The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, April 17, 1857, Image 1

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    FsY EO. W. ROWMAiV.
5 c I cc t |3 a et v r).
- Y ~BT—
TIIKP ILL'* Spa I of I'**! severance,
]);£ tin* Fielil of P.roiiress wide;
Kv-rv rotlen loot ol taction
Hint v out and cast aside;
EVERY stubborn weed ol error ;
Every seed that loir's the soil;
Tares, whose very growth .s terror—
PIG them out whate'er ttie toil !
Hive the stream of Education
Broader channel, holder force;
Hurl the stones ol Prosecution
Out where'er They Mock its course;
Seek for strength in self-exertion ;
Wotk arid -till have faith to wait;
Close the crooked gate to 'ortune;
.Make the road to honor straight!
Men are agents for the future;
As thev work, so age- win
Either harve-t of advancement.
Or the products of their sin!
Follow out true cultivation ;
Widen Education's plan;
From the majesty of nature
Teach the Majesty of Man!
Take the Spade of Perseverance.
Pig Hie Field of Progress'.vide ;
Every bar to true Instruction
Carry out and ra-I aside ;
Feed the Plant whose Fruit is Wisdom ;
Cleanse fiorn crime the common soil;
So that from the Throne of Heaven
It may bear the glance of I lot!.
Tlm following ITEMS of" advice TO iadi-s re
training in a state ot single !IB>S>NNESS are
traded irom the manuscript O! an old dowa
ger :
If yon have Elite eves, languish.
If black eys, affect spirit.
If votHiave pretty feet, wear short petti
if von aretlie least doubtful as to that point,
Wear th.em long.
if you have GOOD teeth, don't forget to laugh
now and then.
It von have had ones, von must onlv simper.
While you are young, sit with y our face to
the light.
When vou are a lit'le advanced, sit with
vonr back to the window.
If vou have a bad voice al ways speak in a
low tone.
If it is ACKNOWLEDGED that 'vou have a fine
voice, never SPEAK in a high tone.
If vou. dance well, dance seldom,
jt von dance ili, NEVER dance at .1!!.
If you sing well, make no puerile excuses.
If vou sing indite rentlv. hesitate tint a mo
ment w fieri von are asked, for lew p-*t - ns are
competent judg'-sot singing, hut ewjy one is
sensible to the desire to phase.
IL in conversation vou think a person wrong,
rather hint a difference of opinion than oiler A
centra fiction.
Il IS always in vonr power to make a friend
I'V smiles; what lolly to make enemies by
When you have an opportunity to praise, do
il with ail vour heait.
VV fien vou are forced to blame, do il with re
If vou are envious of another w man, NEVER
SHOW it LINT bv allowing her every good quality j
aril perfection except those which she really j
If vou wish to let THE world know you ARE
IA love with a particular man. treat him w ith j
formality, and everv one else with EASE and;
If vou ar. di>jtosed to he pettish or insolent.
Or to >;. re i- \ .or ill-! m **r •■> \ nr
< :. >r \ ureal, or yaor *•vttfit, thin on > or ;
tain power, he condescen-
II v A would live happy, endeavor to pro
mote the happiness of others.
A SAD ACCIDENT I<V I- ICE. —(In Saturday
right, the 7th of March, as Thomas Pfiair. of,
lohnsville, Bucks R.onntv, WAS returning home
froin.John K. SP *">. of Warminster, hi>
clothes TOOK fire from a ; i. kfrom his PIPE, and
the wind being high at tin time, he was unable
TO PUT IT not. He took off bis coat, and thought
to throw himself into a pond of water that was
■SIR bv, hut the ICE was too thick for him to
■TEAK,"when he thought HE would return to Mr.
S ENCERV, a distance of about two hundred yards.
Mr. S. happened logo out AFTER he started, and
SAW the fire and heard his CRIES for help, when
BE ' ok a BUCKET of water and ran t J meet him,
which he did about half way.
He threw the water, on him and put the fire
out, hut HIS v.-st and under clothes were burned
'i II iwn to hi.-, waist. MR. S. assisted liirn to
BIS 1, I-C, when Dr. VV M. M. Mann, of Harts-
V i!!E.was called in, and found him to be badly
but nt on the breast, left SIDE and back. After his
wounds were dressed, he was taken to his home
at his son-in-law's, CHARLES Trimmers, at Johns-
V ille, WHERE lie died on Monday, the Kith inst..
at 9 o'clock, A. M., after much suffering, which
B- bore patiently to the last, being fully sensible
of his condition. HE was about LS y*ars ol
AGE, and came to America about thirty years a
?"> from Ireland, and had proved himself to tie a
good citizen, and was a great friend to liisa
dnpted country. — Doylestoirn [Pa) Democrat.
From the Springfield (III.,) Republican.
.Yarrow Escngx; tVom Savages.
Mr. William Bailev, formerly of Lynnville,
Ogle i •onnty, in this State, called up HI us last
evening am! related the following thrilling and
remarkable narrative. From his description of
: ai •s an I things which he saw, we uie per
(. ,at • d i it his statement is correct in
■ r\ j .A gentleman ol tins city who
i . t iv • in i i ';: 11 V lie describes,
assures U- ti at • j-n •'••it e.\c. j.t e•: :J V islt
these placs and witnessed what he cits, ~
cm Id tiave related truthfully what lie related.
He converses in several different Indian lan-j
guages, and appears to have paid cb-se attention !
to what he saw passing around him during his
sojourn among the savages, lie looked well
ami heart v, and with the exception ol his hands
being torn by some wounds from a tomahawk,
he seems to have sufficed no damage. He left j
on the cars last evening lor Logan county, !
where his mother resides.
Mr. Wailv left here some eighteen months a
go with a parts ol nine persons, to engage in ;
driving teams In :nthe Gull ot Mexico to the
Rio Grande. Thev landed at Irulianolia, ami
hired to a man bv the name ot Ross to drive
' team fir him. Thev drove to Nncas river, and j
camped there. Whilst asleep their mules vvete
stolen bv the Indians. They prepared the next ;
day to follow them, anil came up with them at
sunset. Thev saw six Indians, tired at and kit- j
led them all, when thev were attacked by about j
JJOJ, who were secreted in the woods. They
immediately fired on the white men, killing all
but Mr. Bailey whom thev took a prisoner.— >
They * hen took him back to the wagons, which
they plundered of ail the arms am! ammunition
in them. Thev took two boxes of government
Colt's revolvers and twenty kegs ot powder.—
The prisoner ivas stripped ot all his < lothing
and bound hand arid foot upon a pony. They
then started for their encampment in the \ it
chat.nv mountains, which place they reached
after eleven days hard riding.
Thev remained in camp about a week, and
then started on a robbing expedition to attack a
train on the Santa Fe Road. I iiey remained a- j
omit tivedavs waiting, when a merchant train
came along. Thev proceed'd to surprise the
t:ain, arid killed every person with it,took the
goods and mob's belonging to the train, and :
started for Kickapoo se ttlenient, trad-d off the
mules for ponies and returned to the \\ itchataw
j Mountains.
The prisoner was kept strictly confined do- |
ring the dav, and was tied up everv night with ,
pieces of raw hide, bv the hands, to the limb of
a tree, ,e high up as'h- could reach and stand
on the ground. During the dav fie was allowed
'|o ile down and sleep a few 11 ours. During the
time Mr. Bailv was with them they went on
five robbing expeditions, taking i:i;n always a
long with them. Ihe last merchant train tL• -y
rob'ued thev look two men prisoners, who diail
bravely defended themselves till their weapons j
were all di>cl arged, and who had killed twelve
ot the red skins. i h**se two were taken and
ti*;! to a stake and skinned alive. Mr. Baiiy i
was placed close to thorn at. compelled to wit
ness this horribles em*. II very time he won't:
close Ifis e\es tlmv would punch him with
sp.; s and buv .m ts until he would open them,
and look on this picture of revolting horror.—
Thev th*n took the # skin, reeking with warn
blood, and slapped him around the face with it,
covering him with bf>od, and t.'i'ing him •< he
; tried to escape this would he Ids fate.
One of their excursions was against the I ni
i fed States mail wagons. They killed the five
men with them, lore open the letters, go' out
i itie money, and after cutting out the pictures !
from the hank' ills, threw them away. They
kept all the newspapers with pictures in then, i
j —throwing everything away that was nut erit
i hwitictle/t
(". _ _ _ |
For three nights ntier this thev did not 'ie .
bi.n up but kept guard over him. I lie tin IT! :
night they had a big war dano. and, in the -x
--i citement, forgot Mr. Bailv. While dancing a- j
i round their fire in hunt ol the tent, lie crawled
j out under the back of the tent, seized one of the j
ponies and escaped. I!e w ,i- soon missed, aud
v i- f■!lowed for five days. At tin* ' Xpiiation
j that time they came so close mi him that
. ■ .fir, which obliged him to leave
1 i trie mountains. I-Trtu
■wf. ! V .adl w v pist large er ough :
t i craw i -ii .■; iT | ..ic. Ie t e -■'!■: ;i
:av -md a I ait, the Indians being s- n > l.i*
. mat he ecu!.; hear their 10-Aste; s as tin-y sniu.i
ed lor him.
He remained in this position until !)• was as
sored that his pursuers had Kit, when he emer
ged from his concealment, and made a straight
• shoot fir the Kickapoo settlement, ahunt GOi)
miKs distant. In about a month lie reached
the longed for point, where he hoped to find
friends and assistance. Nor was be disappoint
ed in tins. He was kindly furnished tood and
c! thing bv the Kickapoos. He had Minsssted,
lor the whole month previous to this on birch
io |s, which he dug with his hands on bis lone
ly march. While with the Oamanc'hes he was
Ifid on rau*| horse flesh. Not a very pleasant
| diet, truly. The Kickapoos treated him very
kindly, and showed him on Ins long journey to
civil: za t ion.
After leaving them, four day's journey hro'l
; him to the Chickasaw's camp: from thence he ;
proceeded to tin* Choctaw nation, who treated
him in the most humane manner. He journey
ed on to the Shawnee nation, wMmro lie was
welcomed by the best they had in th-ir lodges.
Leaving them, tie next reached the Chepike-s,
and then made lor Missouri, which State lie
made some 20 miles north of the Neosho. From
thence he came to St. Louis, ami then to this
cilv '. having travelled constantly and steadily
on foot tor over two months.
As stated before, he left here last evening for j
Logan county, win-re he has a mother anxious- '
ilv waiting lov return. Mr. Bailv is a young '
man, about 22 years of age, and horn on the
' it!) of July, onr national day ol Independence.
; He says he is an independent man, hut did not
ffiel so at the time he was w itnessing the horrid
murder of his fellow m-ii among the savages of
ihe Far llVst. After eighteen months' hard
ships and privations, lie finds himself once more
among civiii/.ep people, and in a land of peace
and happines... We should suppose bv this
lime fie would be glad to locate in Suckvrdom,
and "roam no more."
But 11? hri ween Gen. Walker ami the Costa Hi
can Forces—Detent of the ,/tHic.s villi <rreut
Slaughter !
NEW Vor.u, April 2 —The steamship Texas,
iVom San Juan, Nicaragua, with dates totln-2 : Mh
March, and Aspinwall to tiie 2HJ, arrived tins
Til ■ Texas Connected at Aspinw all with the
Orizaba. She brings nothing late from Calilor
j nia.
The advices from Rivas, the headquarters ot
Gen. Walker, tree to the 1 Sth .March.
Tl; Purser of the Orizaba, reports Walker's
I armv in good condition, and well provisioned.
Ci*n. Walker, with -UK) men attacked the al
lies at St. George, gained the pbiza, burner* an
I important part <■! the town, ami !fieri lett- ated
to Rivas, which Gen. Chamerro, at the head oi
1200 men, had in tie* meantime attacked, and
been driv n back, with gn at slaughter, by Gen.
j Henningson.
Gen. Walker met them retreating, and they
Were cons-queii'ly placed between two fires,
and becoming completely paralyzed suffered i:n
--i menselv.
The Allies' loss : v their own account amour—
jted to three hundred and twenty-seven killed,
and over *thr**e hundred wounded, while Walk
er estimates their loss at six hundred killed and
' five hundred wounded. He also states that his
own loss amounted to only t wo killed, and t w en
ty-one wouu.ied. Walker had the dead ho lies
The sloop- .f-war >r. Marys is >'.i!l at Nan Ju
j an Del Su:.
Jt is rejjorteii that C'anas, the ('omir-ander-in
('l.iel id the Allies, is under arrest, lor making
certain overtures w it'i Walker. It is_also in
rnored tlia! Chiliou had raised a body ol men in
Leon, and is about to join Walker, and that
President Rivas has be-n assassinated. 'I he last
report is said to have been confirmed.
Col. I. < kridge, who is stationed on San Juan
liver, had teceived armtlier teinfmceinent oi
T' Xans, together with a large quantity of pro
visions and ammunition. His command garri
soned only two communications hv water with
Costa Rica, viz:—Two hundred and t n men
at tie* n tith of the Serapiqui river, and one
hundred and eighty-eight men at tlm < ...eth.oi
the San Carlos river. The remaining one hun
dred and fifty-two are stati 'iied in advance, un
der the command ol Col. Lock: idge, near the
M ichui a Rapids.
Col. Lucki idge is said to have secured docu
ments showing that the ( osta Ricans ha i open
ed the transit route t i the Lnglish.
The Costa Ricitfi force at San Carlos was
small, and Col. i. ickndge was confi .ent of tak
: ing it.
It i< report oi t' .at ' lie allies after being defeat
ed by W dker had retreated to Miss i\ il.
The Roval Mail >!< :iiner New Giannrlq had
■ been hoarded by the Peruvian steamer "Lao.'
in tl.e int. rest ol Vivancn, and plundered ot
; §112,000 in sp* cm, arm- ami provisions.
I be sloop-of-war Saratoga had left San Juan
for Havana.
1-7 .Man in the Rapils of ..\'ia'j;itm—. / Fear
fa' Pr Hi ■men! — lHs Rescue.
The storv ol J " j'h Averv, the unt rtunate
i man who lived for a dav clinging to a rock in
the rapids abi ve the American Fall at Niagara,
i will riot soon I e forgotten: and an occurrence of a
! \i-rv similar character happened on I uesday
| last. A man named K. C. laylor, a resitient ol
West Winfield. 11-rkimer county, (a guest at the
Ladow House,) descended the I ank ol the River,
mar the Suspension Bridge, probably for the
! purpose of v iewing the Bridge from below.
| On reaching the bottom, he slipped, and fell in
to the water, just above the bridge and when
discovered vva- thiitv or forty rods below the
bridge, near the shore, roiling over am! over,
'.u!" along bv tlm resistless current, until he
CHtighs i.' Id <■' a hrrge rock, and after some hard
>• iti r > sin < ■ ed*d in reaching the top. Alarm
■ .-immediately given in the neighborhood, and
.1 was soon decided way of teach
ing him bnl iv means ola rope ladder. Ibis
was immediatelv procured, and after much h<*>-
itati ui, del.)v, ami altercation, occasioned by the
dillicultv of determining where to place it, inas
mueh as the man could not be seen Irom tb.e
projecting bank over his head, it was lowered
to the distance of perhaps a hundred feet and
became entangled among the recks and trees.
It was at once decided that some one must go
down to di-. c.tang'.e it. In a few moments,
W iI lard It. Go! urn, porter of the Ladow Hotel,
mlnut-i-ied his services, and proceeded to the
place w pen? the ladder wa* attached to 11'• ** trees,
lie net ied -assistance, and soon two more brave
men, Anthony SI?il v and N;fts Cranf, otlered
te go down. The three worked bravely FT
more than an hour it) conducting the ladder,
while ic-n at the top carefully let it down. At
length the waving of handkerchiefs and cime
rings on tlm Canada side Lodicated to us that t!m
man had sprung to the shore from tlm rock, and
had hegun to ascend tin* ladder, f anliouslv,
ami with firm grasp and step, he cliinbed up
three hundred ffiet, and was greeted by the
! shouts nnr! acclamations of th" hundreds ol spec
tatcis who had assembled to witness tiie exciting
scene. II- was for a few moments borne on the
shoulders of the excited multitude, all were so
anxious to congratulate him.
The KaHoch Trial. Boston, April S. ihe
jury in the Kalloch case were discharged tins
morning, being unable to agree. 1 hey v. rod N
' for acquila! and i for conviction.
Freedom of Thought and Opinion.
A letter from VV. W. Drummond, United!
States Supreme Judge in Utah Territory, gives
a sad picture oh matters in that Territory. The
following is taken from the letter :
The leading men of the church are more trai
torous than ever. Onlv a few days since all
papeis, records,dockets, and tune hundred vol
umes ot the laws, were taken out of the Su- ■
preine Court Clerk's office and burned. And
this is not the only instance of the kind, i say
to you again, and through you to the President, j
it is impossible tor us to enforce the laws in
this Territory. Every man here holes his lit" !
at the will of Brigliam young : and here we j
an- without protection. lam firmly of opinion
that Babbitt was murdered by Mormons under
direction of Brigham Young, and not by Irnii-j
ans. Murder is a common thing here : and |
Mormons cannot be punished with a Mormon;
jury, witnesses, officers, and Governor to par
don. It is too cruel, and must not be endured. ;
,A man, not a nember of the church, is murder
<•>!, robbed, castrated and imprisoned, solely (or ,
questioning the authority of the church. Per
sons are now in the Penitentiary, convicted
before !be Probate Judge, who are wholly in- j
nrtCent of any crime. Is there any other coun
try where this abuse is or would he endured :
L"t all, then, Kike hold and crush out one of the
must treasonable organizations in America.
\ boy was caught in the act of stealing dri
ed berries in front ola store the other dav, and
was locked up in a dark closet by the grocer.
Th" hov commr*need begging most pathetically, j
to he released, and after using ail the persuasion
that young imagination could invent, propo
sed :
Now, if you'll let n:" out and send lor my dad,
he'll pay vou for the berries and lick me fit
sides i"
The appeal- wajf too much for the groc< r to
stand out against.
From Hie Cotton Jonrnai.
.!n<sl£x's* PcssoEsiisyr IN'fsf I
Lowell, March 27. Suspicions have been a
roused in this comrr.uniH that a case *•! huslae !-
poisoning lias taken p! :ce here. The victim
of the tragic deed which is suspected to have
been perpetrated, was Mr. Nathan.' 1 Sweets-r,
late of this city, who deceas" ! suddenly on the
20t1i of February, and was interred in a family
tomb iti the adjoining town of Gh"lms|o,rd. A
hfrkfier o;' the deceased, belonging to the Stale
of Nt*w Yoik, entertaining suspicions that all
wins not right in r> fi-rence to the sodden death
of bis relative, has been instrumental in ins".iga
tir.g sn rxaminat iui of'ie* matter, and agreeably
t . urge it solicitations, Dr. J. P. Jewett, a
iN-iroiier oTXow eil, with a Jury of Inquest sum
moned for the purpose, \. sterr pv afiernoon pro
ceeded to the toiret in Chelmsford, wlierr* the
iiodv of Mr. Swcetser. was interred. Thev re
moved it to a sc.hoolhouse in the vicinity: where
an autopsy i, v f)r. J. Spaulding was made,
and the stomach and viscera removed and sealed
up for chemical analvzation. ihe Jury ol
Inquest was composed ut the following persons:
Dr. Jo' l Spaulding, Joseph Merrill, Calvin T.
Ciian To ! jin, William I'. Brazer,Enoch Emery
and Nathan M. Wright.
Dr. J. C. Bartbtt. of Uhelmsfird, was aNo
pr- >. Nt, a: d assisted in the autopsy. Nothing
<fa positive nature of course was elicited by this
examination, hut 1 am imlormed tiiat internally,
wli'Tc decay usual! v ti: st commences in ordinary
cases of deceased per-sons, there \i:is not the
slightest appearance nfdi • on-position: a circum
stance which mav he-an indication of the pres
ence of arsenic. Deceased was fifty-two years
old at at the ! i.e of his death, lie was a smaii
i'-aler in w ■ resid- ' "il Howard street, and
v. as a man id conside; able projierty. He i-- said
to have Seen at one or more times an inmate of
tiie insane a.-\lum. It is alsn said that b<* has
C'>!i;pl:;it)ed of Being nnltappv and threatened to .
lake his own life. His domestic relations are
>.iid to have heen urihappv. Dr. Gales, recently
from Manchester, attended him in his last illness,
and assigned no cause for his death. His illness
lasted" only about 21- hours.
Coroner Jewett, accompanied hv the brother of
deceasad, visited Mrs. Sw. etser, the wife of de
ceased, vesterdav morning, and informed her
that an evaminati >ti ci the body of her liti.shand
was, in cons- quence of the suddenness o! his*
death, Kc., about to he-qiroceeded with. Slie
expressed li*r gratification that such was to he
the case. No arrest has vet been made, nor was
Mrs. Swedser intoned upon whorri suspicion
in the matter rested, but I learn this morning
that she fa< retained the Hon. B. F. Butler to
defend her in case of her arrest, arid that she ex
iiibits great anxiety about tlm matter.
As usual, various rumors tending to create
suspicions of foul play are afloat in the c :nn:u
nitv, hut I refrain from giving them further cur
rency at th s stage of the proceedings. Mrs.
Sweetsri is said to be a 'nitn of much intelli
gence and smartness, am! of highly respectable
con nyc! ions*.
Dr. . 1,. I)nna < f Lowell, was this morning
requested to make th* chemical analysis of the
contents of the stomach &.C., but declined. They
will he sent to some competent chemist in Bos
ton fir that purpose to-day or to-morrow. The
jury o! inquest adj- nrm d yesterday afternoon to
Fi iiiay, Apiil d.
From tin- Wa-liincton (Pa.) Commonwealth.
It becomes our painful duty to record one of
the most dreadful murders ever perpetrated in
this regi u) of count! v. Early on Monday mor
ning, word was brought to town, by Archibald
Allison, that Samuel IL White had been brutal
ly murdered at his residence, in Chartiers to.,
on the road leading from Washington to Steuh
enville, about five miles north of this place.—
The house is situated on rising ground, about
fifty yards distant, on the north sideofthe road,
and i> a new frame, and kitchen adjoining, with
doors opening into each, on the upper side iar
tljf t from the road.
i We repaired to the scene at an early hour, |
i and there met with a horrible spectacle. On
! entering the house we found the murdered mar:
in bed, just as he had been sleeping—for it is
evident that he made no attempt to get up—the
I pillow and upper part of the h"d was covered
with bfiyid, while his face and head were so dis
figured with wounds and blood as to prevent his
Drawers had been rumaged !>v the murder
ers and left open: blood was sprinkled almost
all over the room: the floor, the ceiling, the
wall, the bureau at the foot of the bed, had all
been spurted over: tin* blood-smeared axe, with
! which the deed had been committed, laid on the
; floor at tire foot of the bed: and the corpse look
iasif a very demon had been at work. The
wounds, some half a dozen in number, had evi
i dent I v been inflicted with the butt end of the
: axe, and were frightful to look at: the skull was
; broken in several places, while the lower jaw broken, in front.
It is not certainly known what amount of
' money has Iweii taken. Mr. White was a
- young man, much esteemed in the neighborhood
where iie came from, and his untimely end will
be regretted by a huge number of friends. He
, leaves a young wife and two small children to
deplore their loss. He had but recently pur
chased the-farm on which le* resided, and the
I murderers were no doubt instigated to the com
mission of the deed with tlm supposit ion that he
had considerable money about him to pay out
on the Ist of April. No arrests have been
i "Oxr.v PRAYERS." —Some persons never go
to church except when there is a sermon. "On
ly prayers!" But does not Christ say that his
house "is the house oi prayer?"—a p!ac* where
prayer not only is made, but answered? And
have we not tiie example oi' the apostles for,
going up to the temple to pray? H hat are
those that they are so neglected? They are not
in a foreign language; nor does the minister o
rnit anything essential: on the contrary, they
comprise everything necssarv for public devo
tion. lor tiie people have met together "to ren
der thanks for the great benefits received at
God's hand, to set forth His most worthy praise,
to Iwar His most holy Wore, and ask those
things which are requisite and necessary, as
well fir the body as the soul." Now one
would think that if all this were done sincerely,
a great deal would fie accomplished. Arch
bishnp Leighton savs in his charge to the cler
gy, ltib'2: Whatsoever ministers do, they
should few,ue ul returning to their long exposi
tions, besides the sermon, at one arid the same
meeting: which, besides the te.ii.iusness and oth
er inconvenience, is apt to foment in people's
iuimis the sttange prejudice and proud disdain
thev have taken against tin* scriptures read
without a superadded discourse. Truiy, it those
who object to "onlv prayers," would only make
the experiment of entering more fully into
their spirit, everv objection would be silenced
by their beauty.
Dr. Johnson said the reason why he attended
wei k-dav prayers was, that so few being pres
ent, his presence w as more serviceable than on
other occasions of worship: but, for tiiis reason
of the Doctor's, most persons stay away.—Pen
ny Post.
} } reserves in Tin Coses. The.Aim Be;lford
.V.vmn; learns that a lauy'in that city was badly
p -isonetl a lew days since.! v eating a few spoons
Jul of preserved whurtle berries, which had
been put in a tin case. The liquid from the
berries had forced venligrison the surfate of the
metal. For several hours tlm ii fly above men
tioned remained in a nearly unsensible condition
and was with difficulty brought to.
From the Chicago Pie-s, March -s.
We I, •arn from a gentleman who arrived ves
terdav lioill La Salle, that a frightful accident
occurred mi Thursday morning, on the Illinois
( ' iitial Railroad, near La Salle. The particu
lars are as follow s:
About 7 o'clock in the morning, the gravel
train, loVb d with laborers w ho work along the
line, started from La Salle southward. The train
crossed the bridge all right, and as the engine
came on to tiie embankment on the other side of
the bridge, it all al once gave way, and the whole
train was precipitated a distance of probably
Iwent v-!ive feel. Four men were killed on ttie
spot, and one died a few hours afterward.—
Eight others were severely injured, some with
broken legs, arms, Uc. The engineer and lire
man escaped wills their lives, though somewhat
injured. The marvel is that so many escaped.
The heavy rains of last Sunday, along w*i:li
the general thaw that ensued, had so softened
the embankment that it appeared as suit and as
incapable ofibeai ing up a train as the softest kind
of mud. Whenever th l * engine came off the
bridge, it seemed as if it had fallen over t pre ci
I)lit disastrous as the occurrence has proven, it
serins piovid' iitial that it is not mu< Ii more fa
tal. Tiie passenger train that ought to have
passed over tlx* road nt that point on Wednes
day bight, hv some trivial accident was delayed,
and djd riot arrive at tin* fatal .-pot till alter the
gravel train was wrecked. As it was loaded
with | assengers, boxed up in close cars, the sac
rifice of life tliat would have attended its attempt
to cross must have In • n much large r.
Cur informant did not learn the names ol the
dead and injured. They wvie all irishmen.
.Murder of a If ife and Burning of her
Body. —Th<* trial ot James M. Ward, for the
murder of his wife, at Sylvarsia, Ohio, resulted
i* his conviction, the jnrv deliberating but a
i'"\v minute s upon tln-ir verdict. The Toledo
Blade says?
The murder is one of th" most brutal, horrid
and disgusting, in a!i the annals of crime. A
husband not only murders bis wife, after cold
blooded premeditation, but he sits up at nights,
with his door locked, cuts her into small pieces,
1 and burns up her remains in lite sfove. This
process occupied several days, in which time
he drew largely on the shops around tor sha
vings, and the unsavory scent went forth from
the chimney, and tilled the nostrils of those who
happened to be in that vicinity. Ward occu
pied himself With tins disgusting and appalling
work, till he thought he had obliterated all tra
ces of his guilt, and then defied detection, Hut
•'murder will out." it is amazing what an ar
ray of facts, unimportant in themselves, have
been brought to bear on the case: and an irresist
ible conviction of guilt they carry to the mind.
Ward has not yet had his sentence, hut he will
be hung by the neck till he is dead. We hear
it said that this w ill be the first case of capital
execution in this county.
Five or six years ago, a rich Louisiana plao
ter died, leaving an only heir, a daughter, who
was not quite seventeen years old. She, togeth
er with her fortune, was placed in the charge
of a guardian, who was distantly teiatid to the
family. Her h itune, and her remarkable beau
ty, attracted the attention of many suitors, among
whom was an accomplished young man from
St. Louis, w hose only wealth was his profession.
His handsome person and fascinating manners
won tim lady's atlections: and, without the know
ledge of her guardian, they were p'ivatelv mar
Shortly afterwards they removed to St. Louis,
where tiiey lived together happily for a time,
arid a bright future seemed to he before them.—
At the expiration of a vear. the lady having at
tained her ma|orit v, thev returned to New Or
leans to claim her fortune, and live in the splen
did old family mansion. They were coldly re
ceived by the occupant who deliberately inform
ed them that the estate had passed into other
hands. They at once applied to the law for
redress, and going through the protracted for
malities of two or three fruitless suits, they were
lett penniless, and obliged to abandon the case.
Friendless ami dispirited th-v returned to St.
Louis, where the husband, like many other hus
bands, tried to drown the remembrance of his
disappointment in the fatal cup. His wife en
treated and admonished in vain. A separation
was the consequence, and toe husband became
more reckless and dissipated than ever. Driven
at last to desperation, the wife applied lor a di
vorce. obtained it, and retired to a convent.—
This restored the wrecited man to his senses: fie
abandoned his former associates, returned to the
path ot virtue, and became a respectable and in
dustrious citizen.
A levy months ago, ,tlie lady received a letter
from the son of her former guardian, informing
her of his determination to make full restoration,
closing with an appeal to her to forgive his mis
guided parent, and to come to New Orleans and
receive her fortune. She at once complied with
the generous request, and all her inheritance,
together with the accumulated interest, was re
stored to her.
Now comes the strangest part of this extraor
dinary affair. The young man offered her his
hand in marriage, and plead with all tiie ear
nestly ss of inu assioned love, lie reminded Iter
of all lh ir childish attachment, of his deep an
guish when she became the wife ot another, and
i f the l ing v ears of his silent sorrow. All these
remembrance* came up before her mind: and
gratitude ph ad eloquently in his favor: but at
last the wife triumphed over the womain. She
thanked him, and gave hint her simple blessing
—told him sue loved hut one, and could
never love another. She entreated him to lake
hack all her fortune, and permit her to return to
the convent. Finding her resolutions unalter
able. lie consented, on condition that she should
postpone her r> turn one month. He immediate
ly wrote !•> the form- r husband, who WHS igno
rant of what had transpired, offering him a first
nite situation, on condition he would come im
mediately. The letter was signed by the prin
cipal of a well known firm, who was apprised
of every circumstance in the case. As soon as
the letter cam." to hand, the overjoyed recipient
took passage for New Orleans. He presented
himself at the place designated in the letter, and
at once mad" himself known by show ing his cre
dentials. He was conducted to the residence of
the generous heir, where, he wus informed, the
writer of the letter waited to receive lum. His
nam" was announced, and he was conducted in
fo an elegant parlor, and there, alone, he ire t
the woman whom h" had neglected and dishon
ored—the woman w ho had been forced to leave
him. but who would not quite give him up.
A few days afterwards, the city newspapers
announced the marriage of Mr.- and Mrs.
. The estate was restored to the lawful
owners, and the reconciled couple, made wiser
and better by adversity, are now living happily
toget her.
It is good to turn sometimes trom the cares
and turmoils of politics, and contemplate human
nature rising up from ihe depths ot misery and
ih-spoir, casting aside selfishness, and reaching
that standard of j'.uitv and happiness which so
few attain.
SirJ Fhrearcmenf. —Sunday afternoon w it
ix-ssed a melancholy cortege in the streets of N.
Orleans. It was a long and sad procession fol
low ing to the grave the mortal remains of two
of the daughters of our esteemed townsman, Dr.
William Ruston. They died, one at midnight
on Saturday night, and tie other a few hours la
ter, of that dreadful dis' as", the scarlet fever,
and now lie entombed together: one a young
wife, who leaves her infant sick ot the same dis
ease. the other a promised bride, who-" wedding
was to take place in a few days. They were
the grace ot the best society in New Orleans,
lovely, well nurtured, refined and tenderly be
-I,ived but a week ago the centre around which
lliev clustered the most joyous hopes of fond
hearts for the future; now the tenants of a com
mon grave, watered by passionate tars. The
news of this terrible affliction, as soon as an
nounced on Saturday morning, saddened the
whole city. We lave never witnessed a more
profound and universal sensation. Pycr.une.