THE ilFOHI) GAZETTE. Jnne t2O ? 2 G. W. Bowman, Iditer and Proprietor. Democratic State limitations. GOVERXOK: (i!e.n. V*an. F® Packer, Of Lycoming County. 1 CAXAL COMMISSION! U : Mmt. tfinjrod wJeicklaraj', (>t Chester County. Sl7 PR F. ME JUDGE : 55053. WKS- r-jroisjr. Of Berks oiinty. Uc2i. James Thomsssa. Of Erie County. - ■; „ Q ' v\> publish the Gazette on* tUv in advance o: the usual time to afford the young gentlemen connec ted with the office an opportunity to engage in the exercises ot' the Sabbath School Celebration which takes place on Thurs lay, of whit a they are mem bers. LA-The Examination an ! Exhibition of Allega ny Male and Female Seminaiy which took on tn-t Friday, in Rainsburg. was highly credttaide to all concerned. At the close, Kev. Mr. Hr.o;;krjban delivered a neat, pointed, and appropriate addre-g on the subject of education g,-nera;!y and the merits ot that Institution in p.utie; n:r. as connected with trie wants of the people of that locality. C[7~ liev. .1. J. IE .en:;- .. (Pastor of or" oi if" Presbyterian Churches in the City oi' Orlear,-,) and ■ amity, areamong the v - 'tins at tie Bed tori! springs, and are delighted with the place, bsall'n. ist b" who visit us. liav i. tiavtdled so great ad; :m .e to en joy till! bene.'d oi our waters and invigorating rpniin tain air, ive hope they may realize their b.t ,'lites£ anticipatior s. C~ The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania was to deliver their Opinion on 'l ues lav last on the Const i tutiormlity ot the Bill for tie -ale of the Ma u Li: The general impression is that they w II grant the Injunction asked for, end thus prevent the giving a way of the State Works ur.M tire PEOPLE have an opportunity to b • beard o 1 the ul i-wt. Th" Black Republican leader- advise ti. • Coventor to treat the ileci-.on of the Court with contempt it ,t d tot c;>- nciite with their views—-trample it beneath iiis feet 1 - -and thus proclaim himself superior to the Consti tution he has taken an Oath to support! They advis ed him to do the same t.. : g in rcf. rence to a appointment—he was sili • crioug . to ink their ad vice— and afterwards was con:;-!in! to acknowledge the outrage by a full recognition ot tb- < ficer h" had superseded by another appointment! lie will scarce ly be simple enough to become the tool ot -rich ad visers aga.n ! If he should, however, he will find himself as powerless now as then. CC? fie Pottsviiie Emporium pnbli-iies an ano: y mous letter, no doubt written by the editor himself, in which that Journal is represented as "one of the best democratic pop ti in the State." So lar from Ireinj* "oneot the be.-t." it i- no democratic p: per at all. Whilst it meanly floats at the mad the demo tic Ticket, it is one of the pet -beet • ot Know X'oth ing Abolitionism, and the especial friend of -uchrneit a- Echo, VVagonseller, an 1 Mar,ear. The Aboliii itrisls havo a time"' just now, in pouring the oil of comfort upon I liie heads of some of the Dorr, cratio canrlielates who dhi'nt kri"ck the "p isirtiti • uts" 1 (jtiTties tlny ! They commence with "Weil, Mr. A. you must have heen Drri ! iv t ir ,i! uwk. i—ven were the only man we circa lei! I : ! \. u r.ic ceedird, we would have just In. eked under without a struggle—hut now, with vunr aid, we can h.-ut them just as < :.-v n- wc <•: ..hi sw a|- ' low a shiVfEs he.rd, W . ;i, 1.. .; ns. nil!"— When they cure ami burv t. :r own Woiirt •••,! arul deati they will h: 'J 1 1,,.: t r.- nrtich on i t i as Uiey can wo! 1 ait mi • ~ .• The n.ii-hv in vi., ! 1 iarg an : rtled nice,o i a-' SAT! fiDA V vetjitie. and was ahly r Mr- - •<: by M. - Sh .-in .. I jessna, and s&ir.g. Mr. S> .s- t-.i the \ti->:iti i:i S!a:;d-rs rigmi-t (Lai. Backer on the siibji rt of the "ji ; Law" in eioqfirt and fo.-ci ile tern.s. He pr wee ' v the J '.vrials, v he held in his hand, 'that Gm P. had never voted lor " FHK Jug Law nor it;- Law." 1 .tat the char*r. \■- . \ . a ] e<_t:ni!ii , j to '•nil, and kttdwn to be FALSE, n -il ic i us] t'AL>il, by tiios • who eave it p:..r.!!. = tv. Air. a. promised to carry tic- Journals to • v rv t,w n -.iifi in the, a id pre vo to the people the truth of w.uat he a, anr! rc-hi-ij succesM'.'l contradiction. Mr, Snng showed ti nt whilst Mr. Packer had v led inrst: rnitlin/ t tion of ♦'Prohibition" to the decision of' the people at tin' a i lot -' -ox, -i:-. Ji uD.\ \ had gi ven the casting vote in t!i u Si-nate fortiie infa mous Jug Law against the verdict of a rnamritv i•! upwards o| 1 ] ;.J votes reroi r>• the fret men of Bmifird c.iiintv ! We will give a full history of tiris case in tae n--.\t (.azette. L'tmoukatic i Kit j; -us.— in noticing the last four months' continuous victories of the Demo cratic party, the L"to a ( f.v York) Observer takes occasion to sav; "Triun.phs rapidly perch upon the dentocrat ic banner. Citi s am! counties and Stales which declared against us last tali come into the dmr, >- cratic lines again as fast as new electious take I'lace. The party n -ver was er. urag d !v more successes, n.ore unit' n . and f!at!"rin • than have been chronicled wit! ♦, a few months past. i ne success of tin" democratic party is a mat ter of surprise to our opponents, ami tie \ are continually charging it t.j bribery, fraud,' tin love id spoils, and other base mo-•>. Ent Pje secret of the matter is to In- found in th* f, )C t that the jvartv has u-ell-defir.-d and n-tai.-lisije.i principles, which are alike applicable t.< nati m al, State, an ) Irmai election*, and which a •• thoroughly indoctrinated in the public mind. It i- the democratic * •ntimont, if we tray s,. t m it, burning in the hear'.; of the ma-s of th- p,o p|e, which gives solidity, strength, and ti r petu ty to party. .Men tun trai* rs to it now and then; a popular furor sometimes staggers it: hut it goes on its steady, even course, conquer ing and to conquer." I/ - "* Miss Sarah J. Colburn, of Chapdin, Conn, died on Lst Tuesday, week, Itom the bite ola black spider— the third death this sea son from the same cause. The (hewing feat nip, and binding the hrni. •ci herb upon the wound, is said to oe a perfect antidote. . "Mr. Tucker, the democratic nominee, u clecied Attorney General oi' Virginia by no wards of 50,000 majority ! exceeding th ~; u. jority given to Mr. Buchanan by 30,'H)0 ! Tins is what the Democracy of th- old K-y-j stone inf -nd t - do—(n!y a little u. ;c s -.! { i HOV. WALKER IN killS. v Ve find in an extra of the Tope* o Statesman, issu- ' ed oil the i■ Th in-;., a J til 1 report of the late aJin.ia ; ble .-peech oi (iovernor Walker to the Free-state malcontents rongiegated at that j iare. fhc logic a: J the (.ovemor are admirable, and uili-t meet with the eoncurrerwe of every riglit thir.king man of every party in the Territory. The visit of Governor \Va!k- r toTopeka was in respoii-.e to an invitation wiiicii he received, Horn it- resident inhabitant-. After t-eiirg intro .'uce.i by Colonel lio!- rvday. at d aihtdtr.i To the past condition of the Ter ritory Cover, or Walker reiterated bis before strong iy expre-s-i! opinion, that, ri the (.'or.verition did not submit the Constitution they made to the people, Congi. -- wouii air! should reject it. On tins point ho said: '■lndeed under whatever specious di-guises any other docttine mttv he presented, I believe that ttie^, nian who de-.res that the u.iru.rtty of the people j! est.iblish institiJtiof.'- for the majority is, what ever tie in r. call himseii, neither a itemocrat nor a Repubtiran, but a monarchist or an A desires that th few shall govern lie runny, wherea the great fuTidanrental doctrine that Ires at th- bas.s . <■ ' all American institutions, and upon which they all repose, and which ha- been carried into suecess .i.l operation in every State but Kansas, arid winch, gentlemen, with your aid and co-operation to sustain ti , it is my sowi re hope shall oblain its fullest re a!.r..itioti here. tin' rule oi the majority. ■• V.>'a'. then, gentlernen, a- to tie mode in winch this i- to be accomplished, i pre time we ail agree at least I hope we do—as to the "3bctlme linrt the :.ij: o; : v ol the people n; the territory of Kansas -ball esi.ibl ii Ih.-. r ou n iton : .tni >n, and introduce such S . .1 1 estlttition - 11. • r.1.; i Illy- pren-r. But how is t to be The i • egress of the Enited Slati - ha- establi.-iicd for Kansas but one mode oi .!■•- t -ii on ts..s -abject, rmd iiiat aciiorr <> thrniigh the Vt rrrtor a! L< gisiature. ♦•That Territorial Legislature ha*, in resp-*et to . the ant.-ior ' . over lb - • -lion, be:i recognized by act- of < a.' gre... ni IS";, a. ! lS'i". 'i hat Legis !iur has caller: a ( ouvention to assemble in Sep t'cmhef tiexf. That Csnstitution tbry will or they ! will i .it - i'-mit to the vote of tf.e majority < t the then actual resident settlers of Kansas, ll they do to'" thus -ci rn.t °. ! will jo :. v.ui, fellow-citizen-, m lawful > :ti• ;to tt.e'.r course. [Cries oi 'goody ~.d ( i.eer-. j And I cam ot .louht. gentlemen, thai one mucu liigl '-r than 1, th> Chief Magistrate of tire En on, v- ii torn vi nin op; os :• -in. But. g> i tlemen. tor myse . I cam ot doubt i. at Tic-.: Convent.hi will -übrnri an 1 - iiiun .- tliev may Iran •. !or "lie ade p" ... or ri j ■ ct. -ri of the whole people .•; Kan sas, to a I who sre ti i'.v or then r. ay he trctuid bona / ie. 1 ~t -eflrrs oi :ne Terntoiy u| K insas. "ll ti.ev reject it, there i- an ei i ol that conven tion. It l.a- perlortned its office; t has adjourned never to n.• et agon. [A voice: 'What next.'"] What text, you ask, gentlemen ? There t'.vo other verv easyexit; iri.m the dd'iculfy. rind, ns the < •■'strou a j one, i pr.-.j. '-e to mnw . ;t.— 1. October next, nut under the.act of the late Tei ri toriai Leg'- bit rise, bnt nr. b-r t: * lav.- of Congress, von, the w irolc p.eople of Ka >;t . have a right to e >ct a in legate to Cor gre -. a: !•> elect a Tern'ori ai a: -i tlirough 'e..: Lcgi-lattire, sou ca.. s; your view-, ar.d tn-truct them either to rail aI. \V eonvenfou) to submit a new co;;Stltnl>OP if r th" con-iderat • i, of the peupl *, or t!; v can i ■- struct their delegate- to Catigre- - chose;, by a ma jority of their own vote-, to ask Congress to pa-* a Isw anil: ; veg the ; op; o 1 to for a S'.u!e_ C on-'; * ur;on .or tjr| - , 'I he (Kivrnor then paid his fflpsell to that rnise ral holds. o: f.o t u.l tin- i'i ,;"ka C- r stitusion w Inch it sorts the purposes of n.aicoroi it- io sustain, lie -a: vi: '•Then, t" '"••• ri, w . is :; 1 other mode which - pre- :t. nil ar- Jilnm: io have sis-eis.i.h ■! iu-rc at Top ... n.'Xt week, w!,.r ; called the Free- tate Xegi-ial'sie, briny tell you to.:: :bcy are now a bot : i '<*r, .a . g.-'aluro . i':e -Tat. ot K:io sa-. r \'hc I etc i that '. ;-! :?ure ! ;\ v dee: 'The people.'] i'!;e people ! Why, the whole vole given lor your so-caMed cons!dntion, a- cl.nai 'l tiy your -elves, was Jo -t -uie tbousa.. ! seven hundred am! thir ty-or.e, '.vhereas ther-' are 1 rv regi-tere.l over ten the i-ni. : v tes o- resident here on to • 17th of March last, I'Xciu-:ve c. the thcais-.rids ommittcd or who have ariiv. "re .ce that date. The people! l: their wilt,*} .s'liHild the rppsTitrvtion j '■ ' • . ..., ir w.ii ... .. ioptron or not / A voice: 'Ye-.'; "1 "t. g. •.•' p ? ; i t' • great I'M''-lion. -o far as i!.:v. reconce: •.!. I'u r ! rtn' ersT ii:d ! lut von claim to be a f'ate r-.j , end That >om - . ca'leil Leg -la ture. c.u' ■ by a si...di nn >i. -to. cote. . p .po-e This misetable m m.rity. CoWsfitOting; rot t'he-tenth . ol th" people c Kansas, pr .pn-e—tn nb - olnte defi ance . t til. ; ct- ■ , t'ongre- ami in op-rl ret- 'Kn run: , \ .r.i, g.-r,tlemen, trot only ..gaii -t the Territo rial ' -ws, but oaa ■ -t th" lac s -tu! Covermnent of the ! -- a T as-.Hr.!>!? here, and. , present ing one thousand seven hundred and thirty-one p. >- ■ el", impose ' i s constitution by force upon the peo -1 !'-• <•: Kansas, 1 y t.." enacunent or law-. [A v<> ce: ♦Wheie are :he tea tid vot".- that are :on the record ?'j Sc.-ne inadvc: t-;t,tiy omit'ted— who wo 1 i not reg .tr -, - .; *! "iisnni *w ho live ar; ved •since ' ' iof March Est. A< r sard- th • reg,- ivr. fiivwver, 1 say to yo.i that rt i< ot comparative!v 1 :'• • ••• co. • lu-ric.', if the ton tit lit en be subiriittcd I t . - ral voices: I hat is right.' Another voice: : ' '■> .• 1 "lit ti. bogus law- j And now 1 atn a-k -'••!: 'V.'' lihont the bogus la*, s Why, your very Governor, Mr. Robinson, b&> acknowled tho-.e bogus aw* b" putting .nf effect a charter passed by that ! ogii* Legi-lntiire. and so have many of yoti and rtearpy all i ie people ol Kansas. And if the bogus .eg; Mature ha- power tojw-- charters, it l.'r- power to pi- s v.: . ot!.. r i c.v nut tn co: fliet w.t'i the Co -tiltitidn of the Unrted State-. ! A voie.e : 'IT-v.v are iho-" in.sp.'ct irs to be appointed •"] They must he appointed lairiv ornl impartially, of course. [A voice : 'V. .o to ap, oint CJ I doubt not that te ( u:: v cut.on will pr- a ;a.r. just ami impar tial method, as they do in other State-. jA Voice : J ' 1 hejr d;d, in giv ing i. two hundred and eightv vo ters 111 county." Laughter.[ Well, gentlemen, iet ii- look at that rpie-Tion: What have These Iwo ' hundred and e.glity voters to do, if you have a!i a tair vote next fall on tire Constitution! [A voice : j 'There has been np census-taker.'jj That has noth ing on earth io do With the question. "Lit while I -oust deeply regret and deplore the circnoi-tance that there has been an insufficient een sus, what am I to tii.nk w hen told by those who pro le-- to represent the Repuh! car: party of ti.i- Terri tory, that they tell you rfia* you shouhl neither reg •ster ror vote. no were kept from regi-ter'ng, as you all know, by lo'lnv.v.g tbeadvjcr* ol these i>artv leaders :? yours, and then complain they cannot vote. .on em it! have r'g,-t"re open rebellion against the Government of the Ui, ted States, to which you tell me yau do not mean to resort. "Now, then, i repent that 1 come here for the pur pose ol restoring and perpetuating peace, but i tell von candidly that rnv instructions and mv oath of of 'ice require trie to put down the execution of Mich laws, and, for the good of the people of Kansas, they inn I and will be put down." Tfe Workingit of rftariroiiiillfc. An English clergyman, who left England to join the Morm returned to London iti September hist. He has just published a volume giving his opinion of Ihe saints found in the vicinity of the Great Salt Lake. We quote: "One of the most repulsive features of Mormon- Em - the proxy -y- 'ern. Th l - so destructive to cry good and honest feeling that many staunch Mormon.tcs r : ec{ it altcgether. 1 heard one oi the old-st discipt-s . a y. that nothing on earth would ev er persunih- him to believe .!, and that :! he had a • tog that b lieved it. he n,,:,| I shoot him. Nor :ii any reader b; surprised when he knows what it i<— 1 will endeavor * > explain it brietly. Wlten a mar ried man is called by conference to a foreign ms . -am. he has the pv v lege, a- they call it, before leaving home, of choose t>.ne one to take o versight of hi* cattle. cood*, and whatever lie may no To provide for and overlook trie family. and to become the pro-tempo re husband of tiie ; wit's." The ostensible reason for ths arrangement is to r prevent the h'u-baml from "suffering any 10-." du ring fcis absence on missionary labor.-, -itsce the greatness of his "future. kit..doiii" depends upon the runt r <■' iMreti h- ha- lirrs To carry out his I !ea. the wit - is h i tub d over to a (fepn?y-husba: !. • who irtnintain* hi-position in the family until th ' husband returns base and immoral as ibis theory may be, it is strongly advocated by the leading tm-u at the Great Salt l.i.kc. WTe again quote the return ed cferg v man : '•Bat there i something more awful an I para li lting tti.ill nil 1 have vet narrated. I rr.e.ui the lear ul sin of incest, \vh ch i- ... intimately and clo-ely com; "ted -.v tb p. 'vgainy. I could particularise iu s'attces where mother nod laughter are married to the -ariie man. and live with bitn and his wives: others, where brother and sifter are man and who, a 1 soil. 13r m'i ■ - g. ;■ g One I jam tins the Tabernacle, said that he hop-d that the day was not Cut d -tar.t w n those principle* would be more fully taught and acted upon, and that cbi; Ireil would be brought up to regard each oilier as Attire p.iitn is, for that tbus the family would be come more compact." _A- a 'ca-e i! pom!," w '.viiiil . n.— tion that some JO mouths slrice a rran at Liverpool, who held the of (ice cf counsellor to the British Pr sidenry. who ;id ed by the authorises there and tin* emigration fund, persuaded a family oither, mother, and threedangh- They had 1. en a highly respectable familv, aid their ch iract' r is 'rreproavh ibic. On nrr.v . g at tin r destination, the missionary demanded the three ■ daughters in inarr age, and the ; irents gave a most reluctant consent. This man of Go ! (as he st \ led 1 mself) was married l>v Brigham Yoithg to th '-c three fh * same t is-* i > ?I.■ neopl ■n| P'rii:'.--, Iviinin, thai there .-' '"'!■■• to ! :'e I', r. U.S. vJv a:;i !i i; ] r . ?' ay. I. - pi: alive usiirj atj it* !: is b -.-n ally g- .wing, add it has at in-t ret *h -.1 t! atpoint which mak**. was a ti - ;-." when the t'-fe -,.t H representative-- ;of the r.*op> thttiil ! th* :rs fv- s liable to the ] will Of Ih' tr ("-,t:s!it"efi's. am! owed so::" j'c --pnusi!-ility: i' w ail : a p-ath • tfir* r irti iaftoiis .1 svietv haver c-ntiv Veen overturned a*-'! the r-xneri *nce Ed n.p'S :• : *(:t- ' ! . H .•> are vet th* masters ol on row nag • !--. and a ' i :h -er law"' than tk •! which li-w ptit tij m Ihe sfalnto i ofik, —nltert iti levity, out nm:e fre quently iti cotruf-t• -rt— ; ;itt !--s and regulate >: (' ** a,.airs of the ..titj >*i. \V* have a(' g.s'itsi!: n to which vv.* can a* y -al. and w q so, p. all en* rry <>( hop" ami rrittscioustp • ; of <-af'Hv Ihat <■ irrect reason and •- ■ !'• <; s- curil- ttssnr -. she exclte.Tiont ol u da v. nsv had into error. . Phis is natural to man: .. .' the purchaser! action of diity retains hot!, its sUiirt and if-, con il i- the public "' er looked at the fj Ttr-s it: this inifjui! us argain 1 We are jn deft fortv mil!i ns. Taxation varlv inc; -,ies. Jii-' t 'he moment the Slide Works became profitable —an ink r! qrnr, s nI!• -ss as it is p! fita 1 ie cluints a right wlrich no law can reco-niy**, and no vested privilege can aiipr ;vv, to ;'g th-* public improvements and pay n .( a tithe , f their valuation; Hav vv< become do ?!■ t-*ner that Constifiiti-ms 1-nve no efb-ct. and Imvs at" treated as jests? Ihp groat r; lib rof th 'Vorl t is acknowledged an emancipator, and ios'iy so, because sfje -rives wealth, lm: - pine-; and chi istianil v lo the nations which ?!:*• j c-ioqii its. ft is ht-r vocation. f 'it what -hail g'-* av of a power del a-aler! at Erst witn r- striction but growmcr a ! .-. >lute at length thTOMjIi the strength of its importar re? We sti!' ire free ami hope'to remain so not withstandinn; t!ie gradual ajtrr* cati in of ( rative ins h-rice, hut tiie (.'uv will surely y un it .corrupt or ignorant leyisia'i he enc -u i-o ■' -tiie Ilussian serfdom will b>* liiierty, n:i i i.itc-l -:•*( t " reduced to a enditt ui ol s-rvi'u ie. VV e us* have no na-i-T !ut the jmblie v ie ; fairly expressed. Jf the Slat- Works are t sold, let (tie 'ple-'ti --n be su";:;:!!•■!(, tbi , !*i"V k: ow :b-ir uilit", Hid cau iude ■ accmat• - !y of tb-ir imp-, tance. The tijrur 3 p.-op.-riy udjnsted will tut lie. Why shoui l the State-1 and of course tlie taxpayers jjive th • P-nnsv'!- vania Railroad Company, thirty millions t'd'd , i irs and pay that corporali in manv oth'T mil :li >n to take t!:e works? The very slur: bprs o! 'he m.urimotfi are noxious. What*then shall he ; her strumri-s f- r power? Think of this and act reas .-nahly. \'ti!a * The famous female traveller, Jda PlVifT r, was : at last accotints st Mauritius, w here ghe was ' -e en. st i> a merchant named Lat: ' ert, with whom she conl#mp!afr| visifins Aladagasgar about the of April. S-me two wars -* '• fjiptli'Tt paid a v;-.t tn "M R.ivant ■ , in .'ladag.isg ir, and was well received by ht-r dusky Majcs'y. From the Washington Union. MOW ITMffl! ITS ORIGIN 7 , RISE, AND FALL. Disappointment is ever Fruitful of schemes to revive hopes and secure lotig-sotiglit but '.in attained objects. Idte deni icratic and whig parties contained ambitious rtvti whose merits had not been estimated .y their patty friends ! according to their r.tan-.iaa:s, and, cons* ijuently, had met with political (iisappointnieuts which th>y could rot h-ar with patient resignation.— I Krtow'-Nothirwigm originated in these disap ! poirftimmts, and was tiurs 1 into aciivily kv newly inspired hopes. The originators sought Ito organiz • a new party, of which they should • become tin* prcdiliog lead-is, which should ap j p-al to the pride of t;rlh-place, and to prejudi ! ces supposed to ue easily eAciteii agamst a reli gion nut welt understood and professed by few | born within the TTtiion f and to secure the ad | vantages of a p ipular mum*, the new party was christened "Ann : A an,"' although En I upon an illiberality and a bigoted prejudice ton ign to the principles and instincts which secured liber ty in A m-rica. Coriscidcts that the prirttiples umn which the scheme was Im- ,1 com not bear th- test of o pe.i public scrutiny, tbey were veiled in v*cre >y,aud all its arrangements, views, and object?, were sealed with au ; nth. To guard those ; whose docreti m coul I not he trusted IV irri the I danger of revelations, all \v re charge:!, upon fe-iviug liu ir s-cret political lodges, to make one uniform reply to every p issi'de qu-sti n, and lo gay I "know nothing," which cnF*rred the '• home by which the p-ulv has been dislii .-rush ed. i its.- scheme of il ;s:og the mouth wit ft a falsehood avoided an avowal of inilefeitsihle principles and prt*c!ii-.h*d a di cm-i-n which mi -ii:i! n, be pp. in ted dt mocrat; often drew int 1 . and sir Meted to the inflwnce of those mi 'night , political c 'nclhves sufficient numbers to secure 1 a triumph a? the | )j 'ik<, and especially in cite s were secret cotnbin'a'ior.s are most ailv mana g- :!. Many were f!np*-d ; the fui.t-agers n-'t rieg unsuspecting den.oc:at-that, in the , no. : the democracy would he I, m fft'ed, while the like unblushing as- m r tion'trat whigicn w:-t:!d al he he hen-htt I was made to unsuspecting whigs: Ai *w leading spirits controll.-d ev. - r eg in r themselves, thus submitting to a p: liti- il s' .very unequalii-d within our limits. The !. a !••:■> ordr-r -d tl. ur sub irdimtes wh >n and 1 ow to vote, and wh :n t i expel fr >m the ; i!:s. ,T; 1 directed the cpplicati tl of f rce when dee necessary m i safe to : rev. at their adv. r s.'.rii s f;-.n exercising the rights of freem-n.— In t!:e execution of tlmse lodge eli.*ts 'dooo has b" :i fre<*!y -h *d in this (Vv, Balao.ore, Aw C'rlear.s, and other cities, including Louisville, where the torch, as well as the musket and bludgeon, wreak'd vengeance even upon inno- • cent w : ,et; and children. S cc -. s fus ac quired were naturally temp raw. The 1 qati.s and cfniiovances fhr root. Ring the we!J meani'.g and ignorant were rev. a!- .) !>v thus" wfnse c inscient;- nsness could n i not lie longer rector,rib-.t to there. The d nuncio' ims wliich onevt indignation and patriotic, f.-eting heaped upon tl. -:* wretched and wicked confrivancs carri-'d Conviction t• tn -us.ti that such oaths and < ntrivanc s r .usiitot-- I tr- 0- >u t > .0. on!--, religion, :md liberty, and thereep n tk \- c.-m -g-n red 'he '.vol- of renoum ing 'hens. Toe filers Were compelled, at l-is! m form at. 1 pretence, t 1 •iml Ith ir - ere; . p.-rati >e.s, i:- I! : ling ! o.'ir .-atl's ten ling to S- .. n g-:i: t v br>- tf • tt, e\--n >t c tots • f '•.•stir*-, a- !< it ■ !•• f She p ole wi'h a putdic dec in it: ct f politi cal principles upon which tbey professed to • 'and. Fr co t at dav t e do-ai of )W-noth ingtsm was scaled. TfiiHV States I ; -t f.,!l ;mr. .1 am.: r.*pu bated the i'libeoi! am' mirrow [ rir;r• • :-- the ord-r. To M:'.rv!and al :•* was i- served the distinct inn of an np; arent ap t.i of what her t' irty -isf.cs bad emphati cally Con iemne-f. It i- due h<*r ad ! Uut th** record- ' vole was not !h-> Will or voice <1 a ■ rif v of I: r vote.-:.' Tim war up a at! net native-born deterred .hundreds, ami probably \ot .w!:! ■ large '.e'rs -• fp. .10 .' quii-t -ievifig C.i'l; lies vrilv -! :i i front tlm >th were 1 1 rt \ 1 l':om ie" polls by ri lence and V . ' ! .. V< ' ;V • ■ . k: • - if .- ii avoj and ; ;i v autl.ol iti. s u.-.-ii ue suitable .-xer ion- to |.n:t ct tin* voter, or to r<-strain, or urre.-t, < r punish tin* aggrtssois. Had the vol in Marvland,been a (nil an i far um* she would hav ■ n übed her condemnation of the i!|i era! 1 ! int leraiit princifdes.oi tin* Un >w-nothi;igs. A'fhotigh the e v aci.lfvc in <. ca>ional local -ore,-s th: ugh th" m a:m :-u. c -sfußy used in party has fallen lr> rase no more. VV in-n its se cret operations w.-r- a' .iijdoned its power was annil Hated, and it f. il, and the hart! of resur rect i m will never com.* to its res. tie. There is too much ii —raiity of j . .uciph* and Christian sympathy tied r.di-giousc! a: it v in tiie hi a.-'s of Mir j ■ iip[e t > secure the sta! i'ltv or success of a part v win ■sdec Ia: rnloon llt rests upon lot h !>la( " and mtob-rance towards a single so t -n -t"t!oitii :g supporters in the dem ocratic ranks. Those rorh.crlv wbigs who can r." 1 >. g*r ad •1 -1 I!;.* p. 1 inciples and practices of int ■ Ie; jtibsect, and have no infinities for j black :• pi. licantsm, will 1 aturallv be attracted b\ t!i• true principles of d-mor.iacy, ami their hem-Scent r suits-, ami join our standard and form a portion of the only liberal party existing among us. We shall-Sunn have, as firm.'rly, hut tuo paiti' Sin the count;y ; the democrat ic, devoP-i! to the constiluti n, the Union, and li! eral principles ; and it- adversaries, by what ever name th v may be known, who will be their opposite iti wliafev-r concerns . MOPE. ON.—Physicians t •i 1 yon tn avoid all rat ent or sdvrrti-ed medicine. Why? Simply because it is to their interest. Take any one particular dis ease. organic or di-rruct Ive in its character, and there are remedies advertited which infallibly cure:, whiUt it is a well known fact Physicians experiment, tam per with, and in sorr.i: instances, effectually destroy life. We have seldom heard ola remedy which is so uniform and M.cces- nl in arfion as Hurley's Sar sapariiia, and would rerornrnei d it to the afflicted for al! diseases wlrich require a purifying or reitorative action 011 the system.— Ut. Lvm's Leudcr. THE FIRST l ■; FROM KEXTUkV. Re.'lisrtpfion of the. lM'iiavUh District. The L iuisville papers of the lfilfj inst. con i tain nearly cornjdeU returns of the election held Oh the prt'Cfdit.g day for Judge of. the court of appeals. Mr. Buliitt, the independent democratic candidal'', is elected over Wheat, k; o .\-Nothing, by a handsome majority. |;, : the city of Loui.-ville the Krlow-XotWiug loss is • 1,1 1-7 ! Tin* (' uiribT sivs : '• Elsewiiere the reader wiil fuui i.-sii't of the vote in this city w l-i'ii 1 v fu- Judge of the court of app-is. i: show - that the km>w-noth ing majority inlieiilv bis dwindled from j,- b! 1, wh..t it was ,n '. >venv er last at the iT -i -dentiai el. ction, down to (ihi, wTiich it was yesterday, show inga nett loss for tiie plug |'g- I ies of 1,117 .' I'll is is aWi ludej'fui iidiiel 1: ellt tor the independent ami national me n of the < r.y, when it is considered that they titer* d in to the contest without any organization what ever, while the ping ug!i> s had been hojding their secret ire-tings uigl.tlv, drilling their for ces, ami usitig every possihie effort t-> firing out their vote. The pfug-ttglv organ, a; ~ c'id e vety thing in its power to excite its partisans, and appealed to them to bring out their j'uii vote il they had any regard fir the existence of their party. - the r<-;,ult yesterday ib > sto the democrat ic jiariy what thev can accomplish hv a ttt.-iough and . iiicient organization. With >ui:ii organi zation they can carry I/misviile hv a majority of one ti - imand vot..s! Tli. re is not a particle ol a.'it ol this. Let every u.ou.e: !, therefore, Iron 1 tins to toe election tie properly o proved, ami Tiiom:!-' 11. II t wiii be,our re xt < sent ative in < origr. s.s." An aitem. t was made bv the finow-iiolhings of L ;f!o to renew the Jnurderoi'l3 outrmh-s ■.I torm. 1 years, ith the \i■ a- f iviug d.*tt..- coat.s i'.om tim p lis. ]t wiii he -t .-n liom tiie following, which we copy fiou; the I. uii>vule i Democrat, that the attempt was mishccessfu!— t minks to tiie_ fi. rr.i'e*.-- ami heroic example of such men as C i jih-I Preston a:..1 Judgv Bul litt. "VV " had ibi.e.e.'i that we had announced the last "tillage upon live Mtif.;g- in this city, i 'd it seem.- we were altogether too sarigiiui", and cori tideii too loudly 111 vain linp-s. U'e makefile eon, s-i-ui in s':.::;v, rut til— Dels lorce the con fess; .it that toe smcli!v ola Judicial election is no protecttofi against law-ows and outrage U; N trie ballot n.e; in tins city. Tie* ontniges joi which we coei p ;iti were initiated and vote. A know-nothing i.e.:!'. here interposed, making an insulting ob jection to his entrance. Col. William Preston, J.whl;;; !'\ 11 ll:t, Ui ! olher gi '.tit'ilien, who were & fnizan! of f ii- applicants rigiit to vole, in-i-t- 11; -. :j * .ie shoiil.i ie aduiit f vd. Tit is was I In- .-•gri'-i lor 'ia a .1-1 ve attack upon Mr. Pres. ton and iiis ft-m'-, which !•,! to a dispiav of arms by h .th poli s. Ft:n o s'ruc'irig the entrance I ■ the ' alio; b -x—the disturbance was quelled with out the shedding of blood. It nav h-sro !, :n liunor of Co!. I'r- s' n, Mr. Bullitt, and a few gallant m- n who surrounded thru.l uj • n that occasion, tint th v rr:a ;•* 11,< first noble statu! for free suffrage in this citv since the terrible and di grac. fu! r-f \ngust, i's M). A ith- I. b E'Vr'j-j i ,I j!,".: -bv U ■ ' r-'lirgs who tbongi;; to awe f!■> m from t-'ie us -barge of tlielr duty as fr.. men, If.- v as -y \v< re j rompted by l.igli ar.d manly t;.o 1.-S. I'rorn the Washington Union. ; < .I 1 ,;,S 1 A') 3; ii*■ ii {■! i'l, . ASILv i" MA. the Reystone D ! crarv fiave nominated tin- genti-man I >r a at on the Sucreme Court : i.encn of It is State. \\ e have lonj known him ami had tl"* pl-Hsure of congratulating him iast week. Air. ftiompson is a native o! the Com-j munwealth ol Pen;-vlvania His parents, tho" most respectable, had no fortune with which to pay hi* way todist-inciion. He ow* sto his own talents and energy, and the keen discrimination , of the Democracy of his native State, the dis tinguished position which he now holds before j thee uutiy. In his box hood he learned tire art ami mysteiy of printing, in a democratic of fic • at Harnsburg—an einpfovment in which the leading traits offiis character were striking- ' Iv displayed. After learning tiie business he published a de; critic paper some years in Ven ango county, where he acquired a high reputa tion I ; While performing Lis duties as j editor, be was s -vera! t:m"S elected to theLe- j gi-dirtute, and was on two or more occasions e- L-rled speaker. He commenced reading law; wliiie ci-tiduct ng his paper, and soon became -li-:imguishe i a- an apt scholar, readily master ing its principles and the reasons upon which timy We, • iti; dr d. II" ins ever been less (its-j ti.uguisbed a- a bookman than as an original and pi found thinker, iiin.-trating his views by a recognized common sense, which is tim key to : his sucre-s as a jurist. ]]e settled at an early j day at Erie, where he secured a full and Iwcfa-! live practic**. IK* was soon called up. , N t , dis chit; t. 1* * duties of district Judge. Fully ar prect.iting his talents and character, his"neigh t ors and acquaintances soon required his ser vices in Omgress. His triumphant election showed tiie estimation in which lie was held bv' those who knew him best. His legal acquire ments and high cbaract r soon placed him at i the load of tie* Judiciary Committee of the Hons:—a posit 1-n appropriately devolved upon the'est legal talent of that hod v. No one has Iter discharg-d the duties of that arduous po sition. Att r.l few vears service as a Repre taiive he voluntarily relinquished public life, and devoted himself to the duties of his profess- j ion, soon securing a large and profitable practice, j Exr- ft w hen lie yielded some three years since to tiie request nl all parties to represent his county in the legislature when their local in terests were deeply involved, he his remained in private life, devoted to his profession. While j • thus employed, the sagacious democracy turned' . at" C.*7rm?Tm their attention tr, him to fill orif ,( the vacan on tiit l j;' iJc'l occasioned by tls retirement i j i| jiji of Chhf Justice Black and Judjce L"\vis.| T his selection is alike conplimentary ! - him and to th sagacity of the Convention vvhi'-;, led ttjfin to make it. His elector), which we de;n-f":tjin wiifclo credit t-. f ; .> voters wto secure it. H • will bring to his Judicial chities tale; t . and acquirements afaptei to the positi and will acquire new honors in the di>. of bis bigli duties. VVe are unac t j 1 1: i: 0-' 1 I with !,]-• colleague upon the tickt, but We noiiiit not that the nominalincr mvqttkiu Wi re ' qu.ti. y as fortunate in his selection. A SIXGL'L 111 CliiCl MSTAXCE. Says the Potts* ille il gi-ter : The family -,f an I ! resident of this borough was a dry or since, by cri• s lor assistance, pro ceeding { r otn an attic room in which a female (. r.v s'ic. slept. A member ol' the ijimily has ti-aed up siaiis' to the eiij\, room, and found her literany covered with blood and in a fainting condition. i'he door, the wall and the floor were covered with blood. She bad her left arm tightly clasped aiomul the wrist of her right arm to check the blood which was spirt ing ifuni a partially severed aitery. Alarmed at the scene before him, the v. ting who first reached the apartment called furaddittonal p -ta::-. ", which sooflTSfrr ived in the p„ rson 0 f the hea lof the family. i'he girl then fainted I >•! 1 f hi.xrd. A physician was immedi ately ca! d ii, ins arrival the persons present did all they could to check the heritor*- rmge by means of bandages, etc. Fortunately, ' !■" v succeed din a measure, arid a subsequent 1 ' ration raved the poor girl's life. be was, !:ovve* er, left in an exceedingly weak c carelul nursing was necessary to pc-dore her. Indeed, ib.e physician stated that il a i-tun re had not ben promptly rendered, or il the girl had fainted before her condition ' 'as known, in two or three minutes she would have bit d to death. it | ears that the girl, for some cause, arose i: in her bed to Of en the attic window, and in • ' ! -;r as .'•p'.nuce, Avion sire jkinted fioni exhaustion as state i. The poor girl's situation, it may b- im agined, was trutv t- rri .1", and the alarm of the luu i! v at u i at at first was a fearful mystVrv r was equally severe. Had the girl died alone and unheard, and been found next morning wel tering in her b!" >d, and the room bespattered from one end to the otter, it would at the first .-it ap| eared-a case of murder, and the feel ings of the family would have been far from en v:a >!e. And yet cases 1 ss conclusive l ave sent to tin* vj.grdd- many innocent (arsons. The girl has not y> txmtirely recovered from the ef f cts ol die accident. 'i • setting Sie-'f:f the eagle in Rochester X. i . grows ricirer with every new development— i ii- i i >n s-ivs he has been in the posse.-..-ion of a farmer iri ( ptari 1 county for several months and be, mie mischievous, destroying the fowls and committing several depreciations upon his property. The owner could not give awnv the ■ in!, ii,.i roof! he drive him away: so,- through mercy, rather than kill him, h • was brought there a; d sold to sympathizing citizens. When the con r; i"ee set him fieeon the cupola ofthe c. i;rt-hous", they had to use a club to start him on his flight. He alighted again as soon as he saw a lien-; lie is a fill muster's eagle. At' legraphic di-i itch from St. L r ids states that Sir Gorge Gore and suite returned to that city on the I2lh inst. from a year's hunting • xp.-diti '-ii at the head waters c.f the Missouri. They re- rt that the country was never in a worse condition respecting the Indians. The Saute- - ami Sioux were committing atrocities against the whites, and since the removal of the tro ps from Forts Randall"and Lookout the In dians in the neigh'., rh d have assumed a hos tile attitude. A party of troops had marched against the Santees. (Gi.\TY TSFJiEI; X- " We have only space and time this week t 1 ari:. wince the ticket -elected bv the Demo cratic (' untv Convention on last Tuesuav, w i.icii is as follow s : Prothonotarv—SAME H. TATE, Bedfud. Sht: iX — \V M. S. FLFKE, M. Woqdbciry. Treasurer—SA.ML. DAVIS, Bedford. (Mmir.tA-i.mer—C. EVA XS, E. Providence. Director—GEO. S.MOCSE, W. Providence. Auditor—JullX \V. CRISMAN, St. Clair. The nominations were unanimously confirm ed, and the Convention, after passing sundry res.tinti <, adj rurned in fine .-pints. Tiie Con vention was cousj si d i f unexct ptionalle men, and tie ir labors will he triumphantlv ratified oil the 'id Tuesday < S October. CAiVP MEETING. Camp Meeting of Bedford Circuit ol the M. K. Church will be held on Solomon Sparks' land iltreo miles liotii Bloodv liun, commencing on the '.!-t of Aogu-t. The Brethren ol Bt illord sta tion ere cordially invited to tent w-ili us. .TAMPS A. CO I. CM AX, M M. H. STEVE XS, June '', tS-"7. Pastors. ,75 A Si U 3 Ii II: On Thti-dav rr.oriii g. ISTh ir-t. by Rev. W. Spottswood. BENJAMIN* E. HEWITT, F.-q. of Holiidaysburg, to M.-s LILLY, daughter oi Major Samuel Davis, of Bedford. The feet of thosp we love will roam, Xo matter what we -ay: So Lilly's gone to make a home , As bright a- summer's day. Amid other scene- and other places The sunniest among laughing faces. Lilly ! biithe a- a bird of song, With -login;' notes a- sweet, We'll uu-s thee oil nurd the throng Of.those we love to meet, But tlienorhpr eu:- will -till be hearing- Evermore your music tones so cheering. Happier than the poet's dream, Or any fairy tn'e. May vonr gla i life he like the stream A gliding thiongh the vale, Verdure on its banks wherever flowing Ami the sunbeams on its waters ever glowing. AMICUS* _vrv-trf- ■ tarr—-i- Wt wj**ivtir.-% €AL'T2O.\. All person? are cautimted against fishing v bunting, or otherwise trespassing upon my Farm in .Middle Wondberry Township, as I w ill prosecute all who do so without respect to. persons. W. J. GAIBRAITU. June 26, 1557/