The Bedford Gazette. A R HO WE AND A3ROAD. was under the old re " l ,-m n it is, under the dispensation "j"*'V'-' 0i please ctfv and credit taction at Bloody Run— Wm. States & Co., •ii . iiiheir elegant stock of merchandize, at Public Auction, at their store in Bloody Run, ofl Tuesday, the 22d io*. See advertisement, in another column. y ew York Election— DANIEL F. T.EMANN, I E *q was elected Mayor of New York, at the! municipal elrcwa in that city, over j FERNANDO WOOD, the regular Democratic now- , MB. TIEM.XX ran as an independent j Democrat. üßtaver StarF— We are glad to s-e this i Democratic Hesperus again shining Irour 'he somewhat cloudy political sky pi Heaver conn- J ly . May its never wane. utfotice to Collectors." —At the request of j jt r Nkodemus,the efficient Clerk to the Com missioners, we call the attention oh'those whom ; it may concern' to the advertisement headed as ; quoted above. Thanks!- The Johnstown Actional Demo cratwill please accept our gratitude f.,r Dm , kind feelings it has manifested toward the edi tors of this paper. "Methuselah" is, doubtless, j in his (political) dotage, and, therefore, we; think our friend of the Democrat should have mercy on his infirmities. Hon. IVilson lieiily- —We leatn from the Chambersburg papers, that our member, Mr, Reilly, departed for Washington, escorted to the cars bv 3 number of the principal citizens ol the place, irrespective oi party- Mr. Reiliv is popular at home and woi be sr>, we doubt not, in Congress. Cosmo 'tot it an *lrt • Dsoctdion. I>v refer to our advertising columns, it will tie seen that this praiseworthy helper of American Alt ami Literature is again before the public with stronger attractions than ever, ihe Associa tion have re-purchased the '-Greek Slave' the Venus dt Medici of America—and include it among the prizes which they will distribute to subscribers in January nest. ( The'-Greek" was drawn by a subscriber to the Association, in a former distribution, which subscriber, wv believe, rea!iz-d the nice little sum of S6OOO by the operation.) There is also a great varie ty of other products of the sculptor's chisel, as well a< numerous fine paintings, which will be distributed to the lucky patrons of the Asso ciation. We hope, for the benefit of our .Na tional Literature and Art, that this enterprise will be encouraged. JOHN- P. REED, K-o , is the "Honorary S Cretan''* for this placv. I&WMIe, jj; Peartsylcn.i i and Dr. A; yscr.s J**®™* s yr p. the (' irrt'SDOiident <>; the Evening Chmniefe, in at letter to the Editors, spi-uks in the following conn, ndato: y tern s of Or- Key- • serV Pectoral Syrup, I ir sale at the Ding Store j ot Samuel Ht(,mil , Esq.. in this place: Dr. ; Key set's Pi'Ct'Jfal >• MiJ , . - ' igh! V extollr I here. ] have to n ,(e ffjy* fact as g'.v nI i nu- : v sev. nil oftfle Members* who have i:,,. !e u.-e vf the Sy l up. I'iiey stijfe (hat hv the ie of *a bottle of this nvalil.iiile'CoUgtl Frt|f., fh*V li.l\e been | relieved .if a rbc'ressj-ier ('origh that ciiTSf i' them much trouble. It U but justice to the Doctor to say that they ar . Unrd in lie ir praise of this : Medicine, and should the Doctor deem it advi- ; sabie to app iiiit sn agent here, it would be to his advantage, as 'lie Syrup Would meet a*a i! v i sal-, it is pronounced good. For sale at the store of Sam'l Brown, Bed-j ford. Pa., and at the store of Cotvin &., Schellshurg, Pa. THE LAST NOTICE. I am in earnest in say ing thai I want to settle with all the old friends and patrons of tie-"/L /- ford Gazette: in form as wet! as in the country. 'Many have manfully responded t > .y firmer totuv, and I have faith to heii- ye that all will in a>h it tune. As money is scarce. I v. lii give ;,ny reasonable indulgence to those who d-sire it, provided f'n vs- tll* at once. T veil! aste'u in p-rson at the office > f {i niv Nicod- - us, Esq.. t r a short time v<-t. probably OBtil '''■•' f J, v. ablT jc!i I>\ ill place a ! oas- ill i! a't a r.-s in t! handsof I'Kquire \tro •:"o i i r c 1 - i h ti. without reap, ft h> persons and I imanhot what I say. GKQ. VV. UO'W'MA.NL Nov. 27, ! NAT. IIv. ? they Vctt- in California ; - ifornia corri-pon lent , j (tie Memphis •■ - ihil! writes j:| refa'j Hi !•( the vote ill S't-Jte at the Jate election. tv '21,1140 J9,iSl U3yv SOME OF THE COCNTIES VOTI'D I es I " * ll er. Sl'tu/et/. Bowie. . \j\ PS 1 " K s4 .. P 19 tit < „Hn 414- 7 0 pr, ~° 7 1 <> , son 3i \)be*po22. f v f>s 0 Rresoo cast one vote for Fremont. - seit.-d that a very small number of travelers j j were willing to risk hie and greater danger in j i order to save time by a high speed in traveling, while the great majority would prefer a n> >:!■ 1- j ate speecf and greater safety. He alluded to the ; j immunity from accidents on the railroads in continental Europe, where the speed is r'egula ted by law, and suggested the application of the same law to British railroads. RESISTING THE U. S. AUTHORITIES.— The Buckeyes have made themselves notorious for resisting Hie United States authorities in slave I | cases. But hero is a case of dollars and cents j in which they In ve been playing the same game. { j On application c 1 counsel, Judge AL Lean, last 1 week, issued writs of attachment against _\. P. i < 'nitis, a dry gc>ods dealer of Hamilton, Ohio, I who, being in fa.iling circumstances ,undertook, i it is alleged, to dispose of his goads in a man- ! ■ ner unsatisfactory to his Eastern creditors.— ' The U. S. marshals,in attempting to take pas-j session of Curtis' goods, were driven off by s-veral citizens'. VVrits were then issued for the j arrest of the principal parties who resisted the U. S. authorities. FORTT-SEVEN STATES. —WouId any one be lieve, without looking into it, that we ar<- 111 a fair way of carrying out the number of sover- j eign States, originally thirteen, and now thirty- ; one, up to forty-seven ! But so it is. In the first place there are Oregon, Kansas and Mm-| nesota, whose constitutions are already formed ! or forming. It is hoped that they will be ad milted trie coming winter, making the mem- i bers of the confederacy thirtv-four. Then .New Mexico, Nebraska and Washington, already thriving territories, will swell the aggregate | to thirty-seven. Four new States to be carved: out of T--xas, according to provisions in the treaty of annexation, will give us forty-one. i 1 wo additional States demanded from the area ! now included in California, would make forty- j three. Arizonia, Neosha, Dacotah and Colum bus .territories tarry us up to forty-six and ; lovely Utah will be the foity-seventh to "lend i to tbat fair circlet the grace of her form the ; lightness of her st'-p." AMERICAN MILITARY EV'CIDMENTS ron THE \ ICRROY OF EGYPT. — For a few davs back the bark Mary, at Boston, has been loading with an : unusual cargo, consisting of militaiv wagons ! and other articles of a warlike nature, for the : \ iceroy of Egypt. The Traveller sav.-: It appears tbat the Viceroy, who h i- for many j : years received the greater portion 3\s Ihe Eastern Argus, a rie-rchant iu Gardiner, ; Me., ofiVretl to give a barrel of flour to R-v. Gnqr -s I,lake, a Baptist minist>-r 111 that citV. piovi !-'d tin-young ladies would haul il to biiri. . ; ! > this they Consented, and having obtained a i ! Sl j ia " I' air ul trucks, the barrel of flour was • ; p' ac *' , l thereon, and about fntv young ladies j took hold Of the ropes and drew the barrel about j half a mi!-, up oiie of s! ..,| ;i! ; s itl CtaV . • I : ;u toe mini.-:. i st; >n>.'. | (j,- (1.11 diner J Baud, seeing w out wa> going on. h ark-,! tire ; processimi, Hid pkiwi'd' •• mw excellent, .w.nsic", ' i here was a large 1 i.m ! lo.yv itms- the ; ditigs, and u < abinet r Inoug it out a v• 1 v band-me nicking chair, which h fa-t-n-d 1 • the barrel, and let it go as art a Mi'i-mol pivv-nl to tlie minister. A NUT F T. THEOJTOSITICN.—A sal- of TLW main line of the public works was org d hv the opposition mainly for the reason that they re garded tlie patronage of the line a- ail > iemerit of strength to tlie Democratic part v. We uu-re ; favorable t 1 an honest .-ale of the line be,ca' >- ' G'analiiig is not the legitimate husiue.--of gov ernment, and because u e believed the Canal patronage"to be an element of weekm ss o'' pn.- digiotis effect to whir ft ever party possess-d jr. The main line was sold, or givch away, and what was tfie political effect? A very large ! Democratic gain in every county on the line! : I We are confident that the same political effect j would follow a rale of the balance of the public ; wo 1 k. Clinton Democraf. THE Baltimore Jimrrican of Friday last, says, that "the gentleman who on Mbrtday had an al tercation with the President, relative to the de layed decision of a claim of which he is the At- j tornev, lias addressed to him a written apology, presenting excessive zeal in behalf of his client j ias an excuse, fie is alio understood to have for mally demanded an apology or explanation bom the Attorney General, (Judge fdack,) tor Iris conduct when lie interfered between him and the President." We understand that Judge i Black's interference in the matter consisted in j i roughly handling the intruder, and thrusting j him out of the room in a hurry, byway ot teach ; ing him better manneiF. — Somerset Democrat. —At Bufl-ik' flour is $4 76 ; O-w-go !h0 ! juf barret. ," ■ j jg( 3 ?;(" r r§w" 33/OT& '" SILVER STIKE IN ALABAMA.— We learn, says j the H;mtsvi!le (Ala) Advocate, of the 12th inst., | that an oW stiver mine has been discovered in Hancock count \. in this State, near the Morgan and Walker line, it is on the lands of a man ! named Wake, and a party of Georgians are now 'at work at it. It was walled up with solid tna > rirv, which had to be broken up with powder, and then the mine was opened again. It must ! have been worked hundreds of years ago, as j i trees are now growing over and around it. The ; j ore is said to he rich. WHAT THE LA Dits CONSIDER "Raw .MATE- j I RIAL." —It was said the other day in the pres- I ' ence ot a sprightly girl, that certain) gentlemen j who were to be at a party were engaged. "I; | don't cure anything about h answei.-d, | "they're like cotton that's been caxled, spun, | made iip into cloth, sent to market and— hqlJ. i Give nie the raw material—the young gentl - inasi who is guileless, unsuspecting, that no. woman execpt his mother has auv right to; j making a tolerable husband out dfsuch material 1 am glad to know is not one of the -lust arts.'' Arrt s! Ola Sttppcst tl Lubber. \LW YORK, Dec. n.—A ntau registering his name as Cha fes E. Warren, Si. Louis, was i arr- st'd at the Pmla .b-lphia Hotel, on suspicion j ]ol having stolen §1j0(J0 in specie "from a cit v • j broker . On examining his room sixty gold ; ! and silver watches, chains, and other jewelry, : j were found. He has been detained, on the supposition that he is the person who robbed the Jewelry stoie iri Cincinnati a short tiiriej I since.—The property is valued at about three : j thousdfid doliais. lit- JUntl in \ our SiNlers. Jioys, he kind to your ststeis. You mav live i to BE old, and NEVER find such tender, loving! iriends as these sisters. Thiol; how many things j thev do f>r v/u : how patient they are with i ' yon : how 'iiey love you in spite ol all your ill { TEMPER or rudeness : how thoughtful for YU. I He ever ready t > oblige them, to perform any j ! little oliice lor tbem that lies in your power. . I Think what you con do fir them, and if they express a wish, he ready to gratify it if possible. \ou do not know how much happiness von wi'i * i find in so doing. 1 never yet knew a happv j! | and respected man who was not in youth kittfig jto his sisters. There is a .beautiful sow* whiehi I savs 1 I I ; Re kind to your sisters — not many inav know £ The depth OI true SISTERLY love ; The wealth 6f the ocean Hes fathoms below The surface-that spat k les above. if BRILLIANT FROBPECTUST FOLK IB YEAR OF THE (>1 COSMOPOLITAN ALT ASSOCIATION" TTV TLLK FA MOI S DT'SSELDOIIF GALLERY OF PAWr/.YGS.jM Purchased at A cost of $1 SO,000! , AM) POWKit's WORLD F.KNQWNEF) ST A TIL OF THVJJB .Q REEK SLAVE! j R"- purchased for sir ihou's itui ,/o/lars, with sever 3E I hundred other works of Art. in Paintings, Scnlpftifli ami RROI ZES, compiize the Premiums to be award W ; TT the subscribers ol the Eoniiopo/itrm A't Amir of I tutu, who subscribe before the gsth of January, IS! (JT, at which time THE awards will take place. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Every subscriber oTtftnr ilallarx I- entitled to A,J copy of the large and splendid Steel Eoirraving, enj til tied "MAMFKST DESTINY," al-OTO a copy of the C'iJ ' mo'politiin Art Journal ONE year, also a Certificate 4. • the award of Premiums, al-O A free admission to < W DN-seldorf anr! Cosmopolitan Galleries. Thus J', E seen that for everv three ilollnrs. THE SUBSCRIBER SY only RECEIVES a SPLKN 1)1D THREE DOLLAR 1- Av OR A VIXG ! B .t, also, LL.e beautiful- TWO D OL!. Kir ALT JOt'RXAL, Vxk YEAR. Each subset • ' is also presented WITH A('ert iUrate in the Awaidf Ice Premiums, by which a valuable work of Art, IN I'E | ting or Sculpture, may be received in addition, ts giving to every subscriber an equivalent to the - j lie of .fire tin/ion, and a cert Urate gratis. Any one of the leading s•'* Magazines is forni-fi |r i instead ot Er.graving anil Art Journal, if desired V. w No person IS restricted to A SINGLE share. 'l' E ta i- n g LIVE MEM her ships, retih IT MG SI 5, are cut d ' B< to AN extra hngraui.G, and six tickets. Full particular.! of Hie Association are give IH the Art Journal, which contains over S \:Y spfeid Koaruviiigs. price fifty mils PER number. SP.WI'H copies will LA- sut to all pei -oris who desire to If- -I -cr be. on receipt of fivefio.tagf* STAMPS, (1." ' Address C. L. DERBY, Actuary O. AJF decll, 's7. •:>!& Broadway. Xew-YML JI'ST tec. ivi IL at SI; I. IIIAKER'S Co! &• j S'URE, A iatgc dSiorlimtit of HOOTS, : flats, ICC. ' [JEC.T/OYJ iji"t OS* !iG!c! t, f > EMAIMNG In TU f st otli. -• at H-■ !i \ Pa.. NOV., S )lh, 1 Sf}7. i'-rsotis j I for LETTER in' this list, will please say they U Id- j . vertised. ALIEN Jaines, lE,q, Ash Magg. .Mrs. \ Burn- Enoch, Mr. Bradley .latin's, ,M J Glamer Joseph. ESQ., ('mir-anJt LOP S, Fisher AI AF V, E. .Miss Oiotf Abraham, MD Hendessnri'H*nrv, Hammer Jtilm. A.H-s Hick- Ehas, J -IJ., J'eniy M.iry. 'F. Hall Jo-eph, Esq., Bale Jacob, KNEG.-R, M'.sa Lee ARI edd, J.S<] M t Mock VV. A. F.-q., .Millef Elder. A. | McGldusbelen Charles, SLEEK JULM. M. SWERJTANEL A. M r. Stuiier Jerry, J i Snilrvan Mori/, , SHIZENRDER John, A ' I'iphaily UOL. -rt, Wattei - George, " ebb Jason E. J. A. MOV.'RY, P-M. Dec. 4, !>"7 -. />/. A; A NOW thysklta < An Inviluiihle Hni>k Lip LT ('CNISJKV ci'v t*:irtti• y *!ifi'i!r! hav ea *< 'c>v AF " I'R. IH'X'TF.JES MFDKVXL MAXTI'AIIAND HAXDRDOK FOR Tlii". Al' I LIC'L Hi)*— COII- T R LAUIIOR an o'itUijeof Ihe oi ISJINJ, pi O/ressit reat- Jl[ R " H nt and cure of every form ol DISEASE con . - tracted by promiscuous ~E/UAT intercourse, Ly * SEP. abuse, or by sexual excess, WITH ajvice j for their prevention, wrilti-U in a familiar st] .E, a ■ voiding all no' tical t> chnicallt.os, .toll evei v !niii ■ that would olfend the TOIR ol decency. 2V "tivuiuy (ij th' Prttji.ssor of <)' hinci in /'run. I I C'J/ffi,.. PhiOilrlpria.— l DR. IIUATELE MHO- \ ICAL A/.LA GALA —ILIE author of This work, un like the majority OL tiio-e who advertise to cure the | diseases OF which it treats, is a graduate of one of j 1 the HE-; COLLEGES in die United State-. It affords rue piea-iire to recommend him to the unfortunate. 1 or to the victim of nurl-practice, as a successful and j experienced practitioner, in whos- honor and lriteg- I rity they may place the greatest confidence. Jos: EN LONIKHOEF. M. T>. From A. II ooJtrnr/l. AT. I)., of Print / airersity. Plnlati. —!i Rives ME pleasure to add my testimony to the professional ability of the Author of the "itfrt/t --rnt Man""/." — Xumeious yu-es of Diseases ot the , Genital Organs, sorn- of them of' long standing, have | come UNDER MV notice, in which his skill has been | manifest IN restorine to perfect beallh, in some in stances where the patient HHB beer, considered be ' yond medical aid. iri the treatment of seminal J weaki . or disarrangement of the functions produ ced HY Sr/f.-nhti*e, fir Ejrsss of venery, 1 lo not know ; his superior in the profe-sinn. ! have been acquain ted WITHTH* author some thirty years, and deem it no more than justice 1o him as well as a kindness to the unfortunate viHim of early indiscretion, to rec j otnmend him as one, in who-e professional skill and i integrity they may safely confide themselves. ALFRED WOODWARD, M. D. One copy, securely enveloped, will be forwarded J free of postage to any part of the United PLATES, for |25 cents, or 0 copies for sl. TT/" Address COSDEN ; J- CO.. Publishers, BOX LB7, i'hiladolphia. 1 CYRWIKSEILERS, Gauva-sers and BQX AJETDS ')* ' plied alt the most liberal terms. [uov.L, 37-LV. | ff£W FALL GOODS. T.sefibers have just received a large as*orl menall and Winter goods, all of which will b offeipnces to suit the times. We respectlulljr arid prompt six month buyers, to call ari'i joe our stock—assuring tm-m, we shad ofJcfceH.euts greater than heretofore. cKoduee of all kinds receiv-d for Goods. A. B. CRAM ER K Co. LOST. mfdicinf9 brought from Holidays- I : l.i K J Ferguson's Shoe Slot.- in a mistake. Tl iitr will please come forward and prove i ,r ''T av charges and take it avvav. if, Nov. 27, 1857. if 11;}I ic el uci ioii i'iubirribers wishing to dispose of their en ' tnjcwof Merchandize, will ofler at PI B IUCTIOJV arrtteir Store m \ V m HUN, WEST PROVIDENCE TP., .1 JK;y 2'2d ilny of December next. irfstock consist# of Cloths, Casio.eres, Sjji Twveds; Janes, Satin and Silk V est i-'lJ' a general assortment of Woolen and 1 stic goods, such a red and \\ iaU' 1" lan- Sifgtianis, W LADIES DRcSS GOODS ; i?at varieiv, coum.-dirig in part ol plain ami ecj TV'nch Meiinoes. ail V\o<.i Deiain. s, ccY-. Silks, dotted j.lain and figured S>.\ iss CS§bric Jackonets, Siik Lace and Fringes, x eighty pieces ol excellent Calico, Red air Silk and Cotton Gloves. Men and wo dlVaul and Cotton hose, plain and 1 ancy V* IITTER SHAWLS, e# oontii ts, Men and Loy s II.Us ani. Caps, on Wasp and Carpet chain, LOO IS ct consisting of Men and Boys wear, La , M ss-sand Ciiildrens' Shoes. Q&ERIE'S, such as Coffey, Sugar, Molasses, 1,4, Tea, Chocolate, Spices, Tohacco, Gil*, joi. Paints. Dye-Studs, Glass, Putt y , icc ~ iHp WARE, such as Iron, Nails, Cast Sheets j jjiisler Steel, Carpenters tools, ( ahinet kw> Trimmings, Door Locks, i.utt 11 inges. He v icC., EE NSW A RE, Crockery ire. Cedar ware, consisting of Buckets, 1 ul;s, iHC 's, ore., Alit of Saul' s, B; idles, ( cTSfaiters, one Spring Wagon, two GOLD TVER WATCHES, Jour first rate Rifle.guns, large lot of Lumber, such as Shingles, Boards dl.ocust Posts, together with a general us rtft ent cf goods usually found in and about a stfclass country store. The attention ol wtiole le! buvers is solicited as the above stock is rov, new. and well selected. Iff he subscriber, will also oiler on the day a iye mentioned the Pillowing valuable town -opertv, viz: a large two-story frame STORE ui WARE HOUSE, being 3S by 21 feet long, life above is the best stand for a store in the lintv and has always commaded a large busi §•<. ' Also, a lot ot ground with a two story LICK DWELLING HOUSE, with good su it- and other out buildings thereon, with a fine .t of fruit trees. Tile House is 3d bv 20 feet [ size and finished complete. Also, one lot f ground in the west end o! I'loody Run, being n feet front on main street ami lb > feet back, i Sale to commence at ten o'clock on said day nd to lie continued every day and .evening un -1 the whole is sold. __ Nov. 27, 1857. WM. STATES, &. ('O. Dissolution of Partnership. nil'. partner.hip heretofore existing between Heri- Y K„.JJ and James Madara, under the name and rrn of .Matters, Kin® & Co., doing business at Le ioi. s Iron Work-, in Hopewell township, Bedtord ountv, is dissolved bv mutual consent. HENRY'" S. KING, Nov. 2, 1857. JAMES MA DA II A. The business of manufacturing iron at Lemon s ron Works, wilt be continued by the undersigned, vho ha- purchased a!! the interest of h;s late partner, allies Madary, in the Books property and effects jehwing to the iate firm of Madura. King Ik ( ... Nov. go. 1857. HENRY S. KING. FOtt SALE, OR Acres of Land. part of the Yirkrov Estate called' Sugar Bottom,' in St. Ciair township. ALSO, !-JO acres of land in Green County, lowa. ALSO, ltill acres of land in Dallas County, lowa. ALSO, 520 acres of land m Montgomery County, lowa. ALSO, 3"0 acres of bind in Harrison County, lowa. ALSO 120 acres in Morrison County, Minnesota. ALSO L.-T no sof block 55 in the city of Omaha, Nebraska Territory. Ail near tin} Rail Roads and presenting good oppor t u:. it it's lor investments. O. E. SHANNON. Bedford, Nov. 13, 1557. ORPHANS* COURT SALE OK > aw \ J 1?^ 7 V \T I? a IIjA C.J A JV 1 .M xi Il A BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court ol Bedford county, the subscriber will seiiat public ven due or outcrv on tlie premises, "ii s.ilunlu.i the 19 til day ot' December, 1 S.j7, the Real Estate of Andrew Cam, defeased, contain ing 155, 120 perches and allowance, situated in Bedford' tow nship, adjoining lands ot John Schneb j iv, Daniel lmter, Michael Fetter, and Michael Hol ' de'ibanm—about J nil acres of ttie land is cleared; ' having thereon erected a ... A -|OR v AND A HALF LOG IKK Sr., A LOG r. AUN AND SAW-MILL. There is a good apple orchard of \ oong trees. j ~ MS—Enough to pay the debts at the confirma tion of sal- on the first day of February, Court we.-k —the balance, one third Ist April 1 S.-s,and the rest in two equal annual payments thereafter wit.i <>u: interest. JOHN B FURNF.Y, Adm'r of And tew ( arn,dec. I Nov 20, '57 f — ORPHAN'S' COURT SALE | OF UEJIL BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Ued i ford county, ttie subscriber will >ell at public sale, ■ on tire premises, in Londonderry township, in said county on Weduesday, the23d of December next, a trad of lund of 125 ncres % about i 0 ncres i cleared; having thejeoii two small log houses and a log barn, hire the propellV of Amos Buley, deceas ed. This property is on \V ill's Creek, near the route ol the ConneiKvilie Rail Road. TRKMS—CASH, on the confirmation of sale on Monday of February Court. WM. M. HALL, Adm'r of Amos Raley, dec. ; Nov. 20, '57. Ma*?;. HAS just returned from the t Hies with a ilich as- I sortriient of Full anil Winter goods, such a clegartt Rich Silks, all Wool Plaids, Merino Delaines, Vetail- I civs, Thibet Cloths, Calicoes. Cloaks, I MANTLES, FCRS, Velvet and Satin Bonnets. French Flowers. Plumes, i R i.hencte, Rushes, a great variety of Ladies and Childiens Boots, Shoes and G.utws, With a variety - of Fancy Goods. | ; Oct. 16, 1857. ;''' _V KW V I MRS- H. D. PIA.GII ft CO.. r^p ? ct:"ly invi !" the iTii-otion of ifep Ladies ot Bediurd and vicinity to their new and handsome -took o. .gods j u '* opened in '-Mann's Building" Juliannast. opposite Dr. Ream . er' ir-ig Store. . These goods have been selected with the greatest care, and are of the latPst style and best quality. ; Their stock consists in part ol : Moiie Antique Silks. All Wool de laines. Rlk. Gro de Rhine. do do printed. French Meriuoes, plain and printed B1 k• Klastie Belts. .Moss head Ftinges. Chenille Trimmings. Bugle Laces. Chenille Scaris. | Ladies Kid Gloves. Chenille bead dresses. Ladies Gauntlets. Fancy French Corsets. Gents' 'Bile. Kid Gloves, Velveteen, &c. &c. Perfumery, Extracts. Jewelryj &c- LADIES'and CHILDREN'S' BONNETS in great va ne ty. A general assortment of Ladies and "isses SHOES, GAITERS, OVERSHOES, &C. EHAWLS of every quality anil desciip"Q n * H. D. PEUGH. KTTiE A. FISHBUR>> i Oct. 2.1, 1 5.".7, _ T IY A R 0 n 8 DJ** 5 • jCJw liritt < k Lion battling ir/tli tut Jit si? work, we would inform them that we still - ;e..d with care and despatch to out door work, -pouting and sheeting done at the lowest pure- according quality ot the work. We !;eej> constantly on *n. i celebrated Victoria stove Blacking, which is cheaper and superior to any thing el-e ever u-ed for this purpose. Russia and American stove Pipe and Fire boards cm .tantlv on hand and made to oider, Whole Sale or retail. In short every thing in th< tinning, stove and copper smith line. Please give us a rail and examine l'or yourselves. O ft ldth. BLYMIRF. & HARTLEY. 7'i J'OTH. iCHE. —Those who want a speedy cure for this disease will find it in Drt. KF.YRER s TOOTHACHE Remedy. Sold for 25 cents at Samuel Brown's Store Bedford, & Colvinfv Robisons, Schells burg. Country Physicians can have their orders filled at City prices at Dr. Harry's. Bedford, Dec. 5, iSnfi. LADIES' DRESS GOODS—A Great vari ety of Silks, Chalies, Lamerlines, &c., to suit all tastes, at REED'S CHEAP STORE. [ 7 s -A clams' Co. have established their Ex press on the H. & B. T. R. R. and appointed C. \V. ASHCOM, Esq., agent at Hopewell. A lar>e assortment of Glass Preserve Jars, just received, at SHOEMAKER'S Colonade Store. Aug. 14. 1857. - BOOTS &■ SHOES. —The subscribers have Mist opened a !ar *ii in- ! j , l r: ■ i hi* iff IsHtUs el,|<4*x*l plain and fancy cases, and gold and plated Lockets, at very low prices, and The public are respectfully invited to call i examine bis specimens. T. R. GETTYS, Jr. Drags and Books. rrjg ml Rf- KEAMER MiUL Having purchased the and Book Store of Dr. S. D. Scott, will constantly keep on hand at his establishment , in Julianna Street, a complete assortment of j Drugs, Medicine s, Dye Stuffs, Paints, Oils, Window Giass, Varnishes, Brushes of all kinds, Patent Medicines, Lamps, Perfumery, Fancy Scaps, kc. &x. together with an extensive col lection of School and Miscellaneous Books, Blank Books, Common and Fancy Stationery, See. which he offers at greatly reduced prices for cash. Bedford, Feb. 17, 1554. WALL AND BUND PAPER. Dr. B. F. HARRY is our agent for this ne cessary article. Bv catling at his store our pa tron.; will see samples of our papers. We have mad-> our Spring selection with much care, and think we cannot fail to please. SHRYOCK 5c SMITH, Chamber sburg: March G. 1110 \. — Blacksmith's and others are inform* ed we have ju-t received a large supply of Re lined Iron warranted best quality. A. B- CRAMER 5c CO. coo AGENTS WANTED. A HOMESTEAD FOR $10! THIRD DIVISION. 5310,00 1 worth of Farms and Building Lots, IN TIIF * > •.!.:• Hi .ION or CI T.I'KI'KP. COCNTY \ IKGIN IA. n> be 25,000. These Farms ar.d Lots are sold so cheap to induce setilements, a sufficient number being reserved, the increase m the value of which will compensate tor the apparent low price now a>kcd. Upwards ol 1350 lot- several farms ar" already sold & a company ol settler- called "THE (IAPIA H ANNOCK PIONEER ASSO CIATION," is now forming alid will soon commence a settlement. Ample security will be given for the faithtul performance of contracts and promises, Nearly 45,000 acres of land in different parts ol Virginia now at command &: will be sold to settlers on the most advantageous terms. Unquestionable titles will in all cases be given. Farmers, .Mechan ics and Manufacturers are wanted ; and 500 AGENTS to obtain subscribers, to whom the most liberal in ducements will be given. Some Agents write that they are making S9OO per month. Advertising will be done for everv Agent where possible. For luii particulars, Subscriptions, Agencies, itc., Apply to 12. BAUDI2R, Port Royal. Caroline Co., 1 or to D. R. Anderson, Agent, Cumberland valley P. 0., Bedford Co. Pa. For pimples and wrinkles and freckles and tan, Nothing has e'er heen discovered by man, Like that wonderful product of tropical bowers, Tie popular "Balm of a Thousand Flowers. 1 ' to be had. at Dr. Harry's Drug & Book Store. March 6, 1557. TO BE 11JID jif DR. FfJRRY'S. Essence of Jamaica Ginger, which should have a place in every family, (or sale at Dr. Harry's.