\Qf 4 t ISE 53. Vfi-r IVIT "O THB BEDFORD GAZETTE IS PEBI.LS'L D FVF.RY FRIDAY MORNING, I. \' MF.YF.RS Si BI N FORD, At the fol!v.vins terns, to wit: Sl.Sft pei annum, < A- ;I. in advance. $2.00 " if paid within the yesr. $2. .t0 • " i! out paid within the year. Cs"N<> Kihse'ip' cn tak'-n for less Man sis months. Cs""Xr> j.a| -r discontinued until ail arrearages are paid.in |e-s ?' I'ne option el the publishers. It has been decided by thek nite.i S'aTes Courts, that the stoppage of ; newspaper without the payment ol rr- REARAYES 1? f.ictr evidence ol lraiid a'd is a trimiral oft'." oe. £jr n.e r.) .Its have ,led that persons are ac countable for th • subscript :on priee of new papers, if they take ihetn fion the po.t office, whether they subscribe l i tbero, ui r.ot. It: Umyftw¥*fYr?rH , l'" jl j I ■ Li vJ Li LI - dLiL. | j !• *c. i; R.. SNVARIADLVCASH. IM ■ , Pl.t* ■. .r V j Hi. F. C. : (Effl "J ) FNPFCTI'Uf J.Y ' love t > t.-T.cf*r ! s |'\ Professional : rvicos to the Cd'tizßsy of Bedford and \ u 1' v. 33 s - Office in Jalianna at the Drug and Id-safe Store. Feb., IT, IS f. l>r# B* F Harry j Fli.-rt.'. TFtLt.Y tenders bis pr. -sior.a!jrcr iins to the ci'. -M"; ~f I-Vdihrd ra ' vici: j. Office and fa suit-nee on Filt-Street, f the l ihldi g formerly occupied by Or. John B "us. June 2+, 1 fsb ~ LAW PARTNERSHIP JOS IV,ANN. G. H. SPf*MQ. Tine undersisned have associated fheinsel. f '-.e Piactire of the Law, at .1 will attend promptlyp ail bus entrusted to their care in Bthiord a| ai ioirdiif: counties. C.T" Ottice on Julian a Street, three doors M'h of ••Mecgrt House," opposite the residei.ee of Manifute. JOB MA A A.- June 2, 1554. G. !1. SPA? I VfM.">."SGHELi7AfTORN£Y AT LAVf - , F "t * ILI. attend faithfully to all legal busitss y 7 entrusted to his care in tic Coi' itiiipf Bo'fori and Fit lion. Bedford, Nov. i, IS+7. • Lrk John r. Itecd," kfc- iitlftrne\ tit 1,, tr Jbdbiol Aes- ittJ id "i icn'-rs Art r vices to tie 7b T . < sec tj f!cor orth of the Mvy-.-i ' U^tsd*- Snlford, Feb. CO, f fpsi2; z* *x **h ss. 1 1 no ii J wfAVE rshipmthePrtt f • / J' I. of til Law. nearly opn ite l Gnzetle i. ee, • ■-e .: t - or lite other la > 'jt/ all times." . - w lledihrdj Jet. X i-'i '* N H i'fe Oi j a * W. JBANxU At tern at Law: WILL actue regidariy in the Court? of Bedford (urity heieafu-r. He n.av, for: J Court W*s, be n.-tisuited a! bis room at i..t Washingfi lb & Nov. 5, 1h55. JCSiiJPIrI "vV*. TATE, A'i'OSS.^!.T .IT LAIV, AND unc ru-Di^u, HAS Sale 10 Farr % sr.! 1 ..'9O acri *of C and ont' r ovpd iaiij, in BeiiiVm! ar.d F;iiTon twin, j tin. ]0 Lots in the ;o**: of Ha-r ;*ori. Land fold in antitirs to suit purrhasrrs. Pri-po-aU tor ' timbefe I rite<) from Lumbermen. Tfiiiu nsy, Aus • 1857 # ; J J*/J J" J J W. J.: r.. G. W. BFNVOKB. r. r. metres |>ER, BENFORD Sc. MEYERS^ ATTORNIES AT LAW, iEDF OR D, PEN ?J 'A . Wrtponctnally attend *o a" husit.ess rr 'rusted to thei- r *> t:Mr. Bwr will be in rfj: ar iMfnd anc; Court. Obice on Ju! ana street, same a* "or- B reioccupied by Win. M. HV-i. Esq. [j in 25,'58.] - w Bl ILO£RS< 'he subscriber is fully prepared to furnish a quantity or quality if Bui Ming Lund. >r • Plastering Lat. s. • U\<-r< directed t ■ St. Crsville, Bedford C unSv, will he promptly aided to, bv giving a rca: -nahle notice. F. D. BF.EGLE. HOT ICfc. ' partnership heretofore existing between James ft and J. ft. i harp is this day dissolved by a t Air.ser.t. Ail money due the :irm is payable to Jai Bums, and atl debts owed or contracted by she n , will be paid bv James Burns. JAMES BURNS. J. H. THARP. I 19, ISSS. Al IHi OH S AO I l€K. "tinders.£neu appointed by the Orphans Court in tor the County oi Bethord, to report a liis'ri bufof the money, sn the h >r, U of Mrs. C. Har ir.etcecntrix of the last Will fcr., of Elwood Har nrtetreased. who was r.dm.nistrntor of the Estate of "bias B. Miller, dut-f hi* appointmerit at his office :n the Borough of lord, on Wednesday, the Leh day of March, int. 10 o'clock A. M. lay, when and where alhies interested can attend. JNO. P. UF.FD. Auditor. ST received at Shoemakers CVdonade St alar-re assortment ol Boot?, Shoes, IT Sec. _ [J*c.4 t , S7.| 1 BEhUD AT DR. HARRY'S. ■nee of Jamaica Ginger, which should hai place in *vrv family, for falc at D'. Hi'a. HANNAH BINDING SHOES. Poor lone Hannah, Stling at the window binding shoes. Faded, u rink led, Silting, stitching, in a mournful muse, fill J tit-eyed beauty once was sh", Wi .-n the bloom was on the tree. Spring and winter Hannah's at the window, binding shoes. Not a neighlior Passing, nod or answer will refuse, To her whisper: '•ls thete from the fi-her3 any new s ?" Oh, her heart's adrift with one, Oil an endless voyage gone ! Night and morning Hannah's at the window, binding shoes. Fair young Hannah, Ben, the sun-burnt fisher, gaiiy JOS. Tall and clevr, For a willing heart and hand he sues. ;\l.iy-day skies are nil a-glow, And Lie waves are laughing so! For Iwr wedding Hannah leaves her window and her shoes. ofay is- passing: 'Mortg the apple boughs a pigeon coos, Hannah shudders; Fur th- wild south wester mUchief brews, R iiind the rocks of Til irbiehead. Outward bound, a schoon-r sped. Silent, lon-- soni", Hannah's at the u indow, binding shoes. 'Tis >vember, Now no tear her wasted cheek bedews. FrO n Neu lounul i'i 1 Not a sail returning Will she lose, Whispering, hoarsely, ' I L-h'Tmen, Have you, ii >.ve you, heard of Ben ? toil v stri v. atcl.ir g, Har.ra'rs .1 toe w •tfcui '- , i i.r y w.Miffs " - Bleach out tear she views. Twenty jtea: '* Nrver one '.o I^^HLcowS. Still her dim iVes siltjfcy •,' Cuase the wh.tK Vails (Nn Ifwgya. H e'ess, r fttfij'i!, Hannah's t t ,e wi id-.nvb binding shoes. THE MIT! LATE D TOOTH PICK; OR TI!R ELOOD TUB OF TiLLIETUDLUM. nv brainless bob, jr., , .■. (i r u.,_n/--J- • * - . * .Je-tt *ix? ] Ji- AJt/sffriotfi & the winlcr of ■rty i! soonfent Ma scarcity O; beer. " —Shakscka-S. 'Li .*■ •, -iff la.-, r it .• - v s>. ! the •" mrit D'Niacomp >oj> to his attendant?, as h • sat i! the banquet table, in the Hal! of Nincomp-..:p I 1 * c * i ' • i Th" ' •}•!- r ! asfpn u 'J to •"* v •* —' "• ' j■ r -lon-'il with thejute'!* *ej.ce t.'..' the | ; a - r w,s ail ■•* . j ,*-. i i.; r!' tsi m-.l the Count "a \ i i ijjun i-r. | *Narv g'.s!' replied the tre->. 'i- rm> r.i-,!. I 4 F> •', why didst thou not provide more ol that Teutonic beverage ? But go, ; he is a load of bricks he is! '—Oriiei.i.o. knit-nemi D'Polliwo* was an orphan.— This tr.eiat!-.: Iv circumstance, it s general ly believed, was caused by the rf.*atb of his parents. H- loved with all the fvarv ardor ol his impetuous nature, the beautiful L.; !y Isa bella DTttz>tmpkisis. To him she ow-! her life : fjr one dav she walked forth in ail t;.- pride ol hei maiden loveliness to pnrcliase a pint cf pea-nuts, a pair of Lightened horses .lashed madly down the street. All except Isabella, fie.f; but sire Seerre'd rco'.rd to tie spot. Hearer they approached—a piercing shriek rends tiie a;r ; they are a : m-l upon Iwr, when a vout'i ru:'ts of R ni-Ttego filled her mind, an i conjured up visions of the future, brighter than Fernando Wood's bejdre election day. And Rodenego, too, wood the God of Sleep in vain. CHAPTER nr. "Her nose is like the snow drill. Ami bunged up is her eye"—Pv-"*. "That's so!"—RrxntßS. In a magnificently furnished apartment sat the Lady Isabella and Roderiego kneit at her feet. •Rise, Roderiego,' she murmered in dulcet tones. 'l'll rise no more than fancy stocks have since the financial crisis, until yon decide my BEDFOIID, PA., }'i'.xi)AY"MORXL\G, FEBRUARY 26, 1858. fate. In vour band rests my happiness, wilt thou be mine 1 Sp-afc, Lady Isabella, speak. She answered not, but turned aside her head and wiped her nose. 'Are those pearly drops from that bright nose —no, excuse me ; IY-.mii those blight i yes ns-.e:- ance ol vour favor ?' he asked m a voice oi mingled joy and apprehension. She dried her tears and spoke. 'Ro-leriego, to you I owe the preservation of inv life, 1 love the", aye, as the politician loves ttie spoils, but—bu't, I can never wed with thee!' 'What fearful mystery is here compared with which the assault on William Patterson sinks into insignificance! ejaculated Rod-,r iego. 'Listen !' site exclaimed. ' fuere n an iu suriiiountable harrier to our union, and that ; _ r 'What ?' interrupted R>t!e;iego. A '! am the wife ot Count BIjO.I i'ub of TiiJietuiiiuxn !' -he gasped, am, fainting fell to the fi ior. W CHAPiCR IV. !f t ' re-.! r' iv 'r tii.h° -layi, Or if |l:r slam think- he is -lain, It makes -.iht ei: :.'av'c: mg to restore Lauy Isabella to causciousm ss. "ila: ha 1 Rod-ri go, I have thee at last! an 1 ere tile 1 rave Ro:J- ;i go could speak, he pitingi'd the bagger in ids m. H ■ riego D'Palliwog fell morlai'v wotta ded, the bio ,d ronning a criiXMUQ .'irea.u up on I lie carpet. D'.Ninco.iij.-oj!gazed a moment at the ba by, and then endeavored to arouse trie Lady Isabella. open-;! her eyes, and shu leied when si-e be!i"ld the Count. 'Where ii RoJvriego V she aslud in agita tion. •Perfidious female woman, behold ." he ex claimed as ee pointed to the corpr '. 'My ven geance is complete; the Blood Tub has wiped out his wrongs with bleed.' Isab-lla gazed with an idiotic look upon the form of him she loved. •Let me have a relic of the glorious dead,' tioderb go a broken t nth. pick. It was n 0 > 1 y itui.H'J with od from the wound. CHAPTER V. •Fry upai ! -o-per.d.!—Asosvstc-s. The i:ee o. th" inuidt-r of lio lerie as sprear! with rapiilr.y through rut the city. Pise M iu "l.lans were on the alert, and y the or .of Co: tier Connery the .Count was arreted, a-.J if • mutilated tog.h pick was iWnJ up -, f:; p :- n. Is.!, lia was sumrr. n r d as a witness, but ..'is! she c -slj give ao -vi ieace, she had be come an idiot. Ihe Count emu avored to pro*f that the t uthe !<■'■ ' s pick was not ar teria!, h it iie w t.s iuu t d guilty an.! sentenc d tc he hanged. But hark ! what cry is it that breaks on the start! 'd ear, i Ee's the Express, third *dili n ; get the recovery of ih • .i. go !' The news was, K itV/irgo was nt mortal; v vvann ted, and w.r .i t. aid of the 4 re ired ) v sir.on, wh .( 'i >" .-had n-' S ! iv run O it,* recovered 'tis usual heti :h. Bat i ttle remains fir us to relate. Tire Count D'.Nmc uipoop was released by the in tercession of fiflderufo, and left the United St at to sp :.d the Lai.; ce oi his miserable li.'e in New J rsey. In a fit of >;iaho!ica! passion at hearing of th ir.a.nage : li-nieri D'Poiliwog t_■ the La !j Ist' ei a D'i itzsrrrp v ns, he dashed his brains cut with a bar of s-:a ; . R■ • !>■;!• ••. ' i-ab !'a, v. ho, aft—r the trr r-jt bad :• r-■ co:eil a ,!i-.otcp fr i.n the Count, lira happily t"" t, and r. nv little Poiiiwog squir.::";i around thei: feet. BABGEHNG wrrmsEs, Sou <* lawyers have a very r- prehensile practice of badgering wilnessf while c>n t|r stand," in order to render t.i.-ir ev ;d..• usr-los by reooa of contradictory statements white tr.ey may make while in a sti'.e of tv-nij ray embarrassment. Tbey s meiitnes meet wjb their match, and a very n stable i. dance is an aRM rote rt i .led of Cc< irit* actor and rntisicifti, who on being summoned as a witness in a ctse which was tried in Loudon in lhbo betwiw son e music publishers, the matter in dtsj•< te - ing an alleg. 1 piracy of 'The Old English Cm tlrii an'—was croed-exa*niued pretty fierdly by Sir Jan.es Scarlet, (afn ru arvis Lord Ahing*,) who appeared I r cnec i the | arties. His Lacf sb:; said, *Xow .Mr. Cook, you say that the jutro mci :ii*s are the same, but diiLiv.-it ; what do you mean by that, sir V To this Cot k n pied: ♦1 said, that the notes in the two copies wet*h<- samet ut with diiiereiit accent, the one burg in com. mi time, the other in six-eight tine: and consequently the position nl th- acceded notes was diifercut.' 'But .Mr. Cook,' qtoth Sir Jaws, 'don't bent armut the bud), hot ex plain to the jury, uho are supposed to Utow nothing about music, what do von mean viien you speak of accent V Cook replied : 'Acml "in music is a certain stress iaid upon a pariru lar note, in the same manner, a \ ou won!, lay ' stress upon auv given word for the pu| .••* ofbeing better uud<-rsi io I. Thus, it I wee to sjv 'vou are ail ass.' it rests on ass, but if I-vere to say -yoa are an as*,' it rests on you, Sir Jisses.' Shouts ot laughter, it is said, followed thi re partee, in which it was o.tiicu!'. for the ftuie judges to keep from joining. Sir James was satisfied with Cook's elucidation of the mtter, and permitted him to r-.t'.re without askigany more quest ions. Freedom of Thought and Opinion, ELL H N AY SE. Soft be thy slumbers, rude cares depart, -Visions in numbers cheer thy youn-g heart. Dream on while bright hours ami fonJ hopes remain, Bioymirig like smiling bovvers for thee Ellen Bayne. Cuoers. Gentle slumbers o'er thee slide. Dreams of beauty, round thee bide, While 1 linger by thy side, Sweet Ellen Bayne. Dream not in anguish—dream not in fear— Love will not languish—fond one- are near, Sleeping or waking, in pleasure, or pain, Warm hearts will beat lor thee, sweet Ellen Bayne. Chorus. Scenes that have vanished srr.de on thee now, Pleasure- once banished, play round thy brow, Forms long departed, greet thee again, Soothlpg 'hy dreaming heart, sweet Ellen Bayne. CIKHUs. "DARE DFA:DS :; OF INDIA. A recent writer gives the following account of something that fell under bis personal notice in India : Our conversation was her interrupted by a gardener, who presented lh'- Rajah and ir.wlf, respectively, with a nosegay ; and who v :n --teered the information, that som* workmen, in diggo.g the Lamdati -.a cf a vine-trellis, had come upon an old f, uise under the earth, and in it bad been found several g'dJ and silver coins. '• iVhere ?" said the Rakh. '•l.h.re!" sat! trie tardener, point in--' in f!ie direction. • e .Kirn- ' to the csv-.t and found that the workmen had gorre : but sure enoti-h. there were Me wails of an ajidrtment, formed of rt-J stone and v. ,- he marble. " I os (purler of Agra,** said the Rajah to je, '-was formi'ily inhabited by person* of th" . igh t rank. Where we are now standing, iva, no doubt, once the s-Se of a place; and tcse wa! ! s are those of the tv-khana—a vault l J I'-c a t.'.e T.ve!ii,,g from which the light is | r~c!ni! 'j. In these dark plac<> arc usual Ivp. r ! • dr.l what yon English call "dark deeds.'* i expressed a desire to explore this newlv (!iscovtTPil apartment of former d?y ; hut the Rajah told me that it was then too late as the workman had gone; hut hp promised me tin! if j I wotii ! come to him at daylight on the (oilow j ing morning. he would have great pleasure in ' gratifying mv cu-iositv. 'o the (■. log morning, havingsp-r.tr. , ' v -..'r-amr night. I was carried in my palan ••! !"■ ,SiV?h was the narr.e Lai " :ngh th. r .!. The Maharajah was i. i r-;r g. I was r nfrcnterl hv a Seik with an ••no-o ! ( .. ; . . ;, r .j r was a yard long, and 11- r : that of clearing away the earth :n all directions, i-i order to g-t to the hot I■m oi the apartment in the ty-khana. This . was accomplis:l" in a' ! :t two hours, and up ' .hen stood up :i a stone floor in the centre of a -onm about sixteen feet square. In several of I he niches were little lumps, such n are fcuint ion tim tombs r.f Mo-'-meu, and a hoo\ah and a pair of marble cbait? were found in ft.is sah- I mran-."lis apart;rcr:t. of w-i-ich the skv is now .the rc VV! ii>t ex- • i: ir* the wall-, I n!- j - rv- d that upon one side, there was a ledge lab ut six (eel high from the floor, {an 1 carried j .p ■ -idt-rt-d a'l over with silver wire or thread: < ,;ch ascr.lv Mahorr.medan wn of rank or j walth can afford to w.-nr. The b—'y resn.bl !'■! a weli'-vre.;. rved mumirv. The features, ' w pre verv d.-'ftnet, and were those of a wo man w;:os age could not, at the 'ime ofhr death, ' have exceed' 1 eighteen or nineteen year?, i ■■■■■ head was p.artial'v covered with toe white j dr ?. Lorg Mack hair was still clinging to ; the scalp, and a* as parted across the Mr-head . and car: led hehing the ears. Tt was to- most horri !e and ghastly figure that I ever beheld. Ti - workmen appeared to take it as a matter ■of c!">e : ,:r irther to regard it only with ref r enre to the gold and silver ornaments upon the skeh ton, am: it was with great difficulty t rat I could prevent their stripping it forthwith.: f As f->r the RY.h, he simply smiled, a: ! c "dev | remarked : "A easy of jealousy. Her husband was lent ous of her, ar.d thought her guilty, and piuLhed '• her thus, bricked her up alive in tins wall, with no room ' n v.- about,only standing room. Perhaps she deserved it, —per'japs she w as pb t fie.g against hi< life perhaps she was innocent. Wo can sav ? H-ndoos as well as Mahorurr.e cans puni-!i their wives in this way." "You o.ean that thev used to do so in farmer times, p.'ev. -js iu British ride in india. Lot such a thing could not occur in our time." "It noes not occur as often as it did : but it does occur, sometime?, even in these days. How do vou know what happens io the estab lishment ofthe wealthy native ?—L't us look a little further intcf the wall —lt strikes me that j i we shall find some more of them. Orders were given accordingly to the work men to remove, with great care, the whole ol the ledge, in short to pull away its entire face. This was done ; and how shall I describe the awful spectacle then presented? In that wall there were no less than five bodi-s—f>ur besides that already alluded to. One of the number was a young man, who from hi.s dr -ss and the jewels on his finger- boiler, must have been a person of high rank ; perhaps the lover of one or both oJ tb • young women ; for he had been bricked up between two of them. The others were evidently those of confident ill servants; cid women for they had grey hair. They possibly had been cognizant, or were supposed to be cognizant, of whatever offence the others had been deemed guilty. The su.u was now shining brightly on thr-se ghastly remains, covered v ith garments embroi dered in gold arid silver, 'i h- air had a speedy effect on them, and one by one, tie y fill : each forming a heap of bones, > Ir, shn veiled ckin, dust, jewels and finery. 'I he latter were now gathered up, placed in a small basket, and sent to the Laiiah. Ti' ir value, p"- fair, that many a hoy is led to take the first step be £ ; e he knows it. There was behind onp nf th° oyster stands a circle f men and boys ; en the ground sat a [ .v, de graded, dissipated man, poorly clothed arivi looking ick and weak. He held in his iianJ several iron rings, and before him was a with large nads driven io it, which stood upright. A clear-faced, bright eyed, handsome little fellow, -.tepped up to him. lie was just such a buy as is prompt at day school, and aiways has his i-s:! tn his companions, laid his hand on his s!.\ ulu-r. U M_. lad, that is your Gsi lesson in gambling. 41 G ;moling, sir -■ io i staked your penny, and won six. Did vou cotj" '•Yes. J did." '• Y J did earn them, and they were not given you : v a i.'.vtn jusf as gamblers win money. You have takes the first step in tfae f : that man iias gun- through it, and you can (he e id. X .v I advise vcu to go anti give him his six cr-.nts hack, and ask hi:n lor y p nny, and then stand sq ire with the j world ari honest boy agai >." lie iaj hur.g In? head down, but raised it ! >: icl;!y,ai 1 his .bright, c}>en look, as be said, ] "I'll do it,"' will not be forgotten.—ll*- ran back a;, . so n emerged from the iing, hooking happier than ever, lie touched his cap and bowed pi a-a fly as!:, ran away to j ..i his comrades. *1 bat was an hen fit fc A Pim COMPARISON. We Jo not wooder that leave#and t and bougi s have ever been the nntfrlnl ivhr f ro.-ts have manufactured comparisons iu imagery. One ofthe most beautiful we ever r.-rr-rnh-r to have seen was by Dr. C leevrr. "Th it tree," j said he "full leaved, and sweiiing up i::!o the ca'ui, blue summer air. Xct a bri '.:h is stirring arid \et ti vit w.iv-s ami r chs in the s •' iue. , Its sha :■ vs: are Song iav. -h'y around it ; bis !.j sit and sir-,: in its bin >, a: ! chit veo >"k refuge I ii t..- •; •:• in a:T cli ssr ■ !oe 1 Ic.tves, the i- iage r: :r being : t.. y ca'ch t • very breath, and in the ->-d a.-.-i >f; ie : day they mike music r •; m ; >:j in a "fry : world. Stripped of that foliage, how ; u qrhtly I is human nature ! Like t at same tree . with inieand shivering anus,'oss'ieg sp i i g!y j to henwn—gloriuns Haltering of life and wa- . j b-fore :nn iron harp for the minstrelsy : th ■ j v. ii-lesl win.'# r.-.w."— J >\r, l; .'. ONE or SPLUGEO.VS PARABLES. That was a dreadful drea.-n which a pious mother once had, and told to her children. She thought the judgment day was com-. Th ereat Books were opened. They all str>-il fu - ture God. And Jesus said, "Separate ;h chaff from the wheat, put the goa's on She left i. m h and the sheep cn the right." The mother dreamed that she and her children were stand ing just :n the middle of the great assembly.— And the angel carne and said, "I must take f .e rr ther, she is a sheep : she must go to the right hand. The childien art goats, they most go on the left." She thought Zi sh- went, her children clutched her. an.l said, "M ither, can we part 1 Must we he separated ?" Shethen pu! her arms around !h m. and seemed to soy, ••.Mv children, if }• - I would take y-i with tne." But in a moment the ; ngef touched her: her cheeks were dried ; and now over coming natural affection, being rendered super natural and sublime, resigned to God < will, she raid "My children, I taught you well. I train ed vou op and you forsook the ways of God, and now ail I have to say is, Amen to your condemnation." Thereupon,they were snatch ed awav, and she saw them in perpejtal tor meDt, while she was in heaven?—Spvrgron. WHOLE .M ASHER 3755. C) a m orons. Phragmer.t of an Owed to a Phreemont Poll what was bein Cut Doun fur stove wood Woodman, spare them polls! 4 Touch not a single wun. Last fall they cheered our sou!*, Just let them stand for phun. It was our Phreemont Club, That first did place them there j Oh! plese, stir, let 'em stand, Or else you ii here us sware! Boston Post. Spars That Girl! Youngster, spare that girl ! Kiss not iho-e lips so meek! Unruffled let the fair locks curl Upon the maiden's cheek ! Ee-ieve her quite a saint; Her looks ar? air divine. Her rosy hue is pa : 1 > Her form j.s—crinoline* /lou .1U Strengthened Him.—We believe w, have gi.i !;{;! j of an'' original anecdote (bat never was printed before. A student of one of our State Colleges bad a barrel of ale deposited in his rc m— r mtiarv of course to rule and usage. II received a summons to appear before the President, who raid ; •'Sir, lam in! .nr. d that you have a barrel of ale in your room." "Yes. si,-." '• Wei 1 , what explanation can you make?" . t • fret is, sir, my physician advises me L> try a lut.'e each day as a tonic, and not in7 to stop at the varii i? places where the b- rag.' is retailed, I concluded to have a barrel fs!?n !o rry room.'' ••i-. J. J. An . have you derived any benefit from the use of it "Ah, ves sir. When the barrel was taken to my room, two days since, I could scarcely lift in Mow I can carry it with the greatest 1, e beiieve ! ie witty student was discharged without special reprimand. 0:;n or tiic Watch mux.—A "fdler" com mg home from California- had a monster rattle snake, in a wicker cage, which he depothed with his other plunder under his bed at Chagres. The room contained fin v beds—half-full of drunken and sick "Jellers.'' During a tempo rary absence of the owner, the snake"got loose, a; i the owner coming in and finding ike critter gene, yelled out : misery ! who's seen my vratch rkmy trofi* pmppen r. t , .... u __ d> f v b< d>, but nobody had seen the mission a.tie'e. • . :at was ; old feller, you're inqnirin, r •' says a bald-headed man. ">v ny ivy watch nan, ah 1 my dost ic under my ' . i here, and I left a guard with it, but he's gone." . * "Gun ■1! was he a nigger or a white f.-Ilow ?" 1 > be was a California rattlesnake—nina fi'i ■; long, and fifty-two rattlejon hi* tail. Have any ofvc.-j tellers seen the tarnal critter crawl m' round here ?" They hadn't, but ail who were aide to get cut ol bed and mizzle, did so in a bunch. I GETS TF: Prcn ANYHOW. —The Sacraroon j !.i (Cal.) A%r tells of an inveterate lager beer J consum.-r, who is in the hab:tof hanging around | the ;.ar-r--.om for the " s* mips" "and picking?." '• It es'-rhv, t!u* eld /eilow %vas waiting in a salcon ) K street, expecting the receipt of a free gI ■ 3 . The I ar-fceeper at length saw a tiec i IT .use under the counter. " Goof," HA ex; 'anr.-;?, 41 I'll fix old Lag-r with this 'ere jso !:•• take? the mouse, puts its decaying body I into a glass, {UGH) !} covers it with malt liquor, •••• passing t > the counter, calls out r 44 'Ere ! 'I rh :p, ere's adttnk.'' Lager tottered to the *er, around wnich several cute ones were Manding, s-iz" I the beverage, and swallowed ch 'ig sligntlv as the vermin descended his throat. 44 Ah, ah, now you're fixed," yeF* ■ the crowd. 44 Vas i<;j fixed ?" inquired old i- -*- r r'aith J !y the sudden exclamations of !: e • u squad. 44 Oli; you've swallowed a •>: : b ' wt'li us- y i up,"' answered the bn tee;. r. "Schatlowed an :e! me, mil the ' r ? .;d Lager as Co- i' y and carelessly, as I•* had only taken down a flv. 44 A 'i v , i tot it vas a hop as g ;es in me, but i J r.'t care, tis a mice, I ge's It peer anufiow!** LER AC; SWIFT RD.iXEs xae BAK LEU'S FORTUNE. 1). in si a ill s : srber t- :: 1! into his head to : ite l . prof-?-' :i jf puoiican to his more reg lac cne, •♦f-r t-.e better maintenance of his tjrrnly," of hich he d i'y m formed his distia g. d patron, me . ntng w title lathering nun, "i deed," tad ike D -an, "and what can Idn to promote this fca; ; y union ?" 4, .i:id pi. ae j , ' said razor, "some of cur cus - tiers a - d m*;eh about your rever ence's poetry, so that ii you would but coude- C: iid to give me a smart little touch in ihat way '•o cJap under my sign, it might be the making J! i.e and nu;i<- F.rever." •• VVdal do y .1 intend for your sign ?" rays the dean. 4 i tuj'jHy bfirb r, if it pleas- your reverence wun a tutor in one tianJ, and a Juiipot iu other."' were 4 - iVelT,*' r-joined the dean, 44 in tha4,*m vv 'fh can be n ) great dliicuity in somAwp riis pen, a suiUbk inscription." So i#*-uij£ couplet : lir uistaoliy scratched lhe.-&, boi step in here, 4 -Iv.v- i.ot I roTt poUbt bill—the fcr,' '.Vrj-rr u- .foit exetf.e sign, where it remain which was uhTi*e* c , ai . au j Hiiuie the baroer's ed for lIUV fortune _ ,f your ineansstilt not with guethoi end. which suit with your ■ VOL 1, NO. 30.