The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, January 22, 1858, Image 2

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B. F. Meyers &G. W. Benford, Editors.
Senator DOUULAS, in in.- Lie sp-rdi on Kan
sas affairs, lavs paiticular sties- on what he pro
nounces the illegality of the Lt-compton Con
vention. Hi* whole argument rests on the ba
sis of an assumption: viz : Thai the Convention
which formed the Lecomp'nn Constitution was
not a legal body, for this reason lie urges Con
gress to refuse the admisiot. ol Kansas under
that Constitution. For this reason lie insists
that an "enabling act" is necessary. On the
other hand, Gov. WALKER acLnow ledges the
legality of the aforesaid Convention, llis op
position to the admission of Kansas under the
form of government adopted by that Conven
tion, is based* on quite different foundations.—
He says that sovereignty can not he delegated—
that the people cannot appoint agents to make
a Constitution for them which shall bind them
any length of time unless it be ratified by a ma
jority of them. Therefore, Senator Douglas and
Gov. Walker differ very materially in their
theories, in fact the argument of the one greatly
weakens thatjof the other. Again : Mr. Secre
tary Stanton, disagrees with both of these illus
trious theorists. He savs in plainand unequiv
ocal terms that the refusal of a majorily (the
free state Abolitionists) to vote for delegates to
the constitutional Cvnvention teas the cause oj
all the evils and dangers of the present crisis.
He truthfully attributes all the trouble which
we are now having in relation to the affairs of
Kansas, to the stubbornness and hypocrisy of
the Abolitionists. Thus we see the vast differ
ence between the opinions of the men who, the
Abolitionists say are opposed to the Kansas poli
cy of the Administration. They contradict pact)
other time and again. There is scarcely a sin
gle position, save that of hostility to the Le
compton Constitution, held in common by them.
The Abolitionists had, therefore, better set about
reconciling these contradictions, lest the people
propound to them'the question "WhoJ; shall de
cide when doctors disagree?" and answer it for
them in a voice of thunder, JAMES BUCHANAN ;
The Abolitionists felicitate themselves ex
ceedingly over a letter lately written bv this
gentleman to the Tammany Society of .Yew
York city, in which the ground is taken that
Congress should admit Kansas with the Lecomp.
ton Constitution, the said constitution to be
submitted to the people of Kansas for ratifica
tion after their admission into the Union. How
these very consistent gentlemen could ever bring
themselves to rejoice over any position assumed
by that "arch-priest of slavery propagandists,
Henry A. Wise," as tlu-v w.-re wont to call
him, we find it impossible to conjecture; much
less able are we to comprehend how such ardent
haters of the "Lecompton swindle" ( so denom
inated in Abolition parlance) as they profess to
be, could become so boisterously jubilant over
the opinion of that "arch priest"—that Con
gress should receive Kansas into the Union un
der the Constitution adopted on the 21st ult.—
But "every day brings something new"—espe
cially in regard to the Abolitionists. The next
thing we shall hear of, will, doubtless, be that
they propose to erect a monument to the heath
en who first engaged in the African slave-trade.
The following is the concluding portion of
Gov. Wise's letter; the Abolitionists are lieaiti
ly welcome to all the comfort they can derive
from that:
"The great State of \eiv York should realize
the responsibility resting upon her. If she will j
stand by Mr. Buchanan as she did by Gen. Jack- I
son; if her democracy will only firmly unite- :
if she will maintain no other rule of law and
the constitution ; if she will remember her great- I
est stake in swelling the late democratic tri
umphs into a permanency of power, and in :
maintaining law, order, justice, peace, and uni- j
on ; if her democracy will cease their factions 1
divisions and devotedly and unitedly come up
to the patriotic work of saving a happy ami
prosperous confederacy from the dangers of dis
solution, or the disasters of civil war, then, tru- •
ly, New York will resume her empire ande
an arbitress thrice blessed as the peace'n aWr.
All the sister State? already contribute tomer
beauty and strength; she is in position pnd pqw- '
er lobe an arbitress, but to be so in truth and!
with effect she must be sanctified to the hfoh
and holy office.'"
Abolition Rilhngsgalr,
The clique of black-guanis who does up j
the fish-woman slang that pass, s for etiiorinL
(heaven save the mark !} to the muddy columns i
of the Abolition organ in this place, seem to
think that they make a very happv hit when
they call the Gazette the "/Agger org///? We
have no doubt the epithet is a very witty one
for, cert e.<t, a "buzzard feast" Senator would not
say anything dull. We do not know, howev
er, whether the Democracy of Bedford county
will consider it either u illy, or complimentary.
They may, for aught we know, object to beiDg
called "niggers." They mav even go so far as
to say that the aforesaid ••piiii.t would applv
with equal torce to that party of fag-ends which
has strained its utmost to curtail the pri- j
vileges <-V the while man ghe foreigner) and
which are even tng to enlarge those of'
the black. Th.v will at least remember next;
lall, wh n Ab.i!f'oii-lvn.|. \y!;ing candidates 1
wiil be again sneaking ixmi.j begging theirij
voles, thai the Abolitionist* ks?W upon the Bed
ford Gazette as the nigger ar<r, i/>," and per
consequence, upon Democrats as "niggers." j
Don't, you thiuk so, Buzzard!
i£r*The New York Herald publishes a letter
from Senator Brown, of Mississippi, denying
having abandoned the Lecompton Constitution
and saying that he has no doubt of its adoption.
We notice that our able and attentive Sena
tor has been made chairman of one of the stand
ing committees of the Senate and that he is a
member of several others. Mr. Schel! is deser
vedly held in high esteem by his fellow sena
tors, and we have no doubt that lie will in his
present position, do great honor both to himself
and the glorious Democracy of this Senatorial
We are informed that Gov. PACKER had ten
dered the Sea etaryship since accepted by Mr.
! Heister, to 1 lon. John Cessna, of this place.—
We regret that Mr. C. did not accept the ap
pointment as he would certainly have made an
excellent officer.
speaking of the charges of corruption
now before Congress, the Philadelphia Jlrgu*,
j says:—
Grave charges of fraud and corruption are
now before the Congress of the United States.
First we have a charge against Mr. Cullom, late
Black Republican Clerk of the House ot Repres
entatives, for defrauding the Treasury of $25,-
| 000 in the distribution ol books to the members,
i Then there is a charge of bribery and corrup
! tion against certain Black Republican members
of the last Congress, arising from the item in
the books of Lawrence, Stone be Co., of Boston,
of $87,000, for passing the amended tariff act:
: then the private sale oi Fort Snelling reserva
tion by the government at a price which some
j Black Republican growler alleges to be far less
than might have been obtained for it; and last
! though not least, the movement for the re-expul-
I sion of the notorious, O. B. Matteson, member
I from the Oneida District, from the House of
! Representatives. Highly interesting view of
■ tilings to the lovers of justice of molality.
editor of the Albany Argus and .'lt I as is evi
dently a wag in his way. In a late number he
roasts the Republicans and their allies unmerci
fully on account of their deplorable condition,
arising from the late entire failure of the Kan
sas outrage crop. Hear him :
"The Tribune pointed with pride to its story
of'two free State men burned to death to Fort
Scott,' and 'the hanging of a clergyman named
Stewart,' while 'Civil War,' 'Siege of Fort
Scott,' 'defeat of United Slates Troops,' 'March
of Gen. Lane and 130U,troops,''Arrest
Lane,' &.C., brought .forward by its colleagues.
All these fruits of Black Republican culture,
In 11 of promise, have been blighted—nipped in
the bud by a kiliing frost.
"Poets speak of 'the luxury of woe,' but
this is not a question of luxury. Outrages have
come to be a matter of necessity ; and the ca
lamity will deprive people of their livelihood.
What will Greeley do without his outrages '?
He can set up the cry for 'Protection to Amer
ican Outrages,' and require of Congress to inter
fen- in behalf of this branch of home industry :
but in the meantime what are his readers to do
without their daily outrage—their brown-toast- j
ed free State men and hung clericals, which
they are accustomed to partake of lor break
fast' ?
"We know that, by a wise provision, the
growers oi' tins profitable political crop, have at
tempted to extend it beyond Kansas and have
put Utah under cultivation. A few weeks
ago, we had a glowing account of murder, star
vation, poison, and defeat, oi which the United
States troops were the victims! It promised
well ; but it peiished ere its bloom! Yesterday
a first-rate outrage was brought out for the de
lectation of tfie iiJack Republicans in the shape
of rumor that a division of Government troops
in Utah had been intercepted, overpowered by
Mormons, butchered fo the number of 200, and
taken prisoners to a large extent besides, and
the officers hung. This was a most gratifying
evidence of the capacity of the distant soil of
.Utah for tfie growth of outrages ; but we fear
that this beautiful and efjbrescent specimen has
been brought out too !at- in the year, and
perish in the fro>t !
"The contemplation of th* misery caused by
the failure of this great staple is heart-rending.
Greeley may be compeljeU {.. tej| (he riutb:
Beecher to Pun to religion: and Heaven knowns
to what extremities others mav be driven in
mid-winter. We draw the veil upon the
picture, ami wait for some philanthropist to
propose a subscription."
1 he St. Bonis Republican of the l.'Jlii announ
ces the arrival in that city pi Lieutenant Cor
nd, 10th regiment I rutnl States infantry, di
recj from tin' army at Fort Bridger, having
left Colonel Johnson's command on the Ist De
Tile whole of tfee troops sent out upon this
expedition have been concentrated, and wre in
winter quarters on Black's Fork, about one and
a quarter mile above Fait Bridger, with the ex
ception of Colr#nel ( ooke's command of dragoons,
inch was posted forty miles distant, on Hen
ry s fork, where there was some scant supply
of grass for the hnr>es. Five companies of in
fantry were stationed at old Fort Bridger, and
ivefe engaged m rebuilding the works, for the
purpose of protecting the provisions, and to he
occupied hereafter as a permanapt fbrt by the
I iiited States. To • whole of the works, it was
anticipated, would be completed by the spring,
ihe locality is an excellent one for this ofej?fct.
1 here is an abundance of wood lor fuel and of
water. The troops were all comfortably sta
tioned in tents, with stoves, and the weather
had been, luckily, very mild. Tiiev were in
excellent health, and numbered some twelve or
fifteen hundred in addition to which, it may he
staled, that there were about a thousand team
sters. and other attaches of an army.
Ihe rumors that the .Mormons proposed to
abandon their settlment at Salt Lake City and
remove to the British possessions are repeated,
and the impression prevails '.hat a removal in
the spring is contemplated. , : Col. Johnson is
represented to be so firmly of this belief, that he
asks no increase of the numerical force of the
aimy under his command, although supplies will
be needed.
KBKTCCKT DEMOCRACY.— At the Convention
of the Kentucky Democracy, assembled at
Frankfort, January 8, the fblhuvirf£ resolution
was adopted :
That we have undiminished confidence in
the patriotism and wisdom of our distinguished
( hief Magistrate, and believe that the views ex
pressed t>y him in his first annual message to
the ( ongn-ss u f (tie United States, in leh r- nce
1o the admission ol the State ot Kansas into
the federal t nion, patriotic and just.
—>Jhe City of Chicago is only twenty-six
years old. The-town was laid out in 1830, and
the first sales of lots tyere made in 1831. Its
growth is extraordinary. The annual state
ments of the extent of its commerce and trade
are every year more surprising, and the increase
of its population appears to keep equal pace with
of tra le. In 184-0 it had 4-,4-70 in
habitants; in 1850 it had increased to 28,269
in 1855 the figures were 83,500 ; in 1856,110,-
000: in 1857, 130,000, or an increase in sev
enteen years of 125,530.
—The birthday of Daniel Webster, the 18th
instant, is to he observed more generally than
it has iieen in years past in Boston. The Web
ster A pul iation, as well as a large number of
private clubs, will celebrate the day in an ap
propriate manner.
—The barque Cay Head, C'apt. Mayo, which
arrived at Boston <>n the 13th, from Constanti
nople, ha< on board nineteen live Angola goats
.(Mohair) and three Angola sheep for the United
States Government.
—Colonel Thomas while attending
the races at New Orleans, on January 2d, had
his pocket picked of $2,300 in money, and
notes to the value of several thousand more.
—Judgment was rendered on the sth instant
against Gen. William Walker and his surety,
S. F. Siatter, in the Circuit Court of the United
States, at New Orleans, for $2,000 on the recog
nizance of the former to appear to answer for a
breach of the neutrality laws, and which recog
nizance was forfeited by ins departure in the
Fashion in November.
—The total products of the Mexican mines,
since the conquest oi Cortez, are estimate*, bv
the New Orleans Picayune to be not less than
$11,760,000,060, a sum in comparison with
which any of the incredible stories told oi the
wealth oi the ancient Aztec seems probable.
—Edward Seidel, a native of Saxony, and
resident of Rochester, N. Y. committed .a>icid<*
in Cleveland, Ohio, on the 9tti instant, by ta
i king ersenic. Cause—out of employment and
—The strike on the Marietta and Cincinnati
railroad is over. Several of the strikers are in
jail, and will be tried for riot and for obstructing
the United States mail. The trains are now
running regularly.
—ln laving a submarine cable for a telegraph
between England and Algiers, it has been dis
covered that in some places the Mediterranean
is 2,000 fathoms deep, or nearly two and a
half miles.
—The late Know-Nothing Clerk of the H ause
oi Representatives, Mr. Cul!om,of Tennessee,
is on trial before the Grand Jury of the District
of Columbia for alleged delinquencies ki olfice
as principal Clerk. There is also a Special
Committee of the House of Representatives: up
on the subject, but no meeting has thus far been
—lt is said that a worthy minister in Indiana
who had became somewhat mixed up in land
speculations, recently announced to his congre-J
gat ion at the opening of divine service, that . ]
his text would he found "in St. Paul's epis- j
tie to the Corinthians, section four, range three,,
—1 he city ol New \ork alone sells three-!
♦ as many "jiUre ini poi-tod beoivjiec," and '
four times a many "pure, imported wines," an-j
nuallv, as all the wine and brandy producing '
countries export. Somebody, it is clear, drink- !
spurious article.
—The following were fhe prices of bread in
the city of London, Dec. 19: —Wheat*!! bread.
Tib, loaf 7aSd., or about I3ials|c, our curren
cy. Household bread, 41b, loaf, s|a6-id., or
about llal3c. American money.
A man. named Anderson, was killed in Flem
ingburg, Ky., a few days since, by a ball front
a gun in the hands of John Glover. Thev
were both friends, and were joking each other
until they got to angry words, when Glover
aimed his gun and tired, from the effects of
which Anderson died the next day.
—We learn from the New Orleans Bulletin.
that a subscription has been opened in that city
for the purpose ol presenting to Commodore
Paulding a sword of honor, and to the officers
and crew of the frigate Wabash a flag, as an
evidence of the approval of their acts by those
who subscribe.
—A clergyman who was present at the exe
cution of Donnelly had his pockw^ 1 pickeii of
some $8 while gazing at the spectacle.
—The State of Vermont has appropriated
$2,000 for a monument to Ethan Alien. A sub
scription, limited to $1 for each subscriber, has
been started to place a colossal statue of the hero
on the top ol the column.
—Washington Trving, now seventy-five
years old, walks to Dr. Creighton's Ctiurcb,
in Tarrytown (of which we believe he is a
vestryman,) and back, five miles, nearly every
—AI ford Ebon, an Englishman, twenty-five
years of age, accomplished, in Hart fort, on Sat
urday nights the great feat of walking one hun
died and eight consecutive hours withonj sleep
or rest.
—Two hundred and thirty years ago uwenty
four dollars purchased the whole city and county
of New York. If Methusaleh were alive now,
and tight sharp, lie might be a rich mao.
—During the past year $1,856,52 l worth of
domestic cotton goods were exported from Ron
ton, and nearly as much from New York.
• —lt is estimated that 350,000 gallons of
native California wine were inac.e during the
vintage oi l 857, and 50,000 gaLloos of native
—lt is staled that Mr. Russel, of Mo., agent
of Majors, Russel, K. Co., has closed a contract
with the War Department for the transporation
ol supplies to Utah for $1,700,030.
— A few days since a hog was killed at Henrv
Sherlrahn's hotel, in Mount Joy, Lancaster coun
ty, I'a., whicli weighed 912 lbs. cleaned.
—Esther Leopold has received, in the New
York Court of Common Pbus, $3,000 from
Morris Meyer, for breach of promise.
—Twenty men of Gen. Walker's force arrived
at New York on Friday evening, from Norfolk,
in the steamer Jamestown.
—Brooks Williams, of Georgetown, brother
ol Madame Boebco, will, it is said, be appointed
counsel at Reuel, Russia.
—Mrs. Harrison, the wifeof Col. Harrison,
United .States consul at Kingston Jamaica, died
1 there lately.
(Cr-WV take the Co I low ing from tin* columns
of the Pennsylvanian.
WASHINGTON, D. C\, Jan. Utli, 1858.
1 stepped into the Supreme Court Room a few
days ago, and, to mv astonishment, found it
crowded with the most distinguished men o! the
Capitol, and being curious to know the cause of
this unusual gathering of great minds, I soon
learned that it was the occasion of Judge Black s
debut before this Court in a case of great impor
tance. All seemed anxious to hear how his first
forensic effort before the most august legal tri
bunal in the world, would sustain his high char
acter tor talents ami learning.
As a Pennsylvania!), 1 felt an unusual inter
est in his success, and 1 must admit that I was
restless and uncertain of the result ; tor, with all
my confidence in Judge Black's great inind, I
well knew that he had been for years upon the
bench, and in the character of Judge J feared
he had forgotten th>* cunning of the advocate,
and that the cairn deliberation requisite in the
decision of casf-s, had unfitted him for the
"rough and tumble" of the bar : and J feared
lest the constraint of a first appearance before
this exalted tribunal might so embarrass him,
that his effort would not be worthy the man.
The case was that of the United States vs. Hen
ry Cambuston, and the questions involved some
of the most abstruse legal learning found in the
hooks. The defendant claimed title to a large
and valuable tract of land in California,and the
defence to his title was the allegation that his
-papers w?re forged and his evidence manufac
tured for the occasion. Attorney General Black
rose calm, easy, dignified and collected, and
with a logic clear, forcible and convincing, h>*
proceeded to unwind the tangled skein of the
defendant's claim to bring to light the secret
machinery employed to perfect this pretended
title. With illustrations simple and familiar,
yet pertinent and expressive, the whole case
was made to assume a new appearance. You
could almost see the li3nd that wrote the spu
rious grant faltering in its work of fraud. You
looked upon and pitied the poor perjured witness
who craved the wrath of Heaven and invoked
the terrors of the last great day on his tale of
falsehood; he stood before you with the secret
witness of his heart laid hare—a revolting spec
tacle of the degradation of man.
You know that I love Judge Black, but never
before did I feel so proud of him, and never be
fore did he rise so much above himself as on the
occasion of his debut in this great case. The
deep tones ofhis manly voice, the coolness and
clearness with which he dissected and exposed
to view the intricate secrets which hung
around the inception of the defendant's title,
clothed in the rich drapery of racy, pure old
Anglo-Saxon words, combined sentences terse
and so powerful, all contributed to heighten the
man and the occasion, and to win from the
auditory full admiration.
It is admitted on ail bands that Judge Biack
is one of the ablest Attorney-Generals we eve r
had. This is saying much, but nevertheless it
is true. Here, as at his Keystone home, he is
a universal favorite—admired for his excellent
talents, and loved for his social virtues,
fhe Medical Jimes says : "It has become the
fashion for certain writers to throw doubts upon
the truth oi the reports of the atrocities commit
ted by the Sepoy mutineers upon our countrv
loen in India. It is said that these reports
have come through native spies, have been col
ored by Indian press, and have not been authen
ticated by European testimony. How for these
irgnments are ivorrhy of credit our readers may
judge from the following statement.— We have
Oeen assured by a medical friend that he has
been consulted by a ladv who has recently
arrived at Bayswater, fiom India, whose noes
has been cutoff. H>T child, three ve.irs old,
has neither hands nor feet ; thev were all cut off
by tiie mutineers. How the child survived is a
mystery. The governess to the family escaped
with the loss of her ears, which were cut off as
an easy way of getting her ear-rings. Another
friend is attending a lady whose nose has been
slit open, and her ears have been cut off. She
has brought home to England three young chil
dren, all blind. 1 heir eyes have all been gou
ged out by the Sepoys. We have heard from
another source, quite beyond question, (a lady
who speaks from personal knowledge,) that there
air several ladies now in Calcutta, who have
undergone such unspeakable degradation that
they obstinately refuse to give their names.
They prefer to be thought of bv their relations in
England as dead. There are also in Calcutta
several young children whose names are quite
tnknown. One little creature says "she is
namma's pet," and that is all we are likely to
know of her past history.
A New York correspondent of the Boston
Journal mentions the following recent modifica-
in the religious observance ol the Jews in
tiat citv, who number, we believe, nut tar from
&,000 :
j 4l H)e old slyleol singing, in one or more of
tie lip-town synagogues, has given place to a
modern choir, organ and all the accompaniment?,
ibis has brr-n done ir; the face of tire most
virulent opposition from the staid old Jews,
aid to the inhntle disgust ot all who ask for the
oil paths, But the innovation does not end
\yilh the organ and the choir. The question of
tie day ol worship has on many occasions agi
tated the Hebrews. Some are uncharitable
erough to say, that the Jews cannot alibi J to
lc*e two days in the week; and as Saturday,
their Sabbath, is one of the best days in the
wfek lor trade, and Sunday, our Sabbath, is
ere of the worst, it is proposed to adopt the
Sunday of the Christians. And this latter plan
has already been put into practical use by Rev.
Di. Raphael, who on Sunday last preached on
the death of the late Judah Touro.
"Touro is the Girard of the Jews, and at the
title ol iiis death he distnbuted his immense
walth among the Hebrews in America, and an
annual service is held in commemoration of his
buieficeiice. Jt was a marked sight to see the
synagogue of the Israelites open on the day sa
ctvd as that on which the Lord arose from the
dtad. It may indicate the near approach of
that time when those who crucified the Son of
the Highest, shall through their descendants
say, 'Blessed is he that cometh in the name ot
the Lord!'
,We learn from the Hartford Times that
the Emperor of Russia had contracted with
Cijlonel Sam Colt for a large amount cf machi
mry lor making arms, and a part of it hasalrea
dy been shipped- He has also employed Colo
nel Colt to build for him two steain engines,
suitable for driving this machinery.
Miss Hester A. Burgess sued N. F. Wood,
in Kanawha county, Va., lor breach of promise-
It was proved in evidence, savs the Valley Star,
tint the young lady was a tlirt, and the jury
aiarrh <! her one o t damage..
BY virtue ot sundry writs of fieri facias to me di
rected, then- will be sold at the Court House, in the
Borough ol Bedford, on Monday, the Bth day of Feb
ruary, 1 n-">8, at one o'clock, I*. M., the iollowitig
Real Kstate, to wit:
One tract ol land containing 2,11) acres, more or
las-, about ."iO acieg cleared and under fence with a
two story log house and log stable thereon erected
adjoining land, of Joseph Barkntan, Philip Snider
and others, situate in .Monroe township, Bedford
county, and taken in execution as the property ,of
James Mountain.
ALSO—One tract of land containing 132 acres,
more or less, about IS acres cleared and under fence,
with a two story log house thereon erected—adjoin
ing lands of Samuel Weekly, John Zook, Christian
Long and others, siluate in Broad Top township,
Bedford county, and taken in execution us the pmu
ty of Wm. Lowery.
ALSO— One tract of unimproved land, containing
21 acres, more or less—adjoining lands of George
W. (Jump, Joseph Souser, Jame. Ferguson and oth
er*, situate in Napier township, Bedford county, and
taken in execution asthe property ol James Hu"hes.
ALSO—AII defendant, Samuel A. Sleek, his right,
title, interest ami claim, in and to a tract of fund
containing HJii acres, more or less, about 10 acres
clear and under fence—adjoining lands of B W. Gar
retson, Jacob Snider, John Wolf's heirs, Henry Hoo
ver and others, situate in St. Clair township, Bed
ford county, and taken in execution as the pioperfv
ol Samuel A. Sleek.
ALSO—One lot of ground, in the Borough of
Scbeilsbuig, fronting J2O feet on Vine stree?, and
extending hack about 200 feet to laud of A. B. Bunn
with u story and a half frame house and log stable
thereon erected—adjoining public road on the east
and lot of Edward Carlinger on the west, and taken
in execution as the property of Mary Palmer.
ALSO—One lot of ground, in the town of Hope-i
well, fronting 30 f-.-t on Mitliin street and extending
back 150 leet, wiih a two story plank house and
and smoke house thereon erected—adjoining lot of
Bar ndo)lor, Lowry & Co., on the north, and lot of I
Henry K. Strong, on the south east—
ALSO— One lot of ground in the town of Hope- •
well, fronting about 100 feet on Wood Street, and a
bout 120 feet on Broad Street, and extending back To •!
mill-race, and lying three square, with three two
story rough cast dwelling house*,, blacksmith shop,
shoemaker shop, and tin shop thereon erected.
ALSO—AII defendant's right, title and interest
in 30 acres of unimproved coal land, warranted in 1
the name oi John L. Grove—adjoining lands of John '
Cessna, Esq., the llopevvell Coal & Iron Company !
and others. ' J '
ALSO —One tract of unimproved bottom land, j
knowuas the Adam Young tract, containing 25 acres I
more or less—adjoining the Juniata river on the j
north, and lands of John King's heirs on the east and
ALSO—AII defendant, Thomas W. Horton's right, j
title, iritere-t. and claim, in and to one tract of land j
called buck bottom-, containing 60 acres, more or
less, about J acres cleared and under fence, with a
story and a half plank house thereon erected—ad-'
joining lands of Wm. Forrester on the west, and the j
Juniata river on the north,east and south.
ALSO—AII defendant's interest, in and to three
tracts oi improved coal lands, Warranter] in the name j
oi 1 homns V . Horton and Jesse Grove, containing !
in a!! about 151 acres, more or less—adjoining lands i
of William Montgomery, now John Cessaa," F.sq.,!
on the north and west, and lands of John Ford and'
others oa the south, and lands of William Evans, on
the east, and all the above described lands situate in :
Broad Top township, Bedford county except Buck •
Bottom, which is situate in Hopewell township, Bed- 1
ford county, and taken in execution as the property
of Thomas W. Horton.
ALSO—AII the defendant, Robert Elliott, his in- !
tcrest in and to a tract of land containing 2SO acres, !
more or less, about 20 acres cleared and under fence,
with a cabin house and double log barn thereon erec
ted—adjoining *!ands of Jacob Oster, John Oster,
and others, siluate in Cumberland Valley township, j
Ledlord county, am! taken in executionas the prop- '
erty of Robert Elliott. !
ALSO—One tract of land containing r0 acrps,
more or les-, about 20 acres cleared and nnder fence,
with acabiii boti>e thereon erected—adjoining lands
ol Alired j.nirekin. John Savage and others, situate
1 in Liberty township, Bedford county, and taken in
execution as The pioperty ofHenry Berkstresser.
ALSO—AII deiendarit, Peter Barmond's right, ti
tle, interest and claim, inand to one trput of lining
proved fl.lee land, AJ ac. eai more or fosfc
—adjoining lands of B. W. (Arretsonf James Rea.
Watson's heirs and others, situate in Bedford town
ship, Bedford county, arid taken in execution as the
property of Peter Earrnond.
Sheriff's Office. ( WM. S. FLUKE,
Bedford, Jan 1.5,'58. J - Sheri.fF
At an Orphans' Court held j
at Led lord, in and ior the county ot Bedford, on the
Hjth day ot November, A D ISO", before the Judges
of the said Court,
On motion of John Mower,
K-rj., the < onrt grant a rule upon the heirs and legal
representatives offerer Shinier, late of Union town
ship, dee'd, to wit: Isaac Shirner,Martha, intermar
tied with Henry Dell, residing in Blair county, Pa.,
Rachael, intermarried with Emanuel Keller, resi
ding in The same county, David Sbimer, residing in
Wayne county, Ohio, Elizabeth Fickes, (widow)
I rederick Shirner, Margaret, intermarried with
W ei niert Reiuinger, Hannah, intermarried with John
Weyant, Peter Stumer, and Susan, intermarried with j
John Fickes, all residing in Bedford county, to be
and appear at an Orphans' Court to be held at Bed
loni, in and said county, on the 2d Monday, Sth day
ol February next, to accept, or refuse to take the
rea! estate ol said deceased, at the valuation which
ha- been valued and appraised in pursuance of a writ
ol parlition, or valuation issued out of the Orphans'
( ouit ol Bedlord county, and to the sheriff of said
county directed, or show cause why the same should
not he sold.
By order of the said Court.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set mv
[L. S.] hand and the -eal of said court at Bedford,
the IStn day of November. A D 1857.
WM. S. FLUKE. Sheriff. Clerk.
Ja.i l-'i, 18-58.
At an orphans' court held
at Bedford, in and for the county of Bedford, on the
lfith day ol November, A.l). 1557, before the Judg
es of the said Court,
On motion of O. E. Shannon, Esq,, the
Court grant a rule upon the heirs and legal represent
atives ot Mathew Growrten, late of Cumberland Val
ley township, deceased, to wit: Jeremiah, George,
Ellen, intermarried with Henry llauger, Rebecca,
and Priscilla, all residing in Bedford county,to be and
appear at an Orphans' Court, to be held at Bedford,
in and lor said county, on the 2d Monday, bth day of
February next, to accept or refuse to take the Real
Estate ot said deceased at the valuation, which has
been valued and appraissd in pursuance of a writ of
partition or valuation issued out of the orphans' court
of Bedford county, and to the Sheriff of said county
directed, or show cause why tiie same should not be
By order of the Court.
In testimony whereof I nave hereunto set my hand
[ s. ] and seal of the said Court'at Bedford, the
18th day of November, A. I), 15.77.
Jan 1.7,'57. Clerk.
Auditor's Notice.
THE undersigned to whom
was referred back the report on the account of Job
Mann, Esq., ooe of the Executors of Abrtn. Kerns,
deceased, for the purpose of taking additional testi
mony—hereby gives notice that he will meet the
parties interested for the purpose of attending to the
duties of his appointment, at his office, in Bedford, on
Wednesday, 2l)th day of January, ISSB, at 10 o'clock
Jan. 15 ISSS. Auditor.
'Short Settlements make long Friends.'
111AXKFUL for the very liberal patronage which
we have received from the public during our part
nership—we respectfully announce to all whom it
may concern, that the now existing partnership be
tween us will soon be dissolved by mutual consent,
and we earnestly desire all persons having accounts
with us to settle the same immediately—and those
against whom we hold notes now due, w ill plense lift
,!l * BEY Ml RE ft HARTLEY.
'.in !.".
at., one ,/ 00r nfo-, of i
- _ J OMSraB-iflk)
(;3" s jti, in ~k (, wlice ,, b , t
the following accountants have settled their ac
counts m the Register's office of Bedford coon-
V, and that the same will be presented to the
the t'olh . J? r , confirmation, on Friday,
lion !i if , brUar >' fUJXl ' at he Court
:, m Bedford, viz:
The account of James Carnell, administrator
K*'atP of Ritas llitz. £<fj late of Monroe
township, dec'd-
| CCO, ':' t r 0 ! J)avid Stoler, administra
tor ot the folate of John Stoler, late of Liberty
township, dec'd.
The account of VV.lliam Overrocker, admin
r r!°r 0, lh : p Ls!ate of Thomas Overrocker, late
of CoJerain Township, dec'd
: Jtf th C p U , n ! oi ' J 4 0nath3 ' 1 SnitW ' adm,ni.stra
tor of the Estate of Sophia Snider, who was
administratrix of John Snider late 0 f Monroe
ioivnship, dec'd.
The account of Jonathan Snider, administra
tor of the Estate of Sopliia Snider, late of Mon
roe J ownship, dec'd.
The account of Simon Brumbaugh, admin
istrator of the Estate of David Barley, late of
Middle Woodberry Township, dec'd.
The guardianship account of Jno. B. Alexander
of Wells Township, Fulton County, formerly of
Broad-top Township Bedford County, guardian
of Catherine Ready, now intermarried with
H illiarn Lockard, Mary Ann Ready, Ros
anna Ready, George Ready, John Ready, miner
children of Alexander Ready, lateofsaid Town
ship, dec'd.
The final account of John Kinton, administra
tor of Elizabeth Kinton, lateof the Borough of
Bedford, dec'd.
The account of David Walter, Executor of
the last Will and testament of James Walter,
late of Southampton Township, dec'd.
I ne account of Jacob Dunkle, administrator
of the Estate of Susan Dunkle, late of West
Providence Township, dec'd.
The account of Aineria Wilson, Executor
of the l ist Will and testament of John Wilson
late of Napier Township, dec'd.
The account of Charlotte L. Harmer, Ex
ecutrix of the last Will and testament of
El wood Harmer, dec'd who was administrator
of the Estate of Thomas B. Miller, late ot Bed
ford Borough, dec'd.
The Guardianship account of Fredrick KaufT
man, Guardian of David, George and Susanna
Keagy, minor children of Jacob Keagy, late of
Middle Woodberry Township, dec'd.
The account of Francis Jordan, Esq., admin
istrator of of the Estate of Samuel Cromweel,
late of Bedford Borough, dec'd.
The account of Gideon Hitchew, administra
tor of the Estate of Cnarlet Zembrun, iate of
Juniata Township, dec'd.
Register's Office, ) SAM'L H. TATE.
Jan. 1 Nth ISSS. \ Register.
jTo the Coroner, the Justices of the Peace,
and Constables in the (liferent Townships
in the County of Bedford, Greeting,
f NOW YE that in pursuance of a precept to
me directed,* under the hand and seal of the
Hon. FKWdS M. KITDIELL. President
of the several Courts of Common Pleas in the
Sixteenth District, consisting of the counties of
Franklin, Bedford and Somerset, and by virtue
i of his office of the Court of Oyer and Terminer
: and General Jail delivery for the trial of capi
tal and other offenders therein and in tiie Gene
ral Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace; and
Joii.v G. HARTLEY and A. J. SXIVELY, Esqs.
i Judges of the same Court, in the same C'ountv
( of Bedford, You and each of you are hereby rr
i quired to be and appear in your proper persons
with your Records, Recognizances, Examina
! tions, and other remembrances before the Judges
j aforesaid, at Bedford, at a Court of Oyer and
Terminer and General Jail Delivery and Gene
ral Quarter Sessions of the Peace therein to be
| holden for the county of Bedford, aforesaid,
! on the 2d Monday of February, (being the Bth
I day,) at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day,
; there and then to do those things to which vou
several offices appertain.
GIVEN under my hand at Bedford, on the
15th dav of January, in the year of our Lord
185 S.
Put down for trial at February Term, ("2d Mon
day, Sth day,) ISSB.
George Muliin vJS Morrison's admr.
J S Morrison's adm'r. " George .Muliin,
Margaret Biddie, " Henry Barley, et al.
Maria McEldowny, " Sam'l Williams, et al.
Conrad llobm, " Solomon Diehl,
Dr G W Auderson's use, " David Over,
Peter .T Little, Jacob Strock,
E A Fockler, " Jos Hardsock, et al.
A J Snively, ' Samuel Brown,
Same " Wm Keeffe,
James Cessna, " Henry Miller et al.
Amos Wiliison, " Jesse Dicken,
John Bndeham, " Mary Oyler, et al.
Eben Pennell, " Abm. R. Craine, et al.
Joseph Gonden, " Daniel Metzgar, et al.
Elizabeth Kelly, " William Walsh,
D L Keagy'suse " l'eter Mornhigstar et at.
Jesse Sleek, " Wm Sleek,
Ludwick Fisher's adm'r., John McCanles,
Burgess Xc of Bedford bor." S M Barclay's adm'r.
holomon Dicken, ct al " Margaret Elliott,
T & J King, " John G Hartley,
Samuel Kreiger, " Wm. Woy,
Michael Wheeling, et al. " Philip Hoon, et al,
John Bowser, "Samuel Whetstone,
Piothouotarv's Office, 1 SAM'L H. TATE,
Jan'y 15, ISSS. y I'roth'y.
Notice to Collectors of l'oor Tax-
ALL collectors of Poor Tax including tbo6<? at
1857, are hereby notified to settle up their Du
plicates; and those who do not square up by
next February Court, excepting only the col
lectors for 1557, will have to abide by tbe con
sequences. By order of Board of
Jan. 15, 1857.
The undersigned appoin
ed auditor to distribute the money in tbe hands o(
Job Mann, Esq., administrator ot the estate oi Jos.
L. Morrison, dec'd— hereby gives notice that he will
meet all parties interested at his office, in Bedford,
on Thursday, the 21st January, 185s, at 10 o'clock,
Jan'. 15, lb'.s. _ Auditpr.
JUST received at Shoemaker's Cjjlpnade
Store, a large assortment of Boots u Taboos,
flats, Ac. [dec.*,*7.]