THE BEDFORD GAZETTE. Bedford, It W !.>, E s.>7. G. W. Bowman, Editor and Proprietor. Democratic State iX'imimatioris. GOVERNORi Uetu Wm. F. SVM'&cs** f 'AN Al. COM MISSIONEK : Bon. \int:oii sO'iclliSatiii. A AAV \V. DIED, On the Bth int. in tbecity of Baltimore, vvbere be wa< taken suddenly ill of pneumonia, Rev. JOHN A. COLLINS, in the ."Pith year of his age, and tiie li-Sth of his ministry. He was tranquil in bis short and painful illness, and triumphant in death.—llu'ii t.iiirr Sun. CC7"'The above sad and melancholy not ire reached this place on last Satuiday evening, and was receiv ed with evident manifestations of the deepest sor row by all classes of our citizens. Having, lor se veral years, been our Presiding Elder, and possessed, as he was, of a peculiarly kind and social disposi tion, he had made the personal acquaintance of rno-t of our people— and none knew him but to love him. When it was announced that he was to pr-ach, the Church was always crowded to overflow ii g, and his Sermons never failed to reach the heart as well as the judgment of his audience. Calm, mild, and :m --preesive, and never at a loss for words to convey his ultras in the most beautiful and soul-stirring, yet plain and easily to be understood, manner, he deve loped such talents and power of thought a< fall to the lot of few men. He stood at the very head not only of the distinguished Coilierence o! which he was so distinguished a member, but of the Ministry ol this country, a fact universally conceded. The name ol John A. Collins was familiar to the people o! every Mate ill the Union, and his public discourses touch ing leading questions always commanded the admi ration of the respectable press of all parties. Devot ed to bis calling, he cou-idered no per-o ai sacrifice too great in the performance of the duties required oi him by the Church. Bold, • . arles-, lioiipM and in- ! dependent, a he was faithful an 1 upright, fear ing his Cod only, he expressed I In? sentiments of hi heart with thai manly force and dignity which al ways commanded the respect even ol those who dif fered with hirn in opinion that is, of those whose opinions were worth noticing. Opposed to all /.(■ — all bigotry— all fnnatiri mh — every thing which par took of Abolition! :;■'..< of every species, and which have -o much distuilied the harmony of the Church as well as ihe public generally, Mr. Collins never Jailed to repudiate them in Christian term-, reguullo-- ol who he pleas ed or displeased. His prayers for the perpetuity of the Union of these States w ere such as to excite eve ry noble impulse of the human heart, and call forth a hearty aoiea from ail who appreciate the civil pri viliges so lavishly bestowed upon lis by the heroes of the Revolution through the into; p< s.; on of a merci ful Providence. Whilst opno-ed to Abolitionism and all political "slavery agitation," the colored man ne ver had a better f riend than John A. Collins, and well those who knew jiitn know t. antl hear testimony to Ihe fact, lie never courted favor with the opulent, and it was plain to be seen that his deepest sympa thies were always enlisted in beliaii ol the poor. Hi> death, although unexpected to mativ, was nut unex pected to himself. When he last held a quartetiy meeting in this place, which was in February last, be not only dwelt upon the supposition from the pul pit that that might he "the la-t time he would ever preach to the people ol Bedford, hut he remarked, in private conversation, that he felt that his work on earth was rapidly drawn g lo a clo.-e, and that he was ready and waiting the summons ol his Divine Mas ter! So deeply was he impressed on this point, that, in his last discourse, which was on Monday night, at the close of the service, he r.rhorted the congrega tion in-a powerful and a licet innate manner, and told them that if they should never again meet on earth, his prayer to God was that they would meet in Hea ven! Many will carry tiie remembrance of that sweet exhortation with them to their graves, and the with the pleasing theme lingering upon their lips. How many ol those who heard his last invita tion will be found in the last Great Day among those who have washed their robes ami made them white in the blood of the Lamb! Will that exhortation come up to the condemnation <1 any w ho heard it? — Oh, melancholy thought! Vet it is to be feared that -neb will be the lact. May his admonitions warn those who have listened to that cheering voice which now lies still in death to "flee the wrath to come!" He died in the Go-pel harness, and was on his way to Bedford to hold a Quarterly meeting, when the An gel of Death notified him suddenly—lt i- enough— come lip higher — and participate in the joys for which you have -o long and so faithfully labored. — If the unseen spirits of the blessed are permitted to ho ver around those they loved upon earth, (and the de ceased beaiitiiully interspersed one of his sermons in alluding to his sainted mother, w ho died before he knew her, with thi- idea.) then that of John A. Col lins will olten be in our midst, lor he loved the peo ple of Bedford as devotedly as lie wa- beloved by them. Servant of God, rest in Peace. The following notices of the death and burial of our beloved Elder, aie copied from the Baltimore Sun, and will be read with painful interest. A more extended notice will lm doubt be given in Mm co lumns ol the Church organ, which we hope to receive in time for the next (i: i.ator from the noble county of York, was, we believe, the only man who raised h s voice against the measure. He will b- honored mr his course not only by the people of hi- own county, but by the people uftbn whole State. J. P. S.WDKKSItf VS. JOilX CftKmE. Oil the If,th day of April, 1* 7. ill the town of A I toon*, and County o, i'la.r, Hon. JOHN COVODK, a member of Congress from the County ol West moreland, at a meeting of a mere remnant ot what was the "American State Council," then holding a session at that place for the purpose of endorsing the nomination of Wilmot, in order to abridge the influ ence of the Doily JYcc v, which repulses Wilmot, charged upon JOIIN I'. SAM,.:!: -ON, the llditor thereof, That "he bad received money, or that bis debts were paid at all events for the course be pursued during the last Presidential campaign, and that inoirioy what he said he was responsible for It." .Messrs. Nichuals, F.. W. Miles, and J. M. Church, certiiy to the tact that Covode used this precise language in debate. Having hero thus hi untied, Mr. Sunder-on addressed a note to Covode requesting him to put in writing the charges he thus preferred, to which he replied that lie " no answer to nuke," The following card from the editor-el'the News then iol lows : "Tally satisfied that .Mr. *i,i make the charges agai ,t rr.e; as related by M■ . Nici.i.ul-, Mii.-s at. 1 <.': .i:c!i, at •! .'•.•••imvirigie lusecj tn repeat thrill t>> me in writing, tiierftiv shrinking lr;tn the r .-s p>: J its t! i lit y v. Inch lie ifaii pr.df-Tcd, ami having tie* without a I-gai rim ed y f>r the viinficalii'H "f mv il arucT r {Join th" slanders ol his foul totigue, ] now aih tdgthc only alternative left me, f, . lino assured that "a generous public, however adveiseh disp .s. ,i to justify a res.-rt of this kind, will on-m it xcu >atle, i! not entirely jo.stifi.j .!e in this case. \\ till tin se i xi lanations <>i the dastardly con duct ol u man, u i o holds a s-at in lite House of Hepn seotalivesol lite (Jfitted Stiit. s, and therefore io i.• what his title indicates—an hon orable man i pronounce Use statement made by John ( oviule, in the Altoona Council, re specting myself, to be an unqualified and unmit igated falsehood, and 1 hereby publish and pro claim the said (. uvode to he a base bar and a cowardly calumniator : a liat—because he has uttered deliberate and unqualified -falsehood a gainsi me, profes-me to utter therr. of his own know ledge, w ! ell he had none such, and \\< ll knew that he had not w hen he uttered tlfem : and a cowardiv calumniator—because he m.i iigiied and traduced mv character, in mv ab sooce, in a manner, w hieh, his subsequent con duct proves, lie knew subjected himself to no legal responsibility, and when called upon io meet the responsibility which lw had braggartly offered, hv repeating tile same in writing, cow ardly refused to do so. J. P. SANDERSON. Philadelphia. Mav (i, ISf)7." (.very man who sustained Frlmore in Pennsylva nia, and refused to vote for Fremont and become ab oil tionized by Gi v. BOX-, .Jon DA NbsCo. ha ve been bran ded as tiaitors and a® having been bribed to take the con re they tfid, although thev wore really the only honest men in t fie ranks of the opposition—for, how ever nuteh mistaken in their opinions, ;i*v -were true to their pledge. " C7TIIE CLAIR COUNTY TRAtU* _() n Thursday morning ofla-t week., the trial of M'SI.MM, lor liie murdei oi NORIT.OSS, was brought lo a dose and the jury, after being out an hour and a ijuai ler, returned a verdict of guilty oi murder in the fist de gree. The prisoner was thiVbrought into Court, arid sentence of death pronounced upon him. Thus ends a trial which has excited a deep inteiest all o ver ihe Stale. The speeches of M*r. Tbadeus ' Ranks, Hen Stoke-ami Col. D. 11. Ilofim , spoken of as arguments of a high order. ON "BUCHANAN CLi. B" met on lasf Saturday night, and !iad a pleasant time. Air. GKOIO.K UI:I --MI ND addressed the ( 'inb in a Tieat and tpreible -peech, ; which was warmly cheered. Several row names were then added to the iof| of honor. Whet), after some conversational nrraiki by several of the mem bers, the Club adjourned to meet in two weeks. C.7*""free negio'es and Free speech" has been the motto of our opponents in Bedford for the la j LET THEM lifi MARKED! | ' K7"To the surprize of the whole country, and the | additional disgrace rrf the I'eniisvlvania Legislature, the Senate, a lew days -nice, passed a bill allowing Atheift* >o testily in our Courts of Justice without taking an oath, thus establishing the anomalous i principle that he who believes in the existence of a Supreme Being, acknowledging his dependence upon arid accountability to Hun, shall be required to testi fy under oath, while he who believes in no God, and ; acknowledges no accountability of any kind, may do so without taking an obligation thus solemnized.— J'RANCIS JORDAN voted for this disgraceful mea sure, bis professed "high moral char.ctei" to the contrary, notwithstanding, thus offering a licence to men who are willing to swear, with a malicious in tention, to the injury of their neighbor, to embrace the doctrines of Atheism, in order that they may be relieved from the responsibility of an an oath. ; which is the only check that can be had to restrain bad men from testifying falsely—for mo tof those who have no love for God dread bis wrath, and, when they take the Holy Bible in their hands are frequently awed into telling the truth. Whose life, liberty, and property will he safe in the hands of witnesses who do not believe in the existence of God? And yet Jordan has endorsed them as good aiul com petent ci! izens ! The following remarks on this subject from the Lancaster Intelligencer are to the point : From the Lancaster Ii telligenrer, May ■>. A\ INFIDEL MOVEMENT. j_. TlljoJ'v'nat**, on Friday last, by a vote of 2T lo (i, passed a hi!! through final reading for-ie moving Ihe disaliili' v of witnesses on account of religious belief. fuoth-T w <.fds, the bi!!, if we are not mistaken in its provision®, (for we have not yet s-*eri it,) contemplates the abolishment of the rule, so wisely established by the founders of th" Republic, which requires, n>" one of the .qualifications of a witness, i hat he shall lie a be liever in Ihe existence of a Supreme Being, and ais i in (he doctrine of future rewau's and pun ishments. The majority of the present Legisla ture seem to be regardless of public opinion, and are determined to cap the climax of their infa my hv an indirect attack upon morality and the cherished religious opinions of a vast majority of I heir constituents. The rmx! step we sup pose will he the establishment of a reign of ter ror, such as prevailed in revolutionary France —the closing of chinches, and ihe inscription up m the gates of our cermteries that "l)>alh is an Eternal Sleep." The abolishment of the test before our Magistrates and Courts, i® hut the entering wedge to a legalized infidelity, and it wiii ie best tor every moral and chris tian community to look well to the chaiacterof Ihe men whom they may nominate hereafter for legislative trusts in our Commonwealth. IVe are, and always have been opnos d to a nv and every kind of sectarian test, n >r wouid we interfere in the 1 nst degree >.\ ith a man's belief; hut we hold that ours is, in some degree at least, a Christian government, lounded bv the Chi is! iao lathers of the Hi public, and I hat it is our hounden (hit v—a duty we owe to the great Creator of all things, and to th se great and good men and true patriots—to adhei e close ly to the old landmarks, and n'-i'lwr l-v word or deed throw otf any portion of our allegiance to the (>od whom thev worshipped, and whose richest blessing rested upon their pattiotic and self-denviog laliors. ' rnfidi'lity and At!o ism are rife in the land, and it is full titv.e that good own everywhere should see to it, that Ho* law- in our statute l ooks are no! made fir the purpose of fostering and spreading these dangerous heresies broad cast over the land. - - • • . t ■ ' u ! M'e invite 'he c-pe( .ti atteut .-vn oi- the Tar nrieis of D-'horil County to the splei. ibl R-apa-g ami Mov ing Machine advertised by Messrs. Blym re and ILutb v, urn! the certificate appended o. Mai. Wat-ou, a gentleman well qualified lo judge ol it- merits.— As it will be itnpo-sible to beat more than one farm at a time, to try each machine, the farmeis are assu red that these machines are guaranteed to work as represented in the circulars, which may be obtained at Blymire and Hartley's. Those wishing to -eciire Machines, will please order early, that they may have them set up ready tor harvest, wdueir w .11 soon be upon u Cunningham, charged w thth<* murder of Dr. Burdell. has been acquited—o that the mystery connected v\i!h bis death is as great now as ever! E?*" JORDAN'S Senate re.-olutio;;3 against the Su preme Court of the United States, remind u- of a tumble-hug trying to up-et the Allegheny mountain —they do! CJ7"Mt ' F. CHILDS, from Boston, an accomplish ed Laml-cjpe Painter, bri ging with him high recom mendations, has commenced a coin-e o! instruction in Paint tug in thi-place, and will give le-sons to any who desire to acquire the art. He is stopping at i the Washington Hotel. EXTRA PAY.-- One of the littlest tilings dune in our Legislature thi- winter, was the passage of an amendment to Hi* appropriation hill a few duvs ago, to allow the members two hundred dollats extra pay. When a man accepts an of fice, lie ought to be content to serve for the coir pc "Bi >!) previously fixed, or resign, and it is vei v mean lur mm to accept legislative p>si- , li.iits and then vote Hinnst-lvm > xlra pa v. If a thiid'powi-r would give them the extra pav it would be justifiable, but t > v jfe i! to themselves 'is contemjitihJe. It the pay is not atiough, raise if: hut 1 r decency's sake, let the add it i m ap ply onlv to future Legislatur. -. It will disgrace a-iv member to receive it even i! alio wed.— Clinton. Demo*rnt. ■ Ai'Cl STA, La.. May 5.—A trent-ndons storm of wind arid rain occurred at Mobile and its vi cinity on Friday a d Satirrday !a.-t. It is esti mated that two feet of water I-*i lon a level.— : The citv was inundated, and several persons were diowned in the flood. I"he supply of i drinking watt t and gas were cut off in conse- J qtieftce. j j i T H E m ARRETS. Piiii.ADKl.i'iii v, May I' 2. —We advance our quota tions of Flour "Jo cts. per hbl. Sal"- of I.jOO btil-. gooil bramts vveie made on Batunlay evening ats7.".'3, , at which figure holders are firm, with but little stock ; in which to operate. There ha- be.-n a fair demand tor home consumption from S7.'-'a up to §*.7o for common and fancy brands; 17:0 barrel- Rye Flour -old at $ 1.50 ; 300 bbls. I'enn'a. t'oru Meal brought .'>j.oo per bbl., arid 'JUO bbl-. favorite brands s ; >.bgj. Tiie supplies of Wheat continue trilling, and it i< wanted the stock- in the hand- of the miller- being about exhausted. Sales ofaiid 'IOOfi hu hel- I'enn'a. .red, part sl.found i-I.Mt per bu hellor tail and good quality, and portion on terms rot made public. live is scarce-. Sale, of 700 bosh'*i- at '.) ! cents. Corn is searce and in demand at *2 cents, hut holders refuse thi-price. O.i* are le--active ; 2,000 bushels prime Penu'a. sold at 58 and .59c., which i- a decline. The receipt, of Cloverseed continue small, but 1 there i- not much inquiry, 'i he last -Me of prime j i Aa -*>. per 1 I !ha. Brilliant Victory, The. (Hi/ of Penn Ertd —2o of the 24 HW7.v Democuittc— A nw-J\'ot hi ngism Rebuked— A' fj/übl icon ism Prod rated Ii is a most grofify i n g cirrumitanre that alt the elections that have 1.-en bflil since Ihe Presidential election have only served to afford additional evi dence of the populai ity and increased confid-nre of the coniitry in the Derr.ociatir party. In localities : Where We were then unSucicsst'id. the majorities of I the opposition have either been greatly reduced or entirely overroroe, and Where we Were then Stirce-S --tul, our strength has heen consolidated and strength ened. l'lie municipal election in I'lulailelpi/m on Tuesday last, forms another evidence of this gratify ing condition of public sentiment. Wm. V. Mc(>rath, the Democratic candidate for city Treasurer is elected by an overwhelming ma jority. durnes Logan i- elected (-ity Commissioner by an equally giatilying and overwhelming majority. The Demorra's have elected neuily ail ol their candidates for SielPct Council ; and nut of twenty lour S-lerT ( ouncilmen, inelutling tho-e holditrg o ver, J W LNTV-ONK are Democrat-. Our majority in the Common Council will he equally decided.— N'-ver has any party won so complete a triumph in i Philadelphia. Never has so overwhelming an en dorsement anywhere been given by a confiding peo ple. The result astonishes alike friends and foes, j and echoes the death-knell of the vagaries ol the op position in Philadelphia. After the re-ult was partially known, an immense crowd ol the Democracy called upon (leu. Pierce, at j the La Pierre flnuse, and in response to their enthu siastic call-, he deliverer! one of the mn-t brilliant j and effective speeches we have ever heard. From the Voik (lax.ette. ~7 Pali Hal Revolution.— The Democrats entry j ark II or irah ! Wit matt m/ Repudiated.— The .Yort-'i Ward v: heel til* info Line! Tin- result of the election for municipal offi cers in our borough on Saturday last, is extraor dinary and deeply oratil ving. par the first time in about forty years, the Democrats have a majority over all opp.siti.n, electing their Chief Burgess, all the Assistant, Town Clerk, and ail the School Directors in both ol the Wards—thus making A ci.kan stvi:i;i'! This result ir attributable to the deep seated Union l-'e ling of our p-ojile. For two genera tions the sentiments of a decided majora! vof our citizens Tinve been adverse to (tie Democratic party—sometimes on a question ol removal of the (i o Ve|tl (lien { lieposil-S soir-lim- s II the i expediency of a l otted States Bank, or of a pro tective tariff*, or of the distnhuti"'i "t the pro ■ ceeds of the sales of public lands—in brief, what ever the Democratic pad v supported, as a party, whatever men or measures, was |i- Itv sure to fin.! a majoritv arrayed in Vo;k Borough against it. That, the hostility was against the Demo cratic party, and very decided, was felt in the days-of" National Republicanism, under which nomenclature the anti-democratic pasty ruled Dm borough—National Republicanism then formed a league with anti-ma-nnery. and rarri ■• I the Borough with ease—in the palmy (lavs of Whijggerv, in a p >ll of six, seven, eight and nine hundred, the Democrats were beaten gen etallv from '2OO to 300, an.t sometimes more than tOO ! The opposition to Democtacv could even stand Know-Xothingism, and were con ten!, in tiud shape,to carry the Borough on sev eral occasions. But, to the eternal honor of our citizens, they could not consent fa b<■ rlbo lif ionized! S . deep a regard have thev fir the Union, and fir the constitutional rights of eve ry h'rite in tile I nion, that they could forego their long cherished hostility to the Democrat ic party, rather than how down to the dark and : dangerous spi;i{ of sectionalism. The 400 Whig maj >: i v in York Borough, wliere is it now ? What if? lutdiistsdA^ The Garrison \ ditim party is the onU ad vance guard of what is called •the Republican p.irly." Harrison, eight or ten years ago, was but where the party is now—and lienc ■, where that porty is to he ten years we can see by the following (ianison pro i/rum me: "We reiterate our former declaration, that they, i object >1 the society is not merely to make 'Lib- • ertv national arid S'averv sectional'—not to pr- vent the acquisition of Cuba nor to restore t lie Missouri Compromise—-nor 'o repeal the Fugitive Slave ' ill ii ir t make Kansas a Free State—nor to resist the admission of any new Slave Sia'e into the Union—nor to terminate slavery in tin* District of Cdumber and in the Nortbereii Territories—but it is, primarily, comprehensively and uncompromisingly, to ef fect the immediate, total and eternal overthrow .if slavery,-wherever it exists in American soil, and to expose and confront whatever party or sect seeks to* purchase peace or success at the of human liberty. Living or dying, our nrntto is "No I'xio.x with Slaveholders, Relic; ioc-ly or; Politic ally." '*ln hehnlfof the Executive Committee. WMF LLOYD GARRISON, P silent. S. H.Gay, Wen; .ELI PtitLLtt's, Secretaries.' This is frank,and mania—and it is just what all Ahoii!ionists mean—the dissolution of the Union of the siavehohling anil non-slavehold ing States. Daily .Wars. A Friendly Notice.—Consiilering that the . V. 5. If raid is a leading Fremont journal, that it was fnetti ist in the R publican tanks last Fall rfiml is now engaged in reorganizing the party by getting up Fremont clubs, the following no tice ol the Republican Legislature by the //,/■- a!d must b" regarded as remarkable for its pecu liar friendliness : Just look at miserable • cotrupi, pbarisaical, nigger worshiping legisla tors at Albany, working under the influence of Wm. 11. Seward. They profess a great and c mscientious respect in- th personal and polit ical rights of the poor African: and yet th*v have no respect at all for the rights of the mill ion citizens of this metropolis and suburbs.— They pass joint resolutions in favor of amend-! lug the Constitution so as to extend the fran chise to the colored citizens of the Slate, and place them on a par with white men, so far as their vote goes; and they disfranchise the en- j lightened citizens of this metropolis, and tell them they are n l tit to exercise the franchise, even for their own local officers. Could impu-i dence anil ignorance go farther? . .7 Strong Rebuke. —The Harrisburg Patriot and ! nion, Montgomery WntcKinin, Easton Sentinel, and several oth-m Democratic papers are taking the Pcnnsyl vmian pretty severely? to task for its ominous silence with regard to j the sale of the Main Line to the Central Rail road Company, and strongly hint that there has been some weighty "vide door'' influence which j tui - s > effectually scaled its lips to tiie enormity of the outrage attempted on the tax-payer.? of the Slate. Why don't the Pennsijlvnnian re-| ply ? Mailt Scciar. — The far yarns of-Potter coun- i tv, Pa., are said t > have niadi this season about ; .525,000 Ins. of maple sugar, worth ru cash ( f . n : cents per I!)., and really worth to the f arrr v. r 12 i cents. This quantity is unusually laige. I roaa the Washington Union. TUG XOUTIMESTKRX DE.IIOCRMT. We always look with feelings of pride and pleasure to the Democracy of the Northwest Th" history of its .struggles, its efforts, and it, achievements is but the record of the contest | between truth and error. They are always in the field, and always ready for the light:* and whether victorious or vanquished, they never neglect their duties nor forsake their principles. I nut party in the great States beyond the Ohio stands as an urur.ovable barrier to resist the sur ging wave of fa rial at ism, which has t hari j once threatened to overwhelm the Constitution and Ihe Union. The id-a of diwnemheritu, the confederacy, and destroying our free system < f government, has certainly been seiiouslv en tnrtaiued, arid at time? flourished like a moral upas in region;? rendered memorable by the sac rifices and achievements of* the statesmen and : heroes of our revolutionary era. Vet it j s t,„ : small consolation to refl.ct, that, although the Noitli has been so long overwhelmed wiifi p O . liticaj Abolitionism, threatening ?o destfbv rvthing that is valuable in her history and ven erable in our jurisprudence, it has "never been able materially to alter or corrupt the Denm j cratic popular sentiment ol the Northwest. Happy is it for that region that 'die miserable pleas ol p .lineal expediency haw failed to make any lasting impression upon its inhabitants j The late act of the legislature will, we are as sured, s .on be repudiated with patriotic indig nation by the honest masses which it proposes to array against the authorities of the general government. This act of treason, originally sinr gest.-d and indirectly consurnaled hv the very men who have lately disfranchised and subjumt ted the great city of New York, is one of those reckless attempts in the line of revolution which invaiiahly ami fortunately, at once,develop the weakness and mark the decline of a political or ganization founded in venality and supported uv corruption. We rejoice to beliese that there is a Democracy in Ohio—as in Indiana, Illinois. lowa, Wisconsin and Michigan— true to Ihe sovereign rights of life States ami to the perpetuity of the Union. To that-Democracy we look w iih abiding confidence, knowing that in the hour of utmost peril its strength will be renewed, and that it will shake off the incu bus of Black Republicanism a cleanse' itself from t lie foul leprosv of young and the strong, Vp. herself fit uii the dust of her and bv iie r and success is filltfig fi'i*yds with ghi iness arid hope. And the llpurji? not far distant when the D-'iuocracv of west will stand in one solid column aw) turn hack the turbulent stream of fanatacisrn and priestly error to its native fountains beyond the Hudson. The- Tiibune and the Liberator wjU then he supplanted fry the Bible and the Con st it ution. There is a loyal attachment to the Union and a deep love of country in the VWsJ which will wage a war of extermination moral, leligious, and political bigotry, whether rocommended by priestly example or the flimsy sophistry of whining philanthropy. The majestic Mississippi hinds together, with' a chain st;onger than iron, tlie no.tfiein and soßfh-rn porti >ns ofthat part of the confedera cy. The North w.-st will n-ivr consent either to a peaceable or forcible separation from the mouth ofthat mighty river. The extremes are bound together bv the laws of nature, and bv immutable decrees of fate. The people who in habit that great valley which lies between the ..AL'i'gheriy anrl the R ickv mountains, and which extends hum the latitude of perpetual flowers to the region of perpetual frost, are too wise n .t to the advantages of tlu-ir jmution, and too sagacious, and too patriotic, wot to preserve them unimpaired. They mav not accurately estimate—indeed, no one can the full gran deur of its-future distil v. but enough has al ivadv bi'erj develop -d to jus! ify the most extrav v>jy-aut ariticipati r:s r.f its raj id incr*asein |>of>- matiou, wealth and [>ower. Wiiere its inhabi tants are now estimated by tHfiusands, it is scarcely too much t<> sav that tlievatull soon be numbered hv millions: and when its vast out spreads of lands of unequalled fertility are all brought into full cultivation, they can feed the world. The spirit of manlv independence,and rive of freedom which insjd're those people is the great cause of their progress. And when, a! no distant day, 111- plough shnllmgrk the vast acres of its beautiful [>la: n > ap 1 i"' deltas : when its citi-s, its ge> are multiplied in the future, as tbFv have been mnltipli ii in the past; when St. tjjf' gr -a! centre of rommei c** .N business shall a- it will, to the (iimensii nsofN.w \ rk: when" !.ridges v .all the great rivers, and railmads checker the land; when its n auv universities, its c J leges, and its r aiious seats of learning pi-tv shall have impressed their jv.werfni influ ences njion the rising generations:'then a poten tial demociatic voice and a moral power wiii go out from the politically healthy, robust, teem ing n.iilions ofthat valley, strong enough, per haps, to control the destiny of the whole confed eracy, but which wili certainly make them selves felt to the remotest limits of the repub lic. And it is pleasing to reflect that the great majority of the people are loyal in heart and soul: and impelled, as they are, by moral and physical causes—hv the suggestions of their in terests, hv the promptings of their hopes, and hv th' incitement "j their patri >tism —the whole weight of their influence will always he excited in favor of order, peace, and indestructible uni ty. The-v have too deep a slake in the com mon inheritance, too profound A love for oim free institutions, too an appreciation f't the inestimable value of our I. ni n, thecomH tn? i m, and the unequalled blessings of our fee j system of government, to permit fanatacisrn, madness, or f>ll vto destroy them. I hey "t never cease to watch and to circnnivert those enemies who are plotting against their rights and their peace, well knowing that "eterna vigilance is the price of liberty. ' ki; .\ c \'s FOUNDRY* The subset ibers beg leave to announce to tl ,r citizens of Bedford County that they continu' to carry on the above establishment in .Mid' l ** Woodherrv, it) all its various branches, and are 1 prepared to till all ordeis in their line on t .v shortest notice arid most reasonable terms. Ihe\ will sell castings by the ton, or thttn to seli on commission at fair rt s. Persons cbsi ring castings either on con.mission or otherwise, will address the subscribers at VYoodberri, '* ford county. We make the Loop and self-sharpening Plough, and warrant them. I hey call a.>u had on commission. ABRAHAM KEAGY ,N CO. May 15, 1557 im. *