The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, September 04, 1857, Image 3

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    The Bedford Gazette.
St EXJTORUL pQJk FF. liEA'< ' /-.'.—The
Senatorial Conferees of the !Sth District com
posed of the counties of Somerset, Bedford and
Huntingdon, met at the Washington House in
the borough of Bedford on Monday 31s! August
nil., and organized by calling J. D.RODDY,
Esq., to the Chair, and appointing A.L. GRIM,
The following named gentlemen presented
credentials and took seats as conferees.
Somerset —J. D. Roddy, G. W. Benford and
Chas. Hefiley.
Bedford —D. A. Black, Thos. H. Murry, and
j. Henry Schell.
Huntingdon.-—J. Simpson Africa, A. L. Grim
an d Wm. Lewis.
On motion of Wm. Lewis, VVm. P. SCHELL,
ol' Bedford,was nominated by acclamation as the
candidate of the Democracy of this district lor
State Senator.
On motion of J. Simpson Africa, Isaac Tlu
eusEsq-. of Somerset was nominated by accla
mation to represent this district in the next
State Convention.
On motion, the chair appointed J. Simpson
\frica, Wm. Lewis and Thomas H. Murry, a
committee to inform Mr. Schell of his nomina
Alter passing a vote of thanks to Mrs. Cook
for the use of her house, the Conference adjour
J. D. RODDY, Chairman.
A. L. GRIM, Secretary.
D.iVID IVIL.VOT and the "Razor Strop
Man'' arrived here on Tuesday last, the one ta
king up his quarters at the Washington Hotel
and the other in'front of theMengel House—
the former coming for the purpose of shrieking
ihr "bleeding Kansas" and the latter to har
rangue the people on the excellent qualities of
his razors. Both drew crowds, in as much as
both are very eloquent gentlemen, and the peo
ple wanted to see which could tell the "biggest
rams." In our humble opinion (although the
•Razor Strop .Man" strained his utmost) David
beat his competitor slightly, but it is our opinion,
also, that if thesaid David wants to come with
in 50.000 votes of the poll which Gen. Packer
will run on the second Tuesday of Octob-r,
next, that he will have to "spin" longer "yarns"
than any he has produced yet. That's so.
OUR THJXFS are due to the brethren of
tile press, generally, and to the Somerset Dem
iitrtil and Ilollidaysburg Standard, in particu
lar, for the kindness with which they welcomed
oar debut on the stage editorial. It gives us
I pleasure, also, to notice the many and high en-
I miums passedjupon our venerable predecessor,
I *hase hie-long devotion to the interests of the
P Democratic party have won fhrhirn the esteem
H af every honest and pure political partizan.
I OX MONDAY last we had the pleasure of'
R a call from Jas. Lewis, Esq., the able editor of
I tee Huntingdon Globe. Mr. Lewis gives us
■ dewing accounts of political matters in Hun-
B'.agjoa and says that the prospects of carrying
■ that county tor the Democracy, are very lair at
H; went.
|8 COURT has been in session since last Mon
|i y morning, his Honor, Judge Kimmeli, presi
-1 r '?- Our town has been crowded all week,
| '"e ingenuity of our hotel-keepers has been
L■: v taxed to find stowage room for all their
K , ' Ws -
I OUR OLD FRIEND Col. John D. Roddy,
tr town a visit on Monday evening last,
Z one of the Senatorial conferees from
t county. The Col. represented the
istrrct m the iat Electoral College of
o'lvanfa and was one of the Pennsylva
ii| ; -oration to the Cincinnati Convention. —
I| 'an able lawyer, a sound man and a true
I :
lok-store. Give them a call.
and GOOD ELL, of Philadel- |
mufacturers of the 10 and 15 j
and Double Threaded Empire j
Machines." They offer an a- ;
rd countv on liberal terms.— j
ent in another column.
A K IS I 3: I>:
ult., near Marietta, bv the Rev.
'r. Levi Ritchey, to Miss Rebec- j
of Bedford county.
- - - ~ AKJ-fcSKja-SB |
nit., Mrs Dorathy Riddle, aged
'ths and 16 days.
was tnjely a christian mother,
ich afflicted for the last eizhteen
[* and during this time she ex
inals of christian patience, and
forty-three years she did attend
a member of the German Re-
Her end was peace. "Bless
rants, whom the Lord when he
d waiting."
in Christ, Mr. Valentine Wy
oming August 28th, at haif
(-:<i at his residence in Birming.
counly, Pennsylvania, aged 42
and 25 days.
' 'vas a native of Schlutern in
Hanau Germany. He emizrat
y LS32, and settled in Bd
--1 eaf ly this Spring, when he
fham. 5
;vehmg the 25 inrt., Mr. David
j.ieais, :i month, and l-joavs-
ON the head waters of Punning's Creek, in Bedford
•County, Pa. The undersigned will otfer at Public
Sale, on TUESDAY the 20th Oct. next, being the
j first Tuesday alter the election, on the prvmi-es, in
St. Clair Township, several adjoining arid contigious
tracts of land, containing in all 87 1 Acres, now di
vided into 5 tracts, 4 thereof containing 1,76 acres
each, and the other being the Saw-.nil! tract, con
taining 230 acres. These tracts will be sold as they
are, or subdivided to suit purchasers.
The Saw-Mill tract contains a FIRST CLASS SAW
MILL, with a never failing head of Water, and is in
the midst of a TIMBKRREGION, unsurpassed for the
quality of timber. One other of the tracts contains
an enviable site for a TAN VARD, with all the ad
vantages of WATER, and along side of Chestnut
Ridge, where the resources forßAßßare inexhausti
ble at $"2 ,70 per Cord.
300 acres of the land is bottom land, mostly cov
ered by large Sugar Trees. 300 acres are cleared
and in a good state of cultivation, and the balance
well timbered.
the premises, and FOUR BARNS, with other out
The FRUIT is choice and in abundance, upon
some of these tracts.
This property lies 12 miles North of Bedford, and
in a country noted for its good roads, leading North,
South, F.ast and West, to Bedford, "Ilollidaysburg,
John-town and other points, on the Penna. Centiai
Rail Road.
Farmers. Lumber men, Tanners and Speculators
should examine the premise-, as the undersigned is
determined to sell, on account of being too largely
engaged in other business, to give these tieliL of en
terprise, the proper care and attention.
TERMS:—One third in hand on the Ist of April,
187S, when possession will be given, and the hal
lance in two equal annual payments, without inter
est. The title is warranted good.
[CTMtrafts will he had on day of sale, or can be
seen with the undersigned in Bedford at any time,
showing the shape and locality ol the lands.
Aug. 21, 1857.
For Sale.
ONF, Farm of 213 acres in Friend's Cove, about four
miles from the Bedford Springs. The land is lime
stone, am! is one of the surest Farms tor a winter
crop, in the Cove. The improvements are commo
dious and convenient. There is an abundance of
excellent fruit upon the premises. About 12.7 acres j
cleared, arid the balance well timbered. Terms
easy or haid to suit purchasers.
80 Acres or thereabouts of Timber land—a part of
the Yickroy estate, called "Sugar Bottom" in St. '
Clair township.
The land, as well as the Timber is not surpassed j
by any in the County, and lays in sight of a Saw-
Mill. There is one field of this tract cleared, and
containing a fine lot of fruit. Terms as above.
120 acres of land in (Jreen county, lowa.
120 acres in Morrison county, Minnesota Territory.
A lot of Real Estate in Nebraska Territory.
A good opportunity is presented for making in
Bedford, Aug. 21, 18.77.
12A.\K1.Y4 HOC Sl£K
Deposits received. Discounts made, Drafts bought, !
sold arid collected. Bank notes and Specie bought ;
and sold. Stocks, notes, and other securities, bought j
and sold on Commission. Correspondence and col
lections solicited.
Aug. 21, 1857.
THE subscriber would respectfully inform his old
customers a- well as the public generally, that he
still continues th* manufactory of windmill- and
keep- them on hand constantly. 11" will also do all
kinds of repairing in his line of businp-s. As his
mills are well known in Bedford county, he deems it
unnecesary to say any thing about them. His shop ;
i- a- formerly at the East end of Bedford, on Pitt j
street, near the Foundry.
Aug. 21, ISs7—3t.
itlalc anil iemaie Departments Distinct.
Rev. GEO. W. AR-GHTNEAFGH, A. M., Principal.
Mrs. GEO. W. Arr.isr.Afiur, Preceptress.
Miss CORNELIA A. EVAKTS, Music, French, Draw
ing, &c.
Mrs. Lt i.v SroTTswoon, Oil, Painting and She!!
Miss MARY HELEN SMITH, Assistant.
THE duties of this Institution will be resumed on
Monday. Aug. 31st Owing to the limited accom
modation- of the Seminary Building, the number of
pupils will be limited. It is important tiierefoie,
that applications for admi-sion be made at an early
day. Those who enter before the expiration of half
tb" quarter, will be charged for the whole quarter;
those who enter after the expiration of half the quar
ter,will be charged for half the quarter. No deduc
tion made for absence except in cases of protracted
tin ess.
in this school Students are prepared for the higher
classes of anv College, or to enter at once upon the
active duties"of fife. Whilst special care is taken
to for.-r. in our pupils habit- ol order, strict punctual
ity and thorouphmis, their Physical, Moral and So
cial Education is not neglected.
The government of the school is designed to b"
parental. It is the aim of'the Principal arid his asso
ciates to excite in their pupils a love of right doing ;
and to awaken within them some proper consciou--
nes- of the dignity of humanity. Parents may rest
assured that anv sro-s delinquency on the part ol
their children will be reported to Them immediately,
should circumstances require it, or the diseiplne ol
the school tail to accomplish the desired retorinu
TERMS per quarter of 1 f weeks, including Hoard,
Tuition, Furni>hed Room, Washing, Tight and 1' uel,
? I<I,U0 —one-half in advance.
Music, $lO 00
Use of Instrument, 2 00
French, 5 00
Drawing and Painting in Water Colors,
each, 5 00
Oriental Painting, 5 00
Grecian Painting, 5 00
Oil Painting. 10 00
Ornamental Needle Work, 5 00
Shell Work, 5 00
Elementary English, $1 00
Higher, ~ 4 00
' Classics, <> 25
Bedford, August 1 1, 1857.
Of Matthias Fischer formerly of Precthal in the Duke
dom of Baden, and for some time a resident of this
(Bedford) county. Any person knowing anything
relative to the whereabouts of the said Fischer will
oblige the undersigned by addressing him ou the sub
ject, at SCHEELSBUG, BEDFORD CO., PA., or by com
municating the information to REV. F. BENEDICT,
BEDFORD. PA.. —Western papers please notice.
Aug. OSth, 1837- L A. KUNKLEMAN.
29 Sacks of G. A. Salt, for ale at SHOF.M AK.EK S
Colonade Store.
Any person desirous of purchasing a well esta
blished and profitable Drug Store can hearef a first
rate opening by addressing the editor ofthisimner
July 17, 1857.
not: (L-SOyra: BUOK6U,
HAS lor bale 10 Farms, and 12,000 acres of Coal,
and unimproved land, in Bedford and Fulton conn-'
ties. Also Lots in the town of Hamilton. Land
-old in quantities to suit purchasers. Proposals lor
timber are invited troui Lumbermen. Terms easy.
Aug. 7, 1857.—(5 m.
He, solved by the Senate and House af Representatives
of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Ax
: sentbty nut : i hat the following amendments, are
I proposed to the Constitution nt the Commonwealth,
| in accordance with the provisions of the tenth article
There shall be an additional article to said Con
stitution to be designated as article eleven as lol
Section 1. The State may contract debts, to supply
casual deficits or failures in revenues, or to meet ex-
I pense- not otherwise provided for; but the aggre
j gate amounts ol such debts direct and contingent,
j whether contracted by virtue ol one or more acts of
! the General Assembly, or at different periods oftime,
shall never exceed seven hundred and fifty-thousand
dollars, and the money arising from the creation of
such debts, shall he applied to the purpose lor which
it was obtained, or to repay the debts so contracted,
and to no other p irpose whatever.
Section 2. In addition to the above limited power
the State may contract debts to repel inva-ion, sup
press insurrection, defend the State in war, or to re
deem the present outstanding indebtedness of the
State; but the mqney arising from the contracting of
such debts, shall lie applied to the purpose for which
it was raised, or to repay such debts, and to no other
j purpose whatever.
j Section 3. Except the debts above specified, in
i section one and two of this article, no debt vvhat
| ever shall he created by or on behalf of the State.
Section 4. To provide for the payment of the pres.
| ent debt, and any additional debt contracted asafore
i said, the Legislature shall, at its first se-sion, alter
i the adoption ot this amendment, create a -inking
j fund, which shall be sufficient to pay the accruing !
j interest of -uch debt, and annually to reduce the i
; principal thereof by a sum not !es> than two hundred ■
I and fifty thousand dollars; which sinking fund shall j
J consist of the net annual income of the public works, I
from time to time owned by the {state, or the pro
ceeds ol the sale of the same, or any part thereof,
and of the income arid proceeds of -ale of-toi k own
ed by the Mate, together with ot her funds, or r< sour
ces, that maybe designated 1 by law. The said -ink
ing fund may be increased, from time to time, by I
assigning to it any part ol the taxes, or other reve- j
nues of the State, not required for the ordinary and
current expense* of government, and unless in case ;
of war, invasion or insurrection, no part of the said
sinking fund stiall be used or applied otherwise than ;
in the extingui; hmept of the public debt, until the |
amount oi such debt i- reduced below the sum o! five
millions of dollars.
Section 5. The credit of the Commonwealth shal!
not. in any manner or event, tie pledged, or loaned
to, any individual, company, corporation, or associa
tion; nor -hall the Commonwealth licit after become
a joint owner, or stockholder, in any company, asso
ciation or corporation.
Sec. 6. Ine Commonwealth shall nm •>**•— • •: . •
j debt, or any part thereoi.of any county, city, bor- j
j - 6 i., oi lowrisuip; or oi any corporation, or associ- j
j tion ; unless such debt -hall have been contracted to '
enable the State to repel invasion, suppress domestic j
insurrection, defend itself in time of war, or to as- •
I sist the State in the discharge of any portion of its j
i present indebtedness.
Section 7. The Legislature shall not authorize any
comity, city, borough, township, or incorporated dis
trict, by virtue of a voteol it- citizens, or otherwise,
to become a stockholder in any company, association,
or corporation ; or to obtain money tor or loan its i
credit to, any corporation, association, institution or !
party. j
There .shall be an additional article to said Con- ,
stitution, to be designateted as Article Xll,asfol- !
No county shall be divided by a line cutting off
over one-tenth ol its population, (either to form a
I new county or otherwise,) without the expres
assent o! such county, by a vote of the eleiTors
thereof; nor shall any new county be established,
containing less than four hundred -qunre miles.
From section two of the fir-t article of the Consti
tution, strike out the word-, '-of the City of Phila
delphia, and ot each county respectively from sec
tion live, same article, stnke out the word-, "o/
Philadtlphta and of th * • *■< r L. con at IS s• ' Iron) sec- .
tion seven, same article, s'like out the word-, -•nei- ,
ther the City of Philadelphia nor cr/iy," and in-eit in
i lieu thereof the words, ••and no;" arid strike out
'-•r.ction tan> .iinr article," and in lieu thereol insert
the following:
"Section 4. In the year one thousand eight hund
red and sixty four, ar I in every seventh year there,
alter, representatives to the number ot one hundred,
shall be appoit.oned and distributed equally tbiongh
out the Stat--, by districts, in proportion to the nurn- j
ber of taxable- inhabitant- in the several parts there- i
of; except that any county containing at lea = t three (
thousand live hundred taxables, may be allowed a i
seperate representation; but no more than three j
counties shall be joined, and no county shall be divi
ded, in the formation of a district. Any city con
taining a sufficient number of taxables to entitle it
to at least two representatives, -hail have a seper- ]
ate representation a-signed it, and -hall be divided
into convenient districts ol contiguous territory, ol !
equal taxable population as near as may be, each ol •
which district# shall elect one representative."
At the end of section -even, same article, insert,
these words, '•the ci'y of Pkilttelelpkia shall he divided
into single senatorial districts, of contiguous territory ■
as nearly equal in taxable population as possible ; but
no ward, shall be divided in the formation thereof.
The Legi-lature,at it- first session, after the adop
tion of this amendment, shall divide the city of
Philadelphia into senatorial and representative dis
tricts in the manner above provided ; such dis
tricts to remain unchanged until the apportionment
in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty
There shall be on additional section to the first ar
ticle of said Constitution, which shall be numbered
and read a- follows:
Section 215. The Legislature shall have the power
to alter, revoke or annul, any charter ol incorporation
hereafter conferred by, or under, ariv special or gen
eral law, whenever in their opinion it may be injuri- |
ous to the citizens of the Commonwealth; in such
manner, however, that no injustice shall be done to .
the corporators.
Jn SENATE, March 2.7, 1857.
Resolved, That this resolution pass. On the first
amendment, yeas 21, nays 7; on the second amend
ment. yeas 23, nays 8; on the third amendment,
yeas 24, nays 1 ; on the fourth amendment, yeas 23,
nays -1.
(Extract from the Journal.]
April 29, 1857.
Resolved, That this resolution pass. On the first
amendment, yeas 7S, nays 12; on the second amend
ment, yea- 57, ntys 31; on the third amendment,
yeas 72, nays 23 ; on the fourth amendment, yea> S3,
nays 7.
[Extract from the Journal.]
Filed in Secretary's office, May 2, 18.7/-
Secretary of the. Commonwealth.
HARISBIJRO* June 22, lso,.
Pennsylvania si : . . ■ ,
I do certify that the above and foregoing is a rue
ami correct copy of the original "Resolutionpmpi)
1 upon tlie final pasage thereof, as appears
| front he originals on file in tbis office.
lrtestimony whereof, i have hereunto set my
j [L. ■ ] hand and caused to be affixed the seal of
| the Jcretary's Office, the day and year above wnt
j ten.
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
In Senate, March "27, 1807.
Tbresolution proposing amendments to the Con
stitutm of the Commonwealth being under consid
Onhe question,
Wi the Senate agree to the first amendment?
Thiyeasund nays were taken agreeably to the
| piovions of the Constitution, and were as follows,
| viz:
j Vea —Messrs. Brewer, Browne, Coffey, Eiy, Ev
i arts, itter, Fleniken, Frazer, Ingram, Jordan Kil
lingerftnox, Laubach, Lewis, Myer, Scofield, Sel
i lers, Siman, Steele, Straub, Welsh, Wilkins, Wright
; and Tig art, Spcalrr —24.
Nay— Messrs. Crabbe, Creswell, Finney, Gregg,
Harnsl'enrose and Souther— 7.
So tj question was determined in the affirma
On !e question,
Wii'he Senate agree to the second amendment?
Theyeas and nays were taken agreeably to the
piovistns of the Constitution, and were as follows,
Yi i—Messrs. Brewer. Browne, Creswell, Ely,
Evans Fetter, Finney, Fleniken, Ingham, Jordan,
Knox,.aubach, Lewis, Myer, Sellers, Sbuman, Sou
ther, Seele, Straub, Welsh, Wilkins Wright and lag
■ gait,
; Nay— messrs. Coffey, Crabb, Frazer, Gregg, Har
j lis, Kiinger, Penrose andSchofield — 8.
j So th question was determined in the affirina
j live.
j On t) question.
Will he Senate agree to the third amendment ?
The yus and nays were taken agreeably to the
provislos of the Constitution, and were as follows,
. viz :
YKASMessrs. Brewer, Browne, Crabbe, Cress-
I well, El, Evans. Flenjikeu, Frazer, Ingram, Jor-
I dan, Kilinger. Knox, Laubarh, Lewi-, Myer, >co
! field, Selers, Sbuman, Steel, Straub, Welsh, Wilkins
i and Wri hr—24.
Navs-Messrs. Coflej, Gregg, Harris and Pen
rose— |.
So thl question was determined in the affirma
On thequestion,
Will tie Senate agree to the fourth amendment?
The yas and nays wire taken agreeably to the
provision; of the C'onstiiuiori. and were as follows,
Yeas—Messrs. Brewei, Browne, Coffey, Creswell,
Ely, Evans, Fleniken, Frazer Ingram, Killinger,
Knox, Laubach, Lewis, dyer, Scofield, Sellers. Shu- j
man, Souther, Steele, Stiaub, W T elsh, Wilkins, and j
"Nays—Messr:-. Crabb Finney, Jordan and Pen- j
rose— l.
So the question was tetermined in the affirma- 1
In nit; Hoijf. of Repuesf.xtati ves,
The resolution propo-irg amendments to the Con- ■
stitutton of tiie Commonvcalth being under consider- :
at ion,
On the question,
• Will the House agree tithe first amendment? I
The yeas and r ays wet* taken agreeably to The !
provisions ot the Constitution, and v. re as tollows,
Yeas—-Messrs. Ainlershi, Arthur, Backhouse, Ball,
Beck, ii.-hop, Bower, BH>WII, Gaihcun, Campbell, !
Chase, Cleaver, Crawfoiil, Dickey, Ent, Eyster, j
i'ausold. Foster, Gibtoney, Gildea. Hamel, Harper, i
llems, Hie.-tand, Hill) Hdiegas. Hoffman, (Berks,)
lmbrie, lanes, Jacob?, Jenkins, Johns. Johnson,
Kaufiti.ari, M'Calmont,M'llvain, Moorhead, Momma, j
Kerr, Knight, Leisenrirg,Longaker, Lovett, Manear,
Mangle, Mussleinan, Kiehols, Nicholson. NIHKtSt- 1
.-her P.o.oii, l'etet*, fietriEen, I'ownall, Pu'--".
Ramsey, (Philadelphia.; Ramsey (York,) Reamer,
Reed, Roberts, Rupp. Sluw, Sloan, Smith, (Canihria) i
Smith, (Centre.) Stevensti:, 'l'olan, Vail, Vanvoorbis, i
Vieker*, Voeghtly, Wa! r, Westbrook, Wharton, i
Williston, VVitherow, Wright Zimmerman and Getz, 1
Sfpr.nA*>* —",!S. I
Nays—Messrs. Backus,Benson, Dock, Hamilton, j
Hancock, Hine, Hoffman, (Lebanon,) Lebo, Struthers,
1 horn, Warner and Wintrrpe—l2.
So the question was determined in the affirma
On the question,
Will the House agree (o ho second amendment?
The yeas and nays wen- taken agreeliiy to the ;
provisions of the Constitution, and were as follows,
Yeas—Messrs. Anderson Backhouse, Ball, Beck,
Bower. Caihotm, Campell, Carty, Ent, Fausold, Fos
ter. Gildea, Hamel, Harper, Heins, Heistand, llslle
gas. Holiman, (Berks.) Hoisekeeper, lmbrie, Innes,
Jenkins, Johns, Jobn-on, KiutTman. Kmghr. T.eisen- j
ring, Longaker, Lovett, Ma.aer, M.iugle, M'llvain,
Moorhead, Mussieuiau, Nichols, Nicholson, Nnnema
cher, Pearson, Peters, Pettiken, Pownall, Purcell,
Ramsey, (Philadelphia.) Kausey, (York,) Reamer,
Roberts, Rupp, Shaw, Sloan,Tolari, Nail, Voeghtly,
Walter, Westbrook, Wharton, Zimiuerman, and Getz,
Sjn /Air —37..
Nays—Messrs. Arthur, A igustiue, Backus, Ben- •
son, Bisliop, Brown, Chase, Cleaver, Crawford, Eys- j
ter, Gibboney, Hamilton, li.ircock. Hill, Hine, Hoff
man, (Lebanon,) Jacobs, Kerr, Lebo, M'Calmont,
Mumiiia, Reed, Smith, (Cambria,) Smith, (Centre.) |
Stevenson, Struthers, Thorn, Vanvoorbis, Vickers,
Wagon seller, Warner, Wintrode, Witherow and
So tiie question was determined in the affirma
On the question,
Will the House agree to the third amendment?
The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the j
provisions of the Conttitution, and were as follows, ;
Yras—Messrs. Anderson, Backhouse, Ball, Beck, |
Benson, Bower, Brown, Calhoun, Campbell, Chase,
Cleaver, Crawford. Dickey. Ent, Eyster, Fausold, j
Foster. Gibboney, Hamel, Harper, Hems, Hqistand,
Hill, HillegasiHoHniaii. (Berk-,) Hoffman, (Lebanon)
Housekeeper, lmbrie, Innes, Jacob-, Johns, John-on, j
Kaiitfman, Kerr, Lebo, Longaker, Lovett, Manear, !
Maugle, M'Calrisunt, Moorhead, Mumma, Mussle- .
man, Nichols, Nicholson, Nunemarber, Pearson, Pe- |
ters, Petriken, Pownall. Purcell, Ramsey, (York.) j
Reamer, Reed, Rupp. Shaw, Sloan, Srr.iib, (Cambria) j
Smith, (Centre,) Stevenson, Tolan, Vail, Vanvoor- I
his, Vickers, Voeghley, Wagonseller, Westbrook, i
Williston, Witherow, Wright Zimmerman and Getz, ;
iSpruAer —72.
A'ays—Messrs. Arthur, Angustine, Backus, Bish- ]
op, Carty Dock, Gildea, Hamilton, Hancock, Hine, j
Jenkins, Kinght, Leisenring, M'llvain, Ramsey, 1
(Philadelphia,) Roberts Struthers, Thorn, Walter,
Warner, Wharton and Wintrode—22.
So the question was determined ill the affirma
On the question,
Will the House airee to the fourth amendment?
The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the
provisions of the Con-titution, and were as follows,
Yeas —Messrs. Anderson, Arthur, Backhouse,
Backus, Ball, Beck, Benson, Bishop, Bower, Brown,
Calhoun, Campbell, Carty, Chase Cleaver, Crawford,
Dickey, Ent. Eystei, Fausold, Foster, Gibboney,
Gildea, Hamel, Harper, Heins, Hiestand, Hill Hil
legas, Hoffman, (Berks, ) Hoffman, (Lebanon,)
Housekeeper, lmbrie, Innes, Jacobs, Jenkins, Johns,
Johnson, Kauffman, Kerr, Lebo; Leisenring, Longak
er, Lovett, Manear, Maugle. M'Calmont, M'llvain,
Mumma, Mussleman. Nichols, Nicholson, Nunetna
cher, Pearson, Peten, Petriken, Pownall, Purcell,
Ramsey, (Philadelphia.) Ramsey. (York,) Reamer,
Reed. Roberts. Rupp, Stevenson, Tolan, Vail, Van
voorhis, Vickers, Votghlev. Wagonseller, Walter,
Warner, Westbrook, Wharton, Williston, Witherow,
Zimmerman and Getz. Spoiler—B3.
Nays —Messrs. Poet, Hamilton, Hancock, Struth
ers, Thorn, Wintrode ind Wright—7.
So the question was determined in the affirmative.
Secretary's Office,
H arbisbukg, June 22, 1857.
I do certify that iheabove arid foregoing is a true
and correct copy of the *<Yeas" and "Nays" taken
on the resolution promising amendments to the Con
stitution of the Comnifnwealth, as the same appears
on the Journal of the two Houses of the General
Assembly of this Cotruionwealth tor the Session of
fL. S. ] Witness my hand and the seal of said of
fice, this twenty-secoiri day of June, one thousand
eieht hundred and fiftwseven^^^^^^^^MMjM
W. M. BRIM, A. B. Principal.
Miss E. V. MANN, Preceptress*
M. J. Johnson, M. A. Williams, Assistant?.
This Institution is located in the borough ot Rains
burg, Bedford county, Pennsylvania, noted tor its
healthfulness and beauty of surrounding scenery. It
is 10 miles from Bedford, and 8 from the celebrated
Bedford Spi ings.
The building is large and commodious, capable of
accommodating 200 students. It is the purpose of
all concerned to spare no pains in making this Insti
tution the efficient instrument of securing to all in
attendance a thorough education, and also to throw
around then, the benign inlluence of morality and re
The academic year consists of two sessions of 22
weeks; each session is divided into two terms ot 11
weeks, but without ari intervening vacation. The
Summer session will commence on the 4th day oi
August next. The winter Session will commence j
on the second Thursday of January, 1858. Winter |
vacation 2 weeks; Summer vacation 6 weeks.
Common English $3 00
To which will be added for each additional
Higher Branch 80
Greek ar.d Latin, each, 1 50
German, French, and Spanish, each, 2 00
Incidentals, 50
Drawing 2 50
Colored Crayon and Water Colors, each, 300
Painting in Oil, 5 00
Hair and Wax Flowers, each, 3 00
Peliis Work, .1 00
Embroidery, f 50
Vocal Music, 2 lessons per week, 1 00
Music, with u s e of Piano, 10 00
The price of Board will be ?! 50 per week; and
25 c-nts will be charged for luel and rooms furnish- :
Weekly exercises in composition and declama- j
tiun by the gentlemen, and composition and declama- j
tion by the ladies, will be required throughout the ,
entire course.
During the term commencing in August, there ;
will be a classs organized for the special benefit of j
those designing to engage in teaching Common
The last days of each session will be devoted to j
examinations; and at the close of the year there will j
be an annual examination and exhibition.
The Lyceum is a literary society sustained by the ;
young gentlemen; the Ladies' Association is a simi- j
lar one sustained by the young ladies.
! It is highly important that all who intend to at
tend the school should be present at the commence- j
■ ment of the terms, as a!! regular classes are then
I formed. Students will he received, however, at any '■
\ time, arid admitted to such classes a* they may be :
! found qualified to enter. But all will be charged tu- i
j it ion from the commencement to the c!o>e of the j
! term, < xcept Those who enfer for only half a term:
; and no deduction will be made for absence, except j
jin case of sickness. No one will be admitted as a I
I Student who do * not sustain a good moral character.
Mr. John Hater, Bedford; Rev. J. A. Coleman, !
Mr. Jacob Barndollar, Bloody Run; Captain Mann, •
Licking Creek; Messrs. George R Barndollar, Wood- i
berry; C W Asbcom, Hopewell; G W Williams,
, Scbellsburg; John May. Ceutreville.
Hon. John N*iT. Frostburg; Mr John Folck, Cum- j
berland; K v T '] McClure, Flintstone; Mr John !
Wil-on, Old Town; John Hughe-. M D; Rev Win s
j, Hancock; Mr Joseph Mann, Clear Spiing; |
Rev H N Sipes, Washington city.
N 15 persons coming from Cumberland take the j
i K„j t< ir-i ..gv oiij centres-life, from whence
they w ill be conveyed to Rainsburg.
T. T. McCLCRE, President.
J. FILLER, Secretary.
July 51, 1857—41
Valuable iJesal
The subscriber, declining; business, will sell,
a* Public Sale, on the premises, all his teal and
personal estate, on TUESDAY, the6th day of
, October next; situate on the Juniata, Harman's
Bottom, Juniata Township, Bedford Co., Pa.—
file real estate consists of in and about TOO a
cres of Patented Land lying on both sides of the
Juniata River, comprising tine meadow and j
roiling lands, about 300 acres cleared and un
der cultivation. The improvements are a first
rate Stone J louring Mill Jo feet square, 3 sto
ri*s, running tour stones, two French Burrs and
! doing an excellent business. This Mill is sub
: stanttally built, well cemented and in good con
dition. A)so an excellent Saw Mill in opera
tion, besides other water power sufficient for a
superior Mill. Stone Mansion House, Farm
Tenant House, Farm House, Barns and Stables.
Land extends about 1 i miles along the Juniata
and is well watered with springs and wells, hav
ing also a fair supply ol Fruit Trees. This prop
• erty might be-divided so as to make three con
venient farms, wit it necessary improvements :
is well situated in regard to markets, being with
| in 28 miles of Cumberland, and 1+ of Bedford,
! about 1 i miles from the Giade Turnpike, and
i situated on Hie ereat "Drover Rortt^.'■ , From
(be droves quite an income has been and may
ibe dt rived. 1 "pon the whole this is a very val
; liable and desirable property upon which an en
ergetic man can do a great business.
The subscriber will also sell all his personal
; property, consisting of 8 Horses, including sev
eral very valuable young Horses, Cows and
j young cattle, Sheep and llogs—6 horse, four
! horse, and 2 horse wagons—7 Ploughs, Harrows,
i Horse Gears, and a large lot of farming utensils:
Also House furniture and Kitchen utensils.—
A quantity of Grain, Wheat, Rye, Oats, Corn,
I Nc.
The subscriber, residing on the premises, will
• be pleased to meet persons desiring lo purchase
at any time up to the day of sale, and will take
! pleasure in showing the premises, and will re
ceive private offers of purchase, and in case of
a suitable ( ,|fer will conclude a contract of sale.
TERMS—S3OOO iri hand, as may suit
purchasers, and the balance will be made paya
ble on the most accommodating terms, so much
so that an enterprising man mav be able to make
them oil the premises. Terms will be fully
made known by calling on the subscriber.
The subscriber refers to Gen. Bowman and
John P. Reed, Esq., of Bedford, from whom full
particulars will be had. JACOB RIFFLE.
Juniata Tp., July 31, 1857.
T C U"~u° BEMBIJG—H. H. HETZ S Celebrated
l etter v\ asti is the only sale and sure remedy ever
discovered for curing the Tetter, Rinsworm, and all
eruptions of the skin. It is so infallible a remedy
that a perfect cure in all cases of Tetter is guaran
tied if attentively applied. In ordinary cases one
bottle will be sufficient to perfect a cure. In bad ca
ses, with a letter of long standing, more will be re
quired. Price 25 cents per bottle. For Sale at Dr.
Reamer s Drug Store, Bedford, Pa.
May 22, 18;17—ly.
The subscriber being much annoyed and damaged
by fi-hers and hunters; running over his property" is
determined to put a stop to the same; he therefore
hereby cautions all such persons, that if found tres
passing upon his farms, by either fishing or hunting,
he will bring *uit immediately against
Aug. 28, 1*37. HENRY HORN.
To 1 lie old Patrons of the lletl
ford Gazette.
During th" long period of our connection
• ith the 'Gazette,' (25 years) we never once,
•-ither directly or indirectly, dvpned our sub
scribers— never published even an anecdote
;!' uching delinquents. And noiv, that we have
i disposed ol the establishment, we feel confident
that ALL our friends, both at HOME and AUROAD,
will promptly and at once make settlement.
To such as desire indulgence, any reasonable
time will be given, provided they settle prompt
ly. Subscribers or advertisers who have paid
in advance, have credit 011 the books of our suc
; cessors for the amounts so paid. Of one thing
we feel especially proud, and that is that no
: paper in Pennsylvania can boast of a nobler set
lof patrons than the subscribers to the Bedford
Gazette, among whom we rank many of our po
' litical opponents.
Aug. 28, 1857—3t.
Merchant Taifior,
Continues to carry on the above business, in
i all its branches, at his old stand in Juiianna >t.
■ and is prepared to accommodate all who mav
; favor him with their custom, on reasonable
| terms. He constantly keeps on hand a large
assortment of ready-made Clothing of a good
; and substantial quality. And, having in store
a choice selection of Cloths, Cassimeres, Test
ings, Drillings, K.c. dec. he invites all in want
: of Clothing to give him a call, as he feels con
i fident he car. please all who do so.
Bedford, July 3, 1857.
off S|>i*mir GOODS
The undersigned has just returned from the
Eastern cities with a targe stock of Spring
; Goods, and is now exhibiting at
j a genera! assortment of new style of Spring
j Goods, comprising, in part. Ladies' Dress Goods,
Ducal Crocovella Chalii, fancy and plain De
Laine, Brilliants. Lawns, Calicoes, &c. &c.
For gentlerr.ens' and bos s' wear Cassimeres,
! Cassinets, Canton Cloth, Shepperd Check, Cot
| tonades, &.c.
Boots, Shoes, Hals, Bonnets, Woollen and
' Rag Carpets, Floor Oil Cloth, Syrup molasses,
white and brown Sugars, green and black Teas,
Groceries of all kinds, Queensware, Tubs,
Buckets, Brooms, Kc., Hardware, Shovels,
Forks, Hoes, Knives and Forks, Spoons, &x.
; and ail articles usually kept in stores.
Ail kinds of country produce taken in ex
The undersigned will sell cheap for cash or
produce, and hopes by fair dealing to receive
his usual share of custom.
April 10, 1557.
A. B. CRAMER & CO. have just opened
another supply of SUMMER GOODS, render
: ing their assortment very complete. Beautiful
I new-style Calicoes, Barage Robes, handsome
White Crape and Stella Shawls, Brilliants, &c.
! —Superior French Cassimeres and striped Sat
| teens for Mens' Wear; also a full supply of Car
petings, Groceries, Mackerel, Herring, &c.
Produce wanted, and good pri
ces will be given. Call and see our Stock and
1 learn the prices.
June 26, 1857.
•lo Clergymen and Superintendent's ct
Sabbath Schools.
We keep on band the publications of the Am.
S. S. TTni HI, American Bible Society, American
; Tract Society, Presbyterian Board of Publica
tion. M-thodist Book Rooms, Massachusetts S.
S. Union, Lutheran Board of Publication, Epis
copal S. S. Union, and a great variety of staivd
; aru Religious Publications suitable lor Sabbath
j Schools.
C/lumbers burg.
i March G, 1557.
THE subscriber having commenced the above
: busings in Pattonsville, Bedford county, would res
pectively inform the public, that he is prepared to
j furnish
j on the most accommodaiing terms—ALSO, Stove
Pipe at l"Jf cents per pound: and spouting at 11 rents
1 CASH per foot, this being cheaper than can be had at
: any other establishment in the place or neighborhood.
Having a thorough knowledge of the business, and
i determined to spare no pains to plea.-e all who may
i give him a call, he hopes to receive a liberal share
i of a generous public.
Aug. 14, '57. CHARLES T. BLAKE,
i _
HOOPS—Brass R. Whalebone. Skirt Hoops .lus
I Received at Shoemaker's Colonade Store.
I Aug. 21, 18.-,7.
Notice is hereby given that an application will be
I made to the next Legislature of the State of Penti
-1 sylvania lor the passage of an act of Assembly autho
! rizing the incorporation of a Bank of Issue with ge
• neral banking and discounting privileges, under the
1 general banking laws of this State, to be located at
i the Borough of Bedford in the county of Bedford, and
called "The Bedford County Bank," with a capital
of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, and with
j the privilege of increasing the same to the sum of
four hundred thousand dollars.
Bedford, Pennsylvania, June 26, ISs7.—tJl
PITS, Fisli!
NEW MACKEREL just receiv,d. SHAD
and HERRING expected daily, and for sale
for casb or Country Produce only.
May 1, 1557.
If you want a superior article of Boots, Shoes,
Gaiters, or Slippers, call at the Cheap Shoe and
General Variety Store of Adam Ferguson in lu
lianna Street, where a large assortment of usc
! ful ahd fancy Goods are always to be found.
Bedford, July 10, 1857.
FLY .NETTS, for horses, for sale at