The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, November 27, 1857, Image 3

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    Tiie Bedford Gazette.
Bv Divine Permission, the Sacrarmot of the
Lord's Supper, will be admin i-tervd a? tin* Pre--
hvterian Church, in this place. <hi next Sab
bath, services to commence at 10 o'clock A. M.
This week we put our paper to press on
Wednesday afternoon,*instead of Thursday,
which is our usual time, in order that all the
hands conected with the otlice may have an
opportunity of observing thanksgiving day.
I am in earnest in saying that I want to settle
with all the old friends and patrons of the "Bed
ford Gazette-, in town as well as in the country.
Many have manfully responded to my former
notice, and I have faith to Ix-liece that all will
in a short time. As money is scarce, I will
trive anv reasonable indulgence to those who
desire it, provided they settle at mice. T will
attend in person at the office of Hent v Nicode
muq Esq., fir a short time yet, probably until
the Ist of January, after which I willy dace all
unsettled accounts in the hands of E-qulte \ico
demus for collection, without reaped to persona
and I mean just what 1 say.
Nov. 27,1857.
A member, of the ''Bedford Countv'Agricul
(uralSociety," handed us a few days since a
communication from our friend Michael Lutz,
which was directed to the Officers of the Soci
cietv at our last Fair, relative to the mode, and
his success in the cultivation of the Chinese Su
gar Cane in this county. As this is a new sta
ple among the many other products of the
count v, we deem it worthy of notice, and
therefore give it a place in our columns. That
the cane can be raised in our county and that
successfully we have not tile least doubt. I'lie
soil and climate are adapted to the cultivation of
it, and the only difficulty which we labor un
der at present is the process of manufacture.
It will not be forgotten that Mr. Ltilz, had
a sample ofthe syrup at the Fair, which was
pronounced " verv good 'by the many who on
that occasion tested its qualities. The 'follow-
is the communication.
GKNTI.EMEN: —"I forward
" voo a short history upon the mode bt rais
" ing the Chinese Sugar Cane. J planted
"something over a quarter of an acre and
" which yielded a tine crop. I planted it in
" the same manner as we usually plant corn.
" three or four feet apart and about the same
" nnmb< rof stalks to the hill. In the cnltiva.
"tionof the cane f treated it in the same way
" as that of corn, and it requires the same qual
" it Vof ground to grow it as it does in order to
" raise a good Crop of corn, and attended with
" about tlw same amount of laboi. The great
est difficult v I labor under is for wantofprop
" er machinery to extrart the juice from the
"stalk: but withal I belive it will pay for the
" time and labor bestowed upon it, especially at
"the present.high prices ot molasses. My
" mode of manufacturing it is to take the juice
" and iwil ii gradually until boiled down to a
"proper thicknes, taking rare always that
" when it comes to a simmer to see that ail the
"scum which rises to the top in the process of
" boiling is can-fully taken off. Alter which
" T treat it in the same manner as voo would
" in making Maple Sugar, a method with which
'• most ol our farmers are familiar." M. LUTZ.
OCR TOH X has been unusually quiet fur
fhe last week. Jt ruav be attributed to the (act
that last week was Court, and at which
tine our pleased place was lilterallv jammed
"chink full," and we might turn which way
we would some old acquaintance would he con
tinually "turning up." But they have all gone
to tie ir families and pleasant homes, and are
now, we trust, injoving comfortable quarters
from the chilling blasts of winter which are
whistling over us with the velocity of loco
motive speed. Igh ! how cold for Novem
To Co.-.s .motive.
Dr. Geo. H. Keyser, of 140 Wood Street Pitt-burgh,
Pa., prepares a Medicine for Coughs and Lung Dis
eases that stand without a rival. It would be well
inr Consumptive persons to remember this, and upon
the first approach of a Cough or Cold, apply this
remedy, which we are assured from good authority,
has cured a great variety of Lung Diseases. You
ran buy it at the Drug Store of Samuel Brown Bed
ford and Colvin fc Robi-on Schellsburg.
'nrrHiCHv.—T >ose who want a speedy
cure for this disease will find it in DI:. Keysf. r's
looth.schb Remedy. Sold for 25 cents at Samuel
brown's Store Bedford, & Co!viu& Robisons, Schells
following are the official aggregates of the pop
ular vote of the late State election, as compared
with the Presidential vote of 1856 ;
Republican. Democratic /{now .Vol/itng.
1856 276,907 195,878 I*2 J,hi. 14
1857 17b,8.% 194,187 66,814
Losses 101,071 1,691 57,790
■ir""* Ihe Tampa (Florida) Peninsula says
'! at tlie entire military force.? now in Florida
has been ordered out on active service. It
von prises about two thousand ;nen, and it seems
probable that they will be aide to conquer the
7he wheat crop of Wisconsin, for the var
I s b7, is estimated at eighteen millions of Imsh
e.s being an increase of six millions over 1856.
I here are now at Norfolk 109 colored emi
"ra,l'b the Mary Caroline Stephens, to
emhatk for Liberia.
1 our sportsmen of Clarksville, Tennessee,
"tie day last week killeti two thousand pigeons
at the pigeon-roost, fourteen miles fiom the
!lARR 1 F. I>:
Gn the 19th in>t., b,y the Rev. F. Benedict,
Mr. John Zirnmers to Mies Eliza J. Shaffer,
jotb ol Bedford (owrwhip.
On the same day at the Lutheran parsonage,
•y the same, Mr. Charles Inder to Miss Mar
garet Cashman, both of Bedford township.
On the nurning of the 23d inst., by Rev. \lr.
•Vottswood, Mr. Thos. R. Vickroy, of York, to
Lttie, daughter of" Wnt. StahJ ol this place.
SAS. —We have received information from sev
eral reliable gentlemen, jo,t arrived from Kan
sas, that a large numbT <>(' mechanics and labor
ers are wanted in that Territoiy at tlm present
time. In several ofthe towns they have not
a sufficient number of mechanics to do half the
work which is required, and tor which they
would receive from $2 5(1 to $3 |"-r day. One
gentleman tells us there is not single shoema
ker, tailor, btacksmith or tinsmith in the town
of Osawattamie, nor in Paoli, Lvkins county.
In fact, there is a deficiency in all the mechani
cal branches throughout the Territory. Two or
three builders monopolize all the work in a town
and they are so busily engaged in erecting
dwellings on their own account tfiat they refuse
to do, and unable to attend to outside work. —
St. Louis Democrat.
—lt is estimated that "half a million <d" dol
lars worth of property has been destroyed in
the weaterri part of New York by the freshets
of last week.
Bedford Markets.
Flour, $5 00 Butter, 16ct>.
Wheat, pet bu. 100 Kggs, per doz. 12i"
Rye, " 50 cts. Hani per lb. JN "
Buckw heat, per bu. 40 •• Lard " 10 "
Barley, " 62| " Onions, per bu. 37J,"
Oats, " 25 '• Coin, •• JO "
Potatoes, " 37|
PHILADELPHIA, NOV. 21st Evening.—There
is a moderate degree of activity noticeable in
the breadstuff? market, and prices are without
any quotable change to-day. The sales ot flour
comprise 500 bbis, of a standard brand, at a
price kept secret : 1,100 bbis do at *>5.25a*i5.-
31 i. the latter for selected Western, and 2,000
bbis extra at $5.62!>a55.87f for common and
selected brands. The sales to the local trade
are to a fair extent within the ainge of the
same quotations, and sb'as7,2s pr fib! lor extra
family and fancy lots, as to quality. Corn
meal and rye Hour are but little inquired for.
and dull at $3.18Ja53,'2.' for the former, at..!
*54.50 per hbl fijrthe latter. Wheat is in mod
erate supply, but the demand front millers and
shippers is limited, and about 6,000 bus have
be. n taken at 120a 125 c for fair to good :ed,
and 128 to 135 c for white. Corn is w anted,
a id 2,000a3,000 bus have been taken at 56a62c
for new, and 80c for old yellow, the forim-r
aceording to dryness, including 1,200 bus white
also at 80c, atioat. Oats are in den and, and
about 3,500 bus have been sold at 35c for Dei
aware, and 35a36c for Pennsylvania. Rye is
in request and scarce at 75c, with further small
sales at this figure. Li tie or nothing doing in
Bark, and the holders of quercitron are firm at
£>3o tor first quality. Cotton is thill, with a
very reduced stock on sale. Groceries are
without much change—there is rather rnnrr
doing in Sugars, both for She home trade and
refining purposes. Provisions continue inactive
and prices are unsettled. Seeds—there is
nothing doing to alter quotations, and the mark
et is bare of Cloverseed. Whiskey is selling
as wanted at 22a23cfor Pennsylvania and Ohio
bbis, and 22a22 i lor hlids.
cui 3. ii Dtrti scm c nt s.
ONE box of" medicines brought from Hollidavs
burg to A. Ferguson's Shoe Store in a mistake.
The owner will please come forward and prove
property, pav charges and take it away.
Bedford, Nov. 27, 18:57.
Public Auction.
THE subscribers wishing to dispose of their en
tire stock of Merchandize, w ill offer at PI l>-
LIC Ai CTKLY at their slore in
on Tuesday "22 d tlay of December next.
Their Stock consist.- of Gluto.,?, Casirneies,
Satinetts, f'weecs, Janes, Satin and Silk V'st
ings, with a general assortment of Woolen and
Domestic goods, such as red and White Flan
nels, Ginghams,
in great variety, consisting in part of plain and
printed French Merinoi s. all Wool Delaims,
Alpaccas, Silks, dotted plain and figured Swiss
fine Cambric Jackonets, Silk Lace ami Fnuges,
about eighty pieces ol excellent Calico, R.-d
Mohair Silk and Cotton Gloves. M-n and wo
men?' Wool and Cotton hose, plain and Fancy
Ladies Bonnets, Men and Boys JLits and Caps,
Cotton Wasp and Carpet chain, 800 I S K.
SHOES, consisting of Men and Boys wear, La
dies, Misses and Children?' Shoes.
GROCERIES, such as Coffee, Sugar, Molasses,
Syrups, Tea, (Jhocolate, Spices, Tobacco, Oils,
Drugs, Paints, Dye-Stutis, Glass, Putty, Kc.,
HARDWARE, such asLon, Nails, Cast Sheers
arid Blister Steel, Carpenters' tools, Cabinet
makers Trimmings. Door Locks, Butt Hinges.
Cutlery K.C., Ql EENSWARE, Crockery
ware, Cedar ware, consisting at Buckets, Tubs,
Churns, &.C., A lot ol Sadies, Bridies, Collars
arid Halters, one Spring Wagon, two GOLD
LEVER WATCHES, four first rate Rifle guns,
a large lot of Lumber, such as Shingles, Boards
and Locust Posls, together with a general as
sortment of goods usually found in and about a
first class country store. The attention ol whole
sale buyers is solicited as the above stock is
large, new, arid well selected.
The subscribe!, will alsb "Her on the day a
jjnve mentioned the tallowing valuable town
property, \ iz; a large (wy-sloiv frame STCRE
andWAREHOr SE, being 38 by 24 feet long.
The above is the best stand for a stoie in the
county and has always commaded a large busi
ness. Also, a lot o! ground with a two story
BRICK DWELLING HOI 'SE, with good .via
ble and other out buildings thereoji, with a lin
lot of fruit tre-s. The Douse is 34 by 2D feet
in size and finished complete. Also, one lot
of ground in the west end of Bloody Run, being
65 feet front on main street and 165 fe-t back.
Sale to commence at ten o'clock on said day
and to i>e continued every day ami evening un
til the whole ii sold.
Nov. 27, 1857. WM. STATES.
Dissolution of Partnership.
TUT. partner-hip heretofore existing between Hen
ry 8. King and James Mudara, under the name and
firm ol Madara, King & Co., doing busines- at Le
mon's Iron Works, in Hopewell township, Bedlord
county, is dissolved by mutual consent.
Nov. 2, 1857. JAMES MADARA.
The business of manufacturing iron at I ETOII'S
Iron Works, will be continued by the undersigned,
who has purchased all the interest of his late partner,
James Madary, in the Books properly and effects
belonging to the late firm of Madara, King A Co.
N0v.20.1857. HENRY S. KING.
: Devries, Stevens K 1 homas i In the Common Pleas
vs. of Bedford co., vend.
Thomas U . Morton. exp. No. 7, Nov. T.
1557. Nov. 10, IS-'-, on motion of J. Cessna, Esq.,
John P. Reed, apjiiiinKd auditor to rejvort distribu
tion of the money in dm hands of tbe Sheriff.
By virrue ol the above appointment the under
signed will attend to the performance of bis duties,
at in the borough 0 f Bedford, on Monday,
the 1 Ith day ot December, 1857, at 10 o'clock, A.
M. when and where all parties interested canal
• teml if they see proper.
Nov, 57, 1557. Auditor.
VV hich is a purely vegetable Pet par i/ion, for the pu
rifying of blood, giving vigor to Die Liver, stomach
and bowels, and expelling froir. the system all mor
| bid matter, and substituting in its stead a healthful
activity through all the functions of lile.
In the fall of 1871 a daughter of Mr. Lindsey was
i suffering from a malignant attack ofCancrum Oris
j (Canker of the mouth.) st,e had previously been
! prostrated by the attacks of Dy-entary, lntiamatinn
lof the lungs and Hectic Fever, sueces-ively, which
j resulted in the above named disease in its worst
j form, ller condition was most deploiable—her mouth
| and cheek were literally rotten—the attending phy
j sician pronounced the ea-e a hopeless one. Every- i
! thing indicated a speedy and horrible death the
! death of rotting out of life ! At this critical jnnc- i
i tore Mr. Lindsey prepared a compound lor the pur- !
! pose of alleviating, possible, the pains of the lillle
j sufferer. She was made to use it freely, and in a
| sboit time to his mo-fdelightful astonishment, theie
j was a very perceptible change lor the better. The ■
> mouth begun to put on a bright and healthy appeai
| ance—the foul bieatb became sweet—the appetite
| was restored, and the child seemed to partake of a j
i new and fresh life.
Hope was inspired,and the use of the compound !
i was laithlully continued, the result ol which, with
the bles-mg ol God, was her complete restoration.—
; She is now perfectly healthy ! From tins circuit)- j
i stance, Mr. Lindsey wasted to piepaie with greater
i cure and exact ties-, w hat had so a-toni-hingly cured
his child, at-.d continued his experimental efforts tin - >
til tie -u ce> ded in bringing to perfection Ins 1
I ®f rt it fleui'i/i/ t r " jiiOuil Imparity —since which time
■ it- effects have been almost miraculous. Hundreds
upon hundreds, by it, have been -notched from an 1
Untimely grave and restored ;■> the sweet- of health
and Die endearment ol friends, ihe young and idii
have tested it. powers and -ing aloud if- vit -
tiies. Say they after using Lindsey's Jmpioved
• Blood Searcher, we felt as if a new hie was stirring
'• our veins, and nr ter God we owe to it more than
words can express. '
i But hear from t r.i r own hps and then judge of its
! valuable effects. The lew te-tuiiouiai- that lollow |
! show that it I- deservedly sty led the Greatest J>n •-
1 try ef this or any other age,
ipiHidayshutg, blaii county, |'a.
Pattonsvil . Bedford co., Fa., Oct. It, '57.
j Mr. J. M. LI.M -
Dear Sir: I vv afflicted with rbeuma
tism for a whole .;ai—nine months ot winch tune 1
was hot able to b r my bed—when hearing ol the
! Wonderful effects of your Improv ed Blood Searcher, '
i i determined to j oeure some it and give it a lair tri
|al Alter using !ui e bottles I was able to walk u
l round again as u-ial, and am now wholly cured. I :
■ can recommend it to all who aie similarly afflicted,
j and believe it i- !T it claims to he.
Yours, ire v, JOHN SUA !■ FER.
j BARBER'S II t'dyenred l>y the Use of Lindsey*.-|
j Bb-od Searcher. I, tbe nndeisigned, sometime m
i last March was—vercly afflicted with what via-pro- '
nouiiced bv my : ysician-iobe a certain kind oi l ot
ter and Barber's Itch. My condition wa- one of the
| greatest misery my lace was almost constantly ruti
: tiing with the I I "corrupt ion that escaped from the
; tubercles, by vv ic.'t it was aliiiost complefeiy cover- !
| ed. Alter beii, under thebaic oj my physicians for
j near two moutl -, w iihout the least beiielit, I vva- in
duced to make .. trial ol Lindsey'a Blood Searcher, |
and Die result ' as ihut in u-mg one bottle and a ball
' I found a perfect Cure, 1 may -ay that I eagerly
tried uhuteve: was lecommended a- a cure.— 1
Such was my v.rrHchednes.- that 1 even resorted to j
the dangerous'Xgeriment of pouring pure ( reo-ot,-
011 my face ai . fjeck. but all to no purpose—the j
Blond Searc iet (8- the lir.-t and onlv thing that did ;
I trie any good. - a blood purifier it is unequalled: & '
i I have great I -son übe gratefnj that I ever made
j trial of its be ng v irtues, ai. : 1 confidently r-com- j
: mend it to an - . >trbo may -nlfet fiom l etter, oi any
other di-ea-e iri:iig irom an impure -late o: the
Hoilidaysbi: s. Pa., July 2'J 15.77.
I LA cured bv rfboltle of Ltndsey's Blood searcher.
; —Tin- crtitlli "that about one year ago our little
: ,on aged lour j ai-, was roost -arely afflicted with :
1 \vh.i" tbe phy Jjaii- piouoimced to be a scrofula,
j anil was tiea* I acfoi-tingly lor nearly a v ear, Im*
j without Die s .t|Te s t bench!. Hi- eyes were running
j a thin matter mtimr almost con-tantiy; which would ;
! enciu-t In- ( ■* beyond the power of opening them
' until they v., • \i i-ned and cleaned bv soap and wa
; ter. About ' efr-ame time an absce-s formed just j
1 below tiie gi I'J vv hich in due time tookeaud coui
mericr-d a d arge, vvtnch was found impossible to !
i dry op or he- — tfio* bed would be very much stained j
and the cloth £<l the child perfectly sickening in
a - hg|e nigh time. Alter havingjlhe attention- ofsi
! physician lo -iflong a time, and finding the child to
be getting w -e. we determirit rl to :ry the effects of ;
■ Mr. Liiid.e sTßlood Searcher. 'J his was u la-t j
March-— . efore two week- had passed aw a v the
change was-roriiiest, and lam happy to-ay that in
Die use ot a MN'M.-. BO I l'f.L otir little boy has]
been pertec' ■ restored lo health. We cannot speak
| too highly i hi- invaluable medicine. It should be ,
jin every fa l y - —none should be without it. Asa pu
j rifierof blc ■'t i- bevond all price!
llolliduy, irg. Pa.. July 20, I*>s7.
flollidaysbtirg. Pa. Mairh 10th, 18-77.
DR. J. M. i.itpJ'KV, — Deal Sir: I have been using
your lniprr (IVBiood Searcher since some time la-t i
summer, ai T deeoi it to he a mallei of duty tobear ;
my testittn i) # to i's int igarati/ig blood' restorative
virtues, 1 iv been for a number of years severe
ly troubled if* i pet a# aud genera! debility, but since !
I put qrv'seit under the of your Improved i
Biood tsean 1 tmd a very decided improvement, j
Indeed, tny icqnaiiitances frequently remark, that I
look so "is and hearty;" and 1 know ol no other !
cause than' use of your Improved Blood Searcher.
Judging j"i piy own experience, I believe that this
' one of ij, iio.-t valuable medicine* that w oman
: can'ui'e cially tbo-e who |are or have entered
upon the e- of life (fiom It) to 50 years ot age),
r I feet that it Would have been above ingratitude on j
j rny rny par! toliave withheld this testimony, and in
j thus cotoe t't'e to appear a.a witness before tbe j
j public. J i.litre been actuated solely with reference
to the \ cef ot conscience and duty. You are .
' at liberty'' make whatever use you may dee.n pio- ,
I per ol this S'i'ement. Your-, re-pertliillv.
-ey's lmi jved Blood-Searcher.— Blair County, >
! Personal|. "If ared before me. one of the Justices j
at the I'c.i- -5" ar| d for Blair county, George Kopp, I
! who, beisi sworn according to law, doth depose j
and -ay: T<jt years ago I was afflicted with pail)
bet ween : e shoulders, almost con-tant cougii, 10-s
I of appet :•< chdis, nightsweals, and very subject to
take cob' L; ut lengDi, became -o weak that 1 could
hardly v3 •'> '"Y physician done me no good. Some
time las' ' commenced taking l.ind.ey's mi
proved I Astearcher, and bv the use of two bottles
waoperfi■.■tl®cured. I feel, to recommend it to all
who frim Liver disea-es, genera! debility, loss
; ol appetite- #idother disea-es ansing from impurity i
I ol'the b. ''i 1 would not like to do without it.— i
I 1 consul,"' ll P 11 excellent family medicine.
this 15th day of March, A. I
D. 1557. rne 60RLEY, J. P.
NoTr:^^¥ - Kopp is n resident of Frankstown, j
and is dl Inovvn to the citizen- of Blair and Bed-j
ford coir
u man ot excellent character and in
duence. I
Dv.-cfit-'( Entirely cured by the use of Lindsey's
'•linpri'i 'J B'ood -Searcher."
litai t'ottiity, Personally appeared before me,
th e sub-tfibier, one of the Justices of the Peace, in
and lof .-aid county, John Morati, who, being duly
sworn according to law, dotfi depose and say, that,
in the spring ol 1 1 was a victim tothat worst of
diseases—dyspepsia, and that in its worst form. My
upp-tile via- completely gone, and when, in nrler to
preserve life, I would force tnysell to swallow a
mouthful of food, the stomach won! I tmnied.ut- ly
loath it, and cast it forth with the -pittle. I had
aUo been suffering with the ague; each attack lasting
about nine months out of the twelve. -<> that, with
the ague and dyspepsia, 1 was reduced u- I thought
beyond recovery; I thought 1 must die, my physician
could do me no good. Such was my condition, when
Mr. Lindsey supplied me with a bottle of his im
proved blood-searcher, assuring me it would work a
i cure. | commenced its Use but with little confidence;
' but, in one week's time—so great was its restora- j
> tive powers [ found my appetite to return, my : .
stomach received a new tone, so that I could eat j
anything without the slightest inconvenience, and |
i before its healing touch the ague lied as from a , j
1 charm; nor have I been troubled with ague or dys- (
j pep-ia since. I enjoy a better state of health than ;
I 1 had done for fifteen year-, before; I am strong "and :
hearty, and 1 feel confident that, under the blessing ]
ol God, I owe all to the invaluable Improved Blood- ,
' Searcher. 1 believe it not to be only a s-ure remedy
• tor ague, but an infallible jnrveutivr, and, as such, I
i would recommend it to all whose business, habits, or
residences, expose them to this dreadful pest of hu
| inanity. Dyspepsia cannot stay where the Improv
ed Blood-Searcher i- properly used. 1 lee! it my dn-
i ty to point ail who suffer, to this a!l-hea!ing medi
cine. (signed.) JOHN MOHAN.
Sworn and sub-cribed this IMb day of March. A.
: D. LS.">7, before IR.e. JOHN Cox". .1. P.
FOR SALE by Dr. F. C. Reamer. Bedford; G B
I Krnrick ft Pro., St. Clairsville; B F Horn & Brother,
! Schellsburg; L N Fyan, We-t F.nd; Beigle E Evans.
! Hainsburg; John Bouser, Bowser's Mill; Murray and
! Bro., Bloody Run; Jacob Beard, Barndollar's Mill;
M. Koontz. Willow Grove; Piper and Scott, Pattons
v il|e; John Dasher, Hopewell; Samuel O-ter, Noble's
Mills: G. D. Trout, Allum Bank; Simon Hersbrnan,
do. Jim. \\ isegarver. Woodberry; David Beigle, Wa
ter-street; Geo. D. Kaufman, Flitchvilie. [no. 20*57
BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bed
lord county, the stile-rriber will sell at public -ale,
on the premise-, in Londonderry township, in said
county on Wedue-day, the 23d day of December next,
a tract of I/nut of 125 acres, about 40 acres
cleared; having ihereon two small log houses and a
log barn, late the property of Amos Rab-v, deceas
ed. Plus propeity i- on Will's Creek, neat the route
of •he Conneil-vi!le Rail Road.
ft'iijis—CASH, on the confirmation of sale on
Monday ol February Court.
Adm'rof Amos Haley, dec.
Nov. 20, '57.
I a! liable Heal Est ale.
BY virtue of an order of Ibe < frpbans' Court oi Bed
lord county. the subscriber will sell at public,
on the premises, in Cumbeiland \ alley Town-hip,
in .-aid county, on
Thursday, the 2\th tins of December 1 '-.NT,
the following described real e- ate, late tbe proper
ty of Campbell Hendrickson. dee'd. O
Tract A. beii g fh" Mansion place, eoutaining lib
ACRI.S, with about -It) acres cleared, having there
on a
a two story log hou-e anil log barn. This is a very
valuable mill piopertv, well worthy tbe attention ot
Tract B. adjoining tbe above, containing 13' a
cre-, about 7li acres cleared; having thereon a
Terms—One third in hand on the confirmation of;
-ale on Monday ol Eebruaty Court next; the bal
ance one third to remain in the land for the use of;
The widow ar.d the remainder in two equal annual j
payments wuhout'interest tfrerealter to be secured j
by judgment bonds.
Adm'r of Cumpbeil Hetidrick-on, dec.
Nov. 20, 1657.
Nli'iii If* sell.
CAMI. trespiissn.g on the preroi-e- ((/'the subscri
her in Bedford tp., on or about Itie 15th Sept., last,
one stray bull, ot a white and red spotted color, hav- |
nig no ear-mark- and -uppo-ed to be about one year
and a halt oi l. The owner requested to come i
forward, prove property pay charges and take him :
away, or he will tie di-p.-ed i■ a- the law directs.
Nov. 20, IS77—Of.
Th e Hsst ssoj's
f)|- the several townships ot Bedford county will
meet at the Commissioner's Office, on Monday, the j
7th day ol December 15.77, to receive their dnpli- •
rates, in-1 ructions fxc.
11. NK'ODEML'S, Clerk.
Nov. 1-, 1557.
Mi-- I ownsend i- known as one of our best mag- j
P./.ne w r ter-, ai d allhough <;uite young, lias not her
eij'ia! in her peculiar style, '('he pies-nt volume in
clude- some of her tie.; Tales and Sketches, which, ;
together wittia correct and beautiful portrait ot Ttie
author, hy that distinguished artist, John Sartain, '
Esq., will render it particularly acceptable to her i
iiumerotis friends.
The Book i- a handsome 12mo. volume, printed on
the finest paper, hound in u new and beautiful style,
and is sent to any part of the Ciiited State- by mail, !
tree of postage, on receipt of tbe price. SI.OO. i
J. U . BRADLFA , Publisher,
IS North Fourth Street, Philadelphia. !
S. E. Poffts
HAS just returned frotri tie Cities will, a Rich as- i
sortnient ot Fall and Winter gooils, -uch a- elega ,t '
Ricti Silks, all Wool Plaids. Merino Delaines. Veluu- i
cies, Thibet Cloth-. Calicoes. Cloaks,
\ e! vet and Satin Bonnels, i'lenrh Flower*. Plumes, I
Ribbends, Rushes. a great variety of Ladies and !
< hiidrens Boots.Shoes and Gaiters, with a variety
of Fancy (ioods.
Oct. Iff, 1857.
The sub-rribers have just received a large as-ort
ment of Fall and Winter goods, all of which will be
o tie led at prices to -nit the times. We respectfully j
invite Cash and piompt six month buyers, to call I
and examine our stock as-oring them, we shall '
oiler inducements gieater Than heretofore.
Country Produce o! all kinds leceived for Good-, i
A. B. CRAMER & Co. I
Oct. Iff 1857.
—SMI Acres of Land,
part of the Vickrov Estate called 'Sugar Bottom," in
St. Ciatr township.
120 acres of land in Green County, lowa.
IhO acres of land in Dallas County, lowa.
.',20 acres of land in Montgomery County, lowa.
320 acres of lain! in Harrison County, lowu.
}2O acres in Morrison County, Minnesota. j
Lot no s of block 5 1 in the city of Omaha, Nebraska i
Ail near the Rail Roads and presenting good oppor- j
tunitie- for investments.
t ßedford, Nov. 13, 1*57.
REMEMBER that Blymire k Hartley keep the best
Machines of all descriptions, ever offered to the peo
ple of Bedford County. Their Sansag* Meat Cutters i
4- Corn Shelters are warranted, especially, and w hen
not fully equalling the representation may be re- I
turned. Orders arc solicited Irotn this and adjoining :
Sept. IS, 1557.
\E% V
Fancy § tor 3,
MRS. H. D. PKFGH h( i> r e-n*ctfuily inv te the
attention of tn- Ladies Bed!""' and vicinity to
their new arid handsome -tock o." goods just opened
in "Mann's Budding" J u a opposite Dr. Ream
er's Drug Store.
I hese good- have been -elected with the great.--1
care, and are of the late-- style and best quality.
Their stock con-ists in pan ot
Moire Antique Silks. Wool de lain®-.
Blk. Gro de Rhine. ,l 0 do printed.
French Merinoes, plain and printed Blk. Elastic Bells.
Moss head Fringes. Chenille Trimmings.
Bugle Laces. Chenille Scarfs.
Ladies Kid Gloves. Chenille head dresses.
Ladle- Gauntlets. Fancy French Corsets.
Gents' Blk. Kid Gloves, Velveteen, Kc. &c.
Perfumery, Extracts, Jewelry, &c-
llety. A general assortment of Ladie- and Misses
SHAWLS ofeveiy r ... ry and desciiption.
H. !). PEITGH.
0ct."23, 1 557,
War y n i Eid i
The British Lion battling Bengal Tiger!!:
XLW GOO] )S!!|
NOTWITHSTANDING the pecuniary em
barrassment, arid the universal complaints ot "bard \
times," the subscriber takes plea-ure in announcing i
to Hie people of Bedford and vicinity that he has i
just returned from the eastern cities with a large,
handsome and cheap stock of
among which may be found CJ OTHS,
See., &.<•., ike. A iso, an elegant a-- >rHrient ul
LADIES' DRESS GOODS, con-.-ti ftC of SILKS, !
\ AI.I.NCIAS, Ncc., and a variety ol other
GOODS lor ladies' and children-' wear.
IVA RE, Wr., -Vc.
A LSO —An exr. Rent n-- .:'Mient of
All kiiids ot dome-tic produce taken ,n exchange for
good-. 'The notes of ail Pennsylvania Banks receiv
ed at par, as well as the notes ot gi Banks of oth
er State-. JACOB REED.
Oct. it', '57.
The undersigned re-pectfu!ly invite attention to
the r new and elegant stock of IE. ! r- and Me
chanic- Hardw are and Labor saving M .i-binery, and
House t in.i-hing goods. Their stock l- largely se-:
leeted with great care, and embraces every thing
usually kept in similar establishment-. Their stock
is composed in part of The following, viz:
Cutlery of all descriptions.
Carpenter's tools.
Cabinet maker's tools and findings,
Wooden and willow ware,
Ropes of several sizes,
Chains in as-orrmeut,
Shovels, -coops, forks And spades,
Files and Rasps in Variety,
Locks of all diseription-,
And Builder- Hardware in general,
Farmer-, Hand arid Sleigh Bells,
Skates for all the boys,
Iron and Steel of all !-izes,
Bras-, Copper and Iran wire,
Churns in Variety.
Coffee and Spice Mill-, (Warranted)
Fox, Rur, and .Mice traps,
Spade, Shovel, fork ami axe handles,
Brushes m Variety,
Nail-, Glass arid Putty,
Paints and mis,
1 In id, Pine oil and Turpentine,
Sausage Meat cutters, uusui passed,
t-au-age Stuffers,
Apple Parers,
Double and Sm.gfe Bit axes,
Knife cleaners, an excellent article,
Britannia ware,
Copper, brass, porcelarned and tin lined Kettles,
Patent and common Sail Irons,
Shoemakeis tools and findings,
Screen wiie.
Chain Pump-,
farmers Bag-,
Corn Shellers.
Corn Fodder Cutter- and crushers.
Corn mills,
Gin-- and common Lanterns,
Oil tor Harues-and Macbinerv,
And IfUln other articles large and -mall, suited to ;
the wants and fancies of all classes. In connection j the foregoing. Blinyire and liaitiey have their: ,
. -^-.SiSDsi
I).-pai tment, in which they- manufacture under the
immediate supervision of Mr. Blymire, their exeeil
ent a-sortment of tin ware. We offer great induce
ments to country merchants byway of a large dis- j
count, very large stock, 3fid excellent work, the.r !
assortment of stock embraces probably 2U dileient ]
patterns of Cook and Heating Stoves selected Srom
the choicest patterns of the best Foundries, in I'hiia- .
delpnia, Baltimore York aim Pittsburgh, we ask e-pe
eial atentiou, to this part of our stock bv all wanting
good warranted stoves.
We have on band a few old fashioned stoves at
reduced prices.
Berlin Stoves, SIO,OO all sound.
Hathaw ay SIO,OO to $15,00
Thankful to all who have patronized tis with job
work, we would inform them that we still attend
wiih care and despatch To out door work, spouting
and sheeting done at the iovve-t prices according to
quality ol the work. We keep constantly on hand
the celebrated Victoria stove Blacking, which i
cheaper and superior to any thing el-e ever used for
this purpose. Russia and American stove Pipe and
Fire boards constantly on hand and made to order,
Whole Sale or retail. In short every thing in the
tinning, stove and copper smith line. Please give us
a call and examine for yourselves.
BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court ol
Bedford county, the subscriber w ill sell at public ven
due or outcry on the premises, fl „
Saturday the t'J/ri it ay of tee nib rr, IS:")7,
the Real Estate of Andrew Cam. dcci-asci), contain- :
ing 155 acres, 120 perches ami allowance. Mitiated
in Bedford township, adjoining lauds ol John S<- ho ab
ly, Daniel Imter, Michael Fetter, and Michael fi.d- .
derbaum— about 10(1 acres of the land is denied;
having thereon erected a
BARN AND SAW-MILL. There is a good apple'
orchard of young trees.
TERM: —Enough to pay the debts at the confirma
tion of sale on the first day ol February, C'ooit ;
week—the balance, one third Ist April Ife -s,and the ■
rest in two equal annual payment- thereafter with- ;
out interest.
Adm'r of Andrew Cam, dec.
Nov 20. '57 _
HOOP*—Bra-s ft Whalebone. Skirt Hoops Just
Received at Shoemak -r's Colonade Store.
Aug. 21, 1-57.
20 t-acks of G. A. Salt, lor sale at SHOEMAKERS'
Colonade Store.
HE partnership heretofore existing and trading
■r the firm of Ram dollar. Lowry &Co.,
•veruart, Ahrnm K Co., has this day been dis
v<l by mr,. The books
' n * n "*'' >■■■•■■ -d.-r .v Kverfcart, who are author
./e lose: e a.vonnr* of the old firm.
.. „ ''• W. ASHCOM.
Hopewell, Nq>. f. •*;. j C . EYERHART.
1 UK subscribe is t,.|.e ,|,j, method of informing the
P b l>c inut theyw i! continue the business of mer
r ntnuising at u,,. stand, and hope by strict atten-
To bts;i.e-> ro iereive a libeial share of public
patronage. '
We haee re t o.iei.,| the Hopewell Mill, and are
now ready to grind aii kinds of grain. We will at
aii time, purchase ail kinds ot grain for which the
highest price will be paid.
Hopewell. Oct. 30, 1857.
' AMI. to the pr*Miii.**s of The *nb-criber, living ir\
Napier township, about the tir,i ol £*-ptember last,
• J two y*ar obi, am! 1 yearling, 3 r*-ii u itli
*° me upon ihem, I i<*(l ami Mhite spotted
Hifwlv. Ihe largest r•-! ha- a -lit in the leit **Hr,
theo .it red one has both ear- rut off, the yearling
a!>r ha* a slit in the leit ear, no other marks recol
lected. ihe owner i retjue-ted to come forward,
prove property, pay charges, ami take Them awav.
Nov. ]IS-77-
A;! persons are hereby cautioned riot to harbor my
I daughter Cordelia, on my account, as she left my
souse a year ago, and ] am determined not to pa*
: any debts of her contracting, hereafter.
Nov, J3, ' ts.
i -A young man named Nathaniel Hart Evan®, former
ly a resident of Fulton County, near AlcConnells
| burg, ua - iotind tni.sing on the 17th December la,t
j and ha, no! been heard of since. To any person
' civing information ol him the most sincere thanks
will be returned. Direct to Ray's Hill Post Office,
Bedford County, Pa.
! Oct. 50, '57.
j IHE greatest otier in gold pens, gold pencils, gold
chains, and gold watches, ever made. Read the fol
five to one hundred dollars, positive!) given to any
person who ran spare one day, or one hour in a dav
getting up clubs ol subscribers in his own and ail,
mining neighborhoods, lor the best and most poptila
family New spaper now published. No expense, nr
outlay, no capital inquired of agents. An entire new
plat: is pinpo.e.i. by which any person can succeed in
. making it" a paying business, who will undertake the
agency. A private circular lor the inspection of a
gent, only, with lull list of premiums, will be sent
to any one who desires it on receipt of a stamp to
i pay return po,tage. fwe agents have earned SIOO
' gold watch in one week.
Every family should a? |eat read one paper from N.
York City, without interfering with their Local Pa
pers, which at course cannot, and should not be dis
i penseii with. But New York being the great com
mercial and burine-s centre of this Continent, no far
mer, mechanic, professional man. or merchant is pro
perly prepared tor the emergencies of his calling, un
less he is in communication with New York City, by
means of one ol its first class Newspaper mediums.
Such a medium is our'LEDGER,' neutral in politics
but giving all the facts itemsof news and thrilling
| incidents worth knowing throughout the country.
Each new subscriber w ill receive with The first No.
of his or her paper, one of the new and beautiful glass
pointed pencils,* just imported from Europe, and for
j which we have obtained the exclusive agency for this
country. This i, the mo-t ingenious and usefnl little
I improvement of the present age, and is the only pen
cil ever made that will write with ink, making it
■ both a pen and pencil of the finest quality at the
j same tone. It will !a,t for years, and for practical
1 use is worth more than any gold pen in market.
For list of premiums and full particulars, address
HALL & WEST, Publishers. New York City.
•These Pencils supplied to the trade at profitable
' discounts. [Nov 6, '57:
ol" Letters,
REMAINING in the Post Olfice at Bediord Pa., Oct.
10, 1537.
Brown Asa, Black David, Brough Peter, Burns E
noch, Bonnapban A. Beer Robert, (."apt Brunhamous,
Boyle Patrick, Ban ker David, Burger .lohn, Cnn
ninghamH R, Clark C John, Child? Philip, Carter
: Isabella .Mrs, Coriell Elizabeth .Miss, Conner O
Hercules. Cuppett E Ellen Miss,Clark O C,C!eving
i er Geo, Cloresmb Barcboel Miss, Donnett GA Hon,
Dickson Henry. Dach Charles, Darling Catharine
Mi>s, Doilard Eliza Miss. Deportist W Jesse, ppvore
t-arah .Mrs, Devore K Jacob, Defibaugh Sophia Miss,
Doilard Margaret Mi-s, Dieiil Geo, Edmards F Alary
Miss J, Eresby Norn on 2, Fisher Naom Miss,
Douglas Joseph H. Geary John \V Hon, Gill John,
Garubante Geo, Gahir De Pevrei, Ganden Joseph,
Hammer Julia A Mes. Henderson M A Mr. Hartzell
reSary, Houston Robert, Hoilman Edward, Hazlett
William, Hubbard VV W. Hyatt Thomas, Helsel
| Ilnah Mrs, Jories Asbery, Jobe VV F, Ishna J, Ken
; *ie!l Lydey, Keim A S, Kline Genoa, Klans George,
Kasper Samuel. Lavy John, Lawhead John, Lowery
Samuel, Letter Emanuel, I-ybert John, Lucus W V,
May George, Alans Margret Miss. Alason Samuel M,
AlcGraw tl S, Miller John W, Miller William,
Alann Henry Jr. Alackall James, AlcCutchew George,
Mink Jacob A, McCann 'l'hoinas, Miller Elizabeth
Miss, Moaris Jane Aliss. Knox John C Hon, Ni-bit
John R. Noiris Isaac M, Jom-s Henry W. Oudry
Kate Ohaver Eliza V Miss, Poo! Frederick S,
I Phelps J> F Il r , Price Alary W2. Prisby Norman
1 Esq, Price Frances, Plummer .MS Esq, Pfister A
rnaiida (' Quriggle \V 1, Killing Vanery, Keilly
Janies, Rohm A1 H. Retter George, Reynolds John
j J, Kilter John, Rapp A Esq, Reinman John, Schiest
John G, Summers John. Smith Nellie Al. Steel Ema
Alis-, S-mth George of Alex, Sparss M S, Shamer
Joseph P. Stme Moses. Stepson Elizabeth Mrs.
Sktrving John, 1 bompson F.iigar J, Thomas Bemg
sinian, Forney Ailam 1' 2, Thomas Valentine Mrs,
Thomas Ann Alaiy, TiiLy Jas Col 2, Tod David
Hon, Welch A Esq, Wallace Edwin, Wells AlfredH
J'.sq 2. Warden tl 11, Watson I-onise Miss, Welch
Anitide- Esq, Wresner H W Esq, Weyd John, Young
Richard Esq.
Oct. 10, 1557
THE subicriber will sell at private sale his Real
Estate in Sr. Clairsville, Bedford coun
t A Fa., being three lots with a good
dwelling house, wagon-maker shop,
blacksmith shop and stable thereon e
recfed—this is a desirable property for a wagon-ma
ker. Any per-on wishing to purchase will please
call on the subscriber residing on the property
. Terms easy. JOHN WETZEL.
Nov. 0, 1857-31*
-\cw (lioods
i 111. undersigned having just returned from the eas
t. iii citie>. are now opening a spl en ,iid assortment
of Fall and Winter goods, consisting in part ofLadies
Dre-s goods. Black and Fancy Silks, Alerinoes, De
., Cashmeres, Alpaccas. Shawls, Calicoes,
Woollen Hoods fc Talmas for Ladies anil children,
Red and White Flannels. Ilosery, &c. Gentlemen
! and Boys wear Cloths, Bl'k. ami Fancy Casirncres,
Jeans, 1 w -e.U, Satioetfs. Afnslii>, fee.,
Gents and Boys Boots and Shoes, Ladies and Misses
Shoes and Gaiters ol ail sizes and descriptions. A
general assortment of Gents & Boys Hats and Caps.
Flour Oil Cloths. Syrup Molas-es, White A Brown
Sugar, Green and Black Tea. Groceries of aii kinds,
. Buckets, Tubs, Baskets, Queensware, Hardware,
! and all articles usually kept in country Stores.—
I Thankful for pa-t favors the* hope thai hv lair deal
ing?, and a desire to please, to receive a liberal share
of public patronage.
All kinds ol Produce taken m exchange for Goodc.
Oct. 16, 1557. ' a