THE [lEIiFOSiil liTZEfTE. l"PdSr£;% G. W. Bowman, Editor and froprieter. Ucmciratic Stale lY&mniaiicns. covkrnor : tsVca* V* ssa- I\ PsiekCß'. CAN"A I. COMMISSION!:!! ; 82OK. >a*U'i-.£aKd. i he Legislature lias adjourned, aid every body s-'.-ir.--. to feel thankiul, tor ;i great* r loan it • ■tiiciai arts has ncvrr been visited upon a roe pen pie. N'.-i manly sentiment pcrv.uled A ■ deliberation;. From thf hour it elected ,i I iiited State- Senator until live ydjMiu merit, its leg :1 at ;.u lias an outrage upon the tax payers. It wa- a mere machine to tlo ifiediity werK of unscrupulous speculators. This is the character given to it by almost every paper in tin- State. May its like never he seen again. THK 3! Li* By the Act offlie late Legislature in apportioning tie State into Senatorial and ileprr- ?ntative Dis tricts. -the ( ounties o: Bedford and -et en titled to two member-, are! the eoiinti-s of 1 lui:tin**- don, Bedford, and Some; -et, to one Senator. Fran cis Jordan, Ksq., was chairman of 11.<• committee o. conference on the part of the Senate, and Henry It. ho-ter, list)., on the part of the House. These two gentlemen are justly regarded as the father and mo ther oi the Bill. The design and great object of the t> d, so tar as it relates to oar own county, was to fhsilancltise the Democratic party. We fee! fully persuaded that no ,-uch result can possibly be accom plished. We have no hesitancy in saying that the m: i i who made our district- cannot be elected in ei ther ot them. If he D nor w iling to take our word lor it. ail' 1 will agree to run in either district. we will Convince hen o the second Tuesday of October next. Some of Mr. Jordan's friends are trving to excuse hon because they say '-.Mr. Jordan would have n greed to divide Bedford and t-omer--t, if Mr. Fos'er would have agreed to se'perate Yd. -t r.lOfelaml m I vrirstrong. I ecv forg" p 1h * in assigning fbl reasf.ii .or htm, they plead g; ity to the infamous an.! discreditable system of 1 eg. Thus- Mr. Jordan says to Air. 1 osier—'• von !e* me h.;vc niv District as I want t and v. ;> i. .ic have y ir D.s- IrtcT as you wan" it." t• \ again. Mr. Foster says ti ir. Jordan—"if yon divide r y two c untie. I will • ftVide Voats.'' After consultation. the- c!o e tin bargain hv agreeing to I t hi th star d. The Bill just pas-eti will -'a: j; r r ~;ncr.r '*- the personal, sell!?!, fr , • . . g iv.o : ara' -. Bedford and Somerset, and Am str. • g an ! VYc-t --ifioreland are almost the . My ,! .'; !-• Districts ,n 7 !.-• Bill. These ar- t!.e ! , in-s ,:• I,■ i. rherand mother <•: • Biß. i: v -■reit .. urged in justification ot V . Jor 'an th *li e D .cnit jo.ned Cambria county !'• dford for two tne'n hers. seven years igo. Ti, •"- ,s : tr: sen years ago the "ton ! 1 ;■r • - jaiives i Dili giving to i'h '. i re ■ •• ' • ' ambria county one i .cn h i. Tf. t ! whirl) f.- i-.sdy pass i •• i -• • port. - •; •/ \\ : i.• :, ! • :;, t ranches ol th • T.egi ' jTure at ! v.' , rl 1 - tie-.ct its in the Senate arid eleven in the 1;. . ! va ry Democrat from Bed;. I'ar I (dr . ,lr:a n 'i posed its p. as-age. Tticy even • 1 a t ,d entered it upon the J. '] ... ;; VVJS a deu ocralic mea-ore. i . gj t, v. •pa ; by the opposittot:. ft t .. .; r,a time both Bedford and ...l>r. i were considered as cloe am 1 d iihffuj colli! ti . . ii, (■.. • .ad re; * elected tfhias to office. There was, however, a still stronger reason i:u li.e iir:.. n t> e ti • , By the Constitut. ui every county er. ■ t-d 17- was entitled to ..t !e;.st or.e uic . J ~ county foirned alter that time >hou! ' be ei.tit! d to a mem ber without the .nil* iatio. Bedford was < . ct, I be toie 17>o—Cambria al'terw ; ' . in ; • B, n .id sount ; ha., a! nil! ta.\at.!tf u.- ' c rat: tor one n-uln r. a: I Can nr. : .■: , r j ; \ . ! - |e-s than the ratio. By unit : g the two cotuities I■■ two members, a ihstt t v : -ioiiin d which pos-i • >ne requisite iiiimoer, wttii an e.xcr;, ol'les • tiian two hundred taxabies. ,\1 t:i - the;c i.o such reason tor tic connection oi Bed; and So merset. The two count-, - are ain e.x.o-tly even hi their numb! i o: taxables. i 1 ~i ,tit<-r air- Vims not deficiency ton- eig.ui./od !-y the cotit '•••- t ion. But it i- made tin ;>1 ■ ,u an- , lo al pur poses, unbecoming the character ;:!u --nts ! ile knew tnat the (>ppositiun :n iiedtoid coun ty could not at! be liansicrrcd to Aindition -m; and, hoping to save himself a place in the Legislature (his pro-pects tot Coventor at an end :> tie hitches Bed toid on to Somerset, On the whole, however, we like the arrangement. The Somerset Demociats are a noble ?et oi fellows, and so are those of Bentiag don. Ii Mr, Jordan and his abolition iriends don't look sharp, we will -bring rhcui up standing" as we did in the election of Mi. KIM.MLLL to the Fresideut Judgsi..p ,n a district in which they boasted ot having three thousand majo rity; or we may take into our l eads t > cany everv county in the District as we ;d lac tall in this con gressional district, composed oi lie.! ford. Fulton, Franklin and Adam,, a district which was spec, ally erected to give a perpetual opposition to tke demo cratic party of at least i.'ißO. Ail Mich attempts to defraud freemen o, their rights, recoil with fearful effect upon their authors. TSSEia JLifi LtLst'j u-.T it* Of Bedford county held their annual Meeting in the Lutheran Church on !a-t Sabbath evening, JNO. MOW I.U, Ksq. Vresiileht of the oeiety. u. the chair. The Churcn was crowded to overflowing. Ministers present —Reverends r rswoon. A and Bsnhuct, all of whom took part in the e.\rctses. Air. U . W . t \.m: i!K! g , Agent, was ai-o present After prayer and staging, Mr. Sr -r; -deli vered an addres., w hich i-eemed to reach Die heart of every person in the house. Kridently the effort of ttn- moment , without any pievious aTrangenient or study, it was such a disc ourse us could not have b-eu improved. One thing c.-; -■ iaiiy strikes the hearer AIR. Spottwood's sp al.lng, and that is that he :t.!■■;.> the force of evei v word lie utters. li..- re marks touching some of t' - in,.-,.i. s of cur Voor House, were forcible at very appropriate, demon strating how the near approach to death destroys all divisions as to creeds and -"efs, Ravin-' the be liever to base his hope upon "Christ oilly, wjthont attaching any merit to the purf.cutar detiomtnation to which he belonged. All S. was follow d by Mr. ( \ *ippet.r., who made -orn- very , essive and c luquent remarks touci.iog the C;.ri-i,an cause m Winch he is er.gag -d, that swpplying th. destitute With tie Holy Bible. V. e trust fci labors wiii be p<;per!y appreciated. Tyßcad the Opinion of Judge STOKY on the lir-t pi!ge--aiso the article tiom rhe I'r.iladeiphta Lidger bhovrreg how th. Bill wa ptu :I it robbing the state. EBcar the di, i ite-*'- a : >t.m oi . /,ia; . . j - iiirriislies ttie ,y to the passage 1 . This measure of nr.iu:--y. ' i he Blair County Whig, a ldack Republican W'ilrn.-t paper, -ays"t be A;. ; -".i t:orn:ie:,t *.'.: I i- ,n Abomination and should have i;• .-n vetoed by Gov. Pollock." '! lie editor -ay s Ruther that "Jordan, to g t a District to suit !..s own political notion?, let - ~i;i, tio ft pfy tifjufiog hf-it received jfcont "'•* -• ■-1> ; i '-Vi.'u. t. Cto following ros'.ii'i ti .a u: d iptcd : i tint tl.i* Siai' Camp oi I'm.;; ■, i vama, I .S. ; A., d > m. -t t ino stly roc :n --ri'ern. t' i 4. ■ Sib - I,| AtirPTTCSPoppJMie the. •••■ t'l. iti f. L; I, V • !ii ; v;--ir ri *u>. ;| to ' n ' : 1..t }•: ineij- i Am-; .canis;;;. a:io it si cartt-s!!\ call hi in a!! .- ms of .Arm rica lo '* ' iltt lib- Ariii.'.;,.ii A::u-ric..!i Patty in the 1 "*ii : tic! : 1 Lit! < at, t ■ tuj'j i.rti s :cl,!;s. tts and •. 'her -Mates sAuilt! -I * <-: i" II : liibini-m, :• ; it. t rk : "As lite Liial is!let m f: i < ! its •. n. imt drew its siist nance from the trtytk of Cm ' ■■> ktlii s n J it.|icl I tie i j lititlel - lis spreading lis, - ll< jitr.iicanism lias '..stoned its, i io ti oil V . i • '.i A: i- i ican tr .o, an-,: its i- --iiioiit iiinn titnifi :!s ta.- Ji; ;u;g leaves. And we are.stir" the Art. ruart j.-artv wiil nev er etij !i never he pr ..Rictive ol ant g-1 iv, it siiall tise tl.e prui.ia." .tool, ami cast id.'C.e parasite Idrever." Two . 'ids?* (, f Kiss; **- a ;2ls2ls:ii. Ave clip the iltiiovri::" Don. the New Haven iiegi -tef: '"ln the Senate of r hiss tclin-"'its (|, . j, rn r, , s ,1 constituHonal amehdntorttreqoirtng adopted ctt -12 ::s to r. si ie ill the State two years after ho rn.: nalnrali/.-d, before being allow. :i t;. vote, •*■ •• Mb :-t-'d y a vote of 05 i j I). This is Mas saclftisetts A , e/.v.v;. In New York th |;r 'p. ity qua! dicat i,n ,or negrm-H is t. . t . .n! v to !.e a', dished, (says the Albany Argus) f>ut the three y 'irs r-'.sitiertcf hereto!'•;*•• required of that tbiss. .his in _\ i■vv \: r !•; Know - \:.? hincrisiu.— In Scale 'ive yea;s is too short a C rin ;■ r n u liite fait), and in another three years is too i.ittga term r a negro 1 UVH, iAack Kcpuldi canisin is aqo r a.'Liiv' I- - Attention is directed to the adverti-ement of •Ir. i.sfiAC MKA'GKL. Jr. which will be ibiii.d in another column. It will be seen that he is li nking a very super.or style of Furniture, ai d deserves eu eotirugeinent. We have now two as good Cabinet stablishmeiits in Bediord as can he found any w here —that of Mr. MKNGKL, nnd Mr. STAHL— and, therefore, oar citizens will he saved the trouble and expen e of sending to the city for Furniture. ; UK IN TIII: DKEU SCOTT CA t*.— VI. irtciai import of the opinions r.f the Stt pn A art iu th" Dred Scott case hav ;:t !a>! appear d. They ; r" jio' iished by the Apple ton.-*, vrho i',nve ptirclnised tlte privilege, it is saifr rr. .Mr. J toward, the repo ter. They tnak" :i vol; n,e .'I ; . t three hundred octavo s. J'l i'gi" i atiey's opini.).u occtt; ies .sixty three r-ig-'s: Jadgr- .eison's twelve: Judge iJrier s less than bait a pug": Judge Daniel's tub .'ity-I'Msr ,' ; i; ./,- Camp.ill's Iwetitv >:n. J'ldg" i ;;t ri Oielevt-n; Judge Jl'liran's thirty-five; Judge ( nrtis 1 s:xtv-eight. A;,..ot;a.\ME,\"r o; L::. i-LATitnE.—The Legislature has agreed to a-j >u.-:i t! June to select a Ticket to be supported at tin next election, and appoint Representative am Senatorial conferees; and perform such othe d-.ti. •• as may promote the general good. A tins i.- one oftlie an A important elections S a we have ever had, it is earnestly hoped that tin at AS-US will give these del-gate elections th'i earnest attention, and thus effect an organiza tion such as cannot fail to result in a gloriou Triumph. Le*t us avoid ail wrangling abou mere men. Man;, oftlie aspirants must neces sat ilv he disappointed. This is inevitable— can not he avoided am!, as .cither of the candidate named are eminently worthy our hearty am cordial support, 1.-too unkind expressions he ut l•■*( 1 against either in the choice of delegates It would lie the pleasure of the domociatic parti to gratify all ti;e candidates if they po->es>e< the power, ami hence the fact of being left u the i icke! v\ ii! be no reflection upon any one— and the disappointed candidate gives th i ickct the warmest support will prove himsel the most honorable man, and show that In.; con nection with tiie-democratic party is based up >t higher and nobler principles than the love of oi lice. \v ;iat is so pitiful, so degrading, so liumi luting, as tns, e jf,- man who has submitted hi pretensions to tne derision of'a convention, mo ving :;! out like an evil spirit, d . satisfied wit I him-eff ami a1 i mankind because some, one els has been more fortunate than himself for tin time b- ing ! But we have no tears at this cf'ia racter on the p;>s< ut occasion, because the can didates are all i. en possessing a high sense o honor, ami thoroughly indoctrinated with tin ■ principles of Democracy. We have i manly l'.uly to meet us. Our opf-notion i ir.i e- up f l-'W and grovelling FACTIONS willing to "unite" with IB- most degraded e lem-nts, white, ick, or red—infidel, :ni : tn- n 1 any thing else—to overthrow the great prin cip!i-s u o . 'i have ma ie us the great people wi lie; atid hence an lu rest a; peal will reach thu "e.t. t 1 d e\vry I'atri die citiz> rt ant! induce bin to rally iimb r (Be m: tarni -bed i'fag of Demorra fv, bu> it :::e are better than white : n.' Railv then, Demo; rats, and discharge your dutv ir. : n • C'U the independent fVe.-m-n lid C Uiity. I l:e J ;il iVI lU.g named per.;-'!,, will . pr-finlend the delegate eh ciious, giv i:. t pis.per i; dire, uc : i>' If irti Borough—J p Re, J, J J Uesi-na \ ale; tine Stockman. < '•>!. i wind :p —.1 T it idiart, IM Holder am: . ~ n Sansoni. Btoa.itup—Edward i'n rs .-n, Tho* W Hor !•: . i ' 1 aim '' or. Coleiain —]' AJ Cesßß3, Mm Jjeeg'e. Josual' '-lioemaker. - nt! >. ' :i:-'v Knrv W. rt?. J- bn May Sand Whip. Hopewell—VYni Fluke of Jacob, Michael ■J< . Jam s .Met 1' irv. .! irt:,;ht—Vvw. K'i, Burns, Jr. L N. F\ ty—'Michael L. Putt; 5 '. j A. Wi,.:-/, DaSt. i- r. L ind.- ii erry—John Miller. Jr. Jacob 1) - vi,re, ,1 ess-* < '-Minor. M ,;u , —(;... \ -ostein, Jon. Hoif n, Jrcm Fletchers .apier— l -r ue! \\ Miller, form-Bus Wfiet- Sto-e. VV Jfj r : ie| . lust Ib-ovi dence— l', t,-r II Barton, J ho < Butk, Wm Me}!.,. . _ H est Brnvi fenc M, ■' a--' Murr. v, Samue 1 \\ ... - clr, (.'at t WIT d b.'bii - —J St-, ie-B, hn K trnnerr. J R, longer. Southampton—Win .Moss, Win Adams, Thus Dutahoe. St flair—l 1) IJeegle, John Alstaut, Joliri ri B iwser. i aiutr Michael W.-rtz, Adolplrus Ake, IV t r M ses. .Middle Wnodb-rrv—Win McDonnald, Pa trick Burns, Daniel P Bulger. South Wo:odberry—J B Fluke, San.uel Csfer. Win Ti-twih-r. Alnnl'ier (",-rv if Jjrfini'uent. —The Boston Bee state-- that a committee appointed :>v the Sew Rngtan ; ( inference of the Mt-thrulis Fpis copal ( hureb report.that the Rev. D. L. (Va: of Lynn, mis, in their opinion, been proved guil ty of lying, fornicati p. and forgery. This is a deplorable state of things, when almost every day tings to us intelligence that this or t! at member of tbe clerical pre f.-sj. n in \evv En gland has forgnth n i s duty to hirr self, his pen-. pie, and his Maker, and has heen tfeadir:; tl.t :!ark path of infamy and shame. Is it not timt tmit these r.d our clergy who are j.-a! us for the ait i.itne and efliciencv of the Oospel minis'rj should e\ert tfiemsefees to purge fmm fheit ranks those lecherous wolves in sheeps clothin< r who are doing such incalculable injury to Ifu cause of religion ' In their zeal to point on the f- i'ies a:-! -ins in the world around them, is it not pro! able that they u.ay have over Jfoi.e< Ihe '-indisereti.ins" of their own cla-s ? Wi sngg st that in future it would he in good taste lor them to rebuke ihe "individual sirs 1 * of ch-n --ua. delinquents, as well as to preach against every other form of vice S;ri: frhl B/zgi/s-. Tt/e A. < *!• 1 or:': Hrri-l nrnl f/ir 'llc:,v!,Uniu Part,;. List fall the Y. w York / crvrfd lahnn-d /.ealon!y to bring the Republican into power. But tie corrupt ion ofthift piutv f;a< !i-gustrtd even the H rnll, which gives utter iince to fhe following no doubt well-considn, cl opinion: "Some prais,* is c.ertain'v dim to the Rejmhli ' airs of !hi< State. 1 hey are without question tlie nest corrupt set b politicians we ever had. He have bad a good many corrupt parties and party leaders in this State; hut a party so ready r>sacrifice every consideration of public wel fare and a! -.tract justice to private gain as- these Republicans, u e never liacl before, and vujdo most earnestly fiope we shall rmv-r have again." , ■■:urtf--r II HI nut.— Simon Dillon, of Clay county. (>, ii, a man sixty years old-, been tif.ted i.u murdering hiss-m, fifteen y. ;i:s ,!:, ten veal-:since: the f,.t!i, r kiib d the'b ; v l,y a mvere flogging, and l!. n r- j rted that ; e bad tun awav: but the murder has nuw been discov red by finding the ladA bodv liutied in the cv|- ! ir. Tlie True Republican Platform ! ~~T The following sentiments were t!e:eil by a publican Abolition Convention which r!)t. Purvis (Mack) — "Looked-forward with, joy to the time when volution sisal! overthrow this atrocious gov ninetit." Itev. Andrew F. Foss, of New Hampshire, vhite) — •'The slaves needed sso arms from 'he North, bey only needed to he let alone, and they lemselvcs won! I twist off l-hejr master's necks. was what he would do. He would twist oil ty man's neck who will hold him a.a slave, [e drew a flaming picture of the dav when iere would lie a servile insurrection throtx'h it the land." UTn. Wells Drown (Flack) said "Me would rather see the slave emancipated v insurrection than any other wav. flispray r was that the next wind or telegraph from until Carolina would hring news of an insur •ction by the slaves against tln-ir masters.— [e would like to see it though a milli n of men lould perish in it, and it should fail." The Rev. Henry Garrett (Mack) said— "ll will not always he borne. Our people ill not always consent to he trodden under Kit; they will arm themselves some dv, it ee l i>r f to secure their rights. Jt will rwt he a est I v armarnent neither— a cent imifce will do ' : amir ! with " box of tucif-.r matches the Inch ni will have the power in his hands." Fred. Douglass said "SI n wondered at the late p mingat Wash agton : i.ut men who whip and prostitute their 0 dts. and sc. mrge their niggers, might expect c rm-et ileatli in the pot. I'l;e are ry log to us that wo are trying to make our i.ig ers ci,' their throats ; and t! • r. : : ..,r i- ti. v now tln'v deserve to have the: . nr. To iin an sign id'.'; couragemet ! was so inter <-st as the iiMurrecti n at the South." Th? Eufam ( ns;itanialampany, with •me ni: imj or! ant amendments, the IJ :> • irr- d 1:1 the same, on Tuesday. and th" bill was riallv parsed and sent to tin G .verunr hv whom was signed and is- therefore a law. fire cor sj-ond'-nt <'f tin- Pitt -durg I"> > ■ thus sprain, f ti.e mariner in which the iijiqnit >ns full u;■ - t : 'reeled and forged, through the Legislatni" : '! he ! ii! was tlrawn 1 y the enemies of' 1 " ■•: cr party. It w•, s j - f r! and ■ - jnded !,y a united E pnnlioan and American Ini nix, ami, w iih ?'• aid <.f .. j'. -.v f.;!| : 1 cr its, I li y pass- I it. \\ :eri i' was uruier consideration in fh Set - !;■ its Irie s sit oa rd t!.* ir defermi: at ion to uit as it w as on many oct lsion.-: and to show w ijttie llwse men cared i r the xvejjare ot :e Common wealth, let mc state a few facts, yhirh are upon tecord and will up in ju, g f'-nt against them hereafter. 7t as pv ••• sed tn amend This 1 ii' ?•> as tr ;ive ac.y other pa;tv J'.i.n the Pennsylvania .. :;!r ad ( pnriv, tlie right {•> purcd ie th i! on lone, f they would { .\ t ugh-*- j ice hu I,arid ;i-.e Rlends of the !>ili v teii tim ainend le Jit i u ardrfi : "Put the whale carefully into a glass bottle, cover it over with spiritsM wine (strong whiskey will do) then cork and seal up." The stamps were handed over to a charilunle iiisti tution. xJ llridegroom Rustiaiina. —John Dean, who recently kicked up agtcat liubhuh among the c if fish aristocracy by marrying the wealthy N! S-, iloker, is rusticatii g in the pleasant little vnlagt? of Kranklinvilie.a few miles < j asl - ofsucli a piece of animated luxury; so he re turned it to the Post office, and in a day or twi John Johns .0, No. 2—i.e., John Dean— c;.!h i and claimed it. HII'JILIO Republic. AFFAIRS IN I TAIL The appointment of (Governor of Utah ha been declined by M j -r McCnii ch, and th" of fice has been temieri ! a distinguished VVest ern man, but not Judge Drurnmond. The ad ministration, it is understood, have late advice Irom the territory, and it has been determine! to adopt vigoious uiea-ires with a view to tin enl rcerrieiit of the Federal authority, and : large body of troops wiil he sent thither, proba bly under the command of Genera! Harney.— The Wwskingion ! niun savs letters have beet received fnun souicvs entitled to cr ilif statin; that Governor Brigham Young had, at the las accounts, leit Salt Lalte ("itv with a cii s-r body of two hundred men. for Washington o: Oregon. Some of tfTe writers express the belie that \ onhg would endeavor to make his wav tt the British j .-sessions < f the Pacific. Olliei accounts, however, contradict I .th t! e reportei departure of Gov. Young, and its , i.-ct. A Utter t i t.'ie .Ww York Tints from Salt Lake under at |i- -at, a: t-Tiivi s within ::o i ch of fits throat, f.r - i f.i.n to {.Tomis- to up! old litem in whatever the* drd, and to "stt-'aui the laws of Utah !" Tin •00 ; . red. threatened and intimidated. Judgi S 1 iiej. yj ; ! -d, dis- i : .st (| the jury, and adjourn 'd the court, directing the crier t > pronounce it ■v/rt die. The crier accordit glv announced tTit Court a ••timed'.v/.vc r/?r, but also stated that •• would meet tile text day for the purpose fI tra isr. tiiig any busin •>- that might be brought before li. ♦'The Judge, at tl o HrUtr assist him—fie considered th etiicer-rrf the caurt, an ! that an account of the e\p ris of t!m court iv ui.i he !.. pf hv th" ter ritorial marshal, and lend, r-- I to the United States marshal for pHvrheofl. Ttw* Moriftoni I ar i t it the Ui .te.l Sta;.*s Ma; dial—who i a 10; I'—wc uli interfere with the execu tion of their plans. and, th. refuse, adopt at this m-ih at ifi' r e!t:inr rid of and (tubs! bating 'in- M >rm..a ten:! ia! mars!; alin Us j ace.— Jo ige f-tihsj ■ n being asked by a G> utile, di rectly after the adjournment of the r nrt, whether it was possible he could imagine ids p:- cedings and correct and just, frankly :ic!;now!e(J,r d (Wt It" knew th-v wer neither. and a Id- d—*V--11 or; ! -rs'and c v p •.-!- t:iii H'i' , tins pc ip 'e. / (■■ nr. 'i 'o oih r; ;.v." "Judge Stiles r*-Opened the f Ult the n,'Xt day, tlie !3'h of Pehnuirv, in pursuance of the notice given, and proceeded to The tern' ial marshal Alexander eicKav, occupi ed t'.e prop r stall m . 1 the 1 nite i States mar shal, thus giving the Court an entirely Mt ui ui aspect, with Mr. Burr as the only (Untile within tfm Bur. The journal of the preceding dr. v was !hen r ad. Finding that it rco ded the court as adj mrn- d "until to-morrow ," Mr. Burr asked if the record was correct. Judge Stiles replied that the crier had misunderstood his order, and that instead of adjourning the Court sin* dip, he should have adjourned it un til the next morning—that he had ad! mrned the Court *//>" only a.s related to United States business, ami that it was still in session on terri'trial business. He also remarked that, as ihe Legislature was a creator" of the same power as that which created the Court, thev were co-ordinate : and that in all the cases to !>e tried before him he should he governed bv the laws of the territory in preference to all others, and that he would have recourse tooth er laws only when the enactments of the terri torial Legislature could not he made to apply to the case. "Mr. BurjcJhen asked him if he understood him to say that he would he guided ! y the laws oi the Territory in preference to the laws of the United States. 13ef>re any reply could he made, an attorney name ! Ferguson, jumped up and commenced a most lou! and abusive attack upon Mr. Burr, exhausting the stock of even Mormon billingsgate in bis malignant tirade.— He then turned to the Judge arul told him that it he dared to decide against their laws he could sit on that bench no ! >nger, and that the court room w 1;Id he cleared d d quick I" The district attorney followed in a violent harangue, in which he accused Mr. Burr of trying to set aside th" Mormon laws, ami said that the Mor mons had submitted to Gentile interference long enough, that tlmy were now going to have their own wav, and had good authority f r what they did, as well as safe barkers. The room was filled at the time with armed ruffians, uno constituted the "! ackers" allud d to. As soon as Mr. Burr and Mr. T. S. Williams got nil to reply, the territorial marshal ordered them peremptorily to stop: and immediately the whole audience sprang to thi-ir f *t, and the Da 11 it* murderers who filled the Court, threw off their c at- and brandished their knives and revolvers, and created so gnat a confusion that the Judge was obliged to adj >urn thy-Court at once. " There can he no doubt that Fergus-on, Stout, and their Dunite huilu-s were prompted to '.he tonduct thus related, ! v Brigham Young, ibr when Judge Stiles went to Ihe latter as Gover nor, arid asked him if lie would sustain him in the execution of Ins- duties and the enforcement of the laws, lie replied that he would not inter fere, and would 'hold the boys back no longer,' but was going to let them have their own way ; r r^*asrflcmsraL. :•; vz*BC*J-:Z ia,ru -Kstre I I r-r l!if court bar! given him too m*fi trouble - alreatlv." 'I lie Alkn York jCommsrci'd ~]Jpertinr t in c-. jiving th■-• above, expresses doubts as to its - truth, and it i< possible that a vindictive color i iug ir.avltave been given to it hv the writer : hut '.he fact .Mil! remains, ever. it the incidents t have been <•;, crsrerated, that a fl iJZnint ) r.-uce with ti;e judicial proceetfings did take - place : that a judge < f the Federal Court has ! !>ecn cf ;>!y instilled it, the discharge t f hi? du ty ; and that so tar as it is permitted to express iUe],', t!ie general feeling ol the Mormon people - is bitterly adv, rse to Constitutional restrictions. Jydtrr l Orurmiiond's recent letter is sufficient I of itseii to show the inherent wickedness of this people, and to impress any unprejudiced mind with an utter abhorrence for the abominations, taught and openly practised by their chief |ead ers, and it therefore becomes dutv of the President to bring them at once under w ho', some subjection bv the e.vrcise of all the power wil.'i which the nut una! will lias iuvt-sfc " ed liiiri. V rom the Hanover Spectator. fc.YTHA I s AY. We notice by the proceedings of the Legisla • tur that the members have voted themselves i S2OO est!a pay, and endeavor to justify their act hv ass rtmg that tin v have been so long ab sent I rom their business and homes. It is true i the session is almost without a parallel in lon ' gevity, and incpiite a number of other particu ! lars. But what humouggerv to talk about be i ing kept there to do the work of the State. Volfling that they have done has been in accor : dance with the uislt-s of one third of the peo ple of the : late, and we h-el satisfied that the , tax-payers would have rejoiced had they ad— jouriie,) in mediately after the election of L'tii ■ feil Stat. > Senator, and gone hone' with their , :iboo lit til. ir pockets, fur they have done them no good hut increased the burden already too h< avy to he borne. L _:b:ti,n in Pennsylvania is of so little im por'.ii:ce, that if is n>t absolutely necessary to iiave an Assembly of 11 preventatives, and we . think til - whole country would lie benefited were we to disj.cnse with the in*l Hut ion fir at . least iuor ur five years. Our farmers complain > ami v. .i;is as much they can do to make e igh to pay their taxes. Js it any wonder? I-. 1 . ■ y j ear they are increased, and what for? Is ■ e : iff lie debt diminished ? Not a l it. \\ l.y f 11' 11 are (he taxes ittcicased ? Simply '■ -> ai>*ail .".Vetl to vote themselves t Ji v. A c> temporary very justly re • ma; ks, that if they are permitted to g<> or> in ■ this way, n-xf winter they will have their sala ry fixe.! at S>l(c K). ihe present Legislature has '* it . • much service to the State, during • this si-ssi m, as a fifth wheel is to a wagon. We are f (Mientlv asimd what have th>'\ done or what are the\ doing? VYe have never been a b!e t answer these quest ions : hut he not snr ju i- i l ead r, we have found out. t/iey fnz-e vo /•-.•/ /.•: ivo hundred collars extra pmj run i \ -kiivk Es. The Republicans have h en endeavoring to overtt row the decision of the Supreme Court it. the Dreil Scott cas-% It ioust -e plain to every one that such a course is entirely futile and without any possible ei focl. Attobsbt GfesEßAL's OrncE.— Hon. Jere miah >. Ida lc f Attorney Genera} oftar United States; i.. !;. (oil-', i... j.. ciiief clerk. The ••I'dii irv l.iisinesA of . tike may be classified under ? Ire f.iiowing heads : 1. Official opinions on the current business of i! • guvernrr er.t, as (ailed I v the President, by ar.v L ad . . as ti.e sites <>l arsenals, Nghf-lt OS' S, and all other public works of the Unit. I States. •'. Applications for pardons in all rases of c nvh'i >n in the coiuts > f the United States. -k Applications f. r in all the judicrd ai d legal business of the government. .). ihe conduct ami argument of all suits in the Supieme Court of the United States in which the government is concerned. ti. The supervision of all other suits arising in any of the departments when referred bv the hea l thereof the Attorney General. To these ordinary heads of the business of th" office are added at the present time the fol lowing, viz ; First. The direction of' a!! appeals on land claims in California. Second. The codification and revision of the laws of the District oft olumbia. Winter Wheat in Canada.—The Toledo Colonial "fa lute date, savs that the fall wheat which appeared a few davs ago to he in rather a precarious conriiti n; is rapidly assuming a more favorable aspect, and no fears need now be entertained of the plant having escaped all danger from the verv unusual ami trying weath er since February ia>t. H ;; . .<;• ~—p H r p OTP" At a meeting of the members oi' the Bedford Circuit ties(l at Bloody linn on hist Sabbath after the delivery of a Sermon by Kev.JA.MKS A. COLK MAX, relative to the rl. aili of that great ur.d good iiiun, JOHN A. COLLINS, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted : Wherea-. u e bave received intelligence of the un expected death, in the providence ot ffoil, of our late Presiding illder, itev. John A. (hillins, and feel keenly tbi- sad b I 'iivefrient, Resolved, by the mem bers oi Bedford Circuit, East Baltimore Conference, 1 That the M. F.. Church has 10-t in his death one of her most efficient ministers, arid one of her most constant friends. That we cherish with fond remembrance his in terc :ir>e with us, not only a- a talented minister oi Jesus Christ but as a warm friend and excellent Pre siding Elder. d. Tliut while we mourn his loss, we do heartily r. j .ice that he tiied the death ola Christian, and that his er ! was triumph and peace. I I'hnt