THE BEDFORD GAZETTE. ■"? Bedford. Sep 5 ! I, 1*.7. B. F. Meyers &G. W. Benford, Editors. Democratic State GOVERNOR: Gen* Win. F* Facker, Of Lycoming County. CANAL COMMISSIONER: Hon. .\iiurod Nlricktanil, Of Chester County. SUPREME JUDGE.- Hon. Win- Strong, Of Berks County. Hon. James Thompson. Of Erie County. SENATOR, .William P. Scliell, of Bedford. COI.VTI TICKET. > . ASSEMBLY, JAMES BURNS, JR., of Bedford. DAVID HAY, of Somerset. Prothonotarv— SAML. H. TATE, Bedford. Sheriff—WM. S. FLUKE, M. Woodberry. Treasurer— SAML. DAVIS, Bedford. Commissioner—C. EVA VS. E. Providence. Director— GEO. SAIOUSE, VV. Providence. Auditor— JOHN W. CRISAIAN', St. Clair. TOWNSHIP MEETINGS, At a meeting of the BUCHANAN CLUB of Bed ford Borough on Saturday evening, 12th inst., it was unanimously ''.Resolved, That it is deemed espedr dlent to hold Democratic Township Meetings, in all the Townships of Bedford County, prior to the 2d Tuesday of October. In accordance with this resolu tion, the County Committee announces the following appointments and trust to the Township Committees to make all the necessary arrangements tn get a full turn out of the people: Hopewell, Thursday, September 10 Woodberry, Saturday, September 12 Cumberland Valley, Tuesday, September 1,1 Palo Alto, Wednesday, September 16 V. B. Wertz's, Harrison Tp., Thurs. Sept. 17 Bloody Run, Friday evening, September IS Black's, E. Prov. Tp. Saturday, Sept. 19 Scbclisburg, Saturday, Septemeer 12 Stonerstown, Tuesday, September 22 Pattonsville, Wednesday, September 23 Louisville, John Wiand's. Thursday, Sept. 24 Clearviiie, Friday, September 20 Chaneysville, Saturday, September 20 St. Clairsville, Saturday, September 26 Rainsburg, Tue-day, September 29 Buena Viata, Tuesday, September 20 Flitchville, Wednesday, September 30 Bowser's School-House, Tuesday ev., October, 1 -Pleasffntville near Big Spring, Friday, Oct. 2 Robinsonville, Saturday, Oct. * 3 Cavendar's Store, Saturday evening, October 3 Able speakers will be present to address the above meetings, all of which will commence at 1 o'clock, P. Al., except those at Bloody Run, Bowser's School House, and Cavendar's Slore, which will commence at early candle-light. Other meetings will he held to occupy the whole time, notice of which will be giv en hereafter. WM. P. SCHELL, Chairman County Committee. Grand Democratic Daily! THE PEOPLE BLACK REPUBLICAN HYROC RAC Y AN I) KNO\V N(>T HING THUGGERY REBUKED::! Bedford Couutv Raisins Iter Voice for the THREE P'S, PURER, PENNSYLVANIA AND PEACE!!!! On Monday evening last, the noble Democ racy of Bedford county, met in Mass Meeting at the Court House, literally crowding the court-room with their numbers. A larger, more intelligent, more enthusiastic assemblage, it has never Been our good fortune to witness within the confines of our county, ll was a glorious out-pouring ot the gallant men who last Fall gave James Buchanan a triumphant majority over the combined factions of Know Nothing ism and' Black Republicanism. It showed plain ly that the spirit which animated the honest yeomanry of Bedford county, during the fierce contest of 1856, still nerves their hearts and impels them to action. It showed that the broad, bright flag of Democracy which our conservative citizens have borne in triumph through many a well-fought battle, is still the chosen banner of true patriots, under which they intend to march to victory and glory. The great feature of the meeting was the ad dress of Gen IG. U . Bowman. For upwards ol two hours the Gen'l field his large audience enchained with his eloquence—advocating the principles of the Democratic party with a pow er of argumentation that was irresistable. and drawing a picture of the depravity and profli gacy of the Opposition to the Democracy, that was startling and loathsome to contemplate.— He laid bare the hidden machinery and secret appliances—the clandestine plottings and mid night trickery—with which the reckless and unscrupulous politicians of the Black Republi can and Know Nothing parties, are working upon unsuspecting Democrats, for the purpose of getting their votes. He showed .how Know Nothiug were made, saying that a dozen or more men were huddled together into the vault of the Beiflord County Commissioner's OtSce, and at the risk ot the destruction of the public rec ords kept there, were sworn into the fellowship of the Secret Order ! His speech abounded in happy iiiti at the ridiculous doctrines of the Opposition, and the oath-bound minions of Sam and the Negro-Smitten followers of Sambo shrank back, abashed and ashamed, at the with ering' rebuke received at his bands. He was frequently interrupted with the loud and enthu siastic pjaudits of his hearers, and sat down a mid a perfect storm of cheers. The rpeeting was also ably addressed bv Mai. S. H. Tate and O. E. Shannon, Esq., and alter the latter gentleman had concluded, it adjourn ed with three hearty cheers for the State Ticket, and three more, long and loud, for the County Ticket, ttr meet'again at th-* <9me plac on ThursdaJ^eVenutg.* Q JlemQk' fir nearlv two hours, but his remaks "fell dead from his lips, eliciting! no applause whatever save when he made some j obscene allusion totally unworthy the dignity of a man asking the suffrages of the people for the high office to which he aspires. The staple of j his entire address abolitionism. A friend informs us that he mentioned the word "Slave ry," 250 times, the word "Kansas," 50 times, the personal pronoun, 200 times, the word j "dirt" 20 times. The tact is if these words were subtracted from his speech there would be a neit balance of— empty twaddle —Among oth er things David said that he had been misreprr. i sented, that he was called an abolitionist which j he was not. A short time after he had said ! this, he proclaimed that "the interests of slavery and freedom have come in direct con tact, and one or the other must give way!"— Now, what did he mean by this save and ex cept that slavery mus-t be extendi.:!, or abolish ed, and therefore, as he pretends to be anti-slave- i ry in his seoi musi tie not, ot necessity, I rank with those who are in favor of its aboli tion7 V\ e submit this question for the solution j of hi: pimps and "second fiddles" who will, j doubtless go about from place to place, and try to make unsuspecting people believe that he is no abolitionist. David also wanted the Demo cratic party to point their finger to any act, or expression of opinion, of his, that was wrong. Well, inasmuch as lie is so anxious to have his faults pointed out, we will accommodate him and charge—That David Wilmot is an agita tor ola dead and buried issue—that he is trying the raise the slavery question which the people of the Union disposed of last Fall, and that iie is doing so in order to excite the poople so that he can obtain their votes. That in doing this he is guilty of the most shameful charlatanism that ever dragged manhood down from its true dig nity. That he is reckless of the real interests of the Commonwealth, and that it has been char ged upon him and he has never denied it. that he said he was "determined to arouse the people to tiie importance of the slavery issue" ami that it he tailed in this, he''would join the party that would send the country to h-—II the quick est !" David repeated the stale stories of the N. V. Tribune concerning "Bleeding Kansas" and talked about the ''.Missouri Border Ruffians" making incursions into the Territory. He for got, however, to tell us how many wooden nut meg pedlars, from Massachusetts, shouldered Sharp's rifles and invaded the same country and for similar purposes as those of their Ruffians." When he came to the subject of "American, ism ' he went sneaking around it for about a minute and a half, and then said he had not time to discuss it. lie then sat down, as he arose, -without creating any enthusaism among his hearers. Gen. Koontz, the "white vest and perfume ry" candidate for Senator, was then called out. but as we had heard the General many times and ott, and knew that his whole speech would be wool from beginning to end, we left, satis fied that nothing better has happened the Demo cracy of Bedford county for many a year, thau the holding of this same Wilmot meeting. EQUALITY OF WHITES A ND NEGROES. In lowa, in submitting the new constitution, question of equality of whites and negroes as to political privileges was submitted to the people. Neatly the whole vote of the State was against the assumed equality. After all the pretences ofblack-repuhlicanism in favor of negro equality nearly the whole party voted against it. Few men in lowa were found voluntarily to vote themselves the equals of negroes. When brought to the test their negro professions were found to be mere political expedients which lionest men despise. Black-republicanism is Mead irt I ova, as well as almost everywhere else, and only needs its merited burial to he finally -forgotten, unless remembered for the wautori mischiefs if has brought upon the conn try.—lFos/i. Union. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY MEET i ING. Agreeably to notice, one of the largest, • most respectable, and enthusiastic meetings that ■ ever convened in Bedford, assembled at the Court House on last Wednesday evening, and : was organized by the appointment of the fol lowing officers: President, Maj. Samuel Davis; Vice Presi dents, Gen. James Burns, John Bowser, Simon Beard, Joseph Barkman, Col. J. C. EvwharW Maj. Moses MThvaine, Frederick Samuel Reighart, Maj. James' jfttf' Jwn Patton, Joljn S. Ritchey, Esq., Jacob win ms; I Secritaries, John W. Crismun, John B.rluck, Adolphis A ke, Isaac Menglt, Jr. The meeting thus organized, the subjoined resolutions were presented far the consideration j of the meeting, and passed unanimously and with great enthusiasm: after which addresses! were delivered by Messrs. S. H. l ate, G. W. j ■ Bowman, 13. F. Meyers, E. Shannon, when nine hearty cheers were given for the State and county Ticket: Resolved , That the Democracy of Bedford j county cordially approve of the Administration ' of JAMES BUCHANAN, and believe that under his wise and patriotic counselt, and his able and experienced cabinet, the foreign and domestic : affairs of the General Government, will lie so directed and controlled, as to/esult in the con i tinned prosperityand glory ofrwjrcomnion coun try. The quiet and prosperous state of the N'a- ' tion at this time, is conclus,ve proof that the I people were not mistaken in their choice of aj President in the alarming crisis of 1856., Tliat we hail with lively satisfac- | tion the nomination of GEN. WM. F. PACK ER. as the Democratic tandieate for Governor at the approaching election, llis high moral j j chaftcter, connected with his ilnswerving devo ; tion to the principles of the Democratic party, | and his acknowledged ability, qualify him, in an j eminent degree, for a faithful discharge of the ! duties of dm high trust for wljich he f>as been ! nominated, and we pledge ourselves to give him 1 a cordial, iTnited, and energeticsnpport, satisfied ; that he will be elected by a triumphant majority j over all opposition. Resolved , That the candidates chosen bv the I Democratic party for the offifes of Supreme Judge and Canal Cornmisioner,jare men every way worthy our hearty support, and we recom mend them to the voters of Bedford county as • entitled to their fullest confidence, arid as men ! who will adorn the high offices!or which they have been nominated. Resolved, That the Democratic Ticket nomi- j nated by the people of Bedford county, is t unexceptionable in every resp'ct, composed of men of fried integrity and cacacitv, and we | pledge ourselves to give the Ticket our undivi 1- ed support, from top to bottom. Resolved, That the Bill for (be sale of the Maine Line of the Public Workspl Pennsylva nia, passed by the last Legislature] in its various; details, was a measure of unparalleled iniquity \ and fraud upon the tax pavers of the Common wealth, reflecting infamy upon those who pass ed it, and we sincerely thank* the Supreme ; Court lor their able defence of the interests of, the. Commonwealth, in declairing void, the provisos in favor of the exemjlion of the i Pennsylvania Rail Road Company, from the payment of property and tonnage fa.ys, amount mg to several'hundred thousand -dollur,* j,.... y'r. Resolved. That the recent decisbn of the Supreme Court of the United States in the Dred ' Scott case, is one fraught with interest to the people of the whole country, and cilculated to j have an important bearing upon th future ib-s-j tiny ol our Union, ami that we corurally recog- j nize the sound policy jf its and give I our unqualified asssent to its principief. Resolved, That we re-affirm aatj declare; eternal hostility to all secret political assnci- I at ions—to all attempts to abridge the rights of > freemen, on account oi' their buth or religious j belief—and that we look with confideoceto the speedy and told overthrow of the Abolition fa- j natics whose sectional doctrines are calculated j to array one portion of our country agaiijt the other, and thus weaken the Bonds of thtscom rnon union which has made our pep pit free, happy, prosperous and contented. Resolved, 1 hat the election of Simon Gmer- ! on, an ABOLITJONJST, to the Senate c the I cited States, by the last Legislature, vm an ! act of profligacy unparalleled, in the pojtical history of the world. Whilst theoppositfn to the Democratic party, headed by FK. JoinvN, of Bedford, only a few months had declared, in an official paper, that they jould not vote for Cameron without throwing wav | their self-respect and violating their oaths;hey j rallied, to a man, to what they had denoticed as a "Buzzard 1* east, and bv the aid of cttain recreants, elected as Democrats, succeede in! thwarting the popular will as expressed though ' the ballot-box. Resolved, 1 hat the treachery, trickery'.land fraud, practised by the leaders of our appoints j last year, in professing to go for Fillifore whilst they were secretly pledged to Frei*oni, I should brand them forever as.unworthy Ihe ton- i fidence and respect ol honest and conscientious 1 men, no matter what their former political pre dilections. Resolved, That the nomination of Wilmot, by the Black Republican Know Nothings, as their candidate lor Governor, presents a singular contrast when compared with their Opinion of him, the said V\ iimot, as expressed in all their papers, Conventions and political meetings a few years since, when they declared him to he the "ONLY BRITISH FREE TRADE TORY IN PENN SYLVANIA, who "would forever stink in their nostrils," and whom they pledged themselves to pursue to that place "where the worm dieth not and where the fire is not quenched." Resolved f i hat we approve of the Township Meetings called by the County Committee, and pledge ourselves to use all diligence to procure a good turn out of the people at said meetings, satisfied that discussion is all that is required to carry our Ticket, State and County, to triumph ant success. Resolved , I hat we are net navy, and never have been, the advocates ol Slavery—that we leave this question where the law places it, in the haads oi ihp people of the States and Territories—and boldly assert that we have nothing more to do with settling the Slavery Question in Kansas than the people of Kansas have in settling the Taxes of the people of Pennsylvania. We contend that a NEGRO is not the equal ef a white mar., and we repudi ate ail attempts to confer upon them the right of suffrage, place them in the Jury Box, on the Bench, or i n the Legislative Halls, which is at the bottom of all abolition movements, r.o matter what their professions. Resolved, That the only issue between the Democracy and our Black Republican oppa nenls is, to ascertain whether a white man is as good as a black man, and we do not fear that this question will be so settled in faver of the white man on the 2d Tuesday of October as to crush out forever this unnatural element in the political affairs of the country. The following resolution, prefaced by a few remarks, was offered by Hon. Jon MANX, and passed with much applause: Resolved , That this meeting of Democratic ; citizens of Bedford county, approve of the reourse of General Bowman, during the long ■period he conducted the Bedford Gazelle, >eing that of a faithful Sentinel on the Watch-tower of Democracy, and that we part with him as such wrth much regret, yet at the same time we are gratified that his mantle has fallen upon | worthy and competent gentlemen, from whom j we can expect important aid in the good cause : of Democracy. HOIS, W.M. p. SCfpl** It will be seed by reference to the proceed ings of the Democratic Senatorial Conference for this district, published in another column, that the gentleman who heads this article has been nominated as the candidate of the Demo cratic party for Senator for the district compos . Ed o! the counties of Somerset, Bedford and Huntingdon. Jt is unnecessary for ss to speak of the personal or political character of MR. | SCHELL. He is known to the citftens of this Senatorial district, as an unexceptional man, in I every sense of the term. lie is deserved I v pop- I ular wherever he j.s known, and he will poll i such a vote as will astonish those who are cred- : : ulous enough to believe that we shall bemisrepre ' sented by a Black Republican Senator in the j next legislature. Let every Democrat do his duty, and WM. P. SHELL will be ejected be yond a pcrad venture. I —4-e—j T - ' Our landidates for Asscmliiy. i o-day we raise to the head of our paper,' the name GEN'L JAMES BURNS, Jn., on Bedford County, and that of DAVID HAY, of. Somerset County, as the candidates to he suppor ted by the Democratic party of Bedford county, for the next Assembly. General BURNS needs no eulogy at our hands, for he has long been tried in the balances of Democracy ami has never been found vvariti ng. We are con vinced that every Democrat in Bedford county ' I vvili raily to his support. MR. HAY is one of the sturdy yeomanry of Somerset county a' ! plain, honest, practical man. He will run an unprecedented vote in his own county. With : i such candidates as Burns and Hay, we may well 1 j hope for a triumph. AMERICAN MEETING. At the close of the W iimot Abolition meeting on I iiesday night, Dr. Compiler announced to the audience liiat an "American" meeting would be held in the Court House on the follow ing evening, to which he invited all who were disposed to give them a fair hearing.—The hour tor meeting having arrived, which was atunxw red by the ringing of tl e bell, tar.;. 1.01 .course , of people made their way to the Court House,) who were addressed by Dr. Compher in a speech of considerable length, in which he was warmly and enthusiastically clipered by his "American brethren.—The Doctor having passed rough shod i over the Democratic party, lie next proceeded to dissect the principles of "Republicanism" as promulgated by Wilinot, which he did in a ( manner tfiat struck terror to the hearts of the ' few Abolition leaders present, and t c/10 "sneak ed" out of the house when lie was about bait through, unable to stand thy withering ex- i posures he was making, lie expressed great disappointment with Wilmot pronounced bis ! speech an abortion—and said that bis appear-| in Bedford had,weakened the 'Republican'! cause, and that the ofteuer they brought him I here, the fewer votes they would have. He denounced the Republican doctrine, any filing to heed the J.oco Focos , as mean and contempti ble, and declared that he and tbe true "Ameri cans of Bedford county stood pledged to op pose Wilmot to the bitter end—that he was the unrelenting enemy cf Henry Clay, and was the only man in Congress from Pennsylvania who voted for fhe repeal of the tariff" of 1812! The Doctor charged tbe leaders of the "Amer caii party who had travelled the county with him last fall, making Fillmore, speeches, with having dastardly sold the "American" party to 1' n-'-inoiit on the eve of the election He said heeould name the men, (all knew who he truant) but as they were not present to defend thimselves he would not do so then, lie chal lerged the Republicans to refute what he was saving, and paused for a reply—but thev dared not Je also stated that SIOO,OOO had been sent intt Pennsylvania to buy politicians ami presses aru that that accounts for tire sudden change Iron Fillmore to Freemont! It is plain to be, therefore, tfiat there is a bitter l'ued be tueen the Abolitionists and the Americans, lo! tlnse many years. In view of this state of af fairs, what conscientious farmer and working nan fount! acting with a set of deprav. ■d leaders who, for gold, sold their party and heir honor (if they t -ver had any) as Arnold lid his country? At the close of Dr. Com >her's speed cheers long and loud went up for •Hazelhorst \nd the candidates running on his cket." Deluled as Dr. Compher is on the ibject of "Aoericanism," all must give him redit for being/tones/ in standing by his pro ssiour. Commodore 8 Cassin, mho was on the "re- Ired list," died o Saturday morning at George iwn, D. C. \ lion. James Locbart, the Democratic mern br ot Cengress frortjbe Evensvilie district, Ind, i it the point of deJ) by consumption. K. J. Cochrane, editor of the Spectator, las been nominated b tbe Democrats of Venan |o county for prothon. a ry. Granville J. Penn, of England, a great fraudson of the foundei\f Pennsylvania, was in larrisburg last vyeek. THE TRAGEDY ENDED. EXECUTION or DAVID STRINGER M'KIM. David Stringer M'Kim, convicted of the mur ' der of young Norcross, near Altoona, in Janu ary last, has paid the penalty of the 3W f u l cfime jby an ignominious death upon the gallons. He died protesting his innocence, and denounc ing, as .perjure! s and murderers, those who tes tified against him. lie made a rambling, wild and denunciatory ! speech of some length, in which blessing and j curses were mingled, protesting vehemently his innocence, and professing to have found the ! road to eternal salvation. On the scatfold, he was attended by R>v. I). X. Junkin, of J[ dli daysburg, and Rev. O O. M'Lean, of Hunting don, both of whom faithfully endeavored topn j pare him for his unknown voyage At 15 minutes to 11, he was brought upon the scaffold, 3nd about half past 1 the drop fell, ! and the unfortunate man was launched into eter nity. He diil not appear to die hard, his feet raised two or threetirnes, and his fingers twitch ed a little. The drop was about four feet, and did not dislocate his neck, though it is supposed to have rendered him insensible to pain. He was taken down, and placed in his coffin, after hanging about an hour. But a slight dif ference was observed in his appearance, his eyes were half-closed, his mouth was open, and his tongue, which protruded slightly, was cov ered with blood, ihs neck bore marks of the cord, and in one place the skin was badly cut. Immediately after the bodv was placed in the' coffin it was conveyed to the Pooi House, arid i buried at the expense of the county, his friends j having failed to fulfill their promise to call for | ami take charge of it. A large crowd of people were drawn to Hol lidayshurg by a desire to obtain a sisrht of the ] execution, and a morbid curiosity 10 witness j the horrible scene of a murderer's death; but : | they were dissppointeti, every one being exclu- j : ded except the clergymen, reporters, officers 1 and jurors. Much intoxication prevailed, sev j eral fights occured, and the county furnished lodgings for some of the disorderly ones, to w it: in jail. During the night preceding his execution, theuufortunate man attempted to commit suicide, i by opening a vein in his left arm, immediately j above the wrist, with a steel pen, but the guard discovered it, and the attempt was balked. He had written a speech, u hich is S3id to have covered some forty or fifty pages of manuscript, | but destroyed it before attempting suicide.— Tyrone Herald.' NORTH CAROLINA ELECTION". The Raleigh Stundurd, of:he 2Gth imst., pub- j 1 lishes the official vote for Congressmen in the respective districts of that State. The follow ing are the n ajorities of the Congressmen elec i ted: ' j Democrats. Majorities. H. M. Shaw, 3^ Thos. Ruffin, 5,324 Warren Win-low, 4,851 D. OT> Branch, 6,273 A. M. Scales. 729 Burton Craige., 5,855 ; T. 1). Clingman, 5,017 28,087 John A. Gilmer, Know Nothing, 847 Leaving n Democratic majority of 27,240 The "Old North State" has certainly (t waked up." and shown an example to the Democracy of her sister States for all time to come. FOUR IBOU-A.VD DOLLARS IN COUNTERFEIT MO NEY, A.VD FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS' WORTH OF JEWELRY SEIZED TX Sr. Louis. In St. Louis, on Cass avenue, on Tuesday last, Geo. Brnnson and I-adore Bessedeck, were ar r'sted, and in searching the house the officers discovered, yesterday's Leader savs, secreted jewelry,consisting chiefly of ladies brooches, lockets, pi 'as, bracelets, N.C., sufficient to fill a half bushel basket, and worth probably from to (iOO, also bundles of new counterfeit lulls, done'up quite professional!v, and "ready for trade,"' tothe amount of over S3BOO. These consist of 3's on the National Bank of Providence, R. J. • >"s on the Piitsfjeld Bank of Pittsfield, Mass. s's on the Chippewa Bank of Pepin, Wis. 10' son the North western Bank of Virginia, amt 20 s on the State Bank of Missouri, Palmyra branch. A large proportion of these are very finely ex ecuted, and would deceive any but the most ex perienced. Of the Chippewa s's and North western of \ irginia 10's a large number have been put in circulation, and some few of the Missouri 2ON. A WOODS MEETING. 1 here will be held on Mr. Baser'a land, 17 miles south of Bloomfield Furnace, Bedford county, a woods meeting, commencing on Sat urday afternoon September 6th, to last over Sabbath. Elders, Joseph Ross, of Middletown. arid J. F. W eishaupel, of Baltimore, ministers of the church of Gods denomination are ex pected to be in attendance to officiate. The public is respect fully invited to attend. GEO. H. CROFT, PR. IN CHARGE. NOTICE. I he Trustees of the Presbyterian Congrega tion have appointed Mr. Charles Merwine, sex ton of the burying ground, -belonging to said church, who will attend promptly and carefully on notice, to preparing graves and attending to funerals. ft is his business to keep the graves in order, and he will also attend to sodding and dressing them w hen ever called upon to do so. No other person will, hereafter, until further notice be permitted to dig graves in said yard, Eh is restriction is necessary to the keeping of the yard in order. C. N. HICK OK, SUPERINTENDENT. LIS L OR LKTTEKS. I REMAINING in the Post office at Bedford, l 4 Pa., Aug., 25th, 1857. Persons calling lor letters ia this lifet, will please say they are ad vertised. > Arnold Elizabeth, Adams Jacob, Baker John esq:, Noels John, Nay James C. Esq., Blodget John A. Riddle Margrat .Miss, Brown bee ,M. Mis-, Cro-broy W. Conelly Isaac, Esq. Casy Samuel, Clark John, Davis Mary Miss, Dale William Esq, Divelv Susan na, Mrs Ely Jacob Esq., Elynn Michael, Flonk Sam uel, Griffith Samuel, Griffith W. Gibbins W, P, Glad den Jacob, Hilabrant Shadrick, HuberGuttlieb, Ham ilton John. Har-hbarger S. E. Hall Jacob, Esq, Klass Valentine Lenshrcvin Mathiaa, Long Jo-eph C. Loii rher A. J, 2 I.ongernecker R. I.ovvrey J G Esq. Laf ferty John, Lewis Jane N Mrs, Lawrence Dillany, Londerbaugh John, Leyrmn A D, Means Margaret, Miller Joseph Mahomett Jeremiah, Mill Fchan, Mil ler Jusrar, Poorbaugh P. Pullon W. 2, Hiding Lewis, Schluchre John G, Stoulfer Davis, Summers John, Shunefeter Josiah, Jr. Simes Juliana,, lukesbrev Rocert J, Tyson John W, Wark Marv E, War men Ruth, Woodruff Caleb L, Esq: "> It JOILN A MOWRY, P M, Sep. 4, '57 Tin: MISSOURI ELECTION IIK -,, | Tiff BBM TRH HPIIiNT!! Siewarf, The Democratic Candidate Elected^ TO THE OPPOSITION" PAPERS Til AT CROWED OVER STEWART'S DI KE AT GREETI.VG: 1 ' J' _ \ ' " I IQIA L VOi'E. — St. 1. A -J(_ — The ITS iilt of of the election for GOVERNOR* which was held in the early part of THE month, and upon which there has HE HI SQ nmch specu lation CAUSED by the contradictory returns recM. j ved, has at length been determined by the offi cial report, R. M. Stewuit, Democrat", BEING E - L.-cted over James S. Rollins, Emancipationist, by 334 majority. The othcial vote stands: ' j For STEWART " 47,975 " Rollins 47 641 THE Yelloiv Fever is said to be prevailing very seriously in Havana. Some three hundred of the otiicers and crew of the Spanish line of battle ship Isabel Segunda are understood to have (alien victims to it. Nevertheless, the Spanish Government is, at this season, 'send ing out more soldiers there as if to be victims to the pistilence. the Mexican Consul died on* the 14th inst., of yellow leaver. cIU 3. i) r cvti scm c nt s. V ~WM SCHOOLS. ; DLE leachers and Directors of the Common 1. Schools of Red ford county, are hereby noti fied that the county Superintemiant will meet with them in their respective Districts, as follows: Napier, at the shool house in Schellaburg, Septem ber the :61H. Schellsburg Borough, in the evening of the 26th. Juniatta, at Buena \ ista on the 2sth. St. Clair,.at the eight square school house on the *.29 TH. Union, at the school house near John's Eieke'S dwelling on the 30th. Middle \\ oodberry, at VV'oodberry, on the tstdav of October. South Wood berry, at Pattonsville on the 2d, Oct. Harrison, at RISER S school bouse on the Olh. Londonderry . at £iidgport on the 6th. Cumberland A alley, at the house ol John May on the 7th. Southampton, at T'haneysyille on the Sth. -Monroe, at Clearvifte, on the Sth. Bedford township, at tbe house of John Hafer on the 10th. Friend's Cove, at the brick church, on the 1 tth. Fast Frovidence, at the house ot John Iky cum Sr. on the 15th. West I'rovidence, at Bloody Run (new school house> on the 16th. Hopewell, at the school house near Dasher's store on the 19TH. Broad Top, at Hopewell, on the 20th. Liberty, at Stonerstown on the 21st. Bedford borough, at the office of John P. Reed, Esq. on the EVENING of the tilth. Teachers and directors in particular, and the pub lic iu general are respectfully requested to attend. Business of importance relative to the interests of the schools will be transacted at each place. No pri vate examinations will be granted, excepting una voidable cases. HEN'KV HECK ER.A IA X, County Superintendent. Sep. 1, 1857. Estate of James Walter, deceased. IE 1' I'ERS testamentary having been grant j ED to the undersigned, upon the estate of decedent, iate oi Southampton township— notice is hereby given to all person indebted to said estate to call and settle the same, and those having claims will present them properly authenticated. DA AID WALTER, EsT. Sep. 4, 57.-Of. I'L BLIC isALK. R | MIR undersign. 'J will sell at public sale on JL the 3/ Octob r asxt x ou the PREMISES in (. hancysvil |e, Bedford county, I'a., one HOUSE AND LOT, WITH A STORE-ROOAF ar.d stable also erected upon the lot, being property BELONGING to the estate of James Walter, deceased. Ihe highest bidder the buyer. Terms CASH. DAVID WALTER, Ex r of Samuel V\ alter, deceased. Sep. 4, 57. Gift and Hetail Book btore! NOW OP]:NED TWO DOORS WEST OF THE WASHINGTON HOTEL BEDFORD, PA. NEW AND VALUABLE BOOKS TO BE DIS POSED OF IMMEDIATELY! Ojir plan is io Insure n Rapid Sole. VLL Books will be sold AS low as the usual retail prices — many of them for less. A SI PERB GIUT will be delivered with each book, without additional expense to the buyer. Our list of books comprises She works of the best American and European authors, bound in various styles, in Morocco, best Turkish, Antique, Gilt-edged, Muslin. Paper, \c. ike. We keep on baud, ID so, STATION ARY, including Gold Pens and Pencils, SILVER ditto, letter paper, fools-cap and writing paper ol all kinds, envelopes, inks of the best quality, kc. CIGARS of the choicest brands WIR also be found at our store, which will be sold cheaper than the cheapest. MCC AUSTIN K SHOEMAKER- Bedford, Sep. 4, 57. Attention Bedford Killrmeti! \'"QU are ordered to meet at your usual place _I. of training on Saturday the I9th Sep temberj next, at 10 O'clock A. M., in Summer uni form. A full turn-out is de>ired. Bv order of the Captaiu. * WM. RITCHF.Y, O. S. Sep. 4. 's7—'it. Orphans* Court Salo of Heal Estate. On Saturday September, 12, LS-57. la Somerset County, Allegheny Township, LATE THE PROPERTY OF HUGH SPROAT DEC. '♦ THERE will positively be sold on the premises, on Saturday the 12th, September, at one o'clock P- M the following REAL estate, viz: A plantation and ' tract of land, late the property ot' decedent, contain ing 330 acres more less; 125 acres cleared. The land is of good qhality, well watered and under FETIYE- There is alio, a fine young orchard of apples" and peaches on the premises. Any perSoii wishing a good and cheap property will find it to .their advan tage to ATTEND on tbe dav iot saU. T* R W CASH. F 1 - 1 ' " MAJFY SEROAT, . ! . ti.'HV. IN- NFOAN. -TSp. t, 's?. :• Ad'mrs.