The Bedford Gazette* AX HOME AND ABROAD. The horrible in newspapers. —W v art* often asked why we do not publish detailed accounts of murders, robberies and other horrid crimes ) the history of which toooften disgraces the col umns of many of our cotemporaries. \Y e now propose to give an answer to the inquiries made in reference to this subject, which we hope will forever exonerate us from the unpleasant task ot > writing on a theme which so vividly brings up to our consciousness the weakness and depravi ty of human nature. We decline burdening our columns with this kind of matter lor several ve ry good and sufficient reasons. We believe that if vice be continually'held up to the gaze olthe will become so familiar to their eyes that its hideonsness will no longer repel them from its embrace. We believe in the doctrine of that poet who tells us : •>Vice is a monster of such frightiiil mien As to be hated needs but to lie seen, Hut teen ton oft, familiar with its fare, It's first i admit, then pity, thai em!,race We believe, further, that it is the duty ot the nevvspap.-r pi ess, to endeavor toro/sethe stand ard of m-.u als, inst-ad of making it an object to d-press it, or of conniving at the depraved taste of those wh > have unwittingly imbibed the poison they ask to have administered to the public indiscriminately. Therefore, we can not find, il Ul our heart, to give place in our paper to the thousand and one shocking and obscene stories which make up the criminal romance ol our country. YY e couid not issue our paper without a blush, were we to do so, nor could we refrain from thinking, should we hear of a crime committed in our community, that, perhaps, the criminal was strengthened in his evil resolve, by the exciting description of some deed similar to his.own uoic.. may have met his eye in our columns. I his. then, is one reason,and an al:-s one it is; for excluding from the newspaper toe sort of matter under consideration. It is a reason which morniitij assigns and one which will he readily acknowl edged as perfectly sound and valid by all good and honest people. Another objection to this system of retailing accounts of revolting crimes jn the columns ofa public newspaper, is suggest ed by the fact that tin-re isalwaws enough use ful and amusing reading matter to be found by the editor to fill his sheet, and such, too, as will possess a deep interest for all well regulated minds. Hence, if even the criminal literature (if we may be allowed the expression) were not noxious in its influence, the editor would still be in duty bound to exclude it, in order to make room fir that which demands a place in his journal, bv virtue ot its ministration to the hap piness of the people. Let none, therefore, expect us to tatni.-ii our pages with a weekly recud of all the horrible crimes that hang a cloud ol blackness between heaven and earth. Rather than thus violate our sense of propriety, we would sell our type to a broken ironmaster and sink our press under the waters of the Juniata. _Vetc Democratic /inju r in Mer'pr. —We have received n0."2 of the "Democratic Register", published at Mercer, Mercer Co. Pa. by Win. M'Knight, Esq. It is a large sheet, well printed, and edited with marked ability. We hope that the "Register" will prove, what it gives ample promise of being, an aoir ami untiring vindica tor of Democratic piinciplcs, and tnat its propri etor may meet with much success jn his new venture. A'etrspoper Change. —The "Juniata Register' has passed into the hands of Messrs. Greer and Ali son who have greatly improved its typogra phical execution, and have added much to the interest of its editorial columns. The"Register," if we mistake not, will soon he in the front rank of the Democratic country press of the State. The new publishers have our hearty wishes for their prosperity. Public Documents. — We are indebted to Hon. Win. P. Scheli, of the State Senate, for a number of valuable documents: aiso to .Messrs. H'n/, Coslner and A] 1 C lure, of the House. D.J. Chajimnm , Esq., of Philadelphia, likewise has our thanks for his polite attention. List of Jurors. —The following is th- list i of" Grand Jmors drawn for the next regular term of i (which tfCsSiris on Mot day. February Bth, IS.>. Bedford Horotigh—William Bowles. Bedford Tows, top—Jotui Sauvxn . Bion-1 Top I'p—A allivalt, David Fltick. • t'nitili 'ilaiut V al.ey 1 p—Berry .Vtiiter. F.ast Providence Tp—David C Four. Jcniatta Tp—John i. Bill, Ab'm S Ritchey. Liberty Tp—Henry Keiismger. Lpnok upon as the medium ofthat Being. Fourteen or fifteen minutes at a time tliev gazed fixedly up. n the* face of the Commissioner, accompanying; j their gaze with gestures resembling mesmeric passes, but which however tailed to mesmer ize the wary Commissioner, and at the end of the interview, he had sustained no other harm tfian some discoloration of his face an ! shirt collar, through their contact with the paint- . faces of the braves in the course of the i -p. ated huggirigs they bestowed upon him.— tori Star. Ttie Corn Rottino at tub Wot. —The Mis sonri Democrat has news from Ohio Indiana and Kentucky, that the corn is rotting to .1 ,!i -a*trous extent, both that which i* 011 lb- stalk and in cribs. The Kvansviile / Indiana) J< urnal savs that the injury to the corn hv the early frosts of November, and the subsequent rains, has been very serious throughout all the mid land and northern counties of the State. On the upp-r Wabash, the damage extend® to a large part of the crop. The injured crop serves t 1 feed stock, and to increas" the quantity of heel and pork that will be thrown upon the market. The price of corn will he affected by the disaster, and the value of wheat and flour will be raised in the regions where the corn has been rendered unfit for food. THE NEW YoriK" Tribune, on to • mrrni'l: of the Presidenti-iI election, declare*) that "n.v sure as there in a (iotj in 11< riven , il" James Buchanan is elected President,'* Oregon will lie made a 1 slave State. James Buchanan v:os ejected, and j Oregon has been n:ac!e a free State ; the infidels I of the Tribune will probably be confirmed in : their infidelity hy (his fact, and will regard it : as conclusive proof that "there is no God in ; Heaven." ' But it is interesting to .see, in the ca*e of ()r- I egnn, how beautifully the doctrine of popular ! sovereignty operates among honest, s i silde ' and patriotic people, and how completely the | result has falsified ail the predictions ami as- I serf ions of the black republican agitators.— j Smarting out on the willfully false theory that the | Nebraska act was designed to force slavery upon j all Jhe territories, they liaw never halted in . their persistent assertions tfiat micli was sure to be jhe fruit of the great and glorious princi -1 p|e which that act was designed to carrv into effect. And determined that their false theory , should prove true, they have floored constantly ito make it sl in the caseol Kansas. If the peo ple of that IV rritorv had acted is sensib'y and ) as honest ly as 'he people of Oregon have—if j they had gone to the polls ami voted, the resn't ; there would have been tfie same a- m Oregon. ' But no one can doubt that if these "Mack rascals" could hart* influenced the pcple of | Oregon a.s they have those of Kansas, Oregon i would fiave been mar.'e a slave Stale. Ji those hi favor of making Oregon a free State hadst.iv [ .-r? awav from the polls, of c >tu\-.e the f. w pn>- i slavery men tji-re iconic' have carri-M the elec tion, and Oregon would fi or l e> n a slave State. —A'. 11. Patriot. AN END TO KIJSING. A sliurt time since the atf*c Donate public was astonished hv the story of a vo'ing lady whose neck was dislocated in cowrjue ice ol the ill aflvised resistance which she offered to tfie amicable salute of an admirer nut - ardent than discreet. Gnr la*t exchanges Tom Europe now match this tale wtth another of an jnrjuesf held at Leeds on the body of a voting man ot xJI, who fell down stairs and killed himself in th" course of an attempt to snatch a kiss farm the unwill ing hps of a girl of fifteen. Some of on . cotem poraries deduced fiom the first of these occur rences, the wholesome moral that voting ladies should never oppose th" advances of their .admi rers. — In common fairness we are now bound to infer from the second accident that no man should ever attempt to take a kiss until! it is orf'ered to nim. Between the lessons th'-p- t> reason to fear that an ancient and not altogether disagreeable custom may .be summarily abolish ed. Bedford Markets. corMa'TK) wr.RKi.v r.v j. XV r. m. snar-niKtrt. Flour, $1 ~>o Butter, IB cts. Wbeat, pei bu. 90 F.gjs, per dor., in " Rye, " Aii cts. Buckwheat, per bu. HI " t.ard " 10 " Barley, ** fc'di Unions, per Tin. A7J •• I tuts, " 2f *• Corn, •• 1M *• Pofatoe*, •* -'?! DIED: In Friend's l'ive, on Sunday th* lOlli insl. Mrs. Rich' I StifiW. wile of Mr. Hiram Stifller, aged 3*'J te i o id. an I it days. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. Satit.iiaV, January 9 Evening.— Bread stuff continue dull, hut most holders of llour, il anything,are firmer in their demands, and not so anxious to sell ; the transactions made public are 500 hbls Western extra al SL7S, 800 hhls do. at $3,500 bMs super at $ f 75. and 'LOO half bbls at $5 30 the pair. The local trade are supplying the wants at the above range of prices, including fine brands at ss.sodst) per blil, as in quality. Corn tneal and Rye Hour are very quiet: the former is held at $3 and the latter at $3.75 per bid. H heats are not plenty, but the demand is limited, and prime lots only are wanted ; about 1,:>00 bus have been taken for milling, in small lots, at lOnnl I.c lor common to good red, and 120 al3 1 lor white, the latter tor handsome Kentucky in store. Corn is u anted, and about *J,o()0 bus new Southern vellmv sold at :>Sab )<, and >me u lute at tin* latter prices : there is very little oil-ring, and old com IS Very little inquired for, and dull a! (>7;!iSc. Oats me. t with a steady demand at 33*al0c f r Southern, ami 3Ju3c for I'enn sv Iv an ia. r.l which I ,*2OO bus of the latter sold .at our highest figures, in store, lit •* is wanted, and readily commands 70c at tin distilleries. is scarce, and ti|s| quality is lal.eti Ireely on aruval it *>-!(> pet ton. Gntutt is held above the view* of buyers, with little doing to-day : Groceries and Provisions are aiso quiet, and the inaik'ts about the same as regards prices, "s.-eds are (pin t, and a small business doing in Cloveiseed .it S ) p.-r blil fir good and sound lot>. Whiskey is selling in as nail ay at 20-i -a2lc for drudge, Lla'J'i' bbiis, and 22u22£c fit f;iiU. For Safe. Or If cut. r A comfortable two-storv Brick Ifo'ise, with a Carpenter Simp on tin- same I ; ]f J.,u. |j, iS.'iS. H'.M. M. HALE. AUDITOR'S WOTICF. I he luldetsigned appOili eil auditor to ili-tnbiiie 'lie money m the hand- ol .tub Mni.ri, E-i|., itilmii.isliiitnr of the e-fate el Jo-. J.. Morrison, drc'd— hereby give* i .nice that lie will meet all parties intere-led ..i hi* office, in Bedlord. on Ttiiirs.lay. the gist jaliiiarv. tSeis. at t" o clock. M. JOHN .MOWER. Jan. 1.7. A tid if or. AGENTS ATTENTION: Do you wi-h to find good employment, and make money with little or no inve-lmerit, and without in terfering with yonr regular bu-ine--? It yoil do, lead tins adv ertiseiiient. C. E. Tor>i> iV Co., of ."192 Broome Street, New Yolk, are rraniilactuiing,ii as-ivc gold Pencil* tot s•> each, (which are cheap at thai price,) am! they thiow in a gilt or prize wilti ei ch Pencil, v oitli Irom 82 up to .S.I. Sin, 81-1, $2O. $2.1, S hi. $•'•. .>7.7. S! (Ml, > /(in, and Slot I. DonCt civ out, "Humbug ' Lotte ry!" It's no such thing. The Pencils are sold at ttieir rush value, and all the piolits over the lit -1 eo-1 are thrown into the gilts, which actually eo*t tiie purchaser nothing. The prizes are distriliuteil on a simple plait of dm wing, which would take too much room to explain, but which has never tailed to give Complete satisfaction. We have drawn and sent to purchasers I*7! gold watches of various prices 71 pure- of gold dollars, 2'!> gold lockets, 8.70 gold chains, and a corre-prmdmg number ol oliier prizes, with£ri two month*. THERE ARE \(> I!LA MRS, but every purchaser draws a prize worth $2 certain, ami it stands thou-.amU ol chances to he a higher fig ure. We want a good agent in every neighborhood throughout trie country, to solicit pntchaseis, and any agent, to be successful, must have a pencil and a pri/e to exhibit. W e pay agent- $j cash lor each purchaser he obtains, and the lirst per-on in any neighborhood xvhoapplies lor a pencil and gift, will receive the agency tor that locality. Should an a gent obtain a valuable prize to exhibit with bis pen cil, to> would have little difficulty in obtaining -cores of purchaser-, and making it si pavmg bu-ine,*. A ME IT' IDEA' READ'' RE AI, ' ' ' We a-k no hotly to send their money till tliev know what prize they draw. Any pei-on wishing to try their lock,can lii-t send us their name and ad dress, and we will make their drawing ami inform them hv return mail what prize they drew, when they can send on and take the Pencil and prize, or not, whichever they choose. We give this privilege olny once to a purchaser. After the first draw ing, every purchaser will be required to send in advance, through the authorized agent. We will -end with each drawing the number taken out. with lull des cription ol the plan of drawing. Address ('. F.. TODD ft CO.. jan 1.7,'.78. ,'!32 Broome Street New York. u. w. r.KixroßD. H. f. jtevKßs. BEDFORD & MEYERS, Attorneys at Law, liedloni, Pennsylvania. H ill p rom/d Itf attend to nil legal business en - trlisted to their cure. i! .7~ (ifiice .s.itnc a* formerly occupied by S. H. Talc, Ksq. •i J t f JJSJ -vr/'/'.NfT/'Jj'/Jz.vzjg rj~s- LAST NOTICE ! I THE subsetibe r s now have their hooks posted for settlrinent, and call upon nil persons doing business with them, to com* forward and set tie up their accounts immediately. They hope this notice will not he passed unheeded, as this has been the first time (or years of business that a similar calf ha* been made. One of the firm be)tiir iiow engaged iri other business, the hlisi 11. *s of t lie firm imperatively demands settle ment. All kinds of Hubs will betaken in pav i meiit of accounts due. TAYLOR & MOWRY. Jan. I, IS3S. NOTICE. ALL persons are hereby notified not to meddle i with the follow ing described property which : belongs to me, the subscriber, and which was left, iii rnv own ifi-cretion. to the raie of Sam tlel C. Loogenei ker, in Midlife Woodberry tp.. I viz: one bay mare, one black horse, one sorrel, jt wo bays and one black colt, three cows (two red and one white spotted J one heifer, two year ling calves, (one white and one red,) two red calves, twelve sheep, (7 ewes and 5 lambs from !a*t spring) six lut hogs, four shoals, one car riage for double and single use, one two horse w agon, three setts of horse gears, one sett Irar j ness, one saddle and bridle, one windmill, two j ploughs, one harrow, three shovel ploughs, (two single and one double) one bureau, one cup- I board, one cooking and one ten-piale stove, 1 Iri • bushels ol com in the ear, 150 bushels of wheat, j "00 bushels ol oats, 175 bushels ol rye, 7 bush t als of clover seed, (i tons of hay, also all the grain in the ground on the farm on which S. C. - Longenecker resides, containing about 17 acres, and divided iri three fields. SIMON BEARD. Woodberry, Jan. I, 1858. .If ST received at Shoemaker's Colottade j Store, a large assortment of Boots, Shoes, Hat:, &c. [dec.l,'s7.) Mrs. S. E. Pott* HAS just returned from the Cities with a Rich as sortment of Kail and Winter goods, such as elegant Rich Silks, all Wool Plaids, .Merino Delaines, Velan cies, Thibet Cloths. Calicoes, Cloaks, mantles, furs, V elvet and Satin Bonnets, French Flowers. Plumes, Kibbends, Rushes, a great variety ol Ladies and Chiidrens Boots, Shoes arid Gaiters, with a variety of Fancy Goods. War In Bii*iia!! The British Lion battling ictth the Bengal Tiger ! LATEST ARRIVAL AT J. REED'S! NEW GOODS!! I NOTWITHSTANDING tile pecuniary em barrassment, and the universal complaints of "hard ; times," the subscriber takes plea-ure in announcing to the people of Bedford and vicinity that he has ! Just returned from the eastern cities with a large, • handsome and cheap stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, among which mav he lotind CLOTHS, CASSI MERES, SATINETS, TWEEDS, JEANS, VESTINGS, MUSLINS, &0.,& c., etc. Also, an elegant assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, consisting of SILKS. MOUSLIN de LAINLS, FRENCH MERINOES. VALEXCIAS, &.c., and a great variety of other GOODS for ladies' and chiidrens' wear. ALSO— r, ROC I: RIES. I/. IRD IF. J RE, QC KE. VS WJRE, Ca, REMEMBER tV dissolved by mutual consent. HENRY S. KING, Nov. '. 18.17. JAMES MADAKA. The business of manufacturing iron at Lemon's Iron Hoik-, will be continued by the undersigned, who ha- purchased all the interest of bis late partner, James Madarv. in the Books piopertv and effects belonging to the fate Dun of Madura. King he Co. N0v.20. 18.17. HENKV S. KING. APPEALS. Notice i- hei eby given to the taxable inhabitants nt Bedford County that an appeal will he tielii by the Comtnissioiiers. at the Commissioners' office HI the Borough of Bedford on the days specified to wit ; For 're Township-of Hopewell, St. Clair. Union. .Middle and South Woodbery, oil .Monday the lltn dav of Jaiiuaiy next. For the Townships of Broadtop, Liberty, Monroe. Ea-t and W. l Providence, and Snake-jiring. on J ues day ttm Igrh day of January next. For t he Tow nsfiip- ol Cole rain, Cumberland Valley, llarison, Lornloiulery. and Southampton,on Wednes day the l.'ith day of January next. For the Tovvnshipsof Bedford, Juniatta, Napier, and the Borough of Bedford and Schell-burg, on Thursday the Mth day of January next. Wl.en and where all persons or corporators feeling tbern-elve. aggiieved at the enumeration and valua tion of their taxable property and effects, pursuant to lire Several acts of a-seaibly. are requested to attend and -iate their grievances lor redress accord ing to Law. Atte-r. | WM. WHETSTONE, H. Nicodemup, clerk, \ H. J. KRt NXER, Commissioner* office, ( C. EVANS. December 2.7 th 18-37, \ Commissioners* FOIMIIii t\l) Mlil\E SHOP! THE subscribers having formed a partnership un der t tie style of "Dock iV Ashcom" lor the purpose of conducting a general I'OI NDKY AM) MACHINE business in the e-fabl ishmeitt recently erected by Gtlliard Dock, i" Hopewell, Beitlojd county, are now prepared to execute orders lor C.IS //A (IS ASD MACMX EH 1" of every description. They will build to order steam-engines, coal and drilt-ears, horse tiowers, and threshing machines—also, cast ing of every kind for furnaces, forges, saw, grist and rolling mills, ploughs, water-pipe, columns, house fronts, brackets, Itec., Kc. They are also, now- making a fine assortment of STOVES of various kiuds of the latest patterns and most approved styles, including several sizes ol COOK M OVES of the best make, heating stoves for churches, offices, bar-rooms, Kc. A full assortment of Stoves w ill be kept constant ly on band, and sold at wholesale and retail, at pri ces to suit the times. and quality, warranted equal to the best ea-tern make. Machinery ot all kinds repaired promptly. Patterns made to order. (DELIARD DOCK. October no, 15.'.7. E. W. ASHCOM. HOOTS sV SHOES. —Tim subscribers have uist opened a large supply of Boots add Shoes, suitable lor Kail and Winter. A. IE CRAMER Sr Co. LOOK HERE! The subscribers will sell on Thursday, the '2Bth day of JANUARY, next, their well known farm on which they at present reside, conlaining '25(1 J acres ol land, and hav ing thereon erected a good dwelling-house plas tered within and without, with a kitchen at tached thereto, a double log barn and w agon shed with other sheds, good hog-house and also a good granary house. There is a never failing spring of good fresh water at the house also a fine orchard of bearing fruit trees, and young orchard bearing for two years past, about i of a mile from the dwelling. I here is, likewise, another good dwelling house, one mile from the one just mentioned, which is at present occupier! bv a tenant, and has near it a good orchard of apples, plums and cherries, and a spring oI good cold water that never fails, at the door. A stream of water flows through the whole farm, the distance of one mile, which is sufficient to drive a saw-mill six months in a year : a saw mill site was leveled on it last spring. There is good timber on Ihe place for sawing, that will lat lor years to coine. Cine hundred acres are cKared ; thirty acres are in meadow and a good quantity more can be made. 1 tie (arm lies 2 miles West of Schellsburg and £ mile from the turnpike leading to Pittsburg, adjoining landsof John Bowser and Harry Egulph, in Napier Township, Bedford county, Pa. JOHNR. MOW RY. ANDREW MO WRY. Jan., 1, ISSB. DRUG STORE FOR SALE- Any person desirous ol purchasing a well esta blished and profitable Drug Store can hear of a first rate opening by addressing the editor ot this paper. Jul}- 17, 1557. Proud Top Coal! AT THK COOK COLUEHY !! AT HOPEWELL, KNOWN AS THF. COKE RANK!! THE undersigned would hereby notify the public thiit he is engaged in the coal Jc mining business, at the Broad Top roal mines, one half mile from the j town of Hopewell, In order to insure speedy side he will sell it at the mines at 1$ cents per bushel, and delivered at Hopewell, at 6 cents per bushel,— Persons wishing coal will find it to their advantage to give him a call, as the coal is of the first'quality and the term-. per,boshe! less than it can be obtained tor elsewhere. The subscriber can at all times be found at his otiice at Hopewell, by persons desirous j of purchasing. Dec IS, '57-7 m. RICHARD LANGDON. STRAY HOGS CAME trespassing on the premises of the sub scriber residing in Harrison township, Bedford county, sometime last June, four white hogs, supposed to he about nine months old— no ear marks. 7'lie owner is requested to come for ward, prove property pay charges and take them away, or else they will be disposed of as the law directs. MARY NYCF.YL Dec. IS, 1857. 3-1. sNl:ifc of William I,'inc, -ale of all the real estate of said dee'd. [so far as they then knew, and the money arising therefrom was ap plied to the payment of the debts of said dee'd, so far as they were reached, that they have lately freen inlormed that the said W'm Lane, owned a body of unimproved wood-land in Letterkenny township, Franklin county, adjoining land-of Isaac Rosenberry, and others: containing 2001 acres, or thereabouts, that debts to a considerable amount, not less than !*f3,2OU against the estatp of saul deceased, yet re main unpaid, and praying the Court to make a de cree authorizing them to raise, say 5t,.100 if possi ble, from the said real estate in Franklin county. — Whereupon, on motion ol S. i,. Russell, Esq., the Court grant a rule upon the iseiis and all parties in terested, to he and appear at our next Orphans' Court, tube hohien at Redfoid, on the 2d Monday,Sth day of February next, and show cause if any They have why a decree should not be made by the Court pursuant to the prayer of the petitioner-. , In testimony whereof, I have hereun f to -et rny hand and seal of said Court at ' Bedford, the 19th day of November, A. D. 18.17. D. WASHABACGH, Dec. is, 5517 - Clerk. XOTICK OF I.VQf'lsri'JO.V. WHEREAS, Jacob Riiite, late of Jim.alia township, Bedford county, died seiz ed of the following described real estate, viz: A tract ol land, composed oi several tracts of patented land, situate in sai l township, containing about lour 1 hundred acres, about three hundred acres cleared and | under cultivation, adjoining lands of Frederick Hilli- ! gas, Leonard Bittner, Esq., Nicholas Hodle and oth- j ers, having thereon a stone mansion house, farm hou-e, barn and stables, large stone flouring mill and j saw-mill. j Leaving a widow, Catharine Uiiile, and issue six j children and one grand-child, to wit: John C. Riffle, | residing in Cumberland, Md., Mary, intermarried j with John Sweeny, residing in Indiana county, Fa., 1 Thomas, residing in lowa, David, residing in I.igo- : liter, Westmoreland county. Pa., F.llen, intermarri- ' ed wilh Thomas McCnlliff. residing in Somerset co.. Pa.. Catharine, (a minor) daughter of Catharine, de ceased, who was intermarried wuh Richard Bums, residing iu lowa, and Margaret, intermarried with j Alfred Miller, residing in Cumberland Md. NOTICE is tbeiefore given, that in pursuance of a writ of partition or valuation to me directed, I will proceed to hold an inquisition or valuation on the t -aid piemisi s on Friday, the 22d day of January, Fs.'iS, when and where all the parties interested may j attend if they see proper. WILLIAM S. FLUKE, Sheriff's Office, Bedford, Sheriff. Dec. IS, 18.17. j' .YOTJCE I.V LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. Elizabeth B. Keller, by her) In the Common Pleas j next friend Joseph Gregor. I of Bedford County, j r.v. r' No. .'i.'l, Nov. T. 18-77. j Henry >l. Keller. j Alias sub pie na on Libel ior Divorce, returnable ! 2d Monday, Sth day of February, 18-18. And now j to wit. Nov. lnth, 18.17, on motion of John P. Reed. Esq., Sheriff' ordered to publish notice of the above writ and JotniS. Schell, Esq., appointed Commission- j er to take depositions. t By the Court. In pitrsnanre ol the above order of Court, 1 do here by notify and require Henry M. Keller, the above named respondent, to appear before the said Court, on the Bth day of February next, to answer said com plaint. WM. S. FLUKE, Sheriff". By virtue of the above Commission, I will proceed to take depositions, in the above stated case on Mon day the tth day of January, 10 o'clock, A, M. at the office of John Smith, Esq., in the borough ot Schells bUrg. JOHN S- SCHELL, Dec. IS, 183.5. Commissioner. FOR SALE, OR TR.IDIJ.-SXt. Acres of l aud. part of the Vickrov Estate called 'Sugar Bottom,' in St. Clair township. ALSO, the well known Tavern Stand and Store House in the town of Woodderry. situate on lot No. 5, on the plan of said town 6<> feet by 190 feet, now in the oc cupancy of William Pierson. ALSO, ICO acres of land in Dallas County, lowa. ALSO, 320 acres of land in Montgomery County, lowa. ALSO, .'j'.'O acres of land in Harrison County, lowa. ALSO 120 acres in Morrison County, Minnesota. ALSO Lot no s of block 53 in the city of Omaha, Nebraska Territory. All near the Rail Roads and presenting good oppor tunities for investments. O. K. SHANNON". Bedford, Nov. 13, 1857. I'l SSS.EC Kil.R Of Valuable Real Estate, late the Property of .JAMES 11 EMMER. I)ECU. BY virtue i>f an order of the Orphans' Court of Bedford county, the undersigned will offer at public sale on the premises, in Monroe town ship, on Saturday the lfi/A day of January, 1858, all the real estate of said deceased, being 141 ACRES AND 04- PERCHES, adjoining landsof Andrew Irons, Michael Mer rier, Nathan Grubb and others. TERMS: —One third to remain in the hands of the purchaser, the interest thereon to be paid annually to the widow; one third tube paid at confirmation of sale at February Term, 1858, and the balance one third m two equal annual payments. MAH ALA VVEMMER, Dec. 18, 1857. Administratrix. THE .MENMEL HOI SE. Valentine Steckman, Proprietor. [CP"Boarders taken by the da\, week, month or year, on moderate terms. May 9, 1856. For Hie Hair, Jockey Club and new mown Hav Pomatums, Phalon'u Invigorator, Sic. &c. can all be had at Dr. Harry's. NEW Fancy Store, AIIIS. H. D. PEUGH & CO., respectfully invite the attention ol the Undies of Bedford and vicinity to lheir new and handsome stock of goods just opened in ".Mann * Building'' Johanna st. opposite Dr. Ream er's I)rg Stoie. These goods have been selected with the greatest care, and are of the latest style and best quality. Their stock consists in part of Moire Antique Silks. All Wool de laines. Blk. Gro de Rhine. do do printed. French Merinoes, plain and printed Blk. Elastic Beits Moss head Fringes. Chenille Trimmings. Bugle Laces. Chenille Scarfs. Ladies Kid Gloves. Chenille head dresses. Ladies Gauntlets. Fancy French Corsets. Gents Blk. Kid Gloves, \ elveteen, Acc. &c. Perfumery, Entracts, Jewelry, Btc. LADIES'and CHILDREN'S' BONNETS in great v.- tiety. A general assortment of Ladies and Muses SHOES, GAITERS, OVERSHOES, AcC. SHAWLS of every quality and descnption. H. D. PEUGH, ETTtE A. FISH BURN, Oct. 23, 1857, BLYMIRE AND HARTLEY. The undersigned respectfully invite attention to their new and elegant stock of Builders and Me chanics Hardware and Labor saving Machinery , and House lurni*hing goods. Their stock is largely se i lected with great care, and embraces every thing usually kept in similar establishments. Their stock ! is composed in part of the following, viz: Cutlery of all descriptions. Carpenter's tools. Cabinet maker's tools and findings, Wooden and willow ware, Ropes of several sizes, Chains in assortment, Shovels, scoops, forks and spades, Files and Rasps in Variety, Lock* of all discriptions, And Builders Hardware in general, Farmers, Hand and Sleigh Bella, Skates for all the hoys, Iron and Steel of all Size-. Brass, Copper and Iron wire, Churns in Variety, Coffee and Spice Mills, (Warranted) Fox. Rat, aud Mice traps, S|>ad s , Shovel, fork and axe handles, finishes in Variety, Nails, Glass and Putty, i Paints and oils, Fluid, Pine oil and Turpentine, >ausage Meat cutters, uusuipassed, Sausage St utters, Apple Parers, Double and Single Bit axes, Knife cleaners, an excellent article, Britannia ware, Copper, brass, porcelained and tin lined Kettles, Patent and common Sad Irons, Shoemakers tools and findings, Screen wire. Chain Pumps, Farmers Bags, Corn Shelters, Corn Fodder Cutters and crushers, Corn mills, Glass and common Lanterns, Oil for Harness and Machinery. And 1000 other article® large and small, suited to the wants and fancies ol all clas-es. In connection with the foregoing, Blmyire and Hartley have their. Department, in which they manufacture underthe immediate supervision of Mr. Blymire, their excell ent assortment of tin ware. We offer great induce ments to country merchants byway of a large dis count, very large stock, and excellent work, their assortment of stock embraces probably 20 dilerent patterns of Cook and Heating Stoves selected from the choicest patterns ol the best Foundries, in Phila delpr.ia, Baltimore York arm Pittsburgh, we ask espe cial atention, to this part ofotir stock by all wanting good warranted stoves. We have on hand a few old fashioned stoves at reduced prices. Berlin Stoves. S 10,00 all sound. Hathaway $lO,OO to $15,00 Thankful to all who have patronized us with job work, we would inform them that we still attend with care and despatch to out door work, spouting and sheeting done at the lowest prices according to quality of the work. We keep constantly on hand the celebrated Victoria stove Blacking, which is cheaper and superior to any thing else ever used for this purpose. Russia and American stove Pipe and Fire hoards constantly on hand and made to order, Whole Sale or retail. In short every thing in the tinning, stove and copper smith line. Please give as a call and examine for yourselves. Oct ltith. BLYMIRE Ac HARTLEY. Stray Nicer. CAME trespassing on the premises of the subscri ber, resulirg in Union tp., Bedford county, during ; the month of September last, a red steer with some white along the belly, supposed to be about two years and a half old. with the left ear cropped and a hoi- in the same ear and, also, a fork cut out of the right ear, and has no horns. The owner is requested To come forward, prove property pay charges and take him way, or he will be disposed of as the law di rects. GEORGE KMSEI.V. Dec. 11, 18-.7.* Bi'osul Top C oal* From the Hiddleslinrg Colliery. THE subscribers are now engaged in shipping coal from the celebrated Riddlesburg Bank, by railroad to Hopewell, at as low prices as can be furnished by anv other persons in the country. Persons desiring a good article will find it to their advantage to call on them, or their agent, P.M. Smith, at Hopewell. OS BOURNE & CRESS WELL. Dec. 11, !5.">7.-3m. sTKAY SOW. CAME trespassing on the premises of the sub scriber residing in Colerain township, Bedford county, sometime about the first of November last, a large white sow supposed to have had pigs not long before she catne to the premises; with a Ibrk cut out of the left ear, a slit in the right ear and the under piece cut off. The own er is requested to come forward, prove proper ty, pay charges and take her awav, or else she will he disposed of as the law directs. Jan 1. '5B. GEO. VV. SHAFFER. WM. FOSTER, WITH BALDWLW LLYDKRM.LV CO. Importers and Dealers in Hosiery, Gloves, Trimmings, Combs, Brushes, fancy Goods, Looking Glasses, ike. No 8F North Third St., Philadelphia. All orders solicited and prompt ly attended to. Sept. 5, 1856. LADIES' DRESS GOODS, —A Great vari ety of Silkj, Chalies, Lamet tines, Ac., to suit all tastes, at REED'S CHEAP STORE. Conntrv Physicians can have their orders filled at City prices at Dr. Harry's. Bedford, Dec. 5, 1856. A Co. have established their Ex piess on the H. A B. T. R. R. aud appointed C. W. ASHCOM, Esq., agent at Hopewell.