The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, May 15, 1857, Image 3

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    Strange Love (iff"" in Indiana—Peculiar In
terview between Lovers—Tragedy.
The Liberty Herald printed ;! t Liberty, Union
wo nty,tellslhe following:--IVe have been pla
ced in possession ol some most melancholy facts
in relation to a you no man .and a young" ladv,
the former a resident of Pnlde county, Ohio,
nnd the latter a resident of Oxford. Ji appeals
that the young gentleman is a student at West
point Military Academy, and the lady was his
betrothed. Being absent from her a long while,
be returned home some two weeks since, and
fjufid her married and in her second confinement.
\ltbough a correspondence had been regularly
kept up between them, she had concealed the
fact of her marriage, and of course he was star
.p(| to find how matters stood on his return.—
•phe young man wis-lv determined to let
ters pass off quietly, and seek friends and for
tune in another place. In view of this deter
mination he concluded not to see the lady, hut
unwise counsels of friends prevailed with him,
and he went to the house where she resided.
While in a room adjoining that of the ladv, she
heard anil recognised his voice, and expressed a
desire for an interview with mm. Heimmedi
stelv repaired to the room, where a most affect
ing scene occurred. She asked and obtained
Id. pardon: the interview closed, and they sep
arated. But what she had passed through was
bwonJ her power of endurance, and that night
per spirit passed from earth. The young man
was not informed of her death until morning,
when he attempted self-destruction by jumping:
into a mill race not far from where lie resided.
He would have succeeded in drowning himself.
|,ut for the accidental appearance of a g-ntlemsn
wending his way along the race to the mill
Immediately alt• -r he was tak**ti from the wader
and resuscitated, his friends si-nt liirn to Cincin
nati, where he would be aw ay from the scenes
that would bring to his memory the imha<i-[ v
circumstances which had overtaken him at it.3
The Ho g Cholera Terrible PotalUy. —fsince
we last wrote on this suhj. ct, a large number of
hngs have died in this County, from the prevail
ing sickness, a kind of cholera. Messrs. I'. A.
,\,S,Small, at th-ir grist mill, about two miles
jhiaWVi}, are the heaviest losers. Up to no.n
lStfi tilt., one hundred and
died: Saturday till Monday evening,
fourteen more died. The hogs have for some
time been tunning at large, in the wood, vet
that does not seem to check the- sickness. Some
of the dead hogs, though no! rnanv, weighed
over founds : the general average
v about, one hundred and twenty pounds, each.
M>st of tl;ese hogs have been bought from Wes
tern drove;s: tire rest were home raised.
P. S. VVe have a report from the mill up to
Thursday ttwn, at which time there were one.
hundred and foil if dead hojrs ; or tlnrty-one irr
the five preceding days.
Jacob Myers lias also Inst a number ol hogs
not heretofore alluded to, and we are informed
the whole remnant of his throve hogs have died.
Like Messrs. Small, Mr. .Mv ers' loss is severe.
A Mr, Free, distiller, in Manchester tow n
ship, lost the ne\t highest number—some ac
counts say tWO d Olel]. ,
Next comes Joseph Rubv, in Ifeilarn town
slap, who lo>t ten or twelve. We think some
Mere his own raising.
Six hogs of his own raising, died lor Mr. John
Hiestand. in Spring Carder, township, two miles
from York.
Resides the above, other persons in the Conn
tv, about whom we have not heard, have no
doubt also hist s ur e of their iirvrs.
It is singular how quick after art attack the
logs die. Tii numerous instances, while eating
the hog falls, and in a few minutes is dead.—
)ork Pennsylcniiimi.
'•Makbting i\ Fiw." Another instance of
the folly of "marrying in fun" is now exciting
the people ol Florida. It seems that a banking
"fficei in that town met at a ball a young !ad\
from this neighborhood, who was very good •'
looking, sprightly and attractive. While,
mal'/ing with her, lie proposed iri jest that tlrev
should he married. The lady accepted his
proposition, and thev adjourned to a side room,
Where a person present w as called upon to per- ;
Inrm the ceremony, which he ii-! to the infi
nite amusement of all concerned. The gentle
man thought no more of the matter until tire
breaking up nf the ball, when the fair partner,
railed upon him to conduct her to his residence.
IF d-muTed, and thought she had better go to>
W own residence. She said, his home was her
hlfne, " whit her thou gOeSt I will follow thee."|
11-didn't hardlv understand that she was hrs
M-il'e. She insisted upon her marital rights, arm
claimed that as the ceremony had been per
irrmed l>\ a Justice of the Peace, it was a per-j
t*ctly fair and legal transaction, Gentlemen
inquired into matters: found that her positions j
were correct, and that lie was in a had box.— ;
H" is now endeavoring to ignore bis wife ami
ark nut of his bargain, with tittle prospect of
success, however. The iadv has before been
married, and w is it is onderst >od, divorced from :
h"r firmer husband, but under such circumslan
t-sas admitted of her marrying again.
A Peer vort t:ii: PorrtACi:.—The Scientific j
American gives a very simple mode of exarnin- j
'• r 'Z the satellites of tile planet Jupiter, the
* misused being so common as to be within the
teach of all. It savs :
Every person can view them, fry reflection, i
singa common looking-glass for the purpose.
'>na clear night take a looking-glass, and, ei
'-er at the window or out of doors, s > place it
'•*<'o receive the impression of the planet. By
* close examination of the planet as reflected
in the glass all its satellites will also be observed,
provided none of them are eclipsed. It is rath
er remarkable, however, that although these sa
tellifps can thus be seen, while they cannot be
by the naked eye, that neither Venus nor
'be Moon can be seen so distinctly by reflection j
as t||,-v can be bv observing them with the na-
Li - °
sec! eve.
The N i'.w Cf.xt.— The Philadelphia . Vorfh j
* '"lerican is informed by Col. Snowdon, Direc
'nr nf the United Slates Mint, that in about
•Tee weeks this much desired coin will be
'hsiri'iuted to the public. About a million are j
already completed, arid two millions more will ■
"■ finished before the Mint commences paying |
'liein otit. It i K - then to be hoped that the pres
ent cumbrous copper coin will disappear. Since I
'he establishment of the U. S. Mint, 1 ,SOO tons
°f enppe,- cents have been coined, making of
"'Sinct pi-ens one hundred and fifty millions.
(| l these a large number have been lost, conver
!hl into "washers" for machinery or otherwise
!l hen out of circulation. Col.Snowdon esti
the quantity of Spanish coin still in the
at no Icxi than two millions of dollars.
Iljtrlif.'ii, . Jhti. Thjr, ii nnautnl to dye brown
or black, so as to defy detection, without the least
injury to the hair or skin. It is the admiration of
the critical, the envy of imitators—never fades. It
is the perfection of the art. as it i- the original.—
Made anil sold, or applied, at the Wig Factory '.'T!
I>4 nail way, New \ ork. As ee| plate label ivilti W .
A. BATCH KI.OII is on each box of germi tie, all others
ate counterfeit.
May 8, 15.77 Irn.
certainly a gieat advance towards the eradication ol
disease; because there can be no doubt that, one
great cause of protracted illne-s is the natural reluc
tance we have to swallow medicine conformably to
the directions of the Physician. Various experi
ments are therefore resorted toby the medical Prac
titioneer in order to disguise the taste of his prescrip
tion. Recourse is generally such cases, ttt
those articles of fiod which the patient is met tond
of, and Which are commonly at hand. The conse
quence is. he loathes the sight of them ever alter
ward-; .Vow. CLI'CK.VF.irS SUGAR COATEI)
\ LGLTABLF. PILLS, remedies this object ion *Ml
tirely. The medicine is so completely en-hrouded
hy the coaling of Migft'r, that the Pill may he suffered
to remain in the month a considerable length of time
without inducing any symptom of nausea or disgust,
l'heir curative properties are rhiedy confined to
complaints which originate in impurities ol the blood,
llence they strikeat the root of disease, and The re
lief they afford cannot be olhe'rvVise than permanent
and effectual. They place nature in the very posi
tion she occupied at our birth. They cleanse the
bowels, pmiiy the blood, promote the insensible
perspiration,and re-tore a healthy action to the heart,
the liver, and the lungs. Their virtues are so po-i
--tive and certain in restoring health, that the propri
etor hinds himself to return the money paid for them
in all cases where they do not g've general satisfac
tion. "
May 8, 15.77—2w.
The Washington Star publishes a L-tter from
England, written by a lady of Philadelphia, in
which she refers in the following terms to
Spnrgeon, the English "sensation preacher
I iie church was well filled without being o
vercrowdetl, and we were w• •iI phased with
Mr. Spnrgeon. His style is rather peculiar,
and 1 dare say you have seen many of the
newspaper anecdotes about him. lie is very
eloquent, hut at the s an;e time makes use of ve
ry ludicrous expressions, which cause much a
nuiseinent. For instance he designated us (his
congregation) small fry, and then, after ex
pounding that part oi the Revelations in which
it speaks of "the angel keeping the gate of hea
ven," he pretended to hold a dialogue v\ ith the
aforesaid angel somewhat in the following man
ner : "Angel," shouts Mr. S., so loudly that he
made the church ring again, and his audience
w ere so surprised that fir the time silence reign
ed. "Well," savs the angel. Mr. S.—"Have
you got any Methodists in Heaven?" Angel—
"No." "Any Baptists?" "Not one." And
he went through a long catalogue of Presbyte
rians, Episcopalians, N.c.. \.c., at the top of his
lungs, as though he were talking to some one
in the next street—the angel objecting to each
until at length he said, "Have yon g t any l>e
liev. rs in Christ ]" upon which the angel said
"h * ha ! a few of tfiat stock on hand." Of
course every one was in a sitter, and you could
hear them laugh all over the church. He told
one or two rather ludicrous stories, hut still
it was nothing to what they tell of him in Lon
A few weeks ago he singled Lord Palrnerston
out ol his congregation, and told him "Ac
needn't think >o much of himself, for his fathei,
(meaning of course Adam) was a market gard
ner. and his mother wa brought up on a charge
of stealing apples." I pon another occasion he
told the assembled multitude "that the way to
101 l was smooth and easy like this," raid he,
ami straightway he opened tlm pulpit door, put
his foot over tile banister and slid down, as von
have oft seen little bovs do. He tfi'-ri stopped
for a moment and sai !. lit the wnv to heaven
is hard like this," and then pull-d himself up a
gain, which operation vcas rather difficult, hut
the congregation received this practical illustra
tion with great applause. It is really very
wonderful that so young a man (he is only 2d) j
should create such a sensi.lion, hut still many
goto hear Ii im merely from curiosity.
The undersigned appointed by the Orplthns'
Court of Bedford County, to distribute the mon
ey in the hands of John Sparks, surviving Exec
utor of the last will £xo. ol Thomas Morris, late
of West Providence Township, deceased, will
attend to the duties of said appointment at his
office in the Borough of Bedford, on Wednes
day the "27th day nl May, inst., at it) o'clock
\. M. : when and where all persons interested
can attend.
May 15, IS.>7. Auditor.
Tlie tinder signed appointed by the Orphans'
Court of Bedford County, to exun ine the excep
ti tis, report an account, and also a distribution
of the funds, in the matter ol the exceptions fi
led to the confirmation of 'lie account of Rob
ert Elder, Administrator of John A. Nicodemus,
late of Wc rod berry township, deceased, will at
tend to the duties of said appointment, on
Wednesday the 27th day ol May,inst., at 12 o'-
clock, M., at Iris office in tile Borough of Bed
ford ; when and where ail persons interested
can attend.
May 15, 1857. Auditor.
The undersigned appointed bv the Orphans'
Court of Bedford County, to examine the ex
ceptions and state an account in the matter of
the exceptions tiled to the confirmation of the
account of Jacob Ripley, Administrator of the
Estate ot Jacob A Istadt, deceased, will attend to
the duties of said appointment on Monday, the
Ist day of June next, at 10 o'clock A. 51., at
his office in the Borough of Bedford ; when and
where all persons interested can attend.
Mav 15, 1857. Auditor.
Pioposais will tre received at the Commission
ers'office in Bedford, from this until the 3Jth of
of Mav instant, lor the erection of a new bridge
over Dunning's Creek, near its mouth in Bed
ford Township. The bridge is to fie an uncov
er-d one; the plan may be seen at the Commis
si mers' office. The bridge is to be placed on
the old abuttrnenfs, which wiil, however, need
to be repaired. Bv order of Commissioners.
H. N ICO DEMOS, Clerk.
May 15, 1857.
All persons indebted to the Estate of Camp
bell Hendrickson, l3te of Cumberland Vallev
Township, Bedford Countv, deceased, are re
quested to make immediate payment and those
having claims against sard Estate ill present
them properly authenticated lor settlement.
May 11857. Adcn'r.
4 omhiiM'd
imp EH \n MOVER.
c L
Patented hy J. H. MANNY. Sept. 22,1851,
April 12, 1852, June 21, 155.3, March
1851, Oct. 15. IS5f, and bv WALTER A.
WOOD, 21th day of June and Ist day of July.
JNstj. The best combined MACHINE ever
From the success of last year's operations 1
take ph-asure in announcing this Machine tattle
Farmers for the next Harvest, and feel assured
it Will fully meet th*ir highest expectations.
It is easily managed, cuts cbun and easy, is of
light draft, and readily changed from a Reaper
to a Mower, and vice versa, requiring not more
llinn a minute to make the change. The ah
tensions from las) war are a- follows, \ iz :
All t tie Journals will be Case-hard - mat, the
: will be built of the best Salisbury Iron, and
wroUght iron substituted for cast in several pla
ces. !he Machine is made to mow lodged clo
ver without obstruction, by simply removing
four bolts nnd leaving oil'a part of the frame
work. With these alterations and improve
ments the machine will be stronger than here
tofore. when it was the only reliable
The Machine is warranted capable of cutting
from ten to fifteen acres of grass or ginin per
day, in a workman-like manner.
N. 11. Parties manufacturing IF aping or
Mowing Maciiines, using W COD'S PAT
ENTS, are cautioned against their further use,
and are hereby notified that payment will be
exacted to the full extent for the use heretofore
made of them.
For further particulars the Farmers are re
spectfully invited to call upon {Myeiail'C A.
SBil I*l Icy, Agents for Bedford County, Pa.,
who will furnish Pamphlets containing Certifi
cates, &c.
For Sale by BLYMIRE & IIA R I LEY, Bed
ford, Pa.
E. K. PARSONS, Harris'.urg,
Oeneral Agent for Eastern I'. iiti-y!vania.
May 15, 1857.
Bedford, May Bth, 1857.
Messrs. Blymire (x. Haitley
Gentlemen : I purchased
one of Manny's Reaping and Mowing Ma
chines last year. Its reputation being the high
est, and having seen it rot grain to mv entire
satisfaction, I bought it nfter.grain harvest. Mv
hay w as cut with it ; and, from its admirable a
daptalion to tin* purposes intended—having
fully equalled the representation—l am pleased
to recommend it to the farmers of .Bedford
County as an excellent M over and Reaper,
believing it fully worth the price asked as a
Mower alone.
L"t[ers testamentary having been granted to
the subscribers, upon the last w ill Nx. of Sam
uel Ziir.tners, deceased, I y t!w Register of Bed
ford Countv, all persons indebted to said IV-'a
tor are leqiiesteil to come forward at once and
make payment, and those hai ing claim* against
Urn Estate, are desired to pi es- nt the same prop
erly authenticated fir settlement.
Exo'rs. Bedford township, Bedford Co.
May 15, 1857.
•So*. \V. late,
Has for sale 10 Farms, 2 Tanneries, Coal
Land, 12,000 acres of unimproved land in Bod
ford and Fulton Counties. Lots of ground in
the towns of St. Joseph and Hamilton, on the
Plank Road mar Johns Branch, are ofiered at
reduced prices. Sold in quantities to uit pur
chasers. T< ritq —easy.
Mav 15, 1857.
\oi iu
The undersigned appointed Auditor to mar
sliall assets in the hands of Solomon Reimund,
Executor of the last will iiic. of John Reimund,
late of Bedim d Borough, deceased, and also as
the Administrator of Marv Reimund, deceased,
and also in the hands of John P. Arnold, Ad
ministrator of the Estate of Mary Ann Arnold,
deceased, hereby gives notice that lie will sit at
his office m the Borough of Bedford, on Fiidav
the 29th dav of May, inst., for the purpose ol
attending to the duties of his appointment.
May 15, 1857 2f. Auditor.
L- tters of administration on the Estate nf Jas.
W emitter, late of Monroe township, deceased,
haying been -ranted to the undersigned, all
those irnlchte,, to ,*aid Estate are requested to
make payment immediately, and those hav
ing claims against said Estate will present them
pioperly authenticated for settlement.
May 15, 1857. Adrn'r.
ety of Silks, Chalies. I/vnerlines, fx.c., to suit all
tastes, at REED'S CHEAP STORE.
found at REED'S IVom 50 cts. to 1,50,
of the best make and material.
lbs. Wool, Huron, Buffer.
SUMMER WEAR. —l5O pieces of Sum
mer wear, comprising Litisies, Cotton and
Woolen, at REED'S STORE.
May 15> 1857.
R A as IS B a: II:
f)n Tuesday, the lrith tilt., bv the Rev. Pr. Philip
Schaff, B. C. Coblentz, Hop, of Sterling. Whiteside
County, Illinois to Miss Marion, daughter ol i 01. J.
H. Murphy, ol Mei cersburg, f rauklili County, Pa.
At the time and'plare by the same, -Mr. 1-
saar P. Koons, Principal of the "Knoxville Acade
my." Knox County/Illinois, to Miss I illic (.arron,
ol Mercersburg, Franklin county, Pa-
Q.v SAMI EL H. TATE will lie a candi
date for the ofltce_of Protltonolary, Register,
Recorder, and Clerk of the seveiai (Lints ul
Bedford county, subject to the decision of the
Democratic County Convention.
D.U v\ e are authorized to announce JOHN
P. REED, Esq. as a candidate for Prothonota
ry, itc. subject to the decision of the Demon a
tic County Convention.
e are authorized to announce JNO. HENRY
S< tl ELL, l.s<)., o! Schell-burg 80., as a candidate
lor I'rothonotary. Ac., subject to the decision of
the Democratic County Convention. *
tT7- We are authorized to announce W'M. M.
HALL, Esq., of Bedford, us a candidate for Prothon
otary, subject to the decision of the Democratic
County Convention.
IC?" We are authorized to announce Col. 1 K. D
BEEGLE, of St. Clair Township, as a candidate tor
Prothouutary, subject to the decision til Ihe i>emo
cralic (.'ounty Convention. *
CCU" We are authorized to announce JONATHAN
SNt DKK, of Moiirbe, a* a candidate for I'rothonota
ry. subject to the decision of the Democratic County
Convention. *
T/"" We are authorised to announce GEO.
W. Gl MP, of .Napier township, as a candi
date for the office of Sheriff, subject to the de
cision of the Democratic County Convention.
: ,= " We are authorised to announce WIL
LIAM A. POWELL, as a candidate for the
Cilice o( Sheriff, subject to the decision of the
Democratic County Convention.
CU "We are authorized to announce JOHN J. CESS
NA, of Bedford Borough, as a candidate for Sheriff
Mibj-ot to the decision Of Ihe Democratic County
Convention. IX?"*
it/ VYe are authorized to announce PETER
H. STI DEBAKER, of Napier, as a candidate
for Sheriff, subject to the decision ol the Demo
cratic County Convention.
CC T " We are authorized to announce VALENTINE
SI I.ChMAN. of Bedford, as a candidate for Sheiitf,
subject to the decision Of the Demociatic County
Convention. *
CX* We are authorized to announce WM. S.
; Ft.l kE. Esq., of Woodberry, as a candidate for
Siierili, subject to the decision of the Democratic
> County Convention. *
07* We are authorized it} announce JOHN .M.
\ AN HORN, Esq., of Coierain, as a candidate tor
Sheriff, subject to the decision ttf Ihe Democratic
Comity Convention.
We are authorized to announce JACOB
BECK LEY, of St. Clair, as a candidate for
Commissioner, subject to the decision of the
democratic County Convention.
t! t= " We are authorized to ahnounce CAD
WALADER EVANS, Esq. as a candidate for
Commissioner* subject to the decision of the De
mocratic County Convention.
/,-=• We are authorized to announce DAN
IEL BARLEY, Esq., as a candidate for County
Commissioner, subject to the decision of the !
Democratic County Convention.
(XT" We are authorized to announce ISA At" KEN
SINGER. Esq., of Liberty, as a candidate for the
Legislature, subject to ihe decision of the Demo
cratic County Convention.
W\l. IIENUY I.KAS. 5.1.111 Kl. lIAUSII.
We buy and sell Eastern Exchange and Land War
ranis—-elect arid enter lands with cash and warrants ;
pay taxe invest money—make collections and j
attend to all legal business generally.
One of the Partners has located in Leavenworth j
City and will tiausact ali bit-mess connected with I
the Banking and Real Estate Busiue-.. For a few j
months yet, correspondents will address us at De
W. S. Gilmnu. !)0 Beaver st. New York.
Philadelphia. Seiger, Lamb Co. North
3d Stte- t: James, Kent Sc Saute, do.: Lefever
A. S' rriii, do. ; Drexili A. Co. Bankers, do.
li anhington Cdy, D. (. Hon. R. J. At- j
kinson, 3d Auditor, Treasury Department j
Cliubb A. Bros. Bankers.
Carlisle, Pu. — Edward Shower, Hon. J. ;
H. Graham.
Huntingdon, Pa. —Wirt. B. Leas, David
Blair, Esqrs.
Jledford. — Hon. Job Mann, Gen. Bowman.
Schcllsburg. — Duncan Mcv ick< j r, Esq.
March 20, IS-">7—l y.
THE subscriber oilers tor sale his valuable
Mill Propei tv, situate in Coleraiu Township,
Bedford County, in complete tunning order,
haviyg two paiis of Burrs, and all necessary fix
tures of the most approved kind. In cdhnec
!ion with the Mill there are two dwelling hou
ses, witii a Barn and all necessary outbuildings.
The purchaser can have anv amount of land ad
joining he mnv desire, under two hnndred a
cres—some cleared and under fence, with first
rate meadow.
There is also a new Saw Mill on the premi
ses, in the very best timber legion in Bedford
This property i? very desirable, and purcha
sers would do well to examine it before purcha
sing elsewhere. Apply either to JOHN CESSNA
m Bedford, or to the subscriber.
March '2O, 18?>7.
Foiwardiiis and Coiumissioii Merchants,
The subscribers doing business under tile Firm
of EVKRUAUT, A-HCOM, Co., are now prepat
ed to Store and Ship Flour, Grain, and all kinds
of Merchandize upon reasonable terms.
Thev also keep on hand Plaster, Fish, Salt,
Rock Powder, icc., to which they invite the
attention of Merchants in the country and Far
The highest cash prices paid for Flour and
Grain that the Eastern Market will afford.
Bee. 2(i, 1 So 6 ly.
A large assortment of flair, Tooth and
Clothes Brushes just received and fur sale at
Dr. Harry's.
Casaridra Trail vs. Susan Tewell.— Sams vs (ieo. W.
Buxton.—Same vs. Frederick Buxton.—Nos. 17 1,
17-7, and 171>, May Term, 1 *--57, Scire Facias Stir
Recognizances in Orphan's Court Docket, No. S,
pages 55<i, 558, and fliifj.
The undersigned, Audi tor appointed to examine
the above Recognizances, to receive evidence rd pay
ments, and report balance due on each recognizance
at next term, herebv gives notice that he will at
tend to thp duties of his appointment at ftie office of
Maun Spang in the Borough of Bedford on Mon
day the 27id day of June next, when and where all
persons interested may attend if they think proper.
.'lay i ", 1557, Auditor.
m SPMI&SIM tonus.
Tit" undersigned ha ving just reform <i bom
t-he Eastern Cities, an- now reriemiga lng
| and splehdid assortment of Spring and Summer
Goods, consisting, in part, of Ladies Dross
Goods black and fancy Silks, plain anrl Figured
Detains, Poplins, Challies, Lawns, Brilliants,
White Goods, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Collars,
vStc. &c. Sheeting, Crash, Muslins, Flannels,
Tickings, fancy and u'nion Casimeres, Cloths,
and a genctai assortment of Mens and Boys
Summer Ware of all descriptions, single and
double CARPET Chain, all colors. Boots*
Shoes and Hats in Great \ ari--ty. Hardware,
Queensware, Brooms and Buckets, Groceries,
| Syrup, Molasses, white and brown Sugar, green
ami black Teas, Fish, Tobacco, Indigo, Spices,
Dve stuffs. N.c. N.c. all of which uill !>e sold
cheap, as they are determined not to be under
sold by anv one. Thankful for past favots, they
hope to receive a general share of the public
Apiil 17, 1857.
rC/" Wanted, ">OOO lbs. Bacon, at Shoemaker's
Colonarle Store, for which the highest Market
price will be paid.
TH E duties of the School Will be resume,]
on Tuesday, April 14th, in the LARGE
THREE STORY BUILDING situated on the
coiner of Main and streets. Male and
Female departments distinct* The services of
a thoroughly educated young Ladv of Vermont,
have been secured as teacher of Music, fvc.,
K,c. The services of other competent teachers
also have been secured as assistants.
TERMS per Quarter of 11 weeks, inclu
ding Board, 1 uition, Furnished Room, Wash
ing, Light, and Fuel, $38.00.
MUSIC. 810.00
FRENCH, f>.oo
Ist Grade 4.00
2nd do ">.OO
3d do (>.2.">
April 3, !Sf>7. Principal.
A J persons interested, will please take no
sice that I have left iny. Books, notes, Nr.. in
the hands of Jojjn Ar.sie, Esq., where those in
indebted are requested to call an make payment
without delay, and save costs.
Apiil 21, ISf>7.
Mrs* S* IN. Potts
Is just receiving and opening an elegant as
sortment of Spiing and Summer Coods, embra
cing all the latest styles and patterns of Ladies
Dress Goods, tr, which she invites their especial
attention. Also a superior assortment of Trim
med and untrimmed Bonnets, Gaiters, Bootees,
Slippers, Paiasols, Skiits, Hosiery, Collars,
Capes, Ac. Ac.
Bedford, April 21, ISf>7.
partnership heietofbre existing between
Michael and John S. Weisel, has been disolved
|by mutnai consent. All persons indebted will
please settle immediately. The books are in
the hands oI Michael Weisel.
April 24, 1857.
N. B. We have on hand a number of first
rate Buggies which we will sell on reasonable
Shoe, Glassware, and Variety
Has just received an opened and elegant assort
ment oI goods in his line, to which he invites
the attention of the public, satisfied that he can
please all tastes. Bedford, Apiil 24.
Attention ISillt'iiieib
YOU are hereby ordered to parade a; vour
usual place of training, on Thursday the 21st
of Ma v, at 10 o'clock A. M., in winter uni
form, (with plume.) Each member will provide
himself with twelve rounds ol bail cartridge
for targot practice. A full turn out is desired.
By order of the Captain.
May 1, 1855. O. S.
THE subscriber Would announce to his old
fiiends, as well as to the public nt large, that lie
has opened an ENTIRELY" NEW STORE in
the Borough of Bedford, immediately opposite
the Washington Hotel, where he has just re
ceived a stock of SPRING AND SUMMER
GOODS of a superior quality, embracing al
most evejy article in the DRY' GOODS and
GROCERY' LINE, to which he invites the es
pecial attention of the people, who may find it
to tlmir interest to give him a call before pur
chasing elsewhere. His Goods will be exhibit
ed with pleasure, whether purchased or not.
Bedford, May 23, 1856.
Whereas ir.v wile Matilda has left my bed and
board without any just rau-e or provoe.ition, this is
to caution at! persons against trusting or harboring
her on my account, as 1 will pay no debts of her
contracting hereafter.
May 8, 1857. GEORGK LOVK.
The undersigned Surveyor for the County of
Bedford, will be in Bedford the first week in ev
ery month, and oftener if required. At other
times his address is Stonerstown, Bedford Coun
April 17, 1857.
Would respectfully announce to the public,
that he has opened a Blacksmith shop, at the
stand recently occupied by the Messrs. Weisel,
where lie is prepared to do all work in Ins line,
equal to any other shop in the county or else
where. Me invites those in need of his servi
ces to give him a call.
A {mi I 24, 1857.
DALJ.L V'S MACM'AI. FAIN I:\11: U tub.
Ibe great and piin*i|>l* charactentic* oI D Al. -
;*t. Of its never-failing and unique property, a<
-■•. a" applied in any external injury, to CHUCK
IXFLAMM I'lON mtantly, and rapidly to reduce
n. Thi* )• • inn- constitutes its great potter to alle
viate the | .1111 ot burns and scalds, and of other pain
-1 Inl disease., m so incredibly short a spare of time,
and as w ill appear from i he few test imonials hereunto
' annexed. Kerry intelligent mind is fully aware thai.
in all cases of external injury, the pain is produced
i by inflammation of the injured parts; and, therefore.
! it yon remove the cause, the effect must rease.
'id. Its purificative properties neutralize the poison
; that may lurk in the system, and will, when applied
j 'o the Mires, draw rapidly all impure matter to the
; surface, and eject it—hence the great discharge it
i produces from sores occasioned by burns—and when
j applied To old and inveteiate sores. Salt llheum. or
' other cutaneous diseases.
Each box ol <;km INF. ioi.i.i:y's iain r.xrß.wroi: lias
upon it a Steel Plate Engraved I.abet vrithT the sig
nature of C. \ .CLICKENEK X. Co., proprietor*, and
<HENRY DAI.LEY, manufacturer. Price 'Jo cent*
per box.
C3-AI! orders should be addressed to C. \ . CRrh
ener N Co., SI Barley street New York.
May S, IS37—2m.
("ABf.Yt.r. friend Ayer :In this age of quarks,
> charlatans and mere windy guseon* pretender* to
heal, who blow at every corner, and in the face and
ear* o! ail men, their loud, blaring Jericho trumpet*
i anil other noisy boisterous wind instrument* of innt
velously twisfrd brass, in such a woftilly sham ridden
epoch as thi*, I say, it i* comforting. Nav even
cheering to the earne*t Weil wisher of his race to
know there has arrived in this world a genuine phys
ician-—-to light once more upon something be*ide*
piere Snugradocs and Don Mercurial Jnlap*, with
their pblebotomie*. poison and warm water.
Your Chathartic Pill*, and Cherry Pectoral, carry
; ns forward to Halcyon days—to millenial Pharoiaco
! picas, w hen science, deep, diving down into the prin
ciples oi thing*, shall, with infinite cunning, bring
out the genuine Elixir \ .trc; for of a truth there i*
manifestly enough *orrt-whaf ol that *ame Life Es
sence in your subtle vegetable distillations and com
i pound*.
Von realize to u* the vision* oftho*e paintulests
sinoke-dried Alcbyrnesfs—bootless seeker*—dream
ers among retorts and crucibles, touching The quint
essential hidden virtue ol the universe, which should
antidote distemper, and break lor man the Wheel of
May I, IS.-ST— lm.
O'l fclJß'iflS?
Tin- undersigned Insjost returned from the
Eastern cilie* with a large stock of Spring *
(ioods: atid is now exhibiting at
,t general assort men! of new sf v !*■ of Spring;
floods, comprising, in part. Ladies' Dress floods.
Ducal f.'iocovella Challi, fancy and plain J)e
Lame, Brilliants. Lawns, Calicoes, \.c. K.r.
For gentlemens' am! boys' wear f'assi inures,
iCassinet*, Canton Cloth. Shepptrd Check, Cot
tonades, s'sr.
Boots, Shoes, Hals, Bonnets, Woollen and
Raj Carpets, Floor Oil ("loth. Syrup molasses,
white and brown Sugars, green and black Teas,
Groceries of all kinds, Queensware, Tubs.
Buckets, Brooms, N.c., Hardware, Shovels,
Forks, HOPS, Knives and Forks, Spoons, N.c.
and all articles' usually kept in stores.
All kinds of country produce taken in ex
Tlie undersigned will sell cheap lor cash or
produce, and hopes by fair dealing lo receive
bis usual share of custom.
<r. W. RLTP.
April 10. 1557.
lisi Cicrqnmcii a'.t*i Snpcrinicnlicnt's of
Sabbatl) Schools.
We keep on hand the publications ol the Am.
S. S. Cnion, American Bible Society, American
Tract Society, Presbyterian Board of Publica
tion. Methodist Book Rooms, Massachusetts S.
S. Union, Lntheiar. Board of Publication. Epis
copal S. S. Union, and a great variety of stand
ard Religious Publications suitable lor Sabbath
March (1, 1857.
Kht'viick A.
Booksellers and Stationers and dealers in Music
and Musical Instruments Chanibersiiiir^
Our Stock consists of Books, Stationery, Mu
sic, Musical lnstiuments, Wall Paper, Blinds,
French, German, and American Lithographs,
and Steel Engravings, gilt Mouldings for
Frames, etc. etc., wholesale and retail. Dr. IL
F. Harrv is our agent for Bedford, and all or
ders given him will be promptly attended to.
March ti.
\i:vt <asoi>*.
Our Friends and Customers, desirous of mak
ing a small amount f Cash buy a great many
GOODS, are respectfully invited to examine
; our Spring and Summer Slock, just opened.
May 1, 1857.
ri $ fli, Fi & li!
NEW MACKEREL just received. SHAD
land HERRI NO expected daily, and lor sale
for cash or Country Produce only.
May 1, 1557.
Letters Testamentary having been issued to
the subscriber on the last will, K.c. of David Sto
ler Senr., deceased, notice is hereby given to all
persons having claims against said Estate, to
present them properly authenticated for settle
ment, and all those knowing themselves to be
indebted to the same, are requested to make pay
ment immediately. DANIEL STOLER,
Executor, Liberty Township, Bedlbtd Co.
April 17, 1857.
. The Elegant Assortment of
Just received and opened at
having created quite an excitement in our usoally
quiet town, the sub-criber feel* confident that he
can exhibit such a stock of Goods as will meet the
general wants of both town and country, at fair pri
ces. As it will cost nothing to examine his Stock
he invite* all in want of either substantial or Pre*
Good* To give him a call before purcha*ingel*ewhere.
May 1, 1 S.w.
Letters of admini-tration on the Estate of Freder
ick Claar, late of Union township, Bedford County,
deceased, having been granted to the subscriber re
siding in said township, notice is therefoie given to
all persons indebted to said e-tate, to make payment
to the subscriber immediately, and those having
claims will present them properly for settlement.
May s , 1*37. AdmT.