The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, October 16, 1857, Image 3

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Bedford, Oct. Hi, 1857.
B. F. Mejcrs & G. W. Benford, Editors
Interesting Exhibition.
Specimens of the minerals, fossils, Indian
relics, &.c., of Bedford County, collected by
Slagler & Co., will be exhibited in this place
during Fair Week. The exhibition will be a
very interesting one, and every person feeling
a desire to know someting about the Geology
Mineralogy, as well as Archaeology of this coun
ty, should examine these specimens.
A number of new advertisements appear in
this number of the Gazette. Blymire and H,r'-
ley advertise all kinds of hard-ware and we
can recommend their stock as excellent in eve
ry particular. —Shoemakers, at their Colonade
Store, are astonishing the wofld, with their dis
play of new goods. —A. B. Cramer &. Co., have
just received their stock of fall goods, and are
ready to supply the public from their counters.
M rs. S. E. Potts has all kinds of fancy goods
to which we invite the special attention of the
ladies.—T. R.Gettys intends taking any quan
tify of Daguerreotypes, &.C., during Fair week.
The Result.
The battle is fought and the gallant Democ
racy have won a glorious triumph in Pennsyl
vana. By telegraph we learn that Gen. Packer
has about 17,000 majority over VVilmot, in Phil
adelphia city and county—in Berks 6,000 —in
Northampton (in 18 districts) 3,000. ft is at
present estimated that Packer will beat VVilmot
from 30.000 to 4-0.000 in the State.
We have delayed our paper in order to give
the returns from Huntingdon and Somerset, but
can onlv sav that the former gives Schell a ma
jority of 137, and the latter, Koontz, about 600.
Schell has 613 majority in this county. David
Hav is elected, and General Burns also, accord
ing* to the latest news.
In our own glorious old county, the Democracy
have covered themselves with honor. Packer's
majority over VVilmot is, officially, 770!
The whole Democratic, county ticket is elected
by majorities ranging from 175 to over 400!
We will give the official returns of each tow n
ship, next week.
On the 21st, 22d and 23d days of the pres
ent month, the Fair of the Bedford County
Agricultural Society, will be held in this place.
That the holding of Agricultural Fairs is gener
ally beneficial to both town and country, is well
understood; but that the one about to be holden
will be more than usually so, if properly con
ducted and liberally encotnaged, is a fact not
to be disputed. The crops have yielded heav
ily and fanners are prosperous. Mechanics
have bad plenty of work during the year and
their trades are in a flourishing state.—
No department of industry among us has
had anv for suffering. Why then
should we not have a good Fair—a tull exhibi-
t ion of our prosperous condition as a community?
Why should we not meet together, compare the
trophies of our labor, one with another, and
have a time of general rejoicing and thanksgiv
ing for our prosperity 1
The Review of Mr. < ir!is* Address <>n
We publish on our first page an able review
of a recent oration by G. W. Curtis, the well
known author of "Howadji in Syria," 6.c. The
subj-ct of the orator was Patriotism. A theme
like this of course, could not be handled by a
fanatic like Mr. Curtis, without a lachrymose
allusion to negro slavery, the bugbear thai basso
sadly frightened the descendants of the witch
burners of New England. On this point our re
viewer meets Mr. Curtis with a force of argu
ment and a fund of ridicule that must certainly
make t!i v patriotic How adji feel ashamed of his
absurd position. The entire article is full of
sound, common sense, and is written with much
vigor, as well as gracefulness of style. We
have not room to notice the performance elabo
rately, and can onlv recommend it to our readers
as one of a high order of merit. We have heard
it intimated that Mr. James Shrink, son of the
late Gov. Shank, and at present Private Secre
tary to Attorney General Black, is the author.
A number of large and spirited meetings were
held by the Democrats in several districts, since
our last issue. We have not the space to give
the namesof tfie officers of these meetings, nor
have we, except in one or two cases, been fur
nished with a list of them.
The meetings at CAVENDER'S STOKE and
ROBINSON VILLE, on Saturday the 3d inst.,
were well attended and were ably addressed by
<l. H. Spang, Esq., and Col. Jos. W. Tate.
In SNAKE SPRING tp., on Tuesday Oct.,
cith, a large meeting was held, and was ably and
eloquently addressed by Gen G. W. Bowman.
At the house of Michael VVyant, in Union
township, a large meeting was held on Thurs
day evening the Bth inst. It was addressed by
G. W• Benford, Major S. H. Tate, and Gen.
Bowman. Much enthusiasm pervailed.
On Saturday last there were meetings held
in HOPEWELL tp., and at FETTER'S
SCHOOL HOUSE in Bedford tp. The former
was addressed by Hon. Win. P. Scheli, Hon. Job
Mann, and Dr. C. N. Hickok: the latter by B.
F. Meyers and Gen. Bowman. Both these
meetings were large and full of enthusiasm.—
On the evening ot the same day, the Buchanan
Club held their last meeting for the campaign,
in the Court House. The attendance was very
large. Speeches were made by Gen. Bowman,
B. F. Meyers and Dr. Hickok.
Thp last meeting of the Campaign was a glori
ous Democratic rally at the house ofjno. W.
Scott, Esq., at "The Mills," in Bedford tp. B.
F. Meyers, Gen. Bowman and Dr. Hickok ad
dressed the meeting.
Thus ended the present campaign, and in the
name of the Democratic party, we thank the peo
ple of Bedford county, for their patriotic attend
ance at these meetings and for the respectful
hearing every where extended to Democratic
Ours Ilie Banner Senatorial Eejs
Wm. Y. Schell elected to the Senate!!
Telegraphic despatches from Huntingdon and
Somerset, indicate the election of Schell, the
Democratic candidate lor Senator, bv upwards
of 100 votes! A few years ago, this district
gave an opposition majority of over 3000 and
the Abolitionists claimed the election of (Jen.
Koontz by 1500! Such a triumph has never
been won by any political paity. Huzza for
the conquering Democracy !
official returns of this couutv give
Packer, 2338; VVilmot, 1568; Hazlehursf, 398.
The Democratic majorities for District and
County offices, are as follows; Schell, over
Koontz, 613; Burns over Castner, 353, over
Stewart 377; Hay over Castner, 354-, over
Stewart 378; Tate over Alsip, 292; Fluke over
Beckwith, 403; Davis over Oster ISO; Evans
overS parks, 317; Smouse over Imler 398; Cris
man over Stuckey, 375.
•XF*Mr. Jacob Reed, has .fust receivd his
elegant and well assorted stock of new goods.—
Our friends would do well to start right off'and
give him a call. His counters and shelves are full.
Mr. Nicholas Lyons requests us to state,
that the "Sale of valuable Real Estate" advertis
ed in our columns, is postponed for ttie present.
On Saturday night last, a bloody rencontre
took place between two young men named
Fluke and Dillinger, on their return from sing
ing school, in Liberty township. The former
stabbed the latter to the heart, causing his im
mediate death. Dillinger alleges that Fluke
struck him a blow with his fist, ami that he
then drew his knife upon him in self-defence.
He was committed to the county prison on Sun
RE I) FORD roivrv ERECT;
Now that the Democracy have triumphed in
Bedford County, bv the election of the whole
Democratic Ticket, I wish to say to the old pa
trons of the "Bedford Gazette," that my
B >oks must be closed. And, as I do not wish to
place them in the hands of a Justice for collec
tion, all interested will please give this notice
attention. I will press no one for payment
all I ask is settlement. The' Fair' and the ap
proaching November Court, will afford all an
opportunity to settle, and I confidently expect
they will do so. I will he found at the office of
John P. Reed, E-q. until Court week —at
which time I will be found at the office o!
flenrv Nicodemus, Esq.
Oct. lb, 18">7—3t.
.73 A S3 S3 E 6-: fi:
On the tth in-T. near Claysbnrg, bv the Ib-v. N.
E.Gilds, Mr. Geo. \V. Kmpple, to Miss Elizabeth
c ID 3. i) vCVTi sCin C it t s.
Came trespassing on the premises ot the subscriber
in Bedford Township, on or about the fir-t of Sep
tember last, four head of cattle—one of thern being
two years old and the oilier three being yearlings.
The two year old is a heifer of a brown color with
white spots. One of the yearlings is a red heller,
with the right rar cropped. The owner is requesteii
to come forward prove property, pay charges and take
them away, or they will be disposed ot as t lie la-A
Oct, I 'th.
List of Abetter*,
REMAINING in the Post Office at Bedtord Pa ,Oct.
16, 18.17.
Browri Asa, Black David, Brongh Peter, Burns K
noch, Bonriaphan A, Beer Robert, Capt Brunhamous,
Boyle Patrick, llaicker David, Burger John, Ciin
mnghatiiH R, (.'lark C John, Child- Philip, Garter
Isabella Mrs, Correli Elizabeth Miss. Conner O
Hercules, Cuppett E Ellen Miss,Clark O G.Glevmg
er Geo, Cloresmb Barcboe! Miss, Donnett G A Hon,
Dickson Henry, Dach Charles, Darling Catharine
Miss, Dollard Eliza Miss, Deporti-t W Jese, Devore
Sarah Airs, Devote K Jacob, Detibatigb Sophia Mis?,
Dollard Alargaret Miss, Diehl Geo, Edmai ds I" Alary
.Miss 2, Fresby Normon 2, Fisher Naom Miss,
Douglas Joseph H, Geary John W Hon, Gill John,
Garuhante Geo, Gahir De Devrel, Ganden Joseph,
Haititner Julia A Aliss, Hender.-on At A Mr. llari/ell
Henry, Houston Robert, Hollrnan Edward, llazlett
William, Hubbard W VV, Hyatt Thomas. Helscl
Sarah Mrs, Jones Asbery, Jube W I", l-hnu J, Ken
uel) & Lydev, Keitn A 8, Kline Genos, Klaus (Gorge,
Rasper Samuel, i.avy John, Eawhcad John, Lowery
Samuel, Leber F.manuel, I.y Lucus W \ ,
May George, Mans Margrel Samuel M,
McGraw H S, Miller A'liller Wnliam,
Mann Henry Jr, Alackall George,
Mink Jacob A, McCann pjjPras, Miller Elizabeth
Miss, Moaris Jane John C Hon, Ni-bit
John R, Norris Isaac Al, Jones Henry W, Ondry
Kate Miss, Ohaver Eliza V Aliss, Pool Frederick S,
Phelps P F Dr, Price Mary W 2, Prisby Norman
Esq, Price Frances, Plumnier MS Esq, Ptister A
manda C Qnriggle W I, Kiseling Vanery, Reilly
James, Rohm At 11, ReCter George, Reynold? John
J, Bitter John, Rapp A Esq, Reinman John, Schiest
John G, Summers John, Smith Nellie M, Steel Emu
Miss, Smith George of Alex, Sparss At S, Shamer
Joseph P, Stine Moses, Stenson Elizabeth Mrs.
Skirving John, Thompson Edgar J, Thomas Berng
siman, Turney Adam P 2, Thomas Valentine Mrs,
Thomas Ann Mary, Tuly Jas Col 2, 'Pod David
Hon, Welch A Esq, Wallace Edwin, Wells Alfred H
Esq 2, Warden H B, Watson Louise Mi s, Welch
Anitides Esq, Wresner 11 W Esq, WeydJohn, Young
Richard Esq.
J. A. MOWRY, I'. M.
Oct. 16, 1857.
thS e new d ' r nH g 7 d res P eCtfu,| y ' nvite attention to
their new and elegant stork of Builders and Me
rhanics Hardware and Labor saving Machinery and
House turni-bing good-. The,r stock is largely se
lei ted with great rare, and embraces every thin"
usually kept in similar establishments. Their stock
composedl ,n part of the following, viz:
Cutlery of all descriptions.
Carpenter's tools.
Cabinet maker's tools and findings
Wooden and willow ware, "
Ropes of several sizes,
Chains in as>ortment,
Shovels, scoops, forks and spades.
r lies and Rasps in Variety,
Locks ot all discriptions,
And builder-. Hardware in general,
farmers, Hand and Sleigh Bells
Skates for all the boys,
Iron and Steel of all Sizes,
Brass, Copper arid Iron wire,
Churns in Variety,
Coffee and Spice Mills, (Warranted)
rox, Rat, aud Mice traps,
Spade, Shovel, fork and axe handles,
Brushes in Variety,
Nail-, Glass and Putty,
Paints and oils,
Fluid, Pine oil and Turpent in**,
Sausage Meat cutt<*s, unsurpassed,
Sausage Stutiers,
Apple Parers,
Double and Single Bit axes,
Knife cleaners, an excellent article,
Britannia ware,
Copper, brass, porcelained and tin lined Kettles,
1 atent and common Sad Irons,
Shoemakers tools ar.d findings,
Screen wire,
Chain Pumps,
Farmers Bags,
Corn Shellers,
Corn Fodder Cutters ami crushers,
Corn mills,
Class and common Lanterns,
Oil lor Harness and Machinery,
And 1000 other articles large and small, suited to
i want / anl fancies of all classes. In connection
I with the foregoing, B| my ire and Hattiey have their:
| ■fflpP Lp
Department, in which they manufacture under the
immediate supervision of Mr. Blymire, their excell
ent assortment of tin ware. We offer great indura
j merits to country merchants byway ot a large <!is
! count, very large stock, and excellent work, their
assortment of stock embraces probably 20 diterent
patterns ot Cook and Heating Stoves selected from
j the choicest patterns of the best Foundries, in Phila
delphia, Baltimore York ami Pittsbuigh, vie ask espe
cial atention, to this part of our stock by all wanting
good warranted stoves.
We have on band a few old fashioned stoves at
reduced prices.
Berlin Stoves, $lO,OO ell sound.
Hathaway $lO,OO t0513,00
Thankful to all who have patronized us with job
work, we would inform them that we still attend
with care and despatch to out door work, spouting
and sheeting done at the lowest prices according to
quality of the work. We keep constantly on l and
the celebrated Victoria stove Blacking, which is
cheaper and superior to any thing el-e ever used for
this purpose. Russia and American stove Pipe and
Fire boards constantly on hand and made to order,
Whole Sale or retail. In short every thing in the
tinning, stove and copper smith line. Please give us
a call hud examine lor yourselves.
THE undersigned having ju-t returned from the eas
tern cities, are now opening a splendid as-o> tment
of Fall and Winter goods, consisting in part ol Ladies
Dress goods. Black and Fancy Silks, Merinoes, De
laines, Cashmeres, Alpaccas, Shawls, Calicoes,
Woollen Hoods & Talmas for Ladies and children,
Red and White Flannels, llosery, &c. Gentlemen
and Boys wear C'o'hs, Bl'k. ami Fancy Casimeres,
Jeans, Tweeds, Satinetts. Mu-lins. Kc.,
Gents and Boys Boots and Shoes, Ladies and Misses
Shoes and Gaiters of all sizes arid descriptions. A
general assortment of Gents fx Boys Hats and Cap-.
Flour Oil Cloths. Syrup Molasses, White & Brown
Sugar, Green and Black l ea. Groceries of all kind-,
Bui kets, Tubs, Baskets, liueensware, Hardware,
arid all articles usually kept in country Stores.—
Thankful for pa-t favors th'-v hope that by lair deal
ings, and a ile.ire To please, to receive a liberal share
of public patronage.
Ail kinds of Produce taken in exchange tor Goods.
Oct. 10, 18,37.
! Hit* Miow. She ffcnutic* o§
tlsf Miow !"
IT is generally supposed that Ihe great attraction of
the approaching County Fair, will be the ELE
PHANT or some other animal, but we are sure
that those who tail to visit Gettys' celebrated and
elegantly fitted up Ambrotype and Daguerreotype
Gallery, will rrii-sthe greatest attraction-of the sea
son. He has the most magnificent collection of Pho
tographs, colored and plain, also Ambrofypes and
Daguerreotypes, on Exhibition, we have ever seen,
and those who tail to see them and al-o secure one
of themselves, will ever after have cause of regret.
Ronm in the Exchange Building.
Oct. 16, 18.37.
I. O. O. F.
BEDFORD LODGE, No. 202. 1. O. O. F. will have
a public Procession, in full Regalia, on Thursday
the 22d inst., (second day of the Fair.)
Members of the Order from other Lodges, are cor
dially invited to paiticipafe with us in the ceremo
nies of the occasion. Members will meet at the
Lodge at 10 o'clock, A. M.
The siib-cribers have just received a large as-or'-
rnent of Fall and Winter goods, all of which will he
offerer! at prices to suit the times. We respectfully
invite Cash and prompt six month buyers, to call
and examine our stock —assuring them, we shall
offer inducements greater than heretofore.
Country Produce of all kinds received for Goods.
A. B. CRAMER ft Co.
Oct. 16 18.37.
jit;**. S. Pott*
HAS just returned from the Citip- with a Rich as
sortment ol lull and Winter goods, such as elegant
Rich Silks, all Wool Plants, .Me-ino Delaines, Velan
cies. Thibet Cloths. Calicoes, iouks,
Velvet and Satin Bonnets, French Flowers. Plumes,
Rjbbends, Rushes. a great variety of Ladies and
Childrens Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, with a variety
of Fancy Goods.
Oct. 16, 1857.
Turnpike Election.
An election will be held at the house of William
Peaison in Woodbrrry, on Monday the 2nd day of
Nov.. next, for the purpose of electing one I resident,
five Managers and one Treasurer of the 1 uttonsviile
md Woodherry Turnpike Road Company, for the en
suing year. G. K BARNDOLLAR, President.
Oct 16th. J_-
The Board of Directors, of Bedford Township
School District, wish to employ Lleven Teachers
competent to take charge „| the Common Schools of
said district. JOHN BROWN, Secrctttry.
Oct., 16th-
Just received at SHOEM AK FR'S Colonade Store,
a large supply of Groceries.
Any person desirous of purchasing a well esta
blished and profitable Drug Store can hear of a first
rate opening by addressing the editor of this paper,
duly 17, 1857.
Gift and Retail Rook Store'
Our plan is to Insure a Rapid Sale.
VLL Books will be sold as low as the usual
retail prices— many of them for less. A
SCPERB GIFT will be delivered with each book,
without additional expense to the buyer. Our list
of books comprises the works of the best American
and European authors, bound in various styles, in
Morocco, best Tntkish, Antique, Gilt-edged. Muslin,
Paper, kc. kc. We keep on hand, also, STATION
ARY. including Gold Pens and Pencils, Silver ditto,
letter puper, fools-cap and writing paper ot all kinds,
envelopes, inks of the best quality, &C.
CIGARS of the choice-t brand- will also be found
! at onr store, which will be sold cheaper than the
Bedford, Sep. I, 57.
I THE subscribers would inform ail persons in
i terested in their books or papers, that said books
i N.C., will he to the hands of J. II- Scfieli lor
! thirty days, after which they w ill be left ill the
: hands of an ofheer for collection.
THE subscribers have on hand ati excellent lot
|of White Pi lie and Spruce Hoards, also a lot of
; White Pine Shingles, which they will sell low.
Sept. 11, 1857.
' AGENTS W ANTED. Business paying from $5O to
| Sl5O per month. No humbug or chance business—
Permanent employment given and no capital requir
; ed. For further particulars enclose postage stamps
; and address, A. SIMPSON, Exeter, N. H.
Aug. 7, 's7—-3 m.
Deposits received, Di-counts made, Drafts bought,
| sold arid collected. Bank notes and Specie bought
i and sold. Stocks, notes, and other securities, bought
j and sold on Commission. Correspondence and col
• lections solicited.
Aug. 21, 1857.
[jy NO HUMBUG.—H. H. HUTZ'S Celebrated
j Tetter Wash is the only sate and sure remedy ever
i discovered for curing the Tetter, Ringworm, and all
!' eruptions ot the skin. It is so infallible a remedy,
that a perlect cure iu all cases of Tetter is guaran
tied, it attentively applied, lu ordinary cases one
bottle will be sufficient to perfect a cure. In bad ca
ses, with a Tetter of long standing, more will be re
quired. Price 25 cents per bottle. For Sale at Dr.
' Reamer's Drug Store, Bedford, Pa.
May 22, 1857 ly.
NOTICE is hereby given that Letters Te-tamenta-
I ry have been granted to the subscribers, by the
i Regi-ter of Bedford County, on the Will of Charles
j Weight, late of West Providence township, deceased,
j All persons indebted to said Estate are hereby re
! quired to make payment, and those having claims
j thereon, will present them duly authenticated for
! settlement.
Oct, 9, 1857,
Jt! VOI' are hereby ordered to parade at
your usual place of training, on WEDNES
b 8 DAY, the 21st day of October, at S o'clock-
B /Jr A. M., in fill 1 winter uniform, with plume
,f. 7 and pompoon, and 12 rounds ot cartridge,
JJ for TWO DAYS PARADE. It is earnestly
requested that each member will appear on
paiade with his arms, buttons and accoutrements
: clean and in good order.
Other Companies are expected lo be With us on the
■ occasion, anil a lull turn out is desired.
| By order ol the Captain,
Oct. 9, 18.37.
lAISM l lli! SILL
A PA KM. containing '2OO acres', moreor less,
• in Franklin County, I'a., is offered lor sale.
Particulars can be had by inquiring; of fire sub
scriber in Bed lord.
illciTiiaiit Tailor*
Continues to carry on the above business, in
ill its branches, at his old stand in Johanna st.
I and is prepared to accommodate all who may
| fidvor him with their custom, on reasonable
terms. He constantly keeps on hand a laroe
assortment of readv-inade Clothing of a good
and substantial quality. And. having in store
a choice selection of Cloths, Cass ime res, Vest
itrrs, Drillings, £-c. fxe. he ir vites all in want
■of Clothing to give him a call, as he feels con
fident he can please all who do so.
Bedford, July 3, 1557.
This property has. during the last year, passed in-
I to the hands of a company, who, in addition To the
: lormer buildings. Pave ereoteii a handsome and com
i modions Hotel building, arid two -paeious bath-hous
i es, arid have ornamented and improved the grounds.
1 The hotel buildings will he opened for the reception
of visitors on the 16th of June inst, and kept open
until the Ist ofOc.tober. Pass *ngers trnm Baltimore
i or Philadelphia reach the Springs in one day via
j Pennsylvania lail-road, the co npletion of the Broad
; top Rail Road leaving but tv enty miles of staging
' over a tine road. Mr. Willc rd, formerly of Wash
j ingtou city, am! recently of the Burnet House, Cin
! cinnati, will superintend the Hotel. To invalid-',
: generally, the Bedford waters, in connection with
' the mountain air, are perhaps more highly beneficial
than any other in the Union.
President Bedford Springs Company.
June 12, 1857.
On and alter Monday, March 2d, 18.37, two pas
senger trains a day. each way, (except Sundays,)
will run between HOPEWELL 6c HUNTINGDON.
Leaving Hopewell at 12.15 P M 8: 6.10 P M.
Arriving at Hopewell at 9.40 A M It 5.40 P M.
Connecting at Huntingdon with trains for East and
West, via. I'enn'a R. R.
Huntingdon, Feb. 26, 1857. Sup't.
FOR SALfiv-At the Bedford
Springs, a quantiy ol CEMENT in barrels.
Sep. IS, '57.-tf.
HOOPS—Brass & Whalebone. Skirt Hoops Jus
Received at Shoemaker's Colonade Store.
Aug. 21, 1857.
& C.,
REMEMBER that Blymire & Hartley keep the best
Machines of all descriptions, ever offered to the peo
ple of Bedford County. Their Sausage Meat Cutters
i\- Curti Sliellers are warranted, especially, and when
not fully equalling the representation may l>e re
turned. Orders are solicited from this and adjoining
Sept. 18, 1857.
Executors' Notice,
LETTERS Testamentary having been granted to the
undersigned, upon the Estate of Dau'l. Wisgarver,
dee'd. late ot Bedford township—notice is hereby
given to all persons indebted to said estate to call
and settle the same, and those having claims will
present them properly authenticated for settlement.
Sept. 18, 1557. g Executors.
LL persons imi-r-M. d are her*- ' \ i
that the < tux i -
county • ' •? "
Court of Quart, i
Charter of Incorporation, w u
tion having been read and hied among . ,
ord of said court, will be held over f<>t fi
nal consideration until November Sessions, 1857
when objections (if any) will be heard and a
final decree made in the premises.
By the Court.
Sep 1 1, '57. Atty's for applicants.
AT an Orphans' Court
held at Bedford, it) and for the County of Bed
ford, on the 31st day of August, A. D. 1857;
before the Judges of the said .Court:
ON motion of Francis Jordan, Esq., the Court grant
a rule upon the heirs and legal representatives of
James Weinmer, late of Monroe township, deceased,
to wit: Abraham Wemmer, residing in Hocking
county, Ohio, Moses Wemmer and Phoebe, intermar
ried with William llixon, residing in Bedford county,
to be and appear at an Orphans' Court to be holden
at Bedford in and for said County, on the third Mon
day, sixteenth day of November next, to accept or
refuse to take the Real Estate of said deceased, at
the valuation, which has been valued and appraised,
in pursuance of a writ of Partition or Valuation,
Issued out of the Orphans' Court of Bedford County,
and to the Sheriff of said County directed, or show
cause why the same should not be sold
By order of said Court.
tes,i 'n° n y whereof, I have here
' ® unto S<J ' m -V h anf ! ant ! sea ' °l tbe
i satd Couit of Bedford, this 4th day
of September, A. D. 1857.
Sept. 25, 1857.
For Sale*
ONE Farm of 213 acres in Friend's Cove, about four
rriiies from the Bedford Springs. The land is lime
stone, and is one of the surest Farms lor a winter
crop, in the Cove. The improvements are commo
dious and convenient. There is an abundance of
excellent truit upon the premises. About 12-3 acres
cleared, and the balance well timbered. Terms
easy or haid to suit purchasers.
80 acres or thereabouts of timber land; a part of
the Vickroy Estate, called "Sugar Bottom" in
; St. Cla ; r township.
The land, as well as the Timber is not surpassed
by any in the County, and lays in sight of a Saw-
Mill. There is one field of this tract cleared, and
| containing a line lot of fruit. Terms as above.
800 acres of land in lowa.
120 acres in Morrison county, Minnesota Territory.
A lot of Real Estate in Nebraska Territory.
A good opportunity is presented for making in
Bedford, Sept. 11, 1557.
Public Sale
BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court, of
Bedford County, the subscriber will sell, at Public
Sale, at the late residence of Elias Ritz, Esq., in
Clearville, on Saturday the 241 h day of October,
1857, all the Real Estate of said deceased, to wit :
One lot of ground Ironting t>o feet on .Maine street,
and extending back about 173 feet, with a new two
slory Frame House and Log Stable thereon erected, j
adjoining an alley on the East, a lot of Lucy Gillam i
on the west, in the town of Clearville, Monroe ;
township, Bedford county. Pa.
ALSO one other lot ol ground in said townshtp, |
containing 4a acres, more or less, all cleared and
under lence, adjoining lands of Philip Grubb, Joseph I
Hark man and others.
Sale to commence at oneo" clock. I'. M.
Adm'r. of the Estate of
F.tias Ritz. dec'd.
Sept. IS, 182,3.
tiie subscriber having commenced (he above i
business in Pattonsville, Bedford county, would res
pectively inform the public, that he is prepared to !
on the most accommodaiing terms—ALSO, Stove !
Pipe at 12J cents per pound: and spouting at 11 cents j
CASH per foot, this being cheaper than can be had at j
any other establishment in the place or neighborhood, j
Having a thorough knowledge of the business, and :
determined lo spare no pains to please all who mav
give him a call, he hopes to receive a liberal share j
of a generous public.
Aug. 14, '57. CHARLES T. BLAKE.
School Notioe.
The Public School* of the Borough of Bedford will j
he opened on Monday the 2d day of November next, j
1 here will be wanted two Male and three Female :
1 eachers, al-o a Male or Female to take charge of j
the Negro School—Applicants must be examined ;
and procure proper certificates from the Conn- :
ty Superintendent at the time advertised, 24th
October, none others need apply—The Board will
expect to contract with teachers on the 25th Octo
ber. By order ol the Board,
JNO. P. REED, Secr'y.
Sept. IS, 1887.
Administrator's Notice.
LETTERS Testamentary having been granted to
the subscriber, upon the Estate of Jacob Riffle, late
of Juniata 1 ownship, in the County of Bedford, de
ceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons hav
ing claims agaßt said Estate to present them proper-
It settlement, and all persons in
debted to are requested to make immedi
ate subscriber will meet all persons
interested, for We above purposes, at the late resi
dence of decedent, from the 22d to the 26th of Sep
tember instant.
Sept. 18, 1857.
T HI. subscriber ha- a large lot of Shingles and di\
Boards, tor Sale at the following price-. Lap Shin
gles $.3,00 per thousand, Joint Shingles 1,00 do.—
Boards 1,00 per hundred.
West End, 17 miles West of Bedford, on the G'ade
Rr,n,, • LOUIS N. FY AN.
Sept. 18, 1857.
A large assortment of Glass Preserve Jars, just
received, at SHOEMAKER S Colonade Store.
Aug. 14. 1857.
Ten Dollars Reward.
LOST on the Bth of Seperr.fe<?r last, one WALLET
POCKET BOOK, containing a check on the Trea
sury of Bedford County, and aiso promissory notes
and other papers. The above reward will be paid t
any person returning the same tome with its con
tents. B. VV. GARRKTSON.
Oct. 2, .17.
Executor's Notice.
LETTERS Testamentary having been granted to the
undersigned, upon the estate of Nicholas Keller, late
ol Bedlord Borough, deceased—therefore, all per
sons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will
please call and settle the same, and those having
claims against said estate will present them proper
ly authenticated.
Oct. 2, 1557.-ot.
Notice of Inquisition.
Campbell Hendrirksnn. late of Cne herlsni' V' ■ '
toft-ted. I- p 'ft.,4 cw 'y T: ; .
I>'(l '4-\ \pi,| and! he I lio-ledl rnlied ll.e .W e.y
Tiart, adj. ilill.g the Dunlap Tract, and eoidum.i g
about 0!) acres—another tract warrant-d in the name
ot Rebecca Cessna, containing abou SCO acres, br
ing mountain land.
Said decedent died leaving a v- ilow. Susan lien
drickson, and issue six children, v,z: .Mary Ann. in
termarried with Elsy McEtish, residing in Allegany
county, Maryland, Elizabeth intermarried with Thos.
Donehoe. Hannah, intermarried with Lorenzo Ce-sna,
Jonathan, Amy, intermarried with George Nave, and
I Susan Hendrickson, residing t in Bedford county.
NOTICE is therefore given, that in pursuance of
a writ of partition or valuation to me directed, l will
proceed to hold an inquisition or valuation on the
premises, on Monday the 26th day of October, 18.77;
when and where all interested may attend it they
see proper.
Sheriff's Office, Bedford, ( Sheriff.
October 2, 1807. \
Notice of Inquisition.
Peter Shimer, late of Union Township, BedfordCouu
i ty, deceased, died seized of the following Real Es
< tat-, Viz.-
One Tract of land being the Mansion Place, situate
! in Union township, Bedford County, containing a
! bout one hundred and seventeen acres, adjoining oth
! er lands of the widow and heirs of said intestate on
' the east, land of Isaac Pressell on the north and north
' east, and iands of Dr. Peter Shoenberger's heirs
; and others, on the south and south east.
Leaving a widow, Rebecca Shimer, and issue ten
I children, viz: Isaac Shirner, residing in Bedford
I county, Martha, intermarried with Henry Dell, resi
| ding in Blair county Pennsylvania, Rachel, intermar
! ried with Emanuel Keller, residing in the sanr.e coun
. ty, David Shimer, residing in Wayne county, Ohio,
I -Elizabeth t'ickes, (widow) Frederick Shimer, Mar
; garet, intermarried with Weimert Rcmicger, Hannah
| Intermarried with John Weyant, residing in Bedford
' county, Peter Shimer, and Susan intermarried with
j John Fickes, all residing in Bedlord county.
Notice is therefore hereby given, that in pursuance
of a writ of Partition or Valuation to me directed, 1
' will proceed to hold an Inquisition or Valuation, ori
the premises, on Saturday, the 24th day of October;
; next, when and where all interested may attend if
! they see proper.
| Sheriff's Office Bedford, I Sheriff.
October 2. 15.17. \
Teachers Wanted.
THERE are nine School Teachers wanted to
take charge of the Public Schools of'Colerain
| township, Bedford county. The Schools will
he opened on the Ist day of November next.-
Applicants before applying, must be examined
and procure proper certificates from the county
' Superintendent. None other need apply.
Bv order oi the Board.
I Sep. 25, '57.
W A Mil \<*TO.\ HOTEL.
AIRS. COOK would announce to her frieuds,
; and the public, that the Washington Hotel is
! now fitted up in superior order for the accom
! modation of guests, and she hopes to continue
to receive a liberal share of custom. Persons
visiting the Mineral Springs will find in the
Washington Hotel a comfortable summer re
treat —and no pains will be spared to please all
who patronize the house.
[CP" A young gentleman of high qualification
and courteous deportment has charge of the es
best of Stabling is attached to this-
(CPTerms as- moderate as any other house in
the place.
i Maii Stages from Alaquippa ami
| Cumberland—also tri-weekly Linos from Hol
lidavsburg and Pittsburg stop at this Hotel.
Bedford, April 25, 1856.
Bedi'ord Hotel,
And General Stage Office.
Tb'-subscriber respectfully begs ieave to an
nounce to his old friends and the public gener
ally, that ho has leased the Bedlord Hotel, at
present in the occupancy of Col. Adam Barn
hart. and will take possession on the Ist day of
April next. It is not his design to make many
professions as to what he will do, but he pledges
his word that his most energetic efforts will be
employed to render comfortable all who give
him a call. The House will he handsomely
fitted up, and none but careful and attentive
servants will be engaged. Persons visiting the
Bedlord Springs, as well as those attending
Court, and the travelling community general
ly, are respectfully invited to give him a call
and judge tor themselves.
[CP"Boarders taken by the week, month, or
year, on favorable terms.
(CP* A tuple and comfortable stabling is at
tached to this Hotel, which will always he at
tended by a careful hostler. Also, a safe and
convenient carriage house.
the STAGES stop nt this Hotel.
March 16, 1855.
AT an Orphans' Court
hpld at Bedford, in and foi the County of
Bedford, on the Ist day ol September, A. D.
1857, before the Judges of the said Court:
On motion of O. E. Shannon, F.q., the Court grant
a rule upon the heirs and legal representatives of
George B. Kay, late of Hopewell towu-hip, deceased,
to wit : Rebecca Philips, wife of Rev. Samuel Phil
ips, residing in Franklin county, Isaac F. residing
in Blair county. Fzra P., Kachaet, Lavinia, Mary
Catharine, Elizabeth Jane, Henry Harrison, Eliza
Irvine and Thomas J. Kay. residing in Bedford coun
ty; to be and appear at an Otphans' Court to be hol
ded at Bedlord hi and lor said county, on the .'hi
Monday, sixteenth day of November nexr, to accept
or refuse to take the real estate of George B. Kay,
deceased, at the valuation—which has been valued
ami appraised in pursuance of a writ of partition or
valuation issued out of the Orphans' Court of Red
out County, and to tlie Sheriff of said county direc
ted; or show cause whv the same should not be sold.
Bv order of the said Court
IN testimony whereof, 1 have hereunto
:| set my hand and seal of the said court
'-tkSMiM&P at Bedlord, the 4th day of September,
A. D. 1557.
HUGH MOORF, Sh'if. Clerk.