The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, April 24, 1857, Image 2

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    Whal is Democrat } i
DEMOCRACY repiwnt-- the great
principles of progress, it is onward and out
ward in its movements. It has a heart for ac- j
tion and motives for a world. It constitutes the
principle of diffusion and '> to humanity what
the centrifugal force is to a revolving orb ola
universe. What motion is to them,. Democracy ;
is to principle, it is the soul of action. It
conforms to the providence of God. It has
confidence in man and an abiding reliance in
his high destiny. It seeks the largest liberty,
the greatest good and the surest happiness. It
aims to build up the great inter-sUcf the many,
to the least detriment <A the : w. It remem
bers the past, without neglecting the present.
It establishes the present, without fearing to
provide for the future.. It cares for the weak,
while it permits no injustice to the strong, it
conquers the oppressor, and prepared the subject
of tyranny for freedom. It melts the ingot's
heart to meekness, anil reconciles his mind to
knowledge. It dispels the cloud of ignorance
and su|#. rstition. and or-par st:..• people t-r in
struction and self-respect, it adds \vtdu:i to
legislation, and improved judgment to govern
ment. It favors enterprise tfiat yi Ids to m my,
and an industry that is permanent. It i- the
pioneer of human it v—the conserviytor of nations.
IT ski. r.
Kcflfortl. APSSBIa *-£ l.
6. V7. Bowman, Editor and Proprietor.
—The Uuion of lake—the Union <il lands,
The Union of Slates none can sever;
The Union of hearts, and the Union of hands,
And the (lag ol our Union forever!"
Democratic State iXlmihiaticns.
fiicas. Wan. Fo Packer.
B2<m. Mfi-sekii.'uad.
The Democracy of lledford County will meet in Meeting at ihe Court House in Bedfoid, on
Monday evening of the approaching Court, for the
purpose of fully organizing tor tile campaign now o
peneil. It is expected tljat all \vf t o can make if con
venient to attend will do <,7. Several -peeches w ill
be delivered 011 the occasion.
The Buchanan Club of Bedford Borough
W ill meet on next Saturday evening at eaily can
dle-light. Punctual atteinlance is requested. All
disposed to join are respectfully invited to attend.
JOB MANN, Pre-iilent.
John P. Reed, Secretary.
the first page will be found a beautiful lit
tle poem from the pen of Mr-. F. A. TI\M UII.I . of
Greensburg, which, we are .-a: .sfieii, •.ill prove ingidy
acceptable to all our readers. Mis. T. evidently pos
sesses "tine powers ol thought,"* and we hope to
have the pleasure ot publishing many pieces from
her gifted pen. We copy from the Republican.
1 Few plain Words to Democrats.
f: -""Candidates for the various important odices to
be voted for, next fall, in Bedford comity, are multi
plying, as will be seen by re! -rring to the apjiiopri
fit* head, which is all right and proper. It 1- tin
privilege 01 every hone-t democrat that chooses to
oiler himself to the consideration HI tie party; and.
it "Competent," utie man's claim is mst 11- stiong as
another. Offices -were not made foi the mere sup
port ol any body, but weie intended to accommodate
the public interests; and, when a majority ol the
party select their candidates, fm any office, the man
who linils fault with their decision, proves himself
unworthy to have even been named in connection
with a public trust. The candidates already in the
field are ai! honorable, high-minded, working Demo
crats, and those among them w ho :at! in their r-pim
tious, will, we are quite sure, cast no lefk-ctrms up
on the nominating pouer. Some will be b appoint
ed—this cannot be avoided—and one candidate has
lust as good u right to be let ot! "the ticket" as ano
ther— and as a good a right to be put on! 1 lequent
ly, the most deserving men are not to be found 11
the list ol^'office-seekers, but tins 1- not the fault o
those who are. The be-t way tor a man to/;if, in
announcing himself us a candidate, i<, that he stand
!♦*. chances out of !0t) to fail in getting the nomina
tion. This will ul once quiet aI ■ unhappy forebod
ings. and enable Inoi to laugh out of the ng.'it side
ol his mouth should he prove unsuccessful. Should
lie win, the effect will be far more palatable than n
he had "always thought l.e would." But what gloss
folly rcr the democratic party—a party of principles
and progress—to allow disappointed office-hunters to
disturb the unity of their action toappea-e a grief lor
which there is no earthly excuse. Occasionally men
threaten to "kick" if they aie not ail lioni mated, at
the same time, for the same office ! Weil, let such
kick tilt they batter their -him- nt.> a ielly, but let
men of cool judgment ridicule the folly instead of
participating in it. Rick because he can't get oi
tice! With as much reason he might kick because
nature denied him the facility ol "common sense."
It is highly improper lor candidates to cm lor
delegates, and this system should be denounced as u
uursauce too intolerable to be borne, it is enough
tor the people to know w ho the candidates are, with
out being dogged to support their pieteusions, which
has not unfrequeiitlv been the case. Delegates
should be choseu for their purity of character, and
not with the mere view of ?(cicini; lor one or the o
tlter of the aspirants. The people would do well to
look with suspicion upon any candidate making un
due efforts to procure delegates Io piomote his parti
cular interests, and, instead of being thus influenced,
they should turn to some other pei son for a tit repre
sentative ot their principles. When a man us regular
ly nominated, it is his duty to "ml luaibolly, but the
very meanest thing in which a man can engage, is
to work for his own nomination. It the people want
a particular man they will take birn. A friend who
wrote to us recently to --leg a little" tor his nomi
nation for a seat 111 the Legislature, will please ex
cuse its. The (ra-rtir will "leg" to secure the no
mination ot no man; a pledge he makes publicly, so
rtiat he can be exposed if he even attempts to v io
late it. Let all "l-gging" be repulsed, and we will
carry Bedford county next fall by such a majority
as we have never yet polled.
Extraordinary itaujjlimeuls!
Whilst the t'haml>er-burg D'.G'g demolishes,
wi.ii a single stroke 01 the pen, the Ministry coiiipo
ing the Baltimore (', became at their res
ototioos condemnatory of the incendiary \boiiiinn
tgiia'ors. the Harrisbora Tchanph actually "ro
:nro'lnlct Mr. Buchanan" upon one ot his official
acts. If we were called upon to decide as to the
ULnn of these compliments, we would -ay, deci
dedly, that we would preler that uttered bv the
IV leg. a- being the 11. --1 f.l r-,b !
n'. inuvjuinn 11.- *rtnuw **■**
The Pardoning Power.
Q3?"For many years opposition to the exercise of
the pantonine power wa- the principal /•'/<'■% ot or j
opponents. Whenever a Democrat ic Executive chart- j
ce-d to pinion a convict,Tio matter trom what cause,
he was denounced in the mo-t scurrilous terms, by j
the united opposition press ot Pennsylvania, and by j
every bob-tail politician knee high to a duck. He
was charged with treating Courts and Juries with
contempt—and they even went so far as to tie- 1
nominate "these institutions" a humbug—a farce—
a mere creature at tire meicy of a Governor!—At the i
tune thev were kicking up this lu.-s, we assured ihe i
people that the whole thing was trash, meaning noth
ing— and that, were the Executive of their party,
they would approve in- course were he to open all the
Prisons and Penitentiaries ui the State, and turn loose j
upon the community, in a single day, all the murder- j
ers, thieves, and other vagabonds there confined —and
the proof to sustain this declaration ha- already been
made so clear anil manliest a> to leave no doubt in j
the mind of any body.
If any man ever abused the pardoning power, the
present Know Nothing Chief .Magistrate l,,is. lie
has liberated the most abandoned criminals, on tile
slightest pretext; and, in order to screen ceitam no
torious and infamous convicts, he lias given the lie
direct to a law of his own making, in which be ofii
cially declared, with trumpets am! fioutishes. that he
would grant no pardon unless notice of the applica
tion was published in one or more of the papers ol the
county in which Ihe convict was sentenced, the ;
pardon of key,, for attempting to commit a rape ori a
child, is a case in point, the facts of which were set
forth in an article we published last week from the
lloHidavsburg N7i/W,and the act is more severe
j ly denounced by an article which wecopy to-i.av irotTi
the litdn' ( okhlii !i e/g which fiie, at its mast head
David Wilmol foi Governor, and to which we invite
e,special attention.
The ir/'e, however, i.s the only paper in Pennsyl
vania. opposed to the democratic party, that ha,
ventured to make any declaration in romlem
j nation of this obnoxious pardon. Here, in Ijedtord. j
where our opponents howled like wolves in search ol
: blood, at every pardon granted by a democratic Go
vernor, they look upon this enormous stretch 01 (low
er as a great viitue; and they have not uttered a ;
word either against the "Pardoning Power or the
"Veto King" sinye the induction of .Mr. Pollock in
to ofiice. When these tacts are Compared v\:th then
horrible and doleful cries touching the destruction "1
the U.S. Rank (a monster they are now ashamed .
even to to speak of.) and the repeal ot the Jaiitl j
of IM'J, p.vli cb they have ulterly and forever abitn- ;
ilouei! by taking as their candidate lor Governor
"Free Trade Daw" a man thev avowed and de
' dared would FORFVF.R stink in their nostrils.) all j
sober-minded ineu iriu-t -ee that to remain an oppo
nent of th* Democratic party they must make up
ilieir minds to be moulded by their leaders a, day is
moulded in the hands of the potter, i rom l>ank*-
men, Tariff-men, Anti-N eto add Anti-I'ariioning
men, Antimasou-uieii, anil Know Nothing men, lle-v
have all of a sudden been transformed into advocates
' of the A/a/v!- and tins i, the only plank ill their
platform upon wlm-li they now base a hope! Eur.
' the "ten cent" slander lies buried wifli their other
humbugs and abom.i ations. Such i-lte* mi-, table
carrtcalure lor a patty now designated by ::.e titie of
"American Republican." What a Buzzard!
K?""The litrere //'.'• Ki ai d K VLLOCI:, who are -o
faith 'til 1V ifaguerreotvped in the i. ,/.et le nl to-day,
are ..•,./ /, of the "Thiee Thousand" who undertook
io control the action of Congress and abolitiouize the
world! Whilst Mormoiiism is revolting to all the
: dictates ol common decency—a blot upon the la.r
fabric oi our lovily country —nothing has occurred
Miere of a more ilegiadiug character than what has
been presented to US ill file conduct ot the two Di
i iue- above named—not -o much iu consequence ol
their individual enormities, as in the fact that the
Republican elite ot New i.ugtaitd, LAD'i.t ami geii
tleirren, rallv tothe defence of a .Minister who en/in it
t.ftl enough during his trial to forever disgrace him
in the eyes ola Christian people—and in the addi
tional fact that the "American an I Republican"
press, with as igle exception, -ariiT.n the act of
i their Executive in libeiutii g lioni pi:-on another
wok in sheep's clothing convicted oi an act which
even a Mormon world have turned irnm with d:s
-; gust.
We congratulate the citizens <•< Sihellsl.urg
upon having so worthy a Minister sent to pr> ach for
| them, by the Baltimme Conference, as R-v. 11.
WILSON, a man who never .ail- to make warm friends
wherever he goes. . Resides being a faithful prearh
er ol the Word, lie is a social, pleasant gentleman,
and we have no doubt i.e w 11 prove highly acoepla
: ble not only to the Church to which he belong-,,'but
to the people o al) denominations. We hope his la
bors will be attended with the best o; results.
CUT " Major iiiv'HOMi, ol the HoUidaysbui g Ii //g ,
"although i.ot a tuembei of the Methodist Chtircli."
noiwof any other, we believe, but rather of the •■!a
gei-boer saloons," "protests, HI the name oi Cusis
ri.wn against Ihe anti-abolition rc.-o.'utiniis of
the Baltimore Conference, and wants to know "w hat
the C/i'ic't. will gain by such resolutions?"—to
which we reply that they will gain the love, re
spect. and admiration of all Christians, except such
as attach their faith to SELIC was i s of the SETS ami ,
K.ILLOCH stripe.
C3F""The Driii?/ AV//-S publishes a call lor an ■- A -
mer.can State Convention" to meet in Lancaster '
next moiilli, to nominate a full Stale Ticket to he
suppoited by that party at the next election. A
great many of the name- aie published with the call,
arid the AVun savs it is > gneil by many thousands
in various parts of the Commonwealth- Tile name
ot Wilmot "stinks in the nostrils" ot these men a
it did when he hist proclaimed himself the a Ivocatet
of --negroe- and free-trade." Now the time for
. all good citizens to rally to the standard of l'acker it
I)cniocracy ! COM F.
i "The Confession of Ward, for the murder of his
wile, which we publish to-day, furnishes the most
revolting specimen of wickedness ami brutality ever
put upon record.
From the Philadelphia Daily News.
CundfTJurd cul oi' Lis Own .ticnth.
The Reading Journal, whose editor naturally be
longs tothe Woolly Heads, and who, while hypocrit
ically professing last year fo support Mr. Fillmore,!
was in con-tant private communication with the j
Fremont leaders, and finally, iur reasons known to
himself, and pretty well understood by those with
whom he professed to act but betrayed, put sued a
course, like some others we know of, much b.tfer
calculated to serve the purposes of the Republican
leaders, than if he had avowedly acted as a Repub
lican this editor, not content now with a Jim Crow
jump, from being a bitter and uncompromising ]e- .
nitnciator of Judge M ilmot io a eulogi/ei and sup.
porter of him, Travels on: oi Ins way to make the
following fling at us and the Americans of Ibis City,
whose piim ipies are not ;•> purchasable n commod
ity a- his ov, n may be:
Fhe 1 icket nominated by the People's Convention,
wlucii met at llairi-bnrg last week, is warndv en
i dm ■ 1 by the opposition piesS all over the State.—
No symptoms of disaffection .ire apparent anywhere,
except by the Xew.< clique in !'h iuiielphia, anil that
i- not worth a -"rious thought.
Such i= the opinion of Jakey Knabb, of tlie Read
ing Journal. Now let us -ee w hat lie thought ol Da
vid VVllrnot in IStti, and how he then denounced him.
Cy reference to the Journal of that year, then as now
published by him, tliere will, among many other ar
ticles of like tone, temper and character, he loitnd
the following :
| From the iteadins JournaTT-Hily 11, I*l').}
Protiraliuti of Jlfitnict:: Lobar and Reptnl
of the. Tnrijj <>j i '■
The administration of Jnme- Is. Folk is showing
it sell 111 its tin- colors. Ti .n ;ury has done its
work, and the Tariff of !Si-> is doomed, at least so
far as 'he House ot Representatives is concerned.—
The British Free Trade Bill, trained by .Sir Robert
Wallter, and reported by Mr. McKay, passed the
lower House of Congress on 1 r day last, by the de
cisive vote of 11 1 to '.>•">! Of thes- 11' I British Serfs
who voted to b'-ak down the present Tariff, one
hundred and thirteen \\ re Loco Focus, and but a
solitary Whig—Mr. Milliard, of Alabama. Arming
those who -.ot.rr th<- b it, w.,< Mr. U H.MOT d
I'eiin-ylvanij, a ]..."•(< l oco IT-.* Trade Ren. -ail".
from the Hradtord District. (It the Do who si. >.' np
loi the Tanli as it is, there w eve sev-uty-oue Wli:;s
s'.V Natives, and hut e.-hteon Loco liCOs, all t0...
it-.eluiling tho-e from Founsylvan.,l, who were Hi
st i acted to vote to they did.
The abovrj vote speaks most eloqnenlly to the peo
ple o. Pennsylvania. ii shows how ./w me/it/i;/ are!
rilluitioiixly they have been th ■mtf/by the leadeiso:
the I.oro Foc.i }iarty, and e.\h:hits cleaily which ol
the two gieat t.-art:es is in iavor o! protecting
can Industry, am', which £o-> tor advancing British
interests-. There is good reason to believe Unit many
were BRIBER by the promise of Executive patronage,
and not a lew by Bill 1 'Sli GOLD.which !•"' ilea <i'
lift was freely otlered by the agents ot the British
.Vfaiiiilactoies, who have bee hanging round the Cap
itol ail Winter.
Poor Penusy 1 vama!—how slrair.el nlly have her dear
est interests been sacrificed ! VVeie a blighting inil
devv to full upon every grain lield in the Common*
wealth, and utterly destroy every vestige of the abun
dant harvest that is now' being gathered, it would
not be so great a calamity as the pa-age o! this I'ier
Trade bill. The principle of protection is her lite
anil upon its maintenance are based all her hopes of
[Front the '/'/-ey Jamant. J aty IS, I'LL]
This TRAITOR to the interests ot Pennsylvania,
who voted mr the Bnt' -h Taritl Bill of Mr. .MeKay.
represents the Toco Fococounties of 1 inga, Biarlioid
and Nii-quebai ia. Hi* iini.te shon/il he ftr'.f up to th
smell an I run tempt o/ even/ j'rri in t n in Lin Stale.—
The man, who, tor llie sake of p •eit/. or some prom
inril. trued , betiays hts constituents by supporting a
measure so disastrous to their dearest interests. Is
Such were the opinions of Jakey Knubb about Da
vid W'dmof in IMb. Though we have r.o recoiiertioi
ot' then saving quite such hard th.iig- ot Davy as Ja
key did, we were equally a-decided in con.leinriat'.ot
ot the treachery to Pennsylvania interests of which
Mr, Wiimot was guilty, and the only difference t'**-
tween lakey, who now abuse, iu for not supporting
W it mm, and ourselves- seems to be this, that we ar'
governed by principle, am! cannot now call while that
winch we denounced then as black, white b*', lor tb
siike oi success. ,s willing not only to throw pr uej.
pies to the dogs, nit ' -bow by bis conduct t!.s
either hi was a great liar then, < ' is a trust
ci'dci ile inigog-.e i.uvv.
! ruin the Piovidence Post.
We remarked yesterday t!i,;t tiie society worshil
piug in lue 1 reliiOiit i ha ! voted Mr ivallodl
innocent of the ru.irgr.s bl'Ongiit against lllill, ,11)1 he Win.! I probably re- . rr> - I: • • miiii-tialious it
tin -acred ibsk. Our expectations are already real
ized. The 80-ton paper- inform us that be p. . neh.-f
in the 1 einj on Sunday uii.r: r, g, ai.d that .- -i—it
eori.meneiiig hi- sermon he atUlr -s.'d tu- riuigH'gU
turn at o:i:e let gtii it: relation to hi- and tljf
r-a-otis which iiiliiieiu t'd hiio to • appear -o soo.
oe *.:,e putilir 11- iro-rk- ,[■.-, at leug-iiF)J>
the 80-ton Courier, I lit c uituiii nolhliig beside? ,
declaration that hi* had .1. n.aitded another tnalj
ot the lea -t g-iie.a! importance.
A- a rinitt.-i ot eoiir-e, the "emple was crowd I
with listeners antl gaz-r-. Pr. bale' it ;v aid linv*
been if Cutei or Mag.e ha ! t> en anno-Hired a- th*
preacher lor the day. Fin- Courier n0:...-- th<
crowd, olfei - some reflect .ons which se.nii to u<
appr -;u late and List. It -a :
••' lii , 'ii. t T . ; \ -lerd. I.tot •. wa
i:t!ed, it. vv.k d. pimineil, paekeil. 1 tie str-am o'
humanity wkieb ponreii into it vva- a torrent, lot i.
tide. Not a rr. ice wa - left nr.. vcupied by tiie ea
ger t!,; Ol g. Abs overt'...'• i-g at ia-t, o.i>
i.r I'-Oo: ■■ vv re shut and bain!, and the multitude el
men at: I women remaioing out- tiie, di-appointed >n s
tors tor .el ul-sloo to tlie i-auctu'dl v. Was a sp-ctavlt
loi men and ..iigt i .
isCould any one who looked on imagine that aiiT
j-eligious impulse, or a ereditabie motive of whaley.
ei character, blaugllt toget: -r these conflio i,t I.hrotig
imn the h'gt.w ay sai d t>\vv :. - - of tlie ctv > |)jl
tt.ey riiine up to worship God, or was it only to lay
the incem-e ola prurient curiosity and a di-guatufj
adulation • j : s aa all at t;.;-ed by tie in-. Ivr- to
glory oi the B-v . Air, Kalloeh f Truly," we havy*
teen no more nielnneholy exhibition m iuimuu weak-
UC-- tlnui this.' A maibtH Of the f -el 'See, -si
• ifie cou Vict inn loi adult, iy, commit ted, if at all, nu
.h r circuiti-laticc.- vvfitch -liovv liim to be a tool as
well a- a knave—quite as deficient iri ordinary d --
cii'tion as regardless ol every obligation of honor
and religion. The ground- ol hi- escape from tlu
iega! .-,ue. tp.i'uees of ins -utit, by disagreement o,
the b.ry, v.e ~ -.ul not recapitulate. B> the iadg
oi wiiaiev *r it >ciiiui, •>r i*vi-h tj
putiiic sentiment, it h- i- not utterly condemned tr
i- left at l-ast in that uisgracetul po-Aion mane up o.
the most 1.1.1..'.0ra1i,- impress. oils and v-rv tliseretr
t a file suspicion. Morality is scandalized." re|ii o ii i-
Wiiui'.dcv!, the very ju v>. •- - i.Mj of which he i- a mem
ber is degraded, a new stunib.itiig-bloci, - th, ,wn ~
the path il" (.'iiristsan faith, another di-coui rgm-u
-giveu to our i onliueiii e in manhood, clothed with the
high-si trust which van be repo-.'d in it.
•L infer F'jcii cii • >r
one can hardly help cone iviug that a minister o: re
ligion would be ov■■ i w helmed hy the profoumDst-eij.
tiuients of sorrow, shame, and humiliation. ii.s
own character tarm lied, the muse between Cod n;e!
mail dishonored, livil -Ta.uds jeering by and poinr
triumphantly at Die downiait ol'Cood! Guiltv r
innocent—and it i- no! ifir us to pionounce authorita
tively upon th.- point—there is quite enough in the
ca.-e, winch is undisputed and indisputable, to brirti
such cotisciousriess home To a mind riot utterly per
verted and a heart nol altogether coriupt. One
would think there v. as fal more than enough to in
duce a r .in capable of perceiving the necessary in
ferences from iiis unhappy position, to avoid, rather
than se,.k. toe public gay.*, and to endeavor to recov
er the g'...d opinion o! men by those means winch
alone coil', : settle public judgment in his favor.
"I'.at the exhibition of y sterdav could not fail to
satis y the least reflective that Mr. Kalloch loves :
ti'iuuiph rather than sacrifice, and is willing to re-t
Ins cause u|ion that soit of popular appreciation
winch would fi j: g l.iu, to-morrow with tiie -au.e zea!
which leads the crowd to follow* in hi- train to-day.
As to the multitudinous mu-s of -lily women and
-iliy men whom a morbid and inconsiderate curiosity
impelled to throng the avenues to the Tremor.t Tem
ple yesterda vve presume a grinning ourang-ou
tang. clothed in priestly vestments, would have ser
ved their purpose ju-t as well."
U'e have not frequently referred to Mr. Kalloch in
connexion with the charge- which have been bro't
against him, ami have carefully excluded from our
columns all i'.-I'erence to the testimony by which Un
charge wb< sought to be su-tained. As we cannot,
however, refrain fiom uttering our condemnation of
the course he i- now pursuing. It may nol be im
proper that we should statu some of the mine 11;j>.,,_
taut points oi his ease, pie.-eiited in Hie
It was prcv-d.ii .1 w.:s not denied, that on the p.
veiling oi the ,"di, oi January. Mr. Kalloch, with
Mrs. i.aura Steen. ot Biattleboro". Vermont, went
to the Lechinere Hotel—a hotisn of bad reputatiofl in
Cambrulge—and occupied a private room. Mr. K.
bad the room warm-d, after arriving at the hotel, i
' and occupied it with the btdy referred to, both be
. fore and after the lecture which lie delivered that e
vening. lie had been invited and had accepted tiie
! invitation to vi -,t the Rev. Mr. Holland, who resided
near by, but sent a note to That gentleman, giving as
a reason lor not doing so, ii.,.t he wi-hed to e.-cp'oy.
Ihe time in reading his lecture—a lectuic,,
which he had several times delivered in otti r place's.
I After the lecture he declined to visit Mr. ilollund,
I because he was in a hurry to g-t home ; but he went
to, the I.eehioere House, and temained ahont an tiour.
While then: he called lor .n .1 drank aw tik-kei - ng.
and paid the landlord five dollut- for the • i entei;a:i,
All this i- rnncecled. As to' what took place in
the room lie occtipied, we prefer to be -1-i t. Four
witnesses te-tiiy lo acts which would constitute him; but it may be that they -wiar fal-nly.
They certainly, on the night i .ier I e.l to, if 111 •■ r t •- -
tiinony can he relied on. resorted to steps to ascer
tain hi-doings which no honorable p.-i-mi can iu-ti
ly ; and we are stile that of the people who sb. to
siicli meanness, there are hut lew on whose testimo
ny we would rely to cor.viet any person n crime.
We throw their testimony wholly out of tiie case, ,11
our consideration of if, ami rely upi>n what i- a"uit
tfil on all hands to jusi ify u- ,n adding our e.-iilors,.-
ujent to w hat 1- -anl bv our Boston coteri jiorarii-.s.
Leniently enough, "morality is scandalized an l
religion i- wounded"- by the mdee-ut ha-te with
which Mr. Kalloch return, to the pulpit. It cannot be return- build up the rau e
Christ, for howev. r sincere it may |e . he can do that
cause no good by becoming il- pub).c advocate. !L
-conduct. to -ay the least, lia- teen that o! a hypo-'
cnte. There was no necessity he should visit
the Lechinere Hou-e; his lecture could have been
studied at home, tf, indeed, any -Judy had been ne'sl
ed ; tliere was nolle at all, that he should retire lo a
private room; the public sitting-room was at hi-ser
vice. and there wen- no nth. i visiters. Th-re was
none why he should call for w ht-key ami drink il : a
vitiated appetite was not demanding it, and he was
known as a public advocate oi total ab-tinencc and
piobibitioi). Why, under such circumstances, do.
he appear in the -acred de-k ! Ibn - he lev * to be
ga/.-d at by the licentious and the curium'/ Is lie
ambitious of the notoiiety which belongs to one who
acknowledges guilt, but re|the sacrifices which
wipe it out .' Such, c- rtainly, Would, -eeiri to be the
fact; and we must conclude, with th. ))..;)••!• from
which we have quoted, "that be loV"- tiiurrph rath
er than sacrifice, anil is willing to rest his cause on
that -011 ol popular apf.rec.aiion which would l.acg
litin to-morrow with the -ame zeal wfiich bads too
crowd in follow iri bis train to-day."
We have no feeling- -of bitterness towards Mr.
Kalloch. We know him, it t- true, as a travelling
i lecturer for 1 lemorit.und a ruo-t tnallgnuiit. toul
rnoutl.ei! s'anderer of the den ocratic party. M e re
memher hi- Kansas speeches, instigating trea-on,
and rejoicing in the pro-p.-ct of civil war. We re
member his speech, attei the election bad gone bv.
in which lie said: "We have laid antiquated old
fogy, Lew i- ('a--, on tie -hell o: political retire
ment," and "we have compelled Boctianaii to go in
to the presidency uu.trr n prates! fiijia tin C'nist:
t;t. tiie ia!f 11 i tee a re, aml tin i/ of tier . X rut it
We remember his abu-e of all who would ru>t
port a prohibitory liquor law- -neb a law a- he pin
vok*d a Violation ot at (Nt'ohi idg<- W" kno'A,
.ii short, as a brawling, hypocritical blackguard.—
But we do not know bun a - wor-e than score- of :
profession, who fiount'eied ;n th- very m-i s oi j.idt
tif- during the presidential campaign ; and certainly
. we do not know that he ha- be, . , .it- of :n ■
lor which he was lately tr.ed. W f.ave ■ t reb. -
red in !lie evidence o i. -go It. ion spread th. - • ev
idence- before our reader- when t! y have appeared.
On the contrary, we have-incei. iv regretted that
tij:- cae was brought before the |.i -V.. . and • j al
ly that th** contempt'hie . otulucl of t •• k- ; • o- of
the Lechmerp Rouse shonid avail to ttrai ' he. a- a
criminal. But Ins evident dtspo- 'ion to thrust liirn
-eti forward, undo all tie* circun -lane.*- i.t-w -nr
-10 in bug him a- a mora! teacher appo nled •>:' God to
purify the world, 1- an in-olt to th<* < ouitrni: ity,
which we rannn.r too -ttoiw'y ilei <ne- *. IB- may
fin ! pulpits open to hirn in Me--; ch tr-. but *• re
i joicr* to b dicve there iii>- Slat,., even a'tiotigsf
Those which M,.--.ii'buseft.- -ill del • ' e - a
! uihaftan, where h'* would b>* require ! to take a low
er -.'at, until the world could luiv judged of The
sincerity of his profession- by the purity of hi- L. *.
i'anioa o3* iSc • MV. £_*. .*..<♦> !
We have alwa\ - i,. .n u;ni- j r itiipt. n
thai (i >v. Ih t.Lra i. was jmiici'-tis in t!,•
cis" tit the j.ur.iuirino |"U'er, uml tirnf !:.>• - flit la!
pi tc latitat inn ti ade th- ogli the Htrrr g j
rgrtip.',, over !{ie signature >t"F-.-crs-tarv Ct iiTiv,
that j.itr.l .OS W ill ri il • grat: !• ti '.II!: *.. ;.CI di
• It I .it! o{ lite i: tea:! ,n u ... ir.t.le
Hi:-.ugh one or riiuie [sajiers ju i Jed i;\ ti,,- court
t \ v. ii.-i y 1 ;.e m lite was a.s.-.e.l fo . " as iig'.t att.i
i . t.'. 'surp auil aston,-! n <-nt of iur citi
'/.••n:', this .liail K HY-, will) hud ! 11 an., guil
ty oi il Ctutie artiOl!<r ti.e highest kit" :. ti) t': i*
l.iw.s, that of an .i-sault ai. ! i.attery tt a mere
t bil l, to (iestr >v ! ef ci.a,t;tv an i f n In-: r! .' -
■I-.-|er forevi r, was ii >• j . -.i wit > • .;/•
having ant iinuwieiige ( ,|' (||,. . . and
tlfi bin t"(li , agar -I the w'i.d •. ! • lav/.*
j')l it Vof i)lir CillZi" S. Tin* e\ • l-'".. .* j
"lulling p'.w er i- a iitg! Pr- corahs e, a:m
cases, indici'ius! v *i:ol j,r -;:\ •>, t . n
righ!: 'lit tl :ec .; I. -.: me : ill e ■ ,„' . s
t-riliir \ I-dates /</. own /'I *, oi"." t oil
a matt vrh> bn! ;•••. f-.i. iv !t i Iby a • ■ f
his rniintrv. for oflfte most h innus n<i rh— j
•fra.ijt gci i :>>■> kr. wtr i huinaintv, fit ' ul'l >r
.■v,r '■ ia-.ii.g lite pi'"-!" ct: J an nr. .rent ! -ran
an! it .: pi'.'Ut *-r ni the •'! v. ,
li. r Hie -atir •; .in id a teavli.f oi tin
('...•ties ''.i.gitig L. . I .n-tn it!--.
G a'. Pollock ha* t. t increased his own >i -
niarity, finr has !i" UCteil wifti i lionwfedae of
pti .lic setilitn ,t a grai.'t: * ft is tin a i>q.
from th- ii'i nl'-rj !.-• tcccnui a!.- / lo!it ./• 'tfsb'/rx
I ' .. ''g r .
From i- 1' •an- y 1 1 a.
ps--.' r st f. e,% - |B f■ p r
it Mt trJt. laLi •J> .1 .1 he
BPIiBOC *• * sA .
The f.ri> s of Aboli'.i.misrn in llie S.nliierti
Slates have been driven to r.'sjmiaiinn l.y the
rieci-ioti of the Sujirenre (' mrl ui Ihe ft red Sett
case. The issues .>n Hte wiinb- S. iv.-rv cue.-ti-it.
have been narrowed d.w*i ! . a \. ; \ sqaali c<uu
! ass. Either tlie constitution, as itrterju. tod i.\
lluise whose du'v it is to inter].r.-t it, must lie,
(h'stinyed,or tiie whole fratre- w>.rk •■! Hi.u'k If.-
publican Ah<>litionis*in must fill to Hte gomrti!.
Tle-ro is in> rnidilie c .tits, t> he pursued . thr
que.stion, an I . a. ii n an must (h t t ; ■ plainly riml
unetjtJ:vocai 1 y whether lie is fur or against the
.'constitution of his count rvAll Hie jirojiosi
iioiss, and tlie vvbole plat form of Hiuck Repu!-'
Lcaiii-m, have I>-. 11 swept away bv tire highest
.prdit ial authority of the land, and it has now
nothing li'ft to stand upon except lite must ar
ia tit deniagogtivisni. Alta. us up >n thisdeci
siun can only mean one ui two tilings*—mere
4 sound and fnrv, signifying: uuihing, ' or or<gan
i'/.e reheiion against the decrees oi one of the most
important branches' of the government, and a '
derangement and overthrow oi our whole ]>u- j
fitica! system.
As a pari oi the scheme by which tins latter ;
result is to he accomplished, the Pwaek Repub
lican leaders, cnn-*ciolis that the good s-nse of
the white people will not long sustain t . m in
Mich a crusade, are determined, wherever they
have the power, to . xi. m! Hie light of sniiraoe
to Hie negro and to rally around their -lati
d,in! legi.ins of elionv voters*, fn \ew Vi;!.,
t'oir Legislature has b ett busy in furthering
this project as far as p.>>s:!>!.*, an 1 tit.* ({lack Re
]>ii!)!icaris* desire that not only those negroes
w ho possess a certain amount ol propert y should
vote, as tt* present, but that Hie whole hidy of
colore.'! men over tvvtit v-om* years of ag; should
be entitled to the same |>ri v
! liese ideas vv if) (]ou!it I'-ss find a warm c! ;nv;-
[ii. iti in tii.' ithick R. J,U!I!I. an candidate f a-' .v
-ertior, VV r. Motives of policy nnv induce
our politic.!.*] its of thi-- school, to i s'| one for a
fwrt- Uio lull |>! >mu%ati'.n of lli ir |ft iucipl-*.
of Jh' ir tiitimpii tv.nihi certainly b- {<!: wr;!
i M: :4r edbtt to -xr• rrd the tight of suif-
I'a.' to the Xi' .. - of"our
it : 'S" the formalio:> oft -
.1 It'.t; ..f 1 I' ri{ ■'.: V, ■ M. ■ • - j,.. i
II . l.'oa! M-!• :;i ib' .o v van: o = o-ii
t-i'-y occasi-.'.ft't M it. A i:• :. I
tills ef Ol VV . give kv .f Oi <,
i'i l.S'i i, ano upon groan is al.u s: i I. en, M with
taken \ tin- Stiprnttw Court of If- 1 uj
t.-ii States in its rtFiug t! at r,. gro-s w i ■ not
citiz lIS. VV e uliliiii to tin* (use of , * Ol: -
iith "s c<. I n (; 9 ('. w (Pennsvlva ,ia if■
p-Tts) :'{>3. This was a suit Brought }., JS.'ift.
ova free negro agiiu-t the Judges o! an eiedion
lor Stale oiiiceis for p-fusing to allow hint to
V 'lf, pfnClH2 his light (O Vfite Mp'.U THE Inilow
i:.g v lis!itii' i pan i>; ith •St (!••..{ i'.-no
sylvatiia: •ctioos L.V the citizens every
Jma it of the a--i' of tV.-lit' - ilte y-a is, ha c
i.'ig i esieC'ii in (he State tw > y ar • i-* tin*
' h-c!i )H, atul having within that time q ;|j<] &
M.ii or c.'Uiitv tax, shall <•!:' v the in 'is of an
. let t,
Mr. ( hief Justice i t]s Uwreii tlie opin
ion of the Col I'l.
Aji.-r stilting that th qu-sti o had > —o dec i
li' i against the j:iar.tills i)S early iis 1 * Do, he
j.rocei'ih d to lav d ivv'i the .! .ct, ine, from i.•as. s
and prior legi-laiion, tint ii'.-. n-Yi- 's ww e not
jii- u . 'jcrihed in the above constitution
.l! orov ISIOII.
'•But 'S.OD HE} in addition to tin* IR.t 'rpr**ta
tioti from 11-—TIIIIT ANTECEDENT legislate M jur
•VISILES ■ tiler pin. IFS tut 111 colored '.V AS a
pui'FV I'. oil: C tni-ict. it WA- J'LST'V remarkevi
by PRESIDENT Fox, in tin- ::,A 11*•: I lie* late CON
TESTED ELECTI in, OUR ancestors s 11• •11 tills ; ;nv
im:e vis ,1 community of WHITE men, and the
blacks V\ ere intro LUIU-d INTO IT AS A : N-E OF SLAVES,
whence an NNCONIJUERAHLE prejudice of CASTE,
v. idcli has can," D >wn to, our d.:V. ins .much
thai a MIS, .EIOU of lain! F• I-• 11 S•- n. just effect
sii. K INS TILE SII'I', ct ,| IT low tto - Fl'iiiiiinin H-V'L.
C'INSISTENT5V V 11:■ this pr, ju ice i- it I ■ :>E cred
it' D that J J 11: it V OF rank V.uld to
such a race! },. t tie- QUESTION HE ANSWERED by
sta! NTE of 112H, which den 'li.nuit* IL it rui
I I.E. <F■ • F;I'VI' PEOJD- ; WILL,,; DIR. cled tie' n.a_'is-
TRAIES JO T lIID . t fi-.-e NEAR A S FOR iAzU;• -S OR va-
I' . . W ;.D FOI' ade THEM TO LIUI BOR Indians,
IT.UI ITI. -ES, OR slaves under PAIN OT'lin". or to
DE.ti V\ ITIJ SLAVES un H-R pain of stripes: W hich AN
TII-' jienalt vO! slavery: wivich punished them lor
:I: : 'IN_ R UUTLI, ami even A white per? ;I
w it' servitude fir intermarrying with a tirgrn.
It free ire-n, in a p ditiral s'll<", were SN <IS
nf THESE cruel and DOCRADIMJ F,;,pression, what
must F.EERI tfie lot of their lIRETHREU it> :■< u-
D ORE. 1 LIAVE THEIWHT it fait' to 1R- AT the (jie
tion as it STANDS ! V OM own U.uniripal reoula
tre.s, wit Ijout illusti.lll OI.S frncnthose of other
Siat. S, IVF, re THE conditi M o; live race has HEEN
I - (a Vor > O!. V■ T it Is pi OPE R TOSAY Idattiie
SECTION (WO ol the fourth article C\ the I'-d-'ral
Const it uti R. PRESENTS an CHSTARIE TO the political
1 ■ • DOM tin- T-JRIO W Id; II s, V insu[H*rah]e.
!t IS : , HE I. R.VINHERECL that < nship, as W • JI
AS f.-eedom IS a cons'llU', : ;,i d FIRM ion: and
Bl'.\ - II.,; . 11 ■U I T B S (iisahbit: S on lon. in
OTHER Slates, is a problem of Dl(scult solution. —
In this ASP- ct the QUESTION BECOMES one .not of
INFE.IT DOT r.F power, and of power SO doubtful AS
to I LRL'ID the •\ r< ise of it. ]•}<•- ry nan
■ I'l the IS'IS'SSV of th.'S" TK-A' 11 i! i' S. but
si I "I \ IS L>!. •if alt v, it D !' V !!. ■■ S.. EX is-
TENCE DEPENDS EN tlieskill with which it istiea
t< T. C 'Csi i' -NS F it.ere hnn.a' it V, !. .w e-
V• T. ; 1 AIE to ,I CLASS wjth which JUDGES have
NOTHING TO DO. and inU : the Constitution
in the spirit of otir CORISTITUTIOVIS, we :I:e hound
to pronounce that treoi of c lot are destitute of
the title of the elective F, inch; .
"\0 ID J!0 . i i;E st ::II:_ R I t . til or flat F >-D
-, \ i! s ; • hi: ' ' on' v, le 'b r. ui -. tiritr on
tin C 1 si nit., at tii i- I!.. • ;t. 1 . r. s"!n
tj .i. r : <* !. • ( .b! ■■ i State C nv,
o. to in ii iri-it an . lustve \a*i sua! An.eri
' • 1 '••• Stat ilir s. Joey dec! ir d
a r.. I'.. .1 yll : ris a-11 •ir first b f-r (1 -
v-'i Vb'e ii!:'- the spunk of ■ ttr .*! Know
"'Otldtiq (>!'■ .:i"t:ts, ill I .s jst i ■ ; the efforts ofthe
V. it I'I: t >swa!!.)w thi;:-. up. — E-ii/on
2-Mr.l A'luosjttss J- Ujii'i?* of LEfc.
The i' Ilowina account of tip* exph>sion ofthe
st'imoi .'. '. Jreutt, on the Sin Juan JRivt-r,
Nun;; i'.' a, is furnished hv one ofthe men tin i
hoard at th* time cf the disaster :
i h> st -jifit-r 1 it Iv ;ir>y\ Roint ami proceed- :
!>wn tli.* nv.*r toward t-m ;pui*.;i, niuvvviiij.' |
!. i'! 4l -;.!jrc > ti.i i iroiii ( alter I!ih iui- :
successful r:,; edition. Sin* w. - aeon.named
:iv a sn.di inn st<*anrrr called the Rescue.—
('n (lie first day out two of the fines <f?!w steam
e broke. J his wis about iwrtilv-five miles from
Fort Hunter, The intention was to vndeavor
t i reach (.revt.'iwn, to leave the sick and those ;
who were d.tern :nei! to return hortir, while'
t : .'<e !.oii lk! for Walker proceeded. On Wed
nesday, at;mt 1! A. M., when a mile and a \
h.ilf'li in iqui, and about thirty-two miles
from K-llv's I 1 ant, we were all strutted hv thej
explosion. 1 was at the time, on the second |
tie;an..wig (he sick. There were a'>out one!
hundred at that moment stan.Jir.LT around, just
over tlm* lioiJer. The sirk were all confined on
the second d. ck, aft of the boiler.
Within ah >ul ten 1.-et of us were about two :
ami a ba'f tons of powder, covered over with !
canvas and guarded (y a sentinel. Fortunately !
none of tliis c. Ik fire. J myself helped to put
it on hoard. Quite a large number of those on :
the s. cand decl; w*re Mown into the river, and
oin tw • w.T" !down on to tile shore. Thev
luitl just turned toward a little island in the liv
' r, where tliey Wt'le ahout to lav too to let the
iron tender pass on, that they might go down
the liver and s> e whether tlie enemy had lurli
fted Sarapiqui, and intended to oppose them in
Castilie. L abridge ! It solicitous about this !
point, because tire teain*'r had so much powder
on h. ltd, wliich a chance shot might destrov.
The 'fescue (tender) had about two hundred! on hoard. At tin* time of the explosion
the rescue was a quarter of a mile h -hind us.— j
i'he Rescue, and those ii .board tie* st amei
in t injur* :!, immediately proceeded to pick up
the injured ami take th-ni ashore.
Idle re was no accommodation, and they were!
all put on the ground, with nothing on or over I
them. Their sufferings were lamentable.— i
!.->(',! ibge ar.d Weeks w* re both on the steamer)
'at the tin-. Lichridsp. was unir,,
Weeks, Who was washing on the seer,tl'llefL
u. ar the u heeihonse, was blown out of a -in '
into the liver. As s n\ as be .jot '] A '
his head out of ihe water, he esciiuuied'!', f: '*
h >ys whe weie jumping „v, r'-ard, "R,- jV ,,' t ,' x
jump tlwr.' iv no ('ai.e* i! ' This st..j p. ( | t),'. ',V
m. and p:evened I'urtiier loss of hf- f ;v ( i r
' ~ T e were ah -t tw-tit v-fn (. kill, rf
i 11 ty or forty wounded, Som- em!,. or h . f '
t:e Wounded died ait.T hemo'.eot ashore. At
: " i title ... the exph-ion the un n we,- S!at[ ',j
l-B.i opT !h> st-an r, some
i" il! y •' '* UV' , sine. A,,; , fi ,
themselves hotfte Hist, ad of where th 'V vv,
I he explosion, as J asceitained, was' ( f
f.y one of ti ■ f„.ads of the boiler tieina |,| ou u
out. ii carried away all the deck and
•:e i V ..T■!: oils. , and a portion of'the
iow v,t the . .at. A iar.jje hole, too, was knock
ed in the Cott JIT: . Ihelv at instantly
■irid Went over ~n her side toward the "beach -~
I'lie force of the . xpl' si on drove ti)„ how ofthe
■at s'irtie little distance on to the sand bar
There Were n hoard the xt-anier J. \. Scott
.itMoisa other fiie-arms two little mi t! s, or „, , t|
! 'tinder, two six-p njuders, end a Ii .w it/- r
-M -• I tbe 111 -,, killed were ~f j.„, ,
who ml'ndi'd to proceed will. \. do.
V :ilk' r. At! were finally taken on th- H-s;,.
the wounded and ail—to {ir- ytown where
tin'V found the Teiilf'See. Here they Were told
hv tlu* HL" nt they could come horn- in th- sea
:m r il they ch .su Stmih* jr • a! ■•■!, at-.j
some did not, hut ail would have bee:: -lad t 0
1) ifructirt Finn—Grtni Los* of Property.
A very destructive fire broke hut Cl.arle^
an ! Lou sard streets, Baltimore, on Tens, lav
ui'/hf of last week, which raocd until nearly l j
• i'i iock, with much fury, destroy in J pioperfy
to the amount of $596,000. The iolkwjnV
ware.mus. s were .1. strove.! with the,- contents
-11. V. 1 wards fc < 0.,-! rssware; Xorris & Brothers
import.-rs of hardware: L. Harrison Co., cap
tii inntuctin ers J .mes S. Ro! inson, pai>r ware
house: ii. L. Parke-, iron warehouse; ff (K j lT ,.
!h:.,ick & Co., and (jrant, hardware e*Ma".lish
i:i •t. Cilpif . Parley & Cant.v, wholesale djn.r.
■ti-ts; Fair! inks i-'c C.v.< scale factory; and IVill
.am Davids m h. Civ, j iiemical paints.
i.a cf;ossn.
A fiie at I,a ft ■<< P.'isi onsin, on the Slh
inst., destroyed tie* flour and | lo•,injr-rrsill 0 f
, White, fty.-r X (in n., v. Ross sT),o'dO: iiisu
rant'e, 1A ,< it)).
Fitovr Hvi. :::I'Al:k. Messrs. J. &. T. Cillen
' der. at Hvderpar!:, wri'es us, t! at a lentlemm
j id their acquaintance had been subject to spit
ting ' f Id'.. •!, which recurred so frequently as
to i irtiish trie iiinst conclusive evidence ofa |en
b r.ry to consnn.ptir*n. Various remedies had
beep trn-d w ithoiit elfect, and consultations was
h'!l '.v it Is physicians of the hivinsi eminence
with no better success. Circumstances brotwrfit
him accidentally to a knowledge ofthe Clickner
.So ;ar (' )'• •! Furaaf jv.> !"il!s, and although lie
bad little I.ii!!i in tluir virtues, the persuasion
! hi-mis at Jengtl prevailed over Ins ilelerrrii
n.iti n, ami he cons-nte i to try
first Box Inul no p rceptd le effect. However,
a srcotid v> as j : . chas-d, and the sv:i ptun f
I.:s c .ir:j:!.;int h.-gn to ameliorate. Tne spit
ting' (f*lo 11 recuifed at much longer interval*,
until,, alter the use of □ few hox -s inure,
it c as'd altoget.ber. He i ; now in the full gl-tr
of !.• alth. and raba'de of enduring the greatest
fatigue without the !I-R>J inconvenience.
r" r- —. fl tj rr tj r.-i c
- xaa Al.i ii ik ii z. l c >
• Philadelphia, April '22.
! be J {our ir ark* t las undergone no change.
Only 50' i hh!s. '• -t standard brands v.'.-ie
j risp serf of for future delivery, at s<{ per l b!.
Sah t the t: o!e t.S i(o as in qualitv.—
K\ • FJo'tr is -mice, and firm at tStj... Corn
M< -i is in better request, and 800 bids. Penn
sylvania sold on private terms.
Wheat is scaree a:. 1 u re inquired after, —
S':::;ll .-••{* s • d Red at 111,1 4 (>C. j -r litis!'. 1, an-}
White at 1 una !(>'Jc. Rye comes forward s!ow
-I'., ait ! commands SJc. Com is scarce and
wanted at (iSr.: me h Id. rs ask 7tc. (' ';
are or chang •!, a catg ■ ... D- lav. .ire as s'.hi at
.">() cts. per bush.
W: invi?the rarefni aFr. nrii>ii all persons 2u.-'t
(■ ' VV I'll rouy'is or cobts to the fdlh.w ii.e c if it: Ii! ! v
Mr .John C. Little, of !' -ehles !ji., :a thi-' tv
Mr. L. is one o our tno : i • nt'/' >. ■
v ii. tardy mll-ii on Dr. If v - r. aa.l otTrre.i his rei
t licate lo Ihe s'a'.eii below: Pilfiinrt: Pvt,
.) ■// '..• /. 0. ts
S'i lit i'. 1 live in Peebles Tp , Allegheny Coaii'V
-1 hint a coughing and spitting, which cooimenre.l
about the iiti ol February hist, uini continued for eight
M. -:>tli.-. I en-j-oyed the BV -t p.iysiciims in the COUII-
Iy. and my cough continued unut aTei!. uot'.l early in
Octotier. At that tiu-e I vvn- advised to fry vour
Pectoral Cough 8y rup, w !: ch ! did; and after f had ta
ken . : •• l.otlle 1 was eotii *ly tree tio'n coughing and
-pitting. 1 had despaired of ever getting .•:!. and 1
think it should be known that this valuable leuiedy
will do for others what it has done in my case.
JOHN' V. LtT'l LF., twines']>
VVitne-.-: it. ;\f. i\ iillli.
Pitt.borgh, Dec'iobt'i ' 1, 1- "-'.
. ' T:> !:■• h id it the Stole of Mr. Sn/m'l
■ : imu<n in Dedi Hi—and at Mr. Col tin's Store
in Scheils'iuig.
X.ILI Si S 5-: :
On tiie evening ofthe 22d, at the Lutheran
Parsonage, hy the R-v. F. Benedict, Mr. 1 ho.
Mer.vv i:ie and Miss If. Byeriy.
er " .F'r-r p..
*P- : X' " .
' "yf - ; T ' f: CV
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h-:- '" H
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DAM ML s ror.r.ll departed this life on the -'•>h
lilt, aged years, I 1 inonlhs. ami todays Ihe de
ceased was a resident ol w hat is now Libert) town
ship, for 00 oijd years. He vv a - one o! the pioneers
of tins section of the county of Bedford. When his
parents lirsi settled here, the county was std! annoy
ed by the red m*'ii o. the forest, who chinned jurisdic
tion over the soil. lie was unobtrusive in ins man
r.eiand he inculcated his principles more by exam
ple, than precept. He was obliging and courteous to
all, arid endeared to himself all with whom he associ
ated. His long life lias Jelt a savour of good behind
httri. He was a regular member of the i.erman Le
loriu.'d church, and at the tune ol his .math he w<i- a
lulmg eld.-r in the St. Luke's congregation, in which
capacity be had faithfully served the church for ma
il'- years. fn hi- death," the congregation h
one oi its most . liieient in"iiiber-. and his children a
kin I parent, who was ever watehlul over theit ten -
poral and eternal interests, but we fondly hope, their
loss is his eternal gain.
In this Borough, on Tuesday evening last, alter a
protracted illne-s, It.-v. Mr. IR\!X, a tninist-rm
the ( Ret'ormcd Church. Itbituary next ve ..