The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, June 12, 1857, Image 2

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Hertford, .lime 12, is>7.
ft. W. Bowman, Editor and Proprietor.
Democratic Stale iX^miiiatioits.
<*eiia \Voi F. Packer*
iSoB. .\iiiirod
The Tloilej !
CH/M he taction? composing the opposition to the
Democracy in Pennsylvania have now two ST A TP.
1 K Ki. 1S in the field, as follows:
Republican Abolition Ticket !
Governor—DA \ ID U'ILMOT
Cunt! Commissioner—WM. MILLWAI4D.
Supreme Judges—JAMES VEECII.
t in* above Picket is Abolition all over, and pre
fers a ilis oliitioa of the * n.on, with aii the horrors
"t jy.vil war, rather than that slavery shall be per
mitted to exist in the South.
On the lid inst. a State Convention ot oath-bound
hi now-Nothings met at Lancaster and nominated the
follow Illg
A now-A billing Tick*!!
Governor—lSA AC J J AZLEHURST. Philad.
' 'anal Com—J. E. LIN DERM AN, Berks.
Supreme Judge;—JACOß BROOM, Phil.,
So the "Union" about which we have heard so
n.iich lias blown up like soap bubbles in the hands of
children, and we are to have a regular built dog
tight between the_Fil!rpore National Know-Nothings
and the Fremont Abolition Know-Nothings, the re
sult 01 which will foot up a majority lor General
PACKER, the Democratic nominee, over either, of
at least One Hundred Thousand, and Fifty Thousand
over BOTH! The candidates for county offices and
lor the Legislature, in the nppo-itioti ranks, will he
hound to show their hand in this game, and stani! or
lall with one or the other of their State Tickets, for
no National Know Nothing v. II touch an Abolition
Know Nothing with a ten-loot pole—neither will an
Abolition Know Nothing hold any fellowship with
one who stands on the Filtnore Platform ! Now, in
view of the disgraceful position thu~ presented bv
these factions, what will the honest t reemen r.
Bedford county do? We think it fair to presume
that about three-fourths of them will vote a clean de
mocratic liekef, and they are cordially invited to
"it is currently reported that there will be an at
'erupt to pass resolutions finough the Democratic
State Convention whieh meets at Harrishnrg to-inor
row, condemnatory of the sale of the Maine Line."
I J €Nf'iylvaniaa, Jan,' S.
BCyWe trust the ti'tra ' was not only made to
pass such resolutions, but that they were p i--e.j bv
acclamation, wtiicli will be in aceoi lance with the
voice of the entire Democratic press of "Pennsylva
nia, if we except those of Philadelphia. Should the
Supreme Court grant the injunction asked for, as we
nope and trust it will, the rallying cry of the Democ
racy in the r.ext campaign will be "PACKER AND
REPEAL,' and, wit|, this as our motto, we may
safely calculate upon a majority of at least fifty
thousand over all opposition. Talk about the ",E./
legislature hting rety.nuxilte to the -who ' • propl. ." a
body that commenced its operations in black treason
and ended them amidst The curses and execrations of
an indignant and betrayed constituency. Ridiculous!
Sectarianism ;s£d
Are the two elements which now stand arrayed a
gamst the Democracy, as forcibly remarked bv tin
New York Daily News. We turn from the first ap
pearance of civil v>u arm r.,i.i, uIT 10 taw in *•■
by the art of the Abolitionists, to the recent scenes
of blood which sickened the heart ol the Patriot at
A astungton City. On one side Sect ot ifiwo WWilt
the Union, would rend the North trom South, a: i
defy the strong arm of the Federal Government to
protect trie great bond which rnake c ns on.* .saiiou,
whilst, on the other, that narrow and exclusive spir
it which discriminates between the native and adop
ted citizen, artays neighbor against neighbor a. '
family against family. Nativeism was i in riot
and baptized in the blood of innocent victims, as all
know who remember the Church-burning in Phila
delphia and the rcenes which followed in its train. —
Two years ago, similar outrages were perpetrated in
Louisville, Cincinnati, New Orleans and other large
cities—last fall Baltimore fell a prey to the blightii g
scourge—and only a few day ■ since it made its maik
in blood at the National Metropolis !
Now we ask all candid men, what i= there to in
duce you to act with such dangerons factions, when
you have the Democratic Flag to rally under—the
principles of which are clearly defined in the follow
ing beautiful illustration of
What sk Democracy '
, " DEMOCRACY represents the great
principles of progress, it is onward and out
ward in its movements, It has a heart fir ac
hHl and motive.? for a world, it constitute? the
principle of diffusion and is to humanity what
the centrifugal iiirce is to a revolving orb of a
universe. What motion is to them. Democracy
i>to principle. It is the soul of action. It
conforms to the providence of (>ol. It has
confidence it) man and an a' i.iing reliance in
his high destiny. It seeks the largest liberty,
the greatest good and the surest hani mess. 1;
aims to build up the great interests ot the many,
to the least detriment of the few. It remem
bers the past, without neglecting the present.
It establishes the present, without fearing to
provide for the future, it car*'? for the weak,
while it permits t.o injustice to the strong. It
conquer? the oppressor, ant; prepares the subject
of tyranny for freedom. It nieits the bigot's
heart to meekness, and reconciles his niiud to
knowledge. It dispels the cloud of ignorance
and superstition, and prepares the people for in
struction and self-respect. It adds wisdom to
legislation, and improved judgment to govern
ment. It favors enterprise that yields to many,
and an industry that is permanent. It* is the
pioneer of humanity—the conservator ofnations.
The Sale of the Main Line.
In the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, on Satur
day, application was made by the Board of Canal
.Commissioners lor a preliminary injunction to. re
strain the Pennsylvania Railroad Company from pur
chasing the Main Line of the Public Works of the
State, and the Court appointed Friday the 12th inst.,
for the bearins of the motion, in banc, at Harris
burg. The sale is to take place on the 25th inst.—
The following is the Order ol Court made on Satur
day :
Henry 8. Mott et. al. Canal Commissioners vs.
the Pennsylvania Central R. R. Company, et. al.
in the Supreme Court in equity. Middle Di-trict. '
And now, June 6th, 1857, on reading the bill of
com plaint, Kc.. and on motion of W. L. Hirst, James
H. Walton, C. R. Buckalew and William ?■!. Mere
dith, counsel for complainants, it is ordered that the
complainants have leave to move the Court in banc
at Harri.tiurg, on the 12thtSf June inst., at L o'clock
A. M., for a preliminary injunction, according to the
prayer of the Bill, notice of m i.. *. to be givm to
the defendants.
■— ■ ■ 11 ■> - . .J* -a. . .. >ftu iW.T i'-T W
0../' We pobli-h to-day full accounts of one ot the
most fiendish and bloody riots that has ever dis
graced our country, emanating from a band of assas
sins in the employ ol the Know Nothing organiza
tion existing in the city of Baltimore, kept np for
the purpose of '-regulating the elections" in that and
other large cities' Our accounts are copied from
! three sources—the Star (neutral) —Union (democra
tic)—and Intelligencer (old-line Whig)—a paper
which is considered a political Bible by our oppo
nents, and whose statements they will not dare dis
credit. All three agree in their description ol the
horrible affair, and fasten it not only upon the cut
throat "Plug Uglies" but upon Know Nothings who
stand at the head of the party in Washington, and
who brought them there, paying their expenses, and
entertaining them as guests to do the butchery
which followed !
Nothing but the appearance of the 1 . S. Troops
saved the city from becoming a prey to the infuriat
ed Mob. The promptness and decision which cha
! tr'erized the conduct of the President proves him
eminently worthy the high trust conferred upon him
by the American people. Hail he hesitated -ICO or a
iOi'U lives might have been sacrificed and the city
laid in ashes! Mr. BUCHANAN is applauded for j
his course by all law-abiding citizens throughout the
land. Even the N. \ . Herald, the leading organ of
the opposition in the United States, compliments the
< i.ief Magistrate in eloquent terms. The editor
says :
"1 he prompt action oi Mr. Buchanan in ordering
out the Marines to vindicate the law and sanctity of
the ballot-box at Washington was a movement in I
respon-ct to the appeal ol the Mayor which every in
telligent and law'-loving citizen most approve. The
exumpre is a good one—the occasion was a proper
one tor the example—and as a guide to our law-olfi
eers, and a- a warning to election ruffians, in all such
cases for the future, we trust that this good precedent
set by the President will be boiue in irnnd by all
p.uties concerned.'" ' ,
As we predicted a lew weeks since, i'r. Jordan
"Chairman," .vc. has commenced Ins political Jug
glery and "Sleight o: Hand" movements! lie starts
out with the announcement that the qualified voters
oi the "American" parly in the several Boroughs
and 1 o'.vnslnps ( except those townships and
Borough- where delegates have been ACREAI)'.
CHOSEN) will meet and choose delegates on the
-7th nit. who will meet in Bedford on the 'id day oi
July to nominate a County 1 icket. Now. mark the
treachery, low-cunning and deceit! Jordan pietends
to be an "American," and to speak tor that party,
whilst every K. N. in the county knows that he dis
gracelully abandoned it last fall and "united" with
the Fremont Abolitionists, and is now supporting the
Abolition State Ticket, with W'iimot at it- bead, in
opposition to the American State Ticket. He not on
ly turned traitor to the "American" party, but he did
so under circumstances > i the n.i anest character, a
all w ill remember. Piol'essing an ardent attachment
lor 1 ilrnore, bis political friends in the country could
not be made believe that he was secretly Working
lor ! resnont, and only aweke to their delusion when
( liaries Gibbous, the Abolition Chairman, exposed
his contemptible letter, in w bich ! e said, •von are a '
oti.e too last —:t will injure in i.-re on the State '
and county i icket it our plot for the tian-fer of the '
i i! more to the i remont taction gets out prior to the
October election I These facts are familiar to all '
with whom lie lormeriy acted, and it remain- to be '
seen how far they will follow inm in th? second edi- '
tion oi his dirty work, thus put under way. If the :
"Arr.ericuii party" are true to their p rife-si oils thev 1
will teach him a les-on he will not readily forget.
Alter the humiliating expo-ures of last fall, who
can believe a word Jordan utters on a political sub- 1
jert. unit-- they ■ .sow it to be f true maujybq f
that be could not vote for a certain candidate for Se
nator of the United States without "throwing away
OATH,", arid-a- few months afterwardsturn round '
and vote lor him forthe same place, without a word of '
explanation, A too "Ugly a Plug" to be longer tole- !
inted in the political circle- of this community.
"Tli -re is not political character enough in the man
to impose upon credulity itself." What u shame that
so ret bless a weather-cock should be made the ste
reotyped chairman and organ of a party !
But we lean, from the call above alluded to that
some of the "delegates" have already been eho-en.
When and where the public are not informed. We
have inquired of some of the candidates, and they
tell ns that they know of none such having been se
lected. Is it pos-ible, can it he, that tin* delegates
who were manufactured in cellars and garrets, under
oath, at midnight, two or three years -nice, are to be
the men who are to decide between the pretensions
oi' the jliflererit candidates to be voted mr next fall,
when ail the important offices are to he tilled? If so,
w hat honest man will fetl bound lo support a norni
tioti so made?
Mr. Jordan winds up his call with Hie assertion
- 'Under Hie new Apportionment Bill we can elect
bulb our Senator and Representatives." Now, the
people have become so nauseated with tin- system
of deception that it has become a standing theme for
iidicule. Why, in every speech made by Jordan
la-t lull be prophecied the overwhelming success ol
the "Union Ticket" in Bedford county—he had no
doubt about the election of the Republican candidate
lor Congress in this District bv a monster majority
and, in old Southampton Township, at the close o.
the campaign, rui-ing himself on tip-toe, looking
wondrous wi-e, be declared that the Union State
Ticket would have u majority of at least Thirty
Thousand in Pennsylvania, and said, with great em- :
phasis—"BOYS DO YOU HEAR THAT!" Well,
be was mistaken in bis calculations of the county,
district, state, and union, and those who put any faith !
in his present prediction will find themselves equally
deceived. When will the mass' of our opponents
assume sufficient independence To spurn the leader
ship of demagogues who treat them as though they
were mere children incapable of distinguishing be
tween right and wrong—truth and falsehood t
",~'We stated, week before last, that Bedford and
Somerset, and Armstrong and Westmoreland, were
almost the only double districts in the apportionment
bill, and the lacts sustain the assertion. Of ail the
districts comprising more than one county these are
nearly the only ones that po.eesssed the requisite
number of taxabtes within their re-pective limits for
a separate representation, and Mr. Jordan should be
ashamed to say any thing to the reverse. The hang
ing of these counties together was a gross outrage
upon a fair apportionment, and is so viewed by men
of candor, of all parties.
Faycllc Springs.
u?"This pleasant summer retreat, near Union
town, Fa., is again opened for the reception of visit
ors, under the management of that accomplished and
agreeable gentleman, Capt. W. F. BABCOCX, well
known throughout Pennsylvania for his energy as a
caterer and Hotel keeper. We are satisfied that all
who visit the Fayette Springs will be highly pleased
with the accommodations to be found tin-re. Ad
veiti e merit will appear nest week.
C.y It w ill be seen, by reference to erti
wg columns. that this celebrated w atelis to
• be opened on tlie 16th i 11st. for the reeevisi
■ ; tors, an.l we have no hesitation in say in will
• Die so conducted, under its present mats to
I give universal satisfaction. The ph.can eo
i beautifully improved that the old vißtronly
know it by the gushing springs which n its
hill-. Col. Go-si.i i:, the President of tbany,
has pioved himself fully competent to k of
discharging the heavy responsibilities d* up
on hirr), and be deserves great praise for; the
work forward as hp has, in view of therass
ments which have been presented in therable
state ot the weather since the commenctf the
improvements. The new house is a spliuild
ing, and the Bathing Koorr.s are superb, high
character enjoyed by Mr. Wii.larh as a man
i ager, gives abundant assurance that all wgrut
: ilied in this department.
: K7"Uev. A. KUNKLKMAN, of
preached a Sermon in the Lutheran C'builied
lord on Thursday evening el' iast week would
j have done credit to any man. lie possa line
delivery, and enforces his text with marility.
| lie bids lair to become a bright light ii&cred
calling, and the citizens of SchetLburg mill re
joice in having so excellent a l'ustor.
A .?!a-:a2 Ti'iuiuph !
CN 5 * Notwithstanding the Riots at VVfeton,
the Democrats elected their Ticket by aboi) ma
. jo; ity, making a change in lavor of Deruotof a
bout SOU votes since the fall of 1. Ntgam
I Will the people o! Washington submit to tliuna
tiou oi the secret oath-hound order.
Gf7*T)uring the severe thunder storm of Tues
day evening the cupalo on the Court-ii was
struck by lightning and pretty badly sbatti The
'clap and the Ha-h, which were sirnultani was
truly startling. Many persons felt the shcensi
bly. No pei-on was in the building at thbe.—
I lie ( onaniLsioners should lose no time in pig up
lightning rod*. Hjil the town clock been ujronld
have been destroyed, of course.
Trs CeaaSs a Slay!
C was the battle-cry of the enerm< De
mocracy duiu.g the lat campaign, and V von
( oirht not hire therrj to name it once. l'Shave
backed square oli' lrorn all their old i-- U c S) j at
tach all their hopes to the colored race, lobby
they will forever abandon after the lap-.' i few
month-, and take hold of Withcraft or Moriiism,
most likely! Dim t tail, however, to poke t '-Ten
cents a day" at them en ail occasions, now wa
ges are liigner under Old Ruck s Adixiiuikitiou
than ever before known.
n . 1
,1 Ctf ain i'tS Si *4* 'u li
LHP = "jI he time lias arrived at which it beco s re
ally necessary for every farmer who rai-es ) icre>
o! grain and gra-. to have one of these labors! mo
ney-saving machines to secure his harvest The
uncertainty of labor has, of late years, iondlyfelled
lor .Ins invention, and the irigeiiuity of invitors
has to a great extent been concentrated in tfe im
provement and petfectmg of this machine, i'j far
mer;, should be cautious in purchasing as thee are
many machines which do not meet the repreenta
tion; and the desire ot novelty olten induces rtn to
purchase machines from some travelling agjit or
pe.llar, without any substantial guarantee. Tfe far
mers of Bedford county are greatly in want oftnanv
machines now in use in the more enterprising sec
tions of the country, and if they would, under i pro
per guarantee, but give them a fair and impartial
trial, we are satisfied many would prove to them as
great a blessing as the thrcsmn ' ■>.-! ■>
All these machiues are brought to the of
the public in their due season; and, as the time is
very near at hand (and transportation slow to the
place) for harvesting the grain and gra-s "oops, we
do confidently recommend, upon the testimony ol
many of the best farmers in the Stat-', Ma rt's
Reap i and Mower i.ow ollered by .Vles*rs. lil.)-
MIRE .V lIAKTLKV. This machine is warranted
to work a- represented, and it is attested by fanner*
who have them that hay can he made with them lor
•V) cents per acre. Mr. HARTLEY is a first rate
practical farmer, and has a full knowledge ot all the
latest and best inventions lor farmers' use; and, as
he, as we!! as his partner, is iepori*ib!e, and gua
rantee what they sell, according to representation,
we do earnestly think the faimeis of Bedford and ad
joins counties will save money and imposition by
getting their machines and utensils fionri them, a
iiothiug will be lost, their pay coming byway of
commission from the manufacturer.
Messrs. Blymire \ Hartley keep also the best of
Scythes and Sneths, Grain Mills, Fodder Cutters,
Cider Presses, Churns, Ike. ike. and can supply in
their l-.rie the wants of all satisfactorily.
C2?~ JANPER I'.. BRAD) sticks to the "Aroeri- I
can Party" and denounces VVilmot Abolitionism.—
For thus exercising the "freedom of-peech" Jor
dan's blow-horn prints his name with nnctll letter*
thns:—jasper e. brady—although he was recognized
as the war horse of the old Whig patty in Franklin
county, and is the present K. N. nominee for Su
preme Judge of Pennsylvania. I hi- i* the way they
try to ridicule all who adheied to Filntore and their
integrity in Bedford county.
Fr. i: Co. were a little "previous" in their
announcement 1 Gat Col. John W. Geary would he >
the nominee, for Governor, of the "American State
Convention" which met at Lancaster on the tfd inst.
The Col. was'nt green enough for that, but u;|| be
found battling manfully for Packer and the Consti
tution, or we don't know the man.
cy Mr. Jordan's organ says -'it is not surprising
that all TRUE Americans of Pennsylvania will sup
port Mr. Wilmot," so that those who refuse to sup
port the Free-trade and Freernout candidate now
; know how they stand classified.
Tlie attempt of the Black Kupubliran legisla
ture of Connecticut to subjugate the democratic
city of New Haven by the gerrymandering pro- ;
o-f>3 did not succeed, as will be seen from the
following dispatch :
"New HAVEN, (Conn.,) June I. —The Dem
ocrats have elected their mayor by about 500
! majority, and carried three of the six wards,
which secures the city government tothedein-
I ocrats."
The American Nominations. —We are gratified in
being able to assure our American friends in other
parts of the State, that the nominal ions made at Lan
: caster meet with a hearty response in this communi
j ty, and that they will command a very large support.
I —Daily News.
The Alain Line. —The Main Line of the Pub
lic works of Pennsylvania, which is advertised
to be sold at the Exchange, in Philadelphia, on
| the 25th of June inst., consists of the following
public works, natm ly: the Canal from Columbia
t . the Junctipn at Duncan's Island, the Juniata
] Canal to Hollidaysburg; the Alle
! gheny Portage Railtoad, including the new road
I avoiding the inclined planes; and the Canal from
; Johnstown to Pittsburg—with all the property.
The National Intelligencer, an old-line \V big
,aper, celebrated for its fairness anil lion, sty,
rives the following account of the disgraceful
-lection riots in Washington citv, on Monday :
When yesterday morning we gave expression
1,., our belief that the election of that day would
!,e marked by general quiefness dnd freedom
frotii disorder, we were never iwre sincere.—
During the preceding four or five weeks which
comprised the canvass nothing like intempe
rance or bitterness of lee ling on the subject ol
the election was visible in any quarter amongst
us, although it was evident enough that each ol
the parti -s seeking the c mtrol of the city gov
ernment would do their best in a* way
to gain their [mint.
Of course we could not suppose that any ar
rangements had been made for the introduction
of bands of intrusive strangers from abroad to
interfere with the full and free exercise of that
very moderate share of voting which falls to
the !>t of citiz°ns in tins District, i v the ear
liest train yesterday morning, anil, it is believ
ed by the subsequent train, hands of ill-looking
men, mostly a year or two under age, with the
generic and suggestive title ot "''log trglies,
arrived from Baltimore, crowding our side
walks, and exhibiting, by their manner and
speech, how well their employers had calcula
ted in bringing them on to do any work that
was designed to be criminal and disorderly.
The first fruits of this villainous importation
were manifested between ft and 10 o'clock at
the first precinct of the fourth ward. There
can be no doubt that all was quietly proceed
ing, the voters being drawn up in a line, each
patiently waiting his turn, when a sudden at
tack was made on a naturalized citizen in the
rank of voters, and an eff.rt made to drive all
such from the polls. In this onslaught, and
the defence which was necessitated by it, seve
ral serious wounds w.-re indicted as well upon
native as naturalized citizens. !be result i t
this was that naturalized citizens were compell
ed to <ave limb and life by a general retirement
from the scene : and it is a matter of certainty
that fear and disgust at such doings I ave combi
ned materially to dimmish the vote that wouiu
have ot lit* r wist* polU j tl
About half past ten o'clock the imported
rowdies appeared at the lower precints of t-.e
second ward, and there fired a 1 out a ! - v ~
t..l sle ts, one of them taking effect on the f.uv
h ad of a bvstander. It was a matter ••! n
ishment to not a f- vv that these impudent distur
bers of tbe peace were thus allowed to range
op and down without molt station.
Representations having i made to the
Mavorof the utter inability of the p !me jn I
magistracy to keep the polls op -n at the first
precinct of the fourth ward to all classes of vo
ters, he deemed it proper to apply to the Resi
dent of tile United States lor an .1 '.equate 1 irce
for that purpose
The latter was referred by the 1 resident .0
the Secretary of the Navy, who promptly pla
ced 1 10 Marines, under the command of M qor
Tyler and Captain Maddux, at the dispell of
the citv. They were accordingly marched to
the aforesaid precinct, Gen. Henderson, 01 tue
same corps, accompanying the party in citizens
dress. Ib-fare the Marines left their barracks,
General Henderson addr-s.wd them as fellows:
"Soldiers, you have alwavs done your duty in
the face of the enemies < f yonr cmnt-v ; I ex
pect von now to do your duty its uj. holding Jim
laws of vour country, quietly, but
me ■ in ten staler military become known than
a number of young men, constantly increasing
as Ih *v went along, got poss.->i >n ola six
}'.-under bras-- swivel, and hitching a long cord
to it, dragged it along Pennsylvania avenue am!
up seventh street, with the eh;- ,t, as avowed
by their adherents, of resisting the Marines. —
On arriving near the polling place of the tust
precinct ot the fourth ward, the Marines found
the snivel party oil the ground, with their ph-ce
posted on the sidewalk, under the sh-d ui the
Northern Liherti-.-s Market.
The Mavor walked up to the closed window
of the polling place and gave the order to open
(lie polls {which had been suddenly closed, .
we presume, when tbe marines appeared) and
resume voting, to which theordv r.q !v received
was from persons, outside, who declared, using
nine!) personal abuse, that the polls should not
be opened. I'he Mavor then took a command
ing position and proceeded to address the c rowd,
amounting to about twelve or filteen hundred
persons in a state ol maddened excitement.—
The Mibrt mce of the .Mayor's remarks was that
of admonition to good order and quietness and
the resumption of voting, calling u|K>n those
present a-- good citizens to restrain themselves
within proper limits. In answer to complaints
that the Marines were brought, the Mayor assu
red the m-sr mhlnge that Ihev were brought fir
no hostile puij rs but to [ lotect citizens in the
exercise < I th> ir rights and elective privileges.
Instead of quelling the passion and tumult of
the crowd, the Mayor's presence and remarks
seemed to have the effect only of exasperation,
which was exhibited in every firm of menacing
violence short of actual personal assault.
The jartv on the oi p. site side of the street,
and about seventy or eighty yards above, were
at this time in a state of excessive agitation,;
bustling about in the most violent way, and ma
king demonstrations as to their purpose with
their pi'-ce of artillery. At this' in.e the order 1
was given to disarm the party oi their piece,;
and a section of the marines, under Major Ty
ler,advanced w-ith fixed bayonets for the pur
pose. This movement induced the abandon
ment of the cannon, and the retirement of the
partv from if. I'hev dealt, however, upon the
soldiers in return, volleys of stones and revolver
shots. The marines on taking the cannon se- j
cured it in their hollow square, themselves the ;
while being fired upon and cue ol ttu-ir party j
shot through the jaw. He was immediately j
taken up l>v Dr. Boyle, placed in his carriage,
and conducted awav. His wound is quite se- I
vere. The order was then given the marines j
to fire, which they did. Two persons immedi- j
at.-ly fell on Massachusetts avenue, and in oth- 1
er directions many were shot, several mortally.
The crowd was now in full flight in all cii- ;
reclions, leaving the field to the soldiery, who
did not, howver, long remain at the spot, hut
were marched back to the City Hall. Later in
I the day the) Wrie taken to the railroad depot to
receive if necessary to take charge of an
i expected reinforcement of "Plug Uglies" from
Baltimore, but who wisely kept at home.
Of killed we are able to pronounce, we be- i
lieve with certainty as to Mr. Allison, a con
stable aged 56 years; George jVlcE'fresh, Mr.
p. M. Deems, a clerk in the General Land Of
fice, and formerly of Cumberland, Md ; Archi
l-aid Dalrvmple, a baggage-master on the Balti
ifimc and Ohio Railroad a colored man named
Ratify Ncale, of the Northern Liberties, a:u! a
noth**r colored man from Georgetown named j
Redding. Mr. Eoenezei Hughes was very se
verely injured and may have died. We learn
also thai an infant child was killed on English
Hill earlier in the day by one James Slat fort!.
who himself was afterwards shot in the shoui- 1
der and neck. A young man, Charles Spencer,;
was wounded with a revolver bullet : and a
t,other named Middleman, said to have been ac
tive in tlie disturbance, was stiuck with a ball.
Others, more or less severely wounded, were a
young man named McGlue, and a youth named
Adams, who was carried to the Infirmary. Col.
Wilson, of Texas, was shot in the shoulder, but
not dangerously.
I About three o'clock the polls at the distui ueu
precincts were re-opened and contin'ieu <>n! 11
the legal hour of closing. The "Plug f glms
S finding themselves Ifss pleasantly received than
they had anticipated, slilv stole aw ay bom th**
city, some byway of a walk to Hiadensburg,
and others bv jumping on the railroad train at
the last moment before starting. Their pres
i ence tiere and their abettors are openly and
; generally denounced, and it is well for them
that they escaped.
In consequence ol the violent thi eats utter'*
!iv many to avenge their discomfiture on the
p*ers ns-of the Mayor, the military officers, the
magistrates, the marines, and even on the pub
lie property, it was deemed a proper precaution
; to [..ring hither an auditi >nal lorce ol '< nited
States 11oops. This, therefore, was done last
evening, and a strong bodv ot Major Trench s
El from Fort McHenry arrnvo
at f) o'clock by railroad Pom Baltimore.
The Star gives a list of seven killed and twen
: tv-eight wounded.
1 " All that w ere killed or wound. <1 with one or
two exceptions among the wounded, were
i peaceable citizens, passing by or looking quiet
! ly n.
From the W ashmtiton i
It will scarcely be credited that a meet
ing was held iu this city n Tuesday w ning
iast, lor the purpose of sustaining mMi spirit
excusing murder: and, to tax tim credulity of
; the distant reader still farther, we may add that
ttie g. tters-tip of the meeting, well as several of
! the persons w ho addresser! it, occupy respecting
positions in tin- community, and have or suppo
sed to have, same interest in the maintenance ol
the laws, and the preservation of the peace.—
'i'lie meeting is thus briefly noticed in the tele
graphic correspondence of the Baltimore .-on .
'• Washington, done 2.—A targe meeting was held
'n-ni.'ht i trout ol the City llatl in regard to the ri
ot. The speaker* were General McCalla, 1). Clayton,
Councilman l.lovd, all ol the American party, who
spoke or the killing of persons by the .Marines on the
dav el' electinn as a cruel, cowardly, and bloody ma
.-arre of the innocent, and of ttie conduct oi the KXec
utivc authorities a- a trampling underfoot ol the sa
cred light - ol the citizens and of law and order.
Mi" Lloyd's advice to be prepared tor the next
1 attack elicited spontaneous cheers ot approbation.—
,\t the same time he invoked them lo preserve the
peace. \ oommittie oi two from each ward was ap
point.,! to prepare suitable resolutions and call at. ad
pilimed meeting after tiie inquest on ah the victims
ha- been concluded." -r —-
Let us lake a hasty glance at the dreadful oc
currences of Monday last. Chi that day an e
iettion was held in this city f>r municipa. offi
cers. There were two tickets in the field: the
one sup] oiled by the Know - Nothings, and the
other by the Union party, composed ol Demo
crats ami Old-Line Wings. The polling pro
ceeded, and on all sides it is conceded that the
that the election should lie conducted in a peace
able and equitable manner, and that aii who
were hga ly entitled to vote should exercise
the privileges of the elective franchise in the
freest manner. Bv neither word not deed or:
that fatal dav <!i.i they attempt to nib-Mere, di
rectly or indirectly, with the rights of their op
ponents. While quietly exercising one ol the
highest privileges of citizens, what was the
conduct of the Know-Nothings, or at least a j-:r
--tion of that dangerous organization ? \nxious
to disturb the peace, and thus prevent a lair ex
pression of the public voice, and yet atiai'.l that
thev had not strength enough, or ferocity eu'ugh
to mri v out successfully their mobish, mrrdcr- j
ous purposes, they engage ihe services of a gang
of d< sperate ruflians in tl.e neighboring city of
Baltimore, bring them to Washington and let '
them loose upon our peaceable inhabitants.—
With what fidelity they carried cut the infa
mous instructions of their employers, last Mon
' day's bloody work will fully attest. In a few
hours after their arrival tin* whole city was com
pletely at the mercy of a mob. They had full j
p -ssessioti of one voting precinct, and were
prepared to take possesion of other precincts.—
Inoffensive citizens had been shot, stabbed, and
as-suited wit h murderous mi.-sles. 1 he* police
lorce, small in numbers, but resolute in spirit,
had been literally driven offthe ground: and it
hi-cameapparent to all that, without the prompt
interposition of the military, tie* frightful scenes
of' Louisville and New Orleans would be re-en
acted her,-on a still morn fiightful scale. In
this eiiieigencv, the Mayor sought and obtained
the much-needed aid lo protect the lives and
property of our citizens. Not a trigger was
nulled until it was evidsnt that further forbear
ance would be attended with the most appalling
i results. The firing oft ho Marines was in reali
ty an act of humanity. The rioters dispersed,
order was restored, arid the supremacy of the
j law acknowledged and maintained.
And vet Mr. Lloyd tells his hearers to be
preparer! for the next attack. What does this
counsel mean if it does not mean, "Arm your
selves ! cut, stah,-hoot down citizens peaceably
and law fully exercising one of their dearest
privileges; and if the military are called out to
stay your bloody, murderous work, see that you
have arms enough and ammunition enough to
make a successful resistance."
Mr. Lloyd, and all who think with Mr. Lloyd
: will soon discover, if they have not already
discovered, that the time has gone by in this
I city when such advice can be safely given or
j successfully followed. We have more faith in
' the prevention than the putting down of mobs:
[and the inciters of riots cannot be too soon tatft
that they are as much amendable to the law- as it
they actually took part with their wretched
tools arid dupes.
From the Cumberland Allegaman.
In connection with the Washington riots, it
becomes our painful duty to record the death of
our former fellow townsman, F. M. Deems, Esq.
more recently employed as a clerk in the Gen
eral Land Office. We knew him w ell and it al
most makes our heart sick to chronicle his un
timely end. Mr. Deems was a whole-souled,
- generous and honorable man, known personally
to many of our citizens, who admicd him for}
rw-sllHl ■■■ 1111113MMW...11...JH1.
hi many estimable qualities, and among whrith
the announcetnput cl his death has awakened
the keenest regret and most painful sympathy.
It appears that he had not at all participated in
the disturbances of the day, but had hetn out of
the Land Office hut a lew minutes, and was qui
etly passing fiom one side of the street to the
other,somewhere in the vicinity of the riot, and
when about midway of the street, fell, pierced
hv seven bullets—six of them taking effect in
his hre:is(, and one penetrating his cheek.—
That Mr Deems was shot down bi/tke mob, is ev
ident from the fact that his wounds were exam
ined and found to have been made by pistol balls
though some would endeavor lo n ake us believe
that he had been struck by chance shots, fired
by the Marines, who had been ordered out by
tire Mivor to quell the riot ions demonstrations,
ami who (sav Hie opposition pi ess) "tired indis
criminately among the crowd." That he was
made a mark of is equally certain from the num
ber of shots that took effect in his body. Why
be should have been selected as a victim, we
cannot positively tell, vet the conviction forces
itself upon our mind that the mercenary wretch
es who went from Baltimore to forcibly deprive
good and peaceably-disposed citizens of the
ria-lil of suffrage, marked him out because of his
uncompromising hostility lo Know-Nothiugism
arid its disreputable teachings. His ren.ains
were brought to this city for interment, and were
followed to their last resting place on Wednes
day last, by a gondlv number of our citizens*.
What shall we sav of those who have thus
openly violated thV laws of then countiy and
t ieir God ? Th- fact that they were a band of
Know-Nothing rowdies, cannot be controverted,
and that parties in W ashing fan had engaged
their services for the purpose of "tegulatmg the
election," is equally obvious. For proof of Ibis
we subjoin the following significant paragraph
from the "National Intelligencer," a paper that
has maintained entire impartiality in the ul
fair- , * ... . ,
"The grave events ol Monday wdl weigh up
on the public mind ol our city, and no inteLi
.rence equals in interest the recital of circum
ces concerning it. Every hour almost discloses
some new fact or throws some new light upon
its secret history. There seems to be no teasou
to doubt that the 'J'lug Ugly" bands were ini
puitr-d by prior engagement Irom Baltimore,and
that their fair between the two cites was paid
bv persons here,; lor how could any body, who,
on scrutinizing the materials of those bands as
they patrolled our streets, for a moment suppose
that they themselves would or could have in
curred the expenses attendant on the journey *
It is obvious that, whatever was their will lo
come they had not the means. It absolute
proof was required, it w ill he found in the UCL
that their eating was provided for them 111 a
mass; why and for what services to be ren
dered it will be for their introducers to ex
plain." . . , , ~ .
What language is sufficiently emp na.ic. re
buke those, who, not content with having made
Baltimore notorious with their ravts of valence
and dis <rder, and having rendered it the terror
,'f all cood and law-abiding citizens, satiated
with the bloodshed within their own limits,
must forsooth extend their scene of action into
the capitol'of the nation, and there enact scenes,
at the recital of which the w hole country stanus
aghast with terror. _ . . .
"it is a humiliating reflection for citizens ot
Maryland to know that the unrebuked dUtutMD
ces 'the unpunished lawlessness, the unavenged
bloodshed whit b have marked the history of our
own metropolis for the past few years, have gain
ed for her the title of "the city of assassins.
in , .ii' ot me VTtgli* h0t..., nl* Dulliitrttrf, she
should have been among the first to discounte
nance these acts of lawlessness and disoider. —
It is a well known fact that bands of ruffians
control her elections hv levolvers anil suig-auot
that peaceable citizens are shot down in open
dav—that a farce is made of the right ol suffrage
and tliat the fair fame of the City of i\l nu
ments has been blackened by the overt arts of
villains than whom many less deserving id,
punishment have been incarcerated in the pen
itentiary. or expatiated their crimes upon the
How long this state of things is to continue,
we know not. Hew long these Plug bgly,
Rip Rap, and Blood Tub miscreants are to go ua
u hipt of justice, is for the law-abiding citizens to
sav. It is a fact worthy of note, that until the
organization of Know Nothing councils, these
riotous demonstrations at elections were not
manifested. These are but the results of the
vindictive spirit in which it asserts its doctrines.
—but tip- fruits of the fearful passions amused
by its teachings. Fiie same stale ot
followed the formation of secret political socie
ties everywhere, and demonstrates beyond a
doubt that their tendency is to deprive the peo
ple oftheir liberties, and render their lives and
property unsafe.
And yet there are some, who endeavor to ex
cuse these acts, or fasten the blame irjion the in
nocent, though the mass of the people olali par
lies condemn them as heartily and denounce
the participants in a strong terms as we do.
The shameless effrontery of such men indicate
that they are lost to all sense of right, and she d
he frowned upon by our high-minded, bonoiaLle
and fair-dealing citizens.
Extract from a letter by the Rev. .Mr. ( tmrchiil ot
Boston, who is now- travelling lor his health IU the
i East.
I • 11 gives one an ever present idea o! the expan
! give enteiprise 01' his countrymen, to find their com
modities ol commerce continually in his path
ever he goes. I have not visited any considerable
city of Turkey, w here 1 did not find the medicines
of my country represented by AYKU >1 USURY 1 '-
TORAI,. In Smyrna, Aleppo, Jaffa, Jem-alem a, I-
Constantinople, we see in each, on the door post ot
some bazaar, the peculiarly looking iron card, "I t r.
I AVER, saving in a language w Inch not one m athou
' send of the passers by can read, 'Ayer\ Cl/rrryl ic
' tore/. for Covgh*, Colds and Consumption, solo hrr*.
On a shelf behind the cross-legged mussulman are
! seen the bottles, with their English, Spanish, l-renc
and German faces turned towards the crowd, and on
enquiring we are told foreigners are iot the ou
• )y purshasers, but the true believers themselves
waive their trn-t in fate to try this product ot Amer
ican skill, where they find there is no other cine tor
' l was told yesterday that the Cherry Pectoral
had been pre-ented to the Sultan."and is now- in con
stant use in Ins harem, and in the hospitals ol tne
June 1-, 18o7—Irn.
TIIK Fount;\ GRAIN CROPS.— The latest European
: advices State that the growing grain in Great Britai
i and on the Continent, presents a highly promising
j appearance. The weather in England was genial.
\ DYE FOR THE HAlß.—Perfection is not at
' tamed bv indolence and ease: there is nocros-lot to
universal favor. The world will not be b.own like
chaff into a channel indicated bv imitators \\ .tness
,he f„st anchored fame o. BACHELOR'S HAIR WE.
won bv watching when others slept, sustained by
ir- intrinsic woith and truthfulness to nature, war
ranted not to disappoint tbe hopes ot tho*e * °
it. .Made and -old, or applied at the wig ,BCt ? -
233 Broadway, Yew York. See that each box M
VVM. A. BATCHELOR. on, no others are genuine. -
by Dr. Reamer. Uane 1— lm.