TEE lEIFISI & F- JFOVIFF! I LW, SFIP&FI. LFRW. ®R TRNART! THE KIAZNRR R I "-HIED - SEA SCE-RISS- -• ; S : ■ * ■ ""*■ t j:\ * . Iz 1R - • . • V T - • JR EN* J*.--.*** * R " ' T I R I "*■• ' * - > *R V' '':■' -■-■*• I I .RTI'I * Z ..V I • ( • R*-RA - • I. V'TAL* •■"ILT " -•?-"- " ' SIRASJF "*■s - ■ - ' * " • _R * ■ T :T" -■' ■••; -- ;• TII ' PTI -. :>-' ..: JSBA. ■ JECE J" .'* V.* - . * 53-: L*E- T % 1. 1 : - R:E * '>• •< A. ■ * 1 • - -<-• R S-RR<*. R,I •, * - . • ■ *- ■ C*L R - ?:• HZTEAFT. I" ITF PFISFE S* FIB- FE* *'3IT MR ' I :/.*>< I* . • I '. .'/stfSik: *■'- • -•-- • • -'■' / CATS#*,-*.', N F - - I . * --I" - < - * ■ --'IT .". . Ll' •-•!. - - . : ~RW • :TL *'■ - - W; - . . ■ : - ctti MSM* M* to IE *'FCIR T*.~ CIFC- 2- - - *- * ■_ 1 TT•- - z'-■■■. * UU. ' " I ?*•?. -.. &*3*. V I. - I.: I. WT. I•: < - - I .* MA.; f ■* *-I V# *.••' -.• C-,12 • ." -J. V*-: I' I C?R R ** ''' R—"-'" ; ■ :.V:I -- - : . *U: EA&C.F R: ■ ;■, •• :-K" . -,R .: • - PWS *• . ■ - - ••• ' ISC " -J£ *I? -- *■' >: IF. 11. •* ': : :-T -- •- 5 :N: ;>-£■ ■ :5- TER*. PRESSY?**-. LI **=" * '■ .' :.!*R X •;-*. :' : ' s-i- LEWESF TAD THE CRY FCR LRMC X* ihrt- LA - *-■. C W.'.A* JSJ *- - ■•. '-.SR. : .-.V.- CC.N EX*.-/ 1.--- *ETFI - -R -I - :'R - V* ?."-*• ; •*■ ' *5 ■*' V - "C- ■•. *■ THAT RE—T 1* R*- • •'. J ■ Ofccs." 'T UILI R* •*-•• " - T I.*A TN' S& ."J RR RE.R --1 R. R 'C., *.; R;: RR* MATAID I IJTI*"- ■* '.ET AE* IECH I ;R> ~£R MCE A %; CR.-- '• *APRI- PTKIK PRL^USR. IBFWMWW FOMDT OF GRS. BTWRRAR. IRII BEJRIT.ATILFCI SAT TITT RX ?- O.T-: W PPS R C: PER. C PI '." RR AT WITR REREE. %- '.FRC** :: V/A; AS ;F :.;..R> WE PTCAAIARJ PROFIT. THE IOAG APTTNTR D CIEA. FICIRSASATS, R "R RR R R-E R;' I. "- ART AAD BIS SNTCGRIIY OF CFCA - - - ; OAK* hi* APOCICTXEIR RR- -IT •- _ -C:. ; G.--AI CITC;TRC TR A A."." •RRS'.ER. S;- ITR-T FCA.? AERA COO&FI RR •-* SPEAI£FIOF THE VAIIONAL HOESEOF REPIESEVTATIVES. FT * , y v*~tt r ?lK. 0J.2 *A TR RRJ- I TBE DRRN?IC CA*.R A HIRD MO.NEV CLRREM V. TR "2 FAETR :F A' NT . g-.'i R . ART F zn- I-AR • --= N OF :• RIRX-? -* *.-r, H • ■ ERR 'tz tirz-: >■'-•*• !J T. \S * o.'* Z iicf'" *. sr. - -I.Z- --•- -; V W: 5 C-- EVE E X *' R- R. A* R R - • - OOONTERF-JT IWPIED'IITMIIC DTTFI® PIN FIUIU IM J AL, *;'{ hrtr ti~ CER-R. e.v OF CER R V. £TF*R.'R;C4 -1 <:.? IN IIR.R.TRT V. DON, AADFH* IAR ERAA JRSCTHE •••;_• TC-Z-'R" **• ■ !*- /♦- "I'LE. R COCRT-RCIA! AED OTHER TALRRESFTOF RE COOR.'-R C::-- R*VN TR.E FT RE O? RARI"- TE - -E! IN BIHTI**, WIT. R;REA 2FRAT TOR. - • -T HE *TI OF THE READ AND TR* R R-;. HR-R • TFE- TRO POLICY TO BE R.- SR - OLD COORTITOTE OAR CIRCULATING MEDIOT. OF WHAT US° ARE BANKS OF :UV*B-A TO CR * RR. R -IARV TROOBIES—TO EXPAND, TO CODFRAD, AND THEN EX PLODE— PERIODICA!!/ CRIPPITPG .R:.X,.-NV AN ! CARRYING WANT AND RUIN TO THE FC-AR?H-RONS OF R RUT V OF REALIZ ING HOW A SHAVE OF ONE, Tl* , THREE, FT.-, R T-N PER CENT, ON BANK PPER C TAR?, WOOID ARFECT THEIR NERVOUS SY STEM ? I ,T MORE HEOEFICIAL FOR THESE CLASSES OF OUR PEOPJ- THAT TFEEY SHOULD RE CEIVE FUR THEIR PRODUCE, "EI- WARES AND THEIR LABOR, POPER "PROMISES PAY," WHICH CAN HAVE NO REAL, FIXED AND LA#TRR_' WORTH : OR THE GOLD AND SILVER WHICH RETAIN* IT. VALUE, WHRCH PER;*HETH NOT, AND WHICH IS AI ' SYS GOOD FOR IIS THE WORLD OVER? V,'- FUST THE NEXT LEGISLA TURE WILL REPEAL THE-RELIEL ACT" OF THE EXTRA SESSION, AND TAKE from THE BANKS OF THI STALE THE LEGAL INDULGENCE THAT HAS BEEN EXTENDED TO THEM. LET THEM S'AND UFION THEIR OWN BOTTOM AND IF THEIR MISMAR.AGEMENT HAS THEM TO BE TOO WEAK AND FR-BLE TO DO SO, LET THEM GO INTO LIQUIDATION. A H*?SON OF THIS KIND WOULD DO MUCH TOWARD* REFORMING OUR BANKING SYSTEM AND HASTEN THE 'BETTER TIME*' THAT ARE IN THE PROSPECTIVE. NOBODY WILL BE HURT ANY MORE THAN THEY NOW ARE, IF THE LEGISLATURE SHOULD COMP-1 THE TANKS TO RESUME SPECIE PAYMENTS, AND WE TRMT ,T WILL DO SO WITHOUT FAIL. LET THE PEOPLE HAVE THE MONEY WHICH BANK OFFICERS HAVE LOCKED UP IN THEIR VAULTS, AND WHICH THEY HAVE A JUST CLAIM TO, OR ELSE FORCE THE ROTTEN SWINDLING SHOPS TO WIND UP, THAT AT LEAST A POR TION OF THE EVIL MAYBE WIPED OUT. Somtrsd Democrat. PRESIDENT S MESSAGE CAME TO US TOO LATE FOR PUBLICATION IN THIS WEEK'S PAPER. WE WILL GIVE IT IN OUR NEXT. rr r9ift "USSGI £ -sferttf '&*'* ' \ ***** ■ S*U**, | —Wo- M tm "' * * ■••Mr of fr!a*.' •"* üb. .-.-.*. -- '* of a -*- '. i . f 1 '*r af-* tri -J ai j;. Crvw. T.t ~ *"'■*■!**. ytitßt, i '-j. - ;• ■•!* --f "* ' v, T a t-j(e fibrttr, • - ' ; ' -'. "Br 4 -. - ; v •'• '-rjor •- the pent n . •■""** *U- _ ~r S=C??-£CS V k POLITICS, t : > • -.• • ;<£ailD *t bold to . ■■•'* ** Afseticao irpoblicic- I - r.fc. •' - P''--T-ri'y ofth* Repub ---- *■"■ .. .g-r-?> and pa ' - *ho ". ■ •-* •-. fa* .ar.:; ■ . i " * f - So ifh comimm!'i-* i - * i i''. -'• - *■ rcai-to. H^ncr 1 , - ; - tf% 7* '-'oment, in ordpr f< ; -H £ .<••!.!--d f< i . ;■ -..f --- c.' *£-"" and (fffdittf, f s;ir -... -.".-.can* acfr.st tr-af the pr per .► P-'* * n-ct war v to ■% correct _- - ■ - r •• iolirt as ua:... -•• g r. "S CY-ild vie rpt general - -■■?■- . i patriotic anion oj/jn ai! -- •'•?! - ' wcWtn- of ont coua - <>f ft** would t? i • . ■>' -y 'cr-t charac(*T of • aw hich i 'ild r^- • jr. • t a secrrt jviiifi •.s . f'.-f t corn;/ ion in in ir,ef .-■■■ " - a-o wt'i uL- advantage of • > "- 4 ; ;>facute favor* and office for •--- • " *v--. who, if compt-iied to ■ - •- 3 - 'or ' t '-f-riT.'.-nt upon r-o . • to? rr,as-i as honest m-n and z '■■'juld not br entrusffd with any ' >z profit—no imttrr how m ; b'—it IhfV werr* to iivp to i.— -*• Oi.o-Jah. It is well known that . .i i ar* not waotin-r in r\ezy cpMHTO* . uth IheeurlvfOi t-> political par - i- •- _• a* denominations for soie rair - - i-.cir.r their selfish iater<- ! s. That it-- ' cal party could not refrain from ---- _* rrv.jr of these unprincipled person* . . crrrmonion, is a self-evident truth. •-- • - result would be that honest men . ;■ -* -- . iired, from tn n very constitution . .. c- gaaization, to assist in elevating . as- into office. 'Til weed* grow 7 .I 'mtic Monthly. Phillips, Sampson . C. . B>r - •{, Mass. —Number 2 of this work . Cr.* ';o'e. It is beautifully printed—ex i:. this particular, all the other Ameri ci" " iiizines now pu jlished and contains a o: .• !t' oagej of reading matter. It discards ' - : .*e system of the "lady's hooks," which a si. g been a nuisance in our magazines, we suppose, to the perspicuity of its tftV~~ £n?!isti for a sufficient iflustratian of ■.heir -as. There is no affectation in the style n ~ :h it is gotten up—no "fancy," "red, -t - ar,ti blue" work orr the cover—no use ,et: .-r around its neat, inviting pages. Its x- 4 heal execution Is modest, simple, plain, as might have been the dress of a Puritan, •arv contents are of the highest ord>*r of - Ther- is a thoughtful and appreciative n Cariyle, which we read with great de . The "Autocrat of the Breakfast Table" ■s a > foil of r, idness and piquancy, though we . ct to the author's using such an expression, as ■■Only it don't" especially when heisin against the vulgarisms which, he says, "aiast the linkage of him, or her, who utters ''em, for generations up ami down." He >".ou!d give his grammar an a:.-;rig oefore he ventures into the next nun -r f the "Atlan tic," and Jearu t > *-i v **o/. n" and sang a.- follow.-: Co-ip ' fit! a fresh bumper,— !cr why should we go Wbiie in- neetar ' reiMn.s our cups as They flow? Pour oul ilie ~ch j: f slid bright with the sun Tilt o'er toe union.<-u ry-\t! the tubtes shall run. The purple slobed c -'ei- 'heir life-ilews have bled How sweet n the bfith nt ihe fragrance they shed! For summer's last ror lie hnl m the wines, J hat were garnered by maidens who laugh-.I thro' the vines. Then a smiie and a glass and a toat and a cheer For all the good wine m) we'se some of H here, In cellar, in pantry, in attic, in hall, Lungiive toe gay servant that laughs for us all ! The president of the day, happening to be a "teetotaller," did not approve of the Bachanali in spirit of the song; so he consulted "the cler gyman," who made '- s ome Tight |') changes" ;as tne president expressed it) in the ditty and caused it to read thus; Come fill a fresh bumper for why should we go, While the \og-reood still reddens our cups as they flow , Pour out the decoction still bright with the sun, Till o'er toe brimmed crystal the dye-stuff shall run. The hatf-ripened apples their life-dews have bled, How sweet is the taste of th e xusfar of lead' 1 or summer's rank poison* )je hid in the seines ' ! ' 1 bat were garnered by stalle-boys smoking long nines. 1 hen a scow? and a hotel ar.J a seoff and a sneer hor siiyehiutte and whiskey „nd ratsbane and beer! In cellar, in pantry, in attic, in hall, J)oirn, down teeth the tyrant that masters us all! 1 ell u> more of that clergyman, Mr. Auto crat —But let us look at some other goods on the "Atlantic's" shelve?. Ihe "Ghost Redivivus" is a pleasant story anrf fo j of i' "Sjf'ori Rffl 4 ," tn f c 4 -;*.e aCiiT-r-at *a. TV.* on- j if*-r ih- tat* '5 t; WbW WBI I? Ef-d * i* an ; i~rt®!r.. or cor,: .uati >a©f fbe Abolition rail is* sod rac'icg ;h disgusted tfi.-re%.ie,'s of Put/mm's ,Maai vy, b!:y thwijh ft i i- - t cnsrac* •:7• j r-v ff • ,•• '.* and"v ol i r* >dnCttOQ*. It i sjOWi (iiit bo? one oft n't- -,vr. it i '< u-ed a V>v ein describ.' z ' - ". '■'•'■ : d binding of the ■ "Atlas'; --.'* ■ aj-r ;-£j .>i' eta atiilvr. I! u **.f •'•*." '-r "j lain' *> i- Mtrp y, ••; - H- - -.?> a--.it. — f '.--re a'- a cumber >f '.. ■: art.- • . -- -- '< i! -A: . ,\v> and grousing. t -.e reviews w- *H. v.an-; •'indicate** ci 'rd hsi I'tm .-ntta: election, that zJholitiom*n in /<k!ch'S a:-: - "i J- - -•.? up t 5>- zan: v . -ur ani &> - .tit >■■'• pt' . \V- have i and lime : • rraa but a *w of i... >i j'ar a, we Rave read, We find hi? one to the bik a:. Ift a! it, some -f She .-.id, i tales reirti.-.Veach -.'..er too closely in pi>t and - . jet:. The aim of as fictions are highly cooimrriciA J-: to inculcate m tbe n tfit! *r - reader, th- -= of in • rr-. The rhapsody wh eh f - v s v.- fake from 5 fderßii::* it both -ea* -able ar.: pretv. DECEMBER. T: - white O.T.- _a :..- year Par- and COid li COlf.es I- V. ..n . - 'i'l i, hi .1 Z ■'■ 1' awful voice in that "La.-tit-nial: *.*. ' v too year e jesdown to the dead. It ;s a very, very sac. tr.ou.rht that a. !h --sweet i-or.z- ofspriti*, Ihe oea .'y oi sut *■<.. iia death ; V-t ' • '•life o . -i, i .-t i- it— rr.otr.mz - the night ari the new year fciiou s the an. Ti -z .. imthrti ■-wi . iaod :. .ten ' .- z ail the nark woof ol our r.urr.ar.:'v. Chr.-tn.ai. tfieg--"i! B.rt'icay, ts.e "gocd-w in to ;rnnr"(.fds t- warmth and glory over the coil and _. eon. of Deceixit er. So our hearts can sing hopefully, throagh the dorms that are coming,,— '•() >. -i ' csvet-- - stars are era eto pa-s Over the face n* the or bought and brought from the coasts of Airica. But not alone is Louis Napoleon in the c.-sire t .r the j.erunia.-y te-nefi'.v ofslave laboV. The British pres#, both at re and abroad, with singular unanimity enter into the prr. ot* Alncan and poy apprentice? : extract ug in anticipation the greatest amount of success. I neco.oiif.al pap-;,, itioeec, owtrage decern v as well as humanity in their tMMfks to secure the covetei; price. statistics t tr ntsheci and caiculati >ri. the nun rof apprentice, n hich can oe takes and n ade ataii a-.le —r.ot tor \ ears only, but tar lit'-—upon British s>ii. Shade ol l\ Goerlorce iof;k down. Devotees at the skirts of Mrs. Stowe take h-eri. Where now s;.o.i we lxk for the progress of enlighten ment lien the boasted regenerator of the w >Hd meditates a relapise into darkness 7 Has Britain reached that point in civilization winch turns nations hack to barbarism ' Has sueptijjsm already destroyed everything within h-x, tot trie regard for self ? .No reasoning ran ewe the eyes of the world to the tact that the system about to be established is anything el*- t.'.an sla very. fail it apprenticing—term i? free Jnhor and still the negro will not recognise theditr'er ence between his condition as an apprentice and tfiat as a siave. In either case he but sub serves the purposes of another. What matters it except ia degree if his lerin of service en dures only for ten or twenty vears, if during that time he is held by an involuntary process. Service performed under* these circumstances ean be nothing short of slavery. The worst feature, if possible, of the appren tice slave business is tr.e gathering desire to transplant the Sepoys of the Ea,t to the planta tions ol the West Indie.. In the event of the subjugation of the mutineers, considerations ol safety dictate such measures as will effectually prevent a recurrence of the atrocities of which India has been so ptolificof late. In view of this it seriously proposed to enslave and scat ter the ievolted inhabitants over "the empire upon \s hit h the sun never s-ts." 5 In this under taking it is intended tci at once repair pecuniary loss anil strike such an impression upon the barbarous tributaries oftbe East as will forever overawe and force them to quietly bear the iron rule of liinr masters.—Taking the question sim ply as a generality, without attending to the revo.tmg particulars given by colonial newspa pers, it tail- to si rike the mind as a proceeding otherwise than tyrannical. Before adopting a course so manifestly at vaiiance with the spirit which animates the true American—and which should animate all mankind—the cupidity ami stolidity of the English official charactei should for once give place to English justice in the treatment of British tributaries. b>o.Tieihiug bet ter is expected of the English people, after their unqualified abuse of the American people f-r the existence of a Constitutional necessity, than the enslavement of East Indians or the traffic ir. African negroes. The mock sympathy hitherto extended by the British press to the Abolition spirits of this country in their fanatical and blinded crusade against American slavery is now thoroughly ex posed. The New York Tribitne y too, is betray ing the hollowness of its professions of world wide emancipation anil goes in for m prenticed slaves. To he apprized of this fact, however, is not to afford matter of wonder, bur AS MM. ply exhibiting another view of Greeley's m .ial-p - iitical kaleidescope. Change, with the 77T bvne, appears to occur as regularly a.-the s< a suns of nature. Brcrx t i t s . —M*. Hern of . 'iOf v idoiv of Commander ILrn - tiu t ff' -ivfd f rom the .W Eng land Mt. ' i' 1. f - Jri**traric* Company, .„°f Bus •/ ~ fi* '.is,--. Yil, art on a p.,lie)' signed on- * |y a vear * sr.ee. —A ff.an wjjp.' -d n Baltimore on Thurs day nigh! of sl,l OX H* stated that he left Whaling for tf- : IT-' *of gis n g fo Phitadel- > r, ; - ■, where t • m'-f.'i-'J Jo into the coal —Gil? : on M. V if.ai, a comrosilor in Ihe of- , fke o| the Boston Trur-Uor, v. working a! : ,t. - ru- Jay n.-.rr f-il ~wn in a fit of a; . v, almost ,<-iv expired. —Tf - giraffe belonging Jo Driesbach & Co.V • • - or. v one in An.erica, died a av or tuusii>(. in CtdCiunsJi. it valued j at SSOO. —A dtiachtr Tit of United S ate? troops left the C iri ■!>* 'arts' l.f on M morning Ja>t fr the western frontier*. Hon. George Dar*. of the Pitt<- - rj. J' VYat :*.an i Cft:rar*.- Railroad Com ' f^anyreigned. A young man named William Archer; waa shot and killed by bis younger brother, ,r Ararat, Susquehanna county, on Saturday The .;tearner Kentucky, Cat,tain Jack, art rived at Cincinnati, on Sunday morning, with tMr teen hundred live h.g. —The IVaukegan, 111., Gazelle says the times are so hard in Minnesota that the people who can j g*-t away are emigrating to other State? for the inter. —An alligator was recently killed near the i Bah'/•*, (mouth of the Mississippi.) which was nearly eaten op by shrimps. —in Kanawha county, Va., last week, a v . • ■* lady sued a gentleman for damages f,r ! breach of promise. A r.-. fori t is before tie Tennessee Leg islature. pledging the co-operalioß of the State l w. h the Executive of th<* United Slates, in I roppmaing th * civil war existing in theTerri t j~y of Utah. —The •♦Sons of Malta ' in St. Louis are about I to c:?inbute twotbousand dollars among tlt<* poor ! oft; at city. It gives us [ilea.ore to chronicle 1 similar kind offices on the part of this order 1 t the principal cities of the Union ' Near Baltic re on 1 1 nr.oiay, Mr. William! Rhinehart accidentally shot his mnite ham!- j i.r a fowling pi-ce. The grief of he father at t e -id mishap was of ;the most f art-rending ! character. —Caj tain Linua'Wasbbutn, of .\jßddleboro* 1 Mass., who di-il 3 few days ago, u i buried by 1 tf. • -hie of five v. ives, the last of w : m died one ' year ag >• ' —The Missouri river, in a number! of places, ; is gorged wiili ice, an 1 navigation .-almo*t en tirely suhjieiivSed. Several boats r tryir way up t bad great difficulty in reaching St. Liuis. A little girl who was bitten bv a rid dog in St. Lenta the other day bad the wourJ cut cyt I poultices applied and was then trade sad drunk! —John 11. Grcnewaii, a Mexican toiunleer, was tuned u ith military honors in Baltimore on Satuiclay. ' lie Board of ( anal Comniie *r;*re, of Pennsylvania, have concluded to ie' the water remain in the canais owned bv the f p** until the very last moment, that navigation! can be continued thereto. —The late James Battle, of M lib*, be- ) queattied SOOO,OOO to his widow, !.;e Battle! II .use to his grandnephew, ar. i $lO, ©0 each I to the Orj hart Asylum and the Methodist ! Church. —The Titfanv House, the Post < elite, and j the whole r.iock ill which th-v sto i, front mg ! on the public square, io M'. Pleas . , lowa, | d< sti veti by fire un Friday nig' last. —The store of Mr. Samuel Mi Vr, i \ Pills- j burgh, was destroy ed by fire on Friu.iv' morn ing, Loss $2,000. Reuben U*. Weaver, editor of the War of t'i .No// 1, at ilfxnnsb irg, Pa., uwd ~-t week. Hon. Thomas J. Pickens has been elected comptroller general of South Carolina. Mrs. Cunningham and her two daughters are rep rt- 1 to be in Paris. —Mi it.m Yiickelt, was hung iri ()w: |svil|e, Kentucky, on Friday last, lui the i: Jpder of 1 Francis Fielder. The value of taxable property if) NbjivOr | leans this year is assessed at $98,293,2-1. The people of Ea-ton, M 1., have i ted in lav or of lighting that town with gas. i -ruiy.- .n, the pet, to i.-e a qieless : victim to the use of opium. —F. B. Streeter. Es- >., Solicit T J the U- it ed S.at s Treasury, has, it is > .(?•q.. formerly a l"r of the Delaware Legislature, ciit-ii at Sn;\ S, in that State, recently. —The session of the eighty-second l/ii-ia lureof .New Jersey will commence on tlx I2tii Of January. —An old gentleman once said, in sp iking of the bad consequence of disparity off'tjune especially on the wif-'ssidein niarriafe— that when he married he had twenty cen' pnd his wife had twenty-five, and that she pi as thro'a mg up that extra five cents to him I" * v er after. I —E. F. Nichols, charged with i'ai'ig the name of P. T. Barnum, who is his c '%m, to dralis to the amount of $40,000, was {ar raigned at Cleveland, Ohi >, on the 17th irlst., ujmn one of the several indictments, and, by pi tice of counsel, pleaded guilty. Sentence as deferred. —The railroad runners having been disrated by the principal roilroad lines in the Wfst, tkese runnercheld a convention, and resolv ato iKe their influence to divert buisiness and t at el t# other routes. —A captain of her Britannic Majesty'-- 4'- vce, and senior naval officer in Australia, Has frrmally annexed the Cocoslslands to the L|c tttsded domain of Great Britain. —The Strasburg (Pa..) Herald says that t|e hog disease, which has proved so fatal in lf e Wrst, is spreading ia this neighborhood. \ —The Philadelphia Sun and Daily Ti'flfs haw !/otli gone down, f4i want of support. [Reported by Telegraph, forth,' Evening Argus.] | IVASiIjLNGTON AFFAIRS- Wamiixotc v. TV-oa.ber 7.—Tlm* president firmly sustains the measures proposed by the f>cri fly hut firir.lv expressed in the message, are : that the Kansas Convention, being in its nature j a sovereign body, bad an undoubted right to sub mit the Constitution to the p-ople < r not, as it might s-e,. fit, and that tor Congress n, m?nt upon I the Convention adopting any particular course. Would be a'd:te< t intervention and in fla'rant violation of the doctrine of popular sovereignly; that, ind< pendent of tin- only questi .n of anv importance, slavery i- to he su mitled to tit*e J p-ople of Kansas: and that there i s neiifier exc >e nor justification in a refusal, therefore,.to: ti: • Locompton Constitution and act up pending between Col., ! Sumner and Gen. Harney, the President of the! com t. The Democratic caucus on Saturday night j I was very full, 111 members being present.! Jones, of Tennessee, occupied ibe chair. AJr. Phelps propos.-d Oir for Sfieaker, under j j the ariangeinent f uesiiadovved in a former dis patch, ami he w as nominated by acclamation. Mr. Allen was nominated fur Clerk bv 8b I vot* s on the first ballot. Mr. Cluskey was nominated for Postn.aster on 1 i the second ball- t. Mr. Hackney, of Virginia, was nominated lor I) e/ikeeper, and Mr. Glo.-sbreoiier tor Ser i geant-at-Arms. j The list of nominations, as far as perfected, i stands as follows : For Speaker, Mr. Orr, of South Carolina. ! For Clerk, Mr. Allen of Illinois. For Postmaster, Mr. Cluskey, of Illinois, j For Doorkeeper, Mr. Hackney, of Virginia. | For Sergeant-at-Arms, Mr. Gbssbreuner. COXGII ESSiOXAL PROCEED!NGS. Open in : nf the. S a ion—Election of .\lr. fits- . put rick, President pro iem of the Senate. \ U. S. CamoL, VVashimgtom, Dec. 7, 18f>7. \ —The weather to-day is charming, and the; opening of Congress fias attracted dense crow ds i in the of both Houses and other parts j of the Capitol. The greeting bet ween the mem- j hers an i their friends served to render tfit* scene S pleasantly exciting. Sknat;:.—On th" roll being called, fifty Sen- j j ators answered to their names. The Senate ! was called to order by the Secretary, who read ; a fitter fiom Mr. Breckinridge, Vice President,! ; stating that lie would not be able to reach ; • Washington at the commencement of the ses- j j • I sion. On moti n of Mr. Benjamin, a resolution J | was adopted, that the oath required *hy the j j Constitution be administered by Mr. Bright,! j the oldest member present. Messrs. Andrew Johnson, of Tennessee, and Mr. Clark, of New Hampshire, new members, were sworn in, and took their seats. The Senate proceeded to Ballot for President pro tempore of ihe.Seiiale, when A1 r. Fitzpatrick was chosen, and In ing conducted to his seat, :turned his acknowledgments for the honor conferred. fit" usual resolution was adopted for the appointment of Committees- to inform the House and the President of the United States, that j the Senate was organized, and ready lor the; transaction of business. The Senate then went into executive session, and con timed the nomination by the Presdent, ; of Geo. IV. Bpwman, ex-editor of the Bedford Gazette, as Superintendent ol Public Printing,) After the Executive sesst in, the Senate ad- : jiiumed without tiansac'ing any further busi- | lIeSS. H i si: of K kpkbskxtatj vns.—Two hundred j and twenty-one members answered to the tali 1 I the House. A quorum of members being thus ascertained j to be present, the House proceeded to tin j efi clion of the Speaker. Mr. Orr was nominated by .Mr. Jones, of Ten nessee, and Mr. Oiow, by Mi. Banks, d Massa chusetts. On the ballot the vole stood as bill ows: Mr. Orr, 12S Mr. Grow, 84 Scattering, 15 The announcement of the result was greeted with applause. Tlie Cleik appointed Messrs. Giddings and Banks as a Committee to conduct Mr. Orr to the Chair. On assuming the Chair, Mr. Orr expressed his thanks for the honor conferred upon him. The delicate and responsible duties ol the Chair he said, would be comparatively light, if he should i f so fortunate as to secure the co-opera tion of the members in dispatching business and in upholding the dignity of the House. He promised to administer the rules, whirl) may tie adopted, with firmness and impartiality. The great business confided to them by the people admonished them to cultivate a patriotism as ex pansive as the confederacy itself. He cherished the hope that the public business would be trans acted so as to promote the interests and happi ness of the k entire people and the Constitution would be maintained in its integrity, and that the Legislature would quicken tiie greatness and glory ofonr common country. The members were then sworn in, advancing in delegations for that purpose. —On Monday next Ihe Legislature of Ken* 1 tucky meets. - 'L..*< .awg '.?Uiiui its A. 12 Ft t B-: 3): ij*' aiWi 0 " Thursday, the }9tb nit., by ; iw 1 r Wr - vv ' ii,iaip - < • liper s Kurt, to ft is* Rachel Lavinia. second mer*phce °' G "°' B ' Kay ' -eeM ° f th " *<- Oil the 2<)th Nov., b v James Cessna, Esq., ; W*U T,- T ' ,° r i o,ba mpton, H. Miss Cathe rine Miller oi Cmnberfbnrf Valley. On the 23d of Octob-r last, at the residence of the Brides Father, by the Rev. K. T . Robe, Doer. |Jlf.*ri LKAISFR, ol heYrten Spring-, to VJ ■. ; t-,*,,- ; youngest daughter of Putnam, Semite', , ti*s C o-, Michigan. r ' On the evening of the 3, en,;-!ace a ,out i.y | n , INWI IV ftrta . 'uZ I western extraal fc.yia,; 3i)U 1,1,U dual a -rice k-jd private, and (>5>J obis extra iaun.y at $ v gf, per b!il ; holders of standard shipping brands Ire ree. selling at snasn,s, , h e latter for S e],. n „ ( | j lots, hut there are very few buyers to-dav. and this description is quiet, only *SOO bhl bavin* j b-wn taken at the former r'ate ; the stock, howev . er, H moderate for the season. The want, of the local trade are being supplied at from '*s UD wards, to -S6,r,oas-7,50 per hbl, accord.'.,* !o brand and quality, the Jatter for premium floor live flour is held at 37J, and Corn M~ a ! al §3 per Lb!, but ihere is nothing doing in either. | Wheals are in fair supply, |,nt the demand is din] prices favor thf buyers : sab s include I 1,000 ho- poor red at I Ola 103 c 2,300 bus fair : to good do. at 1 10a 1 l(ic, and 2,000 bus white lit 120 to 130 c, the latter for prime Tennessee |or f a!e. Com , s more inquired for • 5,000 bu ; damp Jersey yellow brought 5He, and 1.200 on j dry Delaware GO aG3 afloat; old Cincinnati is : wanted at 7Ha79-, but there is none afloat lots :iu store are dull at 77a78c. Oats— Nothing doing, anci holders ask 35c fur good lots. Rye is wanted by the distillers : 200 bu Pen,,, sold at .Bc, and 1000 bus southern at; 75c. Some ; holders of Bark have reduced'their quotations for Que, citron, and several small sales been made al§27 for fiist quality. Cotton is dull and un settled,and there is gvery htle selling to-dav. . Croceries and Provisions remain without much | doing, and the quotations are the same as last noted. Seeds—There is some little inquiry for clove, seed, and 100 bu have been sold fat 8~>'25 ass ; so per bo; from wagons at th- farmer rat'-. Whiskey is in steady demand, at 2liclor drudge 22a22ic Ibr hhds, and 22ia23c for bbls. = BALTIIHK2-: iUAUKETS. ! BAI.TIMOBE, December 7.—Sales of Ohio jIT u- at $5 and City Mills a t $1 75. The supply „t wheat large, and the market dull - ; sales of red at -$| a 1 05; white $ 1 05 a 1 j Corn—The receipts are heavy : sales of new u bite corn at 45 a 50, yellow 4G a 55, new 60 a 65c. Whiskey is better; sales at 23 a 23^. c W 2. bncrti ScTO c nt s. > aluah!e Farm For 3AL25.—The subscriber will offer fir sale on lT.orvlay, the 3lst day of December, that vafu | birm on which she now resides, lying one 1 mile north-west of Schellsburg. on "Chestnut I ridge. CONTAINING ONE HUNDRED AND \l • E A( RES, seventy o| which iscUaied and m a good s'nte of cultivation, with a good two' J.OT HOT SE, with a never failing sprmg ol water at the door, with spring-house; also tenant house, DOUBLE LOG BA RN, an excellent orchard of choice fruit of all kinds— I adjoining lands of Henry Horn, Geo. M. Col | v in, Anthony Sniiih and others. Terms made ! known on day of sale. SARAH GROVE, j Schellsburg, D.-c. 11, 1857. Broad Top Coal, I'rum the Kiddltsljttrtt; Collierv. i [II. -übsciniipr- are now engaged ir. shipping coal ; from the celebfSTed Ruldlesburg Bank, by railroad | to Hopewefl, at a- low prices as can be furnished by j any other persons 111 the country. Person-, desiring a good article will find it to Their | advantage to call or, them, or their agent, F. -M. Smith, at Hopewell. OS BOER NT h; CRESSWFLL. Dec. 11, 1557.-3(ri. . \ 'otice if o (of lectors. AI.I. collectors be:..re 15.',7, are hereby notified to -• tile and square up their duplicates on or be 'ore the ; Ist day of January next. Those (Mintpients after that .lay, will be proceeded against immediately | without respect of pei-ons. j Pi'es-,og ciiciiins a..ce- render this c.rurse I.Tiper arive. (.olb'ctoTs : jS'7. are also required 10 pay in as | much as possible by tiiut time. By order of the Cimnn— oners. H. NICODLMi S. Clerk. Commissioners' Oliice, f Decembei 11, ISu7. \ AllciilioEi. ftilfemcu' 5'0(I are hereby ordered to appear atyoor usual place of training, or, Friday, the Bth day of January, 18.75, at 10 o'clock, A. .VI., in full winter uniform (with POII, poou) an appeal will he hehl immediately after parade, a full turn out is desired, By order of the Captain. YVM. RITCHEY, O. S. Dec. 11. ISV7. Stray Steei% 1 CA ME trespassing on the premise- of the subscri • i ber, residing in Union tp., Bedford county, during the month 01 September last, a red steer with some : white along the belly, supposed to l? about two | years and a half old, with the left ear cropped and hole in the same ear and, also, a fork cut out o!" Vl# ; right ear, and has no horns. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property pay charges and take him way, or be will be disposed ol as tbeU A