hand, and sold at wholesale and re?!, at pri
ces to suit the times, and quality, warraled equil
to the best ea-tern make. Machinery <1 all kini j
repaired promptly. Patterns made to orer. j
October3o,lßs7. ('. W. ASCOM.
Notice is hereby given to the wjiow art! i
heirs of Benjamin Martin, late of Bedford Cour- .
ty, dee'd, and all persons interested, to apper
at an Orpliatr's Court to be field at fedfotd, b |
and for Bedford County, i n Mondav, the a
day of May, next, and show cause i| any the- j
have whv Gideon B. Martin, one of (lie E\- I
cutots ol said Benjamin Martin. def'd, diouJ :
not be discharged from his said Ofiice as Ixect- t
tor thereof.
Bedford, April 9lh, ISSB. Bv the Court, !
S. 11. TATE, Blerk |
LE I TERS of administration I a vine been
granted by the Register ol Bedford Coin'v to
the undersigned, upon the Estate of Josh :a
P; ice, late ol Cumberland \ alley Township,
deceased ; nll persons knowing themselves in
debted to said Estate are requested to come for
ward and make immediate payment, and those
having claims against the Estate will present
them properly authenticated tor settlement.
Cumberland Valley, j JOS. HEMMING,
April 9th, 1858. j Administrator.
—9O Acres of I. and,
part oi the irkrov Estate called 'Sugar Bottom,' in
St. Clair township.
the well known Tavern Stand and Store House in
plan of said town (id, met by l$l) feet, riow in tlVe oc
cupancy of VViliiam Pierson.
ICO acres of land in L'alias County, lowa.
320 acres of land in Montgomery County, lowa.
320 acres of land in Harrison County, lo'.ra.
120 acres in Morrison County, Minnesoti.
Lot ro snl block 53 in the city of Omaha, Netr 1 a
All near ilie Rail Roads and presenting good eppo.
tunilies for investments.
Bedford, Nov. 13, 1537.
An Invaluable Rook for 2.3 Cents, R!v
erv Faiuilv should have a Coiv.'
l()R T " K At-FLICKD,— j
J* containing anoutiinol the I
origin, pi ogress, raiment |
and cure ol every;or;ii o .
disease contracted bjiromns' |
cuoiissexual intercourse, by self-abuse, nrfr sex " j
ual excess, with advice for their prevenlia writ" J
ten ina style, avoiding all meiijl tee' -
localities, and every thing that would olb athe ear j
ol' decency.
TfKtimvvy of the Professor of Ohistrlrinl Pen.
College.. Piiilndeljivitt. —' IJK. ItUNTEUIMKI).
ICAL MANUAL.' —The author of this Krk, un
like the majority of tr.o-e who advertise tJire the
di-ea-e- ol which it treats, is a graduate * one of
the best Colleges in ihe United State-. a fiords
me plea-ure to recommend litm to tire unrtunate,
or to the victim of mal-piactire, as a suci-ful and
experienced practitioner, in whose honorjd integ
rity they may place the greatest confident
JesF.l'll Lo\(;siluli |m. P.
prom A. Woodu-'tr/JJ\l. J).. of Ptfiti irer*itr/,
P/ii/m/. —lt gives me pleasure to add my t tnoiiy to
the piole-sional ability of the Author of t "Mrdi
ral AT<iu naif —Numeious cases of Disr is of the
Genital Organs, some of them of long st.i ng, have
come under my notice, in which his sk iias been
manifest in restoring to perfect health, some in- ;
stances where the patient has been con ered he- j
yond medical aid. In the treatment I seminal '
weakness, or di-arrangemerit of the l'miciis produ- j
ced by Srlf-ab nxe, or ll.rr< ti of venery, taint know !
his superior in the profession. 1 have blaeqiiairi
ted with the author some thirty years,l deem it
no more than justice to him as well as Jrtdness to
the unfortunate victim of early indiscrel. to rec
ommend him as one, in whose prof-ssiol skill and
integrity they may safely confide themles.
Alvukii WoodwT. M. P.
One ropv, securely enveloped, will ■onvarded
free of postage to any part of the UnitEtates, lor
23 ceirs, or 'i copies for sl. C7"A'hiriCOSI)F.N |
iV CO.. Pahl -hers, llox 197, I'hiladelpl
CT7~Book-t-.lers, Canv a-sers and Boxlerits n-p- !
vltrd on th' most It!■■nil trim*. [ )t,'57-ly.] j
[CTNO TICMBUG.—II. 11. HUTZ l/elebrafed
Tetter Wash is the only -afe and sure fredy ever
discovered |.-r curing th"Tetter, Ring *n, and all
eruptions <•[ the skill. It is so infolli h temedy,
that a perfect cure in all cases of Tetl ts guaran
tied, if att-titiveiv applied, in ordit i cases one
bottle will be sufficient to perfect a cuj i In had ca
ses, with a 1 et:r ol long standing, rrj w ill he re
quired. I'rce 2.7 cents per buttle. l. t |e at L>r.
Reamer's Drug Store, Bedford, t'a. I
May 22, IS37—ly.
.VIS kiin's of g'joiis sold at RE) if MI.N-
NilCil'S, lor Gusli or Produce. ,
Bazinfsis. Lußin's Extract for : t Mandker
t'hiel, Cologne Water, &c. for sjt Dr. Har
ry's Drug Store.
I'l'CkJj Sopplv ol Groceriet'ollee, Su- !
gars, Syrup, best quality, Greintd Black,!
Teas, Best Pearl Starch, &c., kl tst receiv-'
THE UNDERSIGNED would respectfully
inform the travelling public, that he has established
n daily line of stages between Bedford and Latrobe.
The route i> that of the old Philadelphia Turnpike,
leading from Philadelphia to Pittsburg, being one of
the be-t coach roads in the Union. Passengers will
pass over the whole route by
Train* of cars for Pittsburg as eail v -A
as by going to Holliilayshurg a
•Johnstown. The fare to Pittsburg on this route
is Four Dollar* and Tutnty Cnnt* being
than on any other route from Bedford to that point
Coaches leave the Wa-bington Hotel. Bedford, eve
ry morning, at o'clock, (Sundays excepted) and
the Depot at Latrobe every morning, after the arri
val of the triad train from Pittsburg, (Sundays ex
cepted. JOSEPH A. GAUM AN.
February, 12, 1858-tf.
THE partnership heretofore existing and trading
tinder the firm of Barndollar, Lowry is; Co.,
and Everhart, A sitcom \ Co., has this day been dis
solved by mutual consent. The books &c., are in
the hands of Barndoller >c Everhart, who are author
ized to settle ail accounts of the old firm.
Hopewell, Sep. 1. '57. J. C. EVERHART.
THE subscribers take this met hod of informing the
public that they will continue the business of mer
chandising at the old stand, and hope by strict atten
tion to business to receive a liberal share of public
We have remodeled the Hopewell Mill, and are
now ready to grind all kinds of grain. We w ill at
all times purchase a!i kinds of grain for which the
highest price w ill be paid.
Hopewell, Oct. 3d, 1857.
Dr. B. F. HARRY is our agent for this ne
cessary article. By calling at his store our pa
trons will sep samples of our papers. We have
made our Spring selection with much care, and
think we cannot fail to please.
March 6.
For the Hair, Jockey (,'lub and new mown
Hay Pomatums, Phalon's Invigorator, N:c. scc.
can all he had at Dr. Harry's.
A SUPERIOR article of Cloverseed for sale
LUMBER. —Twenty Thousand feet of Spruce
Pine Boards, also a large supply of Poplai
Scantling—for sale by A. B. CRAMER &Co
Feb 19, 1858.
...-•""""Adams N. Co. have established their Ex
press on Jie 11. & ii. T. R. R. and appointed
C. V- . Ast.coM, Esq., agent at Hopewell.
, One small box oi Pit. cures niiieiy-niiie cases out
of a hundred. No La!-< n; , j0 yi.-inry, i.o odor on
I the breath, r.ofear of det.. tiolK Two small pills'a
j dose ,■ tasteless and harmb, ag wafer. l ull direc
; tions ait' Jlivtn, to that t , a j can cure himself
as certain as with the .1 vie ij Jt , tr oat experienc
ied surgeon, and much better :ail w ith th „ a( t vi ce
i of one ol little experience in n s fiass o( 'rf, seas< ,.
COINTRY by enclosing one dtj ar to j Jr# j
i JiV/gen No. 151 North Severn below Rare
1 Philadelphia. A hit rat discount f.//, P (, a ,le. None
genuine without the written sig,i.i'r t>. eo t I>. G. VVal
j ton I'iojJl ietor.
'."".r •, W-.L &
j v tit 1 ■ 1' 1 1 *, <,:f:t it rfom ;;.e m.,.: Iffm *• !
i ha- cured hundreds who have tt ? dothers without
benefit. 1 lie trealment is n- ce' B ' n to cure as the
sun 1s to rise. Kudos* a stamp 1 " I '' ai ' ( lress i)i. IV.
a- above giving a lull history your ca-e, and ton
! will bless the day ton mailt" t r c libit to secure what
; is certain—A ItAI'ICAL CI 4 '"
| Feb. f>, SS. ] jr.
£P|j 6: * 5 ft Y5
EXTRACT OFiiaiA'ißiS Mil
(Alcoholic prapor-i° n Horn the leaves imported
fam Calcutta,)
corjstD P'iGM, BRorjufeiTis,
I) El) I LIT y, itec.
PRICK, $-.00 PER ItOTrt.E.
£y*Xcf p genuine w,tnout '-Dr. H. James, 19
Grand . Jersey City," Mown in the bottle. For
sale V AO I 1 Rl !• \ AN, Bedford Pa., Sole Agent.
Fo. 19, ISOS.
Dissolution of I'ai siii j).
THF. partner-hip heretofore existing between Hen
ry S. King and Jatnes Madara, under the name and
firm ol Madara, King ,v Co., doing business at Le
mon s Iron Works, in Hopewell township, Bedford
county, is dissolved by mutual consent.
No v. 2, 1837. .lAMES MAI)A UA.
The business of manufacturing iron at Lemon'
Iron Works, will be continued by the undersigned,
" ho ha-purchased all the interest'of his late partners
.lames .Madary, in the Books property and effects
belonging to the late firmed Madara, Kin" KCo
N0v.20. 15.',7. HENRY 8. KING.
Office oj the C. V . ,V/. Pro. Company.
March :2, ISSS.
IS hereby given that an a-sesment of 6 per cent, has
this day been levied on the premium notes of this
Company in force on the Mth day of October last,
except notes on original applications taken after the
13th day of August 1857. and all notes expiring or
surrendered and not renewed between sa;d datesfon
each of which per cent, is a->es-ed.
Members of this Company residing in Eodfotd
Comity, or having property insured therein, are res
pectfully isquired to pay ihe r pro rat, asses-ments
to James M. Russell, l.sq., who is duly appointed
collector of said county.
CCr*Aii abatement of <> per cent, will he made for
prompt payment—i. e. within 50 days from the date
hereof. fly order of the Board.
Mar 12,1858. JOHN I*. GREEN.
CALICOES, Ml SLINS. and other good*just
received at Kecil and iVlinnich's. (.'all and see!
( iOlh.s, Cussimetvs, Calicut,
Flannels, Tickings, bleached and unbleached
Muslins, Table diaper, Paper and Can,!,tic
it 1 us!ins, ft i,li I,inert, also a line assortment o
Ladies' Shoes, Gaiters, and Lace Roots, and a
variety of Misses' and children's Shoes, which
will he sold low for cash.
Feb. -2d, 1858.
TO BE ILIU .11' I)p. il./iiiiY'S.
Essence of Jamaica Ginger, which should j
have a place in every family, lor sale at Dr.
l or pimples and wrinkles and freckles and tan7
Nothing has e'er been discovered l>v man,
Like that wonoerful product of tropical bovvers,
The popular '-Balm of a Thousand Flowers."
to be had at Dr. Harry's Drug & Book Store
March 6, 1557.
ppr -- — ;
1 J Will attttiml puoctaitMy on 4 carefully si) oprmtwat in- t;
j , tr.• -i l tin c rc T- : Id- I, pi ;ci, r<-: ilul'd, Jt*:ij I !
j, ah ii t*Mh froia otH'toiJi *-t. I;j
| I Quired nimlerafe, tuul all ick r.v "-ii wxtßdttttd.
w EA": I'.it *tret, U.-dfoni, I'n. **
* - --- °A
T) ESPECTFT'LLY begs leave to tender fib
\> Professional Services to the Citizens of
Bedford and vicinity.
Office in Julianna Street, at the Drug
and Book Store. Feb. 17, lN."i4-.
I>r. B* F. Harry
Respectfully tenders his professional ser
vices to the citizens of Bedford and vicinity.
Office and residence on Pitt-Street, in the
building formerly occupied by Dr. John Hofius.
June 24, 1853.
Tub undersigned have associated themselves in the
Practice of the Law, and will attend promptly to all
business entrusted to their care in Bedford and ad
joining counties.
OCT" Office on Julianna Street, three doors south of
"Mengel House," opposite the residence of Mai. Tate.
June 2, 1554. (5. H. SPANG.
TET/ ILL attend faithfully to all legal business
A* entrusted to bis care in the. Counties of
Bedford and Fulton.
Bedford, Nov. 1, 18 1-7.
JoRB P* Reedy
Attorney at Law, Bedford, IVnnsylvania
Respect fully tenders his services to the Public
second door North of the Menge
Bedford, Feb. 20, 1852.
I'VStolUl & 9
IT AVE formed a Partnership in the Practice
I of the Law. [D"'Cilice nearly opposite
the Gazette Office, where one or the other may
at ail times he found.
Bedford, Oct. 20, 184-9.
W. J. BAER, Attorney at Law:
WILL practice regularly in the Courts of
Bedford County hereafter. He may, dun no-
Court Weeks, be consulted at his room at the !
Washington Hotel.
Nov. 23, 18b5.
l\£?X (JrSOwe LiWlieU,
HAS for Sale 10 Farms, and 12,000 acres of Coal- i
and unimproved land, in Bedford and Fulton conn. 1
ties. Also Lots in the town of Hamilton. Land j
so! lin quantities to suit purchasers. Propo-aL for (
t.m'-tr ait- inv ted from Lumbermen. Terms easy, j
A-ig. 7. 1-857.—fan. j
W. t.V.AKR. ft. W. BEKFOR B. F. MEYERS '
WII.E punctually attend to all business entrusted to !
their care. [27* Mr. L'aer will be in regular attend
ance at Court. Office on Juliana street, same as (or
/■ r I wsd r -/-J-' ' '' a A'" Dan 25,-"5-S.]
The subscriber is fully prepared to furnish
any quantity or qualify o*' Building Lumber
and Plastering Laths. Orders directed to St. j
Ciairsviije, Bedford County, will be promptly i
attended to, by giving a reasonable notice.
Importers and Dealers in HosFrv, Gloves,
; Trimmings, Combs, Finishes, Fancy Goods,
Looking Glasses, &c. No 81 North Third St.,
; Philadelphia. All orders solicited and prompt
ly attended to. Sept. n, 1856.
Valentino Steckman, Proprietor.
Q7p~ Boarders taken by the day, week, month
or year, on moderate terms.
May 9, 1856.
I he subscriber has just received a splendid
j variety ol Gold, Silver Mounted, and Steel
Spectacles, with the finest Scotch Pebbles, su
i perior in clearness, and designed to suit persons
of ail ages—wan anted never to FAIL—to
' which he invites the attention of all who are in
: need of the article. He has also just received
i an elegant assortment of JEWELRY—aII ol
which he will sell on reasonable terms.
Bedford, May 22, 1557.
'Co (Eitrggmm anii Snptritttaiiiait's ci
Sabbat!) Spools.
We keep on hand the publications of the Am.
( S. S. Union, American Bible Society, American
; i ract Society, Prestiyterian Board ol Publica-
I In n, M*thodist Book Rooms, Massachusetts S.
' S. I nion, Lutheian Board of Publication, Epia
' copal S. S. Union, and a great variety of stand
ard Religious Publications suitable for Sabbath
March ti, 1857.
D. k. wnckuot, B . F . NEAD
Yfc'unrferlfch & Xcacl,
-fortuarbing iComniissicn fflerdjcinis,
North, Second Street, opjiodu the Cumberland Valley
Rail Road Depot,
_ 17•' I key are at all times prepared to carry at
kinds of Produce to, and Merchandise, Ike., from
Philadelphia and Baltimore, at the shortest notice.
They will aLo purchase Flour, Grain, \c., at
matket price.
~T( () . Af F LUMBK B, SALT, FISII, GUANO, and
ILASI \.\l on Kami and for sale low.
June 10, 1 5;33.
The subscribers have just received a large assort
ment of fall and V. inter goods, all of which will be
lleien at prices to suit the times. We respectfully
ir.vite ( ash and prompt six month buyers, to call
and examine our stock—assuring them, we shall
oiler inducements greater than heretofore.
Country Produce of all kinds received for Goods.
A. B. CRAMER &£ Co.
Oct. 10 IS.J7.
Clieesc —Cheese, best quality, just rece.iv
fdat REED & MINNICH'S. !
\.Machine Shop!
i niE subscribers are now prepared at their
Foundry in Woody Run, to fit! all orders lor '
j ol every description for '
j all things else in our line that may be needed in a u .
j or adjoining counties. '
■ We manufacture Threshing MachinesofS 4, n e
! Horse Power, WARRANTED equal if not superior
I to any made in the State. We keep constantly on
hand a full as.oitment of Wood Cock P!u ; a i Ploughs, WARRANTED to g,ve satiif'c.
tion, or no sale. Points, shares and land sides to fit
all Woodcock, or b-yler ploughs in the county.
Farmers' 8e1!.,, Ploughs aud Castings of our make
may be had at the store of
Wm. Hartley, in Bedford,
Sondei baugh & Pee, East Providence Tp.
John Nycurn & Son, << << '
Time, being hard, we offer great inducements t
Far met a and Mechanics to buy of us.
All kinds of repairing done in a neat end substan
tial manner and all work warranted. Call and ex
j amine our castings and work and judge for
I selves. Our agents sell at foundry prices.
! -March 20, 1800.
Has just opened and is constantly receiving at
his new store, corner of "Bedford Hall," one door
East of A B Cramer's store, an elegant and large
i stock of Hardware, House Furnishing Goods, and A
ricultural Implements. His stock consuls u, part of
Carpenter's tools,
Cabinet maker's tools and findings,
Wooden and willow ware,
Ropes of several sizes,
Chains iri assortment,
Shovels, scoops, l urks and spades,
Files ami Rasps in Variety,
Locks of ail descriptions,
Bras-, Copper and Iron wire,
Churns in Variety,
Coffee and Spice Mills, (Warranted)
Fox, Rat, aud Mire traps,
Spade, Shovel, fork and axe handles,
Brushes in Variety,
Nail-, Giass and Putty,
Fluid, Pine oil and Turpentine,
Doable and Single Bit axes,
Knife cleaners, an excellent article,
Britannia waie.
Brass, porcelained and tin lined Kettles,
Patent and common Sad irons,
Shoemakers tools and findings.
Screen wire,
Chain Pumps,
Corn Shellers,
Corn Fodder Cutters and crushers.
Corn mills,
Glass Lanterns,
Oil lor Harness and Machinery,
Paints, oils, and varnish, Iron and Steel of t" de
scriptions, U all Paper and hundreds of other arti
11° respectfully invites the patronage of the citi
zeu oi this and adjoining counties, feeling confi
dent that he can satisfy them in the and quali
ty of his goods.
Remember, things sold by him are warranted si
represented to that none can be deceived; and any ar
ticle not in his line not on hand will t>e furm-hed at
4 days notice cheerfully at Eastern retail price.
N. B. Believing that the present credit system n
disadvantageous to every body, he will trust no man
longer than (> months, but will sell cheaper for rank
than goods of like quality have ever been bought m
Bedford. Call and examine his stock, judge for your
self, and we think you will be pleased with the
goods, the prices and the system.
He keeps on hand, or will cheerfully furnish every
thing needed in this county and brought from lbs
Ea-t, excepting only dry goods and groceiiet.
March, 2(5, ISO's.
Dixjciatioii of Co-Purlnersbiji.
I fIE partnership heretofore existing and tra
ding under the firm name of Blymire & Hartley,
has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. Th
hooks, notes and accounts arc in the hands of Wm.
Hartley, who is hereby authorized to settle the
same. All per-ons knowing themselver indebted,
to the firm o; Blymire Ist Hartley will save costs by
paying up before the books and notes are placed la
the hands of a collector.
March 20, 18f;8.
NO I ICE is hereby given that letters of
! administration have h°pn granted to the undersign
; ed by the of Bedford county, upon the e
i tale ol Solomon Harclerood, Jate of Coleroin town
| ship,!—all persons, Iherefor indebted t
I said estste will please make immediate payment, and
those having claim- against it will present them
duly authenticated for settlement.
.March 2d, ISBB. Adm'r.
FRE>H and genuine seeds from Philadel
adelphia by express, at Hartley's. Also
cane seed. [mar. 26, 'sß.]
As the season lor chapped hands and faces it
is coming on, we advise our friends to go to
Di. Harry's cheap Diug Store and purchase*
box of Bazin's Amandine, for the prevention
and cure of chapped hands. Only 37i cents
\er box.
Drugs and Books.
Having purchased the DrugJfcJiJr
and Book Store of Dr. S. D. Scott, will
constantly keep on hand at his establishment
in Julianna Street, a complete assortment of
Drugs, Medicines, Dye Stufis, Paints, Oils,
Window Glass, Varnishes, Brushes of all kinds.
Patent Medicines, Lamps, Perfumery, Fancy
Soaps, &c. &c. together with an extensive col
lection of School and Miscellaneous Books,
Blank Books, Common and Fancy Stationery,
lxc. which he otiers at greatly reduced prices
for cash. Bedford, Feb. 17, ISS-L
tn i;. a. isssooks,
Book Binder and Stationer,
Xo. 61 . Mur/.ei-Sfretf, ihrriiburg, Va
THE subscriber is fully prepared to furnish County
Officers, Banks, Coal and Insurance Companies, Mer
chant?, &c., with all kinds of Blank Books, at pu
ces as low as they can be purchased any where, and
in a style much more durable than city make.—
bound toanv style or pattern.
All kinds of Plain arid Fancy Ruling neatly exe
English, French and American Stationery furnish
ed to older.
Orders for Blank Book', Stationery, Jkc., sent by
mail, Will he speedily tilled and forwarded by ex
press. Binding, etc.. can be sent me by same
means, staling the manner in which it is To bedone.
The patronage of the citizen'of Bedford and vicin
ity, i' respectfully solicited, and I would beg leave
to refer ail who have work to Maj. Samuel H. 'late.
Prothonotary. Give me a trial. Work received at
the ttiif/te office. GEO. A. BROOKS.
Harrisburg, April 9, 185S-2m.
JUST received at Shoemaker's Colonade
Store, a large assortment of Boots, Shoes
Hats, &c. [dec.4,'s7.]